#ok gameboy ramble done sorry
gameboyhamazing · 3 years
Announcing...MII MAY!
A month of creative prompts all about games starring Miis!
Continued under the cut:
Hey! Thanks for clicking keep reading. First off, I want to say that this is my biggest (and admittedly only) multi-stage project so far, and I hope you’ll support it through reblogs. likes are cool too, but this is something I want to get people involved in. 
For a while now, I’ve wanted to get better at art, because (in my humble opinion) my art is honestly trash right now. I’ve tried doing things like Inktober, but while I’m sure other people love it and benefit from it, the prompts weren’t doing it for me, and I couldn’t find anything that really clicked for me. The other day, though, I decided to draw somethign for the heck of it to see how I was doing. I hadn’t drawn anything in a while and was stuck, but then I remembered that I’d  been playing and watchign videos of Wii Sports related things recently, and decided to start drawing the five sports in the original beloved game. 
That’s when it struck me. What if I did a month of Mii prompts? Miis and the Wii were a huge part of my life growing up, and I think this is as fine as any an opportunity to honor it while getting better at art in general. As an added bonus, I get extra practice drawing faces and body proportions, my two biggest obstacles in art currently, for free alongside the fun of drawing, as Miis focus a lot on those two aspects of a character.
So feel free to join me in whatever media you want. Go grab something to participate with! It could be a pen or pencil, paint, digital drawing tools, or even the famed Mii Maker itself if you want to try it (I won’t be using Mii Maker, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t)! And let’s all band together to create art of these beloved Nintendo avatars throughout May. #Mii May
Prompt List
Here is the prompt list for this year’s Mii May. Each one will get its own post the day of the prompt, btu I figured some people would want to know what they were getting into right away:
Day 1. Mii Maker/Mii Channel Day 2. Tennis Day 3. Baseball Day 4. Bowling Day 5. Golf Day 6. Boxing Day 7. Swordplay Day 8. Wakeboarding Day 9. Frisbee Day 10. Archery Day 11. Basketball Day 12. Table Tennis (alternative if satisfied with 1 tennis prompt: Champion) Day 13. Power Cruising Day 14. Canoeing Day 15. Cycling Day 16. Skydiving Day 17. Island Flyover Day 18. Party Day 19. Music Day 20. Plaza Day 21. Find Mii (any version) Day 22. Tanks! Day 23. Fitness Day 24. Train (noun or verb) Day 25. Brawler Day 26. Swordfighter Day 27. Gunner Day 28. Race Day 29. Costume Day 30. Wuhu Island Day 31. Miiverse
Remember to reblog if this interests you, along with mentions and the use of the ‘official’ #Mii May tag. Doing so helps spread the word, and I really want to see what people are capable of!
I hope you’ll join me in celebrating these fun games that shaped many people’s childhoods in any media form you want!
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Tori Hoffstadt (Emily Rose) Criminal Minds 13x4 Killer App (2017)
Tori Hoffstadt: There's 4 more coders dead and all of them on the team. That makes 6. I know. I thought it was a coincidence, too, at first, but now I know, the seventh one, but It can't all be arbitrary, all right? And I can't just pretend like it's not happening. What do you want me to do? Oh! Oh, god, it's him! It's him! Ohh! [Cell phone chirps]
Jake Logan: Hey, Tori, how have you been?
[Car is registered to Tori Hoffstadt. Garcia said Tori was on her phone at the time this happened, but her number's encrypted, so she can't track it. Tori works for Peakstone. And if she has access to sensitive information, her calls could be encrypted for security reasons.] Tori: Why are you doing this?
Jake: Just drive. You don't remember me, do you, Tori? 
Tori: I do.
Jake: I was just another one of your gameboy recruits. A dime a dozen, right? 
Tori: I remember you, Jake.
Jake: I didn't think you would. 
Tori: Where are you taking me?
Jake: You don't get to ask questions! And you don't get answers! Just do what I tell you to do.--I really didn't think you'd remember me.
Tori: I do. I was so happy when you joined the team. 
Jake: You made it sound like I'd just be playing video games.
Tori: The software was a lot like a video game. You gave input on the design, remember? 
Jake: Yeah. But it wasn't a game. 
Tori: No. It wasn't a game. You were fighting for our country. You should be proud of your service.
--- Jake: Because people aren't grass. And people aren't weeds. 
Tori: They're terrorists. You were doing what needed to be done, keeping the people of this country safe. [Tori Hoffstadt escaped. She flagged down a car, they took her to St. Ann's hospital. She seems unharmed, but they're holding her for observation.] Tori: I didn't want to hurt him. I just I thought he was gonna kill me.
 Tori, look, you're safe now, ok? We know how much you've been through. If you need more time, just let us know. Did you know him?
Tori: Yes. His name was Jake Logan. I hired him as a civilian drone pilot for one of my teams. I thought he was gonna kill me. 
He took you to his house. Do you know why he didn't kill you?
Tori: No. He was just, you know, talking. He really wasn't making a lot of sense. 
Did he say anything about casualty counts? His last mission had hundreds of casualties. 
Tori: No, uh-uh. He was just rambling, you know? But I was really scared.
 How did you get away?
Tori: He seemed confused. So he put the gun down, and I I grabbed it, then I pulled the trigger and I ran. 
And you shot him? 
Tori: I just had to get away. I'm so sorry. [Did he go down?] I don't I don't know. I just shot the gun and I ran. You know, it just all happened so fast.----My god! [Gasping] Oh, my god, he was gonna kill me. Oh, he was gonna kill me. God, this is that mission.
 What happened, Tori? 
Tori: Jake's last mission, OK, it was a mistake. But Jake, he blamed everybody at Peakstone, the coders, me. He said we'd turned him into a murderer. But that that was an accident, OK? We never meant for that to happen.
 You knew about the school right after it happened, didn't you?
Tori: We thought we could cover it up.
 The deaths of hundreds of children You thought you could just sweep that under the rug? You filed false reports. 
Tori: Yes.
 Did Peakstone know about it?
Tori: Peakstone made me file those fake reports. They knew everything. I thought this was all over, and then he started killing those coders
 JJ: You knew it was Jake. That's why you called your contact at Peakstone?
Tori: I thought he'd protect me after everything I had done for that company.
 You were just as much a liability to them as Jake Logan. They murdered him. If you hadn't escaped, they were going to kill you, too. 
Tori: I trusted them. God, I was so stupid.
 Tori Hoffstadt, we're putting you in custody. 
Tori: What? What? What no! No! No! [Crying]
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hyrulehearts1123 · 7 years
Just arrived at the resort we’re staying at. enjoy my rambling on the way here below the cut
Hour 1 of the drive: 
Stopped a little while ago for drinks and doughnut holes. currently running on 2 1/2 hours of sleep and mt. dew code red, and slowly wearing down the admitedly impressive amount of fanfic i've got open.
kinda wanna break into the doughnut holes
hot damn do i have weird taste in music
hey look, writing is kinnda happening. not for the right story but it's happeninng anyway
the doughnuts have been broken into. rations include 6 doughnut holes, mt dew, and whatever snacks mom packed that i can actually reach
i may have made a mistake with the placement of my backpack
made the backpack sittuation better by putting my hoodie over it. i don't want any of my other stuff yet anyway
aaaaaah, it is good to have control over the ac in the back row, even if getting it balanced is a chore and a half
screw the fip flops. the carpet in the car is kinda comfy anyway
Hour 2: The Revenge of the Cramped Space
sorry bout that, took a sharp turn and damn near had a laptop and 20 pound backpack crush me
got things a bit more stable. not much can be done about my backpack though. gotta keep my hoodie where it is
hey, cows!
first bathroom break. admitted to my mom i'm running on fumes. she's the same. saw a herse built on the shell of a chrystler 300. pretty cool
hey look! more cows!
what's this, could it be? am i finally almost done with this damn chapter????
thank god, just one more scene then i can move onto some of the more fun stuff
Hour 3: Attack of the Words wait, shit, i need to do yet another inbetween before i can continue what i already started for the next part
finished the first quarter of the fanfics i managed to have open. this is gonna be a long trip if this pace keeps up
pulled out the blanket
god i wish my laptop had a disk drive. as entertaining as the back of my older brother's sleeping head is to watch bob around, i wana watch some movies
rations cut to 5 doughnut holes
this story is gonna be almost 6000 words, isn't it
made myself kinda a nest against the mountain of stuff taking up the other half of the back row. it's rather comfy
literally awake through the power of mt dew and spite. hoping to finish this story before i pass out though.
hour 5: back at it
make that 4 hours of sleep and spite
whoops, my laptop is doing that thing where it won't admit that it can connect to any networks, which can lead to even bigger problems if it isn't dealt with soon. goodbye fanfic, it was a nice three hours having you!
also, here's hoping that my computer doesn't wipe y musings about the trip so far......
we're good. doesn't change the fact the fanfic i had open is gone though
in other news, my laptop is at least regestering things properly now
oh yeah, we're in florida now. apparently that happened while i was still sleeping
damn it, i was gonna bring my gameboy so i could play a link to the past
just saw some dude's truck, and it had a confeterate flag attached. 'merica
hey look, this story is finally finished! onto the next one!
ok, either i write the next thing for midsummer's children, or i start work on the thing where michael raises dean. i can't decide right now
screw it, i'm gonna play zelda. writing is hard
hour 6: boredom strikes
yeah, i forgot my file for zelda was on hard mode. there goes any skill points i had
doin the michael one. no one's here to stop me
oh hey! i had some fanfic on my kindle!
got the bit of the michael story i'd written on my kindle onto my laptop. and now the fun begins
also, my butt is starting to go numb. i hope we stop for food soon
hang on i think we're about to stop for food
hour 7: the journey ends
yummy food. back into the pit of no leg room
so, we've only got about half an hour until we get there. i'm gonna start putting things away
hour 8: finally here
well, i'm sitting on my bed, happy i found the internet. this week is gonna be awesome.
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gameboyhamazing · 3 years
Sorry if I ever show up in ur notifications following you and then you check your followers afterwards and I’m gone sometimes i it follow by accident on mobile and bc I’m already following a couple hundred blogs I panic and hit unfollow quick as I can it’s nothing against you
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