#ok my skin doesn't heal well in general like i scar really easily and they're always raised
luvxiem ยท 1 year
the struggle of wanting to be hot and sexy but ur piercings are not healing well
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acoustic-rob ยท 4 months
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I think everybody who follows me knows all this already but what the hell, here's my Final Fantasy XIV character.
โ€” B A S I C S
Name: Eynrael Wistweinwyn
Nicknames: Eyn
Age: mid to late 20s, probably?
Nameday: 19th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Race: Roegadyn (Sea Wolf)
Gender: Female
Orientation: Lesbian, happily married
Profession: Warrior. Although she's good with a gun--MCH is her preferred job when they don't need her axe--and also plays around with red magic.
โ€” P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: Brown, with red highlights. The highlights aren't natural; she paid Jandelaine for them some time in the past.
Eyes: Also brown
Skin: Light green
Tattoos/scars: She has a scar on her cheek that she could easily erase with healing magic but she keeps it around for Reasons. Tattoos include an elaborate tattoo of a phoenix on one arm and shoulder, the Warrior jobstone on the inside forearm of her axe hand, and some basic bitch tattoos like the sea turtle on her ankle. Look, not everything has deep meaning, OK?
โ€” F A M I L Y
Parents, Siblings, Grandparents: She cut her birth family out of her life years ago. They may be still alive, but they're dead to her.
In-laws and Other: Let's start with Other: her wife, Gabrielle, also an adventurer. They're hopelessly in love with each other.
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She's on good terms with Gabrielle's family, although it took a while for her sister Artemis to warm up to her. She was responsible for reuniting Gabrielle with her father Constantine; she's justifiably smug about that.
Pets: A pet slime named Reggie.
โ€” S K I L L S
Abilities: Aside from being an all-around godslaying badass Eyn is a good sailor, has a good head for numbers, and is surprisingly well-read for a big green slab of muscle.
Hobbies: Sailing, reading, folk dancing. She sings and plays the fiddle. And she likes mixing up perfumes and scented massage oils for her friends.
โ€” T R A I T S
Most Positive Traits: Kind, generous, confident, persistent.
Most Negative Traits: Stubborn, sometimes overconfident. Doesn't like to rely on others, which means she doesn't always let her loved ones know when she needs their support. Or, sometimes, that they're loved.
โ€” L I K E S
Colors: Mostly earth tones, deep browns and blues and reds
Smells: Leather, unsmoked tobacco, gun oil, her wife's cooking
Textures: Really smoothly finished wood
Drinks: Strong fruity bar drinks with umbrellas in them.
โ€” O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: No
Drinks: Too much, especially before she hooked up with Gabrielle.
Drugs: Does caffeine count? She lives on cheap takeout and black coffee.
Mount Issuance: Besides her chocobo Fezzik she has a white griffon named Bela.
Been Arrested: Not exactly. She was a pirate before becoming an adventurer but repented and threw herself on Merlwyb's mercy. And ever since then she's striven to be worthy of that mercy and to extend it to anyone who asks for it.
Tagging @sjofn-lofnsdottr and @sarahsyna
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