#octo extension
chatgroove · 4 months
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This song has infected my brain so ofc I went and finished this asap. Poor Jasper, you would have loved the new video games that are coming out
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littlebluespoon · 11 months
Stranded - Octo!König (Part 4)
Hello! Here's Part 4, as promised even though it's the next morning for me :)
1.5Kwords, 18+ non-humanoid sex toys and obsessive behaviour in this chapter
AO3 link
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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(stole pic from google sorry)
Once again, you were going weeks without properly seeing König. You’d catch his shoulder disappearing around a corner or the sound of suckers echoing in an empty hallway but no actual sightings of a giant man or bright octopus. For you, life was mostly normal. Patching up soldiers, bandaging up Soap after he gave himself happy tail again and hanging out with the rest of the taskforce while on downtime,
“Soap, you cannot rocket jump in real life. You. Would. Die.” If this had been the first time you’d had to explain this to the canine hybrid you might have had a little more patience but seeing as it was not, you were ready to throw something at him,
“But whit if we weren’ human?” Soap’s enthusiasm at least was endearing. So giving him an exasperated smile you just shook your head and moved on while noting to refill your supply of painkillers and burn salves. 
It was currently just you and Soap in the small kitchenette in the taskforce’s assigned rooms, you had no patients to see and Soap had the day off given his ‘extensive injuries’ so the two of you had taken over the games console and were having a competitive tournament in Mario Kart, loser has to steal a piece of clothing from Ghost. Currently it was 2-2 and you were on the last match so now it was getting dirty,
“So was the LT around when you broke your tail?” you teased, hoping for him to take his eyes off the screen,
“Oi! At least I wasn’ the one wi’ hickeys all o’er their neck,” he fired back, smugly like he’d been expecting your teasing.
“They weren’t hickeys! …They were bruises…” you refused to look at him, knowing exactly the expression on his face having seen it far too much for your liking,
“Isnt that what hickeys are?” you decide that driving off the edge of Rainbow Road was the better option, take the loss and deal with the consequences later. 
Seeing as you have 24 hours to steal from Ghost you left Soap to his gloating and went off to find out where Ghost was before breaking into his room. After finding out from a passing corporal that Ghost was in a meeting with Price, and double checking the hall was clear so no one else would catch you breaking into your superiors quarters, you picked the lock on his door before quickly running in and grabbing the first item from the laundry basket, a shirt with his name on it. Perfect for your bet, not so great if anyone else sees however. Ignoring all of that you run back to Soap, completely missing the seething bright orange octopus attached to the ceiling above you. 
Retreating to you room after dinner without having to take a mountain of paperwork with you was a luxury but seeing as the 141 hadn’t been called out in several weeks, you’d had plenty of time to catch up on it. Which means your plans for the night were finishing your current read and maybe starting a new one if there was time. Of course those plans depended on you getting to your room, it seemed like every four or five steps you were stopped by a Kortac soldier,
“Do you know where the colonel is?” “Do you think you could look at something for me?” “I want a second opinion on this rash,” “Could you..?” “Would you..?”
By the time you escaped them your plans of finishing your book were out the window. However as you approached your door, all your plans went out the window. There was a box outside your door, plain brown, not small but also not massive. It looked like it held a water bottle or something. The hallway was empty and there wasn’t anything to tell who had left it but given that you were on base you were pretty sure it wasn’t anything dangerous so as you closed your door you decided it could wait until after you’d gotten changed into comfier clothes and out of your uniform.
The nondescript box didn’t have much weight to it so you were expecting it was maybe mislabelled bandages or some other medical dressing so when you scored open the box you were surprised by the nice stationary. High quality textured paper, a subtle peach colour with typed lettering;
Think of me My Heart
An odd note but what was even odder was the other object in the box. A bright orange tentacle. About as big as your fist, with a marbled look of orange and teal, and made of silicon. Someone had left you a tentacle shaped sex toy. Upon recognition a yelp leaves your mouth and you’ve thrown the box across your room before you had even realised you’d moved. You know exactly who sent it, you just couldn’t understand why. You barely know each other, you don’t even think he’s said more than 10 words to you outside of missions or commands. You’re the medic on base with the most aquatic hybrid training, that’s the only reason you see him so often so why would he do this? Or maybe he didn’t, maybe it’s a prank? It could be Soap getting back at you for teasing or even Ghost for stealing his shirt or maybe even a Kortac soldier trying to rile up their colonel or something. It could have been anything, it was probably just a prank because you didn’t want to even entertain the thought that König had sent you this. He was a friend, it was a tentative relationship but you called it friendship as after everything you’d been through with him it was a little hard to just call each other acquaintances. It’s a prank, so you boxed it back up and shoved it to the back of your wardrobe to be never seen again.
Trying to get to sleep was difficult. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and every time you turned around it felt like the blankets were suffocating you. After an hour of this you decided to check your room, turning on all the lights, opening all the doors and doing a well-known routine to you. Unlock, open and check, relock. You did that with all the cupboards, you pulled your bed apart and reorganised your desk, kit bag and wardrobe. Nothing, there wasn’t a thing for you to be paranoid about and you’d made sure of it. Climbing back into bed exhausted, you settled into the blankets and closed your eyes. The blankets no longer heavy on you, the hairs on the back of your neck were soft and yet, you still felt watched.
In the bright light of the morning the box looked no different and thankfully your paranoia had waned, so there was no interruption to your morning schedule. Not until you had you leave your room, which is where you found another sheet of peach coloured paper, folded next to an envelope. The fear stopped you in your tracks. Once again there was no one in sight, no noises to indicate a person either and you hadn’t heard anything while getting dressed. Deciding to deal with it before breakfast seemed like a smart decision at the time because if you’d known what was in the envelope after breakfast you were sure you’d never have kept it down;
My Dearest Heart, 
You must think me a cowardly man for this but I felt this was the best way to approach you. I could not hear you last night, were you holding in your heavenly sounds so that no one else might hear? You need not worry Heart, I would never let anyone else near you. Not even the feral Lieutenant you seem so fascinated by. I do hope you liked my present and that you enjoy this one too, although I admit these were more for my pleasure.
With all My Love,
Your Soul
You could feel your heart escaping from its cage with every word you read. You were a soldier, you’d been in battle, you’d nearly died. There had been scarier moments in your life than this. So how was it this is the only time you’ve ever wanted to curl up in the back of a cupboard and never face the world again? You didn’t want to open the envelope. You never meant to open the envelop but your hands were shaking as you moved to stuff the letter with your first unwanted gift. It slipped and that’s when you discovered it wasn’t sealed and its contents had spilt all across your floor. Pictures of you were scattered across your floor. You; eating, working, training, in the gym, in the shower and even in your bed. You had been watched. Someone had been watching you for months.
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spitblaze · 2 years
alright. got another stupid splatoon headcanon for u guys.
Bowling is a MASSIVE sport in Octarian society, like, on the level of football in America (and by extension, I guess Clam Blitz to Inklings?). Maybe while they were digging their huge underground living spaces they unearthed human bowling alleys, maybe they were intact enough for Octos to reverse-engineer the rules. Maybe they found a TON of bowling trophies and deduced that it was a sport that held great importance in Human society, and took up the mantle to continue the sport’s proud tradition. Octo teenagers have posters of the hottest members of their local bowling teams. Grown adults show up to matches dressed head-to-toe in team colors and lose their GOURDS when the MVP rolls a strike. The amount of inspirational movies about an underdog bowling team rising to the top. The stories of high school romance between the shy kid and the captain of the bowling team. the normalization of bowling shirts and shoes as casual clothing. its inescapable in octo society. and cultural differences be damned they’re going to import ALL of that into Inkling society
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mochinomnoms · 7 months
IM CRYING I GOT SICK SO I DONT FEEL WELL😭😭😭😭 Still I'll push through and get these Valentine's scenarios to you!!! You might get the other two a bit later tho so sorry!!!
Azul would definitely make sure to give you your gift first. He has done extensive research and came to Ramshackle with a bouquet of your favorite flowers! Though Valentines wasn't foreign to him, the way humans celebrated was a bit different! Then he'd take you to the town on the island, because somehow he got permission from Crowley!
It was with a bribe
At least you think so? But you got to go and have a great time on the rest of the island so who cares? He took you to multiple shops and then to the beach after. When you got back to campus you both went to his dorm. And it confused him to no end when you told him to wait while you ran off towards the dorms kitchen. He waited like an hour until you came out. He was a little annoyed but he couldn't go into the kitchen since the twins were keeping guard of the door as he heard sizzling. Hands down you enter the room with a, "Missed me?"
He'd question why you took so long but little did he know you ALSO did your research! Leading him to his own VIP room you'd explain nothing to him and watch as he blushed and tried to get answers from you. I mean why go to such a private room on such an intimate day? He's embarrassed even more as some other dorm members walk past him, a blushing mess, being tugged into his private office.
Not to mention your teasing the entire way there with hand holding and little pecks! He wouldn't say it out loud (7 forbid the tweels hear him) but he loves your affection just as much as it embarrasses him! And sevens, does it embarrass him!
When you get to the room the foods already set up! Courtesy of the twins. He knows the food was made by you, why else would you be gone for an hour!? and is kinda nervous for two reasons.
He's not too sure you can cook
2. Gifting food (for octo-mers) is usually part of their courting process
And I mean, yeah sure he's already dating you and everything but it feels really intimate! And it gets even more so when you lift the fork and bring it to his lips. (sorry to the people who CAN cook) But it seems Azul was right about questioning your culinary abilities.... Its kind of charred around the edges too, not a lot but to someone who's skilled at cooking its hard to not notice.
"Its burnt!" Azul laughs light heartily even though he still takes a bite.
"Yeah well its made with love, not skill," you reply sarcastically. As he eats his fill he makes comments about how he wants to avoid getting chubby, which you quickly dismiss saying you'd love him however he looked. To be completely honest he practically melts into your side on the couch. Its cute how shy he gets with this, and he seems to be leaning in more to your touch more.
Idk how to end this so HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I hope you enjoyed and I'll finish the other ones soon!!
Happy Valentine's Day (late, sorry baby I got busy yesterday until night time)
This is so cute! I love it! Food is def my love language, so I would love cooking a meal for Azul!! It's such an intimate thing to hand feed your partner...Azulito let me feed you 😭
Thank you for the gift my love! I appreciate it! Maybe in the future I can write a series on food as a love language with the twst cast!
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mychlapci · 9 months
Hi, earthstellar here on anon because I'm old and don't understand why Tumblr won't let me send asks using my sideblog, time to be hype for octo!Ratchet and Mer Shenanigans:
So, octopuses have specific deimatic behaviours-- essentially, threat displays -- with the physical capability to do some cephalopod-specific stuff like flaring tentacles, spraying ink, changing colours in complex patterns with chromatophores etc.
But octopuses also have very different Sexy Stuff happening compared to fish-- Like the hectocotylus, or the Weiner Tentacle. And spermatophores, and all that good shit. And infamously the really sad thing where they defend egg nests until they die. (But we're not here for sad shit, we're here for degenerate shit.)
MY POINT: With the whole Drift/Rodimus/Wing/Ratchet situation, it might not just be the facility staff who are confused by the whole mer mating situation.
If Ratchet is the only octomer, he might struggle with trying to explain his specific mating behaviours to his mates, and there might be somewhat of a communication issue. At least at first.
I imagine at some point he gets Into It and his hectocotylus shows up and the others don't know what it is so Drift or Rodimus (most likely to be impulsive) just licks it or something thinking it's just another tentacle and OHHHHH SHIT they think they hurt him or made him mad or something because his tentacles all flair out before contracting around whoever just licked it and this may or may not cause a brief (but sexy) panic
But when any of the others are carrying eggs etc., he easily puts on the most extensive deimatic behaviour displays because there's something uniquely terrifying about a giant octopus person who has a whole shitload of physical strength and prehensile dexterity in each one of their massive, heavy, long limbs being suddenly extremely defensive and angry for reasons that the staff can't yet figure out
Especially because Ratchet is kinda old as far as the staff is able to estimate and he's mostly well behaved and less prone to doing stupid shit compared to some of the others at the facility, he's not usually a problem, but now he is A Terrifyingly Large Problem and the staff is just like throwing food in the top of the tank and getting the fuck out of there before Ratchet's tentacles can lash up out of the water and fuck them up
They might be worried about the non-cephalopods in Ratchet's shared tank, thinking he might present a risk to them, but Drift, Rodimus, and Wing won't let any of the staff approach the tank either unless it's for food or water pH balancing because they are all extremely protective of each other -- Moving Ratchet becomes a non-option immediately. (Not that the staff has a problem with that, once it's clear they're all OK-- They're just happy they don't have to try to figure out a way to move a heavily sedated, very heavy octomer.)
But the staff freaks out pretty much the entire mating season because they can't figure out the specifics lmao, some days the entire tank is impossible to see through because Ratchet's inked it up entirely in an effort to hide his mates, which makes routine observation impossible etc.
And all of Ratchet's unique cephalopod mating behaviours and defensive threat displays are somehow EXTREMELY SEXY to his mates, despite the fact that they're not 100% sure of the exact meaning of some of it
(and also at one point Ratchet scared the shit out of them by having a "camouflage panic" because he suddenly realised that no his mates do not have chromatophores and therefore cannot hide themselves as efficiently and this means they are easily spotted by Enemies and this is Not Good so whoever's currently carrying the eggs spent several days getting constantly dragged into the shadows of the tank or peppered in sand/silt/small shells/etc. by Ratchet in an instinctively overwhelming desire to Hide The Carrier lmao)
This could also be a temporary dramatic issue where his mates don't know why he's not touching them etc. for a little while and it turns out it's because Ratchet can produce certain toxins like tetrodotoxin (the shit that makes blue ring octopi so dangerous) and for a few days there he just can't control it, he's effectively extremely venomous for a bit because it's an instinctive thing he does to make himself more dangerous in case any predators approach his mates during the peak of breeding season-- But his mates are fish so he could potentially hurt them too!!! Oh fuck!!!
but it's fine, he naturally breaks the toxin down after like a week and then they all have Extra Good Doin It Times because they couldn't bone for a whole week and that's unbearable during mating season lmao (which is good because his tentacles were extra vibrant during that week and everyone found it Very Hot)
Anyway I'm asexual, sorry if this isn't horny enough. I just appreciate the vibes. lmao
oh that’s good. Ratchet having different body language and instinctual responses since he’s an octopus-person and the rest of them are, with some species differences, fish, causing a few misunderstandings and also incredible sexy times. 
mhmmm i really like the thought of mating season coming in and Ratchet immediately secreting deadly toxins which wouldn’t hurt another octo-mer but would absolutely decimate his partners and now he’s completely cut off from them for a while, pretending he’s okay with listening to them fucking every night, as if his array wasn’t throbbing the entire time. His mates are then subject to an extremely horny octo-mer once the toxin breaks down and he can finally get some transfluid flowing between them...
Also consider... Ratchet, in his post-toxin frenzy, managing to knock up all three of his mates somehow. Now he’s the sole sire in the tank and it turns his threat displays from mildly creepy to the staff to absolutely-the-fuck-no. No one is to approach the tank. The guy who brings the food barely makes it in before he’s already running. Ratchet has to climb up on the little platform and grab the food for his mates because it’s usually left right there by the door. He has now turned from the older, docile mer who occasionally chats with the staff into a goddamn, eight-tentacled menace.
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bugandbreakfast · 2 years
still processing side order but i was thinking:
comparing octo expansion to the look at the environment in this new expansion: we're moving from sanitization of sea life to bleaching... hmm..
-and the deep sea metro vs the elevator glimpses we get here, moving down vs moving up?
-with all the bleaching this might not be the case, but we are seeing smaller fish that could be more common in a sunlit zone compared to a deep sea midnight zone- maybe we'll get a look at other sea life?
(+ all the brain coral/ neuron imagery has me staring!! i hope we get more info abt 8 in addition to pearlina!)
If they pull some more stuff about marine life’s hope carrying on as an extension of the death of humanity I WILL sob
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splatoonpolls · 5 months
Favorite spoon?
Mine is spoon, octo extension
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bugtransport · 8 months
kuuga is a good show because godai is such a squid and ichijou is 100% octoling. many other riders have HOI(high octo index) compared to their squid population which is just sad. ive thought about this extensively
oh you're so right?! godai's SUCH a squid and kuuga even gets different colors... i've thought about what weapons showa riders would main but not about the squid octo split 🤔
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thepageofhopes · 8 months
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Talking about my choices and template under the cut!
Favorite Game of All Time: Undertale
Probably will stay my GOAT forever unless Deltarune manages to stick it's landing with the many cool extensions to undertale's themes and lore it brings up. Part of my love for it is based on how little games cared to explore the themes it brought up before undertale came out.
Favorite Series: Super Monkey Ball series
No other games have really managed to capture what this series had, though Rolled Out might by the time it's finally released. Lots of nostalgia baked into this choice- I used to do stunts as a teenager back in the day and learn the tech from forums.
Best Soundtrack: Terraria's Calamity Mod
Yes, I'm counting a mod as both a separate game and enough of one to have the best soundtrack. I already loved DM DOKURO's undertale remixes, and they just knock it out of the park with the Calamity mod. I will never not scream THE ENEMY HAS ASCENDED BEYOND YOUR CONTROL but Devourer of Gods is also something truly special.
Favorite Protagonist: Zagreus from Hades
I'm not usually super into the protagonists of games as I usually am with the supporting cast, but Zagreus really makes the story of Hades and his commentary brings the game to life so, so much. Other contender of this spot was probably the Voice of the Hero from Slay the Princess, but hard to say if they are really the protagonist, and also, I like Voice of the Contrarian even more.
Favorite Villain: The Masked Man from Mother 3
-endless crying-
Best Story: Mother 3
Listen, Undertale may be my GOAT but Mother 3 is my number 2 because of how good the story is. Please go watch Super Eyepatch Wolf's video on it if you haven't. The incredible themes, the knife-twisting tragedies, the goofy humor covering up extremely dark subject matter, all of it is so, so, so, good.
Have not played but want to: Alan Wake 2
This game seems so much My Shit™ but sadly it is only on epic games store which I hate. I've heard so many wonderful things about the game and all the visuals in those reviews look amazing and seem like it really is the peak of modern survival horror. Can't wait for it to come to Steam/GoG.
Everyone hates but you love: Continue?9876543210
'Everyone' is quite an overstatement for such a weird, niche game but it is the only game I really like that also has a non positive rating on steam. I've always loved the weird themes and existentialism tinged with hope that this game offers, despite everything from its mechanics to the story being vague and near impossible to parse.
You hate but everyone loves: Into The Breach
Nuclear Throne/Enter the Gungeon could also go here. All are roguelikes which are incredibly loved in the community that I just can't stand. I don't even particularly know why I don't like them, just something about the feel of the mechanics don't agree with me.
Best Artstyle: Splatoon series, but specifically Octo Expansion (until Side Order inevitably beats this)
Splatoon has always been a series marked by it's incredible visual design. Everything screams 90s, the color choices are vivid and striking, the character models are super expressive, etc. Octo Expansion adds even more with the retropunk aesthetic and dark environments mixed with the neon greens and blues.
Favorite Ending: Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations
The entire last case of this game is perfect. The ending montage where you get to see where all the characters are going is sweet and ties a great bow on the series, and the final picture with the vase gets me every time. This was another game that was a contender for best story.
Favorite Boss Fight: Undyne the Undying from Undertale
'Not Sans???' listen Sans is probably the better design but Undyne the Undying was my literal first true boss I ever fought in Undertale, and it will always stick with me. I love the rhythm game style of her mechanics and her intro into her music sets the tone perfectly for the genocide run.
Childhood Game: Ball Revamped 2: Metaphasik
Catz is also a contender here since that is even older and I also played that quite a lot as a kid, but Ball Revamped 2 and a lot of jmtb02's other flash games were really when I started to heavily get into video games. I still sometimes go back to this one, the design still holds up quite well, and the rest of the series ain't bad either.
Relaxing Game: Vampire Survivors
I don't generally play 'relaxing' games, I like my games hard and fast and brutal. But vampire survivors build crafting is incredibly relaxing and when you make a successful build being able to just sit back and let the game play itself to win is such a dopamine rush.
Stressful Game: Cook, Serve, Delicious 3
Honestly, most of the games I play could go here. CSD series however is a special type of stress that puts me on edge through the whole level, enough that I often can't do more than a 3 or so in a play session (lovingly). A rhythm game without music, there is no other game series that demands the level of intense focus and execution like this does.
Game you can always come back to: Fallout: New Vegas
I've come back to this game at least 10 separate times with new characters. A combination of incredibly relaxing due to the easy combat system and replayability given the role playing system mean it's an easy game to just jump back into even after a long time away.
Guilty Pleasure: Project Sekai: Colorful Stage
I play a lot of gacha games and most if not all could fit here given how terrible those games are with the players, but Project Sekai is one where I will actively gush about it as I think it's story and characters are legitimately great. Magia Record could also fit here if it the NA servers weren't shut down.
Tons of Hours Played: Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Not my most played game technically (Terraria and Tabletop Simulator beat it) but both of those don't count as many of Terraria's hours are idle due to holding a server up, and Tabletop Simulator due to waiting and also it's not exactly a game in it's own right. I've so far put 750 hours into Rebirth, and still only have 545 of the 637 achievements. No other game has ever captured BoI's way of insane item combinations that make each run a discovery fest.
And here's the template!
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chromatophorium · 21 days
In one way, I really really like the Now or never horns. They look great on Frye and cute on any other inkfish... BUT! Logistically, how does that work? It... Well, I gotta look at it, maybe it works? If they're like extensions, not part of the hair actually. Kinda like cut off tentacles that are the bosses in Octo canyon and valley.
But if they aren't... and are just a hairstyle without extensions... I think it breaks the rules. It looks like adding extra limbs to the inkfishes head, and that's FORBIDDEN (to me. But feel free to do that with OC's, I will just be a bit peeved and that doesn't matter.) For Frye it works, since her design doesn't show all her head limbs. And it works for the hairstyles that don't include all the limbs, like the afro and bowlcut for example. But for other hairstyles.... Like okay MAYBE it works if you can put a limb into the "scalp-part" and out of it again to put the actually end of it somewhere else but... Man I don't really have an example of that in canon before this... Idk. Conflicted about this gear...
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midnight-snailor · 9 months
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Imagine if the little buddy you have grows up into something like a king salmonid
Giant pet eldritch horror let's go
Other inkling is Aloe's spouse Mahi!
Mahi (They/them) was born blind. They learned how to use the splatana from their parents, and help out at hotlantis in their spare time. Mahi met got married to Aloe a few years prior to the time of the splatoon 3 storyline. Mahi made friends with Morrae after he left octo canyon, Morrae staying at their apartment until he could afford his own. Morrae also occasionally helps out at hotlantis, but mostly goes to bother Mahi. Mahi and Aloe call tiny their son.
Mahi is very chatty and will often ramble about anything to whoever will listen. They have an extensive collection of various plushies. They're not great at dealing with people, and often chooses to avoid conflict, aloe is the exact opposite.
Also here's an older info sheet
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invisibleoctopus · 2 years
ok so does everyone know that one image from the side order teaser trailer where the character looks like they have inkling ears and no suction cups on the octo-like hair
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like, heres a closer look to see what im talking about
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anyway i think this was literally foreshadowed with the LEVEL ONE banner for the chill season???
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like theres the squids in yellow and the octos in blue, but on the edges theres characters cut off that look like they have a squid half AND an octo half???
if the stuff about octolings and agent 8 being clones is legit, then i can totally see inktolings as an extension of that idea... them being real in splatoon because of gene splicing...
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sage-nebula · 6 months
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It occurred to me that I could just use Splatoon 3's native character creator to make my OCs, a.k.a. my versions of each of the agents (which are based on the canon versions but deviate based on my own experiences with the story modes), so that's what I've done. I also created a little bio template to give a brief overview for each one, before giving a longer bio in text for anyone who is interested in them.
So! If you are interested, please head below the cut to learn about Captain Cora "I was sent in to single-handedly eliminate a bunch of octarians when I was 14 in actual war and I did it but I didn't fully understand what I signed up to do at first and ended up horrified by my actions and severely traumatized and put off war & war games forever but I still want to try to change things from the inside to make the world better and atone for my actions from when I was 14" Sepio.
Cora lived a pretty normal, and honestly privileged, life until the age of fourteen. She lived outside of the city, sure, but it was because her parents made enough money to have a custom built home out in the countryside among beautiful scenery where they could avoid the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy all sorts of comforts while other people actually took care of said scenery they were enjoying. Cora never really wanted for anything, except for the city life that her favorite CDs and magazines came from, the ones where her favorite shows and movies were produced from. So when she turned fourteen, she packed her things and hopped on a train and left her privileged life behind. (Albeit with a credit card that her parents could top off at any time. Again, privileged.)
Cora was thrilled to get to the city. She didn't have a set plan for what to do once she got there, although she was excited to participate in turf war and had dreams of becoming an idol herself. You see, Cora didn't always hate war games; like many inklings, she found turf war to be exciting to watch and wanted to participate, and she headed straight for Ammo Knights as soon as she arrived to see what she could get. She had her heart set on an Aerospray RG, and got it as soon as she could; she named it "Ol' Faithful" immediately, even though it wasn't old at all, being brand new. That didn't matter much to Cora; calling it Ol' Faithful made it (and by extension, her) sound cool. She was living her TV dreams.
With her parents money, she got a nice little apartment. She won turf war battles. She was glued to the TV every time the Squid Sisters were on Inkopolis News and she practiced dance routines and her singing in her apartment. She was living her dreams.
And then one day, shortly after the Squid Sisters reported that the Great Zapfish had been stolen, a strange old man caught Cora's eye and beckoned her down a sewer grate.
The man was Cap'n Cuttlefish, and he led Cora into Octo Valley. Cap'n Cuttlefish explained to to Cora that the Great Zapfish (as well as all the little Zapfish) had been stolen by the Octarians, and that only the Squidbeak Splatoon could fight them. But the Squidbeak Splatoon was gone except for him, and he was too old . . . but that was where she came in. She could do it! She had The Look in her eye. He knew she could do it. Cora was pretty good at turf, if she said so herself, and the Zapfish being missing was a big deal. Both Callie and Marie had seemed pretty sure of that. And Cuttlefish needed help, and Cora wasn't one to deny someone help. So she agreed, suited up, and headed into the canyon.
But here was the problem: Cuttlefish hadn't lied. But his perspective was a biased one. The deeper Cora went into the canyon, the more suffering she saw. The domes were falling apart. The Octarians didn't have enough electricity to maintain them, so they hadn't stolen the Zapfish out of malice, but out of necessity. And the Octarians weren't just Octotroopers and other strange beings -- there were Octolings, too, no different from Cora, and the Squid Sisters. They spoke a different language, sure, but they were people. And they were suffering. They were living underground, in suffering conditions, while Cora and so many other Inklings were living a privileged life above, and here Cora was, invading their home and destroying them and what little they head, ripping away what little hope they had away from them, just because some old man told her to, when she didn't even have the full story, when she just agreed without a second thought . . .
She beat DJ Octavio, and got the Great Zapfish back. She got to meet her heroes, Callie and Marie, Agents 1 and 2 respectively. And then they put DJ Octavio in a tiny, cramped snow globe for his crimes.
It was the most grotesque thing Cora had ever seen in her fourteen years of life. Callie and Marie seemed to find it hilarious. So did Cuttlefish, mocking his adversary. Octavio could barely move inside it, though. Cora went home that night, but she couldn't sleep. She could vomit, and she did, but she couldn't sleep. So the next night, she returned to the valley, and when she was sure Cuttlefish wasn't around, she deactivated the snow globe and opened it.
"GYAHAHA! What's this? You want an encore?" DJ Octavio boomed.
"No! And keep your voice down!" Cora looked over her shoulder, but the door to the cabin didn't open. "I just -- it wasn't right, where they were keeping you. So I'm letting you go."
DJ Octavio snorted. "The Great Zapfish Caper Remix feat. the Renegade Agent, is that it?"
"No." Cora did her best to glare, even as her palms broke out in a cold sweat. "Leave the Zapfish alone. We need it, too. We can find another way to fix the energy crisis in the can--"
"We?" Octavio loosed another booming laugh, and Cora winced. "The Squidbeak Splatoon cares about the Octarians now? Best joke I've heard in a century!"
"I do. So I'm asking you, as a favor for me letting you go -- don't steal the Zapfish again. Okay? And I -- I'll try . . . I'll try to make things better in return."
Octavio shook as though holding back laughter. But finally, he said, "All right, little revolutionary. I won't steal the Great Zapfish. You have my word on that. I won't steal the Zapfish. Now get going! It's past your bedtime!"
Booming another earth rumbling laugh, Octavio zoomed back into the canyon. And, comforted at least by the thought that she wouldn't be responsible for the Zapfish going missing again, Cora made her way back to her apartment.
But freeing Octavio didn't fix her. She still had a hard time falling asleep, and staying asleep when she did; disjointed, broken nightmares of fighting Octarians haunted her, exploding tentacles flying everywhere as she mowed them down in wave after wave. Her appetite was fleeting, and it was hard to get herself to swallow when she tried to force it down. Many days she felt too tired to get out of bed, and as consequence she would at times go weeks between showers. Ol' Faithful sat gathering dust in the corner, along with her CDs, her dance clothes, and the TV. During Splatfests, she covered her head with her pillows to try to block out the sound of the Squid Sisters performing in the plaza.
The worst part, Cora thought, was that she didn't know how she could keep her promise to Octavio. How could she fix it? She didn't know the first thing about how to bring electricity to the canyon. She didn't know anything about electrical engineering. She doubted Cuttlefish or the Squid Sisters would listen to her about letting the Octarians up from the canyon, either; when she'd so much as suggested they not keep Octavio in the snow globe, they'd insisted imprisoning him was necessary. (And they were furious that he'd been let out, and though she'd said it wasn't her, she was a poor liar she could tell they knew it. She also couldn't muster the will to feel bad or scared that they knew. She couldn't muster the will to feel much of anything nowadays, except ill and exhausted.)
Time passed like this for about two years. Two years of doing the bare minimum to keep herself going. Two years of not leaving her apartment very much, only to get groceries from the 24-hour convenience mart down the street. Two years of talking to her parents just enough so they wouldn't demand she come home, and avoiding calls from everyone else.
But then the new hosts of Inkopolis News -- Off the Hook, Cora thought they were called -- reported that the Great Zapfish had gone missing again, along with Callie from the Squid Sisters. And then Cora's phone rang.
"No," Cora told Cuttlefish. "I can't. I won't -- I can't go back there. Not again."
"Marie is handling the Zapfish situation for now," Cuttlefish said, his voice placating. "She has a new recruit. There's actually something unrelated I'd like your assistance with investigating, if you'd be so kind."
A new recruit. Cora's mouth tasted sour, and not just because she hadn't brushed her teeth in three days. Was the new recruit another fourteen year old kid? Was the new recruit only given half the story, not told the situation they were being thrown into, the suffering people they were attacking?
"I'm worried some people might be hurting," Cuttlefish added.
Cora sat up on her bed, and ran her dry tongue along her sticky teeth. Her mouth really did feel like cotton.
"Tell me what it is first," she said.
Cuttlefish told her that there were people who had disappeared around the Octo Canyon area. He didn't want her to fight anyone, he said -- he wasn't asking her to go to war against the Octarians or anything. But he just wanted to see if they could find any missing people. He added that fresh air was good for the heart and lungs, and also the mind, and that exercise like walking released endorphins, and that was where Cora interrupted him to say she'd be there before she hung up. She recognized an excuse to get her out of her apartment when she heard one. And part of her wanted to blow him off out of spite. But if there were people missing, she couldn't leave them. So she took a shower. She brushed her teeth. She threw a cape she'd found sitting out by someone's garbage over her clothes since the cape was clean and her clothes were not, grabbed Ol' Faithful, and headed out to meet Cuttlefish by, but not in, the Canyon.
He was ecstatic to see her. She couldn't say the same, but she mustered a little lip twitch that she thought maybe could pass for a smile. He rambled on about how Marie and Callie had been doing in their solo careers, and how Callie was currently missing but he was sure she was fine, just off on one of her "whimsies", and other such topics. Cora only half listened. It was actually nice, being outside and exploring the canyon. It actually made her feel a little angry, that he was right that the fresh air was nice. Who was he to be right about that?
But there wasn't much time to ruminate on it. As they rounded the corner, an Octoling agent ambushed them. Cuttlefish started barking orders, but though she had brought her weapon just in case, Cora wasn't there to fight. But the Octoling, seeing her weapon, thought otherwise; the Octoling had an Octoshot of her own, and before Cora could drop her gun the Octoling had raised her own, and Cora had no choice but to defend herself.
As fortune would have it, their battle didn't last long; something else attacked them and dragged them down, down, down, deep beneath the sea, and into a subway system.
Despite the horrors that befell Cora in the Deepsea Metro -- specifically having part of her head sliced open and filled with ooze that stripped her of her free will until she got her head cracked open a second time so the ooze could be poured out so the sanitization didn't take effect -- overall, the experience was a positive one for her. During her time away from Cuttlefish, Cora learned about the the Metro and Kamabo Co.; she learned that there were residents of the Deepsea that used the Metro as one would use a normal subway, but also that Kamabo Co. sanitized octolings, ran experiments on them, used them and oppressed them while they were helpless to do anything about it. That they had been languishing beneath the sea, with no one to help them, all this time.
It was horrible. It made her feel the same sense of horrible despair and sick that she had felt in Octo Valley. But she was there now, in the Deep Sea Metro. She was there, not to wage war, but to investigate. To do something. And then she got a distress signal, from someone else who was also trying to help . . . and she did do something. She destroyed the blender, and she saved the Octoling's -- Agent 8's -- life, along with Cuttlefish's.
When she woke up among Cuttlefish, Agent 8, Pearl, and Marina . . . though she was wounded, though she had technically gone through more trauma . . . for the first time in two years, Cora felt hope. She had made a positive difference this time. Not as much of one as Agent 8 had, to be fair, but she had still helped. She hadn't hurt anyone this time, at least, not under her own intention and willpower. She hadn't been the same monster she had been two years ago. She had done something good. She had done something right. And she could do it again.
Cora returned home. It took several days, but she got all of the trash out of her apartment, did all of her laundry, cleaned all the filth. When her apartment was in order, and she was showered and in clean clothes, she went to the Inkopolis Square studio to thank Marina and Pearl for all they'd done, and to introduce herself properly.
"Yo, no need to thank us. We live here, too! Last thing we need is for this place to get blown out," Pearl said.
"I'm just glad we were able to make it in time," Marina agreed. "You were pretty timely with your help, too! Without you, Eight and Cuttlefish wouldn't have made it out of the blender."
Cora did her best to smile. "Thank you. I still really appreciate what you did. And I hope, if anything like that ever happens again . . ."
"We're not gonna let the world end." Pearl winked, and clicked her tongue with finger guns at Cora. "Count on it."
With Pearl and Marina's support (and friendship) secured, Cora made her way back to Cuttlefish. She officially reenlisted with the Squidbeak Splatoon, though on the condition that they recalibrate their goals.
"The Great Turf War ended a long time ago. But there are people suffering here and now, people who need our help. The people in the Deepsea Metro, and Octolings who want a better life. We should focus on helping them, not hurting. If there's a situation where there's no choice but to fight, fine -- but we shouldn't have that be our first choice. We should aim to help, not hurt."
To his credit, Cuttlefish was on board. Working with Marina and Agent 8 had opened his eyes. Unfortunately, while Cuttlefish and Callie were on board, and Marie was willing to let things go either way, there was a new member with a strong opinion.
"That is the lamest shit I have ever heard in my life," Agent 4 said, not even bothering to look at Cora as she juggled her dualies effortlessly in the air. "No wonder you got kicked off the squad."
"I didn't get kicked off; I quit," Cora ground out.
Agent 4 snorted a laugh. "Sure, Three."
Regardless of Agent 4's objections, Cuttlefish approved the plan. And when it became apparent that Cora and Reed (for that was Agent 4's real name) could not be in the same space for more than three minutes without a fight starting, endeavors were made to keep them apart as much as possible. (Endeavors were also made for Cora and Marie to spend little time together, albeit these endeavors were never acknowledged; Marie had lost respect for Cora after Cora freed DJ Octavio, and Cora lost respect for Marie for Marie's attitude toward the Octarians. Their relationship never recovered, particularly since they are both the stubborn, grudge holding type.)
For the next five years, Cora worked hard to assist Octolings who wanted to move to Inkopolis. She reached out to her parents for help, and her parents -- ecstatic to hear life in Cora's voice for the first time in years -- helped fund a night school in Inkopolis to help Octolings learn the Inkling language, to help them take to life on the surface more quickly. Cora also set up a partnership with Ammo Knights to use Shel-drones to send supplies to fixing the infrastructure down to the Canyon and Valley, for those who wished to stay there instead, under agreement with Octavio that he wouldn't just use the supplies to wreak havoc on Inkopolis.
"There are Octolings living here now, too," Cora told him. "You wouldn't want to hurt them, right?"
Octavio laughed. "Loosen up, little revolutionary. I'm not gonna spin up any war crimes right now. I kept my word before, didn't I?"
Cora scowled. "You took the Zapfish again. You waited two years, but --"
"No, I didn't," Octavio said. "I took Callie, and she took the Zapfish. It's different, see?" Another booming laugh erupted from him at the look on Cora's face. "Pay attention to the words people say, little revolutionary! Words are important!"
"I'm not 'little.' I'm eighteen years old --"
"And I'm over one hundred. You're little."
And so it went. It wasn't perfect. It felt like there was always more to do. But for five years, Cora felt as though she was putting good in the world. And that was reason for her to get up each day, for her to shower and brush her teeth, for her to be able to eat. It didn't fix everything -- she still had to take sleeping medication if she wanted to sleep peacefully, she saw a therapist twice a week, and on Marina's advice she retired Ol' Faithful for a brella instead, because a more defensive weapon made her feel less reluctant and guilty to use it than a shooter type did -- but it helped.
Shortly after she turned 21, Cuttlefish retired and named her the new captain.
"You've the one who's changed this whole outfit for the better!" he said. "If anyone deserves to be captain, it's you."
"Plus Callie and Marie are too busy, right?"
"Well . . ." Cuttlefish stroked his chin sheepishly. "Mostly it's the thing I said."
Of course, things didn't progress without their hiccups. The Great Zapfish went missing for the third time, and Cuttlefish jumped to blaming Octavio for breaking the treaty. Likewise, when Octavio's octotroopers went missing at the same time, he blamed Cuttlefish for simultaneously breaking the treaty. And all of this landed Cora, the Squid Sisters, and a new agent Cuttlefish had recruited -- the new Agent 3, now that Cora was captain, and older than both Cora and Reed had been when they were recruited, a request Cora herself had made to Cuttlefish years earlier -- exploring the depths of Alterna. In the end, Cuttlefish was dried out, but they stopped Mr. Grizz from transmogrifying everyone into mammals, so it was at least a net good for the Squidbeak Splatoon, in Cora's opinion.
(Though the fact that Grizzco continued to operate even after Mr Grizz's demise . . . that was something to deal with another time, particularly since taking down Grizzco meant going through Reed. And while Reed was everything Cora hated bundled into a single person, she was also a one squid army. Cora was no slouch, but Reed was hazard level max.)
There was always more work to be done. And some days were still much harder than others. Seven years had passed since her initial crusade into Octo Canyon, and yet Cora still had to consciously try to smile. But she was doing better. She was doing so much better, one day at a time. Sitting in her comfy clothes, in her clean apartment, with her headphones on watching music videos and enjoying a big bowl of chocolate ice cream after a long day of hard work as Captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, helping those who needed it any way she could.
This is peace for her.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
Evillious Chronicle x Twisted-Wonderland (feat. Gacha Club) - Some Other Characters I Kinda Thought of but Still Wondering Should I Make Them or Not (feat. some genderbend)
We know nothing about the full Evillous Chronicles, so we are not touching the whole reincarnations or whatever mess mothy made (yet). Instead, each song is their own story without extension. The only one connecting it is Idia wandering around like Elluka/Levia. Also the only reason there are genderbend is to differentiate between two characters.
Chrono Story (prologue):
Eve Moonlit: (fem)Riddle
Held: Lilia
Kiril Clockworker: Ortho (as siblings, Irina (whoever this will be) is the jealous fiancé)
The Lunacy of Duke Venomania (Malleus):
Gumina Glassred: Yuuken
Haru Netsuma & I.R.: Silver
Karchess Crim: (fem)Trey
Lukana Octo, Maylis Beelzenia, Mikulia Greeonio: (fem)Leona, (fem)Cater, (fem)Deuce
Evil Food Eater Conchita (Jonah (OC)):
Arte: (fem)Ace
Carlos Marlon: Sebek
Pollo: Deuce
The Daughter of Evil (Vil):
Allen Avadonia: Rook
Germaine Avadonia: Kalim
Kyle Marlon: Jack
Leonhart Avadonia: fem!Jamil
Michaela: Epel
Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep (Leona):
Kaspar Blankenheim: (fem)Malleus
Julia Abelard: Ruggie
The Tailor of Enbizaka:
Kai Miroku: (fem)Azul
Mei Miroku: Rielle
Miku Miroku: (fem)Jade
Rin Miroku: (fem)Floyd
Judgment of Corruption:
Ma: Mama Rosehearts
"Michelle Marlon": Ace
Nemesis Sudou & Mask with a Will/Master of the Hellish Yard: Riddle
Tony Ausdin: Dire Crowley
The Muzzle of Nemesis:
Ma: Mama Rosehearts
Clockworker's Doll & Michelle Marlon: Ace
Nyoze Octo: Trey
Ziz-san: (fem)Jonah or Grim
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give us the deets on your agents
YES thank you anon you are my hero and I will be forever grateful to you for this. This post got very very tall because I have had so many thoughts about these characters, which I have not had the opportunity to share. I spent all morning typing! Forgive its length, please!
Captain Three:
Real name Amber. 22 years old, recruited at age 15.
Uses she/her pronouns & she's a lesbian.
She maintains a separation between how she perceives herself as an individual and as a leader. In other words, she behaves very differently depending on which role she is trying to fill. When she's being the Captain, she's stoic, efficient, and unwilling to waste time. When she's just being Amber, she's more competitive and playful. Occasionally a bit of Amber slips through while she's trying to be serious.
She cares a lot about the other members of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, although expressing that doesn't come naturally to her. She is especially close with Craig, she spends a lot of her time visiting him and hangs on to basically every word he says. She thinks of Callie and Marie as her somewhat immature little sisters who she has to keep in line (even though they're older than her). She sees Four and Three as kind of halfway between peers and her protegés, but perceives Eight as her true equal, despite being her captain.
Amber has a sizeable crush on Agent Eight, but has no idea what to do about it and so she leaves those feelings largely unexamined.
She keeps her sentences as short as she possibly can. Occasionally she'll make one a bit too short and have to clarify immediately after, so instead of "Put that back on the shelf" she might say "Put that away. Back. On the shelf." This happens a ton when she's flustered.
She refers to everyone by their agent numbers, even in casual settings.
Unmatched skill with the Hero Shot, very comfortable with a Splattershot, and frankly useless with anything else. She has always had a natural athleticism and knack for combat, which was greatly improved through extensive training with Craig prior to her promotion.
Fun fact: She LOVES routine. Amber is happiest when she's waking up and going to bed at the same time every day, eating the same food, and structuring her schedule consistently. She can cope with having to go off routine, but it's always a relief to her to get back on it.
The rest of them are under the readmore! Fingers crossed that I remembered how to insert one correctly...
Agent Four:
Real name Agent Four. She couldn't decide on a name for herself for a long time, until a while after she saved Callie, at which point she decided "well I like being called Four so I guess that will be my name". 21 years old, recruited at age 17.
She/her and a lesbian. Also trans, which is the root cause of the name situation.
She is basically the opposite of Amber in that she makes no separation between herself as a person and as an agent; this is why she decided using her codename as a personal name would suit her.
Absurdly multitalented with weapons. She has thoroughly mastered all nine of the Hero Weapons that Sheldon gave her in Octo Canyon. She's also very capable with every weapon carried at Ammo Knights, which she learned individually after the Hero Weapons. The exception is Splatanas and Stringers, which are still new to her.
However, her raw physicals are just average. She can't do Amber's acrobatics or swing around heavy rollers all day without getting tired.
A bit impulsive, extremely hyperactive. She is rarely willing to sit still. Four stops by Alterna for at least a couple hours every day to brush up on any skills she feels could use practice. Due to the variety of weapons she uses and the depth to which she understands them, there's always something.
Four is unable to communicate in front of people she doesn't explicitly trust. Noncommunicative vocalizations such as cheering are fine, but she won't speak if someone she doesn't know is listening, and she won't sign or even nod/shake if someone's looking. She doesn't particularly fear or dislike being in public, though.
Quite a chatterbox when she's able to be, with a very silly and playful sense of humor.
Unique relationship with Marie, who was her first friend due to those communication issues. Her friendship with Marie enabled her to get to know and trust the others. She has a lot of affection for all of them, although she doesn't know Agent Three super well yet. She doesn't really examine these relationships, so she just thinks of them all as people she really really likes.
High social needs. Not being able to spend at least a couple hours a day in the presence of a friend tanks her mental health. She's roommates with Eight, so it's almost never an issue anymore; just the company is enough, interaction isn't required. She also requires a bit of extra attention and reassurance on occasion. The others accommodate for this.
She is the only agent who exclusively refers to Callie and Marie by their first names and never uses their agent numbers.
Extraordinarily observant and thorough. Four can find something interesting and hidden basically anywhere. She is also remarkably good at reading expressions, even those of non-cephalopods. Mammalian faces such as Judd's are too foreign for her though.
Fun fact: She knows how to cook but she's a weirdo and doesn't think it's worth the time investment. For most of her meals she just eats raw ingredients out of the fridge like a wild animal.
Agent Eight:
Real name currently Eight; her name prior to the Metro is unknown. She doesn't hate being called Eight, but she wants to find a new one some day, one which wasn't assigned to her by Tartar. Every now and then she tries one out, but none of them have stuck so far, so she's always gone back to using Eight.
She/her, lesbian. Statistically significant number of these in the NSS, wouldn't you say?
Age unknown. She seems to be around 22, and so would have been recruited at around 17. Couple years margin of error.
For a while she was very preoccupied with trying to remember her past life; during this period she collected all of the Mem Cakes. She has since made peace with only having a few fragmented memories of that time, and dedicates her energy towards building a good new life for herself and her companions instead. She has no strong desire to learn about her old life anymore.
Very big crush on Amber. She thinks about her a lot and has frequent daydreams about her. She gets too nervous to make a move, though. She and Amber are both oblivious to each others' feelings, even though they're obvious to everyone else.
When she was initially learning Inklish, she found contractions too confusing to use. She understands them just fine now, but it formed a habit and so she still never uses any.
Usually very level-headed in crisis situations, however she tends to feel like she has to fix everything, and shuts down if she feels like she's failed. Consequence of having to save herself, Craig, and Amber in the Metro, and then suddenly being told she has three minutes to prevent an apocalypse.
This does mean she's very good at staying collected and strategizing during combat, though. That's why she was able to defeat Amber, a more powerful combatant.
Eight is very skilled with shooters including the Hero Shot, and reasonably good with a lot of other miscellaneous weapons. She has a very solid understanding of and interest in the technology of all ink weaponry. As such, she works full-time at Ammo Knights. Her duties include assembling, benchmarking, and repairing weapons. She hopes to be able to design a new weapon class some day.
She greatly admires Sheldon for his knowledge and dedication. She greatly admires Pearl and Marina for their constant support. She greatly admires Amber for her immense skill, and also in a gay way. Eight does a lot of admiring.
She is very close with Four and sees her as something like a sister. She likes Agent Three and thinks of them as a potentially very good friend, although right now they're more just buddies. She thinks Craig is kinda weird, but is very respectful of him.
She maintains a close relationship with Marina & Pearl. Eight experiments a little bit with making music on her computer, but isn't quite confident enough to show it to anyone but Marina.
Fun fact: She likes to shake up her appearance a bit every now and then, as with her name. New outfits, a different hairstyle, that sort of thing.
Agent Three:
I haven't decided on their real name yet. I usually use Four as a POV character, and she doesn't know it, so I haven't really needed to yet. 19 years old, recruited at the same age.
they/them, nonbinary, undecided orientation. First character here who isn't a she/her lesbian, woah!
Really weird. You kind of have to be, to be best friends with a salmonid.
They're always casual, and they don't beat around the bush. When they have an idea, they'll say it immediately in plain words, even if it's something unusual or illegal.
They make most of their money searching for scrap in the wastes to sell. It doesn't pay very well, though.
They have a very lax attitude about stealing, which is how they're able to get by on the limited income of scrounging. It's kinda ethically dubious, since they aren't opposed to nabbing from smaller businesses and vendors from time to time, although they're conscientious about not causing them much financial harm. Smallfry is really helpful for this.
They think Callie, Marie, and Amber are really cool. They think Eight is also pretty cool, and they're not entirely sure what to make of Four but they like her energy.
They're really good with the Hero Shot and the Tri-Stringer. They're comfortable & capable with other weapons, but they don't have an especially deep understanding of them; for the most part they play every weapon in a class the exact same way.
They also get a bit tunnel-visioned sometimes. Just part of being a rookie, though.
Fun fact: They have their locker half-filled with dirt and use it as a terrarium. They keep worms in there. This violates so many rules.
that's right he's an agent now. i'm making it official
His full name is The Huge Ally to the Scrounger of the Desert and Sky. This name is self-assigned and he is presently the only one who actually knows it. Salmonid names are just like that.
Salmonids lack gender, and Smallfry himself is entirely unaware of the concept. If he knew what a pronoun was, he wouldn't care.
Smallfry has no languages in common with any of his companions. Salmonids are known to be capable of interspecies communication, but Smallfry himself is too young to do that yet. This is why the others don't actually know the name he has given himself.
He has an unbreakable bond with Agent Three. He is fiercely committed to protecting them and aiding them in anything they do.
As a salmonid, Smallfry lacks any natural fear of death. He isn't going to sacrifice himself any time soon, since he knows his life is precious to Agent Three, but he does not really grasp why his companions are as death-averse as they are. Many of their actions are incomprehensible to him for this reason.
He requires direct interaction with Agent Three in order to effectively help with anything. Because he does not understand their goals, he has no way of guessing what they would want him to do by himself, and because of the language barrier they cannot issue instructions for him to act on independently. As such, he relies on Agent Three to make it clear to him what he should do, such as by throwing him at something.
One thing that salmonids naturally have in common with the other sentient species is laughter. As such, one of the ways in which he can truly relate to and bond with his companions is by goofing off with them. This is the basis of his friendship with Four, Eight, the Captain, Callie, & Marie. He sees them as a bunch of cool friends he can play around with, as close allies to Three, and as powerful fighters.
He likes music, too. Maybe some day that's something he could bond with Eight over?
Fun fact: Smallfry likes much of the same food Three does, but he also catches and eats plenty of bugs. Three also catches them for him pretty often. Occasionally Smallfry will manage to catch and eat a bird, which is horrifying, but that's just where salmonids lie on the food chain. Three thinks it's cool, but they don't catch birds for him because it would make them feel bad.
Bonus! Callie & Marie!
They're not OCs so there's not as much to say about them, but they do have relationships with these characters.
Both of them respect Amber as a leader and love her as family. They see her as their slightly no-fun-allowed little sister/cousin/something.
Four is especially important to Marie, both because Four was so helpful when everyone Marie relied upon was gone, and because she understands the enormity of the impact she has had on Four's life. In the past she thought of Four as her recruit, student, and protegé. Some element of that remains, however she mostly sees Four as a peer now.
Callie are Four have a lot in common in terms of their personalities, they're really good friends.
They aren't quite as close with Eight as with the others. They like her a lot, but they mostly see her as "the really nice & smart girl who Gramps recruited and who the Captain has a very funny crush on".
They both like Agent Three a lot and see them as a fun, good-hearted kid with a lot of potential. Neither of them are particularly knowledgeable about salmonids so they don't really get Smallfry, but they like him just fine.
And of course, more asks are always welcome! Vague, specific, about one agent or about all of them. I'm not picky.
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ask-unknown-octopus · 9 months
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Greetings and welcome to the season finale of “Poptropica’s Best Bakers: Season 4”!
My name is Vanny Lila, and I’m here today with my fellow host…!
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Last episode, our contestants were challenged to make soufflés.
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Mell and Kara were eliminated due to their desserts being under-risen. Leaving only two teams remaining.
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In this episode, Montgomery and Octo will face off against Tang and Bem to see who will win first place this season, and by extension who will win $100,000 worth of prize money!
Without further delay, it’s time for the reveal! Coco, would you do the honors?
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[She pulls out a small drum.]
Today’s baking challenge iiiiiissssssssss…
…a three tier decorated cake. Contestants, your time starts now! Get to baking!
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