#oc: saera velaryon
a-song-for-ages · 2 years
A Thousand Lives and One (B1)
alternately known as ; a thousand eyes and one
Introduction < B1
Note: the amount of times i've written this and had it NOT saved. this is the last time - the third time. if it does not publish... then I'll cry
War came and war went, leaving behind a burning land and sons and daughters of the dead. Such is the price of war - spilled blood and sacrifice... such is the price of the Crown... the blood that the Iron Throne calls for.
And Saera Velaryon paid for it - as did her mother, as did her brothers, as did every Targaryen who rode their dragons into battle. They paid for it - the war they called for - in fire and blood.
And then Saera Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne, if only for a day, before she called for Fire and Blood once more.
For a Targaryen knows no rest, lest dragonflame claim then.
The summary sucks because I suck at summaries and also because this is the third time I'm writing it and I have no braincells left to remember what I originally wrote which was a thousand times better than this muck.
Part 1 | B1
Warnings: angst (of sorts) ; major character death ; the whole "right person wrong time" vibes and and yeah
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They married on the night of her coronation -
"We best get the formalities out of the way," she told Cregan.
"If it is an order, then -"
"What if it were not?" Saera asked, looking to Cregan with a hard gaze. She was queen now, and the so called crown atop her head - a simple circlet of gold, not her mother's crown, or the Conqueror's, for looking at them only brought a sudden urge to weep and rage all at once - glinted as she stared down the man who seated her on the Iron Throne. 
He was a Stark - made of ice entirely, contrasting greatly to the fire that made her whole - and he was her mother's most loyal supporter... regardless of having never met the woman herself, he met her son, and then her daughter, both of them so different, yet so alike. 
One thing rung clear to him, the Warden of the North, that if Rhaenyra Targaryen had not the oath and fealty of his father, he would have still knelt and called her Queen, swearing his banners and men to her, for the children she raised and sent to him were not only of noble blood, but of noble character, and had only spoke of the Realm and their wish for peace. Not war - not like the Green's, who sought the Iron Throne for decades, it seemed. Not the Green's, who were the first to spill blood, declaring an end to a battle of words, and the beginning to a battle of steel.
Cregan managed a smile at his Queen, whose gaze remained hard - cold, it was, and strange, for Cregan could swear he saw a fire burn in the depths of her blue eyes. Fire that burns is surely no match to fire that freezes. 
"I would find myself hoping for festivities that would last a winter," was his response, and his Queen's lip had wobbled in the slightest at his words.
She would have laughed… had they been betrothed, and had there been no war. But all Saera felt after her ascension, was a heavy cloud of grief that began to weigh her down. But perhaps that was the Crown - or the price of it.
Saera wouldn't have known for very long - because she had soon married Cregan Stark in the godswood she would run around as a child, flowers falling from her hair. 
She was dressed as plain as a maid - her hair brought back in two plaits, the gold of the circlet that dug into her crown was removed, and Saera and Cregan knelt before the Weirwood tree, heads bent, appearing as they were… mere servants of the Crown - of the Realm.
And then it was her wedding night, and Saera and Cregan had only sat in the dimness of what was once the King's room - but was how the Queen's, and her Consort's, and Saera had whispered to Cregan, "Am I dreaming?"
"No more than I am," he whispered back, and he lightly touched her knuckles with the pads of his fingers, and Saera had looked at him, desperate for comfort. 
"Does it get easier? The loss?"
"War leaves a mark on men, and women," and Saera's eyes crinkled, remembering their talk on Valyrian and the fact that it was a gendered language, "one that never leaves. The pain never lessens, neither does the loss. You can only learn to live with it - the dagger set deep in your heart, frozen beyond thawing."
And Saera had gripped Cregan's hand just then, and he continued to talk when he noticed her closed eyes and listening ears, "You learn to live with it. But that does not mean it gets easier, or the pain lessens… you only get used to it, that constant presence."
And Saera had let out a ragged breath, before Cregan wiped away her tears, and she whispered, "I wish to see my brother… and my - my cousin."
And Cregan followed her - accompanied her to the room of her brother, who she only hugged and cried with. The boy refused to let his tears fall, but when Saera wrapped her arms around him, whispering in the tongue only they knew, his eyes began to weep. 
And then she looked to Cregan, and said, "Sweet Jahaera… my memory of Helaena. Will you bring her to me?"
And Cregan had nodded, going off to find the only living child of the late Princess, who Cregan knew, Saera never wished any harm, nor meant it…
And when Jahaera came, Saera had made her brother sit beside her, before she called the girl with open arms, crying, "Sweet cousin," and Saera broke down in tears when her eyes fell upon the emotionless ones of the girl who never made a sound - not even in Saera's arms that enveloped her, holding her, rubbing her back. 
"Are you of the same cloth as your mother?" Saera had asked. "Do you not like the feel of touch? Does it burn you as it did her?"
And Jahaera only said, "Only the touch of my enemies. And those of my father."
And it broke Saera, and it angered Aegon, and Saera had decided just then, as she let out a breath, "It is alright, then, for you to hate a person. But I ask that you have that person be responsible for our shared pain. I ask that you hate the ones who lusted after a throne that was never meant to be theirs - whoever that may be."
And Jahaera had only looked at her cousin - the Sad Queen, and she remained silent. 
When Aegon had fallen asleep, his hands fisted into her nightgown, Saera had asked, "Should you wish to retire to your own room, little Dragon? Or will you remain with me, the last of your House?"
Saera did not blame her when she said, "There is none left of my house." And the girl's lip pursed as she said, "I should like my room, your Grace."
And Saera bit her lip, reaching to touch Jahaera's hair - but refrained from doing it at the last minute, remembering how the girl expressed her dislike for her. 
She would not force the girl to conform to her ideologies. If she believed her father was the rightful king, then let her think so. If she believed her mother to be Maegor come again, then let her believe so. 
Jahaera was a girl - young, like Saera had once been, and she knew, further antagonizing the girl, would only make her seek to follow the footsteps of her mother… and Saera had seen enough death. So she let her go, the daughter of the Usurper King.
The two of them were similar, Saera had thought, walking with her cousin to her room, flanked by guards, after all, it was Jahaera, too, who helplessly watched her brother be killed.
With a heavy, torn heart, Saera bade her cousin goodnight, before she returned to Aegon's room, where Cregan was sat on the chair beside the bed, his head tilted back, eyes closed - but one opened when she opened the door, and he sat up, greeting her with the intensity of his grey eyes.
"Forgive me," she had whispered, "for I have not done my duty as your wife."
"We've enough time for duty," Cregan said. "Now, is time for rest."
And Saera had looked at him, a sad pout on her lips as her eyes filled with tears once more. Would it ever end? The crying? She almost wanted to ask Cregan if he cried for his lost brother still - but she stopped herself, knowing what it felt like to have the strings of her heart be pulled. She would not dare do it to him. Not now. Not ever.
"Then come rest," Saera had said, going onto the bed, her back facing Aegon's sleeping form, "with me, husband."
And Cregan had joined after her, holding onto her, and kissing her head, her crown, and her fingers - especially when they began to tremble and shake and hold onto the soft cotton of his tunic. 
The three had fallen asleep like that - with Saera's back turned to Cregan, and her arms holding tightly onto Aegon, and with Cregan's own arms draped over her and covering her hands that held the boy. 
They slept, but Saera woke in a sweat, and Cregan woke after her, having to hold her tightly as she began to gasp softly, whispering to her that it was done - the war was done - it was over, there would be no more bloodshed, and Saera had forced herself to calm, especially when Cregan said, "Little Egg is here, he is safe. You are safe. I swear it." And Saera had turned to him, before she made to sit on the edge of the bed, breathing. 
"I shall fetch you some water," Cregan said.
"No need, Creg," Saera whispered, but her husband had only said, "Wait here."
She assumed he needed a walk - wondered if his skin crawled as hers did, remembering the faces of the ones they both had lost. 
She felt ill just then, and even though her husband had told her to wait for him, she felt the world spin and the air burn with a haze, spinning around her.
It reminded her of Gaelithox, her beloved dragon, and the memories of that great loss had her heart screaming for release - for reprieve.
Not wanting to awaken her brother, Saera had brushed his hair past his forehead, and pressed a gentle kiss to it. 
He shuffled, and his hand caught hers, and Saera only left when her tears threatened to spill with the cry caught at the back of her throat.
She left the room, and dismissed her guards, saying, "Protect my brother, and tell my husband I shall come soon." 
And Saera had walked aimlessly - she hadnt recognized the Red Keep, and immediately knew she would remove every inch of Hightower from it. Every inch of the Faith. They were the cause for this, she raged, her heart looking for others to blame.
And before she knew it, she was facing the skull of Balerion - Meraxes was on an altar beside him, and she breathed in, before she fell to her knees, crying as broken Valyrian words left her mouth.
When her tears finally died down, as did the sound of her voice, Saera made herself stand.
"Even when I am brought to my knees," she croaked, staring into the empty sockets of the skull of the great Black Dread, fire dancing in her eyes - as if taunting the dragon - the god of death that he was named after, I am alive, and you are not, is that why you continue to take from me? 
"Still, I will rise." A statement? Or a promise? Whatever it may have been - it was between Saera, who had lost so much, and Balerion, the Valyrian god who had taken so much from her… it was between them two, a secret whispered in Valyrian, a promise that would prove to be true… but only when Saera had felt a sharp pain in her chest, and she had breathed in…
And she registered what was happening…
Balerion. Death. Have you come again?
And her ribs burned, and her blood fell, staining the back of her nightgown.
You coward.
But she was weak, and tired, and she had no fight left in her, not as she remembered the feeling of dying beside her dragon, and only awaking with a shout of a word, "Dracarys," did she repeat it - her first word would be the last she uttered… a whisper, a prayer, a promise.
And so did Saera Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, First of Her Name, fall to her knees as her assailant released the blade that was dug into her back - a cowardly act - with a smile on her face as the blood that stained her gown grew.
At last, an end. 
Man do I hope this is the end of me writing this chapter and editing it a thousand times because I. Am. Tired. Of Tumblr fucking me up.
Anyways hope yall enjoyed thisssss. (It's not the end. Nor the beginning. It's quite literally the middle of a story that's at it end bit also it's beginning - does that make sense? Eh.)
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months
HOTD OC Introduction
(world's biggest thanks to @ginevrastilinski-ocs for dealing with me being very annoying and helping me figure this all out)
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1 – Saera Targaryen ( Elle Fanning ): Aemond ship, Rhaenyra & Daemon’s daughter from the night Rhaenyra snuck out – very scandalous, very secretive, but the implications of her being the child of two potential heirs is a big deal to those who know
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2 – Carlys Tully ( Charlotte Hope ) in Death By A Thousand Cuts: Aegon ship, toxic heartbreak but also she is/was in love, he claimed her as his wife and she never had a say, little miss "I can fix him (no really I can)" to queen "i can fix him (whoa maybe i can't)"
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3 – Lyria Hightower ( Millie Bobby Brown & Synnove Karlsen ): Alicent’s twin sister
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4 – Dorian Tyrell ( Timothee Chalamet): Alicent ship, second son of House Tyrell, recently became a knight, is there when Alicent wears the green dress at the wedding feast and is just immediately so devoted and knows he would die for her, asks Alicent’s permission to serve as her personal guard and has been by her side ever since
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5 – Vysenia Targaryen ( Freya Allen & Morfydd Clark ): Rhaenyra’s younger twin, loyal to her sister but also has been in love with Alicent since they were children
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6 – Cyrissa Cole ( Summer Bishil ): Criston Cole’s younger sister, ends up involved in things when Criston becomes a member of the Kingsguard but will probably have her own plot in Dorne too
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7 – Vaella Targaryen ( Suki Waterhouse ): Alicent’s daughter, Aemond takes her as his bride because Targaryen tradition but is a very absent husband (at least at first), holds her at arms length and she is desperate for his affection
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8 – Daessa Velaryon ( Millie Brady ): Rhaenyra’s daughter, the eldest of her children with Harwin Strong, has long since figured out who her real father is but won't say anything. If Rhaenyra is queen then she is heir to the throne, and she won't sacrifice that just for the "truth"
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9 – Ayron Targaryen & Rhaella Targaryen ( Henry Cavill x Jodie Comer ): Ayron is Viserys & Daemon’s middle brother, technically heir until Viserys names Rhaenyra as his heir. Rhaella is Rhaenys’ younger sister, thinks her sister should have been queen, they are a ship and both just trying to survive the war
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jacaeryssworld · 2 months
spool of flame, spool of sea
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pairing: aemond targaryen x saera velaryon (oc)
trope(s): childhood friends to strangers to lovers, arranged marriage, caged bird
warning(s): typical targaryen incest (uncle x niece dynamic), aemond is very ooc in this, angsty, blood & violence mentions, main characters(s) death
rating: pg-13 (no smut, but suggestive content/themes mentioned)
summary/snippet: “Saera Velaryon likes to describe herself as the sea reincarnated. She much preferred to go with the flow of things, gently rocking back and forth atop the seabed as everything was calm and serene. But just like the ocean, she could turn violent within seconds, destroying ships and villages with her powerful winds and large waves. She had been the true definition of what a Velaryon should be–a twin to the sea. Saera loved traveling on ship, the oceans breeze whispering the secrets of unknown and unclaimed lands as it blew through her hair. She loved the smell of its salty water as it would splash up against the thick wood of a Velaryon ship. Although she was rarely ever given the chance to travel via ship, she always begged her Father to take her to Driftmark just so she could feel the thrill of being on a ship once again. He'd only laugh at his little girl and shake his head, saying that they had no legitimate reason to visit the place and that both of her brothers had awful seasickness whenever they stepped foot on a ship. So her dreams of sailing to wherever she wanted had to be put on hold for a while, hope lacing her wishes and prayers as she prayed to the Gods every night to allow her to experience the sea one more time.” — snippet from prologue
prologue. a girl of the sea and a beast of the skies
act one. where sea and fire meet, tears and smoke emit
chapter one. of dragons and men
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Broken Wings
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pairing: Fanon!Aegon Targaryen x Female OC
summary: Viserys I Targaryen is dead and Aegon's priority is saving his family.
Word count: 4,2K
Warnings: Angst, imprisonment, incest, threatening pregnant ladies, fighting, childbirth
"Come on, my love" Aegon urged hand tightening around Saera's. She huffed and panted feeling exhaustion seep into her bones the more she pushed herself to run. Aegon pulled her gently to run in front of him keeping an eye put behind him.
"I can't Aegon, I am too tired" Saera sobbed leaning against the wall. Her hand traveled to her eight moons big baby bump. The baby was restless feeling his mother's stress and from her hurried movement. Aegon looked behind him again before leaning against the wall beside Saera.
"You have to my love, we're almost there" He tried to keep his voice quiet. His hand skimmed to her baby bump trying to sooth the pain. She huffed pushing back her tears and nodded her head. He kissed her forehead and continued walking towards their destination.
Saera hated the sight of the dragonpit for the first time in her life, she felt like she journeyed all around of Westeros to reach it. Sunfyre growled sensing them approaching his area.
"Shhh, keep it down" Aegon demanded his dragon. Saera crouched down feeling her knees buckled beneath her. Aegon was by her side in a flash.
"No more running my love, just get on top of Sunfyre and we will be out of here" He assured. She nodded allowing him to help her up from the ground. His heart broke at the sight of her tears, some were shed for his father the dead king and some were form her discomfort, this pregnancy had taken a tole on her smaller body.
"Where do you think you are running off to?" Saera squealed in shock at the sudden voice. She twirled around to find Aemond standing a couple of feet away from them. Aegon pushed her behind his back glaring at his brother. If this were a different situation Saera's heart would have skipped a beat at his protectiveness but now she just leaned her weight on his back feeling exhaustion fill her senses.
"Let us go, Aemond" Aegon hissed angrily. Aemond smirked crossing his arms in front of him.
"Why should I? You are to be King and you decided to run away" Aemond took a step closer. Aegon pushed Saera even further back. She moved her arms to wrap around her belly, she was terrified. She did not know why Aemond was trying to stop them, could it be that he wanted revenge for the bullying he suffered on the hands of Aegon? But that was many years ago, had he not let go of it?
"Please Aemond" Saera begged. His gaze softened at the sight of her teary eyes, she was like a sister to him, Helaena loved her as such too, his dear wife.
"There you are!" Saera screamed when hands wrapped around her from behind pulling her away from Aegon. He turned to look at her shocked, Ser Criston Cole stood behind her holding her in place with his dagger against her neck. Aegon's only weakness and sadly everyone knew, he has never tried concealing his feelings towards her before, he never thought anyone would take advantage of them.
"What are you doing? How dare you threaten my wife?" Aegon questioned angrily. He did not dare take a step closer in fear of Saera getting hurt.
"The queen and Hand are awaiting you, your grace" Cole answered plainly. Aegon knew of Cole preferring Aemond over him but he did not think he would do such a thing to a princess of the seven kingdoms, Saera was still the daughter of princess Rhaenyra and granddaughter of King Viserys.
"You don't understand, I am not suited to rule! I have no sense of duty or knowledge of ruling" Aegon tried fighting. His eyes never leaving those of Saera's. Her hands were still on her belly as of she could protect their child in a situation and position such as this. Aegon felt so useless standing there like an idiot while his wife was being held at knife point, pregnant on top of that.
"Unhand her, Ser Cole" Aemond demanded glaring at Cole. He was not expecting Cole to put a woman at dagger point let alone a pregnant one. If Helaena was here she would have demanded Aemond save Saera, she was the only one other than himself she felt comfortable enough to be herself with, Saera was like the sister they never had. Aemond did not know how Aegon felt in that moment but he knew he would have gone crazy if Helaena was in Saera's position, pregnant nonetheless.
"The Queen awaits you, your grace" Cole's words was cold and his voice sent shivers down Saera's back. She pleaded Aegon with her eyes, she did not want to die, she did not want their child to die. Aegon had no choice, he was cornered.
"Alright just unhand my wife" Aegon pleaded. Cole smirked shaking his head refusing. He pointed to the entrance of the dragonpit with his eyes.
"Out" He grumbled. Aegon's eyes widened in shock. They were going to separate him from Saera.
"Unhand my wife" Aegon stepped closer. Cole pulled Saera further away from Aegon. She whimpered when the dagger caught some of her skin causing a small cut. Aegon froze at the sight of blood.
"Hand her to me, I will take her to her chambers" Aemond tried bargaining. Aegon was definitely against the idea but Aemond was much better than Criston, he would not hurt Saera. Aegon trusted Aemond with Saera.
"Take your brother to the queen" Criston did not yield. Queen Alicent demanded he take Princess Saera to her chambers and lock her there, not Aemond or anyone else.
"Go Aegon" Saera whispered. His eyes showed his conflict. She reached her hand out to him with difficulty with the dagger still against her neck. He grasped her hand desperately trying to comfort her. Criston pulled her away from her husband making her stumble a little. She cried out loud, the movement hurt her, the baby did not like that and began moving frantically.
"Careful you cunt, she is with child" Aegon yelled. Criston ignored him and moved Saera to walk away from the brothers.
"Come on princess" Criston taunted in her ear. She did not know why he hated her, was it something she did? Or was it because she was her mother's daughter.
"Please, my baby" She cried. He ignored her as he strapped her to a horse with her hand bond in front of her. He climbed behind her before urging the horse in the Red Keep's direction.
"Shut up" He hissed in her ear. she tried stopping the sobs leaving her lips but there was no use. She was terrified for Aegon, for her baby and for herself. What will happen now? Will they kill her? Will war rise?
"I said shut up" He yanked her down from the horse in front of the doors. He raised his hand to strike her but was stopped by a smooth voice. Queen Alicent stood by the doors adorning a green gown.
"How dare you raise a hand at the future queen?" She hissed stepping over to the pair. Saera wanted to tell her that she was no better having raised her hand at the future King Aegon.
"Unhand her" She demanded. Criston moved away from the women leaving mother and daughter in law glaring at each other.
"If you had not ran away you would not have been treated this way" Alicent pulled out a small knife from her dress and began undoing the ropes holding Saera's hand together.
"This is treason" Saera hissed pulling away from Alicent. The queen flinched when she met Saera's glare, she may not have her mother's eye colour but she defiantly had her glare.
"The King whispered to me that-" Alicent began but Saera was quick to interrupt her.
"We both know that is a lie" Saera's tone was sharp now that there was no dagger at her neck she felt free to show her true emotions. A sharp pain in her belly ended the conversation.
"Ser Cole, escort the princess to her chambers" Alicent ordered. Saera pulled away from his hold when he reached over to her. Her face was scrunched in pain and her arms wrapped around her belly.
"Do not touch me again you filthy piece of shit, I know my way on my own" She growled face flushed from anger and fisting her dress. Criston did not seem fazed and moved closer again and this time Saera had enough of him belittling her. With no hesitation she raised her hand and punched him square in the face. She bit her lip to not let put a pained cry as her knuckles protested from the contact with Cole's nose.
"Fuck" He spluttered moving back with his hands on his face. Queen Alicent gasped in shock at the violent act coming from her daughter in law. Saera smirked knowing if Daemon were here he would be immensely proud.
"I said I know the way on my own, cunt" Saera spoke with sanguine evident in her voice. She puffed her chest proudly seeing the blood seep through Cole's fingers and Alicent trying to console him. Saera did not wait for them and made her way into the palace in search of her husband ignoring the kicking and squirming of her child inside her.
"Where are you?" She whispered to herself. She paused a little outside the king's chamber hearing voices inside. She was relieved that there were on guards outside and barged in to see if her husband was in there and he was with his grandsire glaring at each other.
"Aegon" Relief washed over her seeing him unharmed. He gasped at the sight of her, her hair was sticking in all places and her wrists were red along with tears still streaming down her face other than her bloody lip from biting it hard and her busted knuckles.
"Saera" She wasted no time running into his arms. Her body relaxed in his comforting embrace. Aegon glared over her shoulder at his grandsire who was smirking at him.
"Are you alright?" He pulled away hands on her cheeks inspecting her body for any injuries. His eyes paused at her knuckles, swollen and bruised.
"I punched Criston cunt when he tried manhandling me" She explained. Aegon looked at her shocked. She has never used violence before in her life against anyone ever. He felt proud of her for defending herself.
"I am sorry I was not there, my love" Aegon's eyes filled with tears. He hated himself even more if that were to be possible, his mother, father and grandsire made sure to make him hate himself for eternity even after he changed for the better.
"It was not your fault" She whispered. Her hands reached up to his face holding it gently minding the fact that his grandsire may have hurt him, still he flinched at the contact and it made anger boil inside of her.
"Your maids will help you into your ceremonial clothes" Otto Hightower retreated leaving the couple in the King's chambers alone but he locked the doors behind himself.
"I am so sorry, so very sorry" Aegon's knees buckled and he fell in front of the love of his life. His sobs shook his weak body. His hands fisted her dress at her hips, wider than usual preparing to birth their child soon, and his forehead pressed against the swell of her belly.
"Shhh, Aegon, it was not your fault" Saera repeated her words again. One hand rested atop his on her hip and the other ran through his hair. He looked up at her, even during times like this her smile was gentle and comforting.
"Stand up, my king" He flinched disgusted by the title. They both knew that there was no running away from the reality.
"I am so sorry, my love, I will do anything to save you two" He stood up again. His hands rubbed her belly and his lips skimmed over her forehead.
"Just hold me for now" She whimpered. He hugged her close to his body as they both sobbed into each other's arms. The maids took pity on the couple and gave them some extra alone time before they were unable to delay helping them bathe and change.
Saera was not ashamed of the tears streaking down her cheeks as she walked through the dragonpit now packed with the smallfolk and soldiers. The soldiers bowed their heads to their new Queen as she passed by with her arm linked with Aemond's. Deep down she had forgiven him, she saw him falter and how he tried getting Cole to let her go.
"Everything will be alright" Aemond whispered trying to comfort the distressed pregnant woman on his arm.
"Nothing will be alright ever again" She hissed stepping beside Helaena. Aemond sighed defeated moving to stand on his wife's other side. Their three children were in their rooms too young to be here and neither Aemond nor Helaena wanted them witnessing this.
Saera felt her throat close when she felt someone step close behind her. She turned her neck to find a guard staring straight ahead. She was barely able to conceal the gasp when she felt the edge of a dagger dig into her back.
"Eyes forward, your grace" The guard whispered. She felt the shakiness in his voice and grip around the dagger, he did not want to do it but he must. She took pity on him and turned around again to watch.
Aegon had tear tracks on his face as he walked through the manmade arch of swords. His eyes glared with hatred at his mother and grandsire. Saera could not deny the pain on Alicent's face, she sacrificed the love of her eldest son for the throne. Otto only smirked proudly at his grandchild.
Saera wished she knew where The Cannibal was, he had flown off a couple of days ago for some reason and has not returned. She was already scared for him since she was had not been able to ride him for the last couple of moons since her belly swelled more and more.
Saera turned her gaze to the smallfolk watching Aegon being crowned not knowing the price they had to pay for that. She at the same time was unable to watch as they anointed Aegon or as they placed the crown on his head. She gulped trying to stop the streaming tears but was unable to, her poor mother will think her a traitor as well.
She raised her hands to cover her ears as the smallfolk cheered for Aegon. She felt disgusted with herself but what other choice did she have. She wanted to run and hide or to run to her mother and tell her the whole story, she wanted her mother to wrap her in her arms and comfort her, oh what she would pay to be in her mother's embrace.
"Oh gods" She gasped when Meleys emerged from the depth. Aegon did not hesitate to run over to Saera. They wrapped their arms around each other fearing what Rhaenys Targaryen would do. Saera did not doubt that Rhaenys would not harm her, she was her granddaughter after all. Aemond had moved his body in front of Helaena's to protect her not like a human body would be able to stop dragon fire.
Rhaenys' held unshed tears as she watched her granddaughter bury her face in Aegon's shoulder whimpering. Aegon himself had his head buried in Saera's hair accepting that they would die together, two people in love and their unborn child. Aegon lifted his head for one second to look at her and that was enough for her to see, he did not want this.
Meleys let out a loud roar shaking the ground and walls before flying away leaving the greens unharmed. Saera felt her body shut down, too much stress and too much pain. Aegon's shouting was the last thing she heard before her world turned black.
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When Saera woke again it was late in the night. There was no one in the room except her and Aegon. He was sat on his side of the bed, a hand holding her own hand while he stared off at the wall. His face was red and puffy from crying and he was still in his ceremonial clothes.
"Aegon" Saera whimpered. He turned to look at her showing her his red eyes.
"Oh my love, what do you want? Water? Food? Shall I call a maester?" He was off the bed quicker than she could blink. He moved to her side of the bed and kneeled down beside her. His hair was a mess with no crown to keep it down anymore.
"Water" She answered. She used her elbows to sit up against the pillows as he scrambled to get her some water. She gulped it down in one go and handed him the cup again, it was disregarded on the nightstand in a second.
"I should call a maester" Aegon moved to walk away but Saera moved quicker than she thought she could in her condition and grabbed his hand before he could leave her alone. He was running away from the reality of the situation.
"Stay" She begged her eyes watering. Aegon's face softened at the sight of her tears. He silently joined her in the bed, wrapping his arms around her small body.
"Aemond left to Storm's End to gather allies, they are not wasting any time. My guess is they are going to betroth Daeron to one of the Baratheon girls" Aegon whispered. One of his hands moved up to push some of Saera's hair back.
"I do not want to think about it, please" She tightened her grip around him. He nodded against her head. His hand trailed down her hair and down to her waist stopping at the edge of her bump.
"I am the worst husband in Westeros and beyond, I should have protected you both. I should have known that I was not fit to be a father" Aegon sobbed. He was an emotional reck but he held it together but now that Saera was alright and awake he was unable to hold it back.
"Shhh, do not say such things" Saera sat up to look at him. He was unable to look her in the eyes anymore as tears streamed down his face.
"It was not your fault, you did your best, you protected us for as long as you could, Aegon" Saera placed her hand on his cheek raising his head up to look at her.
"Oh my heart" She leaned her forehead down against his. He smiled at her genuine words but it was soon wiped off when she groaned in pain.
"What is it, my love?" Pulled away to look at her properly.
"I think it is my labors" She answered. She huffed a little as the pain returned. Now thinking about it her pain has been on going and off going since that morning but she was too preoccupied to notice.
"What now? It is a whole moon too early" Aegon panicked getting off the bed.
"Aegon please, help me" She begged crying out as the pain worsened. Aegon ran to the doors trying to open them but they were locked.
"Open the door you cunts!" Aegon screamed fists banging against the wood. This must be his grandsire's doing. The doors opened to show to guards standingt here.
"Call a maester, the queen's labours has begun" Aegon demanded. One of the peeked inside to see the Queen clutching her belly. That ticked Aegon off and rose a more violent part inside of him. He pushed the guard back as hard as he could.
"How dare you?-" Aegon began but stopped when the guard scrambled away fearing his temper and to call a maester. Alicent appeared at the end of the corridor just as the guard passed her hurriedly. She watched him for a second confused before turning back around, she intended to check on Aegon and Saera despite how much she disliked the young girl right now.
Aegon took one glance at his mother before going back inside the room. He did not hesitate to pull Saera into his arm trying to comfort her. Saera has never felt this kind of pain before in her life, she has always been afraid of giving birth but she has never imagined that it will be this painful.
"What is the matter?" Alicent questioned stepping into the room. Aegon was unable to answer as Saera let out a loud scream of pain. Alicent walked over to the bed immediately and pushed the blanket to the side showing the nightgown Saera was put into when she was unconscious and pulled that up as well to show Saera's private parts.
"What are you doing?" Aegon hissed trying to push his mother away but she had already pulled away from Saera.
"Her water broke, you should leave the baby could be coming any minute now" Alicent's words came harsher and colder than she meant. Aegon glared at her, how dare she demand he leave his wife's side while she was in need of him, he doubted Saera needed him more than she did now.
"No, I will stay by her side and support her" He shook his head in denial. Alicent's argument was cut off when the doors opened and a maester walked in followed by Helaena.
"Oh my dear good sister" Helaena occupied the space beside Saera. Saera clutched Aegon's hand along with Helaena's. She was trying not to hurt them but she couldn't, she was in too much pain.
"I want my mother" The ten and six namedays old girl begged. She was still so young for the birthing bed. Alicent felt pity on her but she was once the same, four and ten namedays when she was married off to Viserys and five and ten when she had Aegon.
"Your grace, you must be patient, it is still not time to push" The maester pulled away from her to say. Saera glared down at him feeling a sweat begin to build on her back and forehead. Her body felt like it was on fire.
"Somebody take that cunt out of my room before I kill him" Saera hissed angrily. Her sentence ended with a scream of pain. The maester shook his head and moved to the corner waiting for when he was needed.
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Saera did not know how much time has passed but the sun was slowly rising when the maester deemed it time to start pushing. Aegon moved to sit behind Saera when she kept complaining that the pillows were uncomfortable. Her hand clutched his tightly but he did not mind nor did he care of she broke it. Helaena was sitting to the side whispering encouraging words to Saera who was too polite to tell her to shut the hell up, she loved Helaena but her words were not helping.
"Keep going your grace" The maester encouraged. Alicent had left earlier when one of the maids whispered something to her, making her turn as white as a sheet of paper, all Aegon heard was Aemond's name.
"Yes!" The maester cheered followed by a baby's piercing cries. Saera sobbed hearing the sound for the first time.
"Oh my gods" Helaena had her own tears streaming down her face. The maester handed the bloody baby to it's other.
"Congratulations, your grace, a healthy prince" The maester had a smile on his face.
Neither Saera or Aegon paid him any attention too deeply engrossed with their son. He was tiny with tuffs of white blonde hair. His eyes were scrunched up as he wailed.
"Shhh, my darling dragon" Saera shushed rocking him slowly. The baby's cries slowly quietened down and his eyes opened showing the stark violet identical to Aegon's.
"He looks just like you, gevie" Saera whispered. Her gaze shifted to Aegon's face over her shoulder. He had tears running down his cheeks, she was the only one to call him beautiful in his life.
"Thank you, my love" He leaned his forehead against hers. They pulled away at the sound of a throat being cleared.
"What shall you name him, your grace?" The maester asked not caring that he ruined the familial moment. Saera turned to look at Aegon hoping he does not give their son a stupid name. He turned to look at her with a soft smile through his tears.
"You birthed him, you bled for him, you name him" Aegon whispered. Saera's eyes widened in shock along with the maester's. Helaena however smiled at the display. Aemond had also chosen the names she liked for the twins when they were born. They once sat beside the fireplace and disgust names for their children and she mentioned like the names Jaehaerys and Jaehaera once and that was then and now was now.
"Aenar" Saera said turning to look at the baby in her arms. She remembered reading this name one time in a book about old Valyria and it has been a favourite of her ever since. She looked up when the doors to her room opened showing a terrified Alicent along with a soaked Aemond who also looked traumatised.
"Aemond?" Saera questioned confused. She thought he was at Storm's End for Daeron's betrothal.
"I'm sorry..."
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quiddling · 17 days
Do you have any more lore about your Saera son targ oc? 😊
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My sweet sweet boy.... The Bastard of Volantis !!! I love this guy sm so I do actually have a lot... and i realise now I haven't said anything about him other than he is Saera's son on tumblr before so i'm going to ramble on and on after the break heheh [:<
Aenor Targaryen, an infamous natural son of Princess Saera Targaryen. His father's identity remained an enduring mystery. Aenor was born in 98 AC and raised in the Free City of Volantis, where his mother ruled as proprietor over a famed pleasure house. Though born bastard, Aenor inherited the distinctive Valyrian features of House Targaryen - pale silver-blonde hair and deep purple eyes. Aenor himself made no public assertions for the crown much like his mother, though he took pride in his dragonblood heritage.
He is an irreverent and cocksure young man who revelled in the luxurious vices of the Volantene lifestyle. From a young age, Aenor displayed a keen intellect and a natural charisma that set him apart. He inherited his mother's sharp wit and political acumen, quickly learning to navigate the complex social dynamics of Volantis' upper echelons. Despite his bastard status, Aenor carries himself with the confidence and poise befitting his Targaryen heritage.
Aenor's relationship with his mother, is one of the defining aspects of his character. Despite the unconventional nature of their lives, Aenor loves his mother dearly and would defend her with his life if necessary.
As a boy, Aenor would often sit at his mother's feet, enraptured by her tales of dragons and the legendary Dragonpit of King's Landing. Saera's stories painted vivid pictures of scaled behemoths soaring through the skies, their roars echoing across the realm. These tales instilled in Aenor a lifelong fascination with dragons and a secret longing to one day see one with his own eyes.
Occasionally, in rare moments of nostalgia or vulnerability, Saera would share glimpses of her life as a princess in the Red Keep. These stories were always tinged with a mixture of fondness and bitterness, revealing the complex emotions she still harboured towards her past. Aenor learnt to treasure these rare insights into his mother's former life, understanding the trust she placed in him by sharing them.
However, Saera's recollections of her father, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, were infrequent and laden with resentment. The lingering pain from their estrangement was evident whenever she spoke of him. This unresolved conflict between Saera and Jaehaerys left a lasting impact on Aenor, shaping his own complicated feelings towards his heritage and the idea of family loyalty.
Through his mother's stories and silences alike, Aenor developed a nuanced understanding of power, family, and the weight of the Targaryen name. This understanding would come to influence his own ambitions and his approach to navigating the complex world of politics and personal relationships in Volantis and beyond.
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I'm still not 100% sure on most of this part of his lore i just wanted my sweet boy to have a dragon and see the rest of the world....but regardless of his illegitimate status, Aenor managed to claim a wild dragon in Essos. The beast, which Aenor named Naerion, was described as being a medium-sized dragon with brilliant orange scales that covered most of his body, while his underbelly and wing membranes were described as pale striking gold. His distinctive colouration made him easily identifiable in the skies, earning him the moniker "the Sunset Wyrm" among soldiers and smallfolk alike. His wings, when spread, cast a shadow the colour of sunset. During the Dance of the Dragons, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, on behalf of his mother Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, sought to bolster the blacks' forces with additional dragonriders. Jacaerys dispatched envoys to Volantis, seeking out the Targaryen Bastard. He was initially reluctant to involve himself in Westerosi affairs. However, the promise of legitimisation and lands upon Rhaenyra's victory swayed Aenor and he agreed to cross the Narrow Sea with Naerion.
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witchofhimring · 7 months
Aemond Targaryen x Reader HOTD AU (what if women had the same rights as men?)
In this AU women have the same rights as men which changes the history of Westeros. In this story the reader comes from an island off Westeros and marries into the Targaryen family.
I do not know if I will make a book of this concept by I will make headcanons and one shots. Certain aspects will be changed from the books.
This list includes OC's. The next post about this AU will cover Reader's children and grandchildren.
Visenya the Conqueror
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Parents: Aerion Targaryen and Valaena Velayon
Spouce(s): Aegon Targaryen
Children: Maegor Targaryen
Reign: 1 AC-44 AC
Birth: 29 AC
Death: 44 AC
Canon changes: Rules in her own right and rides Balerion instead of Vaeghar.
Maegor the Strong
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Parents: Visenya Targaryen and Aegon Targaryen
Spouce(s): not decided (I will chose at a further date)
Children: none
Reign: 44 AC- undecided (TBA)
Birth: 12 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is the heir to the Iron Throne. No wars with the faith or nephews. This changes the political landscape of Westeros.
Rhaena the Black Queen
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Parents: Aenys Targaryen and Alyssa Velaryon
Spouce(s): Aegon Targaryen, Androw Farman
Children: Aerea Targaryen, Rhaella Targaryen
Reign: TBA
Birth: 23 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes Queen in her own right, is Maegor's successor.
Jaehaerys the Old King
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Parents: Aenys Targaryen and Alyssa Velaryon
Spouce(s): Alysanne Targaryen
Children: Aegon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Aemon Targaryen, Baelon Targaryen, Alyssa Targaryen, Maegelle Targaryen, Vaegon Targaryen, Daella Targaryen, Saera Targaryen, Viserra Targaryen, Gaemon Targaryen, Vaelerion Targaryen, Gael Targaryen
Reign: TBA-103 AC
Birth: 34 AC
Death: 103 AC
Canon changes: Succeeds his elder sister. Makes Rhaenys his heir.
Rhaenys the First
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Parents: Aemon Targaryen, Jocelyn Baratheon
Spouce(s): Corlys Valeryon
Children: Laenor Velaryon, Laena Velaryon
Reign: TBA
Birth: 74 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes Queen
Laenor the Lazy
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Parents: Rhaenys Targaryen
Spouce(s): Rhaenyra Targaryen
Children: Jacaerys Targaryen, Lucerys Velaryon, Jeoffrey Velarion
Reign: TBA- 120 AC
Birth: 93 AC
Death: 120 AC (presumably)
Canon changes: Becomes King. In the books Laenor is born in 94 AC however as he is the elder sibling in the show I moved up his date of birth to be older than Laena.
Rhaenyra the Dragon
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Parents: Viserys Targaryen, Aemma Arryn
Spouce(s): Laenor Valeryon, Daemon Targaryen
Children: Jacaerys Targaryen, Lucerys Targaryen, Jeoffrey Velaryon, Aegon Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen
Reign: 120 AC- TBA
Birth: 97 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes Queen by succeeding her husband.
Daemon the Black
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Parents: Baelon Targaryen, Alyssa Targaryen
Spouce(s): Laena Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen
Children: Baela Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen
Birth: 81 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is consort of Laena and ruling with his wife.
Jacaerys the First & Baela the Just
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Parents: Laenor Velaryon, Rhaenyra Targaryen
Spouce(s): Baela Targaryen, Agatha Hedrow (OC)
Children: Viserys Targaryen, Vaeserion Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Aelyanna Targaryen, Amara Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Edwin Targaryen (all are OC'S)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: 144 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes King, co-rules with Baela. Marries a second time to Agatha Hedrow (OC).
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Parents: Daemon Targaryen, Laena Targaryen
Spouce(s): Jacaerys Targaryen
Children: Viserys Targaryen, Vaeserion Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen (all are OC'S)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: 116 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Becomes Queen
Viserys the First (OC)
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Parents: Jacaerys Targaryen, Baela Targaryen
Spouce(s): Daenerys Targaryen
Children: Rhaenyra Targaryen, Alicent Targaryen, Baela Targaryen (all OC's)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Daenerys the Golden Queen (OC)
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Parents: Aemond Targaryen, Y/n Blackhalt
Spouce(s): Viserys the Second
Children: Rhaenyra Targaryen, Alicent Targaryen, Baela Targaryen (all OC's)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Daenerys the Golden Queen
Rhaenyra the Second
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Parents: Viserys Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen
Spouce(s): TBA
Children: A son (more children may be added)
Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Female heirs:
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Y/n of Blackhalt (the reader)
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Parents: TBA
Spouce(s): Aemond Targaryen
Children: Daenerys Targaryen, Vaella Targaryen, Jaehaerys Targaryen ,Elarion Targaryen, Hardin Targaryen, Elara Targaryen, Vissera Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Alice Targaryen
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Alys Strong
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Parents: Lyonel Strong (mother unknown)
Spouce(s): none
Children: Aelon Strong (OC)
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Cassandra Baratheon
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Parents: Borros Baratheon, Elenda Caron
Spouce(s): TBA
Children: TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is Lady of Storm's End.
Laena Velaryon
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Parents: Corlys Velaryon, Rhaenys Targaryen
Spouce(s): Daemon Targaryen
Children: Baela Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen
Birth: 94 AC
Death: 120 AC
Canon changes: Is Lady of the Tides
Baela Targaryen
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Profile above. Baela was made Lady of the tides after her mothers death and the title was passed on to her second son.
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Aegon and Rhaenys
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Reign: TBA-TBA
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is consort instead of ruler.
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Parents: Aerion Targaryen and Valaena Velayon
Spouce(s): Aegon Targaryen
Children: Aenys Targaryen
Birth: 25 BC
Death: 10 AC
Maegor's Queen has yet to be decided
Androw Farman
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Parents: Marq Farman
Spouce(s): Rhaenys Targaryen
Children: none
Birth: 32 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is consort to the Queen.
Alysanne Targaryen
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Parents: Aenys Targaryen, Alyssa Velaryon
Spouce(s): Jaehaerys Targaryen
Children: Aegon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Aemon Targaryen, Baelon Targaryen, Alyssa Targaryen, Maegelle Targaryen, Vaegon Targaryen, Daella Targaryen, Saera Targaryen, Viserra Targaryen, Gaemon Targaryen, Vaelerion Targaryen, Gael Targaryen
Birth: 36 AC
Death: 100 AC
Corlys Velaryon
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Parents: Corwyn Valeryon (mother unnamed)
Spouce(s): Rhaenys Targaryen
Children: Laenor Velaryon, Laena Velaryon
Birth: 53 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is the Queens consort.
Rhaenyra Targaryen
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View profile above. Rhaenyra served as consort for several years before becoming Queen Regnant.
Agatha Hedrow (OC)
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Parents: TBA
Spouce(s): Jacaerys Targaryen
Children: Aelyanna Targaryen, Amara Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Edwin Targaryen (all are OC'S)
Birth: TBA
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Daenerys Targaryen
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View profile above. Daenerys served as consort for several years before becoming Queen Regnant.
Rhaenyra the Seconds consort is not yet decided
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simpingland · 2 years
House of the dragon
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Harwin Strong
❤️‍🔥 "A proper back"
Ser Harwin finds himself protecting the younger sister of Princess Rhaenyra, Daenerys, a lonely girl who dedicates to get into trouble.
❤️‍🔥 "The Queen's horse with no name"
As the future Queen of Westeros, Elaena goes to the royal camp with the heavy crown no one wants her to carry in the future. Harwin may be the only true support of the Princess.
❤️‍🔥 "Into the Dragonpit"
Part 2 of The Queen's horse with no name. Ser Harwin is dragged into a simple mission. But dragons are scary and Breakbones need her princess to save the day. He ends the day holding a baby, and I know you all live for that...
❤️‍🔥"Queen of love, Queen of Beauty"
The tournament is happening and Ela can't help but feel anxious for his now, obvious and undeniable crush, Ser Harwin Breakbones Strong. But the man needs to be the first making the moves, doesn't he?
❤️‍🔥"The start of a dream"
Ela and Harwin hear wedding bells but things get complicated, good thing they love eachother.
❤️‍🔥"A beautiful reality"
Ela is pregnant, but starting a family is a complicated thing, thank the gods, Harwin will always be by her side, like he swore to, for his Queen.
❤️‍🔥 "Crown of soap"
Ser Harwin only wants to crown his wife as the Queen of Love and Beauty. And the problem is not that Daemon is his opponent, but that his wife does not want Harwin to win the tournament.
❤️‍🔥 Harwin being your secret lover headcannons. (Male!reader smut)
❤️‍🔥"How to fix an aching nose." (Smut)
Harwin cant believe his luck, married to a targaryan princess, being completely in love with her, her being madly in love with him...Not many believe his luck neither. Only his wife can prove him that its all real.
Aemond Targaryen
🥓 "Too young for war, too beautiful for battles"
Being Daemon's daughters wasn't easy, and Aemond knows that. But it's even harder to see your only friend denying his love for you. If only Alyssa knew that the prince was as much of a simp for her as she was for him...
🥓 "Wolfs and dragons, both have claws and teeth"
A Lannister forever bonded with her Stark mother, Evanna founds her traumas arise when she gets pregnant with his husband Aemond's first child. The Prince, in the other hand...well, he's quite cute about it.
🥓 "To conquer as dragons"
Saera is kept as a ward of the Queen when the King dies. She is left surrounded by her mother's enemies, but Aemond was never one of them. In the search of Aegon, confessions are made on the daylight and arranges are made in the afternoon.
🥓"Today was a win"
Saera and Aemond arrive at Dragonstone, after he decided on choosing Team Black out of her love for her. But Aemond is not welcome and Saera has to prove his good-will. Part 2 of To conquer as dragons but many can't read it, hope it makes sense still reading it as a stand alone.
🥓"A wound willing to heal"
After kneeling for Queen Rhaenyra, Aemond and Saera struggle to win the confidence of the family. An incident during training makes Luke change his way of seeing his uncle. Part 3 of "Today was a win" and the part 1 doesn't show in tumble but check out my AO3.
🥓"My one true King" Male!oc
Alys Dayne is the secret love of Aemonds life, the only one he could trust with his feelings after coming back from Storm's Ends. Would he think of him as a monster? Would he destroy the boy's life?
🥓"Come and rest"
Storms are Bryanne's biggest fears, aside from many other things. In the night, Aemond invite her to his chambers, promising to protect her from the storm and many other things.
🥓"Alliance of flowers and wings"
When Aemond offers Lyassandre Tyrell a visit to Highgarden, she doesn't expect the gentlemen he really his, little does she know, Aemond wants something out of the smartest lady on court.
🥓 "Taste of Wine and Smell of Lavender"
At that very intense dinner with the "Velaryon" boys, Ashara Dayne, betrothed with Prince Aemond wants to know why is he so stuck in the past. Meanwhile, Aemond is surprised by her true character and charisma.
🥓"Zālagon and Vhagar" Male!reader
You are the heir of a powerful valyrian House in Pentos. But the only thing you wished for was to fly day and night with your dragon. Only the lonely Prince Aemond can make the future look promising. Part 1
🥓"The Duty to Protect" Male!reader
After years as lovers in Essos, the peace is ended when they call for war. Aemond is left with the task of staying in the castle while he has to see the love of his life leave for battle. Angst +fluff. Part 2
🥓"The Rumors"
Aemond is forced to marry a woman he was more than happy to ignore. But her sarcasm, brain skills and a knee injury makes him feel a bit too passionate for her.
🥓"To dance only with you"
When Aemond goes to war, his wife is left in sorrow, pregnant and angry. When she visits him to apologise, she founds him with the famous Alys. Things fall apart in a minute but Aemond is determinated to fix it.
🥓"To imagine" (smut, modern AU)
Reader has been nothing but the the moon and Sun for Aemond, so when she breaks down for the first time in front of him, he just can't help but confess all she makes him feel.
🥓 "Hidden door to your bed" (smut)
Aemond and you have spend several years looking for each other's company, each other's touch. But the waiting has to come to an end, even if it means that Aemond has to look for the secret path to your room.
🌜"Flirting and sleeping" (Ewan Mitchell x fem!actress)
Playing Aemond's love interest have the perks of giving you a flirty partner during promotion and a comfortable shoulder to sleep on set.
🌜"The Rehearsal" (Ewan Mitchell x fem!actress)
Ewan is a method actor and it has been working fine for him. But he regrets this decision when season 2 of HOTD starts with a love scene, being partner with a lovely talented actress who propaply hates him and his mathods. But nothing is better than asking for help when one needs it, right?
Aegon Targaryen
🍷 "Love is Patient"
Moments before the coronation, Aegon's wife recalls her first memories with the Prince. Patience was key on this journey to make things right. And this patience let love to grow easily between them.
🍷"Honesty" (neutral reader)
Life is hard for Prince Aegon. Only when a servant appears to care just enough for him, Aegon seeks this company,not knowing it's a reciprocate feeling.
Jacaerys Velaryon
⚜️"Black and purple"
Gia and Jace have been bethroated since children, but the Targaryen boy feels to good to be true by a simple lady like Gia, that dinner in King's Landing make the naive boy see things more clearly.
⚜️"Giants and other tiny things"
When an invitation arrives from Casterly Rock, Jace will need the help of Daemon's ward. The lady, much more sociable and simple, will accept, despite (or precisely because) she is in love with him.
⚜️"The Punch and the Car" (smut)
Modern Au! Jacaerys Strong never liked the girl his mother adopted, and made his life's mission to let her know that. But years past and reader can't handle that much hate from someone as intense as him. Baela and Rhaena have an idea. Maybe there's part 2.
⚜️"Never Pretending" 1
Gaella Targaryen (Alicent's kid) and Jace Velaryon were friends long before they understood what green and black meant. When they meet again six years later, they realise that there was always something more to both the court and their own friendship.
⚜️"The guide and the companion" 2
Gaella runs from the greens, hoping to be welcomed by the Blacks and more specifically the Prince Jacaerys. The feelings are strong but even in the same side, both of them find themselves way to separated by the past.
⚜️"Nightmare" 3
The tour in search of allies start, and the tension between Gaella and Jace must stop for the same cause. But the first stop is avit more difficult for reasons they never imagined.
⚜️"Sōnar Māzis" 4
Arriving at Winterfell was the main mission for Jace and Gaella. Cregan likes Jace almost instantly...Gaella doesn't have it that easy. She counts with Jace's support on her, but jealousy and insecurity gets on the way.
Lucerys Velaryon
🌊 "Alone together"
Y/N Celtigar and Luke have been betrothed for years, but the reader is having a hard time finding true friendship on Dragonstone. Some tutoring makes Luke change his mind about his wife to be.
Luke is enchanted by a new young Knight. He is so desperate to impress his crush that he put himself in embarrasing situations.
🌊"Touch and Protection" (Male!reader)
Reader has spend more than six years in love with Lucerys. But only when the times get difficult, one has to protect the things we love the most.
Rhaenyra Targaryen
🖤"Combing her hair" (fem!reader)
Reader is too concentrated in the idea of being favored by Rhaenyra to notice that the Princess is actually, way too fond of her.
The Last Kingdom
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✝️"The little lights"
Osferth has many reasons to keep his love for you a secret. But there is a limit to everything, and if can't marry you, then he will make his bows during a secret handfasting ceremony by the river.
Ted Lasso
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Jamie Tartt
⚡️"Who is Higgings?"
Being new at Richmond is always complicated no matter how many times you have been there. One lonely Jamie Tartts grows font of Rebecca's new assistant.
A Lucemond Fanfic.
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An apology is hidding under the belt of Lucerys Velaryion, prepared to be speak out loud in front of Aemond Targaryen. But the instant hate his uncle shows him makes him hide his feelings once more.
Violence keeps occurring between both boys and they will have to figure out how to go home after Aemond's chasing in the skies of Storm's End. This adventure puts on hold the Dance of the Dragons as the Princes are lost with nothing but eachothers company.
Feel free to let me know about a character you want me to write about. Yes, i put a fried becon to Aemond, soz. I don't do "x reader" but i can try it. I can also write about many other shows. Xx &lt;3
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Hi! Can i ask a request for Aemond, where him and reader have a little daughter and after Lucerys death Daemon sends cheese and blood to kill the baby but in the end they fail, pure comfort/protective Aemond in the end with him being relieved but scared and not wanting to keep his eye off of his daughter
Lucky, Indeed
Request: Hi! Can i ask a request for Aemond, where him and reader have a little daughter and after Lucerys death Daemon sends cheese and blood to kill the baby but in the end they fail, pure comfort/protective Aemond in the end with him being relieved but scared and not wanting to keep his eye off of his daughter
Hi! Sorry it took me a bit to get to this request, thank you for sending it in. I love this idea. I’m team Black, but I love a good angst story, and I love Aemond, so it works out. Honestly, it’s hard to even pick a side, when something as terrible as Blood and Cheese happened. Anyway, that’s beside the point. This is my first Aemond request in a while, so hopefully it isn’t too rusty. I hope you like it, enjoy!
Also, for anyone who wants a full length Aemond fic, I have an Aemond x OC (Aelora Velaryon) that is currently a prologue and six chapters long, about 23K words currently. It’s loosely based off of my fic I wrote for Aemond called Doomsday, which you can find on my masterlist. You also can find the fic that’s in progress there, it’s called We’re Burned For Better. It’s on here, wattpad, and ao3, for anyone who wants to read it on their preferred platform. There’s more info about it on my masterlist if you’re interested!
(Warnings: swearing, blood and cheese, mentions of gore, blood, vague mentions of assault, violence, death, grief, trauma, let me know if i missed anything)
After Aegon had been crowned King, Aemond was instructed to give word to the key Lords of the realm, asking that they bend the knee in return for the right price being paid for their fealty. You, being married to Aemond, had to stand by his side as his wife. You couldn’t object, or voice your opinions. 
You had to hold your tongue, while the realm waited to see what the fate of House Targaryen would be. 
That is not to say you entirely approved of the actions the Green’s committed after the death of King Viserys. But it was not your House to meddle in, nor your right to do so. You instead had to wait for your husband’s return, praying that he’d come back with good news. 
When Aemond left on Vhagar to treat with Lord Borros Baratheon, your daughter had just turned two. You were left behind with her, little Saera, who had been named after her predecessor. 
It is said that the former’s first word was “no,” which amused Aemond to no end. She was said to be clever, spirited, and fierce, yet neglected by her parents. The Maester’s recorded that because she was the ninth born child, her siblings came at a higher priority to the King and Queen. 
A feeling Aemond was not unaccustomed to, he himself having been born the second son to King Viserys, who had hoped and prayed for his first boy. By the time Aemond came, the excitement and magic of finally having a son had worn off. 
Knowing all too well what it was like to feel unwanted by your parents, Aemond decreed the day Saera was born that she would never know the feeling. She’d only know love and attentiveness, things you and Aemond were happy enough to give her. Aemond had been worried about becoming a father, that was clear enough to you during your pregnancy. But his worries faded away when he caught his first glimpse of her, his heart swelling at the sight. 
The two had become inseparable since then. 
You often had to come fetch her out of her father’s lap during meetings, scolding him when you’d find the pair of them mucking about in the courtyard, Saera resting atop his shoulders. Where he went, she followed. It was quite a sight to see. The mighty Aemond Targaryen…stone faced and stoic…with a little girl barely out of cloth diapers, teetering behind him as she giggled, following along.
Aemond had never spent more than a few days away from Saera, nor you, since the time you delivered her. Now, he had been charged with a task by his King and the Hand, one of which he had to obey and follow. 
It has been days since he bid you both goodbye, and you anxiously awaited his return.
Knowing Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon, they would never forfeit the crown. Not after the events that led to Aegon being crowned in the first place. They would never bend the knee, especially to a believed to be usurper. 
While Daemon may be quick to anger, however, you knew that Rhaenyra was not. She would act in the interest of the realm, not on her own ambition. It was a shame she had the throne stolen out from under her. 
She’d make for a good Queen. 
For now, you had to wait, and hope, and pray that the rift between the family was somehow mendable. That the war would somehow be over before it started, and no lives would be lost. It was foolish hopes, you knew. 
You understood just how naive you’d been, the day Aemond returned from Storm’s End. 
Vhagar had been spotted in the skies, and Ser Criston had sent word to you, giving you little time to prepare. A handmaiden had just come to take Saera for her bath, leaving you alone to pace back and forth in your chambers. Before long, the door was flung open, and your husband burst in. 
Aemond looked as if he’d seen a ghost, and was certainly as pale as one. 
He reached for you with shaky hands, wide eyed, and you quickly moved to his side. You gripped his hands in yours, making him look you in the eye. 
“What is it? What has happened?”
Aemond looked like he was going to be sick, and he fell to his knees. You looked down at him in shock, quickly dropping to your knees, scrambling to keep him steady. He pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, groaning. You hurriedly batted his hands away from his eyes, cradling his face in your palms. 
“Aemond? What has happened, you must tell me.”
He looked at you in despair, shaking his head. 
“Lucerys is dead.”
You gasped, pulling your hands away from his face to steady yourself, lowering yourself all the way to the floor. 
“Lucerys Velaryon is dead,” he confirmed, putting a permanent pit in your stomach. “Vhagar killed him.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “That can’t be. Aemond, tell me that this is nothing but a cruel joke.”
“It isn’t, Y/N. I couldn’t stop her. Vhagar went after Arrax, she wouldn’t listen to me. Lucerys is gone.”
You covered your mouth with your hand, willing yourself not to be sick. You shakily stood, clutching your hands to your stomach. “Aemond, I can’t…”
Oh Gods, you thought. Rhaenyra. She was probably mad with grief, the poor girl.
He stood up and held onto your forearms, keeping you still. “It will be alright.”
“It won't!” You countered, fighting the tears welling in your eyes. “Luke is a child. Rhaenyra’s child. Her baby boy is dead, she’ll have our heads for this!”
“She won’t–”
“You can’t promise that! Do you truly think there will be no consequences for the death of one of her children? If it were the other way around, if they were the cause of Saera’s death, or one of Helaena’s children…would we not retaliate? Daemon is by her side, Aemond. He won’t let this go, that I can promise you.”
Aemond brought you into his arms, cradling your head into his chest. “I’ll keep you and Saera safe. That, I can promise you. I’m not going anywhere.”
“We have to tell your mother and Aegon,” you said softly, muffled into his shoulder. 
You wrapped your arms tight around his waist, clinging to your husband. Maybe, you thought, if you shielded your eyes in his chest, he’d be able to shield you from whatever may come that would harm you. 
You felt him nod. 
“We will.”
In the days that followed, you walked on eggshells around the Keep. You worried for you and your family, as well as Helaena and her children. You worried for the people of King’s Landing, who were not equipped for a siege. The city was on high alert, preparing for the imminent war. 
You half expected Rhaenyra to come on dragonback herself, burning the city down in a fiery rage that would consume you all.
But she didn’t.
You spent days on edge, waiting for her first attack. The ships that docked were showing up with less and less imports, which meant she was planning to cut off some of your supplies. But that was the only retaliation she sent your way. No consequences for the death of her son were met by her justice. You waited anxiously for the day Rhaenyra would return to collect her debt of the life you now owed her. 
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. There was no sign of the Black’s or their army, except for one letter Aegon received from Dragonstone a month after the death of Lucerys. It read,
“Lucerys Velaryon will be avenged. You owe My Queen a debt. I will see to it that it is paid in full. Count your days, and live them well…the next may be your last.” – Daemon Targaryen
When Aegon called you, his family, and the war council to the Throne Room to read it aloud, you had to excuse yourself. You hurried out of the room, barely making it into a side corridor before retching onto the floor. A handmaiden had followed you out, leaving your side before returning momentarily with Aemond hot on her heels. 
“Come, my love,” he said, securing his arm around your waist. “Let’s get you to our chambers, hmm?”
That night, you didn’t let Aemond or Saera out of your sight. The rest of the family did the same, keeping themselves heavily guarded and close together. 
But within the month, nothing had changed. No one had come. More ships arrived in volume to the harbor in the same month, and it seemed as if Rhaenyra had pulled back her fleet from stopping the supply chain. Another month passed, and nothing happened. The city slowly went back to normal, the ports as well.
You weren’t sure how, but you and the family slowly forgot about the events of the previous months. It was always looming in the back of your minds, that was true enough. But it was no longer your main concern, as you all had begun busying yourselves with other tasks. 
It was almost pleasant, spending so much time with Aemond and your daughter every day. The city was still warm, it had yet to succumb to the cold of winter. If you tried hard enough, you could keep yourself from thinking of the real reason why you had been given this time with your family.
But sure enough, your luck ended. 
At the time, you didn’t know who the assassins were. You had come to know in the days that followed. Their aliases were all that was known about the two men, except for their occupations.
Blood was a butcher. He was once a member of the City Watch, but he lost his gold cloak for beating a woman employed by a pleasure house to death while drunk and rageful. Cheese was a ratcatcher, extremely knowledgeable of the hidden tunnels of the Red Keep. They were employed by Mysaria, the White Worm, who was employed by Daemon. 
A promise was a promise, and the Black’s had promised you a death. In the last quarter of the fourth month after Lucerys’s death, Blood and Cheese had come to collect.
It was near dusk, and Aemond was still in a meeting. He had been given more duties upon Aegon’s coronation, and he tended to get caught running late into the evenings with the council. 
It was of no consequence to you. He had spent all day with you and Saera, like he did most days. A few days here and there that he was a little late returning to your chambers in the evening, it was the price you were willing to pay to get him all to yourselves during the day.
You were well occupied as well, bouncing Saera on your hip while walking around your room, trying to tire her out so that she’d sleep through the night.
When she finally calmed, you placed her down in her cradle. She immediately curled up under her covers, making you smile. You walked around the room, closing all the shutters and blowing out all of the candles, before heading to the connecting room to change into your evening clothes.
You undressed and redressed quickly, feeling quite tired yourself. 
When you stepped back into the room, the shutter that you had just closed was open. Confused, you walked over to peer out the window, before reshuttering it again. You figured the wind had blown it open. It was nearing winter, after all.
Still, it chilled the room. 
You decided to inform the guard posted outside your door, who would pass on the information in the morning to someone who could come and fix it. You sighed, walking over to your chamber door and quietly opening it. 
“Ser, if you could–”
The words died on your tongue as you looked down in horror to see your guard crumpled on the floor, his neck snapped.
You opened your mouth to scream, but it was quickly covered by a large hand, one that hastily pulled you back into your room.
“Make a sound and I slit your throat. Don’t test me,” you heard in your ear, making you shakily nod.
You heard the door latch behind you, and felt a blade placed at the base of your throat. A man, seemingly much smaller than the one holding you captive, rushed over to Saera’s cradle, picking her up. 
“No, please–”
“Shut your mouth. Another word before we speak and you’ll face a fate much worse than death. Scream for help, and I promise that your daughter will be dead before anyone can even reach the door.”
Tears sprung in your eyes as you watched the man cradle your daughter, who had yet to wake up. You kept your voices low. 
“I’m Blood,” the man said into your ear, letting you go but keeping the knife pointed at you as he blocked the door. “That’s Cheese.”
“Why are you here?”
Blood smiled, his grin making your stomach turn. “We’re debt collectors. An eye for an eye, a son for a son…or a daughter, in your case. It’s a shame, I can tell she’d turn out to be quite the beauty.”
Cheese nodded, placing Saera back down in her crib. 
“We only want the one, to square things. Unfortunately for you, your husband has been quite naughty. Queen Helaena wasn’t in her chambers with her wee ones…but you were. There’s a price to be paid, and you’ll have to be the one to pay it. We won't hurt you, Milady, not one little hair on your head. Just as long as you cooperate.”
You let out a sob, pleading with them. “Please, just take me! Take me, kill me, do whatever you want, I don’t care. Just let my daughter go.”
“As tempting as that is,” Cheese said, looking you up and down. “We can’t.”
“We have a job to do, Princess. You owe a life,” Blood continued.
You shook your head, crumbling to your knees. “No, please, take me–”
“No can do–”
“Please!” You screamed, sobbing on the floor. 
Blood rushed over to you, pulling you up by your hair. He brought his hand up, backhanding you across the face. You could feel your lip split as his knuckles struck. He placed the blade back on your throat and held you tight to him.
“Another little outburst like that, and I’ll let Cheese here do whatever he wants with you, and then make you kill the girl yourself.”
You closed your eyes tight, bringing your hand to your mouth to stifle another sob. Your heart was aching, and a pit the size of a boulder had settled in your stomach. What would Aemond think? Returning to his chambers only to find his wife in hysterics, and his baby girl, slain in her crib.
“I’ll make it quick, darling, just for you. I’ll even do it in her crib, so she doesn’t have to wake up and see a stranger. She won’t feel a thing,” Cheese said, feigning sympathy.
Suddenly, you remembered. 
“Can I go and say goodbye to her?” You asked, pleading with them to allow you to. “She’s my only child. I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t at least ask.”
Please say yes, you thought. Please say yes.
In all your worrying over the past few months, and Aemond’s continued absence in the evenings, you had come up with your own ways to make yourself feel safe. This included training with Aemond during the day in hand to hand combat, just in case you ever had to defend yourself. It included putting Saera to bed yourself every night, shuttering all the windows, and checking on the guard posted at your door nightly.
It also included strapping a knife in its sheath to the underside of Saera’s crib, out of her reach but easily within your own, if you could get close enough. 
The two men pondered the request for a moment, before finally nodding. 
You felt relief pouring through you, and could have collapsed with elation if it weren’t for the task at hand. You rushed over to her crib, kneeling down over it. She was awake now, peering up at you with big violet eyes. 
You blinked the tears away, softly caressing her cheek. “Go to sleep, my sweet girl. I love you.”
You covered her with her blankets, kneeling further to tuck the sheets in. Blood and Cheese watched as you said your goodbyes, grinning at each other. 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Cheese said, moving to come get you.
It was a split second reaction. Within another step from Cheese, you had unsheathed the knife, gripping it by the hilt. With all your might, you aimed it at Blood, flicked your wrist, and released it from your hand.
The blade soared across the room, burying itself in Blood’s chest. 
He looked down in shock, slowly pulling the blade from his chest, dropping it. It clanged on the floor as it fell, and Blood crumpled to the floor soon after, landing in a pool of his own blood. You stared in shock, but quickly recovered and stood to your feet, blocking the crib from Cheese’s path.
Your daughter would live.
If someone else was going to die tonight, it wouldn't be her. If it was Cheese, that was all the better. But if you went down, you were taking him with you. He would not leave this room alive. You’d fight tooth and nail to the end, doing everything you could to protect your daughter. 
Cheese finally collected himself, turning to you. “You bitch!”
You nearly grinned, wiping the blood that had seeped out from your lip, stepping into a defensive stance. “In the flesh…come and get me.”
Just as Cheese took another step toward you, the door to your chambers swung open, revealing a disheveled and concerned Aemond. It took him a second to realize what was happening. 
When he finally did, the look on his face was murderous. 
“Ser Criston went to get the Kingsguard. If you think they’ll get here in time to save you from your fate, you are sorely mistaken.”
Cheese froze in fear, shakily reaching for his sword. Aemond snarled, unsheathing his daggers, closing the chamber door behind him. 
“I hope it was worth dying for. It looks like my wife gave your friend a quick end. You won’t be so lucky.”
Cheese moved to back up, but you had already snuck to reach the blade that Blood had dropped. You scrambled over on your knees, stabbing it into the back of Cheese’s thigh. He howled in pain, dropping to his knees. 
“Please, My Prince–”
His words were cut off by a gurgling sound bubbling in his throat as Aemond lodged one of his daggers into Cheese’s chest. He used his foot to kick Cheese to the ground, reaching down to push the blade deeper. Cheese writhed in pain, raising his hands in surrender. 
“Please! You don’t have to do this.”
“Neither did you,” you said, scurrying to stand behind Aemond. “But you did it anyway.”
“It seems as if you didn’t do my wife the courtesy of giving her a choice. Or maybe you did. What was it, hmm? Sacrifice my child or die? Seeing as that isn’t much of a choice, I will extend to you the same courtesy. So, which will it be? Bleed out on the floor while I watch you choke on your last breath, or have me put an end to your suffering by slitting your throat? The choice is yours.”
Cheese cried out in anguish, trying to pull himself away. Aemond seethed, using his other dagger to stab through Cheese’s throat, twisting the blade as it went in. You watched as he choked on his own blood, gasping for breath. 
“I choose suffering,” Aemond said, pulling both blades free from Cheese’s body. “A gift to my wife.”
Blood spurted out from both wounds, and Cheese writhed and groaned on the floor in pain until he finally stilled, going limp. His eyes were still open when he died. Sometimes, you forgot just how cruel your husband could be, at least to everyone but you and Saera. Fiercely protective, though, a quality which you were grateful for. 
When it was all over, Aemond dropped his daggers, quickly turning around to face you. 
You threw your arms around his neck, and he pulled your shaking form into his. You gripped him tight, and he gripped you tighter, if that was even possible. He cradled your head to his chest, gently rocking you back and forth. You took deep breaths, fighting to fill your lungs and keep yourself from hyperventilating. A wave of emotion came over you, and you couldn’t help but to burst into tears, tucking your face into Aemond’s neck.
“Ñuha nēdenka riña,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
My brave girl.
He gently pulled you from his frame, gripping your chin and turning your face from side to side. He grimaced at your split lip and the shape of a hand imprinted on your reddened cheek. 
“Does it hurt?” Aemond asked, face cold and hard.
You ever so slightly shook your head, causing his frown to deepen. 
“You’re lying.”
You sighed, pulling your chin from his grip, looking him in the eye. “Would you rather me tell you the truth? Fill you with guilt? It is not your fault, Aemond.”
“Of course it’s my fault! I wasn’t here.” He breathed deeply, taking a moment. “What happened? Do not lie to me, I’ll know if you do.”
Your shoulders slumped and your heart ached as Aemond looked at you, racked with guilt and anger. You walked over and gently lifted Saera out of her crib, handing her to Aemond. He immediately clutched her tightly to him, cradling her on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head, keeping her close as he listened. 
“I had just put Saera to bed. I went to change, and when I came back, the shutters were open again. I figured they were broken and the wind had blown them open, so I went to tell the guard so that he could relay the information to someone who could fix it in the morning. When I opened the door, he was dead on the floor. Before I could move, they covered my mouth and pulled me into the room. Held us at knifepoint, so I wouldn’t make any noise.”
Aemond’s jaw clenched as he listened, a fury pooling in his chest. Should have killed him slower, he thought.
You continued. “They said their names were Blood and Cheese, and that they’re debt collectors. They said I owed a life, because of what you did…and if I didn’t give up Saera, they’d kill me, or worse.”
Tears gathered in your eyes as you spoke, your voice thick with emotion. Aemond tried not to falter at the sight. He couldn’t help it. Your tears struck him like an arrow through the heart.
“They promised they wouldn’t hurt me if I cooperated, but I angered them. Blood struck me, and made me choose. I remembered I had strapped the knife to Saera’s cradle, so I asked if I could say goodbye to her. They agreed, and I got to the blade. I killed Blood with it, just like you taught me. You came in right after.”
Aemond closed the gap between you, bringing you to his chest. He held you and Saera to him just as Ser Criston returned with a slew of guards. 
“Are you alright, My Lady?”
You could only nod, finding shelter in Aemond’s arms. You could faintly hear him explain to Ser Criston what happened, but you weren’t listening. You could only focus on slowing the beat of your heart, and making sure your daughter was alright. Aemond kept you tightly clutched to him, not letting you out of his sight.
In the days that followed, you could hardly leave a room without Aemond being hot on your trail. He had practically become your shadow.
Aegon and your family had been quickly informed of what occurred in your chambers, leaving the council to decide amongst themselves what the next course of action should be. You told them to leave you out of it until they came to a decision. 
You tried your hardest to understand the reasoning behind it. It no doubt had been an act Daemon thought of himself. You couldn’t bring yourself to blame Rhaenyra. She had to have been mad with grief, not truly paying attention to the justice her husband decided was fair.
The attack wasn’t even meant to harm you. Evidently enough, the Black’s blamed Aegon for Lucerys’s death. They wanted to hurt him, not you. It was Blood and Cheese who decided amongst themselves that you and Saera were compensation enough for Luke’s death.
Either way, it showed you and Aemond just how ugly this war could get.
Saera was with you at all times, Aemond not far behind. He kept his duties limited, never leaving you without him or guards for long. You were grateful for it, at first. You feared being alone, paranoid that someone was lurking in the shadows. But your fears eased over time.
Aemond’s didn’t.
He wouldn’t speak of that night, not after you told him all you could remember. Maybe he thought he was protecting you. Doing you a kindness, not wanting to bring up painful memories. But it did you both no good.
You could tell it was eating away at him. He was just too stubborn to do anything about it.
He would never tell you, but he was so anxious ever since that night that he nearly made himself ill every day. He awoke every morning feeling like he would be sick if he didn’t keep you and Saera close. There was a permanent pit in his stomach, one he couldn’t seem to rid himself of. And there was a rage brewing inside, so strong that it scared even him.
It took him a month to finally ease up, and give you a little space. 
He made sure you and Saera were always protected, but he gave you your freedom to have some time to yourself. If you thought Aemond spent too much time with your daughter before, you couldn’t have been more wrong. He spent practically every waking minute with her, determined to be the one to keep her safe. 
Saera loved it, of course. She was her father’s daughter. She loved you, too, but there was no denying she favored Aemond. She adored him more than anyone else in the whole world. He loved her just as much, and even more so.
You didn’t mind. You had enough love for the both of them. 
After a month and a half, you decided enough was enough. You would not be ruled by fear, and you most certainly would not let it control your family.
One evening, you asked your handmaiden if she would take Saera for her bath. Under guard, of course. You were willing to let her out of your sight, but never willing to leave her vulnerable. That was something you thought Aemond would agree on. 
Soon after she left, Aemond entered your chambers, immediately scanning the room. “Where’s Saera?”
“She went for her bath. I sent her with Jeyne. Ser Arryk is on guard with them.”
Aemond looked uneasy, but nodded, setting his things down. You gave him a sad smile, opening your arms. 
“Come sit with me, please.”
He looked close to refusing, but finally relented. He sat at the foot of your bed, removing his boots and belt. You crawled to sit behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your head in the middle of his back. He stiffened, and then sighed, easing under your touch.
“I want you to talk to me,” you muttered into his shoulder.
Aemond hummed. “About what?”
You pressed yourself closer to him, circling your thumb on his waist. 
“You know what.”
He nodded, keeping his gaze pointed towards his lap. “Alright, then. I’m listening.”
“I know you still feel guilt,” you started, keeping your tone soft. “And you harbor rage, and resentment…I wish you wouldn’t.”
He scoffed, chuckling. “How could I not?”
“Because it’s not your fault.”
Your words were sincere, but he wouldn’t accept them. He couldn’t bring himself to believe you. 
“My wife had to defend herself and my child against two assassins who tried to make her pay for a crime she did not commit, so pray tell, how is it that I am not the one to blame?”
You shook your head, twisting to sit next to him. “Look at me.”
He wouldn’t meet your eyes, and you grabbed his hands in yours, pressing a kiss to his palm. “Ñuha jorrāelagon, jurnegon rȳ nyke. Kostilus, Aemond. Jaelan naejot ūndegon ao.”
My love, look at me. Please, Aemond. I want to see you.
His voice was soft, and when he finally looked up, you could see tears brimming in his eyes. “Nyke ȳdra daor jaelagon ao naejot ūndegon nyke, ñuha jorrāelagon. Daor hae iksan.”
I don’t want you to see me, my dear. Not as I am.
You cupped his face in your palms, your words firm. “I want to see you as you are, no matter how that is. You won’t talk to me, Aemond. It’s been so long. I miss your voice, I miss your laughter. Don’t shut me out. Tell me what’s on your mind, I don’t care if it’s callous.”
He brought his hand up to cover yours, leaning his cheek into your palm. He was quiet a moment before he found the words.
“I thought I lost you. I thought I lost the both of you.”
You sighed, running your thumb across his cheekbone. “Darling…”
“When I returned to our chambers and found the guard murdered, I thought I would open the door and see you slain, as well. You, and Saera. Having paid the price for something that I did.”
“But you didn’t,” you said, quickly shaking your head. “You saved us. When you opened the door…I’ve never felt anything like it. Relief doesn’t even begin to explain it. I knew I was safe, I knew Saera and I would be alright.”
“You’d have been alright and never in danger in the first place if it had not been for my actions.”
“You couldn’t have known, Aemond. It was an accident.”
“Accident or not,” he said, voice cracking. “It almost cost me my girls. If you were hurt, it would have been blood on my hands. It is blood on my hands.”
There was a knock at the door, and your handmaiden entered your chambers, holding Saera. You stood, making your way over to them.
“Here you go, Princess,” she cooed, placing Saera in your arms. She nodded to you, excusing herself before she left. “Ser Arryk is just outside, My Lady. My Prince.”
You thanked her, waiting till the door was shut before you turned back around. Aemond looked ashamed, reluctant to meet your gaze. Saera stirred in your arms, incoherently babbling. 
“Kepa,” she suddenly said, pointing.
You smiled, bouncing her on your hip. “That’s right, darling. Kepa. Do you want to tell your Father goodnight?”
She eagerly nodded, reaching for Aemond. You chuckled, walking her over to Aemond, placing her in his lap. Saera babbled, clutching his shirt in her little fists. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she leaned forward to rest against his chest.
“Clearly, someone’s missed you,” you mused. “She isn’t the only one.”
Aemond looked up at you, his face softening. You took his free hand in yours, interlacing your fingers. 
“She doesn’t fear you, Aemond. She doesn’t fear anything. Not when she has you to protect her, and she knows you will…I know you will. I don’t worry for my or her wellbeing, not when I’m with you. But I do worry for your wellbeing, because you won’t talk to me. I know your feelings plague you. You’re free to share them with me, whenever you like. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. I’m your wife, and I’m here to listen.”
Aemond couldn’t believe what he was hearing. How can she not blame me, he thought. How did I get so lucky? You pressed a kiss to his shoulder, laying your head against it. He rested his head on top of yours, sighing in relief.
“You’re perfect, aren’t you?” He asked, his voice laced with humor. “The Gods must have made a mistake, gifting you to me. How unfortunate for them.”
“How unfortunate, indeed,” you agreed, settling into his side. “They seem to have misplaced you. Quite lucky, for me. I didn’t even have to earn you.”
“You’ve earned far more than me, darling. Far more. Quite lucky for me, I’d say.”
You hummed, not being able to stop yourself from smiling. From the sound of his voice, Aemond was smiling as well. 
“I’d consider us both lucky, then,” you decided, you and Saera melting into Aemond’s arms. He only hummed.
A/N - Hi! Sorry this took so long to get out. I went a little overboard, but I just loved this request. I hope you liked it, let me know what you think!
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firebloodicee · 5 months
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Starter Calls ; Memes ; Promo ; Wish List ; Head canons ;
Rules, Muses & Mains below ;
Rules ;
Please DO NOT rush me with replies. i am kind of slow with replies from time to time. i try to get better with that buttttt. xD
2. Note that this is not my only blog so i may not be on here everyday.
3. i will NOT be writing with anyone who isn't of age. so please if you are under age DNI please & thank you.
4. this blog WILL have NSFW themes on here & yes i do write NSFW threads.
5. i am a shipping whore, 9/10 i'm gonna like the same ship as you.
6. ALL muses will be written as Bi.
7. my messages is always open so if y'all have any questions please send me a message. <3
House of the Dragon Muses ;
Alysanne Targaryen FC ; Scarlett Johansson
Rhaenyra Targaryen FC ; Emma D'Arcy { Show-based }
Daemon Targaryen FC ; Matt Smith { Show-based }
Aemond Targaryen FC ; Ewan Mitchell {Mostly book based }
Alicent Hightower FC ; Olivia Cooke { Show -based }
Helaena Targaryen FC ; Phia Saban { Show mixed with book-based }
Aegon Targaryen FC ; Tom Glynn-Carney { Show -based }
Jacaerys Velaryon FC ; Harry Collett { Headcanon-based & some pulls from the show }
Saera Targaryen FC ; Jodie Comer { Headcanon & book based }
Game of Thrones Muses ;
Sansa Stark FC ; Sophie Turner { Show, book & headcanon mix }
Cersei Lannister FC ; Lena Headey { Show & book mix }
Tyrion Lannister FC ; Peter Dinklage { Show-based }
Jamie Lannister FC ; Nikolaj Coster { Show-based }
Daenerys Targaryen FC ; Emilia Clarke { Show up till season 5 then headcanon }
Sandor { The Hound } FC ; Roy McCann { Show-based }
Joffrey Baratheon FC ; Jack Gleeson { Show-based }
Margaery Tyrell FC ; Natalie Dormer { Show-based }
Oberyn Martell FC ; Pedro Pascal { Show-based }
Lyanna Stark FC ; Katie McGrath { Book-based mixed with headcanon }
Joanna Lannister FC ; Lucy Lawless { headcanon }
Jon Snow FC ; Kit Harington { Show-based up till season 5 then headcanon }
Theon Greyjoy FC ; Alfie Allen { Show & headcanon mix }
Viserys Targaryen iii FC ; Harry Lloyd { Show-based }
Ramsay Bolton FC ; Iwan Rheon { Show-based }
Testing Muses ;
Petyr Baelish FC ; Aidan Gillen
Catelyn Stark FC ; Michelle Fairley
Myrcella Baratheon FC ; Nell Tiger Free
Dragons ; Drogon, Syrax, Caraxes, Seasmoke, Vhagar, Dreamfyre, Sunfyre & Silverwing
Direwolfs ; Lady, Ghost & Nymeria 
Ser Criston Cole FC ; Fabien Frankel
OC Muses ;
Valkyrie Targaryen { Daenerys & Jon's daughter } FC ; Katheryn Winnick
Eddard Targaryen { Ned } { Sansa & Jon's son } FC ; Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Alyssa Targaryen { Sansa & Jon's daughter } { twin to Eddard Targaryen } FC ; Tamzin Merchant
Daemon Targaryen ;
Kyra Targaryen ; @amarvelousmencgerie
Cersei Lannister ;
Jaime Lannister ; @notdrifting
7 notes · View notes
You're in the Wind, I'm in the Water CH 2
Aemond Targaryen x OC Velaryon
Chapter Summary: Saera Rhae sees her family for the first time in months, under seemingly happy circumstances, a Winter Tournament! But after getting in trouble with Rhaenyra and Alicent, she wonders how happy the reunion will actually be.
Word Count: 8320
Tags: Slow Burn, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers, Canon Rewrite: The Dance of the Dragons | Aegon II Targaryen v. Rhaenyra Targaryen Era, Canon - Book: Fire and Blood & House of the Dragon (TV) Combination, Period-Typical Sexism, Loss of Innocence, Father-Daughter Relationship, Family Dynamics, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Doomed by the Narrative, Survivor Guilt
Previous Chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/the-true-brat-princess/728558518189309952/youre-in-the-wind-im-in-the-water-hotd-fanfic?source=share
Chapter 2
Visenya rolled her head to look at her, her hair looked yellow against the pure white ground; Saera’s was dark grey. Saera took a deep breath of the cold air above her, watching dainty snowflakes drift from the bright sky and melt into their flushed cheeks. 
Visenya’s gloved hand closed around her friend’s. She could feel the eternal warmth her Targaryen cousins seemed to carry sink into her skin. “What do you think they are doing in there now? Reading musty books by the fire?”
Saera looked at her; a curious smile on her face. “I believe the princes are learning history, and poor Helaena is stuck in the etiquette lesson you dragged me out of.”
“And aren’t you glad I did?” the princess teased, sitting up. Snow fell out of her hair, leaving a patch of dull grass underneath her. “Could you truly stand another day of Lady Redwyne droning on and on about the ‘proper fork for fish’ and the ‘way to bow to members of the court’?”
She laughed, loud enough to startle the crows nesting in the red walls. “Visa, can you with any confidence tell me which goblet is meant for sweet wine and which for sour?”
“It is not sour, Saera Rhae,” she mocked their teacher’s voice. “It is dry.” She let out an exaggerated groan and made an ugly face. “I would rather the Queen attend to these lessons, as miserable as she can be-”
“Hush yourself,” she whispered, peeking around the large trunk of the Godswood tree. looking for the guards that typically lingered in the courtyard. “You know better.”
“Iā dārilaros hen dārion iksan se hae nyke kostilus kesan ȳdragon (I am a princess of the realm and I will speak as I please),” she grumbled.
“Ao mivojughagon. Daor iksan (You forget. I am not),” Saera sat up, readjusting herself amongst the roots, pulling her dark blue coat closer to herself. “Besides, between your mother and the Queen, we have unending lessons in a day. I am not sure why we have to listen to such a dull old woman. At least the Queen has taught me how to sew and the Princess has taught me to curtsy.”
“Do you think we will be so dull when we grow old?”
Saera wrinkled her nose. “I couldn’t imagine being so passionate about the state of a teacup, our ancestors would balk.” She laid her head across Visenya’s lap, her wet curls soaked the wool of the princess’s cape. Her friend’s hand fell into place on her head, smoothing over her forehead. “Why, your namesake might even rise from the ashes to chastise you herself.”
She let out an unladylike snort. “I couldn’t bear it. She always seemed so frightening in the stories.”
“I could protect you,” Saera chuckled, twisting apart a blood red leaf that had fallen onto her chest. 
“You would defend me from a ghost?”
She grinned. “I would certainly try.”
Visa opened her mouth to argue, but a door slam jarred them both into silence. “Visenya,” her mother called, her voice echoed across the garden. She was angry, likely because this was not the first time the girls had snuck away from their duties. Saera sat up, pulling herself and Visa closer to the trunk of the tree. A knobbled, stained face was between them. She had to cover her mouth to keep herself from giggling while Visenya silently mocked her mother. “Visenya, come here this instant.”
They looked at each other, before they both shook their heads and pressed their backs fully against the tree. There were a few moments of silence, even the crunching of boots could not be heard. Saera poked her head out for a second, seeing Rhaenyra’s back, bundled in her blood red cape. She ducked back, holding her finger to her lips. 
It was Harwin that found them not a second later. “They’re here, Princess,” he called. His large hand closed around their arms, dragging them away from the haven of the tree and down into the snow covered garden. Rhaenyra crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at her daughter. 
“Well?” she asked, giving the girls a beat to answer for themselves. 
Visenya looked at her boots, knowing they were not going to get away with it this time. “It is the first snow of the season, muña (mother).”
The Princess let out a disgusted laugh. “And before that it was a full moon, and before that there were kittens in the kitchens. How many times must I tell you? You cannot leave your lessons.” She pinched her nose. “Visenya. Return to your quarters. You are not to see Alleria for a fortnight-”
“Mother, that is not fair. You have said a dragon and it’s rider cannot be-”
She held up her hand to stop her daughter. “A fortnight. And you will be bound to your books, everytime you are not will be an additional day. You have much to catch up on,” she said. “Ser Harwin, please ensure my daughter goes where she is supposed to be, and her maid washes and changes her for her lessons with the Septa.”
Harwin motioned for Visenya to walk before him. She opened her mouth in protest, but with a final withering look from her mother, she accepted her fate and returned to the castle. 
For a fleeting moment, Saera thought she was going to slip away without punishment. Until Rhaenyra’s lilac eyes fell on her. She bit her lip. “Laenor will decide on the full extent of your punishment, after the lords arrive at dusk. You will go straight to your room, and you are only permitted to leave to attend your meetings with the Queen. She has also been informed of your absence.”
Saera bobbed a quick curtsy. “My apologies, Your Highness,” she said, keeping her eyes on the damp hem of her skirt. 
“Saera Rhae,” she said, trying to dull the frustrated tone in her voice. She looked up at her through her lashes. “You are not in the same position as my daughter. The graces granted to her will not be given to you. This will not happen again, is that understood?”
Saera swallowed and nodded. 
The Princess jerked her head to the castle, dismissing her. The young lady didn’t hesitate to escape from her presence. She watched Saera scamper past her and back into the red shadows of the Keep. 
Jaylessa was flitting back and forth in her room, tending to the fire, fixing the linens, laying out her laundry. She stopped her humming when Saera opened the door, surprised to see her disheveled state when she was meant to be indoors the full day. “My Lady, what brings you here so early? You’re meant to be in your music lesson by now.”
Saera sniffed pathetically, closing the door behind her. “I…”
Her maid looked at her coat and the damp cape on her shoulders. The braid she had spent an hour weaving into Saera’s hair was let free and her curls hung tangled and wet around her face. “You went for a walk?”
“Visenya and I went to watch the snowfall by the Godswood,” she twisted her hands in front of her, looking sheepishly at her boots. “It looked lovely rolling in off of the bay.”
She sighed. “Who found you first?”
“The Princess,” she pouted.
Jaylessa tutted. “Ah. So, you are finally in trouble for bending rules you have no business bending?” Saera nodded. Her maid folded the thick stockings she held in her hand. “Very well. Hopefully you learn your lesson.”
“My family arrives this evening,” she stepped forward, pulling off her gloves and working at the golden clasps at her neck.
She slowed her folding. “Ah, for the Winter tournament, your gown should be arriving any minute so we can fit you,” she rambled. “So what was her highness’s verdict?”
“Ser Laenor will decide my punishment. Though, I have been forbidden from leaving my room unless it is to see the Queen, who also knows I missed lessons.” She dropped her wet caplet and coat on a plush stool. “With my luck, I will receive three opposing punishments I’ll somehow have to find a way to follow.”
Jaylessa picked up after her, bringing her things near the fire to dry. “What do you mean, songbird?”
Saera fell into her favorite chair, reaching for the laces of her boots. “The last infringement resulted in the Queen ordering me to not leave her side for a fortnight, the Princess demanding I remain in my rooms without interaction with her children for a week, and Laenor insisting that Jace and I work it out amongst ourselves immediately.”
“Which one was this for?”
She pulled off her shoes and rolled down her stockings, letting the fire warm her legs. “I believe Jacerys and I were fighting over something Aegon or Aemond had said. Do you not remember fussing at me for the massive bruise on my leg that left me limping?” Her maid chuckled in response. “The princes are always at each other’s throats one minute, then act like the best of friends the next. It is impossible to be around, especially when the princesses and I act as sisters. Yet, I am expected to be a part of the boys’ rows.”
Jaylessa started picking at the tangles in Saera’s hair with a silver comb, starting to hum a comforting tune. 
Saera leaned back, watching the flames dance back and forth in the grey fireplace. Her maid’s deft fingers wound her hair into regal braids. “I do not regret watching the snow today.”
“I know.” There was silence while she pulled clean and dry underclothes from Saera’s wardrobe. “Your father will be happy to see you. Your brothers too.”
Saera sniffed. “Perhaps. Lord Corlys may not be pleased with me though. He is certainly harsher than my father, and holds me to the standard of his daughter. Which is quite high.” She tucked her feet underneath herself, resting her chin on her knees. “Laenor told me his sister was nearly engaged to the King by the time she was twelve. Do you think my father will do that to me as well?”
The movement stopped behind her. “I could not say, my lady.” Dry wool stockings and a shift were laid beside her. “But there is no use in worrying about the future. Come straight here after the feast, you have much to do before bed.”
“Yes, Jayleesa,” she mumbled.
Alicent motioned for her maid to open the door. Her attention was entirely held by the story Daeron had presented her with earlier in the afternoon; a small book, bound in brown leather and handwritten by some maester before she had even been born. About Oldtown and its everlasting fire. Curious, she thought, flicking the delicate page. “Who is it, Talya?” 
“The Lady Saera Rhae, Your Majesty,” she announced. 
The Queen looked up from the pages, tucking an old ribbon into the crease of the spine. “Is it so late already? Send her in.” She placed the book beside her and smoothed the dark green brocade of her gown. 
Saera walked in, her hands fiddled with the gold belt beneath her ribs until she saw Alicent’s dark eyes narrow in on her. She folded them in front of her before giving the Queen a deep curtsy. “Good evening, Your Majesty,” she said with a smile. 
Alicent nodded her head, her characteristic frown melted. “Good evening, Saera. Please, come sit. We have some time before your uncle arrives.” She watched Saera sit across from her on a golden stool, tossing her silver curls away from her face. The young lady adjusted her teal gown so it covered her leather boots and crossed her ankles the way Alicent had taught her. Then she looked up at her, blinking and waiting for her queen to start speaking. Perfect.
“I hear you had an adventure this afternoon,” Alicent said. Talya placed a silver tray in front of them, with an elegant carafe of deep wine and two crystal goblets beside it. “Pour.”
Saera obediently stood. The Queen narrowed her eyes when she gripped the handle and shakily poured the spiced red into the glass. A drop splashed on the silver tray when she poured her own glass. She studied the goblet Saera handed to her. “A little full,” she corrected. She watched Saera sit across from her again, her lightly calloused hands played with the lip of her goblet. “How was the snow?”
Saera watched the brown spices swirl in her cup. “Beautiful.”
“You abandoned your duties for beautiful? Come now, Saera,” she chastised. 
The girl let out an unladylike huff. “Beautiful and cold. We sat amongst the roots and drew patterns. Princess Visenya unbraided my hair and put leaves in it, and then Ser Harwin found us and sent us inside.”
She raised an amber eyebrow. “There was a search for you two throughout the Keep. Had several servants in a frenzy. Looking through the curtains, the kitchens, they even tried the dungeons in case you had managed to wriggle your way down there and lock yourself in a cell.”
Saera smirked, hiding it behind her hand. “I apologize for causing concern. We only wanted to see the snow.”
“It was Visenya’s idea?”
She didn’t respond, instead taking a small sip of her wine.
Alicent nodded. “Rhaenyra’s children cause such trouble. It is a shame they drag you into it, my dear.”
Her brows puckered together. “She did not drag me, I agreed to go.” The Queen clicked her tongue in disappointment, and Saera swallowed the passion in her voice. “I apologize… I meant to say, Visenya suggested we go play in the snow, and I agreed to accompany her.”
“I am disappointed in you, Saera.”
“I know.”
“What punishment have you received thus far?”
Saera swallowed; her tongue darted out to catch a speck of cinnamon on her lip. “Princess Rhaenyra has confined me to my rooms, I am only allowed to attend you. And Ser Laenor is to decide my fate,” she pouted. “Surely, my father will also be consulted.”
“He will be,” she said. Alicent swallowed down the last of her glass and placed it on the tray. “Pour.”
Saera carefully measured out the wine, her mouth was pinched in concentration. 
“Much better. And not a drop spilled this time,” she complimented. “Here, sit beside me.”
The girl followed her instructions, looking up at her through her pale lashes. Alicent studied her; her cool hand cupped her chin and tilted her face back and forth. Her stormy purple eyes drifted shut. A silk handkerchief dabbed at her cheek. “Speck of dirt.”
The immediate frown on Saera’s face made her smile to herself. “Ash. From sitting too close to the fire,” she said, opening her eyes slowly. “Is it gone?”
“Yes, my dear, it is gone.”
Saera pulled away, folding her hands in her lap. 
Alicent handed her the abandoned book. “Read to me. Consider this the lesson you missed for the day.”
“Are the others joining this evening?”
“My children? For dinner,” she said, tucking a curl behind Saera’s ear. It held for a moment before springing back into place. “Read.”
She opened the book, smoothing the yellowed pages with her fingers. “In Oldtown, maesters throughout history have discovered ways to change the colors of the fire that burns in Hightower, to alert the ships in Whispering Bay of treacherous rocks, incoming storms, or political and civil unrest. As the highest point in Oldtown, the strength of Hightower is imp- impar-”
“Imperative,” Alicent corrected.
A few pages later, the Queen’s youngest burst through her chamber’s doors, pretending to fly a carved wooden dragon toy. He ran up to Saera and knocked the book from her hands. “Hey!”
Daeron stuck his tongue out at her before jumping out of her reach. The girl lunged for him, hiking up her skirts to her knees to give chase. 
“Children,” Alicent said with a loud clap of her hands. They both froze, looking at her guiltily. “Saera Rhae. Sit down and fix your gown. Daeron. What is in your hands and where are your brothers?”
Daeron blushed and looked at his leather boots, hiding the toy behind his back. “A dragon.”
“And where did you get the dragon?”
He rocked back on his heels. Before he could answer, Aemond came running in too, his face was flushed pink and his white blond hair stuck out in odd directions. His eyes were narrowed in on his younger brother until he saw the pinched frown on his mother’s face. Aemond stood up straight and bowed stiffly. “Mother, he got out of my sight, I apologize for bursting in like this.”
Alicent nodded and motioned him to sit on one of the sofas. “Daeron. Where is that toy from?”
“Father carved it for me,” Daeron said, showing it to them. A tiny, unpainted version of Tesserion blowing flames from her mouth rested in his hands. 
“Liar,” Aemond spat.
His mother stood, placing her goblet down on the table before holding out her hand to Daeron. “You know you are not to touch your father’s model.”
“But he let Jace do it,” he sneered. He nearly threw the toy but his mother plucked it from his fingers before he could. 
Alicent sighed, handing the figure to her lady-in-waiting. “Have this returned to the King’s chambers. Make sure he does not notice.” She turned back to them, her dark eyes scanned over them like she was waiting for another stolen toy to appear. “You are both a mess. Have you been chasing each other through the halls for hours?”
Aemond crossed his arms, pouting. “No, we-”
She held up her hands, looking at the dark sky. “No matter. Go. Get cleaned up.”
Daeron whined, stomping his feet into the floor. “Why aren't you dismissing her?” His accusing finger pointed at Saera. Alicent looked at her youngest coldly, and all of the children snapped to attention. She raised her hand to the door, her eyes did not leave her son’s. 
Saera watched Aemond grab his younger brother’s arm and pull him out of the room in silence; their boots scraped against the stones. Then the Queen’s gaze fell on her. She ducked down to pick up the book off of the floor, brushing away barely visible dust on the pages. “Shall I continue, my lady?”
Alicent picked up her glass. “Yes, you may.”
Soon enough, all of the Green siblings sat in their mother’s chamber; scrubbed clean and dressed for their feast, and they listened passively to Saera reciting the fragile pages. The room had a peaceful lull about it, the fire roared pleasantly in the hearth, snow fell steadily beyond the windows. 
Talya stepped away from the door, momentarily letting the noise of the castle invade the quiet space. “My Lady, the lords are arriving.”
Alicent nodded. “With me,” her command barely whispered but brought all of her children to their feet. Saera gently closed the book, blinking the exhaustion from her eyes. She was grateful for the break from the small print. “Saera,” the queen called over her shoulder. 
She jumped to her feet and hurried to catch up with them, her hands tucked firmly behind her back. She could feel her excitement starting to eat away at the nerves that had been lighting in her stomach. She started to peer up at the adult’s faces milling through the halls, hoping to see her brothers’ bright grins and open arms. 
The lords and ladies of the court rarely looked down at the children, royal or not. She envied Aegon and Helaena, who had finally started to grow in their early teens, now people parted in front of them and bowed their decorated heads in acknowledgement. Saera grumbled when people pushed past her, scraping her sleeves against their trousers or stepping on her sparkling shoes. She rushed forward a few steps and caught Helaena’s cool hand.
Helaena glanced down at her and with a tiny smile she tightened her grip. She was gently guided to her side and their arms interlinked. “Lady Redwyne missed you this morning,” she whispered to her younger cousin. They turned down the hall and began to stride down the stairs. 
Saera held her skirts in her free hand, focusing on the uneven stones. “Did she now? I suppose she cannot criticize you, cousin. You never wear trousers or forget which spoon is for dessert.”
Her giggle was like tiny bells they used to stitch on the doll’s clothes. “Considering the lecture I received this afternoon, she has plenty to criticize.”
“And what was she red-faced about today?”
Helaena considered the question for a moment, her bluish-violet eyes momentarily unfocused. Then she took a deep breath. “Several things. Not knowing what flowers to pick for this tourney’s festivities, choosing the wrong wine for a pear tart.” She looked up at her mother as they walked down the main hall, Ser Criston had fallen into step beside her at some point. “Not having control over you.”
Saera frowned. “Control over me?”
“She thinks you are wayward,” she whispered. They stopped by the doors, Alicent’s ladies in waiting draped warm furs over their shoulders, pinning them in place with golden broaches. Saera hardly noticed, turning the phrase in her mind. “But I do not mind it, I find it endearing.”
“My ‘waywardness’?” 
She huddled closer to her younger cousin when the doors were pulled open, sending in a freezing breeze. “Yes,” she said simply. Then she fell silent, following her mother to the front of the crowd and pulling Saera along beside her. 
They stood across from Rhaenyra and Laenor. Only Laenor acknowledged her, giving her a small smile and a wink. But then he fell serious again, looking back towards the gates. Saera shuddered again with another gust of wind, looking for her other family members. 
It was a sea of house colors, expensive gems, and fur lined capes. She could barely see through the nobles that resided at the castle; could barely hear her own thoughts over the buzz of conversation. Then she saw Harwin’s bright golden cloak, followed by three small figures. He pushed people aside for the young royals and planted himself directly behind Visenya. 
Much like the Green siblings, the Black children were brushed and buttoned up in their formal wear. Jace’s mop of brown curls had been combed and tucked away from his chubby face, his chin held high thanks to the stiff black collar of his doublet. Visenya had her hair braided into a white gold crown and her blood red gown peeked out from underneath her black cape. She gave Harwin a withering glare when he ducked down to say something to her but let him carefully pull her fur lined hood up over her bright pink ears. Luke clung to his sister’s cape, his big brown eyes wandered around at the people surrounding him. He was dressed nearly identically to his older brother, but instead of a deep black fur on his shoulders, his cape was lined with a brilliant white. Likely from some Northern beast imported in the autumn. It looked warm. Saera yearned for her coat, but it was likely still drying in her room. And, as Jaylessa constantly reminded her, it was not for formal events such as this. 
A tug on her cloak made her look over at Daeron. “Could you stare any harder?” he mocked.
Saera glared at him, though he had nearly grown to her height in the last moon, she still managed to look down her nose at him. “Do you not have your toys to distract you?”
He sneered, starting to make an ugly face before Cole walked behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. They stood in silence, listening to the trumpets blow and the gates creak open, until his guard slipped back to his mother’s side. 
She covered her mouth with her fingertips, trying not to giggle. His bony elbow dug into her ribs, but his jeers died in his throat as the first entourage climbed the stairs. 
“Lord Hobert and Lady Lynesse of House Hightower,” the crier called. She turned her head, watching them bow deeply to the King and Queen, gently brushing their lips over Alicent’s cheeks. Behind them was her red-haired brother, who formally bowed before kissing her as well. Saera scrunched her brows, she could never remember his name. 
Alicent gently squeezed her brother’s hands before carefully stepping back to Viserys’ side. Her family bowed to her children, muttering pleasantries to each of the children. She saw their amber eyes rake over her indifferently, before they passed over her to bow to the blond princes at her side. She bobbed her head anyway, as she was expected to do, ignoring the all too familiar reminder of her station. It was becoming an increasingly longer day than she was prepared to handle. 
She watched the Hightowers circle around, greeting Rhaenyra and her children with grins that didn’t quite meet their eyes, and curtsies a little less deep than what they awarded the Queen. She bit her lips and readjusted her fingers in Helaena’s, a deep, unnerving weight settled in her chest.
The procession was the same through other houses. The Tully’s, the Lannister’s, even the Baratheon’s. She tried to peek around, hunting for her family’s silver hair in the line. “Do you see them?” she whispered to Helaena. 
Her cousin didn’t respond, completely distracted by a small, frost covered spider’s web hanging from a frieze. 
“Helaena, do you-”
She was interrupted suddenly. “Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys of House Velaryon,” he called. Saera poked her head out of line, watching her aunt and uncle lead in their family. She felt like she had to cling to her cousin to keep herself from sprinting into her father’s arms. It had been drilled into her after she passed her seventh nameday that a lady has to wait until she is in private to embrace her loved ones. And once the lords had their meals and several bottles of the King’s wine, she would be able to be glued to their sides’ without question. 
Rhaenys smiled kindly at her before bowing. “Lady Saera, you have grown since I’ve last seen you. Doesn’t she look lovely, my lord?”
Corlys looked down at his niece, a twinkle in his dark violet eyes. “My gods, I scarcely recognized her.” She smiled and gave them both a formal curtsy, despite the cold she did not wobble. He bowed his head to her before turning to greet Rhaenyra and his son. 
Her father passed next, extending his hand to her. She took it and sank into another curtsy. “Hello, father,” she said. “I trust your journey was easy?”
He sniffed, giving her a tight lipped smile. “Quite cold. But we are grateful to be received so warmly.” He kissed the back of her hand before continuing the procession. 
She didn’t contain her wide grin when she saw Daemion and Daeron greeting Alicent. Daemion had grown out his white locs to his waist, like his uncle. Instead of letting them dangle down his cheeks, like Daeron’s, he braided them back and secured all of his hair into a long, decorated tail. Daeron kept his short, silver ornaments twinkled on the ends. She noticed how much older they both looked, both were sporting cropped silver beards and the family crest on their chests. 
But all the age disappeared from their faces when they grinned down at her. She liked that the three of them shared the same smile. That their eyes, though all different shades of purple, danced with identical light. “It is good to see you, numio (pearl),” Daeron said, kissing her cheeks first. “You have yet to meet my wife, she is very excited to meet you.” 
“Oh yes,” she said quietly, wondering which silver-haired lady was Hazel.
He perked up as some of the Velaryons passed by them, skipping over Saera to the princes beside her. “Inside,” he promised, making way for his brother. 
Daemion was second. “Where has my little sister gone? All I see is another princess,” he teased.
She wrinkled her nose to keep herself from laughing. “Don’t be silly, I’m right here!”
He squeezed her hand. “As lovely as ever. Are you allowed to join our procession or must you stay,” he glanced over at Alicent who was already greeting the Redwyne’s. 
“I have already gotten in trouble once today for being somewhere I don’t belong,” she said seriously. “I don’t wish to chance it.”
He playfully frowned and poked her nose. “Very well, Lady Saera. But you must save me a dance then.” He grinned at her once more before they were ushered along, dragging the remainder of the Velaryon’s with them. 
She barely noticed the rest of the houses, but they also barely noticed her. Some spent more time lingering by the Queen, some rushed their greetings to be beside the Princess. Soon enough, Helaena tugged on her hand and they were being ushered into the warmth of the Keep. 
The food was hot, chasing away any chill that had sunk into her bones. She was avidly listening to a story Luke was spinning, leaning slightly over Jace’s plate to hear him over the buzz in the hall. She sat in her spot, separating the Green and the Black siblings as their shared sister. She would have to turn occasionally to look at Alicent’s side and listen to Daeron excitedly tell his own tale, or Aegon make lewd comments about one of the ladies in the room. 
But every once in a while she snuck a glance at her family’s table, equal in grandeur but not raised on the royal dias. They talked amongst themselves. She saw Daeron holding a woman’s hand, her deep skin radiated bronze in the warm candlelight and her silver hair was braided elaborately against her head. When she reached for her wine, Saera could see her teal sleeves were wound with silver threads that glimmered when she moved. Hazel’s eyes were dark, but she couldn’t tell from her seat if they had a hint of violet in them; but she could see the way they softened when they fell on her brother. 
“Saera,” someone said, making her turn around quickly. Aemond raised his brows at her. “Did you not hear me?”
She blinked and twirled her silver fork in the drippings left on her plate. “I thought my brother was speaking to me, my apologies.”
He looked down his nose at her family. “They seem preoccupied with themselves. My sister suggested we all go to the Dragon Pit together for training, before the hunt.”
She glanced at Alicent; she listened intently to the Hand and her husband rattling on. “I am not sure I will be-”
“You should come, someone has to keep Aemond company,” Jace hissed in her ear, shooting a mischievous grin at his uncle. “Poor boy only has the keepers and his hand to distra-”
She pulled her head away with a gag. “Jacearys,” she said. “You’ve been spending too much time with Aegon.” Her eyes darted to Aemond, who’s pinched face had gone sour. 
“Something to share, nephew?” he asked. He twisted his fingers around the stem of his goblet, not breaking eye-contact. “Or are your pathetic jests reserved only for the lady’s ears?”
Jace stuck his tongue into the gap in his teeth and looked over at their parents, making sure they were fully distracted. “Saera has heard worse, I think the only delicate, ladylike ears here…are yours, uncle.”
Saera groaned and buried her face in her hands. “Must we do this tonight,” she said, peeking out from between her fingers. “I have hours left before my father hears of my indiscretions and proceeds to skin me alive.”
The blond prince rolled his eyes. “Your flair for dramatics will outlive you, surely,” he said snidely. 
“What indiscretions?” the brunette glared at her, as if he were insulted he had been left out. Saera waved him off.
“May I have one evening without insults and pranks?” she begged. “Please?”
“Very well,” Aemond pouted.
Jace raised his brown eyebrows at her and poked at the remaining dregs of his meal. “I will do my best, but make no such vows.”
She sighed. “Thank you.” She leaned back on the carved chair, smiling softly at a servant coming to clear their plates. She glanced back at her family again, their plates were already gone, soon enough they would be on their feet and dancing about. 
The musicians were picking up speed, the drummers were getting ready to start. And once the King gave them the signal, the tourney would officially begin. Viserys lurched to his feet. She noticed his finery seemed too big, his white hair had thinned, though his crown hid the worst of it. He smiled at his daughter first, then his wife. He held up his overfilled cup, and a dull clatter followed as everyone lifted theirs in return. “Welcome, all, to our home. The realm had a blessed harvest, and as the snow falls and the wind grows cold, it is a pleasure to celebrate amongst friends.”
He drank deeply, prompting the room to follow. The king slammed it down into the table and pointed at the musicians. “Play,” he commanded with a joyous laugh before sitting. Alicent’s hand immediately worried over his chest, but he batted her away. 
She felt the drums pound in her chest, chairs and benches scraped when people stood, gathering in the center of the floor to dance. She felt her chair creep out from beneath her. Before she could whip around, large hands wrapped around her waist and hauled her out of her seat. 
Saera let out a joyful laugh as Daemion tossed her into the air and caught her. He was warm from the fire and the wine, and the hairs of his beard ticked her face when he kissed her cheeks. She twisted so she could wrap her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. His arms cradled her closer and she could feel his breath on her shoulder. “May I ask the lady for a dance? Or are there a hundred other young men waiting their turn?” he teased. 
Saera pulled away. “The Queen says I’m too young for such things, I have to wait until I’m two and ten,” she pouted. 
He grinned at her, his eyes sparkled as he shifted her onto his hip and turned to look at the royal table. “I am inclined to agree. You’re much too young to be entertaining any attention, I won’t allow it,” he mocked, digging his fingers into her sides until she laughed. She slapped a hand over her mouth to quiet herself, but the sounds of the ball and dull roar of conversation of the lords and ladies left her unnoticed.
He bowed his head to the King and Queen before carrying her over to Rhaenyra’s side. Laenor looked away from a knight he was whispering with to grin at Daemion. “Come to steal away your sister?” he teased as Daemion dropped her beside her guardian’s chair and the two embraced. 
“Why else would I come to King’s Landing? To visit you?” he laughed. Laenor patted his back a few times before grinning down at Saera. 
Laenor smoothed a curl that managed to escape from her braid, tucking it beneath the jeweled net pinned to her hair. He ducked to her level, taking her hands in his. “Promise me you’ll behave?”
She nodded in earnest, making him chuckle.But she could tell he didn’t believe her. “Yes, ser. Best behavior.”
His eyes met hers. “Very well. Have your fun, but you will be going to bed soon. Come when I call you, Saera Rhae.” She nodded again, but he didn’t let go of her hands. He looked like he was holding a heavy weight on his shoulders, and suddenly she could see the rings of shadows beneath his eyes and the sharpness of his cheeks. 
But in a flash it was gone, he let go and rose to her brother’s height. “Alright, you may have her for now.”
“For now? Limiting my time with my own sister? King’s Landing has made you cruel,” Daemion teased. As if he was worried Laenor would change his mind, he picked his sister up and placed her on his hip with an exaggerated groan. “You’re lucky, ser, she’s getting too big for me to stow away in the hull of the ship.” 
She waved at her cousins as her brother carried her to her family, not missing the varied looks they gave her. Annoyance. Jealousy. Even a bit of confusion, but mostly from Luke, who hadn’t really realized she wasn’t his sister yet. 
“I have a present for you, father,” Daemion called, pulling Vaemond’s attention away from his brother. He grinned at his only daughter as her brother placed her on the floor and let her run towards him. 
Vaemond wrapped his arms around her and eased her onto his lap. “Hello, my little love,” he grinned down at her. “Only a few moons since your nameday and you’re already taller. What have they been feeding you?”
She tucked herself into his chest, her pale eyes fluttered closed when she could faintly hear his slow heartbeat. His chin rested on top of her head, his arms briefly squeezed her tighter. Selfishly, she wished this moment would never end.
“Daeron, stop lurking and come introduce her,” he called. She sat up and slid out of his lap, her hands folded politely behind her back. 
Her eldest brother guided over the dark skinned woman she had noticed earlier. “Saera Rhae, this is my wife. Hazel Harte.” 
“This is the darling sister I have heard so much about,” Hazel said with an almost shy smile. She curtsied deeply to Saera. “It is an honor. Daeron speaks so highly of you.”
She beamed at her eldest brother. “He has written about you. I am sorry I could not attend the wedding, Lady Hazel, my studies wouldn’t allow for it.” 
Hazel’s eyes twinkled, and she noticed that even though they were dark, a glimmer of violet shot through them. Her hand wrapped around Daeron’s and he turned to gaze into his wife’s eyes. “It is quite alright, Lady Saera. There’s plenty of time, and a hundred celebrations to follow.” She looked back at the royal table. “I hope we are not keeping you from your companions?”
“Not at all, this is where I have wanted to be all evening,” she chuckled, leaning closer to her father. She peeked around Hazel’s shoulder; Jace looked away in a hurry, leaning over to whisper in Visenya’s ear. “I am quite excited, the competition is said to be fierce.”
Hazel stroked Daeron’s arm. “Yes, both Daeron and Daemion have been training everyday since the invitations were sent.” 
“Have you now?” Saera sat up straighter.
Daemion appeared at his brother’s side, his long locs swung over his shoulder. “If you call me beating Daeron every afternoon ‘training’, then yes.”
Her eldest brother groaned and glared at him. “It is not every afternoon,” he jammed his elbow into Daemion’s ribs. He huffed and pressed his hand against his stomach as if his brother had driven a blade into his lung. 
Saera giggled. “Daemion, he hit you on the other side.” 
He paused and squinted at her before slowly sliding his hand across his torso, before resuming his dramatics. 
Vaemond held his daughter closer, his rare smile crinkled his eyes. “You’re setting a terrible example your for your sister. Where did you learn this from?”
Corlys chuckled. “Certainly not from you, brother,” he leaned forward. “Saera Rhae, how has your training progressed? Perhaps you can put both of your brothers to shame.”
All their eyes fell on her. Saera traced over the callouses on her hands. “I believe I am doing well. Combat is much harder to measure than language or history.” She grinned at her uncle. “Ser Criston is not quick to give me compliements, though I think I am catching up to the princes.”
“What weapons does he train you with?” Rhaenys asked, tracing the rim of her cup with her finger. “Hopefully nothing too brutish, doesn’t he use a morning star?”
Saera covered her mean smirk with her hand. “No, he has us all learning broadsword. Laenor has been teaching me how to use a dagger.” 
Rhaenys looked like she was about to add to the conversation when the drums pounded harder, transitioning into a slower dance. Saera pulled away from her father’s chest and turned to watch more people file onto the floor. Laenor offer his hand to Rhaenyra; her solemn face broke into an easy smile. Corlys and Rhaenys stood, taking each other’s hands. Her uncle patted her head as he passed by, leading his wife into the long lines that were forming. Her eldest brother and his wife follwed them. 
Daemion offered his arm. “Time to see if these fancy palace lessons have paid off,” he said. Saera kissed her father’s cheek before sliding to the floor and letting her brother guide her into the crowd.
She picked up her skirts and grinned up at him. “You might be disappointed, brother.” He grinned down at her, then bowed with the rest of the men. She curtsied, hazarding a glance at the other noblewomen in line, spotting Helaena’s shimmering white hair a little further away.  “But I will try my best to avoid your toes.”
Saera surprised herself; it had been weeks since she had practiced this dance. And it had dissolved into a pathetic brawl when Visenya kicked Aemond in the shins while switching partners and the princes leaped on each other without hesitation. 
She turned around herself and stepped towards her brother, who easily lifted her off of her feet and gently pushed her back like a wave. They clapped in time and turned around each other, grinning like children when he nearly went the wrong direction. She took his waiting hand and spun to her next partner. He was in red, but it was deeper than the Targaryen crimson, and almost as tall as her brothers were. 
She clapped her hands with everyone else and looked up at one of the Lannister brothers. Saera struggled to tell the two apart, even though there was usually only one in the halls of the Red Keep. The dance didn’t end, and she bowed with the rest of the ladies. “I wasn’t expecting you to dance tonight, Lady Saera,” he said.
She tilted her head, accepting his hand and hopping closer. “Dameion wanted-”
“Ah, yes. I saw your family arrive. You must be very happy to be reunited with them,” he said, twisting her around. She flinched when he grabbed her waist and lifted her feet off the floor. “I must visit with your father before he returns home.”
“Yes, ser.” Gratefully, they were about to switch again. His hand reached out, turning her again. “Are you competing in the tourney, ser?”
“I am meant to,” he said, letting her step away with the line. “But it feels like a young man’s sport.”
Saera grinned. “Oh, I would not know, this will be my first year attending.” 
“Perhaps I will see you in the stands,” he said. She spun once more before she stepped to the next man in line. 
Aemond. “When did you join?” she asked with a little annoyance. 
He pinched his face. “Does it matter? Unless you plan on kicking me like my niece did.” He bowed as gracefully as his gangly legs would allow. It was much more comfortable to not be looking up at her partner.
“She only did that because you stepped on her shoes,” her defensive tone made his eyebrows perk up. She bobbed a curtsy and then clapped with him before they started to circle each other. 
She spotted Helaena a few ladies down, dancing peacefully with Harwin; she was comically shorter than him. “I believe I only stepped on her shoes because she turned the wrong way,” he said. “Something you’re about to do now, pay attention.” 
Saera took his hand and let him turn her around. He found her waist and lifted her back into place with a small grunt. His bony fingers dug through her layers of skirts and pressed uncomfortably into her skin. “Tell me Jace joined you,” she said without thinking. 
“He didn’t,” he responded quickly. Their hands intertwined and she turned again. 
She hopped on the drumbeat and started to spin to her next partner, her eldest brother, but Aemond wouldn’t let go of her hand. “What?” she hissed.
He pulled her back into place. “Third partner, we don’t change for the rest of the dance. Formation only.”
“No, that’s a different one,” she argued. But he was right, partners stayed the same and started to shift from their lines into the final circle. Saera mumbled a curse, joining both of their hands. 
His freckled nose wrinkled like he was about to tease her doubt; but the blond prince thought better of it and guided them to their place in the circle, finishing their dance with a deep bow. 
Everyone clapped when the dance ended, laughter and chatter echoed around the hall while the musicians adjusted themselves to start the next piece. Aemond offered his hand to her. “I believe Jace wanted to dance with you next? It is proper for me to escort you to the next partner.”
Saera watched Daeron start to push his way towards her, Daemion taking Hazel’s hand with a kind grin. “Not this one,” she said flippantly, reaching up to her brother’s warm, calloused hand. He spun her around his finger once before guiding her into the next dance. 
It was past midnight. Her hair had been let free to tangle amongst her pillows, she was buried to her nose in her warm blankets. Then the tiniest click jarred her from her sleep. She rolled over, seeing candlelight spill in from the hidden panel connecting Visenya’s room to her’s. 
They had discovered the tunnels by accident, when Saera had fallen back into it while they were playing one day. While they found themselves brave enough to explore Maegor’s Holdfast alone by day, the permanent dark and damp of the tunnels kept them from wandering through the maze, instead only keeping to the narrow hall that connected the two of them. 
“Saera?” her friend whispered into the dark. 
She sniffed and rolled over to face her, opening up her blankets so Visenya could crawl in. The little princess didn’t hesitate, blowing out the candle and scrambling beneath the sheets. Her feet were frozen from her brief walk and her straight hair stuck out from its loose braid at odd angles. Saera let the sheets fall around her. “Don’t touch me with your icicle feet tonight,” she said with a secretive grin. “Or I’ll send you back to your bed.”
When Visenya turned her head, Saera could see the gleam of her eyes in the reflection of the moon. “Did you enjoy the ball? You danced quite a bit before father sent us to bed.”
She smiled sleepily. “Yes,” she pressed her cheek further into the pillows. “Did you?”
“I was not allowed to dance tonight,” she pouted. “Something about my behaviour, or perhaps it was my age.”
Saera let out a quiet laugh. “Can’t remember?”
“Truthfully, the cake tonight was so divine, I stopped listening to everyone once I had a bite.” 
The girls giggled into the sheets, trying to muffle their joy as much as possible. They caught their breath and listened carefully for any movement in the hall. It was still quiet. 
Visa stared at her, her mouth started pulling into a pout. “What do you think is going to happen now?”
She frowned and scooted closer to Visa. “Whatever do you mean?”
“With Laenor. And your father. What do you think is to happen?”
Saera sighed. “Nothing.”
Visenya sat up. “And how do you know?”
“I don’t, but you make such an ugly face when you worry, I can’t stand it,” she teased. Visenya dug her fingers into Saera’s side with a quiet noise of protest. 
“What if they send you away?”
She paused. The thought hadn’t crossed her mind, and suddenly the cold in the room started to sink into her bones. “Who said that?”
Visenya’s hand rested on her friend’s cheek. “Criston.”
She scoffed. “Ser Criston is uninvolved with the decision. He has no say.”
“But what if this time he is right?”
“And what if you wake up and your skin is bright green and covered in dragon scales?” she said softly, taking her hands in hers. “Some things just don’t happen.”
Visenya frowned, she could see the glimmer of tears forming in her eyes. She pulled the little princess into her arms, hugging her tightly. “When will they tell you?”
“I am not sure,” she whispered. “Perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps before they leave. But you needn’t worry about my fate.”
There was a beat of silence. Visa rested her forehead against her friend’s, letting out a soft sigh. In the snow, everything felt quieter; even the dully glowing embers of the fire had lost their crackle when a cold wind washed through. 
Slowly, Visenya’s amethyst eyes drifted shut, and her breathing calmed. Saera stroked her silky hair while she drifted away, her mind alight with new thoughts. She would have to wake her up and send her back through the tunnel before their maids came. But she knew that wouldn’t be for a few more hours. She took a few deep breaths before slipping into her dreams.
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honeyed-blues · 1 year
Through the Fire, We're Born Again
Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!OC
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In which the granddaughter of Princess Saera Targaryen travels across the Narrow Sea to find her estranged family, only to be thrust into a war where she searches for love and finds nothing but ash.
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a-song-for-ages · 2 years
It is the end of the war - and somehow, somehow Saera survived, with her heart bleeding, and hands crushed under the weight of the sword her father once carried...
She is alive, but she does not feel so. There is no taste on her tongue except the ash that was her mother, and the salt that are her tears and her brother's...
And Saera wished for death to come and claim her - and it did, but not in the way she wanted.
Not when she was atop her dragon, and the arrow that hit her narrowly missed her heart - not when her dragon fell, and she held on tightly to her saddle, refusing to part from the fiery part of her soul that screamed at her to flee - to fly, to spread her wings and just go - not even when she was then on the battlefield, feeling Balerion, the Valyrian God of Death breathing down on her, his claws digging deep into her shoulders, into her chest... not even when she faced her Uncle, who demanded she be made his bride - for the sake of the Realm, for she was now the oldest of Rhaenyra's children, the one with the true claim to the Iron Throne.
Saera did not die in the way she wanted - in the way she expected.
But she did die with the first word she ever learned - the first word she ever uttered, with blood gurgling at the back of her throat, staining her teeth and lips and tongue as it filled her lungs, making it difficult for her to breathe, but only easy enough to say, "Dracarys."
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Archive Classics ✤ House Of The Dragon
Aelys Targaryen in Sin Begets Sin
Aemma Velaryon in Bittersweet Symphony
Azalais Martell in Bedroom Hymns
Carlys Tully in Death By A Thousand Cuts
Daenyra Targaryen in The Prophecy
Rhaeya Targaryen in Funeral March
Saera Targaryen in My Tears Ricochet
Sarisa Celtigar in If You Love Me For Me
Vaella Targaryen in Golden Crown Of Sorrow
Visenya Targaryen in Forgive The Children We Once Were
Inspired by some of these same covers made by @themildestofwriters for our discord, who also had the idea to make it “archive classics” for ao3
Tag List: @airwolf92– want to be added?
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jacaeryssworld · 2 months
masterlist ೃ⁀➷
this is the masterlist for this blog! it will contain x oc works & x reader works! i will make sure to label which is which to make it easier <3
request guidelines!
♡ = fluff | ☹︎ = angst / no comfort | ✧ = comfort | ♢ = suggestive content | ♠︎ = other | ❦ = requested | ❀ = popular
( x oc works! )
Of Flame and Flesh ➡︎ Published, In Progress ♡ | ☹︎ | ♢ | ♠︎
jacaerys velaryon x elaenya targaryen
trope(s): childhood friends to strangers to lovers, arranged marriage, he fell first & she fell harder, misunderstanding
warning(s): typical targaryen incest (nephew x aunt dynamic), main character(s) death, angst, family drama, blood & violence mentions, mentions of teen pregnancy
Heavy is the Head ➡︎ Draft ♡ | ☹︎ | ♢ | ♠︎ | ✧
jacaerys velaryon x viserra targaryen
trope(s): childhood friends to lovers, arranged marriage, extroverted boy x introverted girl, he fell first & harder, jace won’t have a good day unless viserra smiles at him, angst, tooth rooting fluff
warning(s): typical targaryen incest (nephew x aunt dynamic), main character(s) death, violence & blood mentions, mentions of teen pregnancy
( x reader works! )
As If!
jacaerys strong x fem!reader, modern au!
under construction…
( x oc works! )
Skyfall ➡︎ Published, In Progress ♡ | ☹︎ | ♢ | ♠︎ | ✧
cregan stark x alysanne ii targaryen
trope(s): arranged marriage, they both fell first, love at first sight, “enemies” to lovers, happily ever after (of sorts), golden retriever in disguise x openly orange tabby, one step forward & two steps back
warning(s): otto hightower being a scumbag & a little bitch, bennard stark, angst, alicent is a bit obsessed with aly, violence & blood mentions, mentions of pregnancy
( x reader works! )
Sea Salt and Snow ➡︎ ♡
cregan stark x fem!manderly!reader
trope(s): childhood friends-to-lovers, arranged marriage
warning(s): short but sweet!
( x oc works! )
Spool of Flame, Spool of Sea ➡︎ Published, In Progress ♡ | ☹︎ | ♢ | ♠︎
aemond targaryen x saera velaryon
trope(s): childhood friends to enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, caged bird
warning(s): typical targaryen incest (uncle x niece dynamic), aemond is very ooc in this, very angsty, blood & violence mentions
( x reader works! )
Rosey Eyed
aemond targaryen x fem!tyrell!reader
under construction…
( x oc works! )
None yet!
( x reader works! )
Friends Don’t Look At Each Other Like That
benjicot blackwood x fem!reader, modern au!
under construction…
Fic Recommendations! <3
— None yet!
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kingsroad · 2 years
You got an oc for Jacaerys?? Pls I humbly ask if you may share something about them, even one small teeny tiny detail.
Plus I want to say that Harry's hair is superb and we were all robber of seeing him with his natural hair.
okay, but you're so right. harry's hair is incredible & i fully believe that if we'd gotten his actual hair rather than that awful wig, he'd be one of the most popular characters. the fact that he only has 77 ofc fics is insane to me!
as for the character i've been working on for him, i'm still hammering out most of the details, but i do know that she's a ward of house velaryon — the daughter of one of corlys's closest companions and boatswain and an older woman from lys of cough Secretive Heritage. the oc is half-targaryen. that's what i'm getting at. the woman was my greatest love, saera targaryen. gwynne has prophetic dreams, but since no one knows the details of her birth, no one realizes she's a dragon dreamer. she's just some orphan who knows more than she should about things that she shouldn't. she's been dreaming of flotsam and blood in the water since she was a little girl.
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rozsesandart · 2 years
• ART MASTERLIST - @rozsesandart •
{All artworks belong to me, do not steal or repost without permission. Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated}
My linktree
IG - Twitter - Tumblr - Pinterest : @rozsesandart
“Rhaena of Pentos with her dragon egg, Morning”
"King of the Narrow Sea" - Daemon Targaryen
“ Naerea Targaryen” - OC
“ Aurora and Valeria” - OCs
“Laena Velaryon and Rhaenyra Targaryen “
“Six characters fan art challenge” - Daenys the dreamer, Daenerys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Bran Stark, Missandei of Naath, Lyanna Stark
"Six characters fan art challenge part 2" - Genna Lannister, Ashara Dayne, Aerea Targaryen, Shiera Seastar, Daeron II Targaryen, Bloodraven
“Six characters challenge part three”- Saera Targaryen, Arianne Martell, Margaery Tyrell, Rohanne of Tyrosh, Daemon Blackfyre, Naerys Targaryen
“Kagome Higurashi”- Inuyasha (anime)
“Nana Osaki ”- Nana (anime)
“Catelyn and Robb”- the newly lady stark with her firstborn
“Lyanna Stark” - Robert’s Rebellion era
“Cregan Stark” - sketch
“Sansa Stark”- with her house colors and a winter rose
“Robb Stark” - The King in the North
“ Rhaegar crowning Lyanna Queen of love and beauty”
“Jaime and Brienne”
“Cersei Lannister” - Robert’s Rebellion era
“Jaime gives Oathkeeper to Brienne”
“I Want to be The Queen”- inspired by show! Margaery
“ Highgarden’s rose” - Margaery Tyrell
“Lady Olenna and her granddaughter Margaery”
“ Robb Stark and Margaery Tyrell” - AU made for #housetyrellweek
“ Garlan Tyrell and his wife Leonette Fossoway”
“ Prince Oberyn Martell” - a younger version
"A quiet evening in Pentos"- Laena, Daemon, Rhaena & Baela Targaryen
“Lady Shiera Seastar” - bastard daughter of Aegon IV and Serenei of Lys, paramour of Brynden Rivers and Aegor Rivers
“Jocelyn Baratheon & Aemon Targaryen” - Parents to Rhaenys, the queen who never was
“King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne” - mourning their little daughter and firstborn princess Daenerys Targaryen
“Book! Rhaenyra Targaryen”
“Book! Daemon Targaryen”
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen” - (show version)
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen”- ( Book version)
“Laena and Laenor Velaryon” - (book and show versions)
“Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong” - the queen and her lover
“Rhaenys Targaryen” - The Queen who never was (book version)
"My sweet sister Helaena" - Helaena Targaryen and her half sister Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen
"Velaryon queen and Targaryen king" - Daenaera Velaryon and Aegon III Targaryen
“Rhaegar Targaryen crowns Lyanna Stark” - Tourney at Harrenhal
“The maidenvault’s princesses” - Rhaena, Daena and Elaena Targaryen
“ The three heads of the dragon” -Rhaenys, Aegon I and Visenya Targaryen
“ Queen Alysanne and her daughters” - Saera, Viserra, Maegelle, Gael, Daella and Alyssa
“ Rhaena Targaryen and Elissa Farman” - The Queen in the west and her lover
“ Viserra Targaryen “ - daughter of king Jaehaerys and the good queen Alysanne Targaryen
“The dance of dragons”- team black vs team green
“Lady Rhaena of Pentos” - Rhaena and Morning
“Queen Naerys Targaryen”
“Daemyra” - book version
“Ceryse Hightower” - Maegor the cruel’s first wife
“Alys Harroway”- Maegor the cruel’s second wife
“Tyanna of the Tower”- Maegor the cruel’s third wife
“Elinor Costayne” - Maegor the cruel’s fourth wife
“Jeyne Westerling”- Maegor the cruel’s fifth wife
“Rhaena Targaryen” - Maegor the cruel’s sixth wife
“Six Wives” - Maegor the Cruel Targaryen’s wives
“ Lady Falena Stokeworth” - first mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Megette” - second mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Cassella Vaith” - third mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Bellegre Otherys, the black pearl of Braavos” - fourth mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Barba Bracken” - fifth mistress to king Aegon IV Targaryen and mother to Aegor Rivers (Bittersteel)
“Lady Melissa Blackwood” - sixth mistress to Aegon IV and mother to Brynden Rivers ( Bloodraven)
“ Lady Bethany Bracken” - sister to Barba and seventh mistress to Aegon IV
“Lady Jayne Lothston” - eight mistress of Aegon IV and rumored bastard by Falena Stokeworth
“Lady Serenei of Lys” - ninth mistress of Aegon IV and mother to Shiera Seastar
“Aegon IV Targaryen nine mistresses” - complete portrait
“ Prince Daeron” - youngest child of Aegon and Betha
“Rhaelle and Ormund” - future grandparents of Robert, Renly and Stannis Baratheon
“The Dothraki”
“House Martell”
“The Night’s Watch”
“House Bolton”
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