#oh I'm sorry I didn't realize sport dogs are trained on a higher standard than service dogs ๐Ÿ’€
doberbutts ยท 2 years
Also it's a really fucking dick move to take a post talking about how money becomes an accessibility barrier even if the 'product' is overall worth the price and deride it by pointing out the person saying so has never titled a dog competitively. Maybe because the point of the post was that titling competitively costs more money than many novices make and so of course 'pet titles' that cost ten bucks with training anyone with even mild experience can do at home are going to be prioritized over training and titling costing into the thousands.
Maybe that's why someone who understands the worth of the expensive option but doesn't actually have the money for it buys the book written by that person and takes a cheaper class from someone adjacent to that person instead ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
Anyway I loved it when I had a conversation with the mondio club I'm checking out after the holidays regarding club dues etc and the very first thing they said was 'we understand novices often cannot afford dues and we will work with any novice experiencing financial barriers to good training to ensure accessibility and inclusivity'. It's the conversation I keep having over and over. If people want these sports to survive then there is going to need to be a serious discussion regarding cost and availability to the people you're trying to get to buy. I can afford dues now but I used to not be able to. You know why I could afford to train in MD and not in PA or CT? Because the clubs in MD said I didn't need to start paying until I started trialing.
People *are* being prevented from getting their feet wet with novice level titles if the training is so expensive it costs more than rent. It can be well worth the price but it still costs more than rent. If you want novices and especially disadvantaged novices to be interested in your sport it needs to not cost more than rent or you need to work out a scholarship program or something.
#anyway titles also like...#aren't the only way to measure someone's worth as a trainer#oh I'm sorry I didn't realize sport dogs are trained on a higher standard than service dogs ๐Ÿ’€#yes I train pet dogs at my job#and I train fucking MEDICAL EQUIPMENT to SAVE MY LIFE in my personal pack#when money is tight the training I'm paying for is the stuff that keeps me from dying sorry#do *you* have your dog's name cared into a national monument and a plaque sent from the national breed club?#I don't think I'm hot shit I know I'm a novice and a filthy casual at that#but it's interesting that people are so willing to spit on my accomplishments with so little to their own names ๐Ÿ‘€#anyway I said what I said zero to CD is out of reach for disadvantaged novices#and it's a shame#because they're who the program would help the most#so can we really complain when said disadvantaged novices go to someone cheaper#just because 'someone cheaper' doesn't train the +R way?#or when disadvangaged novices choose not to pursue competition#because they can't even afford the 'pet titles' you just spat on?#that was the point of my post#if you think it was about my ego then that speaks to your own privilege that you can't see what was actually being said#hey show of hands who has 1.5k right now that they can drop on something that isn't a bill or repair?#okay now who has 200 to drop on something that isn't bills or repair?#final show of hands who haa 10 bucks a week they could drop on something that isn't bills or repair?#look at all those people we could get into dog training a kinder way than the majority of those 10 buck drop ins#a shame someone who never competitively titled partially due to finances is the one who brought it up tho rite ๐Ÿ’€
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