#off of their predestal.
sheswoven · 2 years
i have major bones to pick with every 'parental' figure in diana's life . the smallest bone , though , goes to ysabeau .
#╰   ✵  ❝     i don’t have a lot of experience with vampires    ┈     ⟨   ooc .   ⟩#i just. i love her so much.#and so much of diana's life and relationship with like “adults” are people making choices for her or pushing her in a particular direction.#sarah refused to accept diana's choices and meaningfully acknowledge her trauma related to magic.#philippe is just...philippe.#the concept of keeping diana in the dark about such a horrific secret like spellbinding is so complicated it knocks stephen and rebecca#off of their predestal.#but ! ysabeau was unapologetically herself right from the get go.#and her hesitance ?? was not just like ? prejudice.#i truly believe that it was also ysabeau knowing her son as well as she does and knowing that if diana wasn't strong enough#he was going to take her down with him.#and the moments after diana is rescued#and ysabeau steps into this moment of care that prioritizes diana's sanity AND her health#ysabeau putting aside her own prejudice to try and present an easy solution to a complicated problem:#ultimately if diana wanted to become a vampire. ysabeau would have advocated for that choice in ways that matthew could not understand#because ysabeau understands about love and loss and choice in ways that the other “grownups” don't#and so yes? diana has to fight for ysabeau's love and respect#but when she earns it -- it comes with way less strings.#than anyone before. ysabeau is the ONLY person willing to truly prepare diana for what she is about to undertake.#and that alone is huge. it's not being shielded and it's not being pressured.#it's just being given the critical information to make a choice.#and i love her. and i love that no one will read this.
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hebrohammer · 1 year
Did you know Will Ferrell did a movie that was not a screaming comedy
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libidomechanica · 5 years
Untitled (“Nor dear”)
Nor dear. Of Ida soul wounded not, for  than third a-wing…. A thirsty  race! And betraying hoard of contrived. He drew  you know and shut, only had been: first  luminous, genial springs; then the sun 
and being far; then rose and in—Yes— tis the many an in wide least  marsh so much defence found the murmuring reverish  rate rainy comes to waiting were  of haggard forth the devils forth my 
Belovéd; gaze, till moonshine in Province  think so prettie deject Ive added brooding  heart And circle murmurs to It  force of missd here he might eyes, even starued  with flecks of a ladys Hair unborn 
and ice, the warm at a play,  he is heard their Instrument where predest word,  but babes to covereign: so sweet his  an Apples, and homage only  fitted to a peer nodding your 
to heaven, and Passional creature  of Fancy afloat. To those the  Grape my feet, upon the Spot when  for insufficial Titian, and  gray him to have sweeter Pith, stand: but 
asking a hope course that kindly from  earths, of his dead; ere high, ye less to  they but servative claspd nor mission, where  vsed serene, did guide: became less it  crimson, show your own description wonder existen 
his biding from the lawful  Beau demander Amateur; and  when ring out off, determinal long;  all conference the lass wild Homer!  and their to me, tills from aristocrates; 
and golden the lake than  witless could Prudent a hawk, But to  bad, the shut before Woolly dew- like dinner trunk. whose living Hope! ill kind out the  hill the come, O my Though even most 
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drweyant · 8 years
New Post has been published on The United New Testament Church, International Ministry Association, Inc.
New Post has been published on http://untci.org/many-opportunities-this-year-for-lenten-service/
Many Opportunities This Year For "Lenten Service"
“do” some Lenten Service…
March 20, 2017; Elkmont, Alabama UNTCI
We are always praying, both here and probably where you are, that God would provide opportunities that we might show the world both who He is and whom we are in Him. We pray every day that He would give us the vision to recognize these opportunities and the courage to seize upon each to do all that He asks of us in each, that we might find joy in the effort and that He would be glorified.
The Season of Lent is that time in the year that we focus even more on these opportunities as part of our building better habits and deeper lives as Christians called to love and serve. What say you?
Your Fellowship here is involved in many opportunities that God is providing for both Christian Fellowship, and Christian Service. These opportunities are occurring all around us within our very own Fellowship. Fellow ministers and ministries of UNTCI are in need of help in this season of “service” – here then, by the grace of God are our (your) opportunities:
Victory Healing Ministries, Monrovia Liberia
Headed by Pastor Hamilton Bleh, their mission schools and main service building were damaged by a storm that came in off the port and caught the country off guard and unprepared. They have asked for help in the cost of repair and can always use help in the cost of feeding and educating the children. Christians are under great pressure in Liberia and the few Christian Schools that remain need our help desperately.
Guildford Park Church Ministries, Bondo Kenya
Headed by Pastor Fred Akello (UNTCI’s Missions Representative to Kenya), are actively trying to build children’s ministries throughout the area using their network of local churches. Their mission is to educate children out of poverty in Christian Faith. They have planned a VBS over the school break in April where they will take the children to various educational sites, the airport, museum, wild animal park, etc. most of their children have never been outside their village. Each child has been able to raise funds equal $2.00 US so far. A total of $450 US is needed.
Grace & Truth Orphan Home, Hyderabad India
Headed by Pastor (Joseph) Nageswara Rao Bussa, This ministry is caring for over a dozen children full time and 2-3 dozen more part-time in a completely Christian home and school environment. Their care is a massive undertaking for he and his family, but their Christian love and sense of service and duty keep them going. Being surrounded by a majority of Hindu, it is difficult to find local support for what they are doing. They have asked for help with the purchase of small pre-owned vehicle that they can use to transport the children to and from doctor’s appointments and such. Currently they are spending $60 US a month on these trips. Purchasing a vehicle for $4500 US will save them $40 US a month and will allow them to help 2 more children.
House of Love Ministries, Paulding Ohio
Headed by Pastor Predest (Dwayne) Richardson, is a rural outreach church and ministry situated in one of the poorest counties in Ohio. The majority Methodist population left the church a generation ago to work more hours either on the farm or the factory. Most of the churches that remain are struggling with low numbers and no offerings which has forced them to partner with local governmental assistance programs that by regulation reduce the impact of the faith based organization trying to help. Pastor Dwayne, has put all of his “retirement” into this ministry, recognizing the need for a true independent Christian church to be the foundation for the real “help” that is needed in this area. To bring them back to education and faith in order that they may lift themselves up.
These are just a few of the ministries and missions that UNTCI is helping first IN the Fellowship, and then BY the Fellowship. This ministry operates solely on the benevolence of it’s members. We can go as far in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ as you care to take us.
I still envision this ministry as a worldwide force for Christ, empowering, supporting, and equipping the called right where they are!
What do see?
 Give to the Ministry, Ministries, and Missions!
go to the “giving center“
  We must “Pour In”, to “Pour Out” in His Name! 
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libidomechanica · 6 years
His her like and parted childishness Union
Have know some parting grace, and whistless was no key. ” She worships were two seclusion to a strain’d, the turned and was the
sparkled on to his states upon our careless would young, sans Wind I love, distant pointed sound as the secundum
artem: but than the heart was those who rather-tougher, ere I wonder’d a sick maws: still so urgent, rustic mother, wither face—but one
knew naig witch my hammer, will good. That t sweet deem false or than what, is it, as met war: a happy melody, with his
face, take; heap’d— “ “I came: they y went! And now saw I once morning why—an overhung
flower looked you of travel the sand, nor were therefore nothing harsh russet for your beauties white fine needes much demaund bye. But he wept that
I have someone shalt not you from the tedium. But wiped to blessed to fetch a pretty skipping too; but it often field when
she might ahead wards pryde, who have flew; some of me, the pool; for the saw that the cheek for they made. And him th
at at might out, that power: I’ve no eyes the same, blood, and made a pleasure, dispute? But to gie her lip, to seize; and low his force, with
cheek, who wound now and darke: waile were, and sight. Propose e all
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and sweete-cruel tongue; whetherby gate reviewed from Juan, indeed the silently tosse in my will I; as did fume, and truth for
sleep in all be freedom being roses to the throught, that clearer heavens deeds must be run at, wash’d tender voice is sense of the
night of youth, with Predestal, all his gay that hand. Prone or even chin, sealed not lived a who spurred; I feel pain, yearning on the
tended heaven bury ( (leucadia’s letter of his Face to view she north; the still old women by layes to the scald at once
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given he love, or crippling about he altar the roadsword cough to hath shut eyes, then small shine: then would not seem’d to feasting
shewed to straight his pale, ambition; but be sounds as thought, that red with vulgar brainless mortal life. Some coquettish cabinet
and perfection! A piece of this rough the print thousands once was in abeyance light I on thy heathy hear her
tree slaughters; and blood. And cuckolds. The sons mortal who watch and in
vainly flowers, as with tearest comely if flame, had, do ye ford them, which sorrow have forevere rich secundum ndum arte. Are e is trickle
createst me maching all think the e rest prayers the joy would resume.
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