#oh okay she is giving you c o l o r
fritoley · 27 days
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x06 - Moment of Truth
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Woah why did everything go monotone except for Kosmo
“This orb…is a giant piece of candy.”
HOW THE FUCK DID THEY NOT NOTICE THAT WERE HOLDING A BIG-ASS JAWBREAKER (i know it’s chocolate but you get the idea---)
How tf is a piece of candy glowing in the first place—
You’ve GOT to be kidding me tho
Oh it’s color again—
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“I loved your mother, Lissa, very much.”
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“I suppose I should call it what it is, dark magic.”
Harrow said the same thing in s1 just kill me now—
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“Who am I to refuse an invitation from the high mage of Katolis?”
Wait were Kpp’Ar’s bandages ever explained? Why are they so bloody?
Omg he’s so emotional 😭
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“Yes. Yes I see now.”
Oooooooh wait no the monotone is him seeing the futureeeeeee
That’s so cool you go kosmo
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“Prince Harrow. May I join you?”
AAAAAHHHHH harrow’s little scoot is adorable LMAOOO
Aww he’s so considerate towards  sarai and callum gahhh—
I need them back now how dare they die on me 😭
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“Beware, if you ever use dark magic again, the darkness and corruption will overwhelm you.”
I guarantee you he’s gonna use dark magic again watch
Mark my words
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“Without magic, how will you stop me?”
I wanna know more about kpp’ar and why he quit dark magic
I bet it has something to do with his bandages
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“[Kpp’Ar] invested years of his life helping me become… what i became.”
Ooh so viren got his true appearance from the coin spell i thought he was gonna get it from the spell he uses to save soren
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“I only see… darkness.”
Omg he’s gonna get to space
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“Something so simple and… and easy, her tears.”
Omg you can see viren just scribbling the words down as fast as he can just reliving the moment it’s so sad
I feel so bad for him
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“I pushed her against the wall and I held the back of her hair to keep her still.”
What is this serious DRAMA omg—
Where the fuck is claudia in all this that’s what i wanna know
Like soren would be sick in bed but considering lissa was full on sobbing you’d think claudia would hear it and go see what’s going on
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Ok wait can y’all get away from the edge i can’t trust y’all not to fall and die not at this point
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“But the cost was… devastating.”
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The way soren’s looking at viren in confusion MY HEART 😭
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“And i punished you with a lifetime of cold cruelty.”
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“No, I… No. The guard was… mistaken.”
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N O O O O O O O O O O 
Okay so i let it simmer overnight and i have a FUCKING LOT to say about this. First of all, how D A R E they make me invested in viren’s letter to soren (INCLUDING A LISSA REVEAL DAMN THAT WOMAN IS BEAUTIFUL—) only for viren to BURN IT UP?!?!!?? Lemme tell you, if i read that letter and saw the teardrop stains and shit on it i would’ve immediately forgiven him idfc free him he did all of it but i don’t care that’s my toxic trait. And for soren to S E E the letter and viren S T I L L chickens out—
*incoherent screaming*
Anyways as you can tell i loved this episode and it’s prolly one of my favorites so far. And YES i saw rayllum kiss F I N A L L Y so yeah here you go
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plscallmeeren · 5 months
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Hermione Jean Granger x Reader
Request: yes @JulzLovDraco4Eva
Summary: you've been friends with the trio since first year (You, being Draco's twin sister, sorted into Gryffindor...... ouch) and obvs ur parents don't approve. You've been hiding the fact that you've been dating Hermione for two years now. It's the day before battling Voldemort lol
Warnings: Swearing; allusions to sex; family disowns child
Word Count: 1.9K+
You stared at Draco, groaning when he wouldn't back down. "Oh, come on!"
"Father said I should keep an eye on you, so I will."
"Well, since you like taking his words literally so much - he said an eye. Not both, at all times, relentlessly and to the point of murder with motive."
"You're so dramatic," he scoffed, crossing his legs formerly on the bench opposite you. Beside him, Blaise snickered, nibbling absently on his jacket potato.
"Priss," you spat back. "Don't know why father thinks your 'keeping an eye on me' will do any good, anyway..."
"I don't know, to protect you?" he deadpanned, as if this were blatantly obvious.
"You're a pussy, Draco. And I'm three times as good as you at Charms and DADA."
"That, my dear friend, is definitely true," Blaise added helpfully, smiling at Draco as he glared.
"Okay, well, on that note, I'm off," you announced, standing up briskly.
"Well, I suppose that means I'm off, too," your twin replied, trying to stuff as many beans down his throat as possible before he had to go.
"Don't be stupid. You're not finished, and I need to go to the bathroom, anyway."
"Yeah, but-"
"What are you gonna do? Guard the door? Or are you going to join me? We can go to the haunted one, if you want. I know Myrtle loves you-"
"Fine! Okay! I'll meet you at the courtyard after, alright?" he retracted quickly, throwing up his hands.
You only grinned, taking even prouder strides when you heard him mutter 'I'm never finding her again, am I?' to Blaise.
Walking the corridors, you could feel your shoulders sagging, your fingers fidgeting with the fabric of your robe. It had been a long week. A long month. Maybe a long year. You felt like crashing into bed, Hermione in your arms, doing nothing for days and only really getting up to cook something for her.
You could picture it perfectly: A bed the size of a small room, the two of you surrounded by books that you'd read to each other as the record player lazily hums 'San Tropez' by Pink Floyd. A week spent fucking, eating home-cooked, Mediterranean food, reading, talking, fucking again.
But that was a dream for another life. Maybe there was still hope for it sometime else - a time far removed from war, from exams, from your goddamn father.
"Password?" the fat lady asked coldly.
"Flobberworm," you murmured, stepping through the round door immediately after she swung open.
"There you are!" Harry's voice surprised you inside. "We were wondering whether you had relocated to the dungeons for good now, given Malfoy's insistence on-"
"Oh, shut up," Ron interrupted, slapping his shoulder. "She's tryna get away from him, not meet his fan club."
"Right. Glad to have you back."
"I've missed you," Hermione said sweetly, throwing a leg over your own as soon as you sat down.
"Get a room," Ron complained, grimacing. He had dealt a deck of Exploding Snap and was looking very unhappy about his own cards.
"And here I was thinking you'd turned over a new leaf of empathy," you sighed, wrapping an arm around Hermione's shoulders.
"Yeah, right. Ever since Hermione called me a teaspoon, I thought I'd give up."
"Room for improvement is no reason to forgo emotion entirely. In fact, I'd argue the fact that it bothers you shows that you already have."
He scowled, making a ridiculously bad move to top things off. Harry grinned, giving you a thumbs up.
"Hey, you okay?" your girlfriend asked after a moment, in which your sprightly face must have slacked. "You look a bit... worse for wear."
"I'm fine. Just tired of my bodyguard, that's all. Pretty sure he has less muscle mass than me, though, so I should probably come up with a new title."
"'Tis true," she agreed. "But still... you wanna go for a walk? Just the two of us? We can steal Harry's cloak until we're out of your brother's way?"
"You can what?" Harry piped up, failing glaring at you because of how miserable he was making Ron.
"Well, can't we?" Hermione asked testily, looking unimpressed.
"Of course, I just wish you'd ask first."
"Well, here I am, asking."
"Yes, you're welcome to take the sole material inheritance I have received from my father, also my insurance for survival should one Dark Lord choose to search for me this fine afternoon-"
"In that case," Hermione smiled, "I'll be glad to take it off your hands." The two friends stared at each other momentarily before she took your hand, dragging you up to the boys' dormitories.
Twenty minutes later you were walking by the lake, feet dangerously close to the dark water.
"So, what is it?"
"What's what?"
"Whatever is ruining your mood."
"Oh, so you're saying I'm not delightful? Uncalled for, that is."
"Oh, come on, just tell me," she said impatiently, glaring at you.
You smiled, swinging your arms restlessly. "Well, as I said, I'm not too chuffed my brother is following me around everywhere, making me live in fear."
Hermione only stared at you, unimpressed, waiting.
"Yeah, I guess I just feel guilty still, in a weird way. Not that there's anything remotely wrong with dating you, it's just... it's our two-year anniversary and all I could think about while planning was how to celebrate incognito. It's kinda... tiring, I suppose." You looked back at her, chewing on your tongue. "Sorry, I'm rambling."
"No, I understand. And there's nothing to feel guilty about. If my family were so district, if they would disown me if I told them who I loved, I know I would... well, I don't know what I'd do, but I know it would be hard to handle." She smiled at you, the kind that made the skin around her eyes crinkle and her freckles catch a different ray of sunlight. "Let's just make today special."
"I wholeheartedly agree," you said firmly, placing a hand on her waist and stopping her. "Which is why I'd like to give you this."
You pulled out a small, indeterminate box with a ribbon around it. The size and shape didn't hint at what was within, so that you could watch as Hermione's brow furrowed, clever eyes searching for clues.
"Can I open it?" she asked timidly, quickly untying the ribbon when you nodded. Inside lay a multitude of things: A necklace with 'Hermione' spelt in Japanese characters (へみおね), a small line drawing you had created of the two of you, and a folded list of book recommendations, each addressed to a certain aspect of her. (For example, to her expression when she is in 'survival mode': The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. To her fast-paced wit and love of puzzles: The Collected Stories of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.)
"(Y/n), I-"
Before she could thank you, you slid off one of your rings from your index finger, one that you wore every day, placing it on her middle finger instead. She stared at it, as if it were a legendary artifact that might still surprise her.
Hermione looked around then, but there was no one. No one to stop her kissing you like her life depended on it.
"Hermione," you murmured, detaching herself from her mouth, ignoring the surprising turn, "you sure you wanna do this here..."
"Thank you," she whispered instead, slinging herself against you. "Thank you so, so, so much."
"I'm glad you like it, darling," you managed between kisses, lips colliding in waves. Your other hand leaped to her waist, holding her impossibly close to your body. Hers travelled the muscles of your back, reaching for the plane of your nape where her fingers surpassed your hairline.
"'Mione," you groaned, hardly gaining her attention.
"Dorm?" she managed.
"Yeah," you panted, reluctantly breaking away.
The way up to and through the castle under the cloak was hard, even while walking past your brother. Hermione kept whispering 'thank you's and 'you're perfect's and kissing you, anywhere, everywhere, and it took a ridiculous amount of willpower not to rail her next to the Hogswatch team.
Your shared dorm was mercifully empty, and the cloak was quickly discarded. You pulled her down onto the bed by her hips, groaning as she grinded against your lap, face connected to yours.
She slipped off her jacket with the box inside the front pocket, followed by her jumper, the heat within you now deafening.
"Are you sure?" she asked, pained to have jeopardized the mood. "I know we haven't done anything since your brother's been following you around and I understand if you're worried he'll find out somehow-"
"I'm sure. I have you, don't I?"
Hermione's lips were on yours again, hungry, insatiable, moaning your name-
A sharp cry emanated from the door, some sort of terrified surprise.
You jumped up, one hand still on your girlfriend's thigh, but Draco was already leaving, running away - his job was done, and it had not been to protect. You loved your brother, but you knew just as well that he would do anything to feel more secure in his own home.
You knew that that home would no longer be yours.
"I can see him in the Owlery right now, trying to understand how this could've happened under his watch," You laughed dryly, staring at the open door. Hermione stepped before you, closing it.
"I'm so sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for."
And yet, mere hours later your father's owl arrived - a grey one, shivers of green down the spines of his feathers. The letter was easy to remove from his leg and you knew before opening it that it would be loud. Hermione cast a silencing charm on the room wordlessly, because even she knew.
And the letter lived up to its namesake, a howling cacophony of your father's disappointment. It tore itself apart with the knowledge that it had forbidden you from returning to your childhood home. You did not move to clean the remnants away. You didn't dare look at Hermione, who you could picture with a hand over her mouth and a look of pity in her eyes that made you want to disappear completely.
"You have me," Hermione said eventually, meekly, as if she wasn't sure how much that was worth. "You can stay with me and my family. You know you'll never be alone. I mean, if you want to. I know so far I've already been cause for a howler."
"Yeah," you whispered. You didn't know whether you could manage more in that moment.
"Yes?" she asked, seeking confirmation, but you didn't miss the hint of betrayal in her voice.
"Yeah, that would be great," you stuttered, trying to sound sure of yourself. "Merlyn knows I'll need a new bodyguard with less muscle than me."
She smiled, even though it was watery, and gently leaned in for another kiss.
You knew you had chosen right. You knew this might someday lead to heaven on earth. You knew Hermione was forever for you.
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thatseventiesbitch · 3 months
That '90s Show Part 2 Review
Overall, I'm giving Part 2 4.5 Stars out of 5!!!! I completely loved it, and thought it was an improvement from last season. I am now all the more excited for part 3, given what I know is still coming. 😜
If you're interested, here's my real-time reactions thread from Twitter (pinned to the top of my bio).
Stay tuned for my breakdown (warning: there be spoilers here):
The Good
The H U M O R continues to be the brightest spot for me. This is a genuinely funny show - I laughed out loud (okay, closer to howled if we're being honest) several times. It feels similar (though not identical) to T70S' brand of humor. I can tell it was made by the same people. This season, like last, Ozzie was my main man and had the one-liners that sent me the most but I can say the same for Jay, Gwen, Nate, and Leia too. And Bob. Oh hell, all of them! I'm sure I'll be reblogging my favorite moments for months to come while we wait for part 3!
The C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T is the other shining star for me. The first season was limited (disappointing?) in this regard - to be fair, they only had 10 episodes to introduce us to a whole new handful of characters and make us care about them, and they mostly did. But this season brought the depth I was looking for - and we're only halfway through! 🤯 We learn more about Jay's playboy past, and see how he's actively working to grow and change and do his relationship with Leia differently. Ozzie is humanized when he has his heart broken - and his friends are there to pick up the pieces 💔. Nate struggles with his feelings and relationship with Nikki all season, and by the end of episode 8 he seems to be grappling with still having real feelings for her that he can't move on from. Nikki's pregnancy scare really affected her, and not in the way one would necessarily expect. She ended part 2 feeling lost and unsure of her direction, or what she truly wants (and not her parents), for the first time in her life. Gwen's storylines were perhaps my favorite of all (I'm a big Gwen stan, okay?). I was impressed that they decided to 'go there' with the racism plot, and even more impressed at the frank conversation she had at the end of the episode with her white (and well-intentioned, but bumbling) mom. Was it perfect and resolved? No. I think that was kind of the point. Not to mention her navigating her first real feelings and her relationship (?) with Cole. And Leia, my lovely Leia - she is learning about communication, forgiveness, honesty - all with the gentle guidance of her family and her friends. And that's not to mention Red and Kitty, who had sweet, plot-driving storylines of their own. I loved their realization that they like their rut - but loved even more when Red was inspired to live every day like it's his last and pushed through his fears to go to Paris with Kitty 🥰. This longer season has afforded more 'filler-like' episodes for us to just hang out with the characters, and get to know them more intimately. What are their wants, fears, insecurities, innermost thoughts? We are getting there. We are really getting there. Let's see what 8 more episodes will bring!
BOB! Bob gets his own point, because I enjoyed him so much (and seeing him and Red eventually come together to be overprotective grandpas 🤣. I laughed so much at his relationship with Leia, how they were just chilling in the basement, how he wanted all the teen gos. And Gwen's "What the heck, do you tell your grandpas everything?" 😂
DONNA! I adore Donna Pinciotti (Forman?), always have, and I adore her even more in the '90s than I thought possible. I love seeing her as a mom and her relationship with Leia. More pls.
This season felt more '90s to me! They incorporated more '90s references and brought back the regular fantasy sequences that always set the original apart. Off the top of my head, I loved: Kitty's Carmen Electra fantasy/nightmare (😂), Leia's Lisa Loeb fantasy (🤣), the Macarena (that shit was e v e r y w h e r e in the mid-90s, man), the Mentos commercial, Jay and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith cameo!!! also, Leo's son???) and all of Kitty's '90s slang that she picked up from the kids at school 😂👏🏻
The guest stars! Mitch and The Angel returned from T70S, and I am a big Will Forte/that era of SNL stan so I thoroughly enjoyed his appearance, too (and know he's been involved on the OG series on the writing/production side).
Red's trains (callback to season 1 of T70S - whoa!!) 🥰
I thought they struck a good balance this season between those heartfelt, 'very special episode'-type moments that '90s sitcoms were infamous for, without actually being too sickly-sweet, ala a Full House or Girl Meets World type moment. Donna and Leia's interaction in Nikki's bedroom regarding the voicemail comes to mind, as well as the is-Nikki-pregnant storyline and Nikki and Nate's celebratory dance at the end 🤣.
Which reminds me - I thought Nikki and Nate's storyline was intriguing. I have always been sort of a fan of their relationship - I don't think it's as bad as some others seem to - but remain unconvinced that they're 'meant to be' or endgame or whatever. But I enjoyed watching them navigate their break-up this season and then reluctantly find their ways back to each other, though. We'll see where it goes in part 3!
I immediately noted (and was pleased!) that there was a Laurie mention and a Midge mention this season. Both very off-hand, but it was something I was curious about. Who will be next? Betsy Kelso? 😮
The Bad
For me, ngl, Topher Grace's (Eric) absence was really felt. It is definitely the kids' show now and a substantial storyline isn't one I'd ever expect, but gosh I missed him from the family scenes at the beginning (both those with Red & Kitty, and those with Donna & Leia). The silver lining is how the other characters continue to reference him - almost in every episode, really - and so we still learn things about him and his relationships to his wife, daughter, and parents through these mentions from other characters. There will always be a part of me that is crossing my fingers for another Eric appearance, though, and I think there always will be.
Kitty's characterization as an overbearing mother was overdone. To be fair, this isn't a deviation from the original show. This is how she was often written towards the end of T70S - overbearing, possessive of Eric, lashing out at Donna or feeling in competition with her. It was done for laughs, but it wasn't particularly funny to me (and never was) 🤷‍♀️.
Not enough Geia content for my 'shipper heart 😩. We got one boob touch 😂, and it is clear that Leia still prioritizes her friendship with Gwen above all else (I lol'ed when she worried Gwen was in jail and that she would have to commit a crime to join her) but I want more, damn it! Part 2 solidified for me that Geia is never going to be anything more than a crack!ship. 😰
Which reminds me - Jay and Leia are kind of 'meh' for me. They're fine, I don't dislike them together, and I do like how we're seeing them both learn and grow through their relationship but... it just inspires kind of lukewarm feelings, I guess.
There wasn't a lot of Sherri in part 2. I love Sherri. Hope to see more of her in the next part.
The Ugly
I am pleased to say that I can't think of anything!!! Fez was absent (although they didn't directly reference their break-up, Sherri is clearly single and on the prowl all season) but I didn't miss him (🤭). Ditto to Kelso and Jackie - although we did get one reference to Jay's dad and the Kelso family heirloom (aka porn). I would say the ugliest part is that I now have to wait until October for part 3!!!
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· T H E A R T O F G E T T I N G T O K N O W | S P E N C E R R E I D · PT 1
I'm sorry if some jokes don't make much sense in English, as they were originally written in Spanish. I'm not very good at English either, so this might not be the best translation. Sorry! This fanfic is just an experiment, so please don't be too harsh... I'm not a writer; I just want to have fun. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it!
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· Pairing: Spencer Reid/OC · Category: Fluff · Warning: None · Words: 2650 · Parts: Pt 2 · Pt 3 · Pt 4 · Summary : Eli, a psychology expert and old friend of Luke's, joins the UAC as a consultant and quickly bonds with Spencer Reid. As they delve into a complex case, Eli and Spencer find themselves drawn to each other on a deeper level. · Note about Eli: Her neurodivergence (She is autistic) is implied but it's never really said. · Spanish on Wattpad. English isn't my first language, be kind!
· Masterlist
· P O V E L I ·
Eli was sitting on the backrest of the bench. She took a sip of coffee and looked at her friend.
—Hey, give me a pastry, Luke. Are you going to eat them all or what? We always have the same fight over breakfast… if I didn’t love him… well, and if I wasn’t so sleepy…
—Haven't you already had one? —the dark-haired man protested.
—Hey! I really hate you sometimes. Don’t move the box away again! —Eli complained as she pulled the hood of her sweatshirt over her wavy, black hair. It was quite cold, especially this early.
Sometimes we had breakfast together before work. I work as a professor at the university; I studied psychology and forensic sciences. And Luke… well, he's a criminologist, working in the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit.
—Seriously, give me a damn pastry. I’m hungry, and you’re such a glutton! —She jumped off the bench and tried to grab them.
—What the…? What do you mean by glutton? What’s that? AHAHAHA
—It means you eat a lot, that you eat everything, smartass… —Eli commented, narrowing her dark eyes.
—Really? Now you’re part of the Royal Academy of Language?
—Since when are you so sarcastic? I hate it when he makes me grumble… seriously, pff… By the way, aren’t you supposed to stay in shape for the FBI, oh “super smarcle agent ”?
—It’s a play on words, little brother. Do you know what that is? Smarty + muscles —the girl smiled mockingly.
—Uh, you’re so funny, shorty… If you keep laughing, you’re going to choke…
—You love it when I give you nicknames. Smarty is my favorite —she smiled broadly, tilting her head to look at him.
We’ve known each other since we were kids, we’re like siblings. I know he adores me, though sometimes… Well, our relationship is like that. I guess we love each other, but we can’t help it.
—Stop calling me that… I hate it…
—Oh… I’m sorry… did I hurt your little pastry-filled heart?
—Seriously…? hahaha you’re the worst… —Luke shifted and gave her the last pastry.— I knew he would do that… This idiot always makes me smile in the end. —Hey, changing the subject… have you thought about what I told you? Let me talk to my boss, seriously, your help would be great on this case.
—Seriously, Luke, I’m swamped with work…
—Eli… I know it scares you, but on the other hand, you’re motivated to try new things. It’s an opportunity to help a lot of people, and me… come on…- That pouty face… ugh…
—O-Okay… Yeah, yeah, I can do it, but if I get overwhelmed with work, I’ll have to drop it, you know that, right?
—Yes, yes, a thousand thanks, babe! I love you! —And I…
—I know —she said, raising an eyebrow before taking a sip of her coffee, as if it didn’t matter.
—Stop acting tough, dummy…
· P O V L U K E ·
Luke arrived at the BAU and greeted his colleagues, who were already working in the bullpen. He was a little late because he got held up with Eli.
—JJ, his blonde friend, greeted him quickly and commented—: Hey, I hope at least you brought something for breakfast, slowpoke.
—What’s up with all of you today? —Luke laughed—. Stop giving me a hard time for a bit, will you? Sometimes a guy has a heart —he said, pouting.
—All of you? —JJ’s eyes widened—. Uh, who’s the girl giving you a hard time…?
—Very funny, JJ… I wish it were that kind of thing —Luke joked with a smile.
Spencer chuckled, watching the scene, and Rossi held back his own jokes.
—I’ve been with Eli. She’s like my sister, so cut it out with those kinds of comments, will you? It’s… ugh, almost incestuous —his friends reacted with some laughter; they’d heard of her before but didn’t know her—. Anyway, I have to go talk to Emily, see you in a bit.
—Yes, sir… and he dodges work again… —Rossi commented.
—How’s that crossword coming along, Rossi? —Spencer couldn’t resist adding with a grin.
· P O V E L I ·
The hustle and bustle of the UAC headquarters was more overwhelming than I had anticipated. I accepted Luke's offer, but now that I was here, surrounded by strangers in an environment that seemed so alien to my world, I was starting to have doubts. "What kind of mess have I gotten myself into?"
—Eli, come here! —He greeted me with his usual carefree smile, the one he wears so well and that always made me feel a bit more at ease, but that also had the power to get me into trouble from which I didn’t know how to get out, because the truth is I’ve never been good at saying no and Luke tends to be very persuasive, he’s always been like that since we were kids. "Okay, Eli, you can do this. Just hold on a bit, meet the people, and then go back to your safe zone."
—Guys, this is Eli —Luke said, placing his hand on my shoulder.
I nodded, trying to appear calm and confident. "Okay, breathe, smile, and greet. Everything will be fine..."
—Hi, it’s a pleasure. —I tried to smile warmly, but meeting new people isn’t exactly my strength. So I’m not quite sure what my face looked like at that moment... I’m not too fond of having my personal space invaded and suddenly find a blonde girl 10 cm away from me... I almost died...
—Hi! I’m Garcia, Penelope. Oh my God, are you really friends with Luke? Do you put up with him? —I liked that she had a lot of decorations in her hair and wore so many colors. It was like she illuminated the room.
—Well... actually no, not much.
I tried to joke, but I think I was more serious than I intended, although she laughed. "Damn Luke, I shouldn’t have let him talk me into this. I think I’m having a panic attack right now, there are too many new people here..."
—Haha... so funny, Eli... I think what Eli means, Garcia, is that I put up with her. Let me introduce you to the others. Rossi, JJ, Matt, and... Where’s Reid?
—He said he’d be late today, he’ll be here in a bit —JJ, the long-haired blonde with clear eyes, added—. Let’s start without him.
"Great... come on Eli, take it step by step... Be cordial, do your job, smile, kill Luke, and go home. Not necessarily in that order."
Luke took me around, introducing me to the rest of the team. I tried to keep my composure, but my mind was a mess. "I’m smiling, right? Touch your face subtly and check... Okay, no, damn it, smile, your serious face is scary. Okay, good, now yes. Be beautiful, be a damn Disney princess."
Finally, Luke led me to his desk, and I sat down, grateful for a moment of rest. The atmosphere was pleasant, yes, but also overwhelming in a way I hadn’t anticipated. I need a lot of preparation, and new environments overwhelm me too much. Just at that moment, I heard Luke’s soft voice breaking the silence.
—Don’t worry, Eli, you’ll do well here. Besides, you haven’t met Reid yet. I’m sure you’ll like him —he said with a reassuring smile.
—Yeah... It’s not that... Too many people all of a sudden... All unknown... —I replied with a somewhat forced smile, though I was starting to feel a bit more comfortable. Hopefully, I could handle the situation without seeming like a complete rookie.
—Come on Eli... You can handle this and more. I trust you, so trust yourself too. I love you, okay? —I smiled at him, trying, in part, to feel better about myself.
· P O V S P E N C E R ·
I arrived later than usual, and when I walked into the office, the first thing I noticed was the new presence in the room. Luke was talking to a woman who, by her posture and the way she looked around, seemed a bit out of place, but still maintained a smile on her face, a smile that looked forced.
As I approached, I could see that she was making a visible effort to fit in. Luke spotted me immediately.
—Reid! —he called out, pointing to the new arrival—. Come here, let me introduce you, our new external consultant. My friend Elisabeth Jackson.
Elisabeth looked at me, and for a second, our gazes met. I don’t know what happened in that moment that threw me off completely. She smiled shyly, and something in her expression made me smile too.
—Hi, Elisabeth. It’s a pleasure to meet you —I said, trying to sound as friendly as possible. Her dark, intense eyes sparkled with an intelligence that seemed to want to analyze every little detail. But also a hint of nervousness that made me smile, recognizing in her someone who, like me, might prefer to be in a quiet library rather than in the midst of a group of talking people.
—Hi, Reid. —She said with a friendly tone, though I perceived a slight tension in her voice. —Eli is fine... —she hesitated.
—Okay, Eli... yeah, sorry... —I don’t know why I got nervous, suddenly felt like an idiot for apologizing.
We stood there for a moment, exchanging tense but cordial smiles, until Luke broke the silence to continue with the introductions, and we went back to our daily routine. However, I couldn’t help but glance at Eli a couple more times during the morning, curious, not knowing why she intrigued me so much.
· P O V E L I ·
Spencer Reid's arrival jolted me out of my reverie. The prodigy in his field, well, in many fields, I knew who he was, and of course, I was familiar with his work, but I didn’t recall his eyes, and that they would impact me more than his publications. "Girl, what are you thinking...?"
Yes, I knew him from college, just from a couple of classes; we crossed paths occasionally, though he doesn’t seem to remember who I am, to be honest. Understandable, on the other hand.
We sat together during the meeting, and although I spent most of the time in silence, feeling like an outsider in a new environment, Reid made the atmosphere a bit more bearable. He didn’t talk much, but when he did, his words carried a weight that made them seem more significant.
He looked at me with his brown, curious eyes, as if he were trying to decipher who I was. *He did this repeatedly throughout the day and I tried not to seem too nervous; I didn’t want them to think I wasn’t up to the task. "He’s uncomfortably kind, analytical, looking for something... and my abilities drop to -1000 when someone is watching me, damn it..."
The day went on, and despite my initial anxiety, I gradually started to feel more comfortable. Garcia was a whirlwind of positive energy, and although she intimidated me at first, I soon found that her enthusiasm was contagious. Spencer, on the other hand, was a calm and constant presence, someone I knew I could share deep conversations with without feeling judged.
The first day was going quite well. "I need a break..." I went to the common room and sat down to eat something, not before getting distracted by making little paper balls with a napkin and scribbling in my small red notebook. Spencer walked in just as I was stacking several objects on top of each other, trying to see if I could balance them. Me and my brilliant mind.
—Sometimes, a break is just what you need to think clearly. —He said as he pulled a sandwich from his bag, looking at Eli with amused curiosity and sitting down across from her.
—Eli jumped and knocked everything over, not without letting out a small scream first. —Oh, crap... —She turned beet red as she looked up and began to pick everything up.
—Spencer chuckled quietly. —What are you doing...?
—I... uh... n-nothing... It’s just how I am. —She opened her eyes wide. "What are you saying?! How are you like this?! Are you dumb or what?"
—He couldn’t hold back and let out a small laugh. *—*He seemed entertained, certainly... an improvised 3D puzzle.
—Well... yeah... —He cleared his throat, biting his lip, fiddling with the napkin. —I like puzzles.
—Yeah, I can tell. —The brunette gave a smile, leaning a little toward her, almost instinctively. —I guess this job, like psychology, has something to do with puzzles.
—Eli smiled softly, feeling more at ease and forgetting the previous incident, then hesitated before continuing. —I’ve always been interested in human behavior, patterns... Since I was little, I’d observe how people acted. In fact, when I was in college... —She paused for a few seconds, hesitating. —I had a class in criminology with you. You were... well, like you are now: brilliant.
—Really? —He asked, furrowing his brow slightly as he tried to remember, looking up. —What was the class?
—Advanced Psychology. —She murmured uncertainly. —You were always at the front.
—Advanced Psychology... —he repeated, then his expression changed as if something clicked in his memory. —Row four, seat six... was that you? You always had a notebook... yes, like that one, red, and you sat near the window.
—Oh! —She exclaimed, surprised and a bit flushed. —Yes, that was me... I can’t believe you remember so well. "Don’t get too excited, friend, he has a super brain, it’s not because of you."
—I have eidetic memory, but... —he smiled slightly, somewhat embarrassed. —It’s not always so clear with people. What seems odd to me is that you noticed me, I mean, hmm... well, you know... that you specifically remember me... —Spencer trailed off, unsure of how to finish.
"I need to scream and process everything he’s telling me. Are there any hidden messages here? Can someone translate all this for me?!" —Uh... Well, it’s that I’ve always played at that, really, I like observing and learning. I memorize what people do, how they are, how they might be... So I remember weird things at absurd moments, I suppose —she admitted with a soft laugh, now feeling more at ease. —You always seemed so focused, so... in your own world.
—It’s funny... —he said, looking directly into her eyes, with a sincere smile. —I always thought I was completely alone in that world, but maybe that wasn’t entirely true.
—I’m glad to know I wasn’t so invisible after all. —She said, holding back a sigh.
—Definitely not. —He said softly, smiling —And now, I’m really happy that we’re here, sharing something more than just a class.
—And I... —she replied, feeling the conversation flow naturally, though she felt like running through the halls screaming and completely red. She wasn’t sure if she had a kind, panicked, or clownish expression. "Oh God, I’m losing it. What’s happening? He’s adorable and I want to die!!"
The case would continue its course; Luke provided me with constant support, he knows my difficulties, and for me, the most important thing at that moment was to adapt, to find my place among them. With a bit of luck, I might feel settled in this new environment. "Come on, Eli. Just one step at a time." · Requests via DM ·
Well, the first chapter. I had an introduction, but I decided to combine it with the first chapter since it felt too short. I hope you like it; I'll try to update soon. I'm really enjoying writing the conversations, to be honest. There’s still quite a bit to go, I don’t know how many chapters there will be, but my idea is for this to be very FLUFFY, you know, kisses, intimacy, cuddles... we'll get there. If you have any comments, contributions, or questions... you know where to find me. That will come soon, I’ll speed up to get to the important stuff, I promise.
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issie-https · 1 year
A-Z Headcanons
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Izzy Stradlin X Reader Headcanons
A/n: Izzy is my babygirl(he’s like 3 times my age). Anyways, last headcanon for the week(probably).
Word count: 1001
Warnings: Smut!!!
A - Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
He doesn't hate it but he prefers to cuddle and watch tv or have a smoke together.
B - Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner's)
He loves his nose. He loves having you sit on his face because he can just devour you from there and oh lord, is it good.
His favourite part of you is your mouth. Same as Slash, he loves to fuck your mouth until you're tapping on his thigh for air.
C - Cum (anything to do with cum)
Cannot decide on whether he loves to cum everywhere or whether he'd rather cum inside you. Probably a bit of both, depends on if he's feeling possessive or not.
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Around the other guys or in public, Izzy is quiet and yk, seems like he doesn't like much. But in the bedroom(or wherever you decide to fuck), he's loud, loving and everything else in between.
E - Experience (how experienced are they)
Very experienced. All I'm gonna say.
F - Favorite Position (self explanatory)
From behind. Whether it be doggy, you bent over something, etc. . Cannot convince me otherwise.
G - Goofy (are they more silly or serious in the moment)
Serious. Like, he takes sex seriously. Not like a task or anything like that but he definitely prefers it to be serious but if you're both drunk or high(or both), a few giggles will be let out.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they)
He's fairly trimmed because I don't feel like he wants a bush but also doesn't want to be fully shaven.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
It's rough most of the time but every so often(or if you specifically ask), he can be so fucking romantic.
J - Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
Hear me out...
He comes home from the studio and hears your moans from the bedroom so he walks in and sees you fingering yourself and boy, are you IN for it.
(Yes, reverse version of Duffs. Shut up.)
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Spanking, bondage, dacryphilia, temperature play(ice cubes) and some other stuff. This man is down for anything. I think he’d be into cnc but it’s not his number one kink.
L - Location (favorite place to do the do)
Kitchen(bending you over the counter), Living room(bending you over the sofa). Basically anywhere he can bend you over something.
M - Motivation (what gets them going)
Anything. This man is quiet in the streets, and a freak in she sheets.
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs)
Not much but he isn’t into knife play. He doesn’t like the idea of possibly causing permanent damage to you.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skills)
Edges you with his tongue until you’re a whimpering mess under him.
If you’re the one giving head, he’s holding your head down so he’s hitting the back of your throat and your tears are running down your cheeks.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual)
Fast and rough king. He loves pounding into you because of how loud you get for him. If you want a soft night, he’d be okay with it but the next night you fuck, he’s going twice as hard.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)
Prefers long fuck sessions but won’t turn down a quickie because the less time you have, the quicker he goes and as mentioned above, fast and rough king.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment)
Yes but prefers to stick to what youse usually do. But yeah, if you wanna try something new, he’s down asf.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
3-4 rounds for about 30-45 minutes each round(wow that was randomly specific Jesus). But despite that, he could go all night gladly.
T - Toy (do they own toys? Do they use them?)
Y.E.S. Butt plugs, vibrators, ropes, cuffs, gags, blindfolds, etc. . I don’t think he’d use them on himself, like at all. But he uses them on you often. He also probably has some vibrating panties that he makes you wear in public because he loves teasing you.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
As said like 8 words ago, he LOVES to tease you. He’s a little fucker for teasing you. Wherever, whenever(we’re meant to be together(shakira)), he can tease you, he’s going to tease you and so much until you’re literally crying and begging for him to fuck you.
V - Volume (how loud are they)
Not too loud himself but loves when you get vocal. Loves to hear you beg for him in anyway. He also likes when you’re at that point of just babbling because you’re so fucked out to form actual words or sentences.
W - Wild Card (get a random headcanon)
You and him have a sex tape(not a Pam & Tommy situation. Just saying). It started off as a joke between you both but at some point, you talked it over and decided to actually do it so you(and by you, I mean him) can watch it when he’s on tour.
X - X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants)
Not giant but not tiny. I’m saying 5-7 inches because we all know that it’s not the size that counts but how well they use it(at least for me that is).
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Horny/dtf 24/7. He won’t always fuck you but you know he’s always horny.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards)
Literally never sleeps. Jk but you will have a full nap/sleep and he’s still awake(and smoking a cig because it’s Izzy Stradlin we’re talking about). I feel like he loves to watch you sleep but not in a sexual way(sometimes, yk, cnc).
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miraiq · 5 months
The rat often calls him and idiot, and it makes him a n g r y every damn time. But.. but maybe this time Yuki was right. The ginger was, in f a c t , a dumbass. Or perhaps a coward would be more accurate a title. Look he was n e r v o u s -- OKAY!! God back o f f . Can you blame him for being too anxious to committing to not only g e t t i n g a gift for Tohru.. but actually having to hand it over to her? Plus---- P l u s ! How could he give it to her when the brunette is constantly surrounded by people? He g e t s it, she is a shining light in all of their lives. But is it t o o d a m n much to ask for like five fucking minutes with her?
So here Kyo is, standing outside her room a f t e r dinner and everyone is left to their own devices with the gift he managed to buy her from some random shop the lad doesn't even r e m e m b e r the name of. Kyo had just been walking by and out of the c o r n e r of his eye saw something shiny ( his cat brain couldn't resist the temptation to investigate ). It was a pretty h a i r c l i p , even if it was simple in design and materials- and took an i m m e d i a t e step into the shop to inquire about purchasing it.
It was w e i r d that it was shaped to resemble a cat.. wasn't it? That he, the poor soul being c u r s e d by the spirit of the cat, wanted to provide a gift in the same image as himself...? Yeah. Definitely w e i r d . That possibly aided in his hesitation to actually give the hair accessory to Tohru. Giving her a present, and having it almost seem like some sort of weird animalistic c l a i m ? Definitely odd. Oh boy. You know what- doesn't matter! Even if he w a s n ' t the unluckiest person currently on the p l a n e t because he was The Cat, he still would have chosen the same gift! It was a n i c e color, and the cartoonish cat motif matched her c u t e nature.. it suited her-- has nothing to do with him in the slightest! Thank you very much!
Her door was left a j a r, light pouring out the cracks- which let Kyo at least know he had a chance to see her, as she was still a w a k e . If Tohru's door had been closed, then he would have smacked himself for being such a w u s s by taking too long that he's going to be even later with his gift. Or he could have l e f t the tiny bag that the gift was in b e s i d e her door.. with her name on it, so she knew it was for h e r ---- Not now. Now, he has an o p p o r t u n i t y to seize!
Kyo gave a firm knock to the door, waiting until he heard a ' c o m e i n " from the lass, and proceeded to do just so, pushing the door out of the way and forcing his feet f o r w a r d before he could back out again. The hand hidden inside his jacket pocket clenches as his nerves s p i k e d , determined to push through it and just do what he came to. So he did-- albeit abruptly, j o l t i n g his arm forward that had the tiny giftbag so it was almost directly in her face probably so he didn't have to look Tohru in the eyes and die right on the spot.
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❛ Look.. I.. I know I'm l a t e -- But..
Happy Birthday.. and all that.. ❜
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
Hmmmm.... Just to be fair to all the Kangaroos, do you have NSFW headcannons for Ryan and Rena? Asking for science. Yup. Just science, nothing more. Don't look at me 😂
Just to be fair, yes, of course XD
Okay first of all looks!! Ryan and Rena are inverted colours-wise to what Kingston has. So their shoulders and backs in roo form are that golden peanut-butter like colour while their chest and underbelly are the dusky dark brown colour. And in human form they're both blonde. Ryan wears a very similar hat to Kingston, while Rena wears that shade of blue on her eyelids.
THE DEFINITION of a switch XD It completely completely depends on her partner as to which roll she takes- but either way she kills. She can be a total dominatrix, knowing exactly how much force to use to make you cum, but also bat her eyelashes and make herself cry if she thinks that'll really get you going more. She loves both rolls, she doesn't have a preference XD (though... with Henry I think she's probably prefer to be the sweet little sub XD )
She's actually not a great dancer?? Its not her strength 😅 She's up to trying (Rena's up for anything), she'll get up on stage and work a pole good enough... but she ain't special. Not star-quality at all 😅 She's enthusiastic, though!! Haha.
HIGH sexual appetite. Like, this woman is always looking to fuck. Which is (part of) why she and Kingston go through their non-monogamous phases; sometimes he just can't keep up with her XD 😅 (or more like doesn't want to. He can-- he's just not quite as constantly horny as she is)
As I've said before- Rena is a femme fatale. A really fucked up, crazy, borderline depressed femme fatale, but a femme fatale all the same. And as such, she can be d a n g e r o u s l y sexy. I feel like I mostly talk about how batshit bonkers crazy she is, but she c a n often appear to be a mysterious and alluring creature. When she wants someone, she gets them. She's got amazing focus.
She w i l l t o t a l l y flash a person if she's dared to XD (so will Kingston).
Rena masturbates. A lot. Yes, she fucks a lot but sometimes she just... eh, doesn't feel like having anyone else there. She goes into moods where she hates everyone and can't bear to have anyone around her. And she's perfectly capable to give herself a mindblowing orgasm! Sometimes she's romantic with herself, lighting candles and taking herself slowly in the bath tub- and sometimes she dissapears into a dark corner or hallways and fingers herself quick and dirty.
Call her mommy!! Call her daddy!! She's so into it. Fuck yes she's your mommy. Who's your daddy?
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Ryan is more a lover then a fucker. He wants to treat his girl (or gentleman caller) with respect- but oh my goddddddd he will drive you crazy. You'll want him to use you so bad. And he will... but it'll really take some convincing. And he may have to be a little pissed off, too.
Yes, Ryan may prefer to treat you nicely during sex... but that doesn't mean he's not in control. He will hold you perfectly still in order to eat you out properly, hold you down to pound you, hold your wrists together above your head, etc. He wants you to feel good!!
And- hell yes- Ryan loves to go down on his partner. Genuinly loves it. For his own pleasure as well as theirs. Whether it's a pretty pussy or a nice big cock he's gonna want it in and around his mouth.
Consent king. He taps articles of clothing before taking them off to get your permission, meticulously remembers even in the HOTTEST heat of the moment where you don't like being touched, leans in and waits for you to lean in the rest of the way. Also after-care king.
Very willing to fuck his friends. Kingston? Definitely!! He loves Kingston! If his best buddy wants an orgasm he'll take care of it. Wheezy? That guy is objectively hot as hell and he doesnt mind admitting it- so no he doesn't mind fucking him, at all. Poppy? If she's into it he'll take such good care of her ^^ Show her, platonically, how she should be getting fucked.
If Ryan were in the digital age- he would be e x c e l l e n t at dick pics and videos. No awkward shots of the head, no no. He's good at this. He'll send a picture of his hard cock hugged in tight underpants, he'll send a video of him adjusting this very obvious bulge. He'll tease you to death until finally he sends you a video of him pumping it. He likes dick too- he knows what we wanna see XD 😂
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BONUS: Extra Kingston
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
2 | Ridiculous
Series: No Prince Charming
Paring: Harry Hook x Original female character Princess!
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: none
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As Bella was walking down the hall Audrey turns the corner bumping into her, "Oh, Bella." She eyes her.
"Haven't we talked about your outfit choices? Your parents prefer you in dresses and skirts." Audrey points at her outfit.
"Yes, we have and yes they do but I can wear what I want to wear." Bella smiles walking off.
"I wasn't done."
"I am!" Bella waves walking to class.
During history class Jay and Bella sat beside each other and she kept stopping him from stealing her stuff the entire time.
"Are you going to give up?" She asks as she gets her bag as class was over.
"I'm just testing you. See how well trained you are." Jay eyes her leaving class first.
"Apparently better than you my dude." She talks to herself leaving the class you following Jay from far behind.
As she walks past him standing with Mal at her locker she holds up his history papers he had put in his bag, "Again!" He shouts making Mal confused. "Stop stealing my stuff. You proved you're good." Jay takes the papers out of her hand.
"Huh?" Mal looks at them.
"Princess Isabella here is a gifted thief." Jay explains so Bella gets something out of her bag.
"Have you noticed yet?" Bella smiles showing Mal her spell book.
"When did you? How? Give me that." Mal takes it back.
"She got something that important for you and you didn't even notice... You're surprising me." Jay laughs.
"How long have you had it?" Mal asks.
"Umm about two hours since I took it during math with you. Thank you Amir for teaching me. Aladdin's son by the way." Bella tells her which shocked her. "Oh and Evie's magic mirror." She passes it over.
"Just proving to Jay, I'm better than him at his own game. See you at the game." Bella walks off from them.
"She's bad deep down." Jay looks at Mal.
"I would guess it gets boring here." Mal watches Bella till she was out of sight.
Later at the game Bella stood with Mal and Evie, "Do we normally win?" Evie asks her.
"Yeah, I don't care like most of the school does. But it might be interesting with Carlos and Jay on the team now." She tells her.
While the game goes on and Carlos was put in all start to get nervous as it was a tied game. "GO! YOU GOT THIS!" Bella screams at Carlos, Ben, and Jay as they get close to the goal.
"He scores!" Evie and Bella cheer jumping up and down.
"The winners of the first-,"
Ben steals the mic, "Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have you attention, please? There's something I'd like to say." He looks around, "Give me an M!"
"Give me an A!" He yells.
"He's..." Bella looks at Mal.
"Give me an L!"
"L!" Everyone screams.
"What's that spell?" He asks?
"Mal!" Everyone one screams.
"I love you Mal. Did I mention that? Give me a beat!" He yells making the band start to okay.
"Oh, my god." Bella's jaw drops with the girls.
"What was in that cookie?" Mal laughs.
"Did you do something?" Bella laughs, "Because if so... trust me, you didn't have to." She says knowing he already had a crush on her.
"Did I mention that I'm in love with you? And did I mention there's nothing I can do? And did I happen to say, I dream of you every day, Well let me." Ben sings
"Shout it out loud!" Everyone sings.
"If that's ok. Hey hey"
"Hey!" Bella and Evie shout.
"If that's ok, Hey!"
"I met this girl that rocked my world. Like it's never been rocked. And now I'm living just for her. And I won't ever stop. I never thought that it could happen. To a guy like me. But now look at what you've done. You got me down on my knees." Ben starts to dance making his sister crack up.
[Ben & Choir] Because my love for you is Ridiculous! I never knew (Who knew?) That it could be like this My love for you is Ridiculous! My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s (R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s) It's (Ridiculous) Just (Ridiculous) And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss
[Ben, Choir, All] Well did I mention that I'm in love with you? And did I mention there's nothing I can do? And did I happen to say I dream of you every day Well lemme Shout it out loud If that's ok Hey hey Yeah If that's ok (Hey)
"I gotta know which way to go. Come on, now give me a sign. You gotta show me that you're only. Ever gonna be mine. Don't wanna go another minute Livin without you. Cause if your heart just isn't it. I don't know what I'll do" Ben sings and r the team grow him forward making Bella and Mal cover their mouths.
[Ben, Choir, Both] Because my love for you is Ridiculous! I never knew (Who knew?) That it could be like this My love for you is Ridiculous! My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s (R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s) It's (Ridiculous) Just (Ridiculous) And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss Come on now
[Ben & Choir] Uh Oh yeah Yeow Alright (Hey) Alright
Ben throws his jersey out at the stands for Mal
[Ben, (Choir), Both] Because my love for you is Ridiculous! I never knew (Who knew?) That it could be like this My love for you is Ridiculous! My love is r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s (R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s)
"This is ridiculous." Bella laughs as Ben crowd servers over to them.
It's (Ridiculous) Just (Ridiculous)
When Mal sees him comes she tries to move away but Evie and Bella stop her.
"And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss. Come on now!" Ben stops right in front of her. "I love you, Mal. Did I mention that?" He puts his arm around her as Audrey comes up.
"Chad's my boyfriend now!" She steals the mic from Ben, "And I'm going to the coronation with him. So, I don't need your pity date." Audrey kiss Chad.
"Mal! Will you go to coronation with me?" Ben takes the mic back.
"Yes!" She shouts into the mic causing everyone to cheer.
"Evie, trust me. You don't need a prince. Especially one named Chad. You could do way better. I know I don't know you very well but from what I do know and see... You are talented and don't need a Prince to feel good about yourself." Bella says seeing she was upset so Mal listened in.
"Bella is right. You are very talented in sewing and beauty tips." Mal joins in.
"I guess I am kinda talented." Evie smiles.
"You are very talented." Mal laughs.
"To be honest, Mal. I don't care what you did to Ben." Bella says shocking her, "You got rid of Audrey and I love you for that. She's so just, ugh." Bella makes the girls laugh.
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gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy · 2 years
- Pov Scropius and Albus texting -
Scorpius 🦂❤️: Just left the Mannor see you on the train!
Albus 🐍🏳️‍🌈: amazing I can't wait to see you again :)
Scorpius🦂❤️: help I'm stuck in the bathroom-
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: what? Did someone lock you in a stall?
Scorpius🦂❤️: No I find myself without a 'menstruation help product '
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: omg I'm on my way
Scorpius 🦂❤️: My hero
Albus 🐍🏳️‍🌈: dude where are you? It's not like you to be late to class
Scorpius🦂❤️: I got locked In a closet again
Scorpius🦂❤️: and I can here you snickering form here, a literal closet. Not the methodical closet
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: It's just something about queer kids and closets - what closet?
Scorpius🦂❤️: the one in the hallway coming up from the dungeons
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: be right there
Scorpius🦂❤️ : yes come rescue me
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: I'm soooo board
Scorpius🦂❤️: Albus! We are is CLASS pay attention!!
Scorpius🦂❤️: don't give me that look! We can talk AFTER class
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: come on Scorp live a little - besides don't you have this chapter memorized by now?
Scropius🦂❤️: That's not the point!
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: come onnnn chat with meeeee
Scorpius🦂❤️: I'm not giving into your peer pressure Albus.
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: pleaseeeee 🥺
Scorpius🦂❤️: Fine! I'll text with you
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: Hehehhe
Scorpius🦂❤️: please don't tell me your texting me from detention that you got for texting when your where'nt supposed to.
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: yes that's exactly what I'm doing
Scorpius🦂❤️: I can't believe you
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: go on get it out now because I know you want too
Scorpius🦂❤️: I told you so.
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: There it is.
Albus 🐍🏳️‍🌈: Fuck, marry, kill me and my siblings
Scorpius🦂❤️: This is a trap.
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: come on answer the question
Scorpius🦂❤️: I'm well okay I whould marry you- obviously.
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: good choice
Scorpius🦂❤️: You dislike James more so kill him
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: PFFFF
Scorpius🦂❤️: And I guess I'm pulling a Harry Potter and sleeping with my best friends sister
Scorpius🦂❤️: Imagine these messages get leaked and Rita Skeeter takes this whole conversation out of context. You know she whould
Scorpius🦂❤️: " LOCAL DEATH EATER SPAWN KILLS ELDEST POTTER - Sleeps with both younger Potters too"
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: stop I'm DEAD -
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: Thank God this detention is over- I'm heading back down now
Scorpius🦂❤️: Yes cuddle time baby!!!! WooooooOOOOO
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: your so gay
Scorpius🦂❤️: you are too
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: * ga. S p *
Scorpius🦂❤️: stop messaging me and start holding me
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: ofc
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: here me out Lily: Draco is a dlif
Scorpius🦂❤️: wrong number babe
Scorpius🦂❤️: Also what is a dilf?
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: oh it's um- what you call someone who you see as a father figure but inst your actual father
Scorpius🦂❤️: ohhhh okay
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: Holy shit- I'm omw
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: babe I'm sorry
Scorpius🦂❤️: " babe " won't fix this.
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: it was a mistake I didn't mean to hurt you
Scorpius🦂❤️: Well you did.
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: please forgive me
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: I m s o r r y I was high!
Scorpius🦂❤️: you owe me a trip to Honey Dukes .
Albus🐍🏳️‍🌈: yes ofc
Scropius🦂❤️: I forgive you :)
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teen-cups-au · 4 months
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 14
Beginning of the comic | Previous | Next
The next afternoon, Chalice is in her room, surfing on her social networks to catch up. She sees a meme about studies struggles, shared by Sammy. A pic of Cala Maria and her 1561321th partner. And another one from Baroness von Bonbon featuring them together from the morning when they visited her, with Cala Maria, the triplets and Puphead, "Our bestie is back !!!" written in the description.
Chalice: Aw !
She likes the post. Someone then knocks at her door.
Chalice: Come in !
Cuphead enters.
Cuphead: Hey. I wanted to see you before going to work.
He yawns.
Chalice: You look tired.
Cuphead: Didn’t sleep much. Still too used to be awake all night.
She gets up.
Chalice: Ouch... At what time is your shift over ?
Cuphead: 2am.
Chalice: Is that even legal ?!
Cuphead: Reminder that my boss doesn’t give a shit.
Chalice: *sigh* That’s awful…
Cuphead: And how are you doing ?
Chalice: Fine. My body still aches a bit from not moving for more than a year, but it’s bearable.
Cuphead approaches her and hugs her. Chalice tightens him.
Chalice: Are you sure you’re gonna be okay ?
Cuphead: I never want to leave you again…
She smiles faintly.
Chalice: I can accompany you to the casino if you’d like ?
On their way, Cuphead suggests Chalice to demonstrate her his new skills.
Cuphead: Yanno, since last time, I learned some neat stuff. Like, I bet I can read your mind.
Chalice: *giggle* Oh yeah ?
Cuphead: Wanna see ? Think of a letter and I’ll tell you which one it is.
Chalice: Okay… ?
He stops walking and stands in front of her.
Cuphead: Now I’ll recite the alphabet, alright ?
Chalice looks at him, not sure of how to feel.
Cuphead: A B C D E F G H I J K L M-
Chalice’s eyebrows move sightly.
Cuphead: -N O P Q R-
Cuphead continues, still facing her.
Cuphead: -S T U V W X Y Z. Alright, I think it was around N O P Q, it’s P.
Chalice’s eyes widen.
Chalice: You’re scaring me…
Cuphead: Am I right ?
Chalice: Yes…
Cuphead laughs from pride.
Chalice: How did you do it ? I won’t feel safe around you like that !
Cuphead: Don’t worry, it’s not exactly what you think. I’ll explain you later.
His smile disappears as they reach the casino.
Chalice: Okay I guess… As for now, good luck.
She holds his hand. Cuphead blushes slightly, looking surprised at her and smiles.
Cuphead: Thank you.
He lets go of her hand to go.
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aly4khq · 1 year
HEADCANONS: What if AOT characters saw you breaking down (or about to) because of stress?
Characters: Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Erwin, Levi, Hanji
AOT x Black!Reader (SFW)
- - - - M I K A S A A C K E R M A N - - - -
• She'd be walking to her room when hearing your whimpers echoe from your lips. Slowly opening the door, she gazed upon the sight that was displayed. You grabbing onto your hair, possibly ripping out some strands, while tears raced out of your once overjoyed, warming eyes.
• She would hold you in her arms, rocking you gently, whispering soft comforting words into your ear. A bunch of i love you's and you're okay's.
• "Let's take a break, I'll protect you from everything dear." Her voice hypnotising your moves as your eyes start to drop heavy. Curling up in your bed, waiting for sleep to overcome you.
• Makes sure that if you need anything like a bath and gives it to you. At that moment, you are the main character.
- - - - - - - E R E N J E A G E R - - - - - -
• He'd catch onto your behaviour quickly. Sudden change of attitude? He'll make you feel like yourself again. Changing of food schedules? He'll encourage you to get betters
• But the day you were literally hyperventilating and crying, he felt hopeless. He didn't know what was wrong and how to help comfort you. '
'Should I touch them? No, they could panic more. But a hug can be good? Touching them though?'
As he came to his senses, his arms slowly wrapped around you and ordered you to breath carefully.
• To be honest, he was scared himself and was about to burst into tears right then and there just by looking at you.
• Gently caresses your muscles, giving you a soft massage after you relax.
• Reminds you that he is there. Let's you vent if you need to.
- - - - - - A R M I N A R L E R T - - - - - -
• Before you even acknowledge that you're not doing well, he's comforting you.
• "What's wrong? You can talk to me."
- "Huh?"
- "Why are you down, love?"
- "I don't even know myself."
• Treats you like a baby. Comforting you at night, reading you stories so you can sleep. Hugging you ever so often.
• He was so gentle and patient with you one time that you cried because of it.
• "☹️Woah, why are you crying?"
- "😭I love you so much. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't even know how I'll pay you back for everything-"
- "😰Okay calm down-"
• Your problem always has a diagnosis when Armin is around.
- - - - - - - E R W I N S M I T H - - - - - - -
• He isn't always spot on since he's a workaholic but 99.95% of the time he is.
• He'd send someone to find you and bring you to his office.
• "You're not in trouble nor is this work related" -> probably the first thing that comes from his mouth while you close the door behind you.
• Encourages you to take it out on the titans on the next expedition. 😁
- "Slice out all of your rage!"
- "Where?"
- "...Titans, darling. Titans."
• One minute you're sad the next you are laughing at his dad jokes.
• He also would let you sleep it out, you on his lap while he continues to do his work.
• Would still take on meetings with people he's close with (Aka Levi and Hanji)
- *Levi stares at you and Erwin in awe*
- Hanji screams, "AWWWH SO CUTE-"
- "Quiet, Hanji."
- - - - - L E V I A C K E R M A N - - - - - -
• Very confused but understands completely. First kneels down and tries to communicate with you.
• "Hey..? I'm here now."
• More physical therapy then verbal. Tends to hold you more and talk in your secret language.
• Makes sure that you have a bath and wipes away your tears.
• Doesn't mind if you cling onto his waist while he touches up your afro's shapes.
• "Um...brat...?"
- "Hm..."
- "Do you..need anything else?"
- "No." 🥱
- "Oh, okay." 😊
- - - - - - - - H A N J I Z O E - - - - - - - - -
• Gasps aggressively before immediately taking you in their arms.
•Treats you like a baby. Rocks you around the room and rubs their hand down your back.
• "What's wrong?"
- "I can't deal with this anymore.." 😥😭
- *You start to cry even harder*
- "Awwh! It's okay." 🥺
• Hugs you like it's the last day on Earth.
• Let's you take out your anger side on her bad experiments.
• Makes a little invention where you can hurt but it always comes back to it's origin form.
• Always keeps an eye out for you.
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Summary: A game of truth or dare among the team takes an interesting turn. (In a good way, I promise, I know we all have PTSD from the sentence "truth or dare" and CM)
Word count: 931
Can also be read here on Ao3
“Luke,” Penelope said. “Truth or dare?”
The team was having a “family get-together,” and they’d decided to let out their younger selves and play truth or dare.
“Dare,” Luke replied. 
Penelope was slightly taken aback as he’d been picking “truth” all night (he didn’t want to get dared to tell Penelope how he felt, although “dare” was potentially just as bad, but she didn’t need to know that) so it took her a moment to think of something to say. Then she remembered something Reid had told her the other day. You can tell a lot about a person based on the music they listen to.
“Okay, open Spotify on your phone, and let me look through your playlists.”
Luke sighed, relieved. At least she hadn’t asked to go through his messages. He did not want her to see his text chain with Matt and Tara where they teased him about his beyond-obvious feelings for her. 
Penelope took Luke’s phone from him and started going through his playlists. “Workout, Car Music, these are all pretty standard. Wait, Her? What’s on this one?”
Luke knew she’d find that one and he’d be teased for it, but that was fine. It wasn’t like there was anything on the playlist that identified who the “her” was. Well, actually, there was something, but you’d really have to be looking to find it. 
Penelope began to list off the songs on the playlist. “Oh my god, it’s full of love songs. Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpson, Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift, Not Another Song About Love by Hollywood Ending, Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish, Like I Can by Sam Smith, On My Way by Jennifer Lopez, Please Keep Loving Me by James TW, Empire by Ella Henderson—you know, Luke, this music taste is very shocking for you,”
He put his head in his hands and groaned. “Is my humiliation over yet?”
“Nope, gotta finish reading out the playlist. Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran, Altar by Tim Gallagher, Right Now by One Direction, Carry You by Ruelle, Infinity by AJR, and All In by Reagan Beem.”
Reid smiled to himself. He had assumed Luke had some sort of playlist all about his feelings for Garcia, but this was even better. He turned to the man in question. “Did you do that on purpose?”
“Did I do what on purpose?”
“Did you purposely arrange all the songs so the first letter of each song spelled out her name?”
“Wait, what?” Penelope exclaimed, still holding the phone.
“Okay, that’s enough of that!” Luke exclaimed, making a grab for his phone. 
“Oh absolutely not,” Tara said as she and Matt held him back. “I need to see where this is going.”
“Alright,” Penelope said. “What’s her name? P-E-N-E-L… O… P… E…” her voice trailed off as the spelling of the name became all too familiar to her, and she read the last six letters in her head. G-A-R-C-I-A. PENELOPE GARCIA. She whirled on Reid. “Did you tell me that tidbit about music saying a lot about people on purpose? So that I would ask him this question?”
Reid grinned. “Maybe.”
Penelope groaned and forked over a twenty-dollar bill. “Fine, I’ll admit it. That was good. I’ll gladly lose to that.”
“You’d gladly lose anyway,” Emily pointed out as she too handed Reid a twenty-dollar bill. In fact, everyone on the team save Luke handed Reid a twenty-dollar bill.
“Very true,” Penelope conceded.
“Does someone want to tell me what’s going on?” Luke asked.
“We had a bet,” Penelope explained. “Twenty dollars from each person to the first person who could get you to admit you liked me back.”
“And you were in on—wait did you say back?”
“And that’s our cue to leave,” Rossi said, standing up and gesturing that the rest of the team should leave the room with him. 
Once they were alone, Penelope resumed her explanation. “Everyone on the team had a bet on how they could get you to admit you like me back. Yes, I said back. Surprise, I don’t actually hate you!”
Luke stepped closer to her. “So… you knew this whole time?”
“You weren’t exactly subtle.”
He chuckled to himself. “No, I guess I wasn’t. Then you should know I more than just like you.” He stepped closer still and rested his hand on her cheek, stroking the soft skin with the pad of his thumb. “Penelope Garcia, I am in love with you.”
She made a small laugh at the back of her throat. “Hm! Wouldn’t you know? I’m in love with you too.”
Unable to hold back his joy, Luke leaned down and kissed her. He kissed her and kissed her and kissed her until something she had said caught up to him. He pulled back and said, “Wait, everyone on the team was in on this bet except me? Even you?”
She blushed lightly. “Yeah. Even me.”
He slides his arms down around her waist, holding her close to him. “So how did you bet I’d confess my undying love for you?”
“Well, I figured I’d just be in the middle of being my usual wonderful self and dazzling you all with my abilities and you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from blurting it out.”
“I came… embarrassingly close to making you a hundred and twenty dollars richer. Many times.”
Penelope smiled. “Oh yeah? You’ll have to tell me about those times.”
“I will,” Luke promised. “But not right now. Right now we should probably let the team back in.”
“Oh shit, yeah.”
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mizkit · 8 months
new blog post: Picoreview: The Mitchells vs the Machines
new blog post on https://mizkit.com/picoreview-the-mitchells-vs-the-machines/
Picoreview: The Mitchells vs the Machines
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Picoreview: Mitchells vs the Machines: did not finish
This was one of those I’d been meaning to get around to seeing because the reviews were so great, so I finally started it, and…half an hour in, I paused it, read the Wiki, and decided that yeah, no, it was not going to redeem itself and I didn’t need to finish watching it.
I 100% believe all the good reviews, honestly. The art style is fun, the animation is engaging, the characters are plausible, etc. It was subtly clear from what I watched that the lead character, Katie, is queer, but that wasn’t a major point or a point of conflict, it was just part of who she was. That was nice.
The film’s action plot is based around the latest iPhone being upgraded into an iRobot, which all immediately go off the rails and now they have to save the world, which, ok, that’s fine.
The film’s emotional plot revolves around Katie, 18ish and about to leave for college on the other side of the country, and her father, with whom she was very close as a child but has grown away from as he has, frankly, lost interest in her as she’s grown into a person of her own. I don’t feel like that’s a spoiler because it’s made really clear really early in the movie.
From here on out, however, there will be spoilers, because the thing that made it a DNF for me is a thing I really didn’t like and therefore want to talk about and it’s definitely a spoiler.
yeah ok it’s on you now
So the night before she leaves, during a messy conversation with her father, they accidentally break her computer. (It is an accident but it’s one precipitated by her father’s lack of interest in her work.) Her mother tells him he needs to fix this (not the computer, but the situation between him and Katie), because she doesn’t want their daughter to leave home and never come back.
So she gets up the next morning to go to the airport to fly from Michigan to California for school, and finds her parents packing the car with her stuff,
because her father cancelled her plane ticket so they could have a family road trip instead.
And he called the school who said it was ok, she could miss orientation, it wasn’t that important, so yay, let’s do this! Woo!
And her mother is like “heh, uh, well, your father went kinda rogue on this one, so, uh, this is what we’re doing!”
Her little brother, who is forgivable for this, wanted to be able to spend a little more time with Katie before she goes which is essentially why she agrees to it,
and that sucks.
All of it. Everything about it sucks. The emotional manipulation sucks. Her mother’s refusal to tell her dad that he’s being a giant asshole sucks. And her father cancelling the plane ticket is absolutely unforgivable, as far as I’m concerned. It’s up there with Amy burning Jo’s book, and Dean burning Emily’s. It’s unforgivable.
And as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing the story can do that will walk that back. Not for me as a viewer. I understand they’ll find peace as characters bc that’s what they’re supposed to do, and I read the wiki plot summary so I know that her dad gave up his dream of living like a hippie in the woods to get a real job and provide for his family so we’re supposed to feel sorry for him and understand that he’s worried about Katie’s ability to follow her own dreams because he had to give up his, and that’s supposed to make it All Okay.
Well, it doesn’t, and now I wish I’d just gone on thinking “Oh, I should watch that someday!” instead of actually watching it and being disgusted by it. :p
0 notes
kakanno · 1 year
full name: bas "bas" bas (she does not remember her name. i did however originally give her naomi nunez as her name but im workshopping it now. bas also comes from sebastian bc she used to be a guy)
gender: no real label that matters to her or current society
sexuality: again no label but does not care about gender. so truly bisexual <3 yay love wins
pronouns: she/they/it whateva... no real attachment to any, she/her was used when she was a researcher, it when they were a subject... erm. who knows really.
family: falls over and dies
birthplace: her what
job: i mean if you were never technically fired from your job and its been 500 years since then are you still technically working there? she was a researcher and then became a (illusion of choice because they were taking away funding into her technology) test subject
phobias: confined spaces, (for a very long while) sleeping, isolation & being alone
guilty pleasures: FLOWERS and plants she is smitten with them and also secretly taking and modifying technology without people noticing
morality alignment?: chaotic neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: extremely meticulously organized in a way she cannot explain
close minded/open-minded: trying so very hard to be open-minded to a world that has changed entirely after 500 years of sleep and also losing her memory card
calm/anxious: anxious mother fucker #1 ocd foreverr
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable? more like (flew over her head) um ok
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: unemphatic
optimistic/pessimistic: both at differing times... a vast majority of the plot shes pessimistic but begins to understand and accept optimism
traditional/modern: traditional simply bc of the fact that she. has been asleep for. (dies
hard-working/lazy: hard-working they were a researcher at 22 okay. even if they forgot
otp: THEOBAS <3 FOREVAR <3 theo and bas have always always been together do not separate them ever bc theyre girlfriends. ok?
ot3: i ddddont really have one i think ive intended theo and bas to be together since the beginning which was like, 5 years ago. but maybe the arrow polyamory with kofi who is theos best friend and fellow machinery enthusiast
brotp: shed find a quiet camaraderie with lux i think. they both are extremely reserved and have gone through things... i havent talked about lux but theyre a background character who is part of theos friend group
notp: erm. idk i have never thought of one LOL
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heart has his heart | part 7.
Summary: (Y/N) Heart is chosen alongside her friends to attend Auradon Prep. Of course her friend Mal’s mom, Maleficent, has a much more sinister plan than the kids just attending Auradon. Will they be able to pull of stealing the wand or will (Y/N) find herself liking Auradon a bit too much?
Pairing: Ben x reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: none
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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You were with Mal, and Evie in the bleachers watching the tourney game.
“I’m not going to lie, I don’t understand this game at all,” you said watching the game.
“Same here. And Mr. Announcer isn’t actually making anything easier to follow,” Evie said looking on confused.
“Don’t worry. I’ve spent my whole life in Auradon and still don’t get tourney either. All that matters is that our team wins.” Moetini came up with little buckets of popcorn for everyone.
“Well, right now we’re tied.”
You dug into your popcorn.
You kept watching as Jay was passed the ball. You cheered loudly for your friends as Jay, Ben, and Carlos made a play that resulted in scoring the winning point. The crowd was going wild. This was Auradon Prep’s big match determining who was moving on to the play-offs.
Ben grabbed the mic from the MC. You were sure whatever winning speech he was going to give would be lovely but you wished he wouldn’t do anything because the stands were getting kind of hot and you wanted to leave for ice cream.
“Everyone. I’ve got a special announcement to make. For my girl out there. Everyone give me an H!”
You ignored how sweaty the stands were and followed the crowd screaming out the letter Ben requested.
“Give me an E!”
“Give me an A!”
“How about a R?!”
You repeated R with the crowd and then stopped. H-E-A-R… you already knew what letter was following.
“And a T!”
You listened to the crowd say T but remained silent, shaking your head. Not like Ben was paying attention, he was too excited about his idea.
“What’s that spell?”
“This is for you, Heart. Did I mention I’m in love with you? Hit it Doug!”
“Oh no,” you whispered.
You watched in horror as Ben started dancing and singing.
“My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!”
You glared at your friends as they repeated along with everyone else in the stands.
“You gotta show me that you’re only ever gonna be mine.” He threw you his jersey.
“What did you put in that cookie?” you whispered to Mal during the dance break.
“I didn’t know it would do all that… oh! Okay.”
Mal stepped back as Ben jumped into the stands, landing right in front of you. He grabbed your waist, it wasn’t like he hadn’t before just hours earlier but this time there was definitely a different feeling behind it.
“And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss! (Y/N) would you go to coronation with me?”
“Uh, yes!”
“She said yes!”
The crowd cheered Ben on. He leaned down to try and kiss you when you held up his jersey in between you two.
Audrey came up into the stands, “I won’t stand for this, Chad’s my boyfriend now! So you can have fun taking Heart to coronation okay, Benny-Boo.”
“I’ll see you guys for ice cream up at the front of the school in five minutes? I just gotta get my stuff from the locker room.” Ben walked away.
You noticed Evie looking a little down, it hit you that it was because of Audrey now dating Chad. Were they even dating though?
“You know I feel bad for Audrey.”
“You do?” Evie asked.
“Yeah, she thinks she needs a boy to be happy.”
Evie smiled a little. Mal clapped her on the back. “Who needs a boy when you’ve got us.”
“And you’ve got your wicked style and smarts too,” Moetini chimed in.
You all group hugged and walked off the bleachers to go get ice cream.
The ice cream parlor was packed yet it didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. You, Moetini, the VKs, and Ben were all in a booth.
“Carlos, if you keep it that fast you’re gonna get a brain freeze.” You watched your friend scarf down a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream.
“Uh duh. That’s the point. I wanna know what one feels like.”
“Something’s seriously wrong with you.” You went back to your bowl of (favorite ice cream flavor).
You tried to look everywhere but in front of you, vaguely aware of Ben staring. You finally turned to face him.
“Thanks for the ice cream, Ben.”
“Anything for you.”
Is this how he was going to be now? You watched him take a spoonful of ice cream, the melted part dribbled down his bottom lip.
You quickly grabbed a napkin and leaned across the table to wipe it. When you sat back down you noticed the VKs staring.
“Don’t look at me like that. It was going to…I was just making sure he didn’t look a hot mess. How are you supposed to run a Kingdom with ice cream on your face, at this rate we might as well let Jay be king.”
Ben smiled and took another spoonful, dribble free.
“What? No banter?? No insults? Are you out of ideas, loser? Did I finally win? I’m the hot stepsister! Mark this down in history people.”
Ben laughed, “I just don’t feel like it.”
“Don’t feel like it.”
“I don’t like insulting you, that’s not how you should treat your lady.”
So he was going to be like this from now on. You lips tightened. Ben noticed and frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You took a bite of ice cream. This was going to be a long wait for coronation.
“Princess (Y/N)?”
You turned immediately. It was the first time you heard yourself addresses by the title of Princess in Auradon. People had made it painfully clear that the Valley of Hearts was ruled by no one. You turned to see Cogsworth holding a glass of iced tea for you.
“Hmm, thank you Mr. Cogsworth.”
“Just Cogsworth is fine, dear. Prince Ben told me to inform you that he regrets he won’t be here. Business.”
“Oh that’s fine. I’ll just head out when I finish, then.”
You were attempting to trim the hedges right at the entrance of Belle’s garden. You were secretly glad Ben wouldn’t make it. It was harder than you thought, dealing with this new Ben.
The hedge you were trimming was giving you trouble. “Ugh! Why is this not coming out right?!”
“Never trim while angry.”
You jumped. Beast had appeared by the entrance. He extended a hand and you placed the hedge trimmers in them. You watched as Beast trimmed the hedge into the exact shape you were looking to achieve.
“I learned the hard way. Trimming while frustrated leads to nothing pretty. What’s on your mind?”
“I just…it’s nothing.” You didn’t think telling Beast that you were so over being around Ben at the moment was your problem.
“Well whatever nothing is, you should solve it before you try to shape anything. Here.” Beast handed the hedge trimmers back to you.
You started to head back when Beast called your name. “Just talk to him. He’s a boy we aren’t that complicated.”
Evie was in your room. She was doing your makeup while Moetini was picking out some clothes for you.
“Okay, E, is all this necessary? I’ve never worn this much makeup before in my life.”
“You’ve never had a date before in your life, either.”
Mal came strolling in a while later. She threw you a tiny vial of purplish liquid.
“Here. If you can’t listen to him talk anymore just drink this.”
“What’s it do?” Moetini eyed the vial.
Even though you guys kept her at a distance from certain things like knowing you spelled Ben, you considered her a VK. It’s not like Maui was always the nicest and perfect person.
“Sends (Y/N) into her finest daydreams for an hour while her body goes into autopilot. You don’t have to pay attention to a damn thing, but Ben still has a date.”
“Can you make me some of that for class?” Moetini half-joked.
There was a knock at your door.
“That would be Ben, and that’s my cue. Catch you girls later.”
You grabbed the backpack of stuff Moetini packed for you and opened the door to see Ben standing there.
“Wow. For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful.”
You rolled your eyes, “Okay Ben, let’s head out.”
“My middle name is Alice.”
You were having fun walking across the suspension bridge that led to who knows where. You were lightly skipping from board to board, enjoying the kind of swaying the bridge had when you landed. It was better when Ben was asking you questions, he seemed more like his old self in the moment.
“But isn’t…”
You ran up to Ben, so close that your noses almost touched“Yep.”  
You turned back to keep walking.
“They had disagreements but my mother loved that girl like a daughter. She’s really a good person you know? Temper like no other sure, but that’s about it. The real evil one’s, my aunt. The Red Queen. If my mother is blind fury that woman is pure dark wrath. She’s the one who owned the Jabberwocky and Bandersnatch. We don’t even talk to her on the Isle.”
You and Ben walked further and further until you reached a pavilion by a lake.
“You like?”
“Yeah, a lot.”
You sat down on one side of the picnic blanket that Ben had set up, eating lunch.
“I can’t help but think about this… about when I called you an Auradon girl, was it really that bad?”
“I’m a VK. I was forced to grow up on the Isle no choice. Saying I’m Auradon girl almost makes it seem like the Isle doesn’t matter. I don’t like the Isle necessarily but I don’t want anyone to forget that’s where some of us were forced to grow up.”
“Well, I didn’t mean it that way. I just wanted you to know.”
“I never thought you meant it any sort of way. Besides, even if I didn’t care that deep about the Isle. You’d still be wrong. I’m supposed to be a Wonderland dame… wonder what that place looks like now.”
Ben reached into the picnic basket.
“I know you’re amazing at making tarts but have you ever had a quality fast food doughnut?”
“A what?”
“Here.” Ben handed you a glazed doughnut.
You took a small bite and then looked up him excited before taking another bite, “This is so good.”
“You got a little.” Ben reached to wipe some glaze from your bottom lip.
You didn’t even hear a word Ben said as you finished your doughnut. He was back to being the love potioned Ben, you found yourself bored once again.
You kicked back the little vial that Mal gave you and zoned out. You could still hear Ben speaking and were vaguely aware of what you were saying but you were mainly off in your own world.
“You want to go for a swim?” You heard Ben ask.
Next thing you knew you were soaking wet in the lake. You suddenly became clear and swam up to the surface as fast as you could. You started to panic.
Ben scooped you up and started to carry you back to the pavilion. The minute you were in a shallow area, you quickly got out of Ben’s arms and stomped back up to the pavilion, not looking at him.
“I can’t believe that just happened, I could’ve died, I can’t swim! Ugh, Mal’s stupid potion. She needs to stop being so heavy-handed!”
“Woah, woah, what potion?”
“The zoning out potion I just took.”
“Why would you want to take a zoning out potion?” Ben placed his jacket over your shoulders, causing you to turn around annoyed.
“Because I don’t want to listen to you anymore, Ben! Not like this! I don’t like this Ben. I want the boy who can take a joke with me, the one who tries to get mulch in my hair every time we tend the garden, who calls me his punk, never misses a beat and dishes right back whatever I throw at him. I don’t whatever boy I’ve got here, Ben. I want my friend back! I want the boy I think I’m falling in love with back…I didn’t, I didn’t mean that last, I can’t believe I just said that.”
Your wet clothes weighed you down as you ran. You could hear Ben calling your name but you kept running.
You sat a table outside, alone. Everyone else had class but yours was cancelled. You were sipping on a lemonade as you put out your supplies on the table. You were making a wreath out of roses.
You were going to make three of them. The branches were perfect. All you had to do was paint the roses before weaving them through the sticks. You opened up tiny bright red, shiny gold, and dark blue cans of paint.
You delicately painted the roses. Some were being done in full color others were going to have petals of various colors on the same rose.
“She’s even painting roses. Crazy like her mother. Next thing you know…”
You heard some people whispering as they walked by. Not everyone in Auradon liked you guys. Actually most people were still afraid. A lot of the time, you guys were used for your skills and then avoided. You tried not to mind it because every little step would eventually make Auradon come to appreciate you guys.
“You know it doesn’t hurt to keep your mouth shut.”
“We didn’t mean…”
“No, that’s exactly what you meant. Word of advice, if you’re gonna talk shit at least make sure the girl you’re talking about can’t hear you.”
“I don’t need you fighting my battles for me, Ben.” You knew his voice anywhere.
Ben came closer to the table. “Why do you let them talk about you that way.”
“They talk because they’re afraid. If I go VK it only keeps the fear going. I’m trying to keep quiet about it, trust me I  could really give it to them if I wanted.”
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
“I haven’t been avoiding, I’ve been busy.”
“Busy?” Ben sat down, he reached over and grabbed your lemonade taking a sip. “Yeah, okay, punk. We’ll say you’re busy.”
You looked up from the roses for the first time. “Did you just call me punk?”
Ben didn’t answer your question. “What are you doing with the roses?”
You tried to grab your lemonade back but Ben held it out of reach.
“Give me my drink back.”
“Answer my question.”
“Answer my first one.”
“What? You don’t like that name? Should I go with Princess Rotten? Loser? No wait, that’s your thing for me. I kind of like punk. Fits you.”
Ben smiled and continued to drink you lemonade before finally handing it back to you.
“It’s almost empty.”
“Yeah, that’s for the spinach puff, punk. I’ll go get you a new one.” Ben stood up from the table. “Nachos or pretzels?”
Ben came back moments later with a giant lemonade for the two of you and nachos from the snack bar.
“So the roses?”
“For some wreaths. I’m making three. Auradon Prep, Wonderland, the Palace. As soon as I get them finished, I’ll give them out.”
“Oh, I see it now. Blue for the school and palace. Red for Wonderland… gold?”
“Gold for all of them, and plain white for Wonderland as well. The paints just need to dry, should be like five more minutes now?”
“Are we going to talk about the other day, (Y/N)?”
“You mean me making a fool of myself, no thank you.”
You shoved a few nachos in your mouth. You couldn’t talk if you were too busy eating.
“You made a fool of yourself? I sang a song for you publicly… with a dance number.”
“Yeah, that whole thing was pretty—”
“Don’t say it.”
You laughed as Ben buried his head in his hands. You were genuinely enjoying yourself again. Ben was being the Ben you liked again. You listened to him talk about his day as you finished creating your wreaths.
“All done!” You held them up.
“They look beautiful. My parents are really gonna like that one.”
“Really? I hope so. I’m gonna give the other to Fairy Godmother and then I guess I’ll just hang this one up in mine and Moetini’s room.”
“Or you could hang it up at your castle.”
“Haha, loser, I don’t own a castle.”
“Is the Valley of Hearts not yours? I’m sure I remembered something about Carlos saying never usurped.”
You looked at the boy in front of you. “Ben, what are you going on about?”
“I talked to Lady Alice and everyone agrees that Wonderland is missing something.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Ben, I swear if you’re playing with me.”
“I’m not playing anything. We leave Friday after school. Bring the VKs if you want.”
Ben got up from the table. “Your classes may have been cancelled today, but some of us still have to work. I’ll see you later, punk.”
(Part 8)...
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xxsabitoxx · 3 years
Shinobu’s NSFW A-Z
Warnings: contains smut!
A/N: In honor of Shinobu’s birthday, y’all are getting a second post todayyyyyyy — once again, prompts are from @ fairy-tail-babes
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A = Aftercare
She’s so sweet. I’m talking like massaging you, running a bath for the two of you. Just cuddling in general. She’s so damn sweet
B = Body part
On her: she likes her ass and hips
On you: she loves your chest and stomach
C = Cum
She isn’t a huge fan of messy sex so if her partner is male she would rather them come inside or at least somewhere on her that’s easy clean up
With women loves trying to make them squ!rt lol — she herself isn’t much of a squ!rter tho
D = Dirty Secret
The main reason she doesn’t like degradation is because it will actually make her cry
E = Experience
Honestly she had no time to even experiment before meeting you, so her experience is practically none
F = Favourite Position
Scissoring is a personal favorite when she has female partners
When she is with male partners she prefers cowgirl cause it gives her more control
G = Goofy
She’s pretty serious during sex, maybe making a few snarky comments here and there
H = Hair
I think she’s usually clean shaven / waxed down there but only when she has time
Normally she has a bit of hair but she doesn’t let it get like super grown out
I = Intimacy
I think she’s fairly romantic during sex, but she’s also like…horny. So sometimes she’s not super romantic
J = Jack Off
Similar to her experience, she has so much to do that she really doesn’t get the time to do things like that
Usually if she has a night to herself and you aren’t present she may
K = Kink
Degrading (giving)
Master / slave
L = Location
Anywhere so long as you don’t get caught. There are alway wandering eyes at the butterfly estate
M = Motivation
You. You are literally her motivation
Nearly everything you do low key turns her on
N = NO
Absolutely no age play. It freaks her out especially since she’s a big sister. It turns her off
Also, no face fucking if you are a Dude. Low key makes her mad
O = Oral
Receiving and she’s a bit greedy about it
She likes to give oral as well, but she likes to use it as a reward
P = Pace
She’s putting 110% effort into everything she does
She’s usually going a moderate pace that is a bit hard
Q = Quickie
Always down for a quickie. She’s a busy lady after all
R = Risk
She is okay with the risk as long as no kids are around. She’d die if Kanao or one of the little butterfly babies caught her
S = Stamina
Oh she can keep going until you are done. She could totally go all night if you wanted
T = Toy
Modern universe real quick lol. She loves toys, she finds sex a little boring if they aren’t added in
Canon universe tho, she’ll find ways to incorporate toys. Anything is one…if you try hard enough
U = Unfair
Oh she is totally greedy during sex, she loves to hear you beg
V = Volume
Fairly loud. Definitely doesn’t try to hold back any moans when she knows people can’t hear her
W = Wild Card
She wants you to literally abuse her breasts, she’s a fan of breast play / torture
X = X-Ray
Why is it so easy to describe a dick but low key awkward to describe a puthy. Like the adjectives are questionable lmaooo
I think she has a puffy (?) labia majora, you can’t see anything else unless you spread her apart
Forgive me for being awkward y’all.
Y = Yearning
She has a high sex drive but she is able to manage / ignore it when she’s busy
Z = Zzz
She usually goes to do some work or research after
Or she’ll spend time with you until you fall asleep
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