#ok to rb but if weirdos start gettinf on my nerves you have to pay ME $8 okay?
gayseyjones · 2 years
I think it's important to remember people aren't mad about people buying checkmarks because We Hate Fun And Want To Control Your Money but because staff has repeatedly put it's marginalized users at risk despite claiming it's the "queerest place on the internet". like that time they let people blaze transmisogynistic propaganda and refused to take it down even after they were emailed about it. or the time they blazed antisemitic propaganda and refused to take it down. or the time they blazed actual suicide notes and refused to take it down. or the fact that they paste up ads from racist alt-right hate groups and refuse to take them down. and while doing all of this they Insist that posts people want to blaze are Hand Checked By Real People To Confirm They're Safe, which either means 1. They're lying about this and the posts are actually checked by an AI or nothing at all, putting users at risk while refusing to acknowledge their mistakes & refusing to take it down, or 2. Actual staff members are indeed checking them, approving Literal Hate Speech, and refusing to take it down. And despite this. Despite all of this. People have convinced themselves that tumblr is still some Indie Self-Expression Freedom Of Speech Utopia that absolutely fucking NEEDS their $8 or it'll shut down within the week. you guys post about your boycotts and petitions but when it's time to Actually Not Purchase Something That Supports People Who Hate Us you act like your hands are tied. The fact is that tumblr will never actually tighten up their policies on hate speech and racism and homophobia and transphobia until we force them to via cutting their flow of cash because otherwise? there's no stakes in it for them. they literally could not give less of a fuck about how unsafe this site is for minorities as long as you're still lining their pockets. and yet you guys have decided that spending $8 for a PNG to show up next to your URL on the dash is still more important. and don't even try to "no ethical consumption under capitalism" your way out of this one. there is a fucking world of difference between a poor person having no choice but to buy products made via cruelty to scrape by vs. some random blogger throwing money at a site that fully supports hate speech for. what. what is this for. is it for a bit? the bit isn't funny. log off.
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