#oh yeah new marvin design btw
summerthatartist · 1 year
Septictober Day 14
Hey Jacksepticeye Tumblr! How are we feeling about the new ALTRverse information + the new Iron Lung trailer for anyone who's also apart of Markiplier's community too? :)
Day 14: Nosebleed/Passing Out/Ghost Hunting
AU: The Magician's Gift AU (? Kind of. This AU belongs to me, and it's on AO3)
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( Septictober created by @jselorekeeper / @pagansheep )
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luc1ferian · 2 days
okay let's be honest: half of us would not care about zaphod if he didn't have two heads
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deltastorm101 · 7 years
Meet the JSE community
I’m FINALLY joining this event @no-strings-puppet created a prompt list for! Wanted to do it for ages but completely forgot, oops… Here we goooo!
1. Name, age, country:   Stef, 16 (edit: now 17 haha), Germany.
2. Appearance: I don't want to post a picture of me yet. I could draw me, but I’m not that motivated at the moment. I can describe myself. Well… I look older than I actually am, at least everyone says that and I don't get asked for my ID when I buy beer so, heh. I'm 1.70m/5'7 tall, so average I guess. I'm not the skinniest person but not overweight either. I have short hair - the best way to describe it: I have Jack’s haircut :D My natural hair colour is dark brown, almost black, but I like to try shit out: It was blue, turquoise, green, yellow, blonde and red before. Right now, the red faded to a light orange. Which I'm fine with, the crazier the better xD The next thing I'll try is purple! I usually dress black or dark in general, maybe slightly punk/goth at times... I do NOT use make-up though. Hate it. Always hated it. Will forever hate it. (Maybe one day I’ll be confident enough to post a picture…)
3. Hobbies: Games, write fics, draw (traditional), read books, scuba diving, listen to music (electro or metal), think (yes, that's a hobby for me), sleep and dream, watch movies (horror), watch youtube (Jack)
4. What’s your dream job? I'd love to be a psychologist one day, hence the 'hobby' thinking. Or a graphic designer. Or a dentist. Or a teacher. But anything psychology related would be really super cool. Make it happen, universe.
5. What kind of shit would we find in your bag? Phone, rubik’s cube, usb stick, wallet, headphones, keys. I hate bags though. Backpacks are much nicer.
6. How would you describe your personality? Hm… Calm and quiet, pretty shy and introverted at times but I can talk a lot if required. So – ambivert I guess? Will need to recharge after being around people. Bad at making the first step. Night worker. Dirty jokes - all the dirty jokes. Wants to do so much shit but ends up doing nothing. Trying to think positive, smiles and laughs a lot but once I cry I can’t ever stop again. Can get lost in dark thoughts very easily. Will scream at you in case I didn’t down enough coffee. INFJ.
7. When did you find Jack's channel? Around March/April 2017. Generation yellow floof. I’m so sad I didn’t discover him earlier! (Finding out and researching everything about Anti… it took me some months.)
8. Put in order your top 3 favourite Egos! ANTI (of course), Chase (mah duuuude), Schneep (he’s alive btw) and Marvin (yes, I know that’s 4, but Marvin is a sweetheart)
9. Favourite/ most nostalgic video/series of Jack’s to watch? Undertale (oh man, just a good time), Outlast 2 (not ‘nostalgic’ but one of my favourite series), RYC in general (we get to know Jack so much better), ANTI (not a series but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)
10. Would you describe yourself as an active or quiet member of the community?  Pretty active. Writing theories and observations during a storm and reblogging a lot during peaceful times. And of course, the fics. Ohoo THE FICS. Writing is life. But pain. I love it. And even when I’m not posting... I’m constantly watching everything. Not an hour without tumblr goes by :D
BONUS: 11. Favourite Anti moment(s):
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I am IN LOVE with this moment. This expression of pure rage and fury, lashing out at the audience and screaming with anger. Gives me chills every time.
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“Laughter is the best medicine… for death!”
Simply because that was the beginning of something... great. He showed himself again after a long, long time... Oh, the nostalgia! (I was still new to the community at that time. I was still doing my research about Anti to properly know what I’m talking about when I’d finally start being active here... Let’s just say I was exuberant that day.)
So yeah... Hello! It’s me!
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