#ok but one more thing abt sayori
the-grand-av3 · 4 months
you guys should play doki doki literature club it is a very normal game
(Om is coming to realise, while writing, this shit only makes sense if you know the plot of ddlc)
(So i will give you a basic run-down if you don't know)
(It’s below the cut)
oh yes very normal game
al i think you'd like it
Would I? It seems very...
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Ooh~ Let me play~
no not you they're teenagers we dont need that scandal
You know how difficult it is to write a ukelele apology nowadays
play it you two ill watch
Spoilers for ddlc below
OKAY so basically ddlc is this psychological horror that takes on the initial form of a high school dating game. You meet four different girls. Sayori, aloof, cooky (Your first friend, neighbour), Natsuki, sweet, cutesy (A really stand-offish girl), Yuri, deep, brooding (Bookworm who is introverted and depressed), and Monika, brains, beauty (A seemingly normal girl, smart, the club leader of the literature club).
You, as the only male in the club, write poems by choosing words when prompted. This will guide you towards the dating path of one of the girls, resulting in different dialogue, scenes, and prompts. There's also a school fair coming up that the group is preparing for. You notice that Sayori is getting awfully distant with you, and soon you find that she's depressed, in love with you. You have the choice to either turn the confession down (when she does eventually tell you) or accept it.
Either way she hangs herself. The game glitches out and restarts, from the very beginning, this time, Sayori seemingly having been deleted. You notice that Yuri is acting more obsessive towards you, and Natsuki less angry. The latter confides in you that Yuri is acting weird to you, but the game glitches and "Natsuki" tell you not to worry about it. Yuri then stabs herself three days before the school fair.
When Natsuki and Monika discover Yuri's body, Natsuki goes to throw up and Monika seems eerily calm abt it. Shocker she actually is altering the game code to force herself to be the only option for you to pick. She's aware she is a game, but loves you regardless. The only way to beat the game is to delete her file from the game coding. Then the game will restart without Monika.
Okay.. so. This is the game its like a click and read i think
So should we make decisions together or do you wanna play by yourself
We should alternate between who gets to pick.
Okay uhh let me put in a name... Voxal... okay lets play
I don't like Sayori.
Shes such a cutie patootie why not
you are NOT gonna like the other characters then
I see why now.
Whose side do we pick?
I like Natsuki
But I prefer Yuri.
It's my turn to choose
This could alter the entire game think about it properly.
"I gently open the door".. okay bud sure you’re an asshole
Who turns a girl down like that? Who SCREAMS in response to that?
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womp womp wommpppp
shes just like me
Wait so Sayori isn't a thing anymore
No, I don't think so.
Man thats wild
Wasn't expecting that.
Uhh, Yuri is acting weird.
She is
thats funky i wonder why
Oh she's stabbed herself.
What language is this wingding
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Natsuki hi
It wasn't us. She was like that when we got here.
Oh there she goes
Throwing up
Hello Monika
That's what you're worried about?
Can we use reverse psychology and delete HER file?
Lemme try
Oh shes tweaking
Wah wah. Restart the game.
Hello Sayori! You are now tolerable.
Hiiii :D
that hi was so zesty
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violetncee · 1 year
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ok, this isn’t our first rodeo, so i’ll keep it simple, (esp since this one is pretty wordy all by itself): a hc dump for yuri will be under the cut! <3
>yuri is the sole heiress to her family’s business, ‘oh-ware!’, a fairly well-known OS and general software company in japan, which is fun. or, well. it would be without the inattentive/emotionally abusive parents, and the pressure that’s been weighing down on her since she was a child, to be perfect and poised and keep up family appearances. but it’s not like she exactly has a choice in the matter, so… >to say the least, her relationship with her parents isn’t one of love, but business, it’s cold and calculated. and, that’s if they’re even around at all–when not in the office, they’re out at business parties, taking business trips, holding conferences, making public appearances, etc etc. so, unless it’s a ‘family event’ or s/t particularly important, she’s left home alone, which she’s gotten pretty used to over the years.
>most ppl wouldn’t know this abt her tho, as she generally tries to keep her business-life and personal-life two v separate things. to her, there’s a big difference between ‘yuriko ohnishi’ and… well, just yuri, y'know? >but on a lighter note, switching between the two on a dime is her favorite party trick (with people that she trusts/that know, obvs). bc it’s v jarring to see her ‘get into character’, and she thinks the reactions are pretty funny.
>yuri is almost always wearing a specific dainty old locket, even tucking it inside her uniform on school days. it was a hand-me-down from her grandmother, the one family member she ever considered herself close to. unfortunely, she passed from old age when yuri was about twelve-ish, which left her upset for a long time. >but, she’s glad to have something to remember her by, at least. just having the locket on her makes her feel a lil bit more at ease in a lot of situations. >(the picture inside said locket isn’t of anyone in particular, instead it’s a faded photo of a simple wedding bouquet, made up of lavender and baby’s breath.)
>she’s bullied at school since her studious, and skittish nature makes her a prime target in her classmate’s eyes, esp w/ all her personal quirks and ‘strange’ interests. she’s purposefully tripped, has her hair pulled, she has trouble picking up sarcasm which is used to mess with her, mean notes are left on her desk and/or locker, she’s given rude nicknames, etc etc. >it’s gotten a lil better in the last year or so, but she’s still generally alienated. she usually eats lunch on the rooftop alone, but recently her clubmates have started to join her, which she’s appreciative of.
>yuri has a slight phobia of storms/lightning in particular + the dark, because of an incident from when she was about seven years old. one night after being left home alone, a heavy storm rolled in, and at one point caused the power to go out in the whole house. it freaked her out, and she didn’t know what to do/she had no one to turn to. she ended up hiding under the kitchen table until she eventually fell asleep.
>she struggles with some chronic pain from an dance injury to her left knee, which thankfully, didn’t result in her having to quit ballet. but, some days are worse then others, and when it’s particularly bad she either wears a brace, or uses a cane. >also: sayori decorated her cane with stickers after a heart-to-heart she + yuri had abt their different experiences with chronic illness and chronic pain, respectively.
>during times where she’s not too busy during the week, yuri can be found at a small bookstore near the school, either reading, doing homework, or volunteering. >she goes to ballet classes on fridays + saturdays, ever since she was a kid. it was originally just another thing her parents signed her up for, but it’s s/t she rlly enjoys. >tbh if she weren’t an heir/expected to take up the family business, she’d go to a ballet school, and work to become a professional, but… you know how it is.
>she’s usually a bit late to the on wednesdays. why? well, inspired by some of her favorite bands she’s taken up playing guitar (specifically a bass), so, she has lessons with a girl from the music club that day! >none of her friends/the other literature club members know about this though. she knows sayori would ask her to play for them, and. she wants to practice some more first, okay? she’s nervous, ok…
>there’s a lil cemetery park near yuri’s house that she visits often to read, think, bird-watch, and just generally get some peace and quiet. there’s a particular bench she likes since it’s sort of tucked away, and usually in the shade of a nearby tree. >sometimes, she’ll take a walk and visit her grandmother’s grave, along with a few of the older, more lonely graves. she cleans them up, and leaves something small. >she realizes the 'goth hanging out in a cemetery’ thing is maybe a lil stereotypical, but! she legit finds the place calming, alright? let her live! (…no pun intended, ofc.)
>yuri has an interest in photography, to the point she almost joined the photography club last year, but promptly chickened out last second. she really puts herself into each piece, so, it’s more then a lil nerve-wracking to share that stuff with people, esp strangers! (even if she ended up doing that anyway, in the literature club.) >even so, it’s another thing she’s passionate about! her preferred styles are: still-life, portrait, and night-time. some of her photos do involve color, but they’re mostly in B&W.
>yuri is big on doing things properly, all those lil details and extra steps matter to her. bc of this, she’s developed lots of 'routines’, even for small, average things. >for example, when trying to do some homework or write she: gets her notebook, gets some sticky notes, neatly lays out her pens and inks, turns on her AC, and turns her desk lamp on, in that order. it just helps her get into the zone, basically.
>some stuff u’d find in her room are!– *her knife collection, ofc. she has all types, but her favorites tend to be switch blades/pocket-knives, daggers, and butterfly knives! also: any fun novelty knives. *teacups + saucers! and a few teapots too, some of them are for decoration, but some are for actual use. she likes kintsugi-styled stuff in particular bc! it’s pretty!
*fantasy/horror movie posters, fantasy/horror movie soundtrack records, box-sets of a few of her favorite book series’, horror movie masks for display purposes, etc etc. general fandom memorabilia, basically. *has a few old 'haunted/cursed’ dolls she’s bought over the years, usually on impulse. but, they all have names and she loves them. *animal skulls + other assorted animal bones. yes, they’re real.
>though, unfortunately a lot of this stuff (mostly the horror-related things) end up covered up/hidden, since her parents don’t rlly approve, they say it’s 'unladylike’.
>yuri has. v big feelings on horror movies that are jumpscare fests and pure gore and nothing else, don’t get her started unless you’re prepared to hear all about it. >she loves horror as a genre, obvs, but. to her, there’s gotta be a point to it. like, even if it’s just 'people do bad things, bc that’s just how people are’, then. great! does she rlly agree with it? no, but. at least it gives u s/t to think about, y'know? >she doesn’t mind watching them tho, especially with friends, since they’re still fun to pick apart/make fun of, but. just… know what ur getting into first.
>you know how in act two it’s mentioned yuri brings a different knife to school each day? well, that’s true, hence how she died, but. it can be sort of said for act one yuri as well, just… in a less intense sense–aka she often carries around a small swiss army knife, for many reasons. >she started carrying it around in middle school, as it was her very first knife, so while it may seem silly, it has a lot of meaning to her!
>has two japanese rhinoceros beetles named 'hana’ and 'nana’ as pets, and. y'know how people baby-talk their dogs? yeah, that’s her with them. don’t @ her! >vaguely dabbles in the ‘occult’ at times, though i wouldn’t say she practices, its done mostly in a casual sense. does tarot readings for fun, taught herself how to read palms, collects pretty crystals and memorizes their meanings/uses, etc etc! >yuri was. 100% one of those kids that taught themselves how to speak elvish (or some other fictional/fantasy language) + bits and pieces of klingon too, probably.
>is a secret adrenaline junkie, which probably at least partly influenced her interest in the horror genre/spooky things in general, collecting knives, etc etc. when the school’s cultural festival rolls around, you’ll often find yuri hiding out in whichever class is putting on a haunted house. she’d probs also really like thrill-rides + roller -coasters, but she hasn’t been to an amusement park since she was a kid, sadly. >bad/tacky romance type novels are still a big guilty pleasure of hers despite what she might say–she keeps a box of them hidden in her closet under some general clutter. and yes, she would die of embarrassment if anyone ever found out, lmao
>yuri’s kinda nosy? idk if that’s the right word, bc she doesn’t mean any harm, of course, but: her casually eavesdropping on sayori + MC’s conversation, her being curious when MC mentions sayori avoiding him, etc etc. y'know? >and. idk, i find that kinda interesting? yuri keeps to herself, and just. reads, so. i wouldn’t be surprised if people blab abt stuff around her without thinking abt it. either bc they didn’t notice her, forgot she was there, assume she’s too engrossed in her book, or don’t think that she would care–but rlly, she’s like 👀👀👀, lmao >yuri is. v much the type to people-watch in general, tbh! she knows its not exactly very polite, and she would never, use anything she hears against anyone, or share it around or anything. it just makes her happy, in a weird way? makes her feel included, i guess. like she’s apart of something! she doesn’t have a lot of her own friends, after all. (she’d doesn’t rlly like talking abt it though, fearing ridicule + people thinking it’s weird or creepy or w/e.)
>some of yuri’s fidgets/habits are!–
*often folds her hands, holds them close to her chest, tucks them behind her back, etc etc–both out of awkwardness, and to kept them from wandering, and looking for s/t to fidget with. *tends to walk on her tippy-toes/the balls of her feet, but maybe that’s not so surprising from a dancer. this means she walks rlly quietly though, and tends to accidentally scare people, rip, lmao *fiddles with her hair a lot, twirling it around her finger, playing with the ends, trying to hide behind it, etc etc.
*gently bites/chews on the ends of her pens while in deep thought, or generally day-dreaming. which is… fairly often, if i’m being honest. *she’s REALLY bad with making eye-contact like, 98% of the time. if she makes direct eye-contact with you, she is Very Serious™. *she tends to pick up some of her friend’s usual gestures: a certain pouty face from natsuki, a few of monika’s poses, the 👉👈 thing bc of sayori, etc etc. she doesn’t do it on purpose, of course, but. it’s done out of love for her friends! she just thinks they’re neat, ok
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technicolorxsn · 2 years
once again thinking about ddlc+ and sayori
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clubmates-a · 2 years
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y’know how i put a tl;dr of my general hcs for yuri in one big hc dump to expand on later? well, i’m doing it again, this time with miss sayori–let’s do this, yall! <3
>her parents are actually lovely ppl, (unlike yuri’s rip), it’s just their situation sucks, you know? i’ll make a more fleshed out post abt this later, but. well, tl;dr ???– >her dad is. very sick, he’d been in-and-out of hospitals for varying periods of time, eventually settling with home visits/care instead. which leaves her mom, often out working til the late at night and generally stressed out as she tries to keep a roof over her families heads, and pay medical bills in the same breath. >and that’s probably a big reason why sayori is. the way she is, bc she’s used to putting on that happy/brave face around her family, considering their situation. both to try and help them, and also to not stress any of them out further tbh?
>her love of literature surprisingly started young–telling scary stories at sleepovers, reading fairytales, playing pretend, making silly ocs, etc etc. she’s rlly good at improv + quickly brainstorming ideas, and. nowadays, she’s really into dnd and similar things. >she has a dnd group that has sessions online, since that was easier on her w/ her depression. but even that’s too much for her sometimes, she tries, though.
>since her room is on the second floor, when she wants to relax/be alone with her thoughts, she’ll climb out her window and sit on the bit of the roof underneath. >when her and MC were kids, they’d sit out there together and stargaze, but they haven’t done that in… years. but sayori still remembers it, and thinks of it fondly. >collects a lot of little enamel pins, stickers, action figures, and comic books! probably has a ita schoolbag and a flip phone with a cutesy charm attached.
>has a goldfish named ‘kerria’, her and MC rescued (by which i mean stole) them from a kingyo sukui booth at a festival when they were kids, around ten or so. >it was getting late, so the booth was getting taken down for the day, and there was only one (1) fish left, and. sayori was worried abt what would happen to them, so! she scooped them into a fish bag, while MC kept the stall keeper distracted. >let’s be real if they had just asked the guy about it, they most likely would’ve gotten the fish with a lot less fuss, but. hey, it’s a fun memory at least, ok…
>sayori was on the track team throughout junior high, but backed out before entering senior high, both bc of a low point in her depression + being stressed out in general. she spent the next few years hopping from club 2 club, trying 2 find somewhere she belonged once again. >but, well. she’d always end up getting kicked out after a few days, if she wasn’t outright turned away because of that unlucky reputation. >almost setting the cooking club on fire, trying to act out a scene and accidentally hitting s/b while gesturing in the drama club, tripping and falling into some of the newly finished pieces in the art club, etc etc. >she was. tbh, ready to just give up and attend the go home club instead, when monika suddenly approached her about the newly forming literature club! 👀👀👀
>sayori has a habit of doodling on anything she can get her hands on, her desk, her schoolwork, her skin, etc etc. she finds the action of scribbling away v relaxing. >it’s a good way 2 keep her mind off whatever might be bothering her, and it keeps her fidgety hands busy, y'know? her art is pretty decent too, round, cartoony and colorful, wouldn’t look out of a place in a kid’s book or something, to be honest! >being a comic book fan, she also draws her own sometimes, short ones mostly starring herself and her clubmates, about any misadventures they might have! >there’s def one abt the 'wine incident’……………………………....................
>sayori taught herself how 2 play ukulele as a tween, but her interest and will to practice slowly fizzled out as she got older. until recently that is, she’s started playing again w/ support from a certain club president! >sometimes, when one of them is having a particularly bad day, sayori and monika will skip class and hang out in the school’s music room, play s/t together, and talk about whatever comes to mind.
>sayori’s feelings on monika post-game (in the good ending) are… complicated, esp after becoming club president and dealing w/ all the self-aware stuff first hand. like, she understands it, in a way? >is she still mad/upset? obviously, they were friends, or at least sayori thought they were, but monika still… y'know. but after becoming club president herself? she gets it! because it kinda sucks! like a lot! so, cool motive, still shitty, but sayori does forgive monika in the end. >but, also: she isn’t sure if her forgiveness would even mean anything to monika, bc. does she still see them as ‘just code’, or what? i mean she brought them back for a reason, but… who knows. sayori hopes it’d make her feel a little better, at least. she misses her sometimes.
>she likes video games, even if she doesn’t play them as often as MC, she WILL kick ur ass in super smash bros + mario kart, and likes animal crossing. also, there’s an arcade in town, she’s the highest score on a lot of their games. >learning to bake from natsuki, but still can’t cook worth a damn–can and will eat breakfast stuff 4 every meal if u let her. (also rlly likes cheap gas station slushies) >has lots of little rituals, like not stepping on sidewalk cracks, sorting candy by colors before eating them, making wishes @ 11:11, etc etc. it might seem silly to others, but it rlly does bother her when she can’t complete them for w/e reason. >likes making braided bracelets bc she finds the repetitive task calming, has most def made the rest of the club + MC ofc friendship bracelets, all in their 'main color’. (blue for sayori, green for monika, pink for natsuki, purple for yuri, and red for MC.)
>sayori is a earring gay, she has lots of funky ones she switches out everyday or so, having special pairs for holidays and such. she often makes a lot of them herself, with her crafty skillz(tm).
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it is i,, mod berry,, coming for some of those sweet headcanons! you probably know enough abt my stan canon,, but im sad yearning n missing the boyfs!! I got some new mems a while ago so I'm unloading on you lmao,, I was nonverbal? weird one and the whole losers club used to spend a lot of time in an arcade in town if you want to use that?? and a wild amount of sleepovers because nobody wanted to stay at home, hell someone bought a tent n wed disappear for days into the woods. thanks sayori!!
but yeah hell yeah--i’m gonna reference the last time i made hcs for u so i don’t do the same thing over again LMAO
god u were inbox stan back then i rmr that so wEll--but OK just looked em over. it’z time 2 write. check below the cut, berry!!
- mod sayori [???]
SO i’m gonna set this as like . u bill and mike have been together for like a year now, ig? let’s go with anniversary prompt bc who doesn’t love tht!!
and u were just quietly boppin along doing ur thing, on ur way 2 the arcade bc y’all three were gonna hang out there all day and then go camp out overnight somewhere in da woodz 
(the other losers knew y’all were doin somethin special so they were doing their own thing elsewheRe, don’t @ me but richie totally made a fuss abt it even tho he secretly thought u three were cute together)
and like. u thought they’d already b there. BUT!!!!!
bill comes up behind u and puts his arm around u, apologizing when u get a lil scared (and prob make jus the faintest squeak,,) 
but mike is up ahead, waiting outside the arcade’s entrance
and u get like. bill leading u up to mike, where y’all exchange lil smooches, and then u go inside
and y’all put ur quarters together to start workin towards what gamez u wanna play
they r like. spilling out of ur hands and u feel RICH there is this grin on ur face
and they r like “you pick the games!” 
so u pick ur favorites and the three of u spend ALL of the quarters over the course of the day, literally until the arcade closed.
(bill and mike distracted the owners of the place so u could spend the last quarter bc they thought it’d be cute when u got the high score) 
honestly? they pampered u 
and like. i’m gonna say it. when u all went out into the woods to camp out for the night, Y’ALL CUDDLED AGAIN
mike brought a tent but y’all didn’t need it
and believe me when i say it was completely different than that night exactly a year before
bc y’all were so much more comfortable in ur own skin
and around each other
u were sandwiched between them on either side of u
bill’s face rested in the crook of ur neck bc he lowkey was layin on u a lil bit
and mike was just calmly resting snuggled up to ur side
bill was lowkey clingy tbh
but that’s ok bc u and mike found it super cute
and u could tell that bill fell asleep first, bc he was holding ur hand too, and when his fell limp u had to let go bc if u didn’t u wouldn’t ever fall asleep bc u would be focusing on holding his hand 
not that u would mind that
u just wanted to sleep 
mike fell asleep next, and u could tell bc he snored a little bit
(don’t @ me he totally snores, even if it’s just quietly or only sometimes--he snores)
and once again, u were left awake to admire ur sleeping boyfs. 
it was ur favorite place to be.
(and y’all probably camped out for like a whole week tbh, u just couldn’t bring urselves to go home and like be apart from each other so close 2 ur 1-year)
i’ve actually been thinking of opneing up drabbles as a request for sources i’m rly familiar with??? if ur interested i could Try to turn this into one as an example??? i’m not,,, the best writer,,,, but yk!! practice makes progress LMAO
ANYWAY i rly hope u like these,,, they were a lot of fun to make and y’all too cuTe--ty for requesting!!!
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dreamboatdani · 3 years
Tell me more about Zoey, I’m curious…
(Also, I am a part of the Zoni fan club-)
this is going to be veryyyyyyyyyy long. (I have a whole document that i made on why she’s amazing + google slides-)
but I’ll just write about her here.
When I first met Zoey, which was abt 2 years ago, i thought that she was one of those ‘aesthetic’ girls who seemed chill enough. But once she told me that she liked natsuki from DDLC, i was like “OMG YOU ARE NOW ONE OF MY BESTIES” and she said “i like cupcakes getting stuffed down my throat” (she’s so iconic)
and being the weird-ass person i was back then, me and my friends did a DDLC rp thing in school and online. We literally had a whole gc called ‘the lit club’. My friend who was sayori didnt want to be added because they didn’t like gcs lmao
anyways, Zoey was natsuki and her crush, who was a dude and my friend, was Yuri. And y’all know natsuri…
um anyways
zoey was in my gym class and whenever i saw her, i was like “HEY IT’S THE GIRL FROM MY GYM CLASS!!! :D” and she’s like “yeah,,,ok”
and when i broke up with my gf (who is now one of my besties), she kept calling me traitor because she was part of the fan club of shipping me and my gf that some of our friends created. I broke up with my gf because after 5 months, i saw her as only a friend, and was crushing on someone else- (and i was gonna move in like June, and long distance relationships were tricky)
i dated my crush for a week and then didn’t like her anymore so uh yeah- I’m such a great person-
so then COVID came, after spring break.
zoey and i would literally spam the counseling google classroom page, because- yes- she talked a lot abt Steven universe and i talked abt DDLC, And the counselor deleted a post we responded to that was abt board games (our answers were not sane)
And i ended up not moving in June because COVID was reaaaaally bad.
i was going to move in October which meant i got to hang out with Zoey the upcoming school year :)
oh btw I didn’t go back into the building after spring break- COVID was hella bad in texas (where i lived b4)
So august comes, first day of school was a mess since the login to your email or whatever crashed and didn’t work until school had ended lmao
i was panicking- my mom said everyone was experiencing it so CALM DOWN JESUS
okay so
i was writing a sayonika fanfic on Wattpad and asked Zoey if she wanted to help me, and she said okay-
oh! If you wanna read it, you can go on my other wattpad acc Just1Monika2 to read it!
at first she said she didn’t like sayonika and i lied saying I didn’t as well, but when she saw what i was writing abt, she’s like “I THOUGHT YOU DIDNT LIKE SAYONIKA-“ and i said “OH OOPS-“
she ended up making the cover and i loved it
in october
my parents said I was going back in person and it was 2 weeks before i was gonna move
what a literal miracle istg
so then the night before i went back in, Zoey actually texted me that she was going back in the building too but I didn’t see her message smh, but the next day, at lunch, i saw her waving at me like crazy- at first i was like who is that girl- and when she ran over to me, I’m like “ZOEEEE3EEEEEEYEYEYEYEEY”
my friend who was sitting with me was so confused, i felt bad for him lmao
So then Zoey said she was gonna go back to sit with her other friends but she would sit with me tomorrow and im like ok!!
I literally don’t know how but i started to have a crush on her
its prob bcuz i was hanging out with her a lot-
and she said to me one time that she wasn’t ‘hungry for food~”
i was like, zamnnnnnn you wanna fuck me or smth?
she said yes.
and she was sTRaiGHT at the time.
so then at lunch she took out her cross necklace and pointed it at me-
girl- you started it <333
so then when i confessed to her
”uhhhhh dddijwidhdhi” - Zoey 2020
she said
yeah sure ur straight after saying that
calm down
like when she kissed me
i am the reason on why. She. Is. Not. Straight. Anymore.
this ended up being long- this was a rant 😎😎😎
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clubmates-a · 2 years
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ok, this isn’t our first rodeo, so i’ll keep it simple, (esp since this one is pretty wordy all by itself): a hc dump for yuri will be under the cut! <3  
>yuri is the sole heiress to her family’s business, ‘oh-ware!’, a fairly well-known OS and general software company in japan, which is fun. or, well. it would be without the inattentive/emotionally abusive parents, and the pressure that’s been weighing down on her since she was a child, to be perfect and poised and keep up family appearances. but it’s not like she exactly has a choice in the matter, so… >to say the least, her relationship with her parents isn’t one of love, but business, it’s cold and calculated. and, that’s if they’re even around at all–when not in the office, they’re out at business parties, taking business trips, holding conferences, making public appearances, etc etc. so, unless it’s a 'family event’ or s/t particularly important, she’s left home alone, which she’s gotten pretty used to over the years.
>most ppl wouldn’t know this abt her tho, as she generally tries to keep her business-life and personal-life two v separate things. to her, there’s a big difference between ‘yuriko ohnishi’ and… well, just yuri, y'know? >but on a lighter note, switching between the two on a dime is her favorite party trick (with people that she trusts/that know, obvs). bc it’s v jarring to see her ‘get into character’, and she thinks the reactions are pretty funny.
>yuri is almost always wearing a specific dainty old locket, even tucking it inside her uniform on school days. it was a hand-me-down from her grandmother, the one family member she ever considered herself close to. unfortunely, she passed from old age when yuri was about twelve-ish, which left her upset for a long time. >but, she’s glad to have something to remember her by, at least. just having the locket on her makes her feel a lil bit more at ease in a lot of situations. >(the picture inside said locket isn’t of anyone in particular, instead it’s a faded photo of a simple wedding bouquet, made up of lavender and baby’s breath.)
>she’s bullied at school since her studious, and skittish nature makes her a prime target in her classmate’s eyes, esp w/ all her personal quirks and ‘strange’ interests. she’s purposefully tripped, has her hair pulled, she has trouble picking up sarcasm which is used to mess with her, mean notes are left on her desk and/or locker, she’s given rude nicknames, etc etc. >it’s gotten a lil better in the last year or so, but she’s still generally alienated. she usually eats lunch on the rooftop alone, but recently her clubmates have started to join her, which she’s appreciative of.
>yuri has a slight phobia of storms/lightning in particular + the dark, because of an incident from when she was about seven years old. one night after being left home alone, a heavy storm rolled in, and at one point caused the power to go out in the whole house. it freaked her out, and she didn’t know what to do/she had no one to turn to. she ended up hiding under the kitchen table until she eventually fell asleep.
>she struggles with some chronic pain from an dance injury to her left knee, which thankfully, didn’t result in her having to quit ballet. but, some days are worse then others, and when it’s particularly bad she either wears a brace, or uses a cane. >also: sayori decorated her cane with stickers after a heart-to-heart she + yuri had abt their different experiences with chronic illness and chronic pain, respectively.  
>during times where she’s not too busy during the week, yuri can be found at a small bookstore near the school, either reading, doing homework, or volunteering. >she goes to ballet classes on fridays + saturdays, ever since she was a kid. it was originally just another thing her parents signed her up for, but it’s s/t she rlly enjoys. >tbh if she weren’t an heir/expected to take up the family business, she’d go to a ballet school, and work to become a professional, but… you know how it is.
>she’s usually a bit late to the on wednesdays. why? well, inspired by some of her favorite bands she’s taken up playing guitar (specifically a bass), so, she has lessons with a girl from the music club that day! >none of her friends/the other literature club members know about this though. she knows sayori would ask her to play for them, and. she wants to practice some more first, okay? she’s nervous, ok…
>there’s a lil cemetery park near yuri’s house that she visits often to read, think, bird-watch, and just generally get some peace and quiet. there’s a particular bench she likes since it’s sort of tucked away, and usually in the shade of a nearby tree. >sometimes, she’ll take a walk and visit her grandmother’s grave, along with a few of the older, more lonely graves. she cleans them up, and leaves something small. >she realizes the 'goth hanging out in a cemetery’ thing is maybe a lil stereotypical, but! she legit finds the place calming, alright? let her live! (…no pun intended, ofc.)
>yuri has an interest in photography, to the point she almost joined the photography club last year, but promptly chickened out last second. she really puts herself into each piece, so, it’s more then a lil nerve-wracking to share that stuff with people, esp strangers! (even if she ended up doing that anyway, in the literature club.) >even so, it’s another thing she’s passionate about! her preferred styles are: still-life, portrait, and night-time. some of her photos do involve color, but they’re mostly in B&W.
>yuri is big on doing things properly, all those lil details and extra steps matter to her. bc of this, she’s developed lots of 'routines’, even for small, average things.   >for example, when trying to do some homework or write she: gets her notebook, gets some sticky notes, neatly lays out her pens and inks, turns on her AC, and turns her desk lamp on, in that order. it just helps her get into the zone, basically.
>some stuff u’d find in her room are!– *her knife collection, ofc. she has all types, but her favorites tend to be switch blades/pocket-knives, daggers, and butterfly knives! also: any fun novelty knives. *teacups + saucers! and a few teapots too, some of them are for decoration, but some are for actual use. she  likes kintsugi-styled stuff in particular bc! it’s pretty!
*fantasy/horror movie posters, fantasy/horror movie soundtrack records, box-sets of a few of her favorite book series’, horror movie masks for display purposes, etc etc. general fandom memorabilia, basically. *has a few old 'haunted/cursed’ dolls she’s bought over the years, usually on impulse. but, they all have names and she loves them. *animal skulls + other assorted animal bones. yes, they’re real.
>though, unfortunately a lot of this stuff (mostly the horror-related things) end up covered up/hidden, since her parents don’t rlly approve, they say it’s 'unladylike’.
>yuri has. v big feelings on horror movies that are jumpscare fests and pure gore and nothing else, don’t get her started unless you’re prepared to hear all about it. >she loves horror as a genre, obvs, but. to her, there’s gotta be a point to it. like, even if it’s just 'people do bad things, bc that’s just how people are’, then. great! does she rlly agree with it? no, but. at least it gives u s/t to think about, y'know? >she doesn’t mind watching them tho, especially with friends, since they’re still fun to pick apart/make fun of, but. just… know what ur getting into first.
>you know how in act two it’s mentioned yuri brings a different knife to school each day? well, that’s true, hence how she died, but. it can be sort of said for act one yuri as well, just… in a less intense sense–aka she often carries around a small swiss army knife, for a multitude of reasons. >she started carrying it around in middle school, as it was her very first knife, so while it may seem silly, it has a lot of meaning to her!
>has two japanese rhinoceros beetles named 'hana’ and 'nana’ as pets, and. y'know how people baby-talk their dogs? yeah, that’s her with them. don’t @ her! >vaguely dabbles in the ‘occult’ at times, though i wouldn’t say she practices, its done mostly in a casual sense. does tarot readings for fun, taught herself how to read palms, collects pretty crystals and memorizes their meanings/uses, etc etc! >yuri was. 100% one of those kids that taught themselves how to speak elvish (or some other fictional/fantasy language) + bits and pieces of klingon too, probably.
>is a secret adrenaline junkie, which probably at least partly influenced her interest in the horror genre/spooky things in general, collecting knives, etc etc. when the school’s cultural festival rolls around, you’ll often find yuri hiding out in whichever class is putting on a haunted house. she’d probs also really like thrill-rides + roller -coasters, but she hasn’t been to an amusement park since she was a kid, sadly. >bad/tacky romance type novels are still a big guilty pleasure of hers despite what she might say–she keeps a box of them hidden in her closet under some general clutter. and yes, she would die of embarrassment if anyone ever found out, lmao
>yuri’s kinda nosy? idk if that’s the right word, bc she doesn’t mean any harm, of course, but: her casually eavesdropping on sayori + MC’s conversation, her being curious when MC mentions sayori avoiding him, etc etc. y'know? >and. idk, i find that kinda interesting? yuri keeps to herself, and just. reads, so. i wouldn’t be surprised if people blab abt stuff around her without thinking abt it. either bc they didn’t notice her, forgot she was there, assume she’s too engrossed in her book, or don’t think that she would care–but rlly, she’s like 👀👀👀, lmao >yuri is. v much the type to people-watch in general, tbh! she knows its not exactly very polite, and she would never, use anything she hears against anyone, or share it around or anything. it just makes her happy, in a weird way? makes her feel included, i guess. like she’s apart of something! she doesn’t have a lot of her own friends, after all. (she’d doesn’t rlly like talking abt it though, fearing ridicule + people thinking it’s weird or creepy or w/e.) >some of yuri’s fidgets/habits are!-- 
*often folds her hands, holds them close to her chest, tucks them behind her back, etc etc–both out of awkwardness, and to kept them from wandering, and looking for s/t to fidget with. *tends to walk on her tippy-toes/the balls of her feet, but maybe that’s not so surprising from a dancer. this means she walks rlly quietly though, and tends to accidentally scare people, rip, lmao *fiddles with her hair a lot, twirling it around her finger, playing with the ends, trying to hide behind it, etc etc.
*gently bites/chews on the ends of her pens while in deep thought, or generally day-dreaming. which is… fairly often, if i’m being honest. *she’s REALLY bad with making eye-contact like, 98% of the time. if she makes direct eye-contact with you, she is Very Serious™. *she tends to pick up some of her friend’s usual gestures: a certain pouty face from natsuki, a few of monika’s poses, the 👉👈 thing bc of sayori, etc etc. she doesn’t do it on purpose, of course, but. it’s done out of love for her friends! she just thinks they’re neat, ok
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