#ogawa natsumi
zabel99 · 2 years
Hello! Morning 192, 2003-12-28
It was one of those courtroom episodes, where the girls make accusations against one another, the judge hears both sides, and finally the jury (all of Morning Musume) takes a vote to determine whether the accused is guilty or not guilty. - Tsuji is accused of lacking common sense for her age. She had used a desk drawer as a rubbish bin. - Kago is accused of entering Yoshizawa's hotel room (thinking it was Ishikawa's) and abruptly seeing Yoshizawa naked. - Takahashi is accused of sending incomprehensible text messages, not remembering who she sent them to, and passing along chain mails. - Ishikawa is accused of acting out of character by becoming all serious and somewhat scary in a dispute during the sports festival. - Michishige is accused of eating Kamei's candy during dance rehearsals. M: "When someone leaves candy, wouldn't you want to eat it? She shouldn't have put it there!" - Yoshizawa and Ogawa have a "newlyweds quarrel" about Yoshizawa breaking a promise to go buy a matching bracelet with Ogawa. A cheapo 200 yen bracelet bought at a convenience store, lol. Y: Well, it was ugly. O: No! You said yourself you'd buy one! Y: A gag, it was a gag! Look at you taking it seriously. - Lastly, as often happens in these episodes, the judge herself--Abe Natsumi--gets put up on the stand and the others lets her have it with random accusations.
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yume-kara-samete · 2 months
Otoko Tomodachi - Abe Natsumi (with Takahashi Ai, Konno Asami, Ogawa Makoto, Niigaki Risa)
Morning Musume Concert Tour 2002 Haru "LOVE IS ALIVE! at Saitama Super Arena
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pocket-of-summer · 1 year
Chapter 4 - Author’s Notes
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Hey! Thank you everyone for your patience. I’ve probably said this, I’m aware my update speed isn’t the fastest and even then each update isn’t that long (writing is hard)...of course this is just a personal project for myself first and foremost, but even I wish I could chip away at it a bit faster lol. Either way I don’t want to overpromise anything with this dumb little story so just come along for the ride, feel free to drop off and get on wherever 😂 Thank you for checking it out!
This chapter’s notes covers a bit on Akihiro and Zemimon, but also some stuff we saw in the chapter.
▶Go to: - Continue to Chapter 5
Akihiro’s given name (秋広 Akihiro) literally means autumn ‘秋’ wide/vast ‘広’. Ok so with the reveal of the gods(?) in this chapter actually their names kinda have some meaning! A bit! I’ll write more about it below.
His family name (小川 Ogawa) literally means small ‘小’ river ‘川’. That completes the family names being based on water 😂 I think they were supposed to be more important in the story, but now it’s just more of a...theme thing?
I remember in one of my old posts someone commented something like he gives off Iori (Digimon 02) vibes...yes!!! I guess I made him kind of the ‘good boy intellectual’ of the group haha, with some traits similar to Koushiro (Digimon Adventure) and Iori.
So, Zemimon’s initial design was actually meant to be like an insect-dino cross:
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It’s a pretty cool idea right!? But I couldn’t really get any ideas for his evolutions, and also him being a dino kind of overlaps with Pangorumon’s dino-based evolution line. I do honestly like the idea though and might like to use it for something else in the future...
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Zemimon’s next design is more bug-like, but leaning more mechanical? I wouldn’t mind it but I guess it’s hard to make bug designs look balanced as a cyborg (I feel like they can go either organic or mechanical-looking, but I struggle to design something that looks clearly in-between). And since there is that subtle theme of ancient gods(?) in the story, I kinda wanted to go for something more organic-leaning. Which brings us to the current Zemimon design!
Other notes
As mentioned earlier, the kids’ given names have kinda a bit of relation to the gods:
“Haru-no-Kami, the god of spring, he watches the heavens and the stars.” Haruka’s name (春日) means ‘spring sun’.
“Natsu-no-Kami, the god of summer, she watches the earth and the seas.” Natsumi’s name (夏海) means ‘summer sea’.
“Aki-no-Kami, the god of autumn, he watches the great expanse and all who exist within.” Akihiro’s name (秋広) means ‘autumn expanse’.
“Fuyu-no-Kami, the god of winter, she watches the flow of time and every moment in eternity.” Chifuyu’s name (千冬) means ‘thousand winters’.
Hahaha so the names have (a bit) of meanings...what does it mean?? Let’s hope I manage to survive and continue the story to the point where it’s explained a bit better 🤣
Also we saw Murexmon this chapter! I was already set on her general body shape but so indecisive regarding her helmet lol.
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Also yes she can come out of her helmet! She doesn’t usually do it because she’s totally defenseless in this form. Imagine a soft slug, but without the slime...the texture would feel like a plush toy but alive, kind of. Does she have legs? It’s a mystery O:
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Lastly, the enemy Digimon of this chapter is the official Digimon WaruSeadramon! Yes if you’ve watched Digimon Adventure there’s the not-so-subtle parallel of WaruSeadramon triggering Dedemon’s evolution like how MegaSeadramon triggered Ikkakumon’s evolution in Adventure lol 😆
That’s all for now! I start a new job tomorrow so I don’t know what that will mean for my already slow update speed 😵‍ I hope it goes smoothly so I can continue their story!
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Announcement] FICTIONAL STAGE『亡国のワルツ』(fictional stage boukoku no waltz)
the show will be running from April 16th, 2021 to April 29th, 2021 (Tokyo) @ あうるすぽっと (OWL SPOT)
Maeyama Takahisa Hirose Tomoki Kitahara Rie Arai Atsushi Tsuzuura Yuusuke Hasegawa Tarou Tawada Hideyau Okuda Tatsuhito Ogawa Natsumi
homepage twitter natalie
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kanashimitwilight · 3 years
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tanakacchismile · 4 years
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momuse · 4 years
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“All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.“
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peachygotit · 4 years
Kobushi Factory - Mijuku Hanjuku Torotoro (Color-Coded)
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ifanclover · 4 years
I can’t draw right now because I’m in bed so I’ve just been thinking about my Love Live OCs.
So, I kinda thought about giving them special live costumes just for the heck of it.
I gathered a bunch of themes from some idol games I play that have a listed theme I could find somewhere (long story short there were a lot ;w;), and did an online random picker for each idol!
Because it’s completely random, that means any of these characters could get these same themes if possible.
So, this is basically what each person’s gonna have:
Yui - Casino
Suki - Flower/Spring
Natsumi - Doctor/Nurse
Chou - Bubbles
Haruko - Rain Shower/Rainy Season
Talia - Steampunk
Junko - Train
Mikuri - Phantom Thief
Ayano - Jazz
Some of them have a more better idea of what’s to come than others for me, but I think I’ll try to do my best with these ^w^
I don’r remember if I ever mentioned what their group name is, but I’ll say it here!
These characters make up the idol group DiaRy!!
I could’ve probably come up with a better group name, but I wanted to keep the secret thing I gor going for them.
And what is something that is used to keep secrets?
A diary :3
Haha, I’m so simple-minded lol
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fae-sama-miitopia · 5 years
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helloproject-ness · 6 years
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kobushi factory all music videos #Happy4Years
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haropro-confessions · 6 years
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I've seen people make confessions about "wah why can't I slut-shame kobushi former members when you guys slut-shame the minors" NOT WANTING CHILDREN TO BE PUT IN SHOWY CLOTHING AND EXPLOITED BY OLD MEN IS NOT SLUT-SHAMING, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Slut-shame the former kobushi member for showing her boobs if you want but accept that today people think it's shitty to shame adults, and that adults exploit children.
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hellopro-go · 7 years
So Taguchi’s fucking dead
What a great way to start this blog diary honestly (RIP my Kobushi Oshi)
Taguchi Natsumi of Kobushi Factory has been terminated of her contract and thus the girls of Kobushi are made to continue as a 5-member group. A lot of people have been jinxing predicting this, across 2chan twitter and the like, and Up Front said “well the people spoke”.
I jest. But honestly this was surprising but not surprising to me. I’m going to put my smelly view on the situation, so if you like to get hurt about idols then keep on scrollin’ friends!
After Rio had been terminated due to insubordinate behavior in early July, and Rena had graduated sans ceremony in September due to anxiety related problems, Taguchi was the last standing “weakest link” (As a lot of people called Rio, Rena, and Taguchi ‘cause they were weaker singers than the other members). Other than the obvious power imbalance in [Yami ni Nukegake], a song on their not very successful stage and movie’s soundtrack, they seemed to be doing okay.
Kobushi’s shine on stage in 2017 was deteriorating fast to a lot of fans because of the lack of quality singles in the year. It seemed as though them releasing an album like... only 2 years in, took a major hit on their budget and staff just went
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <I Guess we ain’t got no money!
And had the worst single in modern H!P history, [Eejanaika Ninjanaika/Shalala! Yareru Hazu sa] made in probably 5.76 minutes of production time and released a second later. Keep in mind that this is a lot of fans’ my opinion but dang you’d have to have pretty bad vision to not see how their budget dropped faster than  rainbow print items selling at a Gay Parade.
The girls started to behave a bit more secluded and began to have an air of fragility until yet another bomb was drop probably about a month or two ago in the form of these photos:
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And so, to match Rena’s scandal, Natsumi went ahead and got her some man! The fans and tabloids went batshit crazy and spammed the hell out of her twitter tag the next few days, but Management or Kobushi refused to comment on it (except for Minami’s shady remark on a blog post). All was well and she continued on with her career. We were happy. Despite the now lack of Name chants and orange pen lights in the crowd, Taguchi did her job as best as she could. (I’m choosing to ignore the line live appearance with Rena cause I’ma turn into a conspiracy theorist)
Now, after that little rundown of Kobushi’s cursed 3rd year, this is where I start to get heavily opinionated and start to make everyone hate me cause I sound like I have a holier-than-thou complex.
Yes, I am a western fan, and Yes, I am going to state that the no-dating idol rule (which isn’t even a rule in most companies, more of an expectation cause fans are assholes and self-entitled) is stupid. H!P has never had a ban on dating, in fact, hella girls will date but keep that shit on lockdown. So to hear fans saying “My Oshi has never done anything against contract and is pure and kind and an angel!” (looking at you Karin-wota) really grinds my gears because hey- heads up- your idol is a fucking human too dumbass. lol.
So when I sat down and talked to my H!P fan triad (who are assholes just like me when it comes to idols) after each and every scandal, in the end I came to like these girls even more tbh. Rena recently showed up on line live kissing her cute bf and showing off her cool hickies and I’m honestly loving it, seeing these girls be real af and savage af is my life line pumping me full of the will to live.
So, now that Kobushi is finally C-ute, and not to mention they’re all vocally inclined, I wonder how they’re going to progress!! I’m also hoping that they’ll get decent singles as well for 2018. I’ll continue to support each past and present Kobushi girl as they progress through the future and start making their mark. Ganbacchae!
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pocket-of-summer · 10 months
Chapter 6-8
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???: ...Chifuyu-san?
Chifuyu: Who's there!?
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Akihiro: I apologise for not properly introducing myself before. My name is Akihiro... Akihiro Ogawa.
Akihiro: Chifuyu-san... I've heard a lot about you from Haruka-san and Natsumi-san.
Chifuyu: So you already know who I am... H-how did they describe me? Probably mad at me for stubbornly refusing to go along with them, and now running off here on my own, huh?
Akihiro: That's not...!
Chifuyu: You were there just now, weren't you? Didn't I say I wanted to be left alone?
Akihiro: I... I know I'm going against your wishes, and I apologise for that. But I felt like I needed to find you...and especially after what you just said, I'm convinced of my decision.
Chifuyu: What the hell does that mean!? You don't even know me!
Akihiro: I...
Chifuyu: ...S-sorry, I'm just...on edge right now. Not in a good mood, and I don't really know you either. You'd be better off staying away from me.
Akihiro: I might not know you personally, but if you'll allow me to quote what Natsumi-san and Haruka-san have said about you...
Akihiro: Haruka-san remarked that you "must've had some godlike skill" to be able to keep Natsumi-san alive all these years-
Chifuyu: *grumble* Ugh, that little...
Akihiro: And Natsumi-san...she's always talking about how you're an awesome friend who's always looked out for her, and how sad she is that you weren't with us.
Chifuyu: I'm not... No, you're lying, you're just making this up to console-
Akihiro: I wouldn't. But you shouldn't go by my word; please, talk to Natsumi-san and hear it from her.
Chifuyu: ...
(Akihiro: I can see now... The person Haruka-san and Natsumi-san described is undoubtedly the real Chifuyu-san. But the Chifuyu-san in front of me is also part of her real self, that she doesn't seem to want to show Natsumi-san...)
(Akihiro: I want Chifuyu-san to see that Natsumi-san would never hate her. But who am I to convince her of that when I'm practically a stranger to both of their lives?)
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] FICTIONAL STAGE『亡国のワルツ』(fictional stage boukoku no waltz)
you will be able to watch the last 2 shows (without an audience) @ Streaming+ (April 29th, 2021 ~ 12:00/16:00)
price: ¥4.000 + fees (each)
[archive will be available till May 6th, 2021 (23:59)]
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kanashimitwilight · 3 years
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