#ok that ones a webcomic but still
pikarai468 · 8 months
the eternal pain of wanting to talk nonstop about your favourite things to people who arent familiar with them but not being able to talk nonstop about your favourite things because you also want the person youre talking to to get into your favourite things and it would be spoilers for them so you just kind of explode
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hacksawboy · 2 months
hi tf2mblr im here to show u guys my medic oc
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seeminglydark · 1 year
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Not as naïve as he’d like most to believe.
Just having fun with linework while I recover. Rose and A are from my webcomic Seemingly Dark. A is a very tired boy, he just really needs a nap. No rest for the wicked.
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tenowls · 2 years
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[oc] jay
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toonagi · 1 year
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everybody shut up and look at my creatures
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tpwrtrmnky · 2 months
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[ID: Four panel "Pills that make you green" comic. Crudely drawn stick figures represent people.
Panel 1: A leaf green stick figure sits at a desk while a lime green stick figure is standing behind them.
Leaf: "I'm making a webcomic where I make fun of chromophobes through and elaborate allegory."
Lime: "I'm intrigued. How does it work."
Leaf: "Ok so the "humans" have "genders" and there are "transgender" people who-"
Panel 2: One long infodump later, Leaf is still talking to Lime.
Lime: "...So which "genders" are which colors exactly?"
Leaf: "I'm trying to make it somewhat ambiguous?"
Lime: "Ok but "men" are clearly meant to be pink people right?"
Leaf: "I mean, in-universe most "cis people" are like a stand-in for grayscales and most men are cis"
Panel 3: Continue conversation.
Lime: "So any "gender" can be "cis"?"
Leaf: "Well no because mainstream society only really recognizes two of them broadly"
Lime: "You get how that comes off as extremely standard "green is not a creative color" rhetoric, right? "Cis women" look like a commentary on green people."
Leaf: "Wait I didn't mean that-"
Panel 4: Zoom in on Lime.
Lime: "I think it's really naïve if you expect inherently political work you make to be interpreted in good faith by everyone who sees it. Whether you're consciously thinking about them or not, the connotations will be there."
Lime: "Also why did you turn the Gaelic Peninsula into an island what is up with that?"
End ID]
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[ID 2: Zoom in on Lime with additional commentary:
"Also, while I'm at it anyway, if "trans gender" is supposed to be like chromatic people why do some "humans" paint their "finger nails" isn't that redundant"
"The whole setup completely erases huerarchial polyhedra as well, that really drags down any comic about chromatic infighting."
"What the fuck were you even talking about in the comic that mentioned "crypto currency""
End ID.]
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kremlin · 7 months
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@wikwalker hi sure yes anything to give me an excuse to procrastinate the post i should be writing right now. here are all teh drugs and how to manage them. you can trust me, a drug addict
first of all: https://www.erowid.org/ , erowid always
don't be afraid of drugs, if they're the right drugs, you should do them since they will be a blast regardless and overcoming fear is also good (but outside the scope here)
OK to do as much as you want: alcohol - social benefit greatly outweighs health effects, no reason to avoid if predisposed to abuse since that'll happen sooner or later. what can i say? don't be a fucking dork. when you start drinking, really overdo it as much as possible without dying and get a few real nasty hangovers under your belt so you know how much is the right amount to drink.
weed - innocuous enough to be fine but will make you stupid in the long term. make sure to only buy from a real drug dealer and never some legal institution. cut it out when you're a "real adult". don't smoke weed and watch TV routinely, go out and do things so you naturally grow to hate it. good to go through this as early as possible to minimize the time you spend as a cringe weed enthusiast
i guess those are the only two.
ok to do infrequently (annually): "lsd" - or whatever it is, probably not lsd, blah blah blah, if it works and is sold on blotter its fine and won't make you go nuts or whatever. opt for a better psychadelic imo. see psych rule at bottom of section
mushrooms - better than acid since you know what they are. rule of thumb is to always do more than you think you want. minimum 1/8oz. see psych rule at bottom of post
dmt - if you somehow have a dmt hookup you don't need to be reading any of this. lasts 10 minutes which leads to tendency to way overdo it, don't do this, my favorite webcomic artist is permanently crazy from exactly that. using a crack pipe is also not the uhhhh most dignifying-feeling thing to do either. it's harder than you think.
mdma - for use at electronic music event or rave. overuse causes brain lesions or something.
coke - wait until you're in your 20s, have maxed out your roth IRA for a couple of years in a row, and havent missed a car payment in a similar timeframe. better still if you've worked a very shitty low paying job and know the value of a dollar. if you still find yourself buying candy you're not ready. too expensive to be worth it to get hooked on. know that you are VERY ANNOYING to anyone who also isn't high. don't fuck around with the guy selling it to you. avoid discussing or thinking about business ideas. you can't afford to make it a habit + kinda turns you into a piece of shit after a while, but at least a very interesting one
ketamine - another sick drug that rules, but save it for a special occasion. don't try and go into the k-hole your first time
rule for psychedelics - you get one good strong trip a year and that's it, make it count, always opt for doing a bit more than a bit less. but don't make it a habit, otherwise you turn into a very stupid very annoying "hippy" style cliché and believe in ghosts, aliens, crap like that.
ok to try once prescription opiates/benzodiazepine (xanax), valium, this kind of shit - worth trying so you can go "holy shit, this stuff is way way way too good to ever use responsibly" and then never do again. especially if you're white. for some reason we just can't handle this shit. if a doctor prescribes it to you, idk, that's your call to make.
ayhuasca - this is just dmt in a different form. do some other psychadelics a number of times before you do this. once you realize the whole "substantial visual hallucinations" thing is made up, its time. do exactly this: -buy root online (legal). receive box of dirt -boil dirt into "tea" (read erowid for exact recipe) -take over-the-counter anti nausea medicine or anything that will give you a stronger stomach -drink tea (its nasty as fuck, get it down quick) -have someone bigger than you keep an eye on you for the next five hours. -have the experience, which is absurdly intense, has no bearing to the real world, etc etc. don't be a bitch and throw up, if you do it'll only last an hour or so. again there is no way to provide a consistent description of the experience except that you will meet god. you only ever need to do this once and never again. trust me
peyote/salvia/etc - try em if you want, you'll never ever want to again afterwords. these are drugs for idiot teenagers too lame to get real drugs. imagine being very very sick from poison and utterly terrified at the same time. No good
whippets/nitrous oxide - just find a dentist that uses it and don't bother creating hundreds of pounds of trash on your floor for this crap that lasts ten seconds. you have to understand the extremely short timeframe coupled with the cost makes zero sense. go to a phish concert parking lot and do some people watching -- you do not want to be these people. only use is as a motivator to get routine dental exam. also if you somehow manage to make it a heavy habit your fucking legs stop working, no shit, but they start working again once you quit.
don't ever do heroin/meth/pcp - is is truly a mystery why you should never do these 🙄
synthetic weed/k2/shit from the gas station - it is so funny that they sell this as "weed that won't pop you on a drug test". its not weed. it is some dubious chemical sprayed on yard waste. smoke it to have a terrible time and go nuts. only buy drugs from legitimate drug dealers!
kratom - anyone's guess as to why this is legal but it's heroin for pussies. its still heroin
dxm/cough syrup - do you ever wonder why it is exclusively teenagers robotripping? it's because it sucks ass. is like a cheesegrater on your brain in terms of health effects with repeated usage. you're better than this king
inhalants - these are at the bottom of the list for a reason. do not huff gas. don't huff paint. do not consume computer duster. not fun + fastest way to make yourself a complete, uh, (word i can't say anymore) and then dead
not listed quaaludes- unavailable due to no longer being manufactured. these ruled apparantly
sincis2c - unavailable due to not existing, i just made this up
amphetamines - cannot provide objective take here. they're my albatross, lifelong (posted 4:55am natch)
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blackfliesinbluesugar · 8 months
Prefacing by saying I have been a hardcore Hazbin fan since mid 2019, pre-pilot release. I am not an embittered anti.
Hazbin's pacing doesn't make me angry, it makes me sad. I think about this show setting up like a normal cartoon, letting us get to know the characters, letting us see them day-to-day and strengthening their relationships with each other and how they cope in different silly or serious situations, and I get... just, upset. This isn't a cartoon, this is a webcomic, and it's a webcomic based off some lady's twitter where she gave us a character sheet for everyone before we clicked on so the comic wouldn't have to waste time explaining it. I'm sad.
Who is this Camille lady and what do I care if she killed an angel? Her daughters? Who? I don't know either of their names and I don't care enough about her or them to check. I just met her today! If she dies, if her daughters die, what difference does it make to me? A random decent character design is gone? Ok??
What do I care if Vaggie has self esteem issues? I don't know her, I just met her! I'd care so much more about her song if I cared about her! I'm just expected to care because, hey, Hazbin had a huge fandom pre-release, so why wouldn't I care? She's had so much fanon and speculation, that practically did all the set up for me, right?
,,,nO. I still need you to do the work! I want to know who these people are before I see all their trauma laid bare, because otherwise all they are to me IS their trauma, and it's tough to get invested in that in a world this bleak with a cast this huge.
Helluva Boss did the same thing - Octavia is introduced in episode 2, and then in that same episode we get some big emotional dramatic moment with her and her father that feels like it should have capped an entire character arc. And yeah, I like Octavia, I like her design and her voice and her relationship to her family, but I sure didn't care when she cried about a conflict I only learned 2 minutes ago I was meant to be taking seriously. She gets another big arc for her issues in s2e2, and I cared a LOT MORE, because not only have I actually met her before that episode, I had the entire episode to develop on her specifically and lead up to the emotional climax! It didn't just play happy dappy with her all day and then make her break down, it was a clear progression. Same with Fizz - I enjoyed his recent episode with Blitzo, because I have had several episodes to build up both their individual characters and their relationship to each other and past tension. If that had been their first episode together, I would have again, not cared one bit.
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chibigaia-art · 1 month
Do you have any favorite webcomics?
oh boy, do I
ok, addressing the elephant in the room immediately: homestuck. just read it. don't read anything after the main webcomic ends, don't get into the epilogues, or the sequel, but hs? fun, still love it dearly.
now for the others!!!!
Paranatural - middle schoolers with supernatural powers fight supernatural entities, it's one of the funniest thing I ever read that also managed to punch me in the gut and make me want to draw even more
Sleepless Domain - magical girls protect the city at night from monsters. Everything is fine until things happen :)
Heartstrings (18+) pop star/punk lesbians :]
Public U. Art Club - it's an art club. liloth my beloved
Cursed Princess Club - story about self love and acceptance, I just really really love this comic and I am still so happy I followed it while it was updating. It's finished so it's a good binge read!
Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell - this one is also finished, idk how to pitch it, just read it, it's so fucking funny, also read Vampire Family from the same author
also on tapas:
Fantasy x Grounds (I'd say 18+ for this one too) - the summary on the page just says "A funny fantasy comic with nameless characters". This is true but it's also a lie, it's also a fantasy comic full of heartaches and characters that feel like real people This one is from an italian author and I've been following it for years, I'm so in love with the story, the characters and their arcs it makes me unwell. There is an english translation and that version has updated art on old pages, some fixes for colors and redrawn sequences that are very very cool - the translation itself is also kinda rough at first but it gets better. I will also say, the earlier parts of the comic didn't age super well BUT. IT'S SUCH A GOOD COMIC. YOU HAVE TO SEE WHAT FUCKERY HAPPENS LATER, YOU HAVE TO SEE THE INSANE THINGS THEY FIGHT. YOU HAVE TO READ THE [MOONANGEL KING] ARC BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE MY FAVOURITE GUY STARTS BREAKING FOR REAL
edit also if you read any of these pls let me know what you think
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Ok, I'm losing my head right now. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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The multiversus crossover game brought to us not only the Powerpuff girls... But THE ROWDYRUFF BOYS AS WELL!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
But... Oh girl... Omg... There's even more for me to even lose my head harder 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃
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It says Powerpuff girls but is actually one of the rowdyruff boys talking... IS BOOMER!!!! To think a simple videogame line is enough to make go crazy delulu like this... Here comes the delulu twisted romantic mental gymnastics 😍😍😍
So i need an explanation. No really i need one. Why is Boomer saying that? Bubbles didn't see what? WHAT YOU DON'T WANT HER TO SEE?? Multiversus you can't leave me like this!! Did he say that because he was clumsy and doesn't want to look lame in front of her? Did he say that because he was doing something bad and doesn't want to look that bad in front of her? Sorry im just going back when they got their second appearance in the show and Bubbles said: I WANT THE BLONDE, I THINK HE IS CUTE!.... IM DYING OVER HERE I NEED ANSWERS!!!! 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
Update!! The 3 of them say more shippable stuff KYAAAAAAAAA omg omg omg GO WATCH A VIDEO WITH ALL THE RRB MULTIVERSUS VOICE LINES... IM SCREAMING 😭😭😭😭😭
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Im going DELULU!!
also since now they became mainstream thanks to this crossover game i should remind people of other old crossovers as well that are still ongoing and need more love:
The original fusionfall retro and legacy were cancelled i think but i think you can still play the retro. But currently i saw that there's people working on a new version that was going to be renamed: Saturday morning: invasion.
Anyway look at this images from Fusionfall legacies 👇😖
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Boomer will be included in Saturday morning invasion too with a different look... So i hope the project succeeds!!🤞🤞🤞
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This is a Halloween special from the webcomic that is still ongoing in snafu-comics.
Needles to say i fell into the deep pit of shipping hard madness after seeing this 😂😂😂 even though i don't need this much, i can go delulu and make up a reason to ship characters out of every insignificant detail, hence the fuss i made over: " I hope Bubbles didn't see that", yeah my blue boy is totally in love 🤪🤪🤪
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beekeeperspicnic · 2 months
I've realised lately that my creative work on The Beekeeper's Picnic is in a weird lull at the moment? And I'm struggling with that?
Oh, there's still lots of be done - but from my point of view, I'm handing over the creative tasks to the composer, the director and the voice actors, and my main jobs until release are technical and things that I find frustrating and difficult (like marketing!) As someone who thrives on creativity, this is just... weird, I don't like it much.
I'm also aware that if I'm not careful the game will release and I'll deflate like a balloon because I don't know what to do next. I used to find this with my webcomics, where I would end up with long gaps in between projects because I had been so laser-focused on finishing one project, I hadn't made space for others to grow.
Sooooooo, I'm noodling around with a few "what comes after" ideas.
(If I share these you all have to promise not to get mad at me if they change a lot or if some of them don't "grow" at this time, ok?)
One idea I am playing with is Louis Wain cats meet Mad Science.
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rotationalsymmetry · 4 months
I'm on the first reread of Order of the Stick in a couple years. And tracking how close I am to the current strip by how many years ago it was written.
Dude really slowed down the production speed at some point. But that's OK. The quality is phenomenal.
He didn't have to go so hard. He could have done a joke of the day comic for a year or so and people would have loved it. It was a relatively early webcomic and it had a clean, professional art style, if not a highly detailed or realistic one. (It still takes skill to make that simplified style of art look good.) It's been over two decades and everyone in the main cast has had family stuff and backstory stuff and character development. (And the writer's grown too. It wasn't bad at the start, but over time it's settled into having way more secondary and scenery female characters and the existence of queer people is a mundane background part of the world, rather than something occasionally pulled out for a joke.) We've had high drama, we've had subversion of expectations, we've got the sort of massively high stakes that you can only get in a fantasy setting. And it's been going on for over two decades. I can't even.
And it's so much better on the rereads. Dude will make callbacks to some tiny detail from five years ago real time. The overall plot is solid enough that it's actually enjoyable to condense two decades of strips into a week or two of reading. It holds up. I don't know how he does that. It shouldn't be possible to write something that works as a thing you read one page of a couple times a week and something that works as an archive binge like that, I don't know how it's possible to pace a story to work that way. (Well. Lots of bad puns seems to be a key feature.) QC doesn't work like that, I mean QC is fine but you go back to the very beginning and it's painful how much worse the art and the storytelling was, and it works best if you just understand it as a bunch of loosely connected storylines. OOTS is one story and you can tell where you are in it and how far out the big climax is likely to be. Dunno how he does that. It's been over twenty years. I'm pretty sure I'd be stabbing my eyeballs out if I worked on the same story for over twenty years. That's life's work stuff there.
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rockybloo · 6 months
Could we see your comic process for a random comic page? like thumbnails to line art to flat color ect. I'm tying to study webcomic artist I like while I'm working on my own, so I hope it's ok to ask. Also I adore your comic's, Beanstalked scratches an itch like no other comic. Black main characters are always great to see but Jack hits different. He is such a cute goof and I want good things for him, but I know horrors await, and Nana. Redbeans has many of my favorite ship dynamics, like half of them, so I love them.
Aaaand here is one of the comic processes for Jack encountering his first horror (specifically Chapter 2: Page 6)
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Line art (as I tend to delete the sketches for comic pages after I finish them because I already have SO MANY layers in the end of things)
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Flats for Jack
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Background colors and effects (like motion lines, glow, extra mood shading)
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AND then Speech Bubbles (I always have the speech bubbles typed out already while sketching so I can move them around or alter sketches so they don't cover up anything important or pretty)
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I have an old ask answer that shows another comic process (the art is old and that version of Beanstalked is scrapped but it's still close to how I do things now)
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genericpuff · 1 year
y'know what, going against the grain for once, I actually like these drawings.
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And yes, the third one is silly and I can't take it all that seriously, it's definitely the weaker of the three and I don't think "like" is the word for it (more like "I don't hate it"), but if these aren't the closest Rachel has been to drawing authentic LO stuff in years, I don't know what is. Say what you want about these drawings, if they're pretty or if they're ugly, but they're still WAY closer to what LO used to look like than how it looks now.
If you're telling me THESE are ugly and need to be "fixed" when original LO looked like this:
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like yeah ok a lot of these panels in hindsight aren't perfect either and comparing them says a lot about the old art too, but they're the panels that got us into LO in the first place so you're not gonna catch me relentlessly trashing on these doodles tbh Those drawings she posted to her BlueSky/Twitter are literally shower thought doodles and while it's pretty telling that she's willing to put more effort into those doodles than into the comic, I think, on the flipside, it's also great to see her doing it because if there's ANY hope in LO regaining even a semblance of that magic it used to have in its art, it lies in Rachel learning how to draw for fun again and finding peace with the process. I'm not gonna fault her for that in the slightest by talking shit or looking for faults in these "for fun" drawings she made.
That said, as someone who's long since removed the rose colored glasses, I don't think LO will ever really go back to "what it was" for me because the definition of "what it was" had a lot of issues that I can't believe I overlooked, in both the art and the narrative. Going back to "what it was" is impossible because I can't unlearn the things that I've seen and know about this webcomic, I can't pretend there isn't a DDLG dynamic or that Rachel wasn't influenced by Lolita or that Hades isn't an insert of Mads Mikkelson.
But the art is prettier and closer to original LO than 95% of what I've seen in the entirety of S3 LO. So that's neat.
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bbybluemochi · 1 year
bbybluemochi's F.A.Q. ✧・゚
Hi! Arun here! I thought that instead of answering your submissions one by one I’d gather all the frequently asked questions and answer them in a single post (this is a mix of art/OC/commissions related q's)!
Please note that I do read all your messages and I’m so grateful for every one of them!!!! I keep all your words really close to my heart, thank you for liking my art and loving my Ocs as much as I do, it means the world to me <3
What’s the name of your OCs?
They’re called Cotton (the blonde one) and Puppy (the dark haired one). The original idea for them was to make some silly wolf/bunny OCs (that’s why Cotton is called like that, it was supposed to be a joke about her tail…) but somewhere along the way they took over and became something completely different!
Is there a webcomic for your OCs?
Not currently! I don’t have the time or the skills (for now) but I’d love to give it a try in the future! 
I was wondering if you mind people using your OC art as character art/inspiration for DnD?Just games with friends that are for fun, nothing for commercial.
Go ahead! I find that really flattering.
Just out of curiosity, are any of your OCs bisexual?
Both Cotton and Puppy are lesbians. That’s what I feel comfortable drawing since I’m a lesbian myself. If I ever do draw a bisexual OC I’ll make sure to mention it! <3
I think you said Cotton was a dominatrix in a previous ask, but is Puppy on the opposite side of the spectrum or is she just glad to be there whichever way?
Puppy is very much a sub. They both switch (Puppy as a service top and bottom and Cotton as a top and power bottom), but the dom/sub dynamic never changes. Also I wanted to mention that these dynamics do not transcend outside of the bedroom that much, there’s more to them than their kinks but I do love to draw them deep in their submissive/dominant headspaces. 
Are one of the lesbian fairytale characters trans?
I didn’t design either of them with that in mind, but I’m super OK with people headcanoning them as trans!
May I use your art as a header/icon?
Of course! Remember to credit me tho~
Do you allow people to use your art freely?
I don’t allow reposts of my work (not that it matters that much, since almost all my art has been already reposted a million times ))): but I’d really appreciate it if you just shared my posts instead of reposting my art). As for phone backgrounds/wallpapers or stuff like that, yeah!
Do you have an instagram account or other social media, I would love to follow you there.
My main platform is twitter (same @), I post all my drawings there and I’m usually more active over there. Tumblr is kind of like an archive. I really like the community here but I find it easier to reply/interact with people on twitter! As for instagram, I do have an old art account (same @, again) but I haven’t posted in so long. I may start posting there soon if a certain rich guy decides to keep destroying the bird app tho. 
I’ve always thought about this… how do you think it’d look if the aesthetics/styles [of your OCs] were reversed?
I’ll have to explore that in a future drawing, I haven’t thought much about it! 
Do you write fics for your characters or has anyone else written fics about them?
Not yet! A couple of my friends have offered, tho! I usually like to stick to drawing because that’s what I do best, I don’t wanna subject anyone to my writing (it’s not very good,,,,). When I share some of my Ocs stories, I think it will be in comic format. 
What's the story behind your OCs? 
There are several, actually!! I like to put my OCs in different universes. As for now, there’s the Fairytale AU, the modern setting AU (this is the original one), and now the Werewolf/Vampire AU. I also did a drawing of them as spiderwoman and black cat but I don’t think that AU is gonna make a comeback for a while. I’m also planning a scifi AU but I’m not sure I’d be able to pull off that aesthetic with my current art style so I’m still working on it. 
The Fairytale AU is the one I’m working on most of the time. I wanna release a small artbook with their story + illustrations. That was my main goal for 2023 but life got in the way, so maybe,,, 2024??? *crosses fingers* 
Is your shop down? It’s saying that it’s not available.
I open my shop for 1-2 weeks every now and then, that’s why it’s closed most of the time! My plan is to open the store again in september, if i manage to finish all the merch in time! I’ll announce it on my twitter and tumblr account when I do. 
Would you ever share a tutorial on how you make your art?
Yes, of course! I’m not very good at explaining my drawing process but If it helps anyone I’d love to! Just let me know what part of the drawing process you’d like me to focus on, because If i try to make a full illustration tutorial it’s gonna be too long/difficult to follow. 
May I ask what brush do you use for your lineart?
I use a different brush almost every time I start an illustration, I’m not very consistent when it comes to that (I think it’s mainly because I haven’t found the perfect brush yet!). But let me know what illustration you’re curious about and I’ll try to remember which one I used!
Do you come up with poses off the top of your head or do you use some type of reference? I always struggle with them.
It depends on what I’m drawing! Some of my drawings are reinterpretations of paintings (I’m obsessed with pre-raphaelite painters and arthurian legend paintings in general), so in those cases I try to adapt the poses to my art style. Even If I’m trying to recreate an already existing painting I end up changing the poses/proportions a lot along the way to fit my personal taste/art style. 
Other times, I just sketch from imagination (this is more entertaining, I think, since looking at references can make the drawing process a bit tedious). If I find it hard to draw a certain pose/part of the body I will look up references on printerest, no shame in using pictures! If I still can’t find the pose I need I’ll just take a picture of myself (this is like, a last resort for me. I’m too lazy for this). 
My personal advice would be to use references for the pose and then tweaking the pose and trying to make it more personal 
I love the way the armor was designed and rendered! Can you share some tips on designing armor? 
Drawing armor is something I still struggle with most of the time. I think I’ve learned a lot in the past year (please don’t look at my armor drawings from 2022,,,,, sigh) but I still struggle to draw certain poses/angles. My advice is: don’t hesitate to draw non-functional armor!!! There’s always gonna be someone like “actually, that armour makes no sense :)” well !!!! it looks cool as hell so who caresssss !!!!! 
I think it’s more important for you to get comfortable drawing armor before you start beating yourself up for not drawing accurate ones. It takes a lot of practice (I’m still learning!!!), especially if you’re trying to draw historically accurate ones, so start by having fun, and then work your way up from there.
Most of the tips I can think about are really hard to explain without a visual example, so let me know if that’d be a tutorial you would be interested in and I’ll try to make one (I’m cringing a little just saying this bc I swear, my armor skills are so bad compared to some amazing artists out there………..).
Do you allow cosplays your OCs?
YES…. YES PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM BEGGING YOUUU ILL LOVE YOU FOREVER !!!!!! *rattles my cage* 
Do you allow fanart of your OCs?
Again,,, PLEASEEEEEEEEE !!! Just tag me so I don’t miss it and remember to give me credits if you do !!!!!!!!!!! :D
I was wondering if you use procreate , clip studio, or similar apps?
A mix of both. I used to draw on procreate only until I got a tablet and now I’m a clip studio user (csp sponsor me please), and now that’s all I use. I’m so used to drawing on PC now that I don’t think I’d be able to go back to procreate, but I still like that app a lot! All my drawings (even the ones I do on csp) always get retouched on procreate because I like some of the effects (*dreamy sigh* chromatic aberration filter,,, love u). 
I wanted to know if the marks Cotton has on her waist are tattoos or like a scar? 
Those are tats! Puppy is a tattoo artist ~~~ (I’m actually not sure if i’ll keep the waist tats on Cotton or if I’ll end up redesigning them,,,)
I was wondering if you take commissions?
Not right now. I also don’t have any plans of opening commissions any time soon! When I do, I’ll post a google forms on twitter and here on tumblr with the prices and type of comms I do. But there’s nothing scheduled. 
Even tho I'm not doing commissions atm, I’m currently looking for illustration jobs (specially book covers), so don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected]
That's all for now, thank you for reading!! I think I covered most of the questions, I'll make another q&a post in the future! Bye~~
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all-hallows-street · 7 months
Official All Saints Street Nick/Lynn and Nini/Lily art from the FRZ fan page
I've mentioned the team battle events between the three sister webcomics under the FRZ umbrella, but there is also a Couples/Ship battle between all of them. And as you can guess, Nick/Lynn is the top WSJ ship and now a days gets second and or third place after more popular Fei Ren Zai ships.
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This illustration comes from the 2019 contest where Nick/Lynn got 3rd place. Not an usual WSJ artist, so I am interested on who created this illustration. They might be an illustrator for FRZ or There are Beasts, so if you have any information, please send me a message!
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These tiny illustrations were for the 2020 ship battle where Nick/Lynn got 4th place, Nini/Lily got 6th and surprisingly Ira/Wenwen got 9th!
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So, you might notice I've posted these ones before, but that is because I got them from the twitter account with no context. This is the context: they are from the 2021 Ship battle where Nick/Lynn got 3rd and Nini/Lily got 4th.
Ok, so for 2022 or 2023 I can't find more ship battles. Guess they stopped hosting them. And as a bonus: Here are some Nick/Lynn and Nini/Lily illustrations for Christmas 2022. Again, would love to know who actually made this.
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And as an extra extra bonus, and because we're on a NiLyn and NiLi kick: I found the highest resolution available for the Uniformed illustrations I was looking for. I would still kill for the physical postcards, but man am I glad I found them.
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As mentioned in the tittle, the source for all of this is the FRZ (official) fan page.
Here are the google drive links for the highest resolution:
Updated link for pfp/avatar/icons:
And I'll be posting the last one in Lingzi's art:
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