#ocotpath olberic
saix-unicorn · 1 year
Just want to share my octopath ships
⚠️Tw⚠️: multiships and opinions
if you don't like it i don't want to know
- Crick x Temenos
- Castii x Malaya
- Papp x Roque (divorced parents)
- Partitio x Alrond
- Partitio x Osvald
- Partitio x Cyrus
- Osvald x Cyrus
- Cyrus x Olberic
- Olberic x Erhardt
- Cyrus x Olberic x Erhardt
- Therion x Alfyn
- Therion x Darius
- H'aanit x Ophilia
- Primrose x Ophilia
i ship whatever the fuck i want ✨✨
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alynnl · 3 years
For the Director's Cut ask game, your most recent Ocotpath fanfic, but talk about one of the characters as if they were the actor you were directing for
I had my leads picked from the get-go, but Alfyn really surprised me with his audition. He was the last cast member to join but he really started to shine when he delivered the whole "moral dilemma" scene with Olberic in Act 1. So I kept him on.
And when he had the idea that he wanted to play an active role in Cyrus's rescue I couldn't say no! The rest of the cast went along with it and that turned out to be a really nice moment.
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