#oh my god i only JUST got the cause of the explosion
illym · 6 months
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Jam is so cute here. Poor Faust. Though maybe he can eat it like that...?
Translation assistance: @yomotsu-hirasaka
ID in alt.
Cleaned and original comics below the cut.
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Specific assistance:
@.yomotsu-hirasaka: helped me figure out what the hell Jam was saying. She used a lot of Kanji and Katakana, apparently. Most of it for food.
Took a few liberties with the scripting here because otherwise it wouldn't have worked with the textboxes in English. it's the same functionally, as far as I'm aware. This is why I'm not asking upfront for a new translation, but I'll never say no to one.
I especially hated trying to find a word in the first bubble. I didn't want to split up the word after 3, but different and separate were too long. I don't like distinct, but it's what works, length-wise.
Sol looks dopey here. I only just now realized that they're fighting and that Sol wasn't just... Holding his sword like that. For some reason. Ky, go get a more distinctive sword.
Sorry, this comic is just super cute. God look at panel three right now. I'll wait.
Trying something new with what I... Assume to be the artists' names above the comics, where I romanize it but don't erase the original characters. I dunno. We'll see.
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evilminji · 5 months
Okay, so maybe it's just me? Projecting my new Tea Phase?
Cause for med reasons, no more energy drinks, only Teeeeeeaaaaa~☆
But honestly? Now that I am an adult and ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT? Really digging it! Am enjoying the Teas. Mmmmmmm~ leaf broth. I like the fruity ones.
So! IMAGINE~☆ If you will:
Danny. 14 and his parents are LOUD AS FUCK (CRASH BANG SMASH BANG WHIIII-) dispite it being, once again, a school night. This has been going one For Years. That STUPID fucking machine. All God damned hours. Crashes and bangs and powertools. Explosions.
When will it ever end!
He's... he's honestly used it.
Unknowingly? This is is a skill that will come in handy later. Living and functioning while sleep deprived. Healthy? Fuck no. But it's USEFUL. He IS the ten year old downing Monster drinks in the parking lot before school.
It makes him a jittery weirdo. Twitchy. Too much caffeine, not enough sleep, his parents either blew up or TOOK APART the washing machine AGAIN. He... he never stood a chance. It's a miracle the indoor plumbing hasn't been compromised yet... AGAIN.
His blood is more sugar, caffeine, and guarana or whatever those other things in the can are, then actual human blood. He doesn't CARE. He just needs too get decent grades, graduate, and become an astronaut. It's... it's FINE. This is normal. They're FINE.
(If they weren't... someone would have noticed, right? Would have DONE something. Cared. So it HAS to be fine. His family's just weird. It's FINE.)
But THEN...
The Accident.
And his biology CHANGES. Green goo, wrapped vicious and loving, around his very DNA. Like Kintsugi of the body and soul. In green, Green, GREEN. It... it's a lot. Everything changing all at once. Maybe that's why it takes him so long to notice.
Why he thinks "oh, I'm just tired cause I'm running more then usual. Fighting and flying. Doing ghost stuff."
When... when honestly? Some part of him always kinda KNEW. From the very moment he stumbled out of the portal. The aftershocks. The pain. Sam and Tucker crying, scrambling to help him up the stairs. Sam tearing her bag apart looking for her cramps medicine. Because... because pain medication is pain medication.
"It's gonna be okay, Danny. Please. Please god, just take it! I promise it's gonna be okay!"
How do you look your panicked, crying, strongest-person-you-know best friend in the eyes and tell her... you can FEEL it dissolving in your throat. Like the pills were dumped in a human shaped pot of acid. That... that the pain isn't changing... and you... you don't think it's going too.
When you're scared. Might be dying. And you can already tell they think it's their fault. W... when you're all just KIDS. And all you can think is... you can let them know how bad... how bad it hurts...
They'd never be able to live with that knowledge.
Yeah. Yeah, Sam. Thanks. T... The pills helped a lot. He feels better. You really saved the day. He lo... loves you guys so much.
He thinks about that moment A LOT. About how much he realized and knew, before the denial kicked in. Before he got so... Tired. Fresh of all that energy. And? You'd think he realize. The mood swings. The irritability. The headaches that disappear the SECOND he goes ghost. That he's in caffeine withdrawal. But? Nope.
He kinda blames the constant ghost attacks for distracting him.
But see... Sam? Doesn't drink tea. Goes against her diet. Tucker was where he GOT his illicit borderline illegal energy drinks. And his sister? Big on flavored sparkling waters. Which are gross to him.
His PARENTS drink a thick tar they insist is coffee. It might be liquid fudge. Zone knows its nearly the same consistency. It's horrifying. No thanks, he wants to LIVE.
It's? Ironically? Mr. Lancer and his constant detentions, that help Danny realize somethings up. Because Mr. Lancer shares. If he makes a cup for himself, he'll make one for you. It's how he was raised. And, yeah, the after school detentions? Those were herbal blends. No caffeine.
But they tasted nice. Were warm. The classroom was quiet and as frustrating as it was? The tea itself? Was always... the one exception to how shit the situation was. So Danny finally broke down and asked about it. Learned Mr. Lancer knew a? Surprisingly LOT about tea. Huh.
Then one day he gets SATURDAY detention. Oh joy!
Bright and early. One of the few times he could be trying, desperately, to be sleeping through his parents cacophony. Catching up on his desperately needed Zzz's. Here he is... getting a handed a new cup of different tea?
Breakfast blend? And a bagel..
N...none hostile breakfast? A quiet space to catch up on his homework? No Dash? Just... just a quiet classroom, some tea, and the sounds on a peaceful morning outside?
It's the best time he's had in school in... God, in YEARS. He gets so MUCH done. For once can concentrate. And? Actually, now that he thinks about it? Feels... awake? Or at the very least, not as sleepy. And being a Fenton, whom to the LAST are a genius if eccentric family, it's pretty damn easy to put two and two together.
He felt more awake after having Lancer's breakfast blend tea.
He obviously asks about it. Then, after detention is done. Calm packs up. Goes home. Drops his back in his room. Goes ghost. And SHOOTS for the Far Frozen with his phone and an energy drink. Because clearly he's missing something and it's time to ask.
The good doctors of the Frozen are... gently horrified. Clawed hands steeples infront of their mouths as they try to tactfully figure out how to word "Great One, WHAT THE FUCK!?!? Why would you DO THIS TO YOURSELF!?" Because that... is not professional. Breathe. In, out, in, out. We can do this.
They get the most patient and restrained of their elders to... CALMLY, very VERY Calmly, ask some medical questions. Listen. Without judgements! Because they are medical professionals. Who do NOT want to scream, forever, into the void. Certainly not. So Calm! (They are going to BURN THAT CAN IN-)
Which! Huh. Yeah, that explains the constant exhaustion. He was poisoning himself. Kinda. Not so much the GHOST but the human half. Putting to much strain and too much trace chemicals, minerals, and buckets of sugar. General "mmmm :/ Don't Like THAT ™" energy from the Goo causing it too try and constantly burning it all out of existence. Endlessly.
The more he put in, the more there was to burn. The more there was to burn, the more tired he became. The more tired he became... well, the more he put in. It was a slowly lethal starvation cycle. Big Yikes.
The TEA on the other hand? Those are leaves. The good recognizes leaves and water. Other various plants, dried or otherwise. It ignores them as "fine" until they reach a "problematic" threshold, apparently? So... *blank look at the doctor*
*sighs in medical professional*
Tea? Good. Satan Can of Halfa Poison? Bad. Please drink tea.
And it's like MAGIC. He's suddenly BACK, baby! Ha ha ha! Skulker you fuckin THOUGHT?! Oh it's 2am? Well SUPRISE bitch! He's bright eyed and bushy tailed! His grades are up AND he's beating you like a drum! He has ice breakers for old people discussions now!! The local Tea Shops have NEVER been so well protected.
He actually manages to graduate with not just decent grades? But GOOD ones.
And the second. The INSTANT. He is legally his own man? Has his important paperwork squirrelled away and the go bags safely WELL outside of Amity. It's time. He meets OUTSIDE the house, because he's not an idiot. He's been practicing his Clones and has them ready to grab his parents so he can get out of there alive. Jazz is on video call from Star city.
His parents... suspected. Not at first, but as goofy as they are? They aren't ACTUALLY idiots. They've been watching, going over old research. Trying, failing, to get in touch with the League to have THEIR team test their research. Peer review is critical after all. They... they had been so certain. Are still somewhat certain.
But their research doesn't exactly ACCOUNT for this "halfa" phenomenon. So, there is a very real chance they are missing something. The one thing the DO know? Danny is their son. Stuck in some eternal mortally wounded state or not, he is a hero. And they weren't there for him.
They can't change their beliefs on a dime. But they've clearly missed a great deal. And refuse to fall to academic bias. The very thing that got them LAUGHED AT for decades. Mocked and belittled. This is their life's work. By God they WILL find out the truth.
It's? Better then he could have hoped. Not perfect. But better.
He helps set up safeties and a security check point at the portal. Both sides. He's kinda a big deal these days, mom, dad. Ghost scientists eager to work with them. A whole TEAM under their command. It certain endears ghosts to them a whole lot more. Then?
Copy of the blue prints, go bag turned into normal bags, Danny's off to college.
Bounces from major to major. Nothing really capturing his interest. As he aged, he's need less sleep. Gotten stronger. Grown into his father's height and grandfathers build. Tucker keeps calling him a dorito. Danny retaliates with Ancient Egyptian Cyber/Pharoah Twink allegations. According to SAM they are both dumbasses.
She's not WRONG... but hey D:<
Eventually? A really niche botany seminar run by Pamela Isely catches the attention of Tucker, who forwards it to him n Sam. Nice ™. It's being held in her Murder Park! Cool! Obviously they have to go. So off to Gotham they go. And? When they get there? Sam is APPALLED.
She may HATE landlords as much as the next activist.... but LOOK at all these run down, foreclosed, rotting buildings! Beautiful gothic infrastructure! Those could be businesses or homes! Danny, busy with signing them up, makes the mistake of tuning her out as she rants in fury. She does this some times. Needs to vent. Uh huh, you're very right. You should contact somebody. I agree. Mmmhmmm.
Hey, Sam, Ms. Isely needs your-....
Oh FUCK ™.
By the time the Seminar come around? Sam has violently kicked in the door of more then a feel reality offices. Owns QUITE a few buildings. Danny is sweating. She... she's doing the THING again. The "gimme your Ghost Crew, I KNOW you have a highly specific Ghost Crew, don't you DARE lie to me or I take your knee caps, Danny" stare.
>.> Sam you can't keep doin- *stare intensifies* Yes Ma'am. *Pulls out Fenton phone* and so? Here come the renovation crew. The ONLY honest building Crew in all of Gotham. They cut no corners. Can't be threatened. Gangs, villians, and even local government office try to arrange... accidents on the build sites.
Nothing. Nada. In fact, it turns out more dangerous for THEM then this crew of outsiders!
Then? After these two College age weirdos finish Poison Fuckin Ivys HIGHLY SUSPECT biology seminar? Manson fucks off to who knows where! Leaving what HAS to be "the muscle" behind. Cause I mean? Look, at the guy! He's huge! And what does he do?
Goes building to building. Rents them out to low income families. Honest, hard working shop keepers. And? Eventually decides to settle smack dab in the middle of Gotham, in the shadow of Wayne fuckin tower, spitting distance from the Space museum..... and open? A tea shop? The FUCK?
"The Zone".
In a weird shade of green. With little ghosts, wearing crowns, because and I quote "it's funny"? Certainly crazy enough for Gotham. But like, it's loud as FUCK here. Crowded. There are gas attacks and shit. It'll never las-....
It stays untouched for MONTHS.
Sometimes being the ONLY building near it to be untouched. Gas NEVER getting in. The damn place a BUNKER. And? Despite looking like it's two floors? It's three. You enter and your actually on the second floor. No one's even sure where the fuck the guy LIVES, since he never seems to leave.
Not only THAT. But it... it's like one of those old school apothecaries. Big ol bank of drawers. Guy'll mix up your blend for you right as you watch. Tea nuts are actually risking COMING to Gotham to try his stuff. Writing articles. Apparently he has some pretty rare shit in those drawers.
Some UNKNOWN shit, according to one guy on ViewTube.
There's this whole debate on if it's Ultra Super Rare or that means it's just super cheap knock off crap. Some of them he won't make for people, even if they ask. There's a rumor it's for Meta's with specific diets. Or alien blends. But no one can verify that. Cause like?
Anyone who tries to cause trouble?
Can't fucking FIND the place. And if you're already inside? You just... drop. Stone cold unconscious. It's definitely magic but no one knows if it's HIS or Manson's? You know? He won't talk. Gets annoyed when harrased.
Which off course!
Leaves Only ONE gentleman for the job. An elite special forces trained expert. Polite, dignified, enjoyer of fine Teas. Alfred "Why do you chucklefucks keep forgetting I was in the Queens Service and a Registered Badass" Pennyworth.
After all! He DOES have the days shopping to do.
@babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @lolottes
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phant0mth1ef · 3 months
last part of bakugou x support course reader
it’s routine at this point, having the spikey haired boy sitting down and occasionally talking with you as you worked on your craft after school. it became something that he’d come to enjoy. and after class, despite your constantly nagging that you were safe by yourself, he walks you back to the support course dorms, claiming that you have to pass 2b’s dorm and monoma gives him weird vibes.
but bakugou arriving late to his own dorm doesn’t go unnoticed by his classmates, they watch as he walks in about three hours later than everybody else, and they also notice that kirishima is already back, so he couldn’t have been with him.
he’s also become easier to be around, hagakure stated that she was glad to not have to walk on eggshells around him anymore.
“i think he’s just trying to get in some extra training. he’s super manly.” kirishima started the conversation as they watched the blonde haired boy retreat to his room.
“i think he’s got a girlfriend!” mina exclaims with excitement, happy that someone finally got bakugou to take the stick out of his ass.
“nah, he’s way too harsh for a girl to like him. they tend to go for the sweeter dudes.” kaminari was hunched over the couch, finally putting in some input.
almost on cue, the boy walked out in a pair of sweatpants and house slippers, a calm look on his face as he sat down on the couch next to kirishima.
“bakugou?! you feeling alright?” mina spoke as she reached a hand over to feel his forehead before he swatted it away, curling up into a ball simultaneously.
“i’m fine! stop touching me.” he was like a little kid who had just been told no for the very first time.
“where’ve you been man? you always get back here super late.” kirishima turned to bakugou, who gave the man a side eye.
“none of your damn business.” he spat, although his friends knew his intentions weren’t malicious, they actually snickered at the boys defensiveness.
“if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you’ve been spending a lot of time with the support course. you always got some new gear on everytime we have to spar.” kaminari interjected.
bakugou looked away.
“you have been with the support course! is it l/n? tell me it’s l/n, she’s like you as a girl!” mina gushed, happy for her friend.
again he didn’t meet their gaze as they watched his every action intently.
“oh my god. he’s got a crush!” kaminari begun to gush with mina, jumping up and down like schoolgirls once they uncovered their friends secret.
once bakugou whipped his head back around, the slight pink tint was evident on his cheeks.
“s’not that. she’s just not that bad to be around. s’all.” he spoke lowly.
“oh my goshhh! bakugou’s in love! someone finally matched his freak.” mina was over the moon when she uncovered this newfound information.
“when are you gonna ask her out man?” kaminari gave him a hard pat on his back, causing the unprepared boy to move forward slightly.
“i dunno. nothing. first time i’ve ever actually tolerated someone this much.” nonchalant king enery!! go and give us nothing!
“you gotta go big! she’ll love that.”
and so he spent the rest of the night listening to his friends suggestions, he really had gotten nicer since meeting you.
the support course had a mailbox for every student located in the faculty office just in case someone needed their gear tweaked and couldn’t get in contact with whoever made it.
when you checked your box, you saw only one note sitting there, so you quickly grabbed it and walked away, reading it in your head.
would you ever wanna grab some food with me? not a date. don’t think that. but i want to get to know you better.
- Great Explosion Murder God : Dynamight
you snickered at his name, in disbelief that he’d actually chosen that to be his alias for the rest of his career.
you looked up, the boy peering at you from a corner, watching your reaction.
you smiled at him.
“yes.” and he felt his breath return to his body.
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blimgus · 3 months
Hey guysss blimgus here
guys guys listen i've got an idea.
Imagine spending your sweet time in Gehenna. Peaceful slow time in the capital passes with the occasional random explosions in the background. However, when the night comes it's time to head back to Satan's castle for a rest. But due to some devils fighting over your attention with each other, you decide that organizing a big sleepover would solve the problem!
By bribing Ppyong with some chocolate you get the necesarry stuff you needed from Minhyeok's room. You grab the definitly too big bag from the tiny Red Lump Devil and hand over his reward.You check the contents of it,while Ppyong stuffs a bunch of ferreros in his mouth.
○ pretty chill about organising a sleepover, tells you that's a good way to boost morale
○ tbh i imagine he'll pick a classic white tank top and some heart boxer briefs xD
○ imagine having a casual romantic talk with him while cooking marshmallows over a burning toaster
○ he's totally up to play some games and have fun with you ( and his subordinates)
○ causes a massive pillow fight to unleash, anihilates most of the others(don't worry he'll go easy on you, but you will not escape your fate *yeets a pillow*)
○ however true chaos starts when you introduce him to Mario Kart
○ oh God I have the absolutely cursed idea. Like imagine playing Mario Kart with him as a foreplay later (gfhsjsbsb)
○when the time to sleep comes he'll flop down on the huge bed like some kind of a log
○ yeah you wake up to grab some water or go piss and have a Satan jumpscare bc either he sleeps with his eyes open (which totally glow in the dark believe me) or he just pretends to be asleep and we will never know the truth
○ahhh Sitri my baby
○ like he's totally rocking the leopard print luxury pyjamas bc like that's so Sitri-coded
○he'll spend most of the with his tea on the sofa.The only person allowed to sit next to him is you, just so he can listen to your heartbeat a bit better ~♡
○ paint his nails, paint his nails
○ i totally see Sitri sitting with you in the kitchen, blind testing some awful convenience store tea and listening to him shit talking the diffrent brands while offering you to try some REAL tea (we all know how it may end)
○ when the places for everyone to sleep were decided, he got kinda fussy bc he was somehow expelled from the bed
○ baby got angy, but at least he gets to calmly listen to your heartbeat when you sleep...
○ No.1 sleepover fan
○ Literally teleported to you when he heard you say the word ,,sleepover "
○ Literally girls night , painting nails, eating snacks, doing each others hairrrr, playing dress-up
○ totally into watching Barbie movies, especially the Old ones, or some shitty romcoms
○ came up with the idea of organising a Just Dance tournament to decide who gets to sleep next to you,
○ offers you to help you clean off your make up before sleeping to get alone with you for a while
○ good night smooches from Paimon♡
○ Golden retriever energyyyy
○ he would probably wear a kigurumi, or some cute long sleeved pyjamas with a teddy bear pattern
○ gets destroyed at Mario Kart oof
○ tbh I headcanon that the whole pillow fight started bc he accidentaly sniped Satan with a pillow from across the room.
○*insert boss battle music*
○ *insert the sounds of gunshots and screams*
○ all Hell breaking loose
○ also he gets really invested in the Barbie movie's story???
○at the end of the day, he goes to sleep with one of satan's decapitated plushie~
○Happily agrees to joining the party!...*insert jjyu cursing*
○ he comes wearing matching dark read top and bottom, ngl the colour matches his hair highlights nicely
○ also Jjyu is here with a tiny night cap
○Belial seems like that one person who comes to the party to share some banger music they found on Spootify
○ ya know some small talk with himm while the musics plays in the background
○ some time later puts Jjyu in time out bc he got a little out of control
○ in order to keep chatting with him without straining his voice, you decide to whisper to each others ears
○ so romantic
○ Most of the time he just keep to himself. Don't worry he's enjoying himself, just not too good with talking.
○honestly i think he'll wear a black tank top and some totally normal pants. Idk he just seems like the neutral clothing type of guy to me.
○Tries to learn some Mario Kart. I mean he still ends on a higher place in the races than Leraye due to everyone """accidentaly""" targeting him.
○ Have you wondered who won the Just Dance tournament?
○Yeah, it was Zagan.
○ He absolutely destroyed Paimon and Sitri, much to their dismay.
○ Now he gets to sleep next to you!
○ Don't worry we keeping this situation "non-horni" so no naughty stuff or smth
○sooo he just lays there with you on his right side and on the left... there's a drooling and snoring Leraye.
○ honestly nobody expected him to actually show up
○but heyyy he and his snake are here!!
○ totally wears the darkest coloured robe and some classy black fluff slippers
○ kitchen talk with you, him and Sitri so real
○ low pitched chuckle coming from him when he sees you goofing around with others
○he loves hearing your laugh
○ agrees to tell you a bedtime story as long as you'll promise him to repay the favour later~
○ he spends the night on the armchair, his snake chilling on his shoulders, while he reads a book he brought to the party
Paying my respects to people writing fanfics, bc it takes a lot of dedication to push out that many words and not go bonkers...
First time writing anything like that on this site, English grammar defeated me here.
Hope you like it!
-blimgus out
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spncrscasey · 2 months
Casual (k.s.)
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Fandom/Characters: Chicago Fire - Kelly Severide x Fem!Reader, Matt Casey
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Agreeing to a friends with benefits deal with Kelly Severide to blow of some steam after shifts seemed like a great idea in the beginning. What happens when one of you starts to catch feelings?
Warnings: 18+ (no actual smut written but don't read if implication of it makes you uncofmy) - slight ooc kelly? hurt/comfort, mention of child death, fires, angst, pet names, fluff, implied smut, cursing, mention of sex, drinking, arguments, kissing, happy ending
a/n: i’ve been a matt girl since the moment i started watching chicago fire but recently i’ve been obsessed with kelly so this fic is a result of said obsession! also this was a bit rushed so ignore that lol but it was kinda inspired by the song casual by chappell roan so if you want, give it a listen while reading :) oh by the way the gif??? it’s gonna be the end of me- my god. anyways, enjoy <3
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You were at Molly’s, nursing your third glass of wine for the night, hoping to forget about the terrible shift you just had.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. It was supposed to be a quick in and out, but the universe had different plans. Thinking back, you start wondering what had gone wrong.
Truck and Ambo were called to a small fire at a local café. At first, it seemed like a minor incident, just burnt toast that had accidentally caught fire. What you hadn't realized, though, was that one of the stoves had been left on accidentally, causing gas to slowly leak out.
Upon arrival, your Lieutenant, Matt Casey, instructed Otis and you to escort everyone from the sitting area. Fortunately, there were only a few customers that day, making your job easier.
As you began ushering everyone out, a mother approached you and expressed concern that her six-year-old daughter was still inside. You asked Otis to stay with her before assuring her that you would locate her daughter.
Once the building was evacuated and Herrmann was preparing to hose down the kitchen, you radioed in about the missing girl and announced that you were going back inside to find her. Casey advised you to hurry up before the situation escalated making you nod and rush in.
Heading back in, you immediately began searching for the little girl. You called out to her, but there was no response. After checking the bathroom, you noticed her unconscious form lying under the sink. Your heart sank. You quickly checked her pulse and realized how faint it was. You removed your mask and placed it on her, hoping it would help her breathe. Once the mask was on, you swiftly picked her up and hurried towards the exit.
Passing by the kitchen, you didn't notice how the stove was on. You should have. You don't know how you didn't. It was your job to notice these things but you were in such a rush that it slipped your eye. The realization only dawned on you when you heard Herrmann yelling for everyone to exit the area because of leaking gas and by then, the explosion had already occurred.
The impact sent you stumbling backward, causing you to tumble to the ground with the girl in your arms. Casey’s voice crackled through the radio, but the ringing in your ears muffled the words. You couldn't seem to stop coughing and your head was throbbing making your vision start to blur. You felt yourself succumbing to the darkness, but you fought to regain your composure and struggled to stand up.
Once the initial shock had worn off, you quickly got up and made it to the exit, disregarding your injuries, only concerned about passing the girl off to Gabby and Shay. They tried their best, you know they did, but the girl was dead before you even got to them. The explosion had killed her. The explosion you should have seen coming.
That six-year-old girl passed away, and it was all your fault.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the sound of your name. It was Kelly, the Lieutenant of Rescue Squad 3, and one of your closest friends, whom you were currently sleeping with.
A few months ago, after a particularly difficult shift, Severide and you had accidentally ended up spending the night together. Since then, you two agreed to keep it casual— no strings attached, friends with benefits, if you will. Both of you promised to break it off if one of you started to catch feelings and that seemed reasonable to you.
“Rough day?” He asked taking a seat on the barstool beside you.
“Six-year-old kid died in my arms, so I'd say so.” You say looking down at your glass, twirling the liquid around mindlessly.
“Wanna talk about?”
“Nope, but I do want to get out of here. Your place? It’s closer.” You glanced at him, and he caught on to what you meant in an instant; you needed to let out your frustrations.
He nodded as you downed the rest of your wine and you two headed back to his apartment without any further questions.
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You woke up the next day with an arm draped over your torso. You didn’t think much of it until you realized whose arm it was.
You had never stayed over. You guys had never spent the night together to keep the feelings at bay. This was uncharted territory. So to say this was going to be awkward would be an understatement.
You attempted to quietly pull his arm away without waking him, but as soon as you made contact, you noticed him starting to stir.
“Good morning baby,” he voiced, groggily.
“Morning Kell,” You replied, blushing at the unexpected name.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, referencing the reason you were at the bar in the first place.
“Better.” You replied as you turned to face him. “Thank you.”
He didn't say anything, instead simply pulling you in for a quick kiss, letting you know he was there for you.
After pulling away, you decided it was time to get up. Popping the little bubblle you were in and ending the moment you shared.
“I'm gonna get dressed and head out, I didn't mean to stay over- just got carried away. I know we don't do that so I'll leave, sorry.”
“Y/N wait up-” He says, catching your attention.
“Yeah?” You turn around to look at him.
“I don't mind that you stayed, I know you had a tough day yesterday so it's fine. Make yourself at home sweetheart.”
The nickname caught you off guard once more. It wasn't unusual for him to shower you with praise and call you these names during sex. But afterwards? He'd never spoken to you that way and the sudden change was putting your heart in a whirl.
You sighed trying to regain your composure. “Yep, thanks. I'll uhh… I’ll see you at shift.” You brushed him off, smiling.
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Since that day, the dynamic between you two has shifted noticeably. Others at the firehouse have started to take note of it as well. He's become more attentive. Making sure he has a meal saved for you when you're too busy to eat, accompanying you home from Molly's when you've had a few drinks, and checking in on you after difficult calls.
It wasn't just him, though. You’ve been overly caring with him too, more than a friend should be. When he discovered he had a half-sister, you stood by him. You supported him in reaching out to her. And when she was going through a rough patch after her kidnapping? You were the one on the phone talking her down when she made the decision to move to Colorado.
After all your help, his mother even invited you to her house as a token of gratitude. You never intended to become so involved with him and his family, it changed how you saw him.
You heard the rumors, you knew he was a player— a womanizer who didn't care about anything except his pleasure. But witnessing his interactions with his family alongside the kindness he's been treating you with recently? It was coming to be harder and harder to view him as selfish and uncaring.
The line between friends and lovers was becoming increasingly blurry. Yet you were still trying your hardest to avoid the development of feelings because you knew once you crossed that threshold, there was no going back.
You were walking towards the kitchen when you caught Casey and Severide engaging in conversation by the coffee pot.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop but hearing your name leave Matt’s lips made you stop dead in your tracks.
“What's going on between you and her?” He asked.
“Nothing. It’s all casual. She's nothing more than a friend, Case. We're not together.” Kelly replied, a little too firmly.
You knew nothing was going on between the two of you but hearing that coming from him? It hurt more than you'd like to admit.
You imagined sharing an apartment, perhaps a year or so from now and spending the coming years wrapped in each other's arms, building a family. You chuckled to yourself at the fact that you even thought that was a possibility at some point. Realizing now how naive it was to believe he would ever view you as anything more than a fuckbuddy. Oh, how you loved being stupid.
You spent the rest of the shift avoiding him. It wasn't fair to him; after all, he didn't know you had overheard. Your feelings were your problem, and it wasn't right to act as though he were responsible. Yet, facing him felt impossible without making a fool of yourself.
You found yourself at Molly’s again. Downing shot after shot. You knew you were way past your limit but the lack of Kelly Severide-related thoughts in your brain was encouraging you to continue.
It had gotten to the point where you noticed Herrmann giving you shots of water instead but you were too far gone to care.
You were about to request another real shot when you felt a presence next to you. You turned your head to the side and saw the one person you were trying to forget about.
Lieutenant Kelly Severide.
“You've been avoiding me.” He said, less of a question and more of a statement, keeping his eyes on you.
You hated how small he made you feel, like he could read you in just one glance. His intense gaze made you look away before trying to find Herrmann. “I have not. Now excuse me, I was about to order another drink.”
“You don't need another one.” He said, grabbing your shoulders and turning you back around to face him.
“What are you? My boyfriend? We’re just friends Severide, you don't get to make that decision for me.” You wouldn't have usually been that snarky but the alcohol in your system was giving you courage you didn't know you had.
He was taken aback by your response, you were never like this with him. It was worrying him.
He tried to help you stand up, “Y/N c’mon let's get you home.”
You reluctantly agreed. You knew you were going to regret this in the morning but at the moment, you didn't care. He started walking you towards the exit when you pulled yourself away from him and spoke up, “I don't need a babysitter. I can walk by myself.”
“If you actually think I'm letting you walk home, drunk and alone at this time of night, then you're crazy.” He replied casually while walking beside you.
You stopped abruptly and sighed, looking down. “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” He questioned, placing his finger under your chin bringing your face up to meet his.
“Why do you act like you care?” You clarified, holding his stare, pretending his touch wasn't erupting fireworks in your stomach.
“I do care! I care more about you than you realize Y/N.” He said a bit too loudly, raising his hands in exaggeration.
“You're not supposed to!” You shouted back.
“Why not? Is it such a crime to care about my friend?” He replied, exasperated and upset.
There it was. The dreaded ‘friend.’ You knew it was coming. So why did it still shock you?
“I- I can't do this Kelly- I'll just call a cab to take me home, you don't need to walk me. Forget anything happened.” You said turning around, ignoring his objections, calling your name.
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You spent your days off moping around. Kelly had called you multiple times and left countless messages, but you couldn't bring yourself to respond. You knew you were being childish, but it didn't matter. The thought of going back to work and having to face him filled you with dread but that was a problem for later. Right now, you have errands to run.
While you were getting dressed, you absentmindedly opened the drawer meant for Kelly. You couldn't avoid him, he seemed to be everywhere you looked. Your phone, your workplace, and now, your dresser.
You sighed. The fact that you two had separate drawers designated for one another at each other's homes, slipping your mind completely. Is that something friends with benefits did? Did they keep clothes at the other’s place to ‘make it easier for them to get dressed?’
Your thoughts were cut short when you heard a knock at your door. You weren't expecting anyone but opened the door regardless not guessing who you’d see on the other side.
You found yourself face-to-face with none other than the man who had been plaguing your thoughts nonstop. However, after avoiding him for so long, you didn't know what to say or how to act. You felt like you’d never been in such close proximity with him before, it was suffocating. So you simply stood there until he eventually spoke.
“We need to talk.” He stated simply.
“What's there to talk about?” You asked, avoiding his eyes.
“This. Us.” He said, motioning between the two of you.
You finally took a good look at him, you noticed the heavy bags under his eyes and the weary slump of his shoulders. It was clear that he was utterly exhausted, as if he hadn't slept at all in the last few days. And the simple thought of the reason for his exhaustion being you, made you feel terrible.
“Severide-” You couldn’t let this drag on for any longer without hating yourself, so you took a deep breath and continued, “I think we should end this arrangement that we have.”
“What?” He furrowed his brows.
“We agreed that once one of us starts catching feelings, we'd end it. So let's end it before it gets messy and hurts either of us more than it should.” You tried closing the door once you were done speaking but he quickly squeezed himself in, preventing your attempts at pushing him away.
“What are you doing?” You asked following him into your apartment.
“That's not fair!” He exclaims, “You don't get to ignore me for days and then just end our relationship and shut me out.”
“This was hardly a relationship.” You scoff, “But, what did you want me to do Kelly!?” You matched his volume, watching as he paced in the middle of your living room.
“I don't know, maybe talk to me about how you're feeling!” He said, tone dripping with sarcasm while glaring at you. If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under right about now.
“Oh, that's really mature coming from you! Mr. Expert at communication.” You replied with just as much pettiness as you could muster, stepping closer to him to prove a point.
He stood silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and approaching you, “Maybe you're right, maybe we do need to end this thing we have. I just thought we cared about us enough to at least talk it out.”
The two of you now stood face to face, your breaths labored and eyes locked in an unbreakable gaze. Silence enveloped the space between you, the tension so thick that it felt tangible like it could be sliced through with a knife.
“I’m sorry.” You said quietly. “I shouldn't have ignored you and I also shouldn't have just sprung that on you.”
Once you noticed he was letting you continue, you went on, “I just realized that I couldn't be as ‘casual’ about our relationship as you are anymore. I tried to hold my tongue and ignore the feelings I have for you, but it was getting harder Kelly. Nothing about our deal has been casual for weeks now and it was starting to affect me.” You finally let out.
He took in your words, shaking his head. “It hasn't been casual for me either Y/N. I love you, and have for a very long time.”
The force of his words hit you like a physical blow. Love? How did he claim to love you when he had not only never hinted at such feelings before but also dismissed Casey when he asked about it? You were confused and it was evident on your face with the way you looked at him, shell-shocked.
“You love me? But you told Casey that there was nothing going on between us and-”
You were quickly cut off by his hands on your face, pulling you in. The intensity of his lips against yours short-circuited your entire being. It took a moment for your brain to register what was happening, but soon you found yourself reciprocating his kiss.
While you and he had shared kisses in the past, this one was different. It wasn't hurried like your usual kisses but instead filled with a deep sense of passion, tender and slow, and brimming with love and adoration for one another.
He placed his hands gently on your waist, drawing you closer, deepening the kiss. You raised your arms, threading your fingers through his hair, feeling the slight tug as you did. It was as if your lips were pulled together by an irresistible force, making it difficult to part.
You wanted time to freeze in that beautiful moment so you could stay in it forever. You wished to remain embraced by him indefinitely. His touch was tender and affectionate, brimming with care. It felt as though both of you had shed all your worries and were completely immersed in the love surrounding you.
You tentatively ended the kiss and gazed into his eyes, which stemmed a love you had never felt from him before. For the first time, they didn't overwhelm you or make you feel small; instead, they enveloped you in a sense of comfort. And in that fleeting beat, his eyes spoke volumes even when his words remained silent.
“I love you too.” You said, sharing his sentiment, causing a grin to emit on both of your faces.
You felt like a teenager who was experiencing love for the first ever time; and you wouldn't want it any other way.
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Season 2, Episode 9 - Croatoan
Series Masterlist
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Authors Note: Super long ass one, just my way of saying i appreciate all the love and support I’ve been getting. Thank you and I hope everyone enjoys! Don’t be shy, tell me what you love and what you hate about it. Comment your lives out hahaha MWAH😘
Third Person POV
Dean stood in the hall of the clinic, shoving a round into his pistol.
A stoic expression played on his face as he entered the room besides him.
Tied to a chair was a young man.
His eyes widen with fear as Dean entered the room, his pistol ready.
"No, no, no, no. You're not gonna..." The young man gasps upon seeing Dean with the gun.
The door closes behind Dean, echoing throughout the room, his lethal expression not faltering.
"No. I swear, it's not in me!" The young man pleads.
"Oh, God. We're all gonna die." A blonde woman gasps fearfully.
"Maybe he's telling the truth" A man of African-American descent suggests to Dean.
"He's not him, not anymore" Dean growls, taking the safety off his gun.
"No, stop. Stop it! Ask her! Ask the doctor!" The young man begs for his life, nodding towards the woman in the lab-coat with fear etched on her face.
"It's not in me!" He swears up and down. "I...just....I can't tell" The doctor shakes her head.
"No, please. Don't, dont!" He cries, shaking his head as Dean raised his gun at the pleading boy, cocking it in his face.
"I swear, I swear" He sobs. "I got no choice" Dean says coldly. "It's not in me. It's not in me" He swears, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as Dean sneers at him.
"Don't. Dont. Pleasee-" The young man's pleas are cut short when Dean empties his clip into him, the gunshots ringing through the clinic.
Sam gasps awake up on the floor in the dusty motel room, gasping for air as his brother Dean walks in with a six-pack beer. Munching on a stick of beef jerky. Dean's eyebrows raise in confused when his brother gets raises up, gasping for breath. "Sam?" Dean calls out to his brother in concern as he pulls the jerky out of his mouth.
Sam is out of breath, the vision having knocked the air out of him. "Y/N...oh god y/n!" He shoots up from the floor, now realizing y/n was alone in her motel room, probably rolling in pain if she was already up. Dean tossed the beer and jerky on his bed and the two brothers bolt into action, rushing out of their motel room before running down the hall to y/n's room to check on their friend.
Y/N was on her knees in the middle of her motel room, just steps away from the bathroom as the images flashed through her head, having gotten up earlier to pee, only to be bombarded with the painful vision. They were getting more intense, her headache hadn't eased since it ended. The pressure in her head was like the vision was still happening but it had already ended moments before.
The Winchester boys banged on her motel door, "Princess?! Open up, it's us!" Dean called out concerned from the other side of the door. The sounds of his yelled pierced through her skull, erupting an involuntary scream from her, causing her to double over, falling to her side on the ground. Her hands still buried in her hair. This peaked their concern sky high. Without thinking, Dean raised his foot, knocking the door inwards to reveal a very much in pain y/n, crunched up on the ground.
The boys rushed over to her, holding her up. "Hey, hey, hey. We've got you" Sam cooed, lifting y/n's head to reveal that her eyes were not only flashed over white, but blood with dripping from her nose, stains on her light blue pajama top. Deans eyes widen, his heart thumping out of his chest. "Ohh fuckk..." He muttered, tears stinging in his eyes at the sight, before reaching into his jacket to take out his handkerchief.
He placed a hand on her forehead, feeling the kettle-whistling heat coming from her pores, "Ice! Go get ice!" Dean ordered his little brother, Sam nodded firmly before rushing out of the motel room to do just that. Y/N sobbed louder from the explosive pain, practically seizing in Dean's arms. The back of her head braced into the crease of his elbow, "Shhhhh...it's okay baby....it's okay." Dean whispered soothingly to her, his voice croaky.
His heart ached as he held her, he caressed her hair with a shaky hand, before going back to wiping the blood from her nose that now drenched his handkerchief. Her hair was wild, so using the hair tie of her he had on his wrist at all times, just incase she didn't have one. He tied her hair back, looping it into a low bun to get it out of her face.
He leaned down to place his quivering lips on her forehead, the heat protruding from her coated his lips in the kiss. "You're gonna be okay...you're gonna be okay...please be okay" The tears that threatened to escape his ducts from seeing her in such a state was prominent at his in his emerald irises, doused with panic.
Sam soon returned with a bag of ice, his heart aching for his friend. He dropped it next to his brother who immediately shoved it on Y/N's forehead and temples. She was still mumbling incoherently through the pain, her eyes still flashing white. Sam kneeled next to her, holding one of her shaking hands. The brothers shared a worried look, their eyes flashing with worry.
Y/N was sat in the backseat of the Impala, an bag with ice over her soaring head, her face contorted with pain and chills from the old blocks pressing through the plastic bag. Her eyes had reverted back to it's original state, after the nose bleed had eased subsequently. Dean was driving as Sam sat shotgun, Deans concerned gaze flickered to her in the back through the rearview mirror.
"How's your head, sweetheart?" He asked her softly, wishing he had given Sam to drive so he could comfort her in the back. "I'm fine, charming" She assured him, offering him a weak smile through the rearview mirror. "The ice helped a lot. Thank you" She said gratefully. Dean still couldn't get the image of y/n crouched like a crumpled up paper on the floor.
Bleeding from her nose, seizing in his arms. "You wanna stop for something to eat?" Sam asked her, worried she might need something to hold her over. She chuckled at their concern, "I'm fine fellas, honestly. I appreciate your concern" She assured them again, grateful for their support. "You were bleeding from your nose, y/n/n. That's never happened before" Dean said, his voice strained with concern as he flicked his eyes to her in the backseat through the mirror.
"Maybe it comes with the baggage" She shrugged, "I'm fine fellas. Seriously. Now stop worrying. I'm right here" Her voice was firm. Dean, still worried about her, kept stealing glances at her in the rearview mirror. He knew all too well that 'fine' was a relative term in their line of work. But he was relieved to hear that the ice had helped, but he couldn't shake off the image of her huddled on the floor, seizing in his arms.
Sam glanced over his shoulder to see Y/N leaning back against the seat, her eyes closed as she held the bag of ice to her forehead.
The brothers exchanged another worried glance, the concern in their eyes not fading away. Despite her reassurances, they knew that she had gone through much more than she was letting on. Sam turned back to face the road ahead, while Dean kept his eyes trained on Y/N in the rear-view mirror.
"You know we're always here for you, right?" Sam said, his voice filled with genuine care. "You two are like ticks in my ass, I couldn't get rid of you if I wanted to" She joked with a light chuckle. Despite the situation and the level of concern, a small smirk tugged at the corner of Dean's lips, and even a chuckle escaped Sam's mouth.
"Yeah, yeah very funny" Dean muttered, shaking his head in amusement. She cackled at this, "I'm always gonna be there for you two, always." She promised with a genuine smile. The boys returned it gratefully, "But seriously, you need anything, you let us know" Dean added, his eyes still flickering to her in the rearview mirror. "Really? Could you get me a threesome with Randy Orton and Trish Stratus?" She quipped jokingly with a cocked eyebrow.
Both Sam and Dean sputtered in surprise at y/n's unexpected request, Dean's head did an involuntary double take as Sam practically choked on air. They exchanged knowing glances, both struggling to find a suitable response to her cheeky remark. "Yep, she's fine" Sam snorted.
Dean, caught off guard, tried to suppress a laugh before replying, "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint but that's not exactly in my area of expertise" He said, shaking his head with a mixture of amusement and relief that she was feeling well enough to joke around as per usual. He then glanced at her through the rearview mirror to see a wide smile on her beautiful face, a hint of concern still visible in his eyes, but he was glad to see her back to her usual snarky self.
"Continue on OR-224 west" The voice from Sam's GPS instructed them broke their gaze. The light tension in the Impala switching back to its usual serious tension, "There are only two towns in the U.S. named Rivergrove" Sam said lowly. "How come you two so sure it's the one in Oregon?" Dean asked. Y/N's mind flickered back to a picture she saw on the wall of a lake along with Sam's.
"There was a picture. Crater Lake" She told Dean, "Okay, what else?" Dean asked, Sam and Y/N exchanged worried look through the mirror. Having remember how vivid the vision was, "We saw a dark room, some people, and a guy tied to a chair" Sam explained, "And I ventilated him?" Dean asked again for the fifth time since they told him the story.
"Yeah" Sam and Y/N responded lowly in unison. "You thought there was something inside of him." Y/N explained. "What? A demon? Was he possessed?" Dean asked. "We don't know." Sam shrugged. "Well, all your weirdo visions are tied to the yellow-eyes demon, somehow." Dean stated, earning side eyes from the two.
"Not all" Y/N grumbled, her mind flashing back to the last premonition she encountered. "Come again?" Dean quirked an eyebrow. She sighed, taking the bag off of her head. "You remember when the cops found you at that crime scene? When that crooked cop tried to kill you and frame you?" Y/N mentioned the case with Diana Ballard and Peter Sheridan. Sam gave y/n a knowing look, having been there when she had the vision.
"Yeah? So?" Dean asked. "I had a vision of him killing you. That was in no way tied to the yellow eyed bitch. So, try again" Y/N huffed. "You what?!" Dean exclaimed in surprise, "And when were you gonna tell me about this?" Dean scoffed. "If you had witness what I did, you wouldn't want to talk about it either Winchester!" She snapped back, her voice dropping an octave as she thought about the horrid vision.
Both Sam and Dean were shocked to hear about Y/N's revelation. Sam's eyes widened at the news, realizing that he was right when he thought she had experienced something even more disturbing than he initially thought. Dean's heart sank as Y/N shot back at him, her tone sharp. He knew her well enough to know when something was weighing on her. Sam turned in his seat to look at the pair, his brow creased with concern.
"But that's not the point here, the point is that it doesn't necessarily have to be tied to that yellow-eyed bitch" She stated, crossing her arms over her chest. Dean decided not to push, going back to the topic, agreeing with her, "So was there any black smoke? Did we try to exorcise him?" Dean questioned them. The two younger hunters shook their heads. "No, nothing. You just plugged him. That's it." Sam answered him.
"Yeah, well I'm sure I had a good reason" Dean muttered. "I sure hope so" Y/N muttered back. Dean's eyes glanced to her at the backseat, "What does that mean?" He asked, confused by her tone. Sam looked back at y/n, both sharing a look. "I mean, I'm not gonna waste an innocent man." Dean stated, Sam and Y/N didn't answer, both shrugging. "I wouldn't!" Dean defended.
"We never said you would!" Sam defended back. "Fine" Dean huffed childishly. "Fine" Sam retorted with equal childishness. "Look, fellas. We don't know what it is, if it's this yellow eyed bitch or not. But whatever it is, that guy in the chair is apart of it. So let's find him and see what's what" Y/N chimed in from the backseat, leaning forward, attempting to ease the tension.
"Fine" Dean huffed in the same tone. "Fine" Y/N sassed with a huff, returning the energy before leaning back into the seat with a cross of her arm.
Rivergrove, Crater Lake, Oregon.
The Impala pulled into the quiet town, neighbors and residents around. Sam and Y/N's eyes landed on a familiar man sat on a porch fixing a fishing rod, the same African American man from their vision. This eyebrows shoot up simultaneously at this, "He was there" Sam whispered to his brother. "We should go check him out" Y/N whispered to the boys who nodded in agreement, Dean popped open his glove compartment, tossing Sam and Y/N each a fake badge.
They all hopped out of Baby and made their way to the porch. "Morning sir" Y/N greeted the man in a sweet tone. "Goodmorning sweetie. Can I help you?" The man greeted back with a friendly smile. "Yeah, uh." Dean nodded before reaching into his jacket to pull out his fake badge, while Sam pulls his out of his back pocket and Y/N pulls her out of her front pocket.
"Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard and Lani Greig. U.S. Marshals." Dean introduced themselves using an alias, inspired by members of the rock bank ZZ Top. All flashing the man their badges, "What's this about?" The man asks confused, resting down his fishing rod. "We're looking for someone" Dean states. "A young man, uh, early 20s" Sam give a vague description, both him and y/n trying to remember what he looked like.
"He'd have a thin scar right below his hairline." Y/N added, pointing to her hairline. The man's face dropped, eyes flashed with recognition, "What'd be do?" He asked. "Well, nothing. We're actually looking for someone else but we think this young man can help" Y/N lies fluidly, "Yeah, he's not in any kind of trouble or anything. Well, not yet" Dean nods, explaining.
But the man seemed wary. Deans eyes drift to a tattoo on the man's arm, he instantly recognized it. "I think you know maybe who he is, master sergeant." Dean smiles, nodding towards the man's tattoo. The man smiled and nodded in recognition at this, "My dad was in the Corps. A corporal" Dean explained. "What company?" The man asked curiously. "Echo 2-1" Dean answers.
"So, can you help us?" Sam asked the man hopeful. The man hesitated for a second, deciding whether to trust the three or not but y/n flashed him a hopeful look, praying it would sway him. "Uh, Duane Tanner's got a scar like that" The man informed them, pointing to his hairline. "But I know him. Good kid, keeps his nose clean" The man assured them.
"Oh, I'm sure he does. Do you know where he lives?" Dean asked. "With his family, up Aspen Way" The man informs them, pointing up the road. "Thank you, sir" Y/N said gratefully, offering him a salute of respect, with he returned before walking off with the boys.
They made their way over to the house, now walking on the sidewalk. Sam accidentally bumped into a wooden post, a name carved into it catching his eye. 'Croatoan' was crashed into the post. "Hey" Sam stopped Dean and Y/N. They turnt their attention over to him, their eyes settling on what he was looking at. "Croatoan?" Dean questioned, reading the word. Y/N brows knitted together, thinking back to where she saw that name.
"Yeah" Sam nodded while Dean looked confused. Then it clicked in her head, "Oh right. Roanoke" Y/N snapped her fingers in realization, feeling stupid at the fact she didn't get it at first. "Huh?" Dean scratched him head still confused. Sam and Y/N shot him a couple of bitchfaces. "Roanoke? Lost colony? Ring a bell?" Sam listed off but Dean shook his head.
"Dean, did you pay any attention in history class?" Y/N sassed, crossing her arms over her chest. Dean slightly poured at this, "Yeah. The shot heard around the world, how bills become laws." Dean listed off, as y/n's eye twitches at his idiocy, peering her head forward. "That's not school. That's Schoolhouse Rock!" Sam exclaims in disbelief. "Whatever" Dean shrugs.
"Jesus, you're lucky you're a pretty boy" Y/N mutters to herself, shaking her head. "What?" Dean cocked his eyebrow. "What?" Y/N's feigned an innocent tone, her head snapping up now realizing she thought out loud. A smirk made its way onto Deans face but she changed the subject back to it's original state, "Anyways, Roanoke was one id the first English colonies in America, late 1500's"
"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I do remember that" Dean nodded his head in realization, "The only thing they left behind was a single word carved in a tree. Croatoan" Dean added as both Sam and and y/n nodded. "Yeah. And I mean, there were theories. Indian raid, disease. But nobody knows what really happened, they were all gone. I mean, wiped out overnight" Sam further explains.
Dean scoffs as they give him a knowing look, "You guys don't think that's what's going on here? I mean..." Dean trailed off, "Whatever we saw in our heads, it sure wasn't good" Y/N sighed, uncrossing her arms as she and Sam looked at the carved in word. A bit of silence fell as they reminisce on the episode she had, "But what do you guys think could do that?" Sam queried. Dean sighed, shrugging.
"Well, I mean, like I said, all the visions that you two share are always tied to the yellow eyed demon somehow, so....even though y/n had that one last time, you didn't get it" Dean said honestly, pointing to Sam. "But everytime you guys get the same vision, it's linked to the son of a bitch." He added. Sam and y/n shared a look, hating the fact that he's right.
"We should get help. Bobby, Ellen, maybe" Y/N suggested. "Yeah, that's a good idea" Dean nodded in agreement, taking his phone out of his pocket. Confusion set in when he saw no signal, "I don't have a signal" He told them. Both Sam and y/n then fished their phones out, only to see they don't either. "I don't either" Sam told them. "Yeah, me too" Y/N said lowly.
Dean rolled his eyes, but this sent off red flags in their heads. Y/N spotted a payphone right up ahead them, walking towards it, she took up the line and placed it to her ear. Only to be met with a beep, she clicked the receiver repeatedly but got no type of feedback. "Lines dead" She grumbled, placing the phone back onto the pad roughly.
Sam and Deans brows furrow together in worry at this, "Okay, what the fuck" Dean huffs in frustration. "I'll tell you fellas one thing." She began, placing her hands into her back pockets. "If I was gonna massacre a town, that'd be my first step" She said honestly, earning questionable looks from the brothers but they agreed.
The trio followed the man's direction to where he said Duane's family house was up in Aspen Way, all jumping out of the Impala as a train horn blared in the distance. Dean walked up the porch to the woodsy house with Y/N and Sam filing behind. Sam knocked on the door and within a couple of seconds, a young man who looked similar to Duane opened the door, seemingly a couple of years younger.
"Yeah?" The teenage boy greeted them casually. "Hi. Looking for Duane Tanner. He lives here, right?" Dean greeted back, flashing the boy his fake badge. "He's my brother" The boy nodded, "Can we talk to him?" Y/N asked, the boy made eye contact with her, the look in eye had her wreathing, it was unsettling. Dare say, demonic?
"He's not here right now" The boy informed her vaguely, looking over to Sam. The same feeling y/n got lashed Sam like a whip, "You know where he is?" Dean asked, "Yeah. He went on a fishing trip up by Roslyn Lake" The boy answered. "Your parents home?" Sam finally chimed in, raising a suspicious eyebrow at the boy.
"Yeah, they're inside" The boy nodded towards inside, flashing them an unsettling smile, "Jake, who is it?" A man inside called out to Jake, Duane's brother, before coming to the door. "Hi, U.S. Marshals, sir. We're looking for you son, Duane" Y/N introduced themselves, swallowing the lump in her throat as she talked to his father. "Why? He's not in trouble is he??" Mr. Tanner asked concerned.
The two younger hunters shared a look, Y/N raised her eyebrow in a way of facially saying, 'Something seem off about these two to you?'. Sam pressed his lips in a tight line in response, facially saying, 'Definitely but I'm not sure'. "No. We just need to as him a couple of routine questions. That's all" Dean covered up, offering the man a small smile as Y/N and Sam eyed the two suspicious.
"When's he due back from his trip?" Y/N asked a bit gruffly, her tone suspicious. "I'm not sure" Mr. Tanner sighed, thinking a bit but the two didn't believe it one bit. "Well, maybe your wife knows" Sam added, narrowing his eyes at Mr. Tanner. "You know, I don't know. She's not here right now" Tanner lies, looking in towards the house and back at them while Jake looks down with guilt.
This sends up red flags in all their heads because Jake said they were both home, "Well, your son said she was" Dean called him out on his blatant lie, now picking up on the off vibe. "Did I?" Jake cocked his eyebrow as his father glared at him. "She's getting groceries" Tanner covers it up with a chuckle, resting his hand on his sons shoulder. "So when Duane gets back, there's a number where he can get a hold of you?" Tanner asked causally.
"Oh, no. We'll just check in with you later" Y/N shook her head, dismissing the conversation. They all nodded, the Tanners closing the door behind them as the three hunters made their way down the porch. "That was kind of creepy, right? Little too, Stepford" Dean voices Sam and Y/N's thoughts, "Big time" Sam and Y/N said agreement, both in unison.
Dean then turned, looking to the side to see if there's a away around the house. Sam and Y/N followed behind, all ducking as they bent the corner, making sure nobody could see them through the windows as they creeped. They peered through one of the windows by the kitchen to see Jake and Mr. Tanner with knives and Mrs. Tanner tied and gagged on a chair.
"Christ on a cross.." Y/N muttered as Jake rolled up his sleeve and sliced his arm open over a crying and terrified Mrs. Tanner. The three instantly went into actual, drawing their guns, turning off the safety and cocking it. They made their way around the house and to the back door as Jake cut his mothers upper arm and allowed his blood to drip into her wound. While this was happening, Dean raised his foot, driving it into the wooden backdoor with a heavy grunt.
Lord have mercy, how do I become a door?? Wait...WHAT?! Focus y/n, FOCUS. Y/N internally thirsted and reprimanded herself for her unholy thoughts in a time like this.
They rushed in the house, guns blazing. All Tanners heads snap to them in shock as they rush in. "Put it down!" Y/N ordered them, shouting. She stood in-front, in between both Winchesters, while they stood side by side behind her. Mr. Tanner came charging at her with the knife, screaming, "Noooo!" But Dean shot him before she could, three times in his chest. And lastly in-between his eyes.
Sam and Y/N aimed for Jake but he went charging into the glass window, resulting in her shots narrowly missing him. Jake crashed through the window with a grunt as Sam and Y/N ran over to the window, both aiming at him for a shot but he ran too fast and into the woods. Both hesitating to shoot him, he was a kid. They didn't want to shoot him. Dean came up behind them. Sam and Y/N huffed in frustration since they basically let a psychotic killer on the loose.
After rescuing Mrs. Tanner, the Impala with Dean behind the wheel drove her over to a clinic to check on her wounds. Dean put Baby in park infront of the clinic as Y/N opened the back door, having been sat with Mrs. Tanner. Helping her out as Sam came out from his side, assisting her with Mrs. Tanner. Dean hopped out on his side, going into his trunk while Sam and Y/N usher the wounded woman into the clinic.
Sam opened the door as Y/N called out, "Hello?! Hello, we need a doctor here!" She yelled as Mrs. Tanner shook on both her and Sam's hands. A blonde woman came rushing out with worry etched in her face and y/n's stomach dropped. It was the same blonde woman from their vision, "Mrs. Tanner, what happened?" The woman asked concerned, hurrying over to Mrs. Tanner.
"She's been attacked" Sam told her, seemingly not recognizing her. "Dr. Lee!" The young woman called out for the doctor. Another woman came rushing out in a lab coat as Mrs. Tanner sobbed, the doctor from their vision. "It's okay, hun" Y/N assured Mrs. Tanner in a gentle tone. "Bring her in." Dr. Lee urgently told Sam and Y/N. "Okay" Sam said as they both nodded.
They helped Mrs. Tanner in as Dean came in, carrying Mr. Tanners blanket over we corpse over his shoulder, having carried him in his trunk. "Hey" He called out for the doctor. Her eyes widened his fear. "Is that...?" She gasped as Dean grunted, pushing the man further over his shoulder because he was slipping. "Mr. Tanner?" Dean grunted.
"Was he attacked too?" Dr. Lee asked concerned. "Uhhh.....no actually. He did the attacking and then got himself shot" Dean responded sheepishly. "Shot?" Dr. Lee gasped. "Yeah" Dean answered. "And who are you?" She asked suspiciously. "U.S. Marshal. I'd show you my badge, but...uh.." He gestured to the body on his back. "Oh, sorry. Bring him back here" Dr. Lee apologized and then ushered him to the back.
"Wait, you said Jake helped him? Your son Jake?" Dr. Lee asked a wrecked Mrs. Tanner as she was describing the attack she endured. "They beat me. Tied me up" Mrs. Tanner croaked, sobbing. "I don't believe it" The blonde woman, Dr. Lee's assistant gasped in disbelief. "Pam" The doctor shushed her respectfully. "Beverly, do you have any idea why they would act this way?" Dr. Lee asked concerned as Sam, Dean and Y/N stood behind her.
"Any history of chemical dependency?" She added. All listening to her horrid experience. "No, of course not" Beverly insisted, shaking her head. "I don't know why" She croaked, tearing up. "One minute, they were my husband and my son. And the next, they have the devil in them." She sobbed as they listened.
"We gotta talk" Dean muttered to Sam and Y/N, turning to leave the room. They both nodded and follows behind him. "Those guys were whacked out of their gourds" Dean commented as they got out of earshot. "What do you guys think? Multiple demons, mass possession?" Sam suggested. "No, it's not demons. I would've sensed it the second we went into that room." Y/N chimed in, the boys sighed.
Knowing she was right, "And we didn't see any demon smoke with the Tanners of any of the other usual signs" She added. "Well, whatever. Something turned him into a monster." Dean huffed, "You know, if you guys had taken out the other one, there'd be one less to worry about" He added in a shady tone, y/n clenched her jaw, "We're sorry, alright? We hesitated" Sam scoffed. "And why's that?" Dean shot back.
"It was a kid, Dean!" Y/N clapped back, "No, it was an IT. Not the best time for a bleeding heart, princess" Dean retorted in a gruff tone but before y/n could let one rip on him, Dr. Lee came out of the room, "How's the patient?" Sam asked her. "Terrible. What the hell happened out there?" She asked in a standoffish tone. "We don't know" Dean simply answered.
"Yeah? Well you just killed my next door neighbor" Dr. Lee argued, "We didn't have a choice" Dean said as if it were obvious. "Maybe so, but we need the county sheriff. I need the coroner" She listed off. "Phones are down" Y/N informed her. "I know. I tried. Tell me you got a police radio in the car?" She asked them hopefully. "We do. But it crapped out just like everything else" Sam told her.
"I don't understand. What is happening?" She scoffed confused by all of this, "How far is it to the next town?" Dean asked. "Its about 40 miles down to Sidewinder." Dr. Lee told him. "Alright, I'm gonna go down there and see if I can find some help" Dean nodded, resting both hands on Sam and y/n's shoulders. "My partners will stick around, keep you guys safe" He told her before going to walk out.
"Safe from what?" Dr. Lee gasped. Dean stopped in his tracks, "We'll get back to you on that" He simply said before leaving.
While on his way, Dean notices a car that seemed to have been robbed, parked in the middle of the road. He got out his trusty shotgun before putting Baby in park and exiting. Looking around to make sure no one was around, he made his way over to the car that had two bullet holes in the back and blood splattered across the back windshield.
A baby seat was in the back, drenched with blood, the passenger windows caved in, glass everywhere. The drivers and passenger seats were also drenched with blood. That was when he noticed a large knife on the ground, still coated with fresh blood. He picked it up from the ground, looking around suspiciously before examining it.
Meanwhile, back at the clinic, Sam and Y/N were in the lab with Dr. Lee. Mr. Tanners body was on the table, covered in a blue cloth while Dr. Lee's eyes were focused on the microscope, examining the blood from Mr. Tanner. "Huh" She muttered loud enough for Sam and Y/N to hear, "What?" Y/N asked curiously. "His lymphocyte percentage is pretty high. His body was fighting off a viral infection" Dr. Lee told her, taking her eyes away from the scope.
"Really? What kind of virus?" Sam asked, his eyebrows knitted together as y/n leaned on the counter, left arm crossed over her chest, her fingers in her other hand was fiddling with the heart shaped locket she wore that never left her neck, "Can't say for sure" Dr. Lee shook her head. "Do you think an infection could've made him act like that?" Y/N asked curiously.
"None that I've ever heard of. I mean, some can cause dementia, but not that kind of violence. She explained before adding, "And besides, I've never heard of one that did this to blood". Sam's brows knitted together again, "Did what?" He asked, "There's this weird residue. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was sulfur" Dr. Lee answered, Sam and Y/N's faces dropped.
She pushed herself up from the counter, releasing the necklace, her arms dropping to her sides. Both her and Sam shared a knowing look as they turned back to Mr. Tanners body. "Sulfur" Y/N muttered.
Dean drove back to the clinic in a hurry, only to be stopped by a road block on the bridge, two cars blocking the road with five people in-front of the cars. Armed with shotguns, Dean brought his car to a stop before putting her in park. Worry and panic etched on his face when he realized one of the armed person blocking the road was Jake Tanner.
Then a bang at the top of his car echoed, scaring him a bit. "Ohh, hey" Dean chuckled shakily when he saw a man at the window. "Sorry, roads closed" The man informed him. "Yeah. I can see that. What's up?" Dean asked casually. "Quarantine" The man answered. "Quarantine? What is it?" Dean questioned confused. "Don't know. Something going around out there" The man simply said.
"Huh. Who told you that?" Dean asked, turning back to the armed people. "County sheriff" The man answered, "Is he here?" Dean asked, "No. He called" The man shook his head. Dean eyed him suspiciously, his suspicions were confirmed when the man flashed him an eerie smile before saying, "Say, why don't you get out of the car and we'll talk a little?"
"Oh, you are a handsome Devil, but I don't swing that way, sorry." Dean clapped back with a cocky chuckle. The man chuckled at his comment, "I'd sure appreciate it if you got out the car just for a quick minute" The man insisted, Deans smile doesn't drop before saying, "Yeah, I bet you would" And with that, he slapped Baby into reverse, her tires squealing as he backed out full-speed but the man had gripped Dean by his shirt.
Holding on for dear life as everyone shot at Deans car. He then made a swift swerve, sending the man rolling into the shoulder before getting the fuck outta there.
Back at the clinic, "I don't understand. A-are you saying my husband and Jake had a disease?" Beverly stuttered in confusion. "That's what we're trying to find out" Dr. Lee told her gently. Sam and Y/N had their eyes narrowed in Beverly's direction, "Now, during the attack, do you remember...did you have any direct contact with their blood?" Dr. Lee asked her softly.
"Oh my god" Beverly gasped. "You don't think I've got this virus, do you?" She panicked. "Beverly. I don't know what to think. But with our permission, we'll take a blood sample" Dr. Lee sighs, resting her hand next to Beverly who looks hesitant but sighs, resting her hand on Dr. Lee. In a flash, Beverly's expression goes nearly animalistic, screaming as she  grips Dr. Lee's hand before backhanding her.
Sam and Y/N burst into action, running over to subdue Beverly but a simple push from Beverly sends them flying into the glass cabinet with medicine, Sam and Y/N crash into it, breaking the glass, with a thud they grunt in pain. Y/N looks for the first heavy object but that would be the fire extinguisher which was halfway across the room.
Y/N then forces her energy on the extinguisher, summoning to her hands as Beverly grabs the first nearly sharp instrument, charging at y/n, screaming. She wields the extinguisher over her head, knocking Beverly out cold. Breathing heavily, she rushes over to a dazzled Sam who was still on the floor.
"Sammy, hey. Hey, you okay?" She asks urgently, crouching down to check him over. Sam takes a couple steadying breaths, gripping his head. She gets worried he's concussed, "Hey? How many fingers am I holding up?" She asks, holding up her middle finger. Sam looks at it and rolls his eyes unimpressed, "Real mature, dick." He dryly, sitting up slowly, gripping his head as she chuckles weakly, patting the side of his cheek.
While driving back, Dean was looking around to make sure no one followed him. He took his eyes off the road for a second, only to be met with the African American man from earlier, now wielding a rifle at his car. "Hands where I can see them!" The man ordered loudly, Dean mashed his brakes in an instant, startled out of his pants. "Son of a-" Dean huffed, panicked as he raised his hands from his steering wheel.
"Get out the car!" The man demanded again, Dean raised his hands, indicating he wasn't armed, "Out of the car!" The man ordered again, Dean rolled his eyes before slowly unlocking his door, "Alright, easy there, big guy!" Dean grunted, slowly exiting Baby. He swiftly lowered his hand onto his seat, where he had his own gun stashed before swiftly cocking it at the man.
"Put it down!" Dean yelled. "Lower it now!" The man screamed back. "Put it down!!" Dean yelled with more authority, "Are you one of them?!" The man shouted. "No. Are you?!" Dean shouted back. "No!" The man shouted back in response. "You could be lying!" Dean screamed, nudging his gun towards the man. "So could you!" The man retorted. "Alright! Alright!" Dean holts, putting up one of his hands before swallowing harshly.
"We could do this all day, alright? Let's just uh...let's just take it easy before we kill each other" Dean suggested, both men hesitantly lowered their weapons, "What's going on with everybody?!" The man asked loudly and terrified, "I don't know." Dean responded honestly. "My neighbor. Mr. Rogers..." The man begins shakily. Dean raised his eyebrows at the irony,
"You got a neighbor named Mr. Rogers?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Yeah. Not anymore" The man snapped back with a huff. Dean slightly shook his head, still taken by the irony. "He came at me with a hatchet. I put him down. He's not the only one. It's happening to everyone" The man admits. "I'm heading over to docs place. There's still some people left" Dean informs him.
"No way. I'm getting the hell out" The man shook his head. "There's no way out. They got the bridge covered, now come on" Dean explained to him. "I don't believe you" The man grunted. "Fine, stay here. Be my guest" Dean scoffed nonchalantly, hopping back into his car. The man gritted his teeth, gripping his pistol as he made his way to the passenger seat of the Impala.
Dean made sure to aim and cock his gun under his arm as he eyed the man, one arm on the steering wheel. The man narrowed his eyes at Dean, aiming his own gun at him. Dean gulped, turning to the road, "Well, this ought to be a relaxing drive" He muttered sarcastically before pulling off.
Back at the clinic, "What if we all have it? What if we all go crazy" Pam said in a panicked tone as Dr. Lee was examine Beverly's blood in the microscope. "You've gotta stay calm. All we can do is wait. The marshals bringing help" Dr. Lee said calmly, both Sam and y/n were sat across the room. "I can't. I....No. I-I've gotta go" Pam said urgently, rushing out of the room. "Pam" Dr. Lee stopped her.
"No, you don't understand. My boyfriends out there. I gotta make sure he's okay" Pam said worried, turning to them before leaving the room. Y/N understood where she was coming from, her mind oddly went to Dean when Pam said she was worried about her boyfriend. So she followed behind her, along with Sam.
"Hey, hey, wait. Wait, please" Y/N called out to Pam who stopped in her tracks and turned to them. "Look hun, we know you're upset, alright? But it's safer if you stay here for now" Y/N said gently, "Help is coming." Sam added reassuringly while Pam's face was drenched with concern. A car approaching outside caught their attention, "There they are" Y/N offered Pam a small smile, pointing to the door.
"Sammy! Y/N/N! Open up!" Dean yelled from outside. Sam walked over to the door and opened it to see Dean with the man they questioned earlier about Duane armed with a rifle. "Did you guys get a phone?" Y/N asked, approaching behind Sam. "Roadblock" Dean said, shaking his head. "I'm gonna have a word. Docs inside" Dean said to the man.
"Alright" The man nodded, heading into the lab. "What's going on out there, Dean?" Sam asked worried, peering through the door. "Man, I don't know. I feel like Chuck Heston in The Omega Man. The sarge is the only sane person I could find" Dean huffed. "What are we dealing with, you guys know?" He asked them. "Yeah, doc thinks it's a virus" Y/N informed him.
"Okay, great. What do you two think?" He asked them. Sam and Y/N shared a look, "We think she's right" Sam answered. "Really?" Dean raised his brow. "Yeah. And we think the infected are trying to infect others with blood-to-blood contact" Y/N responded, "Oh, but it gets better. The virus leaves traces of sulfur in the blood" Sam added in a knowing tone, "A demonic virus?" Dean scoffed.
"Yeah, more like a demonic germ warfare" Y/N chimed in. "At least it explains why we've been having visions." Sam added. "Yeah. It's like a Biblical plaque" Dean scoffed, "Yeah" Sam and Y/N agreed. "You don't know how right you are, Dean. Because I've been poring through Dads journal. And we found something about the Roanoke colony" Sam told him.
"And?" Dean questioned. "John always had a theory about Croatoan. He thought it was a demons name, sometimes known as Dever or sometimes known as Reshef" Y/N explained, "A demon of plague and pestilence" She added. "Well, thats- that's terrific" Dean muttered sarcastically. "Why here? Why now?" He asked. "We have no idea. But, Dean, I mean, who knows how far this thing can spread" Sam sighed.
"We gotta get out of here. We gotta warn people" Y/N suggests urgently. "They've got one! In here!" Sarge yelled from the lab. The three hunters rushed into the lab, "What do you mean?" Dean asked as they ran in, "The wife. She's infected" Sam told him. "We gotta take care of this. We can't leave here in there" Sarge said to them shaking his head, "My neighbors, they were strong. The longer we wait, the stronger she'll get" He explains to them.
Without hesitation, Dean pulls out his pistol, taking off the safety and cocking it. Sam and Y/N share a panicked look.
"You're gonna kill Beverly Tanner?" Pam scoffed with fear and disbelief after they explained what could be happening, "Doctor, could there be any treatment? Some kind of cure for this?" Y/N asked hopefully, Dr. Lee looked stumped, "Can you cure it?" Dean asked urgently. "For gods sake! I don't even know what it is!" She exclaimed with fear potent in her tone.
"I told you, it's matter of time before she breaks through!" Sarge exclaimed warningly, aiming his rifle at the door to the room Beverly Tanner was locked in. "Just leave her in there. You can't shoot her like an animal!" Pam begged, "Sam, Y/N" Dean nudged them, they all walked up to the utility room she was locked in. Sam and Y/N taking positions at the sides of the door while Dean stayed infront, wielding his gun.
Sarge did the same, cocking it. Y/N slowly reached over, opening the door quickly as Dean and Sarge rushed in, aiming their guns at Beverly. She was crouched in a corner of the room, arms wrapped around her knees, pressed to her chest. "Mark. What are you doing?" She gasped fearfully at the Sarge. "Mark, i-it's them! T-they locked me in here. T-they tried to k-kill me" She feigns innocence, fearfully pleading with Mark/Sarge.
"They're infected, not me! Please, Mark. You've known me all your life. Please!" She sobbed, Marks heart was hurting at the sight. Tears threatened to break from the hardened soldiers eyes. "You guys sure she's one of 'em?" Dean asked Sam and Y/N to confirm. Their faces were stoic, "Yeah" Sam responded as y/n clenched her jaw, glaring at Beverly nodding.
With that, Dean stepped forward. With three shots, he ended Beverly Tanners life in-front of their eyes. A grim expression on his face when doing so.
Sam, Dean and Y/N were loading up weapons. Y/N with her fathers machete, Sam sharpening his knife and Dean loading up his shotgun. She reattached the cover onto the machete before sticking it into her low ride, drop-leg knife holster that was strapped around her thigh. Dean hands her a revolver, her favorite weapon of choice when it comes to guns. She loaded it up before lifting up the back of her shirt and securing it into the rear of her jeans.
The breaking of a glass and a scream in the back lab startles them, "Ah! Oh, god. Is there any on me? Am I okay?" Pam gasped, panicked since she dropped a beaker of Beverly's blood on the ground, scared she got infected. "You're clean. You're okay." Dr. Lee assures her. The hunters rush into the room upon hearing Pam's scream.
"Why are we staying here? Please, let's just go" Pam pleaded. "No, we can't, because those things are everywhere." Dean told her firmly. "Oh, God. Why is this happening?" Pam sobbed, pressing her palms of her hand against her knees. "Hey, shh, shh, shh." Dr. Lee comforts her as Y/N turns to the boys. "You know fellas, she's right about one thing. We can't stay here. We gotta get outta here man" She said honestly.
"Y/N's right, maybe we can go to the roadhouse or somewhere. Let people know what's going" Sam agreed, suggestion options, "Yeah, thats a good point." Dean couldn't help but admit. "Night of the Living Dead didn't exactly end pretty" He added with a bit of amusement. "I'm not sure we got a choice. Lots of folks up here are good with rifles. Even with all your hardware, we're easy targets" Mark told them warningly.
"So unless you've got some explosives...we're sitting ducks" He added. They all hung their heads in defeat on Sam's eyes then drifted above the medicine cabinet. An idea popped in his head, his brows raising a bit. Dean and Y/N noticed his expressions, practically seeing the wheels turn in his head. "We could make some" Sam suggested, walking over to the cabinet before reaching above to take down a bottle of chemical, showing it to Dean.
Frantic banging on the door startled them all, "Hey! Let me in! Let me in, please!" A man pleaded, screaming from outside. They all rushed out to see a familiar young man at the door, looking dirty and dehydrated. "It's Duane Tanner!" Mark told them urgently, hurrying over to the door, unlocking it. "Oh, thank God." Duane breathed out in relief, rushing in as Mark closed the door.
Sam and Y/N's blood ran cold, "Duane, you okay?" Mark asked him concerned as he walked past the three hunters, tossing his backpack on the floor. "That's the guy that I.." Dean asked them, making a clicking noise with his mouth and swiping the back of his thumb nail across his throat. "Yeah" Y/N said as Sam nodded. "Who else is in here?" Duane asked fearfully.
"Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy there chief." Dean snatched him by his wrist roughly, frightening him. "Hey, doc, give Duane a good once-over, would ya?" Dean instructed Dr. Lee. Ushering Duane roughly into the lab. "Pam?" Dr. Lee called out for her assistant. "Who are you?" Duane asked standoffish.
"Never mind who I am." Dean retorted, using his gun to gesture to Duane. "Doc". He said, telling her to get on with the examination. "Yeah, okay" Dr. Lee nodded. "Duane, where you been?" Mark asked Duane suspiciously, "I was on a fishing trip up by Roslyn. I came back this afternoon" Duane told him, breathing heavily. "I saw Roger McGill being dragged out of his house by people we know. They started cutting him with knives. I ran, I've been hiding in the woods ever since" Duane explained, fear etched on his face.
"Has anybody seen my mom and dad?" He asked everyone hopefully, "Awkward" Dean muttered ironically, having ganked the young man's parents himself. Sam and Y/N narrowed their eyes at him, she then elbowed him in his ribs roughly. "Oof!" He exclaimed, gripping his ribs. "I WILL put your as in a corner, Winchester" She snapped back in a hushed but firm tone.
Something caught Dr. Lees eyes on Duane's calf, blood drenched his jeans, a slice through the jeans itself and his foot. "You're bleeding" She gasped, kneeling down to examine the wound before looking up at everyone with panic. All of their eyes widened, "Where'd you get that?" Dean asked, his eyes now narrowed at Duane. "I was running. I must've tripped" Duane simply said, Dean didn't believe it one bit. "Tie him up. There's rope there" Dean ordered Mark.
"Wait!" Duane pleaded but Dean drew his gun swiftly, "Sit down!" Dean shouted at him, aiming his gun at the young man. "Sorry, Duane. He's right. We gotta be careful" Mark said firmly as Duane's hands were up in surrender. "Careful? About what?" Duane asked beyond confused about everything that's happening. "Did they bleed on you?" Y/N asked him.
"No. What the hell-?! No!" Duane exclaimed, frantically shaking his head as Mark got the ropes. "Doc? Any way to know for sure? Any test?" Sam asked her. "I've studied Beverly's blood work backwards and forwards" She stated. Duane's head snapped over to her, "My mom?" He asked hopefully but no one answered him. "It took three house for the virus to incubate. The sulfur didn't appear in the blood until then so....No there'd be way of knowing" Dr. Lee explained, her voice cracking at the last part.
"Not until after Duane....turns" She added. "Fellas. I gotta talk to you. Now" Y/N said to the brothers. Dean shared a look with Mark who gave him a firm nod, putting away his gun as Mark grabbed Duane by his wrist. "Sit in that chair over there" Mark ordered Duane as the hunters closed the door behind them.
"This is our vision" Sam said as they closed the door. "That's exactly what I was gonna say, its happening" Y/N added, a twinge of panic in her tone. "Yeah, I figured." Dean simply said. "You can't kill him. Alright? Not yet. We don't know if he's infected or not" Sam tried to reason. "Oh I think we're pretty damn sure" Dean scoffed, not convinced the kid isn't infected. "Guy shows up outta nowhere. Got a cut on his leg, his whole family's infected." Dean further proved his point.
"Alright, then we should keep him tired up and wait and see" Y/N suggested calmly. "Do what? For him to hull out? Infect someone else?" Dean argued, "No thanks, can't take that chance" He dismissed, moving to walk past them but they pressed their hands to his chest, disbelief on their faces. "Why are you all gung ho for killing this kid, Dean? The least we can do is wait it out!" Sam argued back.
"Hey, look guys. I'm not happy about this. It's a tough job. You two know that" He added firmly. "It's supposed to be tough, Dean! We're supposed to struggle. That's the whole point!" Y/N countered, her blood boiling. "What does that buy us?" Dean retorted with snark, an amused look on his face. "A clear conscious, for one!" She scoffed, her voice raising. "Well, it's too late for that" Dean chuckled, moving to walk past them again.
But Sam pushed his brother again, this time a bit more roughly by his chest. "What the fuck has happened to you?!" Sam yelled. "What?" Deans eyebrows furrowed together, "You might kill an innocent man and you don't even care!" Sam pointed out, still in disbelief. "You don't act like yourself anymore, Dean." Y/N added, beyond pissed off at him. "Hell, you know what? You're acting like one of those things out there" Sam scoffed.
That made something snap in Dean, Sam's rebuttal warned him a snatch by the collar and a harsh toss into the wall. "What the fuck man!" Y/N shouted, shoving Dean harshly for pushing his brother before going to check on Sam why had the wind knocked out of him again. Their eyes snapped over to Dean who had locked the door, "Hey!" They called out to him. Y/N rushed over to the door to see Dean had locked it from the outside.
"Open the fucking door, Dean!" Sam shouted, "Open it!!" Y/N screamed, banging her fist on lab door as she pleaded with her eyes. It took all in Dean not to unlock that door right there, he tore his eyes away from her. Resulting in a painful pang at her chest. "Don't do it, Dean! Please!" She pleaded with all her might, Dean felt his heart tear away in his chest as he loaded his gun before walking into the room Duane was tied in.
Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he heard the pleas of his brother and y/n. "Can you use your telekinesis?" Sam asked y/n hopefully, "Right!" She exclaimed, forgetting about her newly developed power for a hot second. She raised her hand to the door, focusing her energy on the door latch. "Come on, come on" She muttered, but for some reason it wasn't budging.
"What's going on?? Why is it not working?!" Sam exclaimed in frustration. "I don't know! It works when I've got an adrenaline rush or something-" Y/N exclaimed back. Her powers always worked whenever either she or one of the boys is being attacked or something that's emotionally stressing. It was like some kind of fight or flight response.
A stoic expression played on Deans face as he entered the observation room besides him that Duane was being held in, tied to a chair. His eyes widen with fear as Dean entered the room, his pistol ready. "No, no, no, no. You're not gonna..." Duane gasps upon seeing Dean with the gun. The door closes behind Dean, his lethal expression not faltering. "No. I swear, it's not in me!" The young man pleads.
"Oh, God. We're all gonna die." Pam gasps fearfully. "Maybe he's telling the truth" Sarge suggests to Dean. "Now. He's not him, not anymore" Dean growls, taking the safety off his gun, stepping forward. "No, stop. Stop it! Ask her! Ask the doctor!" Duane begs for his life, nodding towards Dr. Lee with fear etched on her face.
"It's not in me!" He swears up and down. "I...just....I can't tell" The doctor shakes her head tearfully. "No, please. Don't, dont!" He cries, shaking his head as Dean raised his gun at the pleading boy, cocking it in his face. "I swear, I swear" He sobs. "I got no choice" Dean says coldly. "It's not in me. It's not in me" He swears, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as Dean sneers at him.
His hand trembles as he aims the gun at Duane. His mind went back to Sam and Y/N. Their pleas echoing through his head, his jaw clenched as he tried to do it, his finger hovering over the trigger. He knew he had to do it, he wanted to, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to kill the kid, he mocked his brother and friend earlier for having a bleeding heart.
And now here he is, his heart bleeding, not wanting to become his worst nightmare. A stone cold hunter, a solider, a pawn in his fathers game and vengeance. Dean was hard but he wasn't a monster. "Damn it!" He grunted, pulling his gun away from Duane who breathed out in relief, tears in his eyes as Dean exited the room.
Dean was using a funnel to mix the chemicals to make the explosives while Sam and y/n stuffed the finished products with cloth to make a sort of Molotov. The silence was dreading in the room as the doctor came in, "It's been over four hours. Duane's blood is still clean. I don't think he's infected" Dr. Lee informed them. "I'd like to untie him, I'd that's all right" She asked warily.
The three shared a look, all nodding in agreement. Deans eyes didn't fully meet Sam or y/n's, glancing back down in shame. "Sure hun, it's okay" Y/N nodded, offering the doctor a small smile as she walked out. Dean continued to fill the chemicals into the bottles, handing one to y/n. "You know we're gonna ask you why" Sam finally chimed in.
"Yeah, I know" Dean simply said, examine the other bottle, handing it to y/n after he was done. "So why? Why didn't you do it?" Y/N asked warily, her hand brushing against Deans lightly as she took the bottle. Dean cleared his throat, not wanting to answer them, "We need more alcohol. You two go get some" Dean grunted, Sam and Y/N rolled their eyes slightly at this but decided not to push.
Usually y/n would've knocked his ass over with a mouthy response to his order but she chose not to this time. The two younger hunters obliged, both walking to dispensary across from them. "How you holding up, Pam?" Sam asked the medical assistant concerned as they walked in. "Good" She simply responded in an eery tone but they didn't pick up on it.
She then went over to the door, locking it, "It'll all be over soon" She then turned to Sam and y/n who were going to walk back out after getting after the bottles of alcohol, "If fact...I've been waiting for this for a long time" She said in a sultry tone, Sam looked confused while Y/N's eyebrows quirked up, assuming Pam was into both her and Sam. "For what?" Sam asked confused as Pam's smirk widened.
"To get you two alone" She growled before picked up a bedpan swiftly and knocking Y/N across her face, hard. She fell to the ground dazzled and Sam charged at Pam only to be knocked off his feet with a hard shove, sending him flying across the room. She then paced over to y/n, straddling her as she tried to fight her off but Pam was too strong.
She right hooked the hunter across her jaw and then cut y/n across the top of her left breast, erupting painful screams from her and then sliced her palm and pressing it to y/n's fresh wound. "NOOOO!!" Sam screamed when he saw that Pam was infected and now infecting y/n. "Get off of me you crazy bitch!" Y/N shouted, and with it a force, Pam went flying across the room.
Pam scrambled to her feet, rushing over to Sam, kicking him across his face. Y/N couldn't reach her in time, still dazzled from the attack as Pam did the exact same thing to Sam, now infecting them both.
Dean heard their screams and bursted into action. Kicking down the door, but it was too late. Pam had already pressed her palm to Sam's chest, he took the initiative without hesitation and shot Pam dead, the bullets leaving the barrel of his gun and piercing into her back. Pam dropped dead next to Sam, both him and y/n breathing heavily.
Their hands pressed to their freshly infected wounds as Dean stood over them with horror on his face, Sarge being behind him this entire time. They both reached out for Dean, but Mark stopped him from helping them up. "She bled on them. They've got the virus" Sarge told him firmly as Sam and y/n teared up, holding their wounds.
Sam and Y/N were now in the observation room, both sat on the table with gauzes pressed to their wounds, tears threatening to fall from both of their eyes. Duane, Sarge and Dr. Lee were surrounding them. "Doctor, check their wounds again, would you?" Dean ordered the doctor. They couldn't look Dean in the eye, not wanting to accept the fact that they were gonna go crazy.
And they were gonna have to be put down.
Dr. Lee didn't answer, looking at the two with fear. "Doctor!" Dean snapped at her, startling the doctor. "What does she need to examine them for? You saw what happened!" Sarge defended, this made Dean glare at him. "Did her blood actually enter your wounds?" Dr. Lee asked them fearfully. "Come on, of course it did!" Sarge shouted. "We don't know that for sure!" Dean defended her brother and friend.
"We can't take a chance!" Duane chimed in, Sam and Y/N shared a tearful look as they were all arguing.
Her lip quivered as she shared the painstaking look with her best friend, a silent conversation happening between them. Sam nodded shakily in agreement to what she had written on her face, she did the same, a low sob leaving her mouth as she leaned her head on Sam's shoulder and his heart ached, the tear from his eye finally making its way down his cheek, clenching his jaw to stop his own sob from leaning his mouth.
They knew what they had to do, it had to be done. Neither of them wanted to become whatever those things are. They would rather die.
"You know what we have to do" Sarge said firmly to Dean. "Nobody is shooting my brother or my gi- friend!" Dean retorted firmly, stuttering a bit but he got his point across. "They're not gonna be your brother or your girlfriend much longer. You said it yourself!" Duane countered. "Nobody is shooting anyone!" Dean shouted louder, his heart beating out of his chest.
"You were gonna shout me!" Duane screamed back. "You don't shut your pie-hole, I still might!" Dean pointed at Duane, furious. "Dean, they're right" Sam croaked, one hand on his wound, the other cradling a sobbing y/n's head on his shoulder. "We're infected, just give us the guns and we'll do it ourselves" He added firmly. "Forget it!" Dean snapped at his brother.
"Dean, we're not gonna become one of those things!" Y/N finally snapped, taking her head off of Sam's shoulder. "We've still got some time-!" Dean tried to argue back but Sarge cut in, "Time for what?!" Sarge yelled, causing Dean to turn to him with a deadly glare. "Look, I understand he's your brother and she's your girlfriend. And I'm sorry, I am. But I gotta take care of this" Sarge said genuinely, taking out his gun to kill them both. Causing them to flinch.
"I'm gonna say this one time. You make a move on my brother or my girl. You'll be dead before you hit the ground. You understand me?" Dean growled, his voice filled with authority, scaring the holy fuck out of both Sam and y/n. Steam practically poured out of his nose with how hot his blood was. "I mean, do I make myself CLEAR!" He bellowed, his eyes wild, ready to maul Sarge if he laid a finger on just a single hair on their heads.
The room fell deadly silent as even the crickets outside seemed to stop chirping, everyone's eyes wide at how intimidating he looked. Even Sarge, as big as he was, flinched a bit, taking a small step back.
"CHARMING!" "DEAN!" Y/N and Sam shouted at the same time, trying to ease the situation. "Then what are we supposed to do?!" Sarge shouted back. Dean was stumped, his breath fell short as he looked down. He turned to Sam and Y/N, staring at the two of the for a few seconds. He had already made up his mind on what he was gonna do and nothing is gonna change it.
He then fished his car keys out of his pocket before tossing it to Sarge, who caught them. "Get the hell outta here, that's what" Dean said firmly, they all looked at him confused. "Take my car. You've got the explosives. There's an arsenal in there." He explained. "You two go with him" He pointed to Dr. Lee and Duane. "You got enough firepower to handle anything now" He said simply as Sam and Y/N looked at Dean with a bit of confusion of their faces.
"What about you?" Sarge asked him, Dean shot Sarge a defeated look and realization dawned on him. Sam and Y/N picked up on it instantly, "Dean, no, no. You can't do this" Sam shook his head, his voice cracking, "Go with them. This is your only chance" Y/N pleaded through tear filled eyes, Deans heart broke into pieces at Sam's tone and y/n's expression.
"No, you're not gonna get rid of me that easy, princess" He retorted with a bit of amusement but it was just sadness covered with humor. "No, they're right man. Come with us" Sarge urged him, but when Dean turned back to him and Sarge saw that gaze. He knew that no words in this world could convince him to leave his brother and the woman he loved. "Okay, it's you're funeral" He sighed, understanding where here Dean was coming from.
Sam and Y/N shook their head, clenching their  jaws as they all filed out of the room. Dr. Lee turned to them on last time before saying, "I'm sorry. Thanks for everything, marshals" She said gratefully as Sam and Y/N offered her tight short smiles, holding back their tears again. Y/N tried her best not to break down into a stream of tears, "Oh, actually, we're not really marshals." Dean informed her smugly, feigning a cheeky smile.
"Um...oh..." Dr. Lee was speechless as Dean nodded. The second she turned away, his smile dropped, shutting the door. His heart tightened in his chest as he shifted the lock,
bolting it shut. He turned to Sam and Y/N, opening his arms out with a faux-smile. "Wish we had a deck of cards, a foosball table or a bottle of (your favorite liquor) or something" Dean chuckled, flashing y/n a wink.
She scoffed lightly, shaking her head as she sniffled. "Dean, don't do this" Sam begged his brother. "Just get the hell out of here" Y/N urged him but he shook his head, not allowing his smile to falter. "No way." Dean shook his head. They were both getting irritated, wanting him to live and not tumbling down with them. "Give us our guns and leave" Sam croaked, firmly, the two putting their hands out for their guns.
Deans smile dropped, "For the last time, guys. No." Dean clenched his jaw, stepping back to walk over to the other side of the room. Sam lost his temper, slamming his fist into the table. "This is the dumbest thing you've ever done" Sam said in disbelief, his blood boiling. Dean smirked, "I don't know about that, you remember that waitress in Tampa? Ehh" Dean scoffed smugly, feigning a tremble of disgust.
Y/N clenched her jaw, taking her hand off of her wound before stroking over to him. She shoved the elder Winchester roughly by his chest, causing him to stumble back. "We're sick, Dean! Get that through you thick skull!" She sobbed, pressing her twice finger to his forehead firmly. "It's over for us! It doesn't have to be for you!"
He stumbled back, a bit taken back by the rough shoving and her outburst. Her voice cracking as she spoke. He shook his head aggressively, swallowing a huge lump in his throat. "No?" Dean scoffed. "No, you could keep going!" Sam shouted. "Who says I want to?" Dean breathed out, shocking them out of their boots. Their hearts dropped at his tone of defeat.
"What?" Their voices cracked as they said this, Dean tore his eyes away from them, turning to pace over to the desk. He leaned against it, taking out his gun as he took a deep breath. "I'm tired, guys." Dean admitted, chuckling humorlessly, "I'm tired of this job. This life. This weight on my shoulders. Guys, I'm tired of it" Dean confessed, the emotion potent in his voice.
Y/N still stood where she was when she shoved Dean, in utter disbelief. Now she knew Dean didn't like hunting as much as he said he does, and had an inkling he secretly would love the apple pie life. But hearing the words leave his mouth, she could've sworn hell that frozen over. Sam was beyond surprised as well, his reaction mimicking y/n's.
"So, what? So you're just gonna give up? I mean, you're just gonna lay down and die?" Y/N croaked out, her voice hoarse from all the screaming. "Look, Dean. I know this stuff with Dad and F/N had-" Sam tearfully said but Dean but his little brother off. "You're wrong. It's not about dad or f/n." Dean said, his eyes almost dead. Drenched with sorrow.
He then took a deep breath, "I mean, part of it is sure-" He admitted. "Then what is it about?" Y/N asked but before Dean could answer, footsteps came proceeding towards them. A door opening outside. They all share a look as Dean cocked his gun, a knocking at the door had them all on their toes until they saw it was Dr. Lee. Dean went over open it, unbolting the lock he had secured.
"You better come see this" Dr. Lee told him urgently.
It was dark out, mist coating the empty abandoned streets. Where there was once infected people surrounding it with guns, locked and ready to kill anyone on sight. Was now a ghost town. Not a single living soul in sight. "There's no one. Not anywhere. They've all just vanished" Dr. Lee told Dean fearful with a mixed of confusion.
They all stood in silence, stumped. Not knowing what to do or how to proceed.
"Well, it's been five hours and both of your bloods are still clean" Dr. Lee told in disbelief Sam an Y/N, peering through her microscope while they sat across the room from her. Both completely normal, "I don't understand it but I think you two dodged a bullet." She chuckled, leaving them both confused. "But we were exposed. How could we not be infected?" Sam asked.
"I don't know, but you're just not." She shrugged, turning to look at another sample. "I mean, when you compare it with the Tanners' samples...." She started, her eyes widening when she looked at them. "What the fuck?" She muttered, their eyes snapping over to her at her tone. "What?" Y/N asked concerned, "Their blood. There's no trace of the virus. No sulfur, nothing" Dr. Lee told her, baffled. Sam and Y/N were beyond shocked.
The next morning, Duane and Sarge were loading up his truck. "Doc, the sarge and I are getting the hell out of here, heading south. You should come" Duane told Dr. Lee. "I'd better get over to Sidewinder. Get the authorities up here, if they'll believe me" Dr. Lee chuckled. "Take care" She said sweetly, waving at them both as hopped into the truck. Sarge gave Dean a small salute of respect, which he returned.
"What about them?" Dean asked the doctor about Sam and Y/N and they all leaned on Baby. "They're gonna be fine. No signs of infection." She informed him as Sarge started his truck, turning off to his the road. Dr. Lee gave them a small smile before heading back into her office. Dean turned to Sam and y/n with raised eyebrows, not knowing what the hell is going on.
"Hey man, don't look at us. We got now clue" Sam said as they both put their hands up in surrender. "I swear, I'm gonna lose sleep over this one" Dean grumbled. "I mean, why here? Why now? Where the hell did everybody go? It's not like they just fucking melted" He questioned. Huffing the last part in frustration. "And why were we immune?" Y/N mumbled.
"Yeah. You know what? That's a good question" Dean pointed at her. "You know, I'm already starting to feel like this is the one that got away" He added frustrated as Sam gulped, getting up and then jumping into the passenger seat. Dean and Y/N stayed sat on the hood of Baby, in a comfortable silence. Y/N's mind went back to when Dean referred to her as 'my girl' a little smile spreading across her face as a blush rose.
Y/N gently nudged Dean with her shoulder, "What?" He raised his eyebrows at her, "Your girl, huh?" She teased him with a cheeky smile. "Oh, shut it," Dean said with a playful roll of his eyes, clearly not expecting to be called out for his accidental slip of the tongue. He couldn't help but chuckle at Y/N's sassy comment, trying to brush off the fact that he had indeed accidentally called her 'his girl'.
He leaned back against Baby's hood, his forearms folded across his chest, as he let out a small sigh. He couldn't deny the fact that he actually kind of liked calling Y/N that, but he was still going to, as per usual. He lightly shoved her back, a playful spark in his eyes as he tried to act like he wasn't flustered. "It just slipped out, okay?" He protested, running a hand through his hair.
"It doesn't mean anything." He added, but the reddening of his cheeks betrayed his true feelings.
Her heart slightly dropped when he said that it doesn't mean anything, but the blush that was spread across his cheeks and the tinge of pink on his freckled nose said otherwise. "I get it, it was a heat of the moment thing? Right?" She smiled softly, attempting to cover up the fact that the little hope she had of Dean feeling the same way she did was now crushed.
Dean let out a gruff cough and nodded, trying to act nonchalant, like he was oblivious to the fact that he was digging a deeper hole for himself here. "Yeah, exactly. Heat of the moment, right." He nodded, scratching the back of his neck as he tried to brush off the moment like it was no big deal. He tried his best to convince himself, and her, that it was just a heat of the moment slip-up
He pushed himself up, the leather of his jacket creaking with the movement, and shoved his hands deeply into his pockets. It was a familiar gesture. He was trying to act casual, like he wasn't affected by this conversation, but he was so clearly trying to hide something.
He mirrored her soft smile, thinking that she believed his explanation. He didn't notice the subtle shift in her body language as she attempted to hide her disappointment. He was too busy convincing himself that his feelings for her were unrequited.
The silence that fell between them was heavy, the air thick with unspoken tension. Y/N's heart felt like it had been shattered into a thousand pieces at his words, but she tried her best to keep up a brave face. She didn't want Dean to know how much his words had hurt her, how much it stung because deep down, she cared for him deeply. She swallowed hard, her throat feeling tight, and nodded in agreement. "Yeah," she agreed softly, the single word feeling like it had a thousand meanings behind it.
"Thank you" She said, offering him a small smile. "For what?" Dean raised his eyebrow at her. "Everything in general." She chuckled, "I've never thanked you for covering for me when I left home. You didn't have to do that, but you did, because you're an amazing.....friend" She thanked him gratefully, referring to the night she had that dreadful argument with her Dad and went off on her own.
That 'friend' pierced a hole into Deans heart but hearing this made it swell at the same time. "I'll always have your back, princess. You and Sam's" He assured her with a kind smile. "And I'll always have your backs. You're my fellas." She assured him back. "Hey. Do me a favor?" She asked him, getting up from the hood, "What's that?" He questioned, with a slight tilt of his head.
"If it ever comes down to me dying, or even Sam...don't throw yourself down a rabbit hole to save us" She pleaded. Dean froze, "W-what-?" He stuttered. "You know what I mean." She cut him off firmly, "Don't pull another stunt like what you did earlier and get ready to throw your life away. We love you, we want you to live. You can do that without us" She said genuinely and wholeheartedly, Dean's eyes welled up with tears as he ran his tongue over his top teeth.
"Y/N, I-" he began, shaking his head. "Promise me." She pleaded, taking his hand into hers. Dean stared at her, his heart in his throat, struggling to find the words. His mind was running a mile a minute, overwhelmed by her words. Y/N was asking him to promise something that went against everything he believed in, everything he was. Family don't leave family behind.
But this was Y/N, and the thought of her dying... he couldn't even bring himself to imagine it. Worse yet, Sam. Dean's mind was a mess. He was touched by Y/N's words, the raw emotion and unwavering loyalty in her voice. But he also felt a pang of fear and pain, the thought of losing her or Sam was nearly too much to bear.
Dean's grip on her hand tightened, his knuckles going white as he struggled to find the right words to say. His heart was pounding in his chest, the sound of his own blood rushing through his ears drowning out any other noise. He looked into her eyes, the pain and plea in hers mirroring his own. He knew that making this promise would be difficult, almost impossible. But he would do it for her, for both her and Sam. He swallowed hard, his throat dry and tight.
"I- I promise," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper, not knowing if he meant it. She put up her pinky with a little smile, "Pinky promise. You can't break a pinky promise". He looked at her pinky, his heart swelling at the small, familiar gesture. If he didn't return the gesture, she would've known he didn't intend on keeping the promise.
He let out a shaky breath, trying to keep his emotions in check, he wrapped his own pinky around hers, forming the sacred promise. "Alright, alright. Fine. Pinky promise." He agreed, looking down at their intertwined pinkies.
As they stood there, their pinkies linked, Dean felt the weight of the promise settle on his shoulders. The thought of not being able to keep his promise was overwhelming, but he knew that he had no choice but to try. For her and his brother, he'd do anything.
The whole time the two were having this conversation, Sam was intently watching from the car. He couldn't help but smile a little, watching the two people he cared about most in the world make a promise to each other.
"I swear, I'm gonna just lock them in a room one of these good days" Sam muttered to himself, shaking his head as he went through Deans box of cassette tapes.
His eyes widened when he stumbled on a specific one, personalized tape with a crown doodled in on the top, labeled 'Princess' Hits'.
Sam's eyebrows raised, a snort erupting from him as he put two and two together, "Dean you fucking sap" He practically giggled, not realizing they had gotten off of the car. "What?" Dean questioned as he hopped into the drivers seat, shutting his door.
"Nothing, I uh..." Sam stuttered, quickly shoving the cassette into the box, hoping Dean hadn't seen it. Thankfully he didn't but it didn't stop the questionable look he received from his brother. Y/N climbed into the back seat as Dean started the car.
"What are you giggling about like a girl?" Y/N questioned, noticing the quick shuffle of the tapes. "What was that?" She asked suspiciously as she shut the door, Sam just shook his head. "Nothing." He assured her, his voice coming out higher pitched than it should've.
Dean sighed, shaking his head as he pulled the car back onto the road.
The next day, the three are sitting near a pier, all having a beer. The cool breeze from the quiet ravine coated their flannel covered bodies. Dean had a look of despair on his face as he stared out. "So....last night. You wanna tell us what the hell you were talking about?" Sam began awkwardly. "What do you mean?" Dean shrugged, acting stupid. Y/N scoffed at this, "What do I mean?" Sam mocked with a chuckle.
"I mean you said you were tired of the job. And that it wasn't just because of Dad or f/n" Sam pointed out. "Forget it" Dean dismissed, tearing his eyes away. "No, we can't. No way" Y/N insisted. "Come on guys. I thought we were gonna die. You can't hold that over me" Dean rolled his eyes, a bit amused. "Nahh. No-no, no. You can't pull shit that with us, man. You're talking." Sam shook his head, a bit of a smirk on his face.
"And what if I don't?" Dean retorted. "Then I guess we'll just have to keep asking until you do" Y/N shrugged innocently, sipping her beer. Dean huffed at this, a little smirk playing on his lips, turning to face them. "I don't know, guys. I just think maybe we ought to...." He began, taking a deep breath.
"...go to the Grand Canyon" He suggested to them with a sly smile, earning confused looks. "What?" Y/N snorts as Sam holds back a laugh. "Yeah, you know all this driving back and forth across the country. You know I've never been to the Grand Canyon? Or we could go to TJ." He suggested, "Or Hollywood, see if we can bang Lindsey Lohan and get y/n that threesome with Trish Stratus and Randy Orton" He wiggled his eyebrows at them suggestively.
They shook their heads at this, "You're not making any sense" Sam called his brother out on his bullshit. "I just think we should take a break from all this" Dean shrugged. "Why do we gotta get stuck with all the responsibility? You know? Why can't we live life a little bit?" He added as if were that simply, his change of perspective was alarming to them as they narrowed their eyes at Dean.
"Why are you saying all this?" Y/N questioned with knitted brows. Dean shook his head, despair on his face before turning to walk off. "No, no, no, no. Dean. You're my brother, alright? And y/n is family, so whatever weight you're carrying, let us help you a little bit" Sam stopped him, pleading with his brother. Dean thought about it for a second but shook his head again.
"I can't. I promised." He breathed out. "Who?" Y/N asked. "Dad." Dean responded. Their hearts stopped. "What are you talking about?" Sam asked. Dean took a deep breath, finally coming to the decision that they had to know, "Right before Dad died...he told me something....he told me something about you two" Dean began to explain, his heart in his throat.
"What?" Y/N croaked out as she and Sam swallowed the building lumps in their throats. Deans gaze was on the ground, "Dean, what did he tell you?" Sam finally mustered out. The look of heartbreak and despair on Deans face is what truly got to them, they had never seen him so conflicted in all of their twenty-three years of life.
What left Dean's mouth, was beyond anything they could've imagined John to request of him.
Authors Note: You guys are probably soooo mad at me right now and for many reasons🤣🤣🤣Everyone knows what's coming next but still hahahaha.
Hope everyone enjoyed!!❤️
Note that this chapter is unedited.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @swimmingmakerathletedreamer @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings @karrah89 @whattheduckisupkyle
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readerthatreadsss · 2 years
𝙎𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙚 | 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙘 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧
Pairing: Marc Spector X Fem! reader
Summary: You and Marc had been working together on a mission for the gods you were both in service to. And when Konshu and Isis have a disagreement, naturally their avatars would too. Only, this time, your argument leads to something much more...eventful.
Warnings [18+ activities]: Mentions of the Egyptian Gods, arguing, swearing, brief physical fight (shoving each other and him pinning you to the wall), SMUT, P in V sex, Porn with a drizzle of plot, pet names (sunshine, baby, sweetheart), dom! reader (mostly), switch!Marc, degradation with some praise kink if you squint, choking, unprotected sex (wrap your willy before you fuck her silly), oral sex (m and f receiving), handjob, edging (m receiving), face riding, fingering, rough sex, etc cause I got carried away lmao.
Word count: 4.5k+ (I'm not sorry cause this is some of my best work fr)
(not my gif but I wish he was mines)
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"Shut the hell up!"
"Oh fuck you, Spector!"
Isis and Konshu stood behind you and Marc, both sharing looks of annoyance at your bickering.
You and Marc had been working together under the advisory of your Gods for the past two months. And about half of that time was spent on you and Marc arguing.
Of course, Konshu and Isis disagreed with each other occasionally, but once you two caught wind of it, it was merely a spark added to the powder keg that was your and Marc's partnership. You used the smallest point of disagreement to fuel explosive arguments that often drifted away from the initial point.
Now, the initial point of disagreement was whether or not the two of you should venture to Arthur Harrow's London village and steal the scarab that led to Ammit's tomb.
Of course, Marc and Konshu wanted to. But you and Isis thought it to be an irrational idea that could lead to your deaths, seeing as Marc couldn't keep a hold on his alter.
"If Steven comes back to the surface at the wrong point, he could get us killed, Marc!" you argued, already having met Steven on a separate accidental occasion.
"That won't happen. I have him under control, worry about your own problems," the dark-haired mercenary spat from across the room, venom lacing his every word.
"My own problems?"
You angrily walked over to where he was packing his stuff for his departure.
"Yeah, your own fucking problems."
Marc began moving to meet you in the middle of the room, throwing his open duffel bag to the floor in frustration.
"Well, right now, my fucking problem is the fact that you're so damn eager to get this over with that you're not using your head, Marc!" you shouted, your voice bouncing off the walls of your spacious apartment, "I'm not letting you get us killed, I don't give a shit how experienced Konshu says you are."
Marc scoffed, a stupid smirk airing its way onto his clean-shaven face. "And how the hell would that happen, huh, Y/L/N? How would my plan get us killed?"
You resisted the urge to smack the smirk off his perfect face- no, not perfect. Admitting that Marc Spector had a perfect face was admitting to yourself that in your spare time you had been observing him and had been quite fond of what you've seen.
And you wouldn't give the lonely-and possibly horny- part of your brain that satisfaction.
"Because we have no fucking clue what we're walking into!" you bellowed, "Right now, Harrow has no idea that we know what he's up to. So if we just strut into his village and try and steal the scarab, which will most likely lead to us having to fight his guards and showing our faces, we'll be giving ourselves away AND on his home turf too."
Tense silence passed between the both of you as Marc took in and analyzed your words.
You placed your arms on your hips, waiting for a response from the angry mercenary.
You were surprised, however, when you caught his brown eyes briefly drift down to your lips. The glance was no longer than a second, but with your job, you couldn't miss something that minuscule even if you tried.
"You're wrong," he lowly countered after a few more seconds.
You sharply exhaled, now feeling your ears burn a bright red from anger. "What?" you seethed, daring to take a step closer to Marc.
Konshu and Isis sent each other knowing glances before disappearing together, leaving you two alone in the barely furnished apartment.
"You heard me, sunshine," Marc taunted you, knowing that you hated when he used that nickname, "We're going with my plan."
"Don't call me that."
Marc walked forward and came to a stop before you, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Or else what?" he whispered as his surprisingly pleasant scent invaded your senses.
Before you could slip and give in to the part of you that wanted to lean forward and kiss his plump red lips, you extended one of your arms and shoved him away from you. "Kiss my ass, Spector."
You immediately regret your choice of words.
"I bet you'd like that," he raised a brow at you.
You would. You most certainly would. Not that you'd ever admit it out loud.
"I wonder what your ex-wife would think about you saying stuff like this to women you work with."
The smirk immediately disappeared from his face. It was replaced with a look that could freeze hell twenty times over. And you couldn't help but smirk at the sight of it.
"You bitch," Marc seethed.
"What? You didn't think I'd find out, did you? Turns out being related to a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent has its perks," you grinned triumphantly, "You couldn't even keep your marriage stable, I don't know why I ever expected anything different for this mission."
At this, you could almost see steam fly out of Marc's ears. His eyes were nearly red when he lunged forward and wrapped both his hands around your neck. Before you could respond, the curly-haired merc slammed you against your own living room wall continuing to squeeze the air out of your lungs.
Marc panted as his face hovered above your own, merely inches between your lips, allowing his cool breath to fan over your face.
"Shut. Up," he lowly growled through gritted teeth. His tone could've convinced anyone that he was angry and boiling with rage, but in his eyes, you could see something else:
Your constant insults and threats were driving him crazy in a way he never thought he could enjoy until now.
You smirked maniacally up at him, the lack of airflow shooting straight between your legs. "You keep choking me like this, I might end up making a mess on my own floors, Spector," you whispered.
"Go ahead, do it, you fucking slut," he spat.
You may have been desperately horny, but in no universe would you let anyone talk to you like that and get away with it.
Not for free anyways...
So you skillfully grabbed each of his hands and ripped them off your throat before extending your own hands and wrapping them around Marc's neck. His eyes widened in surprise as you switched your positions, making sure to slam him harshly against the wall.
"If we're gonna do this," you began, panting from your own arousal, "you don't get to be in charge, Spector," you leaned close enough for your lips to graze his earlobe, "I do."
You grabbed his ear in between your lips and gently nipped it, gaining a groan from the man. You'd never imagine him to be this submissive, especially not this fast, but it seems there's a lot you didn't know about Marc Spector.
"Look at you," you harshly whispered, your lips trailing down his sharp jawline, "groaning like a bitch in heat and I barely touched you."
Marc sharply inhaled while you sucked marks onto his stubbled jaw. He could barely concentrate long enough to snap back at your remark.
You used your free hand to slide up beneath the incredibly tight t-shirt he had been wearing and couldn't help but smile at the shiver that your touch sent through his body.
"You like when I touch you like this?" you cooed with pouty lips, intentionally taunting him, "You like the way my hands feel right...here?" your hand traveled further south with your words. A strangled groan sounded from his throat when you briefly palmed his growing erection through his tight jeans.
You could see him fighting his instincts to overpower you and take back control as you pressed chaste kisses on the corner of his mouth.
Soon enough, he gained back focus and brought a hand forward to grip your waist through the tank top you had been wearing. He used his hold on you to pull you flush against him in an attempt to relieve the tension in his jeans.
The sheer strength in his grip made your mouth briefly snap open and a low moan escaped your lips.
Now it was Marc's turn to smirk at you.
But you wouldn't give up the reigns that easily.
You quickly freed yourself from his hold and took a few steps back.
Marc's chest heaved as he watched you with furrowed brows, buzzing with curiosity and possibly excitement about your next moves.
A small grin soon found its way onto your face. Taking care to make a show of your movements, you slowly lifted your arms to remove your top.
Marc's dilated brown eyes followed your every move.
Once your shirt and bra were removed, you were left topless gaining a ravenous stare from Marc.
Not giving him a chance to pounce, you turned around and walked towards the soft couch on the other side of the room.
Marc followed behind you eagerly, all the while appreciating the view of you from behind, (something he had caught himself doing many times before.)
"Take off your clothes and sit down, Spector," you commanded him with a sure yet airy tone. Marc was shocked to find himself quickly obeying your orders, but with eyes like yours and a voice like that, you'd be able to get him to lift up a planet with ease.
It took Marc mere seconds to do what you asked. You followed suit by removing the rest of your clothes except your underwear.
The brunette man sat in the center of your couch with his arms splayed across the back, looking up at you with a cool expression on his face. But his eyes betrayed his true eagerness.
You took a few steps forward to meet him and carefully positioned yourself to straddle his naked legs.
The moment your skin met his, Marc sharply inhaled and brought his hands to grab your ass cheeks.
"Somebody's eager," you taunted as you began to torturously grind your clothed front against his firm member.
"I can feel your wetness through your panties, sweetheart. You want this as much as I do."
He had a point there.
You then brought your hands up his toned abdomen and at rest on each side of his neck before leaning in to press your breasts against his chest.
"Well, then," you softly spoke, "let's get on with it."
An unseen force pulled your lips crashing down against Marc's soon after. Your teeth and tongue clashed deliciously, neither of you being able to get enough.
You felt him rub his large palms against the smooth skin of your bare waist, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
You rocked your covered pussy particularly hard against Marc's pulsing erection. This gained you a low moan from him, which you took as an opportunity to shove your tongue in between his wet lips, deepening the already heated kiss.
Your hands tangled within Marc's hair, your mouths continuing to move in a perfect dance, before you felt a sharp sting against your ass.
This gained Marc an impressed yelp from your lips. "Stop teasing," he scowled.
You couldn't help but laugh at the desperation in his tone. "I'll do whatever the fuck I want, Marc Spector," you smiled, your fingers lightly swiping over his swollen lips.
It was almost as if you were in a dream sequence when you looked down at the adonis of a man beneath you. His chocolate eyes were fully locked onto yours while he gripped your hips with the force of a thousand suns. You were positive it would leave bruises the next day but you couldn't care less. His defined chest and arms glistened with a light sheen of sweat, and you suddenly felt the urge to lick them.
"Like what you see, sunshine?" he smiled up at you, trying to hide the fact that he had been taking in your features and was in awe of them as well.
"Hmm mhm," you confessed, "Let me show you just how much," you said, starting to slide off Marc's lap and onto your knees before him.
"Hey," he called out in an attempt to stop you, "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." You were surprised to hear that his tone was genuine.
But it just made you want to suck his cock even more.
"I really want to," you nodded with a teasing grin.
"Besides, I would never pass up the opportunity to hear you groaning and twitching like a little bitch, Spector," you taunted him as you softly gripped the base of his large dick. You were almost scared by his girth and length, never having been with a man with anything close to it before, but you did not allow your face to betray your shock.
"Is that a challenge?" Marc referenced your teasing.
"Sure, why not," you shrugged.
Marc made himself comfortable and rested his hands behind his head with a pleasant smile. He could tell from your expression that you were intimidated by his size and that made his grin grow wider.
You made sure to hold eye contact with him as you slowly licked up the small pool of precum that had gathered around his tip. You held back a moan at how good he tasted
His resolve nearly broke the moment your tongue touched him.
You wasted no time and wrapped your eager lips around nearly half of Marc's length, catching him by surprise.
"Fuck!" he sharply groaned at the sudden motion.
You quickly removed your mouth from around him. "Would you like me to stop?" you asked, damn well knowing the answer.
"Absolutely the fuck not," Marc panted. He then brought one of his hands to rest in your hair and guided your lips back to his throbbing cock.
But you immediately slapped away his hand. "Keep your hands to yourself or I will put my clothes back on and go to bed," you lied, wanting to establish even more control over him.
"You wouldn't fucking dare," Marc quickly sat up.
"You're right, I wouldn't," you didn't spare another second before attaching your lips back onto Marc's cock.
This time you were determined to unravel him even more, so you began to bob your head up and down on his length. Drool soon ran down the side of your lips as you were barely able to fit Marc's cock into your mouth, and you were nowhere near the base.
But he was still losing it.
From the side of your eye, you could see Marc gripping your couch harshly, taking deep and controlled breaths.
You decided to make things even harder.
Releasing his cock from the onslaught of your mouth, you slid back up onto the couch and resorted to using your hand to cover more ground.
As your hand gripped Marc's cock and began to stroke, you kissed along the side of his neck, causing him to swallow harshly in an attempt to hold himself back.
"Come on Marc, let go," you whispered as you quickened your hand's jerking pace, "I know you want to," you added before licking a stripe below his ear.
You were driving Marc insane. And he could barely form words to let you know it, but you could see it.
Your hand began to work Marc's cock even faster while you continued to litter his neck with kisses and bruises, causing his breathing to pick up. He began thrusting his hips upwards to meet your downward jerking, desperate for more friction and release.
"Cum for me, Marc," you urged him before turning his head towards you for a deep kiss on his lips.
"You're too fucking good at this, Y/N," he softly groaned, taking care to hold your stare.
"I'm good at a lot of other things too," you grinned.
The sounds of your hand jerking off Marc's cock echoed in your apartment as tides of pleasure coursed through him.
"Fuck I'm gonna-"
But Marc couldn't finish his sentence because at that moment you swiftly removed your hand from around his dick.
"What the hell?" he complained.
"Oh, I'm sorry were you really gonna cum before me?" you tilted your head.
Marc's eyes narrowed in your direction, his sharp jaw clenching in annoyance at your denial of his orgasm.
"This is my house, Marc, I come first," you held back a giggle at your double entendre.
You were elated to see Marc grow even more eager at your words.
Before you knew it, you felt your body be dragged from the arm of the couch and into the middle, and your legs pushed open soon after. The tear of cloth sounded through the room when Marc swiftly removed your panties and threw them to the side.
A moan slipped from your lips as you watched Marc wet his lips and then his fingers. This man was sex on legs.
"Oh fuck," you groaned when he leaned down and licked a stripe up your dripping pussy.
Your moans grew sloppier as he began to eat you like a man starved while massaging your clit with his fingers.
"Yes, oh God, yes don't stop Marc," you panted, your hands soon finding their way into Marc's messy curls.
He slowly inserted two fingers into your hole. "You're so fucking tight, sunshine," Marc commented as he skillfully used his fingers to pleasure you.
"Keep going," you replied before bringing his head back into your pussy.
But Marc surprised you once again when he removed his hands and mouth from you completely and picked you up, as if you were nothing more than a feather, and carried you to where your large bed lay in the corner of the room.
You giggled once he dropped you onto the soft mattress, watching him slide above you. He wore a gorgeous smile on his face as he held you in place and pushed a strand of hair away from your face.
His stare was so meaningful and intimidating that you found yourself blushing.
"You are so fucking beautiful," he softly spoke.
"So are you," you found yourself replying with a smile, and meaning it.
Marc leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. But this time, the kiss was softer and more gentle.
You found yourself enjoying the intimate act more than you expected and leaned into the kiss. A foreign feeling bubbled in your stomach as you continued to kiss Marc.
But you soon felt him pulling away.
Not long after, however, you felt something smooth and wet against your breasts.
You opened your eyes to see him sucking one of your perked nipples into his mouth while his free hand played with the other. Your body tinged with pleasure as Marc switched between your tits, even lightly nipping at your nipples a few times.
All the while his eyes never left yours.
You reached down and ran your hand through his hair, which was now moistened with sweat. "I want to sit on that pretty face of yours," you suddenly suggested.
"You read my mind baby."
You both quickly moved into the proper positions, with your body hovering above his hungry mouth. He roughly gripped your thighs and looked up at you through his thick lashes.
"Tap on my legs if I'm suffocating you," you softly told him, "I'd rather you not die before I get to fuck you."
Marc, however, was not the least bit concerned and harshly pulled you down onto his lips.
"Shit!" you loudly squealed as his tongue immediately went back to work on your clit.
You soon gripped his head and began rocking back on forth on his mouth.
The mercenary moaned his approval at your movements which shot straight through your pussy and made you gasp.
"I'm gonna cum already, fuck," your chest heaved.
Marc's hand moved up to squeeze your ass as you picked up speed, riding his face even harder.
You grew worried about him running out of air beneath you and slowly tried to lift yourself up, but Marc's grip on your butt kept you in place.
He wouldn't mind dying like this, he thought to himself.
Your moans grew high pitched and Marc's tongue moved at a more rapid pace initiating your orgasm.
The repeated brush of his perfectly pointy nose against your clit was all it took for that dam to break.
"Holy fuck-" you slammed a hand over your mouth to hold back a scream as you came all over Marc's mouth.
He had no issue swallowing every bit of your slick that he could, holding you upright while your legs quivered on the sides of his head.
A few seconds passed and you realized that Marc was fully prepared to continue devouring your cunt despite the severe orgasm that rocked you.
"Ease up, soldier," you giggled down at him, forcing your legs free of his hands.
"You taste fantastic, sunshine," he finally relented. You moved over to lay by his side, trying not to get lost in the way he looked at you.
"You eat pussy like a demon," you both laughed, your hand caressing the side of his face.
Marc wrapped a hand around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss.
He swallowed the moan that left you as your own taste flooded your senses.
His kisses were intoxicating.
Marc slowly shifted to hover over your body, not yet breaking the sloppy kiss.
But you caught his shoulder and shoved him onto his back before positioning yourself on his lap. "Uh, uh," you smirked, leaning down to press a wet kiss to his neck.
Marc used one hand to smack your ass while the other lined his painfully hard cock with your entrance. "You gonna let me fuck you, or what?" he grinned up at you, his gruff tone and rough accent making you wetter.
You shut him up promptly by reaching around and gripping his dick, gaining a deep groan from him. You then slowly guided him into your soaking cunt, loudly moaning from the stretch.
It was initially painful but with Marc pressing kisses to your neck and whispering praises in your ears, the pain disappeared quickly.
"There you go baby," he slowly guided your hips up and down his length.
Your shared moans echoed all throughout your room as you began riding Marc's cock even faster.
By now, he was fully inside you and with every thrust, he hit your g-spot perfectly.
"You feel so good around me sunshine," Marc wrapped his arms around your back, cradling you closer to his chest.
His words caused you to briefly clench around him which only drove him to fuck up into you harder.
But then you used all your strength to push him flat onto his back before diving down to wrap your hands around his neck.
Marc was grinning like a maniac as you choked him while bouncing on his cock.
He never thought he'd enjoy being controlled but seeing you take what you want, and use him just the way you want, made his head spin.
Freeing himself from your grip on his neck, Marc secured his hold on you and switched your positions.
Your eyes widened as Marc was now on top of you, smirking while his hands found their way around your neck. "My turn," he whispered before ramming his fat cock into your sopping hole.
"Marc! Fuck!" you loudly moaned, pleasure attacking you in waves as Marc set a brutal pace inside you. That coupled with the lack of air from his grip around your neck had your orgasm slamming into you.
"Cum on my cock baby, I got you," he talked you through it.
Marc then used one hand and reached down to skillfully rub your clit, hoping to push you farther over the edge.
You felt tears of pleasure spring from your eyes as Marc's relentless pounding and his fingers prolonged your orgasm into another one.
He eased the pressure on your neck and slowed his thrusts before leaning down to kiss where your tears met your cheek.
"You're doing so good for me sunshine, keep going," he grinned, using a hand to wipe away the layer of sweat that formed on your forehead.
You took a deep breath and grinned up at him. "That was fucking intense," you panted, your legs still twitching as Marc began slowly rocking into you again.
"Well don't slow down on my account," you urged him.
A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest at your demand. But things took a turn when he pulled out and flipped you onto your stomach.
Marc held both your hands behind your back with a vice grip as he fucked his length back into your sex.
"Fuck yes, harder Marc," you shouted.
Marc pulled your upper body to his chest with both arms and pounded into you with fury.
"This is what you wanted right?" he sneered into your ears, maintaining his thrusts.
"Yes, yes, God, yes-" you babbled.
His pace eventually grew sloppy, telling you he was reaching his own orgasm soon.
You turned your head to see his brows furrowed in concentration as he tried to hold back. "It's okay Marc," you kissed beneath his earlobe, "I need you to cum inside me, lemme feel you."
Marc's breathing began to pick up at your plea. "Shit," he panted and thrust into you one more time. The force with which he fucked into you was enough to garner another orgasm from you instantaneously.
A pathetic whine left your lips as you felt his cock twitch before painting your walls with his warm cum.
He pressed a chaste kiss to your shoulder as you both came down from your highs. Marc slowly withdrew from your heat with a satisfied groan. He then guided you to carefully lie down.
Spent from the day's activity, you complied and tried to rid your mind of its haze.
You managed to catch the sight of Marc walking into your bathroom and couldn't fight the smile that appeared when he returned with a damp rag.
"You didn't have to do that for me," you said as he gently spread your sore legs and used the rag to clean the remnants of him.
"Why do you refuse to let people take care of you?" he smiled with furrowed brows, continuing to clean between your legs.
"No, you buffoon," you rolled your eyes, "I was going to go pee anyways, so you're literally wasting your time."
You laughed at his dumbfounded expression. "Thanks though," you quickly kissed his forehead before making your way to the bathroom.
And then it was his turn to laugh when you stumbled into the closest wall in an attempt to walk normally.
His laughs continued despite your protests but he stood and approached your crumpled figure.
"Need a hand, sunshine?" he teased you.
You glared up at him through your lashes and reluctantly accepted his help.
"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" you raised a brow as he guided you to your bathroom.
"You didn't seem to mind it when I was fucking your brains out, sunshine."
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A/N: I started this in June and finally finished it even tho it's fucking December LMAO
Remember to comment, like, and reblog! And feel free to send in more requests! ( to my dom!Peter Parker request, I'm making it happen I promise)
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 11 months
Okay, got a weird one for ya~ So I have ASD, meaning I can sometimes react oddly to social things, or actions. One of these is that whenever I see seggs scenes in movies, I start laughing. Like seggs in movies, even if it’s not meant to be funny, is just HILARIOUS to me. Sometimes I even explain between laughter why it’s so hilarious, like “Oh my gods WHAT IS THAT NOISE??? MY GUY, you a tractor or some sh!t??? HA!”. Would you be willing to take a request for mercs having movie night, only for their crush to start wheezing and laughing so hard they can barely speak at the seggs scene in the movie?
The TF2 Mercs with somebody who thinks actors acting sex in movies is understandably hilarious
WARNING: sex!!!! (Funny)
- Confused at first. Jeremy’s the type of person to taunt the characters and make clever quips during the whole movie to make you laugh. Nothing comes close to your laughter at this sex scene though. Suddenly he picks up on it and begins laughing too. Your reaction is kind of understandable. It seems to be a very forced and over the top performance.
- “Holyyy shit, I wanted to be an actor as a kid, but i’m not one for those frickin theater kid losers. Kinda glad I didn’t go through with it, now.” Typical scout acting like a highschool bully. You can tell he was the type of sportsy jock to shove nerds into lockers. He takes great pleasure in roasting the people on screen with you.
- Overall a solid 9/10 experience. One point taken away because he’s a massive prick and goes way too over the top with his cruel jokes sometimes. You have to lightly slap the side of his arm at one point because he’s somehow coming up with new slurs for hollywood goers that don’t even exist in the english dictionary to begin with.
- Ayo?
- Lifts his helmet up and looks at you for a second. “What’s so funny, private?” He asks, and but of course you’re laughing so hard you fall onto his chest and cling to him. Your laughter is very much appreciated nonetheless. Seeing somebody he loves so happy is causing butterflies in his stomach. Even if he doesn’t quite understand it. Laughter is a beautiful and positive thing.
- He’s a very aged man, and surviving WW2 gave him a lot of life experience. Essentially convinced that sex jokes are somehow crude. But let’s be honest, this is soldier we’re talking about here. He never keeps his word and although he tries to keep a straight face, his younger self comes through and he has to let out an unholy burst of laughter in response to hearing the girl’s performance upon getting her titties gripped. Congrats on cracking his US Army General persona.
- Too drunk to even process why you’re laughing for a spilt second but then it suddenly dawns on him you might be reacting this way because your brain chemistry is different than his. Demoman is more of an explosives chemist guy, but he’s somewhat taught that people act differently due to neurological function. Chemicals, brain shit, and whatever the hell else. He’s too tired to remember. He begins wondering what would happen if brain chemicals were flammable. That would be quite unfortunate. Fortunate for him though.
- You fall onto his lap laughing and that’s what knocks him out of his incoherent descent down the stupid idiot rabbit hole. He puts his hand in your hair and smiles warmly. Dazed, and barely even awake. He even chuckles a little with you despite his exhaustion. Movie nights always seem to get him tired because it’s usually at the end of a hard work day.
- “I can show you a time more embarrassin, tho. In the morning.” He flirts. Knowing full well he’ll have such a bad hang over, he won’t even consider getting his ass up to kiss you. You glare at him, and you wonder just how the hell a sex scene in a movie out of all things can get him horny. The look in his eye doesn’t lie though. Wow, he sets some pretty low standards for porn. Also, you’re really scared what he means by more embarrassing.
- He looks away during the entire sex scene and that’s essentially what makes you laugh even harder. His southern upbringing is honestly borderline sad. The idea that he can be “impure” for witnessing such “sacred” acts. Even when somebody’s pretending for a movie. You make fun of him and he’s just sitting there grumpily shielding his eyes with his gloved hand. It’s not even an explicit scene.
- Suppressing something doesn’t help, and everybody knows that quite well. He looks between his fingers to see if the scene has ended yet. Maybe just a peak wouldn’t hurt? He’s an adult after all! ARGH! NO! He covers his eyes again… Okay maybe just another peak. He thinks your humor is just juvenile and there’s nothing wrong with that in his opinion. it’s always admirable when somebody decides to maintain their innocence. There is absolutely no judgment from him.
- Over time he gets more used to watching stuff like this with you, but he never laughs. He acts like a deer in headlights the entire time. Overall, if you act like the quote on quote “way you shouldn’t” then I assure you he’ll be understanding and keep an open mind.
- Laughing at a sex scene? Eh. He doesn’t care what you laugh at or why. He finds plenty of stuff like that funny but ceases to laugh sometimes. He can laugh for certain, but for some reason there are moments where he doesn’t act accordingly and laugh at a joke. Perhaps you two are the same in that regard?
- Stares blankly at the screen the entire time despite finding hilarity in your response to the poor performance. He’s internally laughing on the inside but it just won’t come out of his mouth. As a result he’s kind of offended at his brain for failing him once again. You stop for a second and wonder if he’s annoyed, but then he turns and says “Sometimes Heavy laughs on the inside and he doesn’t know why.” His expression lacks emotion as always. “That’s fine.” You say, shrugging. This finally gets a response out of him and he looks to the ground and frowns.
- He feels frustrated and kind of guilty he can’t emote like he used to as a kid. This type of deadpan behavior moreso comes from his traumatic life. He’s unconsciously taught himself to stay stoic. Even when he’s supposed to be having fun with you. You lean on his arm to rest assure him you struggle with it differently. In verbose, he’s not mad at you. He becomes angry at himself.
- You’re laughing so hard that they find your behavior adorable. They find you quite stunning in this moment and immediately hug you to fulfill that random need for physical contact. He can’t help it! You’re just so cute when you laugh! You’re like a small kitten to them. Fuck the stupid movie. Both their eyes are on you right now and they don’t want them to be anywhere else.
- They are baby talking you, and calling you petnames. This sudden shift in Pyro’s behavior makes you laugh more due to the absurdity of their cute aggression. Who the hell finds their crush laughing at a sex scene to be attractive? Apparently Pyro. Pyro’s not really one to pay attention during scenes like this anyway so they find it quite easy to do so. It’s always just pointless filler to appease the horny people. Not to mention sort of setting unrealistic expectations. (Yes, Pyro is smart enough to know this. They are smart enough to run a company, therefore smart enough to harshly critique the movie industry.)
- It is absolutely nothing but sunshine and rainbows to them when you’re happy. It’s lighting up the fiery flame in their heart to see you so satisfied. The scenes are absolutely embarrassing as shit and Pyro hates them, but they’d be glad to show you more bad movies and eat candy while basking in their favorite sound: your happiness. Everything is better with someone you love.
- Um.. Is this guy even alive right now? Hellooooo? Sniper? He isn’t reacting to anything at all and you have no clue what’s happening behind those sunglasses of his. Why’s he wearing them inside, anyway? He claims it’s because the TV hurts his eyes but he’s so timid that, that has to be a lie. You’re laughing your ass off, meanwhile this guy’s brain is in outer space or some shit.
- In fact you get kind of concerned and stop laughing. “Mundy?” You ask. Your concern grows when he doesn’t move. Then his head sloooowly cocks to the side to look at you. There are some big exasperated/disappointed dad vibes coming from this man. “You can’t be serious, you actually find this funny?” He asks. He’s just messing with you of course and it’s obvious his behavior isn’t meant to be taken seriously.
- “Yeah!” You respond, laughing even more as he rubs his own temples and leans his face on his own hand. The way he’s responding like he’s in love with an idiot is kind of funny. Behind that rough exterior of his is somebody whose actually quite relieved you’re enjoying this in the first place. He often thinks his own company is quite boring.
- Actually immediately starts laughing too. He’s had sexual encounters before and knows how procreation works. (Not to mention the behavior of women.) Girls in movies like this are depicted as so two dimensional he knows full well the people who made this movie must’ve never spoken to an actual woman before. Reminder TF2 takes place in the late 60s so these are some very stupid ass corny romance films.
- He laughs so hard he actually starts coughing. Holy shit. How is this man not dying at this point? He’s screaming something you’re certain is insults in german at the TV. But even if you speak the language it’s not like you can understand between his fits of chaotic laughter. He’s so queer that romance movies make him short circuit.
- “Well actually you see; realistically she has a very high chance of getting pregnant now because he didn’t use a condom. Even know they said they don’t want a kid. Not to mention!; He didn’t use any lube which can be quite painful. Surprised there wasn’t a doctor’s visit after this.” He goes on and on about how stupid and corny this shit is and you can’t really blame him. Although now you have to sit there for hours and listen to him ramble.
- Visibly offended you’d laugh at such a beautiful display. Sex to him is like an art piece. Intertwining bodies and becoming one with your other half/halves. Puts his hand to his chest and glares at you with disgust. You don’t care of course, Spy is a drama queen and always has been. His judgmental expression wasn’t because of your strange behavior, in fact. In any other situation he just wouldn’t care if you acted differently than most people. But he draws the line when you laugh at GORGEOUS SEX. How dare you!!!?? For shame! FOR SHAME!
- “Rest assured, Intimacy can be more than this. I can make you feel pleasure that these two on screen could only dream about if you keep an open mind.” Of course Spy turns this into something horny. He looks rather serious about this and points his cigarette to the closet. Unbeknownst to anybody but you, Spy has a museum’s worth of sex toys in that thing. The offer immediately made you stop laughing. “Oh.” You say.
- Spy is satisfied with your red face and timid attitude towards the question. He watches you and takes a huge drag of his cigarette. “Hmm?” He raises both eyebrows and pouts, mockingly. Like a wolf who cornered a lamb.
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carionto · 4 months
Pressure and Release
Human: *hmm-ing at a set of dials and gauges*
Alien: What seems to be *translation unit catches up with the information they're displaying* OH MY GOD IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE!!! GET TO THE ESCAPE PODS NOW!!!!
H: Shh, it's fine, I'm just experimenting.
H: Hey! Rude. *turns a dial causing a loud hissing noise* It's just air compressors and hydraulics.
A: *due to not dying, is beginning to relax* Why do you need up to 200 atmospheres running through these systems. We have invented alloy-specific magnetization mechanisms. Please, why do you keep insisting on these volatile and explosive means?
H: *turns the dial up* Because... *releases the pressure again, loud sudden hissing sound again* That's a cool sound.
A: Just because you think something is 'cool' doesn't make it-
H: *interrupts with another air build up and release sound without breaking eye contact*
A: *leaves*
H: *continues to play around*
Okay, so I wanna get this off my chest. I find myself now for the fourth time starting a fun little activity, doing it for months on end, having a blast, and then almost suddenly dropping it entirely. First time I wrote some short stories or something every day for about six months and put it on deviantart. Then some longer form stuff started cropping in, sort of continuous narratives or whatever, and I stopped. Second was running a open D&D campaign with a persistent world but ever changing party, each session a sort of one-shot with a decision that would impact the whole world and what future sessions would exist. Not even 10 sessions in I felt under pressure to continue and build upon what I had already and just couldn't and stopped. Third was another kind of TTRPG, this time running my own server for Lancer. Again, open one shots, but less connected and I would hopefully get some of the players to want to run their own games within this freeform framework that I directly lifted from a D&D server I was in, even had some of the same people join as players. Few months later, I felt this massive pressure from myself to run games and come up with new scenarios that I just froze up. I cancelled game after game and just eventually abandoned the server and the resources I had made. Fourth time was here on tumblr itself. Back to writing some short form stuff on a fairly regular basis, almost daily for some time even. Had a blast, and then longer form content started creeping in. I thought I wanted to write some stories with an overarching plot and recurring characters and connected storylines, build up and pay off, that sort of thing. Again, I created this massive pressure by myself for myself of myself to do something I apparently can't. I created this sense of expectation of myself "Well, I started this, I should finish it, but where do I go, what do I do, how can I connect this?" And then this self-inflicted pressure got to me, again. And I stopped.
What I have known for a while, but couldn't put into words is that I don't want to tell a big long epic story or anything like that. I don't have one of those in me and forcing something like that only makes me shrivel up and run away. I have a world, several in fact, in my mind. Entire continents of a low fantasy character driven political intrigue and drama based world with tons of rules and restrictions, thousands of years of history, strong personalities for the main actors and so many individual scenes with them and the supporting cast, and a timeframe for when the overarching story happens and how it ends. But no story itself. Just scenes. I have a high fiction sci-fi world, again, with very distinct factions and races, most of the details I have written out back when I was a teen in a physical notebook with pen and pencil. Lots of historical points and events, how the races work, their domains if you will, near magical powers I try to explain with plausible science. Tons of specific details. Even drew each of their common symbols, how one of the languages is structured, schematics of how their cities are planned, and details on other planets in the system and how those might be important later. But, not a single individual character or story. Just dry facts. And then we have the loose sci-fi world I've created here. Bunch of different angles and perspectives, some comedic, some more serious, even put Cthulu in there. Many short and mostly self-contained stories and episodes of various humans doing things an exaggerated version of humanity would do. There is potential for a number of expanded and longer form stories here, some I attempted, and as mentioned, what ultimately made me stop. I don't have a book in me, and I don't want to write one. I just like to write little snippets and I want to get myself to accept this idea that, no, it does not need to become more than that. Because every time I start going down a path where it feels like it should be more than a one page thing, I seize up, start thinking that I need to do this, panic when I can't come up with anything, go silent, and give up. It just does not work for my brain. And that's fine.
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 1 1.
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you change into your ua training uniform and sit next to kirishima and the rest of his friends, including bakugou.
"everyone get ready! we're about to walk out soon!" informs iida as he walks into the waiting rooms. you let out a breathy sigh, geez... this is so nerve wracking..!
"midoriya." you hear todoroki say as you turn to see what was happening. "i think its fairly clear that im stronger than you," izuku opens mouth to say something but closes it. "however, youve got all might in a corner helping you out. im not here to pry about whats happening between you two- but know that i will beat you" he glares.
"todoroki.." you walk up placing your hand on his shoulder pulling him back slightly. "why are you instigating right now? we're all worried about going up and im sure you are too. we already have all the other classes to worry about so lets not make any issues inside our class too ey?" you add dropping your hand.
"we arent here to make friends- just remember this isnt a team effort." he states before walking away.
"wait todoroki- i dont know why you think you should tell me this when we all know your potential, but all the other classes are coming for us with all theyve got. we all have to fight to stand out" he pauses before looking up, "and ill be aiming for the top too."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you stand by the entrance into the arena by mina, kirishima, and bakugou. "god there must be thousands of people out there... i can already hear it" you sigh.
"this first group are no strangers to the spotlight! you all may know them from withstanding a villain attack... the hero course student of class 1a!" introduces present mic as you all walk out.
mina and you both let out a gasp, "oh my..." she starts, "i didnt know there was gonna be this many people..!" she exclaims. you all stop in the middle of the field as the rest of the courses get introduced and walk out.
you all stand in front of midnight as she gets ready for the introductory speech. you scratch your neck a bit at the sight of her hero costume, "i bet y/n would look 10x better if she wore that.." drooled mineta. you turn to him and send a flame of fire at his way quickly, "ugh.. disgusting" you scowl before you hear another scream from him causing you to turn. you widen your eyes a bit as you see bakugou threatening him with explosions near his face.
you slowly turn back before side eyeing mina only to receive a shrug back. "for the student pledge we have.. katsuki bakugou!" you widen your eyes with your mouth agape, "theres no way..! we're about to be hated on by not only the students- but the pros as well..!" 
he walks up to the mic with his hands stuffed into his pockets, "i just wanna say... im gonna win." he states nonchalantly. you slap your forehead as the students and crowd boo him as he walks down. "seriously bakugou? you couldnt think of anything better than that to start off today with?" you ask frustrated before turning away scoffing.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"without further ado, the first game of the festival is... an obstacle race!" midnight announces into the mic. "all classes will participate in this race.." she continues to describe the race thoroughly for everyone to hear.
just my luck.. of course the first obstacle is a race..!  you sulk internally, i just gotta thug it out.. i dont know what to expect so i just have to be ready for anything.. besides i can do whatever i want according to the rules.. god please bless me..!
you all walk to the front of the gate preparing for the race to start. you look up at the lights watching as they go down one by one. you take a deep breath in and exhale before you hear midnights voice saying to begin. you start to run before realizing that people are getting stuck in the gateway, you grin before pushing yourself up with your air and moving forward over everyone else.
you feel a chill realizing todoroki had iced the floor just as you left it, you let out a breath of relief before quickly landing and running not far behind him. "nice one todoroki.. but you really didnt expect to hold down everyone did you?" you smirk calling out to him. 
suddenly you hear explosions coming from behind you, of course... theres students who prepared themselves as well for this... you come to a slow stop as your mouth drops at the sight of the bots. "oh cmon..." you whine, before rushing forward and moving your arm up to create a boulder, hitting the bot in front of you with it which put you in front of todoroki.
you jump in the air again to go over the rest of the bots before looking back to see todoroki not far behind, "geez this guy doesnt know when to stop.." you groan. you quickly drop down to reduce your time using your quirk, but todoroki passes by you. "son of a-" you start before hearing explosions overhead, "and him too??" you curse under your breath.
you rush to the next obstacle right behind the two in front of you. you make a pushing motion with your hand allowing the rock from the pillars to move forward and create a pathway for you to run over before destroying it behind you and doing the rest all the way to the end. you let out a quick curse as you turn to see the other contestants starting to catch up behind you.
finally, you land on the opposite side and climb up the stairs to see a minefield ahead of you. what are we training for? the army? you think rolling your eyes as you see bakugou and todoroki fighting up ahead of you. you quickly use your wind to let yourself leap across the minefield. though it slowed you down, it wasnt causing you to overuse your quirk which would help throughout the rest of the festival. 
suddenly you hear a huge explosion from behind and turn to see deku flying through the air with a piece of metal underneath him. "holy fuck.." you whisper before realizing the people were still moving behind you causing you to do the same to keep distance. you hear another explosion as you see deku landing on the end of the minefield. my gosh izuku... you better run... you think as you quickly pass by the two idiots on the floor behind you grinning.
"thanks for fighting you two...!" you exclaim as you push your legs harder to increase the distance between you and them. "damn you genso..!" you hear bakugou yell as explosions start nearing you causing you to propell yourself forward with your wind. you let out a loud gasp as you cross the gate a split second before bakugou and todoroki. you slow to a stop catching your breath as you stare up at the crowd cheering and clapping you all on. 
you let out a exhausted smile before rushing over to izuku to congratulate him. "you won..!" you exclaim breathlessly as you smile proudly. he nods before thanking you, "ah.. you did well too..! you beat bakugou and todoroki..!" you laugh a bit grinning, "bet you anything bakugous seething at the thought of it.." you say before turning to see bakugou clenching his fists. "told you!" you chuckle.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you all wait in front of midnight as she start explaining the next section of the festival. "the next obstacle will be... the calvary battle!" she exclaims pointing to the screen.
"you all will form groups for this obstacle, but theres one more thing to add- all of you have been assigned a point value depending on your place in the obstacle race! the points go up in increments of 5, for example the last place contestant is worth 5 points. on the other hand, the first place winner is awarded with 10 million!" you see everyone stare izuku down. yikes.. hes gonna get targeted..
"now pair up!" she instructs before starting a timer. you look around only to find kirishima rushing towards you and dragging you with him. "your gonna be partnered up with me, bakugou, sero, and mina!" he grins as if nothing was wrong.
"bakugou??" you ask dumbfounded, "theres no way im partnering up with that asshole!" you add trying to move the other way only to continue being dragged away. "sorry y/n... but he wanted you on the team- besides your quirk can definitely help us!" he smiles cheerfully.
he wants me on his team..? wait what- you come to a stop in front of the rest of the members. "listen up extras.. ill be the rider, shitty hair youll be in the front, soy sauce youll be in the back, genso and pinky on the sides. understood?" you stand there blankly before nodding quickly, "sure i guess..?" 
you all set up quickly and stand off to the side waiting for the timer to run out, "we're currently in second place without our points.." you inform, "right.." bakugou agrees, "everyone will be targeting deku.. we should go for everyone else since theres no point in wasting time with a team already being attacked by many others.." he strategizes.
you nod as you listen closely along with the rest of the members. you hear midnight telling everyone to line up around the ring to get ready for the battle. you let out a sigh hearing the clock count down before thinking,
please dont fuck us up bakugou..
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 next part: pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
☆taglist! @katszumi @coolgirl458
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sweetyyhippyy · 24 days
Die with a Smile. Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader. *ANGST*
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Summary: Eddie and his girlfriend try to escape town from a larger Mind Flayer that is destroying town.
Word Count: 1.2k
TW: End of the world trope. Final moments alive. Mentions of gun shots and bombs. Final goodbyes. Dying.
Note: This is a song inspired fic, obviously by the title. And I also loosely inspired this off of the end of the movie Cloverfield.
Eddie’s hand squeezes hers, tightening his grip as they run from the gunshots and explosions that were going on in the distance. 
Even though the Mind Flayer had been defeated over 2 years ago at Star Court Mall, somehow another one made its way into Hawkins, but this time this one wasn’t going down without a fight. And this one was on steroids, towering hundreds of feet in the air, reminiscent of Godzilla terrorizing Tokyo. 
The town had been destroyed both by the Mind Flayer and all of the efforts to try and take the creature down. After hours of trying to shoot it down, shooting grenades at it it was clear that nothing was going to work. The military was quick to set up evacuation of everyone in town. 
Her and Eddie rushed to one of the evacuation sites from the trailer park, getting out of there was a war zone enough. 
Eddie worried about Wayne, if he had gotten on a bus and if he hadn’t where he was and if he was safe and alive. He had hoped he had gotten out of town in the first wave. 
One of the school buses was packed with people from the town trying to evacuate, but as it was driving an explosion went off near the bus and caused the bus to crash onto its side. 
They were closer to the Mind Flayer that either of them ever wanted to be, getting caught in the crossfire of bullets and crumbling concrete. 
Her and Eddie, along with a few other people were able to escape from the bus. But they were all on their own to find a way to get as far away from town as they could before it was too late. 
“Eddie!” She yells from behind him, losing her footing in the rubble surrounding the ground in the woods. “Eddie! Wait, I need to stop for a second!” 
“We have to get out of here, baby. We have to get as far as we can.” He was determined to get her out of the blast zone that he overheard some of the military soldiers talk about. 
A large blast goes off, making the entire ground shake below the couple, making her hand slip from his and causing her to fall to the ground. 
“Oh shit.” She groans, struggling to get back up onto her feet. Her vision goes hazy from the falling dirt in the air. 
Eddie quickly rushes to her, taking a knee to look at her. “Can you get up? We just have to go a little bit further.” Carefully he helps her onto her feet, draping her arm over his shoulder. “I got you, baby. Let’s go.”
Just as Eddie is about to start walking, the air raid siren starts to echo through the air along with a loud screech from the Mind Flayer. 
“Shit.” Eddie curses to himself, freezing in place. “Shit!” He yells, the word echoing. 
The instructions were clear from the military soldier that Eddie had overheard.  
“If you hear the air raid siren, it’s too late.”
The military was planning on leveling the town in order to take down The Mind Flayer. Their hope was that all, if not most of the town’s population had evacuated to keep the casualties at a minimum. 
“Oh my god.” She grips onto Eddie’s shoulder, turning to look at her boyfriend with terror in her eyes. “W-what do we do?” 
He shakes his head, sighing loudly. “Nothing baby. This is it for us.” His large wet eyes looking into hers, no terror in his body like hers.  
Her heart drops to her stomach at the realization that this was her last moments alive. Her last moments with Eddie. 
“Can’t we take shelter somewhere?” 
“No baby. The bomb they’re going to set off is going to make Hawkins something people only read about in books. There’s no saving ourselves anymore.” 
Eddie looks at his girlfriend, her forehead covered in a thin layer of sweat, dirt, and blood causing her hairs to stick to it. This was going to be the lasting image of the girl he had loved for the better part of 3 years. 
“Eddie… I don’t want to die.” Her voice breaks at the end as she swallows sobs. 
He helps her onto the ground, sitting next to her and hugging her close to his body. “I know, sweetheart.” His own eyes filling with tears that he blinks back, kissing her hair. “I don’t want to go either. But we don’t have much of a choice.”
From up above their heads, multiple helicopters fly away from town, the military getting away before dropping the bomb that would wipe Hawkins off the face of the earth. 
“But guess what?” He unhooks himself from her and grabs her face. “I get to stare into those beautiful eyes of yours before I go. Somehow that makes it all the more worth it to me.” 
Tears start to flow down her cheeks as they sit together, studying every inch of each other's face to commit it to memory. 
“At least I get to be with you.” She says, holding his hand tight. 
“I love you baby. This isn’t how we should be ending things, but I’m so glad that I’m with you.” Eddie says to her as he presses a kiss to her lips firmly. 
“I love you, Eddie. Love you so much.” She sniffles, letting her sobs out fully. “Eddie, I'm so scared.” 
He was terrified too, but he didn’t want to show her how scared he was and send her into a full blown panic attack. “I got you the whole time, sweetheart. You don’t have to be scared.” 
She shuffles her body in between his legs, cuddling into his torso while he wraps his arms around her. 
“Love you so much, baby. Love you so much.” He repeats in her ear over and over, tears rolling down his cheeks now that she wasn’t looking at him. 
Her grasp against his jacket gets stronger as the Mind Flayer continually screeches in the distance and the ground shakes each time it walks. 
A loud woosh from overhead makes both of them look up at the hazy night sky, several planes soar in the sky toward town followed by a large explosion and debris flying around both of them. 
She screams as large branches start to snap from above and land next to them, making her squeeze her eyes closed. “Eddie!” 
Eddie squeezes her tighter into his chest, trying to shield her as best he can. “I got you, baby. I’m right here.” 
Everything around them gets louder, more and more explosions booming, some of them sounding close to them. Debris falls into her lap, Eddie yelping in pain as some of it hits his back. 
“I love you, Eddie!” 
“I love yo-,” A loud whistle from above their heads interrupts Eddie, followed by the sound of a tree snapping from behind them. 
Both of them knew this was truly it. 
She looks up at Eddie, tears clouding her view of him. “I’ll see you soon, baby.” 
Eddie grabs her face, nestling it in his palm. “I’ll see you soon, sweetheart.”
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thebest-medicine · 5 months
okok long headcanon time cause i’ve been getting back into mha but i don’t feel like writing a whole fic, so instead im throwing this at u LMAO:
kirishima is the touchy-feeliest friend in the bakusquad, at all times he’s either hugging on or cuddling up to one of his friends. he loves doing this with bakugou especially, just cause kiri loves to tease. bakugou used to complain very loudly about this, always pushing kiri away with the threat of explosion. but kirishima kept coming back, even laughing when bakugou would push and complain. eventually bakugou got worn down, letting kirishima squeeze and hug him all he wanted (he’d still complain and call kiri annoying, but he quit trying to stop him cause he knew it’d only make kiri wanna do it more).
well kirishima is also very fidgety. when he cuddles up, he also has a tendency to keep moving his hands. toying with the fabric of their shirt, patting a beat against their stomach and sides, whatever he can do to keep his hands busy. one day on the couch, when he’s got his arms wrapped around bakugou’s waist at his side, denki mentions something that gets kiri excited. kirishima’s hands are resting on bakugou’s sides, and in his excitement he starts unconsciously squeezing and pinching while he talks.
bakugou jolts. his elbows shoot down to his sides, his knees jumping up in an attempt to curl his body. kirishima stills, and bakugou is uncharacteristically silent.
kirishima smiles, “oh, no way—“ and ofc, immediately starts tickling up and down bakugous sides and ribs. he goes down easy, apparently way more ticklish than anyone thought he’d be. kiri pushes his back to the couch with ease, tickling and teasing him the whole way.
bakugous all embarrassed by the end of it, pushing at kirishima’s face and ofc threatening to blow him up if he tries pulling a stunt like that again.
and yet, when kirishima goes in for another hug the next day, bakugou doesn’t push him off. ofc kiri does tickle him again (how could he not, it was so fun yesterday), and afterward bakugou does shoot even more empty threats his way. the same thing happens the next time kiri hugs him. and the next. and the next.
and bakugou just keeps letting it happen. and kiri refuses to question him on it bc he knows bakugou too well. he’ll get defensive and never let kirishima try it again. it’s like a little silent game they always play. bakugou tenses every time kiri comes in for a hug, but just barely gives an eye roll while he waits in anticipation for him to strike.
anyways that’s all i’ve got but these two have been on my brain for weeks so here u go LMAO
I love this I love this I love this I love this. thank for sharing so much!!!!!AHHHHH!!!!
besties, I love them — poor ticklish explosion murder god, I love when he’s softboy. feel like it would be impossible for any of his friends / peers to find out he’s ticklish without feeling immediate giddy excitement (maybe I’m projecting) but like ANGRY BOY GIGGLE????? Omg??????
thanks again so much for sharing!!! I need to do more bnha fics asap
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g4yforethan · 1 year
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pairing: pietro maximoff x male!reader
summary: reader is injured during the battle of sokovia and pietro does everything to make sure they are okay
warnings: blood, violence, cursing!
being a superhero wasn't easy in the least. you had just become a superhero after learning that a robot wanted to destroy earth and the entire human population. the avengers needed to put a stop to him and asked you and your friends to join them. your friends, wanda and pietro maximoff, grew up alongside you in a orphanage after all of your guy's parents had been killed during a bombing caused by tony stark. after joining groups protesting against tony stark, the three of you volunteered for HYDRA. you all thought you were going to save and change the world. after learning that nearly every volunteer had been killed by the experiment, you hesitated but wanda insisted you do it. after hours of waiting, it was your turn. you went up and touched it. it was the mind stone. it pulled you in and hypnotized you with it's power. you fainted and woke up in your bed. "wanda, y/n finally woke up!" it was pietro. he was sitting at the side of your bed, waiting and hoping that you would wake up as soon as possible. he gave you a hug that felt like forever. you appreciated it. "we thought you had died! what do you feel? do you feel any different?!"
you got up from your bed and tried to walk. you fell straight to the floor. pietro grabbed you and laid you back on the bed. you looked at him as he stared at you and all of a sudden, you heard his thoughts. "i'm so glad he's okay. i wish i could tell him everything." that is what you heard from him. "is everything okay y/n? why are you giving me that face?" you stopped reading his mind and didn't know what to say. "oh um i'm sorry pietro! i was just zoning out." he gives you a smile and goes over to talk to wanda. later that night, you talked to wanda about each other's powers. "i don't know. i think i've been able to read people's minds. i mean that's all i know for now. what about you?" you ask wanda. "i've been able to read minds as well. i've also been able to lift things with my mind as well. speaking of minds, i've been able to read both you and pietro's mind. just don't tell him." you cringed in embarrassment as all you've been thinking about for the past 5 hours is just pietro. only pietro. "oh god wanda what do you know?" "oh nothing. let's just say i think a few people have a crush on each other." you couldn't catch at what she was trying to say. you were confused. "what i'm saying is that i think pietro has a crush on you and vice versa." you jumped up and screamed in delight. you always thought pietro didn't like guys as he always flirted with girls but after what wanda told you, you couldn't believe what she was saying. "you just can't say to him that i told you or that i read his mind okay? let things happen naturally." you agreed and gave her a hug before going to bed.
fast forward a year later, the three of you are now fighting alongside the avengers. you now were able to project energy bolts that emitted the color purple, wanda as well where as her energy bolts emitted the color scarlet red, and pietro ran at superhuman speed. you were in the middle fo the battefield, knocking down ultron bots, guiding innocent civilians to safety when all of a sudden, you are thrown 30 feet back. an explosion was felt. your ears ring so loud, you thought you would be deaf. you couldn't move and blood ran down your body mainly from your head. "Y/N! wanda i'm going to go get him!" pietro yells as he races over to where you were. "y/n, please stay with me!" you were beginning to lose consciousness but could hear everything pietro was saying to you. "i love you y/n. i love you more than you could ever know. just please don't leave me." he starts to cry and holds you in his arm as tony calls for a jet to take you back to the avengers tower.
at the hospital inside the tower, pietro goes with you to make sure you're okay in recovery. after two days, you wake up and see pietro sitting in a chair right next to you. his eyes looked like he hadn't gotten sleep in days. he sees you open your eyes and gets up to see you. "y/n, you're awake?" "hi pietro. how long have i been out?" "it's been about 2 days. you were hit and we all thought we lost you but thank god you're okay." you try to sit up but you still feel weak and in pain. pietro notices this and asks you to wait until you feel better to stand. "you know. i kinda heard what you said before i passed out." "what do you mean?" "i heard you say that you...loved me." you start to notice his face turn red. "uhh i mean you know i um-" "it's okay pietro i mean i've known for a while now." "HOW?! who told?! was it wanda?" "i can read people's minds pietro. i know a good amount. but i love you too..." you move towards him and give him a kiss on the lips. he starts to puts his hands on your face as you do on his shoulders. you two kiss for a few minutes before pulling out. "wow-uh- i really wish you were back to 100% so we could do more than just kiss." you laugh at his comment. "oh get over here pretty boy." you give him another kiss and kiss on his neck. after kissing, he plays with your hair and starts to caress your face. you start to fall back asleep to rest from your injuries. "i love you baby boy." he whispers to you before leaving to let you rest.
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April Fools (Sex Pollen) ~Principal Larissa Weems x Fem teacher!reader
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The Sex Pollen troupe is always so fun, and I hadn’t seen it with Larissa Weems yet so here ya go…
Here’s part 2 btw 😉
Mommy…Master List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smut, eating out aka oral sex, overstimulation, desperation, sex pollen, etc.
1.5 words
Enjoy (;
It was April 1st and you had just finished your last divination class of the day. On Fridays, you only had morning classes, so you were free for the rest of the afternoon and day.
You considered yourself extra lucky today, because you hadn’t been the target of any April Fools Pranks and were hoping to keep that streak for the rest of the day. You decided that with your afternoon, you’d go down to the weathervane for a relaxing and warm drink. You closed up your classroom and made your way through the school.
As you were about to go down your final flight of stairs, you noticed Principal Weems tugging on her door in frustration.
“You alright there Larissa?” You called to her. Most of the staff were on good, first name terms and were friendly to each other. You immediately clicked with Larissa, the first day you met her.
Larissa looked back to find you with a look of puzzlement and concern on your face. “Ah no…” she began, slightly out of breath, “It appears my door won’t open…” She chuckled, “It’s probably some student’s April Fools Prank on me.”
“Here, let me see…” you offered, even though Larissa was probably twice as strong as you. You tugged on the door but it wouldn’t budge.
“Maybe if we try together?” You suggested, thinking how you could get this stuck door opened.
“Sure.” Larissa said. Now, you both tugged really hard on the handle and boom! the door swung open with a yellow-greenish explosion.
Larissa went straight through the foggy yellow mist and into her office, as you still stumbled backwards from the explosion.
“Wait Larissa!” You tried to stop her, but she had already gone into her office. You quickly got up and realized that the cloud from the explosion was gone. You entered the office, instinctively closing the door behind you.
The office was absolutely fine. No pranks.
“What was that?” You asked Larissa, who was still inspecting her office for possible pranks.
“I assume a students work. They must have created a trigger system for when the door opened that a bag of yellow smoke was to explode.” Larissa answered.
Content with her sweep of the room, Larissa sat down at her desk with a sigh.
You sighed as well, “Kids, I guess…”.
“Yes…” Larissa chuckled in response.
“Hey, I was gonna go down to the weathervane for a coffee if you want to join? Maybe you’ll escape any future pranks for the day” you asked her.
But you didn’t get a response from Larissa. You looked to her confused, and found her up from her chair with her hands on her desk as she was deep breathing.
You immediately became concerned, “Hey, are you oh… ohhh…” you couldn’t finish your sentence, as a warm flash hit you.
You grabbed the nearest chair for support. It was like a fire raging through your veins. Your heart race picked up causing a sharp turn to breathlessness.
“Oh God.” You winced, as the pain built, your clothes beginning to feel as if they were burning your skin.
“Fuck…” Larissa mumbled.
You looked up to her and found that she looked like to be in the same excruciating state of being.
Except she was definitely handling it way better than you were.
Now, you found that you couldn’t keep your eyes of her. What was happening?!
The thoughts of which you kept for your own private time began to invade your mind in vivid imagery. Images of you and Larissa. Images of you and Larissa doing extremely innapropriate acts for a boss and their employee
But your mind couldn’t help it. You knew you were attracted to her. Because damn was she a thing of beauty.
But you would never act on it, as that would be highly innapropriate.
Your dangerous game of thoughts were interrupted by an elicited grunt from Larissa. You then realized you had been staring at her.
She was also getting worse.
Her knuckles had turned white gripping the desk, like yours on the chair. You wanted those hands all over you.
Her breathing was erratic. You wanted those lips all over, marking you.
You could see her legs slightly trembling, nothing compared to your wobbly, already given out weak knees but still you wanted those legs crushing your head as you made that woman scream in ecstasy.
You wanted her so badly.
No, You needed her so badly.
Finally, Larissa looked up to meet your eyes.
Her eyes were glossy, filled with pain and desperation.
And that’s what did it. That’s what made you lose it.
You crashed into her desperately, your needy lips meeting hers.
This was wrong. It was a mistake. But you didn’t care anymore.
And you knew Larissa was thinking the same exact thing. At first, she hesitated to sink into your kiss and embrace, but it wasn’t long before she couldn’t hold on any longer and her mouth was fully on yours and her hands were desperately grabbing your hair, waist, face, just anything she could do to hold on to you, to quench her starved self and touch you.
You sloppily kissed her, eventually penetrating her mouth with your tongue, eliciting a moan from Larissa. You moaned in response as you both tongue fucked in the worlds most desperate and sloppy kiss.
Needing more, you pushed Larissa into her chair and straddled her.
She instinctively bucked her hips up to yours, and you began grinding down on her. Along with a heavenly string of moans, Larissa responded by kissing and marking your neck and shoulder. You moaned in response.
“I need more, please more…” Larissa whimpered through her moans of your grinding acts.
You looked into her lustful, fiery eyes and kissed her. Then, you unstraddled yourself from her, eliciting a whimper from Larissa’s lips.
You knelt right by her legs and began to roll up her dress. When Larissa realized what you were doing, she moaned and encouraged you with strings of begging off her tongue.
Eventually, you got her legs fully open and accessible. And in that moment, nothing looked more perfect and beautiful than the woman above you begging to to eat her fucking, wet cunt out.
You couldn’t help but oblige. You delved into her heat, lapping her up desperately. Larissa’s moans got louder and her voice more and more breathless.
“Fuck… I’m gonna cum” Larissa mewled. You responded by attacking her cunt faster and harder. As she reached her climax, screaming in pleasure, legs crushing your head, hands in your hair, you lapped up all her juices greedily.
You helped her steady her breathing and gracefully come down from her orgasm.
You looked up to Larissa in desperation and whimpered. Larissa was quick to act and picked you up from the ground, kissing you hardly, making you the one moaning needily.
“Your turn…” Larissa whispered lustfully. She placed you on top of her desk and scrunched your skirt up as high possible.
Your hips bucked in anticipation and need, as she opened your legs. Larissa licked her lips at the sight of your dripping wet cunt. She spent no second waisted and immediately started exploring and tonguing your folds. A flood of delicious moans rolled off your tongue, as Larissa ate you out ferociously.
“Fuck please, Larissa…” you whimpered, “So good… ‘m gonn’ cum” you slurred out.
“Cum love, cum for me” Larissa begged as she added her finger to your clit.
You howled her name in pleasure as her tongue and fingers brought you over the edge. You’d never had had an orgasm before like that. It left you truly breathless. It left your legs harshly trembling.
You both slowly put yourselves together. Lastly, Larissa have you one more kiss, letting you taste yourself on her tongue.
Just as you parted, there was knock on the door. You gasped and quickly made your way back to the other side of the desk as if nothing had happened.
“Come in.” Larissa stated, as she sat down to pretend like she was doing something.
Marilynn Thornhill entered the room. “So sorry to interrupt Principal Weems, but it seems that’s someone has taken my Floraeamoreardere plant.
“You’re what?” You questioned, interjecting yourself.
She sighed, “It’s more commonly called the sex pollen plant. Its pollen is a highly potent, yellow dust which spikes the intakers sex drives up by like 1000%. I don’t know the exact math, but the point is that a student should not have something that powerful.”
You looked by to Larissa in shock, to see her face expressing the same thing:
Oh Fuck… That’s what had happened…
Marilynn continued, “I mean imagine what could happen if that was used on someone at the school!”
You bit your lip, trying to cover your smirk.
Oh you knew…
You both knew very well…
Part 2 here 😏
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bloogers-boogers · 27 days
The battle field was messy, you could see splattered blood everywhere you turn, broken shards and buildings demolished, the bodies of angels, hellborns and sinners laying around, countless of them.
More explosions could be heard from afar and even more angels flew down to hell some to help the injured others to cause the injuries.
It was absolute chaos. And Charlie Morningstar couldn’t help but feel like she was to blame, from hell’s perspective she was the cause of this but like a mirror of their own Emily the seraphim’s reflection mirrored Charlie and so did heaven see Emily at fault of this.
Both most powerful angels were plucked to the ground, captive, as an evil force layed upon them, wrapping them tightly on to their bodies; back, wrists and legs. Michael tried reaching for his sword but it was useless; he never gave up for his people, he couldn’t give up now, he wanted, needed to protect them. Lucifer growled as he tried pulling roughly at the chains on him; worried for Charlie, trying to reach out to protect her as much as he can. He had to. He can’t give up. He can’t lose her. He must protect her.
Neither could move however, they looked like worms wiggling around with a missing head. Like a snake having its head chopped off but its tail still moving. It was devastating to hear their people scream in both panic and rage. They couldn’t accept their fate this easily, Lucifer couldn’t. There was so much to lose than to win if they did.
But in a blink of eye, as a miracle had happened Lucifer heard a faint scream, a familiar voice. He looked up and saw Adam standing not too far from both archangels. Actually, to be specific, on the other side of the edge of the huge cliff that broke apart from pentagram city and kept the archangels apart from the chaos. Keeping them far from reach of anyone. It was cruel, because the view was fantastic, they could see everything, oh god they could see fucking everything.
“Adam!? Holy fuck! Adam!” Lucifer for once, was genuinely happy to see the first man. He was alive, that was good.
But being alive doesn’t take away that Adam was limping his way even further to the edge of the cliff to get a better look at them. It didn’t take away that a wing was missing and the other was only half of it. He held his side as blood poured from what seemed like another injury of many more.
“You’re alive!” Adam shouted as he stopped his walking once he hit a high dangerous level of risk, “I know how to get you guys out! All you need to do is save heaven and hell if I do it!”
Both archangels looked at him in a ‘what?’ Manner.
“Typical Adam thing to do to try negotiating with us while everyone is agonizing pain, suffering, and most likely about to be all wiped out from existence. Now let’s hear what you have to offer!” Michael hissed sarcastic as he felt horns popping out from his head, being in hell for this long has been turning him slowly.
“I’m more surprised he hasn’t just left us to die to be honest,” Lucifer admitted, his eyes still on Adam trying to analyze him.
“He won’t, because we have to save his ass too in the process.”
“We can still leave him to the side.”
“You know I’m right fucking here!” Adam said with frustration, “it’s not that type of deal.”
Both archangels blinked, doubtful.
“How do we even know you actually know how to get us ‘out’ for all we know you may think that but it won’t?” Michael interrogated further.
“Fuck! I just know, okay!?? Just trust me on this. I know what I’m doing. In all the thousands of years of just existing, I finally know what I’m doing and meant to do,” Adam exclaimed before slowly lowering his voice the more serious he got into his speech.
They looked at him expectantly.
“And thats to save humanity. Lucifer may had doomed it but I can save it! This is where my deal starts. The moment I do this, you both are gonna shove your differences aside, work together to get this evil out of the way and finally shake hands to one of Charlie’s little activities. Because I suppose redemption isn’t so bad and second chances are always welcome. Got it?”
Both archangels winced at the idea of working together but at the same time, looked at Adam as if he had grown another head.
Lucifer winced his eyes, the words echoing in his head warning him of something that’s about to come, that he’s not ready to face just yet. That he never considered to ever happen. He just couldn’t tell what that was until the words sank in.
“Fine.” Michael and Lucifer said at the same time.
Adam smiled. Like actually smile for the first time since his fall he fucking smile and that was before Lucifer could realized it’s gonna be his last.
Before Lucifer realized what was going on, what Adam was about to do.
“Wait…” he looks up in panic as he saw Adam dash his way back down to the chaos, “ADAM, WAIT!!” his blurry figure could be seen disappearing into the dust particles of the explosions, far away from view.
Lucifer cried out in a panic as he kept pulling forward with even more force trying to get loose from the chains.
“What’s happening?” Michael asked alarmed as Lucifer demeanor changed more frantic and desperate.
“Adam is gonna sacrifice himself!”
Before he could do more a green explosion was heard, one too powerful and loud in comparison of the rest. One extremely different and unsettling. One that made all the grounds of hell shake tremendously.
Maybe he was being a little bit dramatic, maybe he was being genuinely honest about Adam being a small misfortune to deal with in his life since the angel fell to hell, but fuck, Lucifer didn’t want him to die nonetheless to take it himself!
From the sudden explosion and the release of his wrists, Lucifer right there knew…
Adam was gone. Like actually gone this time. Like he’ll never see those golden devilish eyes on him thinking he’s slick after planting a prank on him mid-day time.
Oh Adam! You stupid airhead bitch!
After thinking the impossible would be, well, basically impossible. It became possible. Lucifer and Michael had a lot to work on when it came to their issues, but they sure made a good team. Defeating evil with another entity as strong as you made things much more easier to handle, and with the addition of Charlie, Emily and the many other seraphim and hellborns it was absolutely a breeze in comparison of the suffocating heat of it all, they finally defeated evil.
And it was all thanks to Adam. The first man. The so called ‘dickmaster’. The first fucking dumbass of humanity. Not having managed to release them in time could’ve doomed both heaven and hell (double doom for hell).
Lucifer sighed mournful after being released of a soul crushing group hug with Charlie, her friends and that dickhead of Michael and Gabriel. Walking away, the devil reached towards a huge hole on the ground that lead to the real depths of hell. He looked down seeing nothing but darkness and screams echoing the inside.
Charlie stepped closer, trying to reach out but keeping herself at a comfortable distance from her father.
“Adam.. he-“
“I know, sweetie,” Lucifer kept looking away from the rest just looking at the darkness of the hole as if he could feel the last remaining of Adam’s aura in there. But there was nothing more there to find if he looked, “we thought we were the heroes but in the end, it was the villain who saved us all.”
“Does Adam even count as a villain? He was more of a bitter asshole than something to feel threatened about,” Angel dust added as everyone else approached the scene. Husk giving him a hard nudge on the side of his elbow; to keep quiet.
Lucifer tightly clutch his chest, suddenly feeling an overwhelming sadness hit him in ways it had never before, tears fell like waterfalls as he falls on his knees, hands touching the ground trying to feel Adam.
“I think… I just lost something I love.”
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 6
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Another outstanding episode as chickens start coming home to roost and Sand sets a ball a-rollin' that is gonna roll right over him in the end. In a surprise upset, Sand's mom won the audience vote last week, with Top and Boston tied for second place. You really never know who the Tumblrinas are going to favour from week to week, keeps us all on our toes! Here are this week's highly scientific rankings.
🔺1. Ray (4)
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Let me talk to my friends. It’s his birthday. I’d like to say something.
Ray said NO SURVIVORS and sprayed the entire room at Mew's birthday party, and honestly? Kinda deserved. From calling Sand a whore (OUCH) to reading Cheum for filth for her shitty little backhanded comments, to almost letting the cat out of the Top/Boston bag in front of everybody, our resident mess came for every neck in the building. Boston primed him, Sand aimed him and Cheum lit the match, and it's no coincidence those three got hit with the blowback of his explosion at Top. A seething ball of pain and resentment fueled by alcohol and god-knows-what-else was never gonna fire a clean shot.
🔺2. Sand (5)
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Stop thinking about Mew and focus on me for once. Can’t you really see that I care about you?
Well now we know why Sand didn't blink an eye at Nick bugging Boston's car; he's just as fucking unhinged. Sand, a poor, breaking his own phone just to get his hands on Nick's and that recording (which, by the way, calling the file 'That Car' is really too much Nicholas PLEASE 🤣)...WILD. We've all had Nick pegged as the bunny boiler but Sand might be worse and I can't WAIT because I still believe in that baseball bat. But him begging Ray to give a single solitary shit about him even AFTER Ray calls him a whore in front of a bar full of people...I remain embarrassed on his behalf.
🔺3. Mew (6)
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Cocky much? I don’t even know if we’re gonna last that long.
Ok, when Mew said 'I love the sound you make when having sex' I literally screamed out OH FUCK HE KNOWS and listen, I have been WAITING for this moment. That was a baller fucking moment. You just KNOW Top's blood ran cold. Of course these two aren't breaking up, because couples like this NEVER break up. Game always recognises game. This is gonna be the first confrontation of many. But I'm pretty sure this is the last time Mew is gonna cry about it. Top might have just picked the wrong one. Mew has two moms, pretty sure he knows how to destroy a man.
🔻4. Nick (2)
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I don’t give a shit about what number I am. Screw it. I’m not that into you.
At some point Nick is gonna have to stop threatening to walk and actually fucking walk, but it's clearly continuing to work for him as he and Boston are clearly the boyfriends Boston insists they're not. Dates, couple photos, meeting the dad, tender lovemaking, Boston's deep, dark secrets: Nick's getting it all...except the label he wants so very badly. And now he's shook because he knows Sand stole that recording, and he knows if Boston finds out about it it's all coming crashing down.
🔺5. Cheum (8)
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I’m so happy everyone has a lover. Even a heartless slut like Boston has one.
Girl, you absolutely earned that smoke Ray blew at you. Sly Comment Susie got a minor taste of her own medicine and didn't like that shit one bit. It's all fun and games until it's your dirt under the microscope. Maybe Cheum just learned a lesson about minding her own business a little more, or at the very least keeping some of her thoughts to herself.
🔻6. Boston (3)
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If I was a nice guy, you wouldn’t like me.
A surprisingly quiet week for Ton as everybody else gets so messy he looks relatively drama-free. But under the surface he's still paddling like mad: screwing Nick like a lover rather than just a fuckbuddy to keep him from leaving, clearly not out to his dad but bringing Nick round to meet him (once again using him for free work), pinning Ray so decisively that he causes a full-on meltdown. Though, 'I don't hate Mew'...well that might actually be true, because he's giving more fear than hatred.
🔻7. Top (1)
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I get anyone I want. What about you? Who do you get?
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Top spent the episode feeling totally smug as he finally won the game and is basking in his spoils, swinging his dick around, feeling like King Shit. And then Mew played that recording and LOSER TIME. I have the distinct impression that Top hates to lose...
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