#octoling soilder
iowacosediments · 4 months
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Octo solider bought a Yuri paddle on her shift
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space-woomy · 5 months
do you have any AUs for your ocs?
OH BOY DO I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(For splat ocs that is)
ALSO!!! saying this now, PLEASE ask me to elaborate on things if you have any questions!!!! I love asks!!!!!
1. Monster AU
Essentially, all of inkling and octoling kind (maybe every species idk) have this gene/virus that slowly mutates them into a monster of some sort, based on their mental state. If your really stressed, you turn into a monster sooner. If you're chill, you'll see little, to no transformation.
I might as well info dump about it here cuz y not.
For most of inkfish existance, they've been afflicted by a virus that turns them into monsters. If you get bitten or scratched, you can get infected basically 95% of the time. It can also be transmitted through sex, and can also be passed onto offspring as well. There's no known cure, but there are pills with reduce both anxiety, stress, and the overall affects of the virus.
The virus had a huge impact on the war. The inkings used monsters in a more direct approach, forcing soilders into high stress situations to force them to mutate faster, and then sends them in to fight. It was effective, however, the octolings had a different strategy. They respected the changes, and would only alow the mutations just a little far. They'd allow soilders to mutate just enough for some of the benefits to take place. Extra strength, odd abilities, extra limbs, etc…
The inklings win the war in the end, and force the octolings underground. This leads into the 2 mentalities regarding the approach towards dealing with the virus.
Octariens take it as more of a divine sort of thing (idk). Changes from the virus are embraced. They don't dilibertly seek out infection, but anything that happens, happens. (Idk exactly how to explain it.) The scientific side is pushed off more.
Inklings treat ot more as a virus alone. A disease to be cured. The mental aspect is pushed off more. All that it comes down to is "don't get stressed and take your pills". The virus is way more linked to one's mental state than everyone thinks.
Anyways, splat 1.
In splat 1, Molly (3) joins the NSS to steal back the zapfish. Molly ran away from home to hopefully find some kind of cure for the virus for themselves. The pills that help with the virus are made from zapfish blood, so maybe helping all of them can maybe lead them to finding a cure. In the end, they find The Great Zapfish after defeating octavio. Its a lot different from the cannon one, and it's more like an ethereal creature, one that a mortal mind cannot comprehend. But before Molly's mind breaks, the Great Zapfish helps by taping one of its long whisker things on their forehead. They can now understand, and not have their mind shatter into nothing when looking at the Great Zapfish. They leave the domes, and Molly stops mutating any further, aside from a few things. Over time, they gain a few Zapfish traits, like a big tail, and those long whiskers.
Splat 2
I don't have much 4 splat 2 honestly. I haven't thought about it that much. But Four is infected, goes through the same and maybe has an identity crisis. Then she realizes that she's in control of herself and is kinda unbothered by the whole turning into a monster thing.
Three and Eight fight. Three, although the virus is no longer Affecting them, they still carry it, and can infect others. They infect Eight, and they fall into the metro. EIght is essentially on a timer here, because the metro gives MAX stress levels, and Eight is transforming really fast. Cuttlefish is there to help her through it, distracting her with dodging her attacks whenever she gets a bit crazy and talking to her and such, as well . By the end, she has transformed significantly. TarTar tries to blend them, and 3 saves them. TarTar realizes that, "oh shit, they're infected but not changing, weird." So they mind hyjack them. They get mind controlled, but TarTar cant restart the virus in them (G-Zapfish and all).
TarTars motivation here is trying to rid the world of the virus entirely; through killing everything basically. The virus also existed when humans where around.
They Fight, and make it to the surface! Three ends up losing their eye, and has major trauma (As per every Three there is)
Eight transforms even further, after O.E. she grows to be, like, 11 - 12 feet tall. She is also very crazy.
Any types of transformation, zapfish or otherwise, stops entirely due to the sanitization.
splat 3
Neo stumbles upon the NSS through Callie.
One thing that I haven't mentioned about the virus yet is that if 2 parents who have it procreate, and have a child, there is a very slim chance that the child will be completely immune to the virus. very small, but it's there. Captain Cuttlefish, Callie, and Neo are all immune. Marie unfortunately never got this trait.
Grizz is like the Great Zapfish, as in being an almost ethereal/eldritch being of mind breaking properties and comprehension. although compared to the GZ, he's much less so. they defeat him, and then SIde order!!!
Side order: Eight goes through the memverse and has her mind somewhat fixed. Less crazy and less beast like. Still fucking huge though. Here are some doodles I did!!!
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These are kinda old
Side order:
The same, but instead of memories or whatever, Marina creates the memverse to hopefully try and restore the minds of those who've lost theirs to the virus. Eight does this, and becomes significantly less insane and crazy.
I've only drawn 3 and 8, so I'll give a basic description of what the others kind of look like.
(I don't have full design ideas for everyone yet so keep that in mind)
Marie has progressed an average amount, but has seen significant change. She has 4 arms, 1 extending from the back of each shoulder. She's also very bulky with muscle. She's got sharper teeth as well.
Four's acceptance of her transformation had definitely helped slow it down, but also helped progress it at the same time. She's got small wings too. 
After encountering Grizz, Neo gains a few traits from him. She starts to grow hair, fingernails that grow very sharp, their beak turns more into teeth (canines, mollers, other teeths), etc. It's all pretty minor compared to what most people go through,  but still.
Oh boy that was a lot…next one!!!
2. Splatoon Ultra AU
TBH I have no clue what to call this one, but it's basically like the “EPICtale” of my splatoon ocs (if you get that reference). But essentially, everyone is very strong and shit and everything js crazy. I don't have much for this one but 3 is, like, 7 feet tall. I talked about this before but I deleted that post I think
3. TarTar wins kind of
This is the AU where TarTar was able to fire the beam at inkopolis, but it missed a little. It wasn't world ending, but it permanently affects the world as a whole. This is the AU my “Chaos Seas” fic takes place in. I should work on that again…
Basically, grizzco has become a much needed, but EXTREMELY dangerous job. It's a last resort for people who can't afford housing, and housing is mega important in this world because there are huge storms that last days at a time. I might end up posting the rest of what I have on it ok ao3, and then remake it later. Idk.
If you want me to elaborate on anything or have any questions, please ask!
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splatoonpolls · 11 months
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Moon by @ace-octo-pix
an octoling born in the domes. she enjoyed her time with the few friends she made, but her parents constantly moving between domes and her seeing the detoriating condition made her reject it in a teenage moment and escaped to inkopolis, changing her tentacles to blend in with the locals there. a year or so later, she stumbles onto captain cuttlefish, becoming agent 3. as an octoling. she's still fully against anything related to octavio, who she blames completely for the conditions of the domes. of course its more complicated than that but she's 14 and fighting against them. When she beats up octavio, things get complicated fast when the other octolings ask her... how best to escape. when her previous path has been blocked off. and she tries to help them. she remembers a bit of the community, and things get so much more complicated, and she's still trying to hide from cuttlefish by covering up her forehead suctions. this does wonders for her personal schedule and she dedicates herself too much to work. However, when coming across agent 8 (before the memory loss), they reunite before Something attacks them and sends them spiraling into the underground, leaving Moon alone to try and work her way out of something again. she gets taken over. captain cuttlefish learns. and after that, Moon has to deal with having free time again... and during the time of learning how to have personal hygiene and do turf wars for fun again, she falls for agent 8, Sun, once more. And then she becomes captain and at this point i'm still forming things. still trying to keep that balance, which marie and callie help with. yeah. agent 3 octoling oc!
Dapplez by @swimspeedupabilitychunk
shes bi and trans and a traumatised octopus :D very autism and anxiety.she has endured the horrors and is on the way to endure more. yes she stays silly!!
this is the only actual image of her i have, i doodle her so much that her design changes very often. sorry D:
dapplez (who was called alexi at the time) and agent 8 (who is called ezra) grew up as child soilders together. they were both present when og 3 beat up octavio the first time, and because reasons were un-brainwashed and started looking for a way to escape. eventually, they found the deep sea metro. while looking for a way in, a group of sanitised octolings attacked them and alexi kinda pushed ezra onto the train tracks to save him. there was in fact a train car pulling up behind them and ezra fell in. she got splatted and lost all her memories. all she knew was she wanted to get to the surface. after reaching the surface (because after octavio left the whole power vacumm resulted in a breakdown of octarian society) she begins working for grizz co to make ends meet. she just happened to be on shift (with a pair of dapple dualies) when mr grizz kidnapped a bunch of workers (mostly octolings who were in the same situation as her) and fuzzied them. after return of the mamalians cici (neo 3) went around feeding all the fuzzied octolings golden eggs to free them. this included the octoling now known as dapplez. she had fully lost her memories (also this is where she just. gravitated to she/her pronouns. thats how im working the trans into this) but began to learn how to person again. callie retaught her octarian!! she also ended up dating cici. enventually though, she wanted to head back to inkopolis plaza to see if that would jog any memories. train car pulls up. who's on the other side? ezra. insert side order plot but shes helping ezra
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seffien · 2 years
You seem to be in your Callie era so now's the perfect time to say there's no way there wasn't some kind of very gay tension happening between Callie and the Octoling soilders
Like all of the soilders were probably like "Omg she's so pretty haha I don't really mean that though jk jk what if she kissed me right now haha just as a joke it would be soo funny haha just for a few laughs I want her" and Callie has one braincell just dinging around in her head like a DVD logo screensaver and would pick up on absolutely none of their signals
old ask that deserves to be brought out of the inbox
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pandamoniumvibes-27 · 2 years
Marie and Callie Headcannons
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A/N: this has been in my drafts for a bit but I just want to say a big thanks to @lemur4573 and @wlitzenden for helping me! I’m going to be doing more splatoon content in the future but it will be more art related.
Callie and Marie used to go to their grandpa’s house all the time when they were squidlings.
Captain Cuddlefish would tell them war stories handing them out like they were casual bedtime tales.
Callie and Marie would just look in awe while their parents looked at their dad disapprovingly because “octolings don’t exist”
As Callie and Marie got older they stopped believing in Cuddlefish’s stories they just “got to old for squidling tales”
so when their gramps asked for help they thought their grandpa was just having one of his crazy fits and they would just be helping him out
“THIS IS NOT BINGO!!!!!” Was heard through out octo valley
When Callie and Marie first started as agents they were not only very new but also very bad at fighting
Callie was only somewhat decent with a roller and Marie was a weak charger main (having only played a couple of turf wars and ranked being unpopular)
Callie was given dualies and rolled off the bridge. Marie was give a hero shot and kept trying to shoot from towers
Not to mention how Callie was treating this like a episode of Totally Spies
“They never look up shooting from above us the best option.”
“Your ink isn’t even touching the squiggle monster!”
“They are called octarians Callie don’t be rude.”
They were awful thankfully cuddlefish did boot camp
oh no…
“Gramps how did you get into are house?”
“Gramps it’s 7 IN THE MORNING.”
Marie became better with a charger just to keep Gramps away from their house.
She even spotted him in the bushes that one time.
“Marie don’t you think it’s bad splatting Grandpa?”
“Do you want to be forced into cleaning the whole house and working out before we can even get coffee again?”
Callie is a big fan of Candyland and Marie is big fan of chess as you can imagine it is interesting to see the two try to play each others games
“My brain hurts!!!! Can we play Candyland?”
“That game is boring it is mindless I’m losing brain cells by thinking about it!”
The two can agree on some games
1. Being Monopoly which is permanently banned after Callie started crying/threatening to break Marie’s charger and Marie becoming extremely rude/threatening to burn Callie’s limited edition collectibles
2. Clue: they like a good detective mystery!
Callie and Marie always need noise in order to work. Marie is too used to hearing Callie humming or talking that if it is silent when she’s working she get nervous and Callie. Well she just like combining work with dance party.
“Oh you’re right here. I thought you were in the kitchen.”
“I was but then I grabbed my headphones and I started to listen to music!”
“Don’t worry I didn’t blow up the microwave again!”
They are both bilingual, octarian being their second language. However Callie is way more comfortable with the language. Callie can talk for hours in octarian but Marie has become much more comfortable with the language after Agent 8 and Marina became official agents.
Now they have to try and teach agent 4.
“Now agent 4 this is a great chance to practice your octarian what does the sign say?”
“Agent 4?”
“This hurts my brain to much.”
“Agent 4 stop walking away! This is how we are gonna stop the next octarian threat that could destroy society as we know it!!!!!”
“Hehe you sound like gramps!”
Marie and Callie are both great at different things when it comes to performing. Callie is great with expressions and high energy while Marie can memorize her lines and choreography faster
Together they help each other and make a great team
After practice though they can always be seen hanging out in the square enjoying something to eat
They just know that when the song comes out the public will be impressed.
“MARIE! I think I finally mastered the choreography for our new song I’ll show you!”
“CALLIE! We’re in public!”
As long as someone doesn’t leak the choreography first
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final propaganda sheet for Dapplez (@splatoonpolls)
shes bi and trans and a traumatised octopus :D very autism and anxiety.she has endured the horrors and is on the way to endure more. yes she stays silly!! trauma under the cut
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this is the only actual image of her i have, i doodle her so much that her design changes very often. sorry D:
dapplez (who was called alexi at the time) and agent 8 (who is called ezra) grew up as child soilders together. they were both present when og 3 beat up octavio the first time, and because reasons were un-brainwashed and started looking for a way to escape. eventually, they found the deep sea metro. while looking for a way in, a group of sanitised octolings attacked them and alexi kinda pushed ezra onto the train tracks to save him. there was in fact a train car pulling up behind them and ezra fell in. she got splatted and lost all her memories. all she knew was she wanted to get to the surface. after reaching the surface (because after octavio left the whole power vacumm resulted in a breakdown of octarian society) she begins working for grizz co to make ends meet. she just happened to be on shift (with a pair of dapple dualies) when mr grizz kidnapped a bunch of workers (mostly octolings who were in the same situation as her) and fuzzied them. after return of the mamalians cici (neo 3) went around feeding all the fuzzied octolings golden eggs to free them. this included the octoling now known as dapplez. she had fully lost her memories (also this is where she just. gravitated to she/her pronouns. thats how im working the trans into this) but began to learn how to person again. callie retaught her octarian!! she also ended up dating cici. enventually though, she wanted to head back to inkopolis plaza to see if that would jog any memories. train car pulls up. who's on the other side? ezra. insert side order plot but shes helping ezra
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[@undercurrent-ink : I'm going to do soilder 8 for this one cause why not :3]
"Why are you acting strange, Inkling?" Valerie questioned the green tentacled squid.
It was only a few days since escaping and Val was already finding Three's behaviors to be interesting. Everything still was a shock all things considered. Alas, Val didn't complain about anything; she handled certain things left undone without being asked leaving the place spotless for the most part. It was the the least she could do out of courtesy.
(Oh you just made things very interesting, my friend~)
"M-Me? Acting strange? What ever gave you that idea?" Agent 3 questioned, stammering at the start of her questioning of the Octoling soldier.
Valerie had EVERY right to call Three out for acting strange. Avoiding Valerie on purpose, occasionally staring at her whenever the two of them actually interacted with each other when she wasn't purposefully trying to avoid the other and to top ALL of that off, there was also the fact that whenever the two of them did interact, it seemed that Agent 3 was also extremely nervous. It's like she was keeping some sort of secret that she was too afraid to tell the Octoling soldier because she didn't know how she would react-
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undercurrent-ink · 2 years
[ SHIELD ]: Sender uses their own body to shield the receiver from an attack. (Time for Agent 3 to protect Octarian Soldier 8 for once-) @immense-inklings
"Valerie, you know even a rumor about your affair with that being."
"What makes you think attacking me would do anything? Did you forget about the training we had to endure, specifically on any attempts to get information out of us?"
Valerie held a grin just for the opposed Octoling grow agitated. Valerie was only getting more driven by the one who just so happened to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. She didn't even fight back from being battered and damaged.
"Seeing you're finished with your tirade I'll be leaving." Valerie walked away with her grin still on her face.
Of course the one who confronted Valerie wasn't going to let a traitor walk away easily or leave breathing. She'll be missing without question. They're alone as far as the two knew so Valerie disappearing could easily be forgotten.
Valerie heard fast footsteps coming up from behind her. She mistakenly stopped at where she stood to only see a blur racing toward her with a knife every soilder had.
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carou-sol · 3 years
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was playing Splatoon again and after rereading all of its lore I got some ideas for my Octoling Gisu for my Splatoon AU. ( I swear I’m gonna post the other interns someday it’s just it’s very hard to turn everyone into chelapods). And I added a chunk of headcanons so
Headcanons under the cut!
Elite Octoling Gisu my beloved
She is a twig and a “ short king” among her fellow Elite Octolings considering how slim and buff the Elites are. The reason she is among the elite octolings is for her strategies on getting the Zapfish, and her immense power despite her scrawny size.
Yes she is technically a “ child soilder “ being only 11 when taken for octoling training
She has purple eye markings instead of the usual black of modern octos! She is considered as a “ hybrid octoling” for this! Gisu has both modern octoling genetics as well as old ones, Late gens have sharper more triangle teeth with purple eye markings instead of the usual black and also normal teeth of modern octos!
Gisu does not have the common green scalera or purple eyes of a old generation octoling and instead leans in with more modern octoling genetics that has white scalera and different eye colors. Her colored finger tips are also considered as genetics from a modern octoling, nobody knows why she came out like this, doesn’t bother Gisu tho, she thinks it’s cool
Her aging process was quickened thanks to octoling technology and a bit of illegal mixing of ink into some sort of steroids which quickened her transformation process,!!
Even though octolings are mostly a “ serious species” unlike Inklings, Gisu is a rarity among them for her more bubbly and laid back personality and optimistic side on thinking,
This is the main reason why she was forced to wear the brainwashing goggles in the first place and even had a “ hazy effect” if she took them off, which does not feel good so she puts them back on.
Similar to Mariana she was a prodigy with octarion technology, though worked more on the Great Octo Weapons, and is the main reason why the “ OctoWhirl” still works . Though she was quickly moved to Octoling Squads for unknown reasons, and later rose to the upper ranks of Elite Octolings.
The seaweed used to mark Elite Octolings is tangled on the sides of her goggles.
She still has these goggles by the way and is trying to figure out how they work
She was a active Villian during the Splatoon 1 campaign!
Though she kept facing off Norma more than Lizzie! As it is always the squads she is in that keep facing off the two agents leading up the final battle with Dj Octavio.
She was among the audience during the final battle, when the Calamari Inkantation was played, it freed her from the brainwashing Permanently and was finally able to take off the goggles without getting a light head,
She quickly escaped afterwards, and got lost in Octo Canyon, where she met Morris! A fellow octoling who not only escaped but was freed from the brainwashing as well
From their similar backgrounds they decided to stick together, as they had no idea about inkling society or their languages and promptly stalked the new Squidbeak Splatoon or any inkling that was close enough to hear, to teach themselves inkling culture and society. Though if you’d let them they would go straight to speaking Octarian
Eventually they are caught and sicced on by Norma and Lizzie until the battle was interrupted and the two octos were trapped in the deep sea metro!
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leafyaria · 5 years
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I wanted to do player-card kinda biographys for them! I have 11 total i’ve done, I got more Splatsona’s, but these are my active ones atm LMAO
Is the smallest out the group, but not the youngest
Doesn't have any known family members outside her “cousin”, but she recovers from this from how many “found” families she squeezes herself into
despite this, she is deathly afraid of being lonely, it’s why you barely see her on her own
She’s an agent from Marie’s recommendation, however she never really gets taken serious, she can kick ass though! ((she’s a certified Bastard though)), her original agent squad left though and left her on her own so she tends to help other agents instead
She’s banned from Salmon run due to her size and nearly being eaten on a constant basis
Loves her tattoo’s, she has Three currently, a blue octopus on her leg ((when she met Agate)), a Skelefish ((Her unique item)), and a Robotic 7 ((she worked towards agent after she got her arm chopped up and had to wear a prosthetic for a month)) 
Is son to the gang leader of the underground, due to this he gets beaten up alot for chance of Gang leader one day ((or justs beat up to get to his dad))
Used to have a tail but his dad had tore it out so he didn’t have any weaknesses, it grew back eventually ((and got chopped off again in a Zombie apoc)), eh had 0 luck with his tail, His dad, if you didn’t know, is a bit of a fucking dick, Crowley spends most of his time on the surface rather than underground
he had been drafted to the army, but was kicked out after he refused to hurt innocent Squids
He’s smokes, if you saw the shit he went through you wouldn’t blame him, he also shops in Squid Topic
Would hurt anyone but young kids, it’s his one weakness
Zazz do not interact ((Ponda if you go within 50feet of him he will hunt you down and bite you))
he CAN use a weapon, but would rather use his fangs and fists, this is why he’s banned out of turf wars
Is a hybrid of Zapfish and Octoling, she’s the oldest out the batch
She’s very mischievous, having stolen a mobile and taught herself how to use it just so she could prank call others
She has gone through 3 Carers, the last one having died to Zombies
She... dosn’t like being alone, but she also dislikes being near other Zapfishtolings (Saying that, if she’s sad, she will seek the familiar sparks and cuddle in) 
This dosn’t bode well considering Zapfishtolings are very territorial
Zazz can talk, but she has a sort of lisp so it comes out in Zz’s
She considers Ponda one of her carers, Ponda dosn’t get it but the spirit is there.
Ponda found her passed out in the Metro when she was exploring there ((this is pre-agent time)), having taken her to her apartment with help from her cousin, they nursed her up, Agate wanted to stay to pay them for savig her life, ever since then they became room mates
She’s 10% Sanitised, and is very afraid of it, sh’s scared when she goes to bed she’ll wake up back in the metro sanitised
She has scars from the tests she’s done, she ended up down there when she was running away from her duties as a soilder, She dosn’t talk about it must apart from to people she trusts
When she got on her feet, She saved enough gold and started running a bakery next to the metro so any octolings who came out lost or bewilded could come in for a warm cup of tea
She’s fantastic in turf war with duelies, however she refuses to play if Ponda isn’t there, and sometimes she’ll freeze up on the stage and throw the game.
She owns a seaslug, completely different to a sea cucumber, this ones white and can also talk, but normally hangs around on Agates shoulder or Head unless she’s cooking ((then he has his own pillow he sleeps on)), Ponda feeds him bits of Cake dispite Agates complaints.
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mad-raven · 5 years
Splat arena stuff
-graveborn are sanitized (inkling and octoling)
-Vedan was an octoling soilder who was turned sanitized
-Angelo is an idol
-Rowan is one of the store owners
- Isabella and Silvina were being tested on and Vedan rescued them
-erionn is a famous turf war player, and the strongest. No one has been able to defeat him
-fawkes has a sanitized hand
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space-woomy · 5 months
Came up with a Eight and Neo dynamic: Neo is jealous of Eight from an agent stand point.
Neo looks up to Cap a lot, and does shit to try to impress them, and the most they'll get is a thumbs up or a "nice.", which is not from a lack of caring, but is purely from an autism standpoint. The very pinnacle of praise that Neo gets is a "booyah" (Which is whole other post I might make) and Neo is not used to Cap's autism communication yet. So they're just like "Oh I just gotta lock in."
But then they see Eight, who randomly shows up one day, and comes in on occasion and fully talks to the captain, and they respond back without Marie to telephone what they're saying, and she's all touchy with them...and Neo has no idea that they're in a relationship.
She's just like: "...this random octoling just shows up one day, and suddenly She's the captains right hand? I'd get if agent 1 or 2 were their right hand, but I'm not even sure she's an agent! No one every mentioned her before...She dosen't even do anything! she just comes in, talks to the captain, gets all touchy with them, and then leaves??? What's her deal???"
And then Eight is like: "*sigh*...pretty girlfrendd :)..."
Neo just assumes that Eight is an agent cause her name is "Eight". And she's heard on occasion Marie and Callie mention "agent 8" once or twice, but not anything substantial. She doesn't know that Eight isn't even an agent anymore. It's that one sided rivalry type of dynamic, but it's a very mild rivalry. At most, Neo will give Eight a slight glare on occasion or boast a bit more about something she did well, even when it's something that Eight could've completed it twice as fast and efficiently.
It culminates in Neo being like "Hey! lets compete for being the right hand of the captain! I'm not gonna let you mess with the hierarchy of the NSS! beat me at these challenges!" Eight: "...uh..." *whispering to cap* "...so...do I absolutely curb stomp them at this oooor...?" Cap: "...Idk...Try your best you 2."
And so it goes 1 of 2 ways: 1, it's a simple contest of "Who can complete the challenges." or 2, Marie, Callie, and 3 all judge the challenges they do. I prefer this one because 3 gets to have the absolutely insane bias to Eight. Marie and Callie silently judge them about it.
It ends with Neo being like "Damn I suck" and Eight goes "Oh, not gonna let that imposter syndrome develop this early." And then exlpains to Neo that She was raised in the military as a child soilder, lived in horrid conditions, and fought through almost literal hell, fighting zombies of their race, and explains to Neo that she has expierience with the worst of the worst, and it's good that Neo has not been through that. and that Cap is her Girlfriend. Neo is like: "oh...oh, what!?! Man I'm stupid..."
So basically: Neo dosen't like how the hiarchy of the NSS has been disturbed, and can't recognize what a relationship looks like.
And EIght stops her from developing imposter syndrome.
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space-woomy · 5 months
4, 6, 9, 16?
4. Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?
Agent 96 honestly. It's cute, I've thought about writing a fic for them but I'm not a that big a fan of it. Like, separately, I feel like each ship has its own deeper meaning to it. 24, represents the healing between ink and octolings and how these 2, despite thier fights and being enemy's in a war, find comfort in eachother from their years being soilders. They've both done bad things, but they look past that. 12, 2 agents brought into a secret trying to protect the people they love and care about, and find comfort in the trauma from the fighting. 32, again, the healing of the relationships between ink and octos.
But with 96 I feel like those strong themes get kinda diluted when you have all of them at once. I don't hate the ship, all the more power to you if you ship it, but I'm not that invested in it.
sorry for the rant
6. Share a wip!
I don't have any art wips rn, but I do have a fic wip!!spoilers, obviously
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9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
Happily! I'll write 3.
Confusing Happiness by Galaxys_Eclipse
Only has 2 chapters rn, but it's definitely got me hooked. I won't spoil anything for it, but it's Angst and the direction it's seemingly going in has got me excited! Please give the current chapters a read! They're great!
Growth by Distant Witness (Waywatcher)
The worldbilidng and lore it adds to the splat universe is amazing, and its just written really well. The relationship and dynamic between 3 and 8 in this is also great.
One bad seed kills the garden by CandyCoatedRocks
It's so fucking well written, and it tugs my emotions a bit. The Angst hits hard and the resolution, while not a standard "everything's OK now", but it's definitely enough that tugs my heart so much. Please give it a read
These are just fics that I love a lot
16. Do people irl know you participate in Fandom?
Yeah. I think a few of friends do. I shared my first fic ever with them before I posted it (inky dreams). I have no clue what they thought of it. I'm not sure that they know I'm like, this involved, but yeah.
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whats going on with ezra. theres like 3 posts in the tag
fuck i forgot. to introduce him. welp. update shit for all 3!!
EZRA: 17ish. he/him. ezra is agent 8. before the deep sea metro, he and dapplez (who was called alexi at the time) grew up as child soilders together. they were both present when og 3 beat up octavio the first time, and because reasons were un-brainwashed and started looking for a way to escape. eventually, they found the deep sea metro. while looking for a way in, a group of sanitised octolings attacked them and alexi kinda pushed ezra onto the train tracks to save him. there was in fact a train car pulling up behind them and ezra fell in. that was the last he saw of alexi. blah blah metro hell and now he's in the matrix. train car pulls up behind him. turn around. alexi? nope, this is dapplez. insert side order plot but both of them are doing stuff
DAPPLEZ: 16ish. she/her. same bakcstory up until sanitised octoling attack. she got splatted and lost all her memories. all she knew was she wanted to get to the surface. after reaching the surface (because after octavio left the whole power vacumm resulted in a breakdown of octarian society) she begins working for grizz co to make ends meet. she just happened to be on shift (with a pair of dapple dualies) when mr grizz kidnapped a bunch of workers (mostly octolings who were in the same situation as her) and fuzzied them. after return of the mamalians cici went around feeding all the fuzzied octolings golden eggs to free them. this included the octoling now known as dapplez. she had fully lost her memories (also this is where she just. gravitated to she/her pronouns. thats how im working the trans into this) but began to learn how to person again. callie retaught her octarian!! she also ended up dating cici. enventually though, she wanted to head back to inkopolis plaza to see if that would jog any memories. train car pulls up. who's on the other side? ezra. insert side order plot but shes helping ezra
CICI: 16ish. she/they. literally just neo 3. abandoned in the desert as a child, worked at grizz co to make ends meet and stole a golden egg to sell on the black market. it hatched before she could though and now lil buddy exists. very supportive girlfriend, but is stressed as hell because dapplez isnt picking up her phone (no wifi in tower)
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undercurrent-ink · 2 years
♡ (Lets make this interesting~ Octarian Soldier Agent 8 to Agent 3~) @immense-inklings
This will need some context on how, at least my thoughts on, Octarian society acts to explain some things that would be seen as strange or out of the norm.
Octolings from birth are raised with heavy propaganda which demonized and dehumanized Inklings. This goes to any relationships with Inklings in any way just like with another Octoling except for being work / combat related. They're just soilders and nothing more in the end in this society.
This caused many to actually form a way to keep their emotions to a person hidden but obvious to those who are trusted with this information, while keeping those unaware out of the loop and appear as their acting normal or slipping up.
Now that's done with, let's get to what you're asking.
Fay respects 3 more than she shows. Seeing her as an equal and respecting her like she's one of her fellow found family members. This isn't shown much or at all to others; having even a little respect shown is a big deal. Larger if she listens and follows orders from her (IE: Being told to leave).
Fay will intentionally sabotage herself into losing a fight is another indication. This can also mesh with her seeking more fights with 3 in particular.
Fay will cover 3's tracks or cover her own behavioral changes.
Fay would make things harder for 3 as a way of challenging and another form of coverage.
Overall just being a notable soilder but somehow slipping up more often then not.
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undercurrent-ink · 2 years
💭 (Wendy and @braveheartsquid)
A few months ago Wendy figured out a way to reach The Great Zapfish in Inkopolis Square and Plaza by following a group of Octoling soilders. No one didn't seem to know what took place then or now.
When she had a chance Wendy will find where they'll be and just stay there with them. While Wendy was able to be identified in the day, by night she held a shape like an Octoling. Hindsight is twenty twenty when your identity comes to question among the stars.
Unable to sooth her nerves she found her new friend wound around a massive building with advertising screens adorning the front. She got up there through climbing, jumping, running, and lifting herself up from windows to the large displays. She wasn't particularly paying attention to someone following her before hiding themselves.
Wendy sat herself on an open ledge with her legs dangling over to the wind.
"Such a beautiful sight isn't?"
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