#oc: mallard
gg-is-a-loser · 6 months
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ok i made manatee’s sibs !! the roles are the ones sepia talks about in the guide. uhh i don’t have a lot of ideas for these guys yet :<
pronouns: manatee uses she/they; mudskipper uses he/him; bayou uses she/her; silt uses he/it; mallard uses he/him
bayou might get a sandwing partner who gave her the jewelry and kohl on her eyes
silt and mudskipper can breathe underwater; mudskipper and bayou can speak aquatic (all 5 can understand it they just don’t all have the right scales to speak it); manatee, silt, and mallard all have good night vision
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tatangadragon · 7 months
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want to post more about my ocs here so I figured id start by posting some old refs i made last year for artfight! slightly outdated art wise but I'm still pretty happy with these
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kaijumydude · 2 years
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hiiiiiiii <3<3<3<3
A portrait of Tech Priest Mallard at the start of their induction into the Adeptus Mechanicus before the horrors begin :):)
I was gonna make this more detailed but I just reaaaaallly wanted to get a portrait of Mal out so details be damned, plus I’m still very new to Warhammer 40k and am still fleshing out his ties and feelings about various stuff
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catbatz · 1 year
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wip of my oc Auguste Mallard
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key-rk · 3 months
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Darkwing doodles cause I don't have access to my tablet rn 😿😿
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I'll make him a character sheet later but yeah
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trishabeakens · 8 months
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omg a Shrek reference
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miss-mossball · 2 months
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@duckroulette and I got married 💛💙
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ninjadoodleduck · 18 days
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ye-olde-rd · 8 months
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I have drawn uhh,, doodle canvas :3
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
Jealousy and Violence
Description: The party is in full swing when she arrives with her roommate. The night ends with Opie pissed and looking for violence.
Word Count: 3,035
Warnings: normal SoA warnings, and mentions of attempted SA nothing graphic or detailed
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016
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Opie stands near the entrance of the clubhouse, his mind a swarm of different emotions. He's nervous, excited, and a bit worried about how the night is going to go.
As he waits he sees a car pull up, and his heart skips a beat as he sees Jessica stepping out. His excitement quickly turns to a wave of disappointment as he notices she has a guy with her.
He watches as she talks to the guy, clearly having a conversation with him. Opie scowls at the sight of them together, the guy's hand on her shoulder. He can't hear what they're saying, but the sight of Jessica with another man bothers him more than he cares to admit.
He clenches his fists as they make his way over to him, feeling a pang of jealousy. He's already mentally preparing himself to play nice, even if he's less than thrilled about this new development.
As they approach, Opie tries to school his expression into something more neutral. He gives them a fake smile, his eyes lingering on the guy's hand still on her shoulder.
"Hey, you made it," he greets them casually, stuffing his hands into his pockets to hide his clenched fists.
Jessica smiles back at him, oblivious to his inner turmoil. "Yeah, we almost got lost trying to find this place," she says with a laugh, gesturing at the guy beside her. The tall, muscular guy standing next to her smiles as well, his eyes running over Opie.
"Yeah, it's a bit tucked away," Opie mutters, his gaze flitting between the guy and Jessica. "So this is your roommate?" he asks her, trying to sound nonchalant. In the back of his mind, he can't quell the flicker of jealousy.
"Yeah, this is Michael," Jessica introduces them, gesturing at the guy standing beside her.
The guy gives Opie a friendly smile, extending his hand. "Hey, nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you."
Opie eyes the guy warily, taking his hand in a firm handshake. "Yeah, same here," he mutters, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice. He glances at Jessica, hoping she hasn’t noticed his unfriendly demeanor.
Jessica, being her sweet self, doesn't seem to pick up on the tension. She smiles at both of them, oblivious to the undercurrents.
"C'mon, let's head inside," Opie suggests, trying to break the awkward tension. "It's a bit rowdy inside, but it'll be fun." he mutters, holding the door open for them.
"Good, this one could really use a drink, with the day she had" Michael sighed, walking Jessica inside.
Opie raises an eyebrow at Michael's comment. "A bad day, huh?" he asks, trying not to sound too eager for details. He follows them inside, his mind still fixated on the fact that she has a guy with her.
Jessica groans, her shoulders dropping. "Ugh, yeah. The places I went didn't have any positions available, and the interview I had this afternoon..." She pauses, shaking her head. "Ugh, total disaster...but i dont wanna talk about all that right now" she sighs waving her hand dismissively.
The mention of the interview piques Opie's interest. He glances at her, intrigued. "What happened at the interview?" he asks, genuine concern in his voice.
Michael grumbles upset beside her at Opies question. She lightly swats him to shut him up "..I'd really rather not talk about it" she answers Opie while giving Michael a look.
Opie's curiosity is heightened by her vague response. He can tell there's more to the story, and he wants to know what happened. But he can also see that she's not keen on discussing it further, and he doesn't want to push her.
He shoots a curious glance at Michael, wondering what he knows that he doesn't.Micheal makes another disapproving noise making Jessica glare at him.
"Welp...since I'm not wanted in conversation here I'm gonna head to the pool table...I just got paid and I'm feeling lucky" Michael mutters ruffling Jessica's head, messing up her hair and making her swat at him again laughing.
"Hey, not the hair!" she protests, trying to fix her messy hair. Opie watches their playful interaction with a mix of emotions. He can't help but feel slightly annoyed, noticing the ease and familiarity between the two.
Michael chuckles at her protest, his hand moving to ruffle her hair once more. Opie clenches his jaw, having to forcibly resist the urge to pull her away from him. He's never felt this possessive over anyone before and it's unnerving.
Michael heads off towards the pool table, leaving Opie and Jessica alone. Opie glances at her, watching her smooth down her hair. "You two seem close" he says, unable to keep the hint of jealousy out of his voice.
Jessica finishes fixing her hair, oblivious to the edge in Opie’s voice. "Yeah, Michael’s my best friend," she replies with a fond smile that causes a pang in Opie’s chest.
"Best friend, huh?" Opie mutters, the word feeling bitter on his tongue. He knows he's being ridiculous. Jealous over a simple friendship. But he can't help the feeling of resentment towards this Michael guy.
Jessica hums thoughtfully "Yeah, he and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember, basically grew up together" she replies not seeing why he's so interested.
She glances at him, noticing his scowl. "What’s with that face?"
Opie realizes he's scowling and quickly changes his expression. "Nothing," he grunts, not wanting to admit the truth. He knows he has no right to feel this protective over her, but he can't shake off the jealousy.
Jessica doesn't buy it, but she doesn't press him. Instead, she glances around the room, her eyes resting on the dancing people and the crowd. "Is it always like this?" she asks, watching the chaos.
Opie follows her gaze, taking in the rowdy atmosphere of the party. "Yeah, pretty much," he mutters, "This is a regular SAMCRO party. Things can get a little wild."
She hums as she takes in her surroundings, her eyes still scanning the room.
Opie watches her, studying her face. He wonders what she's thinking, if she's enjoying this chaos or if she's overwhelmed. He hesitates for a moment before finally speaking. "You, uh, want something to drink?" he asks, shoving his hands into his pockets awkwardly.
Jessica nods, her eyes finally focusing back on him. "Yeah, I could use a drink," she replies. "Nothing strong though...I guess im driving tonight." she says gesturing over to Michael taking multiple shots surrounded by a crowd of people cheering feeling quite comfortable in his surroundings.
Opie nods in understanding, his eyes flickering to Michael and the crowd around him. He feels another pang of jealousy, seeing the ease with which the man is fitting in. He swallows it back though, focusing on Jessica. "Alright, I'll get you something light." he says, leading her over to the bar.
The bar is packed with bikers and women, and they have to squeeze their way through the crowd. Opie keeps his hand on the small of Jessica's back, guiding her through the crowd of people. He can feel the heat from her body, and he has to resist the urge to pull her closer.
When they got to the bar he place an arm either side next to her on the bar, effectively creating a cage around stopping anyone from bumping into her while also not touching her himself.
The closeness of her body, the way she fits perfectly in the space he’s made for her, it’s almost too much for him. He can smell her perfume, a light floral scent, and it’s taking all his willpower not to bury his face into her hair.
He signals to the bartender, a pretty brunette in a tight top, who looks like part of the “entertainment” that Jax arranged earlier. The bartender gives him a sultry smile, her eyes lingering on him for a moment longer than necessary. Opie grits his teeth, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze, but he pushes it aside and orders two beers.
The bartender turns to look at Jessica, giving her a not so subtle once-over. Opie bristles at the way the woman glances at Jessica, taking in her pretty face and flattering outfit. He can see the bartender mentally comparing herself to Jessica and finding herself lacking.
The bartender hands them their beers, her gaze flickering back to Opie. She leans over closer to him, showing an ample amount of cleavage. "If you need anything else, you let me know, okay?" she purrs, her voice dripping with suggestive undertones.
Opie thanks the bartender, gritting his teeth at her blatant flirting. He can feel Jessica tense up in front of him. He quickly grabs the beers, steering Jessica away from the bar.
They find a small table in a quieter corner and sit down. The music is still loud, but they can at least hear each other talk. Opie watches as Jessica takes a sip of her beer. Her fingers around the glass are slender and delicate, and for a moment he imagines what they would feel like on his skin. He chases away the thought and takes a gulp of his own beer.
The silence between them is awkward. Opie doesn't know what to say. He's not a conversationalist on a normal day, and right now he's too busy trying to keep his jealousy in check.
Jessica breaks the silence. "So...how long have you been part of the club?" she asks, taking another sip of her beer.
Opie shrugs, fiddling with the label on his beer bottle. "Since high school. Jax and I have been friends forever. Both of our dads were founding members, so i guess we always have been apart of it in some way....we became prospects at the same time." He glances at Jessica, noting the curiosity on her face.
She hums in understanding, her gaze drifting over the room before returning to Opie. "So, it's like a family thing then?" she inquires, genuinely interested. Despite the noisy and rowdy atmosphere, Opie feels himself relaxing a bit, his shoulders untensing.
"Yeah, you could say that," he replies, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile. "It's more than just a club. It's our brotherhood. Each and every member looks out for one another. It's...it's hard to explain." He takes another sip of his beer, watching her intently.
The hours fly by as they talk. Opie finds himself opening up more than he usually does. There's something about Jessica that makes it easy to talk to her, she listens intently and doesn't judge, offering advice and witty comments that make him chuckle. It's easy, comfortable and Opie finds himself growing more fond of her with each passing minute.
The longer they talk, the more Opie forgets about the party happening around them. The chaos, the music, the shouting, even the other members fade into the background. He's too fixated on her, her smile, her laugh, the way she tilts her head to the side when she's listening. He's drawn to her in a way he's never experienced before.
The two of them are in a comfortable bubble, immersed in conversation, when suddenly they are interrupted by Michael stumbling back to the table, swaying slightly. He slings an arm around Jessica's shoulders and grins at Opie.
"There you are!" he exclaims, his voice slightly slurred. His face is rosy, and he's obviously had a few drinks. He grins at Opie, then turns to Jessica. "I've been looking all over for you, Jessssiee...do you still feel upset that the guy tried to make you blow him for a job??."
Jessica's face flushes with embarrassment, her expression immediately going from relaxed to mortified in seconds. She shoves at Michael's chest, trying to push him away. "Michael!!" she hisses in a voice between a whisper and a yell, "Shut up!!"
Michael cackles, clearly enjoying himself. He turns to Opie and leers, a dopey grin plastered on his face. "Yeah, she was not happy about that, man...not at all."
Opie's eyes narrow at Michael's words. "What the hell are you going on about, man?" he snaps, feeling his irritation rising.
"Ignore him...It's nothing really, just a sleezy guy at the job interview I had" Jessica says, shrugging, pulling out a bottle of water from her purse handing it to Michael.
The mention of a sleazy guy makes Opie's blood boil a bit. He clenches his jaw, his protective instincts kicking in. "What do you mean 'sleazy'? What the hell did he do?" he asks, fixing his gaze on Jessica, his eyes suddenly intense.
Jessica avoids Opie's gaze, busying herself by fussing with the hem of her top. "He just made some inappropriate comments, that's all" she replies, her voice nonchalant.
Michael scoffs, opening the water bottle and chugging it. "Yeah right he told you that you would only get the job if you blew him then he tried to stop you from leaving....that's a little more than inappropriate Jessie" Michael pouts up at her still pissed that she wouldn't let him do anything about it when he first found out.
Opie feels a surge of anger at Michael's words. Someone had made a pass at her, tried to manipulate her into something like that? He feels a possessive need to protect her, to make sure no one ever puts her in that position again. "Who the hell was this guy?" he growls, his voice dangerously low.
Michael shrugs "she wouldn't tell me who but I know the bar....Real dodgy looking shack on the outside of Charming heading north.." Michael mumbles ignoring the look Jessica was giving him.
Opie absorbs the information, immediately recognizing the bar Michael is talking about. He's been there before, on club business, and it's definitely a seedy place. Thinking about Jessica being in that environment, being propositioned like that, makes his blood boil.
"I know that place," he mutters, still clenched jaw. He turns his gaze back to Jessica, his expression stormy. "You're not going back there, understood?" he says firmly. It's not a request.
Opie marches away from the table, his mind churning. He spots a group of members near the pool table and heads over to them. They greet him with nods and smiles, but he's not interested in pleasantries right now. "Jax, need to talk to you," he says gruffly, his tone making it clear it's important. Jax, sensing the seriousness in Opie's voice, straightens up. "What's up, brother?" he asks.
Opie leans in, his voice low so only Jax can hear. "Jessica had an incident at a bar downtown," he starts, "Some sleazeball tried to make her blow him for a job and would let her leave."
Jax's brows furrow, his protective instincts kicking in as well. "Who was it?" he asks, already starting to feel angry for Jessica's sake.
"Don't know yet," Opie replies, frustration seeping into his voice. "But we're gonna find out....do you think some of the guys are sober enough for some shit kicking?"
Jax chuckles at that, a dangerous smile forming on his face. "Oh, there's at least a few of us left who can still walk without stumbling over our own two feet." He glances around the room, sizing up a few of the other members who seemed relatively sober.
Jax grins, slapping Opie on the shoulder. He turns to the other members, yelling for their attention. "Hey, we got a situation needs taking care of, who's sober enough to ride?"
A few of the members perk up at that, the excitement of a possible confrontation overriding their inebriation. They stumble over to Jax and Opie, some more steadier on their feet than others.
"Alright," Jax barks, "We gotta go teach some bastard a lesson about treating women with respect. You in?"
The members nod, eager to get on their bikes and cause some damage. They all love a good fight.
"Then let's get moving," Jax says, turning to Opie. "Lead the way, man." Opie nods, already heading for the door.
Jessica watches as they all storm pass her heading outside "Opie...what's going on?" She asks him as he stomps by.
He stops, looking at her for a moment before answering. "stay here I'll be back in awhile," he says bluntly.
His tone is gruff and dismissive, but there's a hint of worry in his eyes. Before she can say anything else, he's out the door, leaving her standing there worried and confused.
As Opie steps out into the night, flanked by Jax and the rest of the MC, his mind is already focused on the task at hand. They mount their bikes, the engines roaring to life. The adrenaline is pumping through their veins, fueling their anger and determination. They know they're about to do something illegal, something that could have consequences, but at this moment they don't care. This is about protecting one of their own, about sending a message to any dirt bag who thinks it's okay to treat women with disrespect.
Jessica walks outside followed by Michael still trying to figure out what is going on.
As they step outside, Opie's eyes immediately catch sight of Jessica and Michael. He curses under his breath, not wanting them to be involved in what he's about to do. He glares at both of them, his eyes hardening.
Her eyes widen as she sees the raw anger etched on his face. She tries to call out to him, but the roar of the motorcycles drowns out her voice.
Michael has a neutral look on his face. He understands whats happening and why. he knows its not something the club would stand for.
Glancing from the group of bikers to Jessica he sighs.
"Come on lets go inside and wait for them to come back" he says calmly putting an arm around her to guide her back inside. He looks over his shoulder locking eyes with Opie giving him a short nod.
Opie acknowledges the short nod from Michael with a slight dip of his head. He knows that Michael will look after Jessica while he's gone and it eases his mind a bit.
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simpin-on-noodles · 2 months
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More Screenshot edit+ some doodles ^^
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thezoe611 · 2 months
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"Nega-Scrooge looked at the little mouse with confusion, not understanding what he wanted to get to… …But it all made sense when Timothy pulled out a pink bow, worn with time… The old duck felt that he lost his speech when he saw that treasure that he thought he had lost. -… I'm sorry… You told me that if I stole again, they would beat the scientist… but I couldn't help it… - Timothy confessed, with his ears down-… I'm so sorry…- he apologized, holding the cloth object closer. Nega-Scrooge looked at him with shining eyes, unable to control his emotions when he saw his treasure again. With trembling hands, the old man held up the faded pink bow, while his mind was invaded by little Webby's memories of him. The girl always smiled mischievously, with her black bear teddy in her arms, as she ran alongside the triplets, wanting to participate in some training, to which Donald scolded them, saying they weren't ready, watched by Launchpad, Fenton, Gyro and several members of the clan… … Oh… His family… The old duck clung to the pink bow as if his life depended on it, eyes squeezed shut, unable to hold back the tears, overwhelmed with pain… and relief… …He didn’t lose his last treasure… Gosalyn looked at the mobster from where she was… The old duck who always watched with a smirk as Nega-Launchpad hit her, now cried like a heartbroken old man… … She was never going to forgive him for everything that Nega-Scrooge put her through… but… but she couldn't help but feel sorry for that poor old man… The young woman looked at Negaduck, who was staring at his enemy, serious. She took his hand, which he immediately clung to, not looking at her. -I-I'm sorry… Don't cry… I know you're mean… but don't cry…- Timothy asked, moving closer to the wheelchair. -Oh… Timothy Cratchit…- Nega-Scrooge looked at the little boy, smiling despite the tears running down his cheeks- What you have done… has been cruelty- -Eh?! B-But…!- the kid was confused, but the old man chuckled, tired. -As I told you before… You have great potential, lad… You could become a fearsome villain when you grow up- Nega-Scrooge told him, stroking his head, making Timothy blink-… But also so much empathy… That's what makes children so wonderful… They never cease to amaze you… - he assured, lowering his arm, and looking at his counterpart, who had approached, placing his hand on Timothy's shoulder. -… You don't deserve any empathy for what you did, and you know it…- the billionaire told him- But you have my understanding… If that can be worth anything…- -… Stingy… - the mobster smiled tiredly, leaning his back on the chair…"
Okay, this week marks 3 years since Unstoppable! I still have a lot of love for that project… even though I almost went crazy translating everything to English (and I know there are still spelling mistakes, I still apologize for that^^') (I guess that has put me behind with the "The Beauty and the Beast" project. I know I'll suffer when I finish and have to translate, but I'm not giving up yet!)
The thing is, I wanted to draw one of my favorite scenes, when Nega-Scrooge gets back the only thing he has left of his little Webby. I find his situation so profound and tragic. Yes, he should never have used Gosalyn to hurt Negaduck, and he was the one who tricked the villain in the past and tried to kill him… but losing practically his entire clan… The loss of the triplets, Webby, Donald, Gyro… It hurt him too much, and it gave him a great desire for revenge.
And Timothy appears. A child who, didn't change the mind of Mafia Boss McDuck, but made him remember how wonderful and mischievous children can be… opening once again the horrible wound of loss.
And although in the story Negaduck confesses [SPOILER] that he didn't kill the kids, that it was an accident caused by them, that would not have changed Nega-Scrooge. He would still blame Negaduck, he would still want revenge on him, and he would use the most precious thing for the villain for it: his love for Gosalyn, the closest thing he has to a daughter.
So yes, a rather complex character, one that I would have liked to write more about, I don't deny it.
I thank @rebellingstagnationblog again for allowing me to write this story. And also for the entire Geronimo Saga. Those stories helped me in a very stressful moment, to the point that this tumblr page is dedicated only to drawing random things from the story^^'
So that's it, three years since such a project in English. Thanks for reading^^!
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tatangadragon · 3 months
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will rest for a bit then work on adding new characters hehe .....
oh yeah here's my artfight account btw [will eventually make a team seafoam template]
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kaijumydude · 2 years
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ok I don’t usually like shading/rendering but um hi <3<3
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gummygoatgalaxy · 5 months
Duckverse Girlies
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I love they so much omg
The only oc is my oc Rain, the rest of these girls are canon (though i changed their designs a bit lol)
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o-dandelion-o · 4 months
Finally managed to finish an old project. For those who don’t know, Megan has a Darkwing Duck kink 🤭 My drawings has changed a bit so this looks a bit odd, but the joke is still relevant. And Jim is just being Jim 🦆💜
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