queensconquest · 7 years
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   Well, if Crowley was working with these humans, Horn supposed that she might as well. At the very least Horn was polite and courteous whenever something was directed to her. But for the most part she kept quiet unless she was with Chess and/or Crowley. Distrust with Ferid remained extremely high, especially after this. 
 Horn opted to act as the ‘guard’ of sorts for the group, keeping alert and watchful. hence what she was doing now, sitting out in the moonlight while Crowley was stuck with Ferid and Chess. As a shadow moved closer she turned her head, recognizing the blonde, though she didn’t know him well. “Mikaela Hyakuya. Is there something I may do for you?” Her head tilted a little bit, curious, before turning back to looking around. On the bright side, at least he didn’t seem to hate her. Or did less so than Ferid.
[ @of-scapegoat] 
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nigrim-lux · 7 years
“They’ll soon be back, and in great numbers.”
“Oh I hope so.”
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A devlish smirk painted itself over the usual cheery and happy vampire. Lucian wanted them all to come. To focus on him rather than on the humans attempting to flee unnoticed. Lucian was a troublemaker, and a 5th progenitor at that. It was no surprise that they’d be foolish enough to think he did all he did without some form of motive. Laugh they might at his antics, but at the end of the day he would be the winner of this battle, whether they knew it or not.
“I was just starting to get bored. Hopefully they’ll at least be entertaining.”
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