#of at least a 5 year old or a dolphin
francisforever2014 · 4 months
just went to get a chai and two beautiful women inside watched me try every single possible incorrect way to open the door before getting it but luckily i smirked a little at myself when i finally walked in showing that i have whimsy and a sense of humor and a charming personality successfully sidestepping any usual embarrassment at such a blunder
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
for @steddie-week day 5 | exes to lovers
fully and completely inspired by @emchant3d's divorced dad's post [x] from a few weeks ago bc i did not once stop thinking abt it
tags: modern day, artist!eddie, finance guy!steve, steddie as rich gay divorcees, sort of an accidental parent trap situation
They were too young, Steve thinks in retrospect – married at twenty-three, their daughter born when they were twenty-five, and then divorced before his twenty-seventh birthday.
He gets to think retrospectively because in a few years it’ll be a full decade since the papers for that last bit got signed. Now, Steve is thirty-four and sweating his ass off in a red polo and crisp jeans, the stiflingly hot July sun beating down on him as he scans the perimeter of a crowded playground for a familiar head of curly brown hair – not his nine-year-old. He found Rosalind already, wreaking havoc on the jungle gym. No, he’s looking for his ex (-husband, technically, but Steve usually stops at ex; the -husband part just makes him sad these days).
It’s custody swap day, which is either his favorite or least favorite day of the week depending on who the swap is favoring.
Today it’s favoring him which is why he’s slowly making his way around the edge of a playground in Bushwick, keeping an eye out for his ex, Eddie.
“Steve,” he hears from somewhere behind him. Steve turns towards the sound and sees not that curly head of hair he’d expected. Eddie’s hair is completely buzzed (which, for the record, was not the case last week when Steve dropped Rozzy off with him) and he’s wearing a paint-splattered white t-shirt tucked into old jeans and all that combined is making it reeeally hard for Steve to pretend he’s not crushing hard on the guy he divorced eight years ago.
“Dude,” Steve started, eyeing Eddie’s hair (or lack thereof) as he made his way to the section of fence that Eddie was occupying, “What–”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie rolled his eyes, “Rozzy already hit me with all the good zingers so you’re too late.”
“No, I don’t –” Steve stopped, “It’s…not a bad look, just…you know. Why the change?”
Eddie looked away.
“Long story,” he replied as Steve remembered (yet again) that he doesn’t get full access to Eddie’s world the way he used to.
Luckily for Steve, Rozzy runs up to them and spares him from having to figure out a response for that.
“We should get pizza,” she says. Steve’s eyebrows fly up.
“We should get pizza?” he repeats.
“Please,” she adds, her eyes shining, “At Dad’s? And we play Mario Kart? Dad said I’m getting good at 200!”
“He said that?” Steve asked, and he glances over Rosalind's head to see that Eddie is making a so-so gesture with his hand.
He’s never been all that good at saying no to his daughter (or anyone), so it doesn’t take much more convincing on Rozzy’s part for the three of them to head off in the direction of Eddie’s loft, with a pitstop planned for the pizza shop down the block.
They actually have a nice time.
It’s true that Rozzy is getting better at 200cc – good might be a bit generous, but Steve’s fine with that (he doesn’t know if his ego could handle getting crushed by a fourth-grader).
Just as they’re finishing their second grand prix (the Star Cup, because Rozzy likes the dolphin race), one of the other kids in the building knocks on the door and invites Rozzy over for a sleepover, which Steve agrees to because he remembers the illicit kind of joy in a summertime Monday night sleepover.
Eddie doesn't show Steve the door after Rozzy's gone. Rather, he pulls a bottle of wine from the fridge – an expensive Sémillon he says was given to him by a client.
“So the art biz is still going well, I assume,” Steve comments as Eddie pulls two vintage wine glasses out of a cabinet and pours them each a healthy serving.
Conversation about work manages to sustain them through the first few glasses (Eddie actually remembered that it’s been just over a year since Steve left his dad’s Fortune 1000 for a CFO position at a marketing company that had just graduated from small to midsize status). They work through the second quarter of the bottle talking about Rozzy, and the third vanishes even quicker while Steve spills some of the latest Harrington family drama.
While Eddie is updating him on how Wayne is doing, Steve finds that he isn’t really listening, distracted in the way he can’t help but notice how Eddie’s paint-stained t-shirt is actually more like an undershirt, and a size too small for him, the torso and sleeves tight around lean muscle, and there’s a thin silver chain around his neck and a scruff of facial hair around his jaw, and –
Steve doesn’t immediately realize when Eddie stopped talking. When he does, when his eyes finally unstick themselves from the buzzcut and drop back down to Eddie’s, he sees that Eddie is staring at him too.
Eddie’s tongue darts out to wet his lip.
“Ask me again why I buzzed my hair,” he tells him.
“Why’d you buzz your hair,” Steve asks, because he’s obedient like that (and because he really does want to know).
“Steve–” Eddie stops, a giggly, wine-induced hiccup of a laugh slipping out before he shakes his head, “An entire can of paint tipped ov–” He cuts himself off with another half-hysterical laugh, barely managing to say, “Spilled on my head,” before he was completely doubled over, and Steve is laughing too because he can totally picture it and because he had a bit more wine than he planned to and this is honestly the first time that he and Eddie have hung out without their daughter in…Steve doesn’t even know how long.
“Steve,” Eddie says again when they finally both recover, and his tone is completely different this time around and there’s a vulnerability in his eyes that wasn’t there before and something is happening, something is happening, “Please don’t kill me for saying this, but…fuck, it’s really kinda pathetic how badly I still want it to be you and me.”
Steve thinks he tries to respond, but then he was too busy kissing Eddie to do anything else, too busy scraping fingernails over Eddie’s scalp, too busy choking back a moan as Eddie sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, too busy tugging Eddie’s shirt out of his waistband to shove a hand up underneath and finding that he’s built more solidly than Steve remembers from the last time they touched like this, but something is telling him that’s true about Eddie – true about himself too – in more ways than one.
And if Rosalind comes home the next morning ready to ask how she’s getting back to Daddy’s house only to find that he’s already there, stealing Dad’s mug out of his hand for a sip of coffee when his own is right there…that’s a conversation for another day.
part 2
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berylcups · 1 month
haiiiii :3 could i perchance request some melone headcanons......... any kind of headcanons, that's totally up to you!! im in need of more content of my favorite purple haired freak :3
Melone HCs?! Now how can I say no to that? 😄 I’ve thought long and hard about this purple blorbo and squeezed all of my thoughts out on here! I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this adorable freak! 💜 Beryl
🍈Melone HCs🍈
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CW: This IS Melone we’re talking about so…. Beware the lewdness!
Notes: this is technically number 2 in my list but I thought I’d send this one out first since it got completed first. And it will give you all something to nibble on while I finish up number 1 and start on number 3! 😄 I hope you all enjoy ! 💜 Beryl
This guy sucks at cooking. The most he can do is microwave ramen, Mac and cheese, and boil pasta. 😭
He genuinely thinks pineapple is an ok topping for a pizza. Not bad not great…just OK. The squad is offended and speechless about his apathy of fruit being on a pizza . But his rebuttal is-tomato is a fruit and it’s on a pizza. Someone needs to hold Ghiaccio back because he’s ready to THROW HANDS.🙌
He’s the biggest Anti-hydro homie ever. He HATES drinking plain water. 💧 He only drinks coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, juice, and alcohol. How does he have clear skin?! He uses lots of trendy face creams and just has good genetics. Lucky bastard.😩
He thinks cola and root beer is the nastiest drink imaginable. He calls it the “black bile” based off the 4 humors of the human body.
He forgets to eat…It’s so bad that he gets a little snarky and Ghiaccio kindly reminds him by saying “oi Melone! Quit acting like a cunt and go eat something for fucks sake!”
He stays up ridiculously late. If he’s not pulling an all-nighter, he’s going to bed by 4am.
He sleeps in his underwear…and it’s a thong. 😳 he used to sleep nude but he also sleeps walks occasionally and nobody wants to see his junk so the team forced him to AT LEAST sleep in underwear!
Believe it or not, his natural hair color is purple! He only dyed it blonde to disguise himself for a mission.
He lost his tonsils from getting too many strep throat infections as a kid. He wanted to keep the removed tonsils but his mom said no. 😞
He’s not hairy but he does wax his entire body. No razor, no hair removal creams…just good ol wax. Ouch. 😬 his skin is as smooth as a dolphin.
His perfume/cologne smells like cucumber melon, green tea, and a citrus blend. Mmm…He’s fruity smelling!
He has a insane 4-5 step system when he washes his hair. He’s used to the warm water going cold on him in the middle of his showering routine. He must put up with the chills in order to have the best hair in the squad! …illuso totally isn’t seething with jealousy btw.
Melone was born and raised in Venezia with Ghiaccio as his best friend growing up. His venetian accent isn’t heavy like Ghiaccios.
He’s 25 years old and identifies as nonbinary. Melone is pretty lax with his pronouns but identifies as they/them it/its and he/him.
His sexuality? It’s yes please! 😄 He’s on board to get down with anyone! He has no preference when it comes to gender…you just need to have an open mind! Although, there are bonus points to be given out if you’re physically able (and consenting) to bear children. If not, he definitely won’t hold it against you! He’s DTF and ready to sweep you off your feet!
This guy has no ass but he can dance like he has one. Twerking and grinding his way at the club hopefully into someone’s pants. 😳
This inhuman human can swallow a banana WHOLE. He has no gag reflex, the dentists love him. Take that information for what you will.
He absolutely HATES snakes. Just the sight of them will make him gag 😭. He’s cool with other reptiles though. Just keep snakes away from him. 🐍
He can’t tell what he likes more-cats or dogs. He likes cats because they are independent and clean but…they like to scratch. He likes dogs because they’re loyal and friendly but… they can poo everywhere. It’s a difficult decision for him to decide! He’ll settle with a reptile like a chameleon. 🦎
He went to university for Botanical studies. He has a hobby for horticulture and beekeeping.
He also dabbles in astrology and reading fortunes through palm reading. (Usually by licking your hand 😬)
He has shaky hands. He doesn’t have great dexterity due to all the caffeine he drinks. He wants to paint his nails but it always looks messy. 😬 so he’s stuck using clear nail polish unless he has enough money to go to the nail salon. 💅
He’s an avid video gamer. His console of choice is the PC, but isn’t interested the console vrs PC wars. If there’s a game he likes and it’s only available on a certain platform, he’s going to get it. Ghiaccio, Formaggio, and Pesci are welcome to his consoles but they need their own controller. He doesn’t want no cheeto hands in his squeaky clean controllers! (This is mostly a rule for formaggio since he snacks and plays.) And no touching Melones laptop! That’s his baby—Babyface. And there’s cursed things you might find on there. 🥴
He’s the best at rhythm games while Ghiaccio is the best at racing games. They both rival each other when it comes to puzzle games.
🔥 Spicy HCs 🔥
According to him, the first time he ever got an erection was when he saw a high heel shoe ad in his moms Vogue Italia. He stole that page and “discovered “ himself. 😳 his mom did catch him and she tells this embarrassing story to her friends and family and social gatherings. Yikes 😬
This guy eats ass/pussy like groceries. Like a man who hasn’t eaten in DAYS. He’s a part of the clean plate club if you know what I mean. 😏 you don’t? Well uh… he good at oral idk 🤷‍♀️
Majority of the time he is a bottom. He’ll dom if you want him to. He’s a slut he’ll do ANYTHING you want.
His top kinks are feet, latex, body worship, and breeding (giving and receiving).
His favorite position is doggy, reverse cowgirl, and the classic mating press. This goes for him and his partner.
His favorite times to do it is shower time and when you both wake up. There’s just something about lazily screwing you from behind as he spoons you. It’s his drug and reason for living.
Despite his promiscuous demeanor he doesn’t have one night stands often. He much rather find his soulmate.
He prefers to only use surrogates for babyface that he deems “human trash “. The most toxic of the toxic cruelest ueterus havers. He would never use a good person as materials for his stand. He doesn’t have the heart to believe it or not. His apathy only extends to violent cruel people.
When he finds someone he’s interested in he falls hard. He does want to fuck them ASAP but he wants to treat them like the monarch like they are.
King of aftercare! He’s going to talk sweetly to you and cuddle with you. He’s gonna tend to your bruises, Make a bath for you, clean his fluids off of you, make you something to drink…anything you want 💜
More than likely you will probably be bruising him since he loves being your bottom, but he will still try to give you aftercare after you rode him for over an hour straight. 😅 Be firm and tell him no and give him the same care he gives you. You’ll melt his heart!
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
#075 - The Best News of Last Week - February 27, 2023
🐈 - Do you know Gacek, the most famous cat in Poland?
Hey there! It's Erica here, and I'm excited to share with you some of the most uplifting news stories of the week. In a world that can sometimes seem filled with negativity, it's important to focus on the positive and find inspiration in the good things that are happening around us. Let's dive into this week's collection of wholesome news!
1. 8-year-old boy missing from Washington state for 8 months is found in Missouri
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A boy who has been missing from Washington state since at least mid-June was found safe in Missouri, the FBI office in Seattle said Tuesday.
Authorities said 8-year-old Breadson John had vanished by June 17, when a welfare check at his home in Vancouver, Washington, just across the state line from Oregon, determined his absence.
2. World’s biggest four-day working week trial hailed a ‘major breakthrough’
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The trial of a four-day working week in the UK, the largest of its kind in the world, has been celebrated as a “major breakthrough” after the majority of participating companies announced their intention to continue with the shorter week.
The trial, which ran for six months from June last year, required firms to reduce their working hours for all employees by 20 per cent without any reduction in wages.
At least 56 out of the 61 companies confirmed they will continue with the four-day working week, while 18 of them have made the policy a permanent change.
3. This dying baby turtle survived after drifting 4,000 miles to Ireland
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A family strolling on a beach in Ireland earlier this month spotted a seafarer that had washed up on the rocks. Less than a year old, the female loggerhead survived a months-long journey across the Atlantic Ocean, teeming with dangers including predators and plastic. Although she was still alive, the turtle was dehydrated, massively underweight.
They called her Cróga, the Irish word for “brave.” After finding Cróga in the northwestern part of Ireland, the family called a few groups that rehabilitate whales and dolphins. There, Cróga’s rehabilitation began.
4. A Hernando toddler found alive after being missing for nearly 24 hours
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A 2-year-old boy was lost in the Florida woods for 24 hours. Everyone feared the worst. Hundreds of volunteers came out to look for him.
One volunteer came to a fork in a field: right or left? He trusted his gut, went left and soon heard a whimper. It was the little boy, crying but in good health.
I found something interesting while reading this article: If you are part of a SAR team looking for a child to not only call their name but also that they aren’t in trouble. Young children sometimes hide from potential rescuers because they’re afraid they’ll get in trouble.
5. German man remains free of the HIV virus years after receiving stem cell treatment.
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Researchers are announcing that a 53-year-old man in Germany has been cured of HIV.
Referred to as "the Dusseldorf patient" to protect his privacy, researchers said he is the fifth confirmed case of an HIV cure. Although the details of his successful treatment were first announced at a conference in 2019, researchers could not confirm he had been officially cured at that time. Today, researchers announced the Dusseldorf patient still has no detectable virus in his body, even after stopping his HIV medication four years ago.
6. South Korea court recognises same-sex couple rights for first time
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A South Korean court has for the first time recognised the rights of a same-sex couple in the country. In a landmark ruling, the Seoul High Court found a government health insurer did owe coverage to the spouse of a customer after the firm withdrew it when it found out the pair were gay.
The men had held a wedding ceremony in 2019, but same-sex marriage is not recognised in South Korea.
Activists say the ruling is a leap forward for LGBT rights in the country.
7. A fat cat has become the top-rated tourist attraction in a Polish city with a perfect 5-star average on Google Maps
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A fat black-and-white cat called Gacek has become the top-rated tourist attraction in the Polish city of Szczecin.
Gacek has a perfect five-star rating on Google Maps. His name, pronounced gats-ek, means "long-eared bat" in Polish. Gacek first drew international attention when he appeared in a YouTube documentary in 2020
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That's it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Let's carry the positivity into next week and keep spreading the good news!
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dimorphodon-x · 1 year
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Updated setup for Oardivia’s colony, now cut up into 5 cities instead of one giant city. This technically isn’t the finished look of the colony but if I add anymore stuff to this model I’m going to die.
Updated lore below 👇
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The colony of Oardivia sits on one giant structure with buildings sprouting from it. It is divided into layers depending on depth, with each city even being named after the depth it is located in. There are five total cities, all stacked on top of one another.
The smallest cities of Oardivia are Sky and Epip. Most who live in these first two layers are seals and seabirds, and they are the two cities with the most amount of natural light.
Sky houses primarily flying bird alt modes, such as gulls, pelicans and so on, so many of the buildings there are incredibly tall and there are even structures dedicated for perching up high.
Epip houses most of those with seal and penguin alt modes, though many dolphins also enjoy this city. The buildings in this city tend to be quite large for the small area the city takes up, so there’s a lot of space to just walk around in.
The capital is the city Meso. This is where the Senate and Leader live and where most politics take place. Many mechs who live here are rather rich, and Meso is thought to be the cleanest and richest city. Though many who live outside this city view most of its inhabitants to be nothing more than spoiled brats. They still frequent the city either for work, shopping, and it is also where the academy is.
Bathys contains the Grand Gatherhome, so most religious practices take place in this city. Some days hymns, usually describing how life originates from the deepest and darkest parts of the ocean, can be heard from the Gatherhome or smaller nearby churches. Religion on Oardivia is often casual, mostly just singing old songs from when the colony was new, though it’s more than likely most if not all songs have changed over the many years.
Just as our oceans on earth, the deeper down you travel through the cities, the darker and colder it gets. The lower parts of the colony, namely the city Abbyso, is where many gangs hang out, along with the addicts, criminals, and other struggling members of the colony. Many consider Abbyso and those who live there to be dirty. Surrounding Abbyso are the remains of old broken down buildings and piles of junk, most of which comes from the cities above. Scavengers and careless youngsters will often rummage through and explore the ruins and junk piles in hopes of finding something of value, or simply to quell curiosity.
A majority of buildings of Oardivia are multi-story towers that are connected and reinforced through bridges and strong metal cords. Each building is required to have at least two dry exits, for anyone that wishes to walk to the neighboring buildings rather than swim.
All five cities are busy with life, buildings and bridges are decorated with bright billboards and many large buildings contain multiple stores, theaters, eateries, arcades and so on, effectively making them malls. There are even places dedicated for small bands to perform, and the billboards outside play the performance for outside passersby to watch.
There are of course buildings for housing. No Oardivian will have a single building to themselves, by design, all Oardivians live in apartment complexes.
Oardivians often live in groups between three to five, so a good home must have enough room for up to ten individuals to comfortably move around in. While that is the expectation, it is not guaranteed all complexes will have that amount of space.
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fortheloveofexy · 1 year
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [into the deep]? 🫶🏻
Oh yes, plenty!! There are some I can't talk about because spoilers, and there are some that won't make it into the main fic (at least, not directly) but they will appear in some of the spin-off one-shots from Andrew's POV.
One thing that I can tell you about is some of the background lore on merfolk biology. This is a tiny sneak peek of what will be in my full writing notes PDF.
Merfolk Biology
Merfolk biology consists of an amalgamation of traits from humans, dolphins, spiny fish and sharks. While their tails, scales and dorsal fins are similar to that of many bony fish species, they have intelligence equal to that of humans and dolphins, and like dolphins are capable of echolocation. Like sharks, they have an impressive healing factor and their immune systems are quite strong.
They are overall tougher and harder than humans are and, like sharks have a higher pain tolerance. Their teeth, while similar to those of humans, do have some differences. They have eight canine teeth instead of four, and their teeth are more resistant to bacteria.
However, they lose their baby teeth and grow in their adult teeth the same way that humans do. Their lungs are also almost identical to humans’, as are their hands and upper body skeletal structures, leading some experts to believe that they may have at one point branched off from human evolution and returned to the seas. In comparison, their gills are quite rudimentary, and thus are theorized to be a more recent adaptation brought about by mers migrating into deeper waters in order to avoid contact with humans.
Life Cycle
Merfolk, like humans, give birth to live young. Baby mers (known as “merlings”). Due female mers having a narrower birth canal, merlings have a shorter gestation period than a human fetus (5 months) and are born about half the size of a human infant. Their gills do not work very well for their first few hours of life, and so adult mers (usually their parents) will help them breathe until their gills are fully opened. Merlings are not capable of swimming independently on their own until they are a year old, so they will cling to their parents dorsal fins.
Mer pods will also often give birth in shallower waters where they can easily surface, or in underwater caves with natural air pockets, as this shelters their young from some of their most dangerous predators. However, humanity’s continued attempts to hunt them has made this practice much more risky.
Much like humans, it takes merfolk a long time to reach full adulthood, and so pods are structured around communal child-rearing and caretaking of merlings is shared amongst all adult mer.
There are two known varieties of merfolk – reef mer, whom are more commonly found in shallow waters and sport colorful, vibrant scales, and deep sea mer, whom are often plainer and darker in color, but also have bioluminescent markings on their cheeks, fins and tail.
While there are a few differences in these two types of mer, they are not considered genetically different enough to be different species, and their diets and behaviors are considered to be largely the same. As such, they can and occasionally do interbreed, though it should be noted that pods are largely not intermixed between the two types. This is mostly due to their differences in their preferred habitats, though some reef mer do regard deep sea mer with some suspicion and wariness.
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imminentinertia · 7 months
@lurkingshan tagged me, thank you darling! So now I'm forced to admit that whispers I'm honestly not much of a shipper
I get into shows and films, but rarely so much that I get invested in couples (canon or otherwise). Even rarer, so much that I start taking ship war sides. Notable exception: Harmony (Harry/Hermione) because that ship came with the stupidest shit I've ever seen in any fandom.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
What do you mean, don't care anymore. I absolutely do care about every ship I've ever shipped.
No wait - as a very young teenager I was so into Alice Hoffman's books it's not even funny. Especially Property Of. I wasn't terribly into the nameless main character, but I adored The Dolphin and thought McKay would be much better off with him. Then I grew up and realised that Property Of is pretty badly written and has a frightfully naïve plot (no wonder, she was practically a baby when she wrote it), although it really hit the spot for a 13 year old with a rabid case of bad boy syndrome, and completely stopped caring about any of the characters.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
The first I went insane about was Harry/Draco, so probably that.
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Harry/Draco. I wasn't going to write fic at all! Wasn't interested in writing them myself! But I got so fed up with all the horrible purple prose in a lot of fics, wrote a pisstake, and it escalated.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
No. That was so many years ago. SO MANY.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
No. When I get into discourse it's about other things than ships. When I try to start discourse it's definitely about other things.
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6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Some pairings squick me, but I tend to forget the horrors as quickly as I discover them.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Jaeyoung/Sangwoo (Semantic Error).
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
VEGAS/PETE. I also adore a number of other BL couples, but that's the OTP. Show versions, not book originals.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Spooks WASTED A BRIILLIANT OPPORTUNITY for a ship that could have been either canon or not-canon by KILLING A GUY ten minutes after he meets THE POTENTIAL LOVE OF HIS CANON OR NOT-CANON LIFE. They barely had time to share some chips. YES I AM EXTREMELY MAD, 16 YEARS LATER.
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
To me, any ship that's well written and where both characters are well formed and not limp 2D shit can be kind of interesting. I can't remember any of my squick pairings starting to intrigue me. Does it count that I used to dislike any KinnPorsche pairing featuring Ken, but I'm starting to quite like them?
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Oh, I'm sure I do. I like age gaps. People are often very weird about them.
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Giant Squid/anyone. Such a great setup for crack tentacle porn.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
I've read a fuckton of Harry/Draco, but because of betaing and rec blog running it might be Even/Isak? Give it enough time and it will be Vegas/Pete.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
At least one, preferably both, of the parties is a criminal. Okay, that also has to do with what sorts of films and shows get made and appeal to me, but I love a good criminal so much and I just can't get interested in some goody two-shoes. I can honestly only think of Even/Isak when I try to list my ships that don't feature a delicious criminal. Preferably unhinged murderers, but I'll take minor misdemeanours too.
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Big fat traditional seme/uke or het dynamics where the seme/man blatantly doesn't give a canon shit about the uke/woman. I could write a thesis on this, I suppose.
As usual I don't dare to actually tag people, but if you've made it this far, you are so tagged.
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semper-legens · 5 months
37. Starter Villain, by John Scalzi
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Owned: No, library Page count: 262 My summary: Charlie is a substitute teacher. Recently divorced, no money, and his only companion is his cat. When his estranged billionaire uncle dies, it's barely on his radar. Until, that is, he gets a mysterious request to attend his uncle's funeral, and assassins show up to stab his corpse. Now he's embroiled in the world of villainy, and there's no going back. Not while the dolphins are striking, at least... My rating: 4/5 My commentary:
I can't actually remember why I reserved this book. I think it was something I saw online and thought could be fun - a story about a man who suddenly inherits his reclusive uncle's business, only to find out that said uncle was a villain by trade and owns a volcano lair on a private island. What's not to love there? This kind of genre isn't usually my bag, but I came away from this book more enamoured than I thought I was going to be. Sentient cats, unionised dolphins, the secret lives of the wealthy and evil…there was a lot going on here, and I thoroughly enjoyed it all.
Our protagonist is Charlie, a thirty two year old admitted loser working as a substitute teacher after a divorce and falling out of his career as a business journalist. He's affable, snarky, largely in over his head, but warm-hearted and very likeable. Sure, he's a bit of a standard protagonist for this sort of genre, but when he starts actively taking charge and making decisions towards the midpoint of the book, he shows a lot of vibrancy and wit. And he's got his human sides, too. He's genuinely caring to Hera, his cat, he makes concessions to the striking dolphins that get them to listen to him and the company, and he cares about human life and about the downtrodden underclass. When he's in a burning hotel, he goes back for Hera. When confronted with the idea of killing a CIA agent, he's vehemently against it. And when the time comes for a supervillain showdown, he's careful to evacuate the civilians and minimise damage as much as he can. He cares, and that endeared me to him.
So yeah, about those cats and dolphins and such. The worldbuilding for this book is very much James Bond levels of villainy. Charlie's uncle engineered cats and dolphins with a human level of intelligence to use as spies and agents. The reality of this is that they're still treated like animals, which is unfair and unethical for a sapient species, and the book doesn't shy away from that! What was interesting was that, for all the book uses Bond gadgets and similar such nonsense, it was all in a realistic enough way that I could totally buy that this is just what rich men do behind the scenes. Are you telling me that you can't see Elon Musk with a Bond villain business and a volcano island? Exactly.
The plot in and of itself…like I said, this genre isn't really my thing, but it kept me engaged throughout. There's conspiracies within conspiracies regarding the secret league of villains that Charlie's uncle belonged to, and he's been thrust in at the deep end. The various villains are broke and need access to a cache of stolen artworks Charlie's uncle had on the island - Charlie's happy to give them over, as they were stolen by the Nazis and he wants nothing to do with them, but he has to outmaneuver the others who definitely want him dead over it. While also, you know, not enabling horrible rich men any more than they already are. In the words of the prophets, the plot starts coming and it doesn't stop coming, but I think that's to the book's benefit - keeps the action going and keeps the tension very well, while also managing to have enough downtime to properly humanise and characterise its characters. I had fun, and I'd definitely recommend it!
Next up, something from real life - a defector's tale.
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sageofhorkneemagic · 2 years
Occult Legacy Challenge!
This likely isn't the first one out there, and I've never made a sims challenge before but oh well! Here goes nothing!!
Gen 1: I'm almost human
Leaving your home world of Sixam was tough, and assimilating into an entirely different world is even tougher. Luckily, you're nothing if not hardy!
Begin with 0 simoleons
Reach max handiness skill
Make and mantain at least 3 good friends
Complete the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration
Have a traditional wedding with your partner
Adopt at least one child with your partner
Always participate in holidays
(Optional) have a wraparound porch like a good suburban human:)
Gen 2: Requiem for a Home
Growing up you were always fascinated by the occult, spending many nights in your teen years reading about it into the early hours of the morning. Witches, demons, possessions, mythology, if it was considered strange or dangerous then you had researched it! Come adulthood, you were ready to spread your wings, wanting nothing more than to become a writer who experienced the paranormal- you decided to look for a haunted house to live in as the perfect place to start your journey!
Must live in a haunted house lot type in Forgotten Hollow (Optional: Use the Haunted lot trait)
Max the Meduim skill
Max the Writing Skill
Work on the Bestselling author aspiration (though you don't necessarily have to finish it)
Write and publish at least 5 books on the occult
Be close friends with Guidry and Bonehilda
Gen 3: Interviews with the vampires
Your parents strange fascination with the occult means that you grew up to be quite desensitized to it all. A skeleton babysitter and ghost uncle aren't even the weirdest things you've experienced growing up. As a result, you don't really heed your parents warnings regarding your neighbor's- vampires are cool as hell, it's not like they all wanna kill you or anything- right?
Starts when you are a teen
Become bitten by a vampire and turn into one
Be rebellious and carefree, breaking curfew, pulling pranks and sneak out. The self assured trait is recommended
Complete at least one vampire aspiration (optional: complete the teen specific Live Fast aspiration)
Move out into a rural area where you try to live without harming anybody and maybe even cure yourself. Fall for someone in your town and adopt at least one child and pet with them. (Or conceive naturally if you have cured yourself)
Move out into a city or otherwise densely populated area and cause mischief, never leaving during the day and making mayhem at night. Fall for someone you bring home with you and adopt at least one child with them. (Vampires are dead after all, being fertile hardly makes that much sense)
Gen 4: Part of that world
Your supernatural heritage certainly left something to be desired- the home was always so old fashioned, or too dark and dreary. It didn't help that one of your parents was so sunlight averse- meaning you hardly had any fun outings with them aside from camping to heavily forested areas. You've grown tired of it, so once you're of age you decide to up and leave to Sulani for a new life!
Live on a lot over the ocean in Sulani
Complete the Beach Life aspiration
Engage in the local culture
Date a Sulani native (marrying them is optional)
Become a mermaid
Make a living from odd jobs, scavenging the beach and diving. Any self-sustaining hobbies like crafting or gardening are also acceptable sources of income
(Optional) Befriend a dolphin
(Optional) live off-the-grid
Gen 5: Toil and Trouble
Somehow, trouble always seems to find you, even when you do your best to avoid it. So you've stopped trying, and decided to embrace it instead. Your family is a long line of trouble, outcasted individuals who somehow found their way- and you plan on continuing that tradition.
Move to Glimmerbrook
Become a spellcaster
Befriend the three sages
Make at least five potions
Dedicate yourself to one school of magic
Have a spellcaster 'roommate' (and they were roommates!)
Complete at least one magic-related aspiration
Celebrate witchy holidays (harvestfest, winterfest, etc)
(Optional) add and celebrate your own holidays to the calendar based off pagan/wiccan ones like the summer and winter solstice
(Optional) adopt a black cat
Gen 6: If I show my teeth, I must be hungry
All of the leftover supernatural traits in your bloodline have really made your life difficult. Even as a child, all of these different occult energies made your mind an absolute mess, so many instincts pulling you in all different directions- as a result of the constant struggle, you may have a liiittle bit of an issue with handling your emotions. So, for the safety (and sanity) of yourself and others, you've decided to move to the mostly abandoned logging town of Moonwood Mill. In hope of a fresh start away from what's plagued your whole life.
Become scratched by a werewolf by exploring the tunnels or angering Greg
Live alone until you experience your first full moon as a werewolf
Have the Hot Headed trait
Be active, whether more traditionally or through yoga (gotta keep that inner beast in check somehow!)
Join one of the packs
Become alpha of your respective pack and have at least 3 werebabies with a partner of your choosing
Seek to cure yourself of Lycanthropy, but remain in Moonwood Mill as one of the only humans in the werewolf community
And there we have it! I didn't want the challenge to be too restricting, just to have some guidelines and such- you'll notice that adoption is the most common way of getting children in this and honestly it's for simplicity sake- if you want your sims to have to seek out a cure to whatever their parent is then go ahead, but I feel that adoption is much easier. Doesn't really apply for the likes of Spellcasters or Mermaids as they can become human again quite easily, but for the rest I'd really reccomend going that route instead of trying to find a vampire cure or smthn. Anyway, have fun and feel free to tag me if you participate! ^-^
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Name: Alcina Oceane
Japanese: アルチーナ・オセアネ (Aruchīna oseane)
Quote: "Strengthen your powers and prepare for your final battle."
Age: 19 y.o
Birthday: September 14th
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 179 cm
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
Eyes Color: Aqua Green
Race: Hybrid human and mermaid
Species: Hybrid mermaid
Homeland: Serpentine Ocean
Rex Kingsley Oceane (Father)
Diona Maella Mermaid-Oceane (Mother)
Calian, Dolan and Jay Oceane (Older brothers)
Twyla Oceane (Older sister)
Malik Triton (Uncle)
Azura Mermaid (Aunt)
Dylan & Calypso Triton, Delphine Mermaid (Cousin)
Nicknames / Aliases:
Al, silly sis, a fool (all by her brothers)
Sweetheart, darling (all by her mother & aunt)
Ally, Nana (all by her dormmates)
Princesse corail (by Rook Hunt & Rozebelle Adoria)
Lady Alcina (by servants)
Dancing princess (by the citizens of Serpentine Ocean)
School Facts and Fun Facts
Dorm: Aquadormancy
School Year: 3rd / Junior
Class: 3-A | Student no. 5
Princess of the Serpentine Ocean
Dorm leader / Housewarden
Captain of Magic Light Club
Swimming coach
Sports athlete
Best Subject: Mathematics | Physical Education
Worst Subject: Animal Languages
Club: Magic Light Club
Dominant Hand: Both
Favourite Colors: Turquoise, Cyan and Dark Pink
Favourite Food: Curry | Grilled meat
Least Favourite: Pickled radish
Likes: Her family, rightful judgements, sports, oceans, dolphins, training, dancing, adventure movies, getting early, hip hop, making artificial shells, making money, help people, loyal friends, freedoms, peace, quietness, outdoor, loyal friends, stick her orders, night cats
Dislikes: Isolation, old tradition, technology, horror, pranks, being late, slow movements, evils, dark magic, manipulated, sexual harassments, pollution, thieves, being nagged, her father's overprotective, contracted marriages, clumsiness, disloyal people, arrogant people, stalkers (like Erika and Rook), Isabella (for some reasons)
Hobbies: Dancing, swimming and sports
Talents: Multilingual, mermaid / fairy transformation, dancing, super speed, knowing the price of equipments, calculating
Idol Stat
Performance: Alcina's voice is strong and loud, but it caused her stomach hurtfully terrible after taking a high note. So she is the person less perform with singing.
Choreography: As a talented dancer, Alcina quickly memorized all the steps of each dance when the rhythm of the music sounded, and everything was perfectly combined with the rhythm.
Shimmery Wings outfits: Cultural • Peppy
Idol Brand
Morphix Pearl
The brand was loosely based on the Fairy Guardian of Waves with her second power, Morphix. All outfits are designed in a cool punk style, some in classic, arabian night or peppy styles. Accessory details feature seashells, pearls, and artificial coral. Those attached on gold. This is Alcina's own brand that make her become a center of attention with wear shiny gold.
Shimmery Wings: Cool • Cultural • Peppy
Character Inspired
Alcina was inspired by
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Aisha (Winx Club series)
Jasmine (Disney)
Mammon (Obey Me!)
Ariel (Disney)
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anamelessfool · 1 year
In honor of Father's Day, I give you a Dad Secundo HC. (Beach Vacation Edition)
I have a WIP of Dad Magician Secundo (that's going to stay a WIP for a while, btw) so let's do how Secundo runs a beach weekend with his family: (Wife Sandra, son Paul (15) , Eden (8) and Sam (5).)
Running a funeral home is a 24/7 responsibility. It's quite rare to get the opportunity to have the whole family out on a vacation for multiple days, but Secundo moves heaven and earth to make it possible at least once a year. He’s frugal most of the time but spares no expense during these trips. You will go out for ice cream every night. There will be one expensive restaurant meal. You want the squeaky rubber dolphin at the 5&10? You will get it. This is one of the only times he will say yes to any request, so don't miss this opportunity.
You will get to the beach at 7AM. He will attempt to carry literally everything (and reluctantly let Sandra and Paul help) , set it all up, and then sleep like a beached whale under the umbrella for two hours. Do not, under any circumstances, disturb him during any part of this process.
Once he wakes up he will hand out snacks and sandwiches to everyone. He does most of the cooking in the family, so it is all made by him exactly to their liking and made well. Then he'd either build a sandcastle with Sam and Eden or read one of his grimoires. It's odd to see him sitting in a faded punny tee shirt, straw hat and sunglasses reading some heinous looking five hundred year old cursed tome but hey that's your dad for you.
Paul will be reading his required summer books at some point. There are no exceptions. Secundo trusts his son to do the right thing but he will be quizzed later. Secundo takes the younger kids and Sandra out for a beach combing walk. He can't walk too far anymore but he finds walking along the beach and chatting with his wife as their kids run feral through the waves one of his most cherished memories.
You will be there at 7AM and you will not leave until you can barely see your hands in front of your face. What part of “We are having a beach day” did you not freaking understand?
The last night is always reserved for mini golf, and as he approaches the place the owner's face starts twisting in anxious recognition. There was one year that Secundo putted a perfect score of 18, and he has been chasing that ever since. Paul is equally intense about mini golf and Sandra at some point will take the littles out for ice cream and leave the two of them to finish their hours long game. The owner of the place eventually stands next to them, keys and jacket in hand, waiting for them to finish up by the last windmill challenge and hoping they all get out of there by 10 pm.
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lividria · 4 months
Pikmin Theory: The Sparkly Wraith
This post is huge, so I'm just putting the entire thing under the cut.
So, during my Pikmin hyperfixation, which I can't even tell if it's over or not, really, I was getting really into trying to solve Pikmin lore, and never really got to put the pieces together. The reason? I watched DazzReviews' decade-old video about Umibozu Theory. No offense to the guy, I used to watch his other videos, but that fucking theory gave me one of the worst headaches of my life with how horrible it was and how little sense the points made. It made me feel physical pain. So, naturally, when I saw references to the theory start popping up in the wild, I just... Gave up. I've been avoiding Pikmin lore theorizing like the plague ever since, because, like, I don't want that to happen again. But then I realized I can't escape it, even if I tried, and I know that because I just saw it brought up in passing. Again. I know there's modern updates of the theory to get it up to date to Pikmin 4, but I'm not checking them to see if they hurt my head too.
Meanwhile, I brought this up in a previous post, but one of my friends around this time started making terrible Nintendo game ideas as part of a long-term troll him, me and another friend have been planning for a while now, and I... Got way too into the Pikmin ideas for it. I was trying to come up with really dumb lore, using all the dumb trivia I've learned, and instead via divine revelation was given this theory. I thought I got myself out, but this has pulled me back in. I probably could've left all of this out, but it's a funny story, so...
I have at least one other big theory for Pikmin lore, so I may type that up some time, too.
Part 1: Prerequisite Knowledge/Assumptions
This is assuming you're at least familiar with all 5 Pikmin games and what happens in them. In other words, spoilers. But you've had years to figure this all out, I don't need to say that.
I don't know yet if this will be all too relevant, but I'm working under the assumption that the timeline is 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 3 -> Hey!. The Koppai food crisis is mentioned to be incoming in 4, and the Treasure Catalog entries for the music box treasure with Pikmin 3's title theme imply that the game's events haven't happened yet, especially Olimar's. In Pikmin 3, Hocotate Freight's almost bankrupt again, Olimar's using the Hocotate Ship, and the S.S. Dolphin's seemingly been sold... Again (They probably bought it back in-between Pikmin 2 & 4 with the newfound company wealth), and Olimar mentions wanting to buy it again, and then he has the S.S. Dolphin II in Hey!, where he also recognizes the Pikmin 3 Pikmin, meaning it's either after 4 or 3, so there you go. No, I don't have an explanation for how Pikmin 2's globes imply PNF-404 looks like present-day Earth, when Pikmin 3 has Pangaea Proxima, or a couple other inconsistencies (The Voyage Logs do seem to be non-chronological, iirc the "I'm so very tired..." log with a picture of Hero's Hideaway appears before Olimar goes there, and Olimar was keeping logs in Pikmin 1 & 2 that we may also be seeing to explain why he's seemingly unfamiliar with things like Pikmin & Onions, so like... Other stuff besides those), you'll have to figure that out for yourself.
Speaking of Pangaea Proxima, yea, if you look at the map in Pikmin 3's area select, you'll see it's actually based on a speculative map of what the world will look like in roughly 300 million years, and it's named Pangaea Proxima... I think there was another name, Pangaea Ultima or something, but I prefer Proxima. The only difference is the Formidable Oak's placement, when it's not supposed to be there in the actual map. So that gives us a time placement for when the games are taking place, and humans went extinct... At some point. No, I don't know why Hero's Hideaway indicates recent habitation, or how all of the treasures are perfectly preserved, you'll have to figure that out for yourself. Or, more accurately, for me.
Anyways, Sparklium. A bizarre material that doesn't have mass, but is found in... Basically every object you can think of? All of the treasures in Pikmin 4 & Hey! Pikmin, but are primarily found in metallic objects. It also seems to manifest as gold nuggets, though it can also be red, rainbow, or an acorn... Wait, how can it be an object if it has no mass? Anyways, it can be used as fuel, and doesn't seem to ever run out, as you don't spend it in either game, you keep it all, and there's a ship part called a Sparklium Converter that... Converts Sparklium to usable fuel, I guess, and for some reason when it's lodged into the Leech Hydroe, that makes it incredibly angry. The solidified Sparklium primarily appears in Sparklium Springs, lakes of water with an inexplicable rainbow aura shooting up into the sky where Sparklium nuggets will periodically spill everywhere.
We don't know if those are on PNF-404, but they're definitely on the Hey! Pikmin planet, which was also home to a human civilization comparable to our own that is also gone now... Which doesn't make sense, if we're talking space colonization, but whatever. I've named this planet Heihei, because... Hey!, and also it's a word for Chicken in another language, which is funny. Heihei also shares wildlife with PNF-404, for some reason, somehow including Pikmin when you can assume that if Leafling dogs can't leave the planet, Pikmin shouldn't be able to either, but that's for you to figure out for yourself.
Also, someone did the math on all of the people who have crashed on PNF-404 because of the asteroids around it, and it's over 20 crashes. The only people who have gotten there without interruption have been Olimar & the President returning for Louie in Pikmin 2, Olimar and Louie returning to PNF-404 for more treasure in Olimar's Assignment and again to fix the Hocotate Ship in Olimar's Comeback, and Pom (Is it common knowledge that's the community name for the Pikmin 4 protagonist? Just in case, that's who Pom is.) coming to save the Rescue Corps (and everyone else).
Speaking of the Rescue Corps, you can unlock diary entries from the past that imply the little people are descendants of humanity after some sort of apocalypse drove them underground:
"The surface! We made it at last! Finally, we can begin making a fresh start here on this planet. Of course, it will take many long months and years before what we've built here will be anything like what we once had. But we won't be alone. Our beloved dogs will be by our side as we walk this long, difficult road."
"Many years have passed since we first began to make this land our new home. Still, we need more time to complete our environmental adaptations. In the meantime, we must survive so that, one day, we can pass down this new history to our children, and pass down the ways we've learned to rescue and protect everyone. One day we will live here in peace."
""Beyond the sky itself there lies a beautiful blue planet." Those words have been passed down from captain to captain, calling to each of us. I can't imagine what sort of place this blue planet might be, but it's said to be home to even more dogs and folks that we have here. One day, I hope to fly beyond the sky...and into space."
I'm probably forgetting something, I'll figure it out as I write out the actual theory.
Part 2: The Shining Demon
Humanity somehow went extinct on at least two different planets, and Sparklium is also absolutely everywhere on those two planets. The Sparklium Springs' rainbow aura is... Uh... Strange, that's not how things work, it looks otherworldly, and Sparklium is inexplicably spilling out of it, and they all have water. We already know about some otherworldly being associated with water: The Water Wraith. Them and a couple other instances (Glow Pikmin, the Smoky Progg and Gloom are the first things that come to mind) show that there's some esoteric unexplainable property of the Pikmin universe allowing for strange, almost paranormal things to occur.
I don't have a clean transition into this, but hear me out: There's a supernatural entity of some sort that I'm naming the Shining Demon, that somehow threatened humanity on all of it's planets, so the people got together and broke it apart into Sparklium, and sealed all of it away in the Sparklium Springs of Heihei, probably in some sort of extradimensional space (Fun fact, there's a random reference to the "Master of Dimension X" in a Pikmin 2 sales pitch that goes unexplained, so I'll refer to this as Dimension X from now on just to use the name), with that rainbow aura over the water being the magic seal. However, over time, the seal began to fade, and the Sparklium began to spill out, and integrate into all of the objects around the planet, probably spreading to PNF-404 when people went from one planet to the other, or there's unseen PNF-404 Sparklium Springs, either or.
It's safe to assume that the Sparklium Converter has Sparklium in it, and you know what it does to the Leech Hydroe. That thing was so aggressive, it was the final boss, and one of two bosses that give you any semblance of challenge in Hey! Pikmin. It's also shown to be in living (or previously living) treasures such as fruit, meat and fossils, and just about any other kind of object you can think of, so the Sparklium could've either gotten into animals & plants to make them aggressive towards humans, or gotten directly into humans to kill them from the inside, or something.
Now, where else could it go from there? You know how it's primarily in metal objects, especially in Hey! Pikmin? What object has strange properties in the Pikmin series that's made of tons of metal? THE ASTEROIDS. And if the Pikmin people are descendants of the humanity that the Shining Demon hated so much it drove to extinction, and it's in control of the things it's inside, AND Sparklium is used as a fuel source and is thus also in the spaceships, then you can put two and two together and assume that it's crashing people to get them stuck in it's territory where it can kill them to finish the job.
But, if it was originally a living being, if you were to put enough Sparklium together in one place, could it not form together once again? That's exactly what it did.
Part 3: Fool's Gold
The Plasm Wraith is a fragment of the Shining Demon. I mean, come on. Not only does it look like gold, it's Elemental Plasms are based on Cubic Pyrite. Fool's Gold. Olimar is demonstrated to be a fool, having been scammed multiple times if you read the Pikmin 1 Ship Part descriptions, and thinks that the Plasm Wraith is gold, which is why he goes to collect it, even when Louie is apprehensive, because he enjoys treasure hunting a foolish amount now.
In the Pikmin 3 Deluxe Piklopedia, Olimar speculates that the hole in the Plasm Wraith's face is a "manifested psychic wound". If it was torn apart and sealed in the Sparklium Springs, then magic or esoteric shit of some sort was already involved, so that could've been from when people were trying to kill it directly. Also, it makes sense that the psychic wound is where it's "head" is.
Remember in Part 1 where I mentioned 3 out of the 4 times people were allowed to come to PNF-404 without being attacked were Olimar? At this point, I think the Plasm Wraith, or more accurately the Sparkly Wraith, piece of the Shining Demon, recognizes that for whatever reason Olimar keeps coming back and putting a ton of Sparklium in one place, so it's just... Letting him come so that it can keep taking shots at him, and he literally walks right up to it. Why wouldn't it want him to put all of the Sparklium in one place? It'd help it form into another Plasm Wraith. It hasn't done that yet, I guess because he never gets enough together, but still, it's possible.
Also, you know how the Plasm Wraith seems to be caressing Olimar when the Koppaites arrive at the Formidable Oak? Two possibilities:
It likes him now, because it views him as an instrument it can manipulate to get back in one piece, so it just kinda... "Takes care of him". I don't know what it was planning to do, since Olimar was there, for like, at least a week.
It wants to figure out how to get into him like it might've gotten into the humans and all the other objects. Olimar's sealed up in a spacesuit, which it might view as foreign, so it's really curious about him... And wants to learn how to penetrate the suit, so that it can kill/control the current descendants of humanity. Speaking of...
If you check the Pikmin 3 Deluxe Piklopedia, Louie ate the Plasm Wraith. And a lot of other stuff, including the animals we know the Shining Demon might be in control of because of the Leech Hydroe, treasure in Pikmin 4 which I've established has Sparklium in it... Whoopsie. That'd explain why he progressively starts talking less, as Olimar mentions in Pikmin 3, and starts lashing out more and more... Then again, that unused cutscene has Louie reveal he believed he was kidnapped by the Koppaites, so, I don't know. Is that still canon if it was removed? Whatever.
Side tangent here, Louie wasn't controlling the Titan Dweevil, because if he was, he would've been able to control the Scornet Maestro to stop it from eating/attacking/kidnapping him, because that's also a bug. The Titan Dweevil probably just liked Louie's antenna, or something, as it likes shiny objects, and Louie's sociopathy and uncaring demeanor towards animals (He eats EVERYTHING which requires killing everything) rubs off on it when Olimar comes back, plus potential feelings of betrayal or anger or whatever, because the Volatile Dweevils mimic the behavior of the objects they carry so the Titan Dweevil might to, but all of that influence would've been accidental, as he's unconscious. He did, however, use the Ancient Sirehound to lash out intentionally, even after hearing Olimar's voice. Got it? Got it.
By the way, you know how in Pikmin 4 the Pikmin 3 fruits return, and have Sparklium in them? And the Koppaites bring all of that back home to eat? Shit. (I stole this from the Umibozu Theory video I complained about earlier, and I'm not sorry.)
I don't have a good conclusion here, just like how I didn't have a good start. Just... Deal with it.
Part 4: TL;DR
Sparklium is actually a fragment of an esoteric entity I've named the Shining Demon that tried to kill off humanity, that was sealed away in the Sparklium Springs by humanity, only for the seals to gradually begin fading and begin releasing Sparklium that then infects all sorts of objects and creatures, which it then used to kill humanity. However, some humans survived, escaped underground, and evolved into the small people we see in Pikmin over 300 million years, and are constantly attacked by the asteroids around PNF-404 and the Hey! Pikmin planet that have Sparklium in them, in an attempt to get them into it's territory to kill them off and finish the job.
The Plasm Wraith is a lot of this Sparklium fused together into a living being, much weaker than the Shining Demon, and Olimar's idiocy directly benefits it by hoarding tons of Sparklium, so it captures him and either wants to use him to further it's own goals or wants to figure out how to break through his spacesuit so it can kill everyone it can via it's Sparklium infection, and it's also potentially infected Louie due to him consuming Sparklium, as well as the Koppaite trio and potentially the rest of Koppai.
I don't know where the Water Wraith fits in here, but it may have some connection to the Sparklium Springs, I guess.
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top10legend · 6 months
Introduction to National Travel Destinations
Welcome, fellow travelers and adventure seekers! Get ready to embark on a journey through the breathtaking beauty of America’s National Travel Destinations. From majestic mountains to stunning coastlines, the United States is home to an array of awe-inspiring landscapes just waiting to be explored. Join us as we uncover the top must-visit national parks, discover hidden gems off the beaten path, and share insider tips for planning a memorable national travel experience. So pack your bags, fuel up your sense of wanderlust, and let’s dive into this ultimate guide to exploring the beauty of America!
The Top 5 Must-Visit National Travels in America
America is a haven for nature lovers, boasting some of the most breathtaking national parks in the world. From rugged mountains to lush forests and stunning canyons, there’s something for every outdoor enthusiast. One must-visit national park is Yellowstone, known for its geothermal wonders like Old Faithful and diverse wildlife such as bison and grizzly bears. The Grand Canyon in Arizona is another iconic destination with its awe-inspiring vistas carved by the Colorado River over millions of years. For those seeking adventure, Yosemite in California offers towering granite cliffs, majestic waterfalls, and ancient sequoia trees. Acadia National Park in Maine charms visitors with rugged coastlines, rocky beaches, and picturesque lighthouses. Last but not least, Zion National Park in Utah captivates with its red rock formations, narrow slot canyons, and scenic hikes that lead to panoramic views. These top five national parks are just a glimpse of the natural beauty waiting to be explored across America.
Hidden Gems: Lesser-Known National Travels Destinations
Are you tired of the usual crowded tourist spots and looking for a more off-the-beaten-path adventure? Look no further than these lesser-known national travel destinations that are sure to surprise and delight you. Ever heard of Great Basin National Park in Nevada? This hidden gem boasts ancient bristlecone pine trees, stunning alpine lakes, and the mysterious Lehman Caves. It’s a paradise for hikers and stargazers alike. If you’re a fan of marine life, consider visiting Channel Islands National Park in California. Just off the coast of Santa Barbara, this park is home to diverse wildlife including seals, dolphins, and seabirds. Explore sea caves or go kayaking through crystal-clear waters for an unforgettable experience. For history buffs, check out Capulin Volcano National Monument in New Mexico. Hike to the top of this dormant volcano for panoramic views stretching into three states. It’s a unique geological wonder waiting to be discovered. These hidden gems offer a different perspective on America’s natural beauty – are you ready to explore them?
Planning Your Trip: Tips and Tricks for a Successful National Travels Experience
Planning your national travel adventure can be both exciting and overwhelming. Start by researching the top national parks you want to visit and create a flexible itinerary. Consider factors like weather, peak seasons, and park regulations when planning your trip. Make sure to book accommodations in advance, especially if you’re visiting popular destinations. Look for lodging options inside or near the national parks for convenience. Pack essentials such as comfortable shoes, water bottles, snacks, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Check for any road closures or construction projects that may affect your route. It’s also essential to familiarize yourself with park rules regarding wildlife interaction and waste disposal. Consider joining guided tours or hiking groups for a more immersive experience. Don’t forget to prioritize safety during your travels by staying on marked trails, following park guidelines, and being aware of your surroundings at all times. With proper planning and preparation, you’ll have a memorable and successful national travel experience ahead!
Choosing the Right Accommodations for Your National Travel Adventure
When embarking on a national travel adventure, choosing the right accommodations is key to enhancing your overall experience. Whether you prefer camping under the stars or staying in cozy cabins, there are plenty of options to suit every traveler’s needs. For nature enthusiasts, camping in national parks offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the great outdoors. Wake up to breathtaking views and enjoy activities like hiking and stargazing just steps away from your tent. If you prefer more comfort, consider booking a stay at one of the lodges or resorts located within or near national parks. Enjoy modern amenities while still being surrounded by stunning natural landscapes. For those seeking a mix of convenience and adventure, renting an RV can provide both flexibility and comfort during your travels. Experience the freedom of exploring multiple national destinations at your own pace. No matter what type of accommodation you choose, be sure to book well in advance especially during peak travel seasons. Research different options based on location, budget, and amenities to find the perfect place to rest after a day of exploration.
Table of Contents
Introduction to National Travel Destinations
The Top 5 Must-Visit National Travels in America
Hidden Gems: Lesser-Known National Travels Destinations
Planning Your Trip: Tips and Tricks for a Successful National Travels Experience
Choosing the Right Accommodations for Your National Travel Adventure
6-Budget-Friendly Options for Exploring National Travels Destinations
6-Budget-Friendly Options for Exploring National Travels Destinations
When it comes to exploring national travel destinations, you don’t have to break the bank. There are plenty of budget-friendly options that allow you to experience the beauty of America without emptying your wallet. One way to save money on your trip is by opting for camping instead of expensive hotels. Many national parks offer campgrounds with stunning views and affordable rates. Plus, sleeping under the stars can be a magical experience in itself. Another cost-effective option is to pack your own meals and snacks for the trip. Bringing along a cooler filled with sandwiches, fruits, and drinks can help you avoid pricey restaurant bills while still enjoying delicious food during your adventures. Consider visiting national parks during off-peak seasons or weekdays when entrance fees are typically lower. You’ll also encounter fewer crowds, allowing for a more peaceful and intimate connection with nature. Exploring nearby attractions or hiking trails outside of popular tourist spots can provide equally breathtaking views without the hefty price tag. Don’t be afraid to veer off the beaten path and discover hidden gems that won’t drain your savings account. By being strategic about where you stay, what you eat, when you visit, and which activities you choose, exploring national travel destinations on a budget is not only possible but also incredibly rewarding.
When visiting national parks and landmarks, always remember to respect the environment and wildlife. Follow all posted rules and regulations to ensure the preservation of these beautiful places for future generations. Keep a safe distance from wildlife, stay on designated trails, and pack out all your trash. Additionally, be mindful of other visitors by keeping noise levels down and not disrupting the natural habitat. Practice Leave No Trace principles by leaving nature as you found it. And most importantly, enjoy every moment of your national travel experience while being a responsible traveler. With proper planning, an adventurous spirit, and a respectful attitude towards nature, exploring America’s national travel destinations can be an unforgettable journey filled with breathtaking sights and memorable experiences. So go out there, explore the beauty that this country has to offer, and create lasting memories that will stay with you forever.
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mtdthoughts · 8 months
Our Hearts Are One Pt. 3 (Migi & Dali Analysis)
This is the third part of the exploration of the above statement as well as the motif of unity throughout the story.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Spoilers throughout the story will be discussed.
In the previous part, I've proposed that the statement "our hearts are one" refers to the idea that although the twins have distinct personalities and think differently, they've become united at heart as they ultimately shared the same emotions and desires. I also noted that the portrayal of Dali leaving references a recurring pattern of Dali "going far away" on his own, which was significant both towards plot and character development, as well as the twins' relationship.
In this post, I will discuss where and how these ideas are depicted in the story.
First, it is worth noting that the story often showed the twins in sync, which represents the unity between them.
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Despite their differences, the twins' synchrony shows that they're still very similar (or nearly identical) on an instinctual and emotional level.
It is also important to note that the twins were like this long before the start of the story, and even seemed to be identical in almost every possible way when Metry was still alive.
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Sure, it's likely that the twins would have still diverged even if Metry never died, but at the very least, they wouldn't have diverged as radically as they did. In particular, it was Dali who diverged more, which fits with the pattern of Dali going far away. Indeed, by comparing the twins to their cute and innocent 5-year-old selves, we see that Migi retained much of his innocence while Dali became dark and jaded in trying to be a stand-in for his mother by being the perfect older brother. Still, Migi didn't know any better, and tried to be just like Dali and joined him in revenge because he believed that's how he would earn Dali's affection.
Although this seemed to close the gap between the twins, it was a false unity, as Migi couldn't be Dali because he wasn't Dali, and revenge wasn't what he truly wanted. The best showcase of this was through the Sali arc.
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The dolphin pendant is very obviously a symbol of the twins' unity, with Dali as the left half and Migi as the right half. Though the twins were united at heart in the beginning of their lives, it was Dali's ruthless pursuit of the hard road of revenge that caused him to drift further from Migi (i.e. another instance of Dali "going far away"), symbolized by the pendant splitting in half.
Despite this, Migi tried his best to catch up to Dali, symbolized by how he patched up the broken pendant, but he just couldn't, and once he realized Dali's lie, their relationship was severely strained and almost unsalvageable as shown by the destroyed pendant.
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Due to their differences and lack of communication, the twins couldn't understand each other, causing them to go their separate ways, showing that at this moment, they were no longer one at heart, and this was best illustrated when Dali tried casting away Migi for revenge by "erasing Migi from within".
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Yet, the twins ultimately reconciled, and it was through the events of Episode 9 as well as their fight when they finally revealed their feelings and their love toward each other, eliminating their insecurities and allowed them reunite with the singular goal of reclaiming their happiness.
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However, unlike before, this was a true unity between the twins, as happiness was what Dali deep down wanted all along. This time, Dali did not drift away, and for the time being, the twins were truly of one heart again.
This discussion will be continued in the next (and probably final) part of the thread.
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pumathoughts · 9 months
Buffalo Bills 2023 Season: Roller Coaster of Emotions
What a long strange trip it has been this season aye Bills fans? We love the stress of rooting for this team and I don’t know why. The playoff drought changed us for sure BUT these Buffalo Bills are different. They have to be at least, right!? But I mean if you told me in July that the Bills would: lose week 1 to a Jets team with Aaron Rodgers not playing after the first series, lose in London to the Jags, lose to the Pats in Foxboro, lose a sluggish game to Denver on a last second field goal they missed but 12 men on the field gave them another chance, fire Ken Dorsey, lose in OT to Philadelphia, THEN have to win 5 straight just to get the 2 seed in the playoffs because the Dolphins got to 11 wins first….I would’ve said, “Jesus that’s a lot going on but I’m not surprised they made it hard on themselves.”
This has been a real test of patience this season. I mean we all have people we talk to each game day, group chats, phone calls, etc. and we all exude the same emotions during a game, “Go Bills, I hate this team, Fire McDermott, Big W Go Bills!” through every Facebook post, every meme, every Tweet, Retweet, sub tweet (the platform is called “X” now yet we still say Tweet and Retweet, weird right?) we have seen it all, everything has been said some true some not but opinions are out there. Whether it’s Colin Cowherd making proclamations, Nick Wright dropping his stupid ass banners, Stephen A. Smith screaming, Mad Dog Russo yelling, there hasn’t been a hot take unheard. But we’ve been hearing it since early this summer.
Josh Allen started by saying he’s 100% committed to football, then went on a getaway with his celebrity girlfriend the paparazzi caught on a balcony. I read some doozy of hot takes on this, like he should be more focused, not on vacation. Um, he’s allowed to go on vacation with his girlfriend in the OFFSEASON! No one in this world makes their job their life. It’s not something you do 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You take vacations, you go places, you do things. Josh Allen is allowed to do that too. Then we get past this to training camp when hope springs eternal and optimism is just at a fever pitch. Super Bowl or bust was the attitude, a Lombardi trophy banner was put in the field house to motivate the team! That was met with scoffs from national media members but McDermott being the master motivator he is (I’ll get to Ty Dunne’s article in a minute) it’s about the bigger picture. The trophy is what you work for, obviously. But then the season starts.
Aaron Rodgers had a season ending injury after 4 plays into his first game as a New York Jet. The scene was set for the Bills to assert themselves as a team that would show no mercy. They should’ve rolled the Jets with Zack Wilson at QB. Instead, I held my newborn son who was hours old by the time that game started, and watched this team bumble over themselves and lose on a punt return to get shocked by the Jets. I mean Rodgers went down and the air left MetLife. That game was over right there EXCEPT it wasn’t. This vaunted Bills offense only mustered 16 points in that loss. I was angry for 4 days after this game. I shouldn’t let this team dictate my mood but I do and I hate myself for it.
Then, all the questions, all the chatter of McDermott’s game management, Josh Allen’s turnovers, what will happen now, is the sky falling? Answer was no, they smoked the Raiders and Commanders setting up a showdown with the “greatest show on surf” Dolphins….and absolutely put on a clinic of defensive mastery. The Dolphins scored 70 points the week before on Denver so of course that’s all you hear about the Dolphins the rest of the year. The Bills beat Miami by 28 points. Then over to London to lose Matt Milano, Da’Quan Jones, and the game to Jacksonville and the funk begins. Frustration is the best way I can describe the 5 weeks following London. A 14-9 win against the Giants which I was there for, loss in Foxboro to New England, win against Tampa, losses to the Bengals and Denver which get Ken Dorsey fired.
Don’t get me wrong by this point in the season I wanted McDermott gone. I knew it would be an end of season firing. But instead, I get Ken Dorsey’s head on a platter and a beat down of a sad Jets team, then the Bills go to Philadelphia. Now when Allen fired it to Gabe Davis in overtime and he missed it, I was mad but IT SHOULD HAVE NEVER GOTTEN TO THAT POINT! Allen threw a INT in a bad moment late in regulation, but gunslingers throw picks. Sean McDermott elected to not give his superstar QB a chance to lead a game-winning drive with 20 seconds left and 1 timeout. Instead, he elects to take a knee and go to overtime where he AND Josh Allen are 0-6. Not to mention the Eagles rushed onto the field for a fire-drill field goal attempt that McDermott CALLED A TIMEOUT TO ICE THE KICKER FOR! I mean, what the hell are you doing!? Let it ride maybe he misses it, but we’ll never know now. Instead, they let Jalen Hurts waltz into the endzone in OT to go into the bye week with a season on the brink.
Then Ty Dunne of Golongtd.com drops a bombshell expose of Sean McDermott and his management of the team and how he isn’t the coach to bring this team to a championship. The most odd and controversial tidbit from this article is in 2019 at training camp McDermott tries to make the point of the team coming together and communicating like the 9/11 terrorists did in achieving their goal. This leaves me with so many more questions but this almost confirmed it that if the wheels fell off the final 5 games McDermott was gone. The Bills won 4 games out of the bye week, in Kansas City, ran all over Dallas, nail biters against the Chargers and Patriots (those didn’t inspire confidence) then a showdown in Miami for the Division and the 2 seed in the playoffs.
They left A LOT of points on the field, that game should’ve been 48-14 but it wasn’t. the Bills outgained the Dolphins and just all around bullied them off the field. Tua’s quest to be taken seriously as a QB took a hit with a pedestrian night and a game sealing INT and now the Dolphins get the pleasure of going to KC instead of having a home game. The Bills get the suddenly hot Steelers.
What can be said other than this season has been typical Bills through and through with a surprise or two. I felt anger, joy, confusion, shock, dismay, hilarity, and overall content with this season. The talk of Allen’s turnovers gets super annoying but he keeps turning the ball over so I can’t be too mad at it. Now we look forward to a matchup with the Steelers who have had their own issues this season and also fired their offensive coordinator. This should be a game where the Bills win by 10 but honestly it can go either way for me. But that is another post for another day. This regular season is over and the Bills somehow salvaged 11 wins. It truly is a week to week league and with this team the roller-coaster of emotions just seemingly never stops, but what a ride it is.
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socomputercomputer · 1 year
You and my sister
Your wedding collection debabtendds last fall
Look at your love life's
Your husband
Unlike my sister's husband
Come to my job and improves the game table
People say we should have love cuz of who are parents are
Ali and me side adventure with this book was so useful the first time ..........
So like idk...... neighbors only drawing came and we had lunch and movies
It's not ur fault your father Tom riddle to jk Rowling
At least your not the bitch that ruined book 5 for the whole world
You work on Xmas shoes 👟 for nurses
Abc theater knows who donates and who doesn't and we fallow the 15 present rule
We bring on employees coffee tea and more operators for dolphin camp ur so passion about
No sarcasm
Making it happen
You know your mother's book burnings
Book movie 🎥🍿 8 weeks release realse
Not wing five of doom
What is with this we should have 220 k for both of us sperate we such a life couponing for our soda buys at princesses with 2 or more jobs
And like her son trys to hook me up at church and I am like
Miss Jessica not dating ur dad listen to ur mother
Lete do ur homwork why are trying to get me to have sex at church you 14 year old
I should pay you 20 bucks to mow my golf course not have sex with you if ur gonna be a church creepy
It's not even like when I get my folders
To date for weird stuff
They pair me with "under 18"
Honestly we get over 48 more at my desk and I some times am like am I ever gonna get to date in my age group for people that said in 2007 I was already aksew of soul peeks
I told the dog to bite Alex if he was doing meth or heroin btw
I upset about his 14 dollars
So I told the dog 🐕 if Dr felichy call was true again bite
Cannibis tabbacoo booze no bites
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