#oh my GOD they are so happy and giddy and excited when mister started i just COULDNTTT TEARS JN MY EYES
ashmp3 · 2 years
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qwters · 3 years
i feel like we, as a society, need to talk more about the video “dream - minecraft 1.15 world record reaction”
there is just So Much to talk about here. it is by far one of my favorite videos in general based on pure vibes and because dream is potentially the most e word he’s ever been so lemme just write a whole essay or something. here u go:
sapnap and george are so happy and giddy at the start. that’s already so !!! and i am smiling so very hard. they’re so happy for dream!! they were there for basically his whole speedrunning journey and they watched as he improved enough to get the world record? and now they’re so proud on his behalf that they’re screaming as if this were their own accomplishment? yeah i’m gonna go lie on the floor and feel emotions now. guys they’re just so happy for him guys they’re so,,,
but when dream comes in, he’s so much more subdued than them so you hear his voice and it’s really quiet and you’re just like?? bc this is mister LETS GO!!!!! so why is he? so quiet? but then he says he’s almost crying and that’s when you realize that oh. he’s not excited rn because instead he’s content in his victory and proud of his accomplishment and relieved to have finally reached his goal. it’s not george and sapnap’s screaming and it’s not his LETS GO!!!!!! after the initial reaction in the original vid because there was so much more to this journey than usual. it’s not LETS GO!!!!!! because it’s not as unexpected as his other wins where he defies the odds in order to come out on top, it’s the emotional catharsis of reaching a goal at long last and the thought of finally because he knew this was going to happen eventually. after all, he wasn’t going to stop until it did.
and that’s,,, wonderful. the idea that he put so much time and effort and genuine skill into this thing and decided that he wasn’t going to stop until he literally proved that he’s the best? the confidence. the determination. THAT IS SO GODDAMN E WORD I AM GOING TO CRY
also. he said he might’ve sprained a muscle while punching the heck out of his desk. what an absolute idiot (fond).
and,, god. when he talks about how long he spent just grinding out runs? and how he wanted george and sapnap to be there in case he got the record bc he wanted them to be in his youtube vid? man,,,, man. i’m gonna run the phrase e word into the ground while talking about this video but what else am i supposed to sAY when i am faced with this? hm? he is e word here. mans really fuckin e word.
it’s also just plain cool to hear his ramblings about the different strats he tried over the course of the ten days (ten days!!) he spent doing this and what was going through his mind in those last moments before killing the dragon. it’s honestly such a gift to see how quickly his mind works and everything that goes into every single one of his actions. fantastic content. mwah.
and then he stEALS THE WORDS I WROTE EARLIER GODDAMN DUDE WHAT THE HELL— like,, i watched this a few weeks ago and meant to make a post about it bc it rlly just Needs to be talked about (but i procrastinated writing out everything i wanted to say because Of Course I Did) so i wrote the first few parts of this down today before rewatching the whole vid to see what i missed and,, well. i’m proud that i remembered the emotion in his voice right, but dream. u stole my words man,,,
anyway. that’s pretty much all i have to say about this. dream is so incredibly e word here. watch the vid. it’s like 6 minutes. you won’t regret it <3
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onthesandsofdreams · 3 years
The Actor In The App [3/?]
Pairing: Cassian x Jyn Rating: T Summary:  ‘Permission to send you something?’ Words: 1521 Notes: Celebrity AU Tagging: @mousedetective
Read @ AO3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1
It’s been a few days since the last conversation with Cassian, and Jyn finds herself both worried and on the edge. Every time her phone has rung, or vibrated, she has rushed to see if it’s him. And he has only sent her one message that read, ‘Will have a busy couple of days, sorry.’
And sure, she understands hard days at work. But for the first time it hits her how different Cassian and hers life it is. Her busy or hard include hot kitchens and sometimes tempers, writers block on top of that sometimes, too. But she has no idea what hard or busy days include for him. Sure, she’s heard about twelve to fourteen hour days, and those must be terrible… and oh. That’s probably it.
Fortunately, Cassian is a gentleman and sends her another text that reads, ‘Permission to send you something?’
She smiles, sure, they’re in a strange limbo of relationship right now, because she’s not quite sure she’s ready to call him her boyfriend. They haven’t even had a first day, goddamn it. But she’s sure he could send her whatever he wanted without her permission, but she’s touched at his respectfulness. ‘Sure. Thanks in advance.’ She sends back along with her address.
And Cassian doesn’t disappoint. A few days later, he sends her a large white bouquet of peonies, a favorite book of his, some expensive chocolate and a bottle of wine. She looks at the loot and she feels like she hasn’t felt since she was a teenager in the throes of a first love, she’s giddy with excitement. The flowers smell wonderful and she opts to use the fine vase she got from her mom and places them at her desk, the book goes to her bedside – it’s a poetry book, the wine to the small shelf she has for wine and alcohol bottles and the chocolates also join the book, after all, what better way to end the day than with a fine chocolate? She send a text, ‘Thank you, everything’s wonderful’.
Cassian’s reply comes surprisingly swift, ‘Enjoy, Jyn. Talk to you soon.’
‘Okay.’ She replies and stands there in her bedroom as she stares at her book and chocolates. But then stands and opts for doing more work on her book, and now, she has something pretty to look at when she can’t think of what to do. Now she was really eager to go on a date with Cassian. He wouldn’t disappoint, she was sure now.
A couple of days later, the message is, ‘I’m free now, can you video chat?’
‘Sure.’ She replies and before she opens up the video, she brushes her hair. Sure, he has seen her without much make up, but that doesn’t mean she has to be a complete slob and have her hair be a mess. Specially the mess it always gets after dance class.
“Hey Jyn,” Cassian’s smiling when she finally answers. “Did you liked my gift?”
“Yes,” she smiles back. “It was very thoughtful of you. The wine is delicious and please don’t get me started on the chocolates. Haven’t finished the book, though, but it’s lovely so far.”
If anything, Cassian’s smile widens and his eyes seem to sparkle, even on the screen. “Good, good! Listen, the filming nearly finishes, and I was wondering, since I’m going to be in New York afterward, would you like to meet in person?”
“Meet or go on a date?” She tilts her head, she would like to know what sort of meeting it will be, she has, after some pride in her and she would like to be dressed correctly for it.
“You don’t mince words, huh?” Cassian doesn’t seem bothered. “A date, miss Erso. I think I would very much like to take you on a date.”
She feels herself relax and her lips curl upwards, “Then yes, Mister Andor. I would actually like to be taken on a date.”
“Excellent!” Cassian beams at her. “Do you want to pick the place? Or do you want me to surprise you?”
“You know what? Surprise me. I would very much like to be surprised. I’m intrigued to see the places you like and think are date worthy.”
“Very well, then leave it up to me.”
“Any ideas how should I dress? I don’t want to show up in jeans to a dress sort of date.”
Cassian laughs, “How about this? I’ll plan the date, and make the necessary arrangements and when it’s all settled, I’ll let you know what sort of outfit it is.”
That sounds good to her, “Very well. I like that. I’d hate to ruin the date.”
“You could never ruin the date… not unless you showed up with a trail of papparazi behind you.”
She snorts, she doesn’t know anyone in the media, and even if she did, she’s not like that. “I would never.” And it’s true. She has never been one to watch gossip shows or read the magazines at the supermaket, it doesn’t interest her. She’s of the firm believer that people deserve their privacy. But she understand why Cassian would mention it. “But I get it. And rest easy, I don’t like other people up in my business either.”
“I believe you. You seem the kind of woman who’ll fight an army to keep her privacy.”
“That’s a surprisingly accurate read!”
“Well, thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” She looks at him for a moment. He looks a bit tired. “Is the filming doing okay?”
“Yeah, just had a heavy week, but everything’s going well. Should have things wrapped in a couple of days, I want to be home a day or two before I take you out though, wouldn’t do for me to fall asleep in the middle of a date thanks to jet-lag.”
“That would suck. But glad the movie is nearly done.”
“Yeah, I’ll be taking six months off before I start to film another, so I’ll have some time to rest.”
“Yeah, you should. God, if I could take six months to rest at work that would be amazing.”
“You’d have time to finish your book?”
“Yes. But I even if I complain about my work, I like cooking. It’s a creative outlet for me too.”
“I imagine it is.”
“It has its ups and downs, but it’s a good fit for me. The same way movies might be for you.”
“I think so. There is something freeing in just letting other sides of you ‘come out and play’ if you will. I do in movies what I’d never do in real life.”
“Sounds fun. Must be quite liberating.”
“It is…” Cassian looks away at a knock. “Jyn, I gotta go, my assistant is calling for something. See you in person real soon.”
She nods. “Take care, and see you soon.”
“Likewise Jyn, bye.”
She remains looking at the screen even after he has to log off. There is something magnetic about Cassian that pulls her in. He seems so down to earth and not at all like the celebrity she had expected him to be. And now, she’s the lucky one that will go on a date with him.
That is the thought that startles her.
But she feels herself grin widely. She understands in that moment that he might be an actor, but he’s still a person. And she’s quite excited to see what makes him thick in person. She turns the computer off, she’s not in the mood to write tonight.
She makes her way back to her bedroom, she head straight for her wardrobe. She inspects every piece that hangs there and making mental notes to which ones she could still use for that date. She finds some  black jeans and her favorite leather jacket, she could get herself a nice blouse in case they went for a casual date.
But she needs a dress. The only one she has is a black one, but it’s more for clubs and dancing than a date. She’d have to shop, but for once in her life, she doesn’t mind. The excitement over the date is bigger than her usual dislike for shopping. Also, thank fuck for online shopping.
That in mind, she closes her wardrobe again rushes to the bath. It’s getting late and she needs a shower, she didn’t have the time before, but now, she does. The bath relaxes her a bit, but she’s still too excited to sleep, so she lays in bed, book in hand and reads until the words begin to blur.
Two days later, she receives a text from Cassian, it reads, ‘Casual. Let’s have fun.’
She smiles, and lets the wave of relief wash over her. Her dress will arrive soon, but still, she is happy at the thought of having the chance to meet him without any sort of pressure. Something fun and casual give a different sort of chance, she wants to see him be casual, not with the feel that he has to get it perfect at the first try. So she sends him, ‘Very well, let’s have fun.’
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jjk-biased · 4 years
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youtuber! jungkook x youtuber! reader
crack! social media au
genre: fluff, crack, some angst
chapter summary: after somehow placing 2nd overall on OGN's e-sports festival, jin fulfills his bet by taking you and your friends to lotte world for a hopefully stress-free and peaceful day.
words: 1.8k (cannot be read as standalone)
warnings: aside from cussing, none!
24. unsaid feelings
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The fireworks painted the dark sky with bright hues of red and blue. And while it could be the most beautiful view they've ever seen, Jungkook would beg to differ.
You were his prettiest view. The way your eyes would twinkle at each spark. How bright your smile would become as the glitters danced in the sky. The way your delicate hand encased in his would tighten at each exciting moment.
You were breathtaking.
Jungkook had long since ceased watching the show. He instead chose to observe your reactions to it with a dumb smile on his face. It was adorable. You were adorable.
Finally feeling his gaze on you, you found yourself turning red. Your eyes met his, then you two leaned closer.
and closer
and closer.
Until your lips were a few centimeters apart.
As the last and greatest firework exploded, you two ki—
for fucks’ sake.
Laughter rang throughout the living room as Jungkook fell from the couch. They all slept at Namjoon’s house once again after the e-sports festival had ended and it extended until today. Like how the first sleepover turned out, everyone fell asleep in the living room.
“Noisy much, Jin?” You grumble, also waking up from Jin’s morning call.
“If we wanna enjoy Lotte World and get there early, y’all shoulda been up and about.”
Hoseok, who somehow already had an immense amount of energy, cackled at you and Jungkook’s state. The others wordlessly began to wash their faces, some opted to help Jin with breakfast.
After a long time of preparing, the rambunctious group of friends finally went on their trip to Lotte World.
Unbeknownst to you and Jungkook, however, the little shits had planned something that you’re not sure whether to be thankful of or angry at.
Jungkook had finally admitted to everyone else, while you were fast asleep on the floor in between Namjoon and Hoseok, that he had been harboring a genuine liking towards you. He had gone to sleep not long after, and that was when Taehyung began to brew plans to give him a little push.
It’s been awhile since you’ve gone to any amusement park, so you had a child-like wonder painted on your face when everyone went in. It was absolutely adorable to say the least and even if Jungkook was unable to say it out loud, his dopey grin was enough.
You all thought it was a good idea to start the peaceful day with death disguised as rollercoasters. You’re sure you know who wanted everyone to die so early in the day, the terrified looks of all but one little shit told you more than you need to know.
“Do we really have to do what he says?” You grumble as Jungkook basks in his success.
“Might as well do it now when the line isn’t as long…” Yoongi trailed off, slowly losing the confidence he had stored in when he heard the shrieks of the people.
Luck might not be with you today when everyone scrambled to sit at the safest parts of the cart— which is everywhere but the first row. Moreover, the only person left to sit with you was none other than the idiot responsible for your demise that day.
“Hurry up pumpkin, you’re so slow!”
Whatever retort you wanted to throw was shoved in your throat when the staff secured your death seat.
“Aw is little pumpkin scared?”
“For the last time, jungleboy, I am nOT LI— FUCK THIS RIDE AAAAAH”
To say the least, your luck took a vacation and left you to suffer with Jungkook and the others.
Everyone decided to eat lunch after that traumatizing event. Namjoon and Jin were scouting for a place to eat, Hoseok and Yoongi decided to look for food choices, and that left you with the three youngest idiots of your idiot group to explore the rigged booths.
There was a shooting game where you just had to knock over the pyramid of cans to get the fluffiest alpaca ever. And while you’ve ingrained it in your mind that these games are scams, the child in you couldn’t resist wanting to win one because 1) alpaca soft 2) alpaca big.
Jungkook wasn’t an idiot— dear lord, someone tell him — or at least he could tell the meaning of your longing stare towards the cute alpaca plush.
With a sigh, he stopped you from doing one of the most dramatic “goodbyes” ever to an alpaca plush and tried for the game.
“Step right up, mister! Win anything in this booth for your girlfriend for the small price of ₩5,000!”
“Oh, w-we aren’t— he isn’t,” you pathetically denied. It seemed you were the only one who got embarrassed though because Jungkook didn’t deny anything.
He did it with so much ease that even the staff was left speechless at his show. Maybe it was the alpaca he gave you talking, but damn did butterflies erupt in your tummy. He looked so cool shooting the cans with so much focus. To think he spent money and did so just for you, you were sure your heart melted (and it wasn’t because of the heat!!)
You thought the funny feeling would die down after.
Boy were you wrong.
Time after time after time again, he never failed to make you feel giddy inside.
When the two of you were paired up for this horror house, he never made you feel embarrassed. He instead offered his arm to you, even going as far as wrapping said arm around you so you could find refuge in him when a particular bit scares you more. Poor boy was too flustered from the entire ordeal to even notice some of the scarers.
Then there was this time where he cheered out of glee when you won from one of the booths. (you two used Jin’s money though lmao) He had complimented you endlessly on how “great you were, pumpkin!”
Though he’d often tease you about your shorter stature, he lets you use him as a shade from the harsh sunlight. It was a small but nice gesture.
Everyone else retreated to the restrooms after thinking it was a good idea to drink a lot before going to the teacups ride. The look on their faces was a memory you’ll never forget.
You two sat on one of those benches nearby and began to talk about random things— ramens and gaming included. Jungkook received a text from Jimin saying that the lines were too long and they could roam around while waiting.
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“How about we go to those souvenir shops? I wanna buy something now before it gets too crowded,” You suggested, pointing to the array of stores.
“I don’t mind that, let’s go!” He cheered, taking hold of your hand (you don’t know if he’s aware of that or not but it made you red).
The next hour was spent trying on dorky thingamajigs and whatnot. After trying on a pair of funny specs, you decided it was time to go back to checking out rides.
The sun had begun to set and pink hues scattered through the sky. It allowed for a more calm and serene mood to set in as you two walked, your arms linked, and roamed around the parks (as well as trying to ignore the bustling noise of happy kids and crying babies lmfao)
Ramen, that was the name of the alpaca Jungkook won for you, was safely tucked in his arms. You, on the other hand, were busy munching on the popcorn that Jungkook bought (it was supposed to be for himself but you had your ways)
You probably didn’t hear whatever was going around, too busy eating his popcorn to care, but Jungkook heard every murmur people threw your way. Admittedly, he wished that you two were actually a couple like the little kid said
He wasn’t sure how it began. You two started on a rather weird meeting— with you mocking his so-called fifth grader level skills in Overwatch to him replying rather pettily to win the argument. Somewhere down the line, you two actually had common friends and were forced to meet. That was the moment he was taken aback by you.
Well honestly, he was always taken aback.
You were witty; always had comebacks ready to deploy for every remark he had. You were skilled; not only a master at time management for balancing college life with your career, but also great at gaming. You were kind-hearted; though your verbal jabs were piercing, he knew you meant no harm.
You were too good for this world.
So when he had scared you, rather unintentionally, with a horror game, he regretted it so much. But to be honest, he was also thankful for that day. God knows he probably wouldn’t have had the chance to “restart” how he treated you if he hadn’t fucked up.
You probably didn’t notice how his teasing now focused more on the thought of you with him. While he isn’t the best at conveying romantic feelings, he was absolutely fluent in memes.
Thank god for memes.
But at some point, he does have to tell you what’s going on. He can’t stay in this weird space with you— somewhere between friends who fight and friends who flirt. With a shaky sigh, he decided today was the day.
As if the universe were with him, you then finally noticed his silence. It was heart-warming to see concern in your pretty face when you took note of the unusual quietness.
“Are you okay, kook?”
Like a goldfish out of water, he opened his mouth then closed it again.
Fuck, it was harder than he thought.
Thousands of thoughts went through his head. Will you take him seriously? Will you stop being friends? Will you hate him for the feelings he harbored?
Every negative thought disappeared at the sound of your amused laugh.
He reminds himself why he liked you so much and gathers little courage to speak out his mind.
This is it.
Oh my god, this is it.
“Y/N, I have something to tell you…” He trailed off, now facing her properly. (poor Ramen was being squeezed to death)
You became nervous. Did he notice my staring? Holy shit is he gonna tell me I’m weird?
“I think I li—”
Internally groaning at yet another interruption, Jungkook turned to whoever decided to call you out. It was a guy, definitely older than you. He turned to you, silently questioning if you knew the intruder, and was surprised to see none of your cheery aura.
You were livid.
“Daniel Y/L/N.”
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a/n: tumblr decided to be a bitch and didn't save every edit i made so this took awhile. also, #danielisoverparty and oops, y'all thought Daniel was an ex lmao ig i made him sound too ex-y 🤡
taglist: @armymaknae @rjsmochii @chogiyeol-utopia @deolly @liitlefaiiery @patpus @br0ther-s @borednia @tyraparker @ancailinaerach @tae165 @cherrycolababie @nininek12 @atulipandarose @hannahdinse8 @hereforaus @amoreguk @thewariestofheads @parkmaeri @thia-aep @diorhobii @seungcheoluwu @mipetronella @callmesenpaix @jungshookmeup @yoongisabby @parkchaeyoung1997 @alpaca1612 @bangtan-serendipity @karissassirak @fullsunkook @salty-for-suga @cholychi @smolbeaniejimin @netflix-batman-sleep @snickerdoodleeee @faeriegukkie @kpop4mysoul @crazylittlemay @theneighborhoodfangirl
permanent taglist: @luvinseokjinnie @97faerie
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j-elaine-hyde · 4 years
The Bean Chronicles: Part 18
Henry Cavill / Reader
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It was finally Christmas Eve. You and Henry had decided to forgo the parties and stay at home together. Tomorrow morning you’d be meeting his family bright and early for Christmas. Despite becoming close with his mother you were still nervous about meeting the entire clan.
“Dinner smells amazing, my love.” Henry wrapped his arms around you, and nuzzled your neck.
You laughed and pressed against him, “I hope it tastes as good as it smells!”
He patted your butt before scooping up a finger full of mashed potatoes.
“Stay out of that mister, it’s almost done.” You shook your head at him with a smile.
“I’ll get the wine. Red?” He was scanning the wine rack as you watched him. You would never tire of looking at this gorgeous man.
He popped open a bottle as you pulled the roasted vegetables out of the oven. “Time to eat!”
You were curled up on the sofa watching “A Christmas Story” when Henry shifted out from underneath you and walked to the tree. He produced a small gift and handed it to you.
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“Merry Christmas my love....” he smiled as he sat down facing you. “I can’t wait any longer. I want you to open this one now.”
Your throat felt tight looking at the small square box in your hands.
“Well then you have to open one of yours too.” You placed the box on the table and hopped up. Knowing exactly which one to pick, you pulled the long rectangular box from the stack and sat down.
“You have to go first. Merry Christmas Hen.” You handed him the small box and watched him rip open the paper. As soon as he saw the unwrapped box he looked up and smiled.
“Darling.... I already know I love it.” He smiled as he opened the box.
Inside was a vintage Rolex, the same worn by James Bond.
“Oh my god... baby.... are you serious?!”
“Look at the back...”
He turned the watch to better see the inscription. “Always yours, XO Y/n” he read it aloud. “This is incredible.... how did you find this?!”
“I might have had some help. But I thought since you had the car, you might as well have the watch too.”
He carefully set the watch on the table before lunging forward at you, wrapping you in his arms. “I’m blown away baby.... I can’t believe you found this. I love you so much. You’re amazing. Thank you my love!” He continued kissing you all over as you laughed.
With one long, deep kiss he sat you back up. “Ok now mine. Which I thought was going to wow... but I can’t top your gift....”
You picked up the small square box. “Oh Hen...I’m sure I’ll love it darling....”
You unwrapped the paper, your breath hitching in your throat as you saw the red of the Cartier box. You opened it to see two “love” rings inside.
“One is for now, for your right hand. The other is for later, for you left.”
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You looked at him with a stunned surprised look before quickly smiling and holding out your right hand. He picked up the rose gold band and slid it onto your right ring finger.
“I love it Hen... thank you...” you stared at the ring on your finger, “it’s beautiful.”
You continued looking at the ring as you climbed into his lap. You clutched his face and gently kissed him, smiled and said, “I love you. Thank you, I love it.... I’m never taking it off.”
“I do have another gift for you... I have to go get it out of the bedroom.”
“The bedroom huh....” you laughed.
He patted your butt, “Hop up darling and I’ll go get it.” You smiled and give him another kiss before sliding back onto the sofa.
You watched as he got up and walked down the hall. You quickly grabbed the Cartier box, opening it to look at the ‘ring for later’ you were giddy that he had already bought a wedding band, curious if he had already purchased an engagement ring as well.
You heard Henry coming down the hall and closed the box, placing it back on the coffee table.
In walked Henry in a sexy Santa outfit. Your eyes lit up and your mouth dropped open in a surprised smile.
“Santa heard you were on the naughty list young lady...” he raised and wiggled his eyebrows at you before walking over and scooping you up off the sofa.
“I’ve been a very naughty girl...” you said in your sexiest voice.
“Well Santa is going to take you to his workshop so we can work on you being naughty some more....” he shifted you, pushing you over his shoulder as he opened the bedroom door.
He tossed you onto the bed, standing at the foot of it and slid off his suspenders.
“Santa baby....” you mewed as you beckoned him to come with your finger.
Kneeling onto the bed he began peeling off your leggings.
Once you were both naked he hovered over you, “Thank you baby... that James Bond Rolex is incredible.”
“You’re welcome honey.... I’m glad you love it.”
“I really do. I hope you like yours... I realize it’s not exactly what you probably thought it was going to be... but...”
You frowned and interrupted him, “Honey... Henry... I love it. This one is gorgeous and I’ll never take it off, and I’ll always think of you when I look at it. It’s a fun way to say ‘you liked it and put a ring on it’ without setting the whole tabloid world on fire.”
“Baby... I don’t want you to think that I don’t want to marry you... after all I did kind of give you your wedding band tonight... I just didn’t want to be THAT guy that proposed on Christmas. I want that to be it’s own holiday. And I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about getting engaged.... so this was a sort of test. I guess.”
“Hen... of course I want to marry you. But I am glad you didn’t propose on Christmas... I agree with you. That needs to be its own special thing. I’m not going anywhere... there’s no pressure. I love you. And I love my ring.”
“I’m calling it a promise ring. I promise to always love you.” He sweetly kissed you on the lips before flipping over, pulling you on top of him.
You sat up, perched on top of him, looking down at his gorgeous face. “So what happens when Santa is naughty?” You grinned and laughed as he bucked his hips, bouncing you.
“Ohhhh babygirl.... allow me to show you....” he raised a single eyebrow as a devilish smirk crossed his face.
You had decided to start Christmas morning off by waking up Henry with a gift... you slid under the covers, taking him into your mouth. You gently tugged with your hand as his member sprang to life. You were really getting into it when you heard Henry moan.
“Mmmmm good morning baby.... fuck I love you.... don’t stop....”
You continued but only for a few more seconds before Henry sat up and pulled you out of the covers, and onto the bed. He made a beeline for your neck and began kissing before he thrust into you.
You stood in the kitchen wearing one of Henry’s tee shirts as you sipped your coffee. Henry walked in fresh out of the shower in only boxers.
“Good morning my love.... Merry Christnas.” He kissed you on the forehead as he made a cup of coffee.
“Merry Christmas. I’m going to go take a shower and get ready.”
“Why didn’t you shower with me? Hmmm?” He asked as he slid his hand around to your ass giving it a quick pat.
“Because we don’t have that much time Hen... we wouldn’t have showered and we’d be late to your parents.” You laughed as you gave him a kiss on your way out of the kitchen.
“You know I’m right!” You hollered as you continued down the hall.
You were finishing your makeup as Henry walked out of the closet in jeans and a sweater: how was it possible that he looked incredible in literally anything?
“Hen... honey... I picked out a few outfits, they’re on the bed.... would you pick one?”
“Let’s see...” he began as he rubbed his hands together surveying the clothes you had laid out. “I’m voting for the dress, bc then I can feel you up and tease you and have easy access.”
“HEN!! Honey.... I’m serious.” You have an exasperated laugh.
“I am too!”
“Babe.... please.” You whined.
“I’m serious. I want easy access.” He finally sighed and gave in. “Jeans, blouse, blazer, boots outfit.”
“Thank you. That’s what I was thinking given your outfit.”
“We could always match.... I love the pictures of us when we match. Is that corny? I don’t care. I like it.”
Henry went back into the closet.
“Babe... what are you doing?” You asked as you stood up and started getting dressed.
“Ahha! Here it is!” He came out of the closet holding a sweater of yours that was just similar enough to his that it looked like you went together, but weren’t twins.
You had just pulled on your jeans when you looked up at him. You almost blurt out ‘are you serious?!’ But you legitimately knew he wanted you to wear it. So you did.
Henry walked around the car to open your door. You swallowed hard as your peered out the window at the large house. Your palms felt a little sweaty as Henry offered his hand, helping you out of the car.
“They’re all going to love you, my dear.” He smiled that megawatt melt you from the inside out smile that made your knees weak. He tightly held you hand as you walked to the front door. The curtains shifting quickly letting you know prying eyes had been watching.
His parents opened the door as Henry reached out for the knob.
“Merry Christmas!” They sang in unison as they welcomed the two of you inside.
Henry’s mom rushed you with a hug and a whisper, “they’re already impressed my dear. Just have fun.”
She smiled at you and tapped the side of her nose knowingly as Henry’s father took a step towards you. “Welcome home! You’re family now! It’s so nice to finally meet you. The Mrs. hasn’t stopped gushing about you. I feel as if I already know you.” He grabbed you in a tight hug before offering to take your coat.
Henry’s nephews and niece ascended next as they tackled his legs and jumped in front of him, all screaming and shouting with excitement.
“Let them get in the door at least!” You heard a man’s voice bellow from the living room.
Henry spun and smiled at you, wrapping his free hand around your waist, pulling you close as he tried to walk with his new passengers.
You arrived home utterly exhausted, slightly drunk, and extremely happy. Henry’s family had been absolutely wonderful. You adored each and every one of them. They had welcomed you into their family, even before opening your lavish gifts.
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c-atm · 4 years
Proudful Anniversary
"Hmm?"  Connie droned in concentration, looking at the assortment of choices in front of her, laid across her bed, arms crossed and head slightly hanging to the left."What would get him really, really rev him up?" 
She picked up a small black mesh teddy with a lacy ribbon before sighing and putting it back down. Her eyes caught an Icy blue babydoll with pink tanga panty.  "Hmm..No."
Maybe the green and blue corset, No. She turned, and her eyes broadened at the red ribbon bra and panty set. "Oh... That was a good time...The body painting, touching...So fun, but...This is a holiday special." She placed it down, fondly looking at it... 
It was one of her favorites...
"Dizzy? Jacko, maybe?" she'd put both costumes into consideration…"Doesn't feel right without him being Ky or Sol...or a camera." 
Connie groaned. He has been gone for a whole month and was coming back tonight...Hell, he might be on his way now, and she couldn't decide on what sexy thing she could put on go tease and please the love of this and every other one of her lives. 
"I know Mister won't care. I could be coming out of work at R&D...Wearing work from R&D, and he'd still see me as desirable... It's only right that I live up to it." She sighed as she fell back on their bed before turning to the closet...
Her eyes widened as she saw it. "That's it.."
It was sexy on her; it made her feel good when she wore it; it drove him batty with loving lust, and..it meant something to them both—one of their most precious remembrances. She smiled as said memory hit her and made her heart and pelvis warm. With a giddy smile, she bounced and from the bed to get the outfit.
Steven walked in a few hours later, finished making his rounds around LHW. Smile on his face as he saw the candlelit arrangement with strawberries on the living room table. 
"What is all this about?" He pondered, popping a strawberry into his mouth.  As he was about to pick another when warm palms blinded him, and another feminine warmth pressed his back.
"Guess who?"
Steven smirked as he heard the teasing sing-song voice of Connie. "Well, either a luscious lioness, a mischievous minx, or my naughty, playful Heartberry. It's a 20-20-60 chance that it is Heartberry, though."
"Congrats," She kissed the back of his head gently and snuggled into his broad back. "Welcome home, Mister."
"It's good to be home," He responded with a smirk. "So what's all this bout, Heart?" He pointed towards the setup. "And what are you hiding by the by…" He reached to remove her hands from obstructing his view.
"Wait!" Connie ordered as she removed her hands before holding him by the chest. "Don't turn around, not yet. I want it to be a surprise for you, Bisky."
"Oh. What's the occasion, Nini?" He popped another berry into his mouth.
She giggled. "Don't you know the date, or has all that traveling made you lost to time?"  She kissed his trapezoid tenderly, getting a bit of a shiver from him. 
"October 21st?"
"It's midnight," she kissed his spine, getting another shiver and sigh. "You were out all day, giving everyone your attention."
"So? it's October 22nd." 
She laughed into his back when the date left his mouth, feeling the shock and excitement run through her Mister. 
"The anniversary of our war game." His voice was full of fondness and admiration as he held her hands in his, kissing the palms. 
"Also, the anniversary of our time at Empire City." She added, holding him by the waist. "Been a year since then. We've done so much."
"True, we certainly have...We've gotten more intimate with each other." 
Connie gave him a bit of a nip on his tail bone due to his pervy tone, making him yelp " That's true," she chuckled. "Gave you a great birthday."
"Yeah, you certainly did. Kept me on my toes, running all over, playing your mad game. Like some birthday Riddler, or Joker."
"I prefer birthday dungeon master." She teased, "Besides, you got some cool gifts, and you loved it all. I got video proof." She retorted with a sigh, "Plus, you gave me one first. Cosplays, photoshoots, parades, chases through the city, meeting Wanda and Alex... "her grip tightened as her voice got a little more sensual, and her lips came close to his ear " The time in our hotel room... The night in our hotel room ."
"Which one?"
The two laughed in quiet devotion.
"Well,you did ask me to sink it in."  His voice smug and relaxed, getting a slightly tighter grip from her.
"I did, and you certainly delivered...Cocky."
"And you love it."
She sighed, "Stars know I do…" She admitted, 
"Provocative Minx." He teased, getting a laugh from the researcher.
"I prefer Lubricious Lioness, thank you. Also, you are not innocent in that issue, hippy ." 
Steven scoffed. "Not my fault you have a majestic...Everything."
She smirked, "But you prefer my hips and my ' heart,' more than anything."
"Your fault, since that damn dance in your old room."  He argued weakly.
"Oh, you mean the one where you asked to live in between a wall and my butt...My 'heart.' She jest, "Who would have guessed you'd get your wish months after?"
"I figure the answer is you...You did give me keys, after all." 
"Best. Decision. Ever." She joyfully laughed. "I always get breakfast, lunch, and or dinner, just in case I miss any one of them." She hummed before going silent.
 "You take way too good care of me, Mister." Connie gave him another kiss. "I'm so thankful for you."
 "You don't have to thank me for that." Steven declared.
She shook her head. "You don't know just how much it means, the things you do for me. Definitely, this year. All the time, you were there for me. Rather it's with a meal, to talk to me, being that person I could lean on and vent to, keeping me from getting to wrap-up in work or reprimand me when I needed it." Connie laughed, sniffing a bit. "For the big things too like my birthday..and actually giving me Valentine's day I want to remember...For unknowingly accepting my invitation and moving in with me."
"Hey, where's all this coming from, now?" Steven asked, a bit concerned by the slight dampness of his back. 
"Nothing...No wait, it is something." She wiped her eyes. " It's a lot of things, but it easily boils down to one thing...I love you...You're my best friend, the best thing that ever happened to me. I appreciate you for everything you've done for me, with me- " 
"To you." He added with a slightly lecherous lingo.
She chuckled, "Yes. To me as well, my mischievous Mister. Though I always thank you for that." 
"You give as good as you get, Naughty Heartberry." He smirked. "I wanna see you...Know it supposed to be a gift, but I want to look you in those midnight eyes of yours."
"Mmm…Why do you have I be so..Charming " She released him and stepped back from her chuckling partner, with a blush as he turned around. It grew more when she saw his facial expressions. 
"Oh...Wow." Stevens' mouth went dry, and his toes curled at the visage in front of him as his heart rammed itself into his chest repeatedly, and his gem burned with craving and desire, the same as the last time.
The last time, when the outfit hung off her curves loosely, stopping right at the highest part of her thigh and made her look sinfully, innocently teasing. 
This time with her body a year fuller, a bit taller with lean muscle, with more pronounced curves, arches, and angles, that allowed her to fill out the outfit to the point it stopped right at her hip, giving a perk of what was under; she was honest to God temptress out of a fantasy, and just like last time.
It was effortless. 
"Happy Anniversary, Mister." She smiled innocently as she scratched the back of her head with sleeves a bit too long. "I know, it's a bit of a cop-out but.." she went low in tone. "It was what I was wearing in Empire City a year ago. When we started to get truly, physically intimate...and I ~mmmmm~hmmm~hmmm~ ! "  
She was interrupted by Steven sealing her mouth with his own. The feel of his right hand upon her cheek, of his bottom lip, finding its way between her own as he sucked on her upper lip, and his tongue as it gently massages her top teeth and gums. She couldn't help but swoon and melt for him, just like always.
'chu !' They broke the kiss, leaving her in a slightly, giggly love-drunk gaze.  
"Oh, wow, hehe." Connie grinned as she shifted in place. "All that for putting on your black turtleneck and green boy-shorts set." She teased, only to yelp in surprise when he lifted her over his shoulder and guided her to the couch. "My Mister's manhandling me," She laughed as he sat on the couch and straddled her upon his lap, facing him, his hands on her hips, hers own folded upon his nape.
"What's that look on your face, Hubby." She teased, resting her forehead on his, looking at his eyes. The impassioned gaze they held. 
 "Thank you."
"Hmm." She gave him a sly grin, "For what? The outfit? Eep! -Chu !- " That got her hip a pinch and her lips a peck, both she welcomed warmly.
"A bit " He grinned as squeezed her bottom, watching her chest hiked as Connie took a deep breath.
"A bit, huh?." She whispered in a husky tone, biting her lips.
"Well, more than a bit. -Chu- , but real talk. All playfulness aside -Chu- , Thank you." He caressed her cheek. "Thank you for all the fun memories. My birthday, the performance in new year's...For letting me pamper you on Valentine's morning....and your birthday." He gave her a fox grin, "Eh-hehe, for February 15th…"
"Yeah...Think I ended up enjoying that more than you, Bisky -Chu!- It was fun being your canvas...Letting you have your way and all." She poked his nose, getting a grin.
"I don't know. Complimenting you for two hours straight. Making you a blushing mess, that was a highlight of my year." He teased, getting a slap on his chest. 
"I think you just like making me a jumble of nerves."
"Turning my lioness to a cub. It's a joy to be embraced..." He laughed before stroking her ear with his thumb."Not to say, I don't like being your toy as well." Hearing her hum and lean into his machinations with a loving smile made his heart soar. "Thank you for that too."
"I love it when you call me 'Lioness' or 'Cub." She mewled, "Guess that makes you a cat-toy, though." 
"You certainly had the tail and ears to prove it at one point." He grinned. "Thank you for letting me treat you like this... "His grin dropped to a small smile " For letting me love you like this and for loving me. For all the affection you showed me. For all the times you dropped or worked remotely to spend time for me. All the silly games that remind me of our childhood. All the time, you helped me with my ambassador duties, helping me with my speeches and all..…. All the times you were there when everything felt too much; ...For giving me a home. Not just having a place to come to but somewhere warm and joyous- For..this." He waved his hand, "For doing things like this. it's really… Amazing."
He kissed her short and sweet. "You're amazing. Damn, you're so...Heart-swelling... Not only do you make me love you, but I'm proud." 
"P-Proud?" Connie stammered, turning her face away in a basement.
"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" He started, "I get to come home to my best friend. My wonderful, ingenious, strong, captivating lioness of a best friend."  He added, holding her chin up to face him. "Heartberry, being partners with you, is one of the greatest pride in my life." He declared, kissing Connies' forehead before she pulled the turtleneck up to cover her face and showing more of her green set.
"Connie, you ok?" 
She didn't respond to his teasing tone, verbally, but nodded on as she rested her head on his chest, humming as she rubbed her back." Punk." She said, muffled. "You know what saying that you're proud does to me." She lectured gently.
"Admittedly," He lightly pulled the turtleneck down to see her face, marooned with a pouty smirk."Small part it feeds that well-deserved ego of yours." He chuckled.
"I don't have an Eg- mmmhh~hmm!"
* CHU !*
Steven smirked, looking at her shocked but satisfied face."I know...All you do..all you have done and will do, never clouded your mind. Only serving to humble you more, and push you to your next goal." He nuzzled against the bridge of her nose. "It's one of the reasons why I'm proud to say that you chose me to share this thing we have with me," he grinned as he stole another kiss, " also, it gives me a whole bunch of reasons to brag about you." 
"You- you don't really do that, right?"  She blushed.
"Oh, you know, I do. You can ask Spinel and Yellow about how I talk you up to other delegates.
"Steven." She moaned in embarrassment as she snuggled closer. "Why?"
"Because you deserve to be known and acknowledged." He answered.
"But I am. The diamonds, The gems, Little Homeworld, R&D. They see me...More than that. ..You see me." She glanced at him. "You have for years...The very first person who saw 'me' ..." Connie laid her forehead upon Steven's, her married cheeks becoming more heated. "I want you to be proud of what you see… Just like I am when I see you." She confessed.
Steven's face took a shade of bubblegum before a smile split his face. "There's not a moment I'm not proud of you, little try-hard." He grinned before gaining a kiss from his Heartberry...
"Maybe, but your *-chu-* adoration is worth *-chu-* the effort.". she kissed him one last time before hopping off his lap to stand. " Speaking of efforts, let me show you the fruit of mines." She held out her hand to grasp, beaming when Steven took it.
"You seem eager," Steven commented with a playful husk as he followed a bouncing and strutting Connie up their stairs. "Making it kind of hard to concentrate, though." He added as his eyes got more than a bit of thigh, hip, and green cloth with each step.
"Oh, you're concentrating on exactly where I want you to." She smirked, putting a bit more twist in her hips to give him bit lips.
" Mm~mm ! Teasing Minx."
She did. "Like when you call me that too."
When they got to the top of the stairs, she led him past their bedroom and towards the recently installed 'room.' It's don't was reminiscent of the crystal gems temple door, sans gemstones.  In their place was a hard-light handprint reader. Pressing her hand inside caused the door to glow a bluish light before sliding open.
Within was a room that could only be described as 'Connie Maheswaran.' Inside was an endless hall of a traditional-looking south-Asian palace with perpetual sunlight gleaming through its windows; full bookshelves as far as the eye can see furnished the castle with it's red, gold, and yellow walls adorned with swords and violins.
"I always liked your room; it's like a fantasy ballroom library mixed," Steven said as he looked around. "Better than my pink clouds."
"I like how imaginative your room is," Connie answered. "But this isn't what I came to show you." She looked up taken a deep breath.
"Room: Oct 22!"
Steven watched as the room changed from a palace to a familiar setting. A very sentimental one. The king-size bed, the white walls with a flat-screen embedded in the northern border, the dresser and mirror on the east wall and the door to the bathroom on the west wall, and the ceiling mirror looking back above the bed.
"Is...Is this our hotel room from Empire City?" Steven asked as he sat in the bed. "This feels like the same bed." 
"Do you like it?" She smirked gently. " I know, we could have just gone tomorrow, no problem...But, I wanted to bring the memory to you. Since you just returned from traveling." Her smirk relaxed to smile, a shy one. " So...Did I impress you?"
Steven could only nod. "Did she impress me? She asks." He joked. A wickedly caring grin on his face, " Yes. Of course, you did; how couldn't I be impressed by this, by you…What's this about, Heartberry?
"It's simple." She walked up to Steven, straddling his lap, "My gift to you is the recreation of that night, that first time we gave each other our everything; it took a while... Been working on this reality since you left."
"A whole month?" He inquired with his eyes wide open as she nodded. "You took a whole month to recreate our first time?" He chuckled as he looked at her, drinking her image in. The way his turtle neck fit her, the way the light of the moon gave her a near ethereal glow, the carnal and passionate aura that radiated from her, just like last year.
Just more. 
"I'm your little ' Try-hard .' Remember?" She pushed him down onto his back, looking down at him with a loving and libidinous smile as she felt him palming her seat. "So, of course, I'm gonna try hard to give you the best anniversary ever.." She admitted as she bit under his chin, caressing his temple as she did. "To show you how thankful I am for this year."
Steven sighed at the feel of her manipulations, squirming under her a bit. "Now, well, I'd be remiss... Hhmmm~mmmm .. " He paused as to bask at the sound of her melodious giggle as nipped along his ear. " If I didn't meet you, half-way."
"Oh, you're definitely past 'half-way .' Not really hiding your ' pride' now are you, Mister." She teased as she pressed herself a bit more on him holding him close.
"Not trying to." He gave her a devilish smirk before turning over suddenly, positioning her under him, and him between her knees. He looked at her bit lip smile, her raven hair backdrop, the turtleneck that rode up to half her torso—his palms on her boy-short covered hips.
"You're quite proud , indeed." Connie arched her left brow.
"Of you." He started, tracing her lip with his thumb, dipping down to kiss her tenderly, "and I'm -chu- gonna show -chu- you, exactly -chu- how proud. -CHU !- It'll take the whole night, though."
"Show me." Connie implored, "You can start by doing that classic and beloved song and dance..and sink them in ."  she laughed before moaning as the telling 'shing ' of his teeth transforming, and the feeling of his fangs squeezing down her collarbone as his hands affectionately traversed her torso. She held him close by the back for his head and shoulder blades as she gave him more of her neck to please. Her knees, clutching his side. 
He took a moment to look at her as she did him. They exchanged no words, just a glance and a peck of their lips that soon developed the heartful nips, upon places other than their lips. Each field with the feeling of being missed and missing 'this' as they began their night of loving, carnal, and prideful anniversary bliss.
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twenty-sixumbrellas · 5 years
A Heartbeat, Perfect, and Law and Order
Pairing: Older! Five x Female! Reader
Prompt: “could i request a five x reader where they’re like getting married like they’re both so giddy and smiley during and after and they’re just extra lmao if not that’s ok!” -lovely @campcampie
A/N: I’m timing at a meet rn and I’m having a gr8 time! Can we pretend Five never left? K thanks. Y’all are about 20ish? How old are people who get married? (Peep me playing Tamagotchi every time I get a writer’s block) Also I’ve never been married (lmao) so I guessed on most of this. :)
( @andyoudoctor ’s gif )
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“I’m so excited!!” Allison says from her seat at the vanity. She picks up the curler, which you take from her.
“Why? It’s my wedding,” you sass, curling some of your hair. You chose Allison, Vanya, and Grace as your bridesmaids.
Vanya puts her hand on top of your shaking one. “You look amazing, and I bet Five wishes he could see you now.”
———Five’s POV———
“I want to see my wife,” I demand, trying to move around Luther’s massive monkey shoulders.
“You know the rules. Not before the wedding,” he sighs. He puts a hand on my shoulder, which I quickly shake off. It’s too bad my powers aren’t working. I imagine it’s because of the stress.
Luther moves for a moment and I book it. Where is she? Finally arriving at the door of the Bride’s room, I try and open the door. Locked.
“Go away Five,” says Allison nonchalantly from the other side.
“Five?” Her voice sounded heavenly.
I lean against the door and I hear her do the same. “I really want to see you. I can’t teleport though.”
“I really want to see you too. But you know we can’t. I will see you later, Mister.” She giggles and I sigh. I really want to see how beautiful she looks.
Klaus starts nervously pulling me away. “Until later?”
She sighs. “I’d wait until the end of the world for you.”
“Let’s go, Loverboy,” Diego says, pulling me.
———Your POV———
“I’m nervous!” You yell at Allison and Vanya. They finish applying the veil, and they both smile.
“Y/n,” Vanya starts, “you look wonderful.”
“Exactly. But... are you sure you want Klaus to walk you down?” Allison raises an eyebrow.
“I would like no one else to.”
———Five’s POV———
I wait, nervously twitching my thumbs, for her arrival. The music starts a sweet melody, and my heart beats out of my chest. Where is she?
Just then, Klaus emerges, looking extremely happy, with a veiled y/n at his side. I can’t see what she looks like, but I’m already so awestruck from how she looks.
She walks up and Klaus moves to his place on my side. I reach up and feel the soft material move through my fingers, lifting it slowly, I gasp. I’m breathless. Her hair is put up neatly but eloquently, and frames her face perfectly. Her eyes. Oh my god, her eyes. Their color shows vibrantly, and are filled with love and happiness.
I realize I’m tearing up and look down, still smiling like an idiot.
I can’t believe I’m marrying a goddess.
The boring speech starts, and I zone through it. My vows are up.
“With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine.” I nearly faint from my nerves, but she smiles sweetly anyway. She could always see through me.
“Five, my dear, I love you because you were completely ready to do that vow.” Laughs emerge from the pews. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Every moment, whether drinking coffee at three am, or tipping canoes, I’m happy as long as you, my true love, are there. I want to be your always.” She slips my ring on and smiles at me teary-eyed. I smile back, in the same state.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
We meet in the middle for a sweet, passionate kiss that recieves a few wolf-whistles. We separate with me chuckling, and y/n looks like she wants to hit me. “I missed you too~” I sing.
“Stop it.”
———Your POV (are y’all dizzy yet? XD)———
The wedding reception is small, but feels like home. Your Grandma comes, and you laugh when she gives Five a good death-grip hug.
“Grandma, don’t kill him,” you say, laughing. “We haven’t gotten to the dance yet!”
Five just rolls his eyes, and pulls you to the floor. You & I (Nobody In the World) by John Legend plays, and you start moving in sync with the beat. You speed up with him when the music pics up.
Spinning you around him as the music slows, Five smiles down at you, and leans in for a tender kiss. To be interrupted by Klaus.
He shouts, “All right, everyone take your seats, I want to be the first toast!” You look at eachother, very much scared of his next words. You sit down at the main table, and pray that he doesn’t say something to make Five’s family hate you.
“I’ve known Five for a long time. My entire life. And he’s a real asshole.” There’s a few gasps from the croud, and you grow more nervous. “But in all of that time, I’ve never seen him love someone as much as he loves y/n.” The whole room ‘awes’ and you go red. “But here’s a story about y/n-” you cut him off.
Taking the mic form him, you say, “Alright that’s enough. Who’s next?”
“Me, please,” says Vanya. “Now usually,” She begins once handed a mic, “I don’t do these kinds of things, but y/n and Five are my best friends, so you know I have to.” Good-hearted chuckles come from the family. “I remember when Five and y/n first met. It was awful.
“They used to sneak everywhere, which was easy because she lived next door.” You laugh at this. “They fell in love, and were both stupid enough not to see it. Everyone else did. I will never be able to thank either of you enough for causing each of my best friends’ happiness.”
You mouthe, ‘thank you’ to her and she winks.
You stand up and shout, “Cake!” Five’s shoulders shake at his silent laughter. “Shut up.” You grab a handful and shove it in his face. Everyone ‘ooo’s’. He looks at you open-mouthed, but then devilishly smirks. Grabbing a handful of his own, he hits you square in the face.
“You’ve got something.... there.” You laugh, and it’s heaven to his ears.
The two of you kiss once more, covered in, very expensive, mind you, cake. Klaus cheers and takes a massive bite of his slice.
———Five’s POV (last switch I promise)———
We get home, finally and share a sigh. She sprints to our room, and I follow. She speed changes into one of my old shirts and faded pajama pants.
I just put on sweats and a David Bowie shirt.
We sit on the couch together, very close, and I rub her ring finger delicately. She hums, and I drift off to her heartbeat, Perfect, and Law and Order.
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
(Y/N), Namjoon, and The Great Comet of 1812 (Cont)
This is part 2 of this story. I’ll be releasing them all today, so don’t worry about missing any or having to wait long for the next part.
Changes: Russia is changed to Korea. Hanboks and such are worn. Instead of French being high language, it is English. Everyone is speaking in Korean, but since English is the language I am writing in, them actually speaking in English will be denoted by (^) being around the word(s). Example ^I love you^
Mstrlst in bio!
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After the show, Jin and his sister went to her place for a bit, still in good spirits and not wanting the night to end. Hyolyn just wanted to grab her purse and leave, but her brother ended up talking to her husband while she scoffed and left ahead of them all.
Jin bowed to the younger but richer man, “Good evening, Namjoon, studying?” Namjoon replied, “Yes, how was the opera?” “Lovely~ (Y/N) was there.” He perked up at the mention of her name, “Oh? Dear Jackson's betrothed?” The man looked away from his book and towards Jin. “I have known her family for years and long carried affection for her.”
Seokjin rolled his eyes. The amount of times he had been told this were astounding, “Yes… charming.” He clapped his friend’s shoulders. “Look, Yoongi’s coming around, and we're off to the club. Will you come, old man?”
Drinking? And he wouldn’t be alone?
Joon’s reply, “I will come.”
“Lend me 835.53 won?”
Yoongi entered the room jamming to a tune he often sung when excited, “Drink, drink. Gonna drink tonight. Gonna drink tonight. Gonna drink, gonna drink, gonna drink tonight. Gonna drink tonight. Gonna drink tonight. Gonna--”
The other men joined in as they rode to the nearest club gathering, “Drink, drink. Gonna drink tonight. Gonna drink tonight. Gonna, gonna drink, gonna drink tonight. Gonna drink tonight. Gonna drink tonight.”
It was a song everyone in the club knew, and so they were singing it when the three men arrived to join the party. Hyolyn waved them over since she enjoyed the company of 2 out of three of the men.
Drink with me, my love For there's fire in the sky And there's ice on the ground Either way, my soul will die Whoa-ohhhh-oh-ohhhhh-oh-ohhh oo-oh-oo-oh-oo-oh
Grabbing his first drink, Namjoon told his friends, “The doctors warned me that with my corpulence.”
Others scoffed, “Corpulence!”
“Soju and wine are dangerous for me.” He downed the first cup and got another fill. “But I drink a great deal. Only quite at ease after pouring several glasses mechanically into my large mouth.” Now when one drinks and drinks a lot, they tend to feel a pleasant warmth in their body as well as a sentimental attachment to their fellow man. That was the same here. People who were known as shy or the usually kept to themselves became more tender and loving and touchy with the consumption of alcohol. Others cried in corners but the other drunkards came over to comfort them.
Looking over at her betrothed as she sat on a table, Hyolyn told her husband to keep drinking since it was the easiest and best way to keep him busy. He did. Then both Yoongi and Jin cheered on their friend in his drunken endeavor to chug himself into an early grave. But it was all in the name of fun, of course.
Nearly an hour had passed at this point where Jin pouted and stared into his mug of beer, “(Y/N), oh (Y/N)! Her arms, her shoulders, her neck, her feet.”
Hyolyn chuckled, “The air of a connoisseur.”
“I will make love to her!” He loudly proclaimed.
Suga, standing in between Hyolyn’s legs, hands on her thighs, decided to warn his friend against such a choice, “Better not, ^mister^. She's first rate, but nothing but trouble.”
Both him and his lover said, “Better wait ‘til she's married!”
Seokjin was actually a married man. This was a fact known only to his intimates since a Chinese landowner of some small means had forced him to marry his daughter.
He waved it away, “Nevermind about that now. It doesn't matter; I don't give a damn! Just as a duck is made to swim in water God has made me as I am. All I care for is gaiety and women and there's no dishonor in that. As long as there's money and soju, I'll keep a feather in my hat.”
The whole hall was a beautiful sound of clamor and excitement, “Whoa-ohhhh-oh-ohhhhh- oh-ohhh oo-oh-oo-oh-oo-oh!” Now past the giddy stages of his drunkenness, Namjoon bemoaned his current situation as he usually did, “I used to love! I used to love! I used to be better!” To which his friends replied, “Keep drinking old man.”
Honestly, Hyolyn was over it, “Drink, drink, drink. God to think I married a man like you!”
“Don't speak to me, wife! There is something inside me…” He didn’t know what, but he knew that she wasn’t helping.
“Suga, pour me another!”
Namjoon continued talking to himself and contemplating life, “Something terrible and monstrous…” It had been many hours now since this party began and it didn’t seem like there was any sign of it ending any time soon. Yoongi, now with Hyolyn on his lap, raised a toast, “Here's to the health of married women, and a smile lurks at the corner of my mouth. Here's to the health of married women and their lovers!”
Everyone who heard raised their glasses as well, “Here's to the health of married women! Here's to the health of married women, and their lovers!”
It took a while, but Namjoon began to realize what was going on. His suspicions. The gossip. The constant whispers about his relationship or lack of with the woman he had never consummated his marriage with. Yoongi was all over her. All over his wife!
“Here's to the health of married women! Here's to the health of married women! And their lovers!”
Angry and drunk, Namjoon shoved the black haired man, “How dare you touch her?”
Not even trying to hide things, Yoongi replied, “You can't love her!”
“Enough!” He bellowed. “You bully, you scoundrel! I challenge you!”
Whispers spread and people moved about to give them space. The two men began to walk outside.
Suga was simply amused, “Oh, a duel? Yes, this is what I like.”
With slight worry about the outcome, Hyolyn tried to stop the man she married, “He will kill you, stupid husband.”
If you may recall, Suga was a very good shot. He killed the brother of a very important man and was fawned over for it. There was grounds for his cockiness especially when it came to the terms of a duel.
Did Namjoon care?
“So I shall be killed! What is it to you?”
He reached his hand out to his friend, “Hyung, my guns.”
To which Jin gave to him, but not without speaking his mind, “Oh, this is horribly stupid.”
Yoongi had his guns too, “Well, let's begin. This is child's play!”
People watched from the windows and the stoop of the two men who had gotten drunk and angry as men tended to do when drunk. Especially if a drink or twelve was how they decided to “cope” with their feelings.
One man spoke, their referee, “As the adversaries have refused a reconciliation, we shall please proceed with the duel. Ready your pistols...And on the count of 세 begin to advance! Everyone counted, “하나 , 둘 , 세!”
Jin hated this, “Namjoon, hold your fire. Joonie, hold your fire. Namjoon, not yet!”
The trigger was pulled by a man who could barely stand on his own two feet. The bullet hit its target.
Suga reared back, “No! Shot by a fool!!!” This evern sobered Namjoon up real quick, “No, wait, I didn't mean –” “Quiet, old man!” The other man yelled back. “My turn.” His turn to shoot, and Namjoon’s turn to…
“Namjoon, stand back!” Jin ordered, not wanting to see his brother in law get hurt. Gunshot. Hyolyn screamed, but for who? A moment later, and it was revealed that the younger man was unharmed.
Yoongi couldn’t believe it as he stumbled, “Missed, missed. Oh my mother, my angel. My adoréd angel mother.” He was losing blood fast and wasn’t making any sense. “Take him away.” The only important woman in this scene said.
As onlookers began to help get Suga to the nearest surgeon’s, the referee said, “The sun is rising, the duel is at an end, and Kim Namjoon is the winner.”
He would hardly call this a triumph, “Winner? Winner.”
His wife took one more jab at him before walking away, “You are a fool!”
Ladies laughed but were silenced as Hyolyn looked at them with sharp and unamused eyes. They quickly went back inside to see if there was any more money to be made before the sun was completely up. Jin walked beside his sister, “Well, sweet sister, you certainly bring out the beast in men.” “What can I say? It's a gift.” She said quite bitterly.
“How I adore you.” He said and opened his sister’s carriage door for her. He asked her, “Will you ask (Y/N) to the ball tonight?” before closing it. Hyolyn smiled at him, “Of course, dear brother.”
Seokjin closed the door and his sister rode off to get some sleep. He returned to his friend who was staring at the blood stained snow only a few feet away.
“Come on, old man, let's get you home.”
“In a moment.” “Sleep it off,” he helped his old friend up. “And be happy, we live to love another day.”
Now at home, in a place that wasn’t his bed and yet not his study, Namjoon became introspective using his sober mind, something that rarely happened. He tried to keep it at bay. However, the fact that he could die and very soon had been put right in front of him tonight after challenging the best marksman to a duel.
He wiped his lips from the vomit that just passed them, slammed his gun down on the piano’s top and began playing the same chords over and over again.
“Is this how I die?” He asked himself. “Ridiculed and laughed at. Wearing clown shoes? Is this how I die? Furious and reckless? Sick with booze?”
Looking around at the empty and dark room, he asked to no one but himself and started playing like he used to, “How did I live?”
He tasted every wasted minute, every time he turned away from the things that might have healed him. How long had he been sleeping?
“Is this how I die?” The question came again to Namjoon. “Frightened like a child? Lazy and numb? Is this how I die? Pretending and preposterous and dumb?” He scoffed. How did he live? Was he kind enough and good enough? Did he love enough? Did he ever look up and see the moon and the stars and the sky?
He was furious at how blind he felt, how blind he had made himself, “Oh why have I been sleeping?”
A thought came to his head. It was so strong, that it stilled his hands. They say we are asleep until we fall in love. We are children of dust and ashes, but when we fall in love we wake up and we are a God and angels weep.
Namjoon was more than asleep. He might as well be dead due to his lack of ever loving someone. But if I die here tonight, I die in my sleep. As he saw his unfinished books lying all around, he got mad and spoke quickly “All of my life I spent searching the words of poets and saints and prophets and kings, and now at the end all I know that I’ve learned is that all that I know is I don’t know a thing.”
It was so easy for him to close off and place the blame outside. He was always just hiding in his room at night so terrified. He thought of all the things he could have been, but he never had the nerve.
Life and love?
He didn’t deserve either after throwing everything away.
“So all right, all right! I’ve had my time. Close my eyes, let the death bells chime! Bury me in burgundy, I just don’t care! Nothing’s left! I looked everywhere!”
If books didn’t have the answer. If booze didn’t have the answer. How would any one man have the answer to life, to love that he had been searching for his entire life?
Is this how I die?
“Was there ever any other way my life could be?”
Is this how I die? Such a storm of feelings inside of me?
He gripped the end of his bed as tears fell from his eyes, “But then why am I screaming? Why am I shaking?”
Kim Namjoon didn’t dare ask he next questions out loud, Oh God, was there something that I missed? Did I squander my divinity? Was happiness within me the whole time?
They say we are asleep until we fall in love. We are children of dust and ashes, but when we fall in love we wake up and we are a God and angels weep.
If he would never love, he believed he would die here tonight and in his sleep.
“They say we are asleep until we fall in love...and I’m so ready to wake up now.” He threw away all his bottles, just chucked them out the window. Maybe it would help. Maybe something good would come of it.
“I want to wake up!” Namjoon admitted. “Don’t let me die while I’m like this. I want to wake up! God don’t let me die while I’m like this. Please let me wake up now! God don’t let me die while I’m like this!”
He would do anything. He was on his knees. All he wanted was to fall in love with someone. It didn’t matter if they loved him back. Kim Namjoon wanted, no had to feel what love felt like at least once his life no matter the cost.
Tears started to stream down his face as he yelled, “I’m ready! I’m ready to wake up!!!”
But would he ever truly wake up?
Early Sunday morning, you and Jeongyeon lit a candle placed far away from any doors and looked in the mirror to see if any premonitions of the future could be seen. She told you to look, but you saw nothing.
“I see my face.” You said.
To which Jeongyeon replied, “Don’t be silly. They say you can see your future in the long row of candles stretching back and back and back into the depths of the mirror. In the dim confused last square you’ll see a coffin or a man.” She rolled her eyes. “Everyone sees a man.”
All you could see were the candles stretching back so far away, “I see the mirrors...I see a shape in the darkness. Is it him or is it—He’s lying down!” You grabbed Jeongyeon’s arm. “Oh Sonya why is he lying down? I’m so frightened!”
You feared that Jackson would never come or something will happen to you before he did.
Interrupting, Youngja called from the foyer, “Sunday morning! Time for church!”
On your way there, as it was customary and not necessarily because you had faith, you worried no suffered more now than before. The theater and Seokjin. That man who aroused such terrible feelings you didn’t understand.
In your mind you asked to anyone who was listening, Have I broken faith with Jackson? Am I guilty?
After church, Youngja left for Prince YG’s place, screaming, “The rudeness of that man! I’ll straighten him out!” She said, grabbing her heaviest fan. You didn’t even wanna hear that name again, “That terrible old Prince. I can’t bear to think of it! I’ll shut myself in my room, and try on new dresses!”
Making your way to your room, you undressed to be only in bloomers while your cousin went off to say goodbye to your godmother and then off to write some letters. It is what people often did in their past times.
And just after Youngja left, there was a knock at the door. You had just turned your head to the glass when you heard a voice that made you flush.
“Oh my enchantress, oh you beautiful thing. Charming, charming. Oh, this is really beyond anything.” It was Hyolyn dressed as beautifully as always, a dark fur coat draped across her green and black hanbok.
Although the other maids were lowing their heads, not daring to set their eyes on you in this undressed state, she eyed you up and down. It was a curious thing, but you didn’t hate the attention. Of course she wanted to look at you. You were you.
Hyolyn went to the closet, looking through your things casually and eventually pulling one out to look at better, “These dresses suit you.” She motioned to her own clothing now that her coat was off. “This one, ‘metallic gauze’ straight from Paris. Anything suits you, my charmer.” Your cheeks were on fire. To say you had a praise kink wouldn’t be wrong, but it wasn’t sexual satisfaction that you were getting from this. No, not at all. Flattery was simply something you ate up quite easily and also got a lot of. You were spectacular in every area of life, obviously, but it didn’t hurt to hear it from others who agreed as well.
“You’re so ^charming, so charming!^ You are such a lovely thing oh where have you been? It’s such a shame to bury pearls in the country ^charming, so charming^ quite charming.”
Another and more revealing dress that you had gotten (even though you weren’t sure you would ever wear it) was taken out of your wardrobe by Hyolyn. You were still in just a bra and panties soaking up every drop of attention.
The dirty-blonde girl got you to stand up and held the dress in front of you, “Now if you have a dress, you must wear it out. How can you live in Seoul and not go nowhere? So you love somebody?” She sat on your bed, “Charming, but that’s no reason to shut yourself in. Even if you’re engaged, you must wear your dress out somewhere.”
She threw the dress on the bed and held both of your hands, sitting you in front of your golden vanity. Hyolyn spoke as she styled your hair, “My brother dined with me yesterday, but he didn’t eat a thing cuz he was thinking ’bout you. He kept sighing about you~.”
You had to stand up and hold your cheeks as they began to warm and blush once more. Again she called you charming in English and asked how someone as beautiful as you could’ve stayed in the Korean countryside for so long. How a charming person such as yourself enjoyed living in such a boring place.
Compared to the city, she was right. “Now a woman with a dress is a frightening and powerful thing. You are not a child when you’re draped in scarlet and lace.” Hyolyn took the simple pearl locket you had gotten from Jackson from your neck and playfully ran away with it. “Your fiancé would want you to have fun rather than be bored to death. ^Go out in the world rather than dying from boredom^”
She instead gave you the double layered pearl necklace she had been wearing at yesterday’s opera. You still weren’t sure if this would be the right thing to do what with your head still swimming about questions of the heart. Why would he talk about you so much to his sister? Would he even want you at the party? He did invite you before, but for what reason?
Hyolyn could see the questions as if you had written them plainly on a blank page. She smirked at how naïve you were and decided one more thing that would get you to say yes. Playing her biggest card, she gave you the brightest grin.
“My brother is quite madly in love. He is quite madly in love with you, my dear~”
No way. Even though she spoke, it was hard for you to listen as a new and more fabulous dress was tied around your waist. It seemed to be the one Hyolyn liked the most on you. Was his love truly the reason for him wanting you to come to the ball? It’s not like anyone would ever lie to you about such things, so it had to have been the truth.
What once seemed so terrible, now seemed simple and natural. She knew that you’re engaged, and still she talked so frankly. So it must be all right!
Hyolyn knew she had you and sprinkled more compliments on just in case, “There is a ball at my house tonight. You must come~ Oh your wide-open, wondering eyes! You will be the prettiest there~!”
How the thought of throwing them together amused her!
“You must come~”
You nodded and answered, “I will come.” with a giggle.
As she left, you admired yourself in the mirror. This white dress sparkled and shone more than anything you had ever worn before. It was devoid of any straps or sleeves that weren’t completely made of thin lace. The layers of the skirt made them fun to hold and twirl around in since they would fly up like angel wings.
Jin was waiting at the door. Waiting at the door, waiting. Simply waiting at the door. Waiting at the door, waiting.
Oh, how I adore little girls! He thought to himself. They lose their heads at once!
You entered in your whitest of dresses with pearls in your hair and white lacy gloves on your hands. Jin was dressed in the fashion of a European soldier such as those seen in the Nutcracker play you had gone to since you were a child. Nothing like the opera of yesterday.
He eagerly grabbed your hand the moment you entered and began twirling you about the dance floor. You were seized by feelings of vanity and fear since once more there was no barrier between you and him. Whispers and moans, and ringing in your ear though nobody was as close to you as Jin was. There was no barrier.
Things were divine, delicious, but you did not see or hear anything. You were borne away to a senseless world so strange, so remote. You no longer knew good from bad because of Seokjin. Kim Seokjin.
One thought crossed your mind, I'm so frightened.
“You are enchanting.” He said.
But his words didn’t comfort you as much as they should have. And as you danced, he pressed your waist and hand and told you that you were--
“Bewitching.” Then he smiled, “And I love you.”
He was more bewitching as he said those words, “And I love you”
And during the ecossaise, he gazed in your eyes. He said nothing just gazed in your eyes, your frightened eyes. Jin had such confident tenderness, you could not say what you had to say. Instead, you tried to lower your face as not to be entranced by his deep gaze. It didn’t work.
Instead, he lifted your chin up and spoke, “Don't lower your eyes. I love you. I am in love, dear. I am in love. Gaze in my eyes. I love you. You are bewitching. What can I do? Darling, what can I do?”
You replied with shaking confidence, “Don't say such things. I am betrothed; I love another.”
“Don't speak to me of that when I tell you that I am madly, madly in love with you!” He licked his plump lips. “Is it my fault that you're enchanting?”
All you could think about was how you were so frightened. You didn’t understand anything tonight.
Jin held you closer, “I'm here now~”
And tilted his head to kiss you, but you broke away, pushing him. What was going on? This wasn’t who you were! Was it?
“(Y/N)?” He spoke.
You could feel his eyes upon upir. Blocking your path, he brought your face close to his. His large, glittering, masculine eyes were so close to yours that you saw nothing else.
“Is it possible that I should never see you again? I love you madly! Can I never?”
Seokjin chased you through the halls of the divine dance, “(Y/N)?”
He was finally able to catch you with both hands that pressed into your arm.
He’s hurting your hands as his grip slipped to them!
You didn't understand. You had nothing to say...as he kissed you. So rough and desperately that you could not help but kiss him back and hold him tight. Not even sure where you were or whose eyes were on you. Not caring, either. Jin and you embraced passionately as heat took control of your actions. Burning lips pressed to yours until he pulled away after what felt like an eternity. You silently asked for someone to tell you what just happened. You’re trembling. It was all so frightening.
Jackson. The name floats in your consciousness, but you love Jin. Of that there is no doubt. How else could all of this have happened? How else could you have kissed? It means that you have loved him from the first. It means that he was kind, noble, and splendid.
And I could not help loving you. I will love you, Jin-oppa. Your heart beat. I'll do anything for you.
You can only look at each other as you both promised, “I'll do anything for you.”
Before you realized it, you ran back to him and he took your hand. The two of you left the party to do what most people did when they leave a party with someone they were romantically and physically attracted to. Especially when they believe they are in love with one another.
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kpopthings · 7 years
Type: Fluff
“Could i request a fluff for jaehyun? Something about his birthday? thank you so much!!”
Note: GAHHH! I almost forgot his birthday omg, thank you for reminding me. Anyways, I hope you guys like this!!
Words: 1.5k
Pairing: Bong Jaehyun x Reader
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You woke up to the sound of humming and the smell of bacon and eggs. You furrowed your eyes in confusion, you lived alone. So who the hell was making bacon and eggs? You heard your stomach churn at the scent, groaning, you quickly took the blanket off of you as you make way for the door.
You tiptoed across the hall to the stairs, the humming sounded closer and the scent was more prominent, making you frown at how hungry you were. You carefully went down the stare, cautious as to not make a sound for the intruder. You sneak your way up to the entrance of the kitchen, peeping your head on the door, you saw your friend Jaehyun by the door.
“I wonder what y/n has planned for my birthday, she always makes it big.” He wondered out loud, making you stop in your tracks.
Its his birthday?… HOLY SHHH
You thought as you try to quietly make your way back to your room. You began to pace around, a habit of yours whenever your problematic about something.
Moments later, a knock resonated from the door made you jump. A small squeak emitted from your mouth as you turn to see Jaehyun about to open your door. Without thinking, you quickly slammed it shut. You heard a small thud of utensils come from the other side, making you feel guilty all of a sudden.
“Y/n? Are you okay? Did I wake you?” He asked.
“Uhh… No! Y-you didn’t, I’ve been up for hours…” You trailed off, adding a fake yawn to make it more believable.
“Okay… Can you open the door?”
“No!” You said quickly, panicking imside for a few moments. You heard a chuckle from him. Oh my God, he probably thinks I’m hiding something for his birthday.
“Why not?” Jaehyun asked, making you feel more guilty and pressured.
“I-i’m only in my underwear!”
“It’s fine, I’ve seen you naked before.”
“Jeez Jae, we were like five. And how old are you now? Nineteen?”
“Actually I’m-”
“Nevermind, just please? I’m changing.” You begged, your back pushing on the door as Jaehyun went silent for a second.
“Okay!” He beamed, making your heart clench, “I’ll just leave your breakfast here.” He said, making you wonder how on earth did you become friends with this sweetheart. You sighed, sliding down the door, peeking on the small gap below it to see if Jaehyun was still there. When he wasn’t, you quietly opened the door, sneaking the tray in to eat.
Once you’ve finished, you sighed. Going through your phone for birthday ideas. After a few moments of scrolling, you finally gave up with presents.
Last year, you gave him a Harry Potter wand. Maybe a book? You shook your head at the thought. You groaned before deciding to stand up and shower. Showering does help with thinking. You thought to yourself.  So as you took off your clothes and let the water drizzle on your head, you tried to think of something. And you figured, maybe a day at an amusement park won’t be so bad.
So once you finished showering, you quickly pick out a casual attire, walking out the door and dashing down stairs. Where Jaehyun was too engrossed in his phone to even notice you.
“Jae!” You yelled causing him to jump up. “Good morning!”
“It’s actually two in the afternoon.” He corrected, making you narrow your eyes at him.
“Okay, Mister I Can Tell Time,” you said, making you internally look disgusted in yourself for the horrible comeback, “get your ass up, we’re going to the amusement park.”
Jaehyun got up, trailing behind you. The both of you walked side by side, joking around as you go to the bus stop. It felt nice to be with Jaehyun again, ever since they debuted you guys didn’t hung  out because of their busy schedules. And because of their growing fanbase, the company was slowly growing strict. Making it harder for you two to meet up.
When the bus finally arrived, you and Jaehyun continued goofing off. Causing a few people to look at the two of you weirdly.  You both shared stories on how your lives have been going. You talked about school and how stressful it was while he talked about what it was like being an idol and living with the boys. You laughed countless of times about the misadventures they’ve had.
“We’re here!” You cheered, seeing the peeking Ferris Wheel get bigger. Jaehyun leaned closer to the window, getting excited at how near you were. You felt a bit giddy inside at the thought of the countless rides and booths.
As soon as you walked off the bus, you immediately pulled Jaehyun to go inside, buying a ton of tickets for different rides and booths. The first thing you guys did was fall in line for the roller coaster. You couldn’t help but bounce in your seat as the guy let you and Jae sit on one of the carts(?). The both of you were screaming your lungs out as the ride went on. Teasing each other afterwards of how scared you were and laughing at how horrible you guys looked at the pictures that were taken during the ride.
After that, you decided to get on the teacup ride, which led to playing the sniper booth, and so on. Until the both of you decided to eat lunch. The both of you settled yourself on one of the rusty tables of the amusement park, just in front of a booth that was selling chicken.
“I’m gonna get some drinks while you buy some chicken, okay?” You asked, thinking of this as an opportunity to find something to buy for him.
Jaehyun nodded his head as he stood up to the booth, looking back to the table from time to time until you decided to walk off.
You passed by a mixture of food and merchandise stores, some catching your eyes from time to time but none of them made you think Jaehyun would like it. Until you passed by a small fandom shop. They were selling some Harry Potter merch, making your eyes sparkle at one design of the various bracelets. You took two of it before continuing your search for some drinks.
After finishing your food, you decided on playing on the booths rather than going on rides. Once you noticed the sun setting, you quickly pulled Jaehyun to your side.
“What about one last ride?” He suggested, holding up two red ‘Admit One’ tickets.
“The most cliche ride of them all?” You ask.
“The most cliche ride of them all,” he said, nodding.
Just like that, the of you went in line for the Ferris Wheel. While waiting, Jaehyun couldn’t help but look at you. Your eyes wandering around the people wandering around and the booths surrounding you. Your e/c eyes looked amazing as it sparkled in wonder. Your h/l h/c slightly cover your face, he couldn’t help but tucking it back on your ear. You suddenly looked at him, making his heart skip a beat at how beautiful you looked.
A voice made his small reverie cut short. Next thing he knew, you were already inside the ride, telling him to join you. He secretly glared at the man while you weren’t looking before stepping in to sit beside you.
The cart slowly moved upwards, stopping from time to time to let other passengers in. And while the Ferris Wheel kept going, you turned to him with an excited smile.
“Jaehyun…” You said, “this may seem pretty late, but Happy Birthday.” You beamed, giving him the bracelet. “To be honest, I kind of forgot about it this morning. And I swear I felt really guilty.” You added hastily, making him laugh. “I didn’t know if you’d like it, but I hope it’s okay. You’ve been my longest friend and I cherish you so much. And if it means something, I really enjoyed spending time with you.”
He gave you a gentle smile, causing your heart to speed up. You watched as he put the bracelet on, “now we match!” He grinned, holding his arm up. You smiled as you held your arm up to meet his. The both of you laughed.
“I enjoyed spending time with you too,” he said, still laughing. “And I don’t know if you’d notice but, as long as you’re here, then this birthday is already a blast.”
His words made you blush, causing you to look down. And Jaehyun, being the sweatheart he is, lifted your head with his hand.
“Don’t hide please,” he whispered, almost begging, “you’re beautiful.”
You swore you could hear your heart pounding. Slowly, the two of you began to lean in to each other. Eyes closing as your lips came closer.
“The ride’s over, ma'am, sir.” A worker’s voice said, making you jump away from Jaehyun.
The both of you walked out, blushing madly. And as you walk away, you felt fingertips brushing against yours. You blushed deeper before you hesitantly held his hand. Your body visibly relaxing as he interlocked them with his fingers.
“Are we dating now?” You asked as he started to sway your hands together.
“Do you want to?”
You grinned cheekily, “I do.”
He sighed in relief, “then I guess we are.”
GAHHH i hope this was okay T-T
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jceydrew · 7 years
ice cream.
so i told @aceofintuition i’d write them a little drabble about their version of joey (who we all like to call ‘snowy’ in our little group chat) spending time with his daughter. i figured i should post this somewhere.
warnings? it’s sugary sweet and i didn’t proof read it. typo’s and errors beware!
Sundays had always left the Drew household a little more occuppied, a little more lively; and yet at the same time, a little more cozy. Where Joey had often found himself in the studio during the week and, if his sacrifices had called for it, late into the evening, Sunday had been a roadblock to all every gripe and headache that had been work. It had been one of the days that he could not only spend relaxing, but within the company of his family. No longer in the presence of uptight workers who he often found himself frustrated with, but with those who had cherished that had broken down that business demeanor that he usually upheld, that cracked away at a man who had been more soft than one would figure.
Particularly, Joey found the Sundays where he spent time with his daughter to be his favorite. The atmosphere had changed since her dreadful diagnosis, one that had plagued him with levels of sorrow and an inexplicable force in his veins to reverse that, to free her of the pain. But around the household, he and his wife had, and would do, absolutely anything to make sure she had everything she had ever needed and wanted. Her smile had been worth every penny in the entire world, and every drop of blood and life that he could offer. Even with their efforts in mind, she had always been a wonderstruck girl, not unlike her father; Even when her health had been rapidly declining, she had faced the odds with an optimism only his own blood could have. It had made the pain and stress far, far easier on them.
His footsteps had been light as he carried himself to her bedroom door. Knuckles rapped against the door, his other hand holding onto the knob, awaiting approval. A familiar voice had squeaked out a, 'Come in', and that had been his green light. Slowly, he pushed the door open to not disturb her too much, half of his torso and head peeking through the space made. No matter how many times she had seen him, she would always light up like a firework at the sight of him, the book in her hands--Something he and his wife had supplied for her when they had been busy, so she could get lost in her own little world of whimsy and imagination--Long forgotten in favor of his presence.
"There's my little star. Didn't interrupt too much of your reading now, did I?"
Her hair follows as she shakes her head in a sound no, her hands outstretching as a silent plea for him to come closer. Obligation is hardly the word, the sheer act of spending time with her more so a pleasure: What sort of father would he be, after all, if he didn't enjoy spending time with his family? Slipping fully into her room, the door shuts behind him soundly, soon walking over to the edge of the bed.
"Well, that's mighty swell. I'd hate to interrupt story time -- What's new in that book of yours?"
Blue eyes blink as she grabs at her book and thrusts it towards him, excitement radiating off of her like a buzz.
"This one's a book you'd like very much papa! It's about a--a engine! He's real sad lots," She pauses, a little thoughtful. In a single second, she seems to have hopped back onto the next train that was giddiness, "He thinks he can't do nothin'--And all those other trains are mean to him. But he shows them, papa, he really shows them!"
"Is that so? Well, I'd sure love to meet that little train. I think me and him would get on just dandy."
She nods again, opening to a random page and pointing to the colorful train character. Joey squints as he examines the little engine, the shot of him finally making it over the hill; It was a sign of hope. He considers it good that she had decided to read that one.
"Do you think--D'you think he can be in an episode with Mister Bendy?"
"Well, sure he can! You know, Bendy's real fond of trains."
Those words are enough to make her over the moon, reaching over just enough to hug his arm.
"Yay! Mister Bendy's gonna meet the little engine that could, he's--" She pauses again, lips pursed curiously as her eyes peek up at him, quizzical. "Don't you gots work to do, papa? Mama says you're always so busy."
Joey's tongue clicks, his hand carding through and ruffling her hair. "Oh, don't listen to her. I can always make time for you."
That seems to satisfy her enough, the smile once again present, but her eyes not leaving him. "Are you gonna read a story with me?"
"As much as I love tellin' stories, I've got something better planned for us today!"
A tilt of her head. "What's that?"
"Why, we're going on an adventure!"
The look that had reflected in his daughter's eyes had said it all; The way that they had squinted in skepitcism, in disbelief had left his heart wince with a sting, but it had been fresh coal to the burning fire that was his relentless ambition to give her a life nothing short of golden.
"Papa, you're silly," She giggled at that, and Joey knew that her laugh was worth all the years off his life that he could give. "Mister Doctor man says I can't go on adventures no more." No matter how depressing the thought had been, one that could break down even the strongest of people like dust, she had said it all so cheerfully, so full of life and spirit. It was something he knew that he could admire in her; Something that had reminded him of himself, at one time, that he was thankful to see it on her than himself. She had needed it more than he did.
Still, he plays along. With a shake of his head, his lip curls into a scowl and his eyes narrow rather comically; A caricature of one of his employees would witness.
"Now that's no way to talk, little lady." Up into his arms he scoops her from the lonely, depressing shell of her bed, tucked against his chest as a form of safety. "Doctors are awfully smart fella's, I'll give them that much. But you can let ol' white coat ruin your sense of adventure! What is it I always say?" There's a hum in thought; False, but his eyes roll to the ceiling in faux thought, a finger raising to tap his chin. "Gee, I just can't seem to recall. Think you can refresh my memory for me?"
There's another melody of a laugh at that, and he knows he's done well. Where skepticism once sat in her blue eyes had been replaced with stars. "With enough belief," She starts carefully, as if reciting something so terribly delicate and dear to the heart, "Anything is possible--There's no such thing as im...impa..." The one cheerful grin warps into concentration, struggling with the word. This time it's his turn to  laugh; light and warm as a finger taps her nose, not condescending but endeared by the display.
"Im-poss-i-ble." Each syllable is pronounced slowly for her to gauge and understand, soon met with an eager nod from her in response.
"Yeah, that!"
"You'll get it next time, sweetheart. Remember; Practice makes perfect!"
There's a silent confirmation between them as he carries her over to her wheelchair. She may have the spirit of a lion, but he can't help but see her as so fragile; That if he isn't careful with her, she much break in his hands like glass. It shows in the way he slowly settles her in her wheelchair; A sight, when empty, only makes him clench his fists and brainstorm on how he can give the Gods more to grant him with what he had truly desired, on what he can do to get her walking again. Someone so young, so nimble, so full of life and stars and sunshine had deserved to walk and run just like all the other children. Why she had been the one of the unlucky ones to be so cursed with such a damned disease had been beyond him, but it had been tragedies like that that had left him questioning the world.
Whatever trance of his own thoughts he'd been momentarily lost in, however, she breaks him out of with a soft question: "Papa? Where are we goin'?" Snapping to life, his hands take hold out of her wheelchair's bars, pushing her out of the room, as careful as he had put her in it. The smile is evident in his voice, even if she can't see it with him behind her.
"We're going to the park. Now, I told your mother we were just going for a li'l air, but," He leans enough for her to see him as she cranes her neck up at him, and he greets her with a finger to his lips and a wink, "Don't tell her I'm gettin' you ice cream. She's gonna have my head on a plate for that."
A light twinkles in her eyes as she gasps, tiny hands covering her even tinier mouth. He knows that that's a light that deserves to shine. "I won't tell her, papa, I promise!" Her voice is meek and small like a mouse, a whisper that's interrupted by childlike giggles.
His grin widens at that, a state of happiness settling through his bones, of affection only a father can hold for his own child. "That's my girl."
Joey couldn't say that his memory held the exact date of when he had last gotten her ice cream. Taking her out and about on Sundays had never been against the norm; He and his wife had done the best they could to make sure that she hadn't stayed cooped up inside all day. Hell only knew what it would mean for her happiness to be left in a dreary room and no way to get around that had been free of struggle. So they had taken her anywhere her heart had desired; To the park, to the beach, once even, by her persistance and a firm sweep of his employees to make sure nothing had gone wrong, to a small lot of the studio to show her 'Daddy's workplace.' They had all been fond memories, but there had always been something special about having ice cream and watching the clouds in the park.
The weather seems to be perfect for the outing; Not too hot and not too warm. Clouds speckle the sky, fluffy and a bright white against the clear blue sky, and many families had been out on such a day. There came a certain delight with her pointing out strangers and making commentary, asking him questions about nature, or when she saw a dog playing fetch and how she so badly wanted a puppy for Christmas. The fresh air had done her good--And with his shortening age, Joey supposed his own had benefited from it, too. His eyes scanned around before stumbling upon a lone ice cream stand; The line slowing to an empty queue. Wheeling her towards it, they waited patiently behind the following patron, who had waited for their scoop. Once given, Joey approached.
"What can I get for you folks?" His voice held a twang native to Brooklyn, the positive expression on his face genuine rather than the forced smiles some workers seemed to have.
"Two, please. One mint chocolate chip and--" His head turned down to his daughter, who had been staring at the menu as if it was the hardest decision known to man. "What would you like, sweetheart?"
"And one strawberry." Joey punctuated it with a snicker, raising his head back upright.
"You got it, pal." The owner turned his back to them, busying himself with getting the waffle cones and their share of scoops.
Reaching his back into his slack's pocket, he pulled his wallet out, flicking it open only to be disrupted by the sound of a blown raspberry. Furrowing his brows, his head again turned downward to meet his daughter, who this time had her arms crossed and her face scrunched up in that of disgust. It was obvious what had come over her, such were the way of children, but Joey couldn't help but ask.
"What's the matter?"
"Mint is yucky, papa!" Her tongue stuck out with an exaggerated 'blech' sound. "Tastes like toofpaste!"
"Oh, cut your old man a li'l slack. See, when you grow up into an adult, you don't get to enjoy normal, fun flavors anymore!"
At that, her expression fell, caught up in the lie. "Huh? Why's that?"
"It's a sad story. Real sad. I don't think you'll be able to bear it."
A whine came from her throat, insistent.
"Alright, alright. Y'see, when you grow up into one of those--Adolescents, you start to lose your right to have fun like all the old tykes and tots. You can't enjoy this or that anymore--There's this big council of fun--We call 'em uh, well, the Bee Oh Cee Eff--That tells you what you can and can't like. And the most heartbreakin' thing they tell you is that us adults only get two ice cream options: Raisin and mint! Scary, in'nit?"
She nodded with a pout. "I don't wanna be an adult!"
"Well, everybody's got to be one. That's why you gotta make a promise -- You gotta stay young at heart, no matter how old you get. Even when you're ninety-two. 'Cause that's the best thing you could ever be."
A nod came from her, followed by a little salute.
The ice cream owner seemed to laugh at that, boisterous and the sort of laugh that had been booming, enough to snap Joey's attention back to him.
"Mint for the fella and a special double scoop for the li'l lady."
Fingers pulled across the bills in his wallet. "How much do I owe you?"
"Naaah-ah-ah, no way, pally. Dis one's free a'charge, a'ight?" There was an unquestioning look in the owner's eyes when they had met Joey's; A look of sympathy. Of silent, agonizing apology for his situation. It had been pity in it's rawest form, of a stranger trying to make life even a touch easier for a girl so troubled. It was people like that that had made the world a better place, hadn't it?
"Well, thank you very much." First he took her cone, then his own. "What do we say to the nice man?"
"Thank you, mister!" Her hands waved to him, before reaching out for her ice cream. Joey obliged, handing her both his--One she pouted at--And her own, something she hadn't minded. His hands would be occupied with pushing her around until he could find some place to settle, a routine they had gone through before.
It hadn't taken him long to find a bench underneath the shade of an old oak tree: One barren and free of too much activity from other visitors. It had been the perfect place for a rest stop, her chair left right besides him as he sat on the bench with his own ice cream. The two sat in a comfortable, understanding silence; Conversation hadn't always been needed. There was a certain harmony, a certain easiness, in just sitting down and enjoying the presence of family. Gaze lost on the lazily drifting clouds, a much tinier hand overlapped his large one that had rested on the flat surface of the bench, pulling his attention away. Glancing over, he blinked in question; She hadn't looked upset by any means, enjoying her ice cream, although a little sloppily. He'd clean her face off in a minute.
"Papa?" She started, voice quiet.
"What is it?"
"Next time, can I get three scoops?"
The sudden question, asked so privately as if she would get in trouble for it, brought out a laugh from him. It was moments like these that made everything worth it.
"Sure, sweetheart. Whatever your dream is, it's my job to make it come true."
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Of Course I Believe in Magic (Newt x Muggle!Reader)
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Request:  Hello! I'm a big fan from Portugal and I want to do a request! Could you please do a Newt X Muggle!Reader? Like, she believes in magic and she's investigating (She's a detective) the Goldenstein sisters, and when Newt appears, she starts being a little less careful and Newt notice her. And he watches her while she watches him. Then he ask her to go out with him, and the date is super cute and he tells her he's a wizard and she tells him she's a detective. - @cecesunshine-fanfictions
This was a suuuper cool and original idea and I apologize it took me a while to write
L/N: Last name
When you were ten years old, you witnessed what appeared to be an average woman pull what looked like a twig out of her pocket, mutter something under her breath, and before you could process what happened, she had vanished into thin air.  Of course you had heard stories when you were younger about wizards and fairies and dragons.  Most kids stopped believing in that kind of stuff as they got older, but you weren’t ‘most kids’.  Deep down you felt that magic was all around you, but you just couldn’t see it with your own two eyes.  But when you saw that woman disappear in an abandoned alleyway, it was enough to confirm your suspicion that wizards and witches did exist, and looked just like your average person.  You were curious as to how wizards and witches got their powers.  Can anybody become a wizard?  Or did you have to be born one?  Is there some magic wizarding school hidden from average human eyes?  Whatever it was, you were determined to find out.
**Fourteen years later, age 24**
Fourteen years later, here you are.  A detective living in New York City, one of the busiest and most crowded places in America.  Not your stereotypical detective that wore a trenchcoat, totally not-suspicious sunglasses, and a fedora or deerstalker hat.  You preferred to blend in with everyone else.  You figured that there just had to be some wizards living in America.  About a month ago, you had become curious with a pair of sisters.  After a few days of what some would consider stalking, you had discovered that their names were Tina and Queenie Goldstein.  Queenie was the bubbly blonde-haired sister, you would usually always find her wearing some shade of pink.  Tina was the more stern dark-haired sister.  Using your context clues you had determined that Tina must be the eldest.  Aside from their physical appearance, what really fueled your suspicion was one morning you made the bold decision to follow the sisters wherever they were going.  You stayed about twenty feet behind them as to not stir up any suspicion from them.  Eventually you saw them enter the Woolworth Building on Broadway.  You followed behind them; but when you entered the building, they were nowhere to be seen.  
You went home that night and thought about it.  Maybe the building acts as an entirely different place for wizards if they use some sort of spell, you thought.  
**Two weeks later**
You hadn’t really made any groundbreaking discoveries on the Goldstein sisters the past two weeks, but today got you a little curious.  While standing near a lamppost on the street the Goldstein’s apartment building is on, you saw the two of them enter the building with two men.  You found this to be very out of the ordinary, as the Goldstein’s apartment building was females-only. One was shorter in stature, with dark hair and a mustache.  The other was more tall and lanky and appeared to be in his twenties.  He had cinnamon colored, curly hair and was wearing a bright blue coat.  You didn’t have that great of a view, but you could tell his face seemed to be littered with freckles.  In his hand he was gripping a brown leather case.  
He was the last to go in, and you, not realizing you were staring, caught him looking straight at you for a brief moment before following the others inside.  You were sort of embarrassed that he had caught you staring, but you had to admit:  he was pretty cute.
Over the next few weeks, you kept seeing the blue-coated curly-haired man around the city.  You never got too close to him, as you feared that there was a possibility he was catching onto your spying habits on the Goldsteins.  Yet you also wanted to talk to him and get to know who exactly he was.  (Oh, and french kiss him.  He looks like he tastes like pastries or somethin like that).  Next Friday, however, was different.
You weren’t doing anything involving the Goldsteins today.  You’ve been taking a break all week.  You were walking down the busy street holding a steaming cup of coffee, when the Gods decided to make it rain.  Hard.  You didn’t have an umbrella to use, so instead you tightly wrapped your coat around your body and began to walk as fast as you could in your heeled boots to get back to your apartment.  
You sharply turned a corner only to bump right into a man.  You looked up and was shocked to see who it was.  It was the attractive curly-haired man.
“Oh--uh--I’m sorry, I’m just trying to get back to my apartment before I get soaked--” you rambled on.
The man chuckled, before opening an umbrella over the two of you.  (It’s your average muggle umbrella).  “I see that.  I’ve been seeing you around the city lately, but I haven’t gotten the chance to speak with you.  Can I walk you back to your apartment?  It’s freezing and wet out here, I don’t want you to get drenched and catch a cold,  I could imagine you’d like some company.”
He was British!  That just made you attracted to him even more.  You were grateful for his kind offer, and especially for the umbrella that protected you from the ungodly weather.  You were pretty positive that he wasn’t a rapist or some shit.  He was just too adorable.  “I’d appreciate that very much, thank you.  Oh!  I’m Y/N, by the way.  Y/N L/N.”
He smiled.  “I’m Newton Scamander, but everyone calls me Newt.”
The trek back to your apartment took about fifteen minutes.  You and Newt made small talk, about little things, like hobbies, why Newt was visiting America, stuff like that.  You never brought up the Goldsteins so you didn’t sound creepy, you actually wanted to get to know this guy.  However, you found out that Newt was actually in the middle of writing a book, but he didn’t tell you what exactly it was about.  He said he was visiting America because there was something here that he needed to study for his book.  It sounded a bit suspicious, but hey, for all you know he could actually be an undercover agent.  
Or a wizard.
You arrived at the door to your apartment.  
“Thank you, Newt, for walking me home on such short notice.”  You smiled to show your gratitude.
“It was my pleasure.  I’m glad I finally got to talk to you, I’ve been too shy to actually approach you,” Newt responded, a cute smile appearing on his freckled face.
“I guess me running into you was fate, huh?”
He chuckled.  “Well, I should probably get back to where I’m staying.”
You frowned.  “At least come in for a cup of tea before you leave, in return for walking me home.”
Newt seemed very happy with the idea.  “I’d love to.”
At the end of your little two-person tea party, Newt had something important to ask you.
“Y/N, I know we’ve only really known each other for about an hour, but you’re more intriguing than any girl I’ve met the past ten years.  So I have to ask, would you care to go on a date with me tomorrow at Central Park?”
You nodded happily.  “Yes, of course I would!”
“Perfect.  I’ll be here tomorrow at six?”  Newt’s huge smile remained on his face.
“Sounds lovely.  Now you should really be getting home, it’s getting really dark.”
“Trust me, I’ll be fine.”
All throughout the next day you were giddy with excitement for your date with Newt.  You were grateful that Central Park wasn’t a particularly fancy place, thus making it a lot easier for you to choose your outfit.  
You glanced at the clock.  It was 5:58PM.  Newt should be here any minute.  You pulled on your heeled boots (you had basically mastered walking in them) and your warm winter coat.  You looked at the clock one more time just as the hand turned from 5:59PM to 6:00PM.  There was a knock at the door.  Man’s got impressive timing.  
You checked your hair one last time in the mirror next to the door and coat rack before opening the door to see a handsome Newt standing there with a single rose in hand.  He was dressed in his usual attire, but damn did he look sexy in it.  “Good evening, Miss L/N,” Newt said in his beautiful British accent before handing you the rose.  
You carefully took the rose as to not get blood on your coat and inhaled it’s sweet scent.  “Why thank you, Mister Scamander.  Come in for a minute, I’ll find somewhere to put this rose.”  
Newt stepped into your apartment, closing the door behind him.  You bustled around in the small kitchen and found an unused vase under the sink.  You put some water in it and placed the rose inside before setting it in the middle of the coffee table in your sitting room.  
As you were doing this, Newt spoke up.  “Y/N, you look beautiful.”
You looked up at him and felt your cheeks heat up.  “Aw thank you, Newt.  You look quite handsome yourself.”  Newt blushed as well.  “Shall we get going?”
“I believe we shall,” answered Newt as you linked your hands together and left your apartment.
Central Park wasn’t too far from your apartment, maybe two blocks over.  It was cold outside, but when you were with Newt the weather didn’t seem to bother you that much anymore.  You both walked down the paths and admired the icicles hanging from the bare trees and the frozen fountain.  You talked mainly about life and past relationships, which it turned out that neither of you had had many.  
When it started to get darker, you could see the beautiful colored lights that lit up the whole of New York City.  Your legs were starting to get weak from doing so much walking in your boots, so you pulled Newt over to the nearest bench that happened to overlook the trees and gave you a perfect view of the setting Sun.  You pressed yourself against Newt’s side and lay your head on his shoulder, much to his surprise.  Not that he was complaining, he loved the affection.  
“Isn’t it gorgeous?”
Newt nodded.  “Absolutely.  I’ve heard stories of this city, but getting to actually be here is incredible.”  
“I’ve always wanted to go to England.  It sounds amazing,” you said.  
Newt chuckled.  “If you like clouds and rain at least half of the week. You’ll definitely love it.”  
You two sit there, in silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence as you watch the Sun set behind the skyscrapers and the silver Moon rise.  
Suddenly, Newt broke the silence with his soft and beautiful™ voice.  “Y/N… I know this is completely out of context, but… do you believe in magic?”
You took your head off his shoulder to look him in the eyes.  You scoffed.  “Of course I believe in magic.  It makes living in this cruel world a whole lot easier if you believe that wizards exist and unicorns live.”
“Alright, that’s a relief.  But you might think I’m insane after I tell you this-”
You cut him off.  “That you’re a wizard?”
Newt stared at you blankly, eyes growing large.  “What?  How on EARTH did you know?  Are you a witch too?”
You looked taken aback.  “I was right!?  I knew I had a fifty-fifty chance oh wow this is amazing!  Are Tina and Queenie Goldstein also witches?  Please tell me they are.”
Newt looked even more surprised.  “Yes, they are.  You know them?”
You shrugged.  “Eh… not really.  I’m a detective, you see.  I’ve dedicated the past decade to try and find proof that there is in fact a wizarding world out there.  When I was ten I could’ve sworn I saw a woman use a wand or something and then suddenly she disappeared.”
“What you saw was an apparation spell.  It’s what wizards and witches use to get around quickly,”  Newt replied, still in shock.
“So wands are real, too!?” you sounded like an excited child on Christmas morning.
Newt reached into his pocket and pulled out a stick.  More accurately, a wand.  “Lumos,” he said, and the tip of the wand illuminated.  You stared at it in awe.
“Are wizards even allowed to tell regular people that they’re magical?”  you asked.
“The wizarding laws in the United States are different than in the United Kingdom.  In the United States it’s forbidden to be in a relationship with someone non-magical, but in the United Kingdom it’s legal.  There’s an obliviation spell, it makes a non-magical person such as yourself forget anything they ever saw that was magical.”
The color drained from your face.  Newt noticed.  “Oh, love, don’t worry!  I’m not going to use it on you.”
“Oh thank God.  This is all so incredible to me.  It’s so much to take in…”
Newt smiled.  “I’ll tell you everything soon, I promise.  And do you remember the rose I gave you?”
You nodded, confused as to how it was significant in this conversation.
“I enchanted it.  It will never die.”
“You just keep amazing me, Newt,” you replied and kissed his cheek.  “Did you really trust me enough to tell me that you’re a wizard?  Especially since it’s illegal here apparently.”
You could see Newt’s blush through the light of his wand tip.  “Y/N, I know we just formally met yesterday, but I feel more attracted to you than I have been to anybody, ever.  I don’t usually care for people that much, I mainly spend time with my magical creatures and beasts-” he noticed that you were about to interrupt and cut you off- “we’ll talk about them later.  There’s something about you that I’ve never seen in a human before.  I could sense you were very close to the magical world.  Not to mention your beauty and kindness...” he trailed off.
“Good lord you are just a complete sweetheart, aren’t you?”  you exclaimed.  Newt’s cheeks were blazing red.  You leaned in and pressed your lips to his in a sweet and chaste kiss.  Suddenly you felt something twig-like brush your neck, causing you to pull away in fear and confusion.
Newt groaned.  “Pickett!  You little bugger!  I thought I told you to stay in the workshop!”  Newt pulled a green stick-looking creature out of his breast pocket and placed it on his shoulder.  “I’m sorry, Y/N.  This is Pickett, he’s a Bowtruckle with some attachment issues, he basically lives in my pocket.
“Is this one of your magical creatures you mentioned?  He’s very cute,” you said, admiring Pickett with curiosity.  
Newt nodded.  “Yes.  I have so many more… I think they’ll all really like you.  But there’s no way they could love you as much as I do.”  Newt leaned in for another kiss, hand on your waist.
This was sure to be the start of something a m a z i n g.
Please let me know what you thought of it!
Tags: @just-a-bit-odd @allyadarth @namelesslosers @amazing-fandom-freak @tomthestuntmanfelton
You can always message me if you want to be tagged!
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Jungkook Scenario: Your Warmth.
Request:  Hello, I think requests are open so can you please do a Jungkook scenario about him and his girlfriend cuddling for the first time? Thank you so much 😊
Genre: Fluff
–Everything is going to be just fine – you said to yourself to try and get a grip of your racing heart that was apparently happy about going a mile per hour inside your chest.
You were at Jungkook’s place for the first time ever, it was supposedly going to be just you and him for the first time and you wanted to say that you were collected and not a single tiny bit nervous about it, but you were.
You laughed and checked yourself on the mirror above the sink quickly. You still had a lot of things left to do with Jungkook since your relationship was only going into its third month and most of your dates had been outside until now. This opportunity was exciting and it wasn’t like you had really something planned, but you were always up to just spending time with your boyfriend. You’d worn a long black baggy sweater and gray thigh highs with your hair down and a little wavy since this was nothing fancy but you still wanted to look put together without seeming like you put a lot of effort.
But none of you had counted with Jungkook’s roommates crashing back without advice, so Jungkook had said he didn’t want to spend his relaxing time with them being all nosy and chatty around you. So you were going to stay on his room, it wasn’t like you didn’t want it, god you loved that idea, you only hoped it didn’t show how much on your face. You went out of the bathroom and found Jungkook busy with his phone, but with the sound of your steps he looked up at you and smiled, so you had the tiniest internal scream with the sight of your boyfriend.
–Hey, so… – how did he manage to look so effortlessly attractive at any given time? He only had to stand there with jeans, a basic t-shirt, a fire red beanie and the stash of butterflies on your stomach got wild.
Jungkook laughed and then leaned forward to peck your lips. –So, what do you want to drink, we have to build a stash to get with us before they catch us–
You laughed and nodded, taking his hand to walk with him towards the kitchen where you’d left all the snacks and junk food you’d bought on the way there. You chose a nice amount of snacks and sneaked into his bedroom as quick as possible.
–Did you plan this since the beginning? – you giggled, teasing him with your question but well, he’d said his roommates weren’t going to be there at first so you could chill calmly on the living room.
–What? No! – Jungkook panicked for a moment, you could see it perfectly on his expression. –Not that I don’t want you in my room…– he laughed breathlessly and you nodded. –Of course I do, I mean, not like this, not this time I told you to come but not to get you in here, I…– your boyfriend laughed and you bit your lower lip, humming as your only answer. –Or did you want me to plan it like this? –
Well, that was quick of him to turn around things this way. You only laughed, flipping your hair and shrugging nonchalantly, walking towards the bed just so he didn’t see how you were most probably getting all red around the edges.
You sat close together, the air conditioner was high and you always got easily cold, Jungkook knew it, so he just pulled the duvet to put it around your shoulders.
–Those are my gummies – you said when he picked a medium sized package of worm gummies out of the stash.
–Gross – he joked, but smiling so wide you knew he wasn’t grossed at all.
–Yeah, super gross, that’s why I don’t share them – you snatched the gummies away from him and enjoyed the pained face he made. At the end, you placed all the snacks on Jungkook’s nightstand while he searched for his laptop.
It was a friday evening and you’d gotten out of classes around one pm, Jungkook picked you up and you’d been with him ever since, you thought you could make it until night without a little nap, but even if you were watching a rerun of you favorite drama, you were falling asleep while sitting there, no matter the amount of sugar you’d consumed already, and Jungkook noticed.
–I can’t believe you! – he laughed, pocking your side and you flinched, noticing you had been falling over in your sleeping state.
–What? – you cleared your throat and Jungkook tucked part of your hair behind your ear.
–You’ve been complaining for the past three weeks that you didn’t get to watch this thing and now that you are doing it, you’re falling asleep – he laughed, clearly mocking you and you threw him a pillow.
–It’s called tiredness mister I know it all – you were all bundled up on Jungkook’s duvet, so your pillow just barely hit him. Jungkook continued laughing against the headboard and you pouted at him. –You’re really mean oh my god, you should be being the perfect boyfriend and telling me to come closer, hugging me and telling me to sleep all I want with your arms around me – you almost laughed at how cheesy that sounded, but in the moment you just blurted it out.
–That’s some drama thing you saw? – Jungkook was smirking, then he leaned forward to kiss your pout away.
Jungkook slipped his hands beneath the duvet and pulled you to him, still kissing you deeply until he had you laying next to him. He was practically manhandling you and you let him because it took you by surprise and with him kissing you your mind didn’t work at full capacity. He pulled the duvet over both of you, one of his arms sneaked around your waist and the other served as a support for his head.
You looked at him with big eyes, he was smirking but this time there wasn’t that teasing gleam on his eyes, just tenderness.
–What? – he asked, was it your imagination or his voice had dropped an octave lower?
–Nothing – you just said in a whisper, you were face to face and so so close you could feel the delicious warmth of his body. –You just did what you were complaining about –
Jungkook huffed softly but smiled, still with his eyes fixed on you. You brought your hand tentatively to his neck and caressed its side softly, Jungkook didn’t move neither did he reject the contact so you traced your fingers up to his jaw line and his cheek. This felt intimate even if you were just laying there, looking at each other with all your clothes on.
–I like this – he said, leaning forward to peck your lips.
–Me too –This was a first for you, you had of course kissed a lot, hugged a lot, but you had never been in a position of cuddling together like this, could he hear the party that your heart was throwing from this short distance?
You giggled, feeling a little flustered and a little bashful too, Jungkook’s arm tightened around you and he pulled you even closer, speaking this time against your lips.
–What’s so funny, mind sharing it with me? –
You giggled once again, hiding your face on his neck. –I don’t know, maybe I’m just a little nervous –
Jungkook had started caressing up and down your spine in a steady motion and it was relaxing, too relaxing you would say, you could fall asleep right there if your heart mind to calm down.
–Why so? You don’t have to be it baby– his tone was so husky and so heavenly you could feel all your blood rushing to your face, was he even trying to calm you down? He was just making it worse.
–Maybe nervous is the wrong word, I’m giddy – you raised your face and placed a flutter kiss on his chin. –and happy, yeah I think that sums it up–
You kissed again, slow and sweet and playful too because he bit your lower lip more than once. It was nice being between his arms and you wondered why you had waited all these months to cuddle with him.
–Turn around – Jungkook said, raising the duvet a little for you to do it. You turned on your side, placing your back against his chest while his arm found home around your waist again and this time, you used his arm as a support for your head too and got even closer than before. –We don’t have to do anything else –
Jungkook kissed down your cheek and a little more down the side of your neck. You caressed his forearm with your fingertips gingerly and pressed yourself against him, enjoying how your bodies molded together perfectly.
He was right, you didn’t have to do anything else than this and you would still feel like this was a little piece of heaven shared with him.
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imaginekpoplikethis · 7 years
Abnormal Saturday - Kim Namjoon - Mafia OneShot
That Mafia One Shot that’s been sitting on coming soon for over a week is finally here!
Being bound to a chair, In a dark and damp room was not how you expected your Saturday to be spent but then again who plans to spend a Saturday like this? You had no idea why you were brought here and the men who had literally thrown you into this room offered no hints. You were really starting to regret opening the door to your apartment.
A few hours earlier.
You had agreed to meet up with your best friend Ah Ran at a local café in about an hour. Any normal person would be ready and making their way to the location but not you. You slept through your alarm and were currently aggressively brushing your teeth in the mirror. Finishing up in the bathroom you ran into your bedroom, throwing clothes in every direction. If only your boyfriend could see you now, in this tragic state. Scrap that. You were relieved Namjoon was on a business trip for the next few days. That meant no surprise visits during moments like this.
Thinking about Namjoon made you giddy like a teenage girl. Although you had been dating for a little under 4 months, you had still not gotten over the initial excitement of being in a new relationship and it was safe to say you were completely and utterly in love. You had met him in a book store and had gained an interest in him when he had mistaken you for an employee and asked you where he could find a specific book. After that encounter you began to bump into each other more often, one thing led to another and he finally asked you out. You had obviously said yes and thus a beautiful relationship was born.
You let out a yell of frustration as you let yourself get distracted again.  If only you had planned an outfit the day before but apparently that’s something you were incapable of doing. Glancing at the mirror you took notice of your dishevelled hair, tank top and pyjama shorts. Today was just not going your way. It didn’t help that you had allowed your phone to die so when you plugged it in to the charger you had to wait for it to turn on. That ruled out messaging or calling Ah Ran.
A knock on your door broke your train of thoughts. You weren’t expecting anyone so it could only be Ah Ran. At least she won’t be waiting for you out in the cold. You trudged to the door not bothering to look through the peep hole. Unlocking the door, you twisted the handle and opened it.
“Ah Ran, thank- oh sorry mister. I think you may have the wrong house…” Shock was evident on your face when you noticed the bulky looking man standing before you. He smiled but it didn’t reach his ears which is something that planted a seed of worry in your gut. Maybe you were just jumping to conclusions.
“Is your name Y/N?”
That question caught you off guard as you had never seen this man in your life, you weren’t expecting him to know your name. You shifted from one foot to another, aware about how underdressed you were under his scrutinising eyes.
“Um… sorry, who are you?”
He seemed to notice you avoid the question as his eyes slightly narrowed and when he made a small gesture with your hands that’s when you realised something was wrong.
“Bye!” You slammed the door shut and double locked it whilst internally freaking out. What the fuck was happening. It’s not like you pissed anyone off, you just lived a simple life hanging out with your sister, friends and boyfriend. Nothing out of the ordinary.
When you heard banging on the door, you immediately sprinted to your room launching yourself at your phone.
“Piece of shit! Turn on already!” Your phone was doing you no justice so you instead opted for the next solution. You grabbed Namjoon’s baseball bat (because for whatever reason he had an obsession with baseball) and slid down against your bedroom wall. You tried to calm your heavy breathing as you listened to the banging grow louder. God seemed to be with you as your phone eventually turned on. You typed in your password and dialled Namjoon’s number because all logic put aside, at that moment it seemed more rational to call him instead of the police. He, thankfully, picked up after the third ring.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” His voice calmed you down a bit and you allowed tears to gather at your eyes.
“Namjoon, oh my god, there’s this guy banging down my door and I don’t know what he wants but he’s looking for me and I don’t know what to do and-” You were cut off by your door giving in to all the banging and you heard shuffling on his end.
“Okay baby I’m coming, I’m not too far and I swear nothing will happen to you. I’ll explain later just call Jin Hyung.” You were confused at his last sentence.
“Explain what…?” You heard his hurried footsteps right before a gruff voice let out a ‘find her’ from your living room.
“Baby, I’ll tell you later. Just call Jin!” He then proceeded to call out to someone.
You hung up and searched for Jin’s contact number, pressing dial at the sight of it. After the first ring you heard his cheerful voice through the speaker.
“Hey Y/N, what’s wrong?” His voice was laced with concern  at you calling him so early in the morning.
“Jin! Please help me, there’s these men in my house and their looking for m-” The door was suddenly kicked open and your dropped your phone in fear as a scream left your lips. Two men ran right in and you jumped up, readying your weapon. When they came close enough you swung with all your might managing to hit one of them on the arm. He groaned in pain as the other man restrained you.
“What the fuck do you want! Let me go you jerk!” You were kicking and screaming at this point legs flailing underneath as he lifted you up. The other man recovered from your attack, evidently pissed off at the injury you gave him. That’s why when he lifted his arm up, he delivered a punch to your face with no mercy.
“Stupid bitch. Don’t think I’ll go easy on ya just 'cause your a girl.” That much was clear from the intense pain that you were presented with on the left side of your face. A third man walked in, whom you recognised as the one who knocked on your door, and called out to both the men.
“Oi! Why is she still awake?” That caught both their attention and the one who had previously hit you smiled sadistically as he pulled a gun out from inside his blazer pocket. Your eyes widened and the last thing you saw was the end of a pistol.
The intense throbbing on your head now made sense after your recollection of events. Your main concern was how Namjoon could explain this kind of shitty situation to you. Surely, he couldn’t be involved with these men. Why did he want you to call Jin? Hands found there way onto your knees and began stroking your legs. You cringed in distaste at the vile man crouched before you.
“Don’t worry darling, boss’ll be here soon.” He smirked at you and you spat in his face in return. This earned you a stinging slap to your already swollen face. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head back, making you look directly into his eyes.
“Try that again bit-” He didn’t get to finish his sentence as the only door in the room opened and a heavily tattooed man strolled in. He let go of your hair in a flash and stepped out of the way, allowing the man to stop in front of you.
“Hey princess. How are you doing?” His sarcastic, teasing tone was as clear as day.
“Fuck you.” He chuckled at your retort and smiled down at you. He brushed a strand of hair out of your face, allowing his hand to linger on your bruised cheek.
“Wouldn’t you love to? But not right now. Right now I’m looking for your bitch of a boyfriend, you know, Namjoon? You see I’d love to take that shit stain down and what better way to do it than through you?” To say you were lost was a complete understatement. Everything coming out out of this mans mouth didn’t add up to you.
“What the hell are you talking about?” He gave you a mock sympathetic look at the clueless expression you gave him.
“Ah, I knew you were too innocent… Namjoon is a deeply feared person in this world.” At the words 'this world’ he gestured to all around him. So, Namjoon was involved. It shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise considering the fact you had no idea what he worked as. Even so you never expected something so blatantly illegal and dangerous.
“But let me guess, your still confused about what this world is. Well, princess, this world is a world ran by gangs and your shitty boyfriend happens to be right in the middle of it.” His rambling fell upon deaf ears as you tried to make sense of the situation. Was he implying that Namjoon was a gang leader?
“Bingo! Well, not quite. More of a mafia lord per say.” You hadn’t realised you were speaking out loud until you got the answer you were searching for. You weren’t sure if you were happy to understand the situation you were in. Ignoring the extreme fear you felt, you dared to make eye contact with the man once again.
“Why the fuck am I being used as a means to destroy him. Just be a real fucking man like the gang leader you supposedly are.” He didn’t seem to appreciate your last comment as the smile on his face dropped and his eyes became hooded. He dropped down to you level, bringing his face close enough to the point where you were almost touching and whispered.
“Princess… don’t make the wrong decision now. Look where that got your boyfriends loved one.” He eyed you up and down and moistened his lips with his tongue as you turned your face away in disgust.
“I must say, Namjoon has a delightful taste in partners. You’re beautiful.” You directed a deadly glare at him as you scoffed, despite the dreading feeling that was racking your body.
“I suppose you want me to thank you? Go jerk off to the discovery channel or something.” His hands both grabbed the sides of your face as he aggressively whipped your head in his direction.
“Don’t test my patien-” For the second time in a day, the sound of a door being kicked open had interrupted your conversation and the person who stalked in did not look the slightest bit pleased.
“Namjoon…” At the sound of your voice, his eyes focused on the man caressing your face, practically breathing down your throat. His face contorted in pure anger as he aimed a gun at the back of the mans head.
“Get the fuck away from my girl, Dong Woo.”
Dong Woo simply let go of your head and stood up, sighing. He lazily turned around and tilted his head to the side staring at Namjoon.
“How expected of you to turn up at the good part.”  His gaze travelled to behind Namjoon, at the figures behind him. The rest of Namjoon’s 'friends’ (now it was clear they were members of his gang) stood, guns aimed at the rest of Dong Woo’s men.
“Oh and look. You brought your lackeys.” Namjoon squinted his eyes further and Dong Woo took the opportunity to pull out a pistol and aim it directly at your head. You screamed as the cold tip of the gun made contact with your skin.
“Fucking shoot her and i swear to go-” A sharp laugh echoed through the room and you whimpered as he pushed your head to the side.
“What? You’ll shoot me? It’ll be too late for that. By then she would have had her last breath.” He cocked his gun to emphasise his point and you shut your eyes, praying for the best.
“Look, I don’t want to have to be the bad guy here but you really leave me no choice.” You heard his finger make contact with the trigger and used your last bit of sense to push all of your weight to the back of the chair. Your attempt was successful as you managed to tip the chair backwards just as a deafening shot was fired.
As more shots were fired, your head collided with the floor and for a moment you only saw black dots in your vision. You turned your head to the side only to come face to face with Dong Woo’s lifeless eyes staring back at you. Your screech seemed to gather everyone’s attention as the room grew silent. It was then that you realised all of Dong Woo’s men were no longer breathing and the thought made you dizzy. You gasped for air and gave into the darkness just as Namjoon’s ash grey hair came into view.
You had regained consciousness a couple of times for a few short moments. These moments were long enough for you to come to the realisation that you were safe in Namjoon’s arms. When you had completely came to, the first things you took note of was the familiar smell of Namjoon and the soft surface you were resting on. Sitting up, you took in the unfamiliar surroundings. You were not sure who’s bedroom you were in or where you were but when you heard Taehyung scream in mock fear you had your suspicions.
Sitting up on the bed, you turned and placed your feet on the cold surface of the bedroom floor. The dull throbbing on your head and body served as a reminder of what you had been through. Ignoring the pain, you stalked towards the door in search of the man who had promised you an explanation.
Leaving the room, you trudged down the corridor and stairs, holding a hand to your bruised face. When you had entered what seemed to be the main room, the conversation between the 7 boys had died down after they all had followed the direction Jungkook’s wide eyes were looking in. Namjoon lifted his head out of his hands and when his eyes took in your figure, he shot out of his seat and made his way towards you.
“Babe, are you alright? You should be in be-” The harsh slap you delivered to his cheek had enough brute force to make his head snap to the side. Tears gathered at the corners of your eyes and you bit the inside of your cheek in a poor attempt to prevent them from falling.
“Why…why did you ask me out back then? If you knew it would put me in danger like that, why would you let me get attached!?” You couldn’t help it when one tear slipped down your cheek and the rest soon followed. You began to hit his chest whilst sobbing uncontrollably.
“I… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I thought you’d leave me and I… I couldn’t live with myself if you did.” He wrapped you in a tight embrace, restricting your movements. All you could do was sob into his chest.
“You bastard… you’re a jerk f-for making me love you.”  He welcomed your insults and placed a hand at the back of your head, bringing you closer to his body.
“Do you regret it? Regret us?” Despite everything you had been through, you knew your true feelings and you weren’t about to play stupid and deny them. You returned his embrace, trying to convey all your feelings through this one gesture.
“How could I?”
Things would never be the same. It would take loads of time and trust to return to how you were before but you were certain that you couldn’t live without him and he couldn’t live without you. He was a mafia boss but the 4 months you shared together meant much more to you than his title did and that’s all that mattered.
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hookedonapirate · 8 years
Give Me Some Sugar
This is my CSSV gift for the lovely @hopeandbeans. I hope you have an amazing Valentine’s Day!
During our conversations over the weeks, you mentioned baking and fluff, so here is a light-hearted, baking-themed AU I wrote for you. It was a pleasure getting to know you and I truly hope you enjoy your gift. 
Your CS Secret Valentine,
Summary: Owning a cupcake and candy shop has always been Killian's dream and managing a Hallmark Store was far from a fairytale for Emma. But when piercing blue-eyed Irish man meets green-eyed, sassy blonde, it just might be a match made in heaven. Every holiday and special occasion, they both buy product from each other for their family and significant others, until one year when they both end up single on Valentine's Day and exchange more than just cards and sweets. 
Rating: F for friendship and fluffiness
Word count: 5,275
Also on AO3 and FF.N
It was Emma's first week as store manager and she was pulling her hair out trying to learn the register and figure out where everything went while restocking and setting up displays. She had experience with managing convenience stores and gift shops back in Boston but Storybrooke was something quite different.
Nestled in Northern Maine, the citizens of the quiet town all seemed to migrate to this one shopping center - the Storybrooke Mall. Which Emma guessed was understandable considering that it took up almost half of Storybrooke - okay, that might be exaggerating a bit. But still, she couldn't fathom where all of these people could be coming from. And she was pretty sure the water was contaminated with some kind of happy potion because they were all super exuberant and enthusiastic and just overall way too giddy like they were all hopped up on caffeine and sugar. And for some reason they all decided to do their shopping at the Hallmark Store. It wasn't even a holiday.
Emma had finished up most of her final tasks of the day and was anchored behind the front counter after she had sent the last employee home. Being on her feet for a little over twelve hours and taking in everything that was thrown at her during her training that week was enough to make her want to go home, crawl into her comfortably warm bed and sleep for a month.
She was already regretting her decision to come here. To leave Boston with the hopes of starting fresh seemed a little ridiculous now. Nevertheless, she promised her best friend, Mary Margaret, that she would give the place a chance. She exhaled a heavy sigh. Why did she always make promises she knew she couldn't keep?
The customers dwindled down to none and it was nearing nine o’clock. Emma was literally counting down the seconds when she looked over the counter displays and caught a glimpse of someone entering the store. Emma was cursing under her breath and praying that the last-minute customer would just make their purchases and leave, when a pair of blue eyes came into her line of sight. Emma was not the type of girl to get flustered or all googly-eyed over a man. She didn't easily get swept off of her feet and she certainly didn't swoon. Real life was not a freaking hallmark card for crying out loud.
But Boy Oh Boy.
The vision before her was something to appreciate, that much she would admit. His hair was artfully mussed and his eyes sparked with something that immediately drew her in. He seemed to be excited but also nervous for some reason and there was something adorable about the hint of a smile that was framed by a three-day scruff. To sum it up simply, he was ridiculously too handsome for his own good.
“Evening, lass. You must be the new manager I've heard about.” His Irish accent caught her off guard, sending shivers down her spine as he approache. And somehow she found it difficult to breathe and was absolutely certain that she was having heart palpitations.
She shifted a bit and folded her arms, attempting to hide the smirk threatening her lips. “And how did you ever come up with that conclusion, mister perceptive? The nametag that says ‘Store Manager’ on my shirt? I mean I could have stolen this and locked the actual manager in the back room and instead of stealing money from the till I decided to stand behind this counter just to appear to be working. I bet you were too busy trying to come up with something oh so clever and crafty to say that the thought never crossed your pretty head.” Her voice was thick with sarcasm, but the broad smile it created was well worth the effort that she put forward given her exhausted state.
His eyes drifted to said nametag and reverted back to her gaze. “Honesty, though I am quite perceptive, I didn't even look at your nametag at first. I saw you working from the window.” The man casually leaned on the counter as she held her sarcastic glare. “And I should be offended that you think I'm just a pretty face but I can only imagine that a woman as beautiful as yourself is used to being hit on by handsome men so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.”
Emma felt blush creep into her cheeks and the smile she had been holding back pulled at the corner of her lips. “Ah, peaking through shop windows. So you're a stalker? Got it.”
He chuckled. “Sorry, I should have clarified. I own the cupcake and candy shop across from here.”
Emma gave a nod, reluctantly accepting his answer. Ever since the day she started, she had been curious about the place. She often caught the waft of wonderful smells when she passed during the day and got a peak of the delicious looking chocolates and cupcakes through the window. “So you're Killian?” The name of the shop was ‘Killian’s Candies and Cupcakes’ after all.
“Aye. Killian Jones. You're quite the perceptive one yourself,” he taunted and she responded with an eye roll.
“Well, you never know. You could have just locked up the actual owner and stole his shop like a pirate and are just posing as him.”
He gave her a bemused expression. “You're right, lass. Between the two of us, we could start a fraudulent managers club.”
“You know, that's actually not a bad idea. Free cupcakes and cards for everyone.” They both laughed. “So what is it I can do for you, other than entertain your muse after you felt the urge to come over and pester the new fake management?” she asked, the laughter still lingering in her throat.
He offered a charming smile, his light features never fading and the lilt in his accent and the sarcasm in his tone never letting up. “I actually came here as a potential customer seeking a card, if you're still up for pretending to work. I wouldn't want to interrupt your little scheme you've got going on here.”
Emma pursed her lips in thought. “Well, I might be able to help you with that, seeing as the selection is plentiful and stocked full of cards with sayings and poems that hold a certain cheesiness that matches your pickup lines,” she teased playfully. There was no harshness to her words, but she figured this was the best route to take to cover up the effect he had on her.
He chuckled, suddenly appearing to be a little shy. “Well, now that we’re on the same page… I was wondering if you had a card for a lass who I've just started dating. It's our one month anniversary tomorrow and I'm not even sure if she'll like my gift but I wanted to get her something and express my affections without being overzealous.”
Emma was a little disappointed if she were being honest, but quickly convinced herself it was a good thing and reverted her attention back to the problem at hand, making her way around the counter. “Let's see… I think I might be able to find something.” She quickly transformed into customer service mode and carefully looked through the selection of cards in the ‘for her’ section of the anniversary cards. She found something within minutes and handed the card to him. “How's this? It’s simple and expresses your interest without being overly romantic.”
His eyes lit up as he read the card. “It's perfect. Thank you.”
“Not a problem. Why don't I pretend to ring you up, unless there's anything else you need.”
“No, that's it. I already got her a necklace and was dreading getting her a card because I didn't want to scare her off by being too sappy.”
“Well, unless you got her a heart necklace and confessed your love in the card, I think she will like them both. And that's coming from a woman who has a fear of commitment, so I think you're safe,” she assured him with a laugh, hiding the regret of her words. God, why did she have to tell him that?
Killian lifted a brow, his expression full of intrigue as she rang up his purchase. She was hoping he wouldn't elaborate as he stood at the counter, running his hand through his hair. He started to say something but then paused briefly before saying something else. “Good to know that you approve then.” His voice was light and playful as he smiled and handed her cash to pay for the card.
Bagging up his purchase, she smiled back warmly, relieved that he didn't press her further about her confession.
“Thanks again, Emma.”
“You're very welcome. I hope you enjoy your anniversary.” It took her about five seconds to realize he had used her name and her face contorted in confusion. “How did you-?”
“And here I thought we agreed that I was quite perceptive.”
She looked down at her nametag before lifting her eyes to his again and gave a soft shrug. “It's not really my name but I kind of like it.” she joked as he handed her cash for his purchase and she put the money in the drawer. “It was very nice to meet you, Killian Jones… or whoever you really are.”
“You as well, Emma...”
“Swan,” she finished.
“Emma Swan. It suits you,” he smirked and gave her a parting nod. “If you'd ever like to stop by the shop that I pretend to own and try some of the chocolates that I pretend to make, you're more than welcome.”
Her smile was beaming as she finally released his hand. “I will definitely keep that in mind.”
Killian turned and headed for the exit, looking back at her once more while waving goodbye. “Evening, lass.”
“Goodnight.” Emma watched as he left before she closed the entrance gate with a smile still lingering upon her lips.
It was ten minutes into opening his shop when Killian placed the final cupcake on the the third tier of the display that consisted of an array of chocolate and vanilla cakes with blue icing finished with the fondant of the day - little sailboats. Killian was proud of what he had created five years ago in this little space inside the mall. It was a place that put a smile on people's faces and provided them with sugary treats and perhaps even sweeter customer service.
It was busy for the most part. Even if it wasn't a holiday, people still came in to satisfy their sweet tooth with some of his decadent chocolate truffles after a long day at the office or they came in to order cupcakes for a birthday or other special occasion.
“For a guy who pretends to own this place I must say it's much better than I expected. You must run a tight ship here, Captain.”
A smile blossomed over his lips as he looked up from his task and saw jaded, green eyes and long, golden hair. It had been a week since he'd met her and she was rather a sight for sore eyes at nine in the morning. She was holding a warm smile and what appeared to be a coffee in her hand from the Starbucks on the lower level. “Well, I do my best.”
She laughed and approached the counter, handing him the beverage. “I figured since we’re part of the same club and all, a fellow member could use some caffeine.”
Killian accepted the coffee appreciatively and flashed her a smirk. “Thanks, lass. It’s rather quite draining pretending to own a shop.”
“Probably just as draining as pretending to manage one.” He nodded in agreement as he took a slow sip, savoring the taste of the hot liquid hitting his tongue and awaking his senses. And it turned out, she somehow knew how he liked his coffee. “I hope you don't mind a little sugar in your coffee.”
After he swallowed the liquid and licked his lips, he smirked again, speaking in a whimsical tone. “Ah, so you assumed that since I reduced myself to fake-owning a bakery full of sweet and sugary confections, that I wouldn't be opposed to a little sweetness in my coffee as well. Bold move, love.”
She seemed to shudder at his use of the word. “I may have asked the barista at the Starbucks and she was more than happy to divulge such pertinent intel.”
He lifted an amused brow. “Ah, I see you have the same stalkery tendencies as I do. We make quite the dynamic duo.”
She laughed again and the sound was quickly becoming one of his favorites. “And okay I'll admit I initially decided to get you the coffee because I was hoping you might be able to do me a favor?” Emma bit her lip, a hopeful glint in her emerald depths.
“Ah, I should have known that there was a price for caffeine and good company.”
Emma blushed as she swiped a strand of hair behind her ear. A mixture of guilt and shyness was quite becoming of her.
“What can I do you for you, malady?”
“Well, I was hoping I could order some cupcakes at the last minute. They're for my nephew’s birthday. Well, technically he's not my nephew… he's my best friend’s kid and she's practically like a sister to me. And I kind of promised I would help her out and pick up cupcakes for her son's birthday party this evening... and it sort of slipped my mind until this morning, so I was hoping maybe you could whip up a couple dozen?” She clasped her hands together gave him a pleading look, her lips forming an adorable pout that he just didn't care to resist.
“Ah. You make it sound so easy. Let me just get out my magic mixer and sprinkle in some pixy dust,” he quipped.
She rolled her eyes and looked through the cupcake case before her gaze fell upon the countertop display. “What if I bought those sailboat cupcakes and then you made a few more to complete the order? Please, I'll pay you double if you can have them ready by five o’clock.”
He drew his hand to his chin as though he had to consider it carefully. “Okay, I accept your challenge. I will have two dozen sailboat cupcakes by five o’clock… and because I'm such a such a nice guy, I will charge you the regular price.”
She practically jumped up and down in excitement. “Thank you so much! If this bakery case wasn't in my way I'd kiss you on the lips right now.”
It was Killian's turn to blush as a smoldering smirk took over his features. “Well, as much as gratitude is in order, I’m afraid my girlfriend might not take it so well if I were receiving kisses on the lips from other women.”
She lifted a brow in surprise. “Girlfriend? So, I take it your anniversary went smoothly.”
“Aye. And thank you. Milah loved the card along with the gift. Either that or she's quite the actress.”
“Well, she's still with you, so that's saying something, right?”
“Oi, what are you trying to say, love? That there are no other reasons for being with me?”
“Mhmm, exactly.” She stepped in front of another display case, this time eyeing the truffles inside. “You wouldn't happen to have any hot chocolate and cinnamon-flavored truffles would you?”
“That's quite an odd request but I'm sorry to say that I don't.”
“I figured,” she said shaking her head in disapproval.
“Apologies, Emma. But may I suggest the Mocha or Espresso chocolates? Normally I have Irish cream truffles but I'm fresh out until my next shipment of ingredients.”
The smirk she flashed him sent a shiver down his spine; it was a mixture of sweet and salty. “No Irish creams either? Very disappointing.”
“Well, love, since you're that much of a fan of Irish cream, I'd offer myself but I'm afraid I'm off of the market as you know.” He gave her a wink and was rewarded with the sight of her mouth parting and the blush that took over her cheeks. “Or maybe some rum flavored truffles. Those are my personal favorite.”
“That's good to know but I think I'll just take a pound of the Mocha,” she decided.
“Mocha it is.”
As he gathered some of the chocolates and weighed them before placing them in golden tin box, Emma slipped her hand into her pocket to retrieve some cash. He rang them up and handed her the box, accepting the payment.
“Enjoy, love.”
“Thanks, I will. And I'll be back to pick up my order.” She flashed him a smile before walking out.
When Emma entered the shop at five o’clock, he had twenty-four cupcakes baked and frosted all ready to go in a white bakery box.
He walked around the counter, raising the lid to show them to her. “Here you are, love. Two dozen sailboat cupcakes for the little lad. She flashed him a grateful smile, her eyes sweeping over the baked goods. “This is amazing, thank you.”
He tilted his head, wagging his eyebrows as he pointed to his cheek. “Well… I've been reconsidering your gratitude and decided I would take that kiss now.”
Emma looked at him, confused. “What about your girlfriend?”
“Well, I said she wouldn't like if I were kissed on the lips, I didn't say anything about on the cheek.”
A smirk pulled at the corner of her mouth and she leaned in, pressing a kiss to his cheek. His breath hitched as he felt her warm lips on his skin, but just as soon as she kissed him, she was pulling away. “Thank you.”
“Not a problem, love.”
He went back behind the counter, trying to hide the smile threatening his lips or the fact this heart was racing as he brushed his thumb over his cheek.
Emma paid for the cupcakes, thanking him again and bidding him farewell before she left.
“Do you have a card that says ‘I'm sorry that I was acting like an absolute arse, please forgive me?’” Killian asked Emma, bearing a to-go cup of hot chocolate and cinnamon.
“Hmmmm…. let me check on that,” Emma happily accepted the beverage and went around the counter in search of such a card. After finding one that would do, she brought it to the counter to ring it up.
“You're a life-saver,” he said appreciatively, not even looking at the card to see what it said.
“No problem. Although I'm contemplating getting her a sympathy card,” she teased with a playful smile.
He shot her a sarcastic smirk. “Funny lass.”
“Can I get two cupcakes with royal blue frosting?”
“Anything for my partner in crime. What's the occasion this time?”
She gave him a sheepish look as she bit her bottom lip. “Well, I've kind of been seeing someone and tomorrow's his birthday.“
Killian looked at her, surprised. “I see. What happened to the girl with the fear of commitment?” The question flew from his lips before he could stop it.
“Well, I decided to take a page from your girlfriend’s book. If a woman like her can find happiness with an Irish man who's sweet and charming, then so can I.”
He stuck out his hand to take the coffee from her and she shot him a look of confusion. “I'll need to check your cup to make sure there's actually coffee and not alcohol.”
She looked at him in mock offense. “What? I can't hand out compliments?”
“You can, but I only chose to believe that it's inspired by a little splash of whiskey or rum, perhaps some Irish cream?”
A wicked grin crossed her lips. “Actually, I already got me some Irish cream. I told you I was taking a page from your girlfriend's book.”
“So, you found an Irish lad, aye?”
“Aye, matey,” she said in an failed attempt at an Irish accent. “Graham, the town Sheriff asked me out on a date and I said yes. So, we've been dating for about two weeks. And I didn't want to get him something too grand for his birthday because it's obviously not serious yet. And as much as the stereotype is true about police officers and pastry, I thought he'd appreciate a cupcake instead. The other one is for me so I don't eat his on the way home.”
Killian chuckled and retrieved the cupcakes from the case. “Coming right up. I also got something else for you.”
She raised a curious brow as Killian handed her a golden tin box. She lifted the lid, revealing a dozen chocolate truffles with dark red sprinkles.
“They're hot chocolate and cinnamon flavored,” he explained.
Her eyes lit up as a bright smile spread across her face. “You made these just for me?”
He nodded. “Aye.”
“How much?”
“They're on me. Consider it an early birthday present.”
She immediately removed one from the paper lining and took a bite. The pleasing look on her face and the soft moan that escaped her throat was all the payment he needed. (Also, another kiss on the cheek didn't hurt either).
For his birthday, she bought him a bottle of rum and a wall decoration from her store that read ‘Work like a sailor, drink like a pirate’. He hung it up proudly in his shop.
“Do you have a birthday card for an older brother that says in more subtle words ‘I love you Liam but I would never say it to your face because you might let it go to your head’?”
Emma laughed before she helped him find a card for his brother who Killian had mentioned was a Naval Officer. She found the perfect one and Killian gladly purchased the card, signing it ‘YOUNGER brother’.
It became tradition. Every holiday, special occasion and odd day in between, they came into the other’s shop with hot beverages, seeking product from the other. For Killian, it was cards and roses for his girlfriend on their anniversary or Valentine's Day. Killian would always ask for Emma's assistance and she was always more than happy to oblige.
In return, Emma would come into his shop, asking for some sugar in pursuit of chocolates or cupcakes for her boyfriend or the people who were family to her. She had told Killian that she had met David and Mary Margaret college years ago and moved to Storybrooke to be closer to them.
On Valentine's Day, she came in seeking red velvet chocolate truffles because she had a hot date (since Graham had to work that night, her hot date turned out to be her nephew who she was looking after while Mary Margaret and David went out to dinner).
When they weren't seeking gifts at the other’s shop, they were engaged in friendly competition. Killian would challenge her to see which chocolates were sold the most - Killian's handmade truffles or the Russell Stover chocolates from Hallmark that Killian insisted was ‘not real chocolate’. He always won, and Emma would say it was because he ran a tight ship but the truth was that she knew it was because she cheated, suggesting to her customers that they buy his chocolates instead (she would never tell him that though). And he would never mention the fact that every time customers ordered birthday cupcakes from him, he would suggest they stop at the Hallmark Store across the way for quality service and a birthday card.
“Can I get five boxes of truffles that are anything but Irish Creams please?” Killian started to greet her as she walked up to the counter, but his heart immediately ached in his chest when he saw her. Emma's shoulders were slumped, eyes red and swollen.
“Love? What's wrong?”
She let out a long, depressing sigh. “Oh, you know, the usual story. Girl meets boy. Boy puts on a charming act, making girl fall head over heels. Boy cheats on girl. Girl’s heart gets broken into a million pieces. I wonder if I have a Hallmark card for that.” Emma shrugged. “No, on second thought, I’ll just drown my sorrows with chocolate and alcohol while watching old movies in my bedroom until I fall into a sugar and alcohol-induced coma,” she groaned, her voice small and strangled.
Killian's jaw clenched at the idea that anyone would do that, especially to a woman like Emma. “Or how about I just punch the bloke in the face?”
“Thanks, but I'll just take the less satisfying route because apparently I don't deserve to be happy like all of the birthday cards I've ever received say I do.”
Killian came around the counter and pulled her into a hug, wrapping her up in his arms. “Not true, sweetheart. You deserve so much more,” he whispered and let her sob into his shirt to her heart's content.
It took three months, lots of tissues, (non-Irish cream) chocolate and alcohol for Emma to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. As sure as her heart had mended, she found out that Milah had dumped Killian, saying that he cared more about his business than her. Or maybe he cared too much about the manager who worked at the Hallmark Store. Either way, he was in her shop the morning after with the same gutted expression, seeking comfort from his best friend and partner in crime.
“Do you have a card for a poor lad who just got his bleeding heart ripped out of his chest? Or maybe one for the woman who broke said lad’s heart that reads ‘You're an ungrateful bitch’?”
Emma had to laugh at that one because it was completely unlike him. She then came around the counter to pull him into a warm, comforting hug, offering him some Russell Stovers chocolates, because it wasn't really possible for Killian to feel worse than he already did. But she got a small laugh from him at least.
On the following Valentine's Day, Emma was relieved when it was almost over. She just didn't understand why everyone had to wait until the last minute to make their purchases for this dreadful day. If she had to look at one more stupid red, white and pink gift bag with tissue paper and a singing teddy bear holding a heart, then she was going to scream. Okay, maybe she held on to some lingering resentment for her cheating ex-boyfriend, but she had never been much of a fan of the holiday anyway.
She had closed the shop, her purse strapped to her shoulder when she found a crystal vase full of red roses sitting on floor, with an envelope sticking out. “Really?” Emma sighed and mumbled to herself, wondering why someone would just leave a bouquet of flowers like that. She picked it up and before she took another step, she noticed that her name was written on the envelope. Removing it from the bouquet, she tucked the vase inside her left arm to open it. When she pulled the card from the envelope, she let out a small laugh. It was a handmade card with two halves of a heart drawn on the front. She opened it up and read the hand-written words.
My Lovely Emma,
I know this is not as good as one of your sappy Hallmark cards, especially considering the fact that I did not acquire your skills and expertise and it's certainly not as beautiful or breathtaking as you, but I didn't think there was a card that could precisely describe exactly what you mean to me (unless you have one for an Irish shop owner who's head over heals for the blonde manager from the Hallmark Store but is too foolish to say so to her face) so I’m hoping maybe a fellow member of the same club would take pity on a lost soul. After all, we've both proven to be failures at relationships that could very well be attributed to our stalkery tendencies and the fake-managing of our shops so clearly we're destined to be together. And don't worry, I'm not asking you to be my Valentine, only asking a lass to spend time with her other half.
Your best friend and partner in crime, Killian
P.S. apologies for the awful drawing but I figured two broken hearts equal a whole one, right?
Emma's eyes were welling up with tears and she lifted her head over the card and let out a small gasp. Killian was standing in front of his shop gazing at her in admiration. And in his hands, she saw that he was holding one of his tin boxes. He gave her a pleading expression as he lifted the box and removed the lid, revealing an assortment of chocolate truffles.
She laughed in response and tucked the card and envelope in her purse as she walked over to him. Her strides became quicker and was soon closing the distance between them.
“So I take it your answer is a yes?” he asked in a hopeful tone.
“That's not fair. You know I can't resist your sugary sweets.”
“I was hoping that if the flowers and card didn't reel you in, my chocolates would. And I've got a variety of all of your favorites, except of course Irish creams,” he chuckled, replacing the lid.
She flashed him a smirk when his gaze met hers again and took the box from his hands, setting her items on the nearby bench. She came back to him and leaned in, speaking in a whisper as she grabbed the collar of his shirt. “You're all the Irish I need.”
She pulled him in for a kiss, swallowing his groan as he cupped her jaw in his hand, parting his lips against hers. He wrapped his other arm around her waist and she melted into the kiss, sighing happily as her fingers weaved through his hair. Her heart was beating rapidly as he found her tongue and just as she predicted, he tasted even sweeter than his Irish cream chocolates. Emma angled her head to deepen the kiss, letting the scruff on his chin scratch pleasantly against her skin.
Killian caressed her cheek and they broke for air, panting breathlessly. She licked her lips to savor the taste, trying to regain some semblance before removing something from her purse and handing it to him.
He opened the envelope, pulling out the pink card that had a picture of Captain Hook and said ‘I'm hooked on you’ in one heart bubble and ‘Be my Valentine’ in another. He looked up at her, a mixture of shock and amusement falling over his features.
“I know it's not much...”
He raised his hand to caress her cheek, capturing her lips briefly. “It's perfect.”
“But I feel bad… you got me roses, a thoughtful handmade card and chocolates and all I got you was a cheesy Hallmark card.”
Killian chuckled softly as he brushed his nose against hers, taking a moment to breathe her in. “You’re right,” he agreed softly. “I guess we’ll have to figure out a way for you to make it up to me.”
She lifted a curious brow. “What would you like?”
He pursed her lips in contemplation. “Hmm… I will accept countless cups of coffee with sugar and more of your kisses as payment,” he smirked.
“You've got yourself a deal,” she breathed before leaning in and claiming his lips again. That was a promise she would certainly enjoy keeping.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 8 years
Do as I Say: Part 2
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
As requested by someone. I don’t remember exactly what they said but they wanted a part 2 where it was Bucky’s week.
Summary: It’s now Bucky’s week to oversee what you two do. Mwahahaha.
Warning: light nsfw
Part 1
You woke up to kisses on the back of your neck and shoulder. You look at your phone and 5:45am shined brightly in your face. You took your pillow and covered your face, “It’s too early for this, Buck.”
He chuckled and his hot as fuck raspy morning voice filled your ears, “Shall I remind you whose week it is?” He pulled you by the waist and his hard on dug into you. Bucky took the pillow away from you to reveal you hiding behind your hands. He pulled your hands away and began to leave light kisses all over your face, “This is payback for Thursday.” He began to kiss down your jaw and your breath hitched. This bastard. He knew that you loved it when he did that.
Your hands went to his hair, but they were immediately pinned down by Bucky’s own, “No, touching, baby.”
“Whyyyyyy?” You whined.
He smirked mischievously, “Like I said, sweetheart, payback.”
At 5:00 am sharp, your warm blanket was ripped away from you, “WAKE UP GOREGOUS!”
“What nooooow?” You whined trying to warm yourself up again.
“Come on, Y/N, we’re going out for a morning run!”
You look at the window to see that the sun wasn’t even out yet, “Are you sure it’s morning?”
“Doll, come on! I want you to run with me today!”
You take your pillow and hide under it, “Call Steve. He’s a super soldier. You’re a super soldier. You have so much in common with him. So call him up and leave me alone!” Bucky grasped your ankle with his flesh hand with his metal one, he put directly on your stomach. You cried out, “YOUR ARM IS COLD! STOP IIIIIT!”
Bucky chuckled. He went to your dresser and took out your sports bra, running leggings, and socks. He threw them at you, “Get dressed…or do I have to dress you myself?”
You sleepily smile at him, “Well you always said that you love undressing me.”
Bucky scoffed, “Cute,” He kissed you softly on the lips, “But you’re not getting out of this. He pinched your hip, “We leave in ten minutes.”
It was a nice sunny day and Bucky decided for you two to have a picnic in Central Park. Due to his light and happy mood, he also decided to help you make the sandwiches and pasta and the likes.
You took note of his lighter mood, “What’s got you so giddy, soldier?” You asked with a laugh as Bucky hummed whilst making his sandwich.
He shrugged with a bright smile, “I’m just excited to go out on this lovely, beautiful day with my lovely, beautiful girlfriend.”
Your eyes narrowed, “You’re up to something. Barnes, and I don’t like it.”
He smirked at you, “You say that now, but trust me, you will.”
When you arrived to the park, you were greeted to not only the Avengers lying out in the grass, but your other friends as well as family. You looked at Bucky and then to them with a big smile on your face. You ran over to them excitedly.
Bucky watched as you ran to your loved ones. The tiny little box in his pocket feeling heavier and heavier. 
After greeting you, Steve walked up to his best friend, “You look like you’re gonna throw up, man.”
Bucky scoffed, “Shut up, punk.”
Steve chuckled, “But you’re alright though?”
Bucky nodded, “Yeah. Just..nervous.”
“She loves you. She’ll say yes.”
As the sun started to set, everyone began to huddle around the big blanket laid out on the ground. Bucky stood up and cleared his throat, “Umm..excuse me everyone!” Everyone’s voices hushed, “I-uh. I want to thank you for coming here today. Especially, my lovely girlfriend, Y/N.”
“Well, I didn’t really have a choice, did I?” You said with a smile and everyone around you chuckled.
Bucky chuckled and looked down on you, your beautiful y/e/c eyes shining up at him. He cleared his throat again, “For some of you who don’t know, Y/N and I have this living arrangement. Every other week, one of us is solely in charge. We tell the other what to do. It’s not bad. It actually works out for us. There have been some frustrations, sure, but we’ve made it work.” He held out his hand to you and you took it, standing up, “This week, is my week. So Y/N,” He kisses your hand and smiles, “Beautiful, lovely, Y/N, here has to fulfill my every request without a choice.” Bucky turns to you looking nervous, yet so loving, “But right now, I’m giving her a choice.”
You looked at him curiously, “What’s going on?”
Bucky took out the little box from his pocket and everyone gasped, including you. He knelt on one knee and opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring, “Y/N, you drive me crazy in the best ways possible. This arrangement that we’ve had has worked and I want it to continue to work for the rest of our lives. So here I am in front of you and everyone we care about as I ask you this, Y/N L/N, will you marry me?”
“Oh my God...YES!” You exclaimed and everyone around you cheered. Bucky immediately shot up and kissed you.
“I love you so much, my soon to be wife.” He muttered as he slipped the ring on your finger.
“And I love you, my soon to be husband.”
Bucky woke up a little later than he usually did. He was so spent from celebrating with his friends and family last night. He looked down to see your left hand resting on his chest. The diamond ring shined brightly at him. His heart fluttered at the thought that you’ll be his forever. 
He turned to his side and face you, “Doll, wake up.” He whispered.
“Hmm?” You asked through your sleepy gaze, “Is something wrong?”
“No, just-can you open your eyes for me?”
His chest shook as he laughed, “Do as I say.”
You groaned in protest whilst opening your eyes, “What is it?”
He smiled at you as he stroked your cheek, “I never get tired of waking up next to you.”
You smiled, “It is too early to be dealing with your charm, Mister Barnes.”
“It’s eleven in the morning, future Missus Barnes. You need to wake up now.”
You hummed with content, “Y/N Barnes. I really like the sound of that.”
“So do I.”
You were scrolling through social media on your phone when Bucky emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel and his cell phone in hand, “We’re moving out.”
You sat up and set your phone to the side, “We are?”
“Yes, we are.”
“Next week.”
“Next week?! Do we even have a place to stay?”
“Of course we do!” He showed you a picture on his phone, “We’re moving here.” The picture was of a house that you adored on the other side of town. It was for sale and that you said you would love to get married and move in there.
Your jaw dropped, “You bought the house?!”
Bucky’s face broke out into a wide smile, “Surprise, doll.”
“Aaaahh!!! You hopped off the bed and jumped into Bucky’s arms, “And here I thought you couldn’t get any more perfect!”
“I only want the best for my girl. So start packing up. There’s boxes in the closet.” Bucky set you down onto the bed.
“This is so exciting!!” You yelled as you ran to the closet. 
Bucky chuckled, “I think this is the only time where you’ve followed my orders without question!”
You popped your head back into the bedroom, “Don’t get used to it.” 
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beforethebraces · 8 years
Soulmate!Calum (3)
Tumblr media
Prompt: The one where the first words of what your soul mate will say to you is tattooed somewhere on your body.
Pairing: Calum + Y/N
Rating: This is so cheesy, oh my god. I had to stop myself from writing a few times because I kept smiling and giggling to myself. Yes, I’m a dork. Don’t judge me.
Requested: I’m pretty sure someone wanted this but I can’t find it anywhere. It’s probably somewhere in my messages but I’ll give credit once I find it.
TW: food mention. brief insecurity is mentioned if you really look at it. Nia from HV is mentioned but like, since this is the last part, she’s not really important in this story just so you know.
A/N: Happy 4th day of the new year! I’m back! Yaaay! :DD But guess what? I totally had the original ending down and just as I was going to post it, my brother’s laptop died on me and I never saved the file yet and I just :-) *mentally screaming* so please excuse the abrupt, shitty ending. I’ll do better in the next one, yadda yadda yadda. This is a short read compared to the other two but I hope you enjoy this nonetheless :DD
Part 2
“Don’t. You. Dare.” I enunciated as he gave me a challenging look while raising his eyebrows playfully. “I swear to god, don’t you dare. If you actually do it, I’m never hanging out with you ever again.”
“Is that an empty threat I hear? Because come on Y/N, I know you like the back of my hand. I’m irresistible and you can’t stay from this no matter how hard you try.” Watching him move his hands over his body with a smirk plastered on his face, I rolled my eyes in feigned annoyance as he winks in my direction.
“Wow hot shit! What a big head you have! I wonder how you fit through doors since it’s that big!”
“Are you insulting me? That’s it. I’m doing it.”
“You wou-” As he licks the last homemade chocolate chip cookie, claiming it as his, I gasped in horror. “YOU NUTCRACKER. I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!”
“That’s right! I dared myself and did the unspeakable! Now it’s mine!”
“You’re getting it now!” Watching him run away from me, I chased after him as he looks back in shock, still keeping up his pace.
“How the hell can you still run in heels?!”
“I don’t play around when it comes to cookies!” Jumping on his back and wrapping myself around him, he spins around in circles as I held on tightly. I did not expect this. “Ashton, oh my god! I’m getting dizzy!” Feeling him stop and stumble a little, he places a hand on the wall and laughs. 
“What’s going on here?” Glancing behind me, I see Michael on his phone, recording, who was laughing at our silliness.
“Let it be noted that I take my cookies very seriously.” I smiled, jumping off of Ashton and going over to hug Michael. “I missed you Mikey.”
“I missed you too. When and how did you get here?” Pulling away from him, I walked over to Ashton, who in the time I was greeting Michael, ate the damn cookie. Giving him a pout, he grinned at me as I put an arm around him.
“Around twenty minutes ago. This guy here, saw me when I was out vacationing with the family in the city and somehow, had convinced me to see everyone here before rehearsals started. I was going to surprise you guys later on tonight but looks like it’s happening way earlier than expected!”
“I’m glad you’re here! It’s refreshing to see you in person after eight months of seeing ten seconds of you in every video chat. That Calum boy sure doesn’t know the meaning of sharing when it comes to you. Bring it in for another hug you squirt.” Hugging him once again, Ashton called out for a hug sandwich as I was literally, being squished between these two boys. I didn’t mind though, they made me feel right at home.
“Alright guys, a girl has got to breathe.” I chuckled, finally feeling the cold air instead of their armpits. “So where is Calum anyway? And Luke?” Before both of them could respond, we could all hear the mic feedback coming from the stage. Hearing Calum’s voice picking up on the microphone made me beam in delight as I decided to sprint towards where they were. Arriving near the side stage, I scanned all over the area for him when Luke saw me first.
“Y/n? Is that- Y/N!” Running towards him, I enveloped him in a hug as he laughed and returned the gesture. “When did you get here?”
“Details Hemmings, details. I’m 100% positive Ashton and Michael will tell you.” Spotting Calum staring at me as a girl was talking to him, he gave me the cutest smile ever as I withdrew myself from Luke’s arms. “I’ll talk to you later but now, I gotta greet my boyfriend.” Before he could complain about anything, Calum approached us as he lifted me up in air, placing a kiss on my forehead as he put me back down gently.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know when it’s my cue to leave.” Luke grumbled jokingly, walking away to give us a moment. Embracing Calum in another hug, he pulled away to look at me, his hands finding place on my waist.
“I missed you. Wh-” Placing a finger on his lips, he places a quick kiss on it as I giggled at his loving affections.
“If you ask me when I got here, I will leave.” I quipped as he shook his head in amusement.
“Wasn’t going to say that. What I was going to say is why didn’t you let me know ahead of time? I would’ve planned something if you did!”
“I was surprised to see you this early as well Mr. Hood. So, Michael tells me you didn’t like sharing some screen time with the boys every time you video chatted me.” Noticing his flushed cheeks and him glancing past me out of embarrassment, I gently cupped his face with my hands and made him look at me. “Hey now mister. I’m not complaining, I find it adorable.” Hearing him scoff, his lips were placed on my left hand before he looked down.
“S’not my fault I missed you and wanted alone time instead of having them talk your ear off the entire time.” He mumbled as I laughed, moving my hands to place it on his shoulders. “It’s not funny.”
“It kinda is.” Before he could protest, I got on my tippy toes to place a chaste kiss on his lips to shut him up. Pulling back, he was about to speak when I interrupted him again. And again. And again. And maybe one more time because he was starting to laugh.
“Stop! I’m trying to defend myself!” He exclaimed as I gasped, placing my right hand on my chest in feigned shock.
“From my kisses? Wow, okay. I guess I’ll take my mouth elsewhere and let someone else appreciate them instead.” I joked, stepping away from his arms. I didn’t walk two steps away from him before he grabbed my right arm and made me look at him. Seeing his lower lip stick out in a pout, I giggled and rolled my eyes. “I was kidding babe. Oh, by the way. Mailene says-” Observing the way he was looking at me, my breath got caught in my throat as I gulped. His eyes were twinkling mischievously and his lips curved slightly upwards, almost like he was mocking me that goosebumps started forming on my skin.
“Cal-” As he leaned in closer, his forehead connecting with mines, I smelled a hint of smoke and peppermint escaping his lips as they parted in anticipation. With him moving closer and closer, he was a centimeter apart when someone coughed behind him, ruining the moment. As he closed his eyes and groaned, I was focusing past him to see the same girl he was talking to earlier. Calum then turned to face her while pulling me into his arms and wrapping his arms around me.
“It’s not nice leaving a girl alone to make out with someone.” She cracked humorously. She stood tall and confident and somehow, I felt small. It didn’t help that she had a nice smile.
“Sorry about that Nia. I just hadn’t seen my girl in months.” Hearing him call me his girl in front of other people made me blush as I hid my face on his chest shyly. I never really knew how he talked about me to others and I guess hearing him say that made me feel all giddy inside. “Anyway, I’d like you to meet Y/N, my girlfriend. Nia, this is is Y/N. Y/N, this is Nia from Hey Violet.” Extending my hand for a simple handshake, I also offered a smile as she did the same in return, albeit, holding my hand a bit tighter to let me know it’s okay.
“Ah, the famous Y/N. Calum loves to talk about you a lot, we all wished he had an off button.” She laughed, shaking her head in amusement.
“Stop trying to embarrass me in front of her. Michael already did that.” He replied as I felt the vibrations from his chest due to him chuckling.
“Well alright then. I’m going to go and talk to the others so you know where to find me if you need anything. It was nice meeting you Y/N!” Watching her walk away, Calum squeezed my shoulders reassuringly before turning me around to face him.
“You know her and I are just friends right?”
“What makes-”
“I could feel you tensing up and backing up into me when she came. I just wanted you to know that.” I sighed and looked up at him.
“It’s normal to feel slightly jealous even if I already have you right?” I questioned as Calum kissed my forehead.
“It’s totally normal, believe me. I should know.”
“Right, we are all about trust.” Shaking my head of any negative thoughts, I beamed at him as he took one of my hands and lead me backstage.
“Since you’re here now, we have to make up for lost time!”
“What do you have in mind?” Seeing him glance back at me with a boyish smile and the ‘excitement’ sparkle in his eyes, it only meant one thing. As he pulled us into his dressing room, I couldn’t help but laugh. “You want to know about my new dog don’t you?”
“Who wouldn’t? I saw the outfit of her wearing the rocker clothes you got her and I’m dying to see the pictures and videos!”
“Only you Calum, only you would take your girlfriend backstage to not make out but talk about her cute puppy instead.” Giving me his puppy dog look, I stuck my tongue out at him as he sat on the couch. “So anyway, I also have pictures of Coffee wearing a coffee cup! Get it? Because her-”
“Of course babe but can you show me the little cutie now?”
A/N: And there you go :-) Can you tell I suck at endings? Lol. I’m working on it as part of my new year’s resolution so if it was terrible, just know that I will improve on it. Hope you guys like it and until next time :) x
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