#oh god i havent drawn a comic in so long
vrieseasees · 1 year
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My old job had a security guard that would say this every time he was caught with a crumb on his face (and I just realized he and Reigen are both libras and suddenly things make sense)
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ackalice · 1 year
Hiiiiiii how are ya?? :D Been a while, sorry I've been sucked into another fandom lol Anyways I found this and thought: why not ask my fren! :3 Here's an ask thing
1. who's your favorite oc?
2. who was your first oc?
3. how many ocs do you have?
4. have you kept all of your
ocs since the beginning?
5. are any of your ocs based
off of a show/book you like?
if so, who?
6. what is the species of the
majority of your ocs?
7. are any of your ocs an
original species? if so,
what's the species and who?
8. if you can, draw (oc name)!
9. write a few sentences as
(oc name)!
10. are any of your ocs part
of a story? if so, what is it
about and who's in it?
11. do you have any twin ocs?
12. are any of your ocs
13. what is the gender of the
majority of your ocs?
14. make up a new oc right now
based on (concept/show/color/
15. would you ever give up any
of your ocs?
16. who is your oldest oc
17. have you ever roleplayed
as your ocs?
18. how many of your ocs were
adopted from someone else?
19. who is your least favorite
20. which oc do you think has
changed the most since you
made them?
21. who is your newest oc?
22. have you ever cosplayed
your own ocs? if so, who?
23. which oc do you think has
affected you the most as youve
grown with them?
24. have you gotten cosplayers
of your ocs? if so, of whom?
25. do you have any ocs that
you havent drawn/written as/
talked about in a long time?
if so, who?
(Please ignore this if you either don't want to answer or have had this sent to you already)
Hi meelu!! I’ve been alright, just very inactive because of busy busy life stuff- but I saw this pop up and I wanna answer dis cuz I luv u my moot!
1. Favorite oc: my favorite oc out of all of them? Uhhhh good god- I’m gonna say my favorite is my very first oc, C.J., because she was a very big part of my early art journey. And also she was very cringy and I love her for it.
2. First oc: whoops I answered this- it was C.J.! She was a generic fox girl I made when I was a very itty bitty kid.
3. How many ocs: don’t judge me here- from what I counted just now it’s 56. There could be more that I’m forgetting, so it’s pretty iffy. But I do remember that the number got up to 60 at some point.
4. Have you kept all your ocs since the beginning: Despite how many I have, it’ll be a surprise to hear that I have actually retired a bunch. And by a punch I mean probably over 15. This does include C.J. And her band but only because I felt like I wasn’t using her enough and she had done her part for me.
5. Are any of your ocs based on a show or book: HELL YEAH! God, dude there’s a lot. Well- I say a lot but it’s not 56 a lot- anyway-
I made warrior cat ocs, like anyone, but those were retired. I based a series I have, Remnant, off of magic girl shows but it’s too far from any of them to be directly from those media. There’s The Owl House, which was several ocs I never continued using (and I’m sad I never did), there was a Brand New Animal oc I scrapped, and of course there are more that didn’t leave the sketch phase.
I guess you could count fnaf, but that’s a given.
I also had some Helluva Boss ocs that I have sketches for and even started a comic for- but when I say a comic I mean half a page was finished and I lost motivation.
Good lord I just remembered I had a whole mlp next gen. So I made a crap ton of mlp ocs- anyway-
But then you delve into two of my favorite shows and you go down a rabbit hole of history I’m not going into- which is My Hero Academia and Tmnt. I’m saying Tmnt in general because I’ve put my ocs into several shows in the franchise. Tmnt has ocs I’ve mentioned before on this blog and MHA has seven ocs of mine, that’s Jejeru, Kami, Kai, Kianami, Marikaida, and Chinatsu. I’ve fallen out of the fandom but I might use them in future, who knows!
6. What is the species of a majority of your ocs: Okay. So. This question is very hard to explain because I delve into some WACK species genetics with my ocs- Remnant is literally based on splicing genetics. But if we are being honest, most of them either started out or were, at the beginning of their story, human. So I’m gonna go with human. The second place runner is definitely an animal crossed with a human though because those are just fun.
7. Are any of your ocs an original species: Yes, actually! I’ve got several. Not that they have names or official species types or backstories or anything, but they sure are there. I’m gonna describe random characters I’ve put together with no specific species in mind.
Lufoa, an oc I did a ramble on a while ago, is not crossed with any known animal. That’s actually part of her story, but I haven’t worked it in yet. Another I could count is Artemis, but I don’t know exactly what she is- I haven’t explained it yet. There’s also my oc Alice, (NOT A SELF INSERT) who’s some kind of demon. I dunno what kind but she’s also there.
I’m gonna be skipping 8 and 9 because I’m running very low on the creative juice and haven’t drawn or written for fun in a WHILE and just don’t have any motivation for it- I’m so sorry abt it but I’ll answer the rest gladly!
10. Are any of your ocs part of a story: Quite a few of them are, actually! The one’s based on tv shows and books are obviously apart of one, but I’ve got a few I’ve made up on my own. There’s Remnant, the big magical girl-ish show series about teens participating in a high grade school and also accepting genetics testing to be apart of the military (main character is not aware of this second part in the slightest, woOooOoo plot~). I’ve got Midnight Misteps, which is a similar concept but it’s the apocalypse and new species and monsters and cryptdids roam around while our main cast tries to rebuild society again. I have Vivian and Fin, the two characters I don’t have a series name for yet where Viv meets a demon through accidental circumstances but turns out it’s not accidental and she’s been kidnapped by literal Hell but she doesn’t know for a majority of her time down there. And then you’ve got Camila, the rich pink and proper girl who meets secret agent Thomas under the impression he’s just a grouchy guy and then gets roped into a big gang conspiracy in her town and has to avoid these dangers with her new cop buddy all while in heels.
So yeah I’m doing great with work in progress projects
11. Do you have any twin ocs: yes! I’ve got one set, and they’re fnaf ocs, if you can imagine it. I reworked a sister location oc around a few months ago and doubled her into two people! That’s Frankie and Danny, the sweetheart engineers! One of them isn’t a sweetheart, but yadda yadda, plot and story stuff- I’m movin’ on!
12. Are any of your ocs siblings: oh. My. God. Yes. It would be very hard for me to pick them all out and name them, but let’s just say yes. Yes, there are many. I’ve got one set of sextuplets in there somewhere-
13. What is the gender of most of your ocs: Female. It’s so female it’s unfair. I’ve been getting better at this, but I still prefer drawing women over men and I have no idea why?? It’s nothing negative or anything- I just think I started drawing girls and just kept drawing girls and completely missed the boat I had to jump onto to draw guys anatomy correctly. But I’m getting better!
14. Skipped again because creative juices….aughhhhhhh….I’m tired of not having energy to draw ;-;
15. Would you ever give up any of your ocs: Okay I’m gonna assume this is talking about giving up an oc to another person- like an adopt situation- and uh no. I don’t think I would be able to do that just because I have emotional connections to literally all of them. I love them too much to just hand over their birth certificate, y’know?
16. Who is your oldest oc (age wise): oh hah. Okay, so I’m inclined to say C.J., because I ended her story with a cute little story of her growing old with her partner in a little cottage in the countryside- but! I’m gonna give this one to Paula Fidreas, a Remnant oc, because she is quite literally in her 50’s as of the start of the story. In the simplest terms, she’s a PE teacher.
17. Have you ever roleplayed as your ocs: Yes! C.J. Was actually made from a role play! And I think I’ve role played as Camila before, but that memory is a bit fuzzy.
18. How many of your ocs were adopted from someone else: None of em’! They’re mah babies, tried and true.
19. Who is your least favorite oc: I don’t count her in my oc count but Adelaide’s adoptive mom is definitely my least favorite. As a character she has a purpose in the story but I would never use her again or draw her in detail. I don’t know, she’s just there for character development at the moment.
20. Which oc has changed the most since you made them: Vivian. Definitely Vivian. Not just because she’s the oldest of I still use, but she’s also went from a brown haired girl with zero personality and a boyfriend to a troubled teenager who is too weird and different to have friends so she seeks out companionship in the land of the dead.
21. Who is your newest oc: I mentioned them earlier and this totally breaks the abruptness of me mentioning them once out of nowhere, but the sextuplets are my newest ocs. Out of all of them, Orion is the newest because I came up with his concept first.
22. Have you ever cosplayed your own ocs: Alas, I’ve never had the determination nor the money nor the confidence to do such a thing, BUT I ALMOST DID. When I was little I almost cosplayed C.J. Because I had no other ideas for a halloween costume. I didn’t end up doing it because I chickened out. Kinda wish I did though..
23. Which oc has effected you the most as you’ve grown with them: I’m gonna give this one to Alice, actually. She’s the basis of my online persona and username, if you couldn’t tell- and she was with me through quarantine. That was a joke, but no really, she consumed my art that last year.
24. Have you gotten cosplayers of your ocs: No, lol- I don’t know near enough people or anyone who would do it. And if anyone did do it, I would be dead upon seeing or hearing it because OH MY GOD?? You thought my art was good enough to put time and money into a COSPLAY?? THANK YOU???? We’re getting married. Put on the ring.
25. Do you have any ocs you haven’t used in a long time: y e a h… I haven’t ever mentioned Pepper here. She’s uh…okay- imagine Entrapta from She-ra but ten times worse and no moral code. Evil scientist. That’s all I have to say here.
I’ve been off tumblr for a while bro thank you for bringing me these! They were so fun <3
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starredfishing · 3 years
could you draw sō inuoka haikyuu or tecna winx or [obligatory avery ho request]?
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its ur brand i Gotta
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botseeksbot · 2 years
top 5 rogue designs and/or top 5 comic storylines
comic storylines (sighs) (these are mostly like . comics ig i havent read like mainline in so long i forget arcs)
1. The Long Halloween / Dark Victory - THE LINE OF ALL TIME . GILDA IS THERE . HARVEY IS THERE . dick gets there and is oh so charming :) not a lot i would change w it its just very good no wonder it inspired so many things .
2. Robin Son of Batman - i need to reread this (only reason its not no.1 is bc i dont remember a lot) MY GOD . THE DAMIAN . THE MAYA . i tear up thinking about it it means so much to me its sooo good ;__; only qualm is that it takes place during superheavy or whatever which is like . meh to me and theres some silly things in it i remember i dont care for but still made me sniffle. overall just :) i miss you maya i miss you so much babygirl come back to me
3. Joker's Asylum: Penguin - just overall really interesting look on his character i dont think ive had a comic unnerve me so badly as this one did it really made me feel disgusting afterwards i hope he dies
4. A Serious House on Serious Earth - can you tell im like getting desperate this one was like hard to tell what was going on sometimes but overall really neat narrative i wish the arkham game was more like this but then ig it would be fucked up . homophobia win !
5. Jekyll & Hyde - yeah sure. um overall it was fine ig kind of stupid but i liked some of the characterization. i liked this lines like explanation for harvey moreso than others. the ice cream thing was stupid. the drug thing was stupid. why did harvey hold and talk to bruce like that.
honorable mention: under the red hood (do not remember enough to rank it but jason :) the movie made me sniffle), batman and robin eternal (cassie :) also do not remember enough to rank it but cassie origin hooray), nowhere man (this is like a singular issue from mainline i vaguely remember liking i need to reread it perhaps ? good father/son moment w bruce and damian i think ?), judas coin just bc of that gay ass ive been thinking of you line, dc vs vampires just bc its fun, sorry ive been reading batman lately um . superman american alien was good, i needto read more like nonmainline stuff of other characters, can i say batgirls solely for the lgbt moment between the girls
honorable honorable mention to all star batman and twoface just for being stupid
next part under a readmore bc images
designs !
1. top harvey designs
btas - usually dont care for like blue/green harvey but this one is whatever. not the biggest fan of his hair either i like when they give him the little stray lock of hair. usually would not care for how they drew the scarred side of his face in general and dont really like it here but for some reason still one of my favorite designs. im glad they didnt give him the like . ruined suit on one half
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whatever Harvey this is from i like it a lot i like that they didnt give him like a two colored suit. again usually dont care for the blue/green face but i like this one a lot i think this is actually what inspired my design a bit, especially w the eye i really like how the eye is drawn i dont like when they make it red (which is like most things) or whatever i like this one a lot
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the long halloween / dark victory - i prefer the comic design to the movie design but the movie design isnt bad i like the patchy hair but i think ive recently decided i like the no hair at all look (which should be done more...!) i like his hair a lot in this i like the shape of it a lot. i just noticed the movie one has an ear which is like . okay ig they should have done it more based on the comic. shoutout to not being blue or green
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the judas coin - really cool that they went w the scarring only being half of his face as opposed to like the usual the whole half of his head besides that like . its the typical two face design ig . would have liked if they had it effect his hair but its fine . the eye is nice, the mouth is nice. just noticed actually they do the thing where he doesn't style like half of his hair which is whatever ig .
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honorable mention to jekyll and hyde bc it like kind of looks like that one idk where its from. every other harvey design i hate i hate all star harvey i hate mainline harvey i hate live action harvey
2. edward
no.2 solely for this pic overall ridder's design isnt like much to me as much as i like him
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actually fr i did enjoy the 2022 movie's design .
SIGH batman 2006 is also good
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every other ridder is like fine . i wish he wasnt ginger ig but like every other riddler design is whatever .
3. Joker
tim sale's joker best depiction ever i dont think any other joker design stands out to me that much but i like this one .
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4. Mr Freeze actually is one of my favorite designs overall i really like him a lot especially the more robotic ones like btas, i prefer when he doesnt have hair or whatever but it can work in some things
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his design doesnt actually vary too much which is fine bc i like it :) he looks neat in white knight too
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aonly designs i dont really like are the ones where his head is exposed but from what ive seen thats mostly like live action
5. scarecrow is really good too design wise his like later design in btas are really good . apparently cant show pics since its apparently 10 pics per post now so ! also like his arkhamverse design mostly for the syringe fingers maybe that appears in other things too
honorable mention: long halloween + batman 2006 catwoman
harley in most iterations especially older ones . her newer designs are like . meh sorry
pamela is like also hit or miss for me (sorry women you arent designed the best) i dont like when they make her green
this post is turning into me just rating every villains design sorry
oh killer croc i dont like newer iterations of him where hes like actually a reptile i really like batman 2006 for him. actually where did batman 2006 go wrong besides like . the later seasons
black mask is also nice (except like the birds of prey movie and i think it was ? under the red hood movie ? i forget some animated thing had a boring design)
hush is like the same in the like 2 things he appears in but i like his design
victor zsasz is cool too mostly for the tally stuff
idec for oswald designs bc theyre mostly the same in everything and not groundbreaking but FUCK gotham's design like it was a fine concept but fuck it specifically for creating the era of people making twink oswald art
can i count red hood ? the designs where his mask has a face suck so bad i really like when its just over his mouth/nose and he wears a mask over his eyes but the full face ones are fine too as long as they arent like . detailed face
this specifially is favorite and least favorite design ever im obsessed w how otto schmidt cant draw anyone who isnt a skinny white man
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so. ach’m. he is an amphibious alien character thats been with me for a long time and i havent had the feeling for him in YEARS. but i have to talk about him because hes still got a special place in my heart despite my uh... abandonment of him. 
this is really long so it’s under a cut
first things first: his name, Ach’M Raten, is pronounced, Ahk-mm Rah-ten. it has a meaning to it because apparently those are names derived from words in his people’s language, which you’ll find out about more later. 
he was someone i made when i was RIGHT in the middle of my Alien phase, and was also just starting my OCT xDDD phase on deviantArt. (i was. not good at octs bc i had no concept of cohesive storytelling in a limited timeline comic format and also had really bad add that made it impossible to ever finish anything.) the OCT he was apart of was Tapestry of Horror, which, honestly i think my audition comic for that was the only good one i made for that entire tourney. this was his reference for it: 
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ahh, look at that. the nostalgia is all coming back to me. the amount of “:U” which was a go-to face for 13 year old me. this was posted back in 2010! wow!
the reason the 63 on his age is crossed out is because THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY THE ORIGINAL REFERENCE I HAD FOR HIM! i had to redraw him because his original reference (which unfortunately has been lost to the annals of time) was too human looking? and tapestry of horror was an anthro/alien/no-human-faces tourney, so they told me i should probably change his face up some and then he’d be fine, and ORIGINALLY, ACH’M WAS AN OLD MAN. I DON’T KNOW WHY I ALSO CUT HIS AGE IN HALF BUT IT’s PROBABLY BECAUSE I WAS THE INDECISIVE BASTARD THEN THAT I STILL AM TODAY.
supposedly he used to slink around in shadows and laugh and speak in rhymes, and im pretty sure that was a side effect of edgy 13 year old interests? like, i think i tried giving him kind of a creepy serial killer vibe? and then just never executed it? he had an epithet of, The Laughing Cyborg, which is still relevant in later versions of him. 
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i don’t believe i was lying. i think i did originally make an amphibious alien woman character that just later evolved into ach’m. i’m sure if i had any of my sketchbooks from that age physically with me i would ABSOLUTELY be able to find it and show you guys but i dont so, rip. 
because i was trying to be coy and ~*~mysterious~*~ i never originally explained his backstory on his reference. it was planned to be something revealed overtime through ~*~dramatic~*~ flashbacks and dream sequences that i did not have the ability to execute. its always followed the same beats, though: ach’m and his younger brother were child refugees from a civil war on his home planet. in their initial escape, ach’m is caught under a crumbling wall and loses his leg, and they’re later found and adopted by a retired opera singer of another species. through vague never-established family issues, ach’m leaves his adoptive mother and joins a travelling circus. 
this is his adoptive mother: 
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her name is (and i’m sorry) Nippeteranulzenkodelonio. You can just call her Nippy, though. Please just call her Nippy. 
god, her species used to be called draconae? what the heck. in future designs, those religious symbols are obsolete and replaced with other symbols relating to a galaxy-wide secret society that has NOTHING to do with ach’m and i never figured out how nippy was involved in it, so we’re not delving into that. 
they both come from a planet called Naruviie, which in his language just means, “Land of the People,” “naru” being the part that means people. i never like, fully fleshed out their planet aside from very vague allusions to it being mostly swampland populated by cute little amphibious animals like this fun guy: 
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pictured: a gold Yarlian, which is basically the Naruviian equivalent of a dog. 
SO BACK TO ACH’M AND THE TAPESTRY OF HORROR: i only won the first round because my opponent had to drop out, and i lost the second round. it didn’t really matter though, because ach’m remained an incredibly popular character to followers of the tourney, and No, It Was Not Because Of Me. it was because one of the other competitors who i was friends with included him in her rounds, mostly for jokes, and i thought it was the best thing ever. the problem with that though, was that even though in every entry for the tourney she would say IN THE DESCRIPTION that he was NOT her character, everyone thought he was. because she was just a more well-known artist in that community, and i was just. some 13 year old. 
but anyway, she was a more competent storyteller than i was so she actually like... gave him more character than i was capable of at the time, and she would ask me if i characterized him wrong and i would always be like, “NO ITS GREAT HES PRETTY MUCH WHAT I WANTED HIM TO BE BUT JUST COULD NOT WRITE FOR WHATEVER REASON!” not that i ever expressed it like that because... from what i remember about my 13 year old self... i was very Virgo in all of my statements. yikes. 
im not close with that artist anymore, and our interests have diverged a lot since then, but i always think back to that time with fondness. for my tween mind, having an artist that i looked up to see my character and actually like them enough to do that absolutely had a profound effect on me at the time. 
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see i told you his name had a meaning. and look, i even gave his language a name! wow! such developments!
his backstory didn’t really change, except this time instead of a wall falling on him and crushing his leg, he was just born with a bad leg that had to get amputated. apparently. i also changed up his personality more. instead of him being this one dimensional jokey boy that talked in a bad accent, he became more of this like... roguish bardish type of character? he’s more flirty, more prone to being pride and false bravado, tells ridiculous stories of his life to appear more dashing, and, get this: i literally put in his updated backstory that he used to work more Colorful Jobs (ie: he was a prostitute at some point) 
his brother also has more of a presence and an actual character? i think i planned on him being dead in his 2010 iteration. Orith in this version is a grouchy mechanic/space engineer with a prosthetic eye. oh yeah that’s right him and ach’m were like. attacked by giant birds at some point in their childhoods? i think i had it that the giant birds were a natural predator of his fucking species????????? and thats why ach’m is missing an arm and an ear
moving on. 
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big himbo energies. i knew what was up. 
and that leads us to the latest ach’m that i’ve drawn which is these sketchy things from 2016
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his cybernetic arm looks completely different now, he doesn’t have the robot ear anymore and his brother (wow an actual picture of his brother!) doesn’t even have a robot eye, and nippy now looks actually old and is like. completely blind now. i didn’t even realize my art style changed THAT much in the span of like, one and a half years until like.. JUST now. wow. 
he definitely looks like more of a scumbag now, and i don’t think i ever made anymore drastic changes to his backstory. i’m probably going to take another crack at it though because uhhhhh i dont like a lot of the implications i made in his backstory lmfao.
anyway yeah that’s the story of ach’m! 
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beatconductor-blog · 6 years
[04>: you up?]
[> Hng. Bad time. Not like it will ever be a good time again, right? 😎>04: am i ever]
[04: we may never know. what do you have in stock for cat toys and adjacent?]
[😎>04: aw shit i sorry i spaced out for 😎: two hours 😎: uh havent been in my warehouse in a hot minute 😎: got a bunch there like mostly hello kitten stuff bc people like a good bit of illegal brands 😎: also a lot of other random stuff tho most of it is reserved for nepeta]
[04: i'm not gonna lie i'm just looking for gifts for nep.]
[😎: well fuck me cant have you gift her anything better than i do 😎: but turns out taking some unannouced offtime kinda made a dent into my sales soo i guess i can have you look around 😎: not like im desperate or anything]
[04: sweetheart you know i can have your back if your wallet's low, right?] [04: i'll be outside in a bit.]
😎[: like you dont already do > Well fuck you. Gdi.]
Clover 01/15/2019
> Your narrator's too tired to do this all fancy. You are There.
Dave 01/16/2019
> Sure alright, you're there too, totally not a day later. Where's the meeting? At the office or before your house? > Anyway, shit. You've already been nervous before, but actually seeing the green lil guy now fills you with so much anxiety and pain.
Clover 01/16/2019
> House ig?? "'Ey shadesy. You ready to show me 'round?"
Dave 01/16/2019
> Oh look, time to be even more nervous. You excused yourself from your bros because, you know, you actually got a business to run. Hope none of them are seeing you with Clover. "Sure. Hop on. I'd say if I had a car. You up for a walk?" > God please say he brought a car.(edited)
Clover 01/16/2019
"I can call a tax if you're out of shape," your tone is playful, if only because you're shoving your distress over literally everything deep deep down.
Dave 01/17/2019
"Yeah lets go with that, sure, that works." Meanwhile you'd absolutely love to repress all that feels bad you kinda stopped doing that when you got a moirail w*ho's dead now and can't really help you with all these terrible feelings and trauma and it's all because of these green fucks and-- You're incredibly uncomfortable and not nearly as good of an actor as pretty much everyone else in this city.
Clover 01/17/2019
Your mouth parts a bit as if you're going to say something, but you cut yourself off, breathing in and rubbing your face as you let out a sigh. As usual, a cab happens to drive by as soon as you need one, and you flag it down.
Dave 01/17/2019
Of course he immediately manages to get a cab. Actually a bit of a relief because you wouldn't wanna stand around here with him for another couple minutes. "So hey uh, real nice of you to get some stuff to treat Nep" you say as you get into the car, because you'd rather ramble down some nonsense than to suffer in awkward silence. "Been wanting to get her some stuff too but I'd been a bit hard to find some fitting free days to get together." First there was the paralysis thing, now this.. You know she's been kinda affected by this too, but you've honestly not been in the right headspace to worry about that too.
Clover 01/17/2019
Step one: don't overshare with the already distressed dealer. Just be chill. "Yeah," you say, leaning on the car door when you get settled inside, "she ain't been doin' too great, and she's th' last person to deserve that, bein' what an angel she is. None of us really have, but....think she's been hit deepest. Gotta do what I can to help, you know?" Instructions unclear, got dick caught in he brought it up first it's not your fault.
Dave 01/17/2019
You're quiet for longer than is usual for you. I mean you're pretty quiet these days either way, but considering you've just been rambling off, the pause is very notable. It's just. A lot to process. You love Nepeta a lot and god she's the last one you want to also be affected by this, but. 'Hit the deepest'. Yeah. Right. Hn. "'s cool. You.. got anything specific in mind? Like, there's a whole ton of plush and brand and off-brand jewelry and weird ass figurines, or are you just gonna be flooding her whole room in this stuff."
Clover 01/21/2019
"Basically just give me everything I can get, probably?"
Dave 01/21/2019
"Yyyeah alright I can work with that I guess." This is a business deal, no more and no less. Focus on that, Dave.
Clover 01/21/2019
"...You're rather lucky, you know." > You lean on the car door, and the rest is muttered under your breath, easily dismissed. "To be unaffiliated. We talked about the pain that it brings to be with both, what it feels like, how deep in hell you can get- but. When this kind of thing happens, you still pretty much answer to nobody and everybody. You still have a choice who you talk to, who you trust, who you work with. I wish I had that."
Dave 01/21/2019
You, likewise, lean against the door and look out the window. God, what wouldn't you give to just space out for a bit just now, but no, you're listening attentively, and give a dry and voiceless laugh in response. "Right, so lucky I am. Watching whatever friends I got left hurt and kill each other while I gotta play good ol Switzerland or else I'd be like, choosing sides, and stuff. But at least I can do deals with either side, get that good cash for all this junk. And hey, if I play nice enough, no one's out to hurt me, probably, minus a bit of extortion here or there yeah alright. Least I can chose not to trust anyone. Just the same old shit everyday."
Clover 01/23/2019
"Mmmm yeah 's fair enough, isn't it. Grass and greenness and all that noise, aye."
Dave 01/23/2019
You hold your breath for a moment, so many thoughts running wild in your head, but none that are good enough as an answer. You eventually let out a long drawn sigh. "Yeahh. It's like everywhere sucks." Almost as if a few assholes in this city fuck it over for everyone. Fortunately it shouldn't be too far to your office anymore.
Clover 01/23/2019
"Everywhere does suck, that's basically just Midnight City summarized." A soft huff through your nose. "It's all we can do to try to find gems in the dirt, I guess."
Dave 01/23/2019
"Ain't that the truth." You find yourself clutching your lower arm, the spot with the tattoos. Despite all... there's still some people you care about and that make you happy. They're making it worth it all.
Clover 01/23/2019
You hop out of the taxi and pull Dave's side open, humming to yourself as you offer to help him out.
Dave 01/23/2019
Not like you need help, but hey uh, if he insists. The hum reminds you to take a moment before getting out to put yourself back into a better mindset. "Alright, hope you got a van ready cause there's a lot of shit to pick up. Also bags are 10 cents each."
Clover 01/23/2019
"Can get one. I can also have 'em bring my own bags."
January 24, 2019
Dave 01/24/2019
"Eco-minded, I like that. Don't need to have plastic bags pollute the river any more."
Clover 01/24/2019
"That river gets anymore polluted and it's gonna start producing backstories for comic mutants."
Dave 01/24/2019
"Some might think it already does. Would make a good enough cover story at least."
Clover 01/24/2019
"Maybe I'll use that sometime."
January 25, 2019
Dave 01/25/2019
"I'm expecting royalties for the idea."
Clover 01/25/2019
"Your royalties are me coming to you as often as I do."
Dave 01/25/2019
"That's fair." > Well, as you talk, you're on your way inside into your stre, skipping the office room and heading right up and down some stairs into a room designated as the storage for all kinds of cutesy and mostly harmless merchandise, filled to the brim with plushies, toys, accessories of all brand and no-name variety. "Knock yourself out I guess."
Clover 01/26/2019
> Ehh you mostly just pick out a bunch of stuff and get someone to get it back to the manor with you. Not really much of note left to be had here.
Dave 01/26/2019
> Cool cool. Hella good and awkward business transaction.
0 notes