#ogawa yuu
444lpblue · 1 year
Undead Unluck #1 - Undead and Unluck
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Screenplay: Gakuto Haishima Storyboard: Yuuki Yase Episode Director: Yuuki Yase Chief Animation Director: Hideyuki Morioka Animation Directors: Hideyuki Morioka, Shunichi Ishimoto, Yuu Fukuoka, Yumenosuke Tokuda Key Animators: Kazuhiro Miwa, Hideyuki Morioka, Shiori Tanaka, Kumiko Kawashima, Kyouko Niimura, Naoto Yoshida, Nobuo Takahashi, Hiroyuki Ookaji, Shunichi Ishimoto, Rin Ogawa, Yuuko Dangi, Mahora Muraki, Akio Kitahara, Katsuyuki Tsubouchi, Hirokazu Satou, Yuu Fukuoka, Shingo Fujisaki, Yasuto Hirohara, Rie Oomori, Yukio Okano
Yuuki Yase is possibly one of my favorite directors of all time, and I don't exactly hide this. The Kubikiri Cycle is one of my all-time favorite anime series that has continued to mesmerize and be a part of my life since its airing. Yuuki Yase's direction of that series was simply one of the best I've seen. The very concept of Zaregoto is one that is more driven by dialogue and conceptuality than even Monogatari, I would say. He was able to somehow represent the oddity in Zaregoto in visual form. Not much was happening, but the way things were framed made it uncomfortable, it felt confined even as they were in this large, spacious castle cloaked in ambiguity, the characters themselves were uncanny in a way. Let's just say I was completely charmed. So when I heard that Yuuki Yase was going to direct Undead Unluck, I was very curious, as I had never read the series before, as it never really interested me. I had a feeling I would like it since it's Yuuki Yase directing it, but I never expected it to this extent.
My jaw dropped during the cold open of the episode, all of which was helmed by Taiki Konno, who you may have seen earlier this year in the ending visual for Magical Destroyers which aired this year.
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I would love to post every frame of the opener here, but of course, I can't do that. Within a very short timeframe of maybe 2 minutes, you're introduced to this fictional manga series that our main character is reading, all while relating it back to her traumatic past. It's genuinely beautiful and haunting at the same time. The buildup to the explosion of the plane was intense, and when it happened, even though you're barely beginning the episode, there's a sense of catharsis in seeing the tragedy occur. The artstyle throughout was very much Konno's usual style but it felt less constrained and more self fulfilling than any work he has done in previous anime. It felt like a great opportunity for him to showcase himself and that he completely did.
The rest of the episode took a very different turn than the intro but it was still every fun. Close up eyes shot, the use of color and desaturation much like in Fire Force or Kubikiri Cycle is prevalent here and it mixes well in creating intrigue during the introduction of Andy.
The overall production was a lot of fun, and it was superbly well animated. With the key animators' staff being completely stacked, it wasn't surprising. The actual story premise was even more enjoyable than I had anticipated, and I'm going to continue enjoying it. However, I have a feeling that Yuuki Yase is elevating this to a different level that I wouldn't experience than if I just read the manga.
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19 notes · View notes
yuupsychedelic · 25 days
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1.「夜と演劇」 2.「あなたと演劇」 3.「ドレスと演劇」 4.「旅と演劇」 5.「僕と演劇」 6.「秋と演劇」 7.「演劇と風」 8.「演劇とマス」 9.「演劇とはかない」 10.「演劇とあきない」 11.「演劇と街」
終演後の街はもう暗く、 車内も人はまばら。 言葉にならない余韻の中で、 私は台詞を反復する。
カーテンコールが終わる頃、 ひとりの眼を見つめて、 一瞬に涙を認めた。
この劇団はもう終わる。 明日はここにいない。 サヨナラも言えぬまま。 キャラバンは街へ消える。
風の中へみんなの宴は、 静かに溶けていく。 誰の声も聞かぬまま、 明日は別の場所で。
サヨナラも言わぬまま。 キャラバンは夜へ消える。
ありがとうも言えぬまま。 キャラバンは時に消える。
私の憧れた先輩、 ずっと追いかけてた先輩、 彼が「部活を辞めたい」と言った日、 未だに忘れもしない。
誰に聞かれても、 部長が問い詰めても、 虚ろな目のまま、 どこかを見つめていた。
もう数ヶ月が経って、 誰も先輩の話はしない。 でも、私は覚えてる。 数日後に転校していった先輩の噂、 もう聞かないけれども。
あのアイドルのオーディション、 親にも友達にも内緒で、 初めて応募した。
テレビに出るような人になれば、 先輩は帰ってくるんじゃないかって。 詩的でも激情でも、 なんでもなくたって、 私はアイドルになる。
広告を見た日に浮かんだ疑問、 やっとわかった。
生きる意味。 生きる価値。 生きる……
ふだんの私にはなれない、 あなたになりきって。
大きな声で叫んだり、 普段言えないことを伝えたり、 そんな非日常感に憧れ、 私は役者になりたいと思った。
あの娘が着ている、 ドレスには手が届かなくたって、 あなたへのラブレター、 最初に渡された日、 ここで生きてくことを決めた。
憧れた私じゃなくても、 夢は無数に分岐して、 いつか描いた道のりが、 突然目の前に現れる。
世界はいつも残酷で、 言うことなんか聞かないけど、 それでも私は素直に、 愛のままに。
あの頃は旅をするたびに、 街に劇団があって、 夜になると素敵な劇を観られたものだ。
名もなき役者と、 天才作家たちの宴。 次もまた観られるかと劇場を訪れると、 もう別の劇団が構えてた。
たとえば海の見える街で、 かつて映画館だった劇場。 たとえば昔栄えた町で、 かつて盛場だった劇場。
アングラの名を借りて、 誰もが明日の光を求めてた。
埃を被ったマネキンに何かを問うても、 誰も何も答えないと私は知っている。 それでも世界は今日も回り続けて、 誰かの夢を無作為に拾い集めようとする。
さらば役者たちよ、 さらば素敵な劇団よ。 あなたたちの描いた虹は、 私が忘れない。
一度きりのロマンスは 愛の名を借りた幻想。
学校へ行きたくない日は 女優志願の姉に連れられ、 劇団の稽古を静かに眺めてた。
朝から深夜まで 僕の知らない世界が、 目の前に広がる様を観るのは 楽しかった。
でも本番を観るのは嫌いで、 大人と呼ばれる年齢になってからも 一度も観劇したことがない。
未完成なものが好きなのは、 保育園だった頃からの癖。 完成したら後は壊れるだけ、 ちょっぴり可哀想な気がした。
スーツをしっかり着る男も、 ドレスをきちんと着こなす女も、 どこで生まれたのかわからない生物も、 自然の中に佇む擬人化された君も、 そして、それを見つめる僕も。
9時から6時まで今日も僕は、 上司に怒られながら仕事をする。 後輩にゃ出世で先を越されたが、 世の中には上司になるよりも大事なことがある。
誰かの上に立つよりも、 僕は僕の人生の方が大事で、 とっくに亡くなった姉の後を追い、 週末はこのステージに立つ。
髪を切れと言われても 僕はこのステージのために髪を伸ばす。
雨上がりの舗道に ぽつんと取り残された水溜りが、 まるでクラスメイトのAのようだと 友人の誰かが言う。
僕はそれを否定する言葉が出ず、 ひたすら唇を噛み締めるしかなかった。
秋が来る頃、 高校で文化祭があると聞いて、 僕はAにある役を演じないかと誘った。
ずっとAを見つめてきたから BにもCにもなれると知っていた。 誰かが決めつけなければ Aは誰にでもなれると知っていた。
人はほんの一言で変われる、 きっかけがある、 もしその一瞬が僕なら、 ありきたりな言葉でもいい、 僕だけの言葉で。
愛という名のシャワーで 君の心を融かそう。
AがAのままで居られるように 僕がこの手を握るから。
どんなに君が歴史になろうとも、 私が思い出させるから、 「老いた」なんて言わないで、 その手を握るから。
風に吹かれるように、 社会はゆっくり変わって、 たしかに君を、 過去のものにするけれども、 精神に埃を被らぬうちは、 きっと現在を投影したまま、 そうやって生きる。
ロマンティシズムの塊を、 人間と呼ぶのなら、 君が若かった頃の写真を切り取って、 目の前に貼り付けたい。
まだ死んでないじゃないか、 安いバーボンに溺れるくらいなら、 ラーデンシュタインに、 ローガン伯爵に、 君にしかなれないアイツを、 死ぬまでに再び演じてくれよ。
そうさせなきゃ、 ここで手を握っている意味などない、 私だって、 君に惚れ込んだんだから。
これ以上、 好きに筆を入れさせないでくれよ。
最初はほんの気まぐれ、 人生はやさぐれ、 そんな私の戯れ、 あなたに明け暮れ。
いつしか劇も大きくなり、 髪はちょっと伸び、 メイクは綺麗になったけれど、 それでもふと微笑む瞳は、 あの頃とちっとも変わらない。
あなたの劇を見て、 あなたを好きになり、 私は大人に変わってった。
大きな仕事を任され、 しばらく行けなくなっても、 私はあなたが生き甲斐、 ずっとそうだと信じてた。
彼の安寧を奪わないで。 ふつうに生きる権利を憎まないで。
たった一音…… たった一秒…… いつかの夏の影。 踏みしめて。
「コメディエンヌ」と言われた同級生が 効果音を持ってきた。 いつも朗らかな少女の真剣な眼差し。
絶対に失敗は出来ないと 何度も練習して 僕のいない日は後輩にも委ねて もしもに備えた。
永遠に終わらぬ読み込み、 舞台はすぐそこまで進んでく。
君の落胆した表情が今も忘れられない。 プロになっても時折夢に現れるんだ。 ひと夏の努力を無駄にした十字架。
「君だけのせいじゃない」と皆は言うけれど、 それでも、 何か出来たはずだと、 心の中には消えないかさぶた。
君へのかさぶた。 青春という名前のかさぶた。
愛がはしゃぎだす、 この共鳴の中に、 ふたりは抱きしめ合う、 夜が明けるまで。
正解なんてない、 このエチュードが終わるまで、 悲しみに任せて、 抱きしめ合えばいい。
そんな芝居すら、 誰かが決めたもの、 私たちはドールハウスの中で、 夜明けまで、 愛を演じていく。
そうやって生きてきて、 こうやって笑ってきて、 ああやって泣いてきて、 どうやって生きるのか。
私の街に、 新たな劇場ができた。
人が来る、 広場が生まれる、 愛を知る、 夢を感じる。
余分に木を切らず、 できるだけ循環させ、 後載せの言葉ではなく、 今ある言葉、 そして地域の声で。
奏でたいのは理想じゃなく、 そこにある現実を見つめ、 何もない土壌への幻想でもなく、 今の地域と共に歩きながら。
なんでもない物語を紡ごう。 言葉のない世界を生きよう。
あなたと、 わたしと、 この街と。
Produced by Yuu Sakaoka
All Poetry Written by Yuu Sakaoka Dedicated to Kazumi Yasui(「女優志願」) Brain by TORIMOMO, Koharu Takamoto, Sakura Ogawa
Designed, Edited, A&R by Yuu Sakaoka Co-Produced by Koharu Takamoto
Management by G.Slope & Hill's Planet
Very very very thanks to my friend, my familly, and all my fan!!
2024.9.1 坂岡 優
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cextra-loz · 1 year
Oh anime is your comfort series? Oh you are anime girl obsessed?
name eveyr anime girl >:3
2B (Nier: Automata)
Mikasa Ackerman
Yūko Aioi
Taiga Aisaka
Ritsuko Akagi
Moka Akashiya
Homura Akemi
Alita (Battle Angel Alita)
Misa Amane
Android 18
Anita Hailey
Ann Takamaki
Aqua (KonoSuba)
Ami Asai
Athena Asamiya
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Asuna (Sword Art Online)
Cagalli Yula Athha
Rei Ayanami
Baby Bonnie Hood
Benten (Urusei Yatsura)
Queen Beryl
Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
Boa Hancock
Alisa Bosconovitch
Euphemia li Britannia
Sarah Bryant (Virtua Fighter)
C.C. (Code Geass)
Carrot (One Piece)
Caulifla and Kale
Michelle Chang (Tekken)
Chi (Chobits)
Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball)
Lacus Clyne
Jolyne Cujoh
Tomoyo Daidouji
Golden Darkness
Lala Satalin Deviluke
Momo Belia Deviluke
Nana Astar Deviluke
Chrome Dokuro
Ed (Cowboy Bebop)
Elena (Street Fighter)
Emma (The Promised Neverland)
Ami Enan
Junko Enoshima
Etna (Disgaea)
Felicia (Darkstalkers)
Maya Fey
Mia Fey
Pearl Fey
Anya Forger
Yor Forger
Haruhi Fujioka
Chika Fujiwara
Toko Fukawa
Yuno Gasai
Rias Gremory
Toru Hagakure
Sakura Haruno
Hatsune Miku
Misa Hayase
Lucy Heartfilia
Leona Heidern
Hestia (character)
Kagome Higurashi
Himawari Kunogi
Hinako (anime character)
Tohru Honda
Hinata Hyuga
Yuko Ichihara
Midari Ikishima
Orihime Inoue
Lum (Urusei Yatsura)
Konata Izumi
Sagiri Izumi
Yumeko Jabami
Oscar François de Jarjayes
Kyoka Jiro
Abigail Jones
Juri (Street Fighter)
Kagura (Azumanga Daioh)
Kaho Mizuki
Nezuko Kamado
Kamiya Kaoru
Madoka Kaname Midna
Mitsuri Kanroji
Urumi Kanzaki
Karin Kanzuki
Yuu Kashima
Ayumu Kasuga
Sakura Kasugano
Misato Katsuragi
Tomie Kawakami
Ami Kawashima
Nadeshiko Kinomoto
Sakura Kinomoto
Kyoko Kirigiri
Saya Kisaragi
Miyuki Kobayakawa
Kohane Tsuyuri
Yuri Koigakubo
Yotsuba Koiwai
Kirino Kosaka
Yui Kotegawa
Koyomi Mizuhara
Rukia Kuchiki
Nobara Kugisaki
Minamo Kurosawa
Motoko Kusanagi
Minori Kushieda
Anna Kyoyama
Lady (Devil May Cry)
Nunnally Lamperouge
Connie Lee (Dr. Stone)
Lenalee Lee
Lillie (Pokémon)
Lina Inverse
Luna (Sailor Moon)
Makimachi Misao
Mari Illustrious Makinami
Hitomi Manaka
Mako Mankanshoku
Wendy Marvell
Ayeka Masaki Jurai
Ryūko Matoi
Sakura Matou
Meiling Li
Chiyo Mihama
Sayaka Miki
Mai Minakami
Fujiko Mine
Lynn Minmay
Mikoto Misaka
Misty (Pokémon)
Kirari Momobami
Ririka Momobami
Morrigan Aensland
Multi (To Heart)
Naga the Serpent
Mio Naganohara
Yuki Nagato
Nino Nakano
Nakuru Akizuki
Nami (One Piece)
Chiaki Nanami
Naru Narusegawa
Atsuko Natsume
Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
Queen Nehelenia
Nico Robin
Darya Nikitina
Chisato Nishikigi
Himari Noihara
Arale Norimaki
Yuzuriha Ogawa
Mamako Oosuki
Suo Pavlichenko
Yomiko Readman
Rem (Re:Zero)
Revy (Black Lagoon)
Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Ritsuko Akagi (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Winry Rockbell
Roll (Mega Man)
Rose (Street Fighter)
Rebecca Rossellini
Ruri (Dr. Stone)
Saber (Fate/stay night)
Haruna Sairenji
Sakaki (Azumanga Daioh)
Yuri Sakazaki
Sakura (Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle)
Chiyo Sakura
Kyoko Sakura
Haruko Sakurai
Izumi Sakurai
Shirō Sakurai
Mary Saotome
Ranma Saotome
Chie Satonaka
Erza Scarlet
Yuzuki Seo
Serena (Pokémon)
Yoruichi Shihōin
Mika Shimotsuki
Kaguya Shinomiya
Hakase Shinonome
Kuroko Shirai
Mai Shiranui
Noelle Silva
Elexis Sinclaire
Sinon (Sword Art Online)
Skuld (Oh My Goddess!)
Sonomi Daidouji
Asuka Langley Soryu
Kallen Stadtfeld
Celty Sturluson
Suika (Dr. Stone)
Super Sonico Sonichu
Haruhi Suzumiya (character)
Secre Swallowtail
Swindler (Akudama Drive)
Kiyomi Takada
Saya Takagi (character)
Sora Takenouchi
Taki (Soulcalibur)
Tomo Takino
Yukari Tanizaki
Utena Tenjou
Teresa Beria
Origami Tobiichi
Rin Tohsaka
Mami Tomoe
Trish (Devil May Cry)
Ayu Tsukimiya
Akane Tsunemori
Sarada Uchiha
Ulala (Space Channel 5)
Ochaco Uraraka
Urd (Oh My Goddess!)
Hana Uzaki
Kiri Uzaki
Tsuki Uzaki
Yanagi Uzaki
Shion Uzuki
Faye Valentine
Mereoleona Vermillion
Mimosa Vermillion
Anna Williams (Tekken)
Elf Yamada
Momo Yaoyorozu
Akari Yukimura
Mikan Yuuki
Maki Zen'in Zelda
Zero Two
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odaclan · 2 years
“Nobunao”, a possible alias of Nobukatsu’s
I found this on someone’s blog post, and they’re also relaying something that’s written in a book they said they read, so this is third-hand news. I try to avoid doing this usually, unless the relevant materials are actually shown in the original post, or if I can see the things for myself. However, I just find this fascinating, so I’m going to share this here anyway.
There is a certain letter in the “Komonjo Kagami” 古文書鑑 collection that was kept by the Sanada family that was signed “Nobunao” 信直. The identity of this person is unclear, but this letter was cited in other records as an “Oda Nobunao” letter. 
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The letter says: “Saburouzaemon dispatched to discuss the issue of Tamaru Castle’s destruction, and do it quickly without delay” 
As the addressee is identified as Ogawa Nagayasu 小川長保, who served Nobunaga’s second son Nobukatsu, researcher Ogawa Yuu speculated that this Nobunao is an as of yet unknown alias that Nobukatsu had used. This letter could possibly related to the situation where Tamaru Castle caught on fire.
Another document, also signed by a Nobunao who is presumably the same person, was stored in Kakurinji. The letter, dated to be from sometime around the fifth month of Tenshou 6 (approximately June of 1578), is consistent with the Shinchoukouki accounting of the presence of Oda forces in the area at the time. Among the many officers listed, Nobukatsu is included.
While there actually is an “Oda Nobunao” whose identity is clearly known, he had died in 1574, and couldn’t possibly write this letter.
One thing to take note of specifically is that the signature of this mysterious “Nobunao” looks very much like the signature used by Nobunaga and his son. You can see the loop with the little stripes.
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Even if this “Nobunao” fellow is not Nobukatsu, it’s still highly likely that he’s one of Nobunaga’s close relatives, as this signature is unique to Nobunaga (and his sons “inherited” it from him, something that seems to be customary for sons and heirs to do in that time). 
Also, I’m no handwriting analyst so I don’t know if this means anything, but as a personal observation of mine: The イ stroke from “Nobu” 信 in Nobunao’s signature is missing the angled stroke, making it look like a し. This is also something that Nobunaga and his sons do, though I cannot yet verify if this is unique to them in particular. 
Certainly it’s possible that other people also have the same handwriting habit, and I just have not seen it yet (Shingen and Kenshin don’t seem to do this, for example)
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I say this is fascinating because Nobukatsu’s got a rather long trail of name changes. He was purportedly originally named “Kitabatake Tomotoyo” upon his adulthood ceremony, as he was then the adopted son and heir of the Kitabatake family. Then, supposedly his name became “Nobuoki” after completely taking over the Kitabatake family. At some point before Honnouji happened, his name became the “Nobukatsu” that we know today.
If he really did change his name to “Nobunao”, then it should have occurred between Nobuoki and Nobukatsu.
People at the time don’t usually change their name for no reason, and for him to change his name this many times (especially compared to his brothers) is a bit weird. The change from Tomotoyo to Nobuoki makes sense. As the Kitabatake family is essentially vanquished then, it makes sense for him to discard the hereditary Kitabatake “Tomo” name and use the Oda’s “Nobu” name instead (even though at the time he still uses the Kitabatake surname). The other changes doesn’t seem to be tied to any significant event.
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afterwards-extra · 2 years
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|----- January 2023 Releases -----|
🟢​ : manga 🟣 : books 🟠 : graphic novels
3rd– 🟢 My Love Mix-Up! V6 by Wataru Hinekure & illustrated by Aruko
10th– 🟣 A Tale of Two Princes by Eric Geron 🟢 Caste Heaven V8 by Chise Ogawa 🟢 Given V7 by Natsuki Kizu
17th– 🟢 BARBARITIES V1 by Tsuta Suzuki 🟣 Karma of the Sun by Brandon Ying Kit Boey 🟢 Karneval V14 by Touya Mikanagi; FINAL VOLUME 🟣 The Order of Merlin by Thomas K. Carpenter 🟠 Lost Legends of Nothing by Alejandra Green & Fanny Rodriguez (Book 2 in Fantastic Tales of Nothing) 🟢​ Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End V7 by Kanehito Yamada & illustrated by Tsukasa Abe 🟢​ BEASTARS V22 by Paru Itagaki
24th– 🟣 Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash (Novel) V18 by Ao Jyumonji & illustrated by Eiri Shirai 🟢 Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! V6 by Yuu Toyota
26th— 🟢 Far From Home by Teki Yatsuda
31st– 🟣 Wilderlore: The Ever Storms by Amanda Foody; Book 3 of Wilderlore
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Varme7 Personnel
Concept by Yuu Sakaoka Presented by Studio VARME (A Division of G.Slope & Hill’s Planet)
『Varme7』『Studio VARME』Produced by Yuu Sakaoka
Project VARME are
Yuu Sakaoka:Words, Creative Direction, Design, Edit, Promotion and More… Rina Takahashi:Lyrics & Music & All Instruments slow:Drawn & Words Aoshu:Drawn & Words DIIK:Words 峰鏡牙:Words
Produced by Rina Takahashi Lyrics / Music / Arrangement / Recorded & Mastered by Rina Takahashi Vocal by Mai(Synthesizer Ⅴ)
Produced / Drawn / Words by slow
Produced / Drawn / Words by Aoshu
Produced / Story / Words by DIIK
Produced / Poetry Written by 峰 鏡牙
「愛ゆえに哀は咲く」「A Lost Memories」「誰がために言葉を紡ぐのか、それとも恋をするように(あるいは私の)」「叙事詩:言綜芯母 -Mother of All Words-」
Produced / Written by Yuu Sakaoka Co-Produced by Sakura Ogawa(「愛ゆえに哀は咲く」「誰がために言葉を紡ぐのか それとも恋をするように(あるいは私の)」) Yurine(「A Lost Memories」) Koharu Takamoto(「A Lost Memories」「誰がために言葉を紡ぐのか、それとも恋をするように(あるいは私の)」)
Written Studios at Each Home or Studio / Yuu Sakaoka Studio(Hyogo, Kakogawa) Design Assisted by Minoru Ichijo(G.Slope & Hill’s Planet)
Special Thanks to TORIMOMO, Very Kind Lady M, Osaka Shyness Girl A
Dedicated to My Best Friend
Very very very thanks to my friend, my familly, and all my fan!!
2024.5.29 Project VARME
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wewerecore · 1 year
CORE Pro presents The Co-Op 2023 TAKA Michinoku's These Days 2 04/02/23 Pico Union Project - Los Angeles, California Attendance: 500+ Super No Vacancy
- Every audience member received a complementary discontinued Just 4 Guys t-shirt before the card which transformed the crowd into a sea of black Just 4 Guys shirts.
Match #1 European Rounds
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Johnny Kidd vs. Titus Alexander - In the third round Johnny Kidd countered a German suplex attempt with a go behind. When Titus Alexander reached between his legs to pick the ankle of Kidd, Kidd grabbed both of Titus' wrists and pulled him to the mat and cradled the legs for the first pinfall. In the fourth round, a frustrated Alexander had Kidd in a headscissors, and when Kidd tried to do one of his patented escapes Titus instead wrenched in the headscissors and squeezed Kidd's head between his thighs until Johnny submitted. In the fifth round Alexander pressed his advantage and hit a fisherman's suplex into a small package style cradle for the decisive second fall. Winner: Titus Alexander
Match #2
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21000000 (Miyu Yamashita and Maki Itoh) vs. GIRLS 2 TOP (Tomoka Inaba and Yuu Yamagata) - Maki Itoh landed a headbutt to Yuu Yamagata, which caused blood to flow from the nose of Yamagata that had been broken two days ago by Billie Starkz. Maki Itoh went for the Yoshinari Ogawa style jackknife pin on Yamagata, she kicked out at two but Itoh immediatley transitioned into a Texas Cloverleaf. Tomoka Inaba came to Yuu's aid with a kick to Itoh's sternum to break up the submission, but Inaba turned around into a skull kick from Miyu Yamashita. Yamashita hit a running knee on the bloodied Yamagata and picked up the win. Winners: 21000000
Match #3
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KANON vs. Ryuuya Takekura - KANON applied the Cobra Twist to Ryuuya Takekura. Takekura tried to slowly make his way to the ropes so KANON transitioned into a pin attempt by falling back with Takekura into a cradle, but Takekura kicked out at two. KANON applied a ground based version of the cobra twist, but this time Takekura was able to get the ropes. Takekura got back to his feet and KANON charged in with a lariat, but Takekura ducked under and caught KANON around the throat and lifted him up then drove him down with the big delayed chokeslam. Takekura made the cover and got the pinfall. Winner: Ryuuya Takekura
Match #4
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Ren Ayabe and Fire Katsumi vs. United Empire (Jeff Cobb and TJP) (with Will Ospreay) - Fire Katsumi connected with a springboard dropkick to TJP which was followed by a dragon suplex from Ren Ayabe. Ayabe hoisted TJP off the mat into his suspended full nelson lock until TJP cried uncle. Winners: Ren Ayabe and Fire Katsumi
Match #5
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Blue Panther, Mark Billington, and Thomas Billington vs. Atlantis, Great Sasuke, and Tiger Mask IV - Thomas Billington leapt off of Mark Billington's shoulders looking for a swandive headbutt on Tiger Mask IV, but Tiger Mask rolled out of the way and Thomas crashed to the mat. Atlantis caught the charging Blue Panther with a backbreaker and then took him out with a tope to the floor. Back in the ring Mark Billington tried for a tombstone on Tiger Mask, but Tiger Mask reversed it into a tombstone of his own. Great Sasuke came off the top rope with a somersault senton and got the pinfall. Winners: Atlantis, Great Sasuke, and Tiger Mask IV
Match #6
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Just 4 Guys (TAKA Michinoku, Taichi, DOUKI, and Yoshinobu Kanemaru) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler YUTA) - TAKA Michinoku went for the Michinoku Driver on Wheeler YUTA, but YUTA escaped and countered into the seatbelt cradle on TAKA, but TAKA escaped and applied the Just Facelock on YUTA. Claudio Castagnoli saved YUTA but turned around into a Black Mephisto attempt by Taichi. Castagnoli fought it off and countered with a powerbomb into the giant swing on Taichi. Taichi was saved when Yoshinobu Kanemaru spit whisky in Claudio's face. Kanemaru hit the inverted DDT on Claudio and came off the top rope with a moonsault press. The cover was broken up when Bryan Danielson applied the Cattle Mutilation to Kanemaru. DOUKI came to the rescue with a running doublestomp to Danielson but was met with a double arm DDT from Jon Moxley and covered for the three count. Winners: Blackpool Combat Club
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- As The Co-Op 2023 came to a close, new CORE owner Dr. Mehmet Oz made his way to the ring. Dr. Oz said he had an exciting announcement to share with the crowd. CORE has signed a television deal with Scripps Networks to air on the free over the air Defy TV channel. Defy TV has coverage in over 92% of the country and CORE will be joining great programs such as Storage Wars, Ice Road Truckers, Forged In Fire, and UFO Hunters. Starting on May 18th, CORE will present The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour airing every Thursday at 4:00 PM EST and re-broadcasting Saturday mornings at 11:00 AM EST. The show will be hosted by Daphne Oz. Television tapings will be held at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Taping dates will be announced soon and admission will be free with purchase of a park ticket. Dr. Mehmet Oz again thanked the fans, but said he can’t wait to get back home to Pennsylvania.  
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台『淡海乃海〜現世を生き抜くことが業なれば〜』(butai afumi no umi ~gensei wo ikinuku koto ga gou nare ba~)
the show will be running from May 20th, 2022 to May 29th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ 東京ドームシティ シアターGロッソ (Tokyo Dome City Theater G-Rosso)
Ogawa Yuu Kashuu Toshiki Horita Ryuusei Takagi Tomoyuki Takeda Tomoko Kemmochi Naoaki Uchiumi Kouji
homepage twitter
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chrisnaustin · 4 years
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If only I were she!
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rawscansbangaqua · 5 years
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Today’s uploads of oneshot/manga chapters:
Caste Heaven CH23-24 by Ogawa Chise
Hanazakari Koizakari CH05 (final) by Takagi Ryou
Deadlock CH32 by TAKASHINA Yuu&AIDA Saki
Ka Cho Fu Getsu CH59 by Yuki Shimizu
Remember do not share the scans or use the scans since they have watermarks. Please come to the main site to get your download link. The scans are provided ONLY for you to read. They cannot be used for other propose. If you are a scanlator team/group please message me. We can discuss more about it. Please support the mangakas/artists by buying their work, if you can.
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wayoeffect · 4 years
muses tag drop part one (this contains inactive muses and and the ones i haven’t started playing yet)!!
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book poll #4
what's up gamers, the previous reading poll was a smashing success - Fonda Lee's Jade City kicks ass, and I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the Green Bone Saga.
while I'll probably be alternating reading the Green Bones with rereading the first two books of the Locked Tomb in anticipation of Nona the Ninth, there's definitely room in my life for something that's not a doorstopper fantasy series. or maybe there won't be until after Nona comes out, idk - I'll get there eventually!
this time around the options all fall more into the literary fiction category, and as always I'd be perfectly happy if any of them won - that's why they're in the poll. the rules are as usual: please only vote once, do not use this as an opportunity to recommend some completely unrelated fifth book, and if anyone tries to explain to me why any of these are Bad, Actually, and shouldn't be read, then that book wins by default. poll will stay open until there are 69 votes or I get bored, whichever comes first.
now, let's meet our contestants!
#1. Earthlings (Sayaka Murata)
As a child, Natsuki doesn’t fit into her family. Her parents favor her sister, and her best friend is a plush toy hedgehog named Piyyut who has explained to her that he has come from the planet Popinpobopia on a special quest to help her save the Earth. Each summer, Natsuki counts down the days until her family drives into the mountains of Nagano to visit her grandparents in their wooden house in the forest, a place that couldn’t be more different from her grey commuter town. One summer, her cousin Yuu confides to Natsuki that he is an extraterrestrial and that every night he searches the sky for the spaceship that might take him back to his home planet. Natsuki wonders if she might be an alien too. Back in her city home, Natsuki is scolded or ignored and even preyed upon by a young teacher at her cram school. As she grows up in a hostile, violent world, she consoles herself with memories of her time with Yuu and discovers a surprisingly potent inner power. Natsuki seems forced to fit into a society she deems a “baby factory” but even as a married woman she wonders if there is more to this world than the mundane reality everyone else seems to accept. The answers are out there, and Natsuki has the power to find them. (x)
#2. The Memory Police (Yoko Ogawa)
On an unnamed island, objects are disappearing: first hats, then ribbons, birds, roses. . . . Most of the inhabitants are oblivious to these changes, while those few able to recall the lost objects live in fear of the draconian Memory Police, who are committed to ensuring that what has disappeared remains forgotten. When a young writer discovers that her editor is in danger, she concocts a plan to hide him beneath her floorboards, and together they cling to her writing as the last way of preserving the past. Powerful and provocative, The Memory Police is a stunning novel about the trauma of loss. (x)
#3. The Vanishing Half (Brit Bennett)
The Vignes twin sisters will always be identical. But after growing up together in a small, southern black community and running away at age sixteen, it's not just the shape of their daily lives that is different as adults, it's everything: their families, their communities, their racial identities. Many years later, one sister lives with her black daughter in the same southern town she once tried to escape. The other secretly passes for white, and her white husband knows nothing of her past. Still, even separated by so many miles and just as many lies, the fates of the twins remain intertwined. What will happen to the next generation, when their own daughters' storylines intersect? (x)
#4. Blue-Skinned Gods (SJ Sindu)
In Tamil Nadu, India, a boy is born with blue skin. His father sets up an ashram, and the family makes a living off of the pilgrims who seek the child’s blessings and miracles, believing young Kalki to be the tenth human incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. In Kalki’s tenth year, he is confronted with three trials that will test his power and prove his divine status and, his father tells him, spread his fame worldwide. While he seems to pass them, Kalki begins to question his divinity. Over the next decade, his family unravels, and every relationship he relied on—father, mother, aunt, uncle, cousin—starts falling apart. (x)
alright go go go, vote vote vote! democracy!
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yuupsychedelic · 2 months
小詩集『Poetry Showcase Vol.09 : 真夏の花を探して』
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1.「月光浪漫」 2.「恋仲アシンメトリー」 3.「あなたに返す花がない -No War, No Nuke.-」
月明かりに照らされて 僕らは愛の言葉を交わした この夏、最初の花火 見上げた二人は恋人になる
人生の意味なんかわからない 今日までただ生きてきた なんでもない日々に祝福を 君と出逢って僕は変わった
月明かりに照らされて 僕らは愛をたしかめあった 永遠に続く片想いは 不安な昨日に置いてきたのさ
大好き 大好き 大好き 明日まで見つめ合いたい
月明かりに照らされて さっきまで降ってた雨も止んだ 今まで誰も好きになれなかった 君がほんとうに初恋なのさ
やりたいことなんかわからない 進路希望は白紙で出した 9 to 5 ただ繰り返し このまま死んでくのは嫌だった
君とふたり歩いていこう 僕らは愛に生きるのだ さらば昨日 よろしく未来 夜空に響く青春の鐘
大好き 大好き 大好き 明日は希望の中にある
月明かりに照らされて 浴衣でポテトをつまむ君は 絵画のように美しく すべてを塗り替えていった
大好き 大好き 大好き 月明かりは浪漫を呼ぶ
月明かりに照らされて 僕らは愛をたしかめあった 君と僕の初恋 すべては運命のまま愛になる
君とふたり歩いていこう 僕らは愛に生きるのだ さらば昨日 よろしく未来 夜空に響く青春の鐘
大好き 大好き 大好き 夜明けはすぐそこに 影すらも抱きしめて
八月の夜空へかき鳴らせ ふたりの青春の鐘
もう、あなたには疲れたの これ以上付き合えないわ 傍にいるだけで倖せだった 数ヶ月前の日々を返して
別の女がいることくらい ずっとわかってたわ もし、身体だけの関係でも 私はあなたを求めてた
たとえ腰掛けだったとしても 私といる時くらい 私を見てくれてもいいじゃない でもあなたが見るのはスマホの画面ばかり 相手は私の幼馴染
知らない誰かと浮気するなら 好きにしたらいい 私なんか踏み台にしてさ 良い人と付き合えばいいんだ
でも子どもの頃から友達だった あいつだけは奪わないで 私からすべてを奪わないで これ以上好きにならないで
あの日も君の傍にいた ただ抱きしめられていた いけないことだと解っていても 君が手を離してくれなかった
恋人を失っても二番目でいたかった 他人の一番よりも君の二番目になりたかった ずっと好きだった君に再会して また夢中になったんだ
さらば恋人との素晴らしき日々 僕は君を選んだ 僕なんかさっさと忘れてくれ でもカメラロールの写真は正直で 見つめるたびに愛おしくなるのは何故なんだろう?
突然恋人から別れを告げられ 心が壊れそうだ 僕はあまりにも無垢すぎて すべてを抱きしめていた
君をどんなに愛しても 君の一番にはなれない わかっていても諦めきれない 僕を殺してくれ
青春の影に映る 涙の痕がもしあなたなら その対岸に立つ私が太陽になる 棄てられたからこそ美しい そう思い込むしかない
風になりたい 空気になりたい ここから空に向かって 最後に奏でよう 悲劇という名のバラッド 高らかに……
ふたりが愛し合って ひとりが奪い去り ふたりは生きてるだけ ひとりは壊れてく
そして僕は君を憎んで 私はあなたを好きなまま 僕はここでクラリネットを吹き 私はその音色を聴く
これから先の人生に君の姿はない 僕が愛した恋の歌 すべては水の泡 思い通りにいかない日々
愛して 愛して ただ愛してよ……
やっぱりあなたが好きなんだよ あなたと別れたくないんだよ
恋仲アシンメトリー それは行く宛のない幻想 恋仲アシンメトリー ふたりの叶うはずのない幻想
風もない 愛もない そんな街の中で 溶けた皮膚 爛れたビル 時代は終わった 私たちが信じた あの幻想 すべて時に消えて 生き残った者たちが 静かに 河を目指した
あれから七十年近く 私は ここにいる あの街で 今生きる あなたの声が返る
軍靴の音がする この時代に 何を伝えるか 何を話せるか
旗もない 意志もない こんな時の中で 心なき鳥 逃げる民 歴史は繰り返す 平和と反戦 今声にせず いつ声を上げるか 何度踏み躙られても…… いつか季節は変わる そう信じて
百年後の子どもたちへ 私は 何が言える? 見逃して 沈黙する そんな私で良いのか?
戦争の風が吹く この八月に 何を感じるか 何を求めるか 今日だけでもいい 歴史に還ろう
零戦が空を飛ぶ いつかの夏が呼ぶ ありふれたこと いとおしいひと 私が この夏を守る……
あれから八十年近く 私は ここにいる あなたに 花を手向け 風の中に叫ぶ
綺麗事の味がする この時代に 何に学ぶか 何に活かすか すべて私が 決められる
どんな時代も どんな季節も 何か出来ることがあるさ
風もない 愛もない そんな街に生きた あなたの命と向き合う 私は この街で生きる……
小詩集『Poetry Showcase Vol.09 : 真夏の花を探して』Credits
Produced by Yuu Sakaoka
All Words Written by Yuu Sakaoka Drafted by Sakura Ogawa(No.1) / Koharu Takamoto(No.2)
Management by G.Slope & Hill’s Planet
Dedicated to all victims of war and conflict.
Very very very thanks to my friend, my familly, and all my fan!!
2024.8.7 坂岡 優
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bl-reccomendations · 3 years
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Mobius Strip by Sawamotosoji (1/5)
Sakuma Shuu is a handsome and capable man whose external successes hide the scars of a youth marred by isolation and brutal bullying. When a chance meeting brings him face to face with the monster that terrorized his school days, Hayami Tsukasa, he is desperate to hide their connection from his colleagues. Shockingly, Hayami doesn't recognize him, and responding to his desire, he discovers a perverse thrill in having sex with his former tormentor. So begin a story of a game of deception, seduction, and revenge.
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Kajou Mousou Shounen by Pii (3/5)
Ohno-kun's special skill is "hands-free masturbation"! With his own fantasy, he could ejaculate without touching himself. He spent a fulfilling school life like this. Then the popular guy of their class Kureshima, suddenly became close to him~~~? Getting the girls around them involved in their desire and devices as they go through their youth.
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Ienai Itami o Daite Iru by Ogawa Chise (1/5)
Shun and his older brother have a little strange relationship...
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Mitto mo Nai Koi by Moriyo (2/5)
1. Kuhai constantly spends time at the grave of one of his friends and always rejects senpai invitations to hang out, then senpai, out of jealousy, forces kouhai and makes him his boyfriend and a vicious circle of one of the toxiest relationships I've ever read begins.
2. Emi and Saito are coworkers at a restaurant and they're in a lovers relationship but Emi has been hiding a secret:he's a masochist and wants to have hardcore sex.
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Private Libido by Aiba Kyoko (2/5)
Yuu, a delivery male escort, has a crush on his gentlemanly and sadistic customer - Mr. Saitou. But one night after embracing him, Saitou asks Yuu to move in with him?! Yuu is thrilled with the sudden development, but Saitou seems to have a hidden and mysterious side to him- Are his motives driven by love or is it just pure lust?
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I'm going to tell you what manga I read so that you'll be inspired to read it too and will be forced to suffer with me.
Mystery + Fantasy
Kuroshitsuji (this was like the first ever manga i read tbh)
Bungou Stray Dogs
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Dear My Living Dead (it's a short story by the author of JSHK. very angsty and has a nice victorian, witch hunt vibe to it)
Case Study of Vanitas
Kare Ni Irai Shite Wa Ikemasen
Azure and Claude
Victorian/Vintage Style Manga
Yuukoku no Moriarty
From The Red Fog
Slice of Life
Have A Sip of Miso Sip (just good vibes and good food ≧◡≦ )
Komi Can't Communicate
SPY X Family (found family + spy au!!! it's also getting an anime soon)
Asobi Asobase
Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless
Wotakoi: Love Is Hard For Otaku
Way of the Househusband
Life Lessons with Uramichi Onii-san (i'm scared to put this in slice of life with how much life crisis shit was in the dialogue)
Assassination Classroom (i promise it's slice of life but with a title like that, you can't expect it to not have any angsty shit)
Romance (might also be slice of life because i'm bad at categorizing)
Hirunaka no Ryuusei
Bloom Into You (aka 58 chapters where I discover myself as a Yuu kin)
Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Ouran High School Host Club (aka the FOUNDATION of every good shoujo manga)
Misc. And Manga I Got Too Lazy To Categorize
Blue Period (manga about an art student. you can already feel the insecurity and existential crises)
Classroom of the Elite (survival of the fittest + high school drama. definitely recommend the light novel too)
Tomie (pretty popular horror manga. all of junji ito's other works are amazing too)
BL/Yaoi (my face heated up as i typed this out wixjeudheu)
Umibe no Etranger
Sasaki and Miyano
Jackass! Sawatte Iitte Dare Ga Itta Yo?
Cursed Shit That Scarred Me But Will Still Be Included Because I Enjoy Fucked Up Shit But I Advise Against Reading These Without Researching About It First
Caste Heaven
almost every other manga by ogawa chise
also had to mention that all of harada sensei's manga are pretty cursed shit too
honestly just be careful when you pick up a yaoi manga
Welp and that's all I got so far
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銀色のラメが空を彩る 僕の心は晴れぬまま こんな気持ちは言葉にするしかない 言葉に棄ててしまえたらいい
抱きしめきれないほどの憂鬱の先に 今日も僕は生きてしまった 恋人も愛想を尽かして どこかへ消えてしまったよ
雨降りそうな空の下 結局、雨は一滴も降らずに まるで僕みたいだな ノートにその様を描き込んだ
青空を知らないまま 地元で生きてきた 友達は数人いればいい 仕事もそこそこ稼げたらいい
頑張ることを知らずに 頑張っているフリをした さすらう気持ちに蓋をして やっているコトにした
晴れそうで晴れない空の下 結局、雨がぽつぽつ降る まるで僕みたいだな ノートはもう埋め尽くされそうだ
スーパーヒーローに憧れた あの頃の僕はもういない ピエロにもシンデレラにもなれない でも僕には言葉がある 僕たちはその気持ちを言葉にする
押しつぶされそうな夜空の下 結局、雨は降り止まない まるで僕みたいだな ノートは次で三冊目になる
抱きしめたいのは僕なんだ わかりたいのは僕自身 なんにもない虚無のような僕に 生きる意味を添加する そして僕は誰かの青になる
雨降りそうな空の下 結局、雨は一滴も降らずに まるで僕みたいだな ノートにその様を描き込んだ
あの日からエチュードは続く 桜の花びらを数えるように 僕は言葉の海を散歩する 星空に散りばめよシャンペンサイダー 僕こそが宇宙そのものだ
【Personnel】 Produced / Written by Yuu Sakaoka Co-Produced by Sakura Ogawa, Koharu Takamoto
Copyright © 2024 Yuu Sakaoka All rights reserved.
2024.5.29 G.Slope & Hill's Planet / Studio VARME
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