#oc: niccolo napoli
bardic-tales · 2 years
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Six nobles. One crown prince. An evil machination they cannot allow to come to pass.
These are the nine main and secondary characters who plays some part in Cold as Ice and the later novels. I go alittle into their back stories on the CaI character page and added them to the CAI Pinterest page.
Cold as Ice is a dark epic fantasy centered upon the political intrigue and divine intervention in a vast, realistic world.
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OC Alphabet
I wanted to create a more complete index of characters, and I’m also curious if I have any letters that are more represented than others, so I’m doing it this way
Attilio di Mercurio
Adrasteia Falco
Arnoldo Gentilini
Agrippina Corvi
Amara Alfonsi
Basilio Vecellio
Cinzia Trevisani
Chiara di Firenze
Cesare Corvi
Calpurnia Corvi
Cloelia de Rege
Caracalla Trapani
Enrico Accursio
Fiamma Gallo
Feronia Bianchi
Giacomo Gallo
Giuseppe Terzo
Glauco Abbasci
Giacinta Giordano
Ixia Trapani
Ippolito Ravenna
Julia Corvi
Livia Corvi
Leonora Alfonsi
Leonidas Greco
Martino Rossi
Novellia de Rege
Niccolo Capello
Nero Trapani
Orianna di Napoli
Ottavio Volta
Orsina Gentilini
Odoacre Vecellio
Polyxena Corvi
Rodrigo Corvi
Racquella Volta
Sebastiano Volta
Saturnino d’Ovidio
Vincenzo Milani
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donvilaro · 2 years
(Just dipping in to say hi! I think this is the first time we've interacted in terms of oc to oc and such....assuming you're the very same person running the GioGio blog but if not, you're still very much welcome to my blog, new person or not!!! 💕
Ps. Hope you don't mind this little starter of sorts with En interacting with your oc 👉👈👉👈)
In all honesty, En didn't expect anything to happen today while she was with La Squadra given that most of her teammates were out doing missions for their Don, GioGio. What the newly instated member of the assassination squad expect was a call from her assumed brother-in-law (considering she and Fugo had a secret civil union in order for her to gain citizenship in Napoli in a legal way), Prosciutto and her boss, Risotto in his office along with a man she didn't quite recognize, telling her that she's been called in by the unfamiliar man's boss for a personal job.
That was hours ago and now here we see the dirty blonde female stand before a pair of grandiose doors that belonged to an equally grandiose mansion, holding a formal invitation bearing the insignia of Sangue Reale---she's seen it a couple of times around documents and heard stories from the rest of the gang but a formal invitation bearing the insignia itself and she knew that receiving an invitation like this meant she wasn't just meeting any of the gang's Capos or anything of the sort but the big Don himself.
Once she was granted permission to enter the mansion, En was immediately escorted right to where their Don's office was, leaving her alone inside the office to wait for him, assuming he wasn't there. While waiting, she thought it would be best to read up about the file that came with the invitation from the man had given her earlier back at Risotto's office, dark brown eyes scanning the contents of the file itself as she hummed feeling her stand, Heroes hovering over her shoulder, also curious about the mission they were given.
[Haha ah, we're not the same person, but I'm friends with Lara, welcome too, I've seen a few interactions from Bria's blog. I don't mind at all :)]
"Your guest is here, they await you in your office," Niccolo had turned to acknowledge his consiglieri, Faust who had been tasked with setting up this meeting. It had been only a few years since Bri had sat in that same spot concerned about the unrest in Naples, now he been in the same boat only this time, it had been members of Sangue Reale that had been fleeing Sicily... seeking counsel from Bri and Giorno had resulted in them sending one of their most dependable members. Niccolo downed the rest of his scotch and made his way to his study.
"En, I take it? I'm Niccolo, thank you for coming here at such short notice," he said, extending a hand as a greeting. En was looking over the case file, their stand poised near their shoulders. "Has Bri mentioned anything about why I've requested your presence today?"
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bardic-tales · 1 year
Hi hi hi!! This is daughter-of-melomene’s main, and you, my friend, are on my OC Creator Bingo card!! All of your OCs seem so cool and amazing, so I’d like to ask you some questions about them!!
What would you consider to be Vitalia’s “theme song”?
If Kira Mitchell were an animal, which animal (or insect, or bird) do you think she would be?
If “Cold as Ice” where to be made into a movie or show, who do you think would be the perfect choice to play Niccolo?
What is Camilla Covelli’s greatest regret?
If you were to throw Aelius into a completely different genre than the story he is in (for instance, a comedy or romantic comedy story), how do you think he would fair?
I look forward to seeing your answers, and I hope you’re doing well!! ❤️❤️❤️
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Hello, bingo buddy!
Thank you so much for your compliments. I tend to put a lot of work into my characters: both fandom and original. I'm glad that you like them.
I'm okay. Much better than I was this time last week and last month. I hope you are doing well, too.
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What would you consider to be Vitalia’s “theme song”?
I usually come up with a playlist for my characters right after I make them and just add songs that remind me of them. For Vitalia's theme song, it has always been Fighter by Christina Aguilera.
You can find the complete playlist on my spotify account. Please note that most of the songs have the theme of abuse as Vitalia's life have been nothing but tragedy.
If Kira Mitchell were an animal, which animal (or insect, or bird) do you think she would be?
Kira would most likely be a black leopard. Kira is all about strength, power, and determination. Out of all the animals in the animal kingdom, she is actually drawn to that animal as she sees the animal as raw power and strength.
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If “Cold as Ice” where to be made into a movie or show, who do you think would be the perfect choice to play Niccolo?
This is actually hard as Niccolo Napoli was crafted with a certain look. He would need an actor that could make him a sympathetic villain and able to be calm one moment and fly into a rage in the next. He's one of my most complex villains I've ever created.
I like to think Jermy Irons has the range to play him. He certainly has the look down.
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What is Camilla Covelli’s greatest regret?
Ah, my Camilla. Camilla was originally created to bring light as Cold as Ice features very heavy themes. She was originally slated to be murdered in book two, but I decided that I wanted her path to follow similar to her mother's.
During Cold as Ice and the two novels that follow it, her biggest regret will be trusting her fiancé Fletcher. Niccolo tends to play the long game, and Fletcher is working with him as his family has a debt with Niccolo. Camilla will be a pawn in the game that Niccolo is playing with her mother, Cyras. She will find her own strength and become a brave warrior in her own right.
That's really all I can get into without going into spoilers for the books. :)
If you were to throw Aelius into a completely different genre than the story he is in (for instance, a comedy or romantic comedy story), how do you think he would fair?
This is a very interesting question. Aelius is one of my characters that is just like a normal character. While Vincento represents my audience, Aelius represents a man who will lose everything. He picks himself up and dusts himself off.
He would be the leading man in the Rom Com. He would be like Ben in How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. Actually, his face claim is Matthew Mcconaughey which is kind of awesome.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
I am curious how the two or three characters that come to your mind directly got their names plus their meaning?
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Hello. I hope you are having a wonderful day, and thank you so much for sending this in.
As Cold as Ice is my main WIP, I'm going to focus on characters of that today. I've already answered for the protagonist (Cyras), so I will answer for Niccolo Napoli of Avis (antagonist) and Vaene Ectorius Arturis (deuteragonist / the love interest).
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The Olessan Empire is based upon both 18th century France and 15th century Italy. When I first came up with Cyras’ name, I wanted to use Cyrus. That however is a masculine name.
Duke Niccolo Napoli of Avis
Niccolo's name is not completely completed yet. Olessans names typically have four components to it. I need to come up with two more names that come before his surname.
Niccolo is of Italian origin, but it was derived from the Greek Nikolaos -- which was originally his name before I wanted to rework the names. it means 'Victor of people' or "People's champion". While Niccolo is not a "people's champion", he thinks he is liberating the Olessans from the Arturis' rule.
Napoli is the Italian name for Naples. In ancient Latin, it was "Neopolis", meaning New Town. This lines up with Niccolo's agenda, as he will "save" the Olessan Empire through any means necessary, including breaking it into a new kingdom / empire. I liked how it would roll off my reader's tongue, too.
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Crowned Prince Vaene Ectorius Arturis
According to wordsense, Vaene is actually an Estonian surname. It means "not rich" or "poor". This reflects his childhood, where he was living on the streets of Glyndon. Another reason, I choose this name was because it sounds like "vain", and he is very obsessed with his looks. This is actually a defense mechanism.
Ectorius is a variant of Ector, which is the Latin name for Hector. Hector is derived from the Greek Hektor -- meaning "defender". Vaene is often thought of as a type of paladin archtype. He is devoted to the chief god, Amés, as well as will lay down his life for his loved ones. During one part of CAI, Cyras will actually tell him not to die for her, but to live.
As for Arturis, this is a name that I created for the royal family. There is no background in our history for it. One could argue that I was inspired by the surname "Arturi" when I created it, which is derived from the Breton given name: Artuir and Arthur.
Arthur is derived from the word "artos" meaning "bear", "Thor, the eagle", or "strong man". Vaene himself will often utilize his body magick to enhance his strength and pain tolerance, fighting with a trance-like fury until a shadow blade teaches him how to control his battle lust. This was inspired by the berserkers of old.
Ask me the meaning behind a Cold as Ice's OC name.
Cold as Ice's OC Masterlist (cw: death. skulls. kidnapping)
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bardic-tales · 1 year
what quote would best define each of your characters?
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Hi, Izzy. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you so much for the question.
Cold as Ice has 31 characters, so I'm just going to do this for the protagonist, antagonist, deuteragonist, and the secondary cast.
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Aelius Raspanti - To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life.
Catrina Raspanti - Have you ever loved me?
Cyras Covelli - "When I came out into society I was 15. I already knew then that the role I was condemned to, namely to keep quiet and do what I was told, gave me the perfect opportunity to listen and observe. Not to what people told me, which naturally was of no interest to me, but to whatever it was they were trying to hide. I practiced detachment. I learned how to look cheerful while under the table I stuck a fork onto the back of my hand. I became a virtuoso of deceit. I consulted the strictest moralists to learn how to appear, philosophers to find out what to think, and novelist to see what I could get away with, and in the end it all came down to one wonderfully simple principle: win or die." -
Mariana Maia - Clever as the devil and twice as pretty
Niccolo Napoli - Suffering exists only because weakness exists. You must learn to despise all weakness. Hate it in others, but most of all, hate it in yourself.
Silas Silvius - The difference between being a coward and a hero is not whether you are scared. It's what you do while you're scared.
The Shade - Stare at the dark too long and you will eventually see what is not there.
The Wraith - The Deadliest predator is the one you cannot see.
Vaene Arturis - Grief is lonely. I miss you enormously when I am alone, but I tend to miss you even more when I am surrounded by everyone because I know you should be here too.
Vincento Vincente - There is nothing so tragic as thinking someone was so perfect for you, and yet they won't love you back.
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bardic-tales · 1 year
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Good morning, my fellow authors, followers, and mutuals. I hope you have had a wonderful week.
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From @oc-a-day What’s your OC’s immediately family like and their dynamic? Who do they get along with most? Least?
As I have mentioned various times on this blog, Cyras Covelli was originally a Glorendine street waif. Before her foster father offered her a place in his home, she was named Amelia.
Biological Father and Mother
Her mother and father passed on early in her life. When they were alive, Cyras was the closest to her mother. Her mother's friends would say that Cyras was her mini-me.
Her relationship with her father was strained. He was a man ruled by his addictions. For example, before he was murdered, Cyras would spend more time away from home. She blames her father for their murders, as it was over one of his shady dealings.
Cyras has two children: Camila and Francesco. Cyras adores her children and is proud of their accomplishments. She would say that her children are the only good thing that came from her arranged marriage. As per Olessan tradition, she hardly sees her children as they are respectively sent to an order of Knights and the household of a noble.
Camila was sent away to Avis to train to be a lady beneath in the Augustus household. She is a quiet, reserve young lady. Camila is full of ideas and believes in romantic love. During the events of Cold as Ice, Camila is traveling with Fletcher Augustus from Avis to Olessa. Fletcher is set to ask Cyras for permission to marry Camila. Camila is anxious that her mother will say no.
Francesco joined the Order of Agosto early in his life. He became a squire to a famous errant knight and quickly gain his master's favor. He is currently going through the Agostian trails to become a fullfledged knight.
As a knight, Francesco has little contact with his family, but when he is either in Lucci or Olessa, he will visit his mother. She is incredibly proud at the man he became.
The last time she seen her children was at her husband's funeral.
Foster Father
cw: death of an animal, abuse of a child. slavery.
When he came across her on the street, Cyras tried to pickpocket Niccolo Napoli, knowing that such a rich mark would have the coin to support her and her sister and pay the dues she owed to the Glorendine Shadow Council. He took pity upon Cyras and offered her and her sister a home in Glorendt. Niccolo, however, only needed one of the girls and noticed that Cyras held the traits that the other nobility -- especially the women -- desired.
Niccolo would proceed to sell her sister to one of his noble friends for a hefty sum and turned his attention to Cyras. He would send her away to a finish school, teach her all the mannerisms that she would need to succeed in the social hierarchy.
There was a dark side to Niccolo. He expected total obedience, and when she misbehaved, she was severely punished. There were times when she was locked in a closet in total darkness, a puppy she loved was killed, and restrained until she would behave in the manner Niccolo desired.
Her relationship with him is very strained. Even into her 30s, she is still very fearful of how he will act, so she agreed to his plan on overthrowing the Arturis family. Niccolo didn't count on one thing.
The Crowned Prince's memories of a blonde young lady treating his fever and wounds in Spacci. He loved that little girl so and even married Ambrosia thinking that she was that woman.
cw: arranged marriage. child bride. child prostitution. Hebephilia
Shortly after Cyras turned fourteen, she was betrothed to the Steward of the Olessan Empire. Chydem was in debt to Niccolo as he borrowed money from him to fuel his obsession with boys and girls. It was either take Cyras as a wife or Niccolo would contact the Shade in order to hire the Wraith to assassinate Chydem.
Chydem was a kind husband, but his addiction for the Olessan rent boys turned Cyras' stomach. He was unfaithful numerous times, often propositioning the male staff that they employed, often buying them expensive gifts. In exchange, Cyras was allowed to start the Covelli winery -- with no input from her husband.
Once Chydem started to resist Niccolo, the Wraith assassinated. This sent Cyras into mourning, but she knew that no great man died. She thinsk that Chydem brought about his own death.
Aria Vincente is the daughter of Cyras' best friend and her sister. She is part Glorendine and Drakl. Like her father, she has the ability to use her ven to shift into a more pleasing form, allowing her to hide her more Draklian features.
Her relationship with Cyras is a bit strained. She thinks that Vincento likes her mother more than he likes her. Cyras is harder on Aria than she has been on other women she took under her wing. While Cyras does this to prepare her for the Noble Court, Aria thinks it's because Cyras doesn't think Aria and her father are worthy of her presence. That's the furthest thing from Cyras' mind as Aria is the daughter of her best friend, and, later in Book Two she finds out, her sister.
cw: trafficking of a minor. slavery
Cyras and her sister, Decima, were very close. When their parents died, Cyras knew that the Glorendine orphanage wouldn't be kind to the little girl. Cyras was young, too, but she has always had a calculating mind.
They would eventually join a street gang full of children working for the Glorendine Shadow Council. Cyras would pickpocket adults, pay the dues for both her and her sister, and give a bigger portion of any food they were eating to her sister.
Cyras originally accepts Niccolo's offer as it was a means to get Decima off the streets. She didn't foresee Niccolo separating the girls by selling her to one of his friends and selling her fate as an indenture servant.
She and Decima wouldn't see each other until the events of Cold as Ice. During these events, the sisters try to reconnect and resume their relationship, and while Cyras feels there is something off about her sister, she ignores all the red flags and pursues a relationship with Decima.
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bardic-tales · 1 year
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Judy Blume - Lessons 10 - 11
Note: The following may contain spoilers for Cold as Ice
Assignment 1
Trying out multiple POVs.
I am the best friend of Cyras Covelli. I wish that she would just recognize me, and with that in mind, I had sex with her sister and produced a child. Cyras is helping Aria in becoming a lady in waiting, giving her the best possible life. I do not want her anywhere near Niccolo.
Vincento smiles at his creator, the author who dreamed up his character concept. He drinks a glass of his favorite wine. It is not fancy like the love of his life, but it is smooth and tart. Most likely, it is an Spaccian wine.
That smile is a deceptive one. The author did not create him to be manipulative, but he is a broken man, after all. Why couldn’t she write him as the Royal Bastard? Instead, it was another man, a Glorendine prick name Vaene Arturis. The story would work just as well with him as the protagonist as it does with Vaene. Vincento is sure of that.
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Assignment 3
Write a letter from a character to the author. I chose Niccolo Napoli.
Dear Fat Kidneyed Hedge-born,
The other Olessans may heap words of praise upon you, but I will not. You have casted me in a villainous role in your rather untrue telling of events that occurred in the 3rd Era between the corrupted Arturis family and I.
I do not know what lies Cyras has been filling your ears with, but her Glorendine lover will place the Olessan Empire at risk. They will allow Glorendt to seize our lands to the east. For you not to be able to see this, I truly doubt you, yourself, have the best intentions for the Olessan people.
I would never think of overthrowing the family without going through the proper channels, and it pains my heart to have ever called them my brother or friends.
I implore you to rethink your decision over the plot and, most specifically, the antagonist and protagonists.
Duke Napoli of Avis A Weak Olessa is a Divided Olessa
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bardic-tales · 1 year
A letter from the Antagonist to the Novelist
This latest Masterclass had me write a letter from any character to myself to help me find the character's voice. I choose to write as my antagonist Niccolo Napoli.
I don't know. I think Niccolo is full of lies here.
A Letter From the Antagonist to the Novelist.
Dear Fat Kidneyed Hedge-born,
The other Olessans may heap words of praise upon you, but I will not. You have casted me in a villanous role in your rather untrue telling of events that occurred in the 3rd Era between the corrupted Arturis family and I.
I do not know what lies Cyras has been filling your ears with, but her Glorendine lover will place the Olessan Empire at risk. They will allow Glorendt to seize our lands to the east. For you not to be able to see this, I truly doubt you, yourself, have the best intentions for the Olessan people.
I would never think of overthrowing the family without going through the proper channels, and it pains my heart to have ever called them my brother or friends.
I implore you to rethink your decision over the plot and, most specifically, the antagonist and protagonists.
Duke Napoli of Avis A Weak Olessa is a Divided Olessa
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bardic-tales · 2 years
How to Save a Life
Word count: 407 Wip: Cold as Ice Premise: Kelendi Faroly witnesses Cyras Napoli being introduced to Chydem Covelli.
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How to Save a Life
Kelendi Faroly clasped his hands together behind his back. He never approved of this Olessan noble tradition, and he never thought his master would ever take a bride.
Chydem Covelli had particular tastes when it came to his romantic partners: young, nubile men. He kept his relationships to himself. The only ones that really knew was Kelendi and the wetnurse that raised Chydem. His peers often judged someone’s merits upon their impassioned relationships, and as the Steward of the Olessan Empire, Chydem could not risk losing power.
Or, Kelendi thought, that is what Master Covelli tells himself. Was that the reason his master agreed to this? He couldn’t understand any other reason why his master would agree to this — to a union between his family and the father of a young woman.
Master Covelli had more to lose than the other family. As the Steward of the Olessan Empire, only the royal family were more powerful than his. Kelendi had served the members of House Covelli since he, himself, was a young man. Even before Emperor Graeme Sextus Arturis ascended to the throne and before Chydem became head of the house.
There has to be something more to this. It was beyond his station to ask his master what the purpose of this union was. He tried to push the sense of foreboding to the back of his mind and bury it. It wasn’t his place to question the master of the house.
The green-eyed girl gazed at his master. She folded her hands demurely in her lap. If her blond hair didn’t give away the fact that she was a Glorendine, she may have passed for an Olessan. She had the ethereal grace and porcelain looks that many of noble women died seeking.
Kelendi was sure she would go far in the Olessan social circles, but that was only if she knew how to twist conversation to suit her needs. He wondered the lengths her master taught her about Olessan nobility. The noble woman would make a fool of a Glorendine commoner.
His master and the Duke of Avis exchanged pleasantries, but underneath the Duke’s tone, there was something that gave Kelendi paused. There was a hard note to the aging voice, an unspoken threat lurking beneath a pleasant word.
This wouldn’t be the last time the Duke of Avis gave Kelendi pause. He would become fond of the green-eyed girl and serve as her confidant.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday!
Is there a moment in your fic where couples or platonic friendships reconcile after an argument? How do your characters deal with arguments in general?
~ Leia
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Hello, Leia. Happy Blorbo Blursday. Thank you for the wonderful questions. I'm going to answer this for Cold as ice.
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Is there a moment in your fic where couples or platonic friendships reconcile after an argument?
cw: murder
There is a moment in CaI that Vaene confronts someone. Since his wife had passed, one thing about his personality remained true. He lives for vengeance. Vaene wants to murder the Wraith as she assassinated his wife and son.
This leads to a confrontation between the Stewardess and Vaene. Cyras has hired the Wraith not as an assassin but as a bodyguard to ensure that the shadow blades that her foster father hired to kill the Crown Prince doesn't succeed.
They do reconcile, but it takes Cyras almost passing away. She is injected with death adder venom which is a hemotoxin. This venom can cause major brain and muscle hemorrhages, as long as nausea, headaches, and sleepiness. Most surprising, it makes the victim bleed from every orifice.
Vaene often loses himself to battle rage and blood lust, as he is untrained in body magick. He slaughters the people who are keeping them from escaping in his blind rage.
Cyras' best friend knows that the only way that they can save her is to get her to the town's herbalist.
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How do your characters deal with arguments in general?
cw: child abuse. abuse
Cyras was abused by the man she thought of as her foster father from the moment she accepted his offer for her sister and her. He separated the siblings, selling her little sister for domestic services.
Niccolo Napoli does not tolerate disobedience. He only offered her a home as he thought that Glorendine girl would further his schemes, so he did not need two of them. Cyras learned from an early age to fear his wraith.
Now that she is older, she has developed this stoic persona. If she is in an argument with someone, there might be a brief show of emotion on her face for only a second before she returns to the facade.
As a letter writer, she is a shrewd woman who has a gift for lifting phrases out of people's letters and using them as they were her own. She has taken control over her destiny through careful manipulation, never once letting her guard down until the Crown Prince.
This even extends to Niccolo and hiring the Wraith to protect the Crown Prince.
Generally, Vaene tries not to get into arguments. He prefers to keep people at arm's length, as the trauma of his family's assassination prevents him from getting close to anyone.
When he first argued with Cyras, he went to the brothel with his bodyguard and best friend, Jorge. In his eyes, it's better to lose himself in flesh than it is to confront any possible chink in the armor he constructed around himself. He thinks it's safer for everyone else too, as he believes the Wraith wishes to harm everyone in his life.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Hi! Happy Blorbo Blursday!
What's the thing your character wants most, and what could prevent them from getting it?
--Joy (@italiangothicwriteblr)
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Hello, Joy. Happy belated Blorbo Blursday. I hope you are having a wonderful day, and I apologize for not answering this yesterday.
I think I will answer this for the antagonist Niccolo Napoli da Avis of Cold as Ice. Niccolo is one of my favorite and hardest character to write.
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What's the thing your character wants most?
Niccolo is the Duke of Avis, and one of the oldest noblemen in the Olessan Empire. He has seen the corruption that Emperor Graeme Sextus Arturis has unleashed upon the empire, liking it to a festering illness.
Niccolo thinks that he is the only person who can return the empire to her former glory. He will do anything to get his way: bribing, placing assassination contracts on those who threaten his plan, learning his enemies' secrets to exploit their weaknesses, and offer a home to a 10-year-old orphan only to announce her as his daughter and marry her off to the Steward of the Olessan Empire when she was only a teenager.
What could prevent them from getting it?
There is one thing that is preventing him from getting what he wants. He did not expect Cyras Giovanna Teresa Covelli da Lucci to push back against his grandiose plan for the empire's future. She has teamed together with the Wraith, the best Shadow Blade in the empire, and they are working to stop Niccolo's coup.
cw: abuse.
Niccolo has the upper hand as he knows several secrets about Cyras and has the Crown Prince's ear. He is considered an advisor and friend to Vaene. Niccolo also knows that Cyras fears him from the abuse he inflicted upon her. He never thought that she would stand up against him as he is often blinded by believing he was better than everyone else.
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bardic-tales · 1 year
Hi, the OC Creator Bingo sent me (admittedly late but better late than never)!
As a huge fan of fantasy novels, your original story caught my eye.
So, infodump about it! Give me a plot summary, main characters and your favorite thing about it!
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Hello. I apologize with how late this is. I've been very busy, lately. Thank you so much for your interest in Cold as Ice. Between the worldbuilding and 6 drafts, I've been working on it since 2009. It's my favorite WIP I ever worked on and really tests my abilities as an author.
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“Six nobles. One crown prince. An evil machination they cannot allow to come to pass.” - Cold as Ice
For Vaene Arturis, the Crown Prince of the Olessa Empire, life has been cruel. His son and wife were assassinated by the Wraith, the most proficient shadow-blade in all of the Olessan Empire. He has few people he trusts, and he keeps most people at an emotional distance.
For Cyras Covelli, family is a luxury. Something you never take for granted. As an orphan, she was taken in by the Duke of Avis Niccolo Napoli and thrust into a life at court to further the Duke’s machinations. She learned that most look out for themselves.
After her husband is assassinated by the Wraith and she is appointed Stewardess of the kingdom, Cyras learns that taking risks is paramount to her happiness. Risks like working closely with the Crown Prince and placing the Olessan Empire’s interest above her own.
But to save the empire, Cyras needs to turn her back on Niccolo and go against the dark secret that the Duke of Avis and his supporters are hiding.
Main Characters:
There are at least eight main characters, but I'll focus on Stewardess Cyras Giovanna Teresa Covelli da Lucci. Cyras is the main protagonist in Cold as Ice. She is a widowed noblewoman who originally sought to overthrow the Arturis family when she realized how corrupted Emperor Graeme Sextus Arturis. To that end, she agrees with a plan her foster father has been planning since Graeme has been showing signs of dementia. Her foster father is afraid that Graeme will spill secrets, and so is the The Penumbral Society.
Cyras often describes herself as a self-made woman. Although she was forced to marry the Steward of Olessan Empire when she was young, she refused to let fate or society force her how to act. She educated herself in the ways of the men and created a reputation for herself. Because of this, she has remained at the top of society through manipulation and refuses to let her guard down.
She is not interested in love, and when Cold as Ice starts, she does not believe that love really exists. It is a manufactured idea that men use to ensnare women. That is why her feeling of love and affection for the Crowned Prince takes her completely by surprise.
As a letter writer, Cyras is very shrewd. She developed the ability to lift phrases out of people's letters and use their own words against them. This is shown when she intercepted a letter that Catrina Raspanti wrote to her own brother, a letter that Vaene Arturis -- Catrina's betrothed -- knew nothing about.
Favorite Thing:
I think my favorite thing is how Cold as Ice evolved. A very early draft of it was actual a fan fiction set in the Assassin's Creed universe. It was canon x oc, and she was paired with Ezio Auditore.
Looking back, it hardly resembles the fan fiction while certain elements remain. There is still an assassin organization, but they are not the heroes in this.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Happy STS!
Is there a piece of your story or a character in a certain scene that you are incredible proud of? If yes why?
One OC or multiple OCs travel somewhere and carry five items with them they never leave behind. What kind of items would they be?
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Hello, Leia! Thaks for the question.
I am going to answer this for Cold as Ice, my dark epic fantasy that features political intrigue, kings, and assassins.
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Is there a piece of your story or a character in a certain scene that you are incredible proud of? If yes why?
cw: murder
I am incredibly proud of the first chapter of Cold as Ice. It starts off with the Shade, the leader of the Shadow Council, instructing the Wraith to assassinate the Steward, so that Cyras Covelli will be made acting Stewardess. He is working with Niccolo Napoli to bring down the Arturis royal family.
This chapter also introduces the Siren who will serve as the Shade's eyes in the castle. She was planted to help move the scheme along.
This scene has been polished over ten times but was lost in my data loss. I look forward to rewriting it.
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One OC or multiple OCs travel somewhere and carry five items with them they never leave behind. What kind of items would they be?
I will answer this for Cyras Covelli.
An itinerary that would list the places between her starting point and destination. This was because maps like we know them did not exist in the Olessan Empire at Cyras' time.
She would have a wagon that was pulled by her estate's horses. Horses were a luxury in the Olessan Empire and owning one would show her station. There would be food for the horses.
She would own a leather purse hooked to her belt. This is where she would keep her coins. There would be a crescent moon engraved upon the leather. The crescent moon is the symbol on the Covelli coat of arms. It also has a silken tassel and decorated with metal pearls.
Men and women would carry daggers on their belt. It was said that no well-to-do man would dress without a dagger at his side. She has a silver dagger with a leather wrapped hilt. This was gifted to her as a wedding gift from her foster father.
As a noble, she also carried a trunk with her. This trunk will be filled with her clothing and accoutrements. She would expect the local staff of the inn to provide priovision, food, wood, and blankets.
An inventory of her items would be kept due to theft.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Hi! Happy Blorbo Blursday!
Which OC do you find the hardest to write and why?
-Joy (@italiangothicwriteblr)
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Happy Blorbo Blursday.
Right now, I find Niccolo Napoli from Cold as Ice my hardest character to write.
Like most of my villains, Niccolo's personality is shaped from many months and years of research. I read many true crime novels and the DSM-5.
The predominant person that inspired Niccolo is Ted Bundy. Niccolo is on the Dark Triad. He has the following traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. It's hard to write from his perspective, as some of the activities he gets up to can be really intense.
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Hello nl, hope you're well. I'd like to know, 16, 31, 34 and 36, please?
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Hello, Verba. I'm doing well. Just taking a short break from writing to spend time on here. Then, it's back to writing. How are you doing?
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
I am motivated by a lot of things, but the most is that I have a need to write. I have been writing since I was a very young child when I completed my first full length fantasy novel. It was about a knight saving a princess, very cliché.
Ever since then, I have a passion for written word. If I'm not writing, I feel like I should be. There are even times when I think of its of dialogue in the shower. I need to have a notepad by my bedside as I tend to think of character interactions when I try to sleep.
I decided to become a professional author around 2007 - 2009 when I wrote a Witcher fanfic. An important voice actor for the game would read my work as they worked on the Witcher 2 and encourage me to pursue writing full-time. I still read our correspondence when I'm having a bout of imposter syndrome.
31. Hardest character to write.
This is an interesting question. It depends on the WIP. I try to get inside my characters' heads when I write. It would be a tossup between Niccolo Napoli from Cold as Ice and Ellarian Jhaer from Flight of the Dragon.
When I was creating Niccolo's personality, I would watch a lot of serial killer documentaries. Ted Bundy had some characters that I wanted Niccolo to have, but ultimately, I finally decided on giving him Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. He's a very hard character to write.
cw: child abuse. fire. murder
Ellarian Jhaer is just as hard, but her backstory makes her that way. Her father sold her into slavery when she was little. This person would abuse her, and when she was 9, she would murder him. Ellarian would return to her father's village and injure her father in such a way that paralyzed him before burning the village to the ground.
A little time later, she would be captured by an Enethian Cult who were devoted to the Old Gods. She would be tortured and brainwashed. Through her brutality, she would raise through the ranks and become a High Seer. The complex where the cult worship was built upon a thin veil connection the Arathean Plane to the Death Plane. Jhaer would be able to hear the whisperings of the Old Gods and remake the cult into how they saw fit. Ellarian wants to see the world descend into Chaos because such a cruel world shouldn't exist.
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
It really depends on where I am. If It's the middle of the day, I'm usually found at the computer working on whatever WIP I need to that day.
However, I do keep a notepad by my bedside. This is where I will write any ideas I may have while I'm trying to sleep or any dreams that may inspire a story.
For the record, I have really horrid penmanship.
36. A spoiler for the story Flight of the Dragon.
Not only does Ellarian Jhaer want to capture Alystin for her ability to open portals to any plane at a leyline, but she also creates creatures through blood magick to try to accomplish this.
Ellarian Jhaer's blood golems actually has a dragon spirit within them. She controls the spirt through a "mother-of-pearl" ring on her finger. This stone set within the ring is from that dragon's pituitary gland which has turned to stone upon death.
Although Amés has "encouraged" Brennan to protect Alystin and keep her from falling into the cult's hands, he also given him the task of searching for these rings and destroying them. One such ring was created utilizing his son's soul.
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