sacredblud · 6 years
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AS A CHILD , lukas was consistently reprimanded that if his face was contorted in constant loathing or disgust that it’d be stuck like it . forever . perhaps he should’ve heeded these warnings , because any time the savage operative invaded his space he felt time slowly freezing his face into an expression of abhorrence ( & that’d be a rotten fate to be dealt ; he prided himself on being quite handsome ) . he doesn’t flinch as he hears the operative coming up behind him, instead absorbing himself in his novel about the second world war ( it was interesting , seeing the facts presented from the winning side ) . “ i assume i won’t be through with you until you’ve said your piece ? well, go on . get it over with . what idiotic relevation could you possibly bother me with now ? ”
for @ofgriffith​. 
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wrathfillcd-blog · 6 years
♟for axel :~)
♟: patching up a wound.
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❝ remind me again why you’re here and not, i don’t know ─ fading away in a random ditch somewhere? ❞ despite what his words might suggest, axel is not nearly as annoyed by griffith’s sudden appearance at his house as he could have been. that might or might not have something to do with the blood staining the special operative’s clothes, that lovely shade of crimson that he had grown to appreciate throughout the years. now, he may be biased, but he thinks it quite suits griffith. it’s a good thing vera isn’t home to see this, though. he can imagine that she wouldn’t be too happy. of course, that also means he doesn’t have to try so hard to play nice. his movements are precise and meticulous as he cleans up the gash on griffith’s side, a nasty stab wound. he wonders what exactly is the story behind it, but doesn’t bother to ask. is all too aware that a smart ass response would be the only outcome and he’d rather mantain this… friendly atmosphere. vera could walk in any moment, after all. ❝ my darling sister isn’t here, unfortunately. but that means you get your favourite hawthorne sibling ─ me. ❞
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mavngata-blog · 6 years
🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare. SIGH
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it’s a combination of her cheek falling from its resting place on his shoulder and the sharp intake of breath beside her that alerts her something isn’t right. at first, she freezes — taking a moment to overlook her surroundings for any sign of trouble, but there is none as far as she can tell. the moonlight peeking its way through his window is enough for her to see the way his pulse jumps in his neck, and she props herself up on one elbow, body turned in his direction, while she waits for him to say something. he doesn’t. instead, he’s pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes and she watches his chest rise and fall slowly with each deep breath he takes. she gives him a moment before she asks if he’s alright to which he nods, muttering something about a bad dream --- something she understands all too well. he turns away from her just as she’s reaching out to lay a hand on his arm and she frowns at the missed opportunity to comfort him when he’s had to soothe her back to sleep in the past. but for once she doesn’t leave it at that. she shifts  c l o s e r  till her chest is against his back and her hand slips around his waist and onto his chest to HOLD him there. not that he’ll fight her on it, that much she knows. it’s a subtle thing --- affectionate and something they only share behind closed doors, but for the moment it’s worth it just to have him while he battles his mind for peace.
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sarpelui-archive · 6 years
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HE’S NEVER BEEN A FAN OF ULTIMATUMS or ---- if he were being honest ( the rarity ) , being required to do anything that was out of his realm of ... blatant desire .  there he stood though , a lingering set of eyes that trailed behind griffith fucking carlisle and every ounce of annoyance that came along with him .  ❛  i’m sure i don’t need to tell you this ...  ❜   the event they’d made way into wasn’t exactly the most .. spectacular thing , but the supposed target was already fairly drunk , and of course both had something to do with that . still -- he was unenthused by the situation at hand ,  ❛  but this doesn’t have to be an all night thing , now does it ??   ❜ @ofgriffith
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icegods-blog · 6 years
⚠️ take ur pick for the idiot squad!
roman and griffith fight all the time. about the laundry spread through the house, about the loud moans keeping the other awake, about who broke the glass bong. they’re stupid, petty fights that usually end with weed and pizza hut. this time around, the two end up on the floor of the apartment, rolling around on the carpet as they scream meaningless obscenities at each other. the reason ? whose turn was it to clean lebron james’ terrarium. roman is a fighter for a living, and he doesn’t expect griffith to be able to hold his own the way he does---- what even does his roommate do for a living anyways ? waiting tables and sweet-talking rich old ladies ? he’s not supposed to have the skillset to take rusty on a fight and it makes the man livid. so, rusty does the thing he does best, and he plays dirty. griffith is on top of him, yelling something about cock-sucking and socks that doesn’t make too much sense to rusty when the man raises his head, teeth sinking into the only place he can reach: griffith’s shoulder. the other man yelps, and it’s the chance he needs to roll them over, trying to gain ground on his opponent. ❝ it’s your turn to clean that crap, you cheap motherfucker ! ❞ roman yelled, the words twisting into a loud screech once he feels griffith’s teeth marking their way  onto his forearm. ❝ animal ! let go ! ❞
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glosscdlips · 6 years
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    *•.¸♡    logan had been doing her best to stay out of trouble - with griffith standing in front of her at the trinity club, she knew it would never be that easy.    “ what are you doing here? ”    a soft smile is thrown in his direction, silk robe draped from her breathless figure, having just gotten done with one of her pole routines. / @ofgriffith
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angclicals-blog · 6 years
ᕤ + the BOIS
“I need bleach for my eyes and holy water for my soul.”
rusty knew he should probably leave the room and talk to griffith later, at a better time when the man is properly dressed, but instead the drunken retired hockey player just swirls around, turning his back on his roommate and making no effort to leave the other’s bedroom. ❝ but i need help so the bleach will have to wait. ❞ he said. ❝ i just realized mariana is going to want to pick our baby’s name or at least have some say in it and if she picks a tacky ass——- jesus fuck griffith i can hear you ! can you not jerk off for a moment and listen to me ? i’ll buy you a hooker or a large dildo or whatever later on just help me out i need a way to get my way with the baby’s name without mariana realizing i picked it ! ❞
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chcrubic · 6 years
[ beckon ]
based on this post / accepting !
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as she watched the male’s fingers curl towards him to encourage pippa towards him, a part of her wished to turn & make a break for the exit while she still could — yet she stays, unrooting herself from her spot, the raven-haired beauty slowly slinking towards him. it’s the other part of her that won her conscious — the part of her that felt butterflies erupt with anticipation & excitement, almost desperate to know his mystery wish. ‘ yes, griffith — what is it now ? ’ 
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svrrenders-blog · 6 years
[ lit ]
Rowan held her cigarette between her fingers and her lips, watching as Griffith pulled out his lighter and held the flame to the end. Once it was properly heated, she let out her first puff of smoke and offered him a grin.
“Thanks. Don’t normally forget my lighter but it’s been a busy few days. I owe you a drink next time I run into you.”
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sacredblud · 6 years
‘ i came to apologize . there … i did it . i apologized . ’ ( i was... literally about to send u a second one too skjfjskdk)
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APOLOGIES ARE RARE for the bavarian ; perhaps that’s the same for the brit , too , but griffith knows he’s in the wrong this time ... & lukas isn’t going to let him forget it . he’s reading one of his favorites , the iliad , in latin ; he figures his brain needed a little exercising ( & perhaps because there’s just something about griffith that reminds the german of achilles ). “ you know , there’s this funny part where the aristos Achaion has to swallow his pride & apologize to his king , ” flawed, yes, they were ; but something similar to friends , nonetheless . “ but they spoke of principles about being better than the other & such ... ” he’s bad at accepting apologies , even a rotten one like griffith’s , & while this would be a perfect time to interject that in his world , lukas is griffith’s superior , he refrains from doing so . lips curl into something similar to a smile , if that was what you could call it . “ my point is ; if you want me to stop ignoring you , you’re going to have to swallow your pride & say that i beat you in monopoly fair & square , & that i’m the monopoly king . ” slender fingers curl to beckon the other male . “ go on , admit it . ”
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wrathfillcd-blog · 6 years
ofgriffith replied to your post: as someone who has a huge house with more than a...
griffith comin over even tho his apartment is fine
watch axel set fire to his own damn house when griffith is inside
... i mean WHAT
he’ll be so happy to see his buddy!!
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
💥 // tighten something around my muse’s throat that restricts their blood - flow / oxygen supply ( hand obvi ) + madden
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CHAOTIC  INTRIGUE  HAS  LED  HIM  down  a  questionable  path  ,  the  crack  of  his  back  hitting  paneling  echoes  down  the  hall  of  the  mansion  .  he’s  there  —  within  the  walls  ,  and  has  been  for  some  time  but  the  moment  slides  forth  and  waits  for  the  right  opportunity  to  strike  .  ❛    you  —-    ❜    bodies  hunted  heartbeats  ,  men  like  them  ?  they  hunted  souls  of  the  weak  ,  the  average  and  sometimes  when  the  occasion  arose  ,  the  powerful  .  he’d  gotten  to  close  and  it  shows  in  the  way  dark  eyes  glower  towards  griffith  ,  but  even  he  must  warn  caution  with  one  hand  gripped  around  his  wrist  ,  the  other  prepping  to  snatch  him  by  the  arm    ❛    didn’t  know  you  felt  this  way  honey  ,  should  have  told  me  you  were    —-      ❜  he’s  gasping  for  breath  ,  ❛    into  the  kinky  shit  .  now  let  me  the  fuck  go    ❜
                         ——— aggression & sexual tension !! @ofgriffith
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mavngata-blog · 6 years
❤️ Lean in to give my muse a tender kiss :)
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vera doesn’t often ENVY his relationship with liquor --- the ability to relinquish all control to a bottle never quite appealed to her, except in moments like these. she had seen the half empty bottle when she’d arrived and she had stayed behind anyway, telling herself it’s to make sure he’ll be okay and nothing more. and she watches quietly from her perch on the counter as he drains the bottle to its very last drop over those few hours. it still takes some time after that before she succeeds in nearly getting him to lie down, but he turns to her just as they reach the doorway to his room. there’s a look in his eyes that she’s seen before and ignored, but he’s got her trapped. a hand catches him along his jawline with the intent of stopping him before he can reach her, but instead her head turns at the last second so his lips meet the skin below her ear. ❛  you don’t want to do this.  ❜ who is she trying to convince? her head and her hand shakes, even after she finds the courage to meet his eyes. ❛  you’re drunk and you don’t want to do this. i don’t want to do this.  ❜ it’s only then that his expression changes and vera knows she’s said the right thing. she knows because it HURTS and she hates the sigh of relief that leaves her when he pulls himself away without a single word wasted on her. she lingers in the doorway only a few moments more to watch his form sink into his mattress. it goes without saying that she won’t be staying --- not tonight. and maybe not for a while.
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vernaculare-a · 6 years
‘ you gonna hit me? be dangerous. ’ + ana
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they seem to always end up like this; intoxicated jabs only this time the jabs were more than just their words. ana holds up her fists as the two square off with one another in an almost empty parking lot outside of sharp’s, her cheeks sore from laughing but the expression she wears is one of utmost seriousness. “ i’m going to hit you alright. ” she bounces on the heels of her feet as one fist playfully connects with his open palm to tease her words. all it takes is one more prompt from griffith and a drunken stumble forward to send her fist colliding into his jaw — a gasp tumbling past her lips as she feels the throb in her own knuckles. “ oh my GOD. i am so sorry! ”
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icegods-blog · 6 years
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vanya’s home is his sanctuary. his temple, his little piece of heaven. or it was, before he made the horrible life choice of moving in with griffith. now, it was just a tiny apartment that smelled like weed and, some days, cat piss. he’s just glad when he can even walk inside the apartment most nights without watching the walk of shame ❝ hi, baby ! ❞ vanya isn’t the type of man to do baby voice, but when he crosses through the threshold of the front door and sees annushka’s wrinkly little face welcoming him into the apartment, her baby pink glittery sweater brushing against his legs. ❝ how are you, my little princess ? ❞ he cooed, slamming the door shut. ❝ assface, get out here ! ❞ vanya yelled, a far cry from the soft, sweet little voice he had used to the cat. ❝ i come bearing gifts ! ❞ ( @ofgriffith )
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bencvolentways · 6 years
send ☠ for a threatening message
[Text:] If you’re late for Brunch, I will drink your mimosas this time around! Don’t test me, Griffith! 
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