#oh btw it's 3 am and I have work tomorrow
binch-i-might-be · 2 years
scritch scratching a rat's furry little chin >>>>>
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parasolids · 1 month
i am having a genuine core memory type of bad day today like serious SERIOUS things are going down and i missed a flight because genuine life changing events are happening and got put on standby for another which got delayed multiple times til i would’ve missed my connecting flight home and anyways it was overbooked so i didn’t make it on, and then now five hours after they left me at the airport im finally heading home and i was like “well at least i can eat the fries i bought that i didn’t get to eat yesterday” but my useless cousin who has not only been completely useless through this weeks long ordeal but has also been making things worse stepped in and ate the whole giant box of fries cause he “thought we were leaving” even though my mom clearly left half her stuff behind at the house and told him we did not make our flight so she was going to stay in town and try and get me home and also this whole situation (except for the fries) is straight up my fault cause i didn’t wanna get out of bed for 20 minutes when we woke up and like normally this would be fine especially since i went to bed at 2 am packing suitcases and then had to wake up at 7 and also slept super poorly anyways but i still have no self discipline and everything has gone wrong because of that
#i should be freshly showered and in bed right now having a good cry#i’m genuinely seething at my cousin btw we keep asking him to do the most basic things and he makes some excuse#and then it turns out to be a lie#like my cousin is stronger/bigger than i am so my mom wanted his help w the suitcases#and we went out for one last dinner last night but he kept telling my mom he wanted to go home and sleep bc his job starts early#and getting irritated at her when she tried to take two minutes to finish eating#anyways we went home early and he did not go to bed. we could hear him gaming and yelling at the computer til we went to bed at 2 am#and his job starts at 3 am so he can’t have actually been worried about sleeping#oh he also just didn’t go to work and this is like a repeated occurrence#and he didn’t bother seeing us off to the airport or wake up til like 11#when i called him saying we needed him to bring my passport and it was an emergency#idk this all seems like super trivial but my mom is straight up handling a tragedy alone#i won’t deny that i haven’t really been useful but i’ve been coming along everywhere on top of remote working from here#meanwhile he’s kinda just been at home gaming and not leaving his room#i can kind of excuse his brother who’s also been at home but he’s also like super obviously been prepping for a super rough final and idk#ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. can you at least have some decency and like#try not to pile more work on my mother who is dealing with one of the worst things that can happen to her#and try to use your parents not being around as an excuse to run around town with your friends#while lying to my mom and saying you need to sleep or work or yeah you’ll be straight home (you’re going for lunch with your buds)#i mentioned something about how i’ve spent time with him instead of my friends when he’s visiting us and he was like ‘you have friends?’#i don’t know man i can’t cry in bed i can’t sleep cause they keep the house cold#basic functioning is making me miserable with the brain issues i don’t know what to do#cause if i go home im going to be in the exact same situation just#with a better bathroom and a guitar and feeling useless and sad because i can’t help#anyways i need to text my boss to let her know no shot i can make it tomorrow#which feels awful cause i was supposed to get back A WEEK AGO i had to extend i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here
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oysterie · 2 years
god like. the problem okay actually no more posting the screen is like 4 words behind what im typing oh my god
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nebbyy · 5 months
I have a request, if youre taking them.
Baldwin's wife sneaks into the battle in 1177 with sixteen year old Baldwin, his reaction and what not. make it your own, just thought this would be cool
King Baldwin x reader - My archangel
A/N: I absolutely LOVE this idea! I've never thought of a scenario like this before, so thank you so so much for the suggestion<3
Sorry if this took so long btw, I haven't been active lately because of school and work😔😔
As always, painting is "The Crown of Love" by John Everett Millais (it's so funny to me for no reason, it just makes me think of how Baldwin would be physically dragging you out of danger).
Summary: During the most importante battle of his life so far, the last person king Baldwin expected to see on the battlefield was his newlywed wife
Warning: war, but it's more of a background thing, mentions of injuries and a hint at misogynism
Word count: 5433
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It had been decided. Jerusalem's knights and soldiers would be riding towards Saladin's army at dawn, led by their king, King Baldwin IV of Anjou. Your Baldwin.
The mere idea that tomorrow your husband would find himself fighting face to face against the most fearsome of his enemies terrified you, especially knowing that you could do nothing to protect him. He had expressly said he did not want you or his sisters anywhere near the battlefield, it was too risky. You should have waited for his return, for him to be victorious astride his steed, now lying lifeless on a black bed.
You closed your eyes, begging your mind to spare you from the projection of that macabre image in your head. But you could do nothing against these emotions, which were tearing at your mind and spirit. You could not remain still and impassive, obedient and elegant as you always were as a young princess, then as a wife and now as a queen.
No, that image of you had to slumber, if only for a while. You did not have your kingdom on your mind at that moment, only Baldwin and the overwhelming desire to be close to him.
You cursed your nature for making you a woman, for not having had the opportunity to learn the art of arms and war. You cursed your long robes that prevented you from any daring movement, and your limbs because even if they were able to move freely they would not have the strength to even wield a sword.
As Baldwin fell asleep in your arms, exhausted by the fatigue that this imminent battle was costing him, and you held him close to your heart as if to compel him eternally into your embrace, you weaved a plan in your mind. A plan not to leave him alone at dawn, to stay as close to him as possible.
Because even if it was the day God would claim your husband's soul, at least you wanted to be near him as he took his last breath.
How selfish you were, not even death would have been left for him. But then again, poets have been saying it for centuries, love is the gravest form of madness.
You woke up in an empty bed, the spectre of a kiss floating on your bare shoulder where Baldwin's lips had rested a few moments before, when he had to arouse himself to lead his army into battle. And despair pervaded you almost immediately, when when you woke up still no idea had come to your mind to stay by his side, after you had hoped that sleep would grant you a solution to your problem.
Unable to hold back tears of frustration and despair, you summoned your favourite handmaiden, your nurse, old to almost retirement but cunning as a mischievous child. You wept on her welcoming lap, clutching the fabric of her robe in your fists.
"Oh Agnes, how unfair is my fate as a woman. I am asked to stand by my husband's side all my life and yet I am denied a place beside him in these dark times. And they tear him from my arms and leave me here, alone and helpless, these monstrous Saracens!" She looked at you with sympathetic eyes, stroking the long hair that fell from your shoulders, which resembled the waves of the sea as they shook slightly from your sobs. "What can I do, Agnes? You who always have a quick tongue to give solutions to my every worry, tell me what I can do, before his horse and troops are too far away to be seen."
She, like a mother consoling a child who has injured himself while playing, took your face with one hand, inviting you to turn your gaze towards her. As she wiped the tears that streaked your cheeks with her thumb, she spoke softly to you, although her tone had a hint of her typical mischief in it: "My lady, weeping over your fate does not suit you. Instead, I propose you run. Make haste to the armoury, there you are sure to find armour left behind by some lord. Do you follow me? Well, you will simply have to put on the armour, carrying a pair of your husband's breeches underneath. And keep your helmet tightly closed, so that it cannot be seen that beneath the armour there is not a brutish knight, but a beautiful queen.
Go out of the palace through the servants' passages, and buy the horse of the first man you find. Not yours, in the royal stable they would notice his absence. And then all that remains is for you to ride, ride as fast as you can, to reach the Christian encampments as soon as possible, which by then will have been set up. Remain aloof, and reveal yourself to your husband only. And do so at night, in his tent, where no unwanted eyes can see your unexpected encounter. Is it all clear, my lady?"
You merely nodded frantically with eyes wide in wonder and relief. You practically leapt into the air, quick to grab the first slip you could find and a pair of cheap shoes that you could ruin with all your impending travels. You were about to leave the room, but stopped for a moment at the threshold, before turning back to Agnes to hold her tightly in a warm embrace.
"What would I do without you, my dear. You are even better than a guardian angel, I wouldn't be surprised if one day you left some white feathers behind!" The woman squeezed you affectionately before pushing you away playfully, urging you to get out and go and do whatever she directed. "It is the job of a nurse, to solve a child's problems in the same way as a mother. But hurry now or the battle will be over before you have even found a helmet!"
You laughed lightly as you wiped the dried tears from your cheeks, wasting no more time in rushing to get what was necessary to implement your plan. You rushed in front of the crate containing Baldwin's clothes, tossing robes and shirts in the air until you found breeches fit for a ride. You hastily donned them, then dashed down the long corridors of the palace.
Once in the armoury, you began to spin like a wheel, desperately searching with your eyes for any armour. You weren't picky, anything would have been more than enough: you'd have been fine with just a breastplate, chain mail, simple shoulder straps,… But most of all, you needed a helmet. And that you found almost immediately in your mad search. It was crudely moulded and already bore a few dents on the sides, but you paid no attention to it, it was enough to conceal your identity.
You also found a breastplate, and that was all you needed. You considered taking a sword with you too, but quickly changed your mind: it might be foolish to most, but you hoped that if an enemy found you unarmed, his honour would prevent him from challenging you to a fight.
And then, your focus on your sword quickly faded as you remembered that you still had no horse to reach the battlefield. Running awkwardly, like a child ambitiously trying on his father's far too large armour, you stepped back into the corridors, this time frantically searching with your eyes for a servant to follow towards the back exit.
It must have been a hilarious scene from an outside observer, a burly swineherd looking perplexed over his shoulder as a half-armed knight los eguiva like a tin puppet through the narrow corridors. But the scene was short-lived, for after a couple of turns you finally reached the palace exit, and emerged into the crowded streets of the city.
I had to move my helmet slightly above my eyes to better see the road around you, scanning the area for any horse. You could only see two camels, a few cows, a hen with her small flock of chicks, but no horse in sight. But just when you were about to give up hope, a mysterious force swept over you.
More than mysterious force, you were almost overwhelmed by a horse held on the bridle by a dirty, smelly man. "Out of the way, kid!" Looking at the man with wide eyes, taking good care to make sure your helmet covered your features well, you strained to speak in the most naturally deep voice you could muster, attempting to fool the yokel into mistaking you for a mere boy.
"Sir how much… how much are you asking for your horse?" He laughed, opening his mouth wide and exposing his few remaining teeth, yellow and frayed, and looked at you with a look of paucity and mockery, "You're going off to war without even a horse? The Saracens will impale you like a spit, son. Not that the battle would do you any good either way, with the child king we have, they will all be wiped out. before they even reach those bloody Arabs!”
You clenched your jaw so tightly that you thought your teeth might blow out from the pressure, so hard were you trying to suppress your anger at that disrespectful commoner. Breathing slowly, trying to calm your nerves, you spoke in stiff, icy words, "30 shillings. And you leave me the saddle" The man's eyes widened, incredulous at how much a young man was willing to pay for his old, shabby horse. But he wasn't complaining at all; in fact, better for him if the thirst for war drove the youth of today to such lengths. If only he had known that it was not the bloodlust of a daring young man that was before him, but instead the affectionate madness of a desperate wife.
He did not even answer, stretched out his open hand in front of him where a moment later a bag full of coins fell. He opened it for good measure, making sure the hefty sum was true. When he was satisfied, he slowly handed you the bridle, dazed by the small fortune he was holding.
You hoisted yourself awkwardly onto the horse, and it was not a quick operation as it seemed almost impossible for you not to fall off the horse, so much was the armor restricting your every move and weighing you down. After a few minutes of tribulation, you finally steadied yourself in the saddle and with a firm gesture of your leg, spurred the steed, which galloped off in an instant.
At a gallop, the city didn't seem nearly so big. Nor did the streets seem so crowded, perhaps because the people spread out like the sea in front of Moses as you passed, trying to escape the unpleasant fate of being swept away by the running horse and its mysterious rider. You felt as if you were sailing through the waves of the sea, with people's heads bobbing up and down, a current of movement pushing you closer and closer to the city gates. No one paid much attention to you as you crossed the threshold into the kingdom of heaven, most just thought you were a careless rider who had fallen behind, perhaps this was your first battle. Whatever your problem was, it was not about the wall guards. And so your figure disappeared from the sight of the remaining citizens in the city, vanishing into the vastness of the endless desert.
You did not know quite how long you rode, how many hours it took you before you began to locate even the slightest trace of the passage of the army of Jerusalem. At first it was only small details, marks left on the ground, mainly trinkets possibly dropped to the soldiers during the ride. Then the signs of their passage became more prominent, when around a small oasis you even found a few abandoned spears, probably forgotten back by some careless soldier.
And you stopped there for only a moment, as thirst would have prevented you from going any further. As you drank from the body of water, your mind travelled in thought to your husband; who knows if he too drank from this spring? And if so, how long has it been? Will he be far from here? What would he say when he saw you retracing the passage he and his troops were tracing? At that last thought a shiver ran down your spine, most likely he would not be very happy to know you were so close to danger. You shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the image of the look that Baudouin would give you if he saw you at that moment, alone, barely armed in the vast and merciless desert, with no escort to protect you…
You only hoped that the surprise and joy of seeing you at such a tragic moment might cloud his mind from any concern he might have for you. In the meantime you had quenched your thirst enough. Regaining the reins of your horse, and after a series of ministrations to remount the saddle, you resumed your ride towards the battle with the unknown outcome.
As you rode with the wind blowing in your face, with nothing to entertain or distract you, your mind could not but return again to Baldwin. You could not help it, for fear for his fate had been tearing at your soul for days without respite, ever since it was announced that a battle would take place.
Baldwin was too young for all this. He was barely of marriageable age, he could barely reign without a regent at his side, he was hardly considered more than a child, many nobles even refused to call him an adult! And then there was his illness, which although not yet crippling, had already begun to expand its deadly effect on his body, numbing his nerves and making it impossible for him to wield his right hand properly. It was really unfair, that a man in his condition should lead an army to what everyone considered certain death.
Death at the hands of the Saracens, who were rumoured to be as many as ten times the number of the army of Jerusalem. A sob escaped from your mouth, followed by a faint stream of tears that ran down your cheeks, but they were short-lived on your face, the dry desert wind dried them in no time.
Only an instant seemed to pass, time to bring a hand to his face to wipe away the dried saline tears. Yet when your gaze focused again on the landscape in front, you saw a few hundred metres away a series of white tents, a few faint rows of smoke rising in the air, a massive cross set with precious gems, leaning against a rough wooden construction. It was the camp of the Jerusalem army.
Getting off your horse, you advanced hesitantly through the camp. Looking around, you noticed the stunned gazes of soldiers and horsemen watching you, some intrigued by your unkempt armor, some confused by your clumsy way of moving. But although the attention of their gazes made you stop breathing, fearing that you had been discovered, but fortunately it was short-lived, all the men were too tired from the exertions of the journey to investigate even this oddity. Taking you for an inexperienced little boy, they looked away from you and proceeded to drag their aching limbs back to their respective tents.
But although no one gave you more than the attention you give any stranger on the street, your heart would not stop beating furiously in its cage. You quivered at the mere thought of seeing your husband again, who although he had recently separated from you, already felt as if you had not seen him for an eternity. And your soul screamed at the idea that this might be the last time you would see him alive, and urged your legs to move faster. From hesitant strides, your gait grew brisk, impatient, and faster and faster until you burst into a frantic run through the expanse of white tents.
You scanned one, two, ten, a hundred, so many that by now they seemed to you an endless bundle of the same white cloth. But although your hope gave no sign of existing from your mission, your legs were beginning to give out under the constant strain you had subjected your body to for endless hours. You had no choice but to stop to catch your breath, resting your hands on your trembling thighs as you gasped for breath. And it was in that very instant, while you neither heard nor saw anything but the roar of your heart echoing in your ears and the rough ground flattened by the heavy footsteps of the soldiers, dark because of the blurred evening light, that you heard it. That voice.
"We will discuss this tomorrow, now I need the rest" "Certainly, my lord." The dialogue was followed by a knight of high lineage who came out of the tent in front of which you had pulled up to rest. He did not even dignify you with a glance, and you could not care less, for it was not him you were interested in. He was the first man to speak who had captured your complete attention, making the whole world fade away around you. It was a jovial voice, full of life despite obvious tiredness. It was a boy's voice. It was Baldwin's voice.
You sidled up to the curtain of the tent and, before opening your mouth, breathed slowly, tending not only to ease your nerves but also to modulate your voice to make it more masculine, deeper. The deception was to be revealed only when you were alone in the tent, away from prying eyes.
"My king, I know you are now bereft of strength, but grant me a brief interview with your majesty." You could visualize him rolling his eyes, puffing silently and running his good hand over his eyes, as he was always wont to do when any courtier demanded his attention while he was already lying in your arms. And as whenever this familiar event took place, similarly Baldwin made an effort in this case to stand up and mutter a reply, unaware that the subject behind the cloth was not just any boy, but his beloved wife. "I'm afraid I'm in no condition for a meeting at the moment. We will discuss whatever you need tomorrow." Panic grew in you hearing him so indisposed. After all, you should have expected it; he had more to think about than granting an interview to an anonymous soldier. In an instant, however, you changed your strategy, if you couldn't convince him you would have to bait him, "Please, sir, give me a few minutes! I bring with me a great surprise, a gift that I know will fill your heart with joy and restore your energy!"
He paused, as if weighing his options. At least that was what you thought, but in truth Baldwin was wondering if he was going crazy. If he had only dreamed, due to exhaustion and fatigue, that the voice speaking to him from outside the tent was not any young man's, but a disguise meant to hide the angelic melodic voice of his beloved wife. Were it really her, Baldwin would not have wasted a moment in throwing open the door for her, taking her into his arms and carrying her to his momentary abode, where her presence alone could be savored by him.
But he knew it could not be possible: you, his beloved wife whose image constantly pervaded his mind, were thousands and thousands of feet away, safe within the walls of your palace, as you had promised him. It was just not possible that you were the one hiding outside the tent, his hopes were just a cruel game of his mind. But by now his attention had been caught by the stranger so eager to talk to the king, to give him this phantom gift. Perhaps there would have been cause for concern, for thought of possible deception or assault by an enemy spy, but Baldwin did not give the thought more than a second's attention, before sighing softly and turning away, gazing back at the white fabrics of the tent. "Very well, come forward then. I hope this surprise you tell me about is really that formidable."
You came close to slinging yourself into the tent, throwing yourself into Baldwin's arms in an instant, and never letting go. But you still couldn't do it; it was too risky. You merely placed a hand on the side of the fabric that closed the curtain, pulling it to go through and letting it fall back behind you. And there you stood, facing Baldwin, clad in that armor far too large for your size, your heart pounding wildly from both the fatigue of the journey and the excitement. And he slowly, with a phlegm as elegant as the waters of a stream, turned to reveal the identity of his mysterious visitor, and you had already freed your face from the tortuous confines of the helmet you had worn for endless hours.
His eyes widened, wide as never before. Perhaps for the first time in his life, Baldwin could say he was truly, truly surprised. A thousand emotions passed from his face, from astonishment, to joy, to anger, and then to sadness, and then to astonishment again. For a moment he seemed about to open his mouth, but he stopped, opting instead to run to you, putting his arms around you, holding you tight and lifting you off the ground so tight was his grip. "My affection, how can you be so foolish! This is no place for you, so far from home, close to the enemy… You promised me you would stay safe, let me go, let me protect you! How could you do something so rash, you who are always so wise? Alone through the desert, what if the enemy had met you before I got here? What would I have done if your lifeless body, tortured by the Saracens, had been brought to me?"
His voice was exhausted, worn out by weariness and emotion that blocked his throat and threatened to make hot tears fall from his white cheeks. His words were harsh and stern, but devoid of any reproach: it was his fear speaking, his fear of seeing you the next day among the stacked bodies of war victims. And as he spoke he held your arms, shook you lightly, and in the process interrupted himself to place chaste kisses on your face, as if through the touch of his lips he was trying to convince himself that you were really there, standing before him. That it was not a mere illusion, a game of his mind.
Gently, with a touch as light as the morning wind, your hands went up his chest to his beautiful face, which you lovingly cupped. "I swore before God that I would not abandon my place at your side until the breath leaves my body. I have enjoyed with you wealth, pomp, and good fortune. But what you have granted me to witness is only half of the aspects of a nuptial union. Poverty, sickness, and the misery of war are the woes that touch every human being, and which two spouses are expected to face together. So now, my king, I beseech you, do not deny me a place at your side as you fight for the honor and freedom of the Holy Land, do not deny me a duty that has been mine since you and I were joined in eternity. It is unjust what you have subjected me to, to have to watch you ride away from me, toward the worst of dangers! And how could you think I would let you go just like that, without opening my mouth? Now we are even, I have retraced the path you yourself have traced, as bereft of safety as you were bereft of my presence. And now together we face this mortal danger, which, however, will never hold a candle to the pain that distance from you brings me!"
Baldwin's eyes softened, though they had a melancholy note in them. He inhaled with shuddering breath, and his grip became softer on your body, his hands descended from his arm to your waist, always holding you as close as physically possible.
"I was always told that silence honors women. This does not suit you, for depriving you of speech robs you of the royalty that makes you my queen. I ask your forgiveness, my angel, for leaving you alone in such a dark time. But try to understand my choice, how self-centered would I have been to ask you to come with me, in the midst of the greatest danger? It was simply too much for me, my beloved, the burden on my heart, begging me to do all that was permissible to keep you safe, even if that necessitated keeping you away from me. You are too far away now for me to send you back to the palace with an escort, and my heart could not bear to part with you for even another hour. You will stay here, ruling your people as you should. But please do not do me the wrong of setting foot on that bloody battlefield tomorrow. If even God decides that tomorrow my hour has come, and I fall lifeless on the bloody ground, do not move a step, do not show any sign of weakness. Don't follow me into the afterlife, don't even think about it: I know full well that I will never have the honor of lying eternally by your side, I am not worthy of it, so don't jeopardize your precious life in the name of an eternity by my side."
You did not respond, and silence fell. Squeezing together for another moment, you broke away shortly thereafter only to move to the bed set up in his tent, not as luxurious as his usual palace bed but certainly far more comfortable than the hay bunks in which soldiers elsewhere rested. Clinging to each other, you remained silent for a few moments. Or maybe it was hours, neither of you knew. Nor did you care, knowing how much time had passed, how much more separated you from the inescapable fate that awaited you the next day. Silent tears streaked your faces, sobs and sighs filled the air of the room. Then, you took courage to open your mouth, your voice soft and melancholy, weakened by weeping. "How unfair is our fate, affection. How bitter is my soul, knowing that tomorrow I must witness such a slaughter, an open-air slaughterhouse in which you yourself may become yet another victim."
As your first response you heard a snort from your husband, who squeezed you tighter for a moment, as if to secure you beside him, engulf you in his body. His lips pressed against your temple, placing a gentle kiss there, and they remained resting there even as he began to speak, "I know, I know my angel. I too wish things were simpler, that I could retire from this world, go and live with you, away from all this chaos, all this violence. You don't know how much I would have liked to abdicate, to leave the throne to Sybilla and her husband. They would have been good rulers, if only dear William had not passed away so soon. And so we have only to live like this, my beloved. To live perpetrated by the duties and horrors that mankind is capable of, all in the name of God's affection," a pause, a look that said a thousand silent words, and then resumed, "in the name of my affection for you… Tomorrow it will be an honor for me to fight, for like the valiant Lancelot, who fought to his last breath in the name of beautiful Guinevere. I do not care if my life will be endangered, if I return wounded and maimed more than leprosy is already reducing me. No, I don't care, because at the end of the day, whether my heart still beats or not, I know that I will return to lie in your arms.
And that makes up for all the injustices I will have to face." The last words were whispered, softened by a deep affection that numbed the senses and made everything as graceful as the clouds in the sky.
More tears streamed down your rosy cheeks, but you tried to conceal them by hiding your face in the crease of Baldwin's neck. The tone grew sterner for a moment as he resumed speaking, intimating you to listen with a grip on your shoulder. "Just promise me that, in case the battle goes badly, and I am dead and defeated and my whole army with me, promise me that you will escape, as far away as you can. Find shelter at the dwellings of those who have abstained from this conflict, find asylum in churches and in any sacred place you can find. Do whatever you can in order to protect your life. Protect what has always been dearest to me, your life."
"I will, I promise." You would have liked to retort, or much less say what he wanted to hear without really thinking it. But deception did not suit you, not toward Baldwin at least. And the mere thought that that might be his last will, which made you want to throw yourself to the ground and cry every tear you had in your body, also made it impossible for you to disobey that simple request, which after all was the request that you care for your own body and soul.
Whether Baldwin had taken your word for it or not, you were not sure, it was hard to say. It didn't matter, both of you were too tired to linger talking any longer, contrary to your usual routine of endless discussions on all kinds of topics. He whispered something to you in his native tongue, and although the language was vaguely unfamiliar to you and fatigue clouded your mind, you could still discern a sweet "I love you" among the words he spoke.
The next day your awakening was similar to the day Baldwin left Jerusalem: alone in bed, the place where your husband lay still warm. Outside the men were shouting orders and the horses were pawing in irritation at the din. In the distance you could hear the cries of the Saracens approaching, and the horns of war echoing in the air. You tried to peep your head out of the tent, but a guard surprised you right in front of the entrance. "My lady, his majesty has ordered that you do not leave the tent until the battle is over." The tone was authoritative and gentle at the same time, but his spear was stretched across the opening of the tent, an admonition far more direct than his words. You obeyed, as you had promised Baldwin that same evening, and without protest you retreated back inside the small temporary dwelling.
And so you stood there, alone and unaware of what was unfolding beyond the white tent. The last sound you were able to discern was your beloved's voice inciting his men to battle, before the din of war produced such a cacophony that it was impossible to understand a single sentence spoken. They rode for a few hundred meters until they reached the place where the battle would take place. They rode so far that the din they caused as they passed became muffled, barely audible. And perhaps it was for the best, for the distance muffled the atrocious sounds of war, of slaughter.
And so you waited there, within the four fabric walls, white as snow, that you feared at every moment might be stained with blood, friend or foe. You waited for the outcome of the battle, dumb with fear, with tension. You awaited Baldwin's return, dead or alive, victorious or defeated. And you did so by standing there, closer to him than was possible, exhausted and restless at the same time.
A/N: Yallll this was LONGGGG. i really really like how this turned out, and i hope you do too! I'm really sorry for how long it took me to write this piece, but I promise the following ones will take much much less🙏🙏🙏 Anyway, now I gotta go start working on those, feel free to leave a comment or feedback about this fic<3<3
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thebearer · 1 year
thinking about carmy being with a girl who's just like him (introverted, stubborn, etc...) and this often being the cause of them clashing and arguing
thank you <3 btw i love your writing !!
"I don't understand why you're so mad at me!" Carmen's voice was exhausted, cutting with an edge that had your eyes rolling, brushing your teeth with a new kind of fury, sure the bristles of your toothbrush would fall right off.
"'m not mad." You said around the toothbrush, spitting your mouth full of foam into the sink. "I'm just... fucking over it, Carm."
"Over what?" Carmen sighed, shoulders drooping. "What did I even do?"
"What you always do, Carmen, what do you mean?" You sigh heavily. "You're never around."
"I'm at work." Carmen countered. "You said you were fine rescheduling."
"Yeah, the first time." You rolled your eyes. "I'm sick of bending my relationship around the restaurant."
"Then why didn't you say that?" Carmen yelled, eyes bulging in exasperation.
"Because I shouldn't have to!" You yelled back. "I'm not even asking for a lot, Carm! I just want you home sometimes. I just want to see you."
Carmen ran a hand down his face, shaking his head. "Then why didn't you just say that to me?" He sighed, frowning at you.
"Oh, you mean like how you say stuff to me?" You countered, arms crossing over your chest. "Carmen, you are the king of avoiding."
"Yeah, then guess what that makes you, Princess." Carmen countered, a bite in his tone you were used to. Defensive, just like you were. It was something you were all too familiar with.
You stared, glare vs glare, on opposite ends of the apartment. Neither one of you were breaking first, that was for sure. "I can't even do this with you tonight, just drop it." You huff, throwing your hands out in exhaustion.
"See? But I'm the avoiding one? You don't even want to talk!" Carmen yelled.
"You don't want to listen!" You shot back, slapping the bathroom lights off. "You just want to fucking be right!"
"And what about you? What are you doing?" Carmen countered.
"Trying to tell you that I am not happy with our relationship right now!" You roared, that familiar fire, burning anger and rage bubbling out of your chest.
Carmen flinched, looking at your with wide, blinking eyes. Both your chests heaved, breaths passing between each other from across the room. You could feel it, the instant regret. Sharp words always spilling out to hurt before you were, to win and destroy before the opponent could- opponent. Carmen. Carmen was your opponent here. It was wrong, he was your boyfriend, the love of your life, and yet, you were treating him like he was against you. Like this relationship was a battle to be won.
Your stomach turned, a sharp ache that had your mouth filling with spit, that familiar lurch having your mouth pressing together.
Neither one of you spoke, a stand off between the two. Your cheeks flushed. "I-I didn't mean that." You muttered.
"No? Sounds like you did." Carmen snapped, defensive- you didn't blame him.
"I didn't like that." You sighed, rubbing a hand over your forehead. "I just mean... I want to spend time with you, Carm. I feel like I never see you."
Carmen nodded, just taking in your words for a second. "I wish...wish you would've told me that."
"I wish I didn't have to." You muttered back, flinching at the malice in your tone. "'m sorry. I-I don't know why I'm being so defensive I just... I miss you, Carm. I really fucking miss you."
"I miss you too." Carmen nodded. "I get caught up, ya know?"
"Yeah," You nodded back. "Yeah, I know."
"Tomorrow night." You lifted your gaze to meet his. "I'll make sure Sydney can handle it. It's a Tuesday so I'm sure it'll be fine, but... you get me all to yourself. Whatever you want to do."
You grinned. "That would be nice."
"Yeah, yeah, it would." Carmen nodded, taking a step closer to you. The first move, the first break in your little game. "Are you still mad at me?" He asked, eyes lifting hesitantly.
"No," You whispered. "Are you-are you still mad at me?"
"No, baby." Carmen cooed softly. "I just don't like it when we fight."
"Me either." You pouted lightly. "I'm sorry for not just... just telling you what's wrong with me."
"That's alright." Carmen nodded. He understood, he really fucking did. Knew how your mind worked better than you did sometimes. "I'm sorry for not listening. For deflecting. I've been told that's something I need to work on."
"Yeah? By who? Sugar?" You giggled gently.
"She's one of 'em who says it." Carmen matched your smile, reaching for the edge of the made bed. "Are you ready for bed?" He pulled down the comforter, a soft, pleading look in his eyes. Let's put the fight to rest, please.
You nodded, grabbing your side and turning it down, slipping under the cool sheets with Carmen, legs tanged together, arms pulling each other closer and closer, tiny sighs and soft whispers under the linen.
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words-4u · 1 year
right person (1/3)
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pairings: luca x reader, marcus x reader (platonic)
wc: 1.4k
a/n: immediately started planning a three part series on luca while watching the bear s2. that's what a tatted will poulter does to me (the bear is an incredible show btw pls watch if you don't)
warning: swearing
part 2 / part 3
"yes! we are sending you and marcus to denmark for two weeks to stage at this really great restaurant. you're gonna learn to do three new desserts for us. carmy knows the head pastry chef. says he's really cool so it should be fun, right?" sydney explained.
"that does sound fun! i'm in!" you smile.
you look at marcus who was deep in thought. if you had to guess what he was thinking, his mind is probably on his mom who was currently bed ridden at a hospital.
you put a hand on marcus' shoulder. "you good with that?" you ask your co pastry chef.
he broke out of his thoughts and nods. "yeah, i-i'm great. i'd love to."
"great! cause you guys really didn't have a choice. your flights are already booked for tomorrow afternoon sooo thanks!" sydney offers two thumbs and an awkward smile before she leaves what used to be the kitchen.
"holy shit," you whisper in shock. "staging at a michelin star restaurant in a country i've always wanted to visit. could this be any better?"
"i have to go tell my mom but give me a call if you need a ride to the airport tomorrow. chester will probably take me and we can swing by your place if you want?"
"dude, yes! that'd save me a shit ton of money that i would've spent on uber."
"cool, see you," marcus grabs his bag and heads out the door.
after helping fak, riche and gary with fallen ceiling debris, you decide to leave a bit early to pack and clean your apartment before your travel.
it was noon on the dot the next day when marcus calls to check if you were ready for the airport. since you packed the night before, you had a rather peaceful morning. chester talks your ear off the whole way to the airport and you guys get there he demands to see your passports because he wants to make sure you and marcus actually had it on you.
"chester, can you do me a favour and check in on my ma when you get the time?" marcus asks.
"dude, i'm way ahead of you. gonna check on her every morning on my way to work,"
"i appreciate it."
chester looks at both you. "now, i want you take a deep breath and let the good in. you guys are gonna kill it."
you grin at marcus' friend. "thanks chester. okay we're gonna have to leave now before we miss our flight."
marcus says his farewell to his best friend and the two of you head to your gate.
the plane ride to copenhagen was smooth despite marcus' worries. you guys hop on a train to explore the city before heading to where you were staying.
"trains here are way cleaner than the ones in chicago," marcus leans over to whisper.
"waay cleaner," you agree.
the two of you exited the station and stood in awe of your view. clear blue skies. cool fresh air. colourful buildings. and the smell of hotdogs which was incredibly appealing after your long journey.
you and marcus lock eyes. "oh yeah."
marcus got a hotdog with dried onions and pickles on top while you had a plain jane moment with just ketchup.
"this is the best thing i've ever put in my mouth," you say with in between bites.
"just what i needed honestly," marcus says.
after your quick meal, the two of you continue to wander the city taking in the architecture most of all.
marcus was using the maps feature on his phone to find the place you were supposed to be staying at.
"uh i don't see any apartment buildings near," you say. "are you sure we are in the right place?"
marcus led you to a canal where some boats were docked. "i am 99.9% sure. you're staying in 286 and i'm in 287."
you glance at the boat in front of you and saw the gold numbers plaque on the side. "well, mystery solved. this is your place and i'm guessing this one is mine." you moved further down to the boat behind marcus' one.
"sick," he smiles.
"i'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
"night, y/n!"
you walk down a couple of steps before unlocking a door that lead to a kitchen and dining room. it was spacious and you were grateful for the many windows it had. the stairs to the left led up to the bedroom which was a lot smaller than you anticipated having only space for your bed and a small cabinet for clothes.
you flop on your bed and exhaled. you didn't realize how tired you were until your head hit the soft mattress and while everything in you wanted to knock out, you knew you had to get up and unpack because you wouldn't have time tomorrow.
one thing you were not was a morning person and yes you should have gotten used to it by now working in the restaurant industry but getting up at 4 a.m. will never feel natural. regardless, you had a twinge of excitement for your new job and excited to learn under this new chef that carmy spoke so highly of.
once you got ready for the day, you hear three soft knocks.
"morning," you say. "you ready?"
"born ready," marcus says as you lock your door and head to the restaurant.
it was only a 15 minute walk from where you were staying so the two of you arrive with time to spare.
you walk into the bright kitchen and suck in a breath. the kitchen was stunning with it's high-end equipment, gorgeous green tiling and the young hot chef moving bags of flour from one table to another.
"chef. i'm marcus brooks and this is y/n y/l/n," marcus begins. "and we're from-"
the chef looks up for a quick second. "i know. i'm luca, pastry. we start at 5 a.m. your section's at the end of the bench."
the english accent takes you by surprise. your knees could have buckled right then and there.
"yes, chef," the two of you say in unison.
now your excitement turned into nervousness. not only were you to create three star-worthy desserts for the bear, you had to learn from someone who is so extremely good looking it hurts.
marcus and you head to the back to change into your uniforms which was a basic indigo t-shirt and a green apron like luca had.
when you went back out, you immediately wash your hands and got ready for whatever luca had in store for you guys.
luca had marcus rollout croissant pastry while he led you to a table where he had prepared a dessert. your task was to place pieces of peanuts at a certain angle as part of its presentation.
you study luca as he shows you what to do. he had small black tattoos scattered up and down his arms. that alone is having an effect on you.
"here, you try," he says passing the tweezers to you.
your fingers brush as you took the small tool from him. luca didn't make eye contact but you did notice his jaw clench.
"nuzzle that sliver into the pudding just to lock it in."
"yes, chef," you say.
taking one of the small nuts from the bowl, you place it on the pudding but it slipped last second.
"no. again, chef," he says in a calm yet assertive tone.
"sorry," you say and try again and it's worse which luca picks up on.
"hm, worse."
he takes the tweezers from you and picks up the piece. "don't be afraid to just stick it in there, you know," luca takes the nut and slides it in perfectly. "just be confident about it."
"don't second-guess yourself," he says finally locking eyes with you.
you nod. "yes, chef."
you took the tweezers back and third time was the charm because you placed the nut in the pudding just like he'd showed you. smiling to yourself, you put the tool down.
luca's face stays expressionless. he looks up from the dessert. "you know how to make shiso gelee?"
you absolutely do not know how to make whatever he just said but there was no way you were gonna let him know that.
"yes, chef."
luca steps away to grab some ingredients which gives you the opportunity to whip your phone out and google the gelee. "dextrose? what the fuck is that?" you whisper to yourself.
luca came back and places a tray in front you. "recipe," he says tapping some blue index cards.
you felt your face burn. "thank you, chef."
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end of part 1 omggg. not much luca x reader but it’s warming up trust me. i already have ideas for part 2 and 3 with some potential alternate endings... stay tuned
if you enjoyed, please let me know (through my bio) if you have any the bear requests, send them my way!
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azzypzazzy · 14 days
hear me out… schlatt helping you relax after finals (its finals for summer semester i am dying rn)
ok so i misread this and didn’t see the after finals but i refuse to go rewrite everything because i am sleepy. hope finals went well and you enjoy regardless <3
smut warning btw!! it’s not too explicit, but it’s under the cut. dont wanna read it? don’t. it’s also my first one, so it might be bad
Droopy eyes stared at your laptop, blue light reflecting onto your face. All you had to do was finish the chapter, you just had to finish it and hope to retain enough to lazily reread the rest later. That’s all you had to do. 
You grabbed your water bottle, sipping down the reminds of a cheap energy drink you got this morning, when you were a far more ambitious woman. Maybe if you drank enough of these you could have a heart attack and sue. Drop out and live your limited years on some beach making stupid decisions, instead of this. 
That’s it. You can’t do this anymore. You would just have to continue tomorrow, because if you spent another second trying to read the mess in front of you you’d explode. 
Was there anything else vaguely productive you could do? You weren’t gonna sit and do any more work, but you still had to do something. You switched over to your email, leaving your study tabs open “for later”. You seriously have to check this thing more often, 223 unread? You skimmed through them, deleting as you went. Fortunately, most were only from Google Classroom or websites you landed on the spam list for, meaning you didn’t miss anything. Anything except an email from some guy in your Spanish II? Spanish II. You never should’ve taken that awful class. It wasn’t even required, but you took it regardless, and you were too deep in to drop. You opened it, confused on what it could even be. 
Eric Thompson <[email protected]>  to: me Found a great quizlet for the exam https://quizlet.com/940117849/spanish-2-flash-cards/. Please let me know if anyone's having a study session (I’m desperate.) 
This just felt cruel. Like a cruel sign reminding you you were gonna fail, and probably him too. And for some odd reason, this email seemed to be the thing which made you realize that. 
You shut your laptop, grabbing your phone. Before you could even think, you went to Schlatt. 
to: Schlutt busy?
You set your phone down, leaning back in your chair. You just needed to relax a bit, that’s all. One night off and you’d be back. 
You grabbed your phone, realizing Schlatt already responded. Maybe you weren’t the only one having a rough night. 
from: Schlutt  Nope. You
to: Schlutt just exhausted
from: Schlutt  Want me to come over?
to: Schlutt please
from: Schlutt Be there in five
You opened the door, immediately going in for a tight hug, “Hi!” 
“Hey, missed you,” Schlatt said, resting his head on the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, me too,” you whispered, taking a deep breath. God, he smelled good. Did he usually smell like this? Must be a new cologne. 
After a moment you pulled away, letting him in your cramped dorm. You turned around, realizing how much of a mess your room actually was. “Sorry for the mess, I’ve just been so busy with finals and completely forgot to clean.” 
Schlatt shook his head, taking a seat on your bed, “No worries, not like I gave you much time. This is nothin’, you should see mine.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I want to,” You grinned, sitting next to him. “Finals beating your ass too?” 
“Yeah,” He sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Trying not to think about it for a bit.” 
Now that you’re looking, his head was pretty messy today. Most of him was, and it definitely fit. “Well, we’ve got time. Chloe’s not here,” you whispered, leaning a head on his shoulder. 
He smiled, his arm wrapping around your shoulder, “Then maybe we could watch a movie or somethin’?” 
“Sounds good to me,” you stood up, moving to your desk. You paused, looking at the mess of papers and trash which piled up in the past few days. You unplugged your laptop, opening it to close out your previous window, “Netflix?” 
“Sure,” he replied, eyes fixated on you as you sat back down next to him. He shifted over, allowing the two of you to lay down on the small space. 
You grabbed one of your pillows, using it as a table on your lap for the laptop. “Anything you wanted to watch?” You asked, entering the search bar. 
“Up to you, toots.” Toots. You felt your stomach flip, face looking straight forward to avoid the embarrassment of Schlatt seeing how flustered you were over a simple nickname. 
You nodded, scrolling until you landed on some old detective show, hoping it would be plain enough to bore him, “How’s this?” You clicked on it, “Says it’s a crime drama series following two detectives who have to solve a case 21 years after it was closed.” 
His eyes never went to the screen, still watching you as you chose, “Perfect.” 
You weren’t sure how long you two had been watching this crap, but it had been long enough. There was no way you could even try to focus on the show, but you were far too nervous to make a move. 
Luckily, a warm hand reached your thigh under the covers, circling slowly. 
It didn’t take long for you to realize what Schlatt was doing. Leaned on him, glancing up at him from the corner of your eye to see him staring back. 
Within seconds you found your arms around his shoulders, ass on his lap, tongue in his mouth. 
Schlatt moaned into you, the kiss becoming sloppy and desperate. You pulled away, heart beating out of your chest, a rushed confession escaping your mouth, “I really like you, Schlatt.” 
“Fuck,” he groaned, throbbing under you, “Love you too.” He planted a hand on your ass, his breath hot on your face, “So fuckin’ much.” 
You bit the bottom of your cheek to stifle a moan, before wrapping him into another frantic kiss. Schlatt fingers gripped your hair, pulling you in closer. He was seriously gonna be the death of you. 
You slid a hand under his shirt, able to feel his heart erratically beating under your touch. His lips left yours, panting. You rested your forehead on his temple, admiring his eyes. Fuck. Without thinking, your free hand slipped to his shorts, toying with the waistband. 
Schlatt tilted his head back, mumbling a plea. You stopped, looking up at him with a cocky grin, “You’re gonna need to speak up.” 
“Please,” he looked back down at you. 
Now this was a sight. The way his chest rose and fell, the way his eyes shined in the low light, it all was perfect, and you could feel it. Days of pent up tension and stress weighing on the both of you, begging to be released. 
okay i got tired and gave up. hope it was okay though!! maybe ill continue it eventually not sure be nice please
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caycaysdiamond · 2 years
Calling the housewardens your "lil meow meow".
Sooo self indulgent, I call Leona my lil meow meow all the time and I just had to wonder his reaction <3 he is my baby girl fr <3!!! Expanded to the housewardens because I think it would be funny to call ‘em that. Established relationship, cringe writing, mushy fluffy lovesick writing
Riddle Rosehearts
Firstly, do NOT call this man any pet names in public he will combust! Riddle is a very private person, not a huge fan of PDA or being too lovey-dovey in front of people.
Anyways! I’d imagine you’d only call him this after your relationship has been established more and Riddle is more used to intimacy with you. He’s never been in a relationship before you (no shocker) and would like to take it slow.
Imagine the scene: you’re cuddling, Riddle’s the little spoon because he’s had a particularly stressful day. You’re holding him tightly, whispering sweet little affirmations…
“Tomorrow will be a better day, my lil meow meow,” You say, giggling.
Riddle.exe stopped working???
He’s as red as the roses in the garden!
It’s not that Riddle wasn’t used to your little pet names by now but what the HELL was a lil meow meow ???
What happened to darling, love, sweetheart?
You gotta explain to him it’s a meme and endearing! You’re just calling him as cute as a kitten <3
He accepts it but the redness of his face isn’t going down anytime soon.
Dear reader, he will never get used to that pet name so use it sparingly unless you want a broken boyfriend all the time.
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Leona Kingscholar
It’s so fitting for him, huh? Couldn’t resist yourself could you, dear reader?
It’s okay cause nor could I.
His reaction is silence. Just plain silence. You could see the speech bubble of just a period of ellipses if you really tried.
He’s blinking and you, you’re blinking at him. We’re playing the blinking game!
Leona isn’t mad, per se, nor is he as embarrassed as Riddle. I feel like he would also know the origin of the whole lil meow meow meme.
He’s more like ???? what was the reason?
You’re still sitting in silence btw. I feel like you would have to break that silence. He’s not entertaining you, he knows your game.
“You don’t like it, Leona?” :(((
He thinks it’s time for you both to take a nap, and go to sleep... Again! You’re obviously still tired, reader if you think the Leona Kingscholar is cute enough to be called “lil meow meow”.
New flash he is cute enough to be called lil meow meow <3
And honestly … Leona, baby, you’re a literal cat. The pet name fits!
“Lil meow meow.”
The pet name stays and if you pay close enough attention, whenever you say it just the slightest bit of a smile can be seen on Leona’s face.
He’s only soft and cute for you, after all.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Reader stop breaking your boyfriends, this is really mean!
Azul is working as usual. You sit near him and work on whatever schoolwork you have, sometimes talking and ranting about your day. He listens, of course, occasionally nodding along or offering his input.
But today you’re feeling playful and flirty! You slip in the lil meow meow after one of your usual pet names for your lover.
“Am I your lil meow meow?” He’ll ask. His face will be the brightest shade of pink and he’ll probably have dropped his pen at this point.
He’s gonna bury his hands in his face, you’re not seeing him this flustered over just a pet name! Not for free.
Oh, he’s so fun to tease. Keep calling him it, he’ll be as red as Riddle’s hair.
Please for the love of god do NOT let the Leech twins find out about this little pet name you tease him with.
He’ll never live it down, the twins will never stop calling him it randomly.
Azul will be telling them what needs to be done in the lounge today and all of a sudden,
“Of course, lil meow meow.” - Jade, wearing that signature smirk of his.
GAH !!!
Reader for his sake be careful with this pet name.
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Kalim Al-Asim
You’re definitely just using it randomly as a greeting. The minute you see Kalim that day you’re just like, “Hi, my precious lil meow meow handsome snookums.”
Kalim is just :D!!!!
“Hi (enter the most love sick pet names here)!!!!!”
Okay, I’m over exaggerating but you two are disgustingly in love. NRC’s sweetheart couple.
If Grim is with you he’s fake gagging!! Get him out of here rn!!
If anyone else is around, the reaction is a mix of “ew”, “damn I want what they have”, “god they’re so cute”, “GROSS!!!”
You two have a habit of bouncing between many, many different pet names. So you pulling out a new one was nothing new.
And you guys use them, whenever, wherever.
Kalim may actually acknowledge that you’ve never called him that.
He probably really like it! Especially when you say it’s because he’s just so cute like a little kitty :>!
Expect him to use it for you too now!
Mutually you are lil meow meow’s <3
(I’m gagging)
Jamil is so tired of you two!!
Please for the sake of his sanity (and NRC not burning to the ground) limit yourself to one pet name per sentence per HOUR.
But yea…not much to say on Kalim’s reaction other than he’ll love it.
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Vil Schoenheit
It’s hard for me to imagine even when you would drop this name on him.
Maybe you’re doing one of your usual spa days in his room and you sneak it in.
Or you’re alone in a classroom before the housewardens meeting, before anyone else showed up.
Regardless of when or where you decided to try it out. He’s not feeling this one, dear reader.
It’s funny and a bit cute, he’ll admit, but umm no.
His reaction is just a straight face and a small hum.
There’s also an awkward silence between you saying it and him even acknowledging what was said.
He might ask you why you decided to use it, I’d imagine he’d already know its meme origins.
“Just wanted to see your reaction.”
“Are you satisfied?” A small sigh escaped his lips.
Well, are you?
No matter if you got your few seconds of satisfaction or not, it’s already in the past.
I can’t imagine Vil being a big fan of a lot of pet names in general. He has a few that he really likes that you use and that’s it.
Try something else next time <3
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Idia Shroud
There’s two ways I can see this going and it depends on how far in your relationship you two are.
If you’re early in your relationship: he’s a mess.
You cannot keep getting away with doing this to these boys !!!
He’s stuttering.
His hair is a vivid pink.
He’s trying to hide his face in his jacket because that’s also a vivid pink.
He can’t even try to hide his embarrassment.
He’s malfunctioning!
And you’re just laughing! You’re enjoying this? Seeing your boyfriend turn into a puddle of mush?
If you’re further along in your relationship, he’s turning it around and teasing YOU.
“I can’t believe you used such a cringe ass pet name for me, normie. Did you think I was gonna be embarrassed?”
Idia, the tips of your hair is pink and your cheeks are too.
You two are playfully arguing about it 1) not being cringe 2) him actually being embarrassed.
He’s gonna call you it back within the argument too and you’re like ??:??/?/?
Oh, you want cringe? He’s gonna give you cringe.
“Sorry, my discord kitten. Couldn’t help myself.”
He’s giving you that cocky little grin he occasionally has.
Throw a pillow at him and take him off his high horse, reader.
Then hit him with another pet name that you know will give you a flawless victory.
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Malleus Draconia
You guys were doing one of your nightly walks around the campus. Hand in hand, you both were talking about your day and plans for tomorrow.
You’re gonna have to explain to him the origins of this peculiar pet name and also explain to him what a meme even is. He’s amused at the fact you think he’s “as cute as a kitten” and “simply adorable”.
He’s never been described as adorable and cute before (at least not by anyone that wasn’t Lilia lmao)
Child of man, have you no fear? Calling the Malleus Draconia cute? Ofc you don’t, he is cute. He loves how casual you are with him, not afraid to tease him, and treat him normally.
For the rest of your walk, you swear his voice is just a bit higher and the grip on your hand a bit tighter. He takes a longer path back to Ramshackle. He wants to stay in this moment for as long as possible.
Just like Kalim, he’s probably gonna turn around and use lil meow meow on you.
Just as you’re about to return back into Ramshackle for the night, “Have a good night, my lil meow meow.”
You: !!!???;!!.!!.!/!/!/!!/!.!.!
“Child of man, are you alright?” He’s smirking while saying that, knowing his effect on you already.
Assure him that you’re fine and really, really sleepy before he tries to tease you anymore!
I swear that night Grim heard you scream into your pillow and kick your feet up and down, sighing ever so dramatically at the end of it.
His henchman is weird…
Oh, and don’t think Lilia didn’t notice Malleus the moment he walked through the doors of Diasomnia. His whole demeanor was different from the way he left earlier and a beautiful smile was on his face.
“Ohoho seems like someone had a good walk.”
Lilia will surely tease him about it in the morning but for now, he just enjoys how absentmindedly Malleus starts his lovesick rambles about you.
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mikuni14 · 8 months
Why I think the way the final episode of The Sign was distributed is wrong, offensive and unfair to fans. And how disappointing I am with this approach, because I sincerely supported Idol Factory and Saint.
Personally, I pay for Gaga, Viki and IQIYI, plus a VPN to watch shows that are not available in my country (like Pit Babe), which, you know, I already paid for 🙄 Additionally, I pay for Netflix, I have combined subscriptions with other people for Disney, HBO, Skyshowtime, Prime, last year we paid for Apple to watch Silo and Severance (I recommend both series btw 👌). I also don't mind paying one-time for a film on the platform, which is how I recently watched Oppenheimer.
Money is not an issue (<- lol), apart from the fact that I support myself and I have to work, and I have to carefully manage my budget in order to feed myself and my cat, clothe myself, pay my bills, and my loss of job will mean obviously giving up access to all these media. I say that money is not a problem in the sense that I WILL SPEND MONEY on something I like. I will save, I will give up something else, but I will spend this money on stuff I love.
The Sign has chosen a certain distribution method for international fans. They chose YouTube and chose a set airing hour. They could have chosen to distribute only in Thailand like Cherry Magic, or they could have chosen any other platform with paid subscriptions. But they chose YouTube. And they released 11 episodes for free and at a set time. And now they CHOSE to make the last ep paid and to create a complete chaos related to the distribution of the finale, because I honestly don't know at this point whether it is paid or not, what is paid and what is not, whether it is on Saturday or Sunday or it's for a ticket or for free on channel3 and apparently they have two endings????, which is always an alarming sign for me, because it's very Game of Thrones/Marvel style shit.
Besides, people have their own lives, their obligations, their schedules. Sometimes you just can't get around certain things and you can't watch a series in the available time, no matter how much you want. Secondly, releasing a product for free in order to limit access to it in the final phase is the worst manifestation of toxic capitalism. This is preying on the desperation and devotion of fans. The third thing is the selection of viewers into those who can afford it, have the time, have the resources and those who do not. And yes, sometimes even just $15 of an unexpected expense makes a huge difference in a person's budget. It's telling some of the fans that you are VIP and can sit in the front row, and the rest of the peasants should wait outside for two weeks 😄
tl;dr personally I want and can pay for: 1) the entire series on a legal platform 2) ADDITIONAL things, like specials, fan stuff, etc. I consider paying for access to the series finale, which until now was free, immoral.
But tbh I really have no idea what's going on, I go with the flow 🤡Whenever I check The Sign tag, I read more and more new information related to the possibility of watching the finale, and it's different every day. And if it turns out that the cut version of the series will be available for free on Channel 3, and the uncut version with subs will be available tomorrow with a ticket, it will be the funniest thing ever. Because that would mean that people paid $15 to watch, I don't know what, a sex scene? 😄
Idk, guys, instead of enjoying the finale, people are wondering how to watch it at all. And if IF starts doing this, won't others follow suit? 11 episodes for free, oh you want to watch the finale, well you have to pay or wait and dodge the spoilers 😈
And one last thing for potential defenders of this system, like "what's your problem, it will be available in 2 weeks, just wait": so you accept that not ALL fans will have a chance to experience the final ep together, which is the basis of the fan community? That some fans will experience and analyze the episodes this weekend, and the rest will wait?
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eds6ngel · 1 year
Hello love! Could you do a Steve x Munson!reader?? I want like protective big brother Eddie and love sick Steve and reader I think it’d be so cute! Btw you’re so talented and I absolutely adore you and your writing 💘💘💘
of course i can my love! and thank you ever so much for the compliments, it means a lot to me <3
warnings: fem!reader. munson!reader. no physical appearance mentions so r could be biological or adopted sibling. swearing. a lot of comedy. fluff. comfort. a love confession!! [1.5k].
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You started dating Steve at the beginning of ‘85. Your Uncle Wayne had taken a great liking to him, Steve being extra polite when you first invited him around to dinner with your family. When he called it a night and headed home, Wayne closed the door with the words: “He’s a very good kid, Y/N.”
But, there was one person who wasn’t fond of your boyfriend at all, and that would be your brother, Eddie.
Eddie was a prime victim of Steve’s ‘King’ era, recklessly getting bullied by Steve and his friends at the time. So, when you eventually broke the news that you were seeing Steve, it’s safe to say your brother did not take it lightly.
Eddie actually stopped speaking to you for a good day and a half, and then sulked around you for the remainder of the week.
He had eventually gotten used to it, Steve acting nice enough when you invited him over and Wayne wasn’t home. But, just because he was used to it didn’t mean he liked it. If anything, he despised it.
So, instead of leaving you two alone when he would come over, he would become extra annoying.
And boy did he enjoy it.
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“Hey, Wayne?” you ask, walking into the living room where he was lounging on the couch. “Is it alright if Steve comes over tomorrow night?”
“Course it is darlin’,” he replies, signalling over to your brother, “But, I am out for the night, I have a shift. So, you should really be asking Eddie.”
“Yeah, whatever…” he mumbles, not looking up from his Heavy Metal magazine, obviously listening in to the conversation between you and Wayne.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you say optimistically, “Thanks Eds!”
You skip back to your room, running to the phone so you could let your boyfriend know, unaware of the conversation that was happening in the living room.
“You gotta accept who they are son, you can’t be sittin’ here all grumpy any time she brings up the poor boy.”
Eddie sighs out frustratedly, “He’s an asshole Wayne. He bullied me for two years!”
Wayne looks up from his newspaper, “Has he bullied ya recently?”
Eddie pouts his lips, avoiding Wayne’s gaze, mumbling out a “No.”
“Exactly boy,” he replies, “He’s obviously changed, people can do that. Your sister wouldn’t date him for no reason.”
Eddie shakes his head, groaning out, until a little idea pops in his head. An idea that he could accomplish tomorrow.
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You and Steve were sat on the couch, snuggled up to one another, some cheesy horror flick on the TV which Steve had rented out from Family Video.
“How’s your week been, beautiful?” Steve asks with a smile, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.
“Not bad, Mrs. Click only gave me a B- on that damn History homework, again! Like, I really don’t understand what this woman wants from me, honestly,” you softly laugh.
“Babe, I think you forget that I get a C in every class, so anything above that is incredible to me,” he tangles his hand in your hair and presses a kiss to your cheek, “I’m proud of you.”
“I’m proud of you too,” you whisper back, “Grades are technically just a reflection of the teacher’s working. If most of your kids are failing, technically that’s your fau—“
But, your sentence gets interrupted by the loud sound of clashing from behind you, Eddie shifting through the cupboards to grab something.
“Hey Eds,” he looks up at you, “What are you doing?”
“Oh, I just fancied a grilled cheese, so I thought I’d make one,” he smiles.
“You know Wayne left that soup in the fridge that Mrs. Johnson gave to us. You just need to heat it up,” you remind him, your patience wearing thin.
“Nah, I don’t feel like that,” he looks between the two of you, innocently saying, “Oh, I won’t interrupt you guys. You just keep being cutesy and all that shit.”
You sigh as you snuggle back into Steve’s side, trying to focus on the movie. But, you could’ve sworn Eddie was being extra loud on purpose, slamming the fridge door shut and throwing the frying pan on the stove.
It went all quiet for a while, the low sound of sizzling being the only distraction in the background, silent enough for you and Steve to focus back on the movie.
However, that was until Eddie called to you, “Hey Y/N!”
You roll your eyes as you turn around and look behind you, “Yes Eddie?” you ask with a sarcastic smile.
He signals you to come over with his arm, “Would you say this is cooked enough?”
You pinch your forehead with your fingers, “When it’s golden brown, it’s cooked Eddie.”
“Yeah, but what is ‘golden brown’? Just, get your ass over here.”
You groan out as you get up from your seat, stomping over to Eddie and looking down at his food sizzling away in the frying pan.
“Eddie, you haven’t even flipped it over yet,” you stare at him with a deadpan look.
“Oh yeah, so I haven’t,” he smiles back at you, a smile you wanted to wipe right off of his face, “See, this is why I need you sis. Where would I be without you?”
You walk back to the couch, mumbling under your breath, “Away from me, that’s for sure,” laying completely on top of Steve as he wraps his arms around your back, yours around his neck as your face squishes into his chest.
Although you can’t see, Eddie’s frustrations are growing. How did that make you two even closer? Eddie smirks to himself as he thinks of something that would definitely get you to move away from Steve.
You haven’t looked up from the screen in over five minutes. With the grilled cheese sizzling away behind you, you believe Eddie has everything under control for once. That’s until you smell the sense of burning behind you, followed by the loud blaring of the smoke alarm.
“What the fu— Eddie!” you yell, leaping off of the couch, Steve covering his ears with his hands at the loud noise as you turn the hob off and move the frying pan onto the worktop.
Eddie returns from the bathroom, you yelling at him, “What the hell were you doing?”
“I needed a piss!”
“Well, you can’t just leave food unattended!” you shout, smacking the smoke alarm with your fist, knowing from experience that the worn out item died down from doing that motion.
“Jesus,” he holds his hands up, “I’m sorry.”
You huff as you head back over to Steve, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek as you say, “I’m heading to the bathroom, okay?”
He nods as you exit the room, leaving just him and Eddie alone, Eddie assembling his burnt sandwich, although he didn’t mind, since it got you away from Steve.
But, maybe this was worse, because now he was stuck in a silent atmosphere with his former bully.
Steve speaks up, “I’m not going to hurt her, y’know?”
Eddie doesn’t look at Steve as he continues making his sandwich, “What?”
Steve turns around, looking at Eddie in the kitchen, “I said I’m not going to hurt her. I’m not like I used to be. King Steve died a long time ago.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t believe that,” Eddie mumbles back, throwing his grilled cheese on a plate and heading towards his room.
“Dude, wait!” Steve yells, getting up from his seat and jogging over to him, Eddie turning his back as he leans against the kitchen countertop, “Look, I know why you don’t believe me, hell, I wouldn’t either.”
He sighs, “The reason Nancy Wheeler broke up with me is because I didn’t care about her problems. When she needed me most, I wasn’t there. I don’t want to be that again for your sister, man,” Steve admits. “I love her, I can’t lose her. I’m not like I was before, I’m not friends with Tommy and Carol anymore, I couldn’t give two shits about popularity, all I care about is being a good boyfriend to your sister. And all I ask of you is to accept that because if you started dating my sister, I would accept it in a heartbeat.”
“You love me?” you whisper as you come out of the bathroom, looking at Steve with a loving gaze. You walk up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he cups your cheeks, “Yeah baby, I love you.”
You smile, your insides burning alive at the confession, “I love you too.”
Steve sighs happily as he slots his lips in between yours, the two of you sharing a soft kiss, expressing all of your love and admiration for each other.
Eddie slides past the two of you and heads to his room with his food. Did he 100% believe Steve had completely changed? No. He was still pretty convinced that the old him was buried away in there somewhere.
But, was he undoubtedly in love with you? Yes. And although he feels protective of you after everything the two of you had been through together, the one thing he could let you do is be happy with your boyfriend.
You deserved love, and he wasn’t going to take that away from you.
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i really hope you enjoyed this fic! i had a lot of fun writing it <33
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wonuwrites · 6 months
Birthday Boy
A Kim Mingyu B-Day Drabble
Mingyu x reader <3 ft. Wonwoo bc why not
warnings: fluffy as shit, cursing because that's the kinda author I am, mentions lingerie so Minors DNI. just a cute lil thing <3
inspired by: him being born 27 years ago so like Happy Birthday Gyu? Also this song helped
One word: Success. That is what you felt when you got the text from Wonwoo confirming your adorable boyfriend of two years had no clue your plans of his surprise birthday gift.
Kim Mingyu is a smart man and surprising him was a bit difficult. He always knew if you were up to something which is why you had to get his best friend and group mate Jeon Wonwoo involved.
You see, your boyfriend had thought you were in London today for a schedule which was true but schedule ended up concluding a lot sooner than You originally thought. So, you were able to celebrate Mingyu's 27th with him.
The game plan was that the guys were going to take him out to celebrate and you would have his favorite dessert and something you had been working on since he asked you out.
A mini scrapbook with memories you both shared together. It was a bit cliche but you both enjoyed that sappy stuff.
If he wasn't a fan, you made sure to wear a little red set you had bought while in Paris awhile ago with him in mind.
You put on a bathrobe as you heard your phone buzz causing you to quickly glance and see it was Wonwoo.
Wonu: leaving the restaurant. he still has no idea. Wonu: he's a little drunk btw. I tried to cut him off sorry.
Wonwoo's texts caused you to giggle and made you a bit less stressed. Gyu wasn't an awful drunk at all. If anything he was a bit cuter and wanted to cuddle a lot more which was fine with you. You just would give him the scrapbook tomorrow.
Tonight was all about him.
You were finishing up lighting some candles when you heard the door unlock and you couldn't help but smile.
Your world, your life, your everything was here.
The door opened and suddenly the momet you were waiting for was here. You're handsome boyfriend was walking through the door while taking off his jacket and shoes.
You stood at the end of the hall and waited for him to notice you and it felt like it took ages.
After a million years, Mingyu made eye contact with you and his jaw dropped.
"What?!" he whisper shouted while a smile spread across his face.
You then attempted to sing Happy Birthday to him even tho it was obvious he was the singer between y'all which made his smile grow even wider.
He ran down the hall and wrapped his arms around you and just started cooing.
"Babyyyyyy, you're here?" he said into your hair while rocking you back in forth, "I thought you were in London until Monday?!"
You just giggled and whispered surprise and he just kept hugging you and kissing you all over.
He would never vocally admit it, not to his members, not to you, not to anyone but just seeing you stand at the end of the hall made every birthday wish come true. You were his person and just being with you made everything seem perfect.
After awhile you broke away from each other and that's when he noticed what you were wearing. He looked at you with a curious look before you nodded and he got excited as he started to undo the bathrobe.
"oh Y/N," he gawked as he stared at the new piece you got. "please wear this every day not just my birthday."
This caused you to giggle and place another kiss on his lips.
"Anything for you, birthday boy."
AHH this was crap but I wanted to finish it before it was officially not his birthday EST. :( Happy Birthday Mingyu <33
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (part 6)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Steve plans his second date with Eddie, but before they go out again the group heads to the mysterious one-woman show, Pot of Gold.
(part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, link to Ao3)
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Tattoo artist/florist trope modern day au, you all know the drill by now, this chapter contains a lot of talk about marijuana but is otherwise wholesome and cute!
A/N: I'm BACK! Had to take a quick break for Steddie Week and also I saw Taylor Swift over the weekend but I am so happy to update this again! I've been holding onto this plotline for a WHILE and I am very excited for you to read. Also - to all those who've left comments so far, please know they make my whole day. Thank you so much <3
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“Robin, I’m an idiot.”
Steve was pacing the floor after his date with Eddie, visibly anxious. 
“Why? What happened?” she asked, concerned. “Did the rest of the show not go well?”
“No, it went PERFECT!” Steve replied. “And then I had to go and tell him that I would plan the best date of his life for our next one, and what am I supposed to do? Like, did you see him up there? He’s a rockstar, Robin! He’s charming, and he’s hot, and he’s - like, what am I supposed to do? How do I top that? I can’t!” 
Robin stood and watched him ramble, nonplussed.
“You’re right,” she said. “You are an idiot.”
“Thank you, I know.”
“No,” Robin continued. “You’re an idiot because Eddie is clearly into you and no matter what you do he’s going to love it.”
Steve wasn’t convinced. 
“Sure,” he said sarcastically.
“Dingus, come on. Did you see what he did for you tonight? He obviously wanted to impress you, and he did.”
“Yeah, and now I don’t know how I’m going to impress him,” Steve replied. Robin sighed, then smacked him playfully on the arm. “Ow!”
“Idiot!” she repeated. “You’ve already impressed him. You’ll be fine.”
Steve thought about this, then shrugged. Robin was probably right. She usually was. It was annoying, but it kept him from self-destructing, so that was good. Before Robin, back when he was in high school, he used to do all kinds of weird shit to impress girls. He thought back on those times fondly, but it’s not like he could do any of that nowadays. 
Although, it did give him a bit of inspiration on how to update his old tactics. And then, he had an amazing idea.
“Oh my god,” he said. “I think I know what I’m gonna do.”
“Hallelujah,” Robin responded, unamused. “Can we talk about my thing now?”
Robin told Steve about her conversation with Gareth, and how they were all potentially going to go to the mysterious one-woman show the following night. Robin didn’t get Gareth’s number or anything, because of course she didn’t, so Steve had to reach out to Eddie to kick off coordinating the whole thing. 
Steve: Did Gareth tell you about going to see that play with Robin?
Steve: Also hi 🙂
Eddie: Hello! Yes he did. And by that I mean I asked him just now. Tomorrow?
Steve: Yeah, 7pm. 
Eddie: Cool. I’m in!
Steve: Awesome, I’ll let her know!
Steve: Oh also, just so we’re clear. This is NOT the date. 
Eddie: No?
Eddie: I’m imagining you surprising me by jumping on stage and announcing you’ve been the mystery woman all along or something
Steve: Hahahaha
Steve: I’m not a stage person like you, but I do have something planned
Eddie: Color me intrigued
Steve: 😘
Steve: Had a great time tonight btw
Eddie: Likewise :) 
To say Eddie was giddy would be an understatement. He was practically vibrating with excitement after he dropped Steve off, fresh off the high of both performing again and kissing an extremely hot guy. 
Eddie was truly living his best life. 
He walked into work the next day with a spring in his step. Eddie never walked with a spring in his step. He noticed Bob recognized the abnormal behavior from across the room, but thankfully the man minded his business. 
“Helloooooo Sonic,” Eddie said to the cactus as he took off his coat and put it on the rack. He sat down. “You’ll never guess what happened last night.” Eddie took his books and drawing tablet from his drawer, pausing for an imaginary answer. “Damn! How’d you guess? Did Steve tell you?” 
“Good morning, champ,” Bob said as he stood in the doorway. Eddie jolted back, blushing at being caught. “Love the energy, but maybe you should use that friendliness with the customer up front?”
“Got it, sorry,” Eddie said, rushing out of the office and to the waiting area. Bob just laughed to himself, then sat down at the desk to work on some spreadsheet about expenses that Eddie could never understand. 
Steve was making Eddie lose his mind in the best way. It had been a while since he’d felt this playful or silly. He used to be all kinds of theatrical, but he’d gotten a lot more subdued. Steve was reigniting that part of him, and it felt nice.
The rest of his day went by in a blur. He’d never been more charismatic and nice to the customers, even the ones he usually would find annoying. Bob seemed to approve of his attitude, and as a reward let him leave early. He had no other appointments anyway. This gave Eddie time to go home and get ready for this show - which, prior to this day, Eddie had no interest in. But Steve and Robin and Gareth and the rest of the guys would be there, and that made it more than appealing. 
He wanted to kiss Steve again. Badly. That was the one drawback about being around friends - Eddie was cool with PDA once in an established relationship, but he wasn’t about to suck face with Steve in front of other people when they’d only been on one date. That would be weird. 
Whatever Steve had planned better be soon - AND in private.
This wasn’t a standard theater. It was actually just a house. A house that had been repurposed, sure, but a house nonetheless.
“Is this the right place?” Steve asked. 
“Yeah,” Robin confirmed, double checking the address on her phone.
“There’s a sign over there,” Eddie said. They all walked towards the tiny sign with an arrow that pointed to a path that led to a door. All of it was very weird, but cool. 
“God, I love shit like this,” Gareth added with a grin. “Like, are we gonna get murdered or are we gonna see a show? Let’s find out.” The rest of the group laughed, and then they headed to the door. There was a tiny handwritten note.
Knock to the beat of your favorite song.
“What the fuck are we doing?” Eddie said, chuckling. “Who is this woman?” He was amused by the whole situation more than anything. Like Gareth, Eddie lived for weird situations. Plus, Steve had his arm around him, so honestly anything could happen at this show and he’d still be happy.
“Robbie, this is all you,” Steve prodded, motioning for her to do the knocking. She did so, knocking a specific pattern into the wall. Steve smirked, knowing which song it belonged to.
“So, what’s it from?” Gareth asked. 
“I’ll never tell,” Robin remarked. Steve considered revealing it, but held his tongue. Especially because, moments later, some guy with long straight hair down to his waist answered the door and spoiled it before anyone else could.
“Heyyy, Stevie Nicks! Excellent choice, my dude,” the man said as he high-fived a stunned Robin. 
“How did you know that?” Steve asked. 
“Wait, he got it right?” Eddie wondered. Robin nodded. “Damn. Do you always know the songs?”
“Only the best ones, amigo,” the man replied with a warm smile. “Come on in!”
The group looked at each other, dumbfounded, before walking into the house. They were led through a living room down to a basement, where a makeshift stage was set up. Chairs were in front of it. Nobody else was there yet. 
“Oh my god,” Robin whispered to Steve. “I can’t believe you wanted me to go to this alone.”
“I didn’t want you to go alone,” he insisted. “I just said you should go to find out what it was all about, because you were clearly obsessed with it.”
The man spun around, causing the group to stop in their tracks. 
“Alrighty, Brochachos,” he began. “My name is Argyle, and I’ll be your host on this lovely evening. This is my house, so any house questions I’m your guy. Bathrooms are upstairs and to the right. Pick any seat you want down here, and I’d highly recommend checking out the table back there for a fully immersive experience.”
All heads turned to the back. 
“Oh, shit,” Gareth muttered. “Is that what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s drugs, then ding ding ding my friend,” Argyle responded. “We’ve got a full spread back there. Joints, pipes, edibles. No pressure though if you wanna ride the sober train. Pizza is over there, but I will warn you it’s ham and pineapple. Try before you deny, folks. If you need me, I’ll be up there.”
Argyle disappeared back up the stairs.
“Okay, it’s official,” Eddie said. “This is the best day of my life.”
They raided the table of weed and then sat down in the middle of the room a few rows back. They waited until five minutes before scheduled showtime, and no one else showed up. 
Robin had never been more grateful in her life to be with friends. 
The lights dimmed. 
“Oh, I am so fucking ready for this,” Gareth said with a grin, already blazed out of his mind. A spotlight appeared on stage, and then the star of the show walked out. 
She had long blonde wavy hair and beautiful big eyes. She was wearing cargo pants and a tiny piece of fabric that could barely pass as a shirt. The woman got a joint from her pocket, lit it, and took a drag before speaking. 
“The first time I smoked weed I was sixteen,” she started. “I’d been having these horrible headaches and one of my friends suggested I’d try it out. Everyone was doing it. It was honestly weird that I wasn’t doing it.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie muttered. 
“What?” Steve asked.
“Shh!” Robin said. The woman on stage smirked. 
“So, I met up with this guy in the woods behind the school. He was known for being the one to go to for these things. And he says to me, ‘what can I do you for, Goldie?’ And I had no idea what I was supposed to say. Long story short, I tried every strain I could get my hands on with that guy for the next few weeks. Some helped the headaches, but some were just fun. And some -” She stood up and walked to a canvas on the side of the stage. “Some made me a really good painter.”
She continued to smoke and paint as she told her story. Her and this guy continued to hang out the rest of her time in high school, forming something of a relationship. She described it as being very powerful, and often thought of it as being her first love, but that they hadn’t spoken since graduation. She then went on to talk about how she moved to California after graduating and met Argyle, and all the adventures she’d had since. She opened up about her body dysmorphia, then finished the show talking about her journey to find herself and her sexuality. 
It was all incredibly captivating, and once the spotlight went out and she walked off stage, the group in the audience was left speechless. 
“Wow, that was…” Steve began. His high had faded halfway through the show, and he was so immersed in it that he didn’t continue smoking. “Way better than anything I could have imagined.”
“I think I’m actually in love with her,” Robin said with wide eyes. Gareth chuckled and murmured something to Eddie, who elbowed him in the ribs. “What?”
“Eddie, come on,” Gareth prodded. “Tell them.”
“Tell us what?” Steve asked. Someone cleared their throat beside them, and they all turned their heads to reveal the star of the show standing there, her hands on her hips.
“Eddie Munson,” she said, smirking. “I thought it was you.”
Robin and Steve’s jaws dropped. 
“Hey, Goldie,” Eddie responded. 
“Wait, what?” Steve exclaimed, his eyes bugging out of his head. 
“Hi,” Robin said softly with a slight wave. “I’m Robin.” The woman, Goldie, turned to Robin and fully looked her up and down, checking her out.
“Chrissy,” she responded. “Nice to meet you.”
Steve didn’t even have to look at Robin to know she was about to pass out. 
“So,” Eddie said, standing up. “I guess we all have some catching up to do.” The others followed suit, and then they walked as a group up the stairs and to the living room to sit down and talk. 
Apparently, Chrissy had gone to the same high school as Eddie, Gareth, and the rest of the band. Eddie and Chrissy had been extremely close, but then Eddie took off and never looked back after graduation. They only referred to it, but Steve could tell it was a sore spot. He wondered what exactly had caused Eddie to leave them all behind. That conversation would have to wait until at least the third date, though.
Eventually, the reminiscing died down, and the group decided to head out. Eddie told Chrissy where he worked, and mentioned when she could stop in. On their way out, Chrissy pulled Robin aside. Eddie smiled to himself when he overheard them exchanging numbers. 
Evidently, he wasn’t the only one who’d had an excellent day.
“Oh my god. Oh my GOD. Oh. My god!” 
Robin had been talking like that for about ten minutes now.
“She - she wants to go out with me. With me. And she - I mean, you saw her, right? She’s - like, holy shit. She’s perfect. I can’t believe this.”
“So,” Eddie said to Steve. “You think she’s gonna say yes?” Steve chuckled. 
“Robin, you’re hot as hell,” he assured her. “I’m not surprised at all.”
“Shut up, Steve,” she responded. “You have to say that, because we’re best friends. It’s like when mom says I’m pretty.”
“I think she just compared you to her mom, dude,” Gareth teased. 
“Okay,” Eddie interjected. “Well, I’m not your best friend and I agree with Steve. You’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” Robin blushed. “But you’re dating my best friend, so you have to say that, too. Also, you’re gay.” Gareth chimed in next. 
“Alright, well I hardly know you AND I’m straight and Robin, for the love of god, know your worth. You and Chrissy are both goddesses and you’re perfect for each other.”
The group halted in their steps and turned to Gareth, stunned. 
“What?” he said. “I’m just telling it like it is.”
They each headed to their cars and split for the night. The band promised to come back to town at some point so they could all meet up again. It was a bittersweet farewell, especially for Robin, but at least there were a lot of ways to keep in touch with people long distance. 
Steve and Eddie walked hand in hand down the sidewalk together. This time, Steve was the one taking Eddie home. 
“So, when do you want to go out again?” he asked. 
“I’m free tomorrow,” Eddie replied. 
“You’d want to see me three days in a row?” Steve asked, delighted. 
“Don’t act so surprised,” Eddie teased. “You and Robin both need a little self-esteem.”
“There’s a reason we’re better together,” Steve explained. “And why we’re so codependent.”
“Right,” Eddie responded. “So, tomorrow?” Steve smirked, then kissed Eddie for the first time since their date the night before. They both melted into it quickly, craving the affection they’d been keeping themselves from. They broke from each other and smiled. 
“Tomorrow,” Steve confirmed. 
“Good,” Eddie said on an exhale. “Cuz I wanna do a whole lot more of that.” Steve chuckled.
“Oh, we will,” he said. “I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Sounds good,” Eddie responded. 
Steve went home after that, then smoked the rest of what he’d picked up at the show. 
What an excellent day all around for everybody.
(next part)
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sk8termikey · 5 months
Chapter 1 of 21 Questions
*lily pov* looks better on wattpad btw
Lily was actually surprised to see that the last stranger she texted had answered so quickly – she was assuming that it was either someone living in the US or just someone with a really messed up schedule.
Heyy stranger, wanna play 21 questions? :)
Hello there :) I don’t have anything else to do rn so sure, let's play
A smile appeared on Lily’s face as she was happy that someone had finally replied to her after so many failures. However, doubt was clearly felt as a part of her really wanted to start chatting with the person on the other side of the screen and the other part was planning to sleep. Fuck it, she thought. She was starting work a bit later than usual as it was Wednesday tomorrow so she quickly opened the text and started typing back.
Omgg finally someone answered😭 
I’m so happy rn
My 1st question is a very important one
What’s your favourite season?
Oh that’s an easy one
Fall for sure
Kind of a bummer spring has barely started
The vibe has been passed
Yeah absolutely
Fall is my favourite as well like just not too hot, not too cold
Just the atmosphere in like october/november is so cool
I totally get what you mean, my brother LOVES fall
He’s a huge halloween/pumpkin fan
Oooh sharing personal info with a stranger
Your mom didn’t teach you well haha
You’re the one texting strangers in the evening
I’m only joking dw
I’m sure your mom is great
She’s the best actually
Follow up question as we came on the family topic
Do you have any siblings?
I’m an only child unfortunately :((
But my best friend has been in my life for like 8 years
So she’s the sister i’ve never had ig
That’s so cool when friends end up feeling like they’re family
Such an awesome bond
Exactly, best feeling in the world
I wouldn't trade her for anything else
(maybe a 1d reunion but i can’t go without her tbh)
Ig you have siblings as well?
More than the halloween fan brother?
I have 3
Quite a big family but they’re amazing
Wow that’s a lot of guys in the same house
Wait idek your gender
If that’s ok to ask
Is that your 2nd question? 🤨  But ofc it’s ok, no problem I am a guy, you guessed right
Yay i’m so good at this
Just my instincts of like ‘i do not want to think ab you being a poor girl alone w 3 brothers’ lol
And i am a girl btw
If you were gonna ask
I was yes, you saved me from writing another text
As if writing to me is annoying
I’m a pleasure to talk to
According to my teachers 10 years ago
10 years ago?
I hope you’re not some like 35yo woman who finished school that long ago
I mean you did say ‘girl’ so i would say you’re maybe a teenager?
I’ll take that as YOUR 2nd question
I’m not a teenager anymore unfortunately
Fucking adulthood has started recently
I’m 19 but 20 soon
Just people with the mind of teenagers having to act like adults so suddenly
Took the words out of my mouth
It was to be expected but like so unexpected at the same time bc you never know time is passing that quickly
Yeah… let's just go back on more light-hearted topics
Too soon for deep ones like life, time and growing up
100% agree
We're getting to know each other
Since you're an adult, do you have like any piercings or tattoos??
Hmm i have my ears pierced and one arm tattooed
That is sooo cool like patchwork or a themed full sleeve?
Kind of both bc they're related to the same thing i would say
Which is my family
But the styles can be a bit different
You have any?
Tattoos no, unfortunately😔
I want one so bad but it's hard getting prepared to have it permanently on your skin
Bc like i have several piercings
8 on my ears as well as a nose ring
But i can remove them whenever i want and bam they're gone in a few weeks
Piercings are actually so cool
And you match with my brother btw (the halloween one)
He has a nose ring too plus a stud
I feel like this brother of yours is gonna be my favourite
He’s great, you could like him and he probably would like you too
Real question is do YOU like me?
Technically it’s my turn to ask a question but the one i have will decide my answer to yours
Sorry go ahead
Are you a dog or cat person?
This is very important so reply carefully
I feel like you’re not gonna like what i have to say
Bc seeing as you put dog first
I’m going to say that you’re a dog person
Which i’m not…
It was a pleasure talking to you
Farewell stranger
Wait what
I’m not apologising tbh
Bc i love my cat with my whole heart
He’s the best
I hope you were joking bc our convo was fun
Anyways, bye then-
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story ;)
The story is co written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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iguessitsjustme · 1 month
I Saw You In My Dream Ep 2 Thoughts
Okay I just finished episode 1 and I immediately had to jump into episode 2. Obviously. I got my donuts. I got my pringles. Let’s just dive right in. Liveblog under the cut:
Oh Ai and the sex dream. Love it. Okay Ai, now listen to me. Do not do what I did when I had a sex dream about a friend when I was in high school. Now listen. I had a sex dream about a same sex friend. And then I immediately told her and I was like “weird, right?” and she was like “sex dreams are completely natural! thanks for being comfortable enough with me to share that!” and I need you to understand that I did not have feelings for my friend. So cut me some slack. But it still took me another fucking decade before I realized I was attracted to women. All my personal gender shit aside, don’t do that Ai. Listen to your subconscious. For it knows. And that has been oversharing time with Rae. (btw she is still one of my best friends to this day.)
Ai. Please tell your friend about your dream. He can’t give you advice if he doesn’t know.
Ai, hate to break it to ya, but you can’t research away the gay thoughts. Them suckers here to stay.
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See my guy? Gay thoughts. Once they take hold they are there forever. Worry not though. Gay thoughts are your friend. Gay thoughts love you. Gay thoughts just want you to be happy.
If I were to make a prediction, Yu has liked Ai for pretty much his entire life. Now Ai is catching feelings but Yu has no idea and just thinks his crush is one sided. And if that’s the case then I am HERE for it. If that’s not the case then I am also here for it. I’m here for whatever.
So Ing is just the cutest boy who ever lived with the cutest little crush on his friend. The way he was smiling at that towel? Unmatched cuteness. I feel like I need to pinch his cheeks or something.
Rae vs the internet that doesn’t want to load. What have I done to deserve such suffering?
It’s working again yay! Now I can see Ing’s reaction to Ai’s prophetic dreams! Woo!
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Someone tell me what this title screen reminds me of? I feel like there was another show with similar fonts and color palettes but I cannot for the life of me figure it out.
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Give the translators a raise I swear to god
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I’m obsessed with this framing.
Well this music, despite sounding nothing like this song, got a song stuck in my head. Took me a minute to figure out why but the song stuck in my head is The Sky and The Dawn and The Sun by Celtic Woman and if you don’t know the song there’s this bit that goes “I am the sky and the dawn and the sun I am the sky and the new day begun” and up until the very last note in that verse, it is the same little melody playing in the show. Very completely and totally different vibes. If I had the spoons one day, I might use this as an example for how even the same notes can sound different in different hands with different interpretations and how music can change even if technically the melody is the same. Because if I played both bits for you, they sound extremely different. But the notes? The same. Or at least the melody is. Not sure of the exact key of each but they have to be relatively close in key if not the same (it’s been awhile since I listened to that song by Celtic Woman) (also also the music around that one specific section is completely different. nothing at all alike)
Oh now see this is fascinating because if Ai didn’t have the dream, he would not have gone to the park and this would not have happened. Right?
The music in this episode is getting me. It is so much better than last episode. So, so much better.
See, here’s the thing. I desperately want to watch episode 3. But I have to work tomorrow. And I’m getting over being sick. So I need rest. But I want to watch episode 3 so bad. Tomorrow. I can watch tomorrow. It will be fine. I can be patient. I can wait. Luckily, work will be busy so the day should pass by quickly.
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goldennika · 1 year
Initial Thoughts on TOMORROW X TOGETHER's The Name Chapter: Freefall
Ok so i just listened to TNC: Freefall in full and damn, okay. Really solid album, sonically. And i say sonically bc i haven't read up on the lyrics just yet (i don't think the eng trans are out yet ☹️)
Am loving how they're showcasing more of their vocals (txt lower register enthusiasts, we are being fed at last 😭) and the whole band/session feels of the music really emphasizes that.
can we take a minute to talk about beomkai's vocals?? bc i really think this might be their era 🥹 and seeing as all of the boys have at least 2 credits to their name in this album, it really feels like this is their sound, and their personal music preferences came through too
i'm on the fence about DILT's inclusion in the album though. we all know it was not a planned track at all but it was a really good opportunity for them to collaborate and have a fun summer track out before headlining lolla 2023.
that said, it just doesn't seem to fit in (at least sonically) in this album. i don't know if moving it higher up in the tracklist would have been better since i haven't read the lyrics yet but sonically, it might have worked more since the more powerful/complex sounding tracks are in the first half, imo
but overall, this album is full of surprises, and very good ones at that!! I'm sure i'll love it even more when i listen to it again but yeah, from the first listen alone, i would recommend this album!!!
Track first impressions under the cut! very raw reactions ahead haha
Track 1: Growing Pain
oh damn gritty TXT ???
legitimately gave me goosebumps
that's it. that's the thought.
the guitar is so good ugh
this will absolutely kill when performed live 😵‍💫
Track 2: Chasing That Feeling
giving TCHFTG and Blinding Lights by The Weeknd (i love The Weeknd btw)
Yeonjun's voice is so soothing??????
wait is the nod to the TCHFTG instrumentals intentional??????
maybe this is just me but their choreo (based on the MV) looks like it goes so hard but this song feels relatively chill/easy listening (esp compared to their last few title tracks bc sugar rush ride was a doozy to take in) so it seems a bit... off? idk idk
looking forward to a stage/practice vid to come out to appreciate their performance more!
Track 3: Back for More (TXT Ver)
already reacted to this before and ugh so good
Yeonjun's is also so good
love their adlibs so much 🥹
super interesting to place this track right after Chasing That Feeling 🤔
dance break instrumental and adlibs have my whole heart actually
like i can see them dancing in my head even if i'm just listening
Track 4: Dreamer
oh shit i love the bass already??????
kinda scared to check the lyrics ngl
oh this song is delicious
i can already see all the tiktok edits happening (not necessarily a bad thing for them imo)
ooh shit "let me break it down for you" jdfh;kdjsfb;nsfkja
or is taehyun there too?
the "let me break it down for you" is going to haunt me in my dreams thanks
Track 5: Deep Down
strong start. nice
yooo the minimal instrumentals in the start was so good
oh it got clubby in the chorus
this feels so different from the usual TXT but it works??
okayyyy the trumpet sounding stuff in the outro was a nice touch
Track 6: Happily Ever After
pretty sure i'll cry if i read up the lyrics of this one haha 🥲
oh this track is so smooothhhh in the pre-chorus
oohhh the la la la's are growing on me
it's like happy fools but more refined?????
LOVE the blending/harmonization 😩
SOOBIN I LOVE YOU (outro ver) 🥹😭
Track 7: Skipping Stones
the cymbals? hi-hats? at the start oh god *chef's kiss*
feels like a band session up in here!!!
oh damn beomgyu???
taehyun with the high notes mhmmm
band txt is the future i can see it all so clearly now
LOVE the way they start off each line durign the verses. scratches my brain sooooo good when they give the little oomph then blend it down ugh (sorry idk musical terms)
kinda obsessed with this music already wtf
the female vocals too!!
mhmmm soobin's falsetto
just wow
Track 8: Blue Spring
i know we were joking around about band txt but what if it's not a joke anymore bc we've had track after track of band/session sounds and i am not okay anymore
i'm never gonna be normal about this song sorry not sorry
what if i cry.....
hmmm the rest of the instrumentals kicking in. so good.
and then they strip it down??? to let the vocals shine????
so so good
soobin's verse with yeonjun's adlibs is what dreams are made of actually
god yeonjun and hueningkai are gonna make me cry
Track 9: Do It Like That
ok yeah ngl the mood shifted dramatically after all the band txt sounds lol
DILT is a cute song but i don't think it makes sense in this album
or at least not in this placement???
i may reconsider if this was a TXT ver lol
or maybe they were thinking about our mental health when they decided to keep it in the album
i would probs be a sobbing mess if tnc: freefall rly just ended with the studio ver of blue spring 🥹
Track 10: Chasing That Feeling (English Ver)
including this here bc why not it's on the tracklist anyway haha
tbh i wasn't feeling this track much from the teasers
but hearing the song in full changed my mind
the build up is good
why does yeonjun's voice sound so good in this genre like how is it soooo good
time's a thief that won't stop stealing -- well damn did i feel that
taehyun our belting star 🥺
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redactedwriting · 3 months
yayay car sex❤
btw the prelude to this is that we're having a scandalous affair. not age wise or anything we're just coworkers at some lame retail job (i mean i love my retail job💖!) and we're closing together one night and he asks me for a ride home and before leaving we fuck in the back of my car. then we go to the show together and then either become the bestest of friends or never speak of it again. dont worry about it though this is fantasyworld wherein hooking up with your hot alternative coworkers is a reasonable and good idea with no possible awkward or negative consequences its okay
oh perfect i love that world that’s where i live (in my dissociated daydreaming while im making food at my amazing fast food job 🥰)
you and ryan working retail together is kinda really cute ngl. bc it’s ryan i am seeing yall working in the same store or stores across from each other in a shopping mall <3 anyway yeah yall go to a show after the shifts are over and fuck in the car before leaving the mall and then the show and then maybe he’s like. well i’m not a dick, you wanna crash with me tonight? and you’re kinda super heart eyes in love from the offer but you’re so cool and so normal and not in love with your coworker. so you say “yeah, sounds fun! you work tomorrow?” and you find you’re both off tomorrow…….
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