#oc: luric
somelazyassartist · 1 year
Was scrolling through my binder of Hallows' family tree to figure out who I should add to my Artfight this year and I forgot about this dumb fuckin sibling rivalry lmao
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its-snicket-here · 3 years
??? (Male, ???, Genshin Impact)
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Just to unplug my writers block after personal stuff happening hitting me over like a truck. Sorry for the months gone after promising to finish my asks. ;-;
I'm almost done with another ask, hopefully would be done by mid afternoon.
Help me, I've fallen down to Genshin rabbit hole and fucking hell it's messy
His name?....
He has... Does... Does he have a name at all?
For years he has lived, he gone through many stages of life in different bodies. Different names.
For he has wished for his passings, his soul refused to rest no matter he tried dying
He has gone through many names in his life, that it was hard to even remember his true name... or even his real identity
So far it was three lives he has gone through. One as a god, another as a adepti, and another as an adventurer.
Kayon, Luric, and Danlief Von Teali...
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KAYON, God of Trickery
Bladed Fan user
Kayon, oh Kayon... What can I say about that cheeky fox?
Though he is a god, his powers doesn't compare to the Archons - but do not underestimate the god of trickery. For he can do damage that equals a fraction of the archons' powers if he wanted to.
Though what's the fun when you merely can destroy a whole city when you can simply crumble its supports slowly one by one? Just to see the fear and panic arises within the walls, just dangle the light of hope right in front of their eyes to only snatch it away and devour it whole.
Though, very rarely Kayon would resort to this method. As he is rather a peaceful man.
Yes, you heard me. Peaceful.
Most of his "tricks" are harmless. Hell, with the way he does for being a god. You would think he's just mortal with a vision that is far powerful than others.
He doesn't like offerings that is food or even hella expensive offerings such as an unreasonable amount of morra given, though it varies depending on the social status they hold. Doesn't want the archons to notice he's here being noticed by 1% of the population. So he'll gladly take flowers.
Thus his floral obsession began to grow, as well his popularity slowly.
He enjoys teasing people, especially with children. You though I was about to say women, did ya?
He finds his teasing on children amusing. Just their pouty faces and angry eyes makes him swoon and slip in candy, bribing them to forget about his teasing. Such gullible but cute mortals.
Snek is friend, his name is Betrus. Is actually the holder of Kayon's vision... On accident. Dumb snek thinking his vision is an egg.
Though... When the archon war occurred, he... he became worried. Worried for his small kingdom his built by himself proudly. Worried that his citizens would become victims in the war. Worried that his name would be erased...
So he made a deal, a contract you may per say, to a certain archon... A deal that would change him and his identity...
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LURIC, The Fallen Yaksha
Double Bladed pole-arm user
Oh sweet, sweet Luric...
Centuries after centuries after the war, his karmic debt wore down his sanity into nothing, turning him mad and disappearing from sight. Breaking his end of the contract he made with the geo archon.
Though he became soft spoken and quiet, it doesn't serve the fact he is insane. Lost his sanity before he could die like a true yaksha.
Though he barely remembers anything from his past life: all the people that worshipped him, his small kingdom he built slowly, or even his existence.
A small echo inside his head kept tugging through his insane mind to not forget what he was fighting for, but regardless. It soon was also brushed away in his insane mind.
Luric ran off into an abandoned ruin, seen kneeling down right in front of a worn out statue with rows and rows of wilting and fresh flowers around it. He... seem to be in confusion...
Who is this statue?
Why is he here?
Why did his body bring him here?
Why... Does the statue look familiar?
Though, his questions came short lived when a certain god came back - unimpressed that Luric broke his end of the deal. Though unlike Zhongli's previous personality (Rex Lapis) where he would instantly kill Luric without any remorse before killing the small kingdom away in a snap.
He wanted to mercy kill Luric. After centuries the war ended, Luric's kingdom began to intertwine in the blood of Zhongli's citizens, and rather much it sort of now became part of Zhongli's turf now.
T'was hard to tell the trickster's believers/followers that he regrettably died because he succumbed to his karmic debt
Though his corpse was never to be found after being mercifully been killed, even after Zhongli looked away for a second
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Danlief Von Teali, The Insane Swordman
Sword user
Ok, hear me out. He's not really THAT insane compared to what you see. That's is when he isn't on his tea meds and the fact when he's fighting.
Without his meds, he is much more energize, more chaotic with a side of sadism, and "speak before you think" personality. With his meds, he's much more calmer, avoids conflicts when he can, and more "think before you speak" personality.
Actually doesn't even know his house despite having a fucking noble name straight up. Hell, doesn't even have a "Von Teali" house.
He resembles Kayon and Luric in some sort of way, but nobody would have an easy time pinpointing why so.
Is it his debt that brought over as his time as Luric? Or it it his looks that resembles the god of trickery?
His skeletal mask reeks out smoke not because of the so called "Demon Fumes," but rather it's also a magical self burning incense that burns herbs/oils to sooth his insanity.
Yeah, he also lost his memories about that fact he was also a god and yaksha. He doesn't know why he's here.
Has been traveling around the whole world finding answers, especially in Dragonspine. Always thinking that Dragonspine would find him answers that he needed to be answered.
Always comes back to Liyue, despite being "born" in Monstat. Always visiting this small village hidden near to the mountains. Still retaining their belief that their god is still alive quietly.
Ends up making the village his permanent family house for the "Von Teali." Especially in charge for growing the village economical status.
Ends up ironically worshipped as a sign by Kayon that he's still alive.
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"Hello, my name is... Danlief Von Teali - but you may call me Danlief. What's is the occasion of visiting this village?"
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gootube · 6 years
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i love one thot son
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aestheticsondemand · 7 years
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~you leave because you're certain of who you want to be~ {Luric}
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