#of course theres probably other characters that have wanted to help tubbo
dozyrogue · 8 months
The way tubbo is notorious for shutting down and his friends just don't realize makes me AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Like the way its happen so many times and none of his friends realize or if they do it to late. Like when fred was kidnapped and the 3 and one combo quackity/cellbit/roier made a joke. PHIL LAUGHED BUT IT WAS THE BABIES CHAY AND TALLULAH THAT WERE TRYNA PULL HIM BACK.
Like the only person i think about constantly who tried to get him to talk and push past his walls is bagi when she was like "we need to talk about fred" basically saying hes not ok and normal. But she did also think it was cuz he was only sad about fred. So close but took a left turn last minute
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dyketubbo · 3 years
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when you get a chance, thoughts on seer of space tubbo?
(i am also open to maid of space tubbo, and many others, but i am currently seer leaning)
*wakes up* oh boy time to classpect! under the readmore because seers are interesting enough that i ended up going on a tangent
of course no argument about the aspect because hes 100% a space player, ive discussed heir before i believe, so seer analysis it is, because i havent thought about it before (seers slip my mind sometimes, i love them, my brain is just the equivalent of a ground with a bunch of banana peels and cant handle having more than 4 coherent thoughts at a time).
like said with knights, he doesnt exactly try to tell anyone what he wants to come off as, sure he wants to be intimidating enough that people leave him alone, but, well. he does fit the intimidating thing, its less a facade and more a warning, he doesnt want to hurt anyone, but he will should he deem it necessary (thankfully, tubbos kind enough that he deems it unecessary in most cases). hes a bit too likely to follow through, and its bred from feeling unsafe, rather than feeling insecure. c!tubbo knows he can do things, the cc is more likely to downplay what he does than the character is (not that c!tubbo doesnt, but he does still believe in his abilities, he just doesnt think hes important enough to emphasize his impact. difference between going "oh no it was all __" and going "oh no it wasnt just me" when theres something hes done most of the work on)
so, he almost fits knight, at least in abilities, after all knights are capable and they know theyre capable, and hes very good at the exploitation aspect, pushing limitations and using them for their benefits. i could see him as maybe a knight thats actually gotten past the insecurity and facades already, if we're to consider his spy history as him being pre-actualization. being a space player doesnt really change how solid knight arcs are, so the combination of knight and space doesnt make knight much more fitting for tubbo
similarly, he does fit a few aspects of being a seer (having similar struggles, talking a shitton sometimes, sitting back and observing the world around him when he finds it beneficial to do so, generally very smart especially within their group), but not so much others (seers are often overbearingly smug in a way tubbos a bit too humble for, learning through education rather than experience, having a habit of getting too focused on their goal, and theyre overall passive, being too active is actually how they get themselves into shit, while tubbo gets hurt when hes too passive). seers of space focus more on the present than the future or past, which almost fits tubbo.. if it werent for the fact that he doesnt focus on the future or past out of repression cknsks. not that he would much anyways, but the intentional focus on the present is out of stubborness and trauma rather an actual trait of staying in the present. notably, theres quite a few times where tubbo does think about the past and future, especially when he was younger, and he does try to work towards his ideal future, he just doesnt talk about it much.
funnily enough, because of where seer falls through, he ends up being closer to the mage struggle of, well, getting their asses kicked when theyre too passive because things work out best when theyre involving themselves. mages also have that posturing thing as well, though its connected to intelligence (desperately trying to come off as smarter because they believe theyre still too dumb and naïve, even though theyre actually doing fine), so again, not exactly tubbos kind of posturing. plus, hes pissy, but not pissy enough for a mage, as theyre more likely to get caught up in how fed up they are with everything, while tubbo gets caught up in how much he still cares no matter how much he seems like he doesnt. the space aspect adds that theres.. a shitton of shit happening to and around him, which does fit, at least, and mages of space usually suffer because of their passions, knowledge, and experience, as well as they're rather hands on. again, fits, but, well.
seers and mages are a bit too focused on knowledge for the kind of person tubbo is. hes smart for sure, has a lot of knowledge, and even when hes not a spy he does want to know things and looks for that knowledge, but while he fits the goals and positives of seers (and mages), he doesnt exactly fit their flaws or what happens when theyre unhealthy. not that he needs to show signs of being unhealthy, but even healthy players still show an ability to be the unhealthy versions of their classes. he doesnt get his ass kicked for being too active and tunnel visioned like seers do (and it can sometimes come from ego trips, which tubbos very unlikely to have, even if he fits the "my solution is the most correct here, so we have to follow it" part of it all) like seers, he doesnt have any moments of just refusing to learn and complaining about how everything sucks rather than doing anything about it (nor is he likely too) like mages. he does vaguely fit where the unhealthiness of a knight can come in, propping up a shield to a ridiculous extent and lashing out when their insecurites are picked at, but that feels a bit too reckless to be tubbo (though it does fit tommy).
overall, i can kind of see seer for a slightly different version of tubbo, but it feels too passive for tubbo, if that makes sense. he is passive at least, in terms of classes anyways (note- despite how some classpectors define it, passive doesnt really mean you serve others, its not an insult, it just means you weave your aspect through others, rather than yourself. its the difference between a prince destroying x/destroying through x and a bard allowing destruction of x/inviting destruction through x. still listen to passive classes, thats what seers fall into after all, and seers are very important). its just that tubbo usually gets hurt by being too passive rather than getting hurt by being too active (not that it couldnt happen, which is why i say it could still fit under other circumstances).
speaking of passive v active, if i had to pick a passive class i feel fits tubbo the most, probably heir. active wise, id say maid does actually fit rather well. i feel like ive talked about maid tubbo before but i might be remembering a different analysis so just in case ill generally say i feel he fits the arc of going from a "doormat" to taking their life for themselves. theyre stubborn, stressed out from listening to others, like banter, occassionally silly and can start arguing in circles due to the stubborness (think that one patrick id scene, but smarter). maids are also heavy repressers, they fear being seen as weak, and are unwilling to ask for help. they rely on their environment and hate it.
and, painfully enough, some classpectors state that when pushed into being unhealthy, maids explode. maids are already intimidating on their own, being powerful and smart enough to know what to do with that power, and when they get stressed out enough, they, well, explode. they hurt everyone in one big event (think aradias actions in make her pay). its not necessarily a reckless lashing out at everyone like knights, but a giant burnout that happens to effect everyone. tubbos not at a point where it seems likely for this to happen, but i wouldnt be too surprised if something like it did happen were things to get too be too much. he is the mf with nukes after all. healthy maids are independent, with maids of space specifically, well, making space for themselves and others (sound like a certain snow commune anyone), attempting to start new lives. an independent maid, allowed to be their own person without anyone stepping on them, is a healthy maid. unfortunate for tubbo that his life fucking sucks too hard for him to really get to this point KEKW
heirs fit a similar "followed others then became more independent" arc, mostly unaware that theyre being lead around but, if whats happening aligns with their own ideals, dont really care much that theyre being a follower when they are aware of such. heirs have an instinct to stick to comfort, rather than an instinct to be independent like maids. heirs still need to find their independence and autonomy, but need to do so because they can change things, theyre also very powerful when they play correctly. however, going against what they may feel is best and is more comfortable for them can be actively painful, early heirs often would rather be comfortable and happy even if things arent going well than take the difficult route, know that theyll suffer, and temporarily risk comfort and happiness in an attempt to reach an end they dont know will be there for sure. they can deal with suffering, but choosing to stay constantly aware of this suffering hurts and they struggle with dealing with the fact that they need to be aware to stop the suffering.
heirs change by picking up on subtle details naturally, subconsciously effecting those around them, making either themself or others interact with their aspect differently (or actively not think with their own aspect, in a positive way). heirs, when self aware, want to help. thats an important detail, and its why heirs are often protagonists, they dont have the ambition to do things that only benefit themselves when they realize theyre in a position of power. at their core, heirs usually want to make things better, but learning to move on and better themselves can hurt, and it takes a lot for heirs to to let it be apart of the process.
unhealthy heirs fade. they get so stressed out by getting hurt that they shrink back into themselves, they stick with what makes them comfortable and refuse to acknowledge that they and others are hurting, wrapped up in their more selfish instincts and becoming hard and stressful to deal with. "i want everything to be okay" becomes "i dont want to deal with the idea that nothings okay right now", soon getting to "im okay and you cant tell me otherwise, fuck you if you want to take this away from me, you cant stop me but i will stop you". of course, that last one can be useful if a heir were to use it to change things for the better, but the tunnel vision on "i want to be comfortable even if im making others uncomfortable" is, well. shitty. unhealthy heirs wont actively try to hurt anyone unless pushed, but they can they can still manage to through a lack of acknowledging that they have to help. and well, that sounds somewhat like tubbo, the hurting through a lack of helping, at the very least its present in things like him not visiting tommy during exile (partially because it was safer to just not challenge dream, partially out of guilt and belief that tommy hated him)
heirs of space specifically are about flitting from project to project, learning about what interests them, impatient when others dont share their excitement, and learning when to adapt and move on from things. generally, if i had to put a scale on it, id say tubbos most likely to be a heir, then a maid, then a seer. it all depends on what aspects of him you wanna focus on, really. seer tubbo is really interesting though! i think seers are more smug than he is though, not that he doesnt have his moments, but his tendency to believe hes right isnt all too prominent compared to other traits of his, and its less from a smug "i know whats right" and more just a firm "this isnt right, i have a better idea". he wants to do whats right, but if he feels like he doesnt know whats right, hes willing to rely on others, it just.. takes him a bit of pushing to admit such
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carcinized · 3 years
hi!! i know you said you dont watch ranboo that much but im just starting out and i wanna find out where/how to watch?? or at least how you watch?? and not just ranboo, any of the dsmp or minecraft community in general! im very new to this so sorry if it sounds like im dumb ^^
oh my goodness of course!!! i am always happy to help o7
the website most of us use to watch mcyt is called twitch. it's a website designed for livestreaming, which is how most of our content is made! you can make an account for free, and all streams are free but have some ads. however you can pay subscriptions (or be gifted a sub) to not have ads, but only if you want to! ranboo's channel is RanbooLive if you want to watch his stuff!
edit: i go on to tell you a LOT of background info in case you need it and it got long so theres a cut now!! :D
some other channels/people i highly recommend (and what servers theyre on if you want to get into those! and if you need what that means explained feel free to ask because i am MORE THAN HAPPY to explain them and why theyre cool to you :])
tubbo (dream smp, bear smp, origins smp, big dig smp)
sneegsnag (origins smp, big dig smp)
ponk (dream smp)
jack manifold (dream smp, origins smp)
aimsey (bear smp, big dig smp)
niki (dream smp, origins smp, bear smp)
wilbur soot (dream smp, origins smp)
hannahxxrose (dream smp)
captain puffy (dream smp)
quackity (dream smp)
connoreatspants (dream smp)
and lots more!!! i tried to include my personal favourites + some less well known ones who i think deserve more attention so. a bit of a biased list but once you figure out how twitch works you should be able to find the others pretty easily!
then of course there's some videos on youtube, but most of them arent for if you want to get into the story aspects of the mcyt community. there's a great youtube series called hermitcraft if you like more chill (well, more chill than the dream smp) minecraft shenanigans with actually good builders and people who know how to play the game. you can start on any season, each season is just a new server. i recommend falsesymmetry's pov because shes my favourite but theyre all lovely. there's not roleplay on this server (that i know of?? i havent seen all of it) so it's more chill.
if you want to watch the dream smp, i highly highly highly recommend this carrd that puts the series into a cohesive order you can watch + some extra content!! the dream smp is high energy and engaging with livestreamed lore that's made up almost entirely of improv with basic, basic, VERY basic plot points to hit. it's. honestly it's fascinating because of the way it's told but that's a story for ANOTHER TIME!! this WILL make you laugh your ass off and it WILL make you cry (if you watch certain bits). however because of the sheer AMOUNT of content for the dream smp you'll never be able to watch it all. so many povs and they're LIVESTREAMED,,, there are some things you'll have to learn just by hearing about others who watched them talk about, and that's the nature of the fandom. which is ok :] but. yeah the dream smp is really fucking good jaskdjf
the last big smp i personally can tell you about is the bear smp which is literally COOL AS FUCK and it's probably the one i would recommend to an outsider--it's newer, and there's a REALLY good cohesive video that brings you up to speed on nearly everything that's happened, which you can find here :D also it has beep who is my favourite character in anything ever possibly he rivals kronk... i could talk about beep for hours but i wont JDSFJ anyways the bear smp is all about found family and a dude named bear learning how to like,,, be friends with people and not controlling and also not a complete recluse and its rlly sweet :] also the worldbuilding my GOD every smp (and real life??) is canon to the story ITS SO COOL HOLY SHITTTT anyways. i will not nerd out about the bear smp here but i REALLY recommend it.
the origins smp was (is?) a server where everyone had cool powers and goofed off!! no cohesive story.
the big dig smp is a VERY new server where its just modded minecraft!! no story here except for the Great Chokobo Incident (damn you sneegsnag)
then also!! i have not seen the empires smp or 3rd life smp but they look INSANELY cool so if you want to get into those i am not the person to ask but they seem rlly cool so worth looking into if you ever want to!!!
anyways. thats the basics i suppose!!! :D if you have any questions PLEASE ASK i literally would love nothing more than to help you out SDFJDS
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fictionfixations · 2 years
Tommy and Wilbur had known each other for ages, sticking together and helping the other survive on the streets rather join than the sick games played, or specifically, Survival of the Fittest for cash. One day, they happen to come across an opportunity from a certain agency asking for help.
The agency, more like a pseudo-government of New Earth welcomed them in, and there they trained. There, Tommy met Tubbo, the two quickly becoming best of buds.
Now came the day where they were finally called in to do research on a new planet they discovered- Eden-227. A snowy wasteland with unknown origins.
Of course, they were a trio, so they'd need two more members as the agency usually had sent them in groups of 5, so in came Phil and Technoblade. Of course, the trio never met the duo, but they'd have to make up for it due to a lack of agents.
SBI + Clingy Duo [Possibly Bench Trio] but in a roblox game called Decaying Winter, lmao.
Honestly I don't know why I did this [chapter 1's out but will most likely never get a follow up]
i just got the idea one day and completely spent all my motivation for that work. whoops.
if anyone wants they can take it and do their own thing with it ig?
lemme just.. character notes.
Shit at using guns and would probably shoot someone's eye out REALLY immature (though claims otherwise) Gets a little queasy at the sight of blood and doesn't like taking someone's life Too weak to use long and heavy weapons Sovereign
Tubbo: Besties with Tommy Doesn't really like resorting to violence but does it anyway Hivemind Support Class
Wilbur Soot:
Pledge 1 "Experienced" Probably would've been a musician if it weren't for his current occupation Likes to sing Treats Tubbo like another brother Usually kills for Tommy and Tubbo Hands get really shaky sometimes and is quick to break Couldn't use a gun for shit Started before Tommy and Tubbo due to them being underage Blitzer (Explosives) Philza: Pledge 8 "Veteran" Zealot (Shield) Technoblade:
Pledge 9 "Legendary" Berserker Vagabond Doesn't really like children or socializing Would protect Phil with his life hes taken the first calamity serum, the one that made him a heartless killing machine, which gave him voices. due to that, he doesnt need to take the serum to beat people easily. The others will question this, or more specifically Tommy. The newcomers don't get told about the old serum, nor how it gave it's users voices. Because of that, he has enhanced strength and speed. He switched to Vagabond. Ranboo:
Ranboo, trapped on Eden-227, to eventually come across the group of 5 and join.
Of course, the agency are strict on their rules.. They may not be able to bring them all back.
..okay. so. story had a lot of flaws. aka it was awful at world building, kinda just went in head first instead of doing much else, and uhh...... a little too much lmao?? i didnt really have much plan besides the fact that i kinda wanted wilbur and tommy to encounter the hanged demon, or as my notes say,
'Wilbur and Tommy encounters the Hanged Demon. Tommy encounters it first, screaming and backing up, which Wilbur is alerted, though not seeing it. "Toms?" Then he sees it, breath hitching, and suddenly thoughts invaded his head. It felt unfamiliar. It wasn't his, but he couldn't help the sudden urge. [insert.. uhh.. urge to die thoughts here] Tommy is uselessly trying to shake Wilbur out of it as Wilbur shakily holds the knife up. Tubbo notices, alerting Techno that the duo might be in trouble. Techno steps in and takes it out.'
and then possibly around night 5 or so they encounter ranboo? maybe. i dont really know anymore and its all.. really awkward and im not actually sure how to make the dialogue go lol.
I just kinda had this wheel full of DCW items [and then another for demons]. uhh.. theres over 100 items and i had to double what it had in empty so there's somewhat of a fair 50/50 randomized chance of what characters find?? it was kinda hard lol. Of course though for the items, there are SOME things that are not there, mainly just I believe the Stims [personally they were always a struggle to remember what what did with their pretty complex names and it was gonna be hard to keep track of it all as the nights go on, and so it was kinda just hard.]
ALSO. DCW lasts for a total of 10 nights, kinda like a wave sort of thing with a period to go and scavenge for things. the enemies, or SKAVs that come along the way grow stronger with each night, and by the third night once they deem you as a bigger threat will come in with guns.
there's also the infection that spreads through your body throughout the game you have to manage and keep low or you die, but uhh.. thats.. also hard, and even harder when the randomizer might never even get the stuff you need to be able to decrease its progress?--- so yeah.
also heres the trello with my notes that i tried to manage with lmao- i just have so much stuff its quite literally a mess. though if anyone picks this up, i suggest learning to play the game [its easier with someone to teach you because there isnt a tutorial as far as im aware]
also we're pretending Last Stranded, the latest and last expansion to the game is not canon [actually zero idea if it is canon but still].
heres the fic link. warning you, its bad.
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relaxxattack · 3 years
(i dont care to do c! tags bc theres. so many characters. if i dont say cc! then im talking abt the characters) normally i am not one to think much about the syndicate bc outside of ranboo being there to protect tubbo the syndicate Frustrates me a bit but. if phil starts to realize just how fucked over tubbo got by schlatt being erased from the narrative (and especially how shittily techno has treated tubbo) then i really hope they lean into like. the fact that the syndicate may soon turn into phil, niki, ranboo, and possibly the mystery member (im including mystery member mostly because i think tubbo is on good terms with almost everyone except like. dream, possibly wilbur but we'll see, and like the eggpire ppl but none of them are likely options but it is possible that the mystery member could just be neutral) all like. wanting tubbo to be safe and phil is *just* reasonable enough that i think he'd realize how unfair it is for tubbo to have been subjected to so much shit just for techno to introduce even more fear and the need to hide in his life
like phil already keeps the bee duo marriage and michael a secret, he lets tubbo come over and while of course its mostly from the semi lore vibes phil seems vaguely fond of tubbo already (i dont think phil and tubbo have father/son vibes tho, more just like. tubbo is just That Kid that adults cant help but adore even though the kid will rob them of house and home. slightly amused elder watching a tiny fucking gremlin make sex jokes and talk about soviet russia), niki from what i remember still cares about tubbo (probably because she cant redirect any anger towards him without realizing how unjustified it would be kcnsks she can come up with excuses for hating tommy but tubbo didnt do anything that niki has a problem with outside of her maybe having a bad view on butcher army if she knows about it?), ranboo is. ranboo. i dont need to clarify. and then like said theres a very low possibility of the fifth member *disliking* tubbo or being unable to sympathize with him.
people talk a lot about how techno needs to lose in a way that he cant easily come back from without introspection and i think while the rest of the syndicate standing up for tubbo would increase technos grudge against tubbo initially its also like. something that i think would maybe force techno to see tubbo as a person because now theres nothing techno can box (haha gettit. tubbox tubbo in a box tubbo getting boxed into certain roles by people who refuse to let him out techno esp doin this teehoo) tubbo into that wouldnt just. acknowledge that tubbo is a person. hes not apart of the government anymore, not planning any failed revolution, the most negative title to his name is being one of the nuke makers but even then thats out of fear and safety and techno knows that. otherwise tubbos current crimes are nothing thats special to tubbo (like. stealing and searching for evidence in ppls homes and stuff, the latter of which techno doesnr even know about). right now tubbos a husband, a father, a friend, a kid, *ex*-government, a person. and just.
i think that with how much foreshadowing about tubbos execution no longer being a secret amongst the witnesses and tubbo himself and soon being something that people close to techno like phil and ranboo know about as well (in that i want phil to learn that techno did it and for ranboo to learn about it in general bc hes just biased enough for tubbo and just smart enough that i think even if somehow he wasnt told who did it he could figure it out), and with the fact that tubbos lore has been confirmed to now be something thats actively going to be played into? i think (or at least hope) that it might spur phil and techno into finally seeing tubbos side of the story (and probably also get into the possibility of tubbo opening up to tommy and ranboo but i do think realistically either tubbo will try to play it off/not truly open up about how much its effected him or tubbo will at first shut down or go into complete repression mode, especially if phil and ranboo get the story from other people rather than tubbo himself [but god do i hope they confront tubbo himself]. either those two or tubbo talks about his emotions through fucking snapping at something/someone like he did at quackity when reminded of his execution, which as long as its Not tommy or ranboo ill absolutely be cheering on him for)
which is all a very convoluted way of saying uhh. *grabby paws at the ccs currently involved in the arc of clearing up personal misconceptions about l'manberg (and especially tubbos involvement and how easily those around him judged him based off of their versions of the story)* tubbo lore? tubbo healing tubbo talking about his problems? characters learning to see him as a person and recognizing how traumatized he is and that hes not uneffected but actively repressing any effects? please? (also ending note as the cherry on top of this essay that im sorry for dropping into your inbox: im kind of glad that tommys healing arc and tubbos possible healing arc are going to happen at similar times but are still separate. something something its nice to see acknowledgement that tommy and tubbo wont heal in the same way and arent going to know how to help each other but theyre still going through it together. their arcs are intertwining without removing their individuality and as someone w major co-dependency issues its kind of nice idk. you can be there for someone and still acknowledge that you have your own things to go through too and that while you wont be alone you shouldnt force those around you to support you. the bench trio are all helping each other out of free will and genuine love for each other while still realizing they have some problems they arent ready to talk about yet that arent forced to the open because theyre all doing their best to handle each other with care and i just. bench trio my beloveds. the kids are alright.) -🎭🎪 (also as the actual end note if theres ever a need to refer to me as something other than the emojis mask or eyez works fine but the idea of my name being the emojis is also Very Funny to me so do what you will)
im working on my aperture camera college assignment rn and my brain is sort of fried so i dont have an intelligent answer, but i got the happy chemical reading this.
yeah. i think we all know here that my favorite character is tubbo, and i REALLY hope we get him addressing anything that’s happened to him in canon. pretty much all of what you said sounds very good. *grabby hands* spare tubbo lore? please? spare tubbo lore?
perhaps during the three weeks wilburs off in the fucking woods (/lh) we could have a the-others-find-out-what-happened-to-tubbo-(and in DETAIL)-arc. pleaseeeeeeeee and ty
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The Inevitable
Hello wonderful people! This is going to be my first ever fanfic that I am posting anywhere, so please be nice. I would appreciate feedback, and I think that if it does well here I’ll post it n Ao3. 
I came up with this fic idea a little while back, and I’ve been writing it since 03/13/21. Basically the idea is that while Tommy was in the afterlife, he met characters who died during Tales From The SMP episodes that took place in the past. They told him their stories, and Tommy connected the dots. He goes to confront Karl in Kinoko Kingdom.
This story includes a headcanon that is not mine. I read a fanfic with the mute!Karl headcanon. The story was an absolute banger. If you want to hear a little more about that go read their story Come Home With Me by icaruswontmelt on Ao3
Story starts under the cut .
The Inevitable, by BangHaydenCoven
Death was the one thing that had always been truly eternal. When Wilbur came back as Ghostbur, it had seemed like death maybe wasn’t completely permanent because Wilbur was back. But he hadn’t been brought back to life. He was a ghost, a shell of the person he had been before everything went to shit. Tommy had truly thought that death was the one thing that stayed constant on this god-forsaken server. Being beaten to death and brought back by the person who hurt you so deeply puts a lot of things that were just beyond reach of perfectly understandable, into perspective. In the amount of time that had gone by while Tommy’s life actually went to hell and back, everything had changed. Tubbo had gotten married of all things, He had a kid. And a new best friend as well, apparently. There was, for the first time in a long time, a semblance of peace between all of the factions. Peace smashed, the moment he had been let out of the prison. No one looked at him the same way anymore. No one looked at him like the kid he was. The kid he was supposed to be. All they saw was an anomaly. Not a real, live, breathing person who has feelings and needs validation, just like other people. Proof of something that never should have been real. 
Since declaring that Dream had to die, Tommy had holed himself up in his little house dirt mound of a house. When he finally got over the initial panic, the firsthand terror of forcing himself to think about the time he had spent dead, he allowed himself to do it freely. Puffy had told him it was good to think back on the trauma. He wasn’t sure just how much he could trust that ideology, but it seemed to work for the most part. Tommy had spent the majority of his time in the afterlife with the people he had known when he was alive.  Wilbur, Schlatt, Mexican Dream. It had been pretty simple. They spent a lot of time playing card games, for some reason. But one day, a fight had sparked between Tommy and Schlatt, causing the younger to storm off into the distance. He had been fuming that day. It hadn’t even been a fight that made sense. Schlatt had thrown some baseless accusations his way, and Tommy had just given up. He needed a break. So he walked away. 
He walked.
And he walked.
And he walked.
And he walked.
And he stopped.
Looming over him was a building that was like nothing Tommy had ever seen. It was old, dusty, and cold. It belonged in the afterlife, to put it simply. It fit. It was a simple embodiment. Then, laughter filled the air. Frightening, drunk laughter that was cold but inviting. Tommy followed the spine-chilling noise into the building where he found four people. Three were dressed like they were from the Wild West. Cowboy hats, cowboy boots, and simple revolvers at their hips. The fourth was also clearly from the same time period, put was dressed simply. When he walked into the building, they just stared at him. Cold, level stares that made him feel like he would rather die all over again then be stuck under those gazes for the rest of eternity. But suddenly the looks of the people softened as they beckoned him over, introducing themselves as Connor, Mason, and Jack Kanoff. They were group of bandits called the Democrat Haters, and a simple bartender named John John. They told him their story, to put it simply. They told him how they died.
That was only the beginning.
Tommy wandered for a week straight, meeting people, hearing their stories. He met higher members of society who attended a masquerade only to die brutal deaths at the hands of a possessed butler, the members of a village with a crazed murderer that didn’t know haw to stop, that killed people brutally, among many others. And every single story Tommy heard had a one thing in common. There was always one man, in every story, who appeared out of no where, wearing colourful clothing and iridescent goggles perched on his head. He didn’t always use the same name, but he was always there, no matter when it had happened. As Tommy moved around his home to prepare, one thought rang true in his mind. 
Karl was getting a visitor tomorrow.
Walking to Kinoko Kingdom had taken a lot longer than Tommy had originally thought and planned for. Not that the little settlement was close to the rest of the Greater SMP, but it wasn’t far either. Regardless of distance, it was still far too long of a walk for Tommy to be in a good mood when he arrived to find Sapnap of all people tending to the garden in Kinoko. Usually Tommy would have snuck up behind Sapnap and scared him to intentionally piss the older man off, but that was the old Tommy. The old Tommy had stayed dead. Instead, he announced his presence by kicking an acorn at the other mans head. There was a loud yelp, followed by a string of curses that matched the flowers in the garden with how colourful they were.
“George, I swear to god, if-” his sentence dropped of in a look of pure disbelief as he turned around, expecting to see his best friend that deserved a good scolding. A dead teenager was definitely different. And confusing. 
“Shit...” Sapnap mumbled, “Tommy?”
“Hello Sapnap. I must say its very nice to see you doing something other than killing pets. Or your fiances.” He smirks.
“Well it’s definitely you. The question is how. How are you alive?” he says as the shock on his face fades into confusion mixed with disbelief. Tommy freezes. 
“Only if your okay with it of course. Don’t answer if your not comfortable. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up. That was insensitive of me...” he trails off as he realizes Tommy seems less stressed at the fact that Sapnap isn’t going to make him talk about it.
“Sapnap,” Tommy started, “I need to talk to Karl. Like, right now.” 
“Alright,” said Sapnap, nodding slowly, “I’ll go get him. Stay right here.” As Tommy watched the other man walk away to retrieve one of his fiances, he really hopes that what he is about to accuse Karl of is wrong. Maybe one day they’ll laugh about this. Probably not.
As Sapnap entered the house, looking for his fiances, he couldn’t help but wonder what it was that Tommy so urgently needed to talk to Karl about. Not finding his fiances on the first floor of their shared house, he went upstairs to continue his search, not wanting to keep the teen waiting for too long. As he opened the door to the throuples bedroom, he let out a small huff of affection when he saw his fiances, the loves of his life, asleep in their bed. Quackity had his arms around Karls waist, with his wings over both of them like a blanket, reflecting the golden light of the sun filtering through the window. Not wanting to disturb the scene in front of him, he let out a small sigh of annoyance as he forced himself to wake up Karl, and by extension Quackity.
“Theres someone here who wants to talk to you.” he muttered softly in Karls ear. 
“Who?” Karl signed sleepily.
“Tommy. It seems pretty important. He’s down in the garden.” Sapnap said a little louder, seeing that Q was now awake, so there was no reason to stay quiet.
“Alright.” He signed, “Let’s go.” as he got up, he tugged on Quackity’s sleeve lightly. “Are you coming, Q?”  He nodded and gave a small smile.
“Alright,” Sapnap said, pulling Quackity into a quick hug, and giving him a quick kiss on the temple, “Let’s go then.”
As they left the house and approached Tommy sitting at the picnic table in their back garden, they exchanged a small conversation in sign language.
“Is he okay?” said Quackity with some concern clear on his face, his movements slow and scuffed from sleep.
“He looks really tired.” Sapnap added.
“Q, could you run in and prepare some sandwiches and lemonade?” Signed Karl, “We’ll bring Tommy inside and we can all have lunch together while we talk.”
“Of course, my love.” Said Quackity, giving Karl a small kiss on the cheek before hurrying inside to prepare some lunch.
Turning to Tommy to thank him for waiting, he was met with a face of absolute, genuine confusion. As Tommy stared at their hands, then looked back over to Karl, his face quickly changed to a look of understanding.
“I forgot,” he said as he stood up sheepishly, “that Karl was mute.”
“That’s okay Tommy.” Karl cut in before Sapnap could say anything, “I know you’ve been through a lot recently. It’s okay to forget things from time to time. I should know.” Karl signed slowly so that Tommy could keep up with his rusty remembrance of sign language, adding a small smile at the end of his sentence. 
“Thank you Karl.” Tommy said with a sigh of relief.
“Would you like to come inside and have lunch with us? I know you have something to talk to me about, but you look hungry. We could talk right after though. How does that sound?” Karl signed with a smile on his face.
“That sounds great.” Tommy said after a beat of hesitation.
“Perfect,” said Sapnap, “let’s head inside. Q is making some sandwiches.” They all headed inside, one dreading the talk that would come after, the other two wondering what could possibly be so important to cause Tommy to come all the way out to Kinoko Kingdom to talk to Karl.
Tommy and Sapnap sat down at the table in the dining room as Karl went into the kitchen to help Quackity. Usually it would be all three of the in the kitchen, making food and having a good time, but Sapnap needed to take advantage of the situation at hand. Since he hadn’t visited the main SMP in a while, Tommy gave him the rundown of the current and recent events he knew of. Nothing too bad, but Sapnap knows you can never be too careful. A few minutes later, Quackity and Karl emerge from the kitchen carrying some plates and the food. As they sit down and start to eat, Sapnap and Quackity make small talk that Karl contributes too every once in a while with some one handed movements, putting his sandwich down when it was necessary. But Tommy stayed quiet, which the fiances found quite odd. Clearly whatever the boy had been through recently, on top of all his other trauma, had really messed with him. The loud, boisterous teenager they had known before was gone, replaced with someone they didn’t recognize in the slightest. So Tommy stayed silent the entire time, not noticing the quick, worry filled glances the trio sent his way every so often.
Soon enough, they had all finished eating. They were sitting in the fiances’ living room together, Tommy on one couch, the tree of them on the other. The room sat in an awkward silence as Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap waited for Tommy to talk to them, and as Tommy decided what to say.
After a moment, Tommy said, “Are you sure you want them here for this?” Karl’s eyes widened at how blatant he had been.
“Of course I want them here.” He signed quickly, “They are the people who matter most to me. Whatever you need to say to me you can say to all three of us.” Sapnap and Quackity nodded, not wanting to disrupt anything.
“Alright,” Tommy sighed, “Where should I start...” Karl’s hands stayed firmly in his lap to give Tommy a moment to think. “Well, I guess I’m just going to say what I came here to say, and pray to Prime that I’m wrong.” Karl nodded, once, slowly. Tommy took a deep breath before opening his mouth and saying...
“Your a time traveler, aren’t you?”
And then laughter
All he could hear was laughter.
Sapnap and Big Q were laughing. 
Karl was not.
Karl was not.
Karl wasn’t laughing.
The look on his face was not one of someone who had just been accused of some laughable fallacy.
A fantasy, really.
Sapnap and Quackity had stopped laughing.
They seemed to have come to the same conclusion that Tommy had.
“Karlos?” Quackity started, “There is no possible way...” he stopped, a look of pure disbelief on his face.
“Tell me that he’s lying Karl.” said Sapnap. “Please.” Karl’s hands started to move, making aborted and scuffed movements as he tried to figure out what to say.
 “No,” He finally settled on, “he’s right. I’m a time traveler.” Sapnap started crying at this, and Quackity gave him a hug as he buried his face into his fiances neck. Karl looked completely torn. He clearly wanted to comfort his fiances, but he knew he shouldn’t while Tommy was still here. But he also didn’t know if he could. Karl didn’t know if he was even still allowed to comfort them after keeping this big of a secret from them, and for so long. Karl started signing again, this time with clear urgency behind each movement.
“Two things, and then I need you to leave. Understood?”
“Of course,” said Tommy, “I will leave immediately.” Karl nodded.
“Thank you. First things first,” he signed, “how did you know?” Tommy sighed. He really didn’t want to talk about this. But Karl deserved to hear the truth.
“When I died, I was in the afterlife for a little while,” Tommy said softly, “One day I walked away from the people I knew in the afterlife, Schlatt, Wilbur, and Mexican Dream. I walked for so long I came across a building I had never seen before, and when I went in I met a group of people from the Wild West.” Karl’s eyes had gone wide.
“You met Jack and Mason and Connor?” he signed.
“Yeah, and John John as well. They told me what happened the day they died, and they mentioned you. Not directly, but they mentioned a man that had showed up out of nowhere wearing bright colours and iridescent goggles.” Karl looked wistful, remembering his time sent in the Wild West, even if it hadn’t been an exceptionally fun trip at the time. Tommy continued. “I also met the people who visited the masquerade, same story. But this time they mentioned your name. And lastly I met the townfolk of the Village that went Mad. Same story, but no name once again. I just connected the dots.” Tommy fell silent, waiting for Karl to tell him something. Sometime during his revelations, Sapnap and Quackity had left the room to comfort each other. Karl clearly wanted to tell them he was sorry, but he couldn’t do that until Tommy had left. Turning back to the teen, he started signing once more.
“Thank you for telling me, Tommy. I just have one thing to ask of you, then you can leave.” Tommy nodded his head, and Karl continued, “You cannot, under any circumstances, tell anyone what you know. It would put everyone in grave danger. Is that clear?”
“Of course. I won’t tell a soul.” Karl gave him a small smile. “Now I think you should go talk to your fiances.”
“I will,” he signed, leading Tommy to the front door, “Goodbye, Tommy. Have a good trip back.”
“Goodbye, Karl.”
As he walked towards the door of their shared bedroom, he could barely hold himself back from running to the room to comfort them. But Karl couldn’t be sure that they would ever be the same again. It broke him to think that, but he had lied to them, for a long time. They probably hated him.
He stopped outside of the door, hearing faint sounds of crying on the other side of the door. He slowly opened the door to see Quackity and Sapnap cuddled up together against the headboard of their bed, with all of the lights out. Sapnap was asleep against Quackitys chest, tear tracks all over his face. Q wasn’t much better.
“Hey Karl.” Quackity said softly, sniffling a little.
“Hi.” he signed back, gong to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’m so sorry.” he signed after a beat of silence. “I have no excuses. I just wanted both of you to be safe from it.”
“But... what is it, Karl? Why couldn’t you tell us? Are these the trips you’ve been going on? Does it have something to do with your memory problems?” Quackity rambled, question after question. He cut off when he realized how tense Karl looked. “...sorry.” he said, lowering his voice once more.
“Woah, Q, it’s okay. But I can only answer one question at a time.” Quackity nodded. “It is the In-Between,” he started, making the ASL sign for between, then spelling it out, “I don’t actually know what it is, but I managed to get away from it recently. It was stopping me from telling you about my time traveling. It told me that telling you guys would put you guys in grave danger. I couldn’t let that happen. So I kept it a secret.” He stopped, hands dropping when he couldn’t figure out where to go from there. Quackity opened his mouth, about to ask a question, when he felt Sapnap stir at his side. 
“Hey babe.” Quackity said, Sapnap just let out a little huff. “Sap, do you feel up to talking right now?”
“...yeah...is he here?” he mumbled, voice heavy and slurred with sleep. 
“He is.” Quackity answered. Sapnap looked up at him, then looked over to Karl.
“Hi Sap.” he signed, not making eye contact. “I want to apologize to both of you. For not telling you. There really is no valid excuse that I have. The In-Between was crazy. I just wanted to keep both of you safe.”
“What is the In-Between?” Sapnap asked. Before Karl could answer, Quackity cut in.
“He doesn’t know, Sap.” he whispered. 
Sapnap continued, “I want you to tell us the whole story. Please?” Karl looked conflicted.
“Alright.” he signed, “I’ll start at the beginning.” So he did. He told them the whole story. By the time he had finished, all three had tears running down their face. “Do you understand now?” Karl wiped his eyes before continuing, “It wasn’t safe to tell you.” Sapnap nodded, eyes red and puffy from crying.
“You need to stop traveling Karl. Me and Sapnap wouldn’t be able to live with ourselves if you forgot everything.” said Quackity, pulling Sapnap even closer. Karl sighed.
“I can’t control the traveling. I don’t know if it will ever stop. All I need right now is you two. If I hadn’t wanted to get home to you guys so desperately, I would have forgotten long ago.” Karl got up and grabbed his journal. “Fill it.” he signed, after he gave it to his two fiances, “fill it with everything I need to remember. And when I come back each time, help me remember. Please.” Sapnap looked up at him, then glanced at Quackity, coming to a silent agreement. They would do anything to keep Karl with them.
“Of course we will, mi amor.” said Quackity, opening his arms to invite Karl to come sit with them. Karl smiled, tears running down his face once again, crawling into their warm embrace. And as they sat there, holding each other close, Karl took each of heir hands, pressing his favourite symbol in ASL into their palms.
“I love you.”
Thank you for reading!!! Once again, if you like this, leave a comment or something, idk. And make sure to go check out the story linked at the top of this post for more about the mute!Karl Jacobs hc.
Have an amazing day, wonderful people.
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sokayisaidiot · 4 years
Dream SMP Assumption #4
Today’s topic: Fatal Flaws and the things with it
Please DO NOT read if you’re uncomfortable with the themes of death, depression and suicide. It’s a very complicated theme. I did NOT study it and do NOT know some aspects of it. I just go off the things I saw in the smp and made my own theories about it. If you’re even slightly triggered by this, please stop and do NOT try to read it. Please do NOT put yourself in some kind of uncomfortable zone. 
Please do not. Thank you
(This is all assumptioning from the fictional world of dream smp)
(Heavy spoilers on the resent events)
(Mainly around the lmanburg way, sadly need to learn more about badlands ): )
(This Series is created by another person, that’s just too fuckin lazy to move her butt)
Trigger warning today:
gray morals
Own thoughts 
Good and bad. Black and white. Typical Cliche, right? Well on the dream smp, theres a lot more. The person we watch is normally the side we are thinking is right, right? Well, actually yes and no. We see from many people their goal and respective ideals. So what actually is a good side on everybody? What are they doing wrong? But what does it show for us to understand?
Good things about him
He’s one of the most complicated characters. Many see him as the hero of the story and there not completely wrong. But Tommy’s fatal flaw is loyalty and recklessness. Why loyalty? When his life is on his line, he does not stand back, no he will throw himself at the front lines of a war, to protect the things he love. His family, friends, belongings. Thats great isn't it? 
The things he does wrong
But well, when he fights for those things, he leaves a mess others have to clean up many times. When you see the disaster with the railway war, the battle of the lake, burning Georges house accidentally. He is also stubborn, which comes with his loyalty but makes it for him worse to admit he’s doing something wrong.
What should we understand about that
Why is Tommy acting like this and right now not really on the way to be better? Well, Tommy isn't in a good place to get better. With his stubbornness and putting people and other things before himself, he didn't had time and now, with the manifesting of many negative traits he can't get himself really out. He needs people to help him. His father. Who left him, coming to him only once (in the lore). His older Brother. The one who betrayed him and blowing the thing up, which Tommy sacrificed a lot more than Wilbur and then died. His mento/brother figure, who is against the thing he wants to protect so bad. And with the people who manipulate him and the ones who don't think he needs help, he isn't in a place to get better or get some kind of good help. Being the youngest brings such heavy things down more and should actually explain, why Tommy has actually problems dealing with his problems, feelings and flaws.
Good things about him
Whats his fatal flaw? Its temptation to deliberate. For the time in Dream SMP, while being part of L’Manburg, Tubbo always relied on careful choices, compromises, and hearing both sides of a debate. He was able to take the decisions that Tommy couldn't make because of his stubbornness.
The things he does wrong
When he comes to make his own decisions, he makes them rather rash or out of emotions, which is shown when he exiled Tommy. The time he makes the decisions for a while, people don't listen to him. People turn around and forget about his ability to know how to make the right choices, and when he loses his temper once, it immediately backfires. He uses his emotions 
What we should know out of it
Its his fatal flaw that brings in the negativity. While being the choice of reason, he never chose what he wanted. He never knew where he wanted to belong. He followed the choices of the others and when he wanted to do his own decisions, he gets compared to past people with terrible acts. He is one of the youngest in the world of dream smp and he just gets used as a puppet for other peoples wanting. People see him for a young boy with no actual thought of what kind of experience he had gone trough. They expect and expect without knowing how broken they made a young person.
What he did good
His fatal flaw is hubris. Deadly pride. He will stand for his own side/arguments/meaning even if it kills him. And well, his pride in his son, brother, family, country and friends shows his his big heart and helpful hand, getting people out of trouble and being there for others.
What he did wrong
Hubris being is deadly flaw really is shown. The way he stood his way until its been fulfilled and then wanting to die with it, shows how he has fallen. He had his pride and part of stubbornness that let him think he could just host this elections without consequences. But those have been giant. His pride to admit he's wrong and there are others, who can lead a country good.
What we should know
Wilbur feeling neglected from Philza (presumably Philza doing more things with Techno as he grew older) left a hole for attention. He tries to find reasonable ways but with his own mental state not really helping, he tried his best to lead a nation. And hey, it worked (with the timeline in the lore, which I really try to figure out) it probably has been some years for him being president. Of course would people not listen to him, but what else could he do. There where just a freshly build country out of war. But then being exiled with his younger brother, who doesn't really knows his way of exile and causes some trouble with his stubbornness he's left to die by his fathers hands, only being a ghost of his former self.
What he did good
Fatal flaw? Instinctive inability to resist a challenge and wrath. Techno not really being able to resist a fight gave him probably his fighting knowledge and skills. It makes him a great rival and mentor. Its also nice to have something to charge for and being really dedicated to do it.
What he did wrong
Its seeable that he thinks that the destruction of L’Manburg is the only way to stop the bad things that has happened here. And the challenge they gave him to not destroy it. He gives in to the voices and closing himself in. He doesn't want a family for the way, that he doesn't want to betray someone close to him. Looking at Wilbur and Philza. Letting his anger control him to destroy the things he is against.
What we should know
The Voices are one of the problems. Screaming at him for blood or making fun of him for not being able to do something make hims even more wanting to achieve and becoming the best at it. He doesn't really like conversations and him closing in the people around him, not letting other people in and unable to control himself from his wrath, being the main factors that he needs help to fight against his anger and loneliness.
What he did good
The best take on Philza’s Fatal flaw is hubris. Why hubris again? Its the most common flaw of all of them. He shows pride of how Tommy is getting so far and is stubborn in a good way. Taking pride in how good skilled Techno is with everything. And by Wilbur being proud of his talents of making music and the way he has around other people.
What he did wrong
Taking too much pride in Techno and forgetting his other sons. He was shocked when he found out what happened to Tommy, even when it was a while ago. He only visited Tommy once (storewide) and not noticing the state of Tommy. Being around Ghostbur after he had killed Wilbur and trying to fix what had gone wrong in the past.
What we should know
Presumably Philza was thrown in a father state, without much knowledge on how being one. Constantly being surprised what the bois are doing, despite one of them being a teenager boy, he has to learn while having his sons (lore wise). Philza is also one to not be wishy washy with the children and is rather upfront with them. Which brings the problems for the children to know more the rough sides and being more stubborn. 
What did she good
Kindness is the thing that describes Niki the best. giving everybody a chance and believing hard and much. Its her fatal flaw and also best way to go around in the SMP. Giving other people more chances and showing the good in people. Making things easier around and helping others.
What she did wrong
The way kindness is getting wrong, is following and believing in the wrong people. Niki trusted, followed and believed Wilbur, only to realize much later, that Wilbur sunk deep into insanity already. Her kindness searches people to follow and to make a point to give out kindness. As she still followed Wilbur and he blew up L’Manburg, Niki was ready to give it all up, following the sentence “Its all gone” (I think).
What we should know
Niki believing in kindness and the things to get better, makes her an easier target to get. Thinking people would be kind and then getting ambushed is compared by the battle of the lake, that she didn't thought they would take her as a hostage, using her, for her own advantage. She being kind makes it also harder to be the person other people turn around to, since people prefer people with adamant sides.
What he did good
When we think of his fatal flaw, then it should be hubris like his father. His has huge pride in the things he has done and will do other things when he sees his own way in it. He has his pride in his friendships and will defend them. Example with him defending Niki or visiting Tommy in his exile.
What he did wrong
Burning down the flag of the nation your father build for you isn't something to show your dad that you want him to respect you. His fatal flaw playing a role in it, is actually seeable. He had pride in the Manburg Flag he build and said that it looked good or when he choose to side with Manburg, seeing its ideals and seeing that it matched things he has taken with pride. Making Manburg a beautiful place or letting nature more happen.
What we should know
Lets just say, he was born in the nation thats destined to fall, you never really met your mum, your dad blew said nation up, your uncle and part uncle are really gone nuts nuts, your grandpa leaves you alone, your “father/mum”, that wanted to adopt you never showed up to your adoption and was also the one, who betrayed you in cold blood for a crown, your pets are brutally killed, the time your father was alive, he didn't take you seriously. Let that sink in. And you've already been in some wars at a pretty young age and you're getting harassed for being a fox. Fundy being neglected showed his negative emotions.
What he did good
Fatal Flaw: ambition, the desire for power. He did have good plans (regarding making more beautiful nature, said by Fundy). He was able to start with many people, working on the things he said, not leaving it on the side. He did trust other people in their decisions of power. Tubbo staying in his positions, letting Fundy having a rank, that his father never gave him because he was never seen serious.
What he did wrong
Letting the power go to his head, he believed he did all the decisions alone, not letting another person decide in it, giving himself all the power and executing a child to show you who's in place, was his downfall. In the end he wanted ultimate control.
What we should know
There isn't much to say there, but being left alone by your hole party and the people who followed you really leaves an bitter aftertaste. After people see you're not in power anymore, they stop following because they don't see anything in you. And lets just say, do you like getting betrayed after winning an election. I mean your worker, secretary of state, he did trust him at the start, leaving Tubbo open to his own ideas. But then getting betrayed by him to overthrow you? Well for you it aint so good.
What he did good
Its actually really easy to say what Dreams Fatal Flaws are: hubris and instinctive inability to resist a challenge. We see that Dream is open to challenges and likes to win like Technoblade. He sees in Technoblade a good challenge and he takes pride in his SMP, his plans and his own IQ
What he did wrong
The thing with Deadly pride is, that you believe in yourself and your ways. You get ignorant, thinking you're better and that you already won. But then you fall on your face, because there is another way your opponent beat you. Seeing this in Dreams try to control Tommy, since Tommy is really the only one who will not let himself be a puppet to Dream. In Exile, Dream thought, when Tommy was clinging to him, that he won and he had him under his hand but ignorant that his opponent is Tommy and the person who is the most stubborn in the server. 
What we should know
To see that Dream was actually more peaceful before L’Manburg or Tommy makes you think who is actually in the right. Well, its both sides and not. Dream letting himself getting tangled up in the shenanigans of Tommy and the rest to the end where he wants to have control over everybody, can either be: 1. Being controlled by an Demon or the egg! OR 2. He lost himself, and got angry for someone like Tommy to outplay him. He wanted a peaceful place but when the chaos came, he wasn't able to resist
Well... Does this make up to the other things that have happened on the server? No, defiantly not. But nobody is really right either. Everyone has flaws and the conflicts come from ignorance, pride, false understandings or just misunderstandings. It shows us who's side can be right and what brings the conflict to the levels.
Please, I really tried my best, give your own two cents to it....
And Im sorry my brain just brought it up :I
You know what, screw it. Everybody’s just in need of Therapy and I’m on everyones side kind of.
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dozyrogue · 9 months
Ok im still thinking of the philza and tubbo fight cuz it reminds me of the marvel fandom when talking about the ending of cilvil war
Bucky killed tonys parents and tony tried to kill him, some where mad at tony cuz he tried to kill bucky but bucky was a victim. Others agreed but still pointed out that he still killed people. It goes into more details but I don't wanna do that
Philza says that we should help him cuz hes a friend and we should help each other, cuz hes a victim an doesn't have a choice. Lock him up and find a cure like last time. And yeah that's phil to a T, phil would travel to hell and back to protect his freinds. And he knows he has friend's who would do the same for him. Man's disappears and the island panics. Bolas would flock around their leader to protect him from the other teams
There's also the added fact that it does take a bit to earn philza's trust and forever has that trust. So to him he sees forever is clearly not himself and he knows how MUCH HE LOVES Tallulah and would never ever purposely hurt her. So something's wrong with forever obviously. And of COURSE he wants to help out forever back together again.
Like when he told tubbo we help forever and then said he would expect tubbo to help phil if he was ever in this position shows so much about phils character to me. Like u help each other so hearing someone u trust doing something as quick as killing him would freak me out lol.
Then theres my sweet traumatized tubbo, he can trust so easily but take his trust away just as easily, his self estime is so low that he expects everyone to be against him. then it was evern worse after purgatory 1 and fred things keep getting worse. And worse of all hes kidnapped from the island most people didn't know he was taken and was forced to leave his kid. In purgatory 2 mans finally had his targaryan moment and took them all down with him.
Then hes back and hears that forever suddenly is different...again. corralled all the kids into following him and that he hurt Tallulah and tried to kill chayanne. Sent ramon into a panic to the point man's PUT ON HIS ARMOR. he himself believes that the island would turn on him immediately if he did something wrong. So if course he would think the same if someone lost it AND HURT THE CHILDREN. he went into purgatory with the only thought of helping the children, and questioning why the other islanders forgot that the point of this. He even said himself that he would choose his godchildren anyway over fred. NoW HIS DAUGHTER IS IN THE MIX. AND ITS NOT EVEN THE FEDS GOING AFTER THE KIDS ITS ONE OF THEIR OWN.
So of course!!! To tubbo the only choice for forever is to kill him so he himself doesn't hurt the eggs again. For any of the islanders the idea of hurting the children even if they were the victim would probably ruin him.
I agree with both yes we should help forever but i agree with tubbo a bit more if forever is so possessed with whatever that hes going after the children???? Kill him, jail prison, lock him away.
And phil expecting for tubbo to help him if he was ever in the same position but tubbo made a promise to care for his godchildren if phil was ever in a place were he couldnt tubbo would fucking kill him.
Idk I really liked the fight shows the difference between the characters and specifically how tubbo changed as a character.
I probably have more thoughts on this but this is it??? Me thinks??
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