#ok but I’m sorry to burst your bubble sweetie….. but you are going DOWN in mini golf
beestriker015 · 1 year
Aoi Asahina x male aquaphobic s/o
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(Non-killing game AU)
1. Swimming
2. Donuts
3. Her boyfriend s/o
(Maybe not in that exact order.)
Aoi met s/o at Hope’s Peak Academy and became friends with him shortly thereafter.
Before long, Aoi began developing feelings for s/o, and with a little encouragement from her best friend Sakura, decided to confess to him.
“S/o, there’s something I need to tell you. We’ve been friends for a while now and I kinda have…feelings for you.”
He looks at her in surprise and doesn’t respond for a brief moment, causing Aoi’s ponytail to droop in sadness as she thinks he doesn’t feel the same way.
However, to her surprise, s/o finally speaks up and tells her that he does return her feelings.
“Really s/o?! You do?!”
She asks him with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.
“Yeah, I do. How could I not? You’re fun, bubbly, always optimistic, and incredibly beautiful. The only reason I never told you how I felt was that I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship.”
Aoi’s ponytail springs up in happiness as she pulls s/o into a tight hug.
“I’m so happy right now! I’m gonna be the best girlfriend you’ve ever had s/o!”
S/o smiles and hugs her back, thus marking the beginning of their relationship.
Early on in the relationship, Aoi began to quickly notice something odd about s/o.
While they do a lot of things together like eating donuts, cuddling, watching movies, etc, s/o never goes swimming with her.
In fact, he always seems to get nervous whenever Aoi talks about swimming, so she decided to ask him about it.
To her shock, s/o tells her that he has a fear of being in water, much to his embarrassment.
“S/o, why didn’t you tell me about this earlier.”
He looks at her and sighs.
“You’re the Ultimate Swimming Pro babe, I thought if you knew that I had aquaphobia, you’d break up with me.”
S/o says to her in sadness before being embraced by his girlfriend.
“I would never break up with you over something like that sweetie, I love you. Everyone is afraid of something, and being afraid of water isn’t something I would ever judge you for.”
“Thank you babe, I love you too.”
He and his girlfriend share a brief kiss before he speaks up.
“I’m guessing that you’re probably wondering why is it that I’m afraid of water huh?”
“Uh-huh, but you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“No, I’ll tell you. When I was around seven years old, my parents took me to the local swimming pool one day. While they weren’t looking, I decided to swim to the deep end of the pool for fun. As I did so, someone decided to jump off the diving board and landed right on top of me, sending me almost to the very bottom. I couldn’t swim to the top fast enough and began to panic, but luckily a lifeguard came and saved me from drowning. I know that it might sound stupid, but ever since then, I’ve always been terrified of swimming.”
After he finishes, Aoi notices him shaking slightly and does her best to comfort him.
“That doesn’t sound stupid at all sweetheart, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. No wonder you act so weird whenever I go to the pool.”
“I hate having this fear, but I don’t know how to get over it. Even the sight of a swimming pool is enough to get my heart rate up”
Aoi thinks for a minute before getting an idea.
“How about you and I go swimming together? I want to help you s/o, and I promise I won’t push you to do anything you aren’t comfortable doing.”
He is hesitant at first, but ultimately agrees with his girlfriend’s suggestion.
With a lot of time, patience, and taking baby steps, Aoi eventually gets her boyfriend to slowly overcome his fear.
“Ok s/o, do you want to try heading to the deep end now?”
He looks at the deep side of the pool as his body begins to shake a little out of fear and nervousness.
“I….I don’t know if I can. My heart feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest.”
“Calm down s/o, I won’t force you to do this. If you decide to, I’ll gladly hold your hand as you swim over ok?
S/o takes a deep breath and takes his girlfriend’s hand.
“L-let’s do this. J-just don’t let go ok?”
Aoi smiles and kisses his cheek.
“I promise you I won’t.”
S/o begins moving slowly before he gets to the point that his feet no longer touch the bottom of the pool.
“W-where’s the floor?! Aoi I can’t feel the bottom anymore!”
He begins panicking as he grips her hand tighter.
“S/o it’s ok, I’ve got you.”
She tells him gently as he continues onward.
As he gets to the beginning of the deep end, s/o’s nerves get the better of him as he lets go of Aoi’s hand and quickly swims back to the shallow end in full blown panic.
“I can’t do it! I’m sorry babe, I’m sorry!”
He begins to break down as Aoi swiftly swims over to s/o and lovingly embraces him.
“Don’t be sorry s/o, you did really well. We can continue to work on this if you want.”
She rubs his back as he wipes away his tears and looks at her.
“W-what if I can never get over this stupid fear?”
He asks with a shaky voice on the verge of breaking down again.
“Then that’s ok. I love you so much s/o, and seeing you having panic attacks like the one you had a moment ago hurts to watch. If we can’t ever go swimming together, that’s fine with me, we can still do other things. You are the most important thing to me sweetheart, regardless of your fear.”
Aoi responds with a calm and soothing tone like a mother would use to put her child at ease.
S/o finally manages to calm down as he gives his girlfriend a warm and thankful smile.
“You are the most amazing woman in the world Aoi, I hope you know that. I feel like I’m the luckiest guy on the planet to be with someone like you.”
She chuckles and blushes before helping her boyfriend out of the pool.
“That’s incredible sweet of you to say, but I think I’m the lucky one here s/o. Now let’s get dried off and go change so we can head to our favorite shop to get some donuts! My treat sweetheart.”
He smiles as they both grab their set of dry clothes and head to their respective changing rooms.
Despite her boyfriend’s fear of water that may never fully go away, Aoi loves s/o with all her heart, and nothing is gonna change that.
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rosicheeks · 2 years
if I met you irl I'd call you princess in your ear to see you melt & giggle and then I'd take you out and show you the best places around me and kick your ass at mini golf 👀 then we'd go get some food together and I'd kiss you a lot & then we'd go home and make the hottest content together before you fall asleep on my chest with cuddles and kissies 😌💖
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toddlerbodybag · 3 years
Howdy! I'd love to request Yandere Tifa Lockhart with a s/o that tries to escape her. Thank you!
Sorry this was an little angsty, but I really wanted to explore how her experiences led to her yandere trait's. Trigger warning for don coreno, nothing explicit, just trauma from the event.
Tifa had many admirers, alot of whom where in high places. There was nothing she hated more then those men who wouldn't stop. Early on in your relationship you told her that she was started to adapt the behavior of her abusers, her possessiveness sometimes rubbed you the wrong way. She broke down crying. She explained that this was different. She did everything because she loved you so so much, that she was scared to loose you because you were the first person who genuinely seemed to love her for more than the surface. Who didn't see her as an object to be won. The guilt from your accusation caused you to fall into an flurry of self hatred. You both blamed it on your self destructive nature, hurting yourself because you hated yourself. She held you with your head burried in her lap, kissing the top of your head "just let yourself be happy, you deserve to be happy". She just wanted to protect you from all the people who saw her as an prize, who wanted to break her down and mold her into someone else. Who wanted to hurt her because she looked pretty when she cried.
All of that made you feel even worse for what you where about to do. It's not that you where trying to leave her.. you just wanted to check up on a sick friend. Tifa would only let you leave 7th heaven with her by your side. If you asked her she would have taken you, but it was an busy day for the girl. You needed to check up on your friend now and you didn't want to give her another thing to do. You waited till she was in an deep sleep and slipped out of the bed. You ran over to your friends house for an quick visit. They where unable to sleep due to their painful symptoms, so you stayed well into the night, watching movies to distract them.
Your eyes caught the sunrising from the window "fuck, I gotta go home" in a rush you gathered your things. You looked at your phone to check the time, "7 missed calls from tifa" shit. You opened messenger, but your phone died before you could type an single letter. You ran out of the apartment and towards 7th heaven. "Tifa" you shouted as you opened the door. "Y/n" an sleepy small voice whispered. Marlene was standing by the pinball machine, clutching her pink blanket. "Sweetie, what are you doing up" you bowed down to her level. "Tifa left" "oh, okay, just go back to bed honey it's alright" Marlene nodded , you waited until she had left untill you sprinted over to the bars phone. Dialing tifa as fast as you could. "Hello" tifa's voice was shaking, "tifa baby I am so sor-""were are you" she interrupted "I'm at 7th, are you okay" tifa hung up. You sat down, preparing your explanation.
After a few minutes tifa burst through the door, tackling you with an hug. "Why, why did you leave" "I just went to check up on an friend" tifa grabbed your shoulders, "without me" tifa scolded. "I didn't want to bother you". "You never bother me!!" You sighed,"I don't get why this is such an big deal, I'm a big girl tifa, I can take care of myself" "you can't!!" Anger bubbled inside of you "I'm not an idiot tifa!". "You just don't understand, the type of people out there" tifa cried out. Tifa continued "there are people out there who want to do terrible things to me, to you. What if HE got you" now you understand her paranoia. "Sephiroth's dead tifa" tifa looked up confused. "I know, it's someone else y/n" "who?". "Don coreno" she said his name like each letter of it burned. Pulling you close to her she elaborated. "He didn't get the chance to do anything, but he would've, and he will if he gets it." Guilt twisted your heart, seeing her like this broke you. "Y/n, my baby, I don't want you to ever experience those types of looks, you stay up at night haunted by what could have happened, I'm strong so I can save myself, but you. It could actually happen if I'm not there to protect you".
You held her for an while, her hot tears ran down your neck as she cried , her face buried in the nape of it. "Let's get some sleep" she nodded.
You where able to hobble out of the bar,her body leaning on you. Collapsing onto the bed the two of you drifted off to an light yet peaceful sleep. Which was quickly pulled away from you when Marlene crawled between you. "Had a nightmare" "why you crawling in with us" tifa's voice was slightly raspy from crying. "Daddy's to big, I'm crushed" Marlene pouted "he snooooores to loud" you drifted off to sleep, the sounds of Marlene describing her nightmare to tifa. Their voices muted and words distorted
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
hi !! congrats on the 100 followers :D would you be able to write #11 from the fluff prompts for hawks ?
“I’m so proud of you.”
Hi, Thanks so much for requesting!
I just wanted to say how thankful I am for all of you! Whenever I see someone has commented, reblogged, liked, or just read my stuff makes my day!
I did this for 100 followers, but in the span of like 2 weeks, I now have 200! It really means the world to me so thank you! I plan to do something extra special for 300, and I’m so excited about that!
I’m sorry if this was a bit sappy, I just really wanted you guys to know! Thank you all so much for everything!
No pronouns mentioned
Warning: fighting, hurt Keigo, Keigo having a breakdown
Summary: after Keigo hasn’t seen you in so long, he’s finally had enough.
Requests closed
Word count: 2k
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It was such a long week for Keigo, he was so tired. All he wanted to do was cuddle up to you, feel your lovely body, taste your sweet lips. Was that too much to ask? To hold you close to him, to feel you with him. He was sure you would soothe him from his hollowness, he could be himself with you. He could just be Keigo. And he loved that you let him, you supported him and let him be with you, he didn’t need to be Hawks. He could be who he was, even if who he was was a broken shell of a man. So to say he missed you would be an understatement.
It had been hard for him, for him not to see you in a week. But it was for a mission, so he was forced to. But his hunger for you grew and grew till you consumed his every thought. Till you were all he wanted, all he could think off. He wanted to soak in the luxurious warmth of your skin, to bask in your presence, to be spoiled with your loving kisses. To hear your lovely voice, to feel your heavenly fingers work their way through the knots of his hair. He just wanted you.
But, today was the last day of his mission, and then he would fly at top speed to see you again. To feel you again.
But the universe had other plans for him.
He was called in to help against another villain attack, his sidekicks told him that it seemed to be a bad one. A lot of civilians got hurt in the attack. And although all he wanted to do was fly home to you, to hold you to him, he took off into the open air. Still thinking about your warm embrace.
When Keigo landed, he was met with villains attacking him from every corner, he wasn’t prepared. His mind just wasn’t in it.
A villain with some sort of strength quirk hit him square in his gut, sending him stumbling. Luckily, one of his sidekicks managed to subdue the villain. So Keigo turned to the other one, grabbing one of his bigger feathers to stop the villain.
However, he let his rage get the better of him. He was just so angry, he missed you so much, he wanted to feel you again. He couldn’t think straight, it was too hard, it was too much.
So he fought, he fought so he could see you again.
But he was sloppy.
He got cuts on his wings, bruises on his body, his face was bleeding and raw. He hurt. But he still fought on, he fought through the pain. He had to.
Even though it hurt he didn’t stop, he couldn’t. He had to finish this, he needed to get it over with so he could see you again.
When the fight was over, his need was too much. He brushed everyone aside, saying how he was fine. Telling the paramedics that his wounds were skin deep and that he would be ok.
And even though his wings hurt, he still flew to you. He still whipped through the air at top speed in order to feel you again.
He was so close he could feel it, how close he was. He was almost there, he was so close. Just a few more seconds.
A few more agonizing seconds.
When he finally burst through the window of your home, he was finished.
His body hurt, his mind couldn’t keep up with the pain he felt. Yet, it was his heart that kept him going, telling him that he would see you. And so, he pushed through it. He walked through the window, the window you would keep unlocked for him.
You were watching the TV when you heard him enter, you had been watching the news. You knew you shouldn’t have, it would only make you more anxious than you already were. It would only make you worry about Keigo, wondering if he would come back to you ok. But still, you watched it. You watched him get hurt and beaten, the entire time holding your breath. You tried to stop, but your mind told you to keep watching. That you needed to make sure he was ok.
After a week of not seeing him, you realized that he didn’t look the best. His hair was disheveled and he looked like a mess. He had eyebags that made you so worried about how he had been dealing with his mission. Was he doing ok? All this just made you even more anxious.
You were confused when he had left the scene, he was still so hurt, still so damaged. Why didn’t he let the paramedics take care of him? His wings looked so bad. Why was he flying?
When he entered your home, you stood up immediately. But then you saw his face, and you knew he needed you.
But Keigo couldn’t do it anymore, he was so tired, he was so done.
His knees hit the floor, he couldn’t even feel the pain. His mind was so foggy, his heart racing. His thoughts were so loud, he wanted it to stop, to make it all stop. For it to all go away. He wanted you to clear all his pain, for you to kiss it all away, to make it all better.
He knew you couldn’t, that it was humanly impossible, but you were damn near close to the cure of all his pain. The way you would hold him to you, the way you would talk to him, the way you would care for him.
You practically ran to his side, worried that he was hurt too badly. That he was in too much pain.
But when you kneeled down to help him, he just pulled you down to him, trapping you in his embrace. Putting his head in the crook of your neck, nuzzling himself into you. His wings, or what was left of them, wrapped around the both of you. Keigo just wanted to be closer to you, to feel your warmth, your love, he wanted to feel you.
You wrapped your arms around him, telling him silently that you were there, that you were here for him. That you would always be.
You knew how hard it was for Keigo, he had a hard time opening up, opening his real self up. so when he opened himself up to you, you knew you had to be there for him. And you didn’t mind, you loved him, you loved him so much. You wanted him to understand that he deserved love and that he deserved happiness and a place to feel himself. And if that was with you, you were content with that. You were glad it was you, you wanted to help him, to be there for him.
Because you loved him.
As you ran your fingers through his hair, he shuddered at your touch, holding you tighter. It was as if he thought you would disappear on him like you would leave if he didn’t hold you tighter. But you wouldn’t, you would stay with him no matter what.
Finally, you spoke, “Keigo, I’m here. I’m right here sweetie.”
But Keigo didn’t speak, he just took a shaky breath.
You thought for a moment, something that Keigo loved was praise. Especially when it came from you, he told you once how it mattered so much more when it came from you. Because it felt real.
“I saw you on the news,” you said, smiling a bit, “I’m so proud of you.”
That's when he lost it. The loneliness, the hurt, the heaviness of it all. He let it out, he had to. It bubbled over, spilling into his consciousness, spilling into his heart.
He cried into you, and he couldn’t stop. He sobbed into your neck, letting it all out, letting his emotions take over his body. He was just so tired, so exhausted from it all. From not seeing you, to not being himself with anyone but you. He felt so vulnerable with you, and he needed it. So he just cried, he let it out, the loneliness, the sadness, the helplessness.
And you let him, you wanted him to. You hated it when Keigo felt that he needed to put on a mask for people, for you. You wanted him to know that it was ok to be upset, you wanted him to be able to feel. To be able to let his emotions go, to let it out.
You stroked his head gently, praising him, telling him it was all ok, how you were right there with him. How you would never leave him, how he was good and kind. How he deserved happiness, how he deserved to cry.
Finally, Keigo pulled away from you, wiping the tears that clung to his cheeks, “Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean to-”
You kissed his cheek lightly, “Don’t apologize. I’ve told you, it’s ok to be upset, it’s human Keigo. It’s what you are.”
Keigo sniffed, still clearly upset, “Yeah, but I'm a hero. I’m supposed to put people's minds at ease. I’m supposed to be strong for people, for you. I’m not supposed to break like this.”
You stroked his cheek lightly, trying to reassure him, “Keigo, out there you're a hero. Out there your Hawks. but here, you're just Keigo. My Keigo. You’re yourself, your human, you’re vulnerable, you’re normal here. I will never expect anything more from you. I just want you to be ok, that's all I ask.”
You embraced him again, letting his head land on your shoulder, “Kei, honey, let’s go to bed ok? And we can cuddle and go to sleep. You’ve had a long day, lets get some rest.”
But as you got up, Keigo pulled you back down, “No! Don’t leave!”
It was insecurity of his, he was scared you were going to leave him, that when you let go you would be gone. And even though you’ve told him time and time again, he still clung to it. To his fear of abandonment, his fear that you would leave him when you let go. You never asked why he had those thoughts, you just wanted him to feel safe with you.
“Keigo, I’m not leaving. I promise,” you kissed him reassuringly, “I’m right here, I’m just gonna change and we can go to bed.”
“Do,” Keigo looked away, embarrassed, “do you have to? Can we just go right to bed?”
You smiled sadly at him, even though you haven't changed into your comfortable clothes, and even though Keigo smelled, you knew he needed this.
So you nodded, “Ok, Kei. We can.”
When you both climbed into bed, Keigo was attached to your hip. But you didn’t mind, if this was what reassured him, you would let him.
You looked up at him, and as you did he leaned into you, whispering lightly on your lips, “Can I kiss you?”
You smiled, “You don’t even have to ask.”
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Ok, I think that’s all the requests I have :) thank you again to everyone
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Let’s Play Forever
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: Yeonjun had always been confident. Some would say too confident even. It’s you, you’re some. It isn’t until he gets passed over for the leader position that you seem him doubting himself for the first time, and you gotta say, you don’t like it one bit.
A/N: this was gonna be a really nasty femdom fic but I got soft and it turned into a fluffy switchy mess, but it’s still nasty don’t worry and still femdom
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Anger bubbles up in your throat and you grit your teeth to try and keep it down as you watch the instructor berate Soobin for the hundredth time.
“I’m sorry, Seongho-nim. I didn’t have enough time to practice.” Soobin mumbles with his head down.
“Yeonjun had the same amount of hours to practice and yet he executed the moves perfectly. Why can’t you?”
Of course he’d bring up Yeonjun, the star trainee. He was good at everything, and he was insufferable about it, parading around and showing off to anyone who would listen.
When you’d first gotten into the company and didn’t know any better, he took you to the wall where the names of the top trainees in each category were written, except they were all the same name–Choi Yeonjun. Your confusion only lasted a second before he smugly proclaimed that he was Choi Yeonjun. He’d gotten on your nerves ever since.
You hated how arrogant he was, but most of all, you resented how his proficiency in everything he set out to do only served to highlight Soobin’s mistakes, making them all the more glaring, and that was just unfair. Soobin worked just as hard as Yeonjun did, it’s not his fault that he’s naturally more clumsy and forgetful. Not everyone can be born blessed with impeccable coordination and sense of rhythm.  
“I guess he’s just the better dancer.” Soobin replies meekly.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Yeonjun smirking at you and you turn your head to glare at him.
“Yeah, no shit. You better get your shit together soon or you won’t be here for much longer.” The instructor growls at the poor boy, and Soobin’s head hangs even lower. “Yes, Seongho-nim.”
You wait until the instructor is out of the room, all the while staring daggers at his retreating back, before you rush forward to comfort Soobin.
“Don’t listen to him, Binnie. You’re a great dancer!” You clasp your arm around his back, trying to shake him out of the horrible mood he was in.
“I don’t know, noona. I just can’t seem to get anything right. Maybe I should just quit.” You gasp. Quit? He can’t quit! You wanted him to stay.
“Don’t say that, sweetie.” You coo softly. Just then, an idea pops up into your head. “I know what we can do! I can help you practice. You’ll get better in no time!”
At that, his head shoots up and he smiles brightly, and you swear you could just smother him in kisses with how happy you’ve made him look. “Really? You’d do that for me?”
“Of course, I’d do anything for you.” There was no hesitation in your words. You’d really do anything for the precious boy.  
“You’re so nice to me, noona.” Your heart swells even more until you feel like it could just burst. And then it does, but not in the way you’d hoped. “You know, you remind me of my own noona. With you around it’s like she’s here with me.”
“Oh. That’s nice.” You choke when he engulfs you in a warm hug.
“Thank you for being here for me. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He pulls back but his arms remain around your waist as he smiles down at you innocently, not knowing what his proximity is doing to you.
You were in hell. On the one hand, it felt so good to be held like this by him. You were starved for any kind of intimacy from him. But on the other hand, the way he was looking at you was nothing but genuine and pure, and it killed you that he felt nothing but platonic love for you.
“It’s really no problem.” You say awkwardly, breaking the bittersweet embrace yourself. “Why don’t you go take a shower now. You stink.” You slap his arm lightly, and he laughs.  
“Ok. You’re the best, noona!” He kisses your cheek and runs around collecting his stuff.
As soon as he leaves the room, a boisterous laugh erupts from behind you.
“Wow, getting sister-zoned. That’s gotta hurt.”
“Fuck off, Yeonjun.” You turn towards the boy with a mean scowl on your face.
“Come on, noona, he’s never going to be interested in you. He’s too much of a good boy. He can probably sense that you’re bad news, like a little mouse smelling a snake.” He grins, sticking his tongue out between his teeth and making a hissing sound. “I don’t know why you bother with him when you’ve got me right here.”
You rake your eyes over his seated form, eyeing up his long limbs and his pretty face. He was staring you down too, his mouth slightly parted and his eyes dark. He looked hungry and sinful and that’s precisely why you didn’t want him. You liked good boys like Soobin, not arrogant assholes like Yeonjun.  
Turning away from him, you start gathering your own stuff. “Thanks but no thanks.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“You’re not my type.”
He scoffs, offended by the mere notion. “I’m everyone’s type. You’re just a frigid bitch.”
That brat!
You round on him, stomping towards him and leaning over him with a sharp frown. “No, I’m just not interested in selfish brats who cares about no one but themselves.”
“I’m not selfish.” You hear him protest as you turn your back on him, but you ignore him, grabbing the last of your items before leaving.
“You know this isn’t gonna make me do you, right?”
“I’m not trying to get you to do me.”
You glare at him suspiciously, obviously not believing him. There is no way in hell that Yeonjun would voluntarily offer to help you help Soobin practice unless it benefitted him in some way.
He rolls his eyes at your clear distrust of him. “I’m doing this to prove to you that I’m not selfish.”
“So you’re only doing this to make yourself look better? You’re right, that’s not selfish at all.”
He glares at you, “Yeah, and what about you? You’re only helping Soobin because you want to get into his pants.”
“That’s not true!” You splutter. “I care about him as a person!”
“And I care about you.” He shrugs.
“Whatever, as long as it helps Soobin.” You grumble, reluctantly accepting his assistance.
And it did help. To be honest, before Yeonjun joined you, you and Soobin were getting nowhere. Your efforts combined were just not as good as Yeonjun’s and despite the significant improvement, his skills still couldn’t compare to Yeonjun’s. Until the boy in question decided to offer his help.
After that, you weren’t needed that much anymore. Yeonjun was a much better mentor than you were, but you still hung around whenever they practiced together. At first because you didn’t trust Yeonjun. Maybe he was doing this to undermine Soobin in some way or just to generally bully him and lower his spirits. But much to your surprise, Yeonjun was a better instructor than even the company appointed one. He was strict but never abusive. He got frustrated with Soobin sometimes but that was only because he thought he could do better. And he was very creative in explaining things to Soobin–if the younger boy didn’t understand something, he found another way to teach it to him.
You had always suspected that Soobin was a good dancer and singer that could shine if he was given the proper direction and nurture, and with Yeonjun’s help, that’s exactly what he got. And you found yourself growing fonder of Yeonjun the more Soobin thrived under his guidance.
Now instead of attending their practice sessions to make sure Yeonjun wasn’t doing something fishy, you would go just to witness the older boy in his zone. You’ve never really paid much attention to him before–you refused to just because that’s what he wanted you to do–but now that you do, you could see how exceptional he really was. Yes, he was still annoying and his ego was larger than life, but you found yourself softening up to him.
The first time Soobin’s performance got praised instead of insulted by Seonho-nim because of Yeonjun’s help, you were so ecstatic that you had pulled the older boy out of the room and kissed his face off.
“I thought you said this won’t make you have sex with me.” He had smirked at you.
“It won’t.” You shut him up, kissing him again.
Ever since then, you couldn’t stop thinking about his lips. They were always so plush and inviting, especially when he pouted at you, which seemed to always be happening these days as he kept trying to get closer to you.
You didn’t mind it anymore, Yeonjun was an interesting person and you enjoyed spending more time with him and getting to know him. You had learned that, among the trainees, he’d been here the longest and that some of his friends who had left the company have already debuted–something that only fueled his determination to debut more.
Now that you think about it, Yeonjun wasn’t obligated to care for Soobin. For all he knows, Soobin might not even end up in the debuting team, or worse, he might beat Yeonjun for a position.
That’s why it must’ve stung so much when Soobin was chosen as the leader for Bighit’s new boy group instead of Yeonjun.
It was disconcerting to see him doubting himself. You were so used to his cocksure attitude and easy confidence that you almost forgot that he was human too and was subject to the same doubts and fears everyone was.
It shouldn’t bother you this much. Soobin was getting the acknowledgement he deserved at long last, and he was more than appreciative to you for it, gushing about how he never would’ve had the courage and will power to continue if not for your help. But you found yourself only half-listening to his words of gratitude, your mind occupied by the crest-fallen boy who for the first time ever actually looked unsure of himself.
“It’s not the end of the world, Yeonjun.” You told him, back at your apartment. You don’t know why you even invited him over, but you couldn’t handle seeing him look so angry and lost. “These leader positions don’t go to the best trainee. They go to the one who could mediate the group the best, and Soobin is a good mediator.”
“I deserve that position! What can he do that I can’t do?” He asks, and for once, it’s a question rather than a proclamation.
“Listen!” You yell out in frustration, “A good leader needs to listen and you never do.”
“I can’t believe that after all I’ve done, I still lost.”
“Don’t be stupid, Yeonjun. You didn’t lose shit. You still got into the group.”
“Yeah, but I’d have to take orders from him from now on.” He laments bitterly, and you know he doesn’t mean it like that. He’d come to be close with Soobin too, but it must hurt to have the person you helped train get chosen over you. “I’d rather quit.”
“What is it with you boys and quitting? No one is quitting!” You scold him.
“What do you care anyway? Isn’t this what you wanted all along, for me to fail and Soobin to succeed?” He crosses his arms, leaning against your table and looking at you like a wounded puppy.
You roll your eyes and march over to him, “I never wanted you to fail, Yeonjun. I just wanted Soobin to feel better.”
He scoffs, averting his eyes. “Well, he must feel like a fucking champ right now.”
Stepping ever closer to him, you corner him between your body and the table, “And what about you, how does that make you feel?”
“Like shit?” It comes out like a question as he stares at you in suspicion, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips in a pout, trying to figure out what you were going to do.
You place your hands on either side of him on the table, effectively trapping him. He looks so cute like this, all vulnerable and lost. You weren’t used to him being so docile, but it was fucking turning you on. And when his tongue darted out to nervously wet his lips, you couldn’t hold yourself back.
You cut off his startled question as you capture his mouth with your own. Taking advantage of his momentarily shock, you press your lips against his in small kisses that end before he gets to fully enjoy them, teasing him. His lips were as plump as you remember, and you take the bottom one between your teeth and bite down, making it swell up even more. His mouth opens in a gasp and you soothe over his now red lip with your tongue before slipping it into his open mouth.
Once he feels your tongue against his, he reciprocates the kiss, wrapping his lips around your tongue and trapping it inside his mouth as his own tongue moves against yours. When he starts clutching onto you, panting and hard, you pull away, earning yet another pout from his full and wet lips.
“Shh,” You can’t resist pressing one last quick peck against his glistening lips before moving along his jaw and down his neck, your kisses getting rougher the needier he gets.
“Are you doing this just to make me feel better?” He gasps out, pressing your body to his. You could feel how hard he was already and it made you want to devour him.
“Maybe.” You whisper in his ear before sucking on the sweet spot under it, earning a choked moan from him as his hips involuntarily buck forward. Truth is, you’ve wanted to do more than kiss him for a long time now.
“I’m worth more than a pity fuck.” He grumbles, and then gasps when you slip your hand down his pants, wrapping it around his hot member. “You are.”
He moans as your palm swipes over his slit, and spreads his legs to give you better access, his back arching as his hips buck up in time with your strokes.
Pulling on your hair gently, he pulls your mouth away from his neck and makes you face him. “Say it.”
Looking him straight in the eye, you say genuinely, “You deserve so much more, baby. You’re one of a kind.” You stroke him faster, watching hungrily as he gasps for air.
“And what about Soobin?”  He prods, one of his hands slipping under your shirt.
“He’s a good boy too.”
He frowns at that, pushing your bra up and pinching your nipple. You gasp, your back arching into his touch and your hand tightening around his length.
“But I’m better, right?“ He bites his lip, but his moans still come out as your strokes become more firm the more he plays with your breasts.
“This is what you wanted Soobin for, right? To be your obedient little fucktoy?” He asks brattily, one measure mocking and the other spoiled, and you feel your underwear sticking to you uncomfortable with how wet you were becoming. “It’s okay, noona, you can play with me instead. I’ll be your good boy.”
Taking your hands off him, you push him away to slip your pants and underwear down to your legs and kick them away. Then you switch positions with him so you’re sitting on top of the table and he’s standing between your legs.
Grabbing his dick, you slide it up and down your soaking slit. Every time it touches your hole, you push just the head of it inside before pulling it back out, leaving you aching and clenching around nothing, but it’s worth it to hear his whimpers each time.
“What a filthy mouth you have, baby. Such a bad boy who knows how to act good to get what he wants.”
“Hmm,” He buries his face in your neck, sucking big, wet kisses all over your skin. “Let me fuck you then.”
“How much do you want it?” You tease as you push more of him inside and squeeze your walls around him, only to pull it back out once again.
“So fucking bad.” He whines, grabbing your ass and bucking his hips forward, his dick sliding wetly over your pussy. “I can just fuck you stupid.”
“Yeah, is that what you fantasize about, Junnie? Fucking me until I break on your cock baby?” You goad him, rubbing the head of his cock against your clit.
“Yeah I want to fuck you until you’re so filled up with my cum and your pussy is so sore, I’ll ruin you for other men.” He takes his cock from your hand and lines himself up with your entrance and pushes inside.
“Go slow.” You moan, throwing your head back. He huffs into your shoulder as his body becomes flush against yours. His mouth continues abusing your neck as his hips swivel and grind against yours, the friction making you involuntarily close your legs, bringing him even closer to you.
“Good boy.”
“Yeah, I’m your best boy.” He boasts, hips pulling back ever so slight just to snap forward again, hitting you deep inside  in sharp little bursts. “You like having my cock in you? It fills you up just right, huh?”
“Yes, you’re just perfect, baby.”
“I can feel how your pussy is just dying to milk me dry.” He pulls back to take your shirt and bra off, and cups your breasts in his hands, pushing them together. “Can’t wait till you’re all stuffed full of my cum.”
"You can’t have it all, Junnie.” Your voice shakes as his thumbs twirl around your nipples, “Either you get to fuck me how you want or you get to cum inside me. You can’t have both.”
“And why not?” His hands massage your breasts as his hips keep grinding against yours, making you feel like you could cum just from this.
“Because it’s more fun for me this way.” You grin, dragging your nails down his chest and making his hips jump forward.
“So this is how you wanna play, huh?” He challenges, “Fine by me.”
Pushing you flat against the table, he grabs you by the hips and snaps his hips into you, fucking you roughly.
“Shit.” You bite down on your tongue, getting overwhelmed with the sudden spike in pleasure. If you had known the sex would be this good, you would’ve fucked him a long time ago.
“Is it as good as you imagined it, baby boy?” You tease him, using your own hands to play with your tits.
“Yes, noona. You’ve kept me waiting for too long.” He growls, his tight grip on your hips barely enough to hold you in place against his sharp thrusts.
“Poor baby.” You purr, tightening yourself around him and drawing out a long moan from his throat. “Is it too much for you?”
He scoffs and his hips stop moving.  You frown, “Why did you–”
You gasp as you feel him squeeze a finger inside of you, stretching you out almost painfully as your pussy widens to accommodate the extra girth. You whine and squirm in discomfort as his finger prods around the tight space, but he presses his other hand down on your abdomen and holds you in place.  
“Yeonjun, I swear to god–oh fuck!” You suddenly cry out as his finger hits just the right spot inside of you.
A grin stretches across his face as you realize what he’s doing but it’s too late because then he’s fucking you with both his dick and his finger, the combined stretch of his dick and the incessant way he was rubbing against your sweet spot has your legs shaking and trying to close up, the stimulation too much. But his body prevents you from closing your legs, forcing you to lie there and take it.  
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” You grit out, feeling the sharp pleasure shoot up your body as he adds another finger to the one already inside.
“Yeah, cum on my cock, noona.” He groans and fucks you even harder, the slapping sound of his thighs hitting yours and your slick squelching around his fingers filling the room.
When you cum, your pussy almost couldn’t contract around him for how much it was stretched. “Fuck, I can’t, I can’t!” You cry out, your eyes closing against the intense pleasure and your body shaking under him.
“Ah–I’m gonna c-cum, noona.” He whimpers quietly but you hear it, and it tears you out of your hazy orgasm. You summon all your strength and sit up, pushing him out of you and closing your fist tightly around the base of his dick.
“No, no, no.” He shouts, his hips humping the air as he tries to hold onto his orgasm, but with your hand wrapped tightly around him, only a few drops of cum drip down his cock as it twitches in vain.
“What did I say about cumming inside, Junnie?”
“You’re a fucking sadist.” He growls, resting his forehead against yours as he tries to catch his breath and calm down.
“Now I could not let you cum just for that attitude.” You chastise.
“No, please, let me cum, please. I’m sorry.” He whines, kissing you, hot and desperate. His body vibrates in your hold and you could practically taste his desperation. “Please.”
“Okay.” You relent, if only because of the delicious burn in your pussy from the orgasm he brought you just seconds ago. As you jack him off, you spread your legs, putting your pussy on display for him, taunting him with what he can’t have. “Maybe if you’re good, you could cum inside me next time.”  
He was so close already that it only takes him a couple of strokes to cum, his seed landing on your pussy and inner thighs, contrasting prettily against your skin. He must like it too because he stares at like he’s committing it to memory.
“Fuck, thank you.” He grunts, taking off his shirt and wiping the mess between your legs with it.  
“Oh, you didn’t have to.” You say sheepishly, feeling sorry for ruining his shirt.
But he doesn’t care, chucking it to the floor and enveloping you in a sudden embrace, his breath warm against your ear. You let him hold you for a bit, stroking his back as his breathing evens out and his heartbeat slows down.
Pulling back ever so slightly, you cup his face between your hands and whisper to him, “I meant it, by the way. I think you’re amazing and you’re gonna do huge things in the future.”
“I know.” He retorts cheekily, and you roll your eyes and pull him in for a kiss.
A/N: Feedback is greatly appreciated mwah
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nite-shay · 4 years
Surprise! (Kirishima Eijirou x Reader)
Funny little idea I had. Reader finds out she is prego and wants to surprise her hubby with the news :)
A/N: Nothing really. Charters are aged up. Female pronouns used. 
Hope you enjoy it and sorry for typos, grammar and spelling errors! :)
You were practically floating through your local market store's aisles, humming has you picked up items on your list.
Today was a beautiful day. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and nothing could ruin your mood.
Not even the grumpy old lady blocking our path, complaining to a stock boy about ketchup prices could bring you down!
Any why might you ask? 
Because today you got the best news in the world.
A few days ago, you went to your local clinic. You'd been feeling rather tired here lately and even a bit nauseous. You honestly thought nothing of it and just figured you had a stomach bug that'd been going around.
Image your surprise when the nurse on the other end of the phone informed you that you were not sick, just pregnant. 
It took a few seconds for the information to process, but the moment it does. Oh boy! You screamed and cried in pure joy to the poor, probably now partially deaf nurse on the other end.
After many thank yous and a few apologies, you practically hung up on the women wanting to call your husband imminently. 
You tried him on his cell and on his desk, but he must have been out on patrol. Meaning you wouldn't hear from him until much much later in the day
That burst your bubble, but that just gave a chance to be... well, creative in your news delivery method. You'd spent the last few hours researching and watching videos in the theme of 'Surprising the father baby announcements.'
And boy, oh boy, did you get some ideas! Too many ideas! But you settled on one method in particular. 
You smiled as you made your way over to the produce section.
Ah-ha! There's an item on your shopping list.
You reached out and grabbed two bags of baby carrots before tossing them into your cart. 
It would be a night your husband would never forget!
Later that night...
Let me start off by saying this. You love your husband. Very very much.
Your husband, Kirishima Eijirou, is the most wonderful man on the planet. He is an amazing and loving husband. He is also an amazing hero. Ranked one of the best in Japan and one of the friendliest.  The man is a literal saint who against all odds befriended Bakugou for goodness sake! You love him more than life itself.
Your husband is a lot of things but currently, you can only think of one way to describe your husband. In the words of the blonde explosive best friend, 'he has rocks for brains'.
Bless your husband's heart some days, he can be denser than his skin in his unbreakable form.
You expected him to overlook some of the food you made, BUT NOT EVERY FUCKING THING!
You made a spread of baby-related foods that could give a buffet restaurant a run for their money. You had it all, baby carrots, baby spinach, baby artichokes, baby corn, baby back ribs, fingerling potatoes, a cornish hen, deviled eggs, popcorn shrimp, you had it all! Hell, you even dropped a 'bun in the oven reference'. Twice! 
But did he see the pattern? 
His only response was to stare/drool at the food and said, 'wow hun, if I'd known you be making this much food, I'd have invited Amajiki and Togata over'. Later on, he commented on how Fatgum would be jealous of the amazing food he's going to have for lunch tomorrow'.
While you appreciate the comments on your cooking. You could have strangled at that moment. 
Dense. Very dense.
You chanted in your head while he pigged out, 'I love the father of my child, and I will not beat him over the head with chicken' over and over for most of dinner.
As the night continued, you realized after watching both 'Boss Baby' and 'Storks' that you would have to take drastic measures to get it through his thick skull. 
Tomorrow, you'd bring out the big guns!
Maybe you should get Mina involved…
The next day…
"Hey, Red! Wow, what's with all the food?" Fatgum shouted as he watched the redhead placed another container on the table.
"(Y/N) went overboard last night and made a feast! We had a lot of leftovers, so I brought some of them in. Want some?"
"You bet I do! I love her cooking! You really lucked out!"
"Yeah, I did! I have no idea why she made so much food, but I'm ain't complaining!" He flagged over Amajiki, who just walked into the breakroom. "Hey, Amajiki! Join us!"
"T-thanks…." He shuffled over and eyed the spread of food on the table. "Um… Kirishima… was yesterday a special day or something for the two of you?"
"No, I don't th-WAIT" Kirishima had a moment of panic before checking his phone. "Nope. Our anniversary isn't for another few months, and her birthday was last month." He sighed in relief. "Man, Jiki, you can't do that to me. You bout gave me a heart attack." He took a bite of food. "Why'd ya ask anyways?"
"Well… it's just… this is a lot of food... And very...v-very… specific food that doesn't seem to go together, in a traditional sense…" The quiet man commented.
"What do ya mean?" 
Fatgum took a second look at the food before his eyes went wide. "I-I think I see where you're going with this Sun.." He put down his bowl while his redhead appearance just looked cluelessly between the two. "So Red, what happened last night?"
"Nothing really. I came home, and she made this awesome food, we ate, watched a few movies and then went to bed." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Did she say anything about her day, or did she seem like she wanted to talk to you about something?"
"No. I mean, she said she had an awesome day but didn't really say what was so awesome about it. She looked great! Like… I don't know, she just… had this.. glow? Yeah, that's the word. She just seemed to be glowing! I mean, I'm not saying she wasn't attractive before! She's drop-dead gorgeous, but I don't know, here recently she's just been…. Wow…" Kirishima's features softened as he thought of his wife while Fat and Amajiki looked at each other. The older man's eyes lit up while the younger dark hair man gave a half-smile. 
"H-has she been feeling ok?" Amajiki pressed.
"Yea-" He paused for a moment. "Well, she did say she wasn't feeling too good the other day and that she went to the doctor... She didn't say what they said, though.." He crossed his arms while he thought back. "Now that I think about it, she really didn't eat much last night, and I could have sworn I heard her throwing up this morning... But she  just brushed it off when I asked about it…"
"Did she say what she thought was w-wrong?"
"No, she didn't. I even asked her if she wanted me to stay home with her today, but she said she'd be fine. She did promise me she'd take it easy." He almost jumped up. "You guys don't think she's getting sick, do you? I know there's been a stomach bug going around…"
"Oh, it sounds like she got bitten by a bug, alright!" Fat couldn't keep it in any longer as he gave the redhead a wide smile.
"Seriously? What do we do? Wouldn't the doctors have found out if she did? Do you think it was poisonous?!?!" Kirishima jumped up like he was ready to take off back home to tend to his 'sick' wife.
"Easy Red." Fat roared with laughter. "She'll be fine, but she's going to be feeling the effects of this for the next…. I'd say nine-ish months…."
"Kirishima, I think you r-really need to go home and talk to your wife…" Amajiki interjected while Fat wiped the tears from his eyes, trying to control his laughter. Which he was failing at btw. 
"Come on, guys! I'm freaking out here! Is (Y/N) ok?" The hero pleased with them trying to get a straight answer.
"Eijirou?" Every head in the room twisted in your direction as you stood in the doorway. 
"(Y/N)! You're here! Are you ok? You haven't seen any weird spiders or anything around, right?" Kirishima rushed over to you as you made your way into the breakroom. You'd heard Fatgum laughing from down the hall and figured your husband was too far away. 
"Spiders? Wait, what?"
"Fatgum thinks you might have been bitten by a bug! How are you feeling? Do you need a doctor?"
"Honey. Sweetie. I'm fine, I've already talked to the doctor." You chuckled as you tried to soothe your frazzled husband. 
"You have? That's great! What did they say?"
"Well…" You trailed off. This wasn't going as planned. Your plan was to visit him in his office and surprise him with the little gift bag in your hand; from there, you hopped, he'd get the picture. The top item was a cute little 'I'm a riot' Red Riot baby onesie you in the merch store down the street. The next was a mini-set of red baby crocs. If he didn't get it at that point across, your last resort was the medical report from the doctor's office, showing that you were, in fact, pregnant. You made sure to highlight it, just to be safe. 
"I'm afraid you're just going to have to be blunt about it (Y/N). He's really not getting it. Congratulations btw the way!" Fatgum was chuckling slightly still as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
"S-sorry if we mess anything up…" Amajiki mumbled apologetically.
"Thanks! And don't worry about Amajiki, it's fine! This works out better anyway!" You smiled over at the two before turning your attention back to the love of your life. 
"Congratulations? Wait, what don't I get? Babe, please tell me what's going on". The worry in his eyes nearly broke your heart. 
"Honey" You grabbed his face with both hands and made him look you right in the eyes. "I'm pregnant."
His body stilled, and his eyes were wide. He just stood there staring at you for the longest time; you swear you could almost see the little hamster in his head go flying off its wheel and pinball around his skull.
"Eiji? Did you hear me?" No response. He didn't even seem to be breathing. "I think I might have broken him." You glanced over to the older man in yellow before returning to those crimson orbs.
You were honestly starting to get worried at this point. Was he just shocked? Was he happy... or... did he not want it? Finally, though, he seems to come back to his senses. 
Blink. Blink Blink. Deep breath in. Blink. Blink. Deep breath out.
"Yes. I'm pregnant." You choked a little up as it finally seemed to sink into that thick lovable skull of his. However, his expression didn't waver, and you still couldn't tell whether he was happy or not. 
"I'm… going to be a dad?" You could feel him start to tremble beneath your hands.
On no.. he doesn't... 
Your eyes started to water, but you try to keep your smile in place. "Y-yes. You are..".
"I'm going to be a… dad?" It was taking everything you had not to break down then and there
But then.. it happened. 
You watched as his face lit up with the biggest grin you had ever seen. His eyes glistened with tears until they streamed down his cheeks. "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!!!" Your pretty everyone on the whole floor heard his declaration, and before you knew it, you were being dragged into a tight hug and swung around the room. 
For the next hour, the two of you laughed, cried, and went around the ENTIRE building so your husband could tell everyone the news.  Afterward, you showed him your little gifts, and that caused another trip around the building so he could show off the baby items and, much to your embarrassment, the test results. 
Fatgum quickly realized that nothing else on the planet would get the red headed hero to focus on work right now, so he let him have the day off to celebrate.
After a round of visiting and phone calls to friends and family, the two of you were finally home. The moment the two of you were in your home, he pulled you to your bedroom for the most intense cuddle section you had ever had. 
"I'm... going to be a dad…" He whispered while gently rubbing your belly where.
"Yes. Yes, you are." You couldn't help but grin and give him a slow sweet kiss, which he gladly returned. 
"God, I love you so much…"
"I love you too. "
"Promise me one thing…"  Suddenly his gaze narrowed as he looked you in the eyes with a serious expression. 
"Anything…" You shifted, a little nervous in his abrupt mood change.
"If... If.." He swallowed hard. 
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Now you were worried. 
"If I'm ever that stupidly dense again, please, PLEASE, knock some sense into me!" You burst into a fit of laughter while he just pokes his lip out in a pout. "I'm serious! Get someone, anyone to knock me into next week! Tetsu, Bakugou, Hell call Midoriya! After everything I missed, I deserve a Detroit smash upside the head!"
Thanks for the read! If you want see the other stuff I’ve done, click the link bellow!
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Traumatizing Baby Danvers!
You had a terrible day at work. Like literally a shitty day and all you want to do was vent your frustrations with your sisters eat pizza and just veg out watching tv. You tried calling Alex, but it went straight to voicemail and then you got a reply from her a few minutes later she texted that she was in a meeting, but if urgent you could call the emergency line.
 It wasn’t an emergency, you were fine just stressed out and emotional, but fine, nonetheless. So, you just texted back that everything was okay and if she wanted pizza night at yours and Kara’s tonight.
She replied that she was game and would see you later followed by several emojis at the end of the text.
 Y/n: “Alex you dork! “- you laughed at your sister’s text
 It was 2 pm which was early, you usually work until later. You do have a very flexible schedule and work hours, but you always stick around the office longer and make sure you’re always on top of everything. 
Today you couldn’t care less, everything that could’ve gone wrong, went wrong even though it wasn’t your fault. Today was not your day. You are a very calm and positive person, always trying to look at the bright side of things and you do everything whiting your power to help. But everyone has a breaking point and you reached out yours, something that rarely happened to you and your boss knew this. You were basically her right hand and because she was a good friend of yours and knew you must’ve been very stressed and overwhelmed, she took pity on you and told you go home to clear your head and come back the next day and you guys would figure things out. Your boss was awesome, and you appreciate having such a great work relationship with her aside from the friendship you two shared.
You called Kara earlier in the morning and asked her if she wanted to have lunch with you, but she told you she had a meeting and would be a very busy day at Catco. She offered to get lunch delivered to you, but you just told her you would get something from the café near your office with the guys from work.
You knew your sisters were very busy people with very important jobs reason why you didn’t n want to disrupt any of their activities. You could sulk for a while on your own at home in your jammies eating ice cream before you got to see your sisters later in the day. You got your favorite ice cream waiting for you at home double fudge chocolate and almonds.
You got home and throw your keys in the table and removed your coat. You were stepping out of your shoes when you hear moaning and then your sister ‘s voice.
Kara: “Ohhh yes yes right there baby. Just like that”.
Lena- panting heavily-: “Oh God!!!”
You stood frozen in place, Lena Luthor had your big sister bend over the couch, and they were both naked. You could see Lena was all flush and sweaty and even though you couldn’t see your sister face only her naked ass and legs while being roughly fucked by the CEO in what seems to be a strap-on, you knew she was pretty much the same.
Y/n: You dropped your bag and cellphone while covering your eyes with both hands – “OH GOD MY EYES! MY EYES!!!! What the hell Kara????!!!!”
You tried to run and leave but in your shock you forgot you were still trying to remove your shoes and when you turned you tripped over your own feet and fell forward hitting your forehead hard against the counter. You felt dizzy but managed to take cover behind the counter and kept your eyes shut. 
Lena: “Oh my God!, I’m so sorry y/n are you okay? Sweetheart?”
Kara speed into some clothes for her and Lena and went to check on you, but you recoil at the touch. 
Kara: “baby? Come little one let me see, please!”
y/N: “Do not call my baby and you Lena don’t say God” -you turned green and gagged.  “I’m sorry okay, I didn’t know you were going to be here. And you know what I’m just going to leave, yes I need to leave”
you were still covering your eyes and forehead with your hands, legs pulled into your chest with your back into the counter.
Kara: “What? No sweetie, come on, let me see you head.” 
Lena and Kara helped you stand up and pried your hands from your eyes. You had tears in your eyes, and you felt very embarrassed for walking into your sister and Lena doing the nasty in the couch. Lena was getting a clean clot to clean the blood in your forehead. When you looked into her eyes you saw how remorseful she looked, and you averted your eyes too look anywhere but at them. Then you saw what was in the counter, empty food containers and your ice cream tub you were so looking for get to.  
All of the a sudden, you weren’t just embarrassed and in pain, you felt anger run through your veins like hot lava all bubbling into the surface after all the stress and bad things that had happened today. You were mad, finally it hit you that Kara blew you off so she could fuck with her girlfriend.
Y/n: “Don’t! Get away from me” -you pushed her away.
You saw Lena standing next to Kara with equal sad expressions and shocked at your anger.
Lena: “sweet girl you are bleeding let us look at your head please. We are so sorry, we never meant for you too see that. We just… well got a little carried away”.  
Y/n: “I don’t fucking care about my head. Just leave me alone and just go and keep fucking each other brains out I’m leaving I can’t be here I’ll be at Alex’s, DO NOT FOLLOW ME!!! “
Kara stopped you by grabbing your arms and look into your eyes, you could see she had tears in her blue baby eyes, and she looked so remorseful. But you did not care, you were so angry and sad that your sister would lie to you for something like this, you couldn’t care less if she wanted to spend alone time with Lena or eat lunch with her instead of you, you weren’t like that and most of all you were happy they were dating , you love Lena like a sister. If they wanted time alone, you would´ve being more than happy to stay out of their way and do something else so they could do whatever they wanted. You felt like you were just an inconvenient and burden to your sister that she rather lied to you to avoid ´hurting´ your feelings.
Kara: “I can’t let you go out like this; you are hurt and angry and I can tell something is bothering you, aside from the obvious. Please let me in, baby. I’m so sorry for what you saw, but please tell me what else is wrong so I can fix it. Please y/n”
Lena was looking at the both of you but clearly out of her depth, it would have been funny to watch under any other situation, but right now you just wanted to be away from the women. You felt embarrassed towards Lena and so mad at your sister.
y/n: “I don’t want to talk, specially not to you. I just want to be alone. And it’s not like I can outrun you or fight you, am I? So please let go of me and let me leave. I can’t be near you right now Kara. I’m feeling so mad right now, and I don’t want to say something I will regret later. I’m holding on by a tread here Kara so, please give me this and let me be alone”
Kara: “baby no, I can’t do that. I don’t want you alone in the streets feeling like this.”
y/n: “No, you don’t get to play all worry sister now. Don’t be a hypocrite”- you said with a tone so venomous that it actually stopped Kara and Lena in their tracks.
Lena: “Ok, we need all to calm down, y/n let me have my driver take you to Alex’s ok? And then in a little while after you all are a bit calmer, you can talk things out. Okay?
You nodded in approval and just walk out of the apartment not saying anything else, not bothering to pick up your cellphone or bag. You knew Lena’s driver would be downstairs in no time.
Kara stayed behind rooting on her spot looking very much like a sad puppy and worried about her baby sister, she went to grab her phone and call Alex right away to let her know what happened and that y/n has heading to her apartment.
You arrived at Alex’ s and didn’t bother in changing or cleaning your forehead or even eating something, you were nauseous you just wanted to sleep and forget about everything and everyone for a while.  You felt bone tired now that the heat of the moment was over, you felt like you overreacted badly but, seriously  you were more mad at yourself for being such a burden and to put so much pressure on your sisters that they felt the need to lie to you instead of telling you things.  You dropped to the bed face down and cried yourself to sleep. You felt so emotional exhausted.
You felt fingers running through your head and face. Tender touches and soft words spoken by your big sister. Alex, you would know her touch and scent anywhere.  You barely open your eyes and looked at her a bit bleary and dazed. Blood -shot eyes. She was laying next to you one arm supporting her head giving you a warm and soft smile. But she looked sad.
Alex: “oh sweet girl, why are you so sad? What can I do?”
You just couldn’t handle so much tenderness from her you just burst into tears and cling to her like a lifeline.  You cried all the sorrow you felt in your heart, your frustrations and bad day. All that was bottle up inside you came bursting in the most awful way, body wracking sobs. Alex held you close to her and let you cry until you were limp pretty much on top of her.  She never let go, just held you and rocked you while humming a tune she used whenever you felt sick or sad.
You felt the bed dip, however it wasn’t Alex, she was holding you it couldn’t be her. Then you felt something cold being pressed to your forehead. Then a soft clot cleaning your face and tears tracks. Kara, you recognize her, and you felt so ashamed after your outburst earlier you tried to move away from her and more into Alex.
You dint see her face, pained by your action. Thinking you were still angry at her. She moved with the intention to leave you and Alex alone. But you just held her hand.  You didn’t speak but you didn’t let go either.
Both your sister waiting patiently giving you all the time you need. Then after what felt like hours, you were so spent that you can tell what time it is anyway.
y/n: “I’m sorry” …you said almost a whisper. But your sisters head you just right.
Alex: “why would you say that?”
Kara: “there’s nothing you should be sorry about, if anything I’m the one that should apologize little one”
y/n: “No Kara, you don’t own me an apology. I overreacted and I was out of line for saying what I said and for being rude and mean to Lena. I’m very sorry.” You sigh sadly and breaths deeply “it’s your apartment and if you want to spend time alone with your girlfriend, you can totally can. It was rude of me just bargaining in and not even tell you I was heading home early. I just thought you were busy and wouldn’t be home until later in the night. I had a very bad stressing day and basically everything went wrong today, and I just wanted to sulk and eat junk food and forget about today. Then I got home and saw you and Lena… “- You trailed off feeling embarrassed for walking on them. “I just should have gone to the café or somewhere else instead”
Kara stops your rambling right there- “Hey hey hey no, look at me please. I’m serious y/n.” You look at your sister with sad eyes “Is not just my apartment, its ours okay? You are not a guest and you don’t ever ever need to feel like you don’t belong there nor that you can’t walk freely anytime you want.  I was wrong by being so careless. I admit I got carried away and well things escalated. I wasn’t supposed to be home and I didn’t blow you off to be with Lena instead. I had a meeting and we were supposed to be working on a new project, but the meeting was cancelled, and the project leaders postponed the review. Lena was visiting and we decided to grab lunch and go to the apartment, I thought you were having lunch with your co-workers it never cross my mind you were going to be home nor you were having a really shitty day. You know you come first I would totally be there if I had known. I’m so sorry little one”
Alex was just listening to all that was being said by you and Kara and understood what happened.
Alex: “I think it was all a big misunderstanding and you were in a very emotional sate and took things harder. But don’t feel like you can’t talk to us about anything sweetie.”
You nodded and felt more tear leaking from your eyes. “It’s just stupid ok? I know you guys are very busy and have important jobs. I was just being ridiculous and childish”
Alex: “No, you don’t get to call my favorite person that, you are very important to us and you know you can always tell us anything and if you were having a bad day and needed one or the two of us, we would have figured something out, because you know that’s how we do thing right? If I needed you or Kara, you would have dropped everything or make sure to check on me. So no, you don’t get to hide or say things like that. You are my baby sister and one of the most important people in my life.”
Kara: “ditto!”
They hold you close, and you let their warm embrace get you to feel better and ease those trouble thoughts you had. You know they only want the best for you and one bad day will never change that.
Y/n: “well, Kara did ate my double fudge chocolate almond ice cream and didn’t left any for me” -You pouted dramatically
Alex: “How dare you Kara? You throw a fit whenever we try to get the last pot sticker or if we touch your ice cream you are always threating us into throwing us into the sun. so, how could you?”– Alex speaks indignantly.
Kara looking sheepishly and ashamed – “I´m so sorry baby, I was going to buy a new one to replaced it before you even arrived home”
You stomach decided to make its presence known by making loud noises.
Alex- “well, we need to feed that beast little one. Come on, Kara is buying tonight”
Kara: “YES! I brought pizza, ice cream, pies and brownies. I´ll reheat the pizza right now” -Kara sped into the kitchen to get things ready.
Alex you help you to your feet and hugged you. You know there were things you needed to talk with your sisters but for new you really wanted to food and feel the comforting arms of your sisters. Alex cleaned quickly your forehead; you had a bit of dried blood but nothing serious.
A little while after the pizza had been eaten and you were lazing in Alex´s couch watching something on Netflix, you weren’t paying too much attention to it. You decided to get back at Kara. You were resting with your head on Alex’s lap and feet on Kara’s. Alex had a glass of wine; Kara was drinking hot chocolate.
y/n: “Alex?”- you asked almost timidly
Alex: “hmm…yes baby?”
y/n: “Did you knew Kara was a bottom?”
Kara was taking a sip of her beverage when she started to cough violently, Alex was not much better choking on her wine.
You just smiled devilish toward Kara, who in return just glared and was looking like a giant tomato by how red she was looking.
Kara: “ha ha , okay yeah. be like that”
Alex was laughing hard, Kara was seriously looking so red.
Alex: “Well its not surprise really, Lena does have very intimidating presence and well, being a top should not be very shocking”.
Kara kept getting redder and redder by the second. But eventually you three calm down and were silent for a moment. Kara thinking the embarrassment was over went to take another sip and you just had to do it.
y/n: “We should really congratulate Kara tough, buy her a cake or something.  Lena does have an amazing body and let me tell you she really knows how to be a top. Like honestly Alex, she made the girl of steel bend to her demands. Like quite literally bend her over and that strap? Kinky much sis? hahahahaha”
Kara: “Stoooooop, oh Rao please stop”.
y/n: “Well, that’s not what you were asking Lena. If I recall correctly you were actually screaming the opposite. And I’m sorry I interrupted, I probably left Lena with a severe case of blue balls.”
Kara was so red you felt like she was about to faint, and Alex was laughing so hard she was in seriously about to lose it and pee on herself.  You just kept smiling and your sister embarrassment.
Kara was about to throw a pillow into your face when Alex held out her hand and stopped her.
Alex: “Stop, both of you. You can´t throw things at her; she has a cut on her forehead. And you stop teasing Kara”- but unable to stop laughing at how red Kara was with embarrassment
y/n: “Do you call Lena daddy?”- you jumped from Alex’s lap and ran towards the bedroom when you saw Kara turn violent red and you kind of felt she was about to use her heat vision.
You knew you were going to pay for what you just did eventually, but it was totally worth it, and you needed the laugh, even if it was at your sister’s expense.
Note: this is a stand alone piece in the same universe as “Make Wise Choices” a fun idea I had and that eventually explains something I'm planning in the main story.
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Toddler Series #21: Compromising Positions
Warnings: Smut
Kim Seokjin
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“Oh God,” you whimpered, clutching onto the edge of the washing machine as Jin thrusted into you from behind.
“So good Y/N-ah,” Jin whispered huskily, leaning down so that his chest was pressed up against your back.
“Mm, you’re gonna make me come,” you moaned and Jin smirked, sticking his tongue out afterwards to lick the outer shell of your ear. You shuddered underneath him, feeling the beginnings of your orgasm beginning to bubble to the surface.
“Come for me jagi,” he encouraged you, and you groaned loudly in response. Suddenly, the movement of his hips halted and you heard him gasp loudly.
“Why’d you stop?” You whined. “I was literally so close.”
“Mommy,” you heard Kaiden mumble and you quickly grabbed a folded towel that was on top of the dryer next to you and handed it to Jin, who quickly draped it over where the two of you were connected.
“What is it Kade?” You asked, trying to seem as normal and nonchalant as possible.
“You yelled,” Kaiden said. “You ok?”
“Oh sweetie, I’m fine,” you chuckled, smiling at how sweet your son is.
“It was a good yell Kade,” Jin assured him and Kaiden nodded. “Why don’t you go back to your room and we’ll be up there in a few minutes?”
“Ok,” Kaiden agreed before turning around and walking out of the laundry room.
“You know that he’s going to realize what we were doing when he gets older right?” Jin pointed out with a laugh.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” you giggled, your cheeks reddening slightly from the embarrassment.
Min Yoongi
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“Come here,” Yoongi murmured, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer to the edge of the kitchen counter. You gasped at the motion, feeling his cock that was inside of you push further into you.
“Have I ever told you that I love how touchy you are with me in the mornings?” You asked, smiling at the feeling of his hands running over your ass.
“Once or twice,” he muttered, giving you a small sleepy smile before kissing you firmly. You moaned against his lips, taking his pajama top in between your fingers and pulling on it.
“Love you,” you whispered against his lips and you felt him smile in response.
“Love you,” he replied, moving his hips slowly. You hooked your chin over his shoulder and let your eyes flutter shut, enjoying the feeling of Yoongi fucking you slowly and deeply. However, when you opened your eyes, nothing could have prepared you to see Kinsley standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Kinsley!” You gasped, tapping Yoongi’s shoulder quickly to get him to stop moving. He then glanced over his shoulder, his eyes widening considerably as you both took in the sight of Kinsley rubbing tiredly at her eyes. 
“Kins, what are you doing up baby girl?” Yoongi asked her.
“Hungry,” she replied and you could tell from the tone of her voice that she was still relatively tired. 
“Why don’t you go get back into your bed and daddy will come get you when breakfast is ready, ok?” You told her and she nodded before turning and walking away.
“She scared the hell out of me,” you giggled, laying your forehead against Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Tell me about it. The one time we actually count on her to sleep in like she usually does, she decides to get up early,” Yoongi chuckled ruefully.
Kim Namjoon
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“Y/N-ah, come on,” Namjoon tried to persuade you, wrapping his arms around your waist and letting his hands roam on your thighs.
“Joon, no,” you tried to say firmly, although the smile n your face was anything but firm.
“You know you want it.”
“I do,” you nodded. “But Mason already caught us once today.”
“You have to admit though, that was kind of your fault for being so loud,” Namjoon chuckled, making you smack his arm. “But seriously, we didn’t get to finish and I know you want me to make you come.”
“I do,” you admitted with a sigh. “Alright, we can but we have to be quiet.” Namjoon nodded and the two of you quickly stripped out of your clothes and it didn’t take long at all for Namjoon to have you on your back on the bed, legs spread as he fucked you.
“Fuck Joon,” you drawled, letting out several huffs as he pushed into you with vigorous force.
“Baby, quiet,” he reminded you and you shook your head as you gripped his forearms. 
“I can’t, too good,” you whimpered. Namjoon just tsked and continued to thrust into you.
“Mommy? Daddy?” you heard Mason whine and Namjoon paused as you looked around him to see Mason standing in the doorway. “What are you doing?” He wondered.
“Uh, we’re just playing Mase,” you said.
“Can I play too?” He asked excitedly, gearing up to run into the room but Namjoon turned around and shook his head firmly, which made Mason pause.
“This is only a game for mommies and daddies,” Namjoon explained. “Go back to your room for a little while, ok buddy?”
“Ok,” he muttered grumpily, slowly turning and walking back to his room. Namjoon then looked down at you with an annoyed look on his face.
“I told you that you were too loud,” he grumbled, making you giggle and blush.
Jung Hoseok 
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“Fuck, I’ve been waiting for this all day,” Hobi sighed as he watched you take him down your throat once more. You then released him with a pop, bringing both of your hands up and using them to stroke his length.
“Yeah? Those pictures I sent you must’ve worked then, huh?” You smirked, making Hobi groan.
“You knew that they would when you sent them to me,” he said and you just shrugged because you knew that he was right. When you decided to send Hobi several pictures of yourself in his favorite piece of lingerie that you owned, you knew exactly what reaction you wanted out of him.
‘I’ve been thinking of fucking you all day,” he admitted with a huff, making you smile.
“Do it then.” You encouraged him and it wasn’t long until Hobi had you underneath him, laid out flat on your stomach as he pounded into you from behind.
“Hobi, Hobi,” you whimpered, pulling against his hands that your arms pinned down to the bed. “Oh, please fuck me.”
“There we go,” he cooed. “There’s my desperate girl.” You moaned loudly as he continued to fuck you, and you almost had a heart attack when you heard sudden loud knocks at your bedroom door.
“Who is it?” Hobi asked as he continued to push into you. 
“Lenny,” Lennox answered.
“And Berk,” Berkeley added. 
“What is it guys?” He wondered.
“Daddy, Berk took my toy,” Lennox whined and you could hear Berkeley gasp dramatically.
“I didn’t!” She shouted.
“Berkeley, give the toy back to your brother,” you instructed.
“I don’t wanna hear it,” you cut her off and you could hear quiet grumbling from outside of the door before they both walked away.
“God, we can’t even get off stress free nowadays,” Hobi muttered, making you laugh.
Park Jimin 
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“Holy shit,” you gasped, glancing down between your legs to watch Jimin expertly roll his tongue over your clit.
“There?” He murmured, pausing to use the tip of his tongue to ghost over your clit, barely touching it.
“Don’t tease me,” you whined, making Jimin chuckle deeply. “Suck on it please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” he cooed, doing as you requested and sucking your clit into his mouth. Your hips reflexively bucked upwards and Jimin had to bring his hands up to hold them down as you moaned loudly above him.
“So, so good Jimin-ssi,” you whimpered, shutting your eyes and biting down on your lip. However, when you opened your eyes, you almost jumped out of your skin when you saw Noah staring back at you.
“Noah!” You shrieked, clamping your thighs shut around Jimin’s head and being so thankful that Jimin was underneath the bedspread so that Noah couldn’t see him. “What are you doing out of bed baby?”
“Wan’ cuddles,” he mumbled and you smiled lightly at him.
“Um, why don’t you go back to your room for a few minutes and I’ll come get you to cuddle in a little while, alright?” You said softly and Noah didn’t question you any further before nodding and walking away from the door. Sighing heavily in relief, you relaxed your thighs and pulled up the comforter, looking down at Jimin.
“You almost suffocated me down here!” Jimin exclaimed harshly, making you laugh and smile apologetically.
“Sorry baby,” you said. “But what better way to go than eating your wife out?”
Kim Taehyung 
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“Y/N-ah” Taehyung grunted as he watched you roll your hips on top of him. “Baby, slow down.”
“I can’t,” you whimpered, setting both of your hands on his chest for support. “Feels too good.”
“Fuck, I know it does,” he nodded in agreement. “I can feel you clenching around me. You’re gonna wake up Munchkin if you don’t quiet down, though.”
“Ok, I’ll try,” you promised, leaning down and laying your body flat on his. Tae took over then, setting his hands on your waist as he thrusted up into you.
“Shit Tae, right there,” you encouraged. “Please don’t stop.”
“Oh, I won’t,” he chuckled, “I won’t stop until you come all over me.” His promise turned you on even more, causing you to let out a loud shriek as he gave you a particularly hard thrust. The sudden sound of a knock at your bedroom door broke you out of the orgasmic cloud that you were heading into, and you and Taehyung both paused.
“Munchkin?” Tae called out, pulling the blanket on the bed over the both of you as the door opened and Spencer peaked inside.
“Mommy?” She said and you peaked around Tae to look at her.
“What is it sweetie?” You asked her.
“You were screaming,” she pouted. “Did you have a scary dream?” 
“Uh, yeah I did Spence,” you nodded, chuckling at how concerned Spencer seemed to be. “Daddy was making me feel better though, so you don’t need to worry. Ok?” You said and she nodded slowly.
“Go ahead back to bed Munchkin,” Tae smiled at her and she smiled back before stepping back and shutting your bedroom door again. He then looked down at you, and it didn’t take long for the both of you to burst into laughter.
Jeon Jungkook 
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“Wait, wait, wait,” you giggled, pressing your hands to Jungkook’s shoulders to stop him from pushing his cock into you.
“What?” He wondered breathlessly.
“Did you lock the door?”
“Are you sure?” You asked and he glared lightly at you. 
“Yes, I’m sure. Promise,” he added, making you smile lightly. “Can I fuck you now?” 
“Oh, I guess,” you shrugged playfully, making him roll his eyes before he slowly pushed into you. 
“God,” Jungkook grunted, loving the way that your inner walls clamped down on him.
“F-fuck” you stammered, wrapping your arms around his torso as he slightly sped up his pace. “Filling me up s-so good Kook,” you praised, making him smile.
“Yeah? You like how my cock fits you so well?” He wondered and you nodded rapidly. He leaned down and began to suck on your neck, and you extended it to give him easier access. You held onto him tighter, loving the way that the feeling of his tongue on your neck combined with the feeling of him fucking you. 
“Mommy? Daddy?” You heard and you looked around Jungkook to see Ava looking at the both of you. Jungkook quickly pulled out of you and threw himself down on the bed next to you, grabbing the blanket and pulling it over the two of you.
“Ave, what are you doing out of bed?” You questioned.
“Wanna sleep with mommy and daddy,” she pouted, and you and Jungkook both groaned lowly. 
“Angel, don’t you wanna go sleep in your big girl bed?” Jungkook suggested but she shook her head.
“How about if I read you a story and stay in there with you until you fall asleep?” You offered and Ava thought about it for a few seconds before she nodded slowly. You quickly reached over and grabbed Jungkook’s t-shirt, which was over-sized for you, and pulled it over your body.
“You had one job,” you muttered to him before getting out of bed and grabbing Ava's hand, leading her back to her bedroom.
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kweebtrash · 5 years
Messy timestamp, can also be read kinda neutrally
Features: thigh/thigh high kink, thigh fucking/clit stimulation/regular fucking, shy and awkward Johnny, mommy kink, cumshot
"So I know we're just supposed to be watching a movie..."
"Cockwarming and chill." I snorted at my joke.
"Y-yeah, that." He laughed a bit nervously. "So I know we're supposed to be doing that and we will but I just uh...I kinda got you something."
"What? Why?" It was strange and a bit random that he would buy something for me, only because he didn't do it that often. Now I was curious. "What is it?"
He pulled a small bag out of the pocket of his hoodie and handed it over to me, his cheeks flushing. "I just had a request for what I wanted you to wear tonight."
A request? I looked into the bag and pulled out a small packet which I opened to reveal lavender thigh highs. "Ah...I see."
"So could you wear those and my hoodie? And that's it." He was staring at his feet now and I had never seen him so shy and nervous before.
"So you mean no panties?"
He shrugged. "Well we don't really need them for cockwarming."
"We don't need thigh highs for that either." I teased.
He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck as if he was nervous. "Will you wear them please?
"Ok, ok." I pulled them over my thighs and dropped my panties to the floor followed by my shirt. Johnny pulled his hoodie over his head and handed it to me to put it on. "Do you wanna go to the living room to pick a movie?"
He nodded, his eyes glued to my thighs. I shook my head, almost laughing at how easily I could hypnotize him with just a simple article of clothing. I grabbed his hand and went to the couch, pulling up Netflix and thumbing through the horror selection. His hands were already roaming over my thighs and bending me forward a bit. I ignored him in the mean time, letting him touch as much as he pleased. When I finally found something that was decently viewable but wouldn't have to pay too much attention to I hit play and sat down beside him. He leaned into me, not wasting any time in capturing me in kisses.
His hands pried my thighs open so he could rub a single finger between my lower lips. I pulled away and brought his hand to his lips. "Wet it first you idiot."
"sorry! I'm just kinda...ya know."
"well damn me too but slow ya role. I'm trying to have nice sex not rushed sex." I sighed.
He set his finger in his mouth, sucking a bit before returning it to me. It definitely felt better and I held onto him as my hips rocked slowly. He trailed kisses to my neck sucking sporadically and moving his other hand beneath the hoodie. He cupped my breast taking the fullness into his palm and groaning deeply. Suddenly he was pressing me into the couch, forcing me to lay down while his finger still stroked me gently. "Put your legs around me." He whispered against my jawline. I did as he requested, wondering exactly what he truly wanted.
"Johnny, do you want to cum on the thigh highs again?" He froze entirely and remained silent. "Johnny?"
"U-um...I just...I mean I..."
"It's okay, sweetie. You just have your first real kink is all. It's so cute."
"I-its not cute." He grumbled, continuing to stay hidden between the crook of my neck and shoulder.
"You don't have to be embarrassed about it. I'm not going to laugh at you and I don't think it's weird. I would suggest though maybe stroking yourself over my clit so I can get off with you. Like at the top of my inner thighs?" He pulled away and scooted over to the other end of the couch. I sat up and immediately went over to him. "What's wrong?"
"I just kinda feel weird and gross when I do it. I don't know...I've never had interest in something like this and it just...I just keep getting the urge to do it with you."
"And that's ok. I don't mind. You could also maybe try fucking me for a bit then pulling out to cum on the thigh highs. Does that sound ok?"
He covered his face with his hands and groaned. He was so precious when he was embarrassed and shy. I just wanted to cover him in kisses, even though we we're supposed to be turning each other on. I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a small squeeze. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna go get some lube for you."
He sighed and curled away from me, setting his head on the armrest of the couch while I went to my room to retrieve what I needed. When I came back Johnny was still face down and unmoving. I jumped on the couch and pulled him to me. "Come on, my little prince, we've got to get you more excited." He hated when I called him that but I thought it was cute and my own special nickname for him. I lifted up the hoodie so it rested above my chest and pulled him closer to tease my nipples. With a little convincing, his tongue started to brush over the sensitive area before sucking deeply and tugging slightly with his teeth. My hand dove into his grey sweatpants, palming him to get him to attention. "Touch my thighs." I said softly, knowing it would get a greater reaction out of him.
He worked his hands over them, thumbs teasing over the top of the band. He leaned into me more until we resumed our position with him on top of me. One leg was hooked around his back while the other had fallen between his. He shoved his sweatpants down beneath his ass and pressed himself against my thigh, slowly rocking his hips to grind into me. The groans that came from him were so deep and low that it sent shivers down my spine. He planted his hands on either side of my hips to control his grinding, forgoing the attention he had been giving to my chest to concentrate more on himself. I didn't mind. I liked watching this side of him, getting all worked up over something so simple as me wearing an article of clothing. He was shy but hungry to explore and I was happy to help.
I felt him get harder as he rubbed against the fabric and my soft skin. Droplets of precum was already falling onto the thigh highs as his hips moved faster. I nudged the small bottle of lube against his hand so he could take the hint and add some to his movements. He didn't look at me as he stroked some onto his cock, still shy as before. I pressed my thighs together, leaving my calves on either side of his ribcage, and creating a tightness for him to push through. "It's okay to um...start?" He whispered.
"Go ahead."
He grabbed onto my knees for support as he pressed the lubed head of his cock between my plush thighs, brushing over my clit slightly as I had suggested. His eyes snapped shut and his bottom lip stayed trapped between his perfect teeth. I kept my focus on him, whispering seductive affirmations so he would feel more comfortable. Every time his cock would burst through I'd swipe my thumb over his tip or gently stroke my fingers over his head. It made his entire torso shiver and his fingertips dig into me more. He contorted me until I was practically folded in half, his weight on the back of my thighs as he fucked into them faster.
The constant pressure on my clit made me grip his biceps and swallow back little moans that were threatening to bubble to the surface. His panting only increased, creating warm splashes of air across my shoulder in between bursts of eager baritone moans. He grabbed onto the armrest to steady himself and also use the leverage to his advantage. He was fucking himself senseless, lost in the sensations of softness and tightness, heat and tension. His mumbles of pleasure were just curses and random praises and I couldn't help but crash us together for another kiss. He was so damn cute and I needed to have his tongue inside me and my fingers through his hair. He fed deep groans down my throat yet slowly pulled away from between my thighs.
I was grateful for the let up of pressure against my clit as it was becoming too sensitive and driving me absolutely insane- I needed a moment to recoup. He took a hold of his shaft and swiped it through my wetness before diving into me. "Want you-" His words were separated by a quick intake of air. "To feel good too."
"I do," I cooed and kept my bent position so he could feel what he loved the most. "Keep going. Do whatever you want to me, I'm yours."
He shoved back his hair and licked his lips, getting a bit of his usual confidence back. His hips snapped quickly, filling me with his girth and making me claw down the back of his arms. His hooked his arm around my waist and lifted me slightly so he could fuck up into me. I planted my hand on the couch cushions to support myself while he filled me endlessly. His other hand was still gripping at my thigh, digging his nails in to lightly scratch or caressing it slowly. Each pass of his hands made his hips work harder until I was a whimpering mess. I pulled him by his hair to bring him in for another kiss while my hips rolled in earnest against his lap.
His teeth sunk into my neck and trailed bites to the small areas he could reach on my collarbone. His movements were beginning to waver and I knew he would be pulling out soon. "Cum for me Johnny." I panted as my cheeks flourished with pink.
He shook his head. "Y-you first!" He tossed his head back and groaned as I felt his cock get swollen with need. I was glad that he always put my pleasure before his, but this time I wanted to treat him, especially with how worked up he was. I pulled away from him, which made him send me a deadly glare. "What are you doing?"
I laid back against the cushions and created the perfect place for him to cum. "Here." I said as I tugged on the top of the thigh highs and pulled them up further. "I know you're close, so do it."
"But i-"
I pressed my finger to his lips. "Shh, angel. Do it for me?"
"Yes Mommy." He mumbled but as soon as he did his hand flew up to cover his mouth, eyes wide like a a deer about to run from it's predator.
I couldn't help the smirk that bloomed across my lips. A part of me wanted to laugh, not to make fun of him but to revel in the fact that the tables had turned. The other part wanted to of course overcome him with endearing domination and let him cum for being so sweet and shy tonight. I gently ran my fingers across his forearm to try and entice him. "Do it for mommy then?"
His face was a million shades of red that trailed all the way up to the tips of his ears and since he was too embarrassed to move I took it upon myself to stroke him, slowly at first with a tighter grip, feeling the veins and ridges under his shaft. I pressed my thumb beneath his head before working my fist over it. Our cum mixed together had made my strokes fluid and warm, making Johnny almost bowl over in pleasure. His hands trembled as they slapped against my outer thighs and held on tight. His chest heaved with each heavy breath and soon and plethora of short groans and pants spilled from him. His cum soaked into the fabric as ropes flew across my thighs, almost covering the tops of them entirely. I squeezed out the last few drops and relaxed back, smiling at the outcome.
"you did so good, my little prince." Johnny's eyes flickered from mine then away again. I opened my legs and spread my lower lips. "Now it's my turn, boy."
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Too Sweet. Part- 12 BTSVampire!au
Genre: Angst/ Fluff? (I’m sure there will be some elements of fluff eventually) / M(Mature themes) / Descriptions of blood and…other things/ Supernatural
Biased: You X Yoongi X Jungkook X Vampire!au BTS
Type: Vampire!au
A/n: it’s here!! Please see my m.list on my blogs bio for the other parts! Thank you for reading and enjoy!!❤️p.s leave comments, i love to read them^^
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| INTRO I Pt. 1 I Pt. 2 I Pt. 3 I Pt. 4 I Pt. 5 I Pt. 6 I Pt. 7 I Pt. 8 | Pt. 9 | Pt. 10 | Pt. 11 | Pt. 12 | Pt. 13 | Pt. 14 |
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Last night.
“So you’ve been here all night,” He furrowed his brows finding that very hard to believe. “and Jimin was keeping you company?”
Jungkook laid back comfortably, legs propped up on the railing of the end of the bed. He had a coy smile as if he believed Jin couldn’t put the pieces together that he looked suspicious. “All night.” 
“Ok,” Despite his distrust, he had to get back to his guest. “well, I’m gonna head back.” To his surprise, Jin left the room without a lick of suspicion that he could detect.
Jimin stumbled out of the closet, taking in a much-needed breath of air. “That was too close.” He took a seat on the chair near his bed.
“I didn't get to finish talking to her.” He pouts.
“Well, that’s tough. But I am never doing that again, Jin would’ve actually killed me.” He laughed in relief, running his hand through his hair gently. “I’m curious, what did you two talk about?”
“I tried to apologize and I also told her that we have a connection and it’ll only be a matter of time before shes my permanent feeder, and then she acted all scared for no reason.” He smacked his teeth. “I have a power greater than she knows and she’ll be in for a rude awakening when I can fully unleash it.”
Jimin cut his eyes to the younger one. “What?”
“I told her that eventually, she’d be my-”
“I heard you, but why would you tell her that? Don’t you realize that'll make her spite you more? She’s experienced the aftermath of your feeding and that screwed up her everything.”
“That was Yoongi.”
He knows it wasn’t just Yoongi.
“It was both of you, but mainly you. They’ve bonded on multiple occasions. If it was him she would have had this problem by now.” Jimin almost smiled, knowing Yoongi reached a point of closeness with someone that not all vampires of his kind could do. “I hate to burst your bubble but, I have a feeling that Yoongi isn’t about to give her up for anyone. He’ll share, but that’s about it.”
Jungkook made a thoughtful expression. “It’ll wake up soon,” He smirked, “you know that, don’t you?”
Jimin doesn’t say anything, he instead gets up. “We don’t even know if it will Jungkook, you’re still part human...”
“I know you all can sense it because I can too, my time is nearer than we all think.” He cuts his gaze to Jimin with a smirk.
“You’re spouting nonsense and you know it.” Jimin rolls his eyes, disregarding the younger one's threats. “Don’t let Jin hear you talking like that.” Jimin pushes his hair back, trying his best not to show the fact that he was bothered by Jungkook’s statement.
He inevitably left the room, being in that Jungkook’s presence any longer would probably drive him crazy. Remembering his previous promise to reward you for your cooperation, he goes to search for you.
Given Jungkook’s cesspool of mischievous thoughts right now, he thought it might’ve affected others in the building. But tonight is surprisingly quiet, calm even. Your scent was oddly faint right now, it took a few minutes for him to actually find your location. 
Of course. 
He sighed, it’ll be hard to get to you now, you’re in Yoongi’s room. Taking his chances, he tiptoed to Yoongi’s bedroom door, opened it slightly and peeked inside. You were in there sleeping on the bed but Yoongi was nowhere to be seen. A spark of mischief came to his eyes, the things he wanted to do- Were better left unsaid. Despite being under the influence of the moon, he chose to restrain his desires, a little. As he prepared to enter to room, he was shoved inside and pinned to the wall by the arm.
“What is wrong with you?” Yoongi kept his voice quiet, presumably not to wake you—but his tone was still cold.
Jimin recoiled, he had never seen any type of physical aggression from Yoongi, ever. He swallows, eyes darting to you then Yoongi who was slowly cutting off the blood circulation in his arm.
“Ahh-” He winced, “H-hyung, what’re you talking about?”
The audacity.
Yoongi drags him out of the room and closes the door quietly. “You convinced her talk to Jungkook, did you not?”
Jimin hung his head low like a scolded child, not sure how he should answer him. “Yeah...I did.” 
“Jin forbid them from any type of one-on-one interaction. You used your ability and made her do something that could have hurt her. If it wasn’t for our bond, I wouldn’t have known what was going on.” He took in the flustered expression on Jimin’s face and quickly understood what would have commenced had you not been in his room. After all of this, Jimin was still gonna take your blood?
“And you were gonna feed on her...” Yoongi scoffs. “You must be out of your mind if you think I’m gonna let you fucking touch her after that.” 
“Hyung, it’s my feeding cycle,” He confessed, a desperate plea undertoning his words, “and her scent is-”
Before Jimin could beg for a chance at your blood tonight Yoongi walked into his room and shut the door on his face. 
He wondered, what made Jimin do such a thing? Knowing it was dangerous and could potentially get him in a lot of trouble, but the thought that Jimin was capable of jeopardizing your safety made his chest tighten. 
“Yoongi?...” You called, slowly sitting up and rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands. 
“What time is it?” 
“Late...” He moves to sit on the edge of the bed. “You were sleeping hard, I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Oh, I guess I should go to my room then.” You rolled out of the bed and began to make your way out and he didn’t stop you. Not that you were expecting him to, Yoongi is easily drained when it comes to affection and he’s definitely had his fair share tonight. 
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“H-” You clear your throat, “Hello?...” Your voice was groggy from just waking up seconds ago.
Hi, sweetie! Good morning. Your mom chirped.
You sat up, wiping your tired eyes. “Good morning, how are you?”
I’ve been good, missing you but I’m good. How have you been? I know your semester just started again. 
It didn’t seem like it ever stopped.
“School is good, everything is good...” You yawned. “I miss you guys though.”
We miss you too, but we’re happy you’re doing what you love. 
You thought, Am I really though?
Well, I’m gonna let you go, I love you.
“Alright, love you too, bye...” 
You might as well get up now. 
Groggily, you crawled out of bed with the intent of taking a nice long shower before starting your day. The events of last night replayed in your mind as the warm water tumbled down your skin. Jimin really deceived you. You knew it was partially due to his feeding cycle but that’s no excuse, you trusted him and he almost got you seriously hurt. It’s gonna take some time before you can fully trust him again. 
You suddenly heard a knock on your door. “Just a minute!” 
You hopped out of the shower and dried off, you assumed whoever was at the door was here to tell you your were late for something. 
It’s me.
You pause as you slip on your rosy silk robe, that’s Yoongi’s voice... Yoongi? You forgot about the bond, you two still have it, it must be stronger than ever these days. Thinking that he probably wanted blood, you quickly scurried to the door and opened it.
“Yoongi,” You smile, “Good morning.”  
“Morning,” His eyes sweep over you, “can I come in?”
“Yeah, of course...” You let him in, hand fastened on your robe. He walks over to your desk, taking a seat on your dolly chair with a soft expression on his face. “Do you need blood?” 
“Yeah but-” He looked away briefly, “Get dressed first.”
You grinned, he’s thinking about your comfort as always, insisting that you’re not overly exposing yourself in efforts to feed him. That’s what you find most charming about him, his ability to show so much restraint but have his desire be so obvious to you. 
“Alright, I’m done.” He nods at your words and stands to his feet, stretching his arms sleepily. You two meet each other halfway and he immediately leans down to meet your neck and bites into the tender flesh. Suddenly, there was no strength in your legs and you stumbled against him. “S-sorry.” You grabbed hold of his shirt and used him as leverage.
He continued to guzzle down your blood, despite having to support you. He actually knew what the problem was, you're just physically reacting to a mental relief. There’s no denying that you two share a bond dependent on his hunger and your willingness to give blood. You’re so desperately willing to give blood to him, it’s almost like an obligation to you. He almost feels guilty for it, but when you reassure him he feels better about it. 
He pulls away, licking the stray blood at the corner of his lips. “I know you have somewhere to be.” 
“Yeah but that was quick...”
“That was at least two minutes.”
“Was it?” You blush at the realization that you basically just lost your sense of time just from one feeding. “I didn’t even notice, maybe because you’ve fed a lot longer before...”
“Yeah,” He trails off to sit on the edge of your bed, ”I’ve tried not to exhaust you-” He paused when you heard the knock on your bedroom door.
It’s me, Kitten. 
That’s Namjoon in your head you, hence the nickname.
 Before you can answer, he enters the room. The man blessed with the dimples of the heavens graced both you and Yoongi with his presence.
“Good morning, Y/n,” He glances at Yoongi who was seemingly uninterested in his arrival. 
“Good morning.” You smile, trying to ignore the slight burn on your neck.
“Are you okay? I heard about what happened last night.”
“I’m okay.” You furrow your brows. “Wait, how did you know? I haven’t told anyone yet-“
“Hoseok told me.”
“Oh, does Jin know?...” 
“I’ll tell him,” Yoongi interjected.
“Ok well, you have another lesson with me this morning,” His eyes scan your daily ensemble, “are you ready?”
“Yeah...” You glance at Yoongi, a look on your face that Namjoon could read easily.
“Come with me.” Namjoon beckons you out of your room with a hand and you follow with a bit of hesitance until you see that Yoongi had vanished.
You quicken your pace so you could catch up with him. Another Vampire history lesson was on the agenda and you were actually getting pretty tired of it. But what can you expect? They want you to be well educated in the aspects of their race.
You two sat at the same study table, he sat a heavy book in front of you and told you to read. 
“Can’t you give me a lecture instead? You always make me read, always.” You pout, pushing the book away from you. 
“Reading is beneficial, I’m proof of that.” 
“You’re intellectual, by nature.”
“So are you, I just have to pull it out of you. As difficult as that may be, I’m up for the task.” He grins, a teasing glint in his eyes. He sighs. 
“Fine.” He sits his book and glasses down. He takes you back to a small room with a chalkboard and a few chairs.
“This is a small lecture room reserved for projects but we’ll use it for today.” He brought a few books and spread them out across the desk in the front of the class. 
“Sit in the front seat right there.” You took your seat and waited patiently. 
“Alright,” He went to the chalkboard and started writing out somethings, it read, ‘feeding cycles for Pure Bloods.’ He drew a line under the words and looked at you with crossed arms, “get your notebook out, you need to take notes on this.” He grabs a book from the table and sits halfway up against the desk. 
“Alright, we’ll continue on the discussion of Pure Bloods, all bloodlines that we have here at least. We’ll start with Seokjin, he’s a part of the oldest breed of Pure Bloods, simply called a Pure in the academic world. I know you’re well aware of his abilities; empathy, healing energy, neuro-linguistic programming AKA hypnosis, he’s gifted with those abilities. Now Jin, in particular, has the ability to sustain from the consumption of blood for long periods of time and deny the natural craving for it. It’s quite phenomenal actually, there’s only a handful of people in the world like him.” 
“Doesn’t he need blood? If he can go without it, what does that mean? And does he not have a feeding cycle?”
“Well, they don’t consider it a feeding cycle for Pure’s, it’s more like a biological need on the full moon. He doesn’t get ravenous or crazy like some of us, it’s just a time where his body tells him what he needs.” Namjoon tight-lip grins at your thoughtful expression.
“You never talk about your feeding cycle, do you have one?...” You somewhat feel hesitant to ask but your curiosity will always get the best of you.
“Yes.” His smirks.
“When is it?”
“Right now actually.” He nonchalantly turns the page of his book and you furrow your brows—now?!
“What? How come you’re not going crazy or- I don’t know, you seem perfectly fine to me.” Namjoon conducts himself as if it were any other day. If it were Hoseok or Jimin, it would be a completely different story. 
He sighs, walking toward you with an amused smile. “When it comes to my cycle, I put a lot of effort into making sure those around me don’t detect it. I can use Brainwashing, manipulative Hypnosis, Mental Domination, Telepathic Manipulation to ensure that it goes undetected. Like right now, I put myself under an illusion.
“How so?...” 
“I can’t really smell your blood all that much right now. I’ve made it so that I can block out the scent for a little while. I’ve been doing it since you woke up. Whenever Yoongi feeds on you though, the scent is amplified so I had to do something.” His pinches his node bridge all of a sudden then take a moment to inhale and exhale steadily. “But I manage my dear, so don’t worry about me.”
You nod slowly. “Alright...”
“Now, where were we?”
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“He did what!?” 
Jin was irate, pacing around his study with clenched fists, Yoongi calmly sat with an irritated expression.
“I only found out because of our bond, I suddenly linked to her and I felt that she was scared so I asked her where she was. When she didn’t reply I asked Hoseok to go and get her for me and that’s when she told me what happened.” 
Jin couldn’t believe that Jimin would involve himself in such a cruel act. He had his suspicions about Jimin skimping on the medication but his doubts are now confirmed.
“He’s been skipping his medication, he probably thought he could handle this cycle.” Jin could only imagine the amount of damage that could’ve been done had Jungkook really done something. “I am going to have a strong talking to with the both of them. How’s Y/n? Is she okay?”
Yoongi’s gaze drifted from Jin to the window in thought. “She told me that Jungkook told her that she will be his permanent feeder and he has a power greater than anyone really knows, I don’t know what he meant by that but she was frightened by it.”
He visibly froze.
“He’s talking about his father's ability. Even though he’s a hybrid his dad’s abilities are no joke, no amount of human or other breeds can overpower the DNA that he has flowing through his veins. That’s why they’re the head family, their bloodline has gon untainted for centuries longer than any other breed, that is until Jungkook came around. I met with his father and he explained that he was willing to marry a hybrid woman, even if that meant the family bloodline would be put in jeopardy, he loved her that much.” Jungkook’s father only wishes he could help his son more. He doesn’t know a thing about being a hybrid, especially a part-human hybrid, he trusts Jin with all of that.
“If he claims his powers are awakening then we need to get him to his family, they’ll know how to properly deal with it.” Jin groans at the thought of Jungkook resisting going, the boy loves his family but he prefers living here. “Or I can call his uncle, I’ve been meaning to invite him over for some time now, he’ll definitely know what to do.”
“Isn’t he the other man who’s currently trying to find a way to take Y/n off your hands?” 
“Yeah, but he respects my school, he won’t just take her,” Jin explains, reminding himself that despite the wants Rain had hinted, you were safe under the CB regulations. “I’ll call him and see if he can come today.”
Yoongi nods before getting up to exit the room, Jin is in the process of dialing Rain’s number when he looks up at Yoongi. “Where are you headed to?”
“Namjoon’s study, he’s tutoring her there right now.”
“Alright, please tell her to find me after that, I need to talk to her.” Yoongi nods and Jin brings the phone to his ear.
As Yoongi makes his way out of the room, he feels a shift in the air. His normally calm senses come to a standstill and he frowns, that’s Jimin’s scent. At one point, Jimin was his medical feeder, meaning Jimin was a safe one of the very few vampires who could safely feed to ill Vampires. But since you came along, he hasn’t needed it and this is the first time in a while that he’s really smelled Jimin’s blood. The scent didn’t trigger hunger in him, but a curiosity.
Yoongi set out to follow the fragrance, hoping to find out why he’s picking it up all of a sudden. He’s only more confused when it leads him to the same ward Jungkook is staying in. Yoongi takes the liberty to open the door and two pairs of eyes stare back at him. 
“Hyung,” Jimin is reading a book on the couch and Jungkook is on his phone, “is everything ok?”
“Yeah...” Yoongi looks at Jimin, who looks perfectly fine, not a bite wound on him—what’s going on? “Jimin,” JImin looks at Yoongi with a nervous swallow, “did someone drink your blood?”
Jimin tilted his head, Yoongi’s question catching him off guard. “No, not today. I haven’t fed to anyone but you and Selkie, and that was months ago.” Selkie was a girl from the east country who had a crippling sickness and her body rejected all the human blood they gave her. They had requested a Vampire feeder and Jimin was immediately sent out, at a hefty price of course.
“For some reason, I can smell you all the way from Jin’s office, I don’t know why.” Jimin spares Jungkook a perplexing glance.
“Oh,” Jimin thinks for a moment, “maybe it’s my feeding cycle, it’s pretty much over but I might still be going through the swings in my scent.” 
“Maybe.” With that, Yoongi leaves the room, leaving both Jungkook and Jimin puzzled. Yoongi went back on his original path, to check up on you and Namjoon. He easily finds the study and he can hear Namjoon going on about something academic and he quietly enters the room.
“Donors were implemented 2 or three centuries back, it’s fairly new. It allows Vampires to get the human blood that they need legally and in an orderly fashion.” 
Namjoon glances back when your eyes left him to look at Yoongi who was walking over to the chair near the wall.
“Nice of you to join us, we were just about to take a break.” Namjoon puts his book down and you relax into your seat.
“You said after that I would be done for this morning.” You cross your arms, a pout present on your lips.
“I had to say something to get you to stop asking.” He laughs at your offended expression before shaking his head. “I’m just kidding, we’re done for today.”
“Thank you.” You get up from your chair and stretch your arms, “Yoongi?” You acknowledge him being there verbally, and with you having to ask, he answers your question.
“Jin asked me to tell you to find him when you’re done, he wants to talk to you.” 
“Oh, ok I guess I’ll go find him.” You walk out of the room in search of Jin and Namjoon looks at Yoongi in suspicion.
“What does Jin want to talk to her about.” Namjoon decides to pry despite being able to rake through Yoongi’s mind for the answer.
“He just wants to make sure she’s ok after what happened last night.”
“Nothing else?”
Yoongi shoots him a knowing look. “You know what else.”
“Yeah, I do. I heard about the little incident with Jungkook, he said his powers are awakening and Jin wants to call his uncle.” He pauses. “I wonder if that’s a good idea. Rain is considered an elder, even if this is Jin’s University, Rain is pretty influential. And I know he was interested in meeting Y/n.”
“Yeah, I know...”
The implication struck a nerve in Yoongi, he didn’t care for the thought of someone wanting you like you were some type of property. But what right does he have to share his opinion on what’s done with you? He doesn’t.
You finally found Jin, having his tea in the courtyard like he does every other day.
“Y/n, how was your lesson, my dear?” You idly make your way to the seat beside him and he asked one of the maids to pour you a cup and you thanked her. 
“It was good.” You pick up the tiny cup and sip the warm liquid
“What’d you learn about?”
“I learned about Pure Blood feeding cycles actually, it was interesting.” 
“Oh? What did you find most surprising?”
“Well, I didn’t know you didn’t Namjoon had a feeding cycle, I thought he just- I don’t know, just drank blood when he was hungry.” 
“Namjoon is excellent at hiding his feeding cycle, sometimes I can’t even detect it. He also has the ability to suppress the need for blood in others, though he’s only done it a handful of times.” They had an incident with Taehyung’s feeding cycle that called for forced suppression, it was difficult and he had to take it easy for a few hours, but it worked.
“Why does he suppress it?”
“You’d have to ask him. But I have to talk to you about what happened last night.”
“Oh, the situation with Jimin...” 
“Yes. I was pretty upset to hear that he took you to meet Jungkook, especially given his current issues.”
“He always has a current issue.”
“Yeah but this time it’s not under his control.” Jin sits his cup down, eyes glued on you. “He’s experiencing something genetic and there’s nothing he can do to suppress it himself, not that I know of at least.”
“What can help him then?”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Jin’s grin makes a suspicion rise within you.  “He has an uncle, Rain, the director of governmental relations with the human world. He’s a younger elder that’s respected in our community, he knows Jungkook well and he can help explain what’s happening to him.”
“Oh.” You tilt your head, finding it odd that he would need to inform you of this. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Rain is-” Jin pauses, brows squinting all of a sudden. “Is here apparently.” 
Jin stands up suddenly and when you look up to see where he’s headed to, and that’s when your eyes land on one of the people who work in the front lobby. He says something to him and Jin looks back at you with a smile when he beckons you over.
“He’s here?”
“He’s on his way, I have to make sure he gets a warm welcome. You can join the other students in the feeding hall.” Jin goes his own way and you go yours. 
Now all you can think is, how important is this Rain guy? He sounds like the type of guy who has a lot of power and uses it for whatever he sees fit. It made you wonder if you should be concerned at all. I mean, with blood like yours, you fear anything could happen if the person is insistent on you bending to their will. Then again, you could just be overthinking this—it’s not like you’re that big of a deal, right?
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“So, I heard my uncle is coming to see me.” Jungkook coos, a snarky expression on his face as Jimin rolls his eyes.
“How did you find that out?”
“I got one of the students to tell me.” Jungkook sighs, getting up to walk over to the closet. “I’m gonna get freshened up, uncle likes a tidy appearance.” Jimin watched Jungkook rake through his clothes.
Rain has only visited the university a handful of times and each time the meeting was brief. The Jeon family is one an interesting one in Jimin’s eyes. They’re some of the only vampire bloodlines with supernatural abilities that transcend beyond manipulation, hypnosis, etc. They can levitate objects, burn things with a glance, at least that’s what he’s heard. It’s rare that they use those abilities out in the open, it’s sort of a sacred thing. 
While Jimin monitors Jungkook, Jin is waiting for Rain in the main entrance and for the first time in a long time. For the first time in a while, he’s a little nervous. 
Jin looks up from his pacing and he could feel Rain’s presence, it’s one of the most prominent scents in his bloodline, more so than Jungkook’s father. Jin straightens his collar and walks to where Rain’s driver drops him off and sees the man exiting the car. 
“Jin,” Rain catches his eye and Jin leans over to shake his hand, “your school is the finest I’ve yet to see, as always.” The man's aura emits a coldness, a sense of status and importance like none other. His onyx hair and piercing black eyes were so similar to Jungkooks, you could tell right off the bat that they’re related.
“How was your trip?” Jin smiles brightly as Rain and his assistant follow him  into the university
“Boring, but not terrible.” He walks in and students can’t look away, it’s obvious that he is up there in the rankings given the way Jin seems to tend to his every action—his suit pristine and most probably custom made. “So, how is my  nephew doing?”
“I really don’t know.” Jin sighs. “He’s taking a test right now but last time I checked on his he was talking about his awakening.”
Rain stiffens, stalling in his tracks and a smile creeping onto his face. “He can experience my kind’s awakening? A hybrid?”
“That’s mostly why I called you here, I don’t know. But if he can awaken, it’s not safe for me to try and handle this without guidance from a Pure Blood family member.” Jin walks Rain through the entry hall to the dorms and through the inner courtyard. They end up at one of Jin’s favorite rooms, the art gallery and he instructs a few maids to get them some tea and refreshments. “I’m just uneasy about how I should go about this.”
“What type of blood has he been consuming?”
“Mostly animal blood.”
“Any human blood?” Rain raises a brow, knowing the answer anyway.
“Well, we had an incident with a student not too long ago. You’ve heard of her, her blood is quite special, he attacked her for it and I think that might be the trigger for his behavior.”
“Oh, yes, that girl I wanted you to send my way.” He chortles, sipping his tea. “I could smell her as soon as I arrived on campus. If he fed on her, I can see why it would trigger an awakening. Even with a palette of my caliber, her blood smells tempting.” 
“Well, her blood has stirred up quite the ruckus in the campus, but I make sure things don’t get out of hand. There is only a handful of people that I allow to feed on her, her blood has addictive qualities.”
“I hear Min Yoongi feeds on her, doesn’t he have a chronic illness that makes his body reject human blood? And her blood is somewhat of a cure?”
Jin wavers in thought with his answer. “Yes, in order for him to continue living without chronic pain and lose control of his families gifting, he needs her blood.”
“That’s incredible...” Rain stands to his feet, surprising Jin. “Take me to her, I want to try her blood for myself.” The nonchalant manner in which he insinuated that he need not ask for permission made Jin realize what he’s dealing with.
“Alright, I’ll have one of the maids escort you to the lower floor and I’ll meet you there with her.” Rain agrees and Jin goes to find you.
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“Y/n, you should join my study group, we’d be able to hang out more often.” Chaseon sits beside you with a book in hand, she was studying for her last final tomorrow. 
“That sounds like fun,” You nod to yourself. You’ve been busy dealing with this whole feeder drama. You’re constantly fearing for your life with Jungkook and worrying about your relationship with Yoongi. It’s hard to keep up a social life.
“Have you decided what you’re gonna do over break?”
“I think I’ll go visit my family.” You beam at the thought. “I haven’t seen them in a long time.
“I think I’m going to-” 
“Excuse me Chaseon,” Jin suddenly appears, cutting Chaseon off in his wake, “but I need Y/n to steal Y/n for a moment.” Jin gestures for you to get up and you do.
“Oh,” She furrows her brow, “okay, I’ll talk to you later then.” Jin is walking off quickly and you skip to catch up with him.
“Sorry, Seonnie!” You send your apologies as you follow behind Jin closely. Jin explains to you that Rain is here and your heart starts to beat harder in anxiety. Rain. The man you’ve heard little about but has apparently done his research on you. If he’s related to Jungkook, you can only imagine how this encounter will go. You swallow a lump in your throat and brace yourself for whatever you’re about to walk into.
Jin stops in front of the door and looks at you. “Just remember, he’s royalty. Be respectful and you’ll be fine.” Those words were meant to calm you but they only provoked your thoughts, but you nod nonetheless. “
“Here she is.” Jin chirps and you walk timidly from behind him to see what you’re dealing with.  “Y/n, this is director Rain.”
He has an aura. It permeates the air and you can almost feel the supremacy tumbling off of him in heavy waves. His eyes don’t leave you and he stands to his feet, taking a moment to evaluate the tiny girl that’s currently in front of him. Your scent hit’s him when you walk toward him with small steps and look up at him before bowing.
“It- it’s nice to meet you, sir.” Your stance wavers when you look up at his perfectly sculpted face. He appears as if he stands about 6 feet tall and you twiddle your fingers.
“The pleasure is all mine. I’m glad I can finally put a face to the name.” He reaches to your side to take your hand and bring it to his mouth to peck. 
“I’m going to sample your blood, are you alright with that?”
“Yes, sir.” You nod, voice so low you can barely hear yourself.
“I’m excited to see what all the fuss is about. I heard you drove my nephew Jungkook to feed on you, you must really be something for him to attack you for it.” He knew it was but he felt like making a little conversation would settle your obvious apprehension. “I apologize on his behalf.”
“Thank you...”
“Jin,” Rain looks over at him, “do you train your donors on how to bare themselves for feeding? Or is that old tradition long gone from these modern-day liberations.” He takes a seat and you stand out of place and quite frankly a little confused.
“Well, that practice is very old, the new generation of donors would think it’s degrading so I don’t teach it.” Jin walks over to sit in the chair beside Rain as you stay standing and puzzled. “She doesn’t know it, and I rather it stays that way.” Jin makes brief eye contact with you before looking back at Rain to realize that it didn’t matter what he didn’t want you to learn. When you’re with Rain, you are under his authority.
“I prefer it that way when I’m sitting, I hate when a donor has to lean down to me.” Rain seems to entertain the thought of his preferred method and he gazes at you adjusting your stance. “If you would, have a seat.” He’s looking up at you with an expectant glint in his eyes, waiting for you to comply.
You furrow your brows, bewildered. “Where sir?...”
“Right where you’re standing lamb, sit with your legs folded under you.” As odd as this seemed, you thought it would be better if you did what he said. You slowly sit on the floor in front of him with your hands in your lap and your cheeks beginning to burn at the lowering position.
“Bare your neck to me.” His command is soft but intended to sound serious without completely frightening you. You do as he says, moving your hair from your shoulder and tilting your head so he can see your neck clearly. 
“Perfect.” He leans forward to cup your jaw for leverage and sinks his teeth into your flesh. He can taste the remanence of someone's venom but your flavor is enough to overpower it. As soon as he swallowed his first gulp, he understood why someone would be willing to attack you for it. He’s never had blood with such a balance of flavor and heat. It almost warms his insides the more he drinks, it’s euphoric. At this point, you sit, taut and shaking as he takes his time savoring all you are. 
“S-..” You whine but you’re looking at Jin for salvation and you almost cry when he looks away. Jin averts his eyes out of respect, but due to the feeding, your scent is amplified and distracting, and on top of that, he knows you’re in pain. 
Rain pushes against your neck so that there is but an atom of space between his mouth and your skin. You wail in pain at the force of his bite. His fangs are so sharp, they feel like they’re on fire and you’re tempted to reach up to hold on to him but you’re afraid to anger so you stay still. He slowly pulls away and grins in amusement when you furrow your brows at the sting.
“My, my, my, your blood is of the finest quality, it’s delicious.” He brushes your jaw with his index finger. “I appreciate your compliance.” That’s often said after feeding in the older generations. He sits back in his chair, licking the blood from his lips and trying to compile another sentence. With an uneasy breath, you subconsciously reach up to touch the wound but he frowns and pulls your hand gently, making you flinch away with wide eyes.
“I’m sorry, you’re probably not aware. Traditionally, if you touch where you’ve been bitten in front of me, it’s disrespectful, it means you don’t want my scent there.” He lets go of your hand and you cower in embarrassment.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean any harm.” All the blood rushes out of your face. “It’s a habit-”
“It’s alright,” He extends a hand for you to grab so you have something to help you stand. “I’ll show you how to do this properly tonight. But that will be all, for now, you’re dismissed.” He shoos you away and before leaving you to send Jin an odd expression. When you leave the room, Rain looks at Jin, serious about what he’s about to say.
“You’ve had her blood before?” Rain’s been holding that question in for when you left.
“Once, it was for an emergency. It is the finest blood I’ve ever tasted.”
“So, I’m sure you know there will be families and officials willing to do whatever it takes to take her from you.” Jin nods reluctantly. “Has it always been that sweet? Is this new? And did she have an extraction treatment? I could tell the blood is turned.” Of course, Rain could sense a change like that, he can detect even the slightest imperfection in blood.
“She did. And as far as the flavor goes, it fluctuates in potency and strength depending on her physical health.” 
“I see why you didn’t want me to have her visit me the first time, I wouldn’t have given her back.” He laughs but Jin finds none of that sentence amusing. “Is she betrothed?”
Jin blinks in disbelief, is he really asking that right now? 
“No, no of course not. She’s barely out of her teens and she’s just a human donor, they don’t get betrothed unless they’re from royal families.” Jin explains, even though he found it quite odd that Rain would ask him something like that.
“Well, if you don’t want the CB board to take her-”
“They don’t know about her and I want to keep that way until I can get this Jungkook situation under control.” The last thing he need was for the CB Board to be all over it.
“Hm, I think I know what will help our little Jungkook situation.” Jin can see the gears turning in Rain’s mind and he doesn’t like it, not one bit. “Let’s go talk to him.”
They arrive at Jungkook’s room in the medial lab downstairs and Rain takes the liberty to walk right in. 
“Uncle,” Jungkook smiles like a child as he runs to embrace his uncle in a tight hug. Rain returns the expression with a fond grin and pats Jungkook on the back. He pulls up a seat from the nearby desk as Jungkook returns to his bed, already seeing that he wasn’t here for a family reunion.
”I hear you’ve been causing problems, do you want to tell me what that’s about?” Jungkook recoils the reality setting in that Rain now knows about all of the mess he’s caused. 
“Well...I- I wouldn’t say that.” Jin scoffs at the younger and how he could just flat out lie. He was about to scold Jungkook but Rain shook his head, hinting that he would handle it.
“A hybrid, attacking a donor, defying his caretaker's wishes and giving in to carnal urges is a big problem.” Rain looks serious now, which makes Jungkook subconsciously shy away and return to his seat on the edge of the bed. 
“Especially a hybrid from my bloodline. You forget you are one of the only part-human hybrids to come from our family. If you bring unnecessary attention to yourself things could get complicated.” His arms remain crossed, obsidian eyes scrutinizing Jungkook.
“I’m sorry, but if you could just experience what I’m going through, you’d understand that I can’t help it. I see Y/n, I smell her and I can’t think straight...” 
Rain tilts his head in thought. “You said you were awakening, so you’re father did tell you about it.” Jungkook nods timidly. “And you think you’re awakening?”
 “I can feel something, something deep down inside that wants to come out...I’ve wanted more blood lately too.” 
Rain stands to his feet and beckons Jin to follow him out of the room, leaving Jungkook more confused than anything.
“Well Jin,” Rain fiddles with the silver ring on his index finger, “he is awakening.”
Jin sighs, pressing his temples lightly. “What do I need to do for him going forward to make this process go as smoothly as possible?” 
“He needs double the amount of blood he normally has, he needs to avoid any strenuous activity for a little while, but most importantly, he needs to avoid cross-feeding. He cannot, under any circumstance, feed before another vampire of a different breed. His venom is like poison right now. Any donor he feeds on will be contaminated and unsafe to feed on for at least 48 hours. Other than that, he should be over this in about—6 months, give or take a few weeks.” One of his personal staff members walked up to the two of them.
“Director.” She interrupts, but not rudely. “You said you’d like to be back before nightfall, it will be nightfall in an hour or so.”
“Thank you, Lilian, have the car ready in 10 minutes, I’ll be there.” She nods, going on her way as Jin
“6 months? That’s the entire process?”
“You should start seeing and experiencing symptoms about 6 months in, and then the 6 months after are just the body’s process of defining itself.” Rain continues to explain the details of the awakening to Jin while Jungkook listened through the door. He walks toward the door to have a clearer listen but he pauses.
“Ah...” He paused in his tracks, a sudden pain came to the front of his mouth. He attempts to take another step but the pain only increases and he drops to his knees. “What the-”
A shrill, blood-curdling shriek leaves his mouth and both Rain and Jin open the door as soon as they sensed the change in the air. They both stared at him for a moment, he was hyperventilating and squeezing his eyes shut with hands over his mouth.
“Jungkook...” Jin watches in bewilderment as he paces around, hands on his mouth and struggling to breathe it appeared. 
“W- what's happening to me?” When Jungkook looks up at them and Jin’s eyes go wide. Jungkook’s eyes are glowing saffron red and beady, unlike he’s ever seen before. He cries out yet another growl of anguish, but this one is different, it sounds bizarre, feral even. 
“The Eyes of Eclipsia are awakening…” Rain slowly approaches the disoriented boy, careful not to touch him or get too close. 
“Only a select few of our people have it. Just a handful to be exact my brother, out father, our great-great-grandmother and myself…Now Jungkook.” A proud glint comes to his eyes, Jungkook, the firstborn son of his father’s children, is now graced with the power bestowed in those beautiful eyes. 
“The Eyes of Eclipsia...” He vaguely recalls reading about one of the Jeon members having this type of power. Rain has it, Eclipsia once had it, but how was it possible for a part-human hybrid to harness something too powerful. 
“He will be extremely powerful. Just based off of this wave, he will need a lot of rest time so he can adjust to the force from within him.” Rain kneels in front of Jungkook who is almost at the point of trembling. He knows he needs to do so he makes haste. Jin observes quietly as Rain’s suddenly eyes mirror Jungkook’s. 
”Let the burning light of Eclipsia flow threw me into this worthy vessel...” He touches Jungkook’s forehead with his palm. Jungkook’s eyes glaze over with a deep purple before his slip shut and he falls unconscious. 
“That should keep him mellowed out for some time.” Rain stands to his feet and Jin notices that the color once engulfing his eyes faded away. “When he wakes up, his eyes will most likely still be like that, but they should go away within the week.” 
“Hyung I-“ Hoseok appears at the doorway, eyes singling in on Jungkook passed out on the floor. When he sees Rain, he bows lightly before shooting Jin a puzzled look.
“Just a moment Hoseok.” Jin glances at him and quickly closes the door. He sighs, thoughts swirling through his mind at an unmatched speed. Jin beckons a few staff members over to help place Jungkook on his bed then dismisses them. “Besides the color, what do those eyes allow him to do, exactly.”
“Well, nothing now, it’s only the first stage. But soon, he will have the ability to levitate objects, manipulate matter, and crush anything with just the slight movement of his fingers...Power like this is what got Eclipsia banished to prison. She was consumed by it, but she wasn’t always that way...” His expression softens at the sad story.
“She was set to be queen but her brother was named king, despite her being the eldest and rightful heir. Eclipsia was born with no vampire traits, but with these eyes...Her father claimed that the kingdom would never except a queen with such unhinged strength, they’d fear her. But in reality, he didn’t want her to be queen because he saw her as incapable...So his dying wish was that Eclipsia never becomes queen, under any circumstances...” 
He vividly remembers his parents telling him this story when he was just a young child…
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  Eclipsia’s POV 
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“Father, I don’t understand.” I stand in front of the throne, deep purple dress adorning my tall figure. “I am the heir to the throne. Not Cepheus. This is absurd! How dare you try to-”
 “It will do you well to hold your tongue, Princess.” My father’s advisor intervenes, he’s never liked me.
“My mind is made up Eclipsia. You are not composed enough to lead, therefore, your brother will assume his birthright to the throne.” I felt anger bubble up in my chest, like a fire slowly setting my insides aflame. 
I could feel the unconscious furrow in my brows and my father’s face appeared horrified. I look down at the marble floor, my eyes were glowing that vibrant purple he despises so. “I’m sorry, but I can’t allow-“ 
“I hate you!” I run out of the throne room, pieces of the floor crushing beneath my feet. 
“Eclipsia!” My mother called for me but I didn’t stop running. I ran and ran until I found my bedroom. With a heavy heart, I slam my door shut and lay on my bed. Tears escaped my eyes—but not tears of sadness, angry tears. I swore on that very day, that if they were so afraid of me, I’d give them something to be afraid of.
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 Eclipsia POV End. 
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“She was uncontrollable up until her father died. After his death, Cepheus was named the king and she was furious. She went on a rampage, half of the kingdom was destroyed and she ran away. They found her in the hollow after some time and it wasn’t easy, but they brought her back to the kingdom and she was married had two children, but not long after that, they locked her up for almost killing Cepheus.”
Any family carrying the Pure label have mixed views on what Eclipsia is to their breed. She was undoubtedly powerful, more so than anyone from her bloodline. People sought after her eyes, they wanted her genetics in their family, in hopes that they’d have the same powers. But she was dangerous to be near, guards were heavily armed and on the defense anytime they had to enter her chamber. She would crush guards with their own armor, breaking their bones in her wake.
Jin led Rain out of the room, letting Jungkook get some quiet. They walked to Jin’s office for some privacy to talk but Jin was a bit surprised when he saw Taehyung napping on the sofa in the corner. They chose not to acknowledge him too much and continue their conversation.
“Eclipsia was born with no Vampire traits, that contributed to her resentment towards the people.” Jin theorizes and Rain nods in agreement. “You are a prime example of what they would have accepted had you been in her position, you’re a perfect balance.” Jin pops open a bottle of water from under his desk and takes a sip.
“Even with the balance, I was raised to rarely use my power and I could handle it, that’s really the difference. Now, Jungkook has human blood, we don’t know what the contradicting genes will do with The Eyes of Eclipsia, we’ll have to monitor him closely...” Rain pauses for a good few seconds before peering up at Jin.
“I’m curious about Min Yoongi’s condition, could you explain it to me?”
“Of course. His immune system rejects blood; animal and human. I’ve studied him for years and learned that he has major deficiencies because of his inability to stomach blood. If he happens to ingest even a small amount he used to get very sick. The wrong blood can leave him with intense migraines for days at a time along with dramatic drops in energy and strength. It’s been years but I found an ancient remedy to help him live more comfortably vampire blood. I only rarely gave him vampire blood. Most of the time he’d take supplements and medicine for the pain.” Though lately, Yoongi hasn’t been feeding on you a lot and he still doesn’t take the medicine as often anymore. 
“That’s incredible.” He just shakes his head in amazement. “I won’t push it, but I’ll have to fully experience a long-term feeding with her one of these days.”
“Rain,” Jin sighs, trying to formulate how to properly say this, “I have to be honest with you. I don’t want her involved in all of this.”
“In all of what?”
“The corruption. I know about the people who use their position buy or even take donors. I don’t want her to know about that and I don’t want her involved. Lee Taemin has already had her blood and has shown his fair share of interest in her. Even Jinyoung knows about her, he had to perform an extraction on her for me, he knows that her blood is unlike any other. I just don’t want her in any controversies. You understand, don’t you?” 
He grins. “Absolutely.”
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“You can have some Taehyung, I really don’t mind.” He’s been asking for your blood and then changing his mind, and then asking again, and then changing his mind again—it’s actually starting to irk you.
“Yeah but what about Yoongi-”
“What about him? I’ll still have blood after you get some, it’s really not a big deal, I don’t know why you’re stressing.” He looks at you, eyes big and round like a puppy. He opens his mouth as if to say something, then he hesitates. “What’s the problem Tae? This isn’t like you at all.”
“It’s nothing, I just-”
“Tell me.”
“Rain’s scent, it’s on you and my instincts are telling me to not feed on you but I want your blood...” He pouts like an upset child and your heart can do nothing but soften at the sight.
“Just drink over it-”
“Are you crazy!?” You flinch at his sudden outburst. “You never, ever, bite over a high-up’s scent, you could get in so much trouble for that. The mere suggestion-...” He looks so petrified and you're shocked that such a gesture would result in punishment.
“Okay, okay,” You hold your hands up in defense, “I didn’t know it was that serious...”
“I’ll just feed later,” 
Taehyung rarely acts like this, if he wants your blood he has no problem just taking it. But the more you thought about it, the more you realized how much sense his reaction made. Rain is supposedly a big deal and it would only make sense that his scent was something not to be tampered with. Taehyung had left your room so you took this free time to go and have a quick shower before bed. You weren’t planning on going out or giving any more blood so you thought you’d go to bed early.
You took your time undressing and preparing to enter the shower so the warm water could rinse you into a state of calmness. Things have been quite interesting lately, more so than normal. Sure, people are still raving over your blood, but Jin even seems a little different, almost on edge. You hate to admit it, but he’s sort of like your comfort here, similar to a caretaker almost. He looks out for you, he makes sure you have everything you could possibly need and even want sometimes. He treats you considerably well, and you know the other donor's notice. It’s not like you don’t see them staring you down when he calls you to go off somewhere. They’re judging you. They find it odd that a normal girl from an average family gets all of these privileges just because of her blood. Sadly, that’s the only reason why they even spare you a glance—it’s because of your blood.
When you get out of the shower you start putting your pajamas on and brushing your teeth. After you deemed yourself appropriate for bed, you exit the bathroom to go and hop on your cozy bed. “Ah,” You sigh, arms stretching back before placing turning on your side to browse on your phone.
That’s when you hear a knock on your door. Of course, you don’t want to get up, but you tell the person to wait a moment before you grudging went for the door. When you opened it, you were met with a face you saw.
“Rain- I mean, sir?” You pulled your robe to cover yourself subconsciously. “I’m sorry, it’s my dorm curfew. Can I help you?...”
“I’m on my way out and I wanted to say goodnight,” He stands in front of you, eyes locked on your own, “I hope I didn’t disturb you.”
“No, you’re fine,” You smile, “I hope you have a safe trip back home...”
“Thank you.” He suddenly cups your jaw and leans down to peck your cheek, very lightly. “And I arranged for you and I to meet here again to talk, are you okay with that lamb?” His voice is sweet and calm.
“That sounds nice...” You swallow, hands gripping the door to hide behind it.
“Get some rest, my lamb...” He leaves with a gentle wave and when you close the door, you run back to your bed, red-faced and confused. Rain doesn’t seem like he wants to take you, he just seems curious. In the beginning, you were afraid that he might try to buy you or something, but now, you trust him, only a little bit though. 
Yoongi was laid back on the couch in his room and his eyes are shut as he focuses on something. Unbeknownst to him, Jin, hoseok, and Namjoon were all sitting around, waiting for him to move. When he finally opens his eyes, he glances over at the three of them and furrows his brows.
“Yoongi, we need to talk.” Namjoon is the first one to speak.
“What happened earlier today, when you suddenly smelled Jimin’s blood.” Jin took a seat in the small armchair beside him. 
“I don’t know, it was weird. I can pick up others scents most of the time but his was just-...strong today, probably because of his feeding cycle.” Yoongi moves to sit up.
“Yeah, but you normally don’t pick up on scents like that,” Hoseok added, “you might be regaining some of your senses.”
“You think so?” Namjoon chimes in.
“It’s the only good explanation for it. How about feeding, when was the last time you fed?”
“This morning.”
“Y/n’s blood does possess a lot of healing properties, it would only make sense that she’s the cause for it.” 
“How is she by the way? I haven’t seen her since she was with you,” He looks at Namjoon.
“She met Rain today...” Jin looks at Yoongi’s unchanging expression. “He had her blood.” 
Hoseok chuckles. “I could smell him from the other side of the school, his venom must be crazy powerful. How did he feel about Y/n, he’s not trying to do anything with her, right?”
“Surprisingly, I don’t think he plans to take her. Actually, he asked if he could come back to talk to her.” 
“That might just be an invitation to seduce her into going with him.” Taehyung, the resident eavesdropper walked in and laid across the bed. “I don’t want her to go...”
“She won’t. I talked to Rain and we made somewhat of a deal.”
Namjoon furrows his brows. “What deal?”
“As long as I allow him to come to see her at any time he’d like, he’d keep the existence of her blood a secret.”
“I guess that’s not a bad deal, we don’t need anyone else prying into her business right now.” Namjoon pauses, making a thoughtful expression. “And also, what the hell is going on with Jungkook?” 
“Yeah, Jimin said he was talking about his awakening or some shit.” Hoseok looks at Jin for an answer.
“That’s why Rain was here, I didn’t even know what was going on with him. But Rain confirmed that he is having an awakening, the awakening of The Eyes of Eclipsia.” 
“Seriously?...” Namjoon looks askance. “A part-human hybrid can have that?”
Jin nods. “Rain suggests that I keep a close eye on him, make sure he avoids strenuous activity and keep him from cross-feeding. His venom is like poison right now. If someone were to feed after him on the same vessel, it could go terribly wrong.”
“So he’s on lockdown?” Tae laughs, face squished against a pillow.
“Pretty much, our goal is to make sure Y/n and him don’t come in to contact again.”
“If fucking Jimin can control himself we won’t have that problem.” Yoongi hisses, eyes narrowing at the thought alone.
“He didn’t take his medication, we can’t blame him completely, he was under the influence of his feeding cycle.”
“That’s no excuse!” Yoongi’s outburst takes everyone by surprise. “I can sense what she feels sometimes, we’ve bonded. If she’s afraid, if she’s being fed on, I know it’s happening in highly stressful moments. Like earlier today when Rain was feeding on her, she was anxious.” He sighs, his face resting in his palms. “I don’t know, I care about her and all but I don't know what’s happening to me, it’s weird. I was picking up scents, I wanted Y/n...And not just her blood, her company too.” This confession sounds pretty normal, but not for Yoongi. He’s normally not too keen on sharing things like this.
“That’s normal Yoongi, you too have shared some private moments and it’s only natural to want to be around her-”
“But I don’t like the feeling. It feels like an obligation and I don’t want it to...”
Yoongi is unaware of how confused everyone is about what he’s saying. Now, they’ve all witnessed the effects of Yoongi’s connection with you, you both seem invested in it. You’re his cure, his means to live comfortably and it’s surprising that Yoongi would be unsure about his feelings toward you. But then again, Yoongi doesn't have to have feelings for you, you’re a donor. You give him blood and that’s it, it’s not supposed to be more than that—is it?
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itsakurl · 5 years
Boba | LJN
Genre: fluff 
Word count: 2.9k
Jeno... It just didn’t feel right not seeing him in the morning. Not seeing him smile at you when he hand you your drink His cute smile…
(A/N: this had been in my draft’s since last year and I'm finally posting ahaha...ive been so dead on here oml it's scary.  maybe I should actually announce when I go on Hiatus but its not like any anon’s ask me what's up....pls talk to me I'm lonely yall.)
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Up the small hidden staircase that was hidden between the endless buildings in your city’s Chinatown stood a small family-owned bubble tea restaurant:
“Mrs.Lee’s boba shop”
You went there every morning
Because It was the closest bubble tea shop from where you worked, so it was just convenient.
Every day you went you would get the same thing:
A medium Coffee milk tea with extra boba.
After a while of you going there every morning, the lady that works there, Mrs.Lee, started to recognize you.
She called you “coffee girl” whenever you would come in before she knew your name.
The day she finally found out your name was when you went there with your co-worker one day.
And she overheard him say your name.
*cough* stalker much but I ain’t judging *cough*
It’s a kind gesture so you’re not complaining
Anyways the two people who worked there was Mrs.Lee and her son,
Lee Jeno.
Apart from his mother, Jeno is the one making the drinks in the back.
And not gonna lie,
You kinda got a thing for him.
Like ok, boba is great but getting to see Jeno every day is kinda better.
Him being the one who makes the tea, he’s the one who gives it to the customers at the end where you pick up your order.
“Medium coffee milk tea with extra boba” Jeno would say, knowing fully well that you ordered it.
When you would come and retrieve it, he always gave you a kind moon-crescent shaped smile as you took it from his hand.
Ahhh do you hear that?
It’s the sound of a heart bursting from one-sided love!
It’s just a small crush, you’ll get over it eventually.
So anyway, after you get your boba you go to work and continue your day there.
Usually, you would be put on morning shift so you would be the other opening the restaurant.
Well. Your coworker Yuta would open it while you got boba
let’s just say you were there with him haha...
But one day your managers changed it
You went back home after your shift and got a call from your manager,
“Y/n, could you close the store tomorrow? You’ll start work around noon” your manager had asked and of course, you agreed...you can finally sleep in.
The next day you woke up around noon, a few hours before you had to start work so it’s all worked out
Bc sleep is great
And you finna not functioning off of only coffee
You got to work around 2pm
It felt like you were missing something though. You never closed so it’s all weird. Like it just doesn’t feel right.
You didn’t even get your boba...maybe that’s why it felt so weird.
During your break you sat in the break room just pondering, thinking about The boy who worked at the boba place.
It just didn’t feel right not seeing him in the morning.
Not seeing him smile at you when he hands you your drink
His cute smile…
you never actually spoke to him though. It’s not like you have a chance with someone who just serves you drinks.
Just doing his job.
“Y/N YOUR BREAK IS OVER,” your coworker said as he walked into the break room, seeing you staring at the wall mindlessly.
“Goddammit y/n you're freaking me out man,” he said, making you grip your chest to calm down from being startled.
“Stop staring at the wall like that,” he said, walking towards you, leaning on the wall you once stared at.
“Sorry Yuta today just doesn’t feel right” you sighed, standing up from your chair, grabbing the notepad that hung out of Yuta's pocket.
“Well if they continue putting us on closing then you have to get used to it” Yuta pat your head, amused by your current state.
“Oh, by the way, your on table 7” Yuta kindly gave you a smile before he started pushing you out of the break room to serve table 7.
You walked out, heading towards table 7 until you realized who was sitting there.
Mrs.Lee and Jeno?
You thought they worked all day….
“H-hello you two” you got to the table, getting their attention,
“Y/N! Sweetie, we thought something bad happened to you! We didn’t see you come in this morning” Mrs.Lee exclaimed, making you smile.
“Oh sorry...I was put on closing shift today so I just started work a few hours ago” you smiled at the two, making Mrs.Lee turn to her son.
“so she does work here, good job Jeno,” she said, making Jeno awkwardly laugh, looking away from you. “Oh, today is my birthday so we closed early to celebrate it. Jeno suggested this place because he told me you work here-“
“Mom!” Jeno interrupted her. “Um I'm sorry y/n you probably have other tables to serve, we’ll tell you our orders,” Jeno said sternly, making you confused as you slowly pulled out your notepad.
“Um okay...what would you two like to order?” They quickly gave you their orders letting you have time to write it all down and collect their menu’s “okay it’ll be right out” you smiled softly before leaving towards the kitchen, hearing a light slap from the table.
The mother slapped her son for disrupting her
Asian parents...
Tsk tsk
“Hey Yuta, it’s the mother’s birthday at table 7. Wanna sing her happy birthday?” You walked back to your coworker who had just finished his break.
Yuta took a peek at the table and smiled at you.
“That mother specifically asked for you to serve them you know,” Yuta said, reading the orders at the serving station to see where to serve the food at.
“W-what?” You turned to him shocked. “yeah, she was like “does y/n work here?” And “my son would like to see her”” Yuta continued, picking up some plates off the table.
You started to feel a light blush upon your cheeks. H-her son wanted to see you.  Lee Jeno. Lee Jeno wanted to see you?
Yuta smiled at you
“I know you like him y/n” Yuta stopped right next to you, whispering in your ear making you almost hit the plates out of his hand. “Fuck off” You snarled, making him laugh before walking out towards the tables.
you brought the food to Jeno’s table a few minutes later.
“thank you y/n,” Mrs.Lee said as you placed her food in front of her.
“enjoy your meal” you smiled, starting to walk away before someone called for you, making you turned back to who called for you.
Which was Jeno
Out of all people
“Hey um, I just wanted to ask if you get out of work any time soon” you heart felt like bursting. You were just squealing to yourself in your head.
“Oh...um I’m closing today so...I don’t get off for a while” you awkwardly smiled, watching as Jeno’s expression slowly disappeared from his cute smile.
“Oh ok um.  Thank you” he nervously put,  Wanting you to get out of there as quickly as possible by how awkward he made it.
But your face was all red so
It helped you hide your embarrassment.
As you walked away to the back, Mrs.Lee looked up at her son
Who now had his completely red face in his hands
“You like her don’t you?” She asked
“That’s why you picked this place to eat at. Correct,” she asked, making Jeno look up from his hands to stare at her.
“Mom-“Jeno started to say before his mother cut him off,
“That’s probably why you always sit in the bench right outside this place when you go on your lunch break”
“MOM!” Jeno softly exclaimed, looking at you serving the people a few tables away.
“You know I do see you sitting there. I was so confused but it all makes sense now” she started to eat, “well I won’t be mad if she became my daughter in law”
By his mother’s voice, Jeno wanted to cry. He did like you.
Like a lot.
But he’s just a guy who serves you bubble tea every morning
What would you see in him...to his knowledge, you probably don’t even know his name.
“Mom please stop” Jeno pleaded, looking over to you talking to that one coworker that would come to their boba restaurant sometimes.
“Anyways she probably has a boyfriend…”Jeno sadly remarked, staring at you, watching your co-worker cup your face with his hands.
His mother looked back at where he was staring and sighed, “You know, your father felt the same way before asking me out to our first date” she tried to get her son’s hopes up,
“come here after closing hours, bring her favorite boba, ask her if she’s off tomorrow and suggest to go on a date” she said, happily smiling knowing that her son is finally taking time to date a girl she actually likes.
“Ahh Yuta I messed up I MESSED UP!” You shouted to your coworker who was currently getting some ingredients from the walk-in freezer.
you had just sped to the back after awkwardly taking to Jeno.
Yuta turned to you, placing all the ingredients from the freezer on the table next to you, concerned for your well-being.
“What happened?” He panicked, noticing your really read face. He quickly brought his hands to your face, trying his best to cool it down with his cold hands
“Your face is all red. God dammit y/n you’re going to kill yourself with heat stroke” your face was burning. “Come on, it’s too hot in here, let’s step out to the tables, it’s not so hot there” Yuta placed his hand on your back as you two stepped out to the waiting station that looked out to where all the customers were sitting.
Yuta placed his hands on your face again, cupping your face so your cheeks could cool down more by his cold hands.
He turned to where Jeno was sitting, watching as he covered his face with his hands, most likely as red as you, “you get flustered so easily” Yuta laughed, moving one of his hands to pet your head.
“Yuta!” You whined, not in the mood for his jokes as tears threatened to leave your eyes.
“Oh no okay okay let’s not get emotional” Yuta panicked, wiping the one tear that left your eye,
“are you on your period or something. You're so emotional. You’re out here looking like a tomato and I’m not fond of working with a tomato. Especially being best friends with one” you took Yuta's hands off of your cheeks and wiped your tears, laughing at his attempt at making you feel better.
“Yuta! Go serve table 2” your manager had yelled,
“Calm down now. We still have to sing happy birthday for his mother. Don’t get all red than now, I can’t have you look like that in front of him” Yuta joked, running off the retrieve the plates of food for table 2.
What would you do without Yuta? He always finds a way to make you feel better…
“Let’s go sing happy birthday to your boyfriend’s mother” Yuta had pulled you to him after you placed an order to the kitchen. Happily prancing, grabbing a slice of cake for you to hold.
But. What was that he said? Boyfriend?!?!
“W-what!” You coughed as you choked on your own saliva, lightly hitting Yuta in the chest after almost dying from what he said.
“H-He’s...not my boyfriend!” you shouted at the boy,
“I THOUGHT YOU DIDNT WANT ME TO GET FLUSTERED!” You continued shouting at him, progressively getting louder as your face began to turn red.
“Shh. Not by anything else. It’s ok when I joke about it though” he smiled, “it makes it funny”
You softly sighed, chucking to yourself,
“this is what I get for having you as my best friend...” you admitted, accepting the faith that you gave yourself.
You two and a couple of coworkers walked towards table 7 to sing happy birthday to Mrs.Lee.
After placing the cake in the table you stood a little behind Yuta to hide a little because you were placed furthest to the right where Jeno was sitting.
“You’re okay, just don’t get too red” Yuta whispered, smiling at Jeno
who was currently staring Yuta down to his soul
(because he thought you and Yuta are dating remember?)
you guys eventually finished the song, ending with you not so red.
.“I hope you have a wonderful birthday Mrs.Lee” you smiled at her,
“Thank you y/n,” Mrs.Lee said, smiling brightly at you before picking up the receipt.  “Thanks, y/n” Jeno spoke, smiling at you with his crescent-shaped smile.
which obviously made you F L U S T E R E D.
“You’re welcome” you smiled warmly towards the both of them before hurrying off to the back.
Jeno stared at you until you disappeared into the back.
He can’t help but smile to see the person he can’t wait to see every day.
It finally hit 11
Which means it was the end of your shift.
the last customer left and you and Yuta were left to clean up and close the restaurant.
You had to finish mopping up the kitchen whilst Yuta sat at one of the tables waiting for you to finish so you both can lock up.
Yuta sat, he was on his phone before he realized there was someone waiting for a few feet outside the restaurant, sitting on the cold bench that sat in front of the building.
Shifting his head, he realized who it was.
The boy who was with his mother today for his birthday.
He was patiently waiting, holding a small plastic bag in his hands.
Yuta smiled, looking back near the kitchen, watching you still have a little more left to go. He quickly got up and silently opened the door, making the younger boy notice him.
“Hey...are you waiting for y/n?” He asked, the boy slowly nodded at his question, making Yuta want to squeal like a teenage girl.
“Come inside!” Yuta motioned for the boy to come inside, noticing he was hesitant, “come inside dude. The doors will lock if I let go” the boy quickly got up and entered the warm building.
“I’ll get y/n, wait here”
The boy looked at him, opening his mouth like he wanted to say something.
“H-hey are you and y/n…” the boy began to speak, making the elder stop and look back at him.
“Is me and y/n-?” Yuta began to ask.
“Dating?...”Jeno cut Yuta off, “are you and y/n...dating?” As much as he hated to say it, he just had to ask.
Yuta chuckled, reassuring the younger boy “y/n is my best friend. And to just let you know..”Yuta walked closer to Jeno “you should have seen her all day. You made her so flustered...I thought she was going to die by heatstroke”
Jeno wanted to laugh at Yuta's joke but the feeling of himself getting red by the fact that he made you flustered.
“She really likes you.”Yuta smiled, patting the younger’s shoulder as he noticed his cheeks reddening.
“I’ll go get her now”
Yuta walked to the back, entering the kitchen when you finally finished mopping.
“Hey y/n” Yuta hymned, turning your head to look at him.
“Yes?” you questioned, concerned by the wide smile on the boy’s face. “What’s wrong with you?” You asked, more concerned for your elder as he walked over towards you and grabbed the mop out of your hand.
“I’ll put this away, go out to the tables” Yuta commanded, making you even more confused and very concerned.
“Yu-“ you began to speak before Yuta cut you off, “trust me...go” Yuta basically pushed you out into where the tables were, making you gasp at the sight of the boy who was standing at the table in front of you.
“Hey y/n,” Jeno said nervously, making a smile emerge on your face. “H-hey Jeno…” you calmly said, trying to not blush.
The boy released some anxiety, you actually do know his name. It was like heaven when it slipped out of your mouth.
“What are you doing here?” You asked him, noticing the small plastic bag that was on the table.
“Oh I..I wanted to give this to you,” Jeno reached for the bag and pulled out a closed cup of coffee milk tea, “it felt weird not making it for you this morning…” he admitted, holding it out for you.
you couldn’t help yourself.  YOU BLUSHED VERY HARD. TOO HARD.
“T-thank you Jeno” you desperately held yourself back from squealing as you took the cup out of his hand.  
“Oh and...I also wanted to ask if you were off tomorrow...maybe we could hang out or something” Jeno asked, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
Before you could answer Jeno’s offer, a loud “YES SHES OFF. TAKE HER AWAY!” From Yuta emerged from behind you two, making both of you laugh.
You giggled, making Jeno look at you, “Yes I’m off...I’ll love to hang out with you tomorrow” you happily said, staring at his adorable smile that you could never resist.
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damnthoseyes · 6 years
Happy Birthday
It’s Tash’s birthday (or it was) so here is a little imagine (that totally sucks) as a little gift. Hope you like it babes! There might even be a part 2 if @soyunalocagreek​ and @la-undercover-latina​ can put their heads together...
Words: 1900+
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The room wasn’t bright enough to hurt my eyes when I finally opened them. I looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table: 10:30. Explains why there wasn’t a heavy arm over my torso. I yawned, stretched out and rolled over, trying to get back to sleep, only to find a massive bouquet of red roses on the opposite end of the bed. I sat up and went to touch the soft, velvety petals. They were absolutely beautiful.
How the hell did he get roses in February?
A white card with my name on it stuck out of the middle of the bouquet and a small black and white box lay beside it. I took the card out and another small green card fell out.
Happy birthday, amorcita! I hope you have an amazing day! Love you xx - Joel
The other card only had an address and a time - 2pm. Weird.
I picked up the box and undid the white satin bow. Another velvet black box was inside containing a beautiful diamond heart pendant on a delicate silver chain. My heart melted - it was so beautiful.
I took my phone off the charger to text a thank you.
Thanks for everything baby! They're gorgeous! I love you so much xxxxxx
I had barely taken the necklace out of the box to admire it further when my phone vibrated.
Glad you like it! Don't forget - 2pm! DON'T GOOGLE ANYTHING! I want you to be surprised. Love you more xx
I couldn't wipe the smile off my face when I hauled myself out of bed and into the shower.
Willing myself not to Google the address and figure out exactly what I was walking into proved difficult over the next few hours. Text and phone calls came in from friends and relatives with well wishes and inquiries as to what I was doing today. I told them I had some plans but couldn't provide any specifics.
The afternoon couldn’t come quickly enough. My palms started sweating at the thought of the card and Joel’s instructions. I wasn’t sure if it was fear, excitement or a mixture of both. When I got into an Uber, the excitement started to bubble inside me, but as the car pulled up to the address, the nervousness kicked in.
There were a row of warehouses that all looked identical. No signs except a large brass number above a large dark grey door. No other cars. No signs of life.
Why the fuck would Joel send me to a warehouse?
The driver turned in his seat and asked if I was sure this was where I wanted to go, shaking me out of my daze. I said yes, thanked him and got out of the car, straightening out my shirt while he pulled away. I pulled out my phone and sent a picture of the massive shed to Joel.
This place looks sketchy as hell. Where the fuck did you send me?
His reply was instantaneous.
Don’t worry, just go inside. You’ll be fine xx
I sighed in the driveway, rolled my shoulders and headed for the front door.
The smell was the first thing to hit me as soon as I entered. A coconut and vanilla scent was coming from the burning incense at the far end of the counter. The lack of windows and very dim lighting were an adjustment from the afternoon sun outside. Soft music played from a speaker I couldn’t spot, making the room feel a lot calmer than I was. A woman in a white uniform stood at the back on the opposite wall, gesturing me to come over.
“It’s ok, we don’t bite.” She smiled and tilted her head to the side.
“Sorry, I didn’t exactly know what to expect. The outside doesn’t exactly give any clues as to what’s going on inside.” I tried to smile but my confusion was still very clear on my face.
“We get that a lot,” her eyes were warm and helped ease my nerves. “Welcome to The Morganville Spa & Retreat. Can I just get your name?”
A spa? Where the hell did he find this?
“It’s Tash.”
She looked down at her screen and smiled again. “Great, you’re just in time! Follow me.”
She walked to the side of the desk and over to another door. I followed her until she held the door open for me. The next room was even darker but lit with at least a hundred candles spread throughout the room. It was a lot larger than I expected. Probably the length of the entire building. The floor was made of bamboo tiling with a walkway that lead to the very back on the room. Two pools of water were on either side of wide walkway at the front; pink orchids and lotus flowers floating lazily. Along the left side, a row of tables were occupied by various women getting massages, and on the right side, another row of comfortable-looking chairs were occupied by women resting in white masks with cucumbers over their eyes. I felt like I’d stepped into Bali.
Lemongrass and lavender filled my nose as I took everything in. We walked through another door and she led me to a smaller room down a long hall.
“There’s a robe and towels in there. Make yourself comfortable, someone will come in to give a massage in a couple of minutes. We’ll take care of you sweetie.”
I couldn’t stop touching myself in the car home. My skin felt so soft and luxurious and I felt so relaxed. I didn’t realise how much tension I was carrying around until now. I smelt like a peach and felt like one too but I was ready for a nap. Everything was so relaxing I had to fight to stay awake.
Hope you had a good time babygirl. I’m coming to pick you up at 7. Wear something nice xx
I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face when I read his message. I blushed every time he called me babygirl but it was all I ever wanted to hear him say. Nothing matter when he called me that.
It was dark by the time I got home. The downside to winter. I was still smiling while I searched my closet for “something nice.” That’s a lot easier said than done. I settled on a black dress with a pleated skirt, tights and a pair of black ankle boots and had just finished coating my lashes when there was a knock on the door.
The sound of my heels hitting the floorboards made me feel powerful and confident as I strutted down the hall to the front door and opened it to another bouquet of flowers. I giggled as he lowered them to reveal his gorgeous face. He handed them to me screaming “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” at the top of his lungs.
“Joel! You’re gonna piss off the neighbours!” I took the flowers and smelt them while he looked around him to make sure the coast was clear.
He stepped towards me and closed the door. “The whole street should know by now.” He leaned down and kissed me chastly, pressing his forehead against mine, burying his fingers in my hair. “Happy birthday, babygirl.”
My heart fluttered and I kissed him again before turning away to put the flowers in a vase. I set them on the bench and admired them. “They’re beautiful, Joel.”
“Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl,” he winked and leaned against the opposite of the bench.
“So cheesy!” I scolded. “Are you gonna go back to being salty tomorrow?”
He put a hand over his heart and pulled his head back. “I am not salty!”
I raised my eyebrows and rested my chin on my hand.
“Ok, maybe I’m a tiny bit salty.”
“You have more salt than the ocean.”
“Shush you!” He pointed at me and I laughed. He lowered his hand back down. “Are you ready to go?”
I lifted myself off the bench and started walking back down the hall. “Just let me get my purse.” I returned with my coat on and walked through the door he held open, ushering me out as he turned off the lights.
“Sooo how was the spa?” He inquired as he wrapped his arm around me.
“Incredible!” I gushed. “I feel so soft!” I lifted the sleeve of my coat and rubbed my forearm. He ran his fingers along my exposed skin and turned us around to head back down the hall. “Joel, what are you doing!” I squealed as he picked up the pace.
“Forget dinner!” He joked. I laughed and he slowed his pace and turned us back around. “I just wanna touch you, baby.” He smirked and kissed the top of my head while I cuddled myself further into him.
“Have I mentioned that I love you?” I looked up at him while he held the heavy door at the front of the building for me.
He looked up as if in serious thought. “Hmmm not yet, no.”
I lifted myself onto my tiptoes and brought his face down to mine before kissing him softly. “I love you, baby.”
He tucked my hair behind my ear and exhaled slowly. “I love you too.” He kissed my forehead and I smiled at him before walking out the door and into the chilli February night.
The restaurant was extremely warm. The ambient lighting and acoustic music playing throughout the room made it feel very romantic. He knee kept grazing against mine and I felt like I could burst when his hand covered mine. Everything was so sweet, I couldn’t have asked for more. We ate, we drank, we laughed and we kissed until I caught myself start to yawn.
“Getting a bit tired, bebita?” His eyes were so gentle and deep; I could’ve drowned in them forever if he’d let me. He brings my hand to his lips and strokes the side my palm with his thumb.
I shook my head slowly. “Nope, not even a little.”
“Liar.” He scrunched his face and stuck his tongue out at me, making me smile wider. “It’s getting late, we should go anyway.”
I looked around and noticing how very few people still in the restaurant. “What time is it?”
“Nearly 11.”
I raised my eyebrows at him. “Whoops.”
He smiles and presses his lips to my cheek before he reattempts getting up. “Come on, birthday girl. Time to go.”
I got up and put my coat on, not fully prepared to leave the warmth and go back out into the snow. He put his arm around me and I held his hand hanging over my shoulder while we walked down the block back to my place.
“So, did you have a nice birthday?” he asked.
“I had an amazing birthday.” I stopped us in the middle of the street and reached up to bring his lips down to mine, kissing him softly.
He pressed his forehead to mine. “Thank God,” he mumbled before kissing me again.
We continued walking, shivering when we entered the building. We got to the front door and leaned down, his soft lips kissing me deeper than he had all night. My grip on his hands got tighter but he pulled away all too soon, leaving me breathless. “Goodnight, babygirl.” He kissed my forehead and turned to walk away.
I pulled back on his hand and dragged him back to me, burying my fingers in his hair as I kissed him passionately. His hands came down to my waist and pulled me closer as his tongue slipped into my mouth, working in sync with mine. I pulled away and found his eyes.
“The night’s not over yet.”
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jancys-blue-bayou · 7 years
I have an idea for a chapter for your Jancy kid fic where Emily comes running to her daddy with her favorite stuffed animal in hand and she's crying because it has a rip in it so he calms her down and sews it back up for her (because Joyce definitely taught him to sew) all while she watches with wet and worried eyes. If you used this it would be amazing c: thank you!
OK this anon is actually @iamthethumperanon after the prompt we talked more and expanded on this idea together to the point where she deserves like a partial writing credit or like co- story by credit on this lol. Since then we’ve talked endlessly about different ideas for fics (both We’ll figure it out and some other stuff I have upcoming) and h/c’s so yeah, hopefully we’ll have a lot more for you soon (sort of depends on how much time life gives me to write right now).
Also on Ao3 and FFNet
He’s working from home for the day, bent over some different storyboards he’s going over for the magazine when his concentration is broken by a loud cry.
Emily’s shout is mixed with sobs and the five year old runs into the room with tears streaming down her face. She’s clutching her favorite stuffed animal, a fluffy bunny, tight against her chest.
”H-H-Hopper is hurt!” She cries and holds out the bunny towards him. There’s a noticeable tear in a spot where one of its legs meets the body, with some of the stuffing threatening to spill out.
The bunny was a gift from Will. In fact it was the first gift Emily ever received, in a way her first possession in the world. Will had given it to her the day after Emily was born, when they brought her home from the hospital. Which meant he’d had it ready for weeks, both he and Nancy were really touched by that. So the bunny had been there for as long as Emily could remember, when she grew she just grew more attached to it, she took it with her everywhere she went. He and Nancy hadn’t given it a name, only referring to it as Fluff-Bunny (”Did you remember to pack Fluff-Bunny?”), feeling it was Emily’s job to name it when time came. And when she’d learnt to talk she soon did. Hopper. They still weren’t sure how, but Nancy of course has a theory. That Emily overheard them calling his stepfather Hopper, and at the same time Nancy was reading a picture book about a bunny family for Emily, in which the rabbits of course hopped around.
When they first heard Emily call the bunny Hopper they both doubled over laughing. As soon as they had collected themselves Nancy went to the phone and dialed the number to his childhood home while he listened in. It was Will, home from college at RISD on a break, who answered. He burst out laughing as soon as Nancy told him and then they could here him calling over to Hopper, the real life Hopper, what Emily had named her bunny. Hopper’s groan had been loud enough for them to hear over the phone. From then on his dear stepfather was known by Emily as Bunny Grandpa, to differentiate him from Hopper the Bunny and her other grandpa. He and Nancy both of course referred to the bunny as Hopper too – that was its name after all, and whenever the three of them were visiting back in Hawkins they said Hopper and Bunny Grandpa to avoid confusion. Both Will and El soon joined in, and even his mom, to his stepfather’s chagrin.
His heart aches at seeing his daughter so upset. He bends down on one knee in front of her and carefully looks Hopper over.
”It’s okay Sweetheart, he can get better,” he assures her and wipes away some tears from her face.
”C-c-can he?” She chokes out, looking up at him with wide, wet eyes.
”Yes, I promise, I can fix. May I?”
Emily nods seriously and places Hopper in his hands. He clears away his work stuff from his desk and lays down the bunny on it. Then he gets his sewing kit out of a drawer. He had made sure to get it when he moved away from home. He still remembers the first time it had came to use, during freshman year of college.
”Aw, you ripped the hem of my skirt last night,” Nancy notes while sitting up in bed one lazy Sunday morning after a passionate Saturday night, picking the garment up off the floor.
”Oh, crap, I’m sorry,” he sits up too and looks over the damage to the skirt she’s holding in her hands. ”I’m so so sorry,” he profusely apologizes.
”It’s fine,” she shrugs but he can tell from the look on her face that she’s a little bit upset.
”You love that skirt,” he notes.
”Not as much as you do it seems,” she smirks at him.
”That’s fair,” he answers while blushing. ”I can fix it,” he offers.
She looks at him quizzically. He goes to his desk drawer and takes out his sewing kit, then sits back down and takes the skirt from her.
”You have a sewing kit?!” She asks in disbelief.
”Yes,” he answers while looking over the damage to the hem more closely.
”You know how to sew?”
”Learned it from my mom,” he answers while threading the needle.
”Well, my mom showed me how to sew too, but I never learned.”
”I had to.”
He’s quiet for a second while he begins to repair the damage as the memory comes flooding back to him. The words start to spill out of him as they always do when it’s just Nancy there listening. He can tell her anything, he knows. He wants to tell her everything.
~ ~ ~
”Jonathan!!” Will comes running into his room, crying and clutching his favorite stuffed animal, Chester the dog. ”Dad destroyed,” his five year old brother gets out between sobs. He looks closer at Chester and sees that the stuffed doggy has a big tear along its side. ”I-I left him on the floor when I went to get my crayons and dad stepped on him and said I’m not supposed to leave my stuff all over the floor and he tore Chester look!!” Will cries.
He feels anger bubble up in his chest. He hates dad when he’s like that. Which is all the time, really. Why does Will have to watch where he puts his things? Can’t he watch where he’s walking? Mom never steps on any of their stuff.
”It’s going to be okay,” he tries to calm his brother down, putting an arm around him and hugging him.
”No it won’t,” Will continues to cry.
His mind is racing. Mom could fix this, he’s pretty sure. She can fix most things. But she’s not home. She’s working a double-shift. When she does that she’s not home until well past Will’s bedtime. And Will won’t be able to go to sleep without Chester, he knows that. So Chester has to be fixed now. So it’s up to him, he realizes. He’s watched his mom fix stuff many times, sewing up holes in his pants, rips and tears in his sweaters. She had even let him try, letting him help her sew up a tear in one of his most well-worn pairs of jeans. He’s pretty sure he can do this. Well, he hopes so at least.
”Come on,” he says and tugs Will with him out of his room and into mom and dad’s bedroom. He opens the drawer in the dresser where he knows mom keeps the sewing kit and grabs it. Then they go to the kitchen. Dad is passed out in front of the tv with a beer in front of him, as usual.
He puts the sewing kit down on the table and beckons for Chester. Will hands him over, not crying anymore but still looking very worried. It takes a couple of tries but he manages to thread the needle and gets to work. Remembering what mom has told him he looks closely and works slowly and patiently, making a lot of small stitches since it’s better than a few big ones. When he think he’s done he takes a really close look of his work. Knowing he can’t do it any better than that he cuts of the thread and hands Chester back to Will.
”What do you think?”
Will looks over Chester with wide eyes, then gets up from his chair in a hurry and hugs him tight.
”Thank you.”
”No problem,” he says while huggings his brother back.
Later he helps Will get ready for bed as he does when mom works late. As usual he sits with his little brother for a while telling stories before Will is sufficiently sleepy and dozes of with Chester clutched to his breast. He goes into his own room and reads for a while and does his math homework. He’s getting ready for bed himself when mom comes home. He hears her open the door to Will’s room first, checking that he’s asleep, then she pokes her head inside his room. She looks tired.
”Hey Sweetie, all good?” She asks with one of those smiles she gives him when she looks really exhausted like she can barely muster up the energy for it but still always does.
”Yep,” he answers. ”I just did my homework. I’m going to bed.”
”That’s great Sweetie. Goodnight.”
It’s when he hears her footsteps walk towards the kitchen that he remembers that he forgot to put away her sewing kit. And also when he remembers that he’s not allowed to use it when she’s not home. Sure enough, soon he hears her footsteps rapidly coming back towards his room.
”Jonathan! I’ve told you, you aren’t allowed to use the sewing kit without me! The needle is really sharp and you could have your eye out and I don’t have a lot of thread and we need it for-”
”I’m sorry mommy, I’m sorry but I had to, it was an emergency,” he apologizes.
”What emergency?” She challenges.
”Dad tore up Chester and Will was crying and he can’t sleep without Chester and I knew you worked until after Will’s bedtime so I had to fix it.”
His mom’s facial expressions softens at his explanation. Then she walks over to his bed and hugs him.
”You’re the best big brother in the whole world, Jonathan,” she says. ”I love you so much.”
”I love you too, mommy.”
He finishes stitching up Nancy’s skirt at the same time as he finishes telling the story. He looks up when he hears a sniffle and to his surprise sees Nancy wiping away tears from her eyes. Then she flings her arms around his neck and hugs him.
”You’re the sweetest person in the whole world, Jonathan.”
”I don’t know,” he says while hugging her back.
”Well I know. You are,” she says firmly.
He shrugs and hands back the skirt. She looks it over, nods approvingly and tries it on for good measure.
”Still fits,” she notes. ”Are you sure about photography as your major? Think you should consider transferring to fashion design,” she jokes.
Emily stands next to his desk, wringing her hands together nervously and watching with still wet worried eyes while he sews up Hopper with the utmost care. When he’s done he hands Hopper back to Emily. She carefully looks him over, then hugs her dear bunny tight. Then she climbs up into his lap and hugs him.
”Thank you thank you thank you daddy, you saved Hopper!”
”No problem, Peanut.”
”I love you daddy.”
”I love you too Sweetheart.”
They hear Nancy’s key in the lock and Emily immediately runs out to the hall to greet mommy as usual. He follows.
”Mommy! Mommy!”
”Hey Sweetie,” Nancy smiles at Emily running up to her but it disappears when she sees the remnants of tears on Emily’s cheeks and her red eyes. ”What’s wrong?” She asks while picking up their daughter.
”Hopper had accident but daddy saved him, look,” Emily tells Nancy and shows her Hopper’s stitches.
”Oh, wow, I’m sorry Hopper. But how lucky are we that daddy is great at fixing,” Nancy says and smiles at him while she wipes away the remaining tears on Emily’s face.
”Yes, daddy can fix everything,” Emily nods seriously before clinging her little arms around Nancy’s neck, hugging her.
”I know, he really can,” she answers before mouthing ”No pressure” to him over their daughter’s shoulder.
He smiles at her. Nancy sets Emily down on the floor again and takes off her coat before coming over and giving him a quick kiss and a knowing look while stroking his back.
”Well, what else did I miss today?” Nancy then asks and Emily launches in to a dramatic retelling of their day.
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caroline18mars · 7 years
Into the night - Chapter 122
“And your brother wasn't the only one, I have every faith in you too, I've seen the massive impact you had on that boy's life, you saved that child, Jordan! Despite all the shit you went through, you got up every single morning to look after him, to love him, and you made absolutely sure that boy had a parent again! So don't stand here and tell me you fucked up, because you didn't honey! You were the one who gave Noah stability and put his life back on the rails again when everything else in your own life was crashing down around you, you gave up your own life to give him one, hell, you even pushed me aside in the process, remember?” Jared mumbled against her mouth as he held her face in his hands. “And yet you stayed” she whispered back, closing her eyes, “I stayed because I was and always will be head over heels in love with you” he smiled, and it made a careful smile burst through her tears while the door behind them opened again and Noah stuck his head round the door with his hand over his eyes “Aunt Jordan, our food is here, Shannon won't let me start eating and I'm huuunggrryyy”. The sight of Noah was so comical that it had them both in a fit of giggles, 
Jared plucked a quick kiss from her lips and let go of her, “we'll be right out” she said as she wiped the tears from her face and her nephew slowly stepped back, his hand still covering his eyes “I love you Noah McLeod” she quickly said, “I love you too, aunt Jordan McLeod” Noah replied dryly in the closing of the door. “See? He's in love with you as much as I am, soon we'll be fighting over your attention again” Jared grinned at her “now, let's go and eat before his imagination runs away with him again and he dishes out a saucy story to the judge about us being in the Ladies room together” and put his arm over her shoulder and walked out with her. Jared reassured his brother that everything was under control with a silent nod and when Jordan sat down next to Noah he saw it as his sign to finally dig into his food but by the time she picked up her fork and knife, Noah was wolfing down his food like he hadn't eaten in days. Jordan glanced all worried at Jared who was clearly bubbling with anger seeing how starved the child actually was, “sweetie, hey, hey, sweetie, slow down, it's ok..” she put her hand on his back when he started coughing, almost choking on his food “sweetie?” Jordan instantly panicked when he started gasping for breath. Jared immediately jumped off his chair seeing that the little man was in trouble and was slowly turning blue “Noah, buddy” he ran over to the other side of the table and picked him up from his chair and put him on his feet while he kneeled behind him and clasped his arms around the boy performing the heimlich manoeuvre on him. Finally the tiny body under his hands stiffened and with one big cough, the culprit, a piece of chicken, that was blocking his airway system, appeared. “Breathe Noah, please, breathe” Jordan was panicking so hard her heart was practically jumping out of her chest, but then he coughed a few times and finally started breathing normally again, “easy, buddy, just take it easy” Jared rubbed his back to calm him down. Noah who was crying by now, crawled on his aunt's lap and hid his face against her chest,
“I'm gonna kill 'em, I swear..” Jared hissed but Jordan instantly shook her head and gestured at him to be quiet, he knew that whatever was said about the Duncans might unvoluntarily end up in the courtcase. “Your heart is beating really fast” Noah puffed through his tears while she kissed the top of his head “I know, you really scared me there, but more importantly, are you ok, pumpkin?” she comforted him, rocking him gently but over his head she gestured at both men to take their phone and tape what she was going to say next, if those child abusers could gather evidence against her then so could she. Noah nodded, curled up into a little ball safely in his aunt's arms, “Noah sweetie, why on earth did you have to eat that fast? I know you love your food but that was really, really fast, were you that hungry? You could have choked” she calmly asked. Noah shrugged “I was really hungry”, in the corner of her eye she could see both men hold up their phones, “how much did you eat this morning, what did you have for breakfast?” she asked as innocently as she could, neglect and starvation surely were two major crimes, fight fire with fire, right?. “Nothing..grandma never makes breakfast, she was still in bed when I got up” Noah nestled himself a little tighter against her, “I see..ok then, what did you have for dinner then last night?”, another shrug followed “a banana”. Jordan had to use all of her strength to stay calm now as well “a banana, is that all? Noah sweetie, are you sure you're being absolutely honest with me?”, Noah suddenly sat up and looked her straight in the eye “it's the truth, aunt Jordan, Grandma never cooks or gets food for me and she won't let me have a biscuit either, she got really really angry with me when I took one, she said I was a thief because she thinks I stole it, but I didn't aunt Jordan, honestly I didn't!” he got all upset, big tears of frustration wiggling down his cheeks. “Ssshhh, sweetie, it's alright! Of course you didn't! You're no thief, you hear me? And no one is allowed to call you that, not even your grandparents” with her thumbs she brushed his tears away and kissed his forehead “now, what do you say you finish your food? And no more wolfing it down anymore, understand?” she gave him a warm smile when he nodded and threw his arms around her neck “good boy! We might even have time for dessert if you eat all your veggies, ok?”. Noah loosened his grip on her for a minute “Yay! Dessert!! I..l loveyouloveyouloveyouloveyou, aunt Jordan! You're the bestest aunt in the whole world”.
”Are you ok?” Jared whispered while Shannon made absolutely sure to keep Noah entertained and eating on the other side of the table, “No..I don't know, I guess I'm too shocked right now to say anything rational, I mean, how much longer do I need to keep doing this same thing over and over again? I swear it was only yesterday when I just lay there sunbathing in James' garden, with practically no care in the world and now I'm rushing into courtrooms and out of hospitals like there's no tomorrow” Jordan put her fork down and took a quick sip “and maybe there's not even a tomorrow”. She leaned back in her chair “sorry, I'm being all doom and gloom again, aren't I? It's just that this insecurity about Noah is driving me nuts..well, that and this..this fuckin bad heart of mine, I just..I hate it so fuckin much, I just wish I could have one day, just one day where I wouldn't have to think about all..this, a day where it's about nothing else than just us, just you and I, a day where we can pretend that everything's normal, just one day where we can go shopping, or dancing or go to a movie or out to dinner or just being lazy like any other normal couple on a day off” she started daydreaming. Jared put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close so he could kiss the top of her head “Hmmm, me likey! But I think you forgot the most important part of that list” he grinned in her hair before she looked at him with a question mark in her eyes “Huh? What?”. Jared raised his eyebrows “you forgot having sex! And lots of it, smouldering, white hot, rampant sex”, Jordan's eyes flew towards Noah who sat there giggling again with Shannon, the little choking episode already forgotten about, thank god he hadn't heard, “will you just keep your voice down?” she hissed as she rolled her eyes at him. “You're such a prude” he whispered with a teasing grin from ear to ear, “I am not!” she whispered back in shock, “oh yes you are!!” his grin became just a little wider,  if he could play this game well so could she, so she moved her hand underneath the table and grabbed his, placing it between her legs that she spread a little so he had ample space to touch her lace covered triangle there. “It's all your's..to do with whatever you like..tonight” she whispered while she abruptely grabbed his hand again and put it back on his leg, acting completely innocent, but making absolutely sure her hand caressed his crotch and had a good feel before she straightened her back again. “Game on, you want that tight little pussy pounded really hard, don't you?” he leaned in, whispering all seductively in her ear, Jordan could feel things and herself heat up with every second, this man was just impossible, nothing could ever intimidate him “oh god yes, really, really, hard” she breathed all horny as she crossed her legs and pulled her skirt over her knees again. “Good girl!” Jared bit his lip and then licked it, while he tried to adjust himself as inconspicuously as possible, “aunt Jordan, I don't want to go back to that room, I want to go home with you” Noah interrupted their dirty little conversation, sliding off his chair and circling the table so he could be with her.
Jordan shot straight back to care mode and helped him crawl on her lap, folding her arms around him “I know sweetie, I don't want to go back there either but we have to” she kissed the top of his head before she rested her chin against it. She felt the boy clam up again so she added “do you remember that time when you wanted to go back to your grandma and I had to stay in London?”. Noah sat up and looked at her “Yes, I got to go with Jared on that plane” he nodded, “exactly, and do you remember that I told you that we could talk to each other without a phone if we thought about each other long enough?”. A little smile appeared on his face “yes, I remember, you said I only had to pick a star and it would be just like we were talking” and she met his smile with her own, “well, if you're in bed tonight, you just pick a star and I'll pick one too and we can talk for hours, ok?”. Noah nodded eagerly before he pushed himself against her chest again “we can talk until I can come and live with you again” he whispered like it was their little secret, Jordan's eyes watered a little, his belief that he was coming back touched her deep inside, she no longer was just his caretaker, he really saw her as his mother with all her strong points and her flaws. “Yes” she buried her nose in his hair again, “I really need to ask you something, aunt Jordan” he whispered and the seriousness he said it with worried her “what is it?”, he nervously shuffled a bit, “I don't want to call you aunt Jordan anymore..I want you to be my..mama..do you want to be my mama?” he breathed, closing his eyes afraid of her reaction. Jared's eyes flew over to Jordan who froze on the spot only to relax again a second later “What?” she breathed, turning to Jared who could barely hide his emotions and bit his lip, “Yes.. yes of course I'll be your mama, pumpkin, of course I will” she cried.
Jared found Jordan out on the balcony of his bedroom, completely lost in her own thoughts “It's still your birthday you know, are you really sure you won't reconsider and go out and celebrate?”, Jordan shook her head “no..I don't feel like celebrating”. Jared took a deep breath and strolled out to her “I know it's been a tough afternoon but we'll get our chance to show the evidence tomorrow, when I'm called as a witness” he sat down  next to her and took her hand to kiss it. Jordan just nodded but not with much convinction so he took a strand of her long brown hair and twirled it around his finger “he called you 'mama', that was pretty spectacular” he tried to cheer her up and it did, a little “yeah that was so awesome” she smiled but not for long and turned her attention back to the luscious garden that was starting to look like an enchanted garden, lit up by the setting of the glorious early evening sun. Before she could dissapear into her own little world again, Jared ran his hand through her hair and kissed her cheek “It is awesome” he whispered and finally she moved and pushed her chair closer to his so she could put her head on his shoulder. “I don't know what I'm gonna do when that judge rules in his grandmother's favour, I couldn't handle it, I really couldn't handle it..these last few days without him have been hell..I've been trying to see it your way and you're right, Noah was my brother's last gift, that's the way I have to look at it, he gave me Noah so I would barely have enough time to mourn..and Noah gave me you..” she breathed “if he hadn't barged through that stupid hole in your hedge and jumped into your pool that day, we would never have met”. Jared closed his eyes and smiled, it was almost a year ago but it felt like it had been yesterday “yeah..that day was the day you walked into my life and saved me, we were both so lost and alone and yet you still found the energy to not just rescue Noah but also rescue me..nobody dared to talk about..” he paused for a second and closed his eyes, the hurt and the pain of Charlotte's death still fresh on his mind “Charlotte..except for you, you knew exactly how to tap into the most delicate subject, all those hours we spent on a couch talking, well basically I talked and you listened..”. A smile formed on her lips “and you thinking I was some kind of British weirdo” she rolled her eyes and cringed as the memories started flowing about those first uncomfortable weeks, “well yeah, there was that” he joked, earning himself a slap against his stomach from her “ok, so maybe it wasn't love at first sight, but goddammit I was so in awe of you, I still am” he laughed. “Yeah right” she hissed sarcastically, “no seriously I am, there's so many things about you that I admire so much, like your fierceness, your stamina, your independence and your freedom..but what I mostly admire is that silly, big lion's heart of yours” he murmured in her hair as he pulled her closer “the way you love Noah and keep fighting for him no matter what..that's just..mindblowing”. He had rarely sounded so sincere, her love for this man grew with every second that ticked by and it was breaking her already dodgy heart all  over again “what if I'm fighting a lost cause though? What if Noah's not gonna be put in my care? I know it's an impossible question for you to answer but I just couldn't bear it..Noah's like my child” she panicked again. “I don't know..I wish I did, but I don't..but..if we don't get custody over Noah, then we're gonna have to start thinking about having a few babies of our own so Noah has brothers or sisters to play with when he comes to visit” the words just came out so easy and so naturally he surprised himself, but he meant every single word of it. He could feel Jordan's body go rigid in his arms, he knew what she was thinking so he quickly continued “I mean it, Jordan, when you get that new heart, I want us to be a real family, I want you to be the mother of my children”. Jordan slowly let go of him and sat up “ok” she breathed as she stared into his eyes, “ok?” this was not the answer he had expected but definitely the answer he had been hoping for “ok,as in 'ok, I'm absolutely sure of it'?” his heart pounded in his chest, for the first time she didn't object or mention her heart problems.  “yes, I'm absolutely sure of it” she leaned in to steal a kiss “we could start practicing right now if you want, after all it's still my birthday and you made me a promise in that restaurant today, remember?” her eyes lit up in fire “what was it again? Help me out here, something about..white hot, rampant se..” but before she could even finish the sentence, Jared's mouth crashed down on her's and he hastily put her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, before he got up and picked her up too, carrying her into his bedroom.
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axelsagewrites · 7 years
Shadowhunters preference*Nightmare
Masterlist HERE
Wattpad HERE
I woke up gasping for air. I just woke up from the worst ever nightmare about (Y/B/F). I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest. I got my breathing under control and looked over at the beautiful redhead sleeping next to me. She looked so peaceful so I didn’t want to wake her. I decided to go get a drink from the kitchen in the institute. I slipped on my robe while standing next to the bed. I grabbed my stele from my pocket and activated my silencing rune on my forearm. I began my walk. On the walk to the kitchen, there was no one. Why would there be? They were peacefully sleeping. I felt the cold corridor floor on my feet. Not too bad but still. I was a couple feet away from the kitchen door when I felt something brush against my leg. “Church,” I whispered. “What are you doing up?” I crouched down next to him and scratch behind his ear. He purred slightly but gave me a pointed look. I sighed. “Its ok church, just a nightmare.” He gave a light meow as I stood up before he went away. I entered the kitchen and almost hissed at the cold tiles against my bare feet. I went to the cupboard and grabbed a glass. As I was filling it up I heard the door open. I glanced over my shoulder to see a sleepy Clary. “Hey,” I whispered. “Hi.” She said with morning voice even though it was 3 am. “What are you doing up?” “It's nothin,” I mumble. I'm meant to be a brave shadowhunter. Shadowhunters don’t get scared by nightmares. “Doesn’t seem like nothing.” She wrapped her hands around my waist from behind. “Whats the matter.” I screwed up my eyes at the memory of my dream. “Just… a nightmare.” I sighed. “I know its silly and I’m meant to be a brave sha-“ “Shut up. You are the bravest person I know.” She turned me around. “The bravest people are the ones who get scared but fight anyway. Besides nightmares are common.” I nodded and she wrapped me in a hug. “What was it about?” “(Y/B/F).” “I never thought that would have scared you.” I pulled back and grabbed my glass of water. “It's not a bad thing.” She glanced to the kettle and to one of the cupboards. She grabbed my hand and guided me to sit on a stool. “Wait a minute.” “What are you doing?” She began to fill the kettle before putting it on. “Clary, its fine.” She opened a cupboard and climbed on the counter to reach something and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Shut up. And it's not fine.” After a couple minutes, I figured out what she was making. Hot cocoa. She handed me a cup and sat on another stool in front of me. “This is what my mom used to do when I had a nightmare.” I sipped the hot beverage. “Nice?” I nodded. We sat in comfortable silence as we drunk our hot cocoa. “You’re a dream come true, Clary Fray.” She smiled and jumped off her stool, grabbing my empty cup. “Let's just hope I’m not a real-life nightmare.” She began to rinse out the cups. “You are,” she turned and gave me a fake scowl. “but the good scary.” She turned back and rolled her eyes. “Come on. Bedtime.” He headed back to our room in silence. Once there we laid down with my head on Clary's chest and her playing with my hair. She kissed the top of my head. “You are my brave shadowhunter.”
Alec: (You still live at home for this) As I lay in peaceful slumber I felt someone begin to shake my shoulder. “No.” I moaned. “(Y/N), please wake up.” I heard Alec plead. That made me open my eyes and give him my full attention. “Whats up baby?” “I just, I just wanted to make sure you’re ok.” He looked away with cheeks tinged red. “Why wouldn’t I be?” I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Bad dream.” I sighed when he put his head in his hands. “I promise I'm fine.” I moved and sat behind him with my hands on his shoulders. “Thanks for checking on me.” “I'm stupid.” I began to rub his shoulders. “No, you’re not. Alec, you’re perfect and caring.” I looked at the time on my clock. 4:37 am. “Do you want to stay here tonight?” he nodded. I played back down and let him climb into bed. It's a single bed so it was a bit cramped so I ended up laying on top of him. “Tell me if I’m crushing you.” “You’re not.” He pulled the covers further up to cover us. “I’m sorry for waking you up and stealing your bed.” “Trust me, you’re welcome to my bed any day.” He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. “Not like that!” I smacked his chest while he laughed. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “I’m glad you’re ok.” I heard him whisper. “I’m glad you checked.” we stayed in silence for a couple of minutes. “Oh, but you need to leave by nine. My parents would flip.” “Way to ruin the moment.” I gave a cheeky smile and laid my head back down
Magnus: I was sleeping when all of a sudden I felt Magnus start to move around. I groggily woke up and turned to see him tossing and turning in his sleep, sweat making his top stick to his skin. “Magnus, its ok.” I started and gently put my hand on his chest. He began mumbling my name. “Magnus, sweetie wake up.” I gently started to shake him as his mumbling got louder. “Magnus wake up!” Suddenly he sat up and shouted ‘(Y/N)’. He looked up and turned to me. He brushed his hand against my face. “You’re ok.” “Yes, I am. It was just a nightmare.” I sat up properly and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He leaned back onto my chest. “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked softly. He took a deep breath. “Well, I was coming back from somewhere and the flat was on fire. I couldn’t get in and you were in there. I couldn’t get you out and then… and then the roof above fell down because of the fire and… then I woke up.” “Babe I’m fine. I promise.” I ran my hand through his product free hair. “Do you want to sleep?” He shook his head. “Not yet. Can we just sit like this for a bit?” “Whatever you want.” After sitting like that with me running my hand through his hair in silence, Magnus moved off me. “Ok, lets sleep.”I nodded. We both laid down and faced each other while lying on our sides. “Can you be the…” Magnus trailed off, looking away. “Be the big spoon.” He nodded. “Of course.” Magnus turned around and I cuddled into him. “I’m here and ok. Don’t forget that. I've got you.” Magnus nodded and at some point, we fell asleep into a peaceful slumber.
Isabelle: I’m walking through a meadow, heading in the direction of a lake. The grass was soft against my bare feet. I stood in front of the lake and breathed in. It was beautiful. The water reflected the clear blue skies. I looked into the water and saw a small ripple. I crouched down and skimmed my fingers against the top of the water. All of a sudden a hand wrapped around my wrist, sharp nails latching on, and pulling me under. I was pulled under after a small struggle. The sharp nails went from my wrists to my shoulders and pushed me down further. I started to see bubbles escape my mouth. I looked up to see the creature pushing me under. A mermaid with a twisted blood red smile and long inky black hair with runes covering her skin. Izzy. I screamed and the water started filling my lungs. My world started shaking…
“(Y/N)! Wake up.” I opened my eyes to see the same black haired women leaning over me. I flinched back and looked her up and down. No tail. I burst into tears and flung my arms around her. She reacted immediately and wrapped her arms around me, stroking my hair. “Whats wrong?” “I was being pulled under. You were there and.. uh I was being drowned…” I began to breathe quicker. “Shh, you’re ok.” Izzy moved me so I was sitting on her lap and she began rocking me. After a few minutes if that my breathing was under control and my tears had stopped. “That’s it.” “I’m so glad you’re you,” I whispered. She chuckled. “And I’m glad you’re ok. Do you want to try and sleep?” I nodded my head lightly. We laid down and I put my head on her chest and she wrapped her arms around me. “I’ve got you. Don’t forget that.”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
If I Could Ch. 3 (Trixya) - Saltine
AN: that’s right, after just two short days, ya girl Saltine is coming right back at ya with another chapter of Trixya garbage (that’s turning out to be very much “slow burn” but i digress). This chapter is a little bit longer and a little bit more angsty but i’m overall proud of it and hope that you like it too.
The next morning, Trixie woke up alone. There was a note from Katya on her bedside table that said,
I didn’t get abducted, my sister came and got me. Text you later. <3 Thanks for a great night, Tracy ;)
- Kat
After that, they didn’t talk about what had happened at that party. The two of them pushed it to the back of their minds and tried to forget about it, but the more time they spent together the harder it was getting for them to ignore what they were feeling. By the time September rolled around, all their friends had moved away. September brought a new atmosphere to Trixie and Katya’s lives. The feeling of childlike happiness and lack of responsibility that comes with end of summer had disappeared and felt as though it had been replaced with an overbearing reminder that they had to grow up. Even the weather began to shift slowly from warm and glowing, to desaturated and crisp. Like all the life in their town had been somehow drained when everyone left. They were all they had left, and they became all but inseparable. Both Trixie and Katya considered themselves somewhat reserved when it came to opening up and getting close to people, but for some reason neither of them felt any inhibitions about the other, though they had only been friends for two months. But sometimes you just feel connected to someone immediately. Sometimes things are just meant to be.
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Katya woke with a start from an accidental nap to the sound of her phone ringing. She checked the time before checking her phone. It was 5:46. Whoops. The phone call was from Trixie. Katya was apprehensive; Trixie never called her. Something must be wrong, she thought, and answered the phone.
“Hello?” she asked. There was a sharp intake of breath from the other end of the line. “Trixie? Is everything ok?” Katya was getting nervous.
“Hey Katya,” Trixie cleared her throat, though from the tone of her voice she was clearly upset. “Um..I’m fine I just uh…” she trailed off.
“What’s going on Trix?” Katya pressed.
“I uh..kinda just came out to my parents,” she said. There was a pause.
“Wow..” said Katya. “I mean I want to congratulate you, but you’re not making it sound like it went too well.”
“Yeah um..my mom was fine but my stepdad wasn’t..too excited about it,” Trixie began. “He’s not kicking me out of the house or anything. He just got really passive aggressive and when I left the room he and my mom started fighting and now they’re screaming at each other and I’m just kinda scared and this wasn’t supposed to happen..” she was talking so fast now that she was running out of breath.
“Hey, hey it’s ok man, everything’s gonna be fine. Can you safely leave your house right now?” Katya asked, trying her best to calm Trixie down, who sounded like she might be crying now.
“Yeah, I can go out the back,” she replied quietly.
“Good. Then drive over to my place and I’ll cook dinner and we can celebrate how brave you are over here ok? I’ll tell my mom to make brownies. It’ll be fun,” Katya said.
“You’re the best. Thank you,” Trixie said tearily.
“Don’t mention it. See you in 10.” Katya hung up.
When Trixie knocked on the door, she was greeted by Katya’s mother. They had met once or twice and had so far gotten along well. Katya’s mom was a tall blonde woman named Roksana, who spoke with a faint Russian accent and had the most welcoming, warm personality of anyone Trixie had ever met.
“Trixie! So nice to see you! Come in!,” she exclaimed and Trixie did as she was told. The house smelled fantastic, a mix of herbs and spices that swirled through the air and made Trixie’s mouth water. She made her way into the kitchen where Katya was cutting up a tomato on the counter. She smiled at Trixie as she walked in and gave her a tight hug.
“So glad you could come,” she said. “My dad’s out of town for work so it’s just us girls tonight.” Her voice lacked the kind of sarcastic, humorous tone it usually had when talking with friends, Trixie included. Everything about what she said felt sincere, and Trixie suddenly felt a million times better. She watched as Katya’s nimble fingers continued to press the blade of the knife into the tomato on the chopping board and she suddenly felt a sharp pang of homesickness. It was a strange kind of homesick, though. It wasn’t that she wanted to go back to her house and be with her family; it was that it suddenly felt like this moment was the home she had always wanted. It felt like she had finally found herself a home and she felt a twinge of pain for all the years she wasted being in a house that made her so unhappy. Trixie stood there in the middle of the kitchen, as the sun shone through the window in thick, glowing orange stripes and the smell of a home-cooked meal circled around her, and felt a tear slide down her cheek. She was so grateful to have found something so easy to love.
Katya set everyone’s plates out on the table as her younger sister Anastasia came running down the stairs.
“Why are you lying to Trixie like this, you know we never actually make the table,” she said.
“Shut up Anya,” Katya replied playfully.
“Girls, let’s eat. Stop fighting in front of our guest,” Roksana said, beaming at Trixie. Trixie smiled back and picked up her fork. Katya had made alfredo, which was delicious and also very surprising to Trixie, who was sure all she knew how to make was cereal.
“This is amazing Katya,” she said.
“Thanks, I learned from the best,” Katya replied, nodding towards her mother.
“You’re lucky, the most my mom ever cooks is when she puts frozen pizza in the oven,” Trixie said. She hadn’t though what she said was particularly funny, but Roksana and Katya burst into laughter. They had the same laugh, Trixie noticed.
“So Trixe,” said Roksana. “I heard you told your parents some uh…big news?” She winked at Trixie who froze and whipped her head around to look at Katya.
“You told her?” she asked, somewhat frantic. Katya seemed completely unfazed.
“Yeah, my mom is super cool with it. I came out to her years ago and besides, I tell her everything.” Trixie was in shock. Roksana nodded in agreement.
“I know it’s a little strange given how Russians arent exactly known for..um…accepting people, but that’s why I left.” she said. “When I found out I was pregnant with Katya I wanted her to grow up in a place that was tolerant to everyone. And it’s a good thing too, look at her.” she said and laughed. Katya feigned a look of defensiveness.
“Jesus mom, I’m gay, not ugly,” she said.
“I would disagree,” Anastasia interjected. “Also, you’re bisexual.”
“It’s an umbrella term you little punk,” Katya hissed. The humor in her voice was back and Trixie watched as the family in front of her playfully bantered back and forth until they were all finished eating.
“Trixie and I are gonna go upstairs. Let us know when the brownies are done,” Katya said. She grabbed Trixie’s hand and lead her up the stairs to her room. Trixie didn’t ever spend that much time in Katya’s room when she was here, they had usually been outside on the patio or in the extra room upstairs where she had a giant TV and two sofas. But Katya’s bedroom had always been one of her favorite places in the house. It was a big room, but it felt cozy with all the knick-knacks that had piled up on the dresser and the desk and the bedside table. The walls were painted an sort of muted brick color, like fresh clay and they were covered in drawings and paintings that Katya had done herself. She was a fantastic artist, but never told anyone. It felt like a bedroom should feel. It felt like somewhere Trixie could easily fall asleep.
“So…you feel any better?” Katya asked. She had really hoped to take Trixie’s mind off of her family.
“Much better. Thank you so much again, it really means a lot,” Trixie said. Katya patted the spot on the bed next to her, beckoning Trixie to scoot closer to her. Trixie did so and let Katya put her arm around her shoulder supportively.
“You deserve better than what your parents are giving you. You did a really brave thing and I’m so proud of you. We all are. If you ever need somewhere safe to go you’re always welcome here,” Katya said. She pushed down the feelings she felt bubbling up inside her. This wasn’t happening because she liked Trixie. She was just supporting her friend. Of course she loved Trixie, but just platonically. She didn’t want anything more than this, she told herself. Trixie deserved better than her anyway.
Trixie was crying now, silent tears painting rivers of mascara down her face. Katya used the edge of her sleeve to wipe them away and cupped Trixie’s face in her hands.
“It’s gonna be ok,” she said, and rubbed her cheekbone with her thumb. Trixie let her head fall against Katya’s chest and the two of them laid there in silence for several blissfully painful moments before Trixie’s phone received a text from her mom.
Trixie, baby. I’m so sorry honey, we shouldn’t have fought with you around. I love you very much and I know Steven will come around eventually. You should get home soon though so I can give you a hug. You’re still my daughter and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. See you soon sweetie.
- Mom
Trixie caught her breath and showed Katya the text.
“That’s good! See, I told you it would all be ok!” Katya said and Trixie laughed weakly.
“I guess I should head out then, huh?” she said. Katya nodded.
“Text me when you get home.” Trixie grabbed her jacket and headed downstairs, saying goodbye to Roksana and Anya, and getting in her car. As she pulled out of the driveway, Katya leaned her head out the second floor window and waved to Trixie, who waved back and blew a kiss. As she lay down to go to bed that night, after having a long, tearful talk with her mother, she stared at the ceiling and thought about Katya, wondering how a single person could feel so much like home.
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