#oc: luq
the-city-kitty · 2 years
NIY!Leo: *is sitting writing a letter*
NIY!Donnie: Why are you taking the time to hand write a letter? I thought you had crystals that basically work like our cell phones?
NIY!Mikey: Aw I think it’s sweet, it’s so much more personal and intimate than texting.
NIY!Leo: Ew no, I’m writing a letter because we’re definitely not close enough to text, are you kidding me? Texting is only for people you care about.
NIY!Mikey: …. Didn’t you say that’s a letter for your friend Luq? Isn’t she like… your best friend?
NIY!Leo: ….. well define “friend.”
NIY!Mikey: *wheezing* what the fuck…?
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luqlustra · 2 months
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little design notes on Silke’s changes through the campaign
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Let's hear it for Moirai!!! My part of an art trade with @luqlustra !!!
This was a lot of fun to do ahah, I love drawing this kind of poses pfff
[Do not use/repost]
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hummiscellanea · 1 year
in my opinion SNW E2E4 was definitely in the spirit of the Original Series! enjoyed it a lot!
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los-ninos-tortugas · 1 year
Also I should say that when I came up with Luq for “Nobody Invited You” I didn’t know there was already a kitsune character (named…… Kitsune…… real creative there guys) in Samurai Rabbit, I just wanted to give Leo and Usagi (though mostly Leo) a squad of yokai acquaintances to hang out with and a kitsune was just an easy first thing to think of when it comes to yokai
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earthflaxmachina · 24 days
The Metahistory of Paz
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A user on instagram requested I talk about how Paz/Rumi were before modern tbod development, and since I actually made Paz around the time I made Derek (Dolan, at the time) in early 2019, there is enough content for a long post, so I want to tackle that first. Rumi was created in 2021, so she hasn't gone through as much change outside of personality.
Note that for the sake of saving space on this post (only 30 images allowed), I won't be including much of what is already public on derekdemetripoo or something.
Let's gooooooooooooo!
Note: around September/October 2019, my hard drive where I keep all of my art got corrupted so I had to get it fixed and they managed to recover a lot of my files but not all of them, because of this all the metadata (e.g date of creation) of the files was lost. All dates before 5th October 2019 are approximations based on what date it was saved on my phone/what date I posted it on toyhouse, etc.
Notex2: Also, when I mention Derek's old self, I will refer to him with his name at the time, Dolan, and also Paz by her old names.
CREATION: approx. ~26th January 2019
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Figure 1. Paz's first design and appearance (Heller) | Figure 2. Heller's icon on toyhouse (~4/2019)
Around this time I started making demon ocs, one of which was Paz, or at the time she was Dolan's (Derek) half-brother, Heller Luq Urhis. No cultural inspirations for that name, I literally made up words. Heller was based off my friend's backpack (Figure 1). Dolan's full name was Dolan Sol Urhis. I think they both had a thing for Cerise (if you remember seeing me draw a pirate lady, she was from this era as well but less piratey). Not much I can say about Heller's personality because I don't remember and I never wrote things down. I think he was pretty serious to contrast w Dolan. This post is only about Paz so I won't go deep into other characters.
Something I remember about Heller is that, at some point he wasn't born a demon but was actually turned into one after he died, and that his starry poncho was handcrafted by him so he could remember what stars looked like (there are no stars in Hell). This contradicts the idea of him and Dolan being half-brothers, so I think this was canon before I made them brothers.
Fun fact: at this time, both this story - Devil's Adequate, though I named it in March 2020 - and Wence happened in the same world. I think. I know that Harlow had a connection to Luciano's brother.
DEVIL'S ADEQUATE V2: September 2020
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Figure 3. Heller redesign portrait | Figure 4. Heller redesign reference, both from 7th November 2020
This was when I decided to make Devil's Adequate a more "serious" (it was corny) story about morality and heaven and hell, as you can see Heller has a bit of a priest/nun look. At this point he wasn't Dolan's brother anymore but an unrelated character. I think he was a fallen angel who was in denial about being Bad, so he kept up the priest thing in Hell. Quite an interesting concept, given the rest of the story was your average Maybe The Hell And Heaven System Is Flawed (sound familiar? lmao I was 15 by the way. This is a concept a 15 year old comes up with. cough)
I had quite a bit of worldbuilding for Devil's Adequate, like names for places and races of demons/angels. The comprehensive text on the worldbuilding is lost because it was a description for the toyhouse folder I later deleted. All I have left to work from is Dolan's toyhouse profile and maybe the draft script of Devil's Adequate however short. For example, Heaven was called Ecstasis instead.
According to Dolan's toyhouse profile,
'During [Dolan's] years as a secretary he met one of the Fallen Angeli, Heller - they became close friends, very close that Heller was enticed by him and developed feelings, of which are unrequited.'
Interesting! So now he was a love interest. This love interest thing would continue into early TBOD. I would get into the whole Devil's Adequate lore but I think that's more suited to an essay about Dolan/Derek's metahistory because he Was the protagonist.
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Figure 5. Pascal's new biography (23rd July 2021)
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Figure 6. Pascal and Death (4th August 2021) | Figure 7. The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (6th August 2021)
At this time, Dolan was no longer Dolan, he was now Death. This story didn't really take place in Heaven or Hell but in some kind of Purgatory office where Death and the other 3 horsemen had to collect souls of people who died like reapers. Each horseman would have their "department" and would collect souls of people depending on how they died. For example, Pascal (no longer Heller), being the horseman of Pestilence, collected souls of people who died by disease. I named him (yes, still a man) Pascal because it was close to Pestilence and I was trying to get the names close to their role. The exception was Cerise (horseman of War) because she was trans and chose her name. P.S. his gloves weren't a fashion choice, he poisoned everything he touched, except for Death.
In Figure 5 it says:
“[His] first big debut was the Plague”
This means he started working when the Bubonic Plague started, because of the overwhelming mortality rate the higher ups (whoever they are) decided there needed to be a horseman of Pestilence to handle those. See image below for Death and Pascal’s first meeting when he made his debut.
Figure 5 also states he is the “3rd Horseman” meaning one of the other two horseman started working before him, since Death is the 1st. It was Fergie, aka Famine.
At this point, there was a tsundere quality about him and the implication of yaoi was latent. As you can see from Figures, he had a one-way rivalry with Death and was simultaneously jealous and in love with him.
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Too lazy to date these individually just know they were from 23rd July 2021 - 18th October 2021, in order of creation.
EARLY TBOD: October 2021 onward
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Figure 8. Paz first seen as a girl (23rd February 2022) | Figure 9. New Paz info and first instance of being called "Paz" (18th April 2022) | Figure 10. Paz and Aarum (also 18/4/22)
Around this time was when I ditched the office idea and came up with the idea of Derek (named on 12th September 2021) wanting to have a child with a human. Paz's crush was now a crazy obsession, and also she was in a relationship w Aarum for a while. Canonically, at some point, they broke up some time during Derek's human life. Overall this era in her development was really weird and I'm ashamed of it.
In Figure 9, Paz mentions Derek's "corpses", this is referring to the fact that when Derek first became human he died a lot because he wanted to try different ways of getting hurt and also dying so there were lots of his corpses after he kept dying and coming back. This idea does not carry onto current TBOD because, why, lmao.
There was a plot point where Derek BURIED HER ALIVE for a couple of years (she couldn't die bc she was already dead) because she convinced Aarum to kill Derek earlier than they planned. So weird. This also does not carry onto current TBOD because it's stupid.
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Figure 11. The trio celebrating Derek's loss of virginity (18th May 2022)
Quickly all of that weird violence got retconned away and we forgot all about that. Until June 2022 she still had that weird crush that feels like she was cheating on Aarum emotionally. After June, she was a fujo but still dating Aarum, at least the crush wasn't there anymore. I think everything from October 2021 onward is public on derekdemetripoo if you scroll far enough, so I won't include many images.
MODERN TBOD: October 2022 onward
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Figure 12. First instance of what would become Paz's new design (23rd October 2022) | Figure 13. Current Paz ref (2nd August 2024)
Figure 12 was never posted because I planned to draw Derek and Aarum there too but got lazy. It was an au where Paz had Derek's role, because at the time I also entertained with an au where Aarum had Derek's role - and from that came Aurele. This drawing was meant to have all 3 of them as gods sitting on chairs. Her chair says Patricia because like Aarum was called Aurele, she needed an au name too. Her dress was inspired by the Haitian Karabela traditional dress iirc because she's Haitian.
I think by now I had gotten rid of the idea of her and Aarum altogether, never dated, just friends. Because Aarum was gay now and Paz was now somewhat romantically/sexually apathetic. Also her and Derek were now more friendly, and she doesn't call him sir anymore. Maybe she did when they first met because he was this weird celestial being, but once they got to know each other she dropped the formalities. Happy ending!
It was always planned that in her past life she was a Haitian volunteer nurse who died by disease in the 1800s. But upon more research she would've had to be a mixed child between a slave and a white man (given the time it was most likely rape) if she had access and freedom to study medicine (albeit informally since women could not go to college). I don't really know how I feel about writing a story like that so I decided to push her death further ahead in time. But yknow if you're gonna write a historical black person there's gonna be slavery/segregation tied to it because the civil rights movement wasn't really that long ago.
At the time of writing this, I still don't know when she died. But I've been entertaining the idea of around the 70s-80s because of the way she dresses. It's probably her old clothes from when she was alive. Maybe it was AIDs. Maybe she accidentally got poked by a non-sterile syringe while volunteering. Who knows. She was 25 when she died and that has been a consistent fact since early TBOD.
Fun fact: I always intended for her to be neurotypical, but I guess things just have a way of happening, she doesn't really give neurotypical anymore. And that's okay. I think it's funny that Derek's only friends aren't normal people either.
I think that's about it for Paz's metahistory! This took a while. A lot of these facts I've just been storing in my head cuz I never made a habit out of writing oc stuff I just remembered it. Which is not a reliable way to store lore.
I've got a couple of requests for other ocs' histories, so I look forward to going down memory lane again. I might even do one on Derek's full metahistory. I tried that once but the max image limit was 10 and also it had stupid commentary. So I might remake it.
Hope you enjoyed reading if you actually read all of this! If you skimmed, this doesn't apply to you. TASER TASER TASER!!!!!!!!!!
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dunginsanddoodles · 4 years
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Arvid before he grew his ram horns! Just a cute, giant firbolg boi <3
From the League of Ultimate questing Liveplay podcast by Slapdash Studios.
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OC infodump? OC infodump!
Luc (sometimes Luq, pronounced somewhere between Look and Luke, I still can’t decide how I feel about the spelling) came into being sometime in 2017 and his lover Maria followed soon after, although I went through a ton of names for her I can’t remember now. Luc was always a cryptid, a shapeshifter and a human-eater, and Maria a dropout and monsterfucker, but initially he was just an out-and-out villain who would betray her trust in the end. But I went off the nihilistic ‘bad end’ idea quite quickly and started to mould him more towards a guardian/vigilante/antihero personality, and then later on (maybe 2019) I started to conceive of him as a justice/vengeance demon in an orderly heaven/hell system; one who devours bad humans and sends their souls to hell, rather than just a rogue killer beast. He can smell harmful intentions on people, and judges and dispatches them accordingly.
In comparison, I knew who Maria was from the start: a punkass urbex cryptid-hunting nerd from some shitty bit of Spokane who finds a cabin in the woods being lived in by a leopard-stag monster man who helps her solve all her grudges and problems through murder. My girl out here living the dream.
Luc’s preferred form is loosely modelled on a leucrotta from the Dungeons & Dragons bestiary, which in turn draws from old real-life myths about hyenas. His facial structure has gone through quite a few redesigns to try and find that feline/canine balance, but my most common frame of visual reference for him is leopards and jaguars. Technically Luc operates outside of human ideas of gender, sex, orientation and most other identities, given that he can take any organic form imaginable- but he defaults to an adult white cis masculine presentation and pronouns in his earthly body because, of course, it makes it much easier for him to move through our society. He uses other, more vulnerable human forms (usually women or children) as honeytraps when he goes hunting for bad people.
Also, in my head his voice/human form actor is Crispin Glover, because I was mildly hyperfixed on American Gods series 1 when I was really building more of Luc’s persona and I adore his ‘hot dad who is also an eldritch death omen’ vibes
My brain is fuckin’ dead today, so please, feel free to ask me random stuff about these two and see if it kickstarts my brain cell. I adore them.
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pokecatt · 4 years
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My Starwars OCs celebrating pride.
Agne: Bi
Lema: Lesbian
Armz: Ace
Seek and Luq: Homosexual
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evelyn-foresis · 3 years
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Tel’eeq (’ rabbit’ Left), and Luquazar (’luq’ Right), in traditional Exseltrix mining and healing attire respectively.
Another work from months ago I forgot to scan. Had to adjust the colours in a big way. Forgot the story for this one, but it’s a favourite OC couple celebrating 10yrs!
The awful background is a nod to embracing cringe: Whatever makes the art pop, am I right?
Medium: Pentalic Paper for Pens, Tombow markers, Bic 1.0M black, A lot of photoshop cleaning and colour adjustment.
------------------------------------Origin Story----------------------------
Luquazar was the general and royal healer’s son. His mother taught him to be a great healer, and as an adult of third age, he was ready for life. However, he had a job before he could leave: The court of the Ras, Agor, and his mother and father, requested he go with the crown prince to the mortal realm for  schooling. The Rain King Casper, wanted his son, Heather, safe; and achieve a dream of being a warrior. Luq agreed.
Teleeq grew up in the snowy village of Embrlnd; The northern mines of Exseltrix. He had an older sister, Yoolee, who was aiming for Lordship. Teleeq preferred rocks. His soul belonged to the great treasures the goddess Taren scattered across Molamola. There was no gem unreachable, and no cavern unworthy of reaping.
When Teleeq found out that the peoples of Molamola could go to the mortal realm, his was interest peaked. There was a school. Such human institutions taught geology, mineralogy, and more. Teleeq was already the best miner Molamola could offer, but he wanted to learn more; For crystals were his first love.
Luq and Teleeq where to share a dorm room; They were both young men of Exseltrix. Teleeq, occupied by study, was often mysterious and got injured. Luq was instantly charmed; He had never felt love before. He saw passion and kindness in Teleeq’s rough exterior. Teleeq could see Luq’s yearning every time he was lovingly healed; But he was not interested. He wanted a lady back home; A lumber harvester named Haana.
When the pek nee’ei destroyed Molamola from within, all the students of the school had to return home. Many tears shed, and soft goodbyes. The prince Heather was torn from his soulmate, to hide in the parries of Exseltrix with the royal family; But Luq wanted to go with Teleeq to Embrlnd. After all, Embrlnd needed of a healer.
Haana loved both Luq and Teleeq, and it would turn out all three soul binded. They became an inseperable team. But Haana wanted a baby form each of them. The while, Teleeq begrudgingly loved Luq’s company. Luq wanted to never leave; He had fulfillment, a family, a lord for a sister-in-law, snow, and love. His father had died and his mother missing. There was nothing to loose. Except a patient; When the second child arrived, Luq could not save Haana. It seemed impossible; Their kin, the Phutr Sigrin, never had such complications.
Over the revolution, from start to finish, Teleeq and Luq fell in love and raised their children. It was warm between them in even the deepest of snow. By the end their daughter studied to be a lapidary, and the boy wanted to be a healer. One child from each of them, following the opposite fathers footsteps. Teleeq would leave and come back with loot; he had been every mine. His treasures stored in the vaults of Akar god of wealth, before being sold. But the purple ones were for their daughter to cut and polish.
Luq healed numerous people over the years, and when the revolution was over, and their king returned to restore the kingdom, Luq got to see a familiar face: Heather was the new ras king, and appointed Luq, the finest of healers, to his court. It had come full circle. Their daughter grown, son aprenticing Luq, and Teleeq grasping every treasure of the earth. Always reuniting warmly, softly, and kindly.
It is odd how a long love story can be told so fast. It is like coming home after less then a day, to a warming embrace. The worst and unexpected of Luquazar and Teleeq lives, had become their lemonade.
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pocketm0use · 4 years
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#spookysona of Nira (Luqs is her familiar this time!) for Aniistoll's latest challenge! Happy Witchmas everyone! 🎃✨ . . . #cartoon #anime #manga #animedrawing #mangaart #mangaartist #csp #wacom #art #artist #artinstagram #artistoninstagram #illustratorsoninstagram #illustrationartist #illustration #characterdesign #halloween #spooky #spookyart #witch #magic #magical #magicalart #magicalgirl #cat #digitalart #ocdrawing #oc #originalcharacter #characterdesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxJbvTD72Z/?igshid=1ryvyuypd5qdx
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the-city-kitty · 2 years
So I tried to get some work done on “Nobody Invited You” today, I didn’t get as much done as I wanted, I meant to start drafting chapter 2 but never got around to it. But at the very least I wrote out a character profile for Luq so now I have a much better idea of who she is and what role she’s gonna play in the story because she wormed her way into my heart and into making her a pretty prominent supporting character.
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luqlustra · 4 months
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Tried to speedily put together a quick reference of my new tiefling/water genasi, Polaris Eventide
maybe one day I will give them a nicer and cleaner sheet wheeze
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holypatronus · 7 years
40-50 for luq
get to know my character! featuring luqman iskandar.
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40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
he loves watching people review fruits on youtube. he doesn’t think that there’s anything wrong with that, but he knows that it’s weird.
41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way?
yeah, his parents are very religious people so when he first came out, he was afraid to tell his parents. they never said anything about it, but he knew that they were upset. however, they do love him still and whenever luqman goes out with a guy / dates a guy, he usually doesn’t talk about it much to his family. he also loves his sisters and he takes good care of them. 
42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change?
nopes, nothing!
43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self?
his older sister definitely, and aiyla since they share the same home. he’s more down to earth around aiyla.
44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character?
the day when his parents found out that he liked men too, the look on his mother’s eyes brought tears to his own. he’ll never forget the day.
45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve?
i’d say that luqman’s good at hiding his emotions, but sometimes he can be blunt about it  when he wants to so he’s really in between.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?
luqman would play with their hair or leave random kisses all over their face. 
47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along?
he’s outgoing and he’s either tbh. he likes to lead and he likes to follow as well.
48. Is there anything, in particular, that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious?
if his partner is spending more time with someone else other than him, it’ll get him a little jealous. he tries not to be, though. if someone flirts with his partner he doesn’t really mind it, but if his partner flirts back then there’s a problem.
49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood?
he doesn’t really get nightmares, he usually knocks out completely.
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
probably something along the lines of "I’ve had feelings for you for a while now” and “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with anyone but you”
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the-city-kitty · 2 years
I made up the OC’s for the first chapter of “Nobody Invited You” in like five minutes with very minimal backstory and now I am attached. Your honor these are my stupid kids and I love them so much
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luqlustra · 3 months
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I got to participate in Tiefling Secret Satan 2024!!! I had the pleasure and delight of drawing for @ydteus of their characters Celone and Fresia!!!
I had an absolute blast getting to draw them both and having a fun time experimenting with composition! Thank you so much for the opportunity.
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