#ocfa bullshit
decennia · 3 years
I have reread my previous response to the OFCA, and I wish to extend an apology. Not to them, but to myself, and to my mutuals who have taken the time to know me, and the followers who have taken an interest in my blog and OCs. This is completely out of the norm.
This is not me. I am not this person, yet I have allowed myself to be reduced to this. I received many more anons, to which I will respond to below the cut.
I initially wasn't going to dignify anything with a respond at all, but there were some truly vile and malicious things said on the part of the OCFA, and I want this brought to people's attention. To show what kind of people they are.
Please note that I do not stand with nor am a part of the OCFA. I am not in support of them, nor their methods, and should anyone claiming to be me enter their inbox under the claim of being an OFCA member, promptly ignore and delete.
TW: mentions of Puti*n.
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This is disgusting. This is truly sickening, for you to compare someone to a man like Putin. To compare anything a fucking fandom is going through to genuine fucking terror and war. There are people dying, and you compare a young writer to a killer. These situations are not the same, they will never be the same. I am not a mean person by nature, but you have genuinely disturbed me.
You think I'm angry? You haven't seen me angry. I don't get angry, because at the end of the day, this is an online community for fiction. Do you understand? This is for fanfiction. The stakes are immensely low.
Do not tell me who my friends are, or what they are saying. Even if a story was stolen, that does not excuse this behaviour. This is harassment. You are following people across blogs, across platforms, spamming their reviews and inboxes. This is not okay.
"Nikki was abusing people who shipped pairings she didn't like." I have not witnessed this at work, and I know you have a tendency to lie, but are you not guilty of the same thing? Did this all not start because of Darklina? This is abuse, too. Emotional, mental. Stop. And Dobby? Is? Fictional? Why the fuck does it matter?
My "input" so to speak wasn't written to "help." It was written as a warning, to get you to leave me alone. I want no part in any of this, I just want to make my graphics and OCs and read my Batman smut in peace.
I don't know who Rides is (I probably will recognise a username, though), but who the fuck do you think you are, degrading people like this? You claim to be the "OC Friendship Community," yet all you do is attack. There is nothing friendly about calling someone a "cheap hooker." And don't you fucking dare say a bad word against Sara.
So what if people think it's cute? LET THEM. It's what they like, stop shaming people for things they like. You don't like it, don't follow it. Don't go along with it. Block, move on. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
This was a safe community before you. I felt safe. I was happy. Just leave me alone. You are the ones putting the community in the state that it is in. Also, why does it matter so much?! It is an online community that should have no bearing on the physical world, on your day to day lives. I know it didn't have much on mine, until you came into my inbox to spread your lies and abuse.
Because yes, they are lies. I have spoken to Madz and Cat. I am their friend. They don't hide behind the anon icon. They don't attack and harass.
There is nothing peaceful about this. Please. Stop.
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I apologize for cutting Jean short, but I was trying to sleep and it was very annoying to have my phone pinging off at irregular intervals. So, I switched my anon off. Why did they not continue, though? If they believe so strongly in what they say? I'm genuinely curious to know what "you all know," but alas, that will remain a mystery.
The OFCA, in theory, sounds good. A community where we could all get along without any of this abuse? Wonderful. But your methods are fucking abhorrent, and no, you cannot build a utopia on the back of hate. That's not how this shit works. This is not Marxism, this is not the culling of the upper-class to make way for paradise. This is just hate.
Yes, you can call me Dina. That's... my name? But as an organization claiming to want to cultivate friendship, there is nothing friendly about you, Jean. Do you not understand that you cause anxiety, too? This anonymous tirade, it ends here. You are openly maligning and abusing others too, and I will not have it on my blog. Not in my house, my safe space.
Here's something: block the Darkling tag, unfollow the blogs. Why should the other person have to do it all? You have the power over your own online experience. Not me. I have the power over mine. And you're right, I can delete any anons I do not wish to respond to, which I will be doing after this post.
You cannot make a positive change using negative methods. At the risk of sounding twelve, two wrongs don't make a right. I'm sure if you approached me with kindness and truth and respect, I would've been open to hearing you out. As it stands, you made it distinctly clear you don't care about me (so, why are you even contacting me?), nor do you care about the truth.
Now here's something interesting: how the fuck does one intimidate someone else online? And why go to so much effort over fictional stories? How could someone be intimidated into silence on a fucking fanfiction forum? I'm just so fucking curious, because, as stated before... This has no bearing on my real life. It has a bearing on my mood and perhaps my mental state should I allow myself to linger too long, but there are options to remove yourself from that situation.
Stealing stories is wrong, I do not condone that. But to my knowledge, no one has done that. And even if they did, this reaction is completely unwarranted.
Again, I have no clue what the Dobby issue is, but may I just state once more: my guy is a literal fictional character. I...?
This is my final word on the matter. I will be turning anon back on, but please note that every anon henceforth that does not pertain to my OCs or stories will be deleted. The askbox is not designed for this. Respect that, and respect my space, as I will yours. Do not contact me again. Please unfollow me if you are a member of the OCFA. As I do not know who you are, I have no way of removing myself from your lives through blocking. So please, remove yourselves from mine. I am not your enemy, I am not your friend. Consider me nothing to you. I just wanna make my OCs and simp for Robert Pattinson. I'm not hurting anyone, nor do I intend to.
This is my safe space. Leave it.
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bobfloydsbabe · 3 years
I am sick and tired of the OCFA.
If you think anyone is honestly dumb enough to believe any of the bullshit you're spewing, you've got another thing coming.
If you think any of the creators you're attacking is the problem, then you're seriously delusional. You are the one causing issues. You are the ones starting things. You are the ones coming with wild accusations that you refuse to back up with evidence, and you're doing it anonymously. If you were concerned, you would contact people directly and have an adult conversation about it.
I don't care that you now have this "Amy" person to do your bidding. She is clearly not an actual person, and providing a name isn't doing what you think it is. You're still anonymous, and you're still doing it on people's fics where it has absolutely no place.
Get fucked.
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
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Hi Amy! I swear to fuck if you don't stop leaving your cultish newsletters as reviews on my stories we're going to start having some serious issues. I've been keeping quiet about this whole thing cause I was hoping that if you were ignored enough you would take that as a hint to let it go, but
1) How you're treating creators on this site is reprehensible, we are all human beings and plenty of us have voiced that we don't want you to leave these newsletters on our story. When I get emails about new reviews I want it to be an actual review and not this bullshit. @lokitrasho is a damn kind person and the way you're treating her and others is simply put wrong.
2) My writing is not a vessel for you to unleash this OCFA bullshit. I don't want to see it anymore. I like to think of myself as a nice and level-headed person but you are getting on my last nerve. Stop it!
3) I am a grown fucking woman and you will not be telling me what kind of media I consume. You know what? I'm gonna read the dirtiest fucking smut I can find just for you, dear Amy. You know what I say? Smut it up everyone, get filthy. I'm talking porn with no plot, spanking, multiple orgasms, edging, BDSM extravaganza - Live. It. Up. Damnit! I'm over this anons holier than thou attitude. You are no better than any of us. In fact, you suck worse than anyone else in this community.
Stay out of my fucking reviews before I lose myself!
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harleyquinnzelz · 3 years
So I’m not even going to post a photo of the review I just received on ff.net but rest assured, it has been documented and deleted but let me make this clear, I don’t want any part of your OCFA bullshit. You can take your unsubstantiated accusations and get the fuck off my profile. Leave my friends and I alone with your toxic bullshit. I want no part of this and I don’t know how much clearer I can make it. Stop harassing us. Seriously. I’m so fucking over this bullshit. 
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joaquinwhorres · 2 years
Well seeing as I've been blocked for pointing out the hypocrisy of @perfectlystiles' post I figured I'd just make my own post instead of reblogging to point out that this:
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is bullshit.
OCFA has been mercifully quiet today from what I can tell. And yesterday too I believe.
I honestly cannot remember a time where Emily posted in defense of someone OCFA was attacking. Ever.
The only thing that's really been going around the community today is people holding Maddie accountable for their actions and as Emily is one of their best friends it's a pretty logical assumption to make that you were vagueposting about that.
Can we please just own up when we've been caught out at something with receipts? Like just stop doing what you're doing and be a good person.
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chickensarentcheap · 3 years
Someone explain to me what this OCFA bullshit is?   I swear to f*ck if they even come to my blog or my Ao3...
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@ OCFA get the fuck off my fics, no matter how many stories you leave your bullshit “reviews” on I’m not going to approve them or approve of them. I think you’re disgusting cowards and I’m even more sick of you trying to bring my friends’ and fellow creators’ names into your shit to try to make yourselves seem more legit.
Even if I absolutely despised every single person you were sending hate to (which I don’t, for the record) I would still hate everything you stand for. Anonymous hate is bullying and has real effects on people — as someone with a conscious who has been targeted with a hell of a lot of anon hate myself, sometimes to the point of significant mental breakdowns, there is absolutely no situation in which I would support you or your “cause”.
I’ve seen a lot of drama in this community, I’ve felt bullied and targeted and excluded. If you actually want to have a real conversation, for solutions or support, my inbox and DMs are open. But I will not be a part of this harassment and smear campaign you’ve been trying to push since last year.
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starcrossedjedis · 3 years
Dear "OCFA" (Fucking Annoying is what you are)-
don't even bother.
I will not allow your reviews to display under my stories.
I will not acknowledge the bullshit they "adress" anywhere. Because it's bullshit.
And as a parting question - what is this community you keep referring to? All those creators who are "afraid"? Because frankly, the only monster around here is you. And people are over it.
Fuck off, sicko. The actual OC community won't miss you 👋🏻
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Good day, this is OCFA, just a quick update on the situation. There has been rumours flying around. We would like to confirm Cat did speak to us and then finally spoke to Maddie on Discord. She promised to make an announcement, but never did. Maddie has spoken to us and we now have an uneasy truce. Cat is guilty. She admitted it and promised to leave and get help. We will continue to monitor Cat and ask everyone to be on high alert. OCFA
You should really brush your teeth with the amount of bullshit you spew out of your mouth.
Like you do realize I am friends with Maddie? I talk to her daily, and so your attempts at lying and spreading false information is a waste.
But hey, thank you for not leaving this shit on my fics this time, at least you're starting to learn to listen a little.
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harleyquinnzelz · 3 years
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FIRST OF ALL, let's be clear about this, I didn't run off to tattle to Kass like a child. Literally, you're on anon, there would be no point trying to "get you into trouble".
Secondly, and this may surprise you, but it wasn't your asks that prompted Kass to make her post earlier, but if the shoe fits... Honestly though, get over yourself.
Also, yes, I did show your asks to my friends before deleting them. These are the same friends who have been dealing with the anon bs, and generally speaking we keep each other updated on anon bullshit. Also your claim of not wanting to leave a review regarding the situation is bullshit, because you still went and left one, despite previously complaining about OCFA doing the same. Talk about being a hypocrite.
Honestly though, I fail to see the issue you have in me showing anyone the asks you sent me. Presumably, the reason you sent them was so I would post them. And since you decided to handle your issues through ridiculous and rude anons rather than handling them privately in a mature manner, I see absolutely no problem in sharing those anons with anyone I want.
Just a heads up, but I have my fanfiction account set up so that I have to moderate guest reviews before they show up, so this review along with any others you send will be deleted. My advice, find the block button and get the fuck off my accounts.
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harleyquinnzelz · 3 years
All I did was say Maddie got picked picked on because she is hot and talented and obviously peeps are well jel of her. Nikki is just being bullied. They're innocent and don't deserve this. But you're openly hating on me on this, discriminating against my sexuality and also victim blaming. You did go running to Kass. Why else would she vague post? I don't care what she posts but don't lie and say it wasn't about me. Stop trying to gaslight me peeps, its not working.
Let's be clear about this. My responses have nothing to do with how you do or don't feel about Maddie and Nikki. You're right, they don't deserve this. But neother does Lokitrasho, and you came into my asks saying that she deserves the unending harassment she's been receiving and I just... fuck off with that mindset. Go away, you're rude and hateful. You literally went LEFT A REVIEW ON MY FIC WITH MORE OF THIS BS AFTER COMPLAINING ABOUT OCFA DOING THE SAME THING!!! But sure, you're the innocent party here.
As for your next point... I just... what? YOU'RE ON ANON! I don't know who this is or what your sexuality is, so how could I be discriminating against you for your sexuality. This makes no sense. And where did I victim blame??? You're just spouting off random bullshit now.
As far as Kass goes, why would I go running of to tattle on you to her like your going to get punished. Kass is receiving anon bs too and just because she doesn't respond to the asks doesn't mean she can't make her own posts directed at her own anons. It literally has nothing to do with you. Not that I owe you an explanation, but I wouldn't ask Kass to fight my battles for me.
Also stop calling us peeps. You're an asshole. Go away. Stop harassing me.
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