formaechao · 1 month
Continued from:
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Ethan crossed his arms and sniffed. "I'm a wolf, honey," he growled, albeit flippantly. "And I've done things I'm not proud of." He averted his gaze from her now, drowning in memory. "I was a young pup, and I attacked my sister. She died because I couldn't control my wolf, and my family disowned me. Now I seek solace, but I can never seem to find it."
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chaoticrebels · 9 months
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Closed Starter » { Layla }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @ofwondersandhares​​ ​❫
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Lips curved up into a smirk, amusement flickered in his eyes. Wasn't this quite the turn of events, the elf didn't think he would be seeing her again. But here they were, face to face once more. At least this time he didn't have a gun to her head, that was an improvement. Yet the male was confused to why she was here, what could she possibly want? After all why would she be here, unless she was lost again.
❝Oh look what the cat dragged in, a little mousey.❞ Kimo teased playfully, head tilting slightly a few seconds later. ❝Are you lost or something because I wasn't expecting on seeing you again, not that this isn't a welcome surprised but call me curious.❞
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thornstocutyouwith · 1 year
Original post here. @ofwondersandhares
He grins, staring at Jack as the other said this "No. I don't think I will. You're stuck with me." Beaming an even brighter smile at them, as annoyingly as possible, he walks in closer "You're body imitates the power of others? Hm? Fascinating. And what species are you?"
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endlss-voiid · 2 months
I am happy to hear that you still have the pendant, thank you for bringing a smile to my face. --- Layla
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❛You are welcome and thank you for giving me the pendant. It's helped me get through some dark times.❜ He murmurs gently, his lips tugging upward into a smile without his knowledge yet the expression in his eyes likely reveals to her how lonely he has become. He hasn’t set foot in Wonderland for months simply because the place no longer feels welcoming to him anymore and he thought Sean could use a break from his vulpine nature despite missing him terribly. There wasn’t a single day where he didn’t miss him. He still loved him. ❛It's good to see you again, Layla. How are things in Wonderland? Is my little hare alright? I can still call Sean my little hare, can't I?❜ 
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onebadwinter · 11 months
Original post here. @ofwondersandhares
Turning a little bit, he looks around, checking to see if he wasn't blind. No. He wasn't. There was only this guy and him close by and Flash didn't want to run too far away from where Peter was at the moment "Uh…well-" He pointed around "There's me…and you. And would you look at that? No one else." The college student said, sounding a bit annoyed, himself. Though that was often how he sounded.
As the other was talking Flash made a face "You mean like an Avenger?" The Avengers were cool and all, but not as cool as Spider-Man. Flash made a face "I didn't pick you out of a line, and I didn't know you were telepathic- Look, I just need you to help, okay…god, why are adults so ugh!-…Are you going to help me or shit talk-"
"I did have a phone, but it-uh..broke." If you could call what had just happened to him, and Peter, an accident, which it was! Flash would say that his phone was suffering more than Peter right now "Look, my…friend, he's hurt, okay! So we can stand here and talk about your telepathy- or we can pause that for later!"
Flash bounced back and turned, starting back where he came from "He's this way!" Waving his right hand out for the other to follow he jogged in the direction he had come from "Sure, whatever! Just help! We need a phone…so do you have one or not?" After a moment of running, or so, he came to the other teenager, staring as they were laying still on the ground "… I think he's unconscious…" Peter couldn't be dead! Flash wouldn't accept it "Hey… I got someone- He's going to get help."
The only other time he had been stuck in a situation like this had been when Jesse was still alive, and maybe that was mostly what was driving him at the moment, even if he were hurt. Someone else being hurt, brought about the better part of who he was, the part he often kept hidden "Dude- your phone?" He prompted Darius again.
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notquiteahitman · 3 months
“ you never had to be perfect. you just had to stay. ” (Sean to Ryan)
@ofwondersandhares sent a meme I can't find
Crises, for Ryan, were perhaps a little too common. He often wondered how Sean put up with him, with his near-constant anguish about who he has and what he had done and whether he was a terrible person and whether he should just get on with it already and start the damn rebellion he had always wanted to. Things had gotten better in recent years, he had to admit, since he began spending larger chunks of his time in Wonderland. But the apparent reincarnation of Shay's feelings towards Breslin had led Ryan into his own crisis, partly fueled by his knowledge that her meeting Breslin in the first place was all his fault.
And yet, as Sean's words cut through his usual panic about how he was a terrible person and needed to go back to his own world and face the music, how he should leave Wonderland entirely and let Sean live out his life without him, the wizard stopped dead in his tracks. His words died on his lips, his face instantly softening from frenzied anxiety into surprise, then to disbelief, and finally, to softness. He released a heavy sigh, and if Sean looked closely enough, he would actually see Ryan's shoulders relax.
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"Do- do you really mean that?" he breathed, as though he didn't quite want to ask the question in case it caused Sean to regret his words. "Because I- I sometimes feel like all I've done since I entered your life is ruin it."
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Original post here. @ofwondersandhares
Kai stares at her, obviously able to tell she wasn't a child "I'm probably younger than you are. So no. This doesn't count. Actually. Now that I'm getting a good look at you. Eh. I'm being traumatized. What is all this-" The syphon lift his hand and made a circle motion in front of her face.
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notasliceoflife · 11 months
Original post here. @ofwondersandhares
Considering her words for a moment he nods, trying to remain confident. If he wasn't, he would come across as less perfect. He needed to display an air of perfection and charm around him. Keep it like it was the only way he was able to live. Blinking, Yuki shifted, his hair moving move his face a little more as he dipped his head down slightly "Well, I figure if I keep trying to figure it out, eventually I will solve it." Though, asking others to help him wasn't his usual go to. Yuki was stepping a little out of his comfort zone, here. Hearing her question he lift his head back up "Well it was-…My inhaler." He should know by now- he should have been used to it by this point. The rejection from others, why would someone want to help him. Even his own family hated him. Yuki
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saidthecaterpillar · 1 year
( @ofwondersandhares )
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[ summer again. finally, finally. the sun dazzles here in the old city, sending waves of glittering heat over the streets. streets buzz with activity, filled with denizens of every kind- there are new customers every day, so much more than the somber winter months. rarely a moment of quiet to be had outside of their off hours. normally, Gabriel adores the summer, enjoys the constant activity of daily life helping Darius run his teashop. but today, something is just off. it's little less than an hour before closing; just now the White Rabbit stands amidst the crowds on the selling floor, leaning with chin in hand, fingers tapping an idle beat against the glass countertop. he's distracted, contemplative; ruminating. maybe he needs a distraction. ]
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hiddenheartless · 10 months
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formaechao · 2 months
"I was not expecting this!"
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"Since you're not from around here, I thought I would take you out on the town." Michael smiled and stuck out his elbow. "I tend to help out newcomers that need it. Hospitality."
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chaoticrebels · 9 months
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ keep talking like that and i might end up in your arms. ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Shay }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @ofwondersandhares ❫
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Lips curving upwards into a smirk, teal hues sparkling with amusement. That was certainly a dangerous thing to tell him because that only made him want to turn the charm up, not that he was even trying to charm her originally. It had all came so naturally but given the fact he was developing quite the feelings for her, he wasn't even surprised. Well when he first discovered his feelings for her, that had surprised him because he didn't see that coming. Not that she wasn't an attractive person, she was but it was the fact he never knew if he'd see her again. So he was risking getting his heart broken again and yet it just didn't care, it wanted her.
It was a funny thing but one could never control who they fell for, although he wasn't complaining about falling for her. She was amazing, truly remarkable. And truth was he couldn't think of a better person to fall for, even if it didn't work out in the end. Storm would just enjoy the time he had with Shay, would cherish every memory he had with her. Like now, with them just sitting underneath a cherry blossom tree. Just talking about whatever they wanted, with him occasionally playing music for her. And when he told her the thought it was beautiful the way she sparkles when she talks about the things she loved and there is nothing prettier in the whole wide world than a girl in love with every breath she takes, he wasn't lying. Because it was, it was one of the things he came to love about her.
❝Oh is that so? Well now I'm tempted to check and see if you're serious about that. Because it certainly sounds like I've fallen down the rabbit hole and this is all but a wonderful dream. Cause who wouldn't dream of having such an amazing, beautiful queen say something like that to them? I mean after all I bet a lot of the boys dream about having someone like you in there arms, how can they not? Have you met yourself?❞
Though he swore on the all-fathers name, he was gonna put himself down the rabbit hole if he made a fool of himself right about now. Cause now he was doubting his choice of words, which happened at times but that fact it happened in that moment, oh how annoying,
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thornstocutyouwith · 1 year
Original Post Here, @ofwondersandhares
As the woman has just stood there, quiet. Yet, obviously just over taken by her thoughts, Parker gave a lax look toward the other. An obvious sign he had little patience for what was happening, and it was depleting as time went on. He huffed as the time ticked on, even still. Waiting for her to respond. Though he had to admitted, he wasn't great at lipreading. Which often made most people trying to difficult with him turn him away after a few moments. This had been something that was probably why he didn't like interacting with others. Most everyone didn't sign, and then lip reading itself was hard to learn in one language, and horribly confusing when interacting with none English speakers. Both in sign language, and vocally. That wasn't exactly anyone's fault, but he still disliked all the…everything, about it.
Pulling back a bit, he glances to the side, trying to calm himself down. This happened, she wasn't doing anything wrong. He could entertain it more politely, for the time being. Quirking an eyebrow however as she started to sign back to him, he lifts his head a little, watching her hands. Then pulled back, hissing in snake at her. Clearly somewhat offended by something she said. His fangs baring, lengthening out from his gums. In some irritation that remained, he signs back at her *Don't not tell me I misunderstand!* He almost warned in his movement. Exhaling, he calms down *It was not a conversation FOR you!…What did you hear?* It wasn't really anything all that was important. He was simply blowing off some steam. Mostly it was hisses in snake, and a few words. Parker nodded then, acknowledging her words *That's amazing… * He signed still slightly annoyed. with a half eye roll.
What he didn't like was being eavesdropped on. Which she hadn't explained why, yet. So he still felt like his personal bubble was invaded. Parker quirked an eyebrow as she's telling him to wait a moment, then gesturing for her to go ahead and do what she wanted to do. Crossing his arms under his chest as she stood thinking for a moment before finally starting to sign again, he didn't have any expression on his face as he watched to her plight. Then, he brought his attention away again. He knew about the story of Wonderland. He had watched movies on it, before. But of course, since he couldn't read, and couldn't hear. He only knew so much. But he had help sometimes with such situations, growing up, too. Giving a semi-slow nod, Parker thinks to himself about it. It would certainly make for an extraordinary tale, to go with it.
He shifted in his stance then *Okay.* He signs, almost amused with her problem. Then he continued *You are in Bulgaria, Sofia, to be clear.* He turned, waving a hand out toward the alley they were standing in *No mirror here, exactly-* Parker then signs toward her then, pausing to see what she had to say to this. He really needed to finish up what he was doing here and get the hell away himself. As this wasn't anything but a trip for equipment.
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“You can’t go in there. No one is allowed in there.”
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"I don't want to be scared of Wonderland all my life," he said, lolling his head. "Pesha thinks me a coward she can toy with. Who do you think I am?" he asked the Dormouse, face softening.
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freak1ish · 1 year
@ofwondersandhares continued from here.
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HE HAS ALWAYS TAKEN PRIDE IN BEING STRONG, BUT EVEN THE STRONGEST things have the unfortunate tendency of crumbling to pieces eventually, and right now he was being crushed under the weight of a broken heart. He remains sitting on the grass verge outside an off-license corner shop despite having a broken arm that he is clutching gingerly to his side. An injury caused by him trying to roll out of the way of an oncoming vehicle that had been hurtling towards him, only to end up getting further injured by landing on glass that he hadn't noticed on the pavement at the time until his hands made contact with it. He flinches as soon as he spots the woman who had come to his rescue returning from the corner shop with a first aid kit tucked under one arm, and his stomach churns with embarrassment at allowing a stranger to see him during one of his most turbulent moments.
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She had probably assumed he had been contemplating gravely injuring himself, what with how he had walked into oncoming traffic without checking first if the lights had been red before stepping off the pavement. He hadn't. He had just been lost in his own head and the words of the song that had been quietly playing through his ear buds. His lips parted to make an excuse,but instead he ended up telling her the truth. ❛I got careless. I saw the road and started to cross it without taking into account the traffic.  ❜ He mumbles and hangs his head in shame. ❛  I haven't been noticing much lately because I've been to lost inside my own head, yet what I want to know is why you  decided to help me when it would have been so much easier to look the other way. The man in the top hat would have done that, as he wasn't exactly thrilled at seeing me act so irrationally around him.❜
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"In case you hadn't noticed, I don't have meaningful connections." (Darius, to get the ball rolling)
Elementary Sentences, Vol. 1
"I didn't notice. I also don't care." He scrunched his nose, shaking his head a bit as he stares at the other "Why are you telling me this? Who the hell are you? Why are you even here?" This was not the weirdest interaction he had in years, but it was certainly out of no where. Chase crossed his arms under his chest, tilting his head, wondering if this was some kind of situation he would need to defend himself, after all, he was an outlaw. A killer, no one sought him out, that meant anything good for him.
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