#oc: ophelia de Cervantes Galán
solmints-messyocdiary · 2 months
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pspspspsps @solmints-messyocdiary
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Butt headcanons
Because I'm a sick freak...
Ophelia, "Alice", the Nutcracker, Faeranduil
A nice, voluptuous butt tbh
Arden, Patron, Iris, DogFace, Macy, Akrasiel
Cute small bottom
Odile, Finley, Mila, Hippolyta, Daryill, Asher
Plank... pancake... pure bone when you slap their non-existant cheeks...
Axel, Libitina, Wysteria
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solmints-messyocdiary · 4 months
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Little summer doodle for DogFace, "Alice" and Ophelia <3
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solmints-messyocdiary · 3 months
which one is your ocs is the one that is just miserable in summer? like, sweating, grumpy, complaining about how bright the sun is and the bugs and having to wear sunscreen, chugging water like it's an Olympic discipline etc
also, ocs fav ice cream flavours? 👀
who can swim, who can't, and how do they like it? who gets sunburned easiest to basically sunproof? have any of them ever had heat stroke or heat exhaustion? who has been to the sea? preferences for swimming in lake, river, ocean, or swimming pool?
I might even try to answer these myself bc I do think I have quite interesting ideas sometimes but would not be able to say anything about my own ocs
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Absolute summer haters:
Macy and "Alice", these girls are MELTING AND SUFFERINGGGGG. If they could kill the summer heat, they would. Macy wears sunscreen and "Alice" forgets to wear it and faces the consequences.
Summer enjoyers:
Finley and Mila. Surprisingly, the nerd likes summer because it means swimming in the ocean and getting slushies. Mila enjoys all the summer activities and festivals that come out of it. It's a cheery season for her!
Iris likes ice cream sandwiches, and Finley prefers blue raspberry icees.
Axel is a float guy or a caramel cone guy. Mieke loves cookies and cream!!!
"Alice" likes mint chocolate, and she likes lemon sorbets. However, she would prefer boba tea, tbh. Arden is a red fruit sorbet guy or iced coffee. Asher is into sea salt ice cream and vanilla ice cream mochi (WEEB!!!)
Hippolyta loves LOVES any type of ice cream. She's happy to try new flavors, but the more intense flavor ones aren't much to her liking.
Ophelia and Patron are Gelato enjoyers, he likes the tiramisu or coffee flavor and Ophelia the cherry one. Also magnum ice cream with nuts!
Mila loves orange creamsicles while Macy likes the melon flavor and shaped ice cream! Dogface is more a super cold drink type with lots of ice guy.
Odile likes anything sweet and strawberry-flavored. More if they have small strawberry pieces in it.
Libitina... eh... they could care less. They eat anything tbh.
Can swim:
Patron, Ophelia, Axel, Hippolyta, "Alice", Arden, Mila, DogFace, Finley, Iris, Faeranduil, Wysteria, Libitina
Can't swim:
Odile, Macy, the Nutcracker, Daryill, Akrasiel
Ocean: Finley, Patron, Mila, Axel, Arden
Swimming pool: Finley, Ophelia, DogFace, "Alice", Asher, Macy, Mila,
Lake: Finley, Odile, Faeranduil, Wysteria, Dr. Libitina
River: Finley, Hippolyta, The Nutcracker
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solmints-messyocdiary · 3 months
Ophelia was in Ballet class for a couple of months when she was a teen but the strict regime and the treatment of her Ballet instructors made her leave.
She was constantly picking fights with them, and her mental health was deteriorating. Pair that up with her perfectionism as well as her critical eye on body image and excessive smoking, and you have the perfect mix for chaos.
I can also totally see her proudly walking around to her dance studio in her dancing garments while she was attending.
Despite it, she still loves it and attends Ballet plays to this day.
It just hurts she wasn't good enough for it.
Tw for unhealthy eating habits and puking
I do see her practically eating very little and downing iced coffees or diet cokes to compensate for the lack of energy. Not to mention, smoking a lot to suppress her appetite.
Making herself vomit if she feels she "overate" too much. That period of her late teens really worried Eric like crazy.
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solmints-messyocdiary · 10 months
Found an incorrect quotes generator and I've been having some fun ahsjsj.
Tagging @bluecoolr @rottent33th @slaasherslut @probably-a-plant-thing because I used their babies in it.
Axel: *visiting the gang* Hello, I just came to-
Axel: *sees Rylan shoving Randy into the washing machine while Simon records and Klaus watches*
Axel: *retreating* Something suddenly came up.
Klaus: Rylan, I know you snuck out to see Axel last night.
Rylan: If you tell Randy or Simon, I swear I’ll murder you, and they’ll never find the body.
Klaus: Five bucks?
Rylan: Fine.
"Alice": I'm gonna eat the chicken breasts!
Colt, snickering: Yeah, eat what you lack.
Ava, deadpanning at Colt: Then maybe I should order brains on delivery for you.
Colt, with their hands cupped over each other: I found a cool spider!
Ava: Oh? Lemme see!
Colt, opening their hands to see nothing there: …hm.
"Alice": …where’s the spider.
Colt: *looks troubled and stares at their hands*
Ava: Oh no.
Colt: sapnu puaS.
Ava: What??
"Alice": What language is that.
Colt: Turn your phone 180 degrees.
*Colt was removed from the groupchat*
"Alice": Can we go out to get icecream?
Colt: Did you ask Ava?
"Alice": She said no.
Colt: Then why did you ask me?
"Alice": They're not the boss of you.
Colt, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Darrell: Where’s B?
"Alice": Doing stuff.
Darrell: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Ava?
"Alice": Trying to stop B from doing the stuff.
Darrell: And Colt?
"Alice": Trying to stop Ava from stopping B from doing the stuff.
Darrell: I see. And what are you doing here, "Alice"?
"Alice": I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Colt from stopping Ava from stopping B from doing the stuff.
B: Who the fuck broke the toaster?
"Alice": It was Colt.
Darrell: It was Colt.
Ava: Colt broke it.
Colt: ...yOU PROMISED-
Susannah: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it?
Ophelia: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?”
The Patron, scoffing: Oh, please.
Ophelia, to The Patron: Hey, how you doin’?
The Patron:
The Patron: *giggles and blushes*
Susannah: I like your top, Ophelia!
The Patron: I have a name, you know.
The Patron: So, what is Susannah to you?
Ophelia: The reason I wake up every morning.
The Patron: ...That’s adorable.
Susannah earlier that morning, barging into Ophelia′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
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solmints-messyocdiary · 2 months
Imagine Ophelia having a little insectarium filled with all the insects she finds cool, tho...
Perhaps some taxidermied snake models she bought too?
It's easier than having a pet, considering she's so busy with work and lives alone... she can admire them quietly
She doesn't have them out in the open because she doesn't want people to look at her like a freak
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solmints-messyocdiary · 3 months
I also noticed I appointed some of my OCs the 5 senses as kinks...
Patron is into smells (smell)
"Alice" is into having someone with an attractive voice talk to her (hearing)
Odile has an oral fixation (taste)
Ophelia likes to be restrained and spanked (touch)
Finley likes to stare (and be cucked...) (sight)
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solmints-messyocdiary · 2 months
The idea of Ophelia having step brothers from the other marriages of her father would make it quite intriguing...
Like, this might be the reason of her competitive and harsh nature and the desire to prove she's better than everyone around her.
I do see her father immediately remarrying after her mother left.
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solmints-messyocdiary · 5 months
Mom Ophelia is rattling in my brain, and I have to throw it to the world (my blog):
Constantly wears heels... yes, even while she was pregnant.
I see her being the type that once she gives birth, she's immediately putting makeup on/fixing her makeup because she refuses to look bad 😭
Immediately hires a personal trainer to get her old body back. She'll be caught dead having a mom bod.
She's like that very well-dressed and fashionable mom that other moms are just envious of because of how good and well put together she looks. (P.s. she isn't.)
Just girlboss vibes, talking on the phone as she is holding her child and walking around dressed to the 9s as she brings them to daycare.
She needs to flex her greatness to other parents when there are school events that require parental help. But besides that, I don't see her very involved. But she wants her kids to be the best of the class. Puts a lot of pressure on them.
I do see her kinda living through her children, more if they're a girl. She's making the poor kid do everything she couldn't do when younger.
Might get a little envious of how carefree they are. And will be passive-aggressive and a little snappy to her kids.
Type to vent at her kids... 😭😭😭 Girl don't do it.
On one part, she dislikes kids, but she's the type to brag about her own like they're the best because they're 50% her, lmao.
I feel that after her kids grow up a little... she'll be a bit more open to show her care for them. She'll never tell them she loves them but... might mention she's proud of the people they have become despite having a mother like Ophelia.
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solmints-messyocdiary · 5 months
Sea creatures my OCs would like:
Or pov, you're on an aquarium date with them lmao
Finley: Orcas! They're deadly, smart and kinda cute. But he also likes seal because of how goofy they look.
Iris: Moray eel. They're freaky, and their mouths are cool in her head. She also likes anglerfish because the female is like 10 times bigger than the males and she sucks them in her skin lmao.
Odile: Sea slugs (her favorite are the sea bunny and Dirona Albolineata). Also sea angels! They look so peaceful...
The Patron: Jellyfish, his favorite has to be the sea nettle jellyfish. He also finds sea horses charming.
Ophelia: She likes beta fish the most. The colors, how wavy and gorgeous their tail is... also relatable because she's fighting anyone who gets in her personal space lmao.
"Alice": DUMBO OCTOPUS. They're so cute and dumb and she wants to squeeze them and bite them!!! She's pressing her face to the glass every time she sees one.
Arden: He finds penguins really cute and admires the strong paternal vibes of the dads. Would like to pet one.
Hippolyta: Nurse sharks. She really likes nurse sharks. Saves so many cute pictures and videos of sharks hanging around.
DogFace: Guppies, he owns some himself. Watching fish swim around is really relaxing for him. He really enjoys going to the aquarium and has some fish facts to share. Ideal date location for him tbh...
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solmints-messyocdiary · 9 months
Fruits I associate my OCs with and that they like:
Iris: Raspberry
Finley: Blueberry 🫐
Odile: Strawberry 🍓
The Patron: Pomegranate
Ophelia: Cherry 🍒
DogFace: Apple 🍎
Mila: Orange 🍊
Macy: Melon 🍈
The Nutcracker: Peach 🍑
"Alice": Lemon 🍋
Arden: Grape 🍇
Axel: Pineapple 🍍
Dr. Libitina: Pear🍐
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solmints-messyocdiary · 3 months
Not to get all astrological but... Ophelia has such a:
Aries Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising vibes...
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solmints-messyocdiary · 9 months
Ophelia is 32 years old.
I see her being the one to "joke" that she hopes she survives her 33th birthday, considering she's such a "saint."
When people ask her age she just mentions "Close to Jesus's age" or "Don't ask a lady of her age. You are being rude!"
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solmints-messyocdiary · 9 months
Ophelia's Apartment
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