tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #108
Lucien: Why are there little handprints on the wall?
Tamrela: (whispering to Meri) Why are there little handprints all over the wall?
Meri: (whispering) Because I have small hands.
Tamrela: Because she has small hands.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #106
Tamrela: Be the reason you're haunted. Go someplace forbidden. Read something in an ancient language. Sleep with a daedra.
Martin: Please do none of those things.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #98
Lucien: ... why am I not a banana?
Martin: Because your genetic code dictates that you are human. However, you should be pleased to know that you share 50-60% of your DNA with bananas.
Lucien: Thanks, Martin.
Tamrela: Are you saying that some humans are ten percent more banana than other humans?
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #89
RA: So what do you three specialize in?
Lucien: I'm stealthy.
Tamrela: I'm stabby.
Martin: I make good life decisions.
RA: That's not really-
Tamrela: No, no, he's our most important member.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #57
Lucien: I'm into dark humor.
Tamrela: *turns off lights* Would you like to hear a joke?
Lucien: I love you.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #95
Tamrela, shining a flashlight under the bed: Lucien, are you ready to come out and socialize with people?
Lucien: *demonic screeching*
Tamrela: Understandable, have a good day.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #61
Tamrela: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeves.
Martin: I think you mean cards.
Lucien: She did not.
Tamrela, pulling knives out of her sleeves: I did not.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #78
Lucien: Can you two at least TRY to see this from my perspective?
Tamrela: *crouches down*
Martin: *sits on the floor*
Lucien: I hate you both.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #75
Tamrela: *stroking Lucien's hair* You're so tiny and adorable.
Lucien: *half asleep* I could kill you right now.
Tamrela: *looking at Lucien with heart eyes* I know.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #101
Tamrela: My mind is like an internet browser.
Martin: Explain.
Tamrela: 15 tabs are open, 7 of them are frozen, and I don't know where the music is coming from.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #47
Lucien, during the battle against the Daedra: Will you marry me?
Tamrela, fighting for her life: I don't think now's the best time!
Lucien: Now may be the only time! I love you. I've made my choice. What's yours?
Tamrela: Martin!
Lucien, confused by her choice: ...
Tamrela: Marry us!
Martin, while fending off multiple opponents: I'm a little busy at the moment!
Lucien, also fighting off Daedra: NOW!
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #70
Lucien: What if I made coffee with more coffee instead of water?
Tamrela, unplugging the coffee machine: What if you don't.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #72
Lucien: *traps a wasp under a cup*
Tamrela: *puts two more cups down*
Lucien: Please don't--
Tamrela: *starts shuffling the cups*
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #62
Tamrela: Why must you always attack me with your words?
Martin: Would you prefer me to use a brick?
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #60
Tamrela: Dogs deserve to live forever.
Martin: And people don't?
Lucien: Absolutely not.
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tesbloodline · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes #55
Tamrela: Should I be concerned?
Lucien: [carrying a body upstairs] Just making tea.
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