#ok that's all for tonight love you byyee
There are white, glowing eyes on the other side of the lagoon.
Cleo freezes- wild animals are not to be trifled with, especially when she has no weapons and is missing half her clothes-
But- wait. She peers through the darkness, her only light coming from clusters of glowberries hanging down from above and the white glow of the eyes that are steadily approaching- that's Lizzie, isn't it? Not some wild animal, but maybe a siren is worse.
(Not her Lizzie. Her Lizzie could never be as bad as a siren)
The water ripples lightly as she approaches her captain. Her skin is blue and scaly, her eyes an ethereal white that is so different from the timid blue of that girl in the manor, all that time ago. She lifts her head fully out of the water, finned ears flicking, the gold earring in her left dripping along with her hair.
Cleo shudders as Lizzie's claws brush over her shoulders- Cleo lowers herself in the water, bending her knees for stability as Lizzie tries to sit on her.
Cleo laughs, a light, breathy thing, and hooks her hands under Lizzie's thighs, pulling her closer and helping her stay. Her tail flicks lightly around Cleo's ankles, and she loops her arms around Cleo's neck. Cleo has to look up at her, with the way they're sitting- the glowberries are giving her something of a halo- maybe a crown. There's barely a breath of space between them.
"Remind me," Lizzie murmurs, gaze flickering to Cleo's lips for only a brief moment, "did I ever thank you for saving me?"
"No," Cleo smiles, "I don't think you did."
"Well," Lizzie breathes, leaning in, "thank you."
Her lips are soft and sweet- the kiss is delicate and timid. Cleo leans into it, smiling against Lizzie's lips as the phantom heartbeat in her ear jumps, beating faster.
Lizzie pulls away. Cleo lets her go, still smiling.
"You're very welcome, trinket."
She snorts and leans in again, this time timidly kissing the corner of Cleo's mouth and trailing carefully up to her ear- gaining more confidence with each press of her lips- once she's reached her ear, her lips trail downwards until her head is resting on Cleo's shoulder, lips against her neck, smiling.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time," Lizzie murmurs, tail flicking idly, then wrapping around Cleo's thigh underwater.
Cleo laughs- adjusting her hold and managing to kiss Lizzie's cheek- "I'm glad you did."
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