#oh to be liquid's little engineer and hold him in my arms while he's trying to be a teasing shit but I'm just too soft for it to work
pierswife · 2 years
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@camellias-and-coriander fucking killed me with my holiday gift this sucks /lh
Like you ever get a nail in the coffin that makes an F/O a main F/O? Y e a h— Like the pose just has me so god damn soft like this is such a win like I would kill to hold him tenderly like that like oooooh my god and they sent to me while I'm sleepy as FUCK so I couldn't even be stubborn and pouty about how happy this made me and how happy he makes me ggwfjwjxjhaks
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thebadbatch · 3 years
Hii, I have a request.
Could you please write reader and Crosshair being besties, but she thinks he doesn’t care much about her, until one day she’s pretty sick and he helps her and show a lot of affection? Thanks. And please be aware that your writing is a delight
A/N: I loved writing this one! I really love it when the members of the Bad Batch take care of the reader. Also thank you so much! You made my day! :D
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Crosshair x Sick!Reader
Plot: After a visit to a new planet you end up facing an illness along with worries that Crosshair doesn't care about you. The others are there but you want Crosshair, will he help?
Warnings: Mentions of occasional injections but the description is light! Detailed descriptions of being unwell.
It's just what we do.
Smiling wide you all rushed back onto the Havoc Marauder, hiding away from bullets and shooting a few of your own back at your enemies. The ramp soon shut closed and tech took over the flying controls to get you all the hell out of there within what felt like such a swift routine movement. Sighing lightly with relief, you shoved your blasters back into their holds against your armour and removed your helmet, smiling over at Crosshair first. He just nodded slightly in your direction before speaking lightly, 
"Good job, y/n." He soon walked away to get himself some caf that he knew was left as he always took first dibs on that. You couldn't help but feel your heart swell with pride and confidence at your best friend's words though, he rarely gave out compliments but when he did? They just felt right and stronger than any others. Swiftly you moved in the room with him, following his movements. 
"You think so?" You asked, attempting to get a little more affection out of him. Those three words were enough though and you knew that, but you always liked to tease him. That's just what best friends did. 
"Mhm." He hummed, sipping at the hot liquid and relaxing against the side. Laughing a little you turned and bumped into Tech, causing you to wobble a little on your feet. 
"Ah y/n, just who I need to see." You stood back, a sheepish grin upon your face with Crosshair behind you - a little intrigued about what he needed you for. "I need to do a medi scan on you." Sighing lightly you tucked your helmet under your arm, tilting your head. 
"Have you updated it or something, Teccie?" He rolled his eyes playfully at your words before typing into his datapad. 
"No, I simply need to check your health after our visit to that planet. I didn't realize at the time but you aren't a clone like us, I suppose that slipped my mind." He took a breath inwards, gently pulling you with him much to Crosshair's confusion. "That planet is known for its illnesses and diseases, us clones won't be affected but you may be." Fear rushed through your body at the thought, gazing behind you to see Crosshair who wasn't even looking in your direction - if anything he just shrugged and continued to drink his caf. Did he even care that you could get sick? Clearly not. Nodding lightly you sat where Tech had sat you upon the med table, running the scanner across your body. 
"Am I sick?" You asked, trying to keep your voice straight. You absolutely hated being unwell, it was horrible and tiring and you never got better quickly as you used to have to fight illnesses alone. "I don't want to be sick, I hate it." Tech nodded softly at your words before a quick beep alerted him that the information was ready and he sighed lightly. 
"Your body is currently fighting off an illness, but it seems as if it should go okay. I may have to apply a shot now of medicine to help and you'll have to rest as soon as possible." He paused for a moment gazing at your worried expression, "I'll alert the others to your possible condition." You couldn't even respond to much in return, why on earth did you have to take part in that mission oh maker. 
"But I feel fine…" You replied wearily as Tech got some medicine adjusted in the form of a shot. 
"You'll feel fine whilst your body fights it off, and hopefully you continue to feel fine - but you need to rest and have this to ensure you successfully fight the illness off." Nodding softly you allowed him to give you the medicine as you turned away, wincing lightly. He smiled and turned you back to him. "All done. Please go and rest now, I will bring you your food once it's time to eat." Standing quickly, you folded your arms across your chest and made your way to your assigned bunk. Sitting against it you huffed lightly before laying against the pillows and blankets. Maybe falling asleep like Tech suggested would pass time and help, besides there wasn't much else to do. Closing your eyes, you allowed sleep to overtake you as quickly as you had thought about it. Maybe once you woke up, you could go and see Cross.
"Y/n, it's time for you to eat." Opening your eyes was an intense struggle, your entire body feeling weighed down didn't help as you turned your head to gaze at Tech. 
"No thanks." You mumbled out, squeezing your eyes shut to try and help you battle the wave of pain that engulfed your body. Wincing lightly, you exhaled a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Re-opening your eyes to see Hunter, Wrecker and Echo beside Tech gazing at you with concern. 
"I brought you Lula, y/n!" Wrecker softly spoke, softly placing her into your arms. Holding her closely you hummed lightly in thanks, everything beginning to just feel worse and worse. 
"Don't wanna get you all sick." You mumbled out, wishing you hadn't spoken at all as all of your previous energy completely vanished. Tech laughed lightly which resulted in Hunter lightly smacking his shoulder.
"We can't get sick, so don't worry. We're clones so we're genetically engineered to not get sick." Nodding again you buried yourself into the blankets trying to overcome another wave of pain.
"Do you need anything?" Hunter asked, gently touching your forehead a little shocked at how much you were burning up. Echo softly ensured the blanket was over you okay before you managed to whisper out:
"Cross." They nodded gently and left the room,
"Call us if you need anything else." In all honesty you felt as if Crosshair had completely abandoned you, everybody else had come in to check on you so why not him? A while had passed with you withering in agony, unable to fall asleep whilst the illness had a hold upon you. Your door soon swiftly opened and slid shut which made you sigh gently, it was probably Tech with another shot of medicine.
" No more." You barely whispered before a gentle hand was pressed against your forehead, fingertips brushing strands of hair away from your face.
" No more." Crosshair repeated gently, placing a cold cloth against your forehead in light hopes that it would help Your scorching temperature to come down. " I'm sorry it took me so long to come to you cyar'ika..." He took a gentle breath before helping you sit up a little, pressing a cold cup of water to your lips which felt nice but was rather difficult. " I hope I'm still your best friend?" His voice was rather hopeful which made you smile as he placed the cup down, helping you lay back against the blankets.
" Mhm, my best friend." You managed to speak, Smiling against the pain waving itself through your body, The door opening to reveal Tech holding a shot made you sigh and Crosshair grumble as he stood, taking the shot and nudging Tech back out.
"I've got this." Tech held up a finger as he was about to speak, the door just slamming in his face which made you giggle a little. "I'm sorry, yln - one more shot to feel better okay?" Softly sighing a little, he rolled up your sleeve and injected the medicine, planting a friendly kiss to the top of your forehead to help you through it. " All done" He hummed, gently helping you lay on the further side of the bed with him climbing beside you, hugging you gently against him. Smiling again, you felt a shudder of warmth coat your body as You hid into Cross allowing him to rub calming circles against your back. "It's alright, I won't go - you wouldn't leave me if I needed you." Gently gripping onto his blacks you finally shut your eyes,not feeling so alone as before.
"Thank you for staying, Cross." He just smiled as sleep soon followed your sentence, light snores leaving your mouth.
"It's just what we do…"
Once you had awoken folly, you finally felt better thanks to the medicine and a sleeping Crosshair laying next to you Still deep within his own rest. Stretching gently, you lay Lula beside him and climb out of the bank to tell the others the good news. Over the next few days your friendship grew even Stronger with Crosshair after he took care of You during your weakest moment. You'd both live to each other's weakest moments but you'd always both be there for one another. That's just what best friends did.
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nottheweirdest · 3 years
Finally! I answered another prompt! :-P This one is a little suggestive, just FYI, so you can read under the cut. :-P
Shadow looked up from Rouge's grimacing face and met Sonic’s worried emerald eyes in the rearview mirror. "Go faster!" he barked.
"I always go fast!" Sonic snapped back, returning his gaze to the road. "It's kinda my whole thing!" He pressed his foot to the floorboard, igniting a roar from the stolen car’s engine.
"You two idiots!!" Rouge ground out through clenched teeth. "This is your fault! If you hadn’t–"
"We didn't know you were there!" Sonic cried. "It’s your uber bat sneakiness!"
"Oh, I was plenty loud, you just--" Rouge stopped and let out a loud groan, her arms curling around her pregnant belly, face scrunched up in pain. She relaxed slightly after a moment, body sagging in relief from the intense pain of a contraction. Shadow tried to dab at the sweat that beaded at her temple, but she swatted him away irritably. "Don’t you touch me with that hand! I know where it’s been--"
Her face contorted again, a low keen leaving her pursed lips as she tried to silence her cries. Shadow paled, crimson eyes widening in fear. "Sonic, these contractions are way too close together!"
"Hold on!"
The car lurched forward and to the side as Sonic swerved from congested traffic and onto the pedestrian filled sidewalk. He pushed his fist down on the horn, reflexes on max alert. “I could run her there faster!”
“Don’t you daarrreeeeeee–” Rouge screamed. She braced her legs against the seat in front of her and pushed against the pain. The upholstered steel frame buckled and bent under her strength, but she ignored it, turning instead toward Shadow. “The baby’s coming! You’re going to have to deliver it!”
Shadow paled, his mouth open and closing like a fish out of water while he shook his head frantically. “I can’t!”
“You have to!”
Rouge reached for the elastic band of her pants to pull them down and Shadow nearly fainted. He backed away as far as he could in the backseat, frantically trying to avert his eyes. “You can’t do this here!”
“Oh really?” the bat said, folding her arms over her chest and leaning back against the seat with a cocky expression on her face. “Isn’t that what I said to you?”
Shadow slowly turned around to face his friend, crimson eyes exchanging some of their panic for confusion. “What?”
“I specifically said the table was off limits and what do you go and do? I walk in and you’ve got Sonic–”
Shadow blushed furiously. “You faked this?! As what? Punishment?”
Rouge shrugged and met embarrassed green eyes in the rear view mirror. “If I ever catch either of you doing anything besides eating food on my dining room table again I’ll-” The bat froze, teal eyes flying open in shock. She looked down between her legs and eyed the glistening puddle of clear liquid that suddenly pooled beneath her.
She looked up into Shadow’s horrified eyes. “You’re buying me a new table” she growled, “and you better get me to the fucking hospital, or I’m making you delivery this baby for real!!”
Looking back, Shadow wasn’t quite sure where the boost of power came from that allowed him to chaos control a car and its three passengers without a chaos emerald, but he did it. Somehow. Rouge ended her day with a healthy baby boy and a new table.
Shadow ended his with a headache and new deadbolts.
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marsbutterfly · 3 years
Hiiiii! I just binged all your writing on AO3 and I love all your work, especially the one with poor Hange hallucinating. I'm not sure if requests are open right now but if they are, I'd love to make one! I'm sorry for being hyper-specific but I just had my wisdom teeth removed, they had to hammer and drill to get one of them out that grew wrong and, I'll spare you the details but it took over an hour for the one and I'm sore and swollen to say the least and not looking forward to having to eventually eat something, and I wonder how Hange would take care of a reader that just had their wisdom teeth removed.
Please feel free to ignore this if you're not interested, and regardless thank you for your time and sorry for the wall of text! Hope you have a great day!
Note: Thank you so much anon, I appreciate your support <3 It makes me really happy! I hope you are all right now and that your mouth healed up ok. This is a mixture of a short fic and headcanons. I hope you enjoy! <3
Tooth Ache
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Summary: When you get your wisdom teeth removed, Hanji tries her best to take care of you. Modern AU!
Warning: Mentions of blood.
AO3 Version! | Wattpad Version!
“Come on, baby.” Hanji says as her torso reaches over you, struggling to fasten the seatbelt. You shift your body to the left gently, trying your best to help her but the effects of the laughing gas having yet to leave your body.
All you can do is giggle, watching the messy brown hair dangling in front of you. Without realizing what’s happening, a heavy weight is lifted from your body and your lungs can expand to their full capacity once again.
You look around confused, trying to understand what just happened, only to shift your eyes to the left, watching as Hanji starts the car. The sound of the engine roaring makes your heart beat slightly faster, a hint of fear rushing through your veins.
Before any words form, a warm, gentle hand brushes against your exposed thigh softly and the feeling is enough to soothe you. 
Body resting against the car seat, you take your fingers towards your mouth, touching the area around it as you try to make sure everything is still there. The piece of gauze that sat in your mouth now lies in between your legs, a few blood splatters following closely behind.
“Hanji, did you give me cranberry juice?” You ask, not realizing what that hot liquid was. She holds in a laugh, eyes shifting from the road to you for a second as she reaches for a small pill bottle sitting in the cup holder.
“Not yet.” She replies, handing you a decently sized pill and a small, cold box of juice. “But here, why don’t you drink this?”
You grunt in annoyance but still obliged to her request, earning a bright smile in return. 
The car falls silent, only the sounds produced by the vehicle fill the void. Your eyes wander outside, green leaves dance atop of the trees while an old lady’s blonde hair flows around in the wind, reminding you of last night’s dinner.
“Can I have some noodles when we get home?” You ask with stars in your eyes, knowing that Hanji has never once denied you anything at all.
“No, love. I’m sorry.” She replies, eyes focused on the road as you enter your neighborhood. In that moment, her words felt like a knife going into your skin, destroying your heart as a consequence. 
“But…” Tears form in your eyes and your bottom lip quiver.
“It’s for your own good.” She says, right hand squeezing your thigh before you push it away and all she does in response is sigh. 
Grabbing your phone from the glove compartment, you speed dial your most recent caller. A few seconds pass before Eren answers the phone and the image that welcomes him is the desolated, groggy mess behind the screen. Tears flow down your face as you try to speak through the gauze pads in your mouth.
“Hanji won’t let me eat noodles.” You say, earning a quiet giggle out of the brunette driving the car. “All I want is to eat my noodles.”
“It’s for your own good, Y/N!” He replies, a smile on his face as he tries not to laugh. From his end, you can hear two other voices but, in your current state, you don’t realize they are coming from Mikasa and Armin.
“That's what I said.” Hanji replies, reaching for your phone. “Now hang up Y/N.”
“NO!” You scream, pressing your body against the door and moving the device barely out of her reach. “I want to show Eren my lipstick.”
“Lipstick?” The camera shifts angles and now Armin’s face fills the screen. “Uhmm… Y/N?” 
You pull your head back, fingertips gently brushing against your chapped lips until the warm liquid touches them. In response, you let out a giggle. “Oh no. I think it’s blood.”
Hanji’s laugh echoes through the car as she pulls into the driveway. Once the vehicle comes to a full stop, she places her left arm against the window, fingers pushing her glasses up as tears of laughter stream down her face. 
You shoot her a confused look, trying to understand why she’s laughing. In response, she reaches for your phone once again, finally being able to catch the device from your hands and immediately hanging up the call.
“Come on, baby.” She says, removing her seatbelt and unbuckling yours. 
You reach for the handle to open the door many times but your hand simply slips right past it. After what seemed like an entirety, you’re able to hook your hand on it and open it, little do you know Hanji is actually the one to let you out.
Your vision is fuzzy as you try to step out of the car, everything spins around and you look at the sky. A pair of sturdy hands begins to guide you towards the entrance to the house and you smile gratefully.
Hanji seats you on the couch before handing you a cold compress. You stare at it for a few seconds, wondering what it is that she expects you to do with it. 
She laughs and sits beside you, your knee touching hers. “Like this.”
The cold compress against your cheek feels godly and it relieves some of the pain you are in. You instinctively let out a moan.
“I’m gonna go get your meds and be right back, ok?” She says while getting up.
“Otay.” You reply, humming to a random song you heard on the radio early that day. Unknowing to you, Hanji’s eyes glow as they watch you from behind the couch, her heart beating slightly faster as her cheeks blush.
A few minutes go by and when she returns, you are still moving your head and feet to the melody you sing. 
She hands you a cup of cold water and you happily take the pills from her hand. 
Your eyelids become heavy and you rest your head on her shoulder, feeling as her hand goes through your hair gently. You smile through the bloody gauze pads and she giggles.
“Hanji…” You whisper, calling her close to you with your finger and she leans towards you, “I want noodles.”
“Not this again!”
Hanji is not a good driver so it takes her a couple of days to convince you to let her drive you to the appointment instead of asking Armin or Mikasa to do it.
She nearly sleeps for too long the day of your procedure because she spent the night before worried sick, even if you’re just getting your wisdom teeth out.
Once it’s done, she has to control herself and not give in to your every request like she usually does. No solid food, no milkshakes, no moving more than you have to.
Hanji sets alarms for every 8 hours so you won’t miss a single dose of your pain medicine and, if the pain is too bad, she gives you an extra pill. Not only that, she constantly reminds you of when to change the gauze pads.
You always have fresh ice to apply to your cheeks and Hanji kisses them every chance she gets.
She can’t cook for shit, she tries but when the house ends up smelling like burned soup, she immediately calls Levi, who shows up with at least 3 days worth of food. For you and for Hanji.
When the anesthesia wears off, she pulls up her phone and shows you the embarrassing videos she took while you were high. Of you singing terribly to whatever is playing on the radio, your conspiracy theories on how your dentist was an alien or simply videos of you begging her to give you solid food.
She brushes your teeth for you when you can’t, always making sure to go around the extraction sites and scrubbing your tongue.
The day after the surgery, she rinses your mouth out with warm water and salt, even if you can do it yourself she keeps saying she’ll do it better than you, so you simply let her.
Hanji always makes sure your head is propped up while you’re lying down, even when you beg her to let you put your head down, she won’t let you. Instead, she sits behind you and props your head on her chest. You can hear her heartbeat so you can’t complain.
Once you are healed, she buys you an insane amount of junk food and you suggest going on a picnic with Levi and Erwin to eat it all. She agrees and immediately picks up the phone as you run upstairs to take some medicine so you won’t throw it all up.
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
33. bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go + juke
okay so. might have taken a few creative liberties here. but she does bandage his hands not really let go! eventually. 😬 for context!!! this takes place the ff!luke 'verse and about 4/5ish months after the end of the main fic (but doesn't need to be read to be understood😌)
thanks for sending one!😌💜
tw: mentions of blood & injuries & fire
33. bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go
hand holding prompts!
A bus had crashed into a warehouse, it was all over the news.
Ten minutes after the news broke there were tweets saying the warehouse was full of fireworks, or cosmetics, or — Julie didn’t manage to scroll further than that when news reporters live on the scene were ushered further back as an explosion rocked the building, flames shooting high and something crashed down and someone screamed.
Julie had seen fire engines arrive at the scene and blew out a shallow breath when she’d stopped Lukes. The number was clear and bright on screen despite the smoke and people and Julie gripped her phone tighter and felt like she couldn't suck in a full breath of air.
Her phone had buzzed three times since the news broke three hours ago. One from Alex to check she was okay, one from her dad to ask if she wanted to come over, and one from Luke to say he was okay and would be home late.
Julie knew, from watching the news half her life and from spending the last year and half worrying, that fires like this could burn for hours, that it could take them all day and all night to deal with it. And logically, she knew the chances of Luke getting seriously hurt were slim, that he was good at his job and, despite what people might have thought, he was careful. Julie also knew that she’d never get any work done today until Luke was home and she could see for herself that he was okay.
So she opened twitter and a local news site on her laptop and turned something mindless on on the tv and waited. Flynn rings after an hour and talks to her about her latest client and doesn’t mind when Julie doesn’t respond past the occasional hum and vague ‘oh?’ and after Flynn pauses to let her read through the latest update — they’d gotten all the civilians off the bus, so far there was no casualties but firefighters were still working tirelessly to contain the fire — she asks if she’s okay.
“I’m—“ and she wants to say that she’s fine, but she isn’t ‘fine’, not yet, and she’s never been good at lying, especially to Flynn so she blows out a breath and closes her eyes, trying to block out the images of a build in flames and Luke’s face vanishing into them. “I’m worried. But I'll be alright. Tell me about how you plan on combining disco with a pastel colour palette.”
Flynn stays on the phone with her until she has a call waiting and apologies and has to go, promising to call back afterwards. But Julie tells her it’s okay. People’s lives go on, even while hers feels like it’s been put on pause for the day.
And it’s weird, she thinks as she moves around her kitchen to fill her coffee machine and put away clean dishes, this isn’t the first time Luke has been in a dangerous situation since they’ve been together. But it’s the first time she’s not been at work, not had something to distract her, the first time that Luke had been one of the first on the scene, that it had made the news.
The machine beeps and steam curls up from her favourite mug — it had been her mom's favourite first, deep enough to hold either coffee or hot chocolate with room left for cream and marshmallows, with a hand wide enough to curl all her fingers around and still feel comfortable and secure in her grasp. It reminds her of her mom and of cold mornings in the studio before school and of her first heartbreak when she’d been twelve and of when Luke had helped her unpack, carefully putting it on the bottom shelf of a cupboard for her to easily reach.
It reminds her of comfort and that’s exactly what she needs right now as she wraps her fingers around the pale yellow dotted ceramic, letting the heat seep into her skin, and walking back to her sofa. The sitcom on tv has changed to a different sitcom, and the twitter search is telling her there’s ten new tweets and the news site is still playing the muted live broadcast. She can still see Luke’s station’s engine in the background and knows he’s still there. She blows across her coffee, watching the steam spiral and the liquid ripple and waits.
It’s dark, the tv has gone through three different sitcoms only to end up back on the one she’d started with and Julie’s on her third cup of coffee when she hears a key in the door. She had shut her laptop an hour ago when the last update came through about the last of the flames being put out and the firefighters returning to their engines. It had been twenty minutes later when she’d gotten a text from Luke saying he was okay, and Julie had clutched her phone tight to her chest and tried to breath easily again. In her head, Julie knew he wouldn’t be home straight away, that he’d have to go back to the station, that he might go get checked over, that he might just end up going back to his flat with the boys and she’d debate getting in her car and driving to him.
So she’d waited, fingers tapping on the now cool ceramic as her teeth chewed her bottom lip close to drawing blood. And then there’s a key in the door and Julie waits until she hears it open and clicks shut again, a thud as he drops his bag, and then she’s putting her mug down and waiting in the entrance to her little living room.
He looks tired, is the first thing she thinks, his shoulders low and his head on an angle as he kicks off his shoes by the door, and when he turns around, eyes trailing up her legs to her face, she takes in the weary look, the circles under his eyes and the smudge of soot still on his jaw, and just holds out her hand. His lips twitch a little at the corners, and something flashes across his eyes that she thinks might be love as he steps towards her. One, two, three, four and then his hand, larger and warmer and callused, is in hers. She notices the smudges of dirt, scratches and patches of red and swallows as she looks back at his face.
“Hi,” he whispers, voice hoarse and Julie tries not to think about him out there for hours shouting orders and checking in with his crew and being so close to danger.
“Are you—?” she starts, voice just as low and it’s the way Luke squeezes her hand that cuts her off.
“I’m okay,” and then he winces, and Julie’s eyes shoot to his face, to his shoulders, to arms, to find what’s wrong. But she can’t see anything until he carefully lifts up his other hand, the one that had been buried in his hoodie pocket and she sees the bandage wrapped around his palm and tied at his wrist.
“Door of the bus was jammed and my gloves are apparently very old,” he shrugs, but there’s still a hint of pain in his eyes and an exhaustion like she’s never seen in the way he holds himself that stops Julie from commenting.
“Come on.”
She gently tugs at his hand and Luke follows her willingly into her bathroom, sitting on top of the toilet seat with a sigh that seems to echo through the room. There’s a first aid kit under her bathroom sink that she pulls out but instead of rooting through it Julie steps past Luke to turn on her shower, falling water filling the empty room as Luke raises his eyebrows at her in question.
“You clearly didn’t shower at the station, and you’ll regret not washing the smoke off of you now,” she shrugs, and if maybe she also doesn’t want him tracking smoke and soot and dirt into her bed, well, two birds and all that.
He makes a noncommittal sound, one shoulder lifting in a half shrug as he nods in agreement. Julie helps him take off his hoodie, and she knows he must be tired because he hasn’t even bothered with a t-shirt underneath, his sweat pants and underwear get thrown into her laundry pile and then Julie watches him climb over the lip of her bathtub to stand under the stream of water. She watches him for a moment, as the water trails down his back and his muscles stay tense, shoulders still drooped and hands slack at his sides. The water runs dark for a few seconds as he hangs his head, soot and dirt washing down the drain, and with it the last of his strength she guesses, because Luke turns around until his back is against the tiles and lets himself slide down until he’s almost sitting.
“‘m tired,” he apologises as he looks up at her, eyes hooded and lips trying to smile. And Julie just wants to hold him. But he’s soaking wet and looks halfway to sleep so she just shakes her head.
“Hey it’s okay. Turn around?” She says, and he looks at her quizzically, brows drawing closer together as she grips the bottom of her t-shirt and pulls it over her head.
“Don’t think there’s enough room sitting like this,” he mutters, and there’s a hint of his teasing tone that she knows so well that makes Julie smile, flicking his temple as she reaches past him to unhook the shower head from the wall so she can wash his hair.
“We’ll have to try it some other time, hm. Lean forward a little.” And he does, a soft chuckle rasping out of him that turns into a sigh as she starts to work her fingers into his hair and scratch at his scalp.
By the time she’s finished washing his hair and running a flannel up and over his back, and shoulders and across his chest and down his arms, the mirror has fogged over and the room is full of steam. Luke wraps a towel around his waist, and as Luke slowly rubs another over his head in an attempt to dry his hair, Julie runs one over her arms and across her stomach, glad she’d decided to save her clothes from getting too wet.
Julie picks up the first aid kit and wraps her fingers around Luke’s hand and then leads him across the hall to her bedroom. There’s a clean pair of sweatpants and his favourite faded cut-off laid out on the bed and when he looks at her, eyes a little wide and brows raised, she just shrugs once, and nods. Julie goes to let go of his hand, to give him time to get dressed, but Luke pulls her close against his side and presses a hard kiss to her temple. He lingers, and Julie doesn’t mind, is glad for the chance to wrap her arms around his waist and hold him, to feel the heat coming from his body and see his chest beating. He’s okay.
After Luke pulls on his pants and makes a show of pulling his t-shirt over his head, Julie pushes him back until he’s sitting on the edge of her bed, pulling over the little stool she uses to hold her make up and sitting between his knees. She’d pulled one of Luke’s shirts on while he’d gotten dressed and now his fingers are playing with the hem, rolling and twisting it.
“I like it when you wear my clothes,” he mutters and Julie laughs lightly.
“I know,” she can still very clearly remember the first time she’d really worn something of his, and he’d made it very clear how much he liked it. “Hand please.”
He puts her injured hand in hers and she holds it carefully as he fingers trace over the jagged cut and bites her lip. It’s really not as bad as she’d thought. It can’t be that deep, otherwise Harrison would have made him go to the hospital but still. Seeing Luke hurt always twists something in her gut and she has to take in a deep breath before she can get to work.
First it’s an antiseptic cream and second a kiss to his wrist as he hisses in pain, and then she starts wrapping the gauze bandage around his hand methodically. When she finishes the fingers off his other hand have twisted themselves into her top, his pinkie finger dipping below the waistband off her leggings as his thumb strokes idly at her skin, and Julie knows he’s doing it more to distract himself then her, but she still can’t help but shiver.
“Done,” she murmurs, tying the bandage off and gently tucking the end a little under to keep it out of his way, and keeping a hold of it, and when she looks up Luke is already looking at her, eyes soft and lips finally finding a way to smile.
“Thank you,” Luke whispers and rolls her eyes. They do this every time she cleans up a cut or graze. He thanks her, and she says he doesn’t need to, and then he kisses her as payment.
It’s the same as always, Julie shakes her head and Luke leans forwards, his lips catching hers. But where normally it’s a kiss that turns into something more, she can still feel how tired he is, it comin off of him in waves and Julie pulls back slowly.
“Let’s go to sleep,” it’s nearly 2am and it’s been a long day right now, all Julie wants to do is hold him.
She pulls back the duvet with one hand, her other still wrapping around Lukes and he slides under the covers first with a moan of relief, pulling her down to join him. The light is still on and she wants to take off her socks, but Luke has one arm wrapped around her waist and the other still holding her hand and pressed over his chest, and she can feel his heart beating. She shifts in his hold so she’s lying a little further down the bed and can put her head on his chest, hear his heart and feel the way his thumb traces nonsensical patterns on the back of her hand.
“Love you, Jules,” he mutters, and he must be halfway to sleep she knows, but his words her a little slurred and his breathing has gotten deeper and the lips he presses to her hair don’t stay for long.
She’ll get up when he’s fallen asleep, she thinks, to turn off the lights and brush her teeth. But for now she’ll let him hold her, and not loosen her grip on his hand and finally breathe.
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coldmilkcreamery · 3 years
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all rights reserved.
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: jung sungchan x male reader 🌹
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 2045
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: sungchan lends you a pair of jeans a whiff too tight and immediately regrets doing so.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: a lot and i mean a LOT of pet names, also, cringe 😬
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 ⭐️
𝗮/𝗻: sooo, we’re back ig! and oh my god did i enjoy writing this and how perfect the gif i found is for the story just made it all the more entertaining 😂😂 so hope you enjoy!! we’ve had this in our drafts for suuuuchh a long time but we only found it in ourselves to post it now :p ahaha, consider this a comeback of some sorts?
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
“God I’ve missed you.” Sungchan says with bated breaths as he nuzzles his chin against the crook of your neck from across the driver's seat.
“Jesus Sungchan, it’s been less than 12 hours since you last saw me.” You giggle as he presses his lips against your jaw.
“You even had dinner at my—” He cuts you off, grabbing the back of your head and pushing your lips onto his. “—place.” You weakly continue.
“Shhh.” He says, halting your speech, laying a finger on your lips as the rest scramble to unbuckle your seatbelt.
“Shhhhh.” He slurs, even longer this time as the seatbelt springs up to your shoulders before disappearing into the seat.
A gentle kiss takes the place of his index finger on your lips. Sungchan’s tongue rams into yours and both of your lips vibrate as mewls spew from them.
“Sungchan, we should stop.” You chuckle, pushing him off of you. “We’re in a car.” You add, succeeding your hasty and intermittent breaths.
“Fine.” Sungchan obliges, his lips pressed into a petulant pout as he shuts down the engines.
You look at the parking space ahead, the headlights forming strings of yellow in the fast-paced rainfall. He reaches over to twist the key digging into the steering wheel, knocking over a cup of coffee in his path.
“S-Sungchan, honey?” You quiver under the gush of liquid making waves over your jeans.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” Sungchan’s palms slide up his face and into his scalp. “Are you hurt baby boy?” He drags his words through pressed lips.
“I-I’m fine.” You stutter as he babies your cheeks with his palms, rubbing and squeezing them, his doe eyes staring into your slightly irritated look.
“Do you have an extra pair?” You ask, reaching behind your backrest for a towel.
“I do actually.” Sungchan beams, ripping his hands off of your cheeks. “Renjun left one at my place, I was going to drop it off one of these days, but I suppose you could use it.”
“Renjun’s!?” You howl. “That’s not gonna fit me!”
“They’re a little baggy on him, so they’ll just be a bit tight.” He replies, as he takes the towel from you. “Here, let me.”
Sungchan watches you with a lidded gaze as his hands stroke your thigh, which took the brunt of the spill, with a towel. He makes rounds in the area before roaming your inner thigh and ultimately wandering to your crotch.
“Don’t.” You bite back with a squinted glare, catching his tongue slip out of the crevice of his lips to dampen them. “My god Sungchan, less than a day since you last saw me, less than a day.”
“Not my fault my little baby boy’s such a hottie.” Sungchan briskly winks, his petulant tone sugarcoats the obscenity of his remark.
“Just give me the pants.” You restlessly reach your hand out. “And I’m not that short, you’re just a giant.”
“Here you go baby.” He cooes as he catapults the pair into your palms, garnering a soft and whiny ‘thank you’ from you as you reach for the tab of your zipper.
Your fingers stall its teeth as you sit the pants beside your lap. Catching a set of eyes from the corner of your sight, your head creeps up towards them.
“What are you waiting for?” A voice emerges from the pair of eyes staring at you.
“N-nothing, it’s just that,” You pause, rubbing the back of your neck.
“What?” Sungchan inches closer, wrapping his arm around one shoulder.
“You’re staring at me.”
Sungchan bursts into noisy and unrestrained peals of laughter, occasionally shaken by his head making swings backwards. He plants his hand on his puffing abdomen as he tries to stifle his laughter.
“I’m your boyfriend.” He manages to cough out in his wheezing fit. “If anything, I’d like to see you remove even more than your pants.” He adds, shooting you a perky wink, tugging at your cheeks again.
“I—” You stammer, eyes wide as your cheeks burn red.
“Aww, is my precious pumpkin getting shy?” Sungchan interrupts you, pursing his lips and furrowing his brows as he pinches your cheeks. Again.
You slap his hand away, inhaling sharply, retracting a fist to threaten a punch. Two fingers from each hand hook into the waistband of the pants as your legs squirm into the pair.
“Ok, I’m done, let’s go.” You pant for air as your feet pop out of the bottom hems. A lewd smirk surfacing Sungchan’s lips narrows your eyes at him.
“What now?” You let out a raspy groan.
“Nothing.” Sungchan brings a fist up to his lips, to shield his grin. “Just, a little tight don’t you think?” He snorts, eyeing the jean’s stretched seams and the creaseless bulge ballooning from under its fly.
“You bi—”
“I don’t mind though.” He giggles, his fingers making another voyage to your cheeks before being swatted away by your hands.
“You look good.” Sungchan’s eyes flicker up and down your body as he lightly bites at his bottom lip. Little did Sungchan know that he wouldn’t be the only one to think so.
Had he known how much attention the fit of Renjun’s pants would draw, he would have very much rather wasted the little money left in his wallet to buy you a pair. Not that he thought you didn’t already have one though.
Sungchan coughs out an exasperated huff as you stroll past probably the third group of women he’s caught ogling your lower body since you got to the shopping district.
You and Sungchan come across yet another woman. He catches her passes at flirting, tucking hair behind her ears, shy smile, looking down, discrete grooming and shoots her a stringent glare.
His wrist curls into the palm of your hand and his fingers snake onto your knuckles as he hauls you away from her. You look at his hand and tighten your grip on it.
“Sungchan, babe,” You call out smiling, prodding his shoulder as you take notice of his glum frown. “sweetie.”
“Dude.” Your voice is raised slightly and your nudges get heftier with the silence. “Hyung!”
“Y-yes babe?” His voice is shaky as he glares into the distance.
“What’s wrong?” You reach up to rub his back. “Why the long face?”
“Nothing baby.” Sungchan’s flexed brows and firm pout let loose. His expression softens as he briskly looks to you with a delicate smile.
“I’m hungry, let’s go have lunch.” He urges, dragging you to the food court, this time stringing his whole arm around yours so that your elbows are touching.
“Okay.” You reply, curling your forearm up and cuffing Sungchan’s bicep in your hand on the way to a restaurant.
“I’ll get that for you.” One of the workers by the counter approaches your table, picking up a couple of baskets and the checkered, oil stained liners on them.
“Thank you.” Sungchan’s eyes crinkle as he rests his forearms on the now emptied table. Looking over the screen of his phone, his smile dissipates.
Her eyes wander to your lower half. Her cheeks burn red as she brushes chunks of hair on either side of her forehead behind her ears.
Here we go again, Sungchan mentally groans..
“I-I’ll get going.” She squeaks, waddling back to her counter to dispose of the trash.
Sungchan manages to grab hold of pieces of tissue. His fists clench on top of the table, fingertips digging into his palms and ripping the paper towels.
“She better.” He mumbles, lower lip jutting further out as the rigid edges of the ripped up tissues peer out between his fingers.
“What was that hun?” You furrow your brows at him, eyes emerging from the top of your phone.
“N-nothing.” He stammers, his twitching eyes locked onto the back of the waitress as teeth grit behind his adhered lips. “Why don’t we order our food?”
“Sure.” You smile. “I’ll place our orders.”
“Wait what?” His eyes widen, jerking to you as you get up to approach the counter. The curve of Sungchan’s frown deepens as he watches you approach the busser who cleaned your table a while ago spiral into a flustered mess.
He stares up from under strands of hair at the both of you. Acute giggles spray out of her toothy smile. She brushes chunks of hair from either side of her forehead behind her ears as she hands you a pen to sign your receipt.
She was trying to flirt. With his boyfriend.
And to make things worse, she wasn’t even trying to be discrete about it. Sungchan’s pouted lips tremble, going agape as he watches the girl eye you up and down in a way only he’s supposed to.
His palms land on the armrests of his chair as he elevates from his seat. You arrive at your table with a tray of food, stopping Sungchan from standing up.
“Hello! You there?” You wave in front of his eyes as you rest the tray of food on your table.
“U-uh yeah? W-what?” Sungchan stammers.
“You want anything else?”
He grins weakly and shakes his head, looking back at you. He sits back down, now staring blankly at the swiveling cubes of ice in the paper cup in front of him.
“Here’s a cup of water and the coffee you ordered.” The same girl from the counter squeals.
She slips on her heel which causes the tray in her hands to dip on one side, spilling water from the collar of your shirt down to its bottom. A scoff spews from Sungchan as he catches the knowing smirk form on her lips.
“First my pants and now my shirt.” You sigh, looking at Sungchan as your arms hover over the wet patch of your shirt.
“O-oh I-I’m so sorry!” She covers the smirk at the bottom of her face with her hands. “Here, let me wipe that for you.”
A blank and expressionless smile materializes from Sungchan’s expression. “It’s no big deal, let me do it.”
“N-no sir, let me, it’s my job.” The girl bows only for Sungchan to help her torso up which causes her to flinch slightly.
“No, please, I know you’re busy, let me.” He exhales deeply, seeming to bite his teeth at the last few words.
“But sir—”
“Listen to me while I’m asking nicely.” He whispers maliciously, tilting his head and raising a brow over his twitching eye, causing you to flinch this time.
“Let me do it. And while I’m at it, I want you to pack our food for take out, and Get. Away. From. My. Boyfriend. Got it?” Sungchan seethes, staring her down with a wide-eyed glare.
“Follow me.” Sungchan rasps, after ripping the packed up leftovers from the girls fingers.
Both of your brows raise as a squeak jumps from the girl’s throat. Your lips curve into a lopsided smile to stifle your laughter. You now know why Sungchan had been acting so weird the whole day.
Sungchan’s always been the clingy, protective, cannot be alone for more than five minutes type. It does annoy you at times but on occasions like this, it really shows how much he loves you.
“To where?” You ask, continuing to suppress potential laughter.
“I’m buying you a pair of pants.” He continues, glaring into the distance squeezing your hand in his. “And a new shirt.”
“Why?” You question blankly.
Sungchan’s eyes flicker to you before jolting away. “A-aren’t you uncomfortable?”
“Not at all.” You taunt.
“B-bu—” Sungchan stammers.
“But what?”
“You what?”
“I-II just don’t like how every girl we pass by stares you up and down like you’re some piece of meat.” Sungchan whines, lips firmly pressed together.
“Jealous much?” A smirk balloons from your lips.
“O-only I should be allowed to look at you like that.” He whines, looking down with a frown.
Heaving a sigh, you succumb to your own laughter. “Love you babe.” You coo, pinching Sungchan’s cheek.
“You’re mine and only mine, you know that right?” Sungchan grabs you into his embrace, sliding the back of his fingers up and down your jaw.
Wrapping your arms around his nape, you gently peck his lips and smile into his eyes. “All rights reserved.”
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 02.23.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.27.21
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faulty-writes · 3 years
Me: sees thine holy writing: (°▽°)
Sees that you write lots for tenya: (^○^)
Me remembering that I’m a tenya simp: (*゚∀゚*)
Haha, something to cheer you day up ^-^
But can you write the most fluffiest fanfic for iida? Much thank
A fluffy fic you say? Well, this is what I present to you! Mainly inspired by this gif, interesting what gives you inspiration. But I hope you enjoy this, I tried to make it fluffy.
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[ Tenya was normally attentive to those that needed it, however when you get a cut on your finger and Tenya insists he patch it up for you. Things get a little strange when you request a few more things from him. ]
A cough escapes as the dirt continues to float around you, your hero suit was covered in debris and a soft ache coursed through your shoulder. More than likely because you landed on it when you tried to outmaneuver the turbo hero, Ingenium.
But, most of the time you knew him as Tenya Iida. Class A had come to a mutual agreement to take part in extra training and had been granted permission to use Ground Omega by your teacher Shota Aizawa, but it seemed the training backfired.
“Y/n!” Tenya’s urgent voice came as you cradled your hand to your chest, but you held your index finger out. A bloody cut, about an inch or so, ran down the tip of your finger. Small droplets of red soaked into the ground below you and moments later, you felt a gust of wind.
It carried your hair and another cloud of dirt which made you turn your head and cough yet again. “Ah,” Tenya looked at you from behind the eyepiece of his helmet before he removed it completely, deciding to allow it to hang from the side of his hip instead.
His glasses were slightly tilted on the bridge of his nose, but that didn’t stop him from scanning you from head to toe. His arms were held up and bent slightly, fingers separated in a panic. Then a moment later, he dropped to his knees and began chopping his hand through the air.
“Y/n! Are you alright? My sincerest apologies!” his voice was slightly frantic as he begins to bow repeatedly and you couldn’t do much but look at him with slight amusement. Tenya always took things too seriously and it was humorous, but most of the time unnecessary.
It wasn’t right to expect one person to carry the consequence of other's actions or even their own, to some extent. But Tenya seemed to feel guilt over the smallest of things, including what had gone wrong during the training exercise and, “Y/n! Your finger!” Uraraka’s voice suddenly cut through the air.
“Huh?” you blinked and turned to look at her, Izuku was by her side and Eijirou next to him. “Hey, uh...do you need to see Recovery Girl?” the redhead questioned before letting out a wince as Katsuki smacked him in the back of the head.
“Shut the hell up!” the furious blond exclaimed before stomping his foot and placing his gloved hands on his hips. He turned to you, eyes narrowing on your finger. “Pff,” he then turned to walk away, “the extra is fine! Now come on! We’re here to train, damn it!” he growled through clenched teeth before using his quirk to blast off the ground.
“Hey wait!” Eijirou called after him, raising one of his hands in the air as if he could touch Katsuki before he stopped short. “Uh,” he looked between you, Tenya, Izuku, and Uraraka. “Sorry! I’ll catch you all later!” he said before he resumed running out of sight.
Uraraka frowned and turned to Izuku who stepped forward as Tenya focused his attention back on you. A gasp came when he noticed the state of your finger, “Y/n, may I…” he hesitated as he motioned to your hand. “Oh,” you looked at your cut before nodding and holding it out for him.
He grasped your wrist gently and was careful to avoid touching the cut as he held your finger between two of his own. “Hm, I see,” he released your hand and reached up to push his glasses back into place before standing on his feet.
“Midoriya, Ochako,” he said, effectively catching their attention. “I’m going to take Y/n back to the dormitory building, their cut doesn’t look too serious. However, I’d rather take precautionary measures to ensure it does not become infected or is otherwise untreated,” he placed his hands on his hips.
“Is that acceptable to the two of you?” he questioned and Izuku nodded. “Of course, it is! You’re such a good friend Iida, take care of them well!” Uraraka said with a smile. “Yeah, and it’s alright i-if...you don’t make it back to training. It’s only...practice after all,” Izuku confirmed before he looked at you.
“If you um, ever want to practice training again. I’m sure we can organize something,” he said and you smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind,” you replied before watching the two of them walk away. “Iida, you don’t have to take care of my cut,” you knew that was rude to say considering Tenya seemed stern in his new objective to do exactly that.
You didn't bother looking at him, or his reaction to your words. Rather your attention was on the red liquid that still poured from the cut. “Forgive me, but I disagree.” he crossed his arms over his chest, a present frown now on his lips.
“It is my fault that you got injured, though be it a small cut. I take full responsibility and I will make this fault up to you,” he spoke proudly and his voice slightly deepened which caused a shiver to run down your spine. You glanced away hoping to hide your flushed expression.
There was always something about Tenya when he spoke in a certain tone, maybe you found it attractive. But you’d never tell him that. “Please allow me to carry you,” your head shot back in his direction. “W-What?” you questioned, clearly dumbfounded especially when you saw him smile.
Once more, he brought his hand up. Pressing his fingers against the metal plate of his suit. “Forgive me, perhaps that question is rather shocking and inappropriate without proper permission, allow me to make my intentions clear,” he said before bringing his hands to his sides.
“Will you please allow me permission to carry you to the Class A dormitory building?” he asked, his voice deepening once more and you felt your mouth get slightly dry. “Uh…” you swallowed hard, “I guess...you can,” you replied sheepishly and that’s all the confirmation Tenya needed.
Before you could register what was happening, you felt one arm brace the back of your knees and another pressing firmly across your shoulder blades. A squeak escaped when you realized you were being lifted and your arms snaked around Tenya’s neck, taking a firm grip.
“Apologies, I do not mean to frighten you. But please know, I would never drop nor purposely hurt you. You are safe within my arms,” he stated as he looked at you. “Hm!?” your reaction wasn’t exactly voluntary and neither was the pink-tinted color coming to your cheeks which Tenya noticed.
“Are you alright? Do you feel ill!?” he questioned in a frantic manner, leaning dangerously close to you. “I...I-I’m fine!” you managed to squeak out which caused Tenya to narrow his eyes. “Are you certa-” you interrupted him by nodding your head, but you knew he didn’t believe you.
Still, you were relieved when he finally leaned away. Giving you a chance to breathe, the dull ache from your finger somewhat brings you back to reality along with the rumbling sound of Tenya’s engines. “Please hold on tight, I will not drop you as your safety is my number one concern as of this moment,” he reassured you, completely oblivious to the fact he was making your heart race.
But that changed the moment he kicked off the ground and your world blurred. The wind felt as though it were piercing right through you and your hair whipped around violently. It was a little pathetic, but you found yourself curling into Tenya.
Partly trying to block the wind from affecting you while your stomach continued to twist slightly, unused to the high speeds Tenya could reach. While it felt like moments had passed by, in a matter of seconds you were closing in on the dormitory building.
The wind got less intense as Tenya slowed down and you lifted your head to look at him, listening to those soft pants that left his mouth. “Tenya…?” you questioned, and watched as he turned his attention on you.
“Hm, yes?” he responded, those soft pants of his continuing to fill the air. “Oh...um nothing,” you said before deciding to focus on the front porch of the dormitory instead. But, you should have known better. ‘Nothing’ wasn’t an answer that could or would satisfy Tenya.
“Are you most certain? You do not have to be afraid to ask a question even if the subject of which concerns me, you, or something unrelated," he began, once more dropping down to that serious tone of his.
"I am more than happy to provide an answer as your classmate, class president, and dear friend,” you felt your heart sink as he began to slowly walk up the stairs, and with each step, you could feel the pressure of his fingertips digging into the skin of your shoulder.
“I know…” you replied as you pressed your hand to his chest, feeling how warm the metal had gotten due to his run. It made you wonder if Tenya was sweating on the inside of his hero suit or if he had some type of cooling system similar to the ones in his boots that prevented his engines from overheating.
“Just...thank you,” the words came out in a shy whisper just before you glanced away. “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me, it’s only a little cut,” you reminded him, but Tenya shook his head.
“I am afraid you got harmed as a direct result of my poorly timed actions, perhaps I was not fully comprehending or registering them during our training. But such behavior is unbefitting of a hero, especially toward someone they care deeply for," he said as he turned back to look at you, eyebrows slanted in another serious expression.
You parted your lips slightly, letting out a soft almost inaudible noise as he continued to speak. "In addition, as I stated earlier. I will do what I must to right this fault I have committed,” those subtle noises now turned into a defeated sigh.
Tenya was admirable in some sense of the word but once more you found yourself wishing he wasn't so serious. Your thoughts were broken as he walked through the door and the eerie silence of the dorm came to attention. It was strange to see the place empty.
“I am going to take you to the restroom, does that sound acceptable?” he questioned and you jumped in his arms. “Uh…” a moment of hesitation came before you shook your head. “Oh, I mean! Uh, t-that’s fine!” you replied and yet again got a strange look from Tenya.
“Are you most certain you are well?” you latched onto your bottom lip, cursing yourself for your rather stupid response. But, you nodded. “Y-Yeah! Fine...just not used to being carried,” your explanation was accompanied by an awkward laugh that almost made you want to smack yourself in the face.
Especially as Tenya raised his eyebrow yet again which caused you to latch onto your bottom lip, silencing your laugh. “S-Sorry,” you replied before focusing your attention down the hall where Tenya took another turn before he came to a stop in front of the restroom door.
Despite the fact the dormitory was empty, Tenya carefully balanced you in his arms before he extended one hand out and knocked. Once he was sure the restroom was actually and truly empty, he slid the door open and stepped inside.
“Here we are,” he said as he slowly placed you onto the toilet. Ensuring the lid was down first as he didn’t want another uncomfortable or awkward situation to occur, much less put you in harm's way again.
“Forgive me, but may I excuse myself for a short moment? I wish to change into something more appropriate. I shall only be gone for five minutes,” he explained, yet again bowing as he rambled off. Your hands reached down, clenching to the outside of the toilet seat. You were mindful of your cut finger.
“Uh, sure Iida. N-No problem!” you said, knowing your cheeks were still warm and continuing to rise in heat. You tried taking a deep breath but ended up coughing a few times and tried to play it off by glancing around the bathroom.
Maybe if you distract your thoughts away from Tenya, you'd remain calm. But Tenya seemed rather confused by the fact you coughed and reached up to cup his chin, tapping it a few times as he observed you. He wanted to ask if you were alright, but perhaps you were still getting over the shock of what happened.
"Thank you, please remain here." he bowed politely before exiting the bathroom, leaving you alone for a few minutes. You fidgeted some and ran your hands up and down your thighs. Trying to get rid of the butterflies in your stomach before you glanced at your finger. It didn't look too bad, apart from the dried blood.
You may have gotten too lost in your thoughts considering you jumped when three loud knocks sounded, your hand immediately reached up to fist into the front of your hero suit. “Y/n,” came Tenya’s voice, “may I come in?” he questioned and you dropped your hand. But your heart was still racing from the small scare.
“Uh, yeah!” you replied and watched as the door slid open and Tenya walked in. You swallowed as you glanced over him from head to toe. He was now wearing a plain white top with an unbuttoned long-sleeved blue plaid shirt over it.
This was accompanied by loose jeans that were neatly folded up at his ankles. “Is something wrong?” he questioned, more than likely realizing that you were staring at him. “Ah! Oh no, no!” you said, waving your arms in front of you like mad.
“I just...um…” you paused and looked down, trying to figure out what you could possibly say. You reached up, rubbing the back of your head. “You l-look very nice!” you managed to stutter out which, in turn, surprised Tenya.
He took a half step back and his cheeks grew a faint red color. “Oh, I see. Thank you very much,” he stated, hands coming down press against the sides of his thighs and his shoulders squared. He gave another bow before he approached you, carefully kneeling down but not allowing himself to touch the floor.
Then he held his hand out, “May I see your injured finger?” he questioned and you stared at that awaiting hand before slowly reaching out for it. His touch was gentle but that firm urgency was still there as he looked over the cut and the small amount of dried blood that had stained your hand.
“Please wait a moment,” he said as he gently placed your hand back down, resting it against your thigh. You watched as he rose to his feet and walked to the nearby closet where he grabbed three hand towels. “I believe we need to properly clean your hand first,” he said just before turning on the faucet.
The sound of water hitting the porcelain surface echoed through the room and caused you to shift on the toilet seat. You watched as Tenya began to wash his hands before using one of the three towels to dry them off. He then tossed it into the nearby laundry basket, you watched as he wet another hand towel and turned to you.
Once more he kneeled in front of you and presented his hand which you took. “Please accept my apologies once again, and forgive my assumptions. But I believe you are uncomfortable in your current state," he said, referring to the fact you were still covered in dirt and there were some rips that now needed to be repaired on your hero suit.
He began to clean your hand, dripping a fair amount of water everywhere as he started with your knuckles and palm. You could see the dark smears of dirt against the white-colored towel and tensed up when Tenya took your finger.
Making sure he was using a clean part of the towel as he wiped the cut and dried blood away. He only paused for a moment to glance at you. “Forgive me, is it tender?” he questioned before his attention turned back to your finger.
The cut itself looked deep and irritated, the skin around the opening bright red and slightly inflamed. “Only when you touch it,” you responded. “I will be more gentle,” he promised before once again getting up.
He tossed the dirty towel into the laundry basket before washing his hands yet again and grabbed the last towel which he used to dry your hand off as opposed to his own. “I’m going to clean it properly now,” he stated before disposing of the last towel and turned back to the closet.
You could hear the slight rummaging sound, and soft clinks as Tenya pulled out the items one by one. A bag of cotton balls, a box of bandaids, disinfectant, and a single packet of antibacterial gel were now laid across the bathroom counter.
You blinked, “Iida, do you...really need all that to clean my cut?” you questioned and Tenya raised his eyebrow as he glanced over each item. He then brought his hand up to his chin, cupping it as he thought.
“Do you believe I missed something perhaps?” he questioned and you couldn’t help but chuckle which caught Tenya’s attention. “Pardon? Did I say something amusing?” you leaned back. “Oh,” that’s right, Tenya didn’t favor when others laughed at him or at least when he believed they were laughing at him.
“No, I...just wanted to say thank you, Iida,” it was best not to provoke him. Despite knowing that it would take more than a laugh or insult to break his serious and otherwise calm personality. Still, you didn't feel like starting an argument or confrontation with him.
“You’re quite welcome, however, I do not believe you should be giving me any form of thanks,” he said as he pulled out a cotton ball and proceeded to wet it with the disinfectant. “This may cause an uncomfortable stinging sensation," he said as he turned to you, the cotton ball held securely between his thumb and index finger.
"Please let me know if it becomes too much. I would not want to cause any further harm to you,” he said as he once again took your hand and began to gently dab the wounded area with the cotton ball. You watched as it fizzled and popped before a white foam began to fill the cut.
You clenched your jaw, it stung somewhat. But it wasn’t anything that could make you cry out. “It...doesn’t hurt that bad,” you responded and Tenya glanced at you, allowing a moment to pass before he nodded.
Then he turned his attention back to your finger, applying pressure to the cotton ball before dragging it along the length of the cut. “It only seems minorly irritated,” he noted before he got up once more and threw the dirty cotton ball into the trash.
He then carefully grabbed the small packet of antibacterial gel and poured a small amount onto a new cotton ball. “Please keep still,” you held your breath as he rubbed the gel around your cut, it was almost attractive watching Tenya like this.
But, he always had a tendency to be very caring. At least with those he considered to be close with. You wondered for a moment if that’s the only thing he saw you as or if there was any chance you could somehow make him see you in a different light.
Once he threw the last cotton ball away, he grabbed a bandaid and carefully unwrapped it. “Hold your finger out please,” he instructed and of course, you followed through. Extending your index finger out enough for him to carefully wrap the bandage around it.
“I believe that’s on correctly, does it feel too restrictive?” he questioned and you spread your fingers as you looked at the bandaid. You flexed your finger, making sure you could move it properly before you nodded.
“It’s fine Tenya…” you then looked over at the box of bandaids, “but…” you paused. “But?” Tenya questioned, pushing you to complete your sentence. “Are you unsatisfied?” he questioned as he stepped closer to you, invading your space.
You latched onto your lip, trying not to make a noise as Tenya leaned over. “Uh…” your breath hitched as his hand came to rest on your shoulder and he appeared to be looking you over. “Do you have any other injuries on your person I am not aware of?” he questioned.
“Pardon my touch,” he said before you felt his hand thread into your hair. You swallowed before leaning away, somewhat in a panic which was evident enough by the way you held your hands up. “N-No!” you suddenly exclaimed and Tenya immediately stepped back, creating a fair amount of distance between himself and you.
“I apologize if I made you uncomfortable, I did not mean to invade your personal space, and I-” you shook your head, stumbling to your feet. “I-Iida!” you stuttered out, “I was...I was just going to say that…” you blinked and lowered your hands to your sides.
Your gaze was to the floor and you knew he would notice how red your cheeks were. “Hm?” he reached up to grab the left side of his glasses, moving them slightly as if trying to correct his vision. “Then nothing is wrong?” you almost felt bad for confusing him and closed your eyes.
Another deep breath came before you spoke again, “I...just wanted another one,” you sheepishly said and lifted your head as you opened your eyes, catching Tenya’s confused expression. “I...I’m afraid I do not understand, you required one bandage for your cut,” he said as he raised his arm.
“Are you most certain you do not have another injury? I will not be angered if you state that you, in fact, do and require more medical attention!” you stepped back and watched him chop that hand through the air. It was such a repetitive movement.
But Tenya did it with ease, you wondered if his arm ever got sore. “Well, I…” you turned your head, once again looking away from the boy in front of you. “I would...feel better if I had another one,” you explained and Tenya blinked, his movements coming to a halt.
“I….are you certain it would make you feel better?” he questioned before you shyly glanced back at him, but remained silent as you nodded. Tenya’s eyebrows came down and you could hear a soft humming coming from the inside of his throat.
“Heh,” you gave a sheepish smile, maybe he was thinking too hard again? You slowly raised your hand, extending your bandaged finger out to him. “Hm?” such an action seemed to have caught his attention, but he was unsure of what he was supposed to do.
“Are...may I ask why you feel the need to present your finger?” he asked and you knew that there was a possibility of rejection or for Tenya to laugh at you for what you were about to ask next. “Well, a-actually can you…” the words you wanted to speak seemed stuck and Tenya stepped closer, reaching out to gently take your hand.
“Please, do not be afraid to ask me anything," he seemed to be repeating himself again. "I assure you, I would not find something you wish to say or ask to be humorous in any matter,” once more that deep tone was associated with his voice and it caused you to shiver.
You felt your mouth go dry, though you knew you could trust Tenya to keep his word. “O-Okay,” you said, though you knew your shaky voice held some uncertainty to it. “Would you...or c-can you...kiss it?” you questioned and almost immediately you felt him release your hand.
More than likely surprised by your bold question. “I...f-forgive me, I believe I must have misheard you. Please repeat your question,” you took note of Tenya’s wide eyes, clenched jaw, and overall unwillingness to go through with what you asked.
But you knew you’d never get anywhere if you didn’t push through the limitations in front of you. “I asked…” you began as you took a step forward, now standing only inches away from Tenya. You raised your hand to present your finger once more.
“Could you kiss my finger?” Tenya’s stiff posture seemed to soften, but you noticed how flushed he was. “I...I do not understand, I have taken the proper steps to clean it and you assured me you weren’t in any pain an-” you frowned before deciding to shove your hand in his face.
“Please Iida,” you might as well try begging. “I know you cleaned it and everything, but a kiss would make it feel better too,” you insisted and took note of the soft revving sound, more than likely coming from Tenya’s engines. Was he nervous? It certainly seemed that way, especially with how he stuttered out his response.
“I uh...I am afraid that’s too i-inappropriate and I do not b-believe even if this was a-appropriate in the context that would allow such an affectionate or o-otherwise romantic f-form of action t-that I would know h-how to-” you pressed your bandaged finger against his lips and tried to resist chuckling as you watched him tremble in response.
It was a surprise that his glasses weren’t fogging up with how deep red his cheeks were beginning to get. “It’s not inappropriate Iida,” you tried to reassure him. “It’s something that brings a lot of people comfort. It’s more of the thought behind the action. So please?” you questioned yet again as you removed your finger from his lips and held it out in hopes he’d follow through with doing what you wanted.
But you took note of how his eyebrows were slanted, and the way he looked at your finger as if it was something new and foreign to him. Actually, had Tenya ever done something like this before? Had he kissed anyone or anything?
You knew it wasn’t your place to ask, but you got a little concerned when you glanced down and watched as Tenya’s hands folded into loose fights which shook slightly. Then he brought those hands up, his palms facing out. His head was turned and his eyes slipped closed, he looked tense.
“If you continue to insist that you will feel better if I were to ‘kiss’ your finger. Then perhaps I have no choice,” he said, and you could tell he was a little annoyed as he lowered his hands and turned his head to face you once more.
But a sense of relief came when Tenya opened his eyes and reached up to gently take your hand. Then, he leaned forward. “I will try to be gentle, I can imagine your finger is still sore. Yes?” he questioned, but you were too busy watching as he guided your finger up to his mouth.
Then came the soft warmth of his lips which caused a tingle to course from the tip of your finger to the top of your head and down to the end of your toes. The faint echo of your pounding heart sounded in your ears and much like Tenya, you felt your cheeks heat up.
They were a dark shade of pink by the time Tenya pulled away. “I...trust your finger feels better now, yes?” he questioned and you swallowed, taking note of how his glasses were sliding down the bridge of his nose.
“Uh...y-yeah...but,” you glanced back to the sink counter, “c-can I have another?” Tenya blinked. “A-Another? But I just followed through with kissing your finger as you requested and-” you shook your head. “No I mean...can I have another bandaid now?” you questioned as you pointed to the box that remained sitting on the counter.
Tenya frowned and gently released your hand before crossing his arms, “I believe one is quite enough for you,” he stated and you knew by his tone that you shouldn’t try to argue. But that didn’t mean you wouldn’t. “Please?” you folded your hands together to resemble a begging position.
“Just one more!” he let out a soft growl. “I do not wish to waste the bandaids as our classmates might be in need of them as well,” he said before he reached over to take the box. “Come on Iida,” you decided to press as he turned to put the box of bandages back into the closet.
But, you reached out to grab his shoulder and a loud sigh came. The angry look he gave somewhat scared you, it was a rare sight to see Tenya scowl. “If you continue to insist yet again that this item is something that you need to feel better,” he began, “I will allow it for this one instance,” he said as he placed the bandages back onto the counter.
“But this is the last bandage, do you understand?” he said as he pulled one out, holding it between his fingers as he gave you a soft glare. “Uh…” you felt your stomach twist before you nodded. “Yeah, I understand,” you replied before Tenya began to peel back the paper that surrounded the bandage.
“Where would you like me to place this one?” he questioned, “Oh!” you hadn’t thought of that and quickly looked at your hand. “How about…” you held your hand in front of him, wiggling your ring finger. “Very well…” Tenya said as he stepped forward and yet again, wrapped a bandage around your finger.
You couldn’t help but smile as he turned to throw the excess paper away. “Thank you, Iida,” you said before looking at the box and quickly snatched another bandage out of it. You peeled off the outer wrapping and carelessly allowed it to fall to the floor.
“Hm?” Tenya glanced over his shoulder at you, almost suspiciously and you hid the bandage behind your back in hopes it would deter that suspicious glance of his. It seemed to fool him for the moment and he once more walked over to you.
It was almost embarrassing how tall Tenya was in comparison to yourself, but he was one of the tallest in your class. But at the same time, it was heartwarming. You know many outsiders could be intimidated by Tenya, but once you got to know him.
You’d find that he had a soft and caring side to him which was often perfectly balanced with his more serious and heroic side. Everything he did seemed to be with purpose and in a way that was admirable. “Allow me to walk you to your room,” he offered his arm for you to take and you glanced at.
“Actually Iida...um...I have something to tell you,” your fingers grazed across the bandage you held behind your back. “Hm?” he raised his eyebrow, “Of course, I assure you I am the most attentive listener,” you smiled, that’s kind of what you hoped for. You raised your free hand, using your finger to motion him to lean over.
He seemed confused at first but leaned down to your height as you wanted. You then brought your other hand forward, quickly peeling back the strips that covered the bottom side of the bandage. “Y/n!” Tenya exclaimed as if you committed some unforgivable sin, then came his hand.
Once more chopping through the air with urgency. “I believe I stated that I did not wish to waste any more bandages that are otherwise unnecessary!” you expected as much from Tenya and there was one thing you could do to stop him.
“Mm!” he suddenly flinched back when he realized the bandage you were previously holding was now placed over his lips. “Mmmm!” he mumbled, bringing his hands up to remove it but you quickly grabbed them which caused his eyes to widen.
You then offered a kind smile, though a few chuckles accompanied it before you leaned close. Pressing your lips against his mouth. Though that bandage did separate you from actually kissing his lips. But Tenya looked surprised, downright thrown off by your actions.
You knew there were countless thoughts running through his head, especially as you stepped away and proceeded to bow politely. “Thank you for saving me, Iida.” you grinned as you walked past him, taking some amusement in his flushed and furiously confused expression.
144 notes · View notes
plastic smile
Pairings - dark Charles Blackwood x Reader
Word Count - over 4.7k
warnings - oral (f and m receiving), major character manipulation
A/N - huge thanks to @buckyownsmylife @bestofbucky and @supremethunda for beta reading this. Thanks also to @eurynome827 for helping me to choose the gif. The poem in this is by Vinicius de Moraes and might be one of the most beautiful things I've read. As usual this is 18+ only so please don’t interact if you are a minor
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It had been a long day at the diner and you only started two hours ago, your usuals were the only thing getting you through it. You lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone so when the red sports car arrived that morning it’s all anyone could talk about.
Charles Blackwood walked into the diner and sat at the counter like he owned the place, his aura was the kind that everyone was drawn to; he was domineering and confident but friendly. You turned his coffee cup over and filled it up with the dark liquid. “Can I get you anything to eat today?” Smiling at him as he looks over the menu, you observe his features; strong jawline, soft curly hair, thick pouty lips and large uncalloused hands.
It takes you a moment to realise he’s asking you for pancakes, you blush and smile sweetly writing his order down and passing it back to the kitchen. Earl, one of your favourite regulars, asks for a refill, beckoning you over. “You be careful with him, don’t go getting any thoughts. He’s a Blackwood,” he tells you in warning.
The Blackwoods were almost an urban myth in the town, you only ever saw Merricat once a week and never her sister since the ‘incident’. The whole town was terrified of them, people always fear what they don’t understand. You however, thought they must be lonely and always tried to make an effort to speak to Merricat when she came in for her drink. Sure, she was a little odd but she was always polite and never forgot to thank you before she left, you always thought some of your other customers could learn a thing or two from her.
Passing Charles his pancakes, you catch your breath when he looks up at you with those big, blue eyes of his and smiles at you, grabbing your hand to ask you to stay. You stood chatting while the diner was emptying, feeling butterflies at how attentive he was, he asked you so many questions about yourself and actually listened to the answers. After finishing his third cup he pays, leaving you a hefty tip, and winks saying he’ll see you again tomorrow.
Watching him drive past in his flashy car, you can’t help but wonder why on earth he spent so much time getting to know you, you come from very different worlds. Wiping the countertop down and finishing up, you grab your bag and shout through to the kitchen, letting them know they’ll see you tomorrow.
Everyone around town seems to be talking about the Blackwoods today, you go to the library and hear Mrs Conners talking on the phone with goodness knows who about how Charles has come back, you then go to the park to sit and read when you hear two mothers gossiping while their children run around. You can’t understand the fuss but nothing ever happens in this tiny town, people talked for weeks when poor Sarah got flipped off her horse and broke her leg.
The next morning went the same as usual, you filled coffee cups, brought eggs and wiped down tables, that was until Charles came back and sat down in the same seat as the day before. He smiled at you and you held your fingers up to let him know you’d be right there, he grabbed a newspaper and read patiently refusing a drink from Barbara while he waited for you.
You flipped his cup round and poured him a coffee. “You know she has the same coffee as me,” you teased him, passing him the sugar and pulling your notepad out to take his order.
“Yeah but yours is so much sweeter,” he says, pushing the white crystals away and taking a sip of the bitter drink.
You try not to smile at the strange compliment but fail quite spectacularly when your mouth practically splits your face in half. “I’ll go and order your breakfast Mr Blackwood”.
Turning to add his ticket to the wheel. “It’s Charles.” You look back at him curiously.
“I’m sorry what was that?” You walk back over to him.
“You can call me Charles darling, Mr Blackwood is too formal. That’s my fathers name so please call me Charles.” He stares at you as though he’s staring through your soul, you lean forward and flip the paper over, grabbing your pen and passing it to him.
“I’m stuck on 10 down.” Pointing at the half finished crossword puzzle.
The diner has emptied again and you’re sitting laughing with Charles while you wait for the lunch crowd to show up, he is cute and funny, nothing like the other guys in town, the butterflies never really go away when he’s around you.
After your lunch shift, you grab your book so you can go and read in the park again when you see him across the street, leaning against the car. “Wanna go for a drive?” He opens the passenger door and gestures for you to take a seat, you don’t even think about it before skipping over and climbing in.
“So darling, tell me where you want to go,” he asks, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it. You almost melt into the seat, not able to speak for a moment before clearing your throat and pointing him in the direction of the beach on the outskirts of town. You talk for hours, you tell him about how your parents both died a few years ago, how you’re trying to save up enough money to move to the city and how you’re trying to write a book.
He’s such a good listener, you feel like you’ve talked for hours about yourself, which is refreshing because usually you’re the one people talk to. You could charge an hourly rate in that diner, listening to people’s troubles. He smiles that big beautiful smile at you and leans in to kiss you, it’s soft but demanding, grabbing the back of your head to deepen it, you moan into his mouth as he pushes his tongue in and strokes the top of your mouth.
Pulling back and rubbing his nose against yours, he looks down at you. “You’re so beautiful, I could just keep you forever.” Blushing at the cute compliment, you hide your face in the crook of his neck. He gives you a moment before tipping your chin up with two fingers and staring into your eyes. “I can’t believe one little compliment makes you so shy, you should be told everyday how precious you are my little dove.”
Dropping you back off at the diner for your evening shift, he waits for you to get through the door before waving goodbye and driving away. You float around on cloud nine for the whole shift and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by your boss, who has watched everything from the moment Charles first walked into the diner.
Calling you into his office, he asks you to take a seat. “Look, your private life is none of my business but please just be careful with him, he’s not what he seems. The whole Blackwood family is bad news.” You nod and smile at the elderly man who has always looked after you since your parents passed away. You respect him but he doesn’t know Charles very well, if everyone took the time to understand him better they’d see what a sweet person he was.
The end of your shift comes quickly and once again he waits across the street, leaning against his car and smiling at you. “Need a ride home?” You walk across to him and throw your arms around his neck. “Oh, someone is happy to see me,” he chuckles and kisses the top of your head.
Directing him to your house, he drives with one arm wrapped around your shoulder, running his fingers over your neck gently, setting your whole body on fire. Such a soft, gentle touch and you’re already absolutely desperate for him. Pulling up to the front of your little cottage, he switches the engine off and pulls your face up for another deep, soul clenching kiss. Leaning back you look at him bashfully. “Would you like to come in for a coffee?” He nods and kisses your forehead softly before telling you to stay put, running around the side of the car, he opens the door and holds out his hand to help you out.
You show him around before going to the kitchen and making coffee, taking out your best mugs, most of your kitchen stuff comes from the diner, and grabbing some snacks. You’re just leaning up to pick something out of the cabinet when you feel him pressed up against your back, he grabs the packet you were reaching for and sets it down on the counter. “It’s almost like I’m made to be here, looking after my little dove,” he whispers in your ear before planting soft kisses down your neck.
You breathe out softly as he takes his time finding all of your sensitive spots before turning you and holding your head in his big hands and desperately kissing you. Grabbing your ass, he picks you up and sits you on the counter. “Can I touch you?” He smiles as you nod quickly, moving your skirt up slowly, teasing you. You’re practically begging him by the time he pulls your ruined underwear down, he looks at them and sniffs the wet patch smirking at your embarrassment. “Looks like someone is needy”.
Shutting your eyes, you’ve never felt so absolutely mortified before, but he grabs your chin. “Look at me.” You slowly stare at his face as he grabs your hand and puts it on his hard cock. “Don’t be embarrassed, I want you just as much.” Holding your panties up he smirks. “These are mine now though.” Pushing them into his back pocket he pulls you closer to the edge of the counter and kisses around your thighs, tracing a line closer and closer to your wet folds.
You’ve read about this before but no man has ever done it to you and you’d never ask. His tongue is so firm and warm, he knows exactly what to do with it and you feel a new sensation slowly building inside you. He sucks on your clit and pushes what feels like two fingers into your tight wet hole, angling them up, setting your whole body on fire. You moan out loud and grab his thick hair, holding him right in place as you explode, moaning out his name, your voice echoing around your small kitchen.
Pulling your skirt back down to cover you up, he licks his lips and sucks his fingers clean while you catch your breath. “I’ve never tasted anything better before.” Your cheeks warm up again and are about to look away when he softly grabs your face, running his thumb over your lips and jawline. “You are so precious, don’t let anyone tell you any different. I’m going to go now, you need some sleep. I’ll come by in the morning and drive you to work”. You see him out and get cleaned up, pulling the blankets up, you don’t need to read to help yourself fall asleep tonight. You still feel like you’re floating.
You and Charles have been inseparable for the last month, he pretty much lived at your place so you could see more of each other. Every morning he’d wake you up with gentle kisses and touches that set your body on fire, he was so attentive driving you to work and taking your books back to the library when they were due, sitting in the diner doing the crossword puzzle while you work.
It was the best month of your life, so that weekend, when he got down on one knee to propose, you didn’t hesitate in saying yes, sliding his grandma's ring onto your finger, you made love that night and he made you feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
The next day, you wake up and see a white dress hanging from your wardrobe door, confused you go downstairs to find Charles and see him preparing breakfast for you. Eggs, coffee, orange juice and a flower in a glass just for you, walking up behind him you wrap your arms around his waist and kiss the freckle between his shoulder blades. “Is all this for me?” He turns around in your arms and kisses the top of your head.
“You weren’t supposed to wake up yet, I wanted to surprise my beautiful fiancé.” You kiss his lips and smile running back up the stairs and jumping into bed.
Following you up a few minutes later, he places the tray over your lap. “I have a proposal for you”. You slowly drink the bitter coffee and try not to let your disgust show on your face, he’s clearly never made coffee before but somehow that makes him even cuter to you, now you get to look after him forever.
“Let's go down to the courthouse and get married today, I don’t want to wait another minute to make you mine forever.” It was too soon, you know that, but the look on his face was so cute, you didn't want to hurt his feelings so you agreed, almost crying at the look of happiness on his face. “I found this dress in your closet, it's perfect, you’ll look like my own personal angel.” That was it, that's all it took, your own personal kaleidoscope of butterflies flew around your body. You were so happy you could almost cry.
After breakfast and a little bit of fun, he ran out to get a haircut and grab a few things for the ceremony. You got dressed and pinned your hair up in a simple style. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you felt sad that you didn’t have any family to be with you, you didn’t really have any friends either but you did have Charles and honestly that's all you wanted. Writing down a poem you wanted to say to him after your vows, you tucked it into the hidden pocket on the side of your dress and smiled when you heard the car pull up.
Charles walked in and looked at you like you hung the stars in your soft cotton dress, he passed a small hand tied bouquet of pink roses to you, smiling at how happy you were. “I got us an appointment with the judge, can you be ready in 15 minutes?” You looked in the mirror and nodded, picking up a lipstick to match your bouquet, you swiped it on and went to find your future husband.
An hour later you had said your vows, Charles was smiling so wide when you recited yours, squeezing your hand when you said honour and obey. The judge looked at you and you pulled out the poem, dropping Charles’ hands for a moment before you began;
I know that I’ll love you
My whole life through, I know that I’ll love you
At every farewell I will love you
With desperation I know I’ll love you.
And every verse i write will be my chance to say
I know that i'll love, love you my whole life through.
I know I’m going to cry,
Whenever you’re not here I’m going to cry.
But each time you return will make up for
The loss I felt when you weren’t at my side.
I know I’ll have to bear
A never ending feeling of despair
While waiting for this chance to be with you,
With you my whole life through
A tear rolled down your cheek and Charles wiped it away with his thumb. The judge pronounced you husband and wife and you kissed, his tongue softly caressing yours before he rubbed his nose across yours, your own secret love language.
Climbing into his car, Charles looks over at you smiling. “Shall we go to the diner now so you can quit?” Turning your whole body to look at him, he smiles that big grin that makes you melt. “I’m your husband now, I’ll take care of everything and you will take care of me and our children. I can't wait until you’re swollen with our children,” he says while rubbing your stomach. “You want that, don’t you my little dove? You want to honour and obey me.” Nodding, you turn back and look out the window at the passing scenery.
He stops outside the diner. “You’ve got ten minutes to grab your shit, don’t take all day.” Your stomach drops at the tone in his voice, you can’t think of what you’ve done to upset him but you want your happy and loving Charles back. Gathering your things, your boss tells you he’ll always have a space for you and not to be a stranger, he watches as you cross the street and climb into the car.
You slide up to him like you usually do but he pushes you away. “I’m driving, sit over there” the rejection stings but it makes sense he needs to be safe especially when driving. You sit and play with the roses he got you earlier, sniffing them and smiling at the sweet gesture, in no time at all you’re back at the cottage and he storms off into the house without even waiting for you. Your stomach drops, you must have upset him but you can’t think how or when, you walk into your house and call out for him wanting to apologise and fix whatever happened.
He’s in the bedroom sitting on the bed waiting for you “hey there little dove, come over here, it’s our wedding night don’t you want to make your husband happy?” Nodding you walk over to him and move to kiss him but he pushes you back and opens his legs “kneel down for me” pushing your shoulder down with force your knees hit the floor and you wince at the sharp pain. Undoing his belt and pulling his cock out he gently grabs your hair and pulls you over “make me feel good, be a good wife for me” you nod, licking and kissing his length before sucking the tip into your mouth.
He moans out and the fist in your hair tightens as he pushes you further down, choking you and bringing tears to your eyes. You slap his thighs to get him to ease up but he thrusts up into your mouth even more and groans out before spilling down your throat. Pushing your head back you stumble backwards and hit the floor “mmmm well done” he says lifting you up and sitting you in his lap. “How about you go and make us some dinner and I’ll clean up your mess in here?” He says as he kisses your neck, nibbling on the spot that he knows makes you putty in his hands, you stand up and he slaps your ass making you jump “make something nice for me and fix your hair it's a mess”
A few hours later you’re sitting reading on the sofa when the phone rings, Charles jumps up to grab it and grins a kind of smile you’ve never seen before. Staring at him as he sits back down he looks over at you and smiles “Constance has invited us over for dinner, she must have heard our happy news. It's all coming together my little dove, I’m going to be so rich I won’t have to talk to anyone in the family ever again and people will respect me all across the city”. You look at him confused “what do you mean? You’ll be rich?” But he just ignores your questions and reads the paper.
You wake up the next morning and find a dress hanging up waiting for you, sliding your feet into your slippers you go downstairs to find Charles sitting waiting at the dining table “finally you’re awake, I’ve waited for hours for you. I’m absolutely starving” grabbing the eggs and bread you look at him sitting reading his newspaper, he hadn’t even made himself a coffee. “I need you to look nice for Constance, we need to make a good first impression” you nod your head and give him breakfast trying to kiss him on the cheek but he pulls away.
On the way to Blackwood manor you’ve already been told to be on your best behaviour and you feel tense, sensing your feeling Charles pulls you close and hugs you like he used to, kissing your head and squeezing your shoulders “I’m sorry darling I just want them to love you as much as I do, I didn’t mean to make you nervous” you relax into his side and smile feeling the little flutters in your stomach again.
Constance and Merricat welcome you into their home and congratulate you on your recent wedding “I’m sorry you weren’t there, we were just so excited to tie the knot” Charles says hugging you tight and smiling at his cousins. Merricat pulls you into the garden while Charles and Constance catch up “why aren’t you at the diner anymore?” She whispers, hoping Charles doesn’t hear her, you smile at her knowing she likes her routine “I’m sorry, Charles wants to take care of me so I don’t have to work anymore. We’ll be starting a family soon so I won’t have time for anything else” that’s not what she wants to hear so she storms into the house and barges past Charles while you call after her.
You help Constance prepare lunch and try to get to know her better but she seems to be wary of you, probably because of Merricats reaction earlier. “Charles can you open the wine for the table please” you ask, passing him the corkscrew and biting your lip when he winks at you and blows a kiss. “You two seem to be enamoured with each other” Constance observes as you smile to yourself, grabbing the plate of vegetables “Thankyou, we love each other very much, neither of us wanted to wait too long before making it official”. She nods her head and smiles “I wish we could have met before you married, I want to get to know my new cousin. Merricat speaks so fondly of you” she says as you both walk into the dining area
Merricat comes back for lunch sitting at the opposite end of the table from you all, sneering at everything Charles said. You could see he was getting more and more annoyed with her and you tried to diffuse it before something bad happened by constantly interjecting and getting her talking. Dessert is served and you all sit discussing the weather, which is the safest subject between you all, you’ve discovered, when Charles suddenly changes the subject. “So Constance you sent me a letter saying that I was entitled to some of the family money” you all look at him in shock but he doesn’t seem to care.
“Yes but there were some conditions Charles” she says softly trying not to make a scene. Exhaling a loud breath through his nose he starts “I needed a wife” he nods at you, your face burning with rage as you start to put the clues together. He continues “I need a home, I have that now. So where’s my money” you stare at him with tears in your eyes, before excusing yourself and going to the bathroom.
You take deep breaths to not let your panic take over. Trying to focus your mind on something you grip the edge of the sink and don’t hear him enter, until he leans over your body growling in your ear “don’t you dare fuck this up for me and I’ll make it worth your while”. Staring at each other in the mirror for a moment, the only way out of this is if you nod in agreement and follow him back to the table.
Merricat jumps up and sits by your side gripping your hand “are you ok?” You turn and smile at her nodding your head “I’m fine thankyou I just needed a little air” you take a sip of your wine and turn back to Charles glaring at him but he just smirks “I brought a duffel bag we can fill with my share, we can do it right now get it over and done with”.
Agreeing with him Constance takes him to the safe, leaving you and Merricat alone “you should leave him, he’s just using you” she says quickly and quietly. Shaking your head at her “now Merricat it’s not like that, he loves me he just shows it differently that’s all. He wants to start a family with me” you fake a smile and play with the ring on your left hand.
Once he has his money, Charles quickly makes excuses to leave, hurrying you out of the door with a hamper of food from the pantry, you wave at the sisters and smile as he drives away. Not attempting to get closer to him you sit in silence for the rest of the journey. Getting out before he’s even stopped the engine once you pull up at the cottage, slamming the door in his face and marching up to the bedroom to change.
He walks in a few moments later and picks you up pushing you against the wall, trapping you “listen to me, I needed a wife and you were an easy target. You fluttered your eyelashes the moment you set eyes on me, I knew I could get you exactly where I needed you, now I’m rich and I don’t need you anymore but I am willing to give you a couple of months wages to tide you over but you have to be a good fucking wife until I can get things sorted back home” you smile and nod at him “ok, that seems fair how long will you be here?” Raising a brow at how quickly you agree he contemplates his answer “about a week, maybe more” nodding again you push him back gently and move away from him “I’ll set up the guest bedroom for you, I would prefer it if you would sleep in there”.
He takes a deep breath and leaves the room watching you as he goes, as if he expects you to do something silly behind his back. He has no idea what’s about to happen and you’d almost feel sorry for him if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s a shitty person who deserves everything that's coming to him.
The next few days you play it cool, you want him to be relaxed around you and not raise any suspicion. You cook and clean and play the dutiful wife in all areas but the bedroom, not that he doesn’t try everyday, kissing your neck, rubbing your shoulders while you cook, even whispering filthy things in your ear like he used to but you always say no and turn him down.
Wednesday rolls around, nothing exciting ever happens on a Wednesday. Charles goes for his afternoon nap leaving you downstairs reading your book, you wait 20 minutes before hopping to action. Running to the pantry where he’s kept his duffel bag you quickly unzip it and check it’s all still there, satisfied he hasn’t moved anything you grab it and throw it in his car. Running back to the cupboard under the stairs you grab your suitcase, slip the note out of your book and place it on the end table next to his wallet.
Climbing into his car you start the engine and wait a moment to see if he wakes up, watching the window until you see him, there he is, his face burning with rage as he spots you. You blow him a kiss and speed off, laughing to yourself that you managed to fuck him over once and for all.
He runs downstairs hoping to catch up with you and screams when you’ve already gone, walking back into the house he spots the note you left him “Dear Charles, you were an easy target. Have a nice life”
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sofreddie · 3 years
What Went Wrong?
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Summary: Dean tries to propose but a misunderstanding ruins everything.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Warnings: Angst, Drinking, Fluff
Word Count: 1,680
A/N: This sat in my WIPs forever until I finally found inspiration to complete it.
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Sam followed the sounds of the loud blues music bouncing off the walls of the Bunker. His ears carried him to Dean’s room. He opened the door, the music hitting him full on like a gust of wind to the face. Sam blinked rapidly from the sound, cringing slightly at the overwhelming scent of liquor and body odor.
Dean was stood in his room between the dresser and bed, a crystal glass in one hand, as he danced and sang along. Sam walked into the room, looking around. The room was trashed. There were several empty bottles lying around on the dresser and nightstand, a half-full bottle uncapped on the dresser.
“Dean!” Sam shouted, tapping his brother on the shoulder. Dean jumped and turned, smiling when he saw Sam. He turned down the music and spun animatedly to face Sam once more, laughing to himself.
“Sssaaammm!” Dean slurred in excitement. He finished the last swig of his glass, letting out a loud exhale.
“Are you drunk?” Sam asked concerned. Dean rarely drank anymore, not since he and Y/N got together a year before.
“Pretty much.” Dean agreed, nodding his head with a pout as he focused on refilling his glass. “Hey, you -you wanna join me?” Dean’s face perked up with excitement as he began stumbling in circles, looking for another glass. Sam flashed an unseen bitch face as he reached for the bottle. Dean stopped, putting his hands out to steady himself, clearly dizzy.
“Dean, what happened?” Sam was deeply worried.
“Nothing!” Dean laughed. “Can’t a guy just have a drink?”
“Dean,” Sam let out a sigh, trying to choose his words carefully. “I thought you and Y/N had plans tonight?”
“Oh,” Dean said as if he were surprised at the chosen topic. “Oh, that!” He said, nodding and pursing his lips. “It didn’t really go…as planned,” Dean muttered, downing the contents of his glass. He examined the glass in his hand before pointing it towards Sam. “I fucked it up. Like I fuck everything up.” He calmly stated, nodding emphatically to himself as he placed his glass on the dresser. He leaned against its edge, taking some of the weight off his feet.
“How is that even possible?” Sam whimpered, his heartbreaking for his brother. He was sure, whatever happened, Dean was just being hard on himself. He wanted this so much for him, for them. “Where is Y/N?”
Dean shook his head, wiping a tear, as he shook several bottles, looking for liquid relief. He looked at Sam, still holding the bottle and reached out to him.
“Gimme the bottle.” Dean wiggled his fingers, clearly drunk and exhausted, barely on his feet.
“No, Dean.” Sam stood his ground. “What happened?”
Dean turned towards Sam, offended, and reached for the bottle. Sam pulled it away, holding it back and high in the air.
“Give me the damn bottle, Sam!” Dean growled, growing angry.
“No, Dean, no.” Sam struggled as Dean was trying to grab and pull at his arm to reach the bottle. Sam quickly grew tired of the game, throwing the bottle over Dean’s head, where it met the wall and shattered, it’s contents dripping down the wall and to the floor. Dean watched as the puddle grew on the floor. He growled, turning on Sam once more.
“What did you do that for?!” Dean roared, advancing towards Sam. Sam put his hands in front of him defensively, taking a few steps back from his looming brother.
“Dean, what happened? Dean-” Sam was cut off as Dean shoved him, Sam stumbling back a step. Sam growled, gaining his footing and squaring his shoulders, glaring at Dean.
“It’s none of your business what happened,” Dean screamed. “I fucked up, she left, and I’m just gonna sit here and drink.” He threw his arms up in the air and let them fall dramatically to his sides. “I’m gonna go pass out.” He said, suddenly lightheaded.
Sam rushed down the hall, pulling out his cell phone to call Y/N. He tried calling several times and sent a few texts, but she didn’t respond. He opened the tracking app on his phone and looked up her GPS, quickly finding her coordinates. He ran to the kitchen, grabbing Dean’s keys from the table and taking off to her location.
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Y/N eyed the bus station in the distance, only another block and she’d be there. Her feet were sore, she was exhausted, and her face stung with dried tears and dirt. She adjusted the strap of her duffel over her chest as she forced her legs to carry her forward.
Her heart leaped into her chest at the all too familiar sound of the Impala’s engine approaching. She stopped and turned to see the car approaching, the headlights blaring in the night.
The car pulled up, parking right next to her, the driver’s door opening as soon as it was in park. Y/N’s sudden elation dropped like a stone off a cliff when she saw Sam.
As he rounded the hood of the car, he could see the fallen look cross over her. She looked as bad as Dean, her eyes red, tear tracks stained on her face with dust from the road.
“Y/N?” Sam asked, approaching her and checking her over. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m ok.” She whispered, looking to the ground. “Where’s Dean?” She asked, tears brimming in her eyes once more. Her lip quivered and Sam’s heart shattered. He reached for her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. He rested his cheek firmly against the top of her head. As her sobs poured forth, soaking his shirt, he held her tighter, worried she might crumble if he didn’t hold her together.
“He’s at home. He’s drunk.” Sam gave her a final squeeze before pulling back and looking at her, his hands on her shoulders to steady her. “He won’t tell me what happened.”
“I fucked up.” She choked out. “I fucked it all up.”
Sam was growing increasingly frustrated. Dean had a perfect night planned. Sam had helped him plan it for over a month.
What went wrong?
“He says he fucked it up,” Sam smirked at her, trying to lighten the mood. She rolled her eyes, wiping her face and leaning against the Impala.
“No, he didn’t.” She sighed. “I just…I don’t know…”
“Tell me what happened.” Sam pleaded, leaning against the impala beside her, his arms crossed over his chest.
"We had a great night and we were both a little drunk. Then out of nowhere he proposes. That would've been enough to catch me off guard, you know? Dean…marriage?"
"He's been thinking about it a long time, Y/N."
"He was so formal and traditional. He got down on one knee. It was so romantic, truly!" she insisted, "But I was prone to giggles that night and I just bust out laughing," she sighed with a hand over her eyes as she relived the experience.
"I wasn't laughing at him, but he thought I was. Then it just blew up into this huge fight of him insisting I could've just said 'no' and me insisting I didn't mean it the way he took it, but he wouldn't let me talk."
She started sobbing again and Sam held her close. These two. He rolled his eyes, unseen by her as she was tucked under his chin.
"You're both blaming yourselves. I think maybe it was a really emotional moment and you both sort of fumbled through it," he chuckled.
"The whole thing was so romantic and sweet," she sniffled into Sam's chest, "I ruined everything."
"Hey, Y/N?" he asked, pulling away from her to look her in the eye, "What would your answer have been?"
She stared at him in silence for what seemed like forever before smirking and wiping at her face, "Take me home, Sam."
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Y/N slowly opened their bedroom door. The room was dark and she could hear Dean's drunken snores as he slept. She smiled but stifled a giggle.
'Cause that's what's started this whole fucking thing, she chastised herself.
She crept into the room, closing the door behind her. She was familiar with the layout and made her way to the desk, flicking on the lamp and providing dim illumination.
She turned towards the bed and covered her mouth with a hand when she looked at Dean. He melted her heart. He was face down on the bed, on top of the covers, one arm slung uncomfortably backwards across his back.
"De-" she lightly spoke, still several feet from him.
She had learned long ago to be careful when waking Dean. Sometimes it could take him a while to realize where he was and what was going on. She hated the guilt he would assign himself if he did something to her while in that disoriented state.
"De-" she spoke a little louder, "Baby, wake up."
Dean snorted awake, rubbing at his eyes and groaning at his head. He focused towards Y/N and it took him a minute to realize it was her.
"Y/N?" he sat up straighter, "You came back?"
"Sam got me," she explained, stepping closer to him now that he was alert. She slowly sat on the bed next to him. His lack of any movement or reaction told her how guarded he was at that moment.
"I am so sorry for everything that happened," she said, starting to tear up, "I just wanted you to know that I wanted to say yes. Want." she corrected with a shake of her head.
Dean's walls crumbled down as his bright smile broke through.
"Really?" he breathed out, bringing her closer to him.
"I would be honored to be your wife. Yours forever, De."
He captured her lips with his, laying back on the bed and tugging her on top of him. She giggled into the kiss and he smiled back.
"Yours forever," he agreed, rolling her onto her back, so glad to have her back in her rightful place -at his side and in his arms.
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Dean Winchester:
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wastelandcth · 3 years
We’re Going Home - cth
part of nation of two
summary: Petra reminisces on Calum’s first date mistake and how the safety of a car changed her world. Calum thinks of a place to runaway to. 
author’s notes: This was a lot of fluff and me looking out the window while it rained. Enjoy!
warnings: Not much, just two lovestruck fools missing one another.
masterlist || request || previous part || next part
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Calum had never been a fan of the rain. It reminded him of early mornings when he'd wake up to the rainstorms outside his window and how the ache in his bones practically begged him to stay in bed and drift off to sleep for a little while longer. The rain was just another disturbance in his life. If it rained, his soccer practice would get canceled and he'd have to walk back home, the rain soaking his clothes and weighing down his backpack. Once the band had taken off, the occasional rainstorm put another sour mood on Calum. Outdoor shows would get canceled or delayed, leaving Calum to stare out of the tour bus window as rain droplets raced to the bottom of the windows. If the rainstorm was severe enough, planes he needed to take would get grounded until the storm passed and he wouldn't catch his connecting flight. The rain also meant that sometimes plans he had that included Calum being outside would end with him soaked and left shivering, his bones aching for warmth and dryness the rain usually scared away. The rain outside of Calum's hotel window filled him with a sadness he couldn't quite explain. Maybe it was the fact that the tour had been taking a toll on his body and that he missed his bed and his mug he always used in the mornings while at home.
Or maybe it was the fact that Petra was showing him the view from whatever restaurant she'd been eating at.
"I'm telling you, the second you've settled back in here at home, I'm taking you here and you're going to eat the best french toast you've ever had," Petra said, her camera showing the Pacific Ocean in all it's vastness.
Calum had never been one for jealousy. But as he watched the blue sky and blue ocean on his screen, his body ached with a want to be there next to the woman he loved. He'd do anything to be sitting next to Petra at a cafe, eating amazing french toast and watching the ocean waves. He would do anything to be next to her, holding her hand and listening to her laugh about the way the birds seem to hover above their table in order to steal a french fry or two. So yes, Calum was jealous.
As Petra looked out at the ocean, from where she'd been sat enjoying a glass of ice tea, she couldn't help but chuckle at herself. She'd been trying to get out more and more these days. With Calum gone, she wouldn't have to worry much about having to stop whenever Calum was spotted by fans and waiting for them to chat for a bit before continuing their errands. She'd gotten used to the dates she'd go on with herself, eventually timing them out so that she'd be able to talk to Calum for at least a few minutes before he'd be whisked off to his next engagement with the band. Their first date had also been close to disastrous, according to Calum who told Petra later on, because of his band's engagements. But Petra had just laughed and assured Calum second chances were worth giving.
Petra had arrived at the coffee shop a few minutes early, wanting to save a secluded table for both her and Calum. She knew who he was, of course, she knew who Calum Hood was, and she assumed he'd want privacy when it came to things like first dates. so arriving a few minutes early to get the table near the back of the coffee shop was just something she'd wanted to do for him. The coffee shop had been one that Petra had only been to once when she'd gotten lost after a wrong turn and had ended up in the neighborhood. The outside of the building was a white brick, reminding Petra a lot of those old western stores in the movies.
The inside of the coffee shop, which had smelled of fresh coffee and pastries, had large lamps overhead, giving the already bright building an even brighter indoors. The dark green tiles and dark wood accents around the inside were calming, feeling like a place where Petra could sit down for hours and read a book. Usually, she'd bring a book with her wherever she went, but she had left her most recent read in the backseat of her car, not expecting to have much time to read while out on a date. She'd be too busy getting to know the man with pretty brown eyes who she knew was talented enough to get anyone he wanted, and yet he still chose to invite her out to coffee.
"So, Petra, what do you think about coffee?" he'd asked over the phone one day.
They'd been doing this for a while now, talking over the phone during the slow moments of the day where each other's company was comfortable. Petra had learned a lot about Calum during the soft voices exchanged over phone calls. She'd learned that his favorite snack at the moment was fruit gummies even if it made him sound childish, which it didn't. She'd learned that he'd been busy writing a new album with his band and that usually meant he'd disappear off the face of the earth for a couple of days when inspiration hit, but he'd always try and send her a picture or funny meme to let her know he was still very much alive. Petra had learned that Calum, although usually quiet and reserved according to himself, could talk for hours about anything that crossed his mind during those moments in their calls.
"I don't think I'm well versed in coffee if I'm honest," Petra had admitted, "I never know what to order whenever I do end up at a coffee shop."
"Well, how about we go out and find your drink? I know a great spot where we can start," Calum said happily, "You up for it?"
"Yeah, that sounds fun, as long as I don't develop a caffeine addiction," she teased and looked over at her calendar, "How about Wednesday?"
"It's a date."
And it was almost a date, except for the fact that Petra had sat at the coffee shop for almost an hour and had yet to see Calum. Sure, LA was known for having horrible traffic and Petra herself had gotten stuck in it while on her way to the shop, but an hour with no text or calls from Calum had just made her cranky and annoyed. She'd ordered a coffee by herself, regretting her choice as soon as the bitter liquid hit her tongue, and had forced herself to finish it before she eventually decided to call the date done and over with. The walk back to her car had been quick, her head throbbing with annoyance and a hint of embarrassment. She'd been halfway home when her phone rang, Calum's name played across the screen.
"Petra, I'm so sorry!" Calum breathed out, "I know I said I'd been there almost two hours ago but things got crazy at the studio and I know that sounds shitty but I hope you can forgive me and maybe I can make it up to you!"
If Petra had known Calum at least a little less than she did, she would've never picked up the call, she would've let him go to voicemail and maybe not even call him back ever. But she knew Calum wouldn't have stood her up on purpose and she knew that if they really were going to make something more of their phone calls and occasional flirting over text, she'd have to understand what his job entailed sometimes. She was an adult, she knew dating meant sometimes people make mistakes and that working around them was what would make it worth it in the end. 
"Calum, it's...I'm not going to say it's fine because I would've appreciated even just a text saying what was happening,' she sighed, "But maybe we can try again soon, yeah? I had a pretty shitty coffee again, which I am blaming on you," she said with a teasing tone, hoping that Calum caught on to it.
"How about tonight?" Calum asked, his voice hesitant as if he was expecting rejection, "I could pick you up and we can just drive around, maybe pick up some of those burgers you were telling me about? I promise to be on time."
Petra had ended up agreeing to his second first date proposal because he sounded genuine and she couldn't help the flutter in her heart at the mention of the burgers. She'd told Calum about them almost a month ago and knowing he'd remember such a small detail made her a little more hopeful about this working out after all.
"I'll text you my address," Petra chuckled out, "Drive safe, okay?"
Calum's car, which would become a haven for them both at different times in the future, was quiet as they both looked out at the city lights. Their stomachs were full, the burgers and french fries they'd shared making their silence a comfortable one. Calum had profusely apologized the second that Petra's door had opened, the bouquet of flowers in his arms a peace treaty as both of them rode off into the evening.
"The flowers, they're from the same flower shop?" Petra asked as she glanced over at Calum. who'd been focusing on the road.
"Oh, um, yeah," Calum chuckled, "Apparently the cashier and manager were taking bets to see if we'd gather the nerves to go on a date or not," he mumbled, his cheeks flushing as he turned his head to look at her, "Had to tell them about tonight."
"Bets?" Petra laughed and shook her head, "Cherly and Carly, right? The one with the curly hair? She practically bullied me into telling her what had happened when we met," she teased.
The date, which had gone off without another problem or disastrous time issue, had been the most fun Petra had ever had since she'd joined the dating scene in LA. She hadn't expected such a relaxing way to spend her evening to be with an international rock star like Calum. She'd laughed so hard her ribs hurt and had sung out loud in the car with him until her throat was sore. By the end of the night, when the safety of Calum's car had come to an end and the driveway to Petra's house was in view, they both sat in comfortable silence. The engine of the car, which hummed quietly between them, the only noise around as they both glanced at each other.
"I had a lot of fun tonight, I'm glad we did this," Petra said softly, breaking the silence and smiling as she saw the relieved look that washed over Calum's face.
"I'm glad we did too. Again, sorry about earlier today," Calum mumbled and sighed, shaking his head.
"Oh, it's fine, really. Just make sure I get to hear whatever masterpiece you came up with first, yeah?" she teased, leaning over the center console to press a kiss onto his cheek, "Text me when you get home, okay? Drive safe!"
Calum listened to the familiar ring playing from the speaker of his phone, waiting for Petra to pick up. His eyes were busy, focused on the mirror in front of him as he tried to deal with the unruly curls he’d let grow out after Petra insisted on seeing how long they could get. He was halfway across the world, in a hotel he couldn’t pronounce the name of, but it was his last morning there and Petra had no idea that by this time tomorrow he’d be back in her arms. After weeks and weeks of being away, promoting an album that would change the band’s sound and image, Calum was going home to be with his girlfriend. He’d be leaving gloomy Europe, with rainstorms that never seemed to end and accents that he had trouble understanding at times, for the endless sunshine and love that LA had recently shown him. 
“Hi gorgeous,” Petra chuckled as she picked up the phone, “You’re calling quite early for someone who went to bed four hours ago,” she teased. 
“Hi Pebble,” Calum teased, the nickname earning him a groan from across an ocean, “I missed my girlfriend, couldn’t sleep without your snores.” 
“I’ll hang up if you’re just going to tease me,” she threatened with a light laugh, “I miss you too, bub, only a few more days though!” 
“Yeah, you better be ready for me to be stuck to your side for weeks,” he mumbled and chuckled, zipping up his toiletries bag and picking his phone up off the counter, “I’m expecting an amazing brunch spot reservation.” 
“Oh you know me, I’ve got all the connections,” she laughed quietly, “Do you have a busy day today?”
“Mhm, a lot of interviews,” Calum mumbled, his shoulder holding his phone up against his ear as he finished packing the rest of his thumb up, “I’m not sure when I’ll be able to call you again until tomorrow.” 
“That’s fine,” Petra said, the smile evident in the way her voice rose, “You know I’ll still send you an endless amount of pictures and memes.” 
“And I love you for it,” Calum chuckled, “I’ve got to go now, but I’ll talk to you soon?” 
“Of course, have a nice day! Blow them away, bub!” she said happily, her voice warming Calum’s body at the thought that he’d be with her so soon. 
“Will do, Pebbles,” he smirked, laughing quietly as Petra kept her word and hung up the call. 
The ride from the airport back home had been a blur to Calum. All he recalled was stuffing his bags into the back and buckling up, the bright skies and warm weather making him regret the hoodie and thick beanie he’d worn to try and hide from the prying eyes. If he wanted his surprise to truly work, he would need to remain unseen in public. But by the time the car had turned onto the familiar street of his neighborhood, Calum began to squirm in his seat, the excitement of being so close to Petra overcoming him. The car had barely stopped before Calum was unbuckled and out, his bags dragging behind him as he threw out a thank you to his driver as he ran to the front door. The light, which was usually off by the time morning came, was still on; acting as a guiding light for Calum to know that he was truly home.
His key unlocked the front door, leading him into the house he’d begun to call home soon after Petra had come into it, and he was met by the familiar bark of his old dog. Setting his bags down by the entrance, Calum toed off his shoes and pulled off the hoodie that had kept his warmth contained within him. His back ached from the long flight and he was starving, his tummy rumbling at the thought of food, but that wouldn’t stop him from crouching down and petting his dog as he waddled over to him. Duke’s tail wagged from side to side so quickly it was a blur of black and white, his paws landing on Calum’s thighs as he sniffed Calum making sure it was really him. Calum had been so busy greeting his best friend and kissing his stinky head that he hadn’t heard the footsteps coming from the hallways. 
“Duke, I’m sure it was just the mail person again, or the neighbor walking their pup,” Petra mumbled, her eyes widening as she was met with the sight of her boyfriend standing in front of her, “C-Calum?” 
“Hi baby,” Calum grinned, straightening his back out and looking at her with wide eyes, “Surprise!” 
Calum hadn’t had the chance to say much else, the force of Petra running into his arms and hugging him had knocked the breath out of him. His arms wrapped themselves around her waist and pulled her even closer, if that was possible, and Calum’s nose nuzzled against the top of her head. They stayed like that for a few minutes, breathing one another in, making sure that they were both truly in the same room again and this wasn’t some cruel dream they’d both wake up from alone in a bed oceans apart. Petra had been the first one to pull away, her eyes meeting Calum’s before she’d cupped his face in her hands and pulled him in for a kiss. 
“I missed you so much,” she mumbled, leaving kisses in between her words, “What’re you doing here? I thought you still had a few days?” 
“I missed you too,” Calum chuckled and smiled, “A few interviews were canceled and they sent us home early. I just got in about an hour ago.” 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so glad to have you back,” she whispered and nodded, pulling him into another kiss that left Calum giggling against her. 
“I am too.” 
Something Calum loved about the ocean was the vastness of it. Sure, he was absolutely terrified of the secrets it held and the fact that much of it was unexplored, but sitting on the hood of his car with Petra by his side as they both stared out at the waves made of all worth it. After a shower and a much needed snack, Petra and Calum had made their way over to the brunch spot that overlooked the ocean. After a lot of french fries and kisses shared between the two of them, the drive to the ocean was peaceful, both of them taking each other in. By the time they had made it onto the beach, the sunny skies were covered in a fog of clouds. It would be Calum’s luck, after all, to have the rain follow him wherever he went.
“Do you think it’ll rain?” Petra asked, her eyes meeting Calum’s even through the dark sunglasses they both wore. 
“I hope not, I thought I had escaped the rain,” Calum teased and pulled her close, “Come on, let’s walk in the sand a bit.” 
With hands held tightly, their arms swaying as they strolled down the dandy beach, Calum found himself at peace. The past couple of weeks away had left him wanting more from his relationship and wanting to do more for Petra. In the past, the mere thought of a future with someone would’ve had Calum running for the hills. But with Petra it all made sense, he wanted to be by her side every day, to see her go through her day and be there to make her smile. As the first few droplets of rain fell from the sky, he realized that this future, the one with Petra, was all he’d been missing. Their stroll was cut short, much to Calum’s displeasure when the curtains of rain got closer and closer. The waves roared next to them, the ocean alive and ever more powerful as the rainstorm above them finally let go. 
Calum looked over at Petra, who had tugged on his hand and before Calum knew it, they were both racing back to the car. The sand hadn’t made it easier for them to run, both of them stumbling as they raced through the beach in fits of laughter. By the time they’d both shut their doors and panted out breaths, they were completely drenched and looked as if they had jumped onto the ocean itself. They sat in silence watching the view outside of the safety of the car. Watching the waves crash onto the ocean and battle with the clouds above them that were spewing out rain. It was all so violent and sudden, but Calum’s eyes shifted to watch Petra. 
He watched as her eyes widened, watching the storm in awe as his chest rose and fell with each breath she took. He watched as her hand ran through the curls, that not even the rain could mess with, trying to shake the water out of them. She was beautiful without even having to try and Calum was out of breath. But Calum didn’t mind, not at all, because Petra could make even the thing he hated the most a beautiful sight. 
“We should run away to Sydney for a bit,” he mumbled quietly, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth as Petra’s eyes met his, “I want you to meet my family.” 
join my taglist: @hoodhoran​ @moonlightcriess​ @mxgyver​ @calpops​ @karajaynetoday​ @notlukehemmo​ @calumrose​ @devilatmydoor​ @lowkeyflop​  @conversecake​​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​​ @ashtonsunflower​​ @2fangirl4u​​ @multistann​​ @wiiildflowerrr @himbohood​​ @in-superbloom​​ @ashtonsunflower​​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @killmywildflower​​ @sebsbrokentoe​​ @nicebasscalum​​ @itwouldburnupintheatmosphere​​ @mikelitorisdotcom @letmereadpls​​ @hardcandyhemmo
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
Sweet Revenge
Pairing: Slash x (fem) reader
Words: 1,587k
Summary: You just found out your boyfriend has been cheating on you and decided to get some revenge, Slash is there to help you out. (smut)
A/N: This is super dirty, and the worst part is that I don’t regret anything!
Warnings: Mature Content, swearing and some kinky stuff.
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car @ladieswttda @teasid @metalheartofgold @slashscowboyboots @ginny-rose-sixx @rumoured-whispers @metalupyourash add yourself to my tag list :)
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"What did you see!?" You asked over the phone, raising your voice.
"Seriously, Y/N, he's kissing her right now, in front of me!" Your sister answered over the phone, she was at a nightclub and had just seen your boyfriend with another girl.
"Are you sure it's him?"
"Absolutely, I passed by him not long ago."
You didn't say anything else, slamming the phone back on the hook.
"I will kill him!" You exclaimed, it was a Friday night and he had canceled your movie and dinner date because he had a “meeting at work”.
"What happened?" Slash, your friend, asked. You were at his apartment, watching a movie with popcorn and beer with him.
"Do you believe he cheated on me?" You got off the couch, starting to pace the room.
Slash looked at you, mouth open, but not sure what to say.
"All this time, he's making me stop going out with my friends, getting jealous about anything, while he's the one who cheated on me?" You couldn't believe what had happened. If it were in other circumstances you would be sad, but you were already considering the possibility of breaking up with him, his jealousy was always letting you in a bad mood.
"How long since I last saw you, Slash?" He opened his mouth, but you answered for him. “Almost three months! That's all because he is jealous of you! ” You ran your hands irritably through your hair.
“You wanna know what I'm going to do? I’ll make him regret it! ... Who does he think I am? I am Y/N Y/L/N, I will not stand here while he’s fucking some other chick! I’ll take revenge!” You sat on the edge of an armchair, tapping your fingers against your knee quickly, thinking of how to do that.
"You should fuck someone he doesn't like," Slash said getting up and walking slowly towards you. "I, for example."
You looked up, meeting his gaze behind his hair. There had always been a certain sexual tension between the two of you, but you always acted as if you had never noticed.
But that would be interesting. Slash was hot, too hot, just by looking at his shirtless body you could feel the tension building again. Besides, your boyfriend never liked him, so what better opportunity would you have?
"Are you volunteering, Slash?" You asked in the most velvety voice you could.
"It depends on what you say to me now, baby" His voice was an octave lower, making you bite your bottom lip.
"What if I said yes?" You asked standing up, your face just inches from his.
"Then I would do this:" His right hand went through your hair, holding your strands to pull your face closer to his, closing the space between you when his lips collided against yours.
The kiss you shared was urgent and voracious. You wrapped your arms around his neck while his left hand went down to your shorts, squeezing your ass.
The two of you started walking back slowly until Slash fell on the couch, you getting on top of him.
Moving away, you removed your white tank top quickly, returning to the kiss, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth.
Slash played with your nipples over the thin fabric of your bra, making you gasp as you moved your hips against his member, feeling it slowly start to stiffen.
"Oh, fuck." He whispered when you touched him over his pants. "You won't be teasing me, will you?"
"Relax, I'll take care of you today, baby." You emphasized the nickname he had used with you, standing up and quickly removing your clothes.
Slash wasted no time, sitting up, he removed his jeans at a record speed, making you smirk when you realized he wasn't wearing underwear.
Walking quickly to the bedroom, Slash returned with a condom in his hand, throwing it in your direction.
Sitting on the couch again, he leaned against the back of it, keeping his gaze on your body when you took your previous position by sitting on his lap.
"Show me what you can do, baby." He crossed his arms behind his head, intently watching your every move.
You moved your hand to his member, jerking it a few times, moving your thumb on the top of its head slowly, smiling when you saw pre-cum starting to form.
Turning your gaze to his face, you slowly opened the package with your mouth, watching the lust that arose in his eyes. You then put the condom on his member, slowly unrolling it along its length.
After aligning it with your entrance, you slowly got down, feeling it fill every part of you.
"Fuck." You whispered, closing your eyes for a brief second before beginning to move up and down in a subtle, steady motion.
"Oh, shit." Slash moved his lips to your right breast, gently biting your nipple, making a small moan leave your mouth.
After a few minutes, you increased your speed, going up and down at a faster and stronger pace, causing your boobs to bounce.
Slash's hands found your hips, squeezing them firmly and guiding your movements while he cursed under his breath.
At that point, yours and his moans had become louder than the TV, your nails were firmly pressed against his shoulders while he kissed and bit your neck.
"Fuck, I'm close." He groaned close to your ear, causing goosebumps on your skin.
Moving one of your hands down, you started to stimulate your clit, a small whimper leaving your lips, making Slash move away from your neck to admire the scene in front of him.
Your eyes closed and your other hand squeezee on one of your nipples, while a series of whimpers and small moans left your lips. He could feel your walls tightening against him, making him move his hips to meet with your movements, leaving you in a mess of moans.
"Slash!" A loud, long moan left your lips while your head tilted back and your climax hit you, leaving you bewildered for a few brief seconds.
"Oh fuck… Can I cum on your boobs?" He asked, his hands gripping your hips hard enough to leave marks for a few days.
You nodded quickly, unable to form words while trying to calm your breathing.
Getting off of him slowly, you kneeled on the couch while he stood up quickly, stopping in front of you and removing the condom while jerking his member in quick movements.
A few moans came out of his mouth when he closed his eyes and jets of cum hit your boobs, leaving your skin covered by his liquids.
"Oh...yeah!" He said between breaths, admiring the dirt he had made on you. "You get even hotter when you're like this, you know?"
You moved your fingers through the liquid, bringing it to your lips, sucking your fingers slowly.
"Oh, shit! Don’t do that to me!" You could see his member pulsing. "You’ll make me hard again."
"What if that is the intention?" You asked, repeating the gesture with your fingers while keeping your gaze fixed on his.
"Round 2?" He asked.
"Round 2!"
The next morning Slash gave you a ride home, where you lived with your boyfriend, or now your ex-boyfriend.
"You know, you surprised me last night." You looked at him, borrowing his sunglasses, covering the dark circles under your eyes caused by the few hours of sleep you had.
"I can tell you the same." He smirked.
"Thanks for th ride, Slash." You kissed his cheek, opening the door and getting out of the car.
Furious and striding, your boyfriend came out of the door.
"Where were you all night!?" His face was red with hate.
"At Slash's apartment." You said casually, walking towards the door.
"Did you spend the night there?" He raised his voice.
“Hey, Y/N. Call me when you want to do that again. ” Slash said, opening the car door and resting his arms on the hood. The wind played with his hair while he smirked looking in the direction of your boyfriend.
"I will!" You said grinning.
“I always knew you were a slut! In the first opportunity you had, you went and fucked this little shit. ” He gestured towards Slash.
"And how was your night with the girl at the club?" You stopped, turning towards him.
His mouth parted, he clearly didn't realize that your sister had recognized him there.
"I can-"
"Don't even waste your time, I just came to get my stuff, I'm going to my sister's!"
"Do you want a ride?" Slash asked.
"That would be great, baby!" You said smiling, turning your back and entering the house, being able to finally give the winning smile you've been holding since you arrived.
Outside the house, your ex-boyfriend looked at Slash with a death glare, but he just shrugged.
"She takes a while to get tired, doesn't she?" Slash asked, smiling as he saw a vein jump on the man's forehead.
"Done, I took everything." You reappeared, walking quickly to the car and throwing your suitcase in the back seat.
"Hey, do me a favor?" You looked at your ex. "Send a kiss to your new girlfriend, say I wish her luck."
Getting in the car you closed the door, smiling at Slash when he started the engine, heading towards the street.
And the last thing your ex saw was your middle finger out the window as Slash sped away from the house.
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
Walk Away-3
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After so long apart you finally agree to see Sam and tell him the truth
You groaned as you sat back against the wall hoping this newest wave of nausea would pass.. It was normal according to the obgyn Tasha had helped you get into. You had just entered into your second trimester and found out the gender of the baby at your last appointment. She was growing perfectly and doing a number on your insides in the process. You heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see Max leaned against the doorway leading into the bathroom with a cup of tea in his hand. He held it out to you with a smile “Ginger tea with honey and lemon” You thanked him as you took the cup and allowed yourself a small sip of the warm liquid. 
He walked a little further into the room before sitting down next to you his long legs stretched out in front of him “Donna Hanscum called again” you nodded before saying “That doesn’t really surprise me..has Jody and the girls started their rounds again?” he let out a sharp laugh “Not yet, it holds them off when they can talk with you but I had to tell Donna you weren’t here considering you don’t want Sam to know you’re currently starting to move past smuggling a basketball into smuggling a beach ball” “He doesn’t need to know” you mumbled but Max shook his head “He loves you Y/N. I don’t know what happened but he wouldn’t be trying this hard to get you to talk to him if he didn’t”
You leaned your head back against the wall then rolled your head over to look at Max “If and it’s a big if but if I was to agree to see him and Dean could you put a glamour on me?” his eyes went to your ever growing stomach “Oh you mean to hide the bump?” you nodded and he scratched his chin in thought then nodded “I think I can manage that with Alicia’s help. I’ll call Erik too, he's better at stuff along those lines” “Thanks Max and thank Erik for me too” he stood to go call Erik who was his boyfriend of a little over three years. You’d known him for a while but had gotten to know him better over the last few weeks considering his mom was your doctor. “When are you going to call Sam?” he asked from the door so you shrugged “When Jody calls I’ll tell her it’s fine to give Dean my new number then go from there” he nodded then walked out the room.
Sam was sitting at the table in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee and trying to ignore just how much the bunker itself seemed to miss your presence. How had he messed everything up this bad? How had Dean been able to see just how much pain you were in but he couldn’t? Christ he was an idiot. If he could do it over he would have never gone on that very first hunt where all of you met Lila.
She didn’t hold a candle to you. You were...hell you were a force of nature. Everyone who knew you was drawn to you. You were caring but strong, courageous but smart. You would dive in feet first to help someone you cared about and even strangers. He’d seen you go toe to toe with more than one demon just to save a life. You were a soft touch when needed but also was the first to make someone shake off any self doubt and get their fire back.
When Alex had needed help paying for college you’d found grants seemingly out of thin air. When Patience would get upset about her broken relationship with her father she’d call you. You were one of the few people Claire would take advice from without rolling her eyes.
As for the way you’d changed not only his life but Dean and Cas’ as well he didn’t have the words for. Dean never got a chance to withdraw into himself with you around because you’d be at his door slipping new cds under it or bribing him out with food and western movie marathons. Cas always seemed to brighten up when you walked into a room because you never let a day pass without reminding him just how important he was to what you called your family group.
When you’d come into Sam’s life you’d knocked him flat on his ass metaphorically speaking and literally speaking. He’d ended up catching a punch from you on accident. Dean had teased him that your right hook was what made him fall in love with you. Looking up to see a woman as beautiful as you were apologizing but calling him an idiot for getting in your way at the same time did help matters. From that day forward you were all he could think about. The day you finally moved into the bunker was the happiest day of his life. 
The dreams of a so-called normal life was behind him but with you a new normal started to form in his mind. He never felt more whole than when you were in his arms. Waking up to you curled against his chest or with his arm around your waist was the most peace he’d ever felt. He loved you more than he ever dreamed possible to love someone after losing Jess. He felt like such a failure because he had apparently not shown you that. When you started to talk with Donna, Jody and the girls at least he knew you were alive,healthy and indeed staying with the Banes twins. 
He knew they lived near a small town on the upper west coast but that was all he did know. He wanted nothing more than to track them down and beg for the chance to see you but for now at least knowing you were ok was the best compromise he was going to get. He sighed and looked down at his laptop. He had a few news websites up but his heart wasn’t in trying to find a case, his heart was wherever you were. He could hear Dean talking to someone in the library and thought maybe he had a case until he heard Dean say your name. 
He quickly moved around the corner to see Dean pacing across the floor as he spoke on the phone. He caught a few words of what Dean was saying “Are you sure?...Yeah I promise...look you have my word...I will...ok...and sweetheart it’s good to hear from you” Was Dean talking to you? Why had you called Dean? Was something wrong? Were you hurt? He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts he hadn’t realized Dean had not only hung up but had called his name three times.
“SAM!” Dean spoke harshly and he blinked a few times glancing at the phone still in his brother’s hand “Was that Y/N?” Dean nodded “Yeah she told Jody it was ok to pass her new number on to me..She’s willing to see you but she has a few conditions” “Anything, I’ll agree to anything” Sam answered quickly his mind going into overdrive at the thought of seeing you. 
Dean nodded again then said “Grab your stuff. I’ll text her and let her know we’re hitting the road. I’ve got to call Max when we get close enough and he’ll come meet us to lead us up to their place”
“Are you sure you can’t tell?” you asked Erik for the sixth time since he’d finished the glamour. He sighed and shook his head “I’m sure. I’ve hid entire buildings, your little baby bump isn’t even a challenge” you smiled then smoothed the shirt you were wearing self consciously. 
“Alicia why did I agree to talk to Sam again?” She walked in behind you and held out a bottle of water “Because you’re still in love with him, it’s blaringly obvious no matter what happened he’s still in love with you because they’ve made the trip from Lebanon in record time. Even if today doesn’t go well at least you know you tried” you took a deep breath and nodded. She was right of course. When Erik’s phone went off you nearly jumped out of your skin but his hand on your arm kept you in place “Calm down Y/N, that was just Max. They’re coming up the driveway”
No sooner than the words came out of Erik’s mouth you heard the familiar rumble of the Impala’s engine. Any other time that was music to your ears but now it made you a little queasy. Erik shot you a smile before grabbing his jacket “Me and Max are headed into town but when you want to lower the glamour I showed Alicia how ok?” you nodded “Thanks again Erik” “Anytime”
You took a deep breath when you heard the boots on the porch so Alicia moved to answer the door. You weren’t in direct eyesight so you heard Dean first say “Alicia, good to see you” she greeted him then said “Hi Sam” you felt your heart flip when he said “Hey Alicia, I um thank you for being a place she could come to” “She’s always welcome wherever me and Max are and we make sure she knows it” that was one of the many things you loved about Alicia. Her words and tone of voice was friendly but the underlying venom of having comforted a hurt friend was still very much there.
“Y/N?” Alicia called out as she shut the door behind the boys as if she didn’t know for a fact you were hiding in the small hallway between the front door and kitchen. “Right here” you replied stepping around the corner. Dean smiled when he saw you “Well you’re a sight for sore eyes” you were glad when he just hugged you with one arm around your shoulders on the off chance of him brushing against your stomach.
“I see you’ve actually managed to stay alive without me which is a miracle in itself” you teased with a tense smile trying to calm your nerves before meeting Sam’s eyes. God those fucking eyes of his. You stood there for a second staring at each other before Dean turned to Alicia “You got something to drink? Alcoholic or otherwise. I’d settle for tea or coffee” she gave him a small smile before winking at you and herding him towards the kitchen.
Once the two of you were alone you both started to speak at the same time. You laughed nervously “You want to go first?” he nodded then let out a harsh breath “I’m sorry. I know that probably falls flat but I am. You are the most important person in my life. I love you with everything in me and I failed to show you that. I failed to realize how much my actions were hurting you. I made you think I wanted someone else and I pushed you away. I don’t expect you to forgive me and I don’t expect you to come back with me but I’m grateful you chose to let me come here and tell you that face to face”  You should’ve known with pregnancy hormones on top of everything else that you’d end up in tears. You wiped them away before they could fall before saying “Sam..god just tell me why? Why did you act like that towards her? Was the attachment to me the only thing stopping you? The fear of all our friends taking my side? Of your brother siding with me?” 
“Baby no” he breathed and took a step towards you but when you quickly crossed your arms over your chest and stepped back he froze in his tracks. “I guess it was the feeling of losing someone you love to a demon. I’ve been there before then with what happened to her husband. It got me thinking about what happened to Jess happening to you. That’s not an excuse because you told me that you wanted other hunters backing her and I didn’t listen but please baby please know I have never wanted anyone else since the day I met you” 
“But you didn’t listen to me Sam. That’s why I left! That’s why I came here and got them to ward me so you couldn’t find me. I couldn’t sit around waiting for you to break my heart and I’m not coming back with you no matter how much I want nothing more than to jump into your arms right now. If you want us...If you want a second chance before I tell you something I need a promise that you’ll be ok with it taking time, with me being here and you in Lebanon. I need you to actually think about it before you answer me Sam” you were trying so hard not to cry because you knew for a fact Dean and Alicia were standing just on the other side of that kitchen door waiting to intervene if you needed them to.
“I’d do anything for a second chance for us, to prove to you just how much you mean to me” you nodded slowly then called out “Alicia can you and Dean come here?” the door swung open quickly to both of them nearly stumbling over each other. “Yeah sweetie?” she asked so you braced yourself then said “They need to know” “And you’re sure?” she questioned so you nodded “Yeah I’m sure” 
“Need to know what?” Dean asked but Alicia was already repeating the words Erik had told her would drop the glamour. The moment it faded and your stomach was back visibly rounded Dean’s eyes widened and poor Sam looked like he may faint or puke. “Is that why you left?” Sam asked quietly and you shook your head “I didn’t find out until about a month after I left. That’s why I came here”
Dean recovered quicker and held a hand out “Can I?” you nodded “She is your niece after all” “Niece, so it’s a girl?” he asked with a grin. Your hand came to cover Dean’s so you could place it on the light movements but your eyes never left Sam’s as you said “Yeah I just found out last week” a light kick made Dean’s grin get bigger “Look at that. She’s strong already” “Just like her mom” Alicia replied then reached for Dean’s arm “Let’s give them another minute” Dean nodded and kissed your cheek before saying “I love you kid and I’m gonna love her too” then followed her back into the kitchen.
Sam had remained silent so you finally looked up at him “Are you going to say anything?” a slight smile slipped onto his face before he quietly said “Can I touch you now? Because I really want to hug you and feel our daughter move” you moved towards him and he pulled you against his chest without hesitation. One large hand held your back while the other rested on your stomach “I love you Y/N. I’ll prove to you that things will be different. Nothing means more to me than you and her” you smiled up at him through the tears in your eyes “I love you too Sam” 
Tags: @delightfullykrispypeach @fofisstilinski @chengukargbo @rosalynshields @hunting-the-grievers @spngirl05
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harley-sunday · 4 years
This is Where I Leave You
Summary: What was supposed to be a simple mission turns out to be a matter of life and death. 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader [unnamed OFC (loosely based on Firestar)]
Warnings: ANGST. Character death. Language.
Word count: 5.9k
AN: Not sure why but I was in the mood for some angst last week and so here it is. It is somewhat inspired by Flashpoint S02E14 for those of you who know that show, but it takes place in that wonderful Marvel fanfic Universe where everyone lives at the compound/in the tower and Friday night’s are for Tony’s parties. I’m sure you know the one. I apologize in advance and yes, I did cry while writing this, so…
Flashbacks in italics
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In for seven, out for eleven.
It’s almost like a mantra stuck on repeat in your head, a distraction that only works half of the time. 
In for seven, out for eleven.
In for seven, out for-
All of a sudden something moving in the treeline catches your eye and you squint against the sun to try and figure what it is and if you should alert Steve. 
Steve, who’s on his knees at your feet, quietly working away and completely focused on the task at hand, although you can tell from the tense muscles in his back and the beads of sweat crowning his hairline that there’s probably a war going on inside of him. You wonder what he’s thinking right now and if he also feels like the weight of the world has been dropped on his shoulders.
Something steps out from in between the trees then and you let out a sigh of relief when you see it’s just a deer and her two fawns foraging for food. You watch them as they continue their journey, the fawns trailing behind their mother as if they’re connected by an invisible string, completely unaware of the two humans that are not even fifty yards away. You know the direction of the wind is in your favor, a brisk breeze kissing your face every now and then, a welcome relief from the sun that’s burning your cheeks, but even so you are amazed at how invisible you can become if you just stand still. 
Your watch beeps then, scaring off the animals and letting you know another minute has passed. Like he did at every other minute mark, sixteen of them now in total, Steve looks up to check on you. 
“You ok?”
“Yeah,” it comes out a little shaky and the tears that have started to form in your eyes are not helping to convince him. You try to smile, “Guess I should have taken a better look at that waiver Tony made me sign when I first joined, huh?”
“Rogers,” Tony says as he takes your elbow and guides you to where Captain America is standing, alone, in front of the large windows that make up the entire west wall of Tony and Pepper’s penthouse, his hands in his pockets and his back to the crowded room. 
He turns around just as you and Tony reach him and you wonder if the serum has enhanced his hearing so that he can hear you approach him even over the murmur of the crowd that’s gathered here for one of Tony’s infamous parties, but then you realize he must have seen your reflection in the window he was staring out of. 
“Cap,” Tony says as he gently pushes you forward, “I’d like you to meet our newest recruit.”
You can see Cap’s eyebrows knit together as his eyes land on your face but before you can say anything Tony beats you to it.
“Don’t look at her like that, she’s still a good, what-” he shrugs, “-sixty years younger than you.”
You throw Tony a look, “Sixty-eight, thank you very much.” 
“Whatever,” Tony says with a very elaborate roll of his eyes.
You shake your head and try to ignore him, instead holding out your hand and introducing yourself.
“Steve Rogers,” Steve replies with a hesitant smile, his eyes moving from you to Tony as if he’s trying to figure out your history. 
“Yeah, so uh, she’s a nuclear engineer but as we all know-” Tony nods to his left where Bruce is sitting at the bar, “-sometimes experiments fail, you know, liquids get mixed up, nasty stuff. So now Firestar over here can produce radiation and light, and can absorb and manipulate energy. Pretty nifty, if you ask me, but then again-”
“You know what, fine,” Tony says with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I just came here to introduce you to Cap since he wasn’t here for the official introduction earlier this week.” He turns to Steve then, “Told you she’d be a delight.” 
You shake your head at Tony, “Please go away.” 
Tony fakes being shocked, hand to his chest as he says, “Remind me to write you up for bad behavior, Sparky,” before he salutes the two of you and disappears.
“Asshole,” you mutter quietly as you watch him make his way across the room. When you turn back you find Steve staring at you with a questionable look in his eyes. You’re quick to explain, “I know him from before all of this-” you hesitate but then you hold up your hand and snap your fingers, creating a tiny spark, “-happened. We worked together on some projects in the past and when he found out about the “incident”-” you air-quote the word, “-he contacted me and told me there would always be a place for me here.” You smile, “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve known him long enough to know he can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.” 
“Hmm,” Steve agrees, although he doesn’t comment on it any further. Instead he nods towards the other people in the room, his hands back in the pockets of his pants again, “Everyone treating you ok so far?”
“Yeah,” you nod, “it’s nice to be here.” It’s true. Ever since the incident at the lab you’ve felt like an outsider, felt people could tell there was something wrong with you, but not here. Here people are kind, not just interested in your powers but in you as a person, and honestly it’s like a weight has lifted off your shoulders. 
You open your mouth to say something but it’s then your watch beeps, letting you know it’s time to get back downstairs. “I’m sorry,” you look up at Steve, “I have some things I need to do in the lab.” You pull a face, “Probably best not to mess up five months worth of experiments in my first week here, right?” 
Steve chuckles, “Probably not, no.” 
“So,” you try to smile, “I guess this is where I leave you.”
After another three minutes have passed you risk a quick glance down and see Steve’s still trying to clear the dirt surrounding your foot, his movements as controlled as possible, trying not to touch the box you’re standing on. When you look up again you do the same thing you’ve been doing for the past ten minutes or so and start listing off the things that are in your field of vision.
“Tahoe on my left,” you whisper, “an iron gate in front of it, three barracks to my right, all their doors open.” You let out a staggered breath, “The tree line in front and behind me, and a mother deer and her two fawns wandering around somewhere.”
“Steve at your feet,” he says then, looking up at you with a weak smile, “trying to get you out of this mess.”
“This is going to be one hell of a debriefing, Cap,” you try, but your voice catches on his name and when you try to smile you feel yourself failing.
“I don’t understand, Nat.” You let out a frustrated sigh and throw your gym bag on the floor, “Why does he have to be such an asshole?”
“He’s not-” 
“He tells me to watch my language like I’m a fuckin’ sixteen-year old kid,” you hold up your hand and start counting on your fingers, “he makes me write the reports after every mission we go on and then ever since last month, he wants to meet up so we can debrief but it’s always just the two of us, whoever else is on our team doesn’t have to attend for whatever reason, and then during our last mission brief he told me to be careful. Like, what the hell is that about?”
“Maybe he-”
“I have been a part of the team for over a year and all of a sudden he’s worried about me? That accident in the lab should have killed me, and let me tell you, I was ok with that. I made peace with it. But instead of dying I can now produce fuckin’ radiation at any given time,” you fume, “so I don’t think breaking and entering into a high security prison to retrieve the file of one their inmates is going to me killed. I’m sorry, but no.” 
Natasha throws you a look, silently asking if there’s more or if this is it. When you don’t say anything else she takes a deep breath and holds out her hands, letting you know she comes in peace, “Maybe he does those things because he likes you.”
“I- He-,” you stutter. “What?”
Natasha drops her hands and sits down on one of the benches, patting the spot next to her and waiting for you to sit down before she continues, “I’ve known Steve for a while so,” she shrugs, “I like to think that I know him,  sometimes maybe even better than he knows himself.” She smiles at you then, “I see the way he looks at you when he tells you to be careful-”
You scoff, “Yeah, sure.” 
“No.” Natasha shakes her head, “You want to know the reason why he wants you to write those reports?”
You shrug.
“It’s because he values your opinion more than anyone else’s,” Nat puts her hand on your arm and gives it a gentle squeeze, “and all those debriefings with just the two of you?” She chuckles, “That was my idea.” 
“Like I said, I see the way he looks at you, but-” Natasha shakes her head, “-he would never admit it. Not to me, not to you, and sure as hell not to himself. He’s lost so much already that he doesn’t even believe this is a possibility.”
“And what makes you think I do?”
“Oh come on,” Natasha nudges you with her shoulder, “I’ve seen the way you look at him too.” 
He stands up at the sound of your voice, so suddenly that it makes you want to take a step back, and so you curse quietly when at the very last nanosecond you realize that you can’t. Your leg’s a little shaky, no doubt a result of the conflict between the neurons your brain already fired when you wanted to move and the new neurons that were sent to intercept that message when you remembered you shouldn’t move. With a grunt you try to regain your balance while trying to make sure you don’t move your weight around too much because God knows what will happen if it does.  
“Shit,” he holds up his hands to you, “I’m sorry. I-”
“Hey,” you say with a faint smile, “language.” You nod towards the Tahoe that’s parked just outside the gate, “You think you could get me a bottle of water? I’m feeling a little thirsty.” 
Steve looks from you to the box and back, unsure almost.
You glance at your watch, “I’ve been here for almost twenty five minutes,” you try your hardest to smile, “I’m sure it’ll be alright.”
“Ok,” he nods, “just don’t move, ok?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the P. 
“I’ll be right back.” 
“Go on,” you nod towards the car, “I’m not going anywhere.” You know it is the wrong thing to say when you see him try to hide the pained look that crosses his face by turning around quickly, but you catch a glimpse of it anyway and it makes your eyes burn with unshed tears while a ragged breath escapes you. The unfairness of it all hurting you the most.
Before you have time to think about it though, your watch buzzes to let you know you have a new message from Nat, telling you to switch your comms unit over to channel two. You tap the settings on your watch and change the channel effortlessly, “Nat?” 
“Hey,” her voice is kind, softer than usual, and it’s at that moment you realize this is way worse than you thought. “You ok?” 
“Tell me what you know,” you reply instead, not really wanting to answer her question because you are sure that it will break you if you do. 
Nat clears her throat, “We’re almost there.”
“What’s almost?”  
Natasha hesitates.
“Twenty minutes,” her voice is barely above a whisper. 
“Fuck.” All of a sudden it’s getting difficult to breath and it feels as if someone has dropped a hundred pound weight on your chest and then punched you in the stomach for good measure. 
“Just breathe,” Nat says, “please. Just,” she sighs, “don’t move and keep breathing, ok?”
It’s then you hear Steve close the car door, holding two bottles of water, “I need to go.” You let out a shaky breath, “Nat,  If I don’t- Promise me you’ll take care of him?”
“Nat,” you plead, “promise me.”
“Ok,” she whispers, “I promise.” 
You let him know you’re there with a soft knock on the door before you step inside, “Hey.”
“Hey,” he draws out, suspiciously eyeing the basket you're carrying.
“Uh, yeah,” you say, feeling the heat rising to your cheeks but deciding it’s better not to beat around the bush, “so today a year ago we had our first debriefing together and I thought maybe we should celebrate?” 
“Hmm,” he replies while walking over to where you’ve put the basket on the table, trying to lift the lid.
“Don’t,” you say as you swat away his hand, “you’ll ruin the surprise.” 
“Surely you don’t want to celebrate here?” 
“Why not?” You smile, “This is where we had our first debriefing after all,” a grin then, “and every one after that.”
“Well, if you’re up for it,” he says with a smile, “maybe we could go up to the roof? I think there’s a picnic table up there, so-”
“I’d like that,” you say, reaching for the basket. 
This time it’s him who swats away your hand as he grabs the handle, “Come on.” 
You follow him to the elevator bay not too far from the meeting room, for once glad that he prefers to have the debriefings at night, when there’s no one else around. There’s an elevator already waiting for you and when you get inside you push the button needed, while you wait for the elevator doors to close. 
When you get to the top floor and off the elevator you walk next to Steve as you make your way to the south corner of the building, to where the roof access is. Steve’s been awfully quiet ever since you stepped off the elevator and you start to wonder if this was such a good idea after all, but then you open the door that leads to the roof and you let out a gasp, “Oh,”
There’s a small platform that has four posts on each corner, with strings of lights hanging between them, casting a warm yellow glow on the picnic table that stands in the center. 
You look from Steve to the scene in front of you and back, “You did this?”
He smiles, “You’re not the only one who remembered our debriefing anniversary.” 
“I love it,” you tell him with a smile before you make your way to the platform. There’s a bottle of what looks like champagne in an ice bucket on the table and when you recognize the label you turn around, “How did you know?”
Steve shrugs, a mischievous smile on his lips, “I have my ways.”
“You have Nat,” you reply, suddenly remembering the conversation you had with her not even two weeks ago. She kept asking you all these random questions, like what your favorite drink was and if you preferred savory over sweet when it came to snacks. And now all your answers are on the table in front of you. “Remind me to thank her.”
“Already did,” Steve says with a grin. He motions for you to sit down and takes out the bottle of champagne, uncorking it with ease and filling up the two glasses that are on either side of the table without spilling anything.
“Captain America,” you tease, “popping champagne like it’s nobody’s business. Who knew?”  
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” 
He just nods and hands you your glass before he holds up his own and clinks it against yours, “Cheers.” 
“Cheers,” you reply, “to, uh, the debriefing crew?”
He chuckles, “To us.” 
“To us.” You watch him as he sits down opposite to you, and take a sip of your champagne, relishing the way it tickles your throat. You smile then, “I know you take your first coffee of the day with milk and sugar but that every other cup after that is black. I know you like baseball more than american football even though you don’t want Tony to find out.”
“What are you-”
“I know you and Nat are like brother and sister and that you value her opinion the most.” You shrug, “I know we work well together, even though you really should stop telling me to watch my language, and-” You hesitate then and drop your gaze down to your hands. 
His foot nudges yours under the table, “And?”
“And,” you draw out, “I know you like me,” you look back up at him, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks, “and I know I like you too.”
The sun’s at its highest point and you can feel yourself starting to get a little lightheaded just as your watch beeps to let you know you’ve passed the thirty-minute mark. You get ready to answer Steve’s inevitable question, but it never comes, instead there’s not but silence and it feels ominous, worrying you more than everything that has happened so far. 
When you look down you see Steve sitting back on his heels, shaking his head. 
“I can’t do this.” He looks up at you, his eyes filled with dread “I am so sorry.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’ve never seen one of these before,” he nods at the box, “I don’t know how to-”
“Hey,” you tell him, holding out your hands to him even though you can’t reach him, “it’s ok. Tony will be here soon, right? He’ll know what to do.” 
Steve lowers his head, not looking at you and ignoring your outstretched hands, “Yeah.” 
“Steve,” you tell him, your voice much more commanding now. You wait until he looks at you before you continue, “It’s ok.” There’s a weight behind your words that you hope he understands, even if maybe he doesn’t want to. 
He runs a hand over his face and straightens his back, “Ok. Let me get an update from Tony and then we’ll take it from there, ok?”
“Ok,” you agree and watch as he walks towards the gate, no doubt to keep you out of earshot. A little frustrated to be left out of the conversation you activate your comms unit, “Nat?”
“What channel are they on?” 
She probably knows better than to argue with you and so she lets out a resigned, “Five point three.”
“Thank you.” Before she has a chance to say anything else you push the button needed on your watch to switch to the other channel and all of a sudden Tony’s voice comes in loud and clear over your comms unit that you wear in your left ear.
“You sure about that, Cap?” 
You see more than hear Steve’s frustration from the way he’s pacing in front of the gate, “It’s a TM-38, Tony. Soviet-made. I’ve seen them in the field before.” 
“And there’s no way you can dismantle it?” Tony tries again, his voice a little tighter now.
“No,” Steve says while he looks at you, the desperation in his voice matched by his pained expression.
The mission brief is simple. The HYDRA division that used the army base had abandoned it in a hurry three days ago, leaving behind a plethora of important files that you and Steve are sent out to retrieve. This morning you tried to convince Tony to delay the mission with one or two days, not particularly looking forward to spending your six-month anniversary out in the field instead of the nice little restaurant Steve promised he would take you to. 
Tony didn’t budge, said he had intel that HYDRA wanted to return to collect what they could sooner rather than later and so here you are, trying to navigate through the dense Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia while Steve is driving the Tahoe that somehow got transported here on the Quinjet. 
“There it is,” you point towards a stone structure on your right. The base is surrounded by tall trees and definitely looks like something HYDRA would use to hide out in. You can only see three barracks above ground, but the map Nat has given you on the flight over shows an intricate underground network of tunnels, bunkers, and panic rooms. 
The room you’re interested in, however, is all the way in the back, housing about five servers full of information you’re desperate to get your hands on. There’s a laptop in your backpack to connect to the servers, and a program written by Bruce that should be able to copy the files in no time.
“Ready?” Steve asks once he’s pulled up to the gate. He looks at you with a smile and then surprises you by leaning in and giving you a kiss, “Not how I wanted to spend our anniversary, but-”
“Yeah,” you agree, for a moment allowing yourself to get lost in his eyes. Your watch double beeps then, letting you know it’s go-time and so you grab your backpack and exit the car, drawing your gun as soon as you reach the gate.
With every step you take towards the first of the three barracks it is clear that there’s no one here, the doors of all the buildings wide open and not a sound to be heard except your footsteps. You feel yourself start to relax a little and a sliver of hope starts to form somewhere, because maybe you will make it home in time for dinner after all. 
The trek to the server room proves to be rather uneventful and once you’ve connected the laptop to the mainframe it only takes about twenty minutes for the files to upload. You use that time to scout the other rooms for valuable information, but come up empty-handed. Apart from the servers there’s not much they’ve left behind and you can’t help but wonder if this was all some sort of setup and if by downloading the files you’re bringing in some sort of spy-ware. 
“Remind me to tell Bruce to check the files for any malware,” you tell Steve, who nods. A notification lights up on your screen then, letting you know the download is complete. You unplug the laptop and stow it in your backpack before you nod to Steve, “Ready.”
“Alright, let’s head out.”
When you finally make it outside again, you have to blink a few times to adjust to the bright sunlight that’s shining through the treetops. You’re following a few steps behind Steve as you fish a piece of paper out of your pocket, on it the coordinates for the pick-up point you’re supposed to go to, so the team can fly you back to the compound. Of course they’re programmed into your watch as well, but you like the act of taking a minute to write down the pick-up coordinates before you leave on your mission, almost like a sort of good-luck charm to remind you to make it home safe. 
A quick glance at your watch tells you it’s still early enough to make it back in time for dinner and you’re just about to tell Steve the good news when a gust of wind blows the paper out of your hand. You chase after it, stepping off the path that leads to the gate and onto the soft forest floor. You almost catch it but then the wind picks it up again and for a moment you debate just leaving it, after all it’s just a piece of paper, but the information on it is too important and so once again you chase after it.  
Finally it’s within reach and you stick your foot out, hoping to trap the piece of paper under your shoe before it flies off again. There’s a click resounding through the sole of your shoe once you’ve put your foot down, the surface on which you’re standing hard and not at all like the soft bed of pine needles you were walking on before. Instantly a chill runs through your spine and you try to stay in position, afraid of what will happen if you move.
He must hear the panic in your voice because he turns around right away, his brows furrowed as he tries to understand what’s going on. 
“I’ve stepped on something,” you try to explain, but your voice is too weak and the wind carries it away from him. You point at your ear and turn on your comms unit, before you hold up your hand to tell him to stay in position, “Can you hear me?”
“I- uh,” you let out a shaky breath, trying to gather your thoughts so you can give him as much information as possible, “I stepped on something. It’s a- It’s a hard surface, almost like metal, and when I put my weight down on my foot, something underneath clicked, like-”
“Like you stepped on a pressure plate?” Steve asks, already one step ahead of you.
“Steve?” It’s Natasha who comes in first, “What’s going on?”
“Rogers,” Tony barks through the comms unit, “I need a status report stat.” 
“Please,” Steve pleads, his voice rough and full of emotion, “just- Just give me a second.” 
You can see him tap his watch before he runs a hand over his face, no doubt trying to figure out what to do next. With a small nod, almost as if he tries to convince himself, he drops his backpack and slowly starts making his way towards you.
“Steve. Don’t” you tell him, but either he really doesn’t hear you or just pretends he doesn’t because he keeps walking.
“Talk to me, Sparky,” Tony says, his voice much kinder now. “Cap’s offline, yeah?”
“I think so, but he’s making his way towards me, Tony, I-” you look around you, “I don’t know if it’s safe. Please tell him to stop-”
“His comm’s off,” 
“There must be some way to turn it on remotely, right?” There’s no reply and so you try again, “Right?”
“Fine,” Tony sighs, “but before I do I want you to know that there’s nothing we can say to stop him. You know that right?”
You lock eyes with the man walking towards you and your heart suddenly feels heavy in your chest, “I know.” When Steve reaches you, you turn off your comms unit, “So, what’s the plan, Cap?”
“I need to take a good look at it first,” Steve says as he drops to his knees, “just try to stay still, ok?”
You nod, “Yup,” and for the first minute or so you look down to try and see what he’s doing, but it messes with your balance and so instead you focus on the treeline in front of you, trying to remember the breathing exercises Clint taught you during one of your stakeouts together. 
Breathe in for seven seconds, out for eleven.
In for seven, out for eleven.
Another beep, but this time you ignore the impulse to check your watch. You don’t want to know how long you’ve been here. It doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters now is making sure Steve makes it out of this alive.
“They’re five minutes out,” he says when he gets back to you. 
“Ok,” you tell him, eyeing his reaction to see if he hears you over the comms unit you still have switched on. He doesn’t respond and so you figure he must have turned it off after talking to Tony, which is good. He kneels at your feet again, why you’re not sure. There’s nothing he can do. Still, it gives you a chance to check in with the rest of the team and you quietly whisper, “Team, do you copy?”
“Loud and clear,” Nat replies almost immediately. 
“Same,” Tony and Bruce say at the same time, while Clint’s “Yes, ma’am,” follows a little later. 
“Steve?” You wait until he looks up at you before you continue, “I think we need to consider our options here.” 
“Why?” He looks confused, “The team’s almost here, they’ll know what to do.”
“And if they don’t?”
“And if they don’t,” he bites back in a tone of voice you haven’t heard before, “we’ll find another solution.” 
“No.” He pushes himself up and stands in front of you with his hands on his hips, “We’ll find a way.”
You hesitate, trying to find the right words, “I’m going to ask you a question and I need you to be completely honest with me, ok?”
“That depends on what you’re about to ask me, because-”
“Do you think I could absorb the energy that this thing produces?” 
He shakes his head, “I don’t-”
“No,” Bruce comes in over your earpiece, sounding absolutely defeated, “I’ve run several calculations but there are way too many variables-”
“This thing is too strong,” Tony says, the desperation seeping through his voice, “before you have a chance to absorb any of it you would be-”
“-know.” Steve lets out a heavy sigh, “I don’t know enough about nuclear physics to even try to answer that question.” 
“Ok,” you nod, trying to stay calm even though your heart is screaming and your stomach is twisting and turning inside of you, “but Tony and Bruce are sure they can dismantle it?”
“They said-”
“No,” it’s Bruce who speaks up first again.
“There’s no way to dismantle it safely,” Nat says, her voice low. “The Soviets purposely built it that way.”
No matter how hard you try to hide it, you are sure something registers on your face. Disbelief first, anger next because Jesus, Steve was supposed to be your happy ending, and finally acceptance, Nat’s words about not being able to dismantle the mine slowly turning into something inevitable. It’s ok, you tell yourself. You were living on borrowed time anyway. 
“-they could try,” Steve says, looking at you in a way that tells you he knows something’s up. He points at his earpiece, “Your comm’s on, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you say, trying to give him an apologetic smile, but undoubtedly failing. “I’m sorry, Steve, but-” you shrug, “I just had to know.” You bite your lip to keep from crying and it’s almost as if the reality of it all has finally sunken in, “There’s nothing we can do.” 
“There has to be something-”
A chorus of no’s echoes over your comms unit. 
“No,” you shake your head, the tears you've been trying so hard to fight back finally spilling over, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this, Steve. My heart is pounding in my chest, my leg has been shaking non-stop for the past minute or so, if I- If I spasm right now-”
“Stop!” He rubs his hands over his face, “There’s got to be another way.” He turns his comms unit back on, “Bruce, what about a weight transfer?”
Bruce hesitates, “I’m not sure I-”
“The only reason the mine hasn’t exploded yet is because somehow her weight is keeping the pin in place, right?” He sounds frantic, pacing back and forth in front of you, “So what if I find something that’s the same weight and we do a transfer?”
“I don’t know, Cap,” Bruce says, “that’s really tricky. It has to be perfectly timed.” 
“At least wait until we get there,” Tony suggests, “don’t go at this on your own.”
“We’re less than a minute out, Steve,” Nat offers, “please wait.” 
“What about my shield, maybe-”
“Steve?” Your voice is weak, hardly audible but somehow he hears you and stops talking. “Steve, look at me.” When he does, you nod, “It’s ok.”
“Go get your shield.” You take a ragged breath and blow it out in a small puff before you nod to the car, “Go.”
“They’re almost here,” Steve tries and you know it’s because he doesn’t want to leave you, “they can pick it up.”
“Steve,” you try again, your voice a little louder this time, “go get your shield.” 
He looks from you to the car and back, unsure of what to do. 
It’s then you hear the distant rumble of another vehicle approaching and you know there’s not much time left. Another deep breath, “Now.” 
He furrows his brows at your command but then does as he’s told, and you let out a sigh of relief as you watch him jog to the car where he opens the trunk. He stands still for a moment, drops his head, and you can tell he’s feeling desperate and out of control. Leaving him behind hurts you more than anything else, but you know there’s no way you’ll make it out of this alive. It feels like whatever got a hold of your heart earlier tightens its grip, making you gasp for breath. 
“Steve,” you tell him, your voice soft as you see him turn towards you, his shield in one hand as he closes the trunk with the other, “it’s ok. It’s time to let me go.” 
You think you hear Tony whisper a quiet, “Fuck,” over the comms unit. 
“I know. I’m sorry guys,” you tell your team, “but I guess we all know there’s no other way.”  “Are you sure?” It’s Tony who asks you the question. You nod, even though they can’t see you, “It’s the only way.”
“It’s ok,” Nat says, her voice a little unsteady, “It’s ok. I’ll take care of him.” 
“I’m gonna miss you, kid,” Clint tells you in a whisper.
“It was an honor working with you,” Bruce says, his voice catching on the last word, “I’ll keep your research going, doc.” 
“You are braver than anyone I’ve ever met,” Tony admits quietly, “I won’t forget you.” 
“Thank you,” you whisper, a single tear sliding down your cheek. 
When you look back up you see Steve is still rooted in the same spot, disbelief written all over his face. You try to smile at him, “I love you,” a sob then, “I just want you to know that.” 
Something else registers on his face then, something you recognize as the determination to make things right and you know it’s your cue. 
“Let me go, Steve,” you nod to let him know it’s ok. A faint smile then as you remember the first time you met him, “I guess this is where I leave you.”
From that moment everything happens in slow motion. 
Steve is running towards you, eyes wide in shock when finally he understands what you’re about to do. 
You give him one last apologetic smile, and another “I love you.” 
He comes to an abrupt stop just thirty yards away from you and watches you as you take one last deep breath. 
It’s time to move, you tell yourself, and when the neurons fire from your brain and the muscles in your leg react you whisper a final, “It’s ok.” 
The last thing you see and hear is Steve, his eyes finding yours as he quietly tells you, “It’s ok. I love you.” 
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candy-and-writing · 4 years
Siren Song
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This is my entry for @mermaidxatxheart challenge #jamies500writingchallenge with the AU Siren/Sailor. I decided to kind of put a twist on it, so I hope it still fits!!!
Summary: You are a Siren. Your voice is an aphrodisiac that lures people into a spell. The only way they can break your spell is if they sleep with you. Steve accidentally hears you singing after a mission.
Warnings: dub-con, smut, drugging, gags, restraints, fingering, oral sex, Steve waiting too long for the woman he loves
A/n: Feedback is welcomed and appreciated! I was a dumbass and waited until the day before this was due to write this, so if there are any error, please let me know :)
I am NOT responsible for your media content consumption. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and/or dark themes. By reading this work you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work posted on any third party app or website; if you are seeing this work anywhere other than tumblr and archiveofourown, it has been reposted without my permission.
"What's your status, Siren?" Tony's voice came through your earpiece. You finished flattening out the line of your dress, taking a sip of your champagne before you answered.
"So far, so good. I have eyes on the target, let me finish my drink and I can engage—"
"No!" Steve spat in your ear, making you flinch. "Y/n, do not engage, do you understand?"
You scoffed. If Steve didn't want you to engage, then what was the point of you being here? At this point, you weren't even batting any eyelashes at anybody—under strict orders from your Captain not to. 
"Come on, Sailor," you purred. "I can help. Let me do my job."
"You use your power on me again, I'm gonna quarantine you," Steve growled. You chuckled at his threat.
"Then what exactly is the reason I'm here, Captain?" you asked, taking another sip of the overtly expensive drink you held. "You want the target incapacitated, I can incapacitate him for you. It'll be easy."
"Incapacitated, not oogling over you."
"You got a problem with my powers, Sailor?"
You heard Steve sigh. "You know that I don't. I got a problem with the men here, especially the man we're trying to catch. He doesn't have a good rep with pretty dames like you, I'm trying to keep you safe."
"You think I'm pretty?" You feigned surprise, bringing your hand to your chest to mimic shock.
"That—" he paused for a moment before letting out an aggravated breath. "That's not the point and you know it. Just keep your distance for now, when we're ready we'll let you know."
You sighed. "Yeah, that's not happening, Cap. Sorry."
You turned off your comms, swaying over to your target, a man named Viktor Yakovich. He was a HYDRA lackie known for sex trafficking and importing drugs in and out of the Harbour. You passed him, fingers dragging along the chest of his iron pressed suit, rolling off his shoulder and when you looked back to meet his eyes, you winked.
The wide-eyed, jaw-dropped expression he wore showed you he was enthralled. He watched as you sauntered to an empty seat at the end of the bar. You ordered a drink, a fancy strawberry vanilla tequila cocktail with a misconstructed french name. You watched the bartender make your drink, pouring different liquids into the mixer. He shook the tin almost violently before he poured the drink into a cocktail glass, adding three small strawberry slices into your glass. You thanked him as he handed it to you and took a hefty sip. 
Just as you finished the last of your cocktail, Yakovich stood leaning against the bartop, eyeing you with a level of lust that had chills running down your spine.
"I'll have a double whiskey on the rocks," he said to the bartender, his accent thick, "and another of whatever the lady is having."
"Extra shot of tequila, please," you added. Viktor smirked at you.
"You are quite beautiful," he commented. "What brings you here?"
You made up some story about your father being too sick to attend the luxurious gala himself, so he sent you as his representative. It was a story engraved in your brain, a caring daughter worried about her poor father's health. His liver was failing, you told Yakovich.
Yakovich was quick to give you his sympathies. You thanked him, sipping on your new drink. Gathering your courage, you set your hand on his thigh, rubbing your thumb softly against the fabric of his trousers. You watched his eyes widen, his shoulders raised as his breathing hitched. 
"Why don't we go upstairs?" Your voice lowered several octaves. Yakovich grinned, offering you his arm.
Your head pounded as you regained consciousness, groaning. You're vaguely aware of the pain in your body, the heaviness in your legs and how your arms almost felt numb. The dim light above you all too bright as you clenched your eyes shut in protest, grimacing. Your mouth was dry, the corners of your lips ached, and you felt a piece of plastic lodged between your teeth. You tried to bring your hand up, but something was keeping your arms rooted in place. As your mind became clearer, you saw your wrists were tied to the edges of the chair, arms pulled taut at your sides. You were gagged and tied down. Great.
What was the last thing you remembered? Yakovich had taken you to his hotel room above the ballroom. You remembered you had kissed him, he had pushed you against the wall. He moved you to the bed after you felt a sharp prick in your neck and then—and then it went black. The damn bastard had drugged you. But how had he gotten out of your spell? That wasn't supposed to be possible. 
"Well, well, well. . . looks like the little dove is awake." The rich Russian accent sounded oddly humorous, which sent a shudder up your spine. Footsteps echoed against the chipped concrete. Yakovich stepped into view, a wicked grin plastered on his face. You frowned at him, tilting your chin up defiantly. He chuckled at you, roughly grabbing your chin. "I know all about you, little dove. You were HYDRA's most powerful weapon, made the Winter Soldier look like child's play. But. . . you defected. How come?"
You shrugged. Mumbled through your gag some jarbled excuse. Really you were just making noise. Yakovich sighed before backhanding you across the cheek, your head snapping to the side with a sharp crack. You bit down on the plastic wedged between your teeth, a yelp getting stuck in your throat.
"Oh, dove. You make such lovely noises. It is such a shame I won't get to hear more. Kill her now."
A knife was at your throat. You held your head up, glaring at Yakovich. There was a crash, shards of glass shattering on the cement floor. Something flew past your head with a deafening whoosh, Steve's shield striking Yakovich square in the chest, sending him flying. The knife had left your throat, Tony blasting the blade out the man's hand as Sam drop kicked him.
Steve was in front of you, reaching to unbuckle the gag behind your head. He threw it to the ground, his hand cupping your cheek.
"Hey, Sailor," you rasped, your voice hoarse.
His thumb brushed over the red marks at the corner of your mouth. "Are you okay?"
"I had it handled," you smirked. Steve chuckled incredulously, dropping his head. 
"You're unbelievable," he laughed.
He tore the twine that was wrapped tightly around your wrists. He rubbed the dark red marks, trying to get the blood flowing back in your hands. He whispered something that sounded similar to 'oh, baby', looking at the marks surrounding your wrists.
"Let's get you out of here. Okay?" Steve's hand went under your knees, your arm draping the back of his neck. He carried you out of the warehouse, the quinjet parked a few meters away. Steve sat you on the exam table that came up from the floor. "The others will be here soon, okay? They just gotta take care of Yakovich."
You nodded, swallowing. The pain was starting to set in—your head throbbed in sharp pains, your wrists were burning in piercing pulses. You were so dizzy, your world spun around you until you had to hold onto Steve. He looked at you, concern swimming behind his eyes as his hand covered yours over his bicep. 
"I'm fine," you said weakly.
Natasha, Tony, and Sam boarded the quinjet. 
"Hey, kiddo," Tony smiled. "How you doing?"
"Never better," you grinned. "Where's Yakovich?"
"Local police are gonna hold him while we get you back to the Compound," Natasha said, "then Tony and I are going to bring him into S.H.I.E.L.D. . . . What happened?"
You shrugged. "I don't know, I-I thought I had him. We were upstairs, I was—um, you know. . .." you scratched the back of your neck. "And then it just went black."
"I thought people couldn't resist your powers?"
"They're not supposed to be able to." You frowned, rubbing the bridge of your nose. There was so much pressure building up in your head, you just wanted to take some aspirin and sleep for a week. 
"You gonna need medical?" Sam had his arms crossed, a frown on his face. You shook your head.
"I'll be fine."
"Y/n," Steve said sternly. Natasha went to the front of the jet, pressing buttons and flipping a switch. The ramp pulled up and sealed the entrance as the engine roared to life.
You sighed. "I'm fine, Sailor. Seriously. I just need a hot shower and to get out of this dress." 
Steve tried to argue with you. "You might have a concussion."
You reminded Steve about the serum that was coursing through your veins. The same one HYDRA had forced into you, the same one Bucky had coursing through his veins. Except it didn't make you strong like him or Steve. It had done something to your cells, and with a few genetic alterations, HYDRA was able to give you your powers. 
And HYDRA wondered why you left.
You let the dress slip off your body, leaving you in a lacy pair of wine red panties and a thigh holster. You discarded the holster, sliding the lace off your legs before stepping into the shower. 
The water was warm, soothing your taut muscles. Your shoulders were so tight they felt like concrete. You sighed, leaning your head back into the water stream.
You left the bathroom clad in a towel, your hair damp. Your head felt better than it had when you arrived at the compound. Your wrists were bruising, the dark red marks encircling your wrists turning a violent purple. You had a bruise forming on your cheek, too, from where Yakovich slapped you.
"Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y?" you called. 
"Yes, Miss L/n?" the A.I responded.
"Can you play some music for me? My 'Calm' playlist, please?"
"Of course, Miss L/n."
A Lana Del Rey song echoed through your room. You thought it was called 'Love song' but honestly, you couldn't be sure. You hummed along, drying your hair with a separate towel.
In the car, in the car, in the backseat, I'm your baby
We go fast, we go so fast, we don't move
"I believe in a place you take me," you sang, eyes closed, scrunching the water out of your locks. "Make you real proud of your baby."
You stood, grabbing a lavender and cedarwood lotion off your dresser. You sat back down on your bed, bringing your leg up.
"Oh, be my once in a lifetime—" You rub lotion up and down your leg, massaging it in. "Lyin' on your chest in my party dress."
You dropped your towel, moving to your drawer chest. You grabbed a pair of white cotton panties that were a size too small and an old Yankees shirt that was too big. It used to be Steve's, but one day he was doing laundry and the shirt shrunk. You snatched it before he could throw it away.
"Dream a dream, here's a scene." You pulled a pair of green fuzzy socks over your feet. "Touch me anywhere 'cause I'm your baby."
You turned around, running into a solid wall of muscle. You yelped, Steve grabbing your arms to steady you. You looked up at him, frowning.
"Hey, Sailor, whatcha doing?" Steve was silent, staring at you intently. His eyes were dark, pupils blown wide as they raked up and down your form. "Steve?"
"I've never heard you sing before," he commented, his voice a few octaves lower than you've ever heard it. "Your voice is beautiful."
Your eyes widened, inhaling a sharp breath. You thought you had set F.R.I.D.A.Y up so when you told her to play music it also activated her soundproofing protocol. Tony assured you no one could hear you. 
"O-o-o-o-o-kay." You twisted out of Steve's grasp, holding your hands out in front of you. "I think you should go. Go take a cold shower or something, okay?"
"Oh, but, sweetheart. . . you said I could touch you anywhere."
You slowly stepped around him, Steve stalking you with a dark look. Your knees hit the bed and you crashed down, looking up at him in—in what, fear? Anticipation?
Steve hooked his finger under your chin, tilting your head up. He looked down on you, a crooked grin splitting his lips. You swallowed, looking at his smooth, plump lips. You quickly looked up to meet his gaze, his bright blue eyes swallowed in lust. You called out his name, your voice barely above a whisper. 
And then his lips were on yours. A small whimper died in your throat, his lips soft as they moved against your own. Your eyes fluttered shut, Steve's grip on your chin tightening. His knees came up to rest on either side of you, straddling you. He pushed you down, leaning down to cup your cheeks as he sucked at your bottom lip. His heated length pressed against your center. When his tongue pressed into your mouth, you pushed against his chest again only to have him press your hands against the mattress.
Heat pooled in your core as you felt the effects of his arousal. It was a lot like secondhand smoking, the way it affected you. Steve was hooked, caught in your trap like a fly in a spider's web. 
"Steve. . . Steve, wait." He pulled away, his hot breath hitting your lips, your noses almost touching. "You don't want this—please, snap out it."
"Come on, Siren," Steve smirked. "All that flirting. . . and you didn't see this coming?" His lips met your neck, trailing kisses down the column of your neck. Your lip trembled as he sucked a bruise into your skin, in the juncture between your shoulder and neck. 
"Steve, please. You can fight this."
A hand trailed up past the hem of your shirt. "Oh, I don't wanna fight it, sweetheart. Look at you, all dressed up for me in my shirt, pretty as a picture."
His hand palmed your breast. You pushed against his chest, trying desperately to get him off. He nipped at your collarbone, pinching your nipple until you yelped. He shushed you, pushing the shirt over your head and up your arms. He ripped the fabric apart effortlessly, manhandling you to lay across the bed before he grabbed your wrists. Using the shreds of the old shirt he tied you to the bars of your metal bed frame. You were surprised by the amount of panic that fled through you as you pulled against the makeshift restraints, the cloth digging into the bruises around your wrists.
His lips teased your shoulder while he gently played with your breasts. He added the slightest pressure as he squeezed, your breasts fitting perfectly in his hands as you shuddered out a breath. 
"That feel good, baby?" Steve mumbled into your neck. You helplessly nodded, whimpering as he rubbed his hard length against you in a rhythm that had your traitorous body moving your hips against him. 
You tried to remind yourself that it was the effects of your powers, that both of you were under a spell and this wasn't real. It wasn't intimacy, this wasn't you and Steve so madly in love with each other it drove you insane. It was raw, unadulterated hunger. Nothing more than a spell.
"Steve, please," you whimpered, a particular grind against your core making you gasp. "You know how this is going to end—do you want that?"
"I want you, that's all that matters."
You cried out Steve's name as his lips latched onto your nipple, rolling the other sensitive bud between his fingertips. Steve couldn't mean that—if he wanted this, that meant you couldn't force him out of your spell. He was bewitched until he fucked it out of his system.
Steve's fingertips danced down your torso, hovering over your belly button and stopping at the line of your underwear. He traced the edge of the garments, mouthing at the spot where your neck and shoulder met. His fingers hooked into your waistband and he pulled your panties down your legs, dropping them on the floor. Steve groaned, inhaling your scent.
"Smell so good, baby," he murmured, "bet you taste even better."
Your cheeks flushed. You weren't sure you wanted him to put his mouth on you. It was wrong, Steve wasn't in his right mind. He wasn't thinking straight.
A strangled moan left your lips as Steve plunged two fingers into your slick heat, looking for the spot inside you that could shatter you. That coil inside you was tight, threatening to explode and send you over the edge. You began to babble mindlessly, endless pleas of 'Steve, please' and vulgar curses. You struggled against your restraints, trying desperately to touch him. You wanted to feel him. He pumped his fingers in and out of you slowly, drawing out the stimulation. 
Then his lips were on the little bundle of nerves just above your entrance. You squealed, bucking your hips into his face. You thighs clenched around his head, pushing his face impossibly closer to your center. He removed his fingers from your entrance, leaving you feeling desperate and empty. You whimpered at Steve, gasping when his tongue darted into your entrance. 
He devastated you with his mouth, his tongue teasing your aching clit again and again until the little bundle of nerves was vibrating. As soon as you felt your release forming, he'd move back down to your entrance, teasing it in and out of there just deep enough to have you begging for more.
"Taste so good, baby." He hummed into your flesh, sending vibrations up through your clit, his hips rutting into the mattress. He pushed the pads of his fingers up, still teasing your bundle of nerves and that was all it took. You cried out, the coil snapping like a taut rubber band, your hips involuntarily jerking as you cried out and struggled against your bonds.
Your entire body was buzzing, your limbs boneless as you panted below him. Steve climbed atop you, fervently pressing his lips to yours. You could taste yourself on him. Licking your lips as he mouthed at your jaw, you closed your eyes. Your brow was sweaty as you tried to catch your breath. Powers or not, you hadn't cum like that in a long time.
When you opened your eyes, his knees were wedged between your thighs, the tip of his cockhead at your entrance. Steve hummed, brushing himself against your wet folds. You dug your teeth into your lower lip, trying desperately not to whimper. Steve leaned down to kiss your cheek before he pushed into you slowly, his thick cock stretching your walls.
Your breath left your lungs, a cry breaking in your throat as Steve groaned into your ear, your silky heat clenching him like a vice. You pulled against your restraints, wincing as pain burned your wrists. He shushed you, nibbling at your shoulder as a means of distraction. When he bottomed out, a growl reverberated through his chest.
"Fuck." Steve's hot breath hit your ear. "You feel so good, Y/n. So tight."
You preened as Steve picked up his pace, easily falling into a hard and fast rhythm. You screamed into his chest, Steve pushing your legs up and effectively folding you in half, the new angle allowing him to hit deeper. You were losing circulation to your hands by how hard you were pulling against the strands of fabric but you didn't care. All you felt was Steve and the way the tip of his cock hit the tip of your cervix.
Your orgasm came out of nowhere—rose so quickly and crashed over you like a tidal wave, sending you reeling. You screamed, seizing up and convulsing around Steve's cock. Steve cursed, feeling you pulsate around him. Black dots invaded your vision as Steve slammed into you harder, faster, and then pulled out suddenly, hot spurts of cum shooting onto your lower stomach. With an animalistic groan, Steve fell to the side.
It took several minutes for either of you to gather your bearings. You were still tied to the bed, breathless and coated in cum when Steve rose, the color in his eyes returning. 
"Y/n, I—" Steve faltered. The guilty look in his puppy-dog eyes making your chest flutter.
"Can you just untie me?" you said quietly. "Please?"
"Oh—yeah. Um. . . yeah." He undid the knot, letting you bring your hands down and sit up. He felt his heart skip a beat at the fresh marks around your wrists. He jumped off the bed and for a moment you were worried he was going to run away, but he gently handed you his shirt before pulling his pants over his hips. "Hold on, okay? I'm gonna get you a rag." You watched him disappear into the bathroom. You pulled his shirt over your head, massaging your wrists gently. 
Steve came back into the room with a damp rag. He handed it to you, hesitant to sit down as you wiped yourself off. "Y/n, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault." You tossed the rag on the floor, looking down at your wrinkled sheets. "Just—I should have been more careful about singing."
"No—no, don't blame yourself, sweetheart." 
"Listen, I'll go to Tony in the morning, tell him what happened." You sighed. "Maybe he can fix F.R.I.D.A.Y's protocol. I'll ask to be removed from missions, too, if that's what you want—"
"No, no. Y/n, I don't want that." Steve groaned. "I'll talk to Tony. I'm the one that invaded your space. I caused this, I'll fix this."
You bit your lip, ringing Steve's shirt in your hands.
"What is it?"
You sighed. "Nothing, it's just. . . I just Siren Song-ed you into sex and—and you're my friend, I don't want this to ruin things."
"It won't ruin things," Steve promised. "I was actually hoping we could. . . maybe go get some—you know, actually, never mind. It was a bad idea."
"Steve," you smirked. "What is it?"
Steve sighed. "Would you want to go get coffee with me? Maybe tomorrow?"
A smile spread across your face. "You wanna get coffee with me?"
"Yeah. I was gonna ask you after the mission, but things went a little. . . sideways."
You breathed out a chuckle. "I'd love to get coffee with you."
"Yeah, really."
Steve let out a sigh of relief. "Good, good. I'll pick you up after the briefing tomorrow? We can go to the coffee shop in town with all the books?"
You smiled. "That sounds great."
"Good." Steve flashed you a toothy grin. "I'm—uh—I'm gonna let you get some sleep, okay? You've had a long day."
You scoffed, slipping your legs under your covers. "Yeah. Goodnight, Sailor."
Steve stood in the threshold, shirtless and sweaty, his hair messy as he peaked past the door. "Goodnight, Siren."
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glacecakes · 4 years
Slowly Led up From the Deep
Despite what anyone else (Lance) said, Eugene wasn’t a mother hen. He wasn’t! There was a distinct difference between being cautious and prepared for the worst due to living on the streets, and mother henning the shit out of everyone.
(“You mother hen the shit out of everyone,” Lance would say. “And I’m a dad. With the same past as you.”)
Case in point: Varian.
(Or: the Baron tries to kidnap Varian to get back at Eugene.)
Weeee another project! This one is a lil different tho Basically I have ideas for four (maybe more? Debating whether or not to expand to 7) angst oneshots with each oneshot pertaining to an element. So this is water, I have a plan for earth, air, fire if I decide to go thru with this. Poor Varian, sorry not sorry
Despite what anyone else (Lance) said, Eugene wasn’t a mother hen. He wasn’t! There was a distinct difference between being cautious and prepared for the worst due to living on the streets , and mother henning the shit out of everyone.
(“You mother hen the shit out of everyone,” Lance would say. “And I’m a dad. With the same past as you.”)
Case in point: Varian. Following the events of… well, yknow, life , Eugene was a bit nervous about letting the kid out of his sight. After all, he got kidnapped, drugged, assaulted, imprisoned, and flung out a tower. And that was all in one day! So excuse him for being concerned about his friend's health. The guy had a death wish, and clearly someone had to watch over him or else he would die from falling, or forgetting to sleep, or setting himself on fire, and then Eugene would have a very angry beef-tittied man at his throat.
Since his redemption, Varian had quickly weaseled his way into the man’s heart, not unlike how Rapunzel did. He’d always wanted a younger sibling as a kid, and Varian fit the bill. His tiny frame and nervous demeanor made him a prime target for Eugene to try and instill life lessons into, no matter how much Varian protested. So long as he worked in the castle, Eugene saw to it that the kid got three square meals a day.
And when he’d failed to keep Varian safe...
Being trapped in unbreakable rock, helpless while Varian slid across the floor, the fading screams as he plummeted to what should’ve been his death…
Let’s just say Eugene has bolted awake to those sounds more than once.
And now he was Captain of the Guard, on top of being a big brother. Which meant that he had to oversee the Royal Alchemist’s (aka Varian’s) more… delicate experiments.
As of this moment, Varian was mixing a glowing red liquid, goggles pulled over his face. Eugene had tried to peer over his shoulder and watch, but the younger pushed him away, grumbling something about not spilling it all over.
Gloved hands wrapped around a pipette as he worked, mumbling scientific jargon under his breath. Rapunzel was able to follow along a lot better than he was, which meant Eugene had no clue what was going on.
“Hello, Allo, Varian?” He waved a hand in his face, startling Varian and nearly causing the liquid to slosh out its beaker. “Hi. Yea, I’m still here and I would like to know what’s going on.” He gave the kid an unimpressed eyebrow raise when he turned, sheepish. Clearly Varian forgot about his “lab partner”.
“Right, sorry.” Varian coughed, setting aside the pipette to hold up his substance. “So, the thing with the water tanks is that… they’re really hard to work on once they’re up and running. Right? You can’t exactly go into the tankers,” he snorted. “I mean, you could, but you’d boil alive.” His brows furrowed and he brought a free hand to his chin, deep in thought. “Actually, I don’t know what would happen… maybe…” His brain was off to the races, already miles away from the current conversation.
“Varian,” Eugene snapped, crossing his arms in frustration. Not that he didn’t want to be here, but he really didn’t want to hear about Varian’s new plan to throw someone into a vat of flynnolium to see if they’d survive. “Royal Engineer, more like Mad scientist.”
“I take that as a compliment,” Varian said, turning back to his lab table with a grin. “Aaaanyway, this stuff should, if my calculations are correct, and they are,” He added, knowing Eugene had already opened his mouth. “This stuff should dissolve stuff like rust, but only when exposed to water. So basically we’d just throw a vial of this into the tankers, wait a few minutes, and drain it. Then, tada! Sparkling clean tanks, good as new.” His voice floated with each step, bouncing around his workspace with eagerness and joy. Varian hummed under his breath, grabbing a pitcher and filling a small cup with water. Water from the nearly full pitcher sloshed around, nearly spilling onto the table as he sang along to the song in his head.
“Hey, kid, isn’t that the jug you use for drinking?” Eugene asked, walking over.
“Hmm?” Varian glanced back, not really caring, too in the zone. “So it is.”
“And it’s full, even though I gave it to you this morning?”
“Which would mean…” He circles his wrist, expectant gaze meeting Varian’s confused. The boy lifted up his goggles to reveal eyes bluer than any sky. “...That you haven’t had anything to drink?”
“I had some juice at lunch.” Varian said.
“That’s not the same.” Eugene responded.
Varian shot him an annoyed gaze. “Seriously? We’re doing this now?” He asked, a hand moving to lean on his desk. He missed, sending him stumbling, but he kept his gaze trained on Eugene.
Eugene simply hummed, walking over and plucking the red vial from it’s test tube. He placed it in his coat pocket. “Yea, we’re doing this now. No experimenting on that glass, you are to drink it right now.”
“What?” Varian’s face turned slightly green. “This thing hasn’t been properly washed in who knows when! I use it as my paint cup!” He gestured to the wall, covered in notes, writings, and the odd Rapunzel doodle. The one Varian was pointing to was a doodle of his pouty face, perfectly matching his current expression.
Eugene didn’t miss a beat. “Fine. Drink from the pitcher.”
“Right now, chug it! Come on, you won’t do it, pussy.”
“I’m not going to chug it,” the alchemist pinched the bridge of his nose. “And didn’t Rapunzel tell you to stop calling people that?”
“No experimenting until you drink it. Captain’s orders.” Varian threw his arms up in frustration. “Why are you so against drinking right now? Come on, I know you’re thirsty!”
“I need the water for the experiment! If I drink it, I’ll have to get a refill!” Getting a refill meant going upstairs, disrupting his thought process and ruining the zone he had been in all day. It was hard to get into that state of absolute concentration, and leaving the lab would surely cause his bubble of productivity to pop.
“Oh no, a refill! The absolute horror!” Eugene fake gasped. The younger’s face burned red as his older friend draped his hand over his forehead in mock distress. “Whatever shall you do, cursed to go get some fresh air by… going upstairs!?”
Varian growled. He wasn’t going to win this argument, they’d had it often enough. But between his excitement over his invention, and Eugene’s teasing, and pulling rank… his ears burned as he took a long swig from the pitcher. He’d be dead before he told Eugene how soothing the cool water felt on his throat, how it spurred him to gulp down half of the pitcher in one go. “There.” He bit out, eyes narrow as daggers. “Are you happy?”
Eugene’s eyes, which had closed in his mock despair, opened to see the teen’s melancholy. Honestly, he was so moody over drinking water , it was ridiculous! All he was doing was making sure the kid didn’t die, oh how wicked of him.
“Yes, quite!” He grinned. “See, wasn’t that hard! I swear, you give me more grey hairs every day. How your dad kept you alive, I’ll never know.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Varian asked, eyebrows raised in offense. Did Eugene not think he could handle himself?
“Well, y’know, the guy always ignored you for hours on end, the fact that you didn’t die of dehydration or starvation is a miracle,” Eugene snorted.
The atmosphere grew tense in a heartbeat. Varian froze where he stood, fingers outstretched towards the cup quickly retracting. "What did you just say?" Varian hissed, eyes narrowing as he turned.
“Just that your dad wasn’t there for you like I am.” Eugene couldn't stop the words that escaped his throat. Jealousy clawed at his mind, sinking sharp talons and cutting his common sense to ribbons. He’d been looking after Varian during his stays at the castle, both before and after he’d become Royal Engineer, and yet he was the bad guy here? He was the one who risked falling off a tower to crawl out to Varian while his dad, who was well versed in the moonstone, had decided he’d rather play with his pumpkins then get involved, despite his son being asked to translate a death spell.
“You did not just say that,” Varian growled, trying to keep himself in check. He hated getting mad, especially at his friends, seeing as he didn’t exactly have a good track record with it. “You did not just suggest that you’re better than my dad.”
“Hey, all I’m saying is that he literally let you cause earthquakes with no supervision when you were fourteen and then got mad when it didn’t exactly turn out great.”
“At least my dad didn’t abandon me for three months.”
“At least I came to save you when Cass kidnapped you.”
Varian slammed his fists on the table. “Did you even tell him about that? Or did he not know I was missing, just assumed you were taking care of me until I came home with broken ribs!?” The alchemist whirled around, marching up and planting a finger on Eugene’s chest. “He thought you guys were keeping me safe, but no ! So what, now you’re trying to make up for it by breathing down my neck? I’m not a little kid, Eugene! It’s one thing to look out for me, but a whole other to smother me and insult my dad!”
The man huffed. “I’m not smothering you, I’m concerned for you! What reasonable parent is ok with their kid forgetting to eat or drink?”
"Well I’m sorry he trusts me to! You’re just a control freak who can’t accept that not everyone needs his input! You don’t trust my judgement at all!"  The anger in Varian's eyes... Eugene hadn't seen it since the battle of Old Corona. He couldn’t stop himself from what came next; it was like a reflex, some leftover anger from before.
"WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU!?" Eugene screamed, before quickly covering his mouth in horror.
Varian's eyes widened, filling with tears. Then he carefully schooled his face back to impassive and cold.
Eugene faltered, guilt boiling red hot in his stomach. He really messed up, didn't he? It wasn't that he didn't trust Varian, far from it. From his sassy remarks to dorky antics, and the way he was so passionate about everything, it was clear that Varian put his heart and soul into everything he did, and he only shared that with the people he trusted. Eugene was honored to be one of those people. Now, he might have just lost that.
He trusted Varian with his life. But Varian's life? He couldn't trust anyone with that. It was too precious to him. He'd failed to protect Varian so many times, he just wanted to do it right from now on.
Eugene tried to reach out. "Kid, I didn't mean it like that," he began, but Varian ignored him. Instead, he shouldered past, marching up the stairs towards the main castle, pitcher in hand.
"I don't know, Eugene," Varian spat as he walked, words as bitter as the feeling in Eugene's gut. "Why should you? After all, I'm just a traitor to the crown. I could be a spy for the Baron or Saporia, you never know."
"Come on, I know that’s not true," Eugene stepped forward, moving to follow, but refrained. He could see the quaking of Varian’s shoulders, almost imperceptible to anyone who didn’t know him as well as he did. "Varian, you've come so far, you're an amazing kid, I just.."
Varian whirled around, showing that sure enough, his eyes were brimming with tears. "You just what? Fear me? Like everyone else? It's fine, go ahead! Just next time," he sniffled, brushing away an angry tear. "Next time, don't pretend to care. Don’t pretend that you are monitoring me just out of the goodness of your heart. Just treat me like the criminal you think I am.”
He left the lab, leaving Eugene alone with his still untested compound.
About a minute after Varian had stormed off, a guard poked his head in.
“Hey Captain… is now a bad time to tell you a prisoner escaped?”
He groaned.
You could practically see the steam coming out of Varian’s ears as he stomped through the castle, to the point that all the maids and guards gave him a wide berth. His cheeks puffed up as he stomped. Stupid Eugene, stupid pitcher, stupid rules, stupid stupid stupid!
“Ugh!” He cried, kicking at the ground and delighting in the scuffing noises. What did he know anyway? Varian was perfectly capable of taking care of himself, he had been for years! He’d been fine on his own in the months he’d been abandoned, after all. He didn’t need Eugene then, and he didn’t need Eugene now.
Never mind the fact that his descent into madness had been because no one was there.
He burst into the supply closet with all the fury of a thousand suns, thankful that no one was in there at the moment. His hands shook as he placed the pitcher under the pump, letting out his frustration at each up and down motion of the lever.
“What does Eugene know,” Varian hissed. “He was on his own for-fucking-ever, and yet here he is thinking that I can’t handle myself? Says he doesn’t trust me to not die, I survived just fine without him!”
He was so focused on his task, on letting out his anger and ignoring the tears that fell into the pitcher, that he didn’t hear the muffled yelling, or the shuffle of guards, or even the heavy groaning of iron on wooden floors.
The door slammed shut with a heavy thud, and Varian frowned. So much for being left alone. He didn’t want to look up, didn’t want to face who he assumed was looking for him. For a moment, the only sound was the other party’s heavy breathing, and Varian’s sniffling.
“What do you want, Eugene?” He hissed. “Come to yell at me for not taking a break?”
The other person doesn’t speak for a moment. Then, a gruff, and decidedly not Eugene speaks. “Are you talking about Flynn Rider?”
Varian startles. He glances up to see the buffest man he’s ever seen (and considering his dad that’s saying a lot) is bent over, fiddling with something on his shoe.
“...yea. Eugene.” He says, turning back to the pitcher. Odd, no one in the castle called him that anymore. Maybe this guy was a visitor? A tourist who got lost? Ambassador, even? He wasn’t sure. Despite his technically high status, he wasn’t exactly welcome in court. Which meant he was often invited to royal balls only to not know a single person or anything about the current politics. It sucked.
There’s a clink as the man unlocks something. He smirks, turning back to where Varian is distracted. “So, you know him?”
“ Know him?” Varian scoffs. At the silence, he realizes the guy is serious. “Yea, I do. He’s annoying.”
“Tell me about it.” The man gruffs. Unfortunately for him (or, more accurately, unfortunately for Varian), the boy takes the invitation.
“He’s like a big brother to me, which is nice… except for the fact that he treats me like a baby brother instead of a younger one. Constantly hovering, always worried about me. I get that he means well,” he goes on, completely oblivious to how the man’s face lights up in a wicked grin, before shuffling around the closet, searching for rope and linen. “But god, it’s so frustrating when I’m trying to do something and he’s just yelling at me to take care of myself! He just wants to, to keep me locked away or something! And then today, he-he insulted my dad, tried to imply that my dad didn’t care. I get that to him it seems that way, since he’s only ever seen my dad a few times…” he let out a sigh. “I just… I appreciate what he’s doing, but he needs to chill.”
“I don’t know,” the man hums. “I’d argue he’d be valid to be concerned at this exact moment.”
Varian furrowed his brows, eyes glancing back and forth as he tried to make sense of the statement. “What does that…?” His eyes widened as the man turned around. Long blonde hair… rope in one hand… a ball and chain in another.
The Baron smirked.
Eugene kept a brisk pace, anger and annoyance growing by the second. Of course the one time he needed to be looking for Varian, he was stuck instead looking for a maniac. Leave it to Stan and Pete to mess up a prisoner transfer.
“Any sign?” He calls as he passes a guard, who turns to keep in step.
“No sir, but we have reason to suspect he hasn’t left the kingdom.”
“Good. I want all units on the lookout.” The guard saluted and ran off to execute. Their forces would be spread thin, but it was their best bet. He just hoped no one else would run into their convict.
Especially considering his past with the bastard.
No sooner does he make that wish, there’s a loud crash, akin to glass breaking, and a scream.
An all too familiar scream.
“No no no…” He breaks into a sprint, following the source of the noise. Please, for the love of god, let this not be the case. Let him be wrong, it’s just a scared maid, he just spooked him, let him be ok…!
He skids around the corner, and his heart stops dead in his chest.
Varian was strewn over the Baron’s shoulder, violently thrashing. His arms were bound behind his back, and a cloth tied into a gag over his mouth. Tears of desperation budded as his eyes were screwed shut. Strewn at his kidnapper’s feet were shards from a vase. Said man turned, and he saw how it was broken. Varian’s legs had been tied together, with one also chained to the iron ball that had been used to keep the Baron contained. A lot of good that did.
“How on earth are you still fighting?” The giant hissed. “That chain should keep your legs from moving!” Varian glared daggers down at his kidnapper, no doubt spitting fire through the cloth the likes of which would make Lance faint.
Eugene’s shock quickly morphed as he drew his sword with shaking hands and leveled a glare. He couldn’t protect Varian the last time he was kidnapped, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to fail this time.
The Baron smirked. “Ah, Rider. How nice of you to join us.”
Varian’s eyes snapped open, trying to look over his shoulder to see his brother. Large, tear-filled eyes met dark brown in a silent plea. Their previous argument no longer mattered. All that mattered was keeping him safe.
“Let him go. Now.” Eugene’s voice was deadly level, no longer filled with its usual charm and life. “And maybe I’ll be lenient on your sentence.”
The baron hummed, readjusting Varian in his fireman’s carry. “I have an alternative idea. See, I know you, Rider. And I know how weak you are for your friends. Your family.” The last bit caused Eugene to briefly glance up at Varian, before returning his glare to the Baron. “You’re going to let me walk out these halls, and out of this kingdom.”
“And if I don’t?” He really didn’t want to ask, he knew the answer. But he needed to know. How much danger was Varian in? It was one thing to hurt Lance, an adult who already was disliked by the Baron. But an innocent kid…?
The Baron smirked. “Let’s find out, shall we?” With that, the man thrust his fist into the giant window beside him. Glass spewed from the wound, splinters causing both Varian and Eugene to flinch, the latter taking a step back. It was all the advantage the Baron needed, climbing out and into Corona’s sprawling streets.
“Fuck!” Eugene hissed, leaping after, but it was too late. The man had vanished into the maze. He only had one option left, he realized, his gaze turning to the mainland.  
“I wasn’t planning on taking hostages, but you’re the Royal Engineer, hm? And Rider’s little brother. I’m sure I can fetch a pretty penny… though I’m not opposed to just killing you,” The Baron hummed, moving through the city’s alleys at a speed that really shouldn’t be possible when the man had a squirming teenager on his back. But the words had stunned Varian into submission, helpless to do anything but try and kick his chained leg. If he could just get the damned ball to move, he could potentially use it as a weapon.
Maybe then Eugene would actually trust him to take care of himself.
The main bridge was fast approaching, unguarded, with nothing stopping the criminal from making off with his prize. Wait… there! Straight ahead, a lampost. Varian didn’t need to move the ball, just get the chain stuck around it, and that should buy him some time!
Slowly, so as not to alert the Baron, he began to swing his leg, letting the ball’s momentum begin to carry. He couldn’t swing very much, its weight too much, but his timing was just right. The ball swung around the pole as they passed, hooking on. The Baron was not prepared for the jerk, and so he stumbled, Varian slipping down his grasp and tripping him further. He fell to the floor, grunting slightly in pain.
He only had one shot. If he didn’t get himself back up now , his attempt would fail. Nimble hands twisted around in his bonds, trying to slide out of the rope, but they were too tight.
Come on Varian, he thought to himself. Eugene taught you how to escape this stuff! Think! How do you get out of ropes?
His mind trailed to the post-Cassandra “Hostage 101” seminar Eugene had given (read: forced onto) him. Something about using your elbows to create a space in your wrists? No wait, that was for when your hands are in front of you! Gah!
Despite it all, Varian can’t help but let frustrated tears prick at his eyes, slicing down his cheek and cutting open his soul, leaving it raw, exposed to the elements, to this bastard. He couldn’t even get his binding undone! At least with his last kidnapping, he could not escape because it was literally unbreakable. Here, he was just too weak. Too naive. Too oblivious.
If Eugene was here, this wouldn’t be a problem. Eugene would never let anything bad happen to him on his watch, it was his job, after all. And he was damn good at it.
If only Varian hadn’t stormed off.
He squirmed forward, trying to drag himself away from the Baron and buy himself more time. But it didn’t work. The man grabbed onto the ball, and yanked hard , dragging the teen over rocks that slashed at his skin.
“I will admit, that is exactly what I should’ve expected from you,” he growled, his massive form towering over Varian. With one smooth motion, he hauled the alchemist up by his shirt collar, forcing their eyes to meet. “But you won’t get away that easily.”
“Neither will you!”
The Baron turned, a feral smirk crawling over his face as he saw Eugene’s panting form. “Rider. I thought I told you not to follow?” He clicked his tongue, more akin to scolding a small child.
Eugene didn’t back down, sword drawn and pointing straight at his prey. “Let him go. Now.” It wasn’t a suggestion, but an order.
The Baron raised an eyebrow, hand still tightly gripping Varian. “You took everything from me. My daughter, my legacy, my empire. You really think I should let him go?”
“He has nothing to do with any of that!” Eugene barked, protective rage racing through his veins and spitting out of his mouth like flames. “Release him. Or I will engage.”
The Baron teeth were bared, canines flashing. “Good.”
He turned and threw Varian off the bridge.
Time moved in slow motion. Wind whistled in Varian’s ears, ruffling his hair and sending it spiral above his head, filling his vision with raven edges. The sky seemed to shrink, growing farther and farther away.
Eugene’s horrified face from high above was the last thing he saw before he hit the water.
Water rushed up his unprepared nose, spilling into his soul as he choked and tried to spit and cough it out. But he couldn’t, gag remaining firmly in place. He thrashed, trying something, anything, to stop his rapid descent, but the heavy ball on his ankle prevented any success. Blue overtook his vision, rays of sun fading more and more along with his loss of oxygen. His ears ached with increasing pressure, more and more until finally the ball hit something, vibrations rocketing up his leg.
He tried desperately to think of something, anything that could help him, but as the fog of unconsciousness creeped ever closer, the haze growing stronger and stronger, all he could think of was Eugene .
It was his last thought before darkness overtook him.
“VARIAN!” Eugene shrieked, watching as his little brother hit the water with a splash . His horrified gaze whipped around to see the Baron calmly walking away. “Get back here!” He yelled, running forward with his sword prepared to strike the man down once and for all. It hit its target, slashing the Baron’s shirt open and his form onto the floor. Blow after blow, he whaled on the large man with fists so fast his enemy had no time to strike back. The Captain raised the sword with both hands on the hilt, preparing for the final strike in a fit of fury…
“Sure,” the Baron grinned through a split lip. “Kill me, go ahead. But you’ll be killing him too.”
Eugene froze mid air.
He had a choice to make.
He could fulfill his duty, keeping Corona safe… at the cost of his baby brother…
Just like during the blizzard, just like in the months after…
The Baron cackled, seeing the emotions flicker across Eugene’s face. “Tick tock, Rider!” He yelled, laughter ringing in the captain’s ears and drowning him in panic just like how Varian was drowning now-
He dropped his sword in horror, sprinting over to the bridge’s edge, barely able to make out a familiar shape down below.
There was no more hesitation; he dove straight down, teeth gritted as he took a deep breath and fell down into the murky abyss.
There was one small blessing, and that was that the bay wasn’t terribly deep. It didn’t exceed beyond 20 feet in depth, and while that wasn’t much, it was still enough to cause a problem when you’re fucking drowning .
His boots hit dirt level, eyes straining in the freshwater as he tried to make out Varian’s face. It was slack, no emotion, no open eyes… he was running out of time.
Think, Eugene, think! He’s dying! His panicked mind screeched. In theory, the gag and hands could wait, but the ball and chain needed to go. Where were his lock picks, he thought as he rifled through his pockets until he landed on a vial.
His eyes widened as he took it out, the red glow illuminating Varian’s rapidly paling face. Of course! The kid’s alchemy! Thank god he’d listened, god his brother was so smart!
Please, please work, he prayed, smashing the vial on the ankle chain, watching with delight as it dissolved like paper in water. Immediately, Varian started to float. His big brother wrapped his arms around him, pushing up off the floor to propel them to the surface.
He gasped, lungs aching as he treaded water, Varian’s head lolling against his chest as the captain struggled to keep them both afloat. Thankfully, the mainland was right by, and in no time he was pulling Varian onto a grassy bank.
He wasted no time, starting chest compressions the second they were both on shore. “Come on kid, come on, don’t die on me!” Eugene hissed, water dripping from his hair onto the teen’s face. “You survived fucking Zhan Tiri you do not get to die from this-”
He was cut off as Varian began to cough violently, rolling over onto his side as he threw up water. A soothing hand ran over Varian’s back, consoling him as the kid slowly came back to life.
Finally, he stopped gagging, only panting heavily as each breath felt like heaven. Clouded blue eyes glanced back at his savior, melting into relief when he saw who it was.
“Eugene,” he sighed, letting the older man pull him into a hug he quickly reciprocated.
“Fuck,” Eugene breathed, laying his chin on Varian’s head. “You ok, kid?”
“...I think I drank enough water for today.”
Eugene laughed, tightening his grip just a bit more. “Yea, ok, you got me there.”
The walk back to the castle was slow going. By the time they both got there, they were shivering like crazy, so much so that the maids took one look at them and tossed towels their way.
For now, they were settled in the infirmary, letting the doctors check Varian over to make sure he wasn’t at risk of secondary drowning. A fresh fire crackled nearby, permeating the room with a comfortable atmosphere as Varian laid his head on Eugene’s shoulder.
“Did…” Varian was the first to speak. “Did you catch the Baron…?”
“...No. He got away.” Eugene sighed, defeated. He was not looking forward to writing a report.
“I’m sorry,” Varian whispered.
“Don’t be.”
“But I am!” The teen leaned back, frustrated blue meeting confused brown. “If I had just remembered any of the stuff you taught me, I would’ve been able to escape on my own! I shouldn’t have to rely on you for everything…!” His face burned red at the admission, guilt overpowering.
Eugene frowned. “Hey, whoa. You were panicking, it’s ok to not remember! If you want a refresher I can give you one.” His eyes glanced elsewhere. “Or maybe. Someone else should. Don’t want me hovering after all.”
Varian was quiet for a moment, eyes looking anywhere but his brother as the words evaded him. “No. I… I don’t really mind hovering. Sometimes,” he added, holding a finger up. “Sometimes. It’s nice to remember you guys care. But… you need to trust me to not fall over at the smallest push.”
“You mean like this?” Eugene joked, poking Varian in the side, smirking when the kid leaned heavily and fell onto his back, resting against the cot.
“Not fair,” Varian grumbled, but sure enough, there was a small smile on his face. It faded slightly. “I’m sorry for blowing up. You were just trying to help.”
Eugene smiled, slightly pained, but still a smile. “Nah, I deserved it. I’m sorry for all the stuff I said, kid. You know I trust you with my life, right?”
Varian nodded, grabbing Eugene’s arm and pulling him down till he was resting beside the younger. “And I trust you with mine,” he said.
“Well, I would sure hope so.” Eugene snickered. “So, we good?”
“We're good.”
“Excellent. Now, I don’t know about you,” the man wrapped an arm around Varian, till he was resting his head against Eugene’s chest. “But I am exhausted. You exhaust me, you know that?”
“Someone’s gotta keep you on your toes,” Varian teased, but didn’t argue as his eyes slid shut.
“Grey hairs, Varian. Grey hairs.”
54 notes · View notes
HASO, “Telling Tales.”
This story came as a suggestion from someone on the discord server, so I hope you all enjoy a break from some of the heavier stuff I have been doing lately.
The room was large and filled with noise, mostly the clinking of glasses and the clattering of voices, but on occasion the comm systems echoed with a cool female voice broadcasting announcements across the entirety of the station. 
There were at least forty tables inside the room packed in close together, with a long bar at one end where men and women alike stood standing and chatting to each other as they took their drinks. Below that was the low rumble of music, and up on all four walls, large projection screens broadcasted earth sports in delayed time.
At the far end of the room a large viewing window looked out on a wide view of space and the rest of the station. The station itself was huge, stretching out for what could have been miles and miles of tightly packed corridors and branching rooms. The station itself was a mesh of Tesraki and human technology and had been built right here in orbit….. In orbit of the thing staring at them from out in the darkness.
A supermassive black hole ringed by a disk of bright light and a halo that cut across the middle.
Honestly as McCaster stepped into the room, he found the view very disconcerting, and had the sudden worry that…. Inexplicably they would start slowly drifting towards the black hole until they succumbed to a horrendous and terrifying death. Looking around though, it seemed that no one else seemed to think so, and he ushered himself inside and over to the bar hoping that a drink might calm him down.
He sidled up to the bar leading against the metal countertop and motion for the bartender with a hand.
She slid over to where he was. She was dressed casually, though the bearing of her chin told him that she was one of the soldiers working on the station and not just a civilian. He ordered something to drink, and he came back a moment later with a metal tankard. He took it surprised to find that he missed the bright amber liquid inside cool glass covered in a layer of condensation, but he supposed having breakable drinking vessels wasn’t going to do for a ship like this.
Still, the liquid inside his mug looked a sort of muddy brown rather than a pleasant amber.
He took another sip.
Still tasted fine though.
He turned to look around the bar watching as groups of people chatted to each other , drank and ate.
Not all of them worked here, some of them, like the crew of the Omen, had stopped by for supplies and to give their men and women some time to relax and have a little fun before they had to ship out again. McCaster felt this was really his only chance for a while, to meet people off the ship.
He sidled forward eyes scanning over the room and falling on a woman. She was pretty, young about his age with blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail.
Couldn’t hurt right?
Unfortunately, just as he was sidling up, some other gus seemed to have the same Idea, and he sat down at her table just as two others did pausing to stare at each other across the table.
McCaster looked at the young woman, “This seat isn’t taken, is it?”
She tilted her head at him in near amusement, “I can’t control where you sit.”
“Then I suppose you don’t mind if we join you.” The other man added receiving a glower from McCaster across the table.
“You work here.” The other man asked her 
“Well me and the boys here are just off from The UNSC Pioneer, finest ship this side of the quadrant.”
McCaster snorted into his glass, not trying to be a dick this time, but he knew THAT was a lie.
The other man glared at him, “What, you disagree.”
“Frankly, yes. Our ship is Objectively the best and that’s not even me bragging.”
“Oh really, and what ship is this.”
McCaster smirked, “The UNSC Omen, but I bet you’ve heard of it.”
There was a chorus of disbelief up from the other men.
“Right, and I bet you are personal friends with Admiral Vir too, right.”
McCaster frowned, “Maybe not personal friends, but I did fly with him once.”
More disbelieving booing.
He crossed his arms, “Don’t believe me huh well what about this.” he reached into his pocket to snag his ID card and then pulled it out, holding it up for the entire table to see, “See Lt McCaster of the UNSC Omen. I fly a Thunderhawk, and sometimes the shuttles.” This time the men could hardly argue, his iD said as much, at least as much about which ship he worked on and what he did.
THere was a light murmuring around the table.
“That’s right, so like ninety precent of my friends are aliens.” He was exaggerating just a little bit, he didn’t really interact with the aliens on the ship all that much accept for the Celzex that fixed the weapons on his jet, and the Drev he liked to play"  pool with.
But the blond was looking at him with interest, so its not like he could squander this opportunity
He nodded glancing sidelong at the girl. 
“Yeah, like I said, its not like the Admiral and I take lunch together or anything, ‘but’ the ship is small enough that I do run into him on a daily basis, cool guy, a bit weird though. I actually flew with him during the burg war on the Gromm home planet.”
A chorus of disbelief.
Behind him someone chimed in, “Bullshit.”
He turned to see that another table behind them had overheard his claims. There was a pretty redhead sitting there, and so he wasn’t likely to let go of his momentum. He raised his ID badge for all to see, “Not lying.” He raised his mug to his lips and took a long satisfied sip, “Disbelieve me all you wan’t but it’s true.”
“Well don’t just sit there all smug, tell us about it then.” Someone urged, and he was more than happy to oblige.
“Well, we had just been informed of the eminent Burg attack on the Gromm capital city below. I had been being debriefed by the Commander, at the time, and went with him to the bridge as we were debriefed. The Nexus was down and Burg ships were descending in swarms. They were unprotected on the planet below, and it was clearly up to our crew to stop the attack.”
His little crowd was drawing even more eyes, and he found himself with a small crowd of skeptics sitting around him listening to his every word.
He found himself speaking faster with excitement and nerves.
“I was on the bridge and watched him survey the scene, when out of nowhere he hands the captain chair over to one of his lieutenants and orders me out with him. They had orbital defences, but he knew that they had no chance in atmosphere since they didn’ have any fighter jets to push back the invasion.” he puffed out his chest, “Admiral Vir handpicked me to accompany him as his copilot and gunner.”
Another chorus of disbelief.
He shook his head, “Disbelieve me all you want, but it’s true. He knew my talents, and he knew I could keep up with him. And I tell you I have never seen a man or woman that could fly like he does.”
He had them now leaning forward in their chairs.
The best part is all of this was true…. Mostly.
“Of course, I was ready, solid as a rock, I have been training for just such situations for the entirety of my career, and I had no hesitations about what I was going to do. The Admiral was relying on me to be his copilot and damn straight I wasn’t going to let him down.” He grinned in a self satisfactory way, “He gave me charge of all the important stuff while he was flying combat…. And he made it sure in no unclear terms that if he couldn’t handle the flying, I was going to take over for him.”
Ok that was sort of a lie, but only a little one.
“I knew as soon as we were coming in that Admiral vir had an idea brewing. We didn’t go for an angled entry but instead piloted our jet straight down. I thought that the re entry was going to rattle my teeth out of my head. But as I said before I had no doubts about the Admiral. I knew we were going in, and I had inklings of what the admiral was about to do. I never questioned him.”
Also kind of a lie, but it's not like it mattered.
“We were plunging from the sky, fire spitting off our wings, going so fast it makes your insides feel like they are on your outsides. Picture the sky fading to blue behind you, fire is benign thrown off your wings like water from a waterfall, the G force is so powerful that it compresses your chest and makes it hard to breathe,” he was standing now gesturing wildly, “We plummet from the sky, and fire our guns exploding a burg ship just before it takes out one of our other fighters. We pull up right before the ground, must have been nine ten maybe even fifteen Gs.” Okay he was exaggerating, “But I stayed conscious through the whole thing.” That was also kind of a lie.
“We broke into combat with the burg drones, and I shot down at least three of them as the Admiral piloted.  He said afterwards that he had never seen someone take the shots I did and make it.” Okay yes he had been passed out for half of this, but again its not like any of them were going to know.
What harm was a little exaggeration.
“I caught one burg as we were coming out of a sharp dive, my hand felt nine times heavier than it should have, but I nailed it in the engine compartment and it exploded into a ball of fire. I was still shooting them down when the Admiral orders me to take control of the ship. Of course I wanted to ask what was going on, but there was no time, I grab the stick and manuver us into a tight barrel roll. A ship explodes behind us. I have control of the jet now complete control and I pull us up into tight pursuit of another. I avoid two missiles and in a moment of genius, I drop all of our flares, which collide with at least four burg ships exploding on impact. What I hadn’t known is that the Admiral’s hand had cramped from all that earlier flying, and if I hadn’t been there he would have died. But at that moment I had no idea and proceeded to clear enemy skies over the capital city. I dived so close to the ground that we might have crashed if I hadn’t pulled us into an inverted upwards pull for the last few seconds”
He continued to speak and as he did the fight grew even more excessive and heroic. He detailed in exquisite and colorful imagery as he single handedly flew them to safety pulling off near impossible maneuvers, crack shots and many more outlandish happenings as he and Admiral Vir valiantly switched back and forth on the controls, equals in every way.
He was just describing their great and climactic fight scene where, he had to take command of the ship once again, when he finally noticed no one was really paying attention to him. He saw their eyes, looking past him.
His voice slowed, as he looked around eyebrows furrowed.
He turned where he stood and cut off mid sentence as his eyes fell on a familiar face in the crowd.
Admiral Vir sat behind him in a chair balancing on two legs, head tilted to the side. His eyepatch covered one of his eyes, but the expression on his face was one of great and abiding amusement.
He leaned forward in his seat, “Don’t let me interrupt you lieutenant. I believe you were just getting the the part where you pull an inverted double helix back loop and I pass out drooling in the front, you just manage to pull us out of that dive, and the two burg ships are so confused by the manuver that they crash into each other and explode  catching the attention of all the other stunned burg in the area and allowing the other pilots a final push in clearing the sky?”
McCaster’s mouth opened and then closed and then opened again .
Admiral Vir continued to smile as McCaster stammered and gurgled like an idiot.
“So…. what actually happened.” Someone asked 
McCaster plopped shamefacedly down in his seat. Admiral Vir paused tilting his head in the other direction as if thinking. A good portion of the room had gone quiet as they shuffled closer to hear the stroy. He stood after a moment and walked over to where McCaster was sitting placing his hands on the back of the chair.
“Well The first part of the story wasn’t wrong. I had been debriefing McCaster and the other recruits on a few aspects of my ship when we got the call in that the Gromm homeworld was being attacked. I DID give up command to the ship of one of my lieutenants, and I DID as McCaster to fly with me as copilot.” he smiled and easy smile that seemed to light up the room around him.
Everyone within a twenty foot radius shifted forward in an effort to be closer to the man and the magnetic nature of his personality and charming smile.
“McCaster was top of his class in flight school, and I wanted an extra pair of eyes, that is true. We did take a vertical dive into the atmosphere instead of an angled entry. Yes there was fire spitting off the wings, and yes we did pull out of a vertical dive after saving one of the other fighter jets. All of that is pretty accurate.”
HE smiled and McCaster wilted.
“He did embellish a few things.” he rested a hand on McCaster’s shoulders, “But what is a good story without a little bit of embellishment? I’ve certainly never told a story that didn’t sound about ten times better than it actually was.” There was a small laugh from the crowd, “Point being that I would certainly fly with McCaster again, he is a brave, talented, and honorable member of my crew even if he is a colorful storyteller.”
McCaster looked up at the Admiral, still leaning on the back of his chair, and watched as the man made subtle eye contact with the blond girl just a few feet away.
McCaster blushed As Admiral Vir pushed his chair forward across the ground to sit next to her.
She was smiling in some measure of amusement, and Admiral Vir winked at him as he backed away. Either that or he just blinked, it was hard to tell with the eyepatch.
He turned back to look at the woman who was looking at him in some measure of amusement.
He rubbed the back of his head.
“He seems to be one hell of a wing man, in and out of a jet.” She commented 
He stammered stupidly glancing over his shoulder to where Admiral Vir had retreated to the bar, ignoring the eyes on him, hungry expressions from both men and women as he ordered a drink and sat down.
Bless the Admiral, number one for being a good wingman for sure, and two…. For not totally calling him out on all his bullshit.
Granted everyone probably guessed, but at least he could keep some of his dignity with plausible deniability.
He was able to work himself back into a state of cool suave composure, enough to learn that the woman’s name was Emily, and that she worked as a data analyst for the big black hole thing. It had a lot to do with math and physics which he totally didn’t understand, but certainly tried to because he knew she liked it.
Across the room, Admiral vir attracted ebbing and flowing waves of people coming to listen to his own stories which were mostly modest and self deprecating depictions of what really happened. Being the first person to fall flat on his face on an alien planet, how he had scared the shit out of the bran the first time he met them, how he ended up in a Rundi prison because he was being a dumbass.
There were a few times where he too tended to embellish the stories, only to preface later by saying, but what actually happened was this.
As soon as the man stepped into the room he seemed to change the whole gravity of it like  a wandering star collecting satellites.
He supposed that’s what happened when you were famous.
Thanks to him though, it turned out he got along really well with Emily, and despite knowing he was a complete moron, she seemed to like him too, and he scored her number and a surreptitious invitation to accompany her on a walk to somewhere quieter.
As he was leaving, he turned back to look at the Admiral, making surprise eye contact with him as he did.
He raised his glass minutely to McCaster before turning around and continuing his story.
He grinned as Emily took his hand,.
“So….. tell me really, how many times did you pass out when flying with him.”
He snorted, “Please, I spent  more than half of it passed out, like I can’t remember shit. I don’t even remember where the sky or ground was relative to each other for most of the time. The man can fly…. Like all that stuff I was telling you, just replace my name with his and you might have yourself a believable story.”
She laughed at his expense and he laughed too 
Thank you Admiral Vir. 
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