#octavine hcs
another-heroine · 1 year
sharing a dessert for andrine and octavia!
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy
Aaaaa so cute!
Thanks for sending a prompt, here we go:
Sweet Tooth
Andrine knew her wife very well. Those random outbursts could be nothing but one thing: period days were coming.
She took a time to understand that since they met. Octavia usually was a cheering person, flirtatious and light-hearted, but some days she just closed herself from the world, got more impatient and became a big eater.
Before became a queen, Andrine didn't know what she could do, since they were always on the road, and with their pockets light. She understood Octavia's frustration about don't have any luxuries or at least a bit of comfort.
But those times were left behind. There was the Queen of Solovey on her way, carrying a lidded cake pan. She knocked softly on the study's door and listened from inside, "Who's there?"
"Irovetti's ghost, wearing a hearts underwear," Andrine replied most serious that she could.
Octavia dragged the chair. "Why do you do that? What an awful vision!"
Andrine laughed and opened the door. "Just kidding, it's me, your favorite girl in the world!"
Octavia gave a half-smile. She was behind piles of documents. The shelves of her study were full of arcane artifacts, from statues to odd scrolls.
"How are you doing?" Andrine asked, letting the pan on a side desk.
Octavia sighed, looking at the mess in front of her. "I don't know, to be honest. I'm about to start drooling over the documents for real. Or drawing butterflies on the margins."
"Take a pause with me. You shouldn't push yourself hard." Andrine called, kissing the crown of her head.
Octavia glanced at the cake pan, with curiosity. "What did you bring?"
Andrine grinned mischievously. "Why don't you check?"
The princess consort got up and uncovered the dessert. Her eyes glistened. "Wait... Is that..."
"Is... Is the same recipe?"
"I hope so or heads will roll!" Andrine mocked.
Octavia giggled. "Oh no, I don't want to watch a public execution because of a blueberry cake!"
The dessert was already cut in slices. The crystallized fruits were sprinkled with sugar, and the cake dough was soft and in the right point. Octavia ate like a happy child, hopping on the place. Andrine took her chance to eat some as well, stealing the icing on the corners of Octavia's lips with her finger.
"Do you want mine so bad, huh?" Octavia narrowed her eyes.
"Yours are always more tasty," Andrine teased.
The princess bit her inferior lip, looking at her cake slice. "Later, Your Highness..."
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bladwinthegreat · 1 year
Even more of my jason procpechy child hc. Today I will going into each line and what they mean because this is legit just me planing out a fic I'll never write at this point.
• a half blood of the eldest gods shall reach 16 against all odds Bc jason turns 16 after the war maybe camp jupiter thought that ment he'd betray them and live bc he betrayed them. Or they thought he'd win the war and live bc they won ( probably thought both since procpechies are werid.) This is why Octavin hates him so much.
• obviously ajson did not betray them so this just means he'll live through the war
• and see the world in endless sleep the mist put mortals near Mount Tam to sleep so they won't witness the battle (having the tatins put mortals to sleep near they're base wouldn't make sense bc they're focusing on new york. This was my solution)
•camp jupiter goes to mount Tam to fight when they see the mortals asleep and assume that was the tatins
• a heros soul cursed blade shall reap jason had a friend who was preator with Reyna. When the battle came he ended up fighting Krios by himself while Jason is fighting some monster. Krios kills him. Jason sees and ends up fighting krios.
•a single choice shall end his days this referes to the friend (haven't decided a name yet) he sees Krios going to attack reyna while her back was turned so he decides to take him on himself
• olympus to persever or raze doesn't need to much explanation obviously jason sends krios to tartar sauce (auto corrected to that but it was to funny not to keep)
• but this also applies to Jason making a choice with venage. He went to attack Krios furious bc of his friends death and kronos tried to manipulate that anger and turn him against the gods (idk how yet maybe it was like woth Percy's dreams or smt) so jason had to make a choice turn against the gods or fight krios.
• the friend was once of reynas failed lovers they both kinda forced the relationship bc Reyna wanted to prove Venus wrong and friend was gay and in denial ( camp jupiter is totally cool with the lqbtq peeps but he grew up in a homophobic family before coming to camp jupiter)
• friend also and a hudge crush on Jason (told Reyna as he was dying who after the giant war told Jason who totally also had feeling for friend but didn't know he was gay until this was told to him)
•Reyna jason and friend were all super close friends
Sorry for referring to this dude as friend the whole time but I haven't decided what to call him yet (or who his godly parent is) so if yall have any ideas give me them
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another-heroine · 1 year
OCTIVINE - 8, 23, 24
Domesticity Questions
Hi, thanks for asking! :D
8. Do they have pets?
It's not exactly theirs, but they are often visited by the neighbour cat, Pasha. He looks like a tabby Norwegian Forest Cat, and always finds his way into their house.
In the beginning, Octavia and Andrine always got scared when see the feline silhouette in the kitchen, but soon they got used to that sneaky boy. Pasha has a food bowl and treats in the Octavine's Household.
23. Who steals the blankets?
Octavia. Andrine wakes up freezing in winter nights, just to see her beloved wife happy and cozy like a burrito by her side. The bard grumbles and fights for space under the blankets, until they are wrapped together and snoring.
24. Who remembers things?
Also Octavia. Andrine's head is always full because the kingdom's tasks and even for her bardic skills (she practices music every day). So the Wizard Queen takes care of recalling dates and meetings, sometimes pleading her wife to slow down and take a breath.
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another-heroine · 1 year
octavia and andrine: 13, 21, 41
Hi, thanks for asking :D I'm already a marshmallow for them since I just replied one ask about the girls, y'all will kill me (with cuteness overload)
13. What would they say each other’s best quality is?
Andrine would say that Octavia's greatest quality is her empathy. Especially towards those who suffered like her in the past.
Meanwhile, Octavia would say that the Queen's best quality is her reliability. It doesn't matter what time or day is; Andrine is always ready to attend her subjects and help her friends.
21. Who is better at games? Does the loser take it graciously?
Depends. Sports? I guess Andrine is better at duellings and storytelling, like in the Rushlight Tournament. Cards and dices? Octavia, but I'm not saying she often cheats. Neither I'm say that when Andrine notices, she begins to cheat too. But in the end, they laugh about it and accept the scores.
41. What green flags do they have for one another?
(I'm not sure if I really understood the meaning of 'green flag', but I'm trying...)
When one of them are feeling overwhelmed, the other usually sits next to or cuddle her wife.
When they are laughing so hard that they squeeze hands and hide the face on the neck of each other.
When one of them are feeling insecure about a decision or a new task, and the other says positive affirmations, reminding the anxious one about her skills and past conquers.
And the list goes on...
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another-heroine · 1 year
14 and 22 for octavine!!
Hi Goat! Nice to see you in my inbox again :D
Oh gosh, let's babble about my pointy ears girls yay
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
Andrine talking about Octavia: she is like sunshine. She is so sweet, and brave, and has a good heart. Sometimes I still look at her and think, 'Is that true? Are we married? How?', but then she smiles, calls me silly and kisses me. Damn, I already miss her. If you see an auburn-haired girl casting lightining, that's her. And if I were you, I wouldn't take her kindness for weakness.
Octavia talking about Andrine: she saved me. I couldn't turn my back to her after that. Although she is a bard -- and a good one, I must tell --, sometimes Andrine is so clumsy and cheesy. But in a good way. She makes me laugh and gives me hope. Without her, maybe I wouldn't be here, and certainly I wouldn't be a queen, but... life is meaningless without her. I will fight by her side until our last days.
22. Do they ever share clothes?
You can bet on that! And between them, Octavia is who steals more clothes, especially when Andrine has to travel without her and she has to take care of the kingdom. It's common any of them take a deep breath on the beloved's collar too (either when they are wearing the 'stolen' piece or right at the scent source in the bedtime hahaha)
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