#oh an ONLINE version 👀
cozycottagetarot · 5 months
PAC: Your First Kiss With Your Person
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This PAC Contains: 
General Info On The Kiss
Setting The Scene
The Kiss
Extended Edition Covers:
You During The Kiss
Your Person During The Kiss
The Aftermath
✨ This reading is for entertainment purposes only. ✨ (General Disclaimer at the bottom)
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
General Things
Could be very early in the relationship… during the ‘get to know you’ stages. There’s a lot of attraction and tension between you and this person. I think this could be someone you either meet through a career or online. It’s fast paced but intense, a quick back and forth. But it’s good because it’s an exchange where you both are on the same level or matching energies. It’s welcomed, but it feels very interrogative, like ‘does this person fit the bill of what I’m looking for 👀’ rather than a chill get to know you. It feels like a new environment too, as in both of you are out doing something new together for the first time. It doesn’t seem like there’s any anxiety around the questioning, just kind of throwing every and anything at the wall to see if it sticks. Scorpio or Gemini could be important placements for you or them.
Setting The Scene
When it comes to the location of the kiss it could be a festival of some kind, I’m get a fair, specifically a renaissance fair for someone, or something with that vibe for a few of you. It could also be an event around water and/or where there will be live entertainment. I think it’s definitely picked strategically by whoever plans this outing… I think maybe more so your person. I also feel like it could be their old stomping grounds as well or something being hosted by someone they know. There’s an opportunity to kind of learn from others during this event/setting also.
The Kiss In General
I think this kiss is going to be awakening or energizing. One that gives you a surge of energy. I also heard that you might be trying to best them at something too. It might be outside of one your comfort zones and there could be a lot of anxiety surrounding the kiss on someone’s part. If not anxiety, hearts racing. During a dance as well could be another likely scenario. One where it’s like "Okay, we’re dancing... I feel like a fool, Oh! you’re kissing me!"... Except the rest of the thoughts just fizzle out because you melt into it. People around you might cheer you guys on.
If you'd like to see the extended version of this reading which covers you & your person's feelings during the kiss as well as the 'aftermath' you can check it out on my Patreon here. Regardless, thank you for reading and take care! 💕
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General Things
The cards are giving me fairytale-esque vibes... a dream come true. This could happen when you’re traveling, finding home or experiencing something life changing. This could happen at a time where you’re on a journey to finding yourself/ finding your way and I’m getting that your person is intent on wanting to show you they can be a part of that world. I think this person is hard to ignore, and honestly it could be hard to ignore whatever is going on between you two. There could be something about their eyes… maybe you avoid eye contact because it’s so intense and feels like you’re intruding? I think your person lights up your world. However, they could kind of know themselves and have all their 'colours' while you’re now finding yours. There’s something intimidating here about them.... very much you trying to convince yourself you two can’t be together. I’m also hearing “You’re my North Star”.
It could happen during a place that represents transition, in the location you’re leaving or at one of your homes (most likely yours). It’s like they want to offer you home and you’re resisting. You’re denying yourself entrance into the castle they have to offer. I think your head and heart aren’t aligning and in all honesty your person is tired of it and just at a point where they are begging you to let yourself be happy.
Setting The Scene
I feel like this is a nice setting. More lavish for some than others . It could be in the evening or at night. It should be a date? I don’t think you want it to be but it is… I mean I think you know it is but you're at a point where you're beside yourself pushing this person away mentally and throwing up walls. You guys could go to a show or some kind of enchanting exhibit too.
The Kiss In General
This could definitely be at night. I think the setting really depends on your interest. So it could be a concert, something related to music… but somewhere someone has the chance to get rowdy. Even a wedding or something where it’s nice but someone can likely get plastered and no one would really be surprised.
Okay back to the general kiss. I feel like it's a battle in a way. It’s impulsive. Emotions are running high. It’s about potential and fighting for what’s 'right'... Trying to wake you up. A climatic battle of trying to get out of your head so you can see what’s in front of you and just not what you’re dreaming of... what you think the cards (?) are telling you. I think this may be if you're constantly consuming tarot or other forms of divination and living your life by it.
If you'd like to see the extended version of this reading which covers you & your person's feelings during the kiss as well as the 'aftermath' you can check it out on my Patreon here. Regardless, thank you for reading and take care! 💕
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General Things
You could be a little bit disinterested or distracted when you have your first kiss with your person. I think it might take you a minute or two before it registers in your head that you too kissed. It could be a kiss to calm you… like you’re brain is going a mile a minute and generally not being grounded.
I think you’re going to be in a comfortable situation when your person kisses you/you two share your first kiss. It could be in a situation where you’re both working on something together. Or they are helping you with something you’re working on. It’s someone who complements you beautifully. It could be a social gathering between close friends as well (but it still feels like a rather private moment, like everyone else is distracted as well and they sneak a quick kiss). If you’re a musician (or a music teacher, really anything related to that field) you could be composing or reviewing a piece and they kiss you. You could get pulled in many different directions mentally or come up with a lot of ideas but burn out on them quickly.
Setting The Scene Oh my gosh-- Are you hungry or do you like food because all I can think of is food 😩
It could be a casino, family/friends game night, holiday dinner. You’re focused intensely on something in front of you. Your mind is calculating, unfazed by things going on around you. I’m also getting the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland... a 'smoky' or and environment that gives off psychedelic vibes.
The Kiss In General
I think the kiss is attention grabbing, not just for you but someone around you may kind of cheer or whoop but you might not pay them much mind. I think your person is like this is my time with y/n and I’m not letting their thoughts steal them away! I think they're accustomed to you being off in la la land. For some of you, you could be in the medical field or have a very scholarly profession that bleeds into your personal time. But the kiss always cuts through that. I’m hearing “ah ah ah” as well.
If you'd like to see the extended version of this reading which covers you & your person's feelings during the kiss as well as the 'aftermath' you can check it out on my Patreon here. Regardless, thank you for reading and take care! 💕
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Disclaimer: All readings and tarot/blog games are for fun and entertainment purposes only. It is in no way meant to act as or replace professional advice of any kind. You know yourself and what’s going on in your life best so I ask that you trust yourself above all else. Finally please take only what resonates from the reading which may be some of it, all of it, or none at all
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writinandcrying · 7 months
TMNT HEADCANON / how the turtles text
A lot can be said from how someone express themselves through texting, so this is just some crack / light headcanons !
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Not really based on a single version per say, more that turtles have been deprived of social interaction for the majority of their life and I think texting them would be an very interesting experience lol
Idea based on @avery73 last random turtle post (thanks for being one of our strongest soldiers and writing wonderful pieces 🫡) English is not my first language and I didn’t proofread this, if there is any grammatical erros pls don’t hesitate to tell me!
🎢 Single texts
🎢 Just like this
🎢 Loads of it
🎢 You got 60 new messages
🎢 in the past 2 minutes
🎢 Loads of gifs too
🎢 And voice memos
🎢Oh look
🎢6 personality tests links
🎢What do you mean you won’t do it
🎢He needs to know what kind of cupcake you are!!!!
🎢 And music recs
🎢 Your phone won’t stop vibrating
🎢 for the next weeks
🎢 After you meet him (Honestly really annoying unless you have a crush on him)
🎢 For the latinos/latinas; if he EVER finds out about WhatsApp and the stickers. Oh you are so done. If you have an older phone that shit WILL blow up / malfunction for SURE
🎢 uses TONS OF EMOJIS !!!!! 😍😍😝🤪😋🤩AND CAPS AS WELL!!! 🥳😽✌️👅🗣️
🎢Mikey live reaction when you ask if he’s upset that you asked him to tone it down a notch with the texting on a busy day:
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🎢 Will lowkey tone it down with the emojis when he finds out some ppl find it cringe, but with his angels cakes ???????? 🫵 YOU BET 🗣️ HE WILL SHOW YOU WITH IT 💋🫦💅🏻🤳🏼💃🏻🕺🏽🙈🦋🌺🧡🌚🌻🔥💥🌟
🎢Will accidentally send you some random ass emoji that wasn’t supposed to be on the context of the text, also the autocorrect is def not his friend
Mikey : how’s it going baby gorila
Mikey: babygirl*
Mikey: I’m sorry
🎢 adds emojis to very contacts in his t-phone:
Leo: Leader of the pack 🐺 🐢 🫡
Donnie: Eistein 📚🧬⚗️ (Raph also shares this name on his t-cell)
Raph: Murderous teddy bear 🧸 🧨
Splinter: Mafia Boss 🪤 (no one knows about this name tho)
April: Chanel N.6 🎤(or World of Apes 🦧 lmao)
Casey: New York Hockey League 🏒
Vern: Some dude (adds 🦅 so he knows it’s Vern and not “some random dude”)
Y/n: angelcakes pookie wookie baby boo boo love of my life !!!!!! 😍🥰👀🧚🏻‍♂️
🎢Mikey live reaction when Raph yells at him to stop flooding the chat, followed by mikey texting him “make me” (they are sitting next to each other):
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🔭Huge blocks of it in the speed of light. many topics, many questions and also explanations at just one sitting
🔭But won’t hold back on a smart ass short cut response for one his brothers (literally has the sharpest tongue)
🔭Will hardly uses emojis, only when it’s a single text to express an emotion (most current used emojis: 🤓when he does something impressive 💜: for y/n 🙄: when venting about something annoying Leo / Mikey / Raph did)
🔭Will want to discuss random ass problems he has encountered in his projects, in forums online, specially if you ever show interest in debating / doesnt hold back into showing your strong opinions
🔭 Has named their brothers as “Failed Lab Experiments” and managed to color code their messages (has the only t-phone that has this feature)
🔭Donnie creating the most unique and smartass way to charge his phone just cuz he can:
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🔭Deadass his reaction when texting his crush 👀:
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🔭 Has modified Mikey’s phone so he doesn’t have access to emojis for a whole week after his baby brother decided to spam him “out of no where” (after Donnie won consecutively 10 Mario Kart matches AND ate the last 2 slices of cold pizza)
🔭Result: mikey spammed EVEN MORE and only spoke to EVERYONE by Japanese emojis. Leo and Raph begged demanded that donnie install his emojis back cuz they were DONE with the whole situation
Failed lab experiment N.4: ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ" °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° (♡´౪`♡)
Failed lab experiment N.1: Stop.
Failed lab experiment N.4: ┬┴┬┴┤ᵒᵏ (・_├┬┴┬┴ Failed lab experiment N.4: (;﹏;)
Failed lab experiment N.2: You stupid IDIOT Failed lab experiment N.2: look what you've done now he’s sad
🔭 Donnie also has to deal with his brothers thinking he is their personal Google (he will always answer their questions, even out of spite):
Failed lab experiment N.4: Donnie what’s a Cochlear implant
Successful lab experiment: A small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant consists of an external portion that sits behind the ear and a second portion that is surgically placed under the skin.
Failed lab experiment N.4: :0 yikes
Failed lab experiment N.4: Okay thanks!!!!
Successful lab experiment: Stop asking me stuff when you can just Google it.
Failed lab experiment N.4: But I like talking to you 🙀😔
Failed lab experiment N.4: You are my favorite turtle Siri!!! 😉
Successful lab experiment: I’d prefer if I wasn’t... Also, why are you curious about cochlear implants?
Successful lab experiment: Mikey?
Successful lab experiment: Mikey!!!!!
(He still doesn’t know why)
🥊 Barely uses emojis. Lowkey barely texts? doesn't see the appeal to it, rather prefer to hang out with you 1 on 1 than being far away from you (will never ever admit to it. maybe after 3 years in a relationship)
🥊as a friend: he wont be the one spiking a conversation, but might keep going if he's truly bored (this is prone to happen during daylight / evening when they still can't go out) but will probably be the one to ask to hang out when he needs an outlet and such 🥊*sees messages* eh i'll reply later *completely forgets about it*
🥊 will effortlessly take the most breath-taking pictures of new york during patrol and send it to you 🥊 if you are already his s/o / someone he trusts: will most likely text you to ask about stuff (if you need anything or something he needs from topside) or to diss / vent / gossip about his brothers 🥊 will send embarrassing pictures of his brothers to you cuz he can't deal with that shit alone lmao
🥊 will either be pretty clueless with the most random ass stuff or out of propose just to tease you: y/n: jniasunoakpfa raph: what was that y/n: keyboard smash? raph: how do i do that y/n: just press anything raph: 7 🥊 Raph Live reaction as soon as he realizes he has feelings for you:
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🥊 Also Raph Live reaction when he comes to terms with this feelings and has an excuse to ignore Leo (even if he doesnt like texting) just bc he can ignore Leo as he pleases:
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🎏 Perfect texts 🎏 looks like an email/letter sometimes 🎏 to most people: 1 message with divided topics. pretty direct 🎏 when he can't reply right away: "Hello. I'm happy you wrote to me. I try to reply promptly but currently I'm not available at the moment-" Like omg bro RELAX. 🎏 to his s/o: 70% direct, the other 30% likes to send little reminders, either with songs or pretty things she has seen during a patrol with a "thinking of you" message. lowkey romantic when he doesn't even mean to be, def shows how thoughtful he is 🎏 prefers to call you rather than texting. especially if you are dating/has a crush on you he might not even realize why he likes calling you so much, until it hits like a brick that he just wants to hear your voice 🎏Leo when he calls you and doesn't know when to "intervene" / his time to talk back (god forbid he's unpolite and interrupts you):
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lowkey him listening to April vent about smth dumb shit Casey did /any human friend venting and he doesnt know how to react lmao 🎏Just like Donnie, has favorite emojis and will only use it in specific situations (this will take time for it to happen, like after years Donnie first invented the t-phone and finally relized he didn't had to be so formal when texting): 🐢 when talking about team work or his brothers / 🪷 for meditating or mindfulness (thinks its peaceful) / 💙 for his boo and his boo only / 😏 only in a relationship, especially when he's feeling scipy (extremely rare for it to happen over text tho)
Group chat (more than one reaction)
💚 catching social cues irl can be hard, you are telling me there are hidden social cues in texting too??
💚 “Nah shut up” group, doesn’t care much about it and won’t change their ways: Leo, Raph
💚 Will research about it, will talk to every single human he knows (yes. you. Vern. Casey and April) Needs to know the social cues. NOW: lmao try to guess
💚 Also needs to know, but for meme reasons, he has to say up to date w the terminology/ slangs: another hard guess /j
💚 Oh btw, Donnie totally uses /j /Tw /srs terminology WHILE he texts fast AND huge text blocks. none of his brothers know how he does it
💚Will over use fresh lingo he has learned overhearing humans on patrol, shows, from his humans friends to the point it’s almost unbearable: Mikey 💚Live reaction of Raph and Leo trying to understand when Mikey or Donnie spamming the group chat with their extremely recent memes or hyperfixations:
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💚the chat WILL be flooded with things related to their favorite basketball teams, show they want to see or dumbass pictures of their daily lifes, example: Mikey: *has sent an selfie*
Mikey: you know y/n
Mikey:If you’re fortunate enough
Mikey: your internal organs will spend their entire lifespan in absolute darkness
Mikey: but mine?
April: oh boy here we go
Mikey: Hasn’t. 😏😏😏
Y/n: Oh?
Mikey: *send another selfie flexing muscles* you see when you fight crime everyday-
Raph: yeah he shallowed a glow stick
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
i would love to see a gn/transmasc/catboy version of that post please 👀👀👀
Ghost & König’s Reaction to You Being a Cat Boy
Warnings: Implied Smut/Sexual Content, Scary Dog Privilege, Pet Names, Sadism, Masochism, Scratching, Mention of Objectification (Consensual), Collar Mentioned, Male Reader.
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Absolute menace.
The first time he found out, he was shocked, to say the least, given how you managed to hide your ears and tail so well.
But he adjusts fairly quickly.
Sometimes, to get your attention or to get you to come to him when he can’t find you at home, he’ll shake your favourite box of cereal or call “Pspspspspsps–” until you come clamouring round the corner for your food.
He’s always twitching to touch your ears. Just finds them so cute and soft, and while he would never touch them without your permission, he’s dying to.
Sometimes you tease him and bonk your head against his side, give a tiny, fragile purr, and disappear into the midnight corners of the house.
But, when you can see Simon’s had a difficult day, you’ll lay in his lap and let him stroke your head, snuggling into him.
Though it’s not that you don’t like having your ears stroked; you just know that, if you were to let Simon do it, you’d never let him stop.
You’re always really warm and purr a lot, so Simon calls you his “Little engine”.
“‘Cause I’m driving my love van into your heart :3 !” – You say, absolutely oblivious to the cuteness overload you’ve just subjected him to.
Whenever you intentionally (or unintentionally) act cute, it sends Simon feral.
He definitely has a thing for pulling on your tail and making you cry.
Sadist to the max.
“Don’t mewl like that, Sweetheart,” he tells you, your tail in one hand and the lead to your collar in the other.
“Or I might just have to make you cry louder.”
Has a collar with a pendant engraved with the words ‘Property of Simon Riley’ made for you. But he only uses this on a few occasions.
He’d never make you wear it if you didn’t want to; he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s forcing you into a demeaning position.
His names for you vary, but the ones he uses in private are usually cat-related.
Kitty, Kitten (he uses this one unironically – he’s not chronically online so he doesn’t understand the implications), Kitty Boy.
He loves you soooo much, it hurts.
Scary dog privileges for the cat boy he bagged by being quiet and mysterious (unable to talk to you because he thought you were the most beautiful man he’d ever seen).
He genuinely cannot believe his luck; he thinks you must be some artefact sent from the heavens to compensate for the trainwreck his life has been up until he met you.
He’s never felt more alive than when he’s with you.
And he’ll break the minds, bodies and spirits of anyone who tries to take you away from him <3.
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Has a tendency to talk to you like how any owner talks to their pets.
“Does my pretty little Prince want his dinner now ? Oh yes he does, oh yes he does !”
He doesn’t mean to, honestly.
But ever since he found out you were a cat boy, he just can’t help himself.
It’s second nature to him.
He also tends to treat you as if you’re much more fragile than you actually are, but that’s because he’s never seen you defend yourself (because you don’t have to. König’s immense size and stature has effectively made you the social equivalent of Chernobyl, in that everyone remains outside a fifty-metre radius of you when you’re with him).
If you sit in his lap, he’ll actually die.
And if you start purring–
He’s GONE.
The sound is enough to not only fry his brain, but send him to sleep.
Hence he cannot sleep without you. Which makes his deployment exceedingly difficult for him.
He looks for any and all excuses to pet you.
He’ll straight-up ask you if you want him to scratch behind your ears, and he’ll keep going until you start to feel raw and ask him to stop.
He loves you so much – he can’t bear to be without you for any period of time.
Which, given how you can be rather solitary in nature, leads you to seek out the most inopportune places to catch up on some sleep.
He’s found you curled up in the wash basket before now.
And on top of a bookshelf.
And rather than be offended, he was overwhelmed by how adorable you were, curled up into a ball of almost nothing.
Yes, he did take pictures. Yes, he does keep them under his pillow so he can look at them when you’re asleep or away.
When it comes to the saucy stuff, König tends to hold back. A lot.
He’s absolutely massive and he doesn’t want to hurt you, especially since there’s more of a risk of him doing so by standing on your tail or catching your ears.
But whatever fear he possesses vanishes when you show him how flexible you are. Which has led to some…interesting positions, to say the least.
Btw, he’s a massive masochist. Just a sucker for pain.
Definitely the type to intentionally push you over the edge so you’ll scratch his back.
You have much sharper nails than the average person, which means it’s easier for you to cut deeper without applying much force.
And König loves it.
He has a high pain tolerance so he can withstand the burning sensation of you dragging your nails down his back and get lost in the fact that you’re marking him as yours.
During moments like this, he calls you ‘Kitty’ more than your actual name.
Outside of the bedroom, it’s literally impossible for him to call you anything other than “(Y/N)-Baby, where’s my little (Y/N)-Pie ?”
And you always come running because you know there’s a big cuddle attached to the end of that pet name <3.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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ebonyslasher · 1 year
Hey I'm new to these requests so sorry if it's bad. Plus been reading ya stuff and I feel like you are the only one who can do this justice. But for some reason having the slashers react to their s/o having a decrepit version of their fit makes me laugh. Like they seem so excited to show them and it's just.. 👁️👄👁️bad. (Um I do see you're on hiatus so I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience or anything.) Also can this be the mask that Michael s/o has plz?
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Hey! Thank you so much for reading my work and sending this in. That mask cracks me up
What the hell you got on?!! Slasher mask reaction:
Michael Myers
You saw that mask at a spirit halloween and had to get it
That specific one in Haddonfield couldn't sell the more accurate, original one anymore....mostly due to combined ptsd lol.
But, this would be great to use to try to get a reaction out of him...maybe a chuckle 🤭
It seems impossible but you were successful a few times, he just has....dark humor.
Knowing him, you had to just go ahead and out the costume on in the parking lot. That nigga be stalkin'.👀
You bust through the door🚪 with the whole fit on, confident as hell
😠Michael strides to the front door, figuring out why you making all that fuckin noise and slammin' doors in HIS house.
Michael sees you. And he stops.
You looking how you looking is looking at Michael and he's looking at you.
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Girl...what the fuck you got on?
Michael knows he don't look like that y/n🫤, you look derpy. He looked intimidating- there's a difference!!!
He starts to walk past, acting unaffected. But, he swiftly pulls that shit off.
You're shocked 😲, he just scalped you! You start giggling.
"Michael that cost money!!!" 😩
Michael thinks, 'You shouldn't care, you were wasting it with this shit anyway.'
Stu +Billy
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Oh, this shit was perfect.
You saw this while browsing on e-bay and thought that Stu and Billy would love this. And you got an old big ass block cordless phone too? Oh baby!✨
You went over their house to spend the night. And of course you hid the costume and mask in the spennanight bag 👜. Y'all were in the middle of the first blunt rotation. You excused your self to the bathroom so you could enact your grand plan.
Taking your personal fat ass weed 🍃pen, you hopped into the bathroom and put the costume on. You also smoked tf up out of the bathroom so you could have some smoke as a background.
Throwing open the door, you jump out and say, "Wassuppppp!!!!"
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They look at you, shocked, before Stu and Billy double over. They are hollering.
Y'all all crying �� over the mask. The weed wasn't making things better
Stu and Billy both randomly say WASSUPPP😝 and point at each other as they laugh.
Honestly they love it. and your grand entrance ? Fantastic
Bubba Sawyer
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Listen.... you don't know about putting someone else's skin on your face
If you want to do that, by all means. you strong as fuck. And fit right the fuck in with who you with.
But you find this mask for pretty cheap online, the others were....costly (like $100 + for the good ones, dayum!)
Once it's delivered, you run up into a random room and shut the door. You put it on and look in the mirror as you evaluate the mask.
Man, what the hell were these ears?🙃 It looks like someone tried to make earmuffs but didn't really know what they were.
Also this fucking hair? You looked like a fucked up lunch lady
It's huge asf on your head, balloon 🎈 ass mask. It's lopsided. Looking like you got hit and was turned halfway loose
Bubba comes in and spots you with the mask.
He starts, jumping and clapping❤️❤️. Bubba is bubbling and squealing at how cute you are.
Essentially he's like, "oh baby yay!" He loves it. Bubba doesn't think it looks bad! He's flattered! 🤗
It's like physical thing that represents you truly being a part of the family~
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Well...Pinhead's face isn't a mask. It's his damn face. But it'd be a mask for you!
You gotta show your appreciation to yo mans!!! and mess with his ass. He's dramatically hilarious.
There were, surprisingly, a lot of masks made of Pinhead's face. It was a bit odd, but useful for what you needed. At least you didn't have to make one from scratch. 🤷🏿‍♀️
However, You still wanted to be a little creative. Dip a lil toe into your ✨craft era✨.
So, it was obvious you got one without the pins! Going to the store and seeing to most colorful 🎨 of pins was an automatic yes.
Now, this shit was not easy putting in. Some of them was bent every whichaway, the holes were uneven so some were drooping.🫠
You looked a mess, chile.
"Y/n...what is the meaning of this?" You snicker. "Babe, I'm You!"
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"So, you attempt to mock ME! Blasphemy!"
"Not trying to mock you!! I was making this so I could be like you...and mess with you a little."
"Silly human....tsk tsk. I will have my comeuppance."
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hebuiltfive · 8 months
My head has been everywhere the last few days and I missed WIP Wednesday, but here's a little something that is definitely not a new WIP, whatever do you mean? *nervous laughter* 👀 (Seriously, I need to stop pouncing on new ideas before I've finished my other ones).
"Thunderbird Three, do you copy?"
The voice was faint and distant, hiding behind layers of ringing and distortion. Alan could barely focus. He felt as though he was falling... flying... surfing... His head span.
"Thunderbird Three, do you copy?"
The voice grew more agitated, more demanding, but Alan couldn't move fast enough to respond — he didn't want to. His body ached as though he'd been hit by a London double decker. His eyes were still closed but he knew that if he opened them, even for a second, that vertigo would become worse. His vision would swim and he'd probably lose consciousness again.
Oh, yeah. He'd been unconscious.
His arms floated up beside him from the lack of gravity; the only reason he remained seated was because of the harness keeping him in place.
"Alan, Scott? Respond."
That voice was different. Less familiar than the first, older and gravelier. A younger version of that voice existed in Alan's memories. He surged towards the voice to keep him concious.
It wasn't Alan that responded to their Dad's request for a response. It was a groggy Scott, also battered and bruised, coming around from unconsciousness, and who was still belted into the seat beside him.
Alan groaned.
"What the hell happened up there?" Jeff was soft though the natural demand made Scott wince.
Their first space mission back with Dad at the helm and they'd already messed up badly.
To save Scott from having to answer, John interrupted. "GDF on-site teams are coming back online."
Jeff turned his focus back to John. "Did they all make it?"
Their brother's silence was enough of an answer, and Scott and Alan quickly exchanged a mournful look.
What happened hadn't exactly been their fault, but if they'd been just a few minutes sooner then maybe...
"I want you both back home." Jeff ordered. "John, make sure they have a safe flight."
"FAB, Dad."
When Jeff's hologram blinked away, John let loose a sigh. He rubbed a gloved hand over his face. Besides him, Alan sensed Scott's tension easing.
"Is he mad?" Alan asked, his voice croakier than he'd have liked.
They'd only just got Jeff home and Alan was still learning who their father actually was, seperate from the version of him he'd created during his youth. The last thing he wanted to face was a disappointed Dad.
"No. He isn't mad. We were both worried you'd been ... It doesn't matter. You're both fine. I'll get EOS to guide you home."
"We can fly, John." Scott insisted but backed-down at their space brother's flat look. It was an unusual response from the leader — former leader now, Alan supposed. That was still something they were all trying to get their heads around.
"Dad's orders." John shurgged before gently adding, "It's safer this way."
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
CPN: Mister Snowman ❄️
it’s such a busy monday! i got freakin nervous cause i woke up and saw zz’s post which was like an hour ago. then my notification pinged and it’s wyb’s weibo. 👀👀👀 it was him reposting the redmi lab video. my heart wouldn’t be able to take it if he shared a snow related post too. 😂😂😂
anyway, about the snowman. as mentioned in my previous post, it had all the symbolism that is related to xz and by extension — bjyx. the red cape & little prince. the mole and heart. his version of the snowman, based on the emoji he used is the one with a hat on “⛄️”. which is just so cheeky of him, knowing how cpfs speculated about the hat. why don’t you just let it wear the actual hat?
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we may never know the true intention, if he was really basing it on the emoji or was this actually inspired by wyb’s. his own way of trolling lol. or maybe someone was with him while making it. i can imagine him going: “lol lao wang it’s you!”
one person pointed out that the heart is a shock absorber used in playing tennis! it’s a nice detail cause we are aware that xz is into tennis, in addition, wyb has been lowkey taking up the sports too. was he playing and then at some point went outside and made this? who was he with? this is cpn territory so we think it’s wyb. what kind of cpf would i be if i didn’t find it cute that they experienced the first snow of the year together and made this. 🥹🥹🥹
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xzs also reposted this and their caption is the same as what they wrote back in 2019 for the snow video. yes, the same one that was heavily CPNd xz saying lao wang it’s snowing. we couldn’t hear it cause that bit was muted in the video which made it more sus. is this a clue? or are they too lazy to think of a new caption? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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the file size of the photo is also very small, 52 kb which leads people to think that it was sent from we chat or taken by wechat camera. so is this a leftover? it’s fine. we’re used to it.
this made me think that it’s the reason why he went online earlier today. but the thing is, he didn’t post it that time but in the afternoon. did he queue it somehow? oh well. i will continue to clown that it’s because he was checking out wyb’s photos 🤡
P.S : I see other cpfs talking about the heart shaped snow too since we’re in the topic of snow and bjyx. here’s the cpn for that if you haven’t heard of it or you wanna know the full story.
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empressofthewind · 7 months
Oh hey long time no bugging from me*
the empress I think you should totally look at the Japanese version of this. this is the English version. but!!!!! in my language version, they literally translate it into "you have an innocent heart but you occasionally use bad methods/tricks to ATTRACT SOMEONE (does not specify plural or singular) YOU LIKE. And isn't it a canon confirmation for Meronia??? And I find it bizarre that it's too different between the Eng version and this version. Now we need the Japanese version to justify it!!!
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(^ adding the screenshot of your other ask for additional context)
YES thank you for bringing this up!! i was actually thinking about this earlier today re: the discussion surrounding Mello's violent tendencies as a child - it's one of my favourite little tidbits from Volume 13.
there's a post from a now-deleted account regarding the Italian translation, which says exactly the same thing:
one of the reblogs also states that this is the same in French, so i'm guessing it's consistent across multiple translations! since it's from the quiz in Ryuk's journal i'm hesitant to take it as definitive evidence that Mello likes (or loves, as the Italian translation asserts) Near in canon, but rather a confirmation that this was Ryuk's interpretation. i definitely would say he's onto something though 👀
the online website i use for Volume 13 doesn't have a Japanese version, nor one in any other language unfortunately, and i had a really hard time trying to find one from a 20-minute googling expedition. so instead i'll put this in the tags in the hopes that someone else may either know the answer or have a copy of the Japanese version to translate :-)
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thighzp · 21 days
👀 and firstprince for ficlet friday please
wasn't sure if I was gonna get to more of these until tomorrow but it just started raining and I've lost motivation to do anything else! last we saw henry masturbating for self care, so please enjoy alex's version :) i wrote this listening to the pounding rain and noah kahan playing softly in the background ughhh what a vibe
some serious porn under the cut!
The scalding hot water pounded down against Alex's broad back, his head hung forward as he watched the droplets cascade from his curls to the shower floor. He felt like he had been crawling out of his skin all day. The tailored suit he wore in the court room felt like it was growing tighter and tighter throughout the proceedings, nearly suffocating him by the time they adjourned. To top it all off, he'd received a text from Henry that we was needed late at the shelter tonight to chaperone a social event for the older teens. Usually when he had a rough day in court, he wanted to come home and do one of two things: 1) Take Henry rough and dirty, railing him into the mattress with reckless abandon, and getting out all of his latent frustrations. Whispering filth in his ear that was all laced with love and adoration. 2) Let Henry take him apart piece by piece on the nearest item of furniture they could find once Alex made it inside the door. Sometimes he barely made it inside the door before Henry was clawing his clothes off and taking care of him immediately. Unfortunately, he could have neither option since he was in an empty house, so he resorted to the next best thing. He pictured Henry kneeled on the shower floor, the stream soaking his hair down and matting over his forehead. Those light eyelashes fluttering, blinking water out of them as he dutifully kept his eyes open so he could look into Alex's own with the intimacy they both craved. One hand reached out to rest against the wall for support as Alex's other hand began slow, languid strokes against his thickening cock. The water was decidedly less forgiving than lube or Henry's spit, but sometimes Alex enjoyed the slight friction it provided. He pictured tapping his dick on Henry's cheek, causing the blond to giggle and blush up at him, before opening those sinfully plush lips and taking him in. If Alex thought hard enough, he could almost picture the slick warmth of Henry's tongue on the underside of his shaft. He twisted his wrist at the head, the way Henry always teased with his tongue. With a slight press of his thumb into the slit, Alex let out a deep, wanton groan of Henry's name. Fuck, hearing his own moan echo off the shower walls was certainly better than no audio whatsoever. "Hen, oh fuck baby you feel so good," Alex moaned to no one. "Fuck yes Hen, love your fuckin mouth." Alex's own face grew hot, extending down his neck and chest. He was unsure if he was flush with the scorching shower water or his deep, growing arousal. And listen, dirty talk always did it for both of them in the bedroom. Far be it from Alex to deny himself that luxury even when he was alone. "That's it baby, take that fat cock," Alex grunted out and began thrusting rapidly against his fist. "Gonna take that load for me? Open your mouth baby, show me that tongue." He imagined drool dripping down Henry's chin as his tongue lolled out of his mouth, ready to take Alex's release. "F-fuck Henry I'm coming," Alex moaned breathlessly as his hips jerked a few more times and his orgasm wracked through him. His panting echoed throughout the spacious shower as he watched his white release circle the drain. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself as his brain came back online, thinking about how Henry would be disappointed that such a spectacularly large load went to waste.
FUCK THAT WAS DIRTY SORRY??? OR MAYBE NOT??? im actually sweating gotta go
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wellbelesbian · 11 months
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Shoulder To Shoulder, Hand To Hand
“Hey, can we talk?” Trixie asks me as we set off home, sliding into the seat in front of me and sitting backwards to face me, joined by Penny.
“Uh, sure.” I say, trying to push down the feeling that I’m somehow in trouble.
read chapter ten on ao3!
chapter ten already! it feels surreal that this fic has gotten so long, but i'm enjoying writing it so much! i think i'll miss it, once it's over... but onwards to NaNoWriMo, i guess!
anyway, i haven't done a wip wednesday today, but thanks for tagging me @j-nipper-95 @larkral and @forabeatofadrum! i'll just tag some hellos and post about my week under the cut to make up for not writing anything recently:
first up, look at this big boy i got! it is SO HEAVY.
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i actually got to see Edith Hall (and Jennifer Saint, but Edith is my classics crush (along with Natalie Haynes) (she also taught my sixth form teacher!)) at a talk this weekend, and she spoke about her connection to working class history in the area and suggested the book. it's the perfect combination of my interests, i almost vibrated out of my seat and my friend noted down the title for me without me even having to ask 😂
it's completely free online on places like kindle, google books and kobo, (which is good since hardback covers are like £130, and paperbacks like this are still fairly pricey. i got this secondhand at an absolute bargain of £13) and there's a very abridged version in this article she wrote if you just want some anecdotes. but yeah, i'm very excited to get into this.
and here are some lovely miners banners (hello, durham area 👀) that ally the miners with Roman soldiers. basically, a lot of miners would find Roman artifacts while digging and felt a kinship with the common footsoldiers of the Roman army, who did a lot of similarly thankless labour like building roads and, oh you know, Hadrian's Wall.
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second of all, my sister is due her baby any day now! i'm gonna be an auntie! she was due last sunday, and is getting induced on saturday if she still hasn't had him by then, so if i don't post on sunday, now you know why.
tags/hellos: @ileadacharmedlife @prettygoododds @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @imagineacoolusername @confused-bi-queer @ic3-que3n @forabeatofadrum @bazzybelle @theearlgreymage @aristocratic-otter @larkral @hushed-chorus @martsonmars @ivelovedhimthroughworse @blackberrysummerblog @fatalfangirl @ebbpettier @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @cutestkilla @youarenevertooold @alleycat0306 @artsyunderstudy @alexalexinii @shemakesmeforget @shrekgogurt and @j-nipper-95
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moonjxsung · 9 months
okay okay we're leaving annoying shit in the past year so i wanna start the new year by asking you *drum roll* what were your favorite fics you wrote last year? you can make a top 5 if you wish, pretend you're in top 5 breakdown by watcher (this reference will not make sense to most ppl probably but i had to make it)
also maybe some of your favorites or The™️ favorite quote you wrote? (maybe this one is impossible to answer bc you wrote like 500k words last year sorry)
can't believe my first ask when you're back is me being like fuckin oprah w you
so happy you're back bestie let's alllll have a good 2024 even if it's only in our silly blogs online
Oh my goodness I love this QUESTIONNNN you had me scrolling through my own masterlist and reading my work again for this 🥹🫶
Okay my TOP 5 FAVORITE FICS……. This was simultaneously a hard and an easy question at the same time but:
1. When the Rain Stops
2. Where the Storm Looms
3. Seasons
4. Biker!Minho drabble
5. VOYIS + B&B
I know most people are going to wonder where Lost in Translation is and I LOVE that fic, but weirdly it took me a very short amount of time to write so it never quite stuck with me like the others did! WTRS/WTSL series was my favorite series by far, it was just supposed to be porn with a plot and I literally spun a wheel with some options to determine where the characters would have sex, AND to pick which member it was going to involve 🤫 I was so reluctant when I got Minho bc I really wasn’t familiar with writing him but I think it created a completely new version of him in my mind and the character and world building just wouldn’t stop once I started it. It was also my most highly requested fic for a part 2 considering part 1 had a severe lack of resolution and I just fell in love with the characters (I think I was extremely Minho biased for weeks after finishing it lmao). Seasons was a challenge for me but I always love writing about Felix and I think putting myself in the headspace of that little town was super healing and I was SO sad when I reached the end of it. Biker Minho smut was probably my most self-fulfilling one regarding ✨spiciness✨ and maybe my most requested drabble for a part 2 (highly considering it if you guys want it? 👀) he’s just so FINE….. and last but certainly not least was VOYIS, I actually researched a lot of art techniques and I listened to a lot of classical music while writing this one so it was just an experience! I was immediately intrigued at the request itself, which is why it’s tied with Begged and Borrowed as they were the two I was so interested in I wrote them at the same time, literally switching back and forth between documents 😅
And a few favorite quotes (in no particular order):
1. “How could a higher power accept the felicitations of the same man who’s been fucking you behind the groom’s back? Within the four walls of which transforms hate to love, and sin to virtue? What a waste, Minho concludes again. What a waste to have loved this deeply, and to pacify your fears only for another man to reap the benefits. Try as Jung might, he’ll never know you the way Minho does. And the vast trench that separates you from Jung, one which paints a clear divide of friendship and his superficial love for you- that will remain permanent, too.”
- Begged and Borrowed
2. “And if you were to climb out of your body and paint this exact moment, all you would see are an indistinguishable, amorphous set of limbs that seem to dissolve into each other like hues of paint on a palette. Two colors swirling around to make one, the two of you like primary colors that create endless possibilities when mixed together like this, offspring of a hundred different shades, painting the darkened studio around you with your yearning for one another.”
- Visions of You in Solitude
3. “Except maybe simple wasn’t the solution all along- for once, he’s determined to bask in all your complexities, even if it means sacrificing everything he left the city to pursue.”
- When the Rain Stops
4. “But he feels it- he feels you, in this city, at every corner he turns. He sees traces of you in the people who smile at him when he passes them by. He sees you in the people who hold doors open for him, the baristas who make foam hearts in his lattes every morning, even the businessmen when they catch themselves admiring the beauty of the buildings on a smoke break. He sees you in all things good, when he’s reminded momentarily that the world has more to offer than boxing him in the confines of a dark bar out in the suburbs. And while he’s not completely in love with life all over again, it’s a start.”
- Where the Storm Looms
5. “The phenomenon begs the question- had the fire ever really stopped? Were you ever in the process of mending if not wailing like this, your vulnerability on display for the world to see as your walls are finally let down? Is this what it means to feel?”
- Seasons
Thank you for these questions, it’s good to be back 🫶💫 I love you! Let’s have an amazing 2024 🫶🩷💓
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therealcocoshady · 3 months
read somewhere its because of different licensing and distribution deals that makes the digital album unavailable but i mean he’s EMINEM💀 seriously doubt it would be difficult for him to get a licensing agreement (idk how this stuff works but im talking shit anyway)
Oh it actually makes sense… Different laws regarding cultural good and music distribution…
But hey… Universal Music Group is global and happens to have EU and UK headquarters if I’m not mistaken so… no excuse 👀.
At the end of the day, it’s their loss. Because we all know these bonus tracks will end up online and everyone will be able to listen to them anyway 🤷‍♀️.
As for me, I would have happily splurged for both versions and I know a ton of other UK & EU fans who would have done the same. So… their loss.
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blushydrangea · 6 months
God, I remember seeing that interview Plane did and thinking "ah well, it was fun and cute while it lasted," but then someone on twitter said to listen to the audio version... so I did... well... 4 seconds of silence have never felt so long OR loud, baby — and that's all I'll say LMAO!! And then they've been doing whatever the fuck they have been doing online and yeah I'm so back on my bullshit. The fact that the fandom is collectively also like "oh damn... Maybe they are together" does not help me either!! I don't think the fandom has ever reacted this way to a drag race duo that is possibly more than just a friendly duo, if yknow what I mean...
And yknow what, you're so right!! Where are these bitches?! I wonder if, possibly, they are actually doing the ice skating... that would feed my soul if ✈️🍌💎 did a joint episode omfg now I need it to happen
this is very old but i just saw it now! yes, i remember thinking "well it's over..." once the podcast interview came out, but then listening to it was so weird. like jane legitimately went from answering the questions in a very carefree and natural tone with lots of rambling to a sudden voice change, behavior change and a really short answer. i was like 👀, what're you hiding? but tbh it makes sense, if you're still figuring things out with a person, why would you air that out right? also nymphia seems like a private person (jane idk...)
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Hi there! I guess I'll use Tumblr a lot cause I've been abandoning it for more than a year haha- Guess I'll introduce myself!
For my online name, please call me Blossom.
Mutuals can call me by my actual name or nickname! If you accidentally call me by my real name or nickname, no worries, if you figure out what my real name/nickname is then you can choose either that or my online name (I mostly prefer my online name), just, not my full name obviously!
I want to remind everyone first that I am still new to this app! So any knowledge you guys have that I don't know will be helpful!
Fun fact! I have other Socials!
Instagram: the_underrated_artist789 (more active there than in here!)
I have YouTube, Discord, and kinda Twitter (?) but there are some stuff and confusing things about those apps that makes me not want to not share them here
YouTube: There are old videos there I consider cringy but I kinda want to keep them up? But eventually I'll put them down if I want to, Plus I don't post there as often or at all atleast
Discord: I feel like it's a little personal, I'll only share if you're a TRUSTED mutual, and that you're more confortable talking to me there, then I'll send it to you privately!
Twitter: Twitter is a confusing one here... I don't actually have the app lmao- I only use the website version, cause of it's reputation I refuse to have the actual app and since I use the website version there are times it forces me to use my email, I grudgingly had to use my google email so yeah, I guess I have twitter? But unsure, so for now no sharing sorry hehe-
I am a minor so please, No funny business.
Also, I am an Artist! 🎨
I will post them once in a while, and probably some that I never show in my Insta! 👀
Oh yeah speaking of art, I do allow reposts! Both with or without my permission! But PLEASE do credit me! It's all I ask for! Oh and uh, NO STEALING MY ART. Thank you! 😚
I am also Multifandom, and a Multishipper! But! I will probably post mostly one thing than another so bare with me! I can hyperfix on things so easily! And for ships I will probably ship more hetero ships than gay ones, but no worries! I too am part of the community and love some gay ships more than hetero ones!
Also I will obsess about MuiTan (Muichiro and Tanjiro) a lot so forgive me I love them and the ship itself a lot 🥺🥺❤️💙
My ask box will be open for questions, and requests! But if I never do or reply to your question/request, I am deeply sorry, sometimes I either forget or maybe never have the motivation to do so... I am a very forgetful person and my motivation for drawing can go up and down and I can never get the drawings I wanna do done, so no promises.. I hope you all can understand!
If I have maybe offended you in a post I'm obviously joking, but I don't think I would joke anything that would offend someone! But if I do ever joke something that pins me... Being racist or you know... Anything like that, it's probably my brother. But don't take it too harshly on him either, he's also a minor and young! And if his actions or my actions take it too far, I apologize heavily! Like I said before I am also young!
OH YEAH last thing, I am also very obsessed with the Tsugikuni and Tokito twins, it's not even a joke anymore, and I won't say sorry for being obsessed with them ok? 😭😭❤️❤️💙💙
Needless to say, I think I've said everything I've said! And in now I would like everyone to have fun, laugh and all that, Thank you! ❤️
If I have anything else to say, I'll edit this post! And if you have questions about me you can reply in this post or in my ask box thing! Thanks!
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uniformbravo · 1 year
i have obtained ITEMS.......
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so here's the rundown (short version):
1. BOY. SON BOY. IN MY POSSESSION. i fuckigng have him hes my son & hes REAL i can hold him in my hands right at this very moment waaaaaAAA i saw him on the shelf and yoinked him so fast aughgughgh....,.,.,..,, they had the two others in the set (a sensei and a little fox) but they were $15 each and i couldn't be dropping $45 like that 😭 but it's ok bc i got a fuckign real life natsume in my home i cannot fucking believe it HE'S SO CUTE. HE IS SO SMALL. SCREAMS
(kind of want to sculpt a tiny sensei for which to enplace beside him at his side..... right in the path of the leg that's abt to kick forward-)
2. BOOKE......... vol 22 of natsuyuu & holy shit what a GORGEOUS cover i wanna do a redraw of it so bad now that i FINALLY have it hsmgnsghj absolutely my fave cover in the series TBH. also this is a big deal bc it's one of the last few volumes i need to complete the series and it's SERIOUSLY hard to find rn (i will get into this more below but just know it's basically a miracle i have this 🙏)
3. ANIMORPHS WAAAAAA so the store i went to had a bunch of different shit including both manga & normal books (i see no difference love is love) so ofc i HAD to check the children's section and they had these two animorphs books for a few bucks each!! i honestly didn't really even pay attention to which ones they were beyond checking the numbers to make sure i didn't already have them but as soon as i got home i got a good look at them AND THEY ARE??? BOTH BANGERS????? YOOOOOOOOOO
#19 The Departure (butterfly book) is the one where cassie cheats death thru a bullshit morphing rules loophole and it's GREAT and oh yeah a lot of philosophical "see from the enemy's pov" gray morality stuff which goes so much harder than im making it sound.... it's always been one that stood out to me as a special one so i am Thrilled to have it
as for #33 The Illusion i fucken lost it when i recognized the cover IT'S THE BIRD TORTURE BOOK aka book where they are so so fucking mean to tobias #458283049 THEY ARE SO MEAN TO HIM LEAVE MY SON ALONE i love this book A LOT i cannot believe what these two books turned out to be w/o me even realizing it, and they were the only two animorphs books they had like??? god favors me
ok that was the short version now here's my saga:
SO FUNNY STORY LOL i've been rly into manga collecting videos on yt which frequently dip into manga shopping vlogs right. they go to stores & film the shelves & it's a lot of fun to see all the stuff they have but Most Importantly whenever they get to the N section my eyes ZOOM TF IN lookin for those natsuyuu spines bc i'm on the fuckin hunt and i'm obsessed i NEED to see what they have (which is why i always die inside whenever they skip over the entire naruto section bc natsuyuu is usually RIGHT after it and EVERYBODY MISSES IT slams fist on the ground)
the main thing i look for is volumes i don't have which is a dangerous game bc if i DID see smth i needed and was unable to obtain it i would simply perish and wither away on the spot because these last 3 volumes i need are SO IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND they are not ANYWHERE online except on ebay for like $150 which SUCKS so if i knew they were out there existing on a shelf completely out of my reach i wouldn't make it
anyway i was watchin a shopping vlog & this guy's like we're going to the book-off in this exact location and im like wowie that's near me maybe i should check it out sometime and he's like here's the manga section and im like 👁👁 bc ofc i am and it's not like he's showing every shelf in detail, doesn't even really look at the N section BUT what do i see with my Combat Trained Eagle Eyes
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(this is zoomed tf in on like the corner of the screen BUT IT'S VOLUME FUCKEN 22 BABEY DO U SEE IT UUAAHGH) (so bizarre to look at that screenshot now knowing that that book on the shelf is MY specific copy that i now own like god. i really did just reach into the screen and YOINK)
so i immediately check the video's upload date & it's only been a Week but also that portion of the video had been filmed a week prior to the rest of the footage and on top of that there's no telling how much time passed between filming and uploading so we have at LEAST 2 weeks definitely more on the docket so im like ooohhgh but also like i mentioned before. these books are fucken IMPOSSIBLE to find for a reasonable price online rn so i have absolutely nothing to lose ok
i call the place & ask abt it and they're like ya we have it forrr $7.99 and i scream in my head so so loud bc that's $2 below retail and like $75 below the asking price on ebay (some fucking goon is selling a goddamn raw unrestored library copy for over $80 hello?????? absolute clown behavior SMH meanwhile this below retail copy is in Wonderful condition it's BEAUTIFUL)
ik i said earlier that i was "nearby" the location in the video but that was a lie it's a fucking hour drive which is Small Price To Pay for Natsume's Book of Friends Vol 22 by Yuki Midorikawa in MY mind but since i don't drive i had to find someone who agreed w/ me lmfao. the store does not ship either to ur home or to a closer location so i had literally no other option and on top of that they only do same day holds on items, to stress out Me Specifically (joking tho they were so so nice. the person i spoke to was like "well this series doesn't sell v often and we've had it for a while, so there's a good chance it'll still be here whenever you can come out" like 😭 they didn't have to reassure me like that but they did and it helped me make it thru the week goddamnit)
so luckily i was able to get out there the very same weekend and like bro. they have so much shit it's a rly cool store... i believe they have new items but their whole thing is resale & second-hand stuff so u can find some rly neat stuff there... i spent so long in the merch section oh my god. they have this entire aisle that's just pins & buttons & charms and it's absolute madness, like This Shit (different location but same idea)
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and good god u would not BELIEVE the sheer amt of ososan stuff they had there, i genuinely believe a flat 50% of it was just ososan AT LEAST (even in this pic i can see a kara on that second shelf there gksdngskdf 2nd to last row on the far right), i think i would have died if i'd gone there during the height of my obsession bc holy shit. why did they have so much osomatsu san. it was bananas (i might've gotten smth if i found one i liked but it was mostly like official art lookin stuff & that style doesn't rly appeal to me so rip. there were a LOT of karas & ichis tho)
anywayyyyy i shouldn't have spent so much time going thru all that but among the sea of buttons & pins were those rubber character charms here and there which i WAS interested in, specifically bc one of the kimi to boku sets i want so dearly is the rubber charms like LOOK at them.........
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i am not only screaming & crying but ALSO throwing up LOOK AT THEMMMMM i would die for all 5 of them. anyway they didn't have any of em as far as i could see which wasn't that surprising since it's not a very well-known series but also i saw a million guys i'd never seen in my life in that section so IT WAS POSSIBLE..........
i wandered around the books section for a while bc i wasn't ready for the manga yet (busy aisle) & that's where i found the animorphs WHICH btw are in SUCH good condition like obvs the pages are yellowed but the covers & spines are clean af and both of the cover illustrations underneath are intact so i'm super happy abt that!! i looked around for a few other things just for fun, like they had a few deltora quest books, neither of the ones i need but it was still neat to see. o they also had a copy of wayward son (simon snow book 2) which was rly fun bc hey i know those guys!!! need to get back to reading their shit rly bad but uh u know!!!!! i will
the manga section wasn't super big, just like. one aisle, both sides. they had alphabetical markers to organize them but man things were pretty out of order within each section so i hope i didn't miss anything gskdnkfdg.... it's not like i was planning on buying a whole lot but i did have a list of things to keep an eye out for and if they happened to be a good price then,,,
i didn't find anything tho rip. i rly wanted to check out some japanese manga too but it didn't look like they had any so i was like oh well but fuckin. i'm SO mad at myself, the next morning i found out that APPARENTLY all the jpn manga's in the dollar outlet version of the store they had upstairs, which i KNEW existed but didn't end up checking out gjgaughagjsdgj i'd even thought about asking one of the employees if they had any but i DIDN't and now im DYING oh my god. i'll never be able to get out there again, not any time soon, this was like a One Time Thing i'm so OTL
(i was gonna look for like, natsuyuu fanbooks, some of midorikawa's other works, maybe some monthly magazines like the one natsuyuu gets published in if they even had that sort of thing.... oogh im lying down)
anyway i pretty much checked out after that, they had my book at the counter bc i had called ahead to place a hold JUST TO BE SAFE..... who knows how many other people watched that guy's video and paused obsessively over that one part bc they caught a glimpse of natsuyuu spines in the bg and spotted the elusive vol 22 sitting Right There for all the world to see and immediately started planning how to get out there asap before it disappeared like a dream evaporating into mist as soon as you wake up
anyway that's where the book shopping saga ends but the last magical thing that happened was the mall had a somisomi aka taiyaki babeeyyyyyyy (v exciting bc the one at my local mall is GONE) so i got some w the taro filling (taro my beloved) and it was THE BEST
somisomi's main thing is like, ice cream taiyaki (left) but i always just get the regular kind (right) bc hmnmgnhm i like the it
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so that concludes my funny lil weekend trip, even if i missed the outlet store i still got some super gr8 stuff & i'm v happy about it ;v;
ok addendum (i didn't know where else to put this): i realized in the middle of writing this that getting the lil natsume meant i could actually fuckin update my myfigurecollection page for the first time since making an acct gkjgskndgkd so i did that but it was a CURSE bc I GUESS there's a new natsume figure that i didn't know about and it's SO FUCKING CUTE IM IN AGONY
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HE'S SO CUTE AAAAAAHHGHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭 I'M HAVING AN ANEURYSM OOOOGHHHH HE'S WEARING THE HAT i adore that hat and his scarf & coat & the way he's stumbling? running?? AND SENSEI'S LIL OUTFIT STOPPPPPPPPPPPP my life is fucking over i cant take this goodbye. farewell. sora death noise.mp3
ok this is really the end thank u for ur time o)-<
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schnaf · 2 years
@loveyouhomex tagged me, thank you ♥
1. Why did you choose your url?
short version: i used it on another site before. long version: one time, when i was really bored at school, i doodled some animals and everything felt normal, but then i realized the animal i doodled wasn't a regular animal but a sheep - snail hybrid - a schnaf in german, if you will. a few days later, i decided to make a new account on my first (and up to that point only) fanfic site because after one year, i felt like i needed a new start. but it felt rather temporary - i left the old account after not that long either and i thought i'd stay on the new account even shorter. so i just picked a random name - the animal i came up with a few days before. joke's on me, it became my identity.
2. Any side blogs?
yeah, i have a football side blog where i posted pics i took at matches, i have a side blog for a former fandom but i lost interest in it as soon as i created the side blog so... sorry, no new side blogs for fandom, i'm a one blog mess once again ♥ also several shared blogs for projects and stuff
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
i deserve senior discount and stuff, it's been a bit over 11 years now
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i once used a word, then i used q, then i decided to just let people know EVERYTHING is on queue here. also if i'm actually online and posting... no i'm not ♥
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
a friend of mine had tumblr and she always sent me posts of cute animals and footballers and one day i was like "ah imma join the source" - again, it didn't feel like a big decision and i didn't think it'd last that long
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's a screenshot from this video
gaon was insane for this. that's all.
7. Why did you choose your header?
it's from the hair cut mv and it's just such a peak scene....... THE VIBES THE COLORS the two pretty bois hehe. added bonus is gaon's "welcome" but well, couldn't put that into a gif.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
it's a sernando gifset 😭😭 a friend back then was like "oh there was a sernando moment right now" so i looked it up immediately and was like "you know what? imma make a gifset right away" and it still gets notes nowaday, even though it was such a short moment and rather low effort
9. How many mutuals do you have?
almost all the people i follow are mutuals, that's very nice ♥
10. How many followers do you have?
quite a bunch ♥
11. How many people do you follow?
a few less than follow me
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
have i ever not made a shit post
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
too often
14. Did you ever have a fight / argument with another blog?
👀 why would i, the most peaceful person on this webbed site, have an argument, let alone a fight, with someone on here. so yeah the answer is yes
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog posts’?
the good old "reblog this or you're a shitty person" stuff sucked, but it almost died out? it got a little revival through the polls tho. currently, there are those instructions how to be a good blogger and how to avoid looking like a bot and it's like reblog stuff!!!! and oof. i mean it's valid but it's pretty annoying. also i don't want people to reblog stuff bcs they feel like they have to - they should do it on their own will. for example, sometimes, i feel like network people only reblog each others post and compliment each other because they have to (or feel like they have to) and oof that's pretty annoying. but 🐸☕
16. Do you like tag games?
it may not look like it because it takes me such a long time to answer them, but there's a reason why i keep them in my likes and answer them even after a long time ♥ so yesss!
17. Do you like ask games?
same as above!
18. Which of your tumblr mutuals is tumblr famous?
you shouldn't be famous on tumblr
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i heard they're all on tumblr, that's pretty embarrassing, so... no ://
20. Tags
@jcamilov06, @blacks-phoenix, @sunshine304, @ker-sunshine, @eyes-of-simha, @xjungsu, @todaviia, @manuelmueller, @chipsyio and @jorzuela - do itttt ♥
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notasapleasure · 2 years
In case anyone is curious about the remaining Adventures, here’s what’s lined up:
One 90 minute episode of Maigret (Rowan Atkinson funny little detective man series? Could be fun, could be awful and one scene wonder time again. I’m so scared it’ll be Houdini & Doyle standard)
Head Full of Honey (Nick Nolte film about dementia. But one for the dungarees fans 👀)
A whole season of Hard Sun (dystopian conspiracy stuff that I'm hoping to enjoy on its own merits, but OH GOD will the second peer please stay online for more than a minute at a time I've been waiting for days for this to finish).
And down the line (when I'm not pissing all our cash on vet bills/house moving) I'll get a month's subscription to NT at home for the three plays on there: Dara, The Beaux' Stratagem and Othello (2013).
And that's all I can find for now. If anyone else wants to do any digging or knows of any resources I might not have checked, I am missing:
Naachle London (*SOB* I WANT TO SEE IT SO BAD)
2012 ‘first Bollywood film shot entirely in London’. There’s a trailer and some song vids on YouTube, and a bunch of blog posts by the script-writer about how his original concept was changed massively but not to let that kind of thing get you down as a young writer, and if I were a cinema wanting to screen it I could contact the distributors, but...not a single whiff of a complete digital version.
The Unforgettable
Steamy Indian drama from 2009 (there are three trailers for it on its vimeo page, but I’m not convinced Joplin’s in any of them). There’s only four cast members and it’s written by two women, and seems to be about an MRA type guy (not Joplin) having his theories challenged by a liberated woman. ngl the trailers look Bad, but in a way that if I got hold of it I could bring this site down with the deluge of screenshots.
A short film: Arman (2016)
I just can’t track this down at all. Arman is a mystery. It looks like some kind of Armenian Borat?
Old seasons of soaps that I can’t find archived anywhere
Doctors s4 (2002) and s7 (2005), Holby City s9 (2006), and those episodes from EastEnders (2000) that were missing from the run I found. Holby City is particularly vexing, because he’s in a two episode run. There’s also missing persons drama Beck (1996) - which must be pre-cricket-ball-to-the-face - but because of the contemporary Scandi crime drama of the same name it would be a bitch to track down anyway, even if not for the fact that “Notably, the series has never been released on DVD.”
The Stretch (Sky TV movie, 2000)
Please don’t ask me to search for torrents of ‘the stretch’ :’))
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