#oc: nefertari
srtapinklips · 7 months
Bueno, tras volver de la verbena de carnaval de mi pueblo, como no traía mucho sueño, me he puesto a mirar dibujos antiwos y me he encontrado con uno de Nefertari, personaje que llevo usando mucho tiempo en mi vida rolera pero que siempre ha ido cambiando, aunque más o menos manteniendo la misma esencia. Me parece que este dibujo muestra muy bien la tragedia que lleva Tari dentro y bueno, pues aquí os lo dejo porque es mi Tumblr y puedo 💋
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EDIT: He encontrado otro bien mamalón así que os lo dejo por aqui tb 💋💋💋 Aunque esta Tari está más yassificada JAJAJA
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mightbebobbie · 11 months
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some sketchbook scans !! its mostly one piece but some of it r just random doodles 🤝 will finish scanning the whole thing at some point and make it available for download for those who are interested !
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apirateslifeforbudgie · 4 months
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And that's a wrap for my first, and this year's, @crimsonkingart Mermay Challenge!
Prompts are: #1. SELKIE - Law, #2. SUN - Kid, #3. STAR - Carmen (OC), #4. NIX - Luffy, #5. DUCK - Sanji, #6. SHARK - Zoro, #7. KELPIE - Killer, #8. NYMPH - Vivi
Had fun doing these! Excited for next year~
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mosttolerantname · 10 days
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Недавно был ночной шиз с каракулями, началось невинно, тупо хотела Настю после тс заебашить. В итоге вышло, что вышло Зоро так краснеет не от Санджи, хоть и кажется, он краснеет от своего будущего мужика (долго решала, кто именно, но по итогу один арт всё решил)
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onepiecebrained · 9 months
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marine/world government kids vs pirate kids
information dump incoming
Name | Parents | Age | Who's personality they are more similar to
Coral | Coby + Helmeppo | 8 | Helmeppo (Don't let her Coby facial features fool you)
Nevaeh | Hina + Smoker | 15 | Smoker
Scritto | Lucci + Kaku | 12 | Lucci
Nico Oliver | Franky + Robin | 14 | Robin
Nefertari Miki | Nami + Vivi | 10 | Vivi (She's a mini Vivi that loves tangerines)
Roronoa Auk | Zoro + Sanji | 9 | Sanji (but still pretty evenly both)
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tarasahl · 6 months
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pure-garbage · 2 months
Old Skills and New Friends! Wisdom of the Runaway
Chapter warnings: Gore, mild violence
The events at Little Garden unfolded almost entirely out of Lana's line of sight. Since the island boasted no civilization to speak of, she decided she would travel on with the Straw Hats to the next port.
"You should at least go help Luffy and Vivi find some water," Nami huffed while most of the crew dispersed. "Aren't you good for anything besides picking the same ten locks over and over again?"
Lana wasn't keen to set foot on the wild, mysterious isle.
"I do have one other skillset," she offered, desperate to save herself from being forced off the ship to forage with the others. "My Mama was a seamstress, and I was supposed to be one too. Don't you guys have anything you need mended or patched?"
"Hah! Please, have you met any of the people on this crew?" Nami laughed. "Come on. I'll introduce you to the pile."
Lana gave a low whistle when she laid eyes on it.
"Have fun," Nami smirked, leaving her alone in the cabin with a sewing kit and a towering heap of slashed and torn garments.
"Is that a sail?" Lana wondered to herself, tugging it experimentally as she prepared to start sorting.
Lana wasn't unhappy to have something with which to occupy her time, even if the work did bring back a lot of memories.
"Beautiful stitching, La-La, you're a natural! Such a good little helper for your Mama!"
"It's so fun! You really get to do this all day, every day?"
"Mm-hmm. I'm glad you enjoy it too..."
Lana smiled while she was lost in the memory of her Mother's pride, but once she came back to the present, that smile quickly faded.
'It's been five years since I ran away... I wonder if she's even still alive.'
Lana forced the thoughts away and focused on the task at hand. She wanted to turn her mind's eye ahead, but she had no idea what the future held for her and the past offered little but pain. With a sigh, she kept herself perfectly in the present, all her attention turned outward as she sewed and listened to the sounds of Nami and Usopp out on the deck.
The soft noises of their conversation suddenly became shouts and thumps. Lana set the spare sail down and peeked out of the cabin door to see the two remaining straw hats conversing loudly with a giant.
'This island has giants? Well thank god he's friendly,' Lana sighed inwardly with relief. If the big guy was going to smash their ship, surely he would have done it by now. Even if he didn't seem threatening, Lana wasn't in a hurry to let him see her. She closed the door and went back to patching the sail.
"After this, I'll take a break and stretch my legs," she decided aloud.
When the time came, she was surprised to find the ship vacant.
"Nami? Usopp? Where'd you guys go?" she called. "Hey! Ugh, I wish they would have said something if they were going to leave me alone with their ship! Guess I should stay on the lookout... but I'm not sure what they expect me to do if something goes wrong. I'm not exactly a power house when it comes to fighting..."
Lana continued grumbling to herself all the way up the mast to the crows nest.
"... stab one lousy marine captain and suddenly everyone expects you to know how to fight. If I could fight worth a damn, I wouldn't have been stuck with the Seeker pirates for so long."
Lana pursed her lips, knowing she'd just lied to herself, but unwilling to call herself out on it. Her hand crept over the sash covering her right wrist.
Lana pulled it back a bit, part of her hoping she would only see skin. The orange outline of Corrin's mark caught her eye, sending her heart sinking and her stomach rolling nauseatingly. She quickly pulled the sash back into place and looked away. She hadn't really expected the mark to vanish, but still couldn't help being disappointed.
"It doesn't matter," she reminded herself. "By now, Corrin's been turned over to the marines for his bounty. He's sitting behind bars somewhere... even if I never shake his mark, there's no way he'll ever come after me again."
Deep down, foreboding curled in her gut like a wriggling, sickening clutch of maggots, slowly but surely eating her from the inside out. Despite her reasoning and rationalizations, she couldn't bring herself to truly believe she'd yet seen the last of Seeker Corrin.
As darkness threatened to fall, the Straw Hats stumbled back to the ship, battered and bloodied.
"What in the... What the hell happened to you guys?" Lana gaped.
Luffy and Usopp were all but carrying Zoro. Even Nami and Vivi looked like they'd taken a beating. Out of them all, Sanji was the only one who still looked alright.
"Long story," he sighed in response. "Baroque Works is still after us. It's been taken care of now, Lana sweetest, so no need to worry."
"Sanji! Quit your cooing and help me and Vivi clean up!" Nami scowled furiously.
"But of course, Nami my love!" Sanji cried elatedly.
"I'll help too," Lana offered. "Just tell me what to do."
Nami's blazing eyes snapped to fix their unscathed guest with a glare that could have curdled fresh cream.
"Oh really? As a matter of fact, I do have something you can help with," she snarled. "Come on."
She led Lana into the cabin, where Luffy and Usopp were trying to wrestle Zoro out of his boots while he howled and cursed.
"Just leave 'em!"
"Zoro, you have to take them off so I can wrap your ankles up!" Usopp yelled. "Luffy, hold him tighter!"
"Maybe Zoro's right," Luffy thought aloud. "The bleeding already stopped. I'm sure he'll be fine if we just-"
"The bleeding probably stopped because this bonehead is out of blood!" Nami raged, slapping Luffy and Zoro at the same time, stunning the latter into complacence.
'She's so scary!' Lana thought with alarm.
"Now pull the damn boots off, Usopp! Lana, grab the sewing kit!" Nami ordered.
"Yes ma'am," Lana mumbled, obeying hastily. Behind her, Zoro's boots came off with a pair of wet sloshes that she didn't spare much thought as she searched under the now-repaired sail for Nami's sewing kit.
"Oooh, I'm gonna be sick," Usop groaned.
"Lightweight," Zoro muttered.
"You're both morons," Nami seethed. "Luffy, go get some alcohol from Sanji!"
"Yeah Luffy, bring sake," Zoro requested.
"Whiskey, genius! Bring whiskey!" Nami corrected them.
"Got the kit," Lana said, turning back to the others. "Left it under- holy mother of- Nami! What the hell!"
Lana loosed a shriek, eyes popping out of her head as she realized the splashing she'd heard had been blood emptying from Zoro's boots.
"What the hell happened to him?!" Lana demanded.
"Oh, this dumbass thought it made sense to chop his own feet off to escape a trap!" Nami seethed, still not over the swordsman's brutal logic.
"Wow, that's kind of hardcore, honestly," Lana managed, swallowing her squeamishness while Usopp pushed Zoro's pants up to his knees.
"It was the best option at the time!" Zoro insisted.
"Got the whiskey!" Luffy announced. Lana thought his tone was far too bright given the circumstances, but she'd come to expect as much from this crew.
"Gimme!" Zoro demanded, reaching for the alcohol.
"No way!"
Nami slapped Zoro's hands off the bottle, then shooed Luffy and Usopp away. "This is for cleaning, not drinking. Lana, here!"
She shoved the bottle at their guest, who gulped hard. She was starting to get a good idea of what Nami's idea of 'helping' would entail.
"I'm going to clean myself up," Nami informed her. "Help this idiot get patched up if you really want to make yourself useful."
"Well, I-"
Nami left Lana holding the bottle.
"I didn't know you were a doctor," Zoro groaned from the couch.
"I am not a doctor at all," Lana corrected him swiftly. "But uh... well, you guys are giving me a free ride, so I guess... I'll just have to do my best."
"Don't worry about it," he panted. "Just leave the bottle and the needle. I can deal with this myself."
"No, I do want to be helpful," she sighed, stealing a gulp of whiskey. "Drink?"
Lana examined his wounds while he took a long swig. Her gut squirmed and her flesh crawled at the sight. Her discomfort wasn't lost on Zoro.
"Pass me the needle and I'll do it myself," he sighed.
"No need. I can do this. Lemme see that again."
She took the bottle from him and knocked back another shot or two.
"Kinda seems like a waste of alcohol to use it for cleaning," she sighed. "Nami's right though... if these get infected, it'll be ugly."
Lana expected Zoro to protest when she splashed whiskey over the gashes, but he didn't even flinch. He demanded the bottle back as soon as she finished. She set to threading the needle, wrinkling her nose at the smell drifting up from his toes.
"Woof. Bottle, one more time," she requested. "Don't you ever wash your feet?"
"Is that really your most pressing concern right now?" he scowled, passing the bottle down again. She doused his feet to kill the stink, took one final sip and surrendered the rest of the whiskey to Zoro's custody as she got to work.
"Seems like you know what you're doing," Zoro observed after a few minutes.
"Not really. I've mended a lot of clothes, but I gotta say, this is... definitely a first for me."
"Hm. You've got steady hands."
She wondered how much of that stability was thanks to the whiskey.
"You're steadier than I thought you'd be too. I was kinda worried you wouldn't hold still for me," Lana admitted.
'Then again, it stands to reason that anyone with the grit to do something like this to themselves wouldn't be fazed by a few stitches.'
Lana closed the first wound with a brief, relieved sigh. She was glad to be halfway done with the macabre task Nami had foisted on her. Sweat began to bead on her brow as she started on his other leg.
"This ship really needs a doctor," she grumbled, doubt creeping in at the seams of her confidence. Would the crew hold her responsible if their swordsman ended up losing his feet? "I don't know if I can do enough to..."
"It'll be fine," Zoro assured her between drinks. He was all but lounging, relaxing on his elbows while she kept stitching. "I heal fast."
"I just..."
Lana's disbelief at the extraordinary situation finally got the better of her.
"I don't understand how you could even do something like this... to think you got halfway through!"
Her tone was incredulous, but Zoro misinterpreted her volume and vehemence.
"Ugh, spare me. I already got the welfare lecture from Nami."
"I didn't mean it like that," Lana explained. "I just meant... well..."
She struggled to articulate the sentiment overcoming her. It was closer to admiration than the disdain he seemed to take it for.
"Your resolve is like nothing I've ever come across before," she finally managed. "I just have a hard time understanding how anyone could be this... this tough, I guess."
"Oh," Zoro repied, amused now that he understood. "Well that's simple, really."
Lana closed the final stitch and reached for a rag from the pile. She wiped the drying blood from his skin while he explained.
"If I'm going to be the world's greatest swordsman, my will needs to be unbreakable. Otherwise, I'd just be wasting my time."
His grin was breathtaking, toothy and manic.
'This sword guy's actually pretty cool,' she thought, hiding her starstruck reaction from him by clearing her throat. She started wrapping his wounds with gauze.
"World's greatest swordsman, huh?" she repeated. "That's your life's goal?"
"Your ambitions are just as lofty as your captains."
"So we've been told."
"I just hope you realize... actually, never mind."
"What? Tell me."
"Well, by that logic, wouldn't this foot-chopping business be an awfully bad omen?"
"You lost me."
"Well if the resolve you used to make these cuts is the same you're relying on to make you the world's greatest swordsman... wouldn't it stand to reason that you'll only make it halfway through that effort as well?"
Zoro froze for a long moment and Lana wondered if she'd made a huge mistake.
'Is this psycho about to slice me to ribbons?' she wondered apprehensively. 'Damn it, Lana, you should have kept your stupid thoughts to yourself!'
The silence in the cabin was thick enough to choke on. Zoro broke it with laughter.
"Well aren't you a wise little runaway lockpick?" he guffawed.
Lana rolled her eyes at him, relieved that her observation hadn't cut deep enough to put her in danger.
"You're not wrong, Avariya. Maybe my body isn't the only thing I should be training to strengthen," Zoro mused.
She patted his knee and rose to see what else Nami had for her.
"Seems like the best solution. Just consider giving it some time so your feet don't fall off," she cautioned.
<== Previous Chapter
Next Chapter ==>
== First Chapter ==
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fuka-petals · 11 days
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nefertari fan oc. his name is strawberry sweetheart ^^
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i-am-minty-fresh · 8 months
I made a beetle OC that Luffy got from Vivi and now keeps in the captains cabin. The whole crew takes care of it and it’s name is frisbee.
This bug has lore. Ask me about my bug OC’s lore.
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plagues02 · 9 months
A Father's Comfort
Summary: Hearing from two of his children that his other daughter was avoiding them, Crocodile decided to go check on Gator. Characters: Gator(OC), Sir Crocodile, Nefertari Cobra Word Count: 578
The room was dark when he stepped in. The only light was the few strands of light coming from the lowering sun, peaking through the curtains. The only person in the room was in the very corner, knees pulled to their chest with a large jacket over their head.
The man closed the door behind him before crossing the room. His footsteps echoed, only to stop when he stood in front of the young girl. She didn’t react, nor did she react when he sat down next to her.
The man let out a sigh as he reached up to take his cigar out of his mouth. He blew smoke in the air before glancing over at the girl.
“So this is where my coat went,” Crocodile spoke, looking over at the cigar in his hand. “Kiki told me you said no to going out with her and Vivi and said you didn’t feel like taking a bath with them when you get back.”
Gator tilted her head a little. The top of her head poked out between the fur of his coat, but she still didn’t speak.
Crocodile placed his cigar back in his mouth and stared ahead at the wall; the room fell quiet again. It felt like minutes passed when Crocodile glanced back at Gator. Gator shifted closer to him, pressing herself into his side. He wrapped his arm around her, his hook pressed against her side.
“Want to talk?”
Gator looked up at her, using her hand to pull his coat close. It was off of her head. Her eyes were puffy and red, and her hair was disheveled. Her shoulders drooped.
“Gator,” Crocodile reached his hand up to hold her face. His thumb traced the small scar under her eye. “What are you thinking?”
Gator avoided eye contact, but she didn’t pull away from him.
“Why did I have to be born a boy?”
Crocodile’s eyes softened. “You’re not a boy, Gator. You know this.”
“Then,,, then why do I have a boy's body?”
Crocodile stared at them before letting out a small sigh. He shifted his body to pull the young teen into his lap. Gator curled against his chest, pressing her face against the fur of the coat. She inhaled the scent of smoke, taking comfort in it.
“...I don’t know,” he finally said, running his fingers through her hair. It was tangled. “Some people are just,,, born wrong.”
“,,But why me?”
“Why you? Why was I? I don’t know, Gator,” Crocodile took his cigar out of his mouth. “Yet we were. I am still a man, just as you are still a woman.”
Gator looked up at him. He leaned down and pressed their foreheads together. She took comfort in the silence, closing her eyes.
“Should I ask Terracotta to bring dinner to you?” Cobra poked his head into the room now lit with a few candles.
Crocodile looked up at him then down at the teen in his arms, still using his coat as a blanket. He rested his hand on her back with a small smile before looking up.
“Yes,, she’s had a rough day. Thank you, dear. Oh, and tell Kiki and Vivi that Gator’s fine.”
Cobra nodded. “Of course. Should I expect you late tonight?”
The warlord rested his head against his daughter’s head. “Yeah, she’s not waking up alone.”
The king nodded and gave a small smile before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.
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levotharsartcorner · 10 months
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Just finished re-reading One Piece (now i can’t procrastinate anymore). Still trying, so bad still.
Nami is hard to draw. Have some work lunch doodles.
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srtapinklips · 11 months
Porque no hay nadie como esta mujer para ponerle a los issues de nuestros personajes un ritmo mamalón
We were so magical, why end this way? I know you're furious, yeah, just like me You got good reasons, but I do too What really happened here? I wish I knew It escalated so fast We yelled things we can't take back It escalated too soon I know what they say, I know that they say that No one dies from love Guess I'll be the first Will you remember us? Or are the memories too stained with blood now?
Pretty boys, they didn't teach me Things I didn't know They don't have the thing that I need But they don't know they don't You got that whole thing about ya And I can't hide my feels Pretty girls, they always die out Need another sex appeal I said: Come on, give zero fucks about it Come on, I know I'm gonna get hurt Come on, give zero fucks about it Come on Keep playin' my heartstrings faster and faster You can be just what I want, my true disaster
Good people do bad things too Pretend they don't know, but they do It takes one to know your mind You and me we are one of a kind, it's true I like to feel my bones when they crash into my heart I like the taste of blood when you're tearing me apart I like to push you to the edge as long as you say you're mine Borderline (hey) Tonight, for the rest of my life I'm gonna be stuck on you Hold on 'til I'm making it right No other love felt like you I can't give it up in this fight I cross my heart and hope to die Borderline
I eat my dinner in my bathtub Then I go to sex clubs Watching freaky people getting it on It doesn't make me nervous If anything, I'm restless Yeah, I've been around, and I've seen it all And I drank up all my money Dazed and kinda lonely You're gone, and I gotta stay high all the time To keep you off my mind Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh High all the time to keep you off my mind Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh Spend my days locked in a haze Trying to forget you, babe, I fall back down Gotta stay high all my life to forget I'm missing you Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Bed, stay in bed The feeling of your skin locked in my head Smoke, smoke me broke I don't care, I'm down for what you want Day drunk into the night Wanna keep you here 'Cause you dry my tears Summer lovin' and fights How it is for us And it's all because Now if we're talking body (Hey) You got a perfect one So put it on me (Hey) Swear it won't take you long If you love me right We fuck for life On and on and on
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midnightmah07 · 2 years
Lucius and Vivi 👑🦇
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adjhp · 3 months
Day 2 | Laughter / Tears | Ichiji x Vivi
CONTEXT: With Vivi's guidance, he'd learn to be a better person, even a better parent than his father. After they married a few years later, they had a son. But who knew that his son's, Sora II's, hand-drawn portrait of his wife could break his stoic demeanor. It was not one of his best moments, but he needed that after returning from a tiring mission/meeting. Is he the Asshole?
Inspired by this video:
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gallery-in-the-forest · 8 months
Thoughts of a time travel fic w/ Covey going back before the ts are plaguing me and I don’t know what to do😭😭
Edit:Bro I am so tired
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sailormau · 11 months
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Oh boy he almost had it. The crystal rejected him. Whew.
What’s next?
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