#oh well idc anyhow
leafdrake-haven · 2 years
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I posted 2,930 times in 2022
That's 968 more posts than 2021!
231 posts created (8%)
2,699 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,388 of my posts in 2022
#mtg fanart - 232 posts
#tabby talks - 124 posts
#tabby asks - 67 posts
#mtg art - 56 posts
#mtg fanfic - 36 posts
#mtg community - 32 posts
#tabby’s ocs - 31 posts
#fanwalker friday - 28 posts
#fan character friday prompt - 27 posts
#mtg oc - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#tbh i don’t know how much extra i really have but it feels like a lot in my head but maybe it’s just snips of fics i haven’t written yet
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ok but
They’re just
baby 🥺
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36 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Fanwalker and mtg OC creators listen up!
Fall is getting closer and I think it’s time to start thinking about MtG Fantober once more! People seemed to have fun with it last year and when I put feelers out earlier this year people seemed interested (unfortunately I can’t find that post for the life of me).
For newer followers MtG Fantober (and the earlier version Fan-Character February) are month long celebration of OCs! In the past, each week has had a theme and people were encouraged to post about their characters and fanplanes, and ask others about theirs if they wanted to. Our first event weeks were: Introductions, relationships, cross-overs, collaborations. Our second event weeks were: Introductions, plane spotlights, cross-overs, Halloween.
So I’m thinking of doing themed weeks again (unless people really want daily prompts). Introductions is a something I want to keep as a week one theme. It’s perfect for new people and new characters! I don’t mind doing redos of others but I’ll come up with some potential ideas and people should feel free to contribute ideas! I’m also leaning towards the last week expanding from just Halloween to Halloween/any holidays/make up mtg holidays. Also also, I like plane spotlight, but I kinda think fanplanes could get their own fan-month too (Fan-Plane February 2023? 👀)
Anywho! Possible ideas!
Modern AU/Sci-fi AU
There’s probably lots more ideas but this is what I’ve got so far. We could break it up into visual art, writing, custom cards etc. but I like the idea better to just incorporate multiple medias into each theme!
Thanks for reading!
Any feedback/ideas are appreciated! :D
36 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Ok talking about the new Griffin legendary that works as a tribal commander got me thinking of other tribes that don’t have a good tribal commander, don’t have one at all, or just have one. Along with the recent fun drake tribal commander that @jones-friend made it sounds like a good idea for a
Design a legendary creature to be a tribal commander for an underrepresented tribe (ones that don’t have a tribal legendary, have legendary cards but none that are focused at helping the tribe, or only have 1 or 2 good options).
Ones I can think of that fit the bill off the top of my head are wurms, hellions, unicorns, werewolves, hydras, drakes (👀), sphinxes, fish, and squirrels. But honestly there’s a bunch more because there are so many creatures types in magic that are just a few of!
The winner is: anyone who makes a card they like!
The prize is: having fun!
41 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Fan Character Friday
So I’ve seen some other fandoms have OC days where there is a fun prompt to talk about/develop your OCs every week, and I thought HEY the mtg community has a lot of people with a lot of OCs, maybe we can do it too!
Ok so you know the drill, I’ll give a prompt and you can respond to it by answering directly, doing a doodle, making a custom card, or a little flash fic.
Happy character developing!
Create a “Signature Spellbook” for your character! (Find 8-9 cards that fit your character mechanically and/or flavorfully. Optionally add a card you made for your character as well). Alternatively (or additionally) you could try a “Summoner’s Spellbook” if your character summons a lot of creatures. Feel free to make custom cards for this, but it can be fun to fit in already made cards.
45 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
MTG FANTOBER 2022 👻🐈‍⬛🍬
Hello and welcome to the MtG Fantober 2022 master post! This month is dedicated to the creativity of the community filling the multiverse with their own characters both planeswalker and planebound! (And don’t you worry about fan planes missing out, I’ve got a separate idea for that in the late winter, so later on look out for Fanplane February 😉)
Each week will have a suggested theme, but feel free to post whatever you want to at any time! There are many ways to celebrate! Feel free to post visual art, fanfics, music playlists, custom cards, real cards that fit your characters, or just talk and gush about your characters!
Don’t forget, interaction if half the fun! Discuss with each other, ask people about their OCs if you’re intrigued by them, compliment their fanart, fics, or custom cards. In general, remember to have fun with each other and be kind! Don’t forget to tag your related posts as Fantober 2022 so everyone can find them! :D
WEEKS ONE AND TWO—Fanwalker Spotlight and Planebound Spotlight
Introduce us to your fanwalkers in week one and your Planebound characters in week two!
Ideas: Character bios/intro sheets, signature spell book ideas, custom cards, origin fics. Tell us about their friends, family, or pets!
WEEK THREE—Free For All!
Week three can be for anything you want! AUs, planar chaos style what-ifs, how did they interact or affect canon events/speculation of how they would have interacted with canon events (even if it’s something they weren’t around for like the Brother’s War or original Phyrexian invasion, the speculation is mostly for fun!), crossovers (your character is a pokemon trainer now or is in Starfleet). Any random what-if is fair game. Or just continue anything you didn’t finish talking about in week one or two. I will also probably queue up old Fan Character Friday prompts throughout this week in case there’s nothing in particular that catches your eye.
WEEK FOUR—Happy Halloween! 🎃 (And happy holidays!)
It is fanTOBER after all! Show off your OCs enjoying autumn fun! How would they celebrate Halloween, or MtG holidays such as Harvesttide? Feel free to speculate here, what kind of autumn festival do you think different planes might have (does Ravnica have Halloween?) And if Halloween isn’t your favorite holiday, show off your characters enjoying any holiday (real or imagined)!
Have fun, it’s the last week! Feel free to do anything from any of the previous weeks as well!
84 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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day 6: Medea
I HAD FUN DOING HER DESIGN!! idc yellow eyes aren’t a thing, she’s a descendant of Helios and i do what i want /j
Medea is. something! i’ve never read the original source material (if there is any), but my first encounter with her myth was through Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero! which i’ve been reading as of recent
gotta say, it was odd seeing her depiction in PJO vs her actual myth. like.. in PJO she’s very clearly antagonistic, someone who shouldn’t be trusted
meanwhile in her myth, while she did intentionally kill her brother in cold blood- that just seems on brand for Greek myth characters
like.. Patroclus killed another kid over a game and Hercules killed his music teacher, and they’re both regarded as heroes
anyhow she’s just the protagonist of a murder ballad /j
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don’t have much to say for her design. i think i leaned too heavily into her the Helios-descendant thing (sun earrings, tan skin, and when drawing the portrait gave her freckles) but oh well
i am now a Medea apologist /j
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thealterscrolls · 1 year
many a wednesday has passed since @wispstalk tagged me to do this and i’m finally getting around and remembering to doing this! here’s a segment from the Raining Stars draft, my hero of kvatch/martin fic! snippet is from the perspective of ambrosius rex. ambrosius has DID (unaware) and dissociates in this snippet. i know i’ve shared this one in places before but i’ve changed it up a fair bit since then. also i really like it so idc
i honestly don’t know who’s all actively writing stuff at the moment so i’m not going to tag anyone specifically. boring i know. sorry. consider this post a tag and tag me if you share a wip because i want to read them!
without further ado, the wip:
Jauffre leans away from me, attempting to stand on his own. “We don’t really have time to talk. We must get Martin somewhere safe.”
Martin turns to him. “Who might you be?”
I quickly speak for him. “This is Jauffre, grandmaster of the Blades.”
“Jauffre,” Martin repeats to himself quietly, pausing to think for a moment. “I’ve seen you before. I know your face.”
Jauffre sighs. “I travel a lot in my line of work.”
Martin visibly scrutinizes him but says nothing.
“Jauffre’s right,” I interject. “We have to go.”
Before any of us can say more, Savlian strides up beside me and claps a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sure Ambrosius here told you the good news, brother Martin, that the gate is closed, but I doubt he mentioned that it’s all thanks to him. You should have seen him. Man fought like a beast!”
“Oh, did he now,” Jauffre asks.
I don’t know if he doubts it or if he’s impressed by that question. I can’t find it in myself to say anything.
“Ambrosius practically slaughtered all those daedra on his own,” Savlian continues. “We simply followed.”
“Last night I would have found that hard to believe, but today—” Jauffre doesn’t finish the thought.
“I saw him with my own two eyes and could scarcely believe it. I wasn’t sure who I was more terrified of: him or the daedra!”
All I can do is nod along with him. I feel strange. Exhausted. Empty. A bit uneasy in my stomach. As much as I want to hear Savlian’s story of what I can’t remember, I can hardly pay attention to what anyone is saying. I’m not sure I want to hear it anymore either.
Before I get lost in myself any further, I politely excuse myself from the conversation. Martin offers an arm to Jauffre who in turn acquiesces and takes it. I wander away a distance, sitting down in a pew to catch my breath. My body sinks down heavily against the stone.
I’m not sure how long I sit there, fading in and out of focus. After a while, someone sits down a space over from me.
Martin speaks. “Savlian and his men are taking back the rest of the city. They figured you deserved a chance to rest.”
“Where’s Jauffre?”
“Oleta is seeing to him. She’s the healer here. One of the best in Cyrodiil.”
I lift an eyebrow. “However did you manage a thing like that?”
“Well it wasn’t easy,” he laughs. “Oleta was stern with him, and I might have told him I wouldn’t leave otherwise.”
“I’m surprised you got that to work.”
He shifts in the pew, taking a breath. “I don’t savor the idea, but I imagine it has something to do with being the only heir. Allegedly, that is.” His tone sounds lighthearted but if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear there’s a weight to it as well.
I snort softly in acknowledgment. There isn’t much I can say to that. I’m hardly one to pretend to understand the complexities of such a situation.
“Well, anyhow,” Martin continues. “Tierra plans to escort the townspeople to the camp outside the city, but we have to make sure everyone’s ready and safe to move, including Jauffre.”
“That makes sense.”
We sit in silence for a moment. Then he turns towards me slightly. “Are you doing okay?”
No. “I’m fine.”
He may as well have scoffed. “Nobody is fine. Not when the daedra are slaughtering our people and it feels as if the world is coming to an end. I know things are wrong, so you’re not sparing me from anything by pretending otherwise.”
He doesn’t know what’s wrong, not completely. I nod my head anyway. “Alright then, I’m not fine. But forgive me if I don't explain further. I’ve got nothing to do with the gods so I don’t think I’d find a priest’s words very comforting.”
Martin takes a breath and looks away, appearing visibly shamed. His voice is quieter than before. “No, forgive me. It wasn’t my intentions to preach at you. If it’s any consolation, I had no such ‘priestly’ words to offer. Truth be told, I’m having trouble with my own faith now.” He pauses, and almost laughs out his next sentence. “And something tells me I won’t be a priest anymore after this anyway.”
“Not sure that makes me feel any better either,” I say, slightly bemused.
“Didn’t think so,” he snorts softly. “But I prayed—I hoped for deliverance. And it came. So that’s comfort enough for me. I don’t think I can thank the gods quite yet, but I can thank you.”
Saying “you’re welcome” doesn’t seem an appropriate response, so I nod my head again. I turn my head towards the people huddled in the chapel, towards the living and the dead. Few among them appear hopeful. The rest are scared, perhaps not of the Gate or the daedra anymore, but rather, of the future and the uncertainty of it all. I can’t take credit for saving any of them.
I wonder how many of them are experiencing such a thing for the first time in their lives. Is this their first crisis? Perhaps their second? Maybe all their problems had been small, which is not to say they were any less painful. Of all the crises I went through, none of them had ever reached this scale. None threatened all of Tamriel. Maybe it’s a first for all of us.
“I haven’t saved anyone,” I whisper. “I didn’t stop anything. Their lives are forever ruined and I can’t help them. I’ve placed a sackcloth scrap on a severed limb.”
Martin shakes his head. “There are times when stopping the bleeding is all you can do.” He almost doesn’t sound convinced of his words himself when he says it.
I want to tell him that’s not so. I want to say that’s more than what I’ve done. I want to say many things. I know I could keep arguing with him, but it would all be futile. Nothing comes out. My eyelids fill with heavy moisture and my mind feels far away again.
I’ve been bleeding my whole life.
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d10nsaint · 2 years
If any of my mutuals,or anybody else would like to answer these,please,dont be shy to.I wont be getting to them anytime soon,so i'll leave them here!!
1."can i please get yandere Dion where he's in an arranged marriage and the wife fell in love with his beauty at first sight and understand & know him better and in turn make him obsessed/ fall in love with her, she just wanted him to like her back anyhow even if he only saw her as his possession 😷😷 but he's very neglectful and as time goes by she notices that the only person he'll ever care for is Roxana which angered and saddened her enough to run away but then after a long time he finds her and.... brings her back ..... PLEASE I NEED IT IDC IF ITS SMUT"-Anon
2."Hello! I made a request before I dont know if you still can see it cause that account got deactivated. I'm not sure if you still write for Dion or even love him anymore😭
If you still do, can you make dion x princess reader that got on arranged marriage? Princess reader is very cold when in public, she only ever shows her eyes cause she hides half of her beautiful face with a fan, but behind closed doors she is cheery and just full of positive vibes shows alot of emotion, she is very oblivious that dion is falling for her" (Im almost done w this one, requester is @/darlingwithoceaneyes)
3."Hey can I request headcanons for yandere deon agriche for gen z being isekai'd and her singing britney spears"-Anon
4.Can I get an imagine for Dion being his very pregnant wife who he loves is he a yandere yes will he hurt you no because he knows you know he's a yandere but also he knows but you're introverted so even if you go out for a bit you're always going to come back it's not unhealthy it's just that you're naturally submissive and you love when he takes control but don't get it twisted you're stronger than everybody in that household and when Jeremy flips off at the mouth towards you because they don't know your strength Dion literally bought you home from a mission already pregnant you unleash the most hellish amount of bloodlust crashing everybody besides you and your husband to the ground looking oh so innocent in dion's lap-Anon
5.Oi oi!
Remember my old request about reader who was good at drawing? Well again, a reader good at sketching, but also a very brutal and horrid killer, she also sometimes likes to make art from the corpse of her pets/ victims...
HC s if the reader was dating Roxanna, Dion, Ashil (imagine he survived the test), Lant, Sierra, Maria, or anybody else you want?!!!!!-@/lady-navier0357
6.Can you do like if Dion found out Maria wanted to turn reader into a doll?-@/dxmoness
FIDWTGM(father,i dont want to get married):
1.okay how about planotic yandere Duke Regis and Jubel's twin sister reader-@/yanderefangirl
1.Plss do more yandre headcanons for orv but only female characters
You can do genderblend if u want ◖⁠⚆⁠ᴥ⁠⚆⁠◗-anon
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pulsar-ray · 2 years
Fandom - Original Fiction but I loosely base it around me & mis amores because I'm a little craphead
Okay so there's these bastards in a theater troupe who put on original plays at the local theater & they're always really good. But he'res the. But here's the thing. They are MAGICIANS........ & that is why they're so good. Also they do like aerial stuff & it's really cool but the kicker is it always goes really well because of the magic .
Eventually they get bigger & bigger & they're doing like Broadway level stuff [THIS IS THE VIBE B T DUBS]
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[Sorry he's upside down I cannot change that.]
& there is dissonance between them.................. they are like 'Do we tell them....... our secret........" & they are split on this for if they stay hidden it is only for their own gain. They have nothing to lose. Yet they. stay silent.
Then one day UH OH INCIDENT!!!!!! They are doing a show it is so cool OH HELL!!!!!!!!! A VIOLENCE!!!!! So one of them magics the knife or weapon or whatever away from the assailant & it's like uh oh ...... they know we are magic now !!!! ! !!!! !!!! !! ! !
The world is afraid so they get locked up for 'safeties' :{ BOOOOOOO. & then they use their magic to get out but in the process..... they discover magic is fairly common but all the magic people are being held hostage by the government for safety purposes :{{{{{{{ </3 So they are like 'This simply won't do' & force a siege of the government. Now they are war criminals !
Then we discover that the nation was really under a terribly oppressive government & it gets restructured or whatever . Idc what happens to the state as long as it is for the benefit of the people. Anyhow
The second or ending part is our original little guys bastards are being ambassadory now . It is much nicer .
I actually hate this very much & will likely change the story . Dystopia stresses me out too much when it is tangible to me . Does not every force binding one feel like a dystopia's grip ? Anyhow.
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furthermore it’s something that quant kid 2 was supposedly written as “guy who sucks who we never see again” (which, underwhelming execution of that lmao even hypothetically just on paper) & then there’s will roland’s interpretation, with will never really mentioning like yeah i decided to try to put a spin on it, or anyone else really providing more specifics rather than they Liked his live & in person je ne sais quoi & acted performance. and idk, just said Je Ne Sais Quoi & the presumed approach of Acting In Earnest rather than that the character being a joke is something that the actor is inviting the audience in on. acting like “this is how it’d be if this was a person.” no character has Real internality the way a real person does but we can interpret it As If They Did anyways, a whole conceit of art imitating life imitating art and narratives / stories / media as an interpretation of life experiences / realities....winston’s autistic. writers doing caricatures of autistic people they’ve unknowingly encountered, with the assumption in life carried over to the assumption as a creator of fictionalized versions of Guys Like That which is that well i guess those weird nerd mathy computer guys are grating losers who annoy us b/c they do that on purpose, like an asshole. and they’re like really good at some specific thing sometimes, but actually that’s Sad even if it’s useful, so it’s also just kind of annoying & wrong of them. done. winston’s autistic, and that also autistic people hardly always know they’re autistic and everything can be a blend of “idk, this isn’t how it is for everyone?” and “i guess things must be my fault on account of being a guy who sucks b/c of whatever’s wrong with me & all” like, for winston to work with taylor he has to say “yeah i suck” before he gets to again mention he’s super good as his shit though, which is apparently also something that sucks of him. ok. it will never be more decipherable, except that it’s indecipherable in the very same way Being Autistic Irl is lmfao. he’s autistic. he’s also autistic b/c a) i think he is, and b) does anyone care otherwise. like who would even truly give a shit about their “winston is some guy i think. idk” interpretion enough to argue for it. or even “yeah winston is some guy who is like a cringe loser to me, idc” like is it important to you. thinking about winston as [autistic character] and secret cassandra (general secret weapon in other ways) for it as well is like, idfk, the alternative is just what most people surely do which is taking the face value “jokes boy who gets dunked on” context and not a step further. okay. i hope to god this is all rhetorical like, if anyone Is out there like “i’ll join this conversation and devil’s advocate about why it’s important for winston to be allistic” it’s like, first of all, already for that b/c the counterarguments to the counterargument are beyond [well ig at the end of the day it’s just all our interpretations =) lol like yeah no shit. anyways] include stuff again like how ppl can be autistic without even their themselves knowing it and the fact of like, irl you don’t need to go “oh it’s okay for people to do [xyz] if they’re autistic =)” like it’s way most likely to be okay whether they’re autistic or not and certainly whether you Know it or not. like, i’m monologuing out here. idc abt any other opinions lmfao like hello?? mine are more than good enough
anyways like the only discussions possible like hmm david levien maybe i have some questions but if you don’t have good answers i’ll just throw it out, idc, i wouldn’t necessarily say i trust this writing or any of you involved in it half as far as i can throw it, just inquiries for fun. i’d discuss it with will roland’s mother, or him himself. like here you can also be given [honorarily autistic] by me if you want at this rate. anyhow send post. i can’t say [winston billions autistic character] enough
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
my way to you / jeon wonwoo | chapter 7
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➝ Wonwoo x fem!Reader
➝ rich!AU // heir & heiress!AU // best friends to lovers // idiots to lovers lol // fluff // a lil drama bc why not // somewhat angsty // clicheeeee <3
➝ series warning: OC is Dense with a capital D, so many cliches but idc, implied sexual activities (but no actual smut scenes), eventual suggestive scenes, theyre both idiots, food, insecurity and self doubts, somewhat toxic parents, someone fainted like once, not always proofread am sorry ;-; that’s probably it? tell me if there’s more!
➝ A/N: andddd we're halfway already?????? honestly felt like yesterday that i posted the teaser (funfact: i started working on this almost immediately after my daisy ended) anyhow, i hope you're enjoying the story so far and, as always, pls enjoy and dont hesitate to share your thoughts with me :D
series masterlist
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You wake up to find yourself tangled in someone’s hold, and you’re not even surprised when Wonwoo’s sleeping face greets you when you slightly pull away from his embrace. He frowns in his sleep, like he’s in a bad dream that he wishes to get out of, and it’s not even a minute later that he opens his eyes and blinks slowly at the sight of you.
“Hi.” You wince at how dry you sound, and Wonwoo immediately reaches out to the glass of water on his bedside before he helps you sit up and hands it to you. You’re in Wonwoo’s room, your brain registers, not your usual room in Wonwoo’s place, but you’re on his bed and you can’t help but realize how long it’s been since the last time you slept there.
The window in his room tells you it’s probably still dawn outside, and you’re awfully aware about how empty your stomach is and how sore your whole body feels. Wonwoo asks if you’re okay, and when you tell him you’re just hungry, he readily gets up and tells you he’s going to heat up some soup from last night.
Wonwoo insists you wait on his bed, but you tell him you’re tense and you need to move around even if it’s just to his kitchen. He sighs in defeat, not wanting to fight you when you’ve just woken up, then takes your hand in his to help you stand up from the bed and pulls you with him to the kitchen.
It doesn’t take long to heat up soup, and you thank him for the food after he settles down beside you and slides the bowl of rice in front of you. Wonwoo’s silent for a while, and you let him be because you’re a little more hungry than you thought you were so you figure it’d be better to eat first and ask later.
“Good?” he breaks the silence when he notices you’re about done, glancing at the digital clock on his fridge that glares a bright 3:07 AM at him. He’s pretty sure you wouldn’t have eaten at this hour if not for the fact that you literally fainted for that very reason, but he’s just glad he doesn’t have to force you to eat because he’s actually prepared for it, knowing full well that you’re often too bothered to eat when you’ve just woken up.
“Hmm,” you hum after taking one last bite, putting down your utensils and you let him put the dishes away before he sits back down beside you. It’s so easy–to let your head fall into his shoulder and for Wonwoo to pull you closer against his, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as he does so. “Did you have it delivered?”
“Jennie bought it for you,” he whispers against the silent room.
You don’t really answer, simply say ‘oh really?’ like you’re making comments about stuff you hear in passing, though Wonwoo’s glad that you don’t tense in his hold at the mention of her name. “What happened, Won?”
“You fainted,” he blurts right to the point, and you can’t help but chuckle at his deadpan tone. He frowns at your reaction, not getting at all how you can find it funny when he could barely fall asleep worrying for you until his eyes eventually gave up two hours ago. “Why didn’t you eat anything the whole day? Do you know how worried everyone was?”
“Everyone?” you perk up at his words, wasn’t there only Jennie and Soonyoung?
“Jeonghan and Shua were here,” he informs you, telling you that Chaeyoung also called and your cousins dropped by after they found out you fainted; that Jeonghan said you’re not allowed to go to the office until the charity dinner is finished.
“So I’m working from home?”
“You’re not working at all. You have to rest until d-day,” he says with finality and, as always, you know there’s no fighting him if he’s already called your full name like a five years old caught stealing cookies.
You’re about to whine, but you know Wonwoo’s right and you do need to be on your prime condition during the charity dinner; it’s always your prioritized event, after all, because even though it’s not as big as the annual party, you try to give even more than you usually do due to the fact that it’s charity.
“And you?”
“You literally fainted and you think I’ll leave you alone?”
You let out an amused scoff, burying yourself further into his hold and then circling your arms around his figure. “My best friend, ladies and gentlemen.”
The words hurt more than he thought it would, but Wonwoo shrugs off the bitter taste on his tongue and tightens his embrace instead. Perhaps if he hold on to you strong enough, it wouldn’t hurt as much.
Perhaps if he hold on to you tight enough, it would feel like you feel the same, after all.
“Let’s go back to sleep?” he whispers instead, not knowing how to respond to your words even though he knows you aren’t expecting him to at all.
“Just… a little more,” you mumble against his neck, your lips slightly grazing his skin and setting off warmth through his body. Suddenly, he’s painfully aware about how there’s practically no space between the two of you, with you pressing yourself to him and his arm wrapping you into his embrace. It’s uncomfortable to be holding you in this position, but there’s nowhere he’d rather be than here. “Just a few more minutes.”
Wonwoo would’ve stayed forever if that’s what you ask him to.
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“So you’re feeling better?”Soonyoung asks from the other side of the phone. He’s sent you a whole catering consisting all sort of food from his sister’s catering he thinks should help you recover (though he confesses later on he’s just really not sure what you like so he asks his sister’s team to send just about anything), and you’re genuinely convinced you and Wonwoo can share this for three days and there would still be leftovers.
“Yeah, I’m forced to rest,” you joke, though deep down you’re kind of relieved you finally have the time to slow down and rest. “Sorry I ruined our dinner, we should reschedule after the event.”
“It’s fine. Gotta give it to you though, it’s such a refreshing way to be stood up. Don’t think I want to experience that again. Should’ve just said you don’t want to have dinner with me, you know?”
Your laughter rings throughout the room, and it’s then that Wonwoo appears on your door, his eyebrows raised in question as if asking who you’re on the phone with. You mouth Soonyoung’s name, and then you laugh some more at something that he said on the other line. Wonwoo simply watches from your doorframe, leaning on it with his arms crossed, then shakes his head when you pat the space next to you and instead signals you to come and eat lunch because it’s time.
“I’ve got to go. My babysitter is calling me to lunch,” he hears you say to Soonyoung, giggles and everything. It’s been so long since he sees you being so bubbly around someone other than your small-kept circle and Wonwoo’s still not sure how he feels about the whole thing.
He prides himself as a good judge of people, often being able to figure out people’s intent the moment they start speaking to him. But Soonyoung? He still can’t tell whether or not his advances towards you are romantic or not.
He blames his own feelings for that. He’s probably too subjective to be able to tell.
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks again for the food, send my greetings to your sister too, okay?” you say as you get up from the bed. “Maybe I’ll use her service for Jeonghan’s parents’ anniversary.”
You push your phone into your pocket then link your arm through Wonwoo’s the moment you reach him, and he doesn’t hesitate to follow you to the dining room only to see the abundant amount of packed foods lining up on his table.
“Soonyoung sent you this?”
“Over the top, I know,” you laugh at his shocked face and then pull him with you to sit on the other side of the table. “He mentioned he doesn’t know what I like so he just told them to send me everything.”
Wonwoo has got to admit, you’re pretty energetic for someone who literally fainted the day before. If he didn’t know better, he would’ve told you to take it easy and to stay on your bed for the whole day, but he knows you and you would just feel antsy if he told you to be on bed rest.
Dr. Jung already checked up on you earlier this morning and said you’re fine, anyway, just that it’d be preferable if you don’t work too hard for the next few days. So he really has no reason to put you on bed rest when Dr. Jung himself already said you just need enough rest and eat proper meals.
“How are we going to finish these?” he looks almost troubled, and you giggle before reminding him Jeonghan and Shua are probably dropping by again so you have nothing to worry about. You can always send some to his family house too if it’s really too much.
“Speaking of, didn’t you say Shua was going to drop by in the morning?”
“Yeah, there was a sudden meeting with a foundation though, so he promised to come later instead,” Wonwoo explains as he places the plates on the table while you get utensils from his kitchen drawer. “Jinyoung called earlier, by the way. Asked if you’re okay and if you want anything.”
You shake your head though, telling him you can’t possibly want more food when the meals Soonyoung sent is blatantly laid out on the dining table.”Maybe tell him I just want him to propose to his girlfriend already. I can tell Jisoo is too kind to say anything about it.”
Wonwoo laughs at your words, and then nods in agreement as he opens some of the containers and puts away the rest for dinner.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better,” you shrug. “I honestly never thought I’d experience fainting in my life.”
“I never thought I’d experience witnessing you fainting in my life,” he rolls his eyes, though glad that you do seem much better. “Seriously, princess, how could you not eat anything for the whole day?”
“I did drink my juice,” your voice is small, and Wonwoo knows you’re guilty inside despite trying to defend yourself. “And I ate my sandwich… half of it.”
Even though you’re avoiding his eyes, you can feel his gaze on the side of your face. It makes you feel queasy inside–his gaze always does–and you whine a little when he refuses to look away. In the end, you sigh and put down your spoon to entertain him and meet his eyes.
“I’m sorry, okay? I just didn’t feel hungry and when I did, it’s already evening, so I thought I was just gonna eat with Soonyoung,” you tell him truthfully.
It’s true though, you’re not actually as packed as you were a few days ago that day, but maybe the exhaustion piled up and you’ve always been the type to forget your meals when the day’s too busy, which is probably how you ended up passing out. You were being truthful too when you said you simply didn’t eat because you didn’t feel hungry, there was no purposeful intent to hunger yourself to the point of fainting.
“I told you it wasn’t a good idea to take three projects at once,” he says once again, even though he knows he’s just repeating himself at this point. You’re about to retort, probably something about the charity dinner being literal days away and you’re not backing off from the other two events now when you’re already half-way done with the preparation. But Wonwoo cuts you off before you even start talking, finally taking his eyes off you and then starts digging in again. “Just… don’t do that again, okay? I don’t want to see you like that ever again.”
It’s your turn to stare at him, and when you realize Wonwoo’s not going to return your gaze, you scoot your seat closer to him and lean your head on the side of his arm. “I’m sorry, okay? I promise I won’t forget to take care of myself again, Won. It was just… one of those days.”
He stills at your touch, and you hear the sound of his spoon against his plate before he shifts a little and tells you to look at him. When you pull away and give him a questioning look, Wonwoo simply flicks your forehead and scoffs when you whine at the slight throbbing pain.
“The last time you did that was when we were still in high school,” you chuckle a little as you think back on the memories before you smile weakly at him and repeat your apology. “Seriously though, I’m sorry I worried you that much. It wouldn’t happen again, Won. It was pretty scary too for me; I still remember the sudden loss of my hold. It wasn’t progressive except for the headaches, either. I honestly thought I was just having headaches, but one moment my vision gets extremely blurry and, next thing I know, you’re holding my weight because I couldn’t.”
“But you were… conscious?”
“I could still hear you guys talking, if that’s what you’re asking. I didn’t completely black out until we’re in the car.” It’s clear in your mind, even, how worried Wonwoo and everyone else sounded. You could hear Jennie frantically calling someone while Soonyoung thanked someone for giving him something, and you even detected Wonwoo’s frantic breath and heartbeat as he asked you if you’re okay. But you couldn’t really do anything, your body just felt heavy and even opening your eyes felt like pushing it.
It’s silent for a while until you hear what sounds like the pin code on the front door beeping and soft steps making their way to the kitchen. You’re not surprised to find Shua making his way to the kitchen, because he’s the only person who knows the code to Wonwoo’s place other than you. For emergencies, Wonwoo has said once, though you don’t really get what he means by that.
“That’s… a lot of food,” he says first thing after seeing the dining table, suddenly feeling glad that he’s not bringing any with him. He picks up the big paper bag on the floor and reads the name printed on it. “Lilac&Co?”
“Soonyoung’s sister’s catering service,” you supply helpfully.
Shua lets out a soft ‘oh’ and joins you both on the table, telling you Jeonghan would drop by later after his meeting finishes though he doesn’t exactly know when. “You feeling okay?”
You nod and don't wait a second to start telling him what you’ve just told Wonwoo. Shua has always been fussy, to the point where it might seem annoying to other people, but you’re used to it, and the fact that you grew up with no siblings and parents that are barely there makes you appreciate his nagging, if anything.
It never bothers you–never annoys you even on the worst day and your mood is down the drain.
You were five when you were told your aunt was pregnant with a girl. Shua’s going to have a sister, they said, and to your small world where Shua was the closest thing you had to a sibling, it felt like a threat. Even your five years old self was already aware that Shua was the only person who took care of you like a family.
Wonwoo was just your friend, another five years old you’d cry to when you scraped your knees on the playground. Wonwoo would panic, maybe hold your hand and hope you’d magically stop crying overtime though he would never let go until then. But Shua would kneel down and treat your small wound, then made sure to put on a band-aid with a picture of your favorite Disney princess before saying you did a great job holding back the pain regardless of how much you cried.
“I’ll help you with the next two events, okay?” he gives you that angelic smile of his, basically telling you his mind is made. “I’ve told Lisa to take most of my classes until the annual party is over so I should be able to take some of the prep work.”
“That assistant of yours really deserves a raise, you know?” you say instead, already accepting that Shua would be helping you with the events. There’s no use in rejecting his offer too when even you yourself realize how overworked you are with the monthly meeting around the corner and events preparations. It’s also scary to think you’d faint again out of nowhere even though you know better to take care of yourself now.
You can’t afford hearing Wonwoo’s distressed call of your name ever again.
The conversation goes about anywhere from there and it’s when you mention that you're really considering to use Lilac&Co for the anniversary party that Shua opens another topic altogether. “How did you end up befriending Soonyoung, anyway?”
“Oh! Remember the Kwons’ party? Soonyoung talked to me when Wonwoo went to the toilet. I thought he was trying to flirt with me but he just wanted to talk about his sister’s mousse.”
Shua subtly glances at Wonwoo after hearing you, trying to gauge a reaction only to see there’s none; Wonwoo simply continues eating as he absentmindedly nods at your words. He listens to your story, and then tells you he’s glad you’ve found a new friend after so long, and he, too, agrees that Soonyoung seems like a good person.
“–so I was going to hang out again with him at last but, well, you know,” you smile sheepishly.
“Why were you there, again?” The question is directed to Wonwoo, and he honestly answers that Jennie wanted to eat dinner with him and he was going to come see you after that because you weren’t picking up his calls. “Weren’t you with her too the night before?”
You frown a little at the reminder, having completely forgotten about the petty reason behind you ignoring his calls that day.
“Yeah, my mom made everyone eat dinner at home with her. But Jennie said she had something to…” Wonwoo stops for a while, trying to choose his words carefully to get rid of misunderstandings. “...consult about, so yeah.”
“Is she having a hard time here?” Shua asks in concern, not wanting to sound like he’s prodding. Wonwoo knows better than to think that, though. He knows Shua’s stand about Jennie is more or else the same with him, but it’s only natural for someone as caring as him to ask about his friend when he suspects they’re not in their best condition.
“Something like that, but it’s more… personal, I suppose,” he frowns now that the topic is brought up. He was so all over the place last night, his mind filled with nothing but your wellbeing that he forgot about his talk with Jennie until now. “She wasn’t sure who to talk to so she came to me.”
“Is it… bad?” is what Shua says, but Wonwoo knows him well enough to know that what he means to ask is if there’s anything he could help Jennie with–if he could do something that would lift the weight off his friend even a little.
“I honestly can’t tell, but it’s obvious that it’s bothering her to the point where she called me of all people,” Wonwoo decides to say, figuring that he should be able to say that much.
You stay silent at their conversation, not sure how to join in because you’re not close enough with the girl to comment. You don’t… hate Jennie, nor do you dislike her the slightest bit, but she’s always been someone you keep your distance from and it’s to your luck that she’s mostly out of the country than she’s not, which means you don’t really have to try to get rid of that weird feeling inside you everytime she’s with your circle.
You’ll be fine as long as you keep your distance still–no awkwardness, no weird feelings. When you hear she’s going to be in Seoul for two months, your first thought was just to hope that she’s busy enough that you wouldn’t have to meet her often. And you’ve been right–Jennie has been mostly too busy to be able to match schedules with Shua and the others. But you have never thought it would come at the cost of your Wonwoo accompanying her by himself.
The longest you’ve ever had to spend with her was about two weeks, then you’re already in a different continent again, and now she’s going to be here for two months? You can only make so much alibis to avoid her even between your already busy schedules.
Well, if you want to go back in time, you actually did spend a few years with her around you when you were kids. But you were six and your minds weren’t developed enough to complicate things and try to avoid her, though, even then, you already felt weird every time she’s around–almost like there’s something unpleasant that you can’t quite explain though you swear it’s not hostile.
“–she asked about you, by the way.” Wonwoo’s voice brings you back to reality, and when you look up to them, it’s only then that you realize you’ve been spacing out. “Wanted to make sure you’re okay and said that she wanted to drop by if you’re okay with it.”
Wonwoo catches the way you slightly bite your lower lip and your eyes falling into your lap, the obvious signs of your discomfort. “Maybe later? I don’t want to see a lot of people today.”
He knows you’re just making up reasons, but he also knows he can’t push you about it, more so now when you’re just getting better from yesterday’s episode. So Wonwoo simply nods, changes the topic, and tells you to eat more so you can fully recover for the charity dinner.
He can only hope he’d be able to talk to you about it one of these days.
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved. I don’t allow any reposting, translation, and any other kind of redistribution of this fic. Please tell me if you’re aware of anyone doing this without my permission.
A/N: you guys ready for the charity dinner? (◔‿◔)ɔ
taglist: @hoe4wonwoo@dnylwoo@yslshua@twogyuu@najaemin138@blueixnie@boowanie@pwettytae@itsveronicaxxx@aphrodyteeth@leechanniee@jeoonghann@sdoulc@kyeomjjigae@ru-lin@listxn@yngreid@vynnz@lilactangerine@justasoftstan@amymoonl@02psh@lovelywoo@pusangmamon@yoontaedotin@soonchanshua@fanfic24@nothingbutadeadesceane@nollixtrml@sweetheart-gs@rjsmochii
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retvenkos · 2 years
i have never spent so long deciding who i should ask this for only to revert to my single most predictable answer asjdbdisks. anyhow, ⚡ + nina zenik my beloved, please? 💜
1-3 random headcanons i have about them:
nina absolutely lives and breathes for gossip. blame it on her collecting gossip as part of being a spy. blame it on her growing up in the clique-y little palace. blame it on whatever you please, but know that nina zenik knows every rumor about you and has no qualms starting some herself if need be. but also know that she hears everything about her friends... and she will not hesitate to track the rumor all the way back to it's source...
idk and idc if this directly contradicts canon, but nina doesn't like tea. there, i said it. she just.... doesn't understand the hype. it's just sad water, and literally everyone has Opinions on how to make it correctly. the kaelish put an ungodly amount of milk in their tea yet it always tastes stronger than everywhere else, the ravkans have strict rules about when to use jam or honey or sugar to sweeten it and saints forbid you get it wrong, the shu make tea making a very lengthy process but also manage to put nothing of interest in it to make it taste substanial, and the kerch are always complaining that their tea is too cold while the zemeni don't like it hot. why does tea need to be so complicated???? who decided to make a beverage wherein everyone is upset at the quality, and everyone is displeased??? you would think it would be some kind of relief to her that the fjerdans don't really bother with tea much, but it's 10x worse, actually, because they're constantly saying how their traditional beverages are better, when nina actually thinks it's worse.
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an au or fanfiction trope i think the character would do well in:
a fake dating scenario would actually be so fun with her. you could either spin it so that it's your average "oh, no, i'm visiting my (grisha) family for the holidays and they're so annoying about my still being single after a really bad breakup, so will you just do me a favor and pretend? i'll make you coffee and buy you gifts??" of course, on the way to ravka, nina picks up the rest of the crows, and half of the battle is convincing jesper and wylan to not say a single word about this fake dating situation - nina is dangerous and will gladly take revenge. the other half of the battle, of course, is when nina starts to fall for you (which both kaz and inej can sense - no doubt they even placed a bet on whether or not nina will confess by the end of the trip), and she can sense you're falling for her too. but (*dramatic rom com voice*) is she ready to fall in love again???? or, lol, you could add some spice to the trope and make the fake dating also an undercover au wherein nina needs to infiltrate a group of really influential people for ravkan buisiness, and you just so happen to be a lowkey ravkan supporter. of course, you and nina no doubt have political differences or some kind of moral clash, creating friction between the two of you - maybe she thinks your quiet support isn't enough and brands you a coward, while you think her self-importance is annoying. the issue, then, is when the only way for nina get her to reasonably rub elbows with these people without garnering suspicion is to pretend to be your fiancee. you get to bicker like a married couple, and gossip about people while infiltrating their inner circle, and you end up learning so much about each other that oh no.... your feelings have moved past respect now, haven't they? and wouldn't you like it if nina just... stayed?
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where they should be taken on a date or relaxing day off:
honestly, give nina something classy and relaxing! take her to a nice dinner and then go to the opera! be a little fancy! she will make scathing remarks about the rich, but will enjoy getting to dress in style and pretend to be anything other than struggling for just a little while. afterward, you can walk down to the Geldcanal and look out at the water. have a meaningful chat, wallow for a bit in your mutual self-pity, and then tell raucous jokes that aren't even really that funny, but somehow your laughing anyway.
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a song, book, or poem that reminds me of them:
still i rise by maya angelou.
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betasuppe · 2 years
idc if u think uve had enough people telling u that they love ur art. i will say this now i love ur stuff theyre so shaped and so boofy i. hekwhewhwiuehw i love them so much ur aus are so fun to wonder abt as well orz
sorry im bad at giving compliments but whenever i see ur art on my home page i just go :] because it looks so huggable. idk how to explain it. damn um. huggable yes *thumbs up emoji*
Oh man oh man thank you so much, mate!!!♡
I've heard it frequently with folks saying how "shaped" my draws are & though that's kinda a new sorta term for me, i quite like that, so thank you! But huggable is a new term my art hasn't been given before, to my knowledge... that's actually super sweet & glad my draws could elicit such a positive response in you!
Anyhow, thank you for being so kind & I'm really glad you have been enjoying my drawings. It really does make me want to reconsider & keep posting my stupid shit on my blog here.... so thank you so much♡♡♡
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
do you have any hcs for jason/percy?? im just curious
So originally I used to think that Percabeth and Jasper would end up in a polyam square... But obviously that headcanon doesn't exactly work anymore, but basically Percy and Jason and a little too dude-bro with one another and Annabeth and Piper would notice and they'd be like "you can date him and me idc".
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Essentially Percy and Jason are boyfriends, Annabeth and Piper are girlfriends, but Jason and Piper are "married" and Annabeth and Percy are "married". However Annabeth doesn't date Jason and Percy and Piper don't date. Once again though, for obvious reasons this idea doesn't work anymore...
Since that idea is out and the 4 of them won't be buying an apartment together 😔 (being gay is good, but leaving the polyship... Bruh) I don't think Percy and Jason would be anything more than each other's Bi/Pan/??? awakenings and maybe at most a friends with benefits type thing once or twice~
Beyond that though Percy (after Nico came out) would be like "I think I had a childhood crush on Beckendorf" and then after a little bit he would be like "wait do I like Jason???" so Percy's sexuality crisis is less about he's not straight and more about "why do I fall in love and it feels kind of like friendship??" anyhow Percy talks it through with Annabeth (she's sitting there like "yeah I've been bi the whole time???) and he asks Nico a lot of questions that aren't as subtle as Percy thinks they are, eventually Percy comes out as pan.
Meanwhile Jason is absolutely oblivious to the fact that he even likes guys, he probably says something really gay on day and Nico is like "Jason? Do you want to talk?" and Jason is like "About what?" and eventually Nico has to have a "Jason you're not straight" talk with Jason where he tells him he's not straight because Jason isn't going to figure it out himself. So Nico and Will are sitting across from him holding hands like 👀 and it takes a few minutes before Jason gets it and he's like "oh shit I like guys"... I don't really know what Jason's sexuality would be, in previous years I thought he was Bi, but recently I find myself being like "Jason is gay he just didn't know he liked guys because of social expectations" or something... Idk, but anyhow Jason is like "wait have I been flirting with Percy this whole time??"
Anyhow Nico is like "so much for being the gay friend, with you two hanging out they're going to ask if I'm straight 🥲"
Anyhow like I said, idk if they would end up dating or not as in Percabeth is in a "semi-open" relationship thing where Percy is only allowed to date Jason? Or maybe it would just be a few flings here or there between them? Idk
Anyhow Jason marries some big beefy dude he meets at the gym in California and this guy is essentially like a giant cinnamon roll with tons of muscle and he like dogs and him and Nico get along really well with shocks outsiders but makes sense to anyone who knows both of them...
Istg the only people I think are entirely straight in pjo is Hazel and Frank, they're like the straight couple of the friend group and I love them for it
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
How Day6 would react to overhearing you admit your crush on him to one of the other members
AN: a request from anon. i feel ive treated this more seriously (and focused perhaps more on the confessions themselves, bc i interpreted ‘crush’ subconsciously as ‘having long-term-feelings for’) than you meant in your request but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
“hyuuun, i’m in love please make it stop.” “only way that’s going to happen is if you go tell him.” “...i hate you.”
sungjin... i picture is going to date to marry (or an equivalent if marriage is not for you, as though i get the vibe he’s quite traditional, for the right person he would be very easily convinced), so he takes crushes and confessions quite seriously
probably would feel bad for eavesdropping
then would feel happy that you felt the same way
but then more serious issue of now having to confess would take over
would spend a long time thinking of the best way to do it
would probably settle on a classic walk or cinema/theatre depending on what’s showing
would make damn sure he and you would be alone while confessing—so to save both parties from pressure and embarrassment should things go wrong 
also he’s quite a private guy and would want to let others know on his own and your terms
ngl probably wouldn’t admit he’d overheard you until like... a long time later
it would be under the initial reasoning that he would wait until you were stable so it wouldn’t have too big of an effect
but then he would forget
until it randomly came up in conversation 
like we may even be talking years here
maybe when you live in your own place, just the two of you, and you’re hanging out with him and younghyun who is just refusing to go home bc the food is too good at yours who brings it up 
“i don’t understand how it took so long for you two to get together, like even wonpil was starting to find yn’s pining sickening.”
and you would be salty, because “excuse me i hid my desperation very well!”
and sungjin would just immediately come to support you because he’s a loyal motherfucker and would begin, without thinking “she did, i didn’t know until i—”
that would be when he stops himself bc hes like oh shit i didn’t tell her and now two very curious sets of eyes are like staring at him and he’s 98% sure he can’t backtrack at all 
“when you what?”
and he would just sigh “when i overheard you telling younghyun that you liked me”
and there’d be a moment of silence, followed by laughter 
youngk would be confused, probably, having a surprisingly better recollection that you perhaps would “wait i remember that—how did it take you two months to work out what to do next?!”
and you end up just laughing harder, before noticing the the mix of emotions on sungjins face and reassure him “it doesn’t matter how long it took, we’re together now”
anyway overall sungjin is probably quite serious about it, but it will have a happy ending, you’ve just got to be patient lmao 
“dowoon, what do i do?” 
jae would be playful about it
after hearing you ask dowoon for advice since hes good friends with him he would be ecstatic, but would try and keep it lowkey
he’d hide out of sight of the doorway he’d passed by to have his little moment
and then he wouldn’t be able to stop smiling
his eyes would keep glancing to you for the rest of the day, even more than usual
but i think he would want to make things more official as soon as possible, as he doesn’t want to waste any time when he could do it sooner and be with you
and so he’d ask if you had a spare moment on the day or so, and take you some place quiet
not necessarily his room, more likely just outside the front door in the warm summer air
and ngl i think he would totally pull the “i think you know why i summoned you here today”
of course, yall have no idea, but you’re used to his occasional crackheadery—otherwise why would you crush on him so hard? “not a bit, but if its a trip to get snacks you don’t even have to ask, i’m in”
“well, that is a plan for later... depending on how this goes”
that’s the point where you would get confused and begin to wonder if something is up, but hel’l continue “i found out something really cool today yn.”
“really? was it the pin to brian’s credit card?”
he would laugh but shake his head, “nah even better” and that would give you the heads up that this was serious, and it would occur to you that he might have overheard something
but it becomes obvious when he follows with “a little bird... told me that someone, likes someone else, in our group. our friendship group.”
you briefly consider panicking, as the whole thing could still be construed as him not liking you back, but you put on a brave face and push through, “oh really? who?”
“that’s the problem, i don’t know, but i was wondering if you did.”
the chance was clear for anyone to see, and seeing the glimmer of hope, you seize it “well, i know someone who likes you... but i’m not sure if its mutual, so that might be why they haven’t said”
“if it’s who i think it is, then it definitely is... mutual” he would admit
and that would be the closest the two of you ever got to literally word-for-word confessing, because out of nerves neither of you would probably be able to admit it at the crux of the moment
however, like in all the movies idc if its cliche you would gravitate towards each other, and that would be the moment where you both recognised your feelings as well as shared your first kiss together
ok i’m going to stop before i combust 
anyway as for whether he’d admit he’d overheard you, he would probably be quite quick to the chase on that one too, probably right after the kiss and you’ve spoken about it a bit more, he’ll probably just say “i kind of accidentally overheard you telling dowoon, please don’t be mad at me”
but how could you be, you’d gotten what you wanted after all
in conclusion, jae is lighthearted about it and woudn’t waste any time
“wonpil did i tell you how much i love his eyes?” “hmmm... perhaps... but tell me again, to just to make sure.”
god bless wonpil his emotional support would be A+
right off the bat our youngk is a songwriter
he probably finds a lot of inspiration out of love
and so his feelings for you coalesce to create love songs that he may or may not use in the future
anyhow, it means that to cope with his feelings he’s probably half composed something small where he admits them 
with little intention of you probably ever hearing it at all
or at least, not without big chunks edited and names changed/cut
but when he overhears you rambling to wonpil who doesn’t mind the sappiness a characteristic you probably got off our brian anyway with his occasional borderline emo-ness
he’s grateful to his past-self for starting it, and realises that maybe its time to finish it
so it’ll take a week or so for him to finally confess
bc even though hes a bit of a flirt, i don’t see him wanting to tarnish love, since he owes it so much and its not fun to play with someone’s heart, especially not yours
so it might take him a little longer, and when he gets round to it, it’ll be perfect, just like you in his eyes
so prepare to be serenaded
yes, that sort of serenaded
in dim evening light, with the sun’s glow beginning to fade and make way for the stars, flickering like the candles laid out for you
again, that classical vibe won’t be missed on him
as for whether he’d tell you, probably only if you asked, but he would add that he’d been writing the song beforehand
he just may not admit to not planning on ever performing it
overall? when it comes to romantic flair, kang younghyun is king 
“sungjin, uh, do you know where wonpil is? i can’t—” “isn’t he at your hip?” “as much as i kind of wish he was, he kind of isn’t.”
wonpil, my lovely sweetheart
probably wouldn’t be able to stop himself from just
walking straight in when he accidentally overhears you to ask right there and then
like, you’re probably pestering talking to sungjin in the kitchen or another equally frequented place, so it was likely that someone was going to overhear anyway 
and maybe that was part of sungjins plan dont put it past him
but also it meant wonpil got further into the room the hunt for sustenance spurring him on, you know how it is before he caught onto what was being said, thus making it harder to back out
thus sungjin knew he’d overheard, but you with your back to the door were still clueless
and would’ve stayed that way had wonpil not continued and straight up asked or sungjin not said anything, which lets face it by this point he was really considering doing
he would be really excited about hearing that the feelings were mutual, and you were right there so what harm was really being done if he did just straight up waltz in?
as soon as you heard his small “you like me too?” you would whip around 
aaand that would be sungjin’s cue to leave
“do you mean that?”
“it only feels right when you’re by my side, pillie.”
the words you would exchange would be in a soft flurry of emotion tbh, out of disbelief but excitement for the future
most likely ending with you embracing, foreheads resting against one another’s
fluff hours only in the house of pil, ok?
“jae, do you think dowoon will be free tomorrow?” “yea why?” “i want to take him to the cat cafe—” “oh my god is it happening?! is it really happening? are you finally going to tell him? plan ILU is underway?” “keep it down!” “oh god everybody stay calm, stay fucking calm—!”
my bean
my lovely bean
would feel guilty over accidentally eavesdropping, and this would reflect in his shyness later
however, he decides to run with the silver lining of having the chance to be prepared for tomorrow
and so he would not say a word and try and act natural
especially when you ask him if he wants to go out somewhere with you the next day
he’s not sure how he did, he tried to hide his ears as best he could but he was also well aware you knew him too well
when the next morning rolls around, he’s up early, getting ready in nice clothes that he hopes aren’t suspiciously too nice
and then he waits, trying to calm is nerves, before realising that maybe ignorance is bliss
when the time comes and you make your way to the cafe, he finds it difficult to act surprised, but also to try and keep his breath steady
finally, near the end, after asking if he had a good time and wanted to come back, you confess you liked him and it’s as if a weight lifts off his shoulders
he would kiss your cheek soon after, without much warning, out of relief and joy and nerves and a whole lot of else
and you’d probably pull him in for a proper kiss by his collar as soon as you’re sure he’s ok with it
and then the fact he eavesdropped would be a secret that he would die with
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woogurl · 4 years
i’ve been meaning to make this post a while ago, but i was uncertain if now was the right time to do it, it’s something that’s extremely controversial, but yes...
i decided to make a post regarding what i think woosan’s sexuality is, now i figured it was bad to just assume their sexuality but people assume all or at least most of the male/female kpop idols are straight anyway by default. which i don’t think is bad or illogical, seeing as most people are straight statistically. 
not gonna lie, ateez is one of those groups that give me mad gay vibes tho. however, i won’t be analyzing the others as i don’t really watch much of their individual behavior or content, i think you should only make these when you’ve watched enough of their behavior. 
as you know, i’m a woosan enthusiast, and a woo stan, but i’m not gonna just analyze their relationship, which i think is sufficient proof enough, but i’ve compiled everything that has led me to the conclusion that san is either bi(with male preference) or gay, and woo is bi.
lastly, i want to say just because someone is homophobic or really opposed to skinship with the same sex does not mean they’re automatically straight. sometimes it’s a coping mechanism, and just because they’re feminine, comfortable with their masculinity, support LGBT+, or okay with skinship with the same sex doesn’t mean their gay. 
sometimes there really are NO signs. 
just look at all of the idols people assumed were gay. momo/heechul, baekhyun/taeyeon, hani, kai(though mostly considered him to be bi). anyhow, my point is you just never know. lol 
now, i’ll stop my rambling and get started. first let’s start with 
now, i’ll be honest, i’ve always thought san was gay because how reserved he was and how shy and sweet he was around the members during their predebut days. i just felt like he was maybe shy because he hadn’t come to terms with he sexuality. i mean when i look at san during predebut, he literally was like a baby, and his mannerisms was so small and reserved. even his body was so tiny and fragile. however, this was because san was naturally skinny and it had always been a complex for him. in which he said he had a tough time gaining weight.
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what we know about san’s former lifestyle is that he was a church boy, a farmer, a wannabe gamer and a freaking black belt in taekwondo and his dad was an owner of a taekwondo studio, he was one of the most popular kids, he had a pretty good relationship with his parents or at least now he does and his grandparents took good care of him when his parents didn’t. 
but san still had low self-esteem. why? i really don’t know, but i would hazard a guess that it was because of his sexuality(this is just an assumption guys, not a fact). now remember san was part of the church, and he joined because a friend asked him too. they probably asked him because they figured he liked to sing and dance. although i think san was shy and self-conscious, i don’t that he was self-conscious about his abilities as you could see he did go to the church to sing and dance in front of a bunch of people. i think he had low-self esteem because of who he may have realized that he was.
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here are some examples of what i mean.
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there’s something that san continuously repeats and that is to learn to love himself, know his worth, and just simply love who he is. and i think that’s one of the reasons that san didn’t like church is because it went against who he was and is. if you watch videos of him in the church he really looks like he doesn’t want to be there. he looks so uncomfortable. he doesn’t just look like “ah, this is boring there’s nothing to do” but he looks more like he’s displaced. like he’s NOT supposed to be there. we learn later that san isn’t religious instead.
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don’t you find it interesting that he made a direct correlation to his belief in god to his belief in himself. it was like he was saying, even though i don’t believe in god i believe in who i am. like i trust that who i am is correct. 
another part of this video that i find interesting is the moment that they talk about how much they value each other(woo and san).
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S: You’re cool and
S: I honestly
S: Now I can sincerely
S: To the people around me or my relatives
S: I can proudly say that my friend is Wooyoung!
S: You're that kind of friend
S: To that point where I'm not embarrassed
S: Or rather say you're my friend that's worth showing off!
S: I think this is more than enough!
a lot of people in the comments of this video said that they felt like this was a confession and i agree. i remember feeling odd at how san worded this, the first time his sexuality didn’t even cross my mind. i was just like oh, he’s probably embarrassed because woo’s so loud and shit. lol. but now it doesn’t make much since to me. the vibes here are very serious, and we all know that even though woo can be loud and noisy many atiny’s forget that he is also extremely mature. especially when he needs to be. not only that but san has said woo is very respecful to his elders, so i don’t think he would of been embarrassed by woo’s on camera behavior. i noticed before san said this he hesitated a bit, like should i say this or how should i word this. it was super sweet.
now, let’s talk about san describing his ideal type. in which he says the outside doesn’t matter and that he wants someone who is kind-hearted and warm. he wants someone who’s good to him.
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there are a lot of moments translated where he used feminine pronouns, but others have clarified and said he did not mention any pronouns. 
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let’s also talk about that conversation he had with wooyoung where they talked about what kind of guys they liked. where woo was like, “i like cool guys” and san was like, “i like both cool and sweet guys” then there’s silence because they probably realize that it’s considered “weird”. then san says, “i’ll be quiet”. i honestly felt bad like ;c. he probably felt the need to stop talking about it because he realized that people would prob think that it was gay.
he also sang troye sivan my youth, but i honestly don’t think that it’s too relevant seeing as many kpop idols appreciate troye sivan. but it’s worth noting i suppose.
lastly, body language there’s just a lot of moments that can’t be explained. now i completely understand that korea is tote fine with males being close with one another but there are just some moments, that i believe, i don’t care how comfy you are with the same sex is questionable. lmfao. 
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mind you seconds before this san was just minding his own business but his expression completely changed when he saw woo seduc---i mean dancing in front of him. idc what anyone says, a straight man would never eye fuck another man like this. lmfao. there’s lust in those eyes and you can’t tell me there isn’t. san was literally checking him out.
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san being completely comfortable with having his no-no on woo’s ass, these are both very intimate parts of the body. honestly, the simple fact that san likes spooning woo from behind all the time is suspect to me. lol. especially with the expressions he gives at times. 
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san’s reaction when woo gets too close to his face, he doesn’t flinch. he’s also clearly looking at woo’s lips. there’s also another moment like this where san becomes so flustered that he has to look away for a second. lmfao.
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when i think two of the other members(i don’t remember who) had to do a couple dance. what they did was completely tame, but woosan over here took it up several notches and started dancing like they were at a gay bar. no one told them to do it, they just did. 
next i want to point out how comfortable they are with the shipping. i already mentioned this in my woosan relationship post but they’re comfortable with the shipping, then i figured it was because they were comfortable with the relationship that they had. but now, i think they don’t mind it because they’re proud of who they are. it’s not just them being comfortable with woosan, but with their sexuality as well. so they’re like telling us we’re woosan but we’re also okay with our sexuality kind of thing. 
lastly, i want to point out body language again for san, and this is honestly the ONLY reason why i believe he is somewhat bi and not completely gay. the way he interacts with fans. i know you’re all gonna say well, that’s his job. but, he seems to want to impress his fans or look good for them. san’s confidence has changed quite a bit and as yeosang once said, san’s kind of like a tough guy now, as mingi said he’s changed the most since debut. i think the reason satan--i mean san has become so powerful, and a sexy demon on stage is because he’s confident in who he is now and it really shows. i think san wanted to break those stereotypes of who he was and show people that he wasn’t weak or shy, but manly and sexy and the best in bed. but on stage he loves showing off his muscles and how flexible his hips are and even on vlive. most of the fans are women and i think to myself why would he do this if he was completely gay? 
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i just don’t think a completely gay man would not want to appeal to women all that much. then again it could possibly be because he enjoys getting those compliments and that’s what fuels his self esteem. it could be the compliments from the women and not the women themselves. i’m not completely sure, but the reason why he does this does matter. he likes receiving compliments not just from the fans but from anyone really. so i don’t know if the reason he shows off his manliness to fans is because he wants to appeal to women OR if he just wants to appeal to his self esteem. which is possible. you guys let me know what you think.
there really isn’t as much content for me to work with when it comes to woo because he refuses to post, but i’m so confident that this boy is bi that it’s not even funny. there’s not much predebut info, there’s not much info about his ideal type. 
yo girl will work with what she’s got. now, woo has only playfully mentioned his ideal type. in which he usually automatically answers yunho. do i actually believe that? no. lmfao. i think woo was smart enough to have yunho as his default answer for this question really. instead of actually being attracted to yunho i think woo just admires yunho because he always answers yunho for a member he would switch bodies with as well. he always says yunho because he’s tall, fun, funny, handsome and has a nice figure. 
but as you’ve all probably noticed he doesn’t really seem physically attracted to yunho, but you know(HAHA) who he is definitely physically attracted to? 
seonghwa, without a doubt, i’m saying this with my whole fucking chest, okay? i have no doubt in my mind that woo is or at least was physically attracted to seonghwa. 
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that full post i made with woo trying to kiss seonghwa for the 100th time is all the evidence you need, but i’ll keep y’all entertained. i want you all to understand that seonghwa has said that woo kisses him so much off camera that he’s used to it, the fact that the members gasped so hard that they almost caught flies was mehmehable. 
now you all will probably say that woo just loves kisses and that’s fine but he seems to want to kiss on the mouth too and that’s pretty gay. lol. 
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he literally looked at seonghwa’s mouth before he dived in for a kiss. cheek kisses and mouth kisses are two whole different vibes. not to mention he tried to kiss him again during this vlive and san. woo has literally tried kissing all of the members okay? lmfao. he’s just way too comfortable with it in my opinion. 
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woo has been hungry for seonghwa, and he knows it, we can also talk about how he has said twice that seonghwa has a pretty ass. which he isn’t wrong about. lmfao. we could also talk about that moment where woo literally looked down seonghwa’s shirt.
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anyway, while i do think woo was physically attracted to him, i’m pretty sure he has some kind of intimate relationship with san now. i don’t wanna add those moments because it would just me repeated what i wrote for woosan relationship analyzes, woo has also shown a lot of interest in women during their america tour and he’s repeatedly gone to the same fancam of some women. it’s important to mention woo is naturally a flirt but he seems to flirt with the members as well, according to yeosang who said this during their christmas vlive. jongho has also said he wanted woo’s ability to flirt. so my best guess is that he probably flirted with the members in the past. 
there’s also the clip of him telling a fanboy to go after the guy that he likes, and he was also surprised to hear that he had fanboys, and he seemed interested to know this information other than that i don’t have much evidence, but i think woo’s body language off camera with the members is plenty evidence really. lol. there’s just not many straight men i know who would be inclined to cling to another male as much as woo does. 
anyway, i’m tired this was my woosan sexuality post. remember these aren’t facts just observations and opinions. ;)
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ori-flails · 4 years
Rewatching Guardian - Episode 06 Part 2/2
Episode List || Part 1 || Episode 07
SPOILERS for upto episode 40, SPOILERS for the novel.
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I kind of agree with Zhu Hong on this.
But I also don’t really blame Ji Xiao Bai all that much.
As I said, just sucks for everyone.
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As if you’re not already gone for him.
Zhao Yunlan’s crush on Shen Wei is so cute xD
How does Bai Yu still look that good from that angle in that position???
Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing, a pair of cat brothers. Just look at the way they sprawl! xD They are both cats.
Way to go, Zhao Yunlan. Character development there, albeit mostly off-screen.
The entire point of the SID becomes a matter to be questioned when you think about it.
They are to arrest every Dixingren on the surface even if they haven’t done anything, only because they are on Haixing at all as that violates a treaty that says Dixingren must remain in the barren wastelands that is Dixing and are not allowed to see the damn sky.
Dodgy stuff.
Kudos to Zhao Yunlan for getting to this point despite being surrounded by anti-Dixingren propaganda his whole life. In fact, it’s awesome he had accepted Chu Shuzhi in his ranks 3 years ago when he was even less inclined to regard Dixingren kindly and/or fairly.
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What is with the ominous music, lighting, editing and everything?? xD
Like, what would happen should Shen Wei find Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing snooping through his home and confront them that would be so awful?? Lmao.
The editing made Shen Wei look novel Shen Wei level scary sdfghjkl Idc if Shen Wei’s based off of him, drama Shen Wei is too soft for all this.
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Shen Wei having noticed that this man is not quite Kunlun at the moment, is investigating Zhao Yunlan and the SID to see how much he can trust them, while helping them out in secret from the shadows. That’s heartbreaking, as usual and makes a lot of sense.
Just the mention of the Justicier/Regent makes me feel so uncomfortable ugh
Btw, this was the scene that taught me how to light a cone incense without burning myself. ^^
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First of all, he sent Chu Shuzhi. CHU SHUZHI of all people.
I understand his reasoning: should Professor Shen suspect Chu Shuzhi it’s fine because Zhao Yunlan can easily go “oh he doesn’t answer only to me” or something like that and keep his ‘friendship’ with Professor Shen. (Ignoring how that would be absoulutely dumb and useless)
But he sent something so tacky with CHU SHUZHI! xD
Chu Shuzhi’s like “just grin and beAR IT---”
Meanwhile, Shen Wei’s subtle scoff and his subtle expression when he asked Chu Shuzhi to tell Zhao Yunlan he said thanks actually sent me to the moon lmao That was TOO MUCH XD
Peak comedy.
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But also, that’s not entirely true, is it? Sure, Chu Shuzhi doesn’t show respect to Zhao Yunlan the way he does to Hei Pao Shi, but that’s just because Zhao Yunlan’s leadership style is very different.
Sure, he’s here because it’s the only option that was presented to him where he’s get to live without getting whipped and tortured, imprisoned for all his life. But still, if he disregarded some of Zhao Yunlan’s orders, what’s Zhao Yunlan gonna do? Throw him out and offend Hei Pao Shi? Lol. Chu Shuzhi’s smart enough to have thought of that.
But he still listens to Zhao Yunlan and actually works pretty well with him.
Anyhow, Chu Shuzhi clearly respects Zhao Yunlan’s authority enough if Zhao Yunlan managed to send him on such an errand. xD
And Chu Shuzhi’s respect towards Shen Wei clearly isn’t because he knows. He’s as clueless about Shen Wei as the rest of the SID.
I just can’t get over the fact that Zhao Yunlan pretty much forgot about this camera in Shen Wei’s office. He never again referred to it until the Cong Bo case where he actually admits to have forgotten about it. What a waste.
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Zhao Yunlan is spot on but till his last breath, Shen Wei just didn’t get it. TT~TT
Why is he like this? Why did he turn out this way? Because this attitude of his, to this extent, is illogical and it’s unhealthy for him and anyone around him. And Shen Wei’s a logical man.
But then again, for almost all of his life he has been alone. And he has the self-preservations instincts of a fire-cracker.
I feel bad for that last joke.
And indeed. If I was one of Shen Wei’s students, I’d consider myself the luckiest student in the entire universe.
We were robbed of watching Shen Wei interact with his students more.
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I’ll talk about this in the post for next episode but for now, bask in the glory of Shen Wei smug smile. It’s the best.
Zhu Yilong looked unfairly pretty in this scene.He’s getting mugged ffs.
It’s like Shen Wei’s quiff dropped over the course of the day and the droopy quiff also somehow looks just as gorgeous, if not more.
The case was interesting enough. My expectations aren’t that high lmao.
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burtlederp · 5 years
oop i wasnt expecting this... here we go, accidental drabble 2
Well, this was the first accidental drabble of the day, but I didn’t get to finish it until this evening. But enjoy anyways!
It is hungry.
Moe ignored it, casually glancing down the brightly-colored rows of the farmer's market, eyeing fruits, vegatables, golden glowing jars of honey, darkly colored jams and jellies, breads, baked goods, and all manner of other treats.
Host is hungry too.
Moe still said nothing in response to the voice, but he did know it was right. His stomach growled as he stared longingly at sun-yellow canned peaches on a nearby table. He loved peaches.
Moe's stomach growled, and he forced himself to turn away from the market, only to be faced with the other part of it, which was all meats.
"I don't have any money, though." Moe muttered darkly, and began quickly walking away, turning up his collar.
But I'm hungreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
"Shut up," Moe hissed, walking faster. "Gods, I liked it more when you didn't know words."
Hungry hungry hungry hubgry hungbry hunguchery HANGUCHERY!! I made a pun!!
"I am so proud of you," Moe rolled his eyes, reaching the edge of the market, peering into the trash cans. Nothing there, not on top anyways.
Hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry PERSON COMING
Moe looked up to see a chubby lady approaching him. He straightened up quickly, slamming the tash can lid back on a little harder than he intended.
"Um, hi." His face was turning red, he knew it.
"Are you hungry, dear?" The lady asked, looking concerned.
"N-no, I'm fine," Moe replied quickly. "Thank you, though." The lady did not seem convinced.
"Oh, you poor thing, you haven't any money, do you? Oh, come here, let me give you something," She reached out, taking hold of Moe's sleeve and pulling him along before he could pull away.
Ooh yes yes yes yes yes fooooodddd
"Um--" Moe didn't get a chance to say anything, heart pounding, the lady not giving him a chance to speak as she tugged him over to what he could only assume to be her own stand. Stacked high on it were crates of vegetables; tomatoes, broccoli, celery, lettuce, all manner of homegrown goods that made Moe’s mouth water. He didn’t have to wait long to think about it though as she quickly pressed a jar of salsa into his hand.
“Poor dear, you look half-starved! Come on, take some salsa, and some of Aunt Delilah’s pickled okra! Here, help yourself to some tomatoes too, child, eat all you like!” She kept handing him things, and Moe couldn’t help but grin as he comically juggled the food items. 
“Um--!” he started again, but Aunt Delilah had already thought ahead of him.
“Oh, y’know what! You can’t carry all that on your own! Here, take this,” She took the things from his hands, one by one, and started setting them in a wicker basket. “You can’t eat all that in one sittin’ anyhow! Is it enough, child?”
Moe looked down at the basket of foodstuffs that was now being pressed into his arms again, and felt a lump forming in his throat. This was more food he’d seen in one place--for him--than he’d seen in years. And it was good food. Fresh vegetables and homemade dishes, things that made his mouth water, things his mama once made him eat and he once resisted. And all without even asking his name, where he was from, anything. He looked up at Aunt Delilah, smiling.
“Thank you,” He swallowed. “Thank you so much,”
“It’s no thing, child, don’t worry your head,” Aunt Delilah’s eyes crinkled at the corners when she smiled. “I know when I see someone in need, and I know when I see ‘em, I ought to help ‘em--’cause if I don’t, who else will? Now, if you need to go, you run off, don’t give no thought to your Aunt Delilah. I’ll be alright.” Moe dipped his head, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude.
Food! FOOD! Oh, police, police, police police police policepolicepolicepolice
Moe looked up over Aunt Delilah’s head, Hanguche directing his attention to the two officers leaning against a support beam for the market’s overhead covering. They hadn’t spotted him yet, nor would they likely recognize an out-of-state murderer on the run, but it was best not to chance it.
So he turned, heading off to the woods expediently, waving Aunt Delilah goodbye, the basket of goods held close to his chest. 
It likes that lady. 
“Me too, claws,” Moe scoffed quietly, pushing into the woods. “Me too.”
mmmmm not my favorite thing but idc. it’s a thing.
taglist for moe + hanguche: @garbagewhump
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sm-entertain-me · 6 years
Liquid Courage (M)
Requested by @sarangtae-vante: Hey love hope you've been doing well:) I'm back with another Taehyung imagine where you go the same university and he have always caught your eye and you've been observing him from afar and your friends used to tease you etc etc then one day you hit the club and were he was there with his friends make them meet anyhow idc then things ended up getting heated (dom sub is possible ) *enter jungkookie wink ;)* thank you so much 
(A/N: Ugh I’ve been doing okay. Got some school shit that went down. I\’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T HAVE TIME TO WRITE THIS BECAUSE I HAD OTHER STUFF QUEUED AND MEHHHH. But I am back so here we goooo!)
Contains: Kim Taehyung x (f) reader, university!au, adult language, smut, sexual themes, depictions of sex, exhibitionism, mirror kink, quick sex, unprotected sex, cum eating.
Synopsis: Taehyung was the kind of guy you were way too shy to ever approach in normal circumstances. But add a little Liquid Courage and the constant pestering of your friends and you start to lighten up a bit... Maybe a little too much?
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“Drink it!” Your friends shouted at you as the three of you remained glued to the bar of the hottest club in town. To be honest, they were all pretty popular given the only purpose of this town was to cater to the needs of drunk and horny college students, but who are you to judge? Especially since you’re currently chugging down a shot of tequila and wincing as the liquid burns down your throat. The look on your face was rather painful looking as you looked desperately for something to wash the taste out of your mouth, or to at least cool down the increasing temperature of your throat. 
Alas, your friends just stood idly by and laughed at the pained expression on your face, refusing to give you the complimentary lime like decent human beings. “You two are evil,” You groaned as you looked to the bartender to help you out with your situation, the bartender nodding understandingly as he shoved a mini bowl of limes in your direction, earning a swift thank you from you as you sucked desperately on the lime for some relief.
As you turned to your friends to chastise them, you noticed that both of them had left you alone. Your eyes darted from each end of the bar in search of them but ended up empty, you sighing in annoyance as you played with your empty shot glass, thinking of ways to get back at them if you ever did find them. They’ve been known to ditch you in hopes of getting themselves laid, but this was the one time you were willing to let loose in the best kind of ways and this is how they repay you? They forced you to drink the worst tasting drink, refused to give you a lime to calm the burning in your throat, and left you alone at the bar like some chump? What the hell? 
After a couple minutes of contemplating how to handle the situation, your thoughts were cut short when a small hand gripped at the muscle of your shirt, whipping you around with a lot more force than you would’ve like since you were steadily building up a buzz from the alcohol you consumed.
When your body was completely turned around, you came face to face with the very people who left you and three more guys who you’d seen around campus before, one of which caused your throat to tighten up the minute you saw his light brown eyes staring right back at you. The one who caused such a reaction was none other than the university’s most popular student, Dean’s List holder, and talented football player Kim Taehyung. Shit.
“Y/N! We’d like you to meet a couple of our friends,” Taylor sang out to you as she was semi-grinding against the boy who stood behind her, the boy in question holding her by her hip and pressing his crotch against her ass. You sighed to your drunken friends, rolling your eyes at their shameless ways of getting into the guys’ pants, “Yeah, I already know them. Hi Hoseok, Jimin.” 
You made sure to skip over Taehyung as you didn’t feel like you were worthy of speaking to him, especially since you had the biggest crush on him since high school and your friends would constantly make fun of you for being so head over heels for someone who didn’t even know your name until he needed to copy your lecture notes. 
“What about me?” Taehyung asked with a chuckle in his voice as he sipped on his red solo cup, making sure to look you in the eyes as he spoke in order to get a read on you. He needed to figure you out a little bit before he started his quest of getting you all riled up. Of course your friends had promised that he would get laid like the rest of his friends, but he needed some time to gauge the situation because as of right now, you didn’t exactly look ready to accept his advances.
“Oh, hi Tae, I didn’t see you there,” You lied, giving him a fake smile that seemed as real as it could get, trying to avoid the awkwardness of this situation altogether. Your friends were already rolling their eyes at you since they knew damn well by the way your jaw tightened upon seeing Taehyung that you were lying, but that doesn’t need to be shared with anybody else.
Still, your friends grabbed you by the wrist as they chorused, “Come on, Y/N! The guys wanna dance and Taehyung is without a partner. Are you really going to leave him hanging?” Your eyes flew over to Taehyung as you drank in his appearance: simple white tee with a figure fitting leather jacket, tight jeans that showcased every dip of his leg muscles... He was looking mighty fine. A little too fine for your liking. 
Normally, you would say no to dancing with Taehyung in fear of embarrassing yourself, but you just couldn’t help letting your mind wander to what could come of just having a little fun. Another factor in your decision making was the fact that your inhibitions were lowered thanks to two beers and a tequila shot, so you were feeling real good about dancing with Taehyung. Confident, even.
So you nodded your head at the group as your friends squealed, happy that they could continue to tease the boys they were with in hopes of getting their bones jumped later. Taehyung chuckled at their reaction as he looked over at you with a kind smile, extending his hand out to grab yours, “May I have this dance, my lady?”
The affect the music had over your body was nothing short of euphoric as you swayed your hips to and fro, maintaining a dangerous amount of eye contact with Taehyung as your body writhed in front of him. Taehyung’s eyes were focusing on the way your face evoked pure bliss and how you would bite your lip as you ran your hand down the supple skin of your breasts and all the way down to your hips, him licking his lips at how delicious you looked. The longer you danced like that in front of him, the harder he got in his pants, and he was determined to let you know one way or another.
You soon felt a pair of hands on your waist and were quickly turned around, Taehyung leaning forward to push his erection against the swell of your ass. He kept one hand firm on your hip while the other one snaked up to your hair, giving you a slight pull as he swayed your hips for you, groaning out when you started to push your ass even harder against his cock to feel it throb through the layers of clothing. 
“Fuck baby, don’t do that. You’ll be in a lot of trouble if you keep doing that to me,” Taehyung growled in your ear as he moved a piece of your hair away from your neck, exposing the bare skin to his plump lips. A small moan fell from your lips as Taehyung began to work on the column of your neck, still being focused and burying his cock in between your clothed cheeks to let his intentions be known. That action alone caused your panties to become slick as you pushed your ass even harder against his cock to let him know that you were not going to back down any time soon. Not that he minded. Taehyung loved the feeling of your ass pushing his cock from side to side as he worked it hard against you, moaning out from the pleasure it gave him.
Now that the both of your were completely high in the sky from your pleasures, Taehyung stopped sucking your neck to form painful hues of red and opted to licking the shell of your ear before he growled, “You’re getting me so worked up baby. How about we take this to the bathroom and you help me with the mess you’ve made? You’re just begging to take my cock.”
Again, the liquid courage that was surging through your body had you more than happy to have a one night stand with the university’s star pupil. Licking your lips at the offer, you turned around in Taehyung’s grip and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, tilting your head to the side cockily, “What are you waiting for then?”
It was all a blur on how exactly you got there, but you somehow managed to get hoisted up on the counter of the bathroom, legs wrapping tightly around Taehyung’s small waist as he gripped the bottom of your ass. Taehyung’s lips tasted faintly of alcohol as they were molded onto yours, his tongue occasionally coming out to play as he teased at your bottom lip. Your hands were too busy working with Taehyung’s belt of his pants to notice that he hand managed to slip your panties down your legs with record speed, eventually pocketing the drenched material in the back pocket of his jeans. 
With a bare pussy, you leaned forward and began to grind your throbbing clit against the rough fabric of his jeans, easily finding a rhythm you enjoyed thanks to the sizable length protruding from his jeans. As you ground against his clothed cock, you could hear Taehyung moaning from the sensation of your wetness coating the front of his jeans and how you rubbed so diligently against his cock. But it was enough foreplay for Taehyung as he was on a mission to have you screaming his name for everyone to hear, even over the loud music playing.
Taehyung worked quickly to pull you off of the counter and bend you over the sink, slipping his jeans down just enough to have his cock spring free without having to take off his jeans completely. “I want you to look at yourself while I fuck you, you got that baby girl?” Taehyung asked as he spit on his hand and gripped his cock tightly in his hand, rubbing himself to his full length and making sure to smear the stubborn bead of precum that refused to slide down his length. You nodded at his request as you arched your back for him to give him the best angle, careful to comply with his wishes as you watched his every movement from the reflection of the mirror.
The minute Taehyung’s cock entered your sopping wet pussy, he had you moaning out from the feeling of his cock sliding effortlessly against your walls. Your hands gripped the edge of the counter as you closed your eyes tightly, trying to get used to the girth Taehyung carried between his legs. As if on cue, Taehyung’s hand stroked your hair lightly to comfort you, him leaning forward to whisper reassuring words in your ear, “It’s okay, Y/N. You’re doing great, just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll start moving okay?” You could only nod at his words as you willed yourself to relax in order to take him properly, opening your eyes quickly to make eye contact with him through the reflection of the mirror, signalling he could move now.
Good thing you got used to his length when you did because Taehyung was not gentle at all when it came to fucking you. Taehyung’s strokes were slow but very deep as he pounded into you, grabbing you by the hair and yanking you back to make sure you were watching the way he fucked you. He wanted you to watch how deep he would go inside of you and how your face would twist into shapes of sheer pleasure, making you watch the way your mouth hung open and cursed to the ceiling above the longer you went. 
“Look at you taking my cock! You look s-so fucking beautiful,” Taehyung groaned out as his free hand dug into the flesh of your skin, only leaving to deliver a hellish smack to your ass. Any time his hand would land on your ass, you found yourself becoming a moaning mess at the addition of the sensation mixed with the feeling of Taehyung’s cock pushing against your G-spot. 
You didn’t have to imagine how pathetic you looked while taking his cock because Taehyung made sure you watched every minute of him burying his cock in your soaking wet pussy, Taehyung occasionally looking down and admiring the way his cock slid all the way in and came out with a thick sheen coating his length. The sight of your arousal coating his entire length had his hips beginning to stir against you, indicating he was close. However, Taehyung was one of those lovers who refused to cum until his partner did, forcing to use alternative measures.
Taehyung resulted to taking his hand that wasn’t buried in the strands of your hair and pressing it firmly to your swollen clit that seemed to be neglected. The feeling of the pad of his finger pressing harshly against your clit had you reeling, arching your back even more for Taehyung as you let your release take over, cumming hard around his cock with a loud cry of his name and the clenching of your walls around his thick cock. 
“Fu-Fuck don’t do that! I-I’m cumming, Y/N! Y/N!” Taehyung bellowed as he gripped both of your hips in each hand, his nails sinking down into your flesh and leaving small crescents in their wake. With another shout of your name, Taehyung released his thick ropes of cum deep inside of you, filling you up to the brim and giving you a couple more thrusts to ensure he completely busted inside of you. 
No matter how long you two wanted to stay in that position, your friends were probably worried about you, so you had to force Taehyung to slip out of you. Taehyung groaned as he pulled out, reaching over to grab some paper towels but stopped when he saw his cum dripping slowly down your thigh. The sight of it was pretty hot as he ran his finger up your inner thigh, careful not to touch your sex since you were still pretty sensitive. 
“Here,” Taehyung said as his cum covered the tip of his finger, grabbing your shoulder with the opposite one and flipping you around to face him, pressing the finger to your mouth. “Suck it.” You smirked up at him as you took his finger in your mouth, allowing your tongue to roll over the salty liquid and savoring every bit of him as it rolled down your throat. In comparison to the hellish tequila shot you had earlier, you preferred Taehyung’s cum any day. But to be fair, that tequila shot is what got you into this situation in the first place, and it was so worth it.
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6ad6ro · 5 years
this is a nintendo direct explanation that is completely spoiler free! so if u wanna know about it without having watched yet? here u go. vague-as-hell. no names or titles or character names. just reactions to give u a spoiler-free reason to be excited! plus if u already HAVE seen, you’ll be able to see my feelins about it so lol! TLDR: one of the best directs ever for ME personally! GREAT and UNEXPECTED smash stuff! INSANELY SURPRISED at a sequel well be getting like this is the BIGGEST news for me i jumped up n down screaming (but no it isn’t jsr3). FINALLY nintendo made their old games service better (even tho it’s still awful). sakurai is so tired...
oh right at the start! nice! i might even start playin this game again if it's on switch? cool.
OMG that was NOT the new smash char i expected!!! ugh so cool!? i'm totally down. tho (minor spoiler) too many boys. not enough girls/nb/monsters...
(this came later) OH OH OH i NEVER expected to even see a skin of this char?! i'm actually gonna buy this! canon "swordfighter" is now this character lol. idc i'm desperate for this series to be acknowledged so it's cool.
(also later) oh NOOOOOO! i REALLY wanted a real char from this game n not a skin?! but... still cool. AND considering how much thought was put into this? and the fact it comes w a song etc? I REALLY STILL THINK WE'RE GETTING A CHAR FROM THIS GAME LATER! like this almost confirms it? honestly realistically imo there were better characters to have as a real char anyhow.
(later) lol i'm torn actually. i hope we get a real char from that... BUT i'm happy the content is dropping so soon! and i'm def buyin 2 of the skins! and the new char is AWESOME so! just again we need more non-boys like ffs...
(back to right after smash) okay okay yeah yeah i know i know n these games all look cool... new stuff that looks cool okay i'll never get around to playin em? okay okay OH good they actually brought it over from wii u it looked cute af! but won't have time for it... okay and... a...
h.. how? no... no! WHAT?!?!?!
IM SO EXCITED GUYS LIKE OMG OMG OMG LIKE THEY DROPPED IT IN SO CASUALLY LIKEEE WTF YAYYYYYYYYYYY this is def the star of the direct imo! 😍😍😍 and YES the orig is out today on switch too!
btw no it's not jet set radio sorry...
another bizarre remaster of a n64 shooter since nintendo won't do virtual console? i'll buy it. i'm down. (it's not goldeneye guys srry). i'm rly glad ppl are tryin to fill in the virtual console gaps. nintendo, you suck.
OMG FINALLY JESUS CHRIST fucking nintendo. sure wish it was ACTUAL virtual console? but this helps a lot. doesn't reverse ur scummy gaming history erasure? but... lol it's hard to be excited about the bare minimum but i still am? (the accessory is neat too btw like maybe worth buying if i ever hack).
this has been an amazing direct so far for me like WHAT the fuck. so weird that i hate nintendo more than ever? but their system/games are the best they've ever been. well anyways moving on...
oh cool i've wanted to check out this series for a while n this new one seems better than ever! but... i won't have time w it lol... more new games i won't have time for/don't want spoiled! okay okay.
portssss. the ones of ollld games are cool. fine. okay... WAIT ew is this rly a ps/xbox-like awful games montage w the most BORING electronic music? ugh these make me feel a lil sick... never expected to see one of these outta nintendo. ew. volume OFF.
OH WHOA GREAT a game i rly wanted was buried in there at least? and a few remasters/ports that look cool. no ty i don't want all the content for this game spoiled skippinggg. fyi any big game that was already announced before i just skip over bc IDK maybe having a game's content not being old news even before it comes out? is a good thing?? what the fuck is wrong w spoiler culture...
LOL a port/rm of a REALLY good game that i rly wish i had time to play/finish! i already own it tho... it's cool tho! just nothin for me to get all excited about. but this is big news for others prob!
omg sakurai is so tired of making smash omg lolol plz just rest n give it to someone else like that eyeroll sigh was way too honest... i think i'd be okay w this bein the last sakurai smash. i think that's what he's implying here. but also that they're gonna milk the hell outta this one w dlc lol... which is FINE like it's kinda the best smash so whatev!
ok that's it! gonna tldr and hide under readmore!
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