#ok back to my hermit hole lMAO
carltonlassie · 6 months
WFH musings
i guess i’ve been WFH for 4 years now and it’s def been a trial and error to figure out what works best for me. there’s good & bad things, as it is with all things but i’m so glad i don’t have to go in to the office lmao.
don’t work from your bed - it sounds nice, just rolling out of bed and getting to work, but i found that i end up skipping meals, water, bathroom breaks etc etc and i end up feeling so shitty. don’t bring work into your bed!!!!
definitely dress up and never stay in your pajamas - related to point 1. it’s nice to dress up even if it’s just the top. bottom, i can be wearing sweatpants all day and that’s fine, but having some sort of clothes that i physically change into for Work Mode, and take off after work (like i would do after getting back home from work) definitely creates a mental separation. would recommend
go on walks. before work, during lunch hour/late afternoon, and after work. especially after work, because it feels like i walked from work back home and now i’m home!!!!
fun drinks. perhaps even 3 different fun drinks throughout the day. fizzy water, tea, juice, kombucha, etc etc etc. anything to get through the day.
take the entire HOUR for lunch. they don’t pay me for that shit. if it gets interrupted with meetings, make it up by splitting the hour. they don’t pay me!!! set slack status and snooze notifications so i have an uninterrupted hour to decompress & digest
let team members know if you’re gonna be away. they don’t judge, they don’t care. it’s actually a breath of fresh air to be transparent! they like seeing that some people are out enjoying their life, and it’s a positive influence so they feel like they can also just have some life during work hours as well.
count the number of hours of meetings you have scheduled during the day. It could just look like 3 meetings, but in reality you could be in meeting for 6 hours. Those are “worked” hours! you already worked for 6 hours! don’t do any additional work because you’re not gonna be there mentally. also, checking slack/outlook & prioritizing information is also doing work. if you did that for 30 minutes, that’s work!
related: it’s ok to work a lot on certain days and just do no work whatsoever on certain days. It’s like that in the office too. people chit chat, catch up, network, go on walks, etc. don’t feel like you have to sit in front of the computer all day. also, it’s ok to log in late on certain days as long as you get things done & stay on top of things lol.
don’t work past a certain time - it’s like, oh i can just finish this feature before and i’ll log in later tomorrow. It NEVER works out like that. There could be surprise meetings scheduled, people could ping you early to figure something out. Just, don’t feel bad about not getting something done and pick it up tomorrow. the evenings are sacred. set hard boundaries and walk away & just don’t answer people. lol. begone!!!
separate work and life devices. ideal: have a separate work phone that you walk away from after work hours. next best: have a work profile set up on the phone and configure it to shut off after 6pm, so you don’t get notifications. use a personal device to do personal things - never really use work devices to do personal things!! work won’t let you view work emails from any device, so why should you let work view your personal emails. it’s just good privacy hygiene.
when i get to go to the office, it’s like a treat! steal all the fancy snacks from the pantry. get fancy teas & free drinks! get nice meals and expense them. stay at nice hotels and relax and pamper myself. be enthusiastic & eager to meet with people & catch up with them. then i can go back into my hole and be all hermit-like. what a deal.
now if i can figure out a way to stay active (other than walks) during the day. i hate working out after work + waking up early to do workouts sounds Bad. maybe one day… but not today. I can’t upset the balance that i painstakingly figured out lol
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lgcmax · 4 years
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okay !! now that that plot call’s over i feel i can finally do a proper plot call. with a new trimester comes a whole load of exciting things, and though this is a tad late i’m happy to provide you with some plot ideas for max ! a lot of people expressed a desire to plot after my ooc love post thing, and i am really really happy to do so ! i haven’t been able to get to everybody individually yet but if you see something here feel free to lmk ! also, i feel like i could do better at interacting with newer muns / muns i haven’t interacted with much ! so, for now, priority goes to those who i haven’t gotten to plot with much yet !! i want to interact with more of you uwu !! and of course, comment or dm me if something catches your eye so i can cross it off !! thank you for taking the time to plot with me !! <33
alrighty so although we don’t have official thread opportunities ( yet ) that doesn’t mean we can’t do something centered around it to get our muses together !
maybe they run through each of their “ star quality ” performances together, giving each other tips and overall just making sure they’re together ?? perhaps even a little heart to heart talking about their reasonings for debut / becoming famous & all that ?
alternately, someone who acts as a wake up person for max the day of the star quality performances and who he does the same for !! that sounds so confusing but basically these two make sure they both wake up on time & are energized lol !!! hyping each other up & all that ? if they’re dormmates, getting ready together, potentially exaggerated warmups; if they’re not, meeting up to walk over to the company building, having pep talks and getting each other pumped !
also if there’s someone who doubts their abilities and is like iffy on whether or not to join the show ?? let max convince you i swear he will tell you you are the **** and will make any muse confident and feel they have what it takes i swear !!!
the vlive prompt is solo this trimester but !! guys um ... max has no cooking experience. please help him prepare um ??? it’s sad really
so yeah !! someone who can teach him how to cook - literally anything pizza rolls are the best he can do right now rip - and you’ll forever have his gratitude and loyalty !! though ... i won’t lie to you he might make your job 2000x harder by being a menace and tasting all the ingredients and being a little stupid ?? but it’ll be fun !!!! pls help him out lmAO
just some general, non-event threads i had in mind !
canada line. canada line ? canada line ! i never won’t support max having more canadian friends, esp toronto friends too ??
still down for language exchange buddies !! max learns french & still could honestly learn some korean, esp slang or older words ?? but honestly, if your muse speaks ( or signs ) anything else he’s probably down to learn lol ! and in turn, he can do his best to teach you korean, or english ! all stan twitter slang included haha !!
i love mess so enemies are always fun ?? either the competitive type, or just always butting heads ?
new blossoming friendships that are just beginning to become something are always cute !!
friends to unwind with ?? like pls give me people who just have a routine w / max to watch movies, play games, eat & all that w max ?? like the ultimate casual friends !
( drinking tw ) before max hops on future dreams i lowkey want him to try drinking 😳 bc as wild as he is, he’s not a drinker at all ?? don’t think he’s had past a few sips if i’m being honest ? but just for the fun of it why not 😜 and listen ... i’m not trying to get him fired lmAO so this has to be with a male-presenting muse & within the safety of the dorms ok lol !!! or even a flashback thread from his bday ? 
omg someone he is indebted to for one reason or another ??  he needed their help really bad, accepted some stupid deal and now he has to stick to his word ?? bonus points if iit’s over some those are always fun haha !!
i think that’s all for now !! and as always, if you have a plot you wanted to present, don’t have ideas but just want to form a connection between our muses, or just want to bump our chat up in case i’ve forgotten to response please let me know !! i am always down to plot i am trying to get better at responding ok ... i am trying oijoijooi !!!
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cosmictulips · 3 years
(Ignore my last ask cause I said 13 but its 1-12 lol)
Ok so redo! Hey!! For the oracle game I choose number 6 🌼 Thanks again and I still hope you have a good week <3
Listen bruh, I'll tell ya I never thought I'd make it to you LOL. Gonna be real LOL you are my LAST ask and through this whole thing I was like GOTTA KEEP GOING.
also because I have a terrible knack for not finishing things now and it's probably due to the fact that nothing has been satisfying me the way they all used to and I need something to change lmao.
also, I did not see a number 13 uwu but it's cool I would've kept it anyway lol.
Hows your week been going? it's been so long since we spoke I was afraid you left me heerrreee all allllooonnnee (I mean not really but I do miss seeing your name around lol)
Ohh honey you got some heavy messages.
first and foremost. you need to come back to yourself. not grounding or anything like that, but you have lost your sense of self. I think you're putting up an act. Tired. is what they're telling me. you have grown tired and you have been for a long time now.
I got so many things coming in so I'm sorry if this just sounds weird lol. but like, you are not stuck here. you are simply a hermit moving through its stages (the card Hermit lol not an actual hermit). you may not see where you are going, but you are moving and that is important.
I feel like you are like uh... uh... a studio ghibli character. walking down a lush garden or path in a forest. no destination in mind, but hoping to find some sort of rest or comfort along the way. and they want you to appreciate the little things that show up
the vibrant colors of flowers, the birds singing, the gentle breeze. let them hold you. keep your faith, your optimism and know that they will get you to where you need to be.
nothing lasts forever. not even this path that feels like broken rocks and sink holes. I feel like there is something coming to you but the only way I can say it is "everything is connected. hold on"
so I feel like whatever this is, is going to make a lot of sense when it finally comes in. I'm also feeling a bit infuriated so like, you may be angry about it at first. I'm hearing like "WHAT? THAT's it?" or like "you can't be joking."
I usually like to say that sometimes things just happen because they happen. but for you there is a reason and they are asking for your trust. and if you can't give them your trust right now, just trust your tired feet and heavy shoulders. continue to build, to move. all will be revealed soon.
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haram-jaan · 4 years
Ok, so I never do this. This will be first time posting on anon but damn I've got to say something. First of all wanna say I love your blog and you're very pretty mashaallah. Second of all, im sorry you're getting all this hate. For you and any so called "sinners" Islam was literally made for us. I feel like these people that are giving you hate forget one of the 99 names of Allah SWT is 'Al Ghaffur' the most forgiving one, they forget the story of the woman that was a prostitute but managed to get in to heaven because she gave a dog some water. There is even a story that says if we were not to sin, God would have gotten rid of us and created others that would sin because guess what he loves it when we go to him to repent. Its better to do something small than nothing at all. Those that are judging you publicly are misguided. Ok, so with one of the sahaabas, for the life of me i can't remember which one stayed up for fajr with another person. The other person judged those that didnt wake up for fajr, the Sahara said it wouldve been better for him to have stayed asleep than to get up and judge those that didn't. Sorry for ranting off, but it annoys me soo much. Islam is such a beautiful religion, and prophet Muhammad (SAW) was one of the most kindest people ever. This judging thing Muslims are so hooked on drives more people away than it does in bringing people closer to Islam. It hurts reverts, those born Muslim, those who lost Islam and then came back. Theres no such thing as a Muslim that does not sin. Everyone does it! Anyways its just annoying. God, first time I post on anon and its the longest message I've written in my life. Once again I'm sorry, youre getting all this hate. May Allah SWT guide us all and make us all kinder to one another. Ameen. Going back to my hermit hole now, Salaam xx
I appreciate it a lot! their character has shown through their hatred and I think that’s the lesson. u can’t be calling me a bad Muslim bc I have a bf when ur character stinks lmao honestly if ur not a decent human being u can’t be a good Muslim. all the stories I’ve heard of ‘good Muslims’ have been about their character and the way they treat other people, not about how many prayers they read or how chaste they were. says a lot
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