#oh i do love a weird little scientist with a questionable moral compass
cockyroaches · 1 year
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Hey Pikmin fandom. Fetch
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desidarling123 · 3 years
FATWS Episode 4: A Definitive* Rank Ordering of Most Interesting Character Arcs, from Yours Truly
(*And by definitive I mean completely subjective, but yanno.)
Now let's get into it:
1. John Walker
Let me start by saying -- the near-universal John Walker hate from fandom has always been largely undeserved, and that's a hill I'll die on. It comes out of, I think, a visceral sort of need to slot him into an easily understood black-or-white binary when, truthfully, he is neither, and I think this episode was the BEST example of that. The sheer range he exhibits in such a short time -- a handful of character moments and action sequences in the larger fifty minute episode -- serve to humanize him in a way that's messy and intense and very, very real.
Because MAN. Whether you were already sympathetic to John's plight or not, the death of his partner, Lemar Hoskins, is viscerally disturbing. There's no other way to put it. FATWS has not shied away from some pretty crazy onscreen kills, but this one was arguably the worst in how brutally mundane it was. Lemar was in the wrong place at the wrong time -- a man fighting amongst a whole room of super soldiers. He never stood a chance -- and yet, he still jumped in harm's way to save his best friend, a man in whom he saw indisputable goodness, even when the man could not see it himself. There's an obvious Steve/Bucky parallel here, but with a much darker and more realistic twist -- not all of us, after all, can be lucky enough to receive super strength that could save our lives. Lemar was always a regular mortal -- and for that transgression, he pays the ultimate price.
And then. What happens after. Oh. My. God. I felt Walker's rage and hopelessness through the screen. The death of that Flag Smasher -- at the hands of Captain America, no less, a man he'd admitted to admiring as a child not ten minutes earlier -- was brilliantly executed.
With the final shot of the townspeople recording the brutal murder it becomes overwhelmingly clear -- we are witnessing the tragic fall of a man who was, for all his previous missteps, trying to be a hero. But John's moral compass just died a meaningless, horrible death -- and without him by his side, Walker has become a man unhinged.
2. Bucky Barnes and Ayo
I debated putting this one at number two because I'd argue there were some weird elements to the writing choices made (more on that in a sec), but, nevertheless. Bucky and Ayo get slot #2.
That flashback to Wakanda got me excited, but I didn't expect my heart to get shattered almost right away. Oh. My. God. His interactions with Ayo BROKE ME. There's so much nuance in a scene that’s incredibly well-acted by both Sebastian and Florence — you see both of them in a moment that is incredibly pivotal for the former’s character, and we see the latter reacting with sympathy, strength, and enormous grace. I had expected a scene like this to be with Shuri (given that we last saw her with Bucky in the post credits of Black Panther) but, given the context of what was being performed (a final test of the trigger words) having Ayo there made a lot of sense. She could take him down if need be — but as the scene so wonderfully shows, thankfully, she doesn’t have to. Instead, she’s there to let him know that for the first time in almost a century, he’s free again.
Now, let’s get into some of the unevenness. I had hoped, at the end of the last episode, that Bucky had at least informed the Dora Milaje of his liaison with Zemo — that, perhaps, it had been Bucky’s intent to hand him over all along. Alas, that was not the case — Bucky, it seems, had broken Zemo out with little thought to — or perhaps simply silent acceptance of — the consequences that would come with it.
This is the part, again, where the writing felt a bit weak. We know from the opening shots of the episode that Bucky cares enormously for Ayo — they’re not simply soldiers in arms, but they’ve shared a moment of immense vulnerability together. We ALSO know that he cares enormously for T’Challa, for Shuri, and for Wakanda as a country (see Infinity War, where he says “I love this place” in reference to his new home).
So that begs the question — why? Why did he betray them in that way, besides sheer desperation for a lead? And it’s not one, I’d argue, that we are given a satisfying answer to. Bucky has been reckless to an alarming degree in the last few episodes, but not informing Wakanda of his intention to liaise with the man who killed their king feels like a MAJOR tactical oversight. Is he willing to burn everything down to win this battle against the Flag Smashers? Are these his self destructive tendencies kicking in? OR, is he just truly so blinded by his emotions surrounding his past that he’s willing to throw away what could very well be his future? Only time will tell. But I hope he’ll do right by Ayo and Wakanda, as he clearly has a LOT to make up for.
3. Baron Helmut Zemo
God. I love Zemo’s psychotic, problematic ass. Say what you want, but the man is the most efficient of them all and he isn't a super soldier or an Avenger. Over and over, he shows that he's truly smarter than them and always has been.
He doesn't get personal. He doesn’t get distracted. He knows exactly what his goal is, and he executes on it. Mans didn’t hesitate to unload several bullets into Karli, and as soon as he figured out what the vials were, he destroyed all except one. Like I said, the most efficient person on the team. Has arguably done more to forward the cause against the Flag Smashers/continued existence of super soldiers than anyone else and it’s only been a few days. Between that, his god-awful dancing skills and him shooting the eugenicist scientist without so much as a blink of an eye, I think he's a man after my own heart. I’m almost sad to see him get what’s coming for him come next episode. (Because y’all, he did still kill King T’Chaka, and there’s no way the Dora leave here without taking him out on a silver platter and an apple stuffed in his mouth). But again, let’s see how that pans out.
4. Sam Wilson
WHAT are the writers doing to Sam, I swear to God? We didn't get too much introspection into where his head's at during this episode, and when we did the treatment felt uneven at best. I think, in trying to have him create a rapport with Karli, the writers have created some areas of commonality that didn’t always translate as they’d like. It was also weird to see Sam swinging from the well-earned cynicism of the previous two episodes to the sort of wide-eyed optimism Steve used to portray. Perhaps that was simply to try and show Karli an alternative, but as the episode showed, she clearly wasn't buying (though, in Sam’s defense, he came pretty close).
Something about Sam’s characterization in this episode didn’t really do it for me — I would argue episode one and two were both stronger in that regard. Nevertheless, I’m hopeful that they’ll correct it in the next one.
5. Karli Morgenthau
Her treatment is arguably the worst of them all. She is young, yeah, but she oscillates at an alarming rate between spouting class discourse that, by this episode, feels largely derivative (like someone scrolled on Twitter and put a bunch of keywords together in hopes of evoking an emotional audience response) and homicidal tendencies that show a brutal yet fundamentally messy underpinning. Unlike Zemo, she is still too easily confounded, and that will come to bite her in the ass sooner rather than later. (See: The Power Broker)
Perhaps I'm meant to be rooting for her on some degree but I really can't -- she's cruel and sloppy, which I cannot forgive.
Oh, and she killed Lemar Hoskins and threatened Sarah Wilson. Yikes.
Overall Episode Takeaway: A lot of shocking moments and great acting beats for everyone involved (arguably some of the best of the series thus far), but the weakness of the writing does crop up in parts. Whether they'll be corrected for going forward is to be determined...
UP NEXT: Meta pieces for Sam, Bucky, John, and Zemo all in the works!
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snarky-badger · 6 years
Venom Movie Prompt: Reader is a Life Foundation scientist part-time that had been taking care of the Venom Symbiote and talked to it to pass the time and to monitor it's behavior. Unaware of what Carlton Drake had really been using them for she hears about a suspected break-in at work. Carlton is furious and wants his Symbiote back, starts to realize the secrets and is not sure if she wishes to stay there. She then gets a visitor that takes care of her like she did for them. -threshprince
Oh my, this turned out longer than I planned. I am incapable of writing short things, apparently. Haha.
I hope this is good enough  @threshprince It kinda got away from me at the end and turned into a bit of fluff, haha.
It had been your dream job.
You’d never thought that a paper you’d submitted to your University professor would have gotten you a part time job, never mind one at the Life Foundation itself!
But by some chance, some shining star, you’d gotten an interview with Carlton Drake himself. You’d been nervous, sure, but not so nervous that you’d made a fool of yourself, not if the part-time job you’d landed in his genetics department was any clue.
Learning that there was bonafide proof of alien life had rocked your world. Learning that you’d be one of the few allowed near such life while running genetics tests on it? Mind-blowing.
The first time you’d seen the alien ‘symbiote’ in it’s glass canister, you’d been surprised. You’d honestly been expecting something more out of the movie genre that you’d been low-key obsessed with during your teenage years. Alien goo, that wasn’t something that you had been prepared for. Well… was the Blob alien? You couldn’t remember.
Either way, it was weird.
Still, as you and your fellow geneticists studied it, you quickly came to a realization that it had some sentience. It definitely flinched away from the probes that were used to take some of it’s physical makeup, banged against the canister in an attempt to get loose, and the high pitched ‘scream’ that left it when one of the scientists quelled it’s escape attempts with the electric shocks had almost made you cry.
It raised some serious problems with you. You’d even mentioned it to the other scientists, but they had waved you off, laughing at you. You were too young, apparently, seeing things that weren’t there.
Your moral compass was starting to go off kilter.
You were unable to really do anything - you needed the job. You had so much debt to pay off from putting yourself through school, and the Life Foundation payed handsomely.
What you could do, however, you did.
A familiar screech reached your ears one day, and you looked up from your computer, scowling at ‘Adam’ a fellow geneticist with a mean streak a continent wide. He loved nothing more than to shock that poor alien for the slightest reason. Another thing that made you think the symbiote was sentient - it tended to hiss at Adam and press itself as far away from the man as possible whenever the Adam went near it.
“Adam, what the hell are you doing?” It was a dangerous thing, to stick your neck out with Adam around. He was a bully, in every sense of the word. He was constantly complaining to Carlton Drake that you were on the team, trying to get you fired.
But the screaming, it sent shivers down your spine. You were certain Adam used to torture small animals when he was a kid.
When Adam didn’t answer, you snatched your pepper spray out of your purse and rose off your chair, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach as you stomped over to him. “Goddamn it, Adam, stop torturing the poor thing!”
The heavyset man eyed you darkly, and you locked your knees to keep from running at the hate in his eyes. “Oh, fuck off. It’s not like it actually hurts it.”
“It’s screaming.”
“Hah. Sounds like singing to me.”
Oh good lord he was a sick fuck. “You’re getting off on this, aren’t you?”
That hit a nerve, because he rose his thumb from the security panel that controlled the instruments used to both subdue and take samples from the alien, then turned towards you, brows drawn inward in a glower.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Well shit, you’d poked the wasps nest. “It means that I think you’re torturing the poor thing because it’s helping you get your rocks off. Probably the only way too, can’t imagine any woman with a brain going near a bully like you.”
He snarled something and took one menacing step forward, pausing when you stuck your can of pepper spray in his face. His eyes literally crossed as he stared at it.
“Touch me,” you growled. “And I will empty this entire thing into your eyes. If there’s any justice in the world, then it’ll probably fucking blind you.“
He breathed heavily, like a bull ready to charge, but took a step back. You kept the spray raised, stance ready in case he lunged or reached for you, but Adam merely glared at you a moment longer before snarling a curse.
“You just lost your fucking job, bitch. Threatening a senior employee and bringing a weapon past Security, you’ll be lucky if you’re not arrested.”
“Just fuck off before I figure out how to rip the shock mechanism out of this panel so I can electrocute you,” you snapped. Adam glared at you a moment longer, then turned and stomped back to his separate office space. “Jesus, how the hell did he pass the psychiatric screening.”
Sighing, shoulders slumped, you turned towards the canister, and the symbiote held within. “I’m sorry,” you murmured, daring to reach out to press two fingers to the glass. “I can’t– Adam’s right, I’m going to get fired. I needed this job, but if you’re as smart as I think you are, then it’s worth it. I’m sorry he keeps hurting you, and I’m sorry that you’re trapped here.”
There was a moment of silence, where the symbiote undulated in it’s prison - because it was a prison, you’d realized. It was a prisoner, and you and the others had been experimenting and cutting off pieces of it. Jesus.
You were about to pull away when it moved, pressing up against where you were touching the glass. You blinked, staring at it for a moment. It was the first, non-aggressive move it had made to date. Usually it thrashed and shrieked and tried to attack anyone that came near it.
Then again, if situations were reversed, wouldn’t you?
Figuring that it was your last day at the Lab, you decided that finishing your current DNA breakdown of the latest sample taken from the symbiote would be a waste of time.
So you pulled up a chair and kept your hand pressed against the canister, merely talking to the symbiote for the rest of your shift. Babbled about your classes as the University, and why you’d taken the job at the Life Foundation, then tangented your way to talking about little things. Your hobbies, dreams, your family. Told it about the City in case it ever got free, about the dangers and the beautiful things and the people that weren’t complete assholes.
When it was time for you to leave, you gave the symbiote one last look, then used your body to block your movements as you lifted a maintenance panel on the computer panel that controlled the shocking and dissecting instruments, feeling for the needed wires and yanking them out.
“There. No more shocks. Not until they realize it’s broken, anyway.” A sigh left you as you stared down at the imprisoned symbiote, fully convinced that it was staring back. “I’m sorry I can’t do more. I really am–”
Noise from the direction of the elevators made you frown, and you huffed when you heard Adam’s voice raving at someone, someone who turned out to be a security guard. “Looks like I’m going to be escorted out of the building too. God how I loathe that man.”
Shoulders slumping, you went to leave your lab coat on your chair, then grabbed your purse, pausing by the symbiote again before leaving the Lab. “If you see a chance to escape, no matter how small, take it. I don’t know what Carlton Drake has in store for you, but it can’t be good. If you need help–” You rushed to whisper your address as the security guard opened the glass door to the Lab.
“Ma’am? I’ve been ordered to escort your out of the building.”
“Never been happier to be fired from a job,” you spat in Adam’s direction as you stormed past the guard, flipping Adam off as you headed down the hallway. Smirked when you heard the guard tell him to back off - poor baby had a short fuse.
The next week and a half went by as boringly as possibly. You easily fell back into the rhythm of things before the Life Foundation job. Balancing school and waitressing at a bar was old hat by now, you could do it in those sleep deprived moments called ‘unconsciousness’.
It was while bringing drinks to a group of frat boys that you saw the headline - a massive explosion at the Life Foundation. Fifteen dead, more wounded. Carlton Drake was on damage control, saying that it was an accidental electrical fire that had spread to one of the labs and ignited some samples, but you knew better.
“Good for you,” you murmured under your breath. Stared at the TV screen a little too long if the look from your boss was any indication, and you quickly went back to work. This job, you didn’t want to lose. It didn’t have the questionable morality that the other one had. That, and the tips were good.
What you weren’t expecting was to find Carlton Drake waiting for you at the end of your shift. The man - dressed in a suit that probably would have set you up for rent for a year - was flanked by two muscled guards that quickly herded you towards, and into, the alleyway next to the bar.
“Where is it?!”
You blinked and played stupid. “Where’s what?”
Drake glared. “Don’t play dumb. The symbiote it’s gone! Attached itself to some guy and killed half the staff and security before vanishing into the damned City.”
You eyed the guards by his sides before huffing. “Well how the hell should I know?“
“Because you are the only one that seemed to have a rapport with the alien. I saw the security footage of you defending it from Mr. Harrison. Honestly, if you’d simply told me that he was torturing it instead of threatening him, you’d still have a job.”
“A job where I’d be dissecting a sentient creature. Pass. Hard pass. Some of us have this thing called ‘morality’.”
”Which is why the symbiote responded to you,” he pressed. When you stayed silent, he rolled his eyes and pulled out a business card. “If it comes to you, contact me. I’ll reward you handsomely. You’ll never have to work at a dump like this again. One call, and I’ll have an entire security force at your side in five minutes and a check in your hands in ten.”
You hesitated. That much money…. But the memory of the symbiote screaming in pain made you shake your head. “No thanks.”
Drake stared at you as if he couldn’t understand the words that had come out of your mouth. Finally, he glowered and shoved the business card back into his pocket. “Stupid girl. Fine, have it your way. You’ll be watched from now on. You won’t see them, but I’ll have people following you twenty-four-seven. If…. when the symbiote comes to you, and I have a firm belief that it will, I advise you not to get in the way.”
You glared at his back as he turned away, his two goons following a step behind him as he walked back to his black Cadillac, the driver holding the door open for him. The urge to run over and score the Caddy’s paint job with your keys rose, but you didn’t fancy a bullet to the head.
For the next three days, you had the firm sensation of being watched. It made your skin crawl. As Carlton Drake had said, you never spotted your tail, but you knew it was there. Hoped beyond hope that the symbiote had the sense not to come to you, because you really didn’t want it to get caught.
You wished you hadn’t told it where you lived. But hindsight was twenty-twenty.
One night, after a double shift at the bar, you were in your apartment studying, books open on the small kitchen table as you tried to put together something coherent for paper due in a week. The coffee was brewing strong - you were on your second cup, late hour be-damned.
All the windows were covered in thick curtains - new curtains that you’d bought to hide yourself from the prying eyes you knew were there. You’d even added two new security locks to the front door, and had an aluminum baseball bat nearby in case you needed to bash any asshole trying to get in. It was all you could do on a meager student’s budget.
You knew it wouldn’t be enough.
Which was why, when you heard a knock on the door, your first instinct was to snatch up that bat and get ready to bash some heads. You sidled up to the door and rose on your tiptoes to peer through the spy-hole, blinking at the guy on the other side. Tall, muscled, blue eyes, short brown hair, wearing jeans a shirt and a black leather jacket. Who the fuck was he and why was he at your door at…. You blinked when you realized it was one in the morning. Fucksakes you had classes at eight.
You rose your voice so you’d be heard through the door. “Who is it?”
“Uh, hi? Our– My name’s Eddie Brock. I, um, look I know it’s late and this is weird, but I have a…. friend who knows you.”
“Good for you. That tells me nothing at all about why you’re at my door at one in the morning.“
There was an amused tone to his voice when he spoke next. “If I were to tell you, you probably wouldn’t open the door.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well, now that all my red flags are up, this is the point where I tell you to fuck off.”
Silence stretched on for a moment, before mumbling was heard on the other side. Something that actually sounded like arguing. Oh goody. You had a crazy person on the other side of your door.
Eddie spoke up again a heartbeat later. “I’m not going away until you talk to me.”
“Then enjoy sleeping in the hallway. Also, if you’re still there in the morning, I am, presently, in possession of a bat. Which I shall happily use on you if you make me late for class.”
“You got a chain on that door?”
You scowled. “Two. And a bat.”
“Then you don’t have to let me in. I just want to say my piece and then I’ll leave. Scout’s honor.”
You waffled over that for a moment. Maybe too long, because there was a curious ‘hello?’ from the other side of the door. “I’m thinking!” you called back, pushing away from the door and pacing a little.
Crazy man outside the door, assholes keeping watch, and you had a bat. Yeah, you were going to die.
Sighing, thinking perhaps, lack of sleep had made you stupid, you slid both chains into place, then unlocked the door and opened it enough to peek out. “Talk fast.”
He blinked at you. “You’re prettier than he said you were.”
“Okay then. Closing the door now.”
“Wait, wait! I’m sorry. Please don’t go. He’s been driving me nuts for days trying to get me to come here.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “And who would ‘he’ be, exactly?”
“He calls himself ‘Venom’.”
“Uh huh.”
Eddie rose a hand to rub at the back of his neck. “I’m fucking this up. Look, I’m a reporter. I was trying to expose Carlton Drake and his Life Foundation for experimenting on homeless people and– Are you alright?”
You felt like throwing up. He’d been doing what?! God, it was so much worse than just torturing aliens. It took everything you had to keep from having a mild panic attack. “Sorry, Mr. Brock. I don’t do interviews.”
“Oh, no. I’m not here for that. I got too close to the truth and he… Look, long story short, I know about the symbiotes.”
Plural. There had been more than one. Your brain latched onto that and didn’t let go. “There was more than one?!”
He frowned. “You didn’t know?”
“No! I�� Wait. Why the fuck are you here then? Who the hell is your ‘friend’ and why would…. they….” Your voice trailed off at the familiar blackness that extended from his ‘jacket’ and reached out to touch your hand. You’d thought it would feel sticky or wet, but all you felt was a coolness as the symbiote curled around your fingers. “Holy shit. Holy shit! You shouldn’t be here! You can’t be here! Drake, he’s got people watching me! You have to run–”
A darkness flit across Eddie’s eyes. “They won’t be a problem for you anymore.”
You went still. That hadn’t been Eddie’s voice. 
Well, at least your hunch that the symbiote was sentient had been proven. Take that Adam.
Eddie blinked a bit, the blue returning to his eyes as he met your stunned gaze again. Even quirked a smile at you as you watched the bit of symbiote retreat from your hand and vanish into his ‘jacket’. “We promise, we won’t hurt you.”
You felt like babbling incoherently. Instead, you slid the chains off and opened the door fully, stepping back as he entered. Kept a hold on the bat, mostly because you felt too numb to let go of it as you mechanically closed the door, locking it.
He was eyeing all the open books and scattered papers on the kitchen table when you turned to look at him, and Eddie glanced up when he felt your stunned stare. “You’re not going to pass out are you?”
“Don’t get snippy, I have a bat,” you mumbled as you staggered past him, going to sit down on the edge of the couch. “So, it– the symbiote. It is sentient.”
Eddie moved to lean on the wall opposite you, thankfully giving you the room you needed to process things. “Painfully so. Can’t get it to shut up half the time. Ow! Goddamn it!” You looked up to see him rubbing at the side of his neck, where a tiny bite mark was visible. “Quit it!”
“You bonded with it.” You and the others at the Lab had guessed that it would be possible for a human to ‘host’ the symbiote. It hadn’t been proven, merely an educated hypothesis. But you knew now that Carlton Drake hadn’t been merely ‘studying’ the symbiotes. He’d been experimenting on them, and on people.
“Yeah. Drake…. Bastard caught me while I was snooping around and used me as an experiment. He expected it to kill me, not bond with me and use me to escape.”
“Use you?”
“Wasn’t exactly planning on bonding with an alien,” Eddie drawled with a tired smirk. “It’s been…. hard. It– Venom. It’s predatory as hell. Kill first, nevermind the questions, y’know? But I can be a stubborn bastard too. And apparently symbiotes prefer willing hosts rather than ones they have to constantly fight with. So we came to an…. understanding. I honestly didn’t expect him to drag me here. Or that he even knew anyone else in the City.”
You tightened your hand on the bat at the curious tone of his voice. “I had a part time job at the Life Foundation. I didn’t know about…. most of what you told me. The human experiments, the other symbiotes…. I’m just a geneticist, fuck I’m still in University…. I’m basically a glorified lab rat. I thought it was a good job but….”
“But you figured out the symbiote was sentient.”
“Yeah. There was another scientist that liked to torment it, and I threatened him into backing off….” You rose your gaze to Eddie, who was watching you calmly. “Is it alright? It’s safe with you?”
“Kinda more like I’m safe with it.” He let you digest that for a moment before pushing off from the wall. “He wants to talk to you. Is that alright?”
You blinked. “It… it can do that?”
“With a host, yeah. Just…. don’t scream.”
“Scream? Why would I–” Your eyes widened as blackness encompassed Eddie. It cocooned him, growing bigger, easily growing to seven feet tall, massive shoulders and arms, hands tipped with wicked talons. Pale eyes opened to peer at you, a long tongue curling out from a large fang filled maw to lick at it’s lips.
Okay, yeah. You felt like screaming.
Barely managed to stay quiet, merely clinging to your bat. A bat that the creature in front of you could probably use as a toothpick after it killed you and ate your corpse.
It - Venom - seemed upset at your fear, a voice like dark, predatory, rolling thunder filling the small apartment. “SHH, LITTLE MORSEL. WE WOULD NEVER HARM YOU. DON’T BE AFRAID.”
Afraid? Oh, you were beyond afraid. “To be fair, you’re…. very different,” you grated out. “And big. Very big.”
“HEH. THAT WE ARE. EDDIE IS A GOOD HOST. IF A LITTLE ANNOYING.” Venom walked across the room, crouching in front of you and reaching out to place a massive hand against your face, cupping your cheek. “WE WOULD HAVE KILLED HIM, BUT WE REMEMBERED YOU. REMEMBERED WHAT YOU SAID, THAT NOT ALL HUMANS ARE LIKE DRAKE OR ADAM. THAT SOME ARE LIKE YOU, KIND, BRAVE.”
Your breath left you in a trembling sigh. “Not that brave. I didn’t want to leave you there. I really didn’t.”
“THEY WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU, WE KNOW.” He rumbled, brushing his thumb across your cheek before pulling away, tilting his head as he regarded you. “WE WANT TO KEEP YOU SAFE. WE TOOK CARE OF THOSE STALKING YOU.”
“Stalking– You mean Drake’s men? But, he’ll know you’ve been here!”
A chuckle left him, low, baritone, predatory. “WE KNOW HOW TO COVER OUR TRACKS, MORSEL. THEY’LL NEVER FIND THE BODIES.”
You didn’t know if that was a comfort or not. Finally decided that you didn’t much care. Drake and his assholes could rot in hell. “Thanks. I didn’t much like them shadowing me all the time.”
“Do I even want to know how long you’ve been tailing me?”
A hissing laugh left him. “PROBABLY NOT.”
“Alrighty then.” Your hand cramped from clutching at the bat as tightly as you were, and you winced a bit as you forced your stiff fingers to uncurl from around it, setting it aside. Venom seemed pleased that you’d set your ‘weapon’ aside, a happy sort of murring noise leaving him. “So…. why did you track me down?”
Did you really want an alien crashing on your couch? A sigh left you as you gave that some thought, but, in the end, you knew you’d cave. You had told the symbiote to track you down if it needed help, and it had. Hadn’t expected it to drag someone else along with it, but that just made things more complicated.
“Alright,” you murmured, smiling a little at the happy rumble that left Venom. “You can stay. You can sleep on the couch.”
A soft laugh left you. “Humans don’t usually share beds with people unless they’re in a relationship with them.”
Fangs were bared in distaste. “THIS IS MORE WEIRD, COMPLICATED, HUMAN THINGS, ISN’T IT?”
“Yup.” You sent a glance at a clock, sighing when you saw it was past two-am. No way you were going to get any work done on that paper now. Class was at eight, and you had to be up and out of the apartment by seven. Five hours sleep…. ugh. “Look, I’m tired, and it’s so late that I’m going to skip my classes tomorrow. Lemme get some sleep, and I’ll let you ask all the questions you want about us weird, complicated, humans. Deal?”
Two hours later, you woke up to the feeling of a large body slipping into bed behind you, now-familiar cool tendrils curling around you as large arms encased you in a hug.
A low rumble sounded in your ear. “COUCH WAS LONELY. AND TOO SMALL.”
Absolutely no clue about boundaries.
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nellie-elizabeth · 7 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Identity and Change (4x17)
Oh boy. I love this story line so much you have no idea. There were so many moments in this episode that made me so very happy. It was a bit of an information-heavy 45 minutes, but all of that information was interesting and pushed the plot forward beautifully. Let's take a look.
Like I said, maybe this was a tiny bit information-heavy? A lot of stuff went down, and there was a lot to keep track of. I don't necessarily think the episode felt crowded, but perhaps there could have been more to explore if the contents of this episode had been spread out over two? I often find that to be true with this show. There's a great episode, and I can't help but think it might have been truly astonishing if it were given more time to breathe.
Another nitpick: We learn that in this world, Mack's daughter Hope is alive. The scenes between them establish their relationship, so that when Mack decides to help the subversives fight against Hydra, we understand why he's doing it, and what he's risking. That's all well and good, but maybe these scenes could have been a little bit less sickly-sweet? He's calling her "Spark-plug" as a cute little nickname, and there's just so much adorableness that it actually came off as a bit distracting. Not too bad, though. The little girl playing Hope did a great job.
Gosh, I don't even know where to start. Very briefly, the plot is that Coulson, his memories partially restored, along with Ward and Jemma meet up with Jeffrey Mace, the Patriot, who is the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. They find Radcliffe, and then Evil Fitz and Aida, who here goes by "Ophelia" show up. Jemma, horrified, sees Fitz kill Agnes, who is dead in the real world and had existed only in the Framework. Meanwhile, Daisy is tricked into betraying her true allegiances when Mack is arrested by May, and told to tell Daisy that he remembers her from the real world. Hydra has captured Daisy, and Mack decides to go and help the rebellion, despite not remembering the truth.
Yeah. Lots of stuff went down. I guess I'll just break this down by character and see how that goes.
First of all, Mack. Sure, his scenes with his daughter might have been a little too mushy, but the payoff was worth it. The moment when Daisy comes in to his cell and he seems to remember her... wow. Powerful stuff. I was so excited. I felt like doing a victory fist pump. Daisy was so relieved, and I was too. And then... he made a strange face at the name Yo-Yo, and Daisy realized the truth. I was riding right along with all of those emotions during that scene. Mack seems like pretty much the same guy he's always been, with changing circumstances leading him down another path. He's got a strong moral compass, and he always tries to do what's right. I can't wait to see where he goes from here.
Speaking of characters who are fundamentally unchanged... Coulson. You can't tell me that Coulson isn't the kind of person who'd be deep into conspiracy theories if he wasn't actually literally a part of one. There's this recurring joke throughout the episode about Coulson making his own soap, because he believes Hydra controls peoples' minds with soap. There's a lot of humor here, and a lot of really detailed acting choices by Clark Gregg. He has that giddiness and excitement whenever he learns something new about the world, as evidenced by his tone of voice when he talks about his robot hand. He's also realistically not the same bad-ass we know from the real world, as we can see when he holds and fires a gun. Clark Gregg did an excellent job of showing us that he's not familiar with holding this weapon. Even so, hints of his original self peak through, and he handles himself well in a tense situation.
Ward. Oh boy. This isn't Ward. Just as Fitz and May have been fundamentally altered by a new set of circumstances, so has Ward. Sure, we know his capacity for true evil, and I will still be sick to my stomach if they try to put Ward and Daisy together in any capacity. But here, he's a fearless rebel doing whatever he can to take down the bad guys, and he really, really loves Skye. That's so interesting to me. And Jemma's reaction to the whole thing is pretty classic. She's confused and weirded out, and not giving an inch. The moment when Ward finds out from Mack that Daisy has been taken by Hydra... he looked like his world had just ended. This version of Ward is some perfect idealization of him. The Ward that could have been if not for the way he was brought up and corrupted. In some ways, he's the Ward that we all found so boring at the start of Season One, before we learned he was a traitor. It's amazing to me that I can now find those same character traits so fascinating.
Mace. This is what I'm talking about. This is why this Framework thing is so brilliant. Here, we see a Mace who has taken over as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., just like in the real world. But he's confident and actually in charge here. Coulson isn't helping him. He's calling the shots. Mace is such a surprising character on this show. I never would have expected to find him as interesting as I do.
Daisy took a very reactionary role in this episode. She got information on where to find Radcliffe, but in the process she was taken in by May to help on a mission. Ward was forced to leave her behind. From there, she just follows along and tries not to betray anything strange about herself. This all falls apart when she thinks Mack remembers her. Of course, being the bad-ass that she is, even after May and a bunch of other Hydra agents are bearing down on her, she manages to get pretty far before being captured. She even gets an awesome elevator scene, where she takes out a bunch of people single-handed, in a beautiful homage to Captain America: The Winter Soldier (which is the best movie in all of the MCU. Fight me). Daisy gets pretty badly beaten after her capture, and as the episode ends, Evil Fitz is unmoved by her pleas for compassion. He's run a test on her, and knows she's a potential Inhuman. Things are not looking good for Daisy. This is awesome, because it adds real stakes. She's been captured by Hydra, and they're not messing around. I can't wait for the payoff here. Ward's desperation to get her back, Fitz's horror after they all get out of here, and he realizes what he's done to his dear friend... it's all going to be so delicious to watch.
May doesn't get a lot to do here. I'm waiting to understand more about her Framework self. In any case, she's still completely without mercy when it comes to her dealings with Daisy. Bringing in an innocent man and his scared innocent little girl just to trick Daisy... that's some brutal stuff, May. I'd love to see May and Coulson interact within the Framework. This world has emphasized Coulson's lovable and silly side, and emphasized May's coldness. In this world, the idea that the two of them could love each other seems frighteningly far away.
Radcliffe, like Mace, is a character I never expected to have such complicated and interesting feelings about. When Coulson, Jemma, and Ward find him, he's genuinely distressed. He doesn't want them to be imprisoned. He didn't want Aida to have taken over. Radcliffe is not exactly above reproach, here. Not by any means. And yet... he's a victim, too. A victim of his own stupidity, perhaps, but not of his own malice. He tries to get through to Fitz, telling him that they had a deep friendship, almost like father and son. He genuinely beseeches him to remember the love that Fitz and Simmons shared. And he wants to do whatever he can to protect poor Agnes. He's a bit of a coward, and he lets the power and possibility of science go to his head. But he really does love Agnes, and he really does care about Fitz. Fascinating!
Aida, or shall I call her Ophelia, is just brutal. Lady Hydra, they call her, and I can tell why. She has a tight grip on this world she's created, and any threat to it infuriates her. Maybe the very best scene in the episode is when Aida confronts Radcliffe about how he treated her in the real world. She talks about how demeaning it is to be used, and treated like a thing. All of those little moments, those hesitations and ticks we saw all season, as Aida learned more and more about her own personality, are finally able to come out. She knows the power and complexity of the world she's created. She knows what she has to do to keep control of that. There's something so frightening about an AI who not only turns against her creator, but actively hates him.
Fitz. Oh, God. Fitz. If this universe shows us a Ward who is changed into a good person through idealized circumstances, here we have a Fitz who has become a hardened mad scientists through the reality of his own world. In some ways, Fitz is still the biggest question mark in the Framework. We don't know exactly what went on in his past to make him this way. At first, I wondered if he was going to have a past with Jemma, and then Jemma died inside the Framework and he blamed S.H.I.E.L.D. and became Hydra. But they went another way. Fitz doesn't remember Jemma. He doesn't remember anything from the outside. But there's one important difference between Fitz and all of our other characters trapped in here: he knows. Ophelia, as Aida calls herself, has told him everything. I mean, sure, a highly edited and skewed version of everything, but still. He knows that there's an alternate reality. He even knows that he and Aida existed over there. He can't remember anything, so his entire perception of the real world is based on what Ophelia tells him.
And this is the best thing ever. Ophelia and Fitz's romance makes me sick to my stomach, but it's so clearly supposed to. Whatever resolution they have planned, I'm so excited for it. You've got Fitz telling Ophelia "I'd cross the universe for you," and then later Radcliffe tells Fitz about his love for Jemma, and says "he crossed the bloody universe to rescue her." According to Radcliffe, Fitz and Jemma were "in love. Unbreakable." This entire Framework narrative is centered around the Fitzsimmons relationship, bringing their journey as a couple into the forefront in a way that we haven't seen yet in all the years of this show. Fitz, even though he doesn't recognize Jemma, and has no problem in leading a team to eliminate her, seems drawn to her. He sees her across a crowd of chaos, their eyes meet... and it doesn't change anything, but Fitz seems perturbed. It's enough of a hint there to make us think that somewhere deep inside, the real Fitz is reacting against all of this.
Of course, Fitz killed an innocent woman in cold blood, after Jemma promised Ward that he'd never do anything like that. That was hard to watch. I think we're still missing some pieces as to why Fitz is like this, but in other ways it makes a lot of sense. His devotion to Opehlia is a sick and twisted version of his devotion to Jemma. Leo Fitz loves fiercely, and his loyalty is not to be questioned. That applies here as well as in the other world, but in the Framework it's twisted to a frightening degree.
Jemma. My darling Jemma. Just like last week, she had a really rough go of it here. What with Daisy running around evading capture within Hydra, Jemma felt very alone. Coulson is sort of the real Coulson, but Mace, Ward, and most troubling of all, Fitz, are not the people she knows. Like I already mentioned, I cannot wait for the epic reunion stuff with Fitzsimmons. But at the same time, Fitz has done some pretty unforgivable stuff already, and he doesn't appear to be snapping out of it. Jemma's anguished yell of grief when Fitz killed Agnes was really hard to hear. I anticipate this might be a difficult thing for them to move past. I can't wait to watch the angst.
That's all I've got. And it's a lot. I have feelings. I don't want this show to end this year... I'm hoping they can eek out one more season, because there are still stories I want to hear with these characters.
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