#okay bye bye have the day from hell and we got home at like 2am yesterday rip me send cookies and strength!!!!
pancakehouse · 2 years
going to the bookstore tonight to pick out all the little books im gifting my friends and family my absolute favorite part of christmas shopping im soooo excited teehee
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marvelous-imagines · 4 years
Forever and always
Johnny Lawrence x larusso reader
Request: I’m watching cobra Kai and have fallen in love with Johnny! Could you maybe do a short post on Johnny liking Daniels sister and then they meet again in cobra Kai 😱
Warnings: mild language. Angst. Fluff
I can't find the person's account that requested this👉👈🥺💔
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You and your family have just moved to California, now living in a small apartment complex where you and your brother are sharing a room, which was really a pain in the ass. Especially since Daniel didn't really seem keen on keeping his side tidy, it was annoying really. But you couldn't change it, no matter how bad you wanted to. But you could get out of the apartment for a while...
That's how you found yourself now, exploring the new territory with excitement. You've done been everywhere you'd thought, until you found the beach, that's where you were now. Barefoot as you walk on the beach, watching the ocean with a relaxed gaze.
Until a something hit you on the forehead, making you fall on your back with a yelp, pain instantly taking over your head. You had your eyes squeezed shut, a groan emitting from you.
"shit I think you knocked her out Johnny!" someone laughs, but you didn't care to open your eye's to see who.
"shut up asshole!" someone else says, that's when you felt someone crouched down beside you, hands gently grasping at your shoulders and giving you a gentle shake. Hand carefully pushing hair away from your now hurt forehead.
"hey, you alright?" the same voice said, you crack your eyes open and see two beautiful blue ones looking back at you with concern, his blond hair falling in front of his beautiful eyes as you feel the air being knocked from your lungs, heart skipping a beat as butterflies erupted in your belly.
This stranger was by far the most hottest stranger you've ever seen. He was handsome, beautiful, gorgeous.
"shit, can you hear me?" he asks, his voice bringing you out of your trance.
"y - yeah I'm fine - I'm okay" you stuttered out, trying to sit up, the handsome stranger helping you do so. "what the hell even happened?" you ask, watching how he let's a little smile sneak its way on his face.
"I threw my friends shoe away from him and it uh... Hit you in the face...he really hates sand..." he said trying not to laugh. You giggle a little, giving him a little grin.
"I'll have to admit, it's a little funny... But please watch where you throw stuff next time" you say with a chuckle.
"I can't make any promises sweetheart" he said, giving you a wink. You blushed, hating how handsome this man really was. His wink sending your heart into overdrive. "I'm Johnny Lawrence by the way" he stands up and offers you his hand. Which you gladly take, him helping you stand up.
"I'm y/n larusso, nice to meet you" you say rubbing at the sore spot on your forehead. Johnny looks guilty for a moment before his friends start shouting for him.
"to make it up to you for almost knocking you out, how about me and you go see a movie sometime, my treat?" he questioned, and even though you just got hit in the head you felt like you just won the lottery.
"that sounds nice, how about Friday?" you ask with a smile. Johnny gives you a smile as he stuffs his hands in his pockets, walking backwards and back to his friends.
"Friday it is" he confirmed, he set up the time and place and you felt yourself counting down the days until then.
Who would have thought being hit in the face with a shoe would have scored you a date with a handsome man?
Who would've thought that, that date would have brought you and Johnny closer, the outcome of being hit in the face making a beautiful relationship bloom. After that one movie date with Johnny there was more than one. One night you both went rollerskating another night you went mini gulfing. And after almost two weeks of dating Johnny had snuck you both into the local pool for a midnight swim. That was the night you first kissed, a night you would always remember.
You've been dating for a year, You fell so helplessly in love with him, he was sweet, loving, kind and even a gentleman. But you was the only one who saw that side of him. The only one who saw Johnny for who he really was. Everyone else saw him for his reputation, being a bully, a badass cobra Kai. They looked past his soft side that only you brought out, and looked straight at his tough guy attitude.
And even though he could be bit of an asshole and bully - especially with your brother. He wasn't really a bad guy. But you knew Daniel wouldn't agree with your relationship with Johnny, so you dated in secret. Always having dates when everyone in your house was asleep, hiding whenever you share kisses at school. Fleeting touches shared secretly, lingering gazes hidden.
But it was worth it, Johnny was worth it. And even though you knew Johnny and Daniel hated each other, you couldn't stay away from Johnny. You loved him. And the mere thought of leaving him hurt. So instead of choosing who you kept in your life, you tried keeping both. Because you knew if it ever came down to it Daniel wouldn't ever speak to you if he found out you and Johnny was a thing, that thought was painful considering you and Daniel was like twins, although he was a year older. And if Johnny knew Daniel wasn't speaking to you just because you two was dating, he'd make you runaway with him where you both could be together without someone trying to tear you apart.
You sigh at your wandering thoughts and live in the moment, that being seated in the sand, watching the ocean with Johnny's arm around you, holding you close against him you wearing his red jacket because the night wind was chilly. You've been sitting there for hours, listening to music on the boom box he brought. Talking and perhaps maybe making out.
It was nearing 2am when Johnny stood up, bringing you with him as he cups your cheek in hand and holds your hip in the other.
"we should probably get you home before you're family realize that you are gone" he muttered, face closer to yours. You smile and peck his lips before running off toward his bike. Hopping on the back and waiting for him you give him a grin.
"you better hurry slow poke!" you say, watching him run toward you with a laugh, the happiness on his face enough to cause your heart to swell.
Once he makes it to you he gives you a smirk, one hand resting on the handle bares of the bike while the other is resting on the seat behind you. He leans his face closer to yours.
"you're a tease y/n" he said, capturing your lips with his, the kiss deep and slow. His lips moving against yours perfectly. You pull away from the kiss and give him a cheeky smile.
"c'mon hot shot let's get going before Daniel wakes up for his usual kitchen raid" you joke making Johnny laugh. Hopping on the bike and listening to it roar to life. You wrapped your arms around Johnny's middle, holding him tight.
He then zooms down the road, wind blowing through your hair. You hold onto Johnny tightly, making him feel as if he was on top of the world. It didn't take long for him to slow down, before shutting the bike off. You was home, the apartment complex quiet all the lights off. You hop of the bike as Johnny stayed seated, watching you shrug off his jacket and handing it to him.
"I wish you could wear it all the time, it looks good on you" he said, taking it and putting it on.
"I think it looks pretty good on you Johnny" you replied back with a grin. He rolls his eyes and chuckles.
"you better get inside before Daniel or you're mom wakes up, my bike isn't exactly quiet" he points out causing you to sigh. "goodnight y/n"
"goodnight Johnny..." you lean in to give him one last kiss, him being the tease he is nibbles at your bottom lip. You giggle into the kiss and pull back reluctantly, Johnny smirking at you.
"I'll see you at school, bye babe" he starts up the bike as you back away slowly with a wave.
"bye Johnny, love you!" you say slightly loud over the noisy bike.
"love you too!" you watch how he gives you a wink before zooming down the road, disappearing from your sight. You sigh dreamily and head inside.
Completely oblivious to the watching eye's in your home.
You slip inside your bedroom and close the door quietly, slowly crawling in bed. As you laid down the light turns on making you jump up startled. Daniel gives you a look of disappointment. Making you instantly know that he knew.
"y'know I didn't believe Mr Miyagi when he told me that he saw you hanging around with Johnny but know I feel like a fool for not" he said, the disappointment Clear in his voice.
You sigh and hold your head in your hands. This was going to be a disaster...
"i was going to tell you -
"that's a lie" he scoffs, shaking his head. He looked angry now, he had a look of betrayal swimming in his eye's, "he's nothing but trouble y/n he's a bully! To be precise he bullies me!" now you scoff, looking up at Daniel with a annoyed look.
"I've been talking to him about that, he hasn't bathered you any now has he? he's not a bad guy Danny, he's nice, kind and he treats me like a queen! You just never give him the chance to be a nice civilized person because you instantly start going at each other's throats" you huff out, watching your brother shake his head.
"he's everything but good, did you see how he was fighting me at the tournament? He was fighting dirty!" he nearly yelled in anger, causing you to tense your jaw.
"he's different when it's just me and him, he's always so kind, so sweet...he loves me Danny, and I know you don't wanna hear it but I love him too... " you trail off knowing no matter what you say Daniel wouldn't change his mind. He didn't approve of the relationship, he didn't want you around him...
"he's a bad guy y/n, he's gonna end up breaking you're heart and I don't want that to happen to you... You deserve better" he muttered before cutting the light off and angrily going to sleep.
The next few days after that night was horrible. When you woke up you had walked into the kitchen, picking up a orange from the fruit bowl and tossing it to Daniel with a little 'think fast!' in hopes he would catch it like usual, a smile on his face. But instead he focused on his bowl of cereal and let it fall to the floor, ignoring you.
At school he didn't even look at you, wouldn't speak to you or even let you sit with him at lunch. It was painful, especially since you and Daniel was like bestfriends. He was always there for you when you needed him, a shoulder to lean on, cry on. You felt absolutely heart broken but thought perhaps he'd go back to being his normal self over time... But days turned to weeks and that's when you knew what needed to be done, no matter how hard it would be...
The room was dark, the only light being that of the moons blue hue shining through the window. You laid on your bed, watching the clock tick as you patiently wait for midnight to roll around. The cold silver locket in your hand felt heavy, your heart aching. You look down at the metal locket and sigh, flipping it open you let a little smile etch itself on your lips, the picture of you and Johnny one of your favorites, it was the night of your second date, the one where you had both went rollerskating. It was taken by Johnny, he held it further away from you both, smiling wide as you were. You close the locket as midnight had arrived, and for once you actually dread it.
Standing from the bed and slipping out the door, before you closed it Daniel spoke up making you freeze in shock that he was talking to you and fright that you had been caught.
"remember what I told you about him y/n, he's a prick, he'll kick you in the back any chance he gets" Daniel said, making a lump form in your throat. Looking down at the locket in your hand you nod.
"I won't give him the opportunity Danny..." you muttered, tears filling your eyes as you shut the door and leave the house with a heavy heart, a dark cloud lingering over your head.
The streets was empty, void of traffic or people. The star's twinkling in the night sky as the moons light danced across the ocean, waves crashing into the shore, sitting in the sand the man who stole your heart the moment you looked into his beautiful eyes...
Letting out a deep breath and wiping at your eye's in hopes the tears would go away you walk over to Johnny with a fake smile. He looks up at you with a smile.
"hey babe, before I came here I got you something" he grins up at you, holding a hand behide him and away from your sight. You felt your heart being squeezed by an unbearable pain. Out of all the nights he had to be the sweetest it just had to be now...
"oh, what it is?" you say sitting beside him, watching how he only grins wider.
"give me a kiss and it's you'res" you give him a genuine smile, leaning in and pecking his lips shortly. But that obviously wasn't enough, his pout saying it all, "what was that? That was hardly even a kiss!" he laughs, making you roll your eyes and press a more firm kiss on his lips, deciding to deepen it, relishing in the feeling of his soft lips on yours, engraving his taste into your memory as you place a hand on his jaw and pull him closer. Making him let out a noise of surprise into it, smirking as he pulls away slowly.
"how was that?" you ask teasingly. He chuckles and shows you the gift, which wasn't much honestly, just a flower, your favorite. You take it and feel your heart swell at the sweet gesture.
"johnny it's beautiful! Thank you" you kiss his cheek and decide you should give him the locket, even though you knew Johnny wouldn't even think twice about wearing a necklace, you still wanted him to have it. You pull it out of your pocket and hand it to him.
"I know you won't ever wear it, but I wanted you to have this..." you muttered, watching how he takes it and looks over it, a fond smile on his face.
"a locket?" he asks with confusion, looking inside it at the picture, "our second date..." he chuckles at the memory. He looks back up at you with a look of pure love and affection, making you feel sick to your stomach. Johnny noticed the change of mood in you and gives you a concerned look.
"what's wrong?" he placed the locket down and cups your face. You bite your bottom lip to stop it from trembling, unable to look him in the eye's.
"I - I'll always love you Johnny, no matter what... You know that right?" you say, voice cracking. He nods his head and wipes away a falling tear off your cheek. You didn't even know you was crying...
"of course, I'll always love you too y/n" he reassures you, but he only made you feel worse...
"I want to end things..." you let out your tears, your voice trembled. Johnny looks takem back by your words, shocked. He let's go of your cheek and flickers his eyes across your face, looking for any sign of anything but truth.
"what? Why?..." he questioned as he clenched his fist around the necklace in his hand. His once happy smile morphing into anger and sadness.
"we can't be together anymore... I'm sorry Johnny... I love you -
"if you loved me then you wouldn't be saying all that - bullshit!" he stood up, necklace in a vice like grip in his hand as he looked down at you with heart broken eyes, anger, betrayal.
"I'm sorry" you sob out, tears freely falling from your eye's. Johnny scoffs and shakes his head, tears swimming in a pool of anger in those beautiful blues of his, making your heart break even more.
"I should have expected this, you leading me on. You're no better then that loser brother of yours!" he yelled, taking one last look at the locket, his tears fell from his eye's making him angrily wipe them away, "love me forever eh?" he takes the locket and throws it somewhere away from you both.
You sit helplessly, crying on the beach as you watch Johnny walk away. But you knew if you had Johnny in your life your brother would never talk to you again.... It was a hard choice, and you found yourself regretting it...
You woke up with a loud groan, rolling over in bed spotting the book on your bed side table, reaching over and taking it, opening the book to see the old withered and slightly torn flower, your favorite. Although it's color was slightly gone and it was dead, you loved it. It reminded you of him.
Shutting the book you place it back on the table and stand up from your bed, deciding to begin the day with a hot shower. you gathered your clothes and head into the bathroom. After that you had a tiny breakfast and head straight to your brothers work, only to torture him a bit.
It's been years since that horrid night you broke up with Johnny, yet it still haunts you. The guilt and regret never went away, you never dated anyone after that, never got married. Although your brother would always set up blind dates for you, saying you needed someone in your life like how he had amanda, his wife.
You smile when you pull up into the auto shop, seeing the big letters of your last name plastered on the building. Parking your car and stepping out you head inside instantly spotting Daniel, who gives you a wide smile.
"well if it isn't the bum who always drops by!" he joked, hugging you. You laugh and hug him back.
"I dropped by to see if I could get my insurance this month payed off for free" you joke right back making him roll his eyes.
"no can do sis, I'm afraid you're gonna have to do that yourself" he said with a chuckle. "what are you here for though? Need a job? Because we are always hiring y/n - and I think you'd really love -
"Danny I don't need a job here" you laugh at his rambling. Daniel was always so eager to hire you, he wanted you both to work in the same field, under the same roof. But you didn't want to work at his business, although it was pretty awesome, you didn't really like the whole 'car selling and paperwork' theme. So you was a waitress at a old dinner, it didn't pay good but you wasn't poor. You knew Daniel felt slightly guilty for having so much money and a big house while you struggled to pay rent in a apartment building. That's why he made it a habit of loaning you - gifting actually, money. Even when you refused to take it.
"I actually came here to ask you about the whole dick in you're mouth thing?" you giggle at his face of horror and frustration.
"oh God you saw the billboard?" he asks with a low tone, a look of annoyance etched on his face.
"of course I saw it! I think everyone has" you laughed, almost at the point of wheezing. "I even took a picture so I can always have it as a reminder" you wheeze out, causing him to groan.
"of course you'd do that" he muttered with a roll of his eyes.
"who done that anyway?" you ask, watching his expression turn from embarrassing and frustrated to conflict and deep thought.
"they didn't find him...or her..." he muttered, turning his back on you. Confused by how he just obviously lied to you, you shrug it off and understand it's a touchy subject for him, Amanda kindly texting you not to bring it up, but you did because it was to good not to.
"okay, well I hope you're day doesn't suck to bad" you stifle a laugh at your pun. He groans and shoo's you away.
"get out of here before I ban you!" you laugh loudly and complie, leaving the place. But as you walk to your car you noticed a yellow flyer on the ground. curious, you pick it up, heart skipping a beat at the word's...cobra Kai... But your heart fluttered yet is clenched with a guilt filled pain at the picture.
Johnny Lawrence in all his glory. He looked the same, a bit aged but still the handsome man who stole your heart all those years ago.
Folding the picture up you hop inside your car, deciding a little visit to this new cobra Kai dojo wasn't so bad. So starting your car and searching for the place you let your mind wander.
Was he still mad at you? Did he hate you?
Of course he did. you broke his heart for Christ's sake. He threw the locket you gave him away like it was a poisonous snake. You sigh when the building comes in sight. You park and stare at it, debating whether you should go in or not.
What if he didn't want to see you? Or what the hell would you even say?
You let out a deep dragged out breath before opening up your car door and getting out. You wanted to see him again, you needed to. So without a second thought you approached the dojo, getting ready to open the door while your head was held low.
That's when you felt a horrible pain in your nose as you fall on your back, a yelp emitting from you as you hold your hurting nose. Feeling the warm sensation of blood slowly falling from it. With eyes squeezed shut you groan.
"oh my God! Are you okay?" the familier sound of the one and only Johnny Lawrence blesses your ears. You feel his hands gently push your hair away and out of your face. "lady you're gonna have to move your hands otherwise I can't see what the hells wrong" you would have laughed at his polite yet slightly rude words if you didn't think your nose was broken.
You move them slowly and open your eyes only to be greeted with his beautiful concern filled blue ones. That's when it hit him, the realization of who you were, "y/n larusso? Is that you?" you sit up slowly and nod.
"yeah, is it just me or do you greet all women by hurting them unintentionally?" you joke, causing him to smile a small smile.
"come inside and let me check you're nose out, try stop the bleeding" he says while helping you up, leading you inside. His hold on your hand never filtered as he held it all the way to a little office typed room. Cleaning his desk off and motioning you to sit down on it. You do so and watch how he disappeared into some other room and soon returned with a few tissues and a cotton ball.
"so what brings you here? Wanting to learn some karate?" he asks with a teasing smile, wiping the blood from your nose then delicately placing the cotton ball inside the bleeding nostril.
"no, I actually saw a flyer and wanted to... See you" you muttered the last sentence but he heard. Giving you a small barely noticeable smile he crossed his arms. "it's been a while" you say with a nervous chuckle. Taking your eyes off him and looking down at your hands.
"well, since I hit you with my door how about I make it up to you and buy you a drink?" he suggests, causing you to snap your head up eagerly and nod.
"that sounds only fair" you giggle. He chuckles and reaches for his keys beside you on the table.
"then follow me" he said as he leads you out of the dojo.
In a car ride full of silence besides the classic rock playing on the radio, you both had arrived at a quiet little bar, where you both sat tucked away in a booth in the corner. A beer in both your hands as you talked and laughed like old times.
"oh God, do you remember that time when I snuck in through you're bedroom window and I didn't know you and you're brother shared room?" he asks with a laugh, the memory a hilarious one.
"you had to hide under the bed for like 5 hours before Daniel went to sleep!" you laughed, remembering how Daniel stayed up that night for hours telling you horrible jokes and stuff. Poor Johnny hiding under your bed and suffering through it with you.
"nothing will ever be as funny as that one time we went skating and you nearly broke my neck trying to push me away from you because you saw Daniel with ali" he snickered, sipping his beer as you snort.
"you wouldn't stop trying to make out with me, I thought he would for sure see us" you giggle while sipping your own beer.
"we used to have so much fun" he muttered, a nostalgic look on his face. You give him a fond smile and nod.
"y'know, I never wanted to break up with you that night..." you say, mind slightly buzzed from all the beers you've had. Not quite drunk, just more bolder with your words. "the only reason I did was because Daniel found out about us... He Stopped talking to me for days, he hated me"
That caught his attention and made him devote his full attention on you.
"he stopped talking to me, completely acting as if I didn't exist. So I knew if I didn't end things between you and me, I'd lose my only brother" you sigh, shaking your head and giving him a apologetic look. "I'm sorry I think I've had way to many -
"I kept it..." he blurted out, cutting your words short. You give him a confused look. "the locket, I went back the night after you ended things and found it" he reaches for the neckline of his shirt and pulled out the silver necklace locket.
You felt a flutter in your heart, a hope blooming inside you that perhaps maybe you still had a chance with Johnny. He smiles and flips the heart shaped pendent open, revealing the photo inside.
"you found it?" you questioned as you stood only to sit beside him, shoulders nearly touching as he shows it to you.
"of course, I didn't really throw it that far" he said while closing it, shoving it back under his shirt, "besides, even though you broke up with me I couldn't ever get you off my mind" he confessed while looking at you with those big blue eye's of his.
"likewise, I regretted that night ever since it happened" you muttered while looking away from him, feeling the guilt and heartbreak weighing down on you. Tears slowly starting to glisten in your eye's.
But Johnny gently placed his hand on your face, palm firmly pressed on your cheek as he makes you look at him.
"I understand y/n, I understand that you done that because you're brother and I aren't exactly bestfriends" he reassures you. Causing a little smile to tug at your lips. "I never stopped loving you y/n, and even though I can't stand you're brother... I'd love to take you to dinner sometime?" he asks with a little half smile.
You felt a wave of happiness wash over you, heart swelling with joy as you nod.
"of course, I'd love that" you say with a wide grin. He let's out a little chuckle, a silence falling over you two, his hand still on your cheek as he just let's his eyes roam your face with adoration.
"I missed you" he muttered, his thumb rubbing at your cheek.
"I missed you too..." you murmured, as you lean into his touch.
And as if he couldn't live without his lips on yours he brings your face closer and pressed his lips on yours. You was surprised at first but soon let your lips move with his in the familier way you missed, the kiss was enough to take your breath away. The way he nibbled at your bottom lip caused you to giggle into the kiss. Pulling away he gives you his beautiful smirk.
"I see you haven't changed a bit Johnny" you murmur with, small smile on your face.
"neither have you y/n..." he placed another kiss on your forehead as he wraps a arm around you, holding you close to him. For once in your life you feel content, happy. And there is no place you'd rather be than in Johnny's warm arms..
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A/n: I know this sucks, and I'm sorry it took so long, I'm a very busy person *coughs* it's classified👀
Also I left my phone unattended, I was also in the middle of writing this here imagine, and when I came back to check on it my little sister had down this:
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I laughed at this for a while 😂🤣
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gamerwoo · 5 years
Junhui: Oh, Positive (Part One)
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Characters: Junhui x female reader
Genre/warnings: vampire/vampire hunter au, kinda angst but not really that angsty tbh, kinda crack thanks to flirty and sassy vampire!jun, lots n lots of cringey flirting
Word count: 2,163
Summary: As a vampire hunter, your job is pretty self-explanatory. But sometimes, the enemy has to become your ally, and that’s exactly what happens when you're ordered to track down Jun. To stop the coven of vampires that’re bringing up the death toll in Tokyo, you have to work with the thing you’re trained to kill -- assuming the two of you don’t kill each other in the process.
a/n: there will be more parts but i’m not sure how many which is why there isn’t a masterlist yet. this is just a lil idea i’ve had for a while sooooo it’s not really top priority so updates will probably be slow. but idk i wanted it out there (and yes i wrote this bc i love vampire!jun from that web series)
“Don’t kill him, just capture him. Bring him back here when you do.”
Those stupid instructions kept repeating in your head. What was the point of capturing a vampire and not killing it? All vampires were bad. They killed humans. That’s why you existed. You were trained to kill them on sight, but now you were being told to show some sort of mercy. What sort of bullshit was that? 
But your boss gave you orders so you would follow them even if you didn’t agree with them.
It had taken a few days to figure out where to find this Jun. There were apparently a few places he hung around, so you were checking those places. It was well into 2am and most of the streets were empty. However, most vampires were known to linger in the alleyways of more crowded places, hoping to lure humans away to feed on them. So you stuck to the shadows, watching and listening carefully for any sign of--
You froze as soon as you sensed it, knowing exactly where it was. You didn’t make it obvious you knew, but you stayed in your spot, slowly moving your head to seem like you were surveying the area. In reality, you knew it was perched on the fire escape above you, ready to pounce down on you.
But you were ready for that.
Just as it leaped down, you rolled out of the way, swiftly and smoothly pulling your knife out of its sheath. You were on your feet and running at the vampire quick enough to catch it off guard. Since you knew where it was, you had time to figure out your plan. So you tackled it to the ground, straddling it and holding your knife to its throat.
And lo and behold, it was just the vampire you were looking for. Jun looked up at you with a smirk, his eyes blood red as he eyed you up and down, licking his lips hungrily.
“Wasn’t expecting my dinner to be so quick on its feet,” he chuckled. “Shouldn’t have been so careless, I guess.”
“Shut up,” you stated boredly as you used your free hand to get the handcuffs from your belt.
“So what now?” he asked, ignoring your order. “Are you gonna kill me or whatever?”
“As much as I would like to,” you sighed as you began cuffing his hands together, “I have to take you somewhere.”
“Ooh, an adventure,” he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows as you managed to get off of him and tug him to his feet. “Just one question, sweetheart--”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Do you really expect some handcuffs to stop me?”
You rolled your eyes before looking at him, “Do you not know anything about vampire hunters?”
He shrugged, “Never been caught by one.”
“Well, those will keep you from running away. Now let’s go.”
You turned to walk away, but, of course, Jun had other ideas.
“Thanks but uh, I think going home with you after the first date is too early for me,” he said, miming tipping his hat to you. “Sorry, but this won’t work out. Please don’t contact me again. Bye!”
You knew vampires were quick. You knew Jun could easily get away and you wouldn’t catch him. You’d have to follow your instincts to find him again, but you knew he’d definitely be hiding pretty well for the rest of the night and probably for a few weeks at minimum. But you also knew how the handcuffs worked while Jun had no idea.
He was only a few feet from you when he shouted out in pain and had dropped to his knees. He was hissing as he stared at his wrists that had felt the painful shock, looking between them like he was trying to figure out a difficult math problem.
“Those’ll shock you if you’re a certain distance away from me,” you explained, “and it’s so painful that you can’t get away. So I suggest you keep up or you’re going to be in a lot of pain.”
“Look, I’m into pain, but this is too much,” Jun huffed with a small pout as you dragged him up off his knees and shoved him to walk in the direction you wanted him to. “Do I at least get a safe word?”
“Shut up,” you groaned.
“That’s a really shitty safe word.”
You wondered why you’d spent days trying to track down Jun when he was so obnoxious and annoying. The entire way back to headquarters was awful, containing him trying to flirt with you or make some sort of comment that walked the line between flirting and being a snarky asshole. Honestly, that seemed to be all he was capable of.
“I really wish I wasn’t told to not kill you,” you sighed halfway through.
“Well isn’t that unfortunate,” was all he replied to you with before he carried on with whatever he was saying before -- you weren’t paying attention, you’d learned very quickly to tune him out.
Once you were back at headquarters, you thought maybe Jun would shut up a little bit. You thought maybe being in a place full of top of the line vampire hunters would intimidate him into silence, but he seemed to not be fazed by anything at all. He had something to say to pretty much every person you walked past, and it got to a point where you were pretty positive every hunter in there wanted to kill him. The guy was just so annoying.
You finally reached the boss’s office. You knocked on the door three times as Jun leaned down and whispered, “Is this where I die? Because I’d like the heads up when it finally happens, y’know?”
You knew Jun definitely wouldn’t just take his death lying down. Hell, he probably had something up his sleeve to get out if he had to, he probably wanted to just see where this was going -- and you would be right about that because he figured he had nothing better to do. 
“I wish,” you mumbled as you heard your boss tell you to enter.
Opening the door and walking in, you went straight to the boss’s desk. Jun, however, decided to take his sweet ass time and look around the large room, his head tilting back as he looked all the way up at the ceiling and rolled his head around to look at the other side of the room. But being too far from you caused his cuffs to shock him, and he let out a surprised yelp.
“Are you kidding me?!” he demanded in annoyance.
You just silently snickered at him.
“I’m impressed you found him,” your boss, Jicheol noted as he stood up from his desk and observed Jun.
Hearing that familiar voice, Jun snapped his head down to look at the man behind the desk. His face spread into a smirk as he approached the desk, standing beside you.
“Ji, long time, no see,” he said casually as if they were old friends. “Been a while since you were trying to slaughter me. How’s the wife?”
“Dead,” Jicheol deadpanned.
Jun opened his mouth but nothing came out as he blinked, “Okay, not the reply I was expecting...”
“So what did I have to drag this pain in the ass here for?” you sighed, wanting to get this whole thing done and over with.
Jicheol grabbed his computer monitor with both hands and turned the screen to face you. It was an article about the death toll in Japan going up, and the worst of it seeming to stem from Tokyo. Nobody was able to figure out what it was, but the three of you knew exactly what was causing it.
“As you’re aware, _____, a powerful coven of vampires is ravaging Tokyo and spreading to the rest of Japan,” Jicheol began, looking between you and Jun. “Jun here is, unfortunately, one of the most infamous vampires in Korea for how hard he is to catch, and for how strong he is.”
“Thanks, chief,” Jun grinned.
You already hated where this was going.
“That’s why I want you to go with him to Tokyo--”
“Wait, wait, hold on,” Jun quickly interrupted. “Let’s go back to when you were just complimenting me, yeah? You ruined it with the whole ‘go to another country with this party pooper’ thing.”
Jicheol sighed, folding his hands together in front of him, “_____ is the strongest vampire hunter we have, but all the best in Japan have tried to catch this coven and have come up dead. If we want to stop them, we need the help of a strong vampire, too.”
“And why would I help vampire hunters?” Jun quizzed, raising an eyebrow. “You’ll just kill me when it’s over.”
“Maybe not...” Jicheol shrugged.
“What do you mean ‘maybe not’?” you demanded. 
“He could be useful to us if he chooses to cooperate with us for this. And if he chooses to stay with us, of course he’ll be spared his life, and we’ll provide protection, housing, and means of food.”
“We’re going to protect a vampire?” you clarified. “Jicheol--”
“Yeah, that seems counterproductive for a group of vampire hunters,” Jun agreed.
You rolled your eyes, grumbling, “Can you not interrupt me?”
“Can you get to your point faster then?” he countered.
Instead of speaking on your bickering, Jicheol sighed and continued, “It would be helpful to keep a few vampires on our side to weed out the difficult ones. Look, we could sit here all night and discuss rhymes and reasons but the faster I get the two of you to Tokyo, the faster we can fix this issue.”
“Do I get a negotiation?” Jun asked.
You snorted, glancing down at his handcuffed wrists before looking back at him, “I really don’t think you’re in a position for negotiating, bud.”
But instead, Jicheol replied with, “What kind of negotiation?”
Jun flashed a snarky grin your way before taking a step forward and clearing his throat, “I want protection for my brothers, too. That’s first and foremost.”
“How many?” Jicheol questioned, raising his eyebrows to show he was interested.
“Would they be willing to help?”
“...I can talk to them.”
Jicheol nodded, “Continue.”
“I want cool clothes like sweet cheeks over here,” Jun said, nodding his head toward you, “and I want a really nice umbrella so I can go outside during the day. And I want--”
“We can offer your friends protection,” Jicheol stated.
Jun nodded, stepping back, “Cool, thank you, sir.”
You looked incredulously between the two men, “So this is seriously happening?!”
“We’ll prepare the flight for tomorrow night,” Jicheol explained, essentially ignoring your comment, “so that gives Jun time to talk with his friends. _____, I would like if you accompanied him to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere.”
You wanted to tell Jicheol he was out of his goddamn mind if he thought sending you alone into five vampires was a reasonable idea, but the look on your face said it all. He simply said he knew you could handle it before carrying on.
“We’ll handle packing and such. We’ll equip you with everything you’ll need and everything that’ll help you. Please report back here tomorrow at midnight.”
“What do I do with him until tomorrow night?” you wondered.
“Take him with you,” Jicheol replied as if the answer was obvious.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, “You-- Y-you want me to babysit a handcuffed vampire all day?”
Jicheol cocked his head, “Do you think you can’t handle it?”
“Of course I can!” you insisted immediately.
“Then what’s the issue, _____?”
You really wanted to snap at Jicheol and tell him to go fuck himself, but instead you just grumbled and turned sharply on your heels to leave. Jun giggled at your angry expression and began to follow after you.
“Goodbye, Jicheol!” he sang over his shoulder. “See ya later!”
“You two have fun,” Jicheol smirked playfully.
Jun sighed as he fell in step beside you, seeming more amused than ever now, “Oh, I’m positive we will. Isn’t that right, _____?”
You frowned, refusing to look at him, “Eat a dick.”
As the door closed behind you and the two of you walked down the hallway, Jun tisked, “I would watch your attitude around me or I just might end up eating you, sunshine.”
“I’d like to see you try, bloodsucker,” you shot back, glaring at him now. “I can kill you just as easy.”
He chuckled shaking his head as his voice dropped lower, “That’s not the kind of eating I meant.”
You cursed yourself for blushing -- and Jun definitely noticed because he was giggling about it -- and cursed Jicheol for getting you into this mess. But the sooner everything was over with, the sooner you didn’t have to deal with Junhui.
Tomorrow night really could not come faster.
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rainbowglittr · 3 years
Love and Marriage - Chapter 10 (Mature, Minors DNI)
After a loss in the family uncovers a family secret, Jaleia and her husband Jesse are forced to balance one family crisis after another along with their budding careers and their plans to expand their family. Will the pressure to keep everyone else together ruin their own relationship? Can ruined relationships be fixed before it’s too late?
Chapter 10:
Jesse's POV
I opened the door to our hotel room. I slept on the plane and I was still tired.
"Ooooooh." Diana said walking into the room behind me. We had a two room suite. I turned to Diana.
"Pick whatever room you want, shake out the blankets, and sleep. We got a busy day tomorrow. Or today." I rubbed my face. Diana slept on the plane and now was wide awake, touching everything in the room.
"Di, go to bed, I'm tired."
"Sorry, I'm just so excited. I can't even sleep! We haven't been here in so long. Thanks for bringing me. Oooh, let me take pictures by the window." She ran to the window.
"I'm going to bed, don't do anything crazy. Night." I said.
"Kay, night Jess!" She said
I found the bigger room and collapsed on the bed.
"I miss you already, babe! I couldn't sleep." Jaleia said. I was face timing her before me and Diana left for the day. It was 5AM her time but 8AM in Cali.
"I miss you too, love. I haven't had to go away in a while. "
"I know. I hated it when you lived in L.A."
"Yeah, you kept telling me."
"So what's the schedule like?"
"Today me and Di are hanging out. This week and next I'm working with the new artists. The week after next is when I work with some famous people."
"Sounds fun. I'm going back to sleep. Love you."
"Alright baby, don't over sleep. Love you."
I hung up. I grabbed my wallet and keys and walked out the room. Our suite was nice, it had two rooms, a common area, a bathroom and a small kitchen area. It looked expensive as hell so I was glad that the studio was paying for it. I make decent money but sure as hell not enough to stay here for three weeks. Maybe not even 3 days.
I walked to Di's room and knocked on her door. After the "incident" we've all been more aware of knocking first.
"Di are you done? We gotta go!" I yelled through the door.
"Almost! I just gotta find the right shoes!"
"Well hurry up! We gotta pick up the rental car." I said. Because we were going to be here for a few weeks I got a rental to make it easier to get around. Having lived her before I knew the traffic was going to be shit.
Diana had not stopped talking since we left the hotel. It was making my head spin. We had just picked up the rental, and now we were now on our way to see the Hollywood Star Walk of Fame. Diana had been bugging me to take her. And as I predicted we were stuck in traffic.
"And hopefully we have time to go to Universal or Disneyland or world or whatever the one on cali is called. I can't wait to take selfies. What do you-"
"I cannot wait so see L.A, like really see it.-"
"I'm just so Excited!!"
"Just a second of silence, please." I said.
"Sorry." She said.
"Don't be, my head is killing me." I said which wasn't exactly a lie but I felt bad for killing her joy.
We got back to the hotel at midnight. Diana made me feel old. She dragged me everywhere on the Hollywood Stars to find her favorite stars. My feet and back hurt. I was done.
My phone rang and I groaned. I had spread out on the couch in the room while Di took a shower. I looked at the screen. Jaleia was face timing me. I answered.
"Hey Jess!" Jaleia said. She looked like she was in our bed.
"Hey bae." I said, trying to keep my eyes open.
"Awww, you look tired, how was your day? Diana drag you around?"
"Hell yeah! We went to the Hollywood Walk of fame. When I tell you I'm tired. I'm done! It was fun but damn."
"Aww, you're a good older bro. You look so tired. It's adorable."
"Woman, I am not adorable. I'm a man. I'm not adorable. "
"Yes you are! So cute when you're tired. I'll let you get some rest, make sure you call me. I love you."
"I promise I'll talk more tomorrow. I love you, bae. Bye."
The first few days in the studio were great. They knew what they wanted, what sound they were going for and they were already talented in music. There were three artists this week, Alana who was looking for a pop sound, Smoke R&B, Jazmyne soul. We worked on about three tracks in for each of them. When I'm in L.A it's a much bigger song writing and producing team. I got my man Dre, best friend since NYU, who produces, JD, Dre, Mandy all produce, and Mark, Green, and J.T and I all write. We do melodies and help produce as well but mostly we do the lyrics. I produce as well but my strength is in the lyrics. It's a lot of noise in the studio with more six people and usually it's hard to work like that but we've been doing it together for years and we're able to cut through all the nice to get the sound it words we need. We usually work in teams to produce an album.
Diana had been having a good time from what I could see hanging around the studio and watching us work. Anytime I could fit in I took her to different places around L.A, mostly places to eat because that's all we had time for. She couldn't get over the fact I used to live here before I got married. It was so hard to move but I had to, Jay couldn't since she was in her residency. But someday we're moving back. I had Diana on lunch duty, so she could get out from the studio for a moment. She picked up our lunch when it was within walking distance. She didn't mind because she once ran into Luke James and hasn't stopped talking about it since. So she volunteers to get lunch now.
On Wednesday, everyone decided to go out for lunch. I let Diana go with them since Dre was going and I knew he would look out after her like I would. He's known her since she was seven. I stayed behind to finish a track we were working. It was just me in the studio and I was so into working I didn't hear someone enter.
"Jess! How are you?" Imani Redd walked into the room. She was wearing a bra and those shorts girls wear where their whole ass is out. She hadn't changed much since I had last seen her in person except her hair was now blonde. She still looked good. I got up from my chair.
"Hey Imani." I said.
She laughed and said "You don't have to be so formal. We good. You looking hella nice. You didn't dress like that when we were together." She gave me a tight hug.
"What's up?" I said sitting down again.
"I heard I would be working with you and just wanted to swing by and say hello. I know we didn't leave on the best terms-"
"Fucking understatement of century there." I said, crossing my arms.
"But I wanted to make sure we were cool and that you knew how very sorry I am for doing that to you. You didn't deserve that. I loved you, I really did. I hate that I screwed it up, especially for a guy that wasn't even worth it. Are we good?" She said walking toward my chair. She bent down in front of my chair, putting her hands on the armrests of the chair. I leaned back to get her breasts out my face.
"Cause if we're not, I'm sure I can make it up to you." She whispered in my ear. I started to sweat.
"Um, we're good, what's in the past is in the past, there's no need to bring ANY of it back up. I'm actually glad what happened, happened, I wouldn't have met my WIFE if it hadn't." I said, rolling my chair back. She turned around and like I figured, almost her entire ass was out. As she bent down in front of me to pick some imaginary object off the floor, I stared at the ceiling.
"That's too bad," she said, now standing over my legs, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Cause I love to make a man happy and I've only gotten better. Congrats on getting married, Jess. I'll see you later. And please let me know if you need anything." She slid her hand down my chest slightly brushing my crotch. Her hips swayed as she walked out the room. I let out the breath I was holding in. I wasn't scheduled to work with her until the last week I was here but I could already tell she was going to be a problem.
It was past 2AM in the morning as we sat and talked in the studio. Diana had passed out on the couch. All the artists had gone home and it was just Dre, Green, J.D and me left still trying to finish some tracks. Admittedly we stopped working a while ago.
"So you used to bag Imani?" Green said. Green was a 35 year old white guy who slept with any girl who would sleep with him. He's been divorced five times, all for the same reason - infidelity. He was a terrible partner but a great somgwriter.
"I used to date her, yes."
"How was she?" Green asked. Green was also a pothead, and had a few edibles earlier. He was still as vile sober as he was high. I wouldn't let him eat them anywhere near the studio, since I had Diana with me. Usually I didn't care but she was staring to get better and she wasn't going to pick up bad habit now.
"You know I don't talk about women like that. Especially since I'm married. " I said.
"Hmm. Yeah you let your wife whip you. But I would love to get that Imani in the sack. She got it all."
"I'm not whipped." They all gave me a look.
"Y'all think I'm whipped? Trippin."
"Nah, man I hate to say it, but she got you wrapped around her finger. Ain't nothing wrong, that's your girl. But hell yeah you whipped." Dre said.
"I'm not fucking whipped."
"I bet you had to beg her to come here. Especially once she found out about Imani. " J.D said.
"We talked about it but I ain't got to beg for shit!"
"Yeah, okay man." J.D said.
"I'm not whipped!"
"What happened between you and Imani anyway?" J.D asked.
"She did him dirty as hell. Played his ass." Dre said.
"We were engaged and she was cheating on me for months. I only found out because I walked in on her with another guy."
"Damn. She really had you going."
"He really acting like she wasn't shady before that though." Dre said.
"How was I supposed to know?"
"This nigga really gon ask that? She used to "go away" for the weekend and have "late night recording sessions" and never could show him a demo. You know that this nigga right here wrote like seven songs for her? Almost her whole first damn album. She played the hell out of you. I even told your stupid ass that she was doing you wrong. And you ain't want to hear it." Dre said.
"I was young and in love." I said. When he put it like that I did sound stupid for not knowing she was using me.
"More like young and dumb as hell!" J.D said. They all laughed.
"And you had the nerve to be all depressed afterwards, acting like you ain't know she was no good. I got sick of your Mopey ass. I guess the sex was that good. But I got to say you married well." Dre said.
"I did, didn't I? Well it's not like you had it together either. Remember that girl who tried to claim that you were her deadbeat baby daddy?" I said.
"Oooooohhhhh. She was a fucking nightmare. Almost ruined my relationship." Dre said. J.D's jaw dropped. We had met J.D after we got out of college.
"Followed him around campus everywhere. Dressed the kid just like him. You've dated some crazy ones, don't play me like that!" I said.
"Look, I would cheat on my girlfriend just to hit that ass. Imani got that ass." Green said.
"We know." We all said at once.
"I would never cheat. My girl would kill me if she ever found out." J.D said.
"I never want to lose my wife again. Not again. " Dre said.
"You cheated on Eva?"
"Before we got married, we were engaged. Wasn't worth it, it was the worst mistake I ever made. I would never do that again. And Jess is too whipped to even think about cheating. " Dre said.
"Fuck you... But you right about that." I said as they laughed.
"I know what it's like to be cheated on, so I would never do that her." I said.
"But you got to admit that Imani is fine. You would hit that again if you were single. "
"I'm happily married."
"He didn't say no."
"So what are you trying to say with the hook because it's really confusing. Is the relationship worth saying or not?" I said to Jazmyne. We were finishing up one of her songs and the chorus just didn't flow right.
"What I'm trying to say is I don't know what I want from the relationship. I guess I could make that more clear."
"Yeah, I really want that point driven home in the chorus. You're stuck between two feelings and you just want something worth fighting for."
"Oh my God, that's it!"
"Let's try it." I picked up my guitar and started to strum the melody.
Baby I'm stuck in the middle,
Of this one single issue
Don't know what I'm saying
And you seem to think I'm playing
Not sure if I don't want your love
Cause it feels like it's from above
I'm sick of being ignored
I just want a love worth fighting for
I just want a love worth fighting for
Jazmyne sang.
"I love that! I like the switched melody, and I love that new line. You are a freaking genius!"
"Nah, you did all the work. You ready to lay the vocals down for real?" I said.
"Yes!" She went into the recording booth, a couple of takes on the chorus and she was done.
"How does it feel to have all of the tracks to your first album ?"
"I'm so freaking excited! This shit was lit. So what happens next?"
"You're going to pick your favorites, and the ones you don't want on the album. You'll play it for some executives on the label and they'll give you feedback, you skim the tracklist and songs down more, hopefully get it approved. And then work on the cover art. They'll give you a date and some promo, and your album will be released. There's a bunch of other bull in between that but that's really it."
"I'm so excited. Wow that's a lot. But I'm so happy with everything, thanks for your help. Can I listen to them all?"
"Sure, they'll be unfinished of course."
"Yeah, it's fine. Thanks." I handed her some headphones.
Alana was almost done with her album. Jazmyne was done with hers. Smoke however, had a lot more to be done.
Usually writing an album takes several months and it did for them. We were just here to polish the songs they had, write any ones they were missing, and really curate the style they were trying to have and finish the demo album.
It was my second week in L.A and it had been great so far. Last weekend I took Diana to Disneyland and we had a great time. She was such a good sport about being cooped up in a studio for so long I really wanted to do something special. It was Friday night and it was going to be another night spent at the studio.
My phone started vibrating on the control panel. I put down my guitar and looked at screen. Jaleia's face lit up. I answered, propped my phone up nearby and started to strum my guitar lightly.
"Hey Jess!"
"Hey Love, what's up?"
"I miss you. I'm sorry I keep saying it and calling you and-"
"I never get tired of you. Call me anytime."
"How's Di?"
"She's having fun, I'm sure she'll tell you allllllllll about it when we get home."
"I feel kinda stupid."
"I cried cause I missed you so much. The house is a mess, I've been late so much lately. I can't wait for you to come back."
"Aww, I'm sorry baby. It's only one more week. I miss you too."
"I know."
"Did you see all the organization tips I left you? I know it's hard for you to adjust your schedule suddenly. "
"One of the worst parts of ADHD I guess. Your wife's a mess. What's new?"
"Jay, you're not a mess, don't talk like that. What you up to tonight? You look cute." She had a low cut silky night shirt on.
"Um, I am having a sleepover with the girls. I finally convinced everyone. A quiet girls night. Movies, wine, snacks and shit. Should be fun. I'm really lonely, please come home soon."
"I'll be home real soon, alright."
"Oh and Jess? I found your present. And it's beautiful. I'm wearing it now. I always wanted a tennis bracelet! Now I get to brag about how great you are. When you get home, you will get the biggest thank you ever. Whatever you want. Trust me."
"I knew you'd like it. And I'm looking forward to that thank you."
"I have a little sneak peak of something I bought for you." She said and pulled her shorts down a little so I could see the top of her lace panties.
"You like these?" She said pulling her shorts back up.
"Hell yeah, you look sexy. I'm still on the studio Jay, so I gotta call you back. I love you, Jay?"
"I really miss you too. You're amazing and I love you! Have fun tonight."
"Love you too Jess! I'll talk to you later!"
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ongfreestyle · 6 years
Coffee and College
A Jaehyun college coffee bullet au that ZERO people asked for
So anyway, you're in your second year of college and you're in the groove of things (kinda) and all is well
You're on your way to your 9am French I class on the first day and you feel your phone vibrating
It's your bf and you smile thinking "aaww it's our 3yr anniversary n he's calling already to say good morning"
More like... goodbye
Yep. 8:45am he calls you to dump you in the driest most uncool way
"listen. I just ... I know this is random, but....I don't wanna do this anymore."
"oh. Uh. What? Sorry I didn't hear you?"
"I'm sorry, I just can't do this anymore I want to break up with you. I'm sorry."
"oh. Ok. Fine. Sure. Umm...if you wanna talk about it later. Then...yeah..I have French class now bye."
End of call and start of class
Yep you're third row from the back and you plan to pay attention to the syllabus talk and following lesson but
You're definitely tearing up
Like literally WHO DOES THAT?? Just dumps you at 8am no explanation??
So anyways there are teardrops on your notes now and ink isn't tear proof so...rip
Anyways thirty minutes in and your head in kinda just down and you're kinda just crying quietly
And then this kid slides into the seat next to you
He's v late
And v cute even through the tears
And he's smiling really big even though the teacher just scolded him
He sets his coffee down and looks at you wiping snot and tears away and he hands you a napkin from his bag
You take it and mutter a "thanks"
And a moment later he slides his coffee to you too
"I didn't drink it yet"
"it's an espresso, extra caffeine"
"I made it myself"
And he's back to taking notes
And you're still kinda pouting, but it's been 45+ mins so you try to at least write down the homework assignment
And you decide to sip the stupid espresso it's actually pretty good
The next day you find yourself at the school cafeteria and guess who it is??
Espresso boy!!
And it turns out that he's even cuter in uniform!
You go to order some food and he greets you with a big smile
"feeling better today?"
"rough day yesterday, huh?"
"yeah. Can I have a breakfast burrito?"
"no coffee?"
"no, but thanks for the free coffee yesterday. It helped. I owe you one"
"no you don't, it's on the house. And so the one I'm about to make you next. It's today's special!"
Who are you to deny another free coffee? So you take his offer and a few minutes later you're at your table eating your breakfast and doing your French homework
And the special coffee is really good
Then one of your friends comes by and is giving you a weird look
"are you drinking the nasty coffee from the cafeteria??"
"yep. Its actually really good"
And your friend's like ??? "It's usually bitter and gross tho ?? Like 10 times outta 10"
And you shrug and get back to work and your friend grabs some food and starts doing their work too
The day goes on and finally you get some time to yourself to think about yesterday
Your ex hasn't called or texted. Nothing. And it just hits you like wow. I'm. Single.
Except not cool because you got no closure or explanation and ouch.
So you hate it but just like yesterday, you're crying again. Just. Uglier crying.
And your roommate comes back and is like "awww sweetie, fuck him"
And she says if you wipe your face she'll take you out for ice cream
So fuck the snot and tears, you want some damn ice cream
And out you go!!
Free ice cream you two stop at a park on campus and there's a basket game going on
And your roommate is like SKSSKDJS "LOOK IT'S JOHNNY SKSJDJ"
"that means holy shit it's the hottest tallest nicest guy in school and he's playing basketball look at his ARMS BITCH"
So guess who's watching a pickup game of bball while eating ice cream?
You two!
Oh and guess who else is playing and is red and sweaty and had a nice jump shot?
Coffee boy.
Yup and you might not be interested in the Score, but dammit the view was nice
The game ends and Johnny is the first to come over to the side lines n greet your roommate
She's batting her eyelashes and telling him he did amazing even tho they lost
And he's smiling and chugging water as he goes on talking and coffee boy and a few of his friends are on the sidelines now looking at you
Coffee Boy is the first to say hi and all you can do is say hi back
And thank him for the coffee again
He shrugs, "no problem. Coffee fixes almost everything in college"
Almost everything. And there's an awkward silence
"see you around." He says and he walks away
Like that you never find out his name and life moves on
French class is going well and you sit in the front now and coffee boy is always late and sits in the back
You really don't do anything except exchange glances
Then midterms are coming up and you are a bit panicked bc u definitely neglected French studies
So like any good college student you cram like hell
In the library at midnight you're trying to learn vocabulary, conjugations, grammar points
You look insane by 1am bit you can't stop then you hear someone coming I'm the library
It's (literally if you can guess by now) coffee boy
And he's got 4 coffee cups in a holder with him and a huge backpack
He spots you and waves
"mind if I sit with you?"
"mind if I claim two of the coffees?"
"there all yours" and he sits next to you and slides the holder to you just like when you first met
"I made them myself"
"so you make these awesome brews?"
"yeah the schools coffee recipe is shitty."
"well maybe you should major in business and open a coffee shop. They're really good."
"maybe I will"
And you two study quietly and you peek over to see him going over French vocab
"let's quiz each other?"
And it's 2am and you guys realize you're both fukced
Like. No vocab is sticking and the coffee had you two literally SHAKING
And by 3am you guys are just cracking up
"I never learned your name coffee boy"
"Jaehyun. Jung Jaehyun."
"well. Good luck with the test tomorrow because I. Give. Up."
And you get up to leave and he offers to walk you home and you accept for safety reasons
"I'm glad to see you so happy. You're pretty like that."
"I'm an ugly crier, huh"
"okay, not the gentleman answer, but I admire your honesty"
"thanks. I hope you have a good night"
Yeah the walk back was not long at all. Too bad because you really were enjoying your time
But 9am French !!!
Midterms are over after a week and it's back to the daily grind
But days are way better when you have French now bc Jaehyun sits next to you (when he's on time and the seats open) and you guys joke around alot during speaking practice
He's brings you a new coffee everyday and asks you how it tastes and what he should add or take away
And you kinda hang out at the cafeteria now so you can talk to him while he's working
Ooppsss you have developed a small™ crush on Jaehyun and it's not going away anytime soon
You even open up to him about why you crying the day you met (tho u vowed to NVR speak of it again)
Yeah now the crush is nvr dying :)))
Bc your friends notice that you always go watch him play b-ball even tho it's not a REAL game
And he always has a coffee for you
And you two are always studying French
But like...you guys are making questionable grades...so...what's up??
French I finals are coming and you and Jaehyun are at your usual spot in the library, except this time YOU bought HIM coffee
"what brand ?"
"gross school brand that you didn't make, but is LOADED with caffeine"
"gross. Hand me one"
And it's study time
But he's not focused
Like he never is and neither are you, but it's really off now
"is it that bad?"
"the coffee? Yeah. And my French grade? It's even worse. I won't make French 2."
"Jaehyun. We are going to fix your grade with this final. I SWEAR."
And he has this small smile on his face.
"you WANT me in your French 2 class don't you?"
"uuhhh-duhh free coffee to keep me up during le snooze fest"
"you know it's not free. It comes outta my pay check"
"okay, then I owe it to you to get you to pass this class and get to French 2"
"I guess."
Yeah. You're DRILLING info into ur heads ,,,, but Jaehyun is like ____ blank.
So you kinda snap
"yo do u wanna fail??? At least TRY!"
"I can't focus. I'm confused about something."
"past tense conjugations?"
"I can't tell if you're over your ex. You took it hard and I'm trying to wait, but..."
"my ex? My ex is my ex...I'm over that"
"you never really brought it up much. I wouldn't know."
"Past tense."
"and also. The coffee."
"your coffee is good! I'm serious, Jaehyun!"
"yeah, but do like me...? Or my coffee?"
Jaehyun is not making this easy for you okay
"I mean, if I didn't bring you coffee, would you still hang with me? Teach me French n stuff?"
"of course."
"so you...........like......me?"
HELL YES, but you settle for a simple yep
Then he just looks at you seriously
"you LIKE me LIKE me..like....LIKE LIKE?"
"uuhh...if I understood all of the likes right, then....yeah. I do like you."
He is so reeeeeedddd
Like this boy GONE
You. His crush. Likes. Him. Wtf
Yeah he cannot quit grinning
And when you move on from the topic he can't focus on a single word you're saying
Finals day comes and you feel okay about your score and Jaehyun said he wants to leave it in the past
And you two go hang out at the cafeteria
And he's looking at you across the table
Randomly he just smiles at you
"I..wanna be your boyfriend...."
bc y'all nvr because s/o's officially soooo
Your heart rate
Lemme draw it
He said it so cutely
Damn that's crazy bc you would love if he was your bf
And when you say that!!
Reference to drawing
After becoming official you two are like the cutest couple ever
And you go to French 2 and he's back in French 1
He got a 58 on the final :/
But OH WELL you're his tutor now
And you guys actually study
And he doesn't feel like he has to bribe you with coffee to make you like him
So with some hard work you both kick your caffeine addictions
And you guys spend the days making stupid jokes and playing basketball together
Cramming for French while high on 4 coffees each
(old habits die hard)
And you two tease each other so much
It's a miracle you get any work done really
Jaehyun passes his French 1 class with an A+ and he literally runs to your dorm to tell you
You crash into each other
He holds you to steady you
And hes like "babe I passed"
"that's great!"
"it's all thanks to you I could kiss you, but I have coffee breath and-"
"that's nothing new"
Okay and cue the totally cheesy kiss
Where Jaehyun's like "you're right, but our first kiss should be special"
Valentine Boy is a ROMANTIC okay
But it doesn't matter
You can't resist leaning in
And he lets out a fake groan like he hasn't been dying to kiss you since he first saw u snotting all over your notes
Yep he liked you then.
And the lean in was so slow, but when your lips met it was worth it
And the coffee taste.... wasn't so bad anyway
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latteunwoo · 6 years
living with university student!got7 au; hyung line
a/n: i wrote this at like 2am so please bare with me, but here’s a little au of what it would be like living with each member. please do note that although i know the boys very well by now, i don’t know EVERYTHING about them so these are just some assumptions that aren’t really meant to be taken seriously. also, i’ll do the maknae line as soon as i finish this one. 
got7 m.list
Mark Tuan
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where do i even start with this headass 
mark is either a good roommate or a terrible one
there’s no in between
and you never know which one it is because almost every day it’s different 
one day he’ll be the best roommate ever 
sometimes it’s because he’s not even there 
but on your more lucky days, he’ll actually be good 
like if you’d ask him something he wouldn’t give you some sassy comeback or anything 
actually he might because he’s a little bitch like that 
but really 
he’ll answer and do whatever it is you needed him to do without any complaints 
maybe that’s because he didn’t want to get kicked out
but mark has always quietly cared for his friends 
like if you look closely at videos from the shows got7′s been on you can see mark quietly taking care of his members 
if we were to rank the members from cleanest roommate to messiest, mark would be somewhere closer to the clean scale but still a bit messy 
like sometimes he would make a mess and not clean it up right away because he’s lowkey too lazy 
he might be playing a game while eating and he’d accidentally drop some food onto the floor but wouldn’t clean it up until after he’s done playing 
speaking of games
mark would be that roommate who literally plays PC games like league of legends, overwatch, fortnite, etc 90% of the time when they’re at home 
once he became more comfortable with his roommates, he would also be more comfortable with vocally expressing his frustration at the game 
this is when terrible roommate mark would appear 
sometimes he would play late at night and it’d either wake you up or disrupt whatever you were doing 
he’d probably rage-quit too and slam his door on accident as he went to the kitchen to calm down with a snack or something
to rage-quit is basically to “ angrily abandon an activity or pursuit that has become frustrating, especially the playing of a video game.” 
mark would lowkey be that roommate who if you were home but on your way to school, he would text/call you and ask you to bring something to school for him 
“i left my ______ at home, can you bring it?”
he lowkey would ask for something while you’re in your classes too
you’d be in the middle of a lecture and you hear your phone beep
you look and it’s a text from mark asking if you have an extra charger or something else lowkey stupid 
if you two had the same class, he would also ask you for notes because he obviously didn’t take any in class 
overall, mark would be an okay roommate
he’d be hella quiet and reserved at first 
but as time passed by he would be more loud and active 
just like how he is now 
Im Jaebum
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if anything, he’s better than the other members but he’s still an annoying roommate sometimes
he’d probably be the roommate who accidentally eats your leftovers you left in the fridge 
“oh that was yours? sorry i was hungry” 
then he’d give that stupid meme smile he always makes 
speaking of which
memebum 24/7
sometimes you can’t take him serious because he’s such a meme 
he’d use this to his advantage tho 
if you were upset about something like him eating your leftovers he would start acting like a complete meme and this would cause you to give up arguing with him because you can’t even 
despite lowkey stealing your food
jaebum is actually a good roommate 
he rarely ever causes any serious problems and pretty much cleans up after himself 
he also cleans up after his cats if they ever made a mess 
speaking of his cats 
whether you liked it or not, he would keep his cats there 
if you were allergic like youngjae he would keep them in his room
but if you weren’t then he would let them roam around the house 
this would lowkey annoy you sometimes 
especially if the cats messed with some of your stuff
jaebum is a sleepy grandpa so 
obviously he would sleep anywhere and everywhere 
sometimes this annoyed you because if you needed to clean and he was somehow in the way, you wouldn’t be able to clean that area until he leaves 
which probably isn’t for a long time 
unlike some of the other members *cough cough* jaebum wouldn’t really bother you about anything unless he really needed your help 
however, if you were doing homework he wouldn’t ask you about what he needed until he saw you weren’t busy anymore 
Jackson Wang
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jackson, along with the whole maknae line would be the worst roommates
but in a good annoying way 
also very nosy 
he’d be all up in your business most of the time 
“what are you doing?”
“do you want to get something to eat?” 
“did you hear _____?”
“who was that i saw you with earlier?”
“can i borrow ________?” 
“hey! hey! hey! look what i go today”
etc etc etc etc etc 
he’s like this because he’s pretty clingy to his members too 
also he’s such a headass 
he’s lowkey the best roommate tho
if you need something, he wouldn’t hesitate to comply 
even if he’s tired he would still do it for you because that’s what friends are for hehehehehh
if he noticed you haven’t left your room since you got home from classes, he would bring check up on you to see what you’re doing 
and if you’re still alive 
then he would bring you food because he knows you haven’t eaten yet 
always reminds you to eat your meals 
lowkey brings you organic foods tho 
“it’s good for you” he’ll say as he continues to pester you about how you should start eating more organic foods like him
speaking of 
almost 90% of the food you guys have is organic 
if you like organic foods too, then he’s literally the most perfect roommate at this point
if you don’t necessarily like organic foods like me then he can lowkey be a pretty annoying roommate when it comes to this 
anyways back to the very caring part
he’ll always make sure you have everything you need for your classes that day 
“do you have all your homework done?” “do you need to print anything before you leave?” “do you have all your chargers?” etc. 
Park Jinyoung
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university student!jinyoung is the concept i live for 
jinyoung is like mark 
he’s either the best roommate or the worst 
for example, if he found a mess anywhere in the house he would become a petty little bitch 
“i thought we agreed that there won’t be a single mess in this household”
“you made the mess so you clean it up” 
“if i see a mess again, i won’t hesitate to kick you out”
sometimes he would just clean it up himself if he knew you were really busy 
despite being sassy almost all the time, he’s actually a really sweet roommate 
even if he says he doesn’t want to or you don’t ask him to, he’ll still cook some extra food for you while he’s cooking his own dinner because he knows you’ll probably be too tired or forget to eat dinner 
“here, i cooked this for you so you don’t have to get up” “you haven’t ate dinner yet, so here” etc
however sometimes he’ll be that sneaky little bitch he is and cook for you because he needs or wants something
“i cooked for you this time, so next time you have to cook for me” “you have to do the dishes later” “can i use your printer? i ran out of ink on mine” etc.
petty park jinyoung wouldn’t hesitate to say “no” when you ask him for help with homework
or if you two had the same class and you decided to ditch because you wanted more time to sleep he wouldn’t let you copy his notes down or tell you what happened in class 
“if you were there, you would know” 
of course jinyoung being jinyoung would help you if he saw you really were struggling 
like if he saw you working on a math problem or reading the same sentence over and over again because you couldn’t comprehend what it even means, he would help you out 
jinyoung isn’t the best roommate but he’s sure as hell better than most of the other members 
aLSO despite being a sassy bitch, if he noticed you needed some quiet time to yourself, he would go to the coffee shop near your guys’ apartment to study there instead 
he would do that anyways but if you really just needed the apartment to be dead silent he would just go somewhere else for the time being 
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Shove your Opinion
Pairing: Loki x reader 
warning: language, cheating, fluff
words: 2067
Prompt: 5) “ I’m going to need you to take your opinions and shove them up your ass, m ’kay? m ’kay” @meyoko10
Summary: Number 5 reader with loki. Angst, a dash of fluff, and maybe a smidge of smut 😋 like maybe the reader is dating a guy (but he is a cheater and she doesnt know it) and loki is jelly because he secretly likes her  and knows his secret. Idk something like that...lol
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There was something there she didn’t know what it was she didn’t think it was love but she knew it was something special. She would hope it was or would form into love. But it never did not when they went on all their date or when they moved in with each other. it was just a feeling but for so long she dependent on that feeling in their relationship that she didn’t even notice when it fainted. Them being together just became so normal she didn’t remember a time with him so she kept the relationship going.
Then Loki came along. Thor returned one day and brought his brother, Loki, along with him. At first the others weren’t to please with his arrival but Thor said he changed so (y/n) stepped up and give him a chance that no one else would give.
“Hi, I’m (y/n)” 
“Loki “ He was hooked the first time he saw her. She was so beautiful and just her eyes caught him. Beautiful sparking (c/e). He wanted more.
“I think we’ll be great friends” she said and she was right. The two instantly became best friends and the others warmed up to him as well but they never got what (y/n) and Loki had. They went on missions together, they had movie night, game night, book night, days for the library, tea times, days for walks in the park, days for a chill in a coffee place, sleepovers (but she’d never tell her boyfriend that). They spent so much time together there were points were (y/n) forgot she even had a boyfriends.
The more Loki spent time with (y/n) the more he got to know her the more he fell in love with her. She was just so fucking perfect the more time he was with her the more perfected she was. He fell head over heels in love with her and he wanted no one else.
“That was amazing” Loki said as (y/n) closed her book. The two were picking book series to read that were turned into Tv show or movies so they could watch them afterwards.  (y/n) picked Harry Potter while Loki choices Game of Thrones. Seeing as Harry Potter was movies and both the book series and movies were done they started with that first. They had just finished reading the Chamber of Secrets.
“And tomorrow we shall watch the movie”
“This is just the second book and I’ve already gotten so attached to these character” Loki said hugging the book to his chest
“Oh my darling their 7 books and 8 movies”.
“8 movies” Loki gasped 
“the last book was split into a two movies. Game of Thrones has 5 books though the author says he has plans for seven. There’s also a total of 7 season to game of thrones. Game of Thrones is much longer than Harry Potter … which is why I haven’t seen it. Please there so many characters and families and every episode is like an hour “
“if it each a pain why are you..?”
“I’m not going to let you grieve over fictional characters alone and I hear a lot of people die in game of thrones”
Loki smiled he didn’t know what to say she was doing something she didn’t want to for him. Loki was about to thank her when her phone went off. He rolled his eyes immediately knowing who it was. Nick, was (y/n) boyfriend and Loki loathed him with a passion. It was so much passion it was an art.
“Hi hi” (Y/n) said answering the phone. Loki noticed how her smile became small “work...okay.... sure... I mean ….sure ….30....m’kay kay bye bye  ” (Y/n) stood up from the couch.
“He calls and she runs”
“don’t be like that. I’ll be back tomorrow and tomorrow after work we’ll watch the movie” (y/n) blows him a kiss as she walks away.
“why are you with him” Loki asks suddenly standing book falling to the floor. (y/n) turns are a bit startled she recovered and walked over towards him. 
“He’s my boyfriend. I’ve been with him for almost two years. I was hoping we’d have a future together and I’m stilling looking for it” she picked up the book he dropped and put it on the coffee table next to her abandon book.
“he’s not good for you” Loki said and he knew. Loki was the god of lies and could tell when a person was lying even when they weren’t in the room. When Loki first meet Nick he knew automatically that he was a liar there was something off about him and he was hiding something. But recently Loki found out Nick was unfaithful. But he didn’t know how to bring the true to (y/n) every time he even mentioned her boyfriends name she was gone or didn’t want to hear it.
“Loki, thank you for worrying but I’ve got this” (y/n) said as she headed for the elevator again.
“(y/n) please just listen-” 
“no Loki. Now I’m going home we’ll forget about this in the morning.... Good night Loki please sleep well” and with that (y/n) left out the tower and left Loki to his own thoughts.
“Finally “ (y/n) groaned as she slumped off the jet dragging her bags. It was a week long mission but with more effort they ended it in 3 days. 
“That was awful” she groaned 
“At least it got done” Steve said “ (Y/n) you should  stay the night and go home in the morning it’s late and you’re exhausted”
“Nah, I’m going to back to my place. I’m back sooner than expected … I’ll surprised Nick. see you later you guys” Loki chased (y/n) a bit into the elevator she sighed as he got in with her. She knew what was coming.
“Maybe you should stay we could start Game of Thrones since we finished the first book. We could have a sleep over.” she looked a him a bit annoyed “one episode that’s all I’m asking for one episode one hour”
“Loki?...what is it what’s wrong?” she asked 
“I... I feel like something is wrong. I’m not actually sure what it is at the moment but I feel like you should stay … please” 
“Loki if something goes wrong I’ll come back okay? it that okay?” (y/n) said patting his shoulder. As the elevator door opened on the garage floor she blew him a kiss and went about her way home. Loki sighed for some reason he knew she would be back.
(Y/n) quietly put her keys into the door. It was around 2am and it was a Thursday and Nick had work in the morning so there was no possibility of him being awake or so she thought. As she quietly moved setting her bag down and her keys on the coffee table next to his laptop she was about to head to her room when she heard a noise.
Creeping up to the door she placed her ear on the door her eyes widen when she heard moaning a females moaning. Giving him a chances she made up and excuse. Porn he was watching porn on his laptop. But then she remembered his laptop was on the coffee table and those moans were sounding really realistic. 
No longer giving it any doubt (y/n) opened the door and there her boyfriend with their next door neighbor riding him into the night. After getting a look (Y/n) didn’t giving them a second glance and went to their shared closet. 
The couple on the bed finally noticed (y/n) when they heard the clock of a gun. They both screamed as they saw her standing in front of the closet.
“Relax” (y/n) said as she tossed her gun on the dresser and opened the drawers and started putting her clothes in the duffle bag she got from the closet. 
“Baby, Baby, baby,  please just lets talk okay lets talk”  Nick said as he stood up covering himself with a pillow well the girl looked around the room for her clothes.
“don’t baby me don’t lets talk me I’m done. I come home after a long ass week of working my ass off with no sleep what so ever to see  (Y/n) boning this red headed bimbo in the bed I BOUGHT. Fuck you you slimy cheating fucking fucktard.”
“ You know what. Shut the hell up you’re going to hear what I have to say. You don’t think I know about you and that Loki guy. You guys have been close for months you’ve probably been hoping on his dick for day one. You guys are way to close to not be fucking.” Nick said as if he caught her in some act as if they were even.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. Of course I’m close with Loki he’s my partner we work together. In my line of work if I don’t have some one watching my back I don’t come home and guess what the guy you’re accusing me of fucking has been watching my back and making sure I can get home to you. So yeah we’re fucking close he’s taken bullets for me while all you’ve done is STABBED ME IN THE BACK” (y/n) shouted as she packed her bag.
The neighbor, Stephan, stood up dressed down and raised her hand trying to get their attention. “ I’m sorry to get in between your relationship but in my opinion you guys should-”
(Y/n) quickly picked up her gun from the dresser and pointed it at her “ I’m going to need you to take your opinions and shove them up your ass, m ’kay? m ’kay” she tucked the gun in the back of her waist band and finished packing as Nick and Sarah tried to talk to her.
“Fuck you and Fuck you I’ll be back for my shit tomorrow. Have a nice fucking life. Enjoy his 5 inch marker” And with that she grabbed all she could what was hers and left. It wasn’t until she was in her car and driving that she finally broke down. She had to pull over and let everything out. Crying a hot mess on the side of the road. When she finally calmed down again she drove back to the tower at a much slower pace.
Loki sighed as he finished the episode for the first episode it was pretty dramatic and had a lot of nudity like a lot. There was a sudden knock on his bed room door. “come in” The door opened and in stepped (y/n) she had bags in her hand and she was sniffling. Coming in she immediately shut the door dropped her bags and crawled under the covers with Loki cuddling into his sides.
“you were right....he was unfaithful. I should have stayed with you. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you” she began to cry in his shoulder.
“Hey do not shed tears for that pig. He is not worthy of your tears he does not deserve them.” Loki said as he wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. “ I just finished the first episode of Games of Thrones... a lot of nudity”
(y/n) sniffled “ is there any sex?” 
Loki chuckled “ Yeah but I don’t think you’re going to like it “. He rewind the episode and started it from the very beginning again. They watched in silence for a moment. 
“Sarah has a fiancé wedding is in a week”  (y/n) said “ I have cameras all over the apartment. I’ll be sending a video to her fiancé, his family, and her family”. Loki turned and looked down at her for a moment before roughly kissing her she smiled into the kiss.
“Have I ever told you how amazing you are”
“A girl likes to hear it more than once.”
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softtm · 7 years
Boyfriend! Cai Xukun
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listen I’m so soft for this boy, someone send help and maybe the Yuehua boys
first of all oof, can we just appreciate his visuals like god damn
I want to snuggle you and drench you in holy water at the same
onto the meeting
you’re our dear Lay PD’s little sister like wow, must be nice to have an angel for a brother
when you heard he was gonna be the host/judge/pd for a show with 100 cute ass boys you were like ‘sign me the fuck up’
big bro Lay chips just laughed and was like ‘ha ya wish, I wouldn’t introduce you to Nct what makes you think I’ll let you scar my other pure children’
rip you
but like nah homie, you still plan on going to the idol producer show live so you can support your brother and our Yuehua boys plus Cai Xukun
cue final episode where you actually show up and get everyone food cus you a nice sis who uses her brother’s money to buy him + his children food
might sound a bit shady but you over here living as a poor student so using your rich ass bro might be a good thing this one time
Don’t steal kids
so you’re backstage handing out food and trying to find out where tf Yixing was when this one dude slightly bumps into you making you ALMOST drop the snacks
you’re here like ‘it’s fine my dude’
then you hear Cai Xukun’s voice and HOLY SHIT HE WAS MORE BEAUTIFUL IN REAL LIFE
but you’re like chill y/n
Xukun is still apologizing cus he’s an angel with very good manners and oof I love him sm
so you’re like
why not seize the opportunity
‘can you help me find where my brother is then?’
he’s like sure who is it
‘Zhang Yixing’
cue shook Xukun
y’all ignore the task at hand cus you somehow get side tracked and eventually Lay comes and finds you and he’s really not surprised
‘damn there goes another one of my favorites, y/n stealing my sons from me’
you smacked him lightly while Xukun is embarrassed/happy about being one of Yixing’s favorite sons
after Yixing leaves cus my mans is a busy man you and Xukun get to talking and damn y’all hit it off pretty well
you exchanged numbers and that eventually leads to feelings and that led to him asking you out on ft at 2am
now actual boyfriend! Xukun
I mean
yeah he’s very protective but not the over baring way, just he doesn’t want to see you getting your feels hurt or go through anything too stressful
and you’re like “then you can take college for me” and this boi turned from that sweetheart to a tiger mom real quick
helps you study for all your tests and quiz’s even if he doesn’t know what’s happening
still wants to help so he reads flash cards
you appreciate it a lot especially when he gives you tiny little kisses everytime you’re right
cuddling is a must
has his arms around you anytime he can and makes you surprised most of the time
like you could be doing yoga and a wild Xukun shows up back hugging you and scaring you outta your mind
cue giggles from Xukun
you sharing your mans with Ziyi
not that you mind but sometimes you get third wheeled
like if you’re at a fair and Ziyi suddenly shows up (spoiler, he checked sc map) you bet your ass that Xukun is spending at least 10 minutes chatting with him while you wonder off to go get some food
he was so surprised when he turned and saw you gone that he went on worried mode
probably almost cried in relief when he saw you stuffing your face with churros
listen he is a big softie even when he acts hard
so sometimes you’re gonna have to squeeze it outta him
if it’s like 2am and he’s not home, you can almost bet your ass he’s a the studio either practicing or writing
on those days you know that if you go try to drag him out that it would take a long ass time so you kinda just go there and drag him to a near by couch to sleep
don’t drive when you’re sleepy kids
and really y’all are just right for each other
I don’t think he would get really jealous but you could definitely see his change in moods when you get a little too close to someone he doesn’t personally know
since he’s also good at sending your emotions, he knows when you get jealous too and does this thing where he holds you hand even tighter and starts drawing circles on your palm as a little sign to signify that he’s only yours
oof im getting too into this
so remember how I mentioned Lay being your big bro?
yeah you and Xukun (ONE OF HIS FAVS) were dating so the news would have to get to him somehow right?
boy didn’t even know
at least he didn’t show any signs of knowing
you and Xukun on the other hand didn’t know that he didn’t know about your relationship making you guys think you got the okay
lmao it was not okay
so like he didn’t actually find out until y’all were in the move in phase together like wow that’s a long ass time
not his fault because in this universe he reunited with the rest of Exo and wows the world with their comeback and OT9 for life man
I mean yeah, he’s busy
so of course being the nice and caring brother he is he comes back to China, aka where you are, for vacation and decides to pay a visit with gifts cus he’s an angel and no one can convince he otherwise
he even made plans for a family dinner and bonding time like oof wish my brother was like that
so he comes and surprises you cus he wants to see how his precious little sister was doing
lmao he gets surprised instead
imagine the look on his face when Xukun opens the door instead of you cus you were showering or smth
“... hi gege”
“what the actual fuck man”
so now you have a confused/angry/hurt Yixing in your living room along with your scared boyfriend
wow whatta mess
so you come outta the bathroom and look at the situation and slowly backed up into the bathroom
lmao someone is in trouble
cue you and Xukun getting the talk from Lay
during the whole thing Xukun and you have a silent convo with your eyes cus y’all are THAT close
‘bitch wtf I thought he knew’
‘oops I guess not’
‘am I going to die’
‘I hope not’
Yixing catches one and is like oh hell nah
wow there Lay
what is he on
so Lay leaves and it’s just you and Xukun in the living room still confused about the situation
then he’s like
“Netflix and Chill?”
“hell yeah”
wow that was a long ass ride, more Lay-centric then anything
I’m so sorry this was more crack then fluff
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captainmarvels · 7 years
Early Morning
Summary: Lance seems to have found his soft spot, thanks to you.
Pairing: Lance Tucker x reader
Warnings: Language; very vague mentions of physical domestic abuse
Word Count: 2,650 (sorry)
A/N: Here is my entry for @marvelous-fvcks’ writing challenge! My prompt was “Stay here tonight.” Note: flashback is set aside, in italics. Hopefully you all enjoy some more soft, caring Lance, because he’s my favorite. | masterlist
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When you’re in love, you’re in love.
It’s a passion that consumes your being, overtaking your every nerve.
Sometimes, it makes you think you were lost before you found it.
Love is the drug of paramours, and Lance was hooked.
He had made the colossal mistake of accepting your proposition for him to move in and be your roommate, but he couldn’t stop himself.
He was in love with you, and he’d rather feel the pain of a thousand daggers stabbing his heart than go a day without seeing you.
You were his sun. Lance was simply the planets, orbiting in your universe.
It killed him to feel this way. He was notorious for being anything and everything but a man of emotions. A man subject to the whim of his heart. Yet, here he was. Subject to you. Your love.
Unfortunately, Tucker had missed out on his chance.
Soon after moving in, you confessed that you had been seeing someone for a few months. Lance was shocked; you had always spoken to him about practically everything in your life. But here you were; breaking his heart two times over.
Even with the numbing ache burning deep in his heart, Lance did everything to support your happiness. Despite it crushing his own.
He put his heart and soul into coaching and training, using gymnastics as his distraction. It helped for some time, and he was grateful. Long hours, late nights. You were rarely home at the same time, and it was a relief for him. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out before the dam barring back his feelings would break.
However, as time went on, Lance began to notice a change in you.
You began to spend more time at the apartment. You only left your room for work, or to see him. He has a name, but Lance tries his best to never remember.
You started leaving later, staying out until the early hours of the morning. As if you were avoiding him.
One day, after a few weeks of not speaking, Lance called you.
“Hey, what’s up?” You say rather quickly, trying to get off the phone as soon as possible.
“I need to talk to you later tonight. You free?” His voice was raspy, and considering the time, you assume he had just gotten up.
“How long will it take? I’m meeting Ryan tonight.” You hear him mumble something, and you roll your eyes. “Seriously, Lance. How long?”
“Not long. I don’t want to intrude on your night out.” The annoyance in his voice was bothering you, and you didn’t even know why.
“Okay, see you when I get home. Bye.”
Lance was pacing back and forth in his bedroom, his fingers running through his tousled locks as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say to you.
You slipped in through the front door, gently setting your bag by the hall table. You hung up your keys, quietly kicking your shoes off into the closet. You were silently praying that Lance wouldn’t hear you, just so you could run out once you were ready. You were grabbing your charger from your bag when you heard the floor creak behind you.
“Don’t think you can get out of this that easily. C’mon,” Lance said, waving you towards the kitchen once you turned to face him. Regretting the fact that you had agreed to do this, you follow. He sits down at the island, resting his arms on the table as he looked at you.
His stare was piercing, and you tried to shy away from it.
“What did you want to talk about, Lance? I told you, I don’t have a lot of time.” You tugged at your sleeves, clutching the soft fabric in your fingers as you looked down at your feet.
“Why are you wearing a sweater in 80 degree weather, Y/N?” Your head shot up, looking at him in confusion as you nervously pulled at the collar of said sweater.
“Because I want to, Lance. Since when do you care, anyways?” Lance sighs, shaking his head as he walks over to you. He plants himself right in front of you, his hands settling on either side of you, atop the counter.
“When did it start, Y/N?” His breath barely fans over your face, and you refuse to meet his gaze. You feel two of his fingers graze the bottom of your chin, pushing up. You shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’m being serious, Y/N. When did it start?”
“Why do you care, Lance?
“Because I care about you. Unlike this fucking asshole.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you finally meet his gaze. You’re slightly taken aback as you look at his eyes; the clear blue long gone - replaced by a stormy look of anger. Fear.
“Are we done here?” You couldn’t bare to stand there a minute longer. You stand up straighter, staring at Lance.
“Don’t go to him, baby.” You gasp, pushing him away from you.
“Don’t do this, Lance. Not again.” You walk out, heading for your room. You can hear Lance’s footsteps following you, yet you make no attempt to stop him. He’s standing right by your door, his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He’s watching you, a pale pink tint dusting his cheeks as he averts his gaze once you look at him.
“Stay here tonight. Please.” His pleading voice seemed to echo in your ears as you turned your back to him. You weren’t about to let him see your tears.
“I can’t, Lance. That night… it should have never happened. You know that.” You bite down on your tongue, hoping the pain will stop you from saying everything your heart wants to let out.
The moment his arms wrap around you, you know you can’t hold back.
You choke out a sob, your back meeting Lance’s chest as he pulls you closer. He leans down, burying his face in the crook of your neck as you try to calm your breathing.
“I am going to fucking ruin him if he ever lays a hand on you again.” His words are muffled by your skin as he trails kisses along your neck, and you can’t stop yourself from breaking away to look at him.
“It’s all because of that night, you know? The reason why he’s been so…” Lance shakes his head, pulling you into his chest once more.
“You should have come to me, baby. I would have never let this happen. I waited too long, but god, I love you so damn much.” His confession rings in your ears, and you look up at him, meeting his softened gaze as he rests his hands on your hips.
“Don’t. Don’t tell me you love me unless you mean it, Lance. I won’t let you do this to me again.” Your words hit him like a ton of bricks, but he knows he deserves it. After all, he was the reason you were with Ryan.
It was 2am, and you were more than ready to go to bed. Lance hadn’t come back with you from the bar, but you didn’t really mind. He was drunk, and he knew how to take care of himself.
You were settling into bed, turning the light off when you heard the front door open. Quietly groaning, you roll over to get out from under the covers, when you hear Lance speak. He’s probably brought someone home - great. You roll your eyes at the thought, turning over when you notice you left your bedroom door open. Damn it.
You wait to hear Lance pass by to his room before getting up, only to hear him stop just outside your door. The smell of tequila and vodka was strong, and you knew he probably got a drink or two thrown at him. He was mumbling something incoherent under his breath, and before you could sit up to see what he was doing, you heard him clear his throat.
“She’s an angel. Y/N is an angel and I love her. Oh shit, is she home?” He steps away, and your eyes snap open as soon as he leaves. Did he just...Lance loves me?
You hear him in the hallway once again, and hold your breath.
“No, her room is empty. Where could she be? I miss her. It’s only been, uh, a couple hours, but I miss her. A lot. I wish she would come home. I’ll tell her I love her when she comes home.” You’re waiting for Lance to leave when you feel the bed dip on the other side, and you realize that the poor fool thinks he’s in his room. He drops his dead weight on the empty side of your bed, sighing in relief once his head hits the pillow.
His soft snores begin to fill the air, and he turns towards you. He’s smiling, and you can’t help but smile too. Just as you close your eyes, you feel his arm drape over your torso, his hand resting on your back.
“I love you, YN.”
The next morning, you wake up to an empty bed. It doesn’t surprise you - Lance is always up early. You check the time, only to realize it’s almost noon. You sigh, cracking your ankles before getting out of bed. You hear voices coming from the living room, and you consider that he might be watching TV.
After cleaning up in the bathroom, you head out into the apartment. You’re stretching your arms when you hear the voice of a woman drift in.
“So funny, Tucker. When’s that sleepy roommate of yours going to leave, so, ya know?” The stranger giggles, and the bright smile on your lips falls as she and Lance come into view. They’re on the balcony, oblivious to your presence in the living room; Lance’s arms around her waist, his chest pressed against her back.
“If she doesn’t get up soon, I’m going to die.” He says, laughing as the girl in his arms reaches up, tangling her fingers in his hair.
“Not so fast, Lance. You owe me!” The pair continue laughing, and you don’t have to imagine the smile that must be plastered on his face.
He was drunk - that was it. You repeat the words to yourself as you grab an apple from the table, making your way back to your room. You toss some clean clothes on, shoving your laptop, charger, and notebook into your bag. You leave the door open - you just need to get the hell out of here. Away from the heartache.
You decide there’s no point in waiting for Lance to go to bed before you came home - he’d been blowing your phone up all day.
We need to talk, Y/N. Please come home.
That last text had been sent over three hours ago, and you had yet to respond. Standing in front of the apartment door, you can’t hear anything inside. Maybe Lance had given up. Hopefully.
Alas, you were mistaken. He was waiting in the living room, his eyes glassy as he played around with a plate of uneaten food. When you stopped in front of the tv, he looked up, his eyes looking anywhere but you.
“Well? What did you want to talk about, Lance?” You say, biting your lip as you try to stay calm.
“I know what I said to you last night, and I know you heard me.” His words are rushed, and you can’t tell if it’s because he wants to get this over with or if it’s actually paining him to say it.
“How could you possibly know? You were drunk,”
“I was sober enough to remember what I was saying. Who I was saying it to. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“You didn’t mean it, did you?” Might as well end it all now.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I don’t know why I sa-”
“Save it, Lance. It’s fine.” You turn, wiping away the unshed tears waiting to fall. “Just forget about all of this.”
A few weeks passed after that night before you met Ryan. In the beginning, everything was fine. He was a great guy - he even got along with Lance, which surprised you. You were finally happy, and everything seemed to have fallen into place.
Until one night.
Ryan wanted to stay in - watch movies and drink wine, and you were more than happy to accept that. Just the week before, you had celebrated your six month anniversary.
After eating dinner, Ryan suggested doing a drinking game he had found for one of your favorite shows. You agreed, since you were going to modify the rules to fit drinking wine instead of taking shots. It’d been awhile since you had had any alcohol, so you didn’t realize you were bound to get drunk rather quickly.
That’s when it all went downhill.
Ryan began to poke and prod, asking questions about Lance and why he moved in. When it came to being drunk, you had no filter. Everything came out. You told him what had happened with Lance before you offered him your vacant room, and Ryan lost it.
To say the least, he was not happy.
Since that night, he would demand that you kick Lance out, or move in with him. You refused. That only made things worse.
You couldn’t find a way out, and you knew there was no point. Ryan would find you, and you didn’t need to put yourself at risk.
Too late for that.
“I was lying.” Lance is holding you against his chest, his chin resting on top of your head. You make no move to respond, so he continues.
“When I said I didn’t mean it. I was lying. I’ve loved you since the beginning, Y/N. I was too much of an ass to admit to myself, so I lied. And I’ve fucking regretted it every minute since. I know this doesn’t make up for any of the shit I’ve done, but you have no idea what you mean to me, baby.”
You finally look up at him, your hands somehow finding their way to rest on his cheeks. Lance leans into your touch, softly humming as his eyes flutter shut for a moment. You press your thumb to his lips, slowly pulling his bottom lip down.
“I’m scared, Lance.” He meets your gaze, and it feels like his chest has collapsed in on itself as he sees the fear in your eyes. He kisses the pad of your thumb, shaking his head as he grips your hips.
“Don’t be. You have me. I will help you get out of this. You don’t deserve any of this. No one fucking does.”
The rest of the night is a haze - you were so exhausted from crying, you practically fell asleep in Lance’s arms. He changed you into your pajamas, tucking you into your bed after. He ended up falling asleep right next to you, since he was the first thing you saw in the early morning.
You rested your hand gently on his arm, tracing random patterns across his skin as he continued to sleep. You spent some time like that; peacefully together.
Just after you pulled your hand away, Lance’s arm found its way around your waist, gently pulling you towards him.
“Come back to me, babe,” He mumbles, his voice raspy and full of sleep. You smile, stroking your thumb across his cheek. His eyes flutter open, and it’s the first time you finally notice the love and adoration swimming in them as he meets your own. You can’t stop the flutter of your heart as you smile, but the look in his eyes tells you not to worry. He’s got you.
“I will.”
tags note: if you don’t want to be tagged, please let me know! I’ve added [I think] all of my mutuals, so just let me know if you’d like to be taken off!
@bladebarnes, @retroasgardian, @roamingharlem, @thesaraaaaahpfan, @avengershavethetardis, @buenostardissherlock, @storyofavengers, @imsecretlyromanburki, @cassandras-musings, @nottheopera, @coltcas, @thefridgeismybestie, @callamint, @kaaatniss, @seb-ass-tian-stan-ws, @bootypoppinbarnes, @hollycornish, @h4izel, @charliexowrite, @stevnsbucks, @thewinterswimmer, @damnlokifangirl, @barnesvogue, @sebastian-stans-thighs, @capsheadquaters, @jobean12-blog, @theassetseyeliner, @buckys-fossil @worldsroses @yikesbuckster @mjuikoli @rotisserierogers @buckyappreciationsociety @supernaturaldean67 @milychetto @shhhs3cret @avengedqueen26, @this-is-angela-blog, @ohwhatamessiam, @captain-amelia-bradley, @tasting-writers-block @raindancer2004
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flabbergabst · 7 years
Chosen: Chapter 1 (a cc fic)
Sara and Leonard settles in for the day and meets friends and families, all of which look disapprovingly at Leonard. Sara struggles to deal.
Also on AO3
Sara and Leonard had just entered their hotel room, luggage still in hand after refusing to let the bellboy carry it. “You just had to use Leo Wynters as your fake name, didn’t you?”
Before dropping a half of their team off in Central City, Sara made the team promise to keep a hold of their comms and keep her number on their phones.
“I’d like to have updates on your lives but please, no 2am phone calls telling us you miss us or something,” Sara reminded the team and nodding at Leonard. “I’m looking at you, Ray.”
They all chuckled, Ray included. “I won’t!”
“And,” Sara added before the noise gets out of hand, “enjoy your well-deserved break. God knows we all earned this.”
Gideon chimed in to interrupt the meeting . “Captain, we have arrived in Central City, 2019.”
 Nate, Firestorm, and Mick and Amaya stepped out of the ship with their temporary goodbyes. Mick, raising both eyebrows teasingly at Snart, making a whip sound effect as he walked away from the couple, much to Sara’s amusement.
Next were those stepping down in Star City. Ray and Zari and Sara and Leonard who nodded at each other (Sara reminding Zari to call) and went on their way, hearing the engines of the concealed Waverider being flown by Gideon.
“I’m gonna miss that sound,” Sara muttered, taking Leonard’s hand. “But we deserve this break!”
“Oh that we do,” Leonard replied. “And it’ll start by checking in on the hotel I booked for the weekend.”
Sara looked up at him and smirked. “So glad I’m with an extreme planner. I won’t have to worry about our stay.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that, this early in our Star City escapade.”
Sara took off her boots and let her luggage fall on the floor. Leonard placed his own things down and started walking around the room they got.
“You know you don’t have to case the room, right?” he heard Sara say from a few steps away. “This isn’t a mission anymore,” Sara added, a small smile seen at the corner of her lips.
Leonard chuckled and walked close to her, enveloping her small frame in his arms. “Habit. Besides, I don’t know how long we’ll stay here. Or where we’ll stay, really.”
Tugging him closer so she could feel his heartbeats, Sara spoke. “Central or here in Star? Or elsewhere?”
“Nice for you to ask, but we both know it’s your choice,” Leonard answered with a smirk, earning a soft punch from when Sara pulled away. “But I don’t mind staying in Star should you choose to. Lisa’s not always in Central anyway.”
“Star City it is.”
Leonard smirked. “What a surprise.”
“Ass,” Sara replied and walked away to unpack their things. Leonard followed her and helped.
“Your family and friends are here. Made sense to stay in this city,” he said, taking the clothes out of their luggage and in the closet.
Unbeknownst to him, Sara was looking at him as he moves. His steady pace and the careful way he picks up his shirts. They could stay wherever, to be honest, and they’d be okay. Sara just wants this.
 Later that day, while flipping through the channels of the television, Sara blurted out, “I’m thinking of popping in the Arrow Cave later. Want to come with?”
“Finally introducing me to your friends?” he asked, nonchalantly.
“You’ve put this meeting off for a long time,” Sara replied. “Since we’re staying in the city, might as well meet them now, right?”
Leonard stood up, heading to the bathroom, probably to take a shower. “I guess.”
Sara knows things won’t go smooth. She just trusts her family and friends to respect the decisions she’s made and the person she’s decided to be with. And she trusts Leonard not to go back to being the cold anti-hero that he was.
The bathroom door opened and what came out was Leonard already dressed, his nave blue jacket was on and the smell of his cologne drew her in.
“Let’s go?”
“And she’s back, ladies and gentlemen,” Sara confidently said as the elevator doors opened. Leonard was trying his best to hide the chuckle after what Sara said.
“Sara!” Felicity peered from the computer screens. “You’re back!”
“I am!” Sara brisk-walked in, leaving her boyfriend to follow. “We’ll be staying here for a long time. Where’s everybody?”
Felicity swirled on her chair to face her friend who’s rushing to hug her. “Oliver’s at the office with Quentin. Laurel ‘s being her lawyer self. Dig is on vacation with his family, and—oh my god, that’s Captain Cold.”
Leonard was leaning on one of the panels of the Arrow Cave, looking like he’s been there since forever. “Miss Smoak, we meet again.”
Sara groaned internally and sighed deeply. “Felicity, this is—“
“Leonard Snart. Captain Cold. Believe me, Sara, I know,” the blonde genius managed to say. “He derailed a train full of people! They could’ve died!”
Felicity looked at Sara. She saw the former assassin’s face—firm and without any emotion.
“I know,” Sara said. “I know everything. He’s my boyfriend after all.”
 Before Felicity can react to Sara’s announcement, the elevator door pinged and out comes Oliver and in under ten seconds, he recognized the fact that Sara is back, and also brought a known villain into their secret lair.
“What the hell is Snart doing here?” Oliver said, quickly walking towards the weapons rack to get anything.
“Nice to see you too, Queen,” Snart drawled and pushed himself away from where he’s leaning. “Canary here dragged me in so blame her.”
Oliver eyed Sara, who gave a look that told him to let go of the bow he was holding.
“How about you disrupt another city, Snart?” Oliver retorted at Leonard’s smirk and his calm demeanor. “Would it really kill you to leave my city and stay the hell out of here?”
Leonard just shrugged and before he could say anything snarky, he felt Sara hold his hand and tug him towards the elevator.
“How about we start with staying the hell out of this goddamned lair?” Sara snapped, flipping off one of her oldest friends while holding Leonard’s hand tight enough to make him scared that she might break them.
 “Breathe,” Leonard said on their way to the rental car they drove to the Arrow Cave.
Sara still hasn’t said a word, instead pulled out her phone and contacted her sister. Laurel answered in three rings. “Sara! You’re back! Okay are you in the city or somewhere else in the world? Come on sis, I miss you!”
Leonard lets go of Sara’s hand and started driving. He tried his best not to listen to the sisters’ conversation, trying to focus on the road and willing away what he heard only a few minutes ago.
“Is Dad coming to this dinner?” Leonard heard Sara ask, her eyes closed. “Alright, alright. Yes I’m showing up. Yeah, I miss you too. Bye. Oh, hold on. I’m bringing a plus one—okayseeyoulaterbye.”
Sara almost threw her phone on the car floor, taking deep breaths while Leonard drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.
“So we’re having dinner with my dad and my sister,” Sara said with fake enthusiasm.
Leonard actually laughed. “Yeah, I got that from all your groaning while talking to Laurel. I could stay in the hotel while you catch up with them.”
“I was thinking of keeping the family-and-friends-spite-my-boyfriend happenings in one day,” she replied, looking at her left to the man who never fails to make her heart skip a beat. “Just to get this over with.”
The man just groaned. “Or, hear me out, just don’t tell them about us. Hide me. Postpone the dinner forever.”
He’s making some light out of this, she knows it. But she really wants this meeting to work out. She really, really does. So she blurted out without thinking: “When we talked about having a future together, what I had in mind were, I don’t know, rings and houses and little baby shoes—not hiding you in my closet for the rest of our lives.”
Rings. Houses. Little baby shoes.
Leonard felt a rush of heat to his chest. They’ve talked about these things before as they were playing cards, downing bottles of beer.
           “Come on, Sara, you know I’ll never give you a stolen ring.”
           “No! Four bedrooms just in case Mick lives with us!”
                       “Wait until you’ve heard him snore, then tell me you’ll save a room for him.”
           “Bartholomew is a nice boy’s name, right?”
                       “Why do you hate me so much?”
This was the first time it was opened in a conversation, although jokingly. Maybe it was a joke. Was it? The words buzzed in his head.
“Earth to Leonard?” Sara said, placing a hand on his thigh, making the man snap out of his thoughts. “We’re almost here.”
Six hours till dinner. Six hours till judgment time.  He doesn’t even want to think what will happen the moment Sara’s family sees him. All he knows is he’s doing this for her.
Sara was fixing the lapels of the coat Len was wearing, mind out of her body, when Len decided to put his arms around her waist and pull her close.
“Hey,” the crook said in a low tone, “don’t worry, they’re gonna love me.”
Sara started laughing softly, leaning her forehead on his chest. “I’m sure they will.”
“And just in case something happens to me, I wrote you on my will. The Cold Gun goes to you,” Leonard added.
“I better get your damn gun.”
 It took them an hour more to get to the door of Laurel’s apartment. When the door opened, Laurel’s eyes went from her baby sister to the man whose hand is obviously on the blonde’s back.
“Is he your plus one?” was the first thing Laurel said, not taking her eyes off of the man, whose eyes aren’t backing out from the stare-off.
Sara, feeling the tension, stepped forward and hugged her big sister. “I missed you, Laurel. You have no idea how long we’ve been away.”
The younger Lance entered her sister’s home. Seeing as how Laurel left the door open for him to enter, Len took it as an invitation to come in.
“Obviously,” Laurel replied to her sister’s last statement. “Long enough for you to find a plus one.”
Sara dropped to the couch and tapped the space beside her for Leonard to sit. “Sis, this is Leonard. From how you were checking him for weapons, I’m guessing you know him as Captain Cold. And no, he’s not carrying any. Only I am.”
She turned to the man who was looking at her intently. “Len, I’ve told you all about my sister Laurel.”
He stood up and held his hand out. “Nice to finally meet you.”
Laurel just looked at the man’s outstretched hand and before she could react, a deep voice called from the kitchen.
“Laurel, is that Sara? Has she arrived?”
 Before anyone could even answer, Quentin was stepping out of the kitchen wearing an apron.
“Dad!” Sara immediately stood up and greeted her father with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I missed you a lot!”
“Oh I miss you too, baby,” the father replied, hugging back.
When the two pulled away, Sara immediately brought her father’s attention to the man she brought with her before her father could make his comments.
“Dad, this is Leonard. He’s my…” she said, looking at Len, “…we’re together. Been together for two years.”
Quentin looked at Leonard with so much contempt and disapproval that it makes Sara want to sit her father and sister down to tell them how Leonard isn’t the same man he was from their early perceptions of him from his criminal records.
Her problem is that she can’t fight them on this. They weren’t saying anything. They weren’t as vocal with their displeasure as Felicity and Oliver were. But it’s how Laurel look at Len and how their father is most likely cocking a gun under the table that kills her. Sara can feel her eyes sting. Her family’s talking to her, asking her about her travels, completely disregarding Leonard. Not even offering him food. Not offering him a drink.
They were through with dinner when Quentin finally looked straight at the other man across him. “So, Snart. You need my daughter to help you with a heist, is that why you’re stringing along?”
“Dad, please,” Sara said through gritted teeth.
“I’m not with Sara because I need something from her,” Leonard firmly replied. “I may be everything you’ve read about me and maybe more, but not to her, no.”
Quentin scoffed, facing Laurel. “Can you believe this man?”
“Dad, please stop,” Sara said once again.
“What would it take for you to leave my daughter alone?” Quentin asked, the gun they all know he’s holding now placed on the table. “Need to clear your rap sheet? Clear your records?”
Sara saw Leonard’s fist clench from below the table. She can already feel the tears close from falling. She knows Leonard’s going to say something, and she knows it’ll just make things worse.
“Dad!” Sara yelled, silencing the table. “Can’t a person just be with me because they want to actually be with me? Is the idea of someone sticking with an assassin so absurd to you that you think Leonard needs a reason to be with me?”
“That’s not…”
“Of all the people who I hope will be happy that I’m happy, I really thought it would be my family,” Sara said.
She looked at Leonard whose beautiful blue eyes speak volumes, eyes telling her that he’s okay. Eyes telling her that the hotel room they’ve only been in for only a couple of hours could serve comfort for her tonight.
“I’m sorry,” Sara whispered to Leonard, who shook his head, refusing to accept the apology she shouldn’t be giving. “Let’s go?”
Leonard nodded and stood up from where he was sitting. “Thanks for the dinner. The meal was lovely.”
He laid a hand on Sara’s shoulder, prompting her to stand up, too. Without saying another word. They exited the dining room, Len kissing Sara’s temple. Quentin and Laurel saw the sweet kiss, noting the small vulnerability the man showed and immediately tucking it away.
Leonard handed the tub of ice cream he just opened and a spoon to the woman sitting on the hotel bed, back against the headboard.
“Here you go,” he said as he climbed beside her, “since we missed dessert in your sister’s place.”
“Thank you,” she quietly replied, hand outstretched but eyes not leaving the television screen that’s showing an old action film.
Leonard raised the blanket to their chests as he slipped down to be the same level as Sara. Sara moved forward as to not have ice cream on her shirt or her blanket. Len took this as an opportunity to rub his left hand on her back, staring at her rather than the movie they were watching.
“Want the last bite?” Sara looked back at him, raising a spoon to his mouth. He took the spoonful of ice cream and waited for Sara to place the empty tub on the bedside table before tugging her down and close to his body.
“I’m guessing this is more comfortable,” Len said once Sara settled, curled beside him with her head on his shoulder.
She nodded, grabbing his arm that’s on his waist and pulled him closer. “Warmer, too.”
The credits of the movie was rolling and Sara apparently decided that Len’s jaw is more interesting. “Hey,” she said, fingertips dancing on his jaw. “I’m sorry about earlier. From the Arrow Cave to the dinner.”
“It’s not like it’s a surprise to me,” Leonard answered, stroking the woman’s wavy blonde hair. “Your Arrow friends fight criminals on a daily basis and so do your dad and sister. They see a criminal and their instincts just kicked in.”
Sara burrowed her head deeper on the crook of his neck. Len placed a kiss on top of her head as a response. “I’m alright so don’t worry about it, okay?”
When Sara didn’t respond, Leonard continued. “You can tell your Queen friend that I’ve cased his little lair and found nothing I could steal so I wouldn’t be dropping by so soon.”
Still, nothing from her.
“And you did help me once in liberating a diamond-studded necklace so I guess your father was right,” he added, listening for any reaction.
Sara wanted to just pretend that she’s asleep. She wanted to will the memory of the day away and pretend that like any other thing in the world, that it doesn’t bother her. But it does. It took so much time for both of them to realize that they deserve to be happy and that they both deserve the love from each other. And it hurts that people she love are invalidating that.
“Hm?” she finally responded.
“I’m okay.”
Sara closed her eyes. She knows if she looks at him, she’ll cry and he’ll start to worry and things will plummet from there.
“Okay,” Sara resigned.
 “So, apartments?” Sara broke whatever emotional build-up there was. They haven’t even been in the city for 24 hours.
Leonard already had his eyes closed, breathing started to even out. “I have a safehouse here in Star.”
Sara raised her head and the loss of weight on Leonard’s shoulders made the crook open his eyes. “You’re not making me live in a secret and probably dirty safehouse, are you?”
Len knows she’s kidding. She’d never complain wherever they’ll stay. Still, they’re starting anew.
“Have you met me?” he asked, an eyebrow up. “I started looking earlier. I’ll run them by you tomorrow, Captain.”
Sara chuckled at his last remark. She felt his hand sneak under her shirt from the back, rubbing her back just like what he always does, soothing her to sleep.
Maybe she’ll get a few hours of just the two of them. Sounds nice.
Irregular updates. 
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epcot-anthony · 7 years
Five Steps To Failure
Jasmine knew something was off the moment her manager called her and informed her that she would meet with her the next day around 10am. She was never too close with her manager, obviously grateful for her to help her career out but they never particularly got along.
It wasn’t that Jasmine wasn’t worried, she was but she was trying to control the many thoughts swirling through her head. She was scared that maybe this was it, that she was getting dropped or something. Her new movie, an indie film, would be coming out within the next month and she needed a manager to help her through promo and the press.
The thoughts continued to cloud her mind but she somehow managed to force herself to sleep around 2am, earning herself a solid six hours of sleep before she was up again trying to get ready for the day.
Fashion was important to Jasmine. All her outfits were usually nice and neat, a dress or skirt with a fancy top, some heels and some shades was her go-to outfit on most days. Somedays she would go with some dark, tight jeans and a tight shirt but that was rare for her. Jasmine Cephas Jones did not wear baggy shirts, she was way too classy for that.
After a quick change into a navy blue tight fitting top and a black skirt, Jasmine was in her kitchen quickly grabbing some breakfast. She was barely home due to the constant press, filming and recording schedule that she held, so she barely ever had food at her house. She settled on a granola bar before she grabbed her purse and phone and was out the door and making her way to her Uber.
When the older girl arrived at the large building her managers office was located in, she couldn’t help but be slightly nervous as she stepped foot into the elevator. Jasmine planned on having that minute or two in the elevator but oh of course, there was some dude in there.
Anthony Ramos. Anthony, similar to Jasmine, got the call late last night from his manager that stated that they would be meeting the next morning at some unfamiliar office to him. He didn’t get too worried about it honestly, he was pretty close to his manager and just assumed he would just want to talk about the album or touring in the future.
The two rode up in the elevator together, feeling a slight sense of familiarity as they glanced at each other when the other one wasn’t looking. They both had seen each other’s faces before but couldn’t exactly put a name to the face, so they left it how it was and dealt with the awkward elevator silence.
But then the two were stuck walking into the same room, both getting more confused by the second. Jasmine couldn’t deny that the guy next to her that was hot as fuck, and he smelt really good so that was totally a plus. Anthony was trying not to focus on Jasmine’s looks in particular, but on the other things. Of course, she was beyond gorgeous but she did some cute things as well. Like the way she’d subtly bounce on the balls of her feet as the elevator shifted up a floor, and the little smile spreading across her lips every single time the elevator dinged to signify them going up another floor. But they both knew they needed to ignore their thoughts, because they didn’t even know each other.
The two walked into the room, more confused than ever as they glanced at each other and then both their managers who were smiling at them. So they took a seat, trying to keep somewhat of a distance from each other but it was hard with how cramped the little desk space.
“Ah! Jasmine, Anthony!” Jasmine’s manger smiled at the two of them, “We’re just going to have a little talk with the two of you,” Then she flashed her fake smile, once again.
Anthony was beyond confused, but he was slowly recognizing who Jasmine was. Maybe he recognized her from a show or movie he watched, or maybe he scrolled through her twitter once before. Either way, if he was ever going to be in a room with her he didn’t want it this way, he didn’t want it to be for some sketchy meeting. The girl was gorgeous, he had to admit that, but obviously he wouldn’t straight up tell her that just yet.
Jasmine knew Anthony from his music, something she realized after looking at him for a moment. It might of been the hair or the freckles that triggered the memory, she doesn’t know but it was something. She didn’t enjoy being in his company for this situation, she’d rather be able to actually talk to him and get to know him, ask him about his music as well. Though he would most likely never spare the time of day for her, because she was Jasmine Cephas Jones and apparently that name intimidated people.
Anthony’s manager, some blond guy that Jasmine would soon learn to be Jamie, looked between the two except there was no fake smile plastered on his face but a frown instead.
Then the man looked at Jasmine’s manager, a tall women named Amber, and groaned, “Did you not tell her what was happening? I thought you were going to tell her,” Jamie sighed.
The women sighed, “You told me you were telling him. You know what? We can just tell them now..!” She decided and smiled at the couple, “We call it L.R.P.N.B for short, but it means love, red carpets, paps, no-comments and breakup,” Amber announced, confusing the two stars across the table from the managers.
Jasmine was beyond confused. Love? Breakup’s? She hasn’t been in love for years. Her last boyfriend was the love of her life, the best thing that ever happened to her. The thing was that they never broke up and Jasmine hated that, she needed that closure but she never got it.
Anthony on the other hand, was just confused. Could he fall fake in love with this gorgeous girl for literally no reason? Probably not. Could he actually fall in love with her? Most likely yes, and that terrified him. Anthony didn’t exactly date, it just wasn’t something he did too much. Yeah, he had a few occasional flings with girls and of course a few hookups but that was years ago. Now, he hadn’t dated seriously in at least two years and hadn’t planned on doing it again until he found a girl he really loved and cared about.
Finally, after some thinking and enough amount of awkward silence Anthony decided to speak up.
“So um, like what the hell is this? What all are we doing…? I mean, you never really told us and just said some words, so…” Anthony rambled on slightly, his words slightly jumbled together as he sat back against the chair, his arms crossing over his chest.
His manager, groaned and rolled his eyes as he looked at Anthony, looking nothing less than annoyed. That alone confused Anthony, him and his manager got along fine so he didn’t understand on why he looked so randomly annoyed over a simple question.
“It’s fake dating. You two will fake date each other for the medias purposes. Don’t immediately get all pissy, because it has its benefits. Jasmine,” The man turned towards her, “This will help you and your movie. No offense, but people only love you for mainly your looks and that’s pretty much it. You’re the only slightly famous person in this movie, because it’s some small indie one, so they will use you and your status to boost this movie and boost your career,” Jamie fake smiled and turned to Anthony, “Anthony, my dude, this will help with your next album. I mean, give you more sales, hype it up and give you something to write about. Before either of you says no to this, realize that this is only for the better and things will be much worse if you refuse,” He slightly threatened.
Jasmine and Anthony were stunned to a silence, only being able to focus on the plain white wall behind their managers. Fake dating? Jasmine thought her image and social status was perfectly fine but now it wasn’t? Now she was forced to ‘date’ some guy she didn’t even know just for the hell of it? She didn’t want this. She wanted to live her own life but now she was stuck with these restraints on her entire life. Anthony felt similar. He didn’t want this either, he wanted to fall in love by himself and not fake fall in love with this girl he just met.
“So what do you two say?” Jasmine’s manager spoke up, flashing a fake smile at the pair, who would soon forced to be a couple after just meeting only minutes ago.
Jasmine sighed, glancing around the room. She had to do it. She loved her career and everything, and couldn’t have that be ruined for her. Yeah, this would be literal hell but she had to do it, for her career.
But before Jasmine could speak up, a fake-confident Anthony did, glancing between both the managers, “I’ll do it,” He spoke. Though he didn’t want to do it, he had to. He needed this career, he loved it and well, a total plus of it was getting to help out his family pay for the bills. He had to do this.
Jasmine nodded, “I’m in as well,” She agreed, her gaze switching back and forth from the wall and the ground, occasionally switching to the wood table in front of her.
“Oh, wonderful!” Jasmine’s manager clapped her hands, “You two can get rest tonight but tomorrow you’ll have a busy schedule. We will send you copies of what the rest of the week holds, but for tomorrow you two need to get to know each other, which you can do at a little coffee shop down the block. Fans will take pictures of you two, or with you two and start a media buzz. No paps just yet, that’s step three. You two will be also going to Jasmine, your friend Pippa, her opening night for her show on Friday. You two will walk the red carpet and act like you love and care about each other. Alright! You’re free to go! Please exchange numbers and meet each other tomorrow morning at 11am,” She finished, the fake smile still on her lips.
Jasmine and Anthony were both home about an hour later. They knew they probably should’ve spent the day with their friends but they couldn’t. Their minds were clouded with the thoughts of each other, and the fact that their freedom would soon be nearly completely gone. Sure, they both had intense filming, recording and interview schedules but this? This situation was a whole new ballpark for them. They had times to show up at everything, times to wake up and eat their meals and it was insane. It’s all they could think about as well. Sleep? No, they couldn’t sleep, their minds running wild with the thoughts.
L.R.P.N.B, or what Jasmine called her ‘own personal hell, began the next morning. Both of their phones were already flooded by reminder texts as early as 8am. They even had outfit suggestions from their managers, outfit suggestions that Jasmine scoffed at. A sweater? She didn’t even own a sweater! She was a classy person, she didn’t act like that. The least classy thing Jasmine ever even did was get a tattoo on her ankle, it was a heart, symbolizing her ex.
About an hour after waking up and deciding on an outfit, a tight black shirt and some grey sweatpants, Anthony grabbed his phone and made his way to his car. A few miles away, Jasmine was quickly changing into a tight fitting sweater and some tight, black jeans, something that her manager would deal with.
Jasmine made her way into the little coffee shop, 'Alred’s Coffee’, quickly spotting the dark curly hair pulled up in a bun and assumed it was Anthony, so she began to walk over to the table.
Anthony turned around, a smile on his face, a smile Jasmine would soon grow to love, “Jasmine!” Then he gestured for her to sit down in the seat across from him and she did, slowly pulling the chair in.
“What do you want to drink? Anything to eat too? It’s early, you must be hungry. It’s on me,” Anthony rambled on, Jasmine cutting him off by the sound of her setting her phone down against the metal table.
“Anthony, chill,” Jasmine smiles a little as she looked at him from across the table, “I’ll take an iced coffee, thank you,” She decided, not even trying to intervene on paying because she knew he was going to insist on paying anyways.
“Okay, cool! Would you like anything to eat? They have muffins, bagels, cookies and some other deserts if you want me to buy you anything!” He smiled over at her, Jasmine forcing herself to not make a rude comment at how overly excited he was over fucking bagels, muffins and cookies (also some other deserts).
Jasmine shrugged and shook her head, “Get me a muffin, blueberry is fine,”
Anthony nodded and walked up the counter, ordering their items.
A few minutes later Anthony walked back over to the table, setting Jasmine’s drink and muffin in front of her.
“Thank you,” Jasmine responded quietly as she took a sip of her drink.
The two sat in an awkward silence, no one knowing what to say or what to do.
Jasmine finally spoke up, “They want us to fall in love, but I don’t do love,” She admitted honestly with a shrug.
“I can make you do love,” Anthony started, quickly rewording his sentence, “I can make you fall in love with me,” He betted.
“Oh?” Jasmine raised an eyebrow at him, “You can’t make me fall in love, Anthony. I bet that you can’t make me fall in love with you,”
He smirked at her and shrugged, “It’s a bet then. I can make you fall in love with me in two months,” Anthony shrugged.
“Okay, deal,” Jasmine agreed with a nod.
An hour or two later, they were both on their way back to their own homes, not able to stop thinking about the bet they had just made.
Red Carpets.
Two weeks after their first encounter, Jasmine and Anthony were stuck going to a red carpet event, one where they’d be walking it together.
Though Jasmine had to walk it with Anthony, she wasn’t dreading it because it was her best friends movie premiere and she was more than excited to finally see her after so long.
The two of them tried to ignore the feelings they felt for each other. They texted between those two weeks, slowly learning more and more about each other.
Every time Anthony posted one of his dorky Instagram pictures Jas couldn’t help but feel the butterflies by just looking at Anthony. It was the same for him though, except every time Jas called him his heart fluttered by just hearing her voice.
Jasmine changed into a long, loose red dress, flower print that spread down the dress. She straightened her short hair and did her makeup, a casual look.
Anthony changed as well, slipping on a nice white dress shirt, a grey suit jacket over it, and some tight, black jeans. He pulled his hair up into a casual bun and called it a day.
They both took an uber to each other, meeting near the theater the premiere was being held.
The moment that Anthony saw Jasmine his face lit up, a blush spreading across his cheeks as he noticed how beautiful she looked. She looked stunning.
Anthony fumbled over to her, shoving his hands in his pocket, “Hey Jazzy,” He muttered as he avoided eye contact.
“Hey Ramos,” Jasmine giggled as she kisses his cheek, not caring if her lipstick was left or not, “You look cute, but you need another suit jacket,” She joked as a smile spread across her lips.
“Heyyy! They’re expensive, Cephas! Also, this one is very nice, thank you very much!” He joked back, smiling at her, “You look gorgeous,” He admitted.
Now it was Jasmine’s turn to blush and avoid his gaze.
“Thank you, Ant. But we should get going, shall we?” She slipped her hand into his, intertwining their fingers as they began walking to the theater.
Once they approached the red carpet Jasmine groaned at the sight of so many people, fans mostly.
“Hey, at least there’s no paps?” Anthony shrugged, trying to think of the positive.
“I know, but there’s fans and you know what fans do, Ant. They’re gonna freak out and these pictures will be everywhere, and I mean everywhere,” She sighed as she moved a bit closer to him, smiling at Anthony who was gently swinging their arms.
The two made their way onto the carpet, the screams of the fans filling their ears. Many pictures were taken, then the pair were released to their seats in the theater.
Jasmine and Anthony’s seats were in the front row, all by Jasmine’s friends, her friends from high school.
Anthony was terrified. Her friends knew of the situation, but they also knew of Jasmine’s feelings that she was failing to hide from Anthony, but attempting to. Meeting his “girlfriends” friends was terrifying, he already met her family and he thought he wouldn’t of survived the night, but he somehow did.
One of the girls gasped when she noticed Jas and Ant.
“Jazzy…! Oh, and she brought her man!” The girl, Melissa, smirked as she pulled Jasmine into a hug and shook Anthony’s hand.
Soon after, Anthony began to talk with all of Jasmine’s friend and get comfortable with them, which was somehow pretty easy. A bit later the movie started, then ended hours later.
Jasmine and Anthony were walking down the city streets, hand in hand even though they knew they didn’t really “need” to do that anymore.
“Hey, you hungry?” Anthony asked, glancing over at the shorter girl.
“Starving, honestly,” Jasmine admitted with a shrug.
“I’m taking you somewhere,” Anthony said, changing their direction and ignoring Jasmine’s confusion.
They walked to a little diner, old fashioned and everything, but it was cute and perfect.
Once they were seated and had their drinks, one milkshake that they decided to share, Anthony admitted why he chose the diner.
“My mom took me here a lot as a kid. My siblings and I would come here when we had the money to do so,” Anthony explained, and admitted. He wasn’t always this open about his family life.
“Well, its cute,” Jasmine smiled at him, “Just like you are,”
A blush spread across the younger mans cheeks as he went to grab Jasmine’s hand from across the table, but their food was put down in front of them.
Soon after they were walking back home, Anthony walking Jasmine to her place.
Once they reached her door step Jas spoke out from the comfortable silence they had fallen into.
“Tonight was surprisingly really nice,” Jasmine admitted as she turned to face Anthony, who was now a step below her.
“Yeah it was,” Anthony also admitted, watching the girl in front of him, examining her features. Her smile, her dark eyes, her nose, all the cute little features of her.
“Why don’t you stop staring and kiss me?” Jasmine blurted out, immediately regretting it as she said it, terrified of how Anthony would react.
“Okay,” Anthony mumbled before he leaned forward, capturing Jasmine’s lips with his.
The kiss was sweet, not too short but not too long. There was a sense of comfort and familiarity in it. Once they pulled away, their cheeks were both a light shade of red, smiles spreading across their lips.
“That was nice,” Jasmine admitted as she pushed a strand of her short, and straightened hair out of her face.
“Yeah it was. But, you should get inside. Don’t you have that photo shoot tomorrow?” Ant pointed out to his “girlfriend”.
“Oh shit yeah!” Jasmine remembered as she pulled out her keys to open her front door.
“Have a good night baby girl,” Anthony smirked as Jasmine walked in her front door, seconds away from closing it.
“Night Ramos,” Jas mumbled, a smile spreading across her lips as she shut the door behind her.
They were both loosing the bet, and they were loosing it hard.
The third step in this complicated equation was paps.
Jasmine and Anthony regularly hung out now, often stopping by each other’s houses or secretly meeting up at the small coffee shop down the road.
Then they were informed that they could continue their usual routine, but this time the paparazzi’s would be called to take photos of them.
“Are you nervous?” Anthony asked as the pair sat on his couch, preparing themselves for the events to come later in the day.
“Kind of,” Jasmine admitted, “Paps have always been horrible to me,” She explained.
“I’ve heard about it, and it’s disgusting. They’re so mean to you, literally harassing you,” Anthony remembered, frowning slightly as he held Jasmine close.
“I took one to court once,” Jasmine recalled, “I was going to my moms, and there was a pap. I nicely told them to leave and they didn’t, and when I asked again they got touchy and pushed me a few times. I think the assholes in jail now, thank god,” She continued explained to her boyfriend who was frowning even more.
Oh, boyfriend. Yes, that word. They made it official a week before. They were out at dinner when Anthony asked her, it was sweet and cute, so of course Jasmine said yes to him.
“That’s…that’s so horrible Jazzy,” Anthony started, knowing already he didn’t understand it as much as he could, “I’m so sorry baby girl,” He sighed.
“It’s fine, I’m over it now,” Jasmine shrugged as she sat up a little to grab her shoes.
“We need to go now?” Anthony questioned as he started slipping his shoes on as well.
“Yup. Our “pap date” is in ten minutes!“ Jasmine joked and stood up once her shoes were on.
"Great,” Anthony mumbled as he stood up as well.
They headed to the coffee shop about five minutes later, not looking forward to it at all.
Jasmine gripped Anthony’s hand tighter as they emerged from the car and the yelling and the flashes started.
“You two are dating!?” One pap yelled before shoving his camera in their faces.
“Already? Wow what a whore!” Another shouted, Jasmine’s grip on Anthony’s hand tightened even more as they tried to make their way inside.
“You already moved on from Daniel? Aren’t you scared this ones gonna die too?” One more yelled.
The name brought a chain reaction of flashbacks into Jasmine’s brain, everything happening in real life turning foggy.
Flashbacks to the day he got sick. Flashbacks to Jasmine gripping his hand tightly as he took his final breathe, dying in her arms. Her scream, the screams of his family, her getting shoved out of the room from the doctors as his death time was announced.
“Babe, breathe,” Anthony tried to soothe as he helped her to their seat.
“Can’t,” Jasmine mumbled, her vision foggy and her thoughts clouded.
“Baby,” Anthony took her hands and held her close.
“Can you try to breathe for me baby? Deep breathes love,” Then he took some exaggerated deep breathes so that she could follow along.
She somehow snapped out of the dog she was in, taking a deep and shaky breathe as she held onto her boyfriend’s hands tightly.
“Baby are you okay?” Anthony questioned, truly concerned about Jasmine.
“I’m alright,” Jasmine nodded, slowly taking a sip of the water that he set in her hands.
“If you don’t mind me asking, who’s Daniel?” Anthony asked after he knew Jasmine had completely calmed down.
“He was, he was my ex,” Jasmine whispered, her gaze fixing towards the ground, “We dated for a while, then um, then he got really sick and he…he died,” Jasmine softly explained.
Anthony was at a lost for words. He briefly heard about an ex, but he never wanted to push the topic. But hearing this broke his heart.
“I’m, i’m so sorry baby,” Anthony sighed, gently grabbing her hand from across the table.
“I’m fine. I’m over it now, but I also blame myself,” Jas’ voice was quiet and soft.
“Baby, you can’t blame yourself. You know it isn’t your fault. Jazzy, it couldn’t have been your fault,” Anthony tried to soothe, his voice matching Jasmine’s.
“How long have we been here?” Jasmine tried to change the subject, just wanting to get home.
“Thirty minutes maybe. We just needed to do the pap walk, we can go,” Anthony stood up, helping Jasmine up and grabbing her water bottle for her.
The paps had left, just leaving the parking lot full of cars of the people who were at the small coffee shop.
Jasmine and Anthony arrived home a bit later, well, they arrived at Anthony’s apartment a bit later.
The couple was laying in bed, already knowing that they didn’t have anything else planned for the day. Jasmine was in some of her sweatpants, and one of Anthony’s shirts that was huge on her.
Anthony admired his girlfriend. How comfortable she looked, how exhausted she looked though.
“I love you,” Anthony whispered into the comfortable silence, his eyes widening as the words left his mouth.
“I love you too,” Jasmine replied, leaning up to capture her lips with his, something Anthony happily obliged to.
The next day, the two were more involved in staying in bed than anything else. Jasmine was pulled close to Anthony, his arms around her as she stayed asleep.
Due to this, they didn’t make any effort to actually get out of bed and start their day until late into the night when Anthony had an idea.
“I want to take you out,” Anthony decided as he held Jasmine in his arms.
“Take me out?” Jas raised an eyebrow at him, “Like where?”
“It’s a surprise,” Anthony smirked, “Go get changed and meet me in the living room in thirty minutes?” He suggested.
“Yeah, alright,” Jasmine slowly nodded as she went through Anthony’s closet and picked out a shirt and some huge sweatpants.
This wasn’t like her, but Anthony was changing her. Except he was changing her for the better, and she would be forever grateful for that.
Jas walked out into the living room a bit later to see Anthony on the couch, texting some of his friends. He looked up at her and smirked.
“Yo, she’s in some actual comfortable clothes….!” He joked, causing Jasmine to burst into laughter.
“Shut it, Ramos. Your clothes are pretty comfortable,” She admitted as she pulled her shoes on.
A few minutes later the two were in he car, Jasmine quietly humming along to the song playing on the radio as she stared out the window, observing the subtle stars.
“Why are you driving out of the city?” Jasmine questioned after a few minutes of Anthony driving in silence.
Anthony shook his head, just rolling all the windows in the car down and blaring the music as his speed changed.
“Anthony!” Jasmine squealed as she sat up a little in her seat, her hair blowing in the wind.
“Yeah baby girl?” Anthony smirked, glancing over at his girlfriend before directing his attention back over to the road.
“What are we doing?” She questioned, the smile never leaving her lips as they drove down the empty road.
“Driving, obviously,” Anthony smirked as he began to notice Jasmine quietly singing along to the music.
The two drove a bit further along, singing loudly to the music until Jasmine began to get tired and Anthony suggested driving back home.
Later that night the two were both in bed, holding each other close, just like they were meant to be.
No comments.
Step five was the step where they could be as “coupley” as they wanted but nothing could be confirmed at all, they weren’t aloud to comment on it at all.
Jasmine was set to go to an interview to promote her new movie, a small indie film set to come out in two months. Jasmine was the main character and the most well known face in the movie so she was set to promote the movie with one of her costars that she had grown closer to lately.
Jas said her quick goodbyes to Anthony as she changed in some clothes she had in her backpack, set her plate in the sink and was out the door.
Thirty minutes later she had arrived at the studio where the interview would be taking place. It was a nice little place, clean and neat. Jasmine dreaded interviews, especially ones where she couldn’t talk about her love, but she knew this interview may go better than some of the others she had before.
She met up with her costar in the lobby, then the two made their way onto the set where their makeup was quickly fixed before they were rushed onto the stage.
The interviewer was an older man, maybe around fifty years old, a man that reminded Jas of her dad more than anything. Either way he was sweet and that made Jasmine more confident and comfortable in this interview.
“So today we’re joined by Jasmine Cephas Jones and Erin Marie Rose, stars of the new film, 'Luna’, and they will be here to talk about the movie…!” The man, Thomas, said.
“Thank you!” Jasmine smiled as she turned back to the cameras, the pair beginning to explain the movie and what it was about.
About thirty minutes into the interview, Thomas turned towards Jasmine.
“So Jasmine, there’s speculation that you’re dating singer Anthony Ramos? Is this true?” The man asked, curiosity written all over his face.
Jasmine had to bit back a smile at the comment, her actress facade held high as she shook her head no.
“Nope. I’m still single. Anthony is very sweet and cute but I’m not into him that way,” Jasmine confirmed, the words feeling like poison once they left her lips.
She didn’t know it now, but this was the beginning of one of the worst times in her career, and her dating life.
The interview ended and that night Jasmine and Anthony privately were out at dinner, the hell they were about to go through not yet found for the both of them.
It was the call they knew would ruin everything.
The words that were spoken hurt them more than anything, they tried to ignore them but the venom and spite behind them just made everything hurt more than ever.
This was the last step, break ups.
Jasmine and Anthony were set to break up, their managers still not knowing they were actually together, and act as if nothing had happened. They weren’t aloud to talk again after this, never see each other again.
The initial reaction was anger. Of course they tried to fight it, say they still needed this but nothing worked, they still had to end everything.
The couple was silent after it happened. Jasmine just sat, her head against the pillows as the silent tears rolled down her cheeks. Meanwhile Anthony was pissed, he didn’t want this, he couldn’t loose Jas and he didn’t want this.
“What are we going to do?” Jasmine croaked out after ten minutes of quietly crying.
“Nothing. There’s nothing we can’t do, but all I know is I can’t loose you Jas,” Anthony took her hands in his, staring into her eyes, “We can’t let this happen! They can’t just do this to us!”
But they did. They did let it happen.
Everything fell so fast, it fell before their eyes and it was terrifying.
They were at Jasmine’s apartment when they got the text, they had to break up today.
“Maybe we should actually break up?” Jasmine whispered, next to Anthony on the bed.
“Jas what the hell are you saying? Why would we break up? We promised that we wouldn’t let them do this to us…!” Anthony raised his voice, Jasmine scooting away from him.
“I don’t want to either but if they think we should do it what if we should?” Jasmine fought back, hating this idea more than anything ever.
“I can’t loose you Jazzy,” Anthony looked over at her, “But if this makes you happier then okay,”
“I won’t be happier…! These months with you have been the best months of my life! I can’t loose you Anthony!” Jasmine cried.
“I get it now,” Anthony whispered as he stood up and began to grab his belongings, “I think this is for the better,” He spoke quietly, the words like poison coming out.
“Please don’t go,” Jasmine said, because that’s all she could find the words to say.
But then Anthony had all his stuff and he was leaving. He was leaving her like everyone left.
“I’m sorry Jasmine,” Were the only words that he could say in that moment as he shut the door behind him.
Jasmine just cried, all she knew how to do was cry. She lost everyone. Did she ever not loose someone?
The month apart was horrible. It was emotionally draining for both of them, Jasmine growing sadder and never getting sleep while Anthony’s music began to suffer, everything sounding bland and boring.
In that time Jasmine finally earned the closure she deserved as she visited her ex’s grave, saying everything she needed to and finally feeling free.
Anthony just needed closure from Jasmine, but he couldn’t see her again so he’d never get that.
It was a Tuesday night and the rain was pelting down on the bright city, and Jasmine knew she should’ve been inside but she needed to get to the store.
She took her umbrella and walked as fast as possible down the street to the little bodega.
When she was walking, she kept her head down to avoid the rain from hitting against her glasses. But then she crashed into someone, almost dropping her umbrella and phone.
“I’m so sorry!” Jasmine quickly apologized, not knowing how dangerous the situation could be. She didn’t even want to look up at the person.
“Jas?” The man, who she quickly realized was her ex boyfriend, Anthony, spoke.
“Anthony,” Jasmine whispered with a small smile on her lips as she looked up at him.
“How’ve you been?” He questioned, moving them under an awning so they wouldn’t be stuck under the rain.
“Honestly? Horrible,” Jas admitted with a shrug.
“You too?” He sighed, laughing quietly and shaking his head.
Jasmine only nodded, taking in how good her ex boyfriend looked right now.
“I want you back,” He admitted, shocking Jasmine into silence.
After a few seconds of silence Jasmine spoke again.
“I really want you back Ant,” Jasmine admitted as well, a small blush coating her cheeks.
“Could I kiss you?” Anthony asked, Jasmine laughing quietly before nodding.
The kiss was short and sweet, but it meant more than words could ever describe or say.
After they broke apart they found themselves in each other’s arms, their smiles back, something that happened been there since the day they broke up.
“Be mine again?” Anthony questioned as he took in how gorgeous Jasmine looked with her natural hair and no makeup.
“Of course.” Jasmine smiled, leaning up to kiss her boyfriend once again.
It was a perfect moment, cheesy of course. What couple kisses in the rain? Jasmine and Anthony, of course. What couple would even be in this situation? Jasmine and Anthony, of course.
It was a plan designated to break them, to better their careers but break them, and the only thing it did was bring them closer and make a beautiful relationship, something that their future marriage and future children could easily justify.
The five steps meant to break them were the best things that had ever happened to them, and they were forever grateful for that.
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amylillian22 · 8 years
An Unexpected Surprise - Cody Christian Imagine
Request by Anon: Hey! May you do an imagine where Cody and (y/n) rarely fight but when they do it's a hell of a mess and the current situation is that he and the (y/n) are having a fight, a really big one bc he accused her of cheating on him, bc maybe she's coming home late and she's always on the phone, but what really is happeningis that the reader is organizing a surprise birthday party to him, so when he finds out he's really regretful for thinking she ever could do that to him and a happy and fluff ending? 
Warnings: Arguments, being accused of cheating, some curse words
Word Count: 4,056
Author’s Note: I couldn’t help myself with this prompt. I hope you like it. 
My Teen Wolf Master List
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Cody's POV
The first sign
It's funny how time flies by when you're not looking at the clock, but when you do watch the clock, time seems to move slower. I drummed my fingers against the kitchen table as I slowly watched the second hand take its sweet time to move around the clock. Y/N was 29 minutes late. She's never late and I was beginning to get worried something might have happened. If she was working late, she would have called or texted me to let me know. But tonight, she didn't and I couldn't help but think of the worst.
Just give her one more minute, I thought to myself as I pulled out my phone. Instead of looking at the clock on the wall, I looked at the time on the phone. Why must the last minute take the longest?
The second the clock read 8pm, my thumbs quickly moved to dial her number. Before I could press the call button, the front door opened. Y/N walked in, quickly put her bags by the door, and rushed over to the kitchen while taking off her heels. "I'm so sorry I'm late." She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on my cheek before I could get up from the chair. 
"Babe, I was getting worried. Why didn't you call?" I asked.
"Baby, I'm sorry," she apologized as she leaned over from behind and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Something came up last minute at work and I just got so caught up with it. I completely lost track of time."
I turned around and looked at her. Her eyes were so bright and her lips formed my favorite smile in the whole world. I could never be mad at her. I smiled back at her as she leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her back as I cupped her cheek. She smiled into the kiss before pulling back. "It smells amazing in here."
"That's because I made your favorite. Let me heat it up and we'll eat," I stood up and walked over to the stove.
"Seriously, you're the best. I don't know what I've done to deserve you." 
Before I could respond, her phone rang. She looked at the screen and quickly pulled it to her chest, trying to shield it from me. "Baby, I gotta take this phone call. It's work. I'm gonna change and I'll be right back."
She quickly rushed out of the kitchen with her heels in her hand. That was unusual for her to do. Anytime someone called from work when she was home, she'd let it go to voicemail and deal with it later as she is off the clock. I shook it off thinking maybe it had to do with whatever she was swamped with that caused her to be late for dinner.
 The second sign
I rinsed off the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Y/N hadn't come down for breakfast and I was beginning to wonder what was talking her so long. She was going to be late for work if she didn't get out of the bedroom within the next five minutes. Before going up to check on her, I quickly grabbed a bottle of orange juice and a protein bar from the pantry.
I walked up the stairs and noticed the door was slightly open. I heard her feet pacing back and forth on the wooden floor. As I got closer to the door, I heard her speaking low. "No, Cody can't find out about this."
My eyebrows furrowed together. We never hid anything from one another. We'd been together for 2 years and we always told each other the truth, no matter what. I was hurt by her words, but a bigger part of me was more curious as to what she had to say. I leaned in closer to the door to hear the rest of the conversation. 
"That sounds perfect. We can discuss that at lunch." She paused for a second before speaking quietly again. "Yes. Same place as usual. Your office... Okay I have to go before Cody suspects or finds out about this. Bye."
I quickly backed away from the door and ran down the stairs quietly. A couple of minutes later, she walked into the kitchen.
"I got you an orange juice and a bar for you to have on the way to work. I don't want you to be anymore late than you already are," I smiled at her.
"Seriously, you're the best," she leaned in and kissed my cheek, which was unusual. She'd always kiss me on the lips in the morning before leaving for work.
"Babe, do you want to go to lunch today?" I asked, semi-hating myself for testing her if she would lie to me.
"Don't you work today?" She asked.
"Oh shoot," I pretended I forgot. "That's right. I'm filming all afternoon today." 
"That's fine," she grabbed her keys and purse. "I have a meeting today so I have to take an early lunch."
Lying straight to my face. 
"Maybe another day," she smiled and leaned in to quickly peck my lips. "I gotta go. I'm late. Love ya! Bye!" She quickly said as she rushed out of the house.
I watched her back out of our driveway and I hated this new feeling I’ve never felt before, a mixture of hurt and betrayal. She had never lied to me nor hid things from me. The worst part was a part of me felt like following her during lunch just to see what she was really doing. I felt so sick and ashamed of myself for even thinking that, but how else does one react and respond to what she just did? How does one approach this situation without making accusations?
 The third sign
I quietly opened the back door and locked it behind me, hoping I wouldn't wake up Y/N. I had to film on location tonight and I was expected to finish working around 4am. However, due to the lighting, production sent us home early and told us we'd finish filming tomorrow night.
I made sure to be as quiet as possible as I made my way to the bedroom. I made sure I didn't bump into anything or knock something down with the lights off. I walked lightly on my feet and slowly opened the bedroom door; only to find out she's not in bed.
I flip the light switch on and noticed the room was how it was before I left work. She hadn't come home. She mentioned she was going to go for drinks with her friends after work, but her work clothes weren't thrown in the hamper and her heels weren't thrown in the floor of her walk-in closet with the rest of them. She never made it home.
"No, everything is fine," I heard Y/N's voice as the front door opened and closed. "Cody won't be home until after 4. He'll never know I just got home. Trust me, he'll never suspect a thing."
I sighed as I sat on the bed while I overheard her tell whoever she was talking with ‘goodbye’.
I watched the door and waited until she walked in. When she did, she froze in place with her hand still on the doorknob, her smile faltered, and her eyes widened a bit in complete surprise.
"Baby, what are you doing home?" She asked, surprise evident in her voice.
"I didn't think you'd get home this late," I pointed at the clock on our nightstand, knowing all the bars and clubs close at 2am. "It's 3am."
She let out a tired sigh as she walked towards her closet to get out of her clothes. "I know. I had to work late."
"I thought you went out with the girls tonight?" I asked. 
I heard her mumble something as she walked into her walk in closet to undress. I couldn't catch exactly what she said, but she knew I had caught her.
"No. I had to work late instead." She lied. 
I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. She walked out of the closet and towards me. She climbed into bed, sat behind me and started rubbing my shoulders, no doubt feeling how stressed and tense I've been lately. "Rough day at work tonight?" I slowly pushed her hands away from me and got up. I turned around and faced her. Her eyes locked with mine and I immediately noticed the hint of worry in her brown eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?"
"Are you cheating on me?" I bluntly asked.
"What? No!" She quickly stood up on her knees.
"Don't lie to me. Are you having an affair?" I said sharply.
"No," she said sternly as her eyes narrowed at me. "How could you even think that?" 
"Oh geez... I don't know," I said sarcastically. "Maybe because you keep coming home late, having these hushed phone calls, and lying to me about where you've been. That pretty much tells me you're sleeping with someone else."
"I can't believe you," she crossed her arms. "Have you been spying on me?" 
My jaw dropped. "Don't you dare turn this around and make me the bad guy in this situation." I curled my hand into a tight fist as the blood began to boil in my veins. "I did not spy on you, but believe me, after hearing you whispering around the house and making plans to meet God knows who, I've thought about spying on you." Y/N opened her mouth to say something but I continued before I could lose my train of thought. "But I didn't! The thought of having to spy on my girlfriend made me sick to my stomach because that would mean you gave me a reason not to trust you! But I told myself I was stupid for even thinking of doing such a thing because I know I have an amazing girl that I love and I'm so damn lucky she loves me back. There's no way she'd do this to me."
Tears had formed in her eyes, and I didn't even know tears had fallen down my cheeks until I stopped talking and tasted the salt on my lips. I sniffled as she slowly got out of bed. She sat back down when I shook my head at her and took a step back away from her. 
"Cody... I never met to make you feel that way-"
"I'm sorry, but I can't. I can't do this right now," I turned around and walked away, something I had never done in our relationship. I left my phone behind, grabbed my keys, and drove away before Y/N even had the chance to stop me.
 The next day 
"Bro," Dylan Sprayberry kicked the sofa cushion near my head, waking me up. "I don't mind you crashing, but it's almost 7pm. Don't you think some fresh air will do you some good?"
"No," I groaned as I grabbed the pillow and covered my face. I turned around and gave Dylan my back.
"Dude, I think you're being a little over dramatic," he said.
I quickly turned back threw the pillow at his face. "Dyl, you're telling me you wouldn't be over dramatic if you found out the love of your life of two years was cheating on you for God knows how long?"
He rolled his eyes at me. "Okay, You're my bro and I got your back, but this is Y/N were talking about. She's not cheating on you. She loves you!"
"You are no help. I know she's having an affair." 
Dylan threw the pillow back at me. "Get dressed. We're going out."
"I don't want-"
"No excuses! And wear something nice! We're going to a bar," he called out before going to his bedroom to change.
I sat up and noticed my phone on the coffee table. I didn't know how it got there. I didn't know if she stopped by or if Dylan picked it up, but it was there. I reached for it and turned it on. After a few seconds, my phone vibrated nonstop. I had text messages and voicemails from Y/N. The intense and sickening feeling I had in the pit of my stomach returned. The thought of her being with another man in ways I only thought she did with me made me sick. I honestly didn't know how to get rid of it and I knew it was something I couldn't get rid of so easily. I needed some space. I needed some time to figure things out.
I sighed as I opened a new text message to Y/N. 
Can't do this right now. If you don't leave the house, that's fine. I'll stay with Sprayberry until things get better... if things can be fixed.
I hesitated before pressing the send button. I took a deep breath and turned off my phone. I tossed it back on the coffee table and decided to go out with Dylan. Maybe having a few drinks tonight would be the best way to start numbing the pain.
I let out a deep sigh as Dylan parked in front of a building I didn't recognize. I turned around to face him. "I thought we were going to a bar?" I asked confused.
"I know but-"
"You know what? I don't even care," I shrugged as I leaned my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes. "I told Y/N that I wasn't coming home if she didn't leave the house."
"You did what?!" He yelled as he punched my arm. 
My hand instantly rubbed the pain Dylan caused as I narrowed my eyes at him. "Dude, what the hell is your problem?"
"You! You're my problem, asshole! How could you do that to Y/N when you have no idea what's she been doing for you or feeling lately!" He snapped back.
"Why are you defending her?! Aren't you supposed to be my bro and have my back?!" I raised my voice to match his.
"Right now I have her back because you're an asshole for actually thinking she would cheat on you! She's been calling and texting me all day to make sure you're okay, to see how you are, and if you needed anything even though you left her last night."
"She has?"
"Yes! She even brought your phone to my place. Not so she can call you nonstop, which she did, but incase you needed it for work or something."
As Dylan spoke, the horrible feeling of being betrayed I had before left as a new feeling settled in, guilt.
"I know you have been so on edge the past few days, and given everything that happened within the past 24 hours, I'm sure you've had nothing else on your mind but her and your stupid assumptions of her cheating on you, but do you even remember what today is?"
"What?" I asked him, confused. I began to think of all the anniversaries I have with Y/N but nothing rang a bell. It wasn’t the anniversary of our first date, first kiss, or when I asked her to be my girlfriend. 
"Your birthday," Dylan finally answered when I couldn't come up with anything.
My eyes widened as I completely forgot today is my birthday. I quickly looked at the building in front of me. It was completely dark, not a single light shining from inside of the building. Suddenly, everything that happened this week started making sense. The coming home late, the hushed phone calls, and the secret meetings, she was planning a surprise birthday party for me.
"No, no, no," I repeated as I closed my eyes and rubbed my hand over my tired face. "Fuck!"
"Darn right 'fuck'. You fucked up bad," Dylan said, not helping at all.
"I hope she's in there," I opened the door and got out as I turned on my phone, only to notice I hadn't received anything from Y/N. "When was the last time you heard from her?" I asked Dylan as he walked in front of his car.
"I don't know... about over an hour ago?"
"That's about the same time I texted her. Fuck!" I yelled before slamming my hands on the hood of his car. 
"Dude! You need to calm down! There’s a bunch of people inside waiting for you. Let's just go in real quick, and get the 'Surprise!' over with so you can fix things with Y/N," he said, trying to calm me down.
"That's if she's there. Dyl, I have to leave and find her if she's not there."
"That's fine, you can take my car, just don't hurt it, okay?" He handed me the keys before leading the way to the front door. 
I waked in first as Dylan flipped the light switch on. Everyone yelled 'surprise!' as confetti and balloons dropped from the ceiling. The place looked amazing as tables against the walls were decorated with pictures of my previous birthdays. In the center of the building was a huge dance floor with the DJ on the stage already playing a song. Everyone was there, my family, my friends, and my coworkers, except for one person, the one I knew I had to find before this turned out to be the worst birthday ever.
People started walking towards me, to wish me a happy birthday, but I quickly took a step back with my hands up. "I'm sorry, guys. I do appreciate you coming out here and celebrating my birthday, but right now I have some place to go if it's not too late. So please enjoy yourself!" I waved goodbye and rushed out the door before anyone could stop me or ask me questions.
I flung the bedroom door open and immediately saw Y/N curled up in bed with her arms wrapped around a pillow and her cheeks wet. I sighed, feeling relieved she was still here and not packing her bags. I slowly walked across the room and sat down on the bed next to her. "Why aren't you at the party?"
She quickly sat up and wiped the tears away with the back of her hands. "I could ask you the same thing," she sniffled.
"I didn't want to be at a party where my girl wasn't there to celebrate with me."
"I thought I wasn't your girl anymore," her eyes filled with more tears as she sniffled again. I could see how much pain she was in and it was all because of me, and I hated myself for it.
"I'm sorry," my chin trembled as tears were now forming in my eyes. The guilt, the pain, and hurt were all starting to flood in all at once. "I am the worst boyfriend ever. I should have never accused you of having an affair."
"See... that's what I don't understand, Cody. You know how much I love you. I moved across the country to be with you, and you know I can't imagine my life without and yet..." She said with a shaky breath. She took a second to gather herself without trying to lose her confidence in what she wanted to say. "Yet, you doubted my love for you and you actually made me live my worst fear for a few hours... You kicked me out of the house, already making me imagine life without you."
She finally broke. She didn't bother to stop the tears from falling down her cheeks as she sobbed. The scene in front of me made me feel like a complete asshole, rather a bigger one than before.
I immediately wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me, rocking our bodies together as we cried together. She didn't hesitate to let me hold her; instead she clung on to me like I was her lifeline. I buried my head in her neck as I whispered a bunch of sorry's.
I peppered her neck with countless small wet butterflies kisses before moving my lips across her jaw and her cheek. I rested my head against her forehead, our noses brushing against one another. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I'm an asshole. I'm sorry I accused you for cheating on me. I'm sorry I kicked you out. I'm sorry for telling you I needed a break from you. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," I repeated until she cupped my cheeks, silencing me as she wiped my tears away.
"Cody, look at me."
I opened my eyes and immediately locked mine with hers. "I would never cheat on you-" 
"I know and I don't know why I thought you would. I'm sor-" 
"I don't know where this is coming from. You never had any trust issues with me before," she said sadly. "Do you not trust me anymore?"
I shook my head immediately as I spoke. "That's not it. It's just..." I sighed. "You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I know some guy is going to see that and notice all the things I love about you too... I'm afraid someone else is going to steal you away from me."
"Oh, baby," she sniffled as she wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. I had never felt safer than in her arms. There is nowhere else I'd rather be than in her loving embrace. "I could never leave you. You're the only one I want and I hope you still want me too."
I sniffled as I tightened my grip around her. “Of course I do."
"I love you, Cody."
I sighed at her words, which I never got tired of hearing. "I love you, too, Y/N," I said before I finally captured her lips with mine. It was deep, loving, tender, and passionate. When we pulled apart, we just held each other tight, scared to let go of the other.
"Cody?" She finally spoke. I hummed in response. "I'm sorry you had a shitty birthday. I never met for you to spend your birthday like this."
“You don’t get to apologize. You did nothing wrong.” I kissed her forehead before I let out a small chuckle. "It certainly didn't go as planned but that's the bad thing about unexpected surprises... they never go as planned. But you know what?"
"What?" She asked as she traced random shapes on my chest.
"The night is still young and it’s still my birthday. I want to spend it with you at the surprise party you worked so hard on for the past week. What do you say?"
"Oh, I don't know. I'll have to cancel my plans with my other boyfriend first," she teased with a small smirk.
I fake gasped, pretending to feel hurt as I began to tickle her. She let out a scream before I pinned her down on the bed. She laughed so hard as I tickled her more. She wiggled and squirmed underneath me, trying anything to escape from my fingers tickling her sides. "Too soon to joke about, babe."
"CODY!!!" She laughed so hard tears were starting to fall down her cheeks. "Oh my God! I'm going to pee my pants!"
I laughed as I quickly pulled my fingers back. Her chest heaved heavily as she tried to catch her breath. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was a tangled mess from squirming so hard. She was a mess... a beautiful mess. 
"What?" She asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious as she tamed her hair with her fingers.
I grabbed her hands, stopping her actions. I locked my eyes with hers before slowly leaning down towards her. "You're beautiful and I love you," I said before kissing her.
Her hands cupped cheeks as she kissed me back before pulling me back. She let out a content sigh. "I love you too, baby."
"Let's never fight like this again."
"I promise... especially on our birthdays."
I chuckled as I sat up and pulled her up with me. "Now, please get out of those sweats and wear something super sexy that would make it hard to keep my hands off of you during the party. And something else that drives me even more crazy the second I take off your dress when we get home after the party."
Her lips formed a huge smirk before she leaned in to whisper seductively in my ear. "I was planning on going in my birthday suit underneath the new tight black dress I bought for tonight..."
I groaned at the thought of her not wearing a bra or underwear. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her back into bed, immediately lying down between her legs. She giggled as she wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me against her body as her hands slid underneath my shirt, tracing my muscles with her feather light touch, making me unravel by the second.
"On second thought... everyone can party without us for a few more minutes."
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jimchimmie-blog · 8 years
Almost got caught (Part 2)
I was deep into my thought that i didn’t notice my members entering the practice room on bye one until i felt someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped at the sudden gesture by none other than jimin hyung. Why is it got to be him. I can feel myself blushing when i remembered what happen earlier on especially with jimin hyung infront of me.
“Kook, why are you so out of it? You seemed troubled by something. Are you okay?”
I melted at how caring jimin is. This is one of the reasons i fell for him. He is just too kind and always looked after me ever since we met. I was an awkward teenager last time but jimin hyung didn’t hesitate to approach me at all even though i would always push him away. I was always flustered and felt my body heating up whenever jimin hyung touched me or said something sweet to me. Now i know why i was like that. I have always felt something for him all along. Now that i have come to terms with my feelings, i felt happy but sad at the same time. Happy that i fell in love with such an amazing guy but sad that it will always be one-sided love. There is no way jimin hyung would like me the same way i like him.
“Nothing hyung. I was just thinking about the dance steps we are learning. Trying to run it through my brain”
I, as always made up an excuse. That was smooth of me to be honest. I am proud that i am able to lie easily but it hurts everytime that i have to deny. I put up my best smile to assure jimin hyung that i am fine. Jimin would always sense something is wrong even though you would tell him you are fine. That is what makes jimin so special. He just know.
Jimin slightly tilt his head to the side as if he was trying to read my mind. Can i input something here? Okay.. jimin looked so cute right now while tilting his head. OMG. He really got to stop being so adorable. I want to reached out to his cheeks and pinch it so hard but of course, i have to control myself. I know he is not doing it on purpose. He is just cute naturally. He would always says that he cannot do aegyo but actually his existence itself proved his statement wrong. He get really really cute without him noticing. I would always found myself smilling.
“You sure kook? If you have anything, don’t hesitate to share with me. We are friends afterall”
Ouch. I just got friendzoned. I can hear my heart breaking into pieces at that statement. It hurts so much but what can i do? This is all we are. We are just friends. We can’t be more than that. If i make the first move, everything will go down the drain.
“I’m fine hyung. Thank you” i tried my best to not sound rude or different. I guess i succeeded.
“If you say so..lets start practicing.” I nod abit before standing up. Jimin went off first to talk to taehyung. With his back facing me, i looked longingly at him. I smiled sadly at how stupid i am. Falling in love with someone i cannot have. Plus.. i bet jimin hyung would be disgusted if he knew that i liked him. That thought made me more sadder. I bet jimin like some cute girls and those shorter than him. I am no girl and neither am i shorter than him. I can feel my tears threathening to fall down my cheeks. I quickly turned around facing the wall. I looked down on the floor while closing my eyes shut desperately trying to stop my tears. Another thing i am good at.
I felt someone hold my right shoulder. I looked to my right to see jin hyung looking at me with concern. I bet he saw my pathetic face. I gave him a small smile to assure him that i will be fine. He squeezed my shoulder lightly as a way to comfort me. I feel so grateful to have jin hyung around me. Without him, i would be so lost and broken.
“Thanks hyung. Needed that. I will be fine so don’t worry”. I spoke softly to avoid jimin from hearing us.
“Stay strong jungkook. We will talk later okay? Lets focus on practice first”
I nodded at him in acknowledgement. We quickly went to join the others as they are all already starting. Again, i made eye contact with jimin hyung but i can see that he did not look really happy. I wonder what happened?..
After hours and hours of practice for our upcoming concert, we are finally done. The clock hit exactly 2am in the morning as soon as we are done. I grabbed my water bottle and sat down on the floor with my back against the wall. That was refreshing. Dancing took away some of my worries. I am glad we have practice. We are going home soon after resting. I can bath and sleep. The thought of sleeping makes me excited. I can’t wait to reach home and rest. Since we finished our promotion, we don’t have anything from tomorrow onwards.
Finally we reached our dorm. I sat down on the sofa to have a quick rest before bathing. The other members went to shower first. I guess i have to be the last one to shower . It was quite weird actually.. jimin hyung did not talk to me at all. Ever since we made eye contact in the practice room, he did not talk to me at all after that. As if he was trying to avoid me. Not that i am complaining. It is better if we keep this distance since it can help me move one(hopefully) but it still hurts? Or maybe..shit maybe he knows about my feelings for him and he feels disgusted?! Is that why he avoided me? The thought of it makes my head spin and i can’t imagine what will happen to me if jimin hyung hate me. What do i do? Should i ask what is wrong? I was fidgeting with my fingers nervously.
“JK…hello?Earth to JK?(In engrish)”
My train of thoughts came to a stop. I turned my head to see jin hyung looking at me worriedly again.
“Oh hyung. Did everyone finish bathing already?”
“Yes. Except yoongi. He is still in the bathroom right now. He just went in. Come on, lets talk in my room”
Oh yeahh. The talk.. i forget about it.. i followed jin from behind to his and yoongi’s shared room.
As soon as we are inside the room, jin hyung locked the door to make sure no one comes in.
“How about yoongi hyung?”
“He will take quite long and he will knock so don’t worry.”
I sat on yoongi’s bed while jin on his bed. It was quite for the first few seconds. I was looking down on the floor. It was as if jin hyung was thinking on what to ask me.
“Are you okay?”
I looked up to look at jin hyung. He looked really worried. I guess i cannot lie about it. I smiled sadly.
“I want to say i am but honestly.. i am not okay at all..”
I waited for jin hyung to ask me something but i guess he wants me to continue speaking.
“I-i feel so stupid. I know that this won’t work out at all but i am still hoping. Hoping for something. It hurts like hell. I try to always be normal around him but its getting harder and harder each day. I..i am scared that one day, i might explode and what we have now will just vanish just like that. The thought of jimin hyung hating me makes me want to puke. I-i hate it. I love him but i wished i never did..i wished i never feel this way about him. Its tearing me apart. Everyday i try to act normal around him and i am glad that it worked out.. i am glad it did but its hard hyung. Its hard. Its painful but i never regretted loving him but i wished i didn’t in the first place. What can i do hyung? What should i do? H-help me..”
I poured everything that was pooling inside my mind and before i knew it, my tears was streaming down my face continuously without stopping. I bit my lips trying to prevent myself from sobbing too hard. This is embarassing to be honest.. i rarely cries in front of people especially my members. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand but more tears keep streaming down my face. I am at the stage where i am pratically sobbing right now. I can feel jin hyung sitting beside me. He put his arms around my shoulder while rubbing the sides of my shoulder gently as if he was trying to comfort me. I continue crying letting everything out. Jin hyung just sat there listening to my cries. At times he would squeeze me shoulder to ensure me that he is there for me.
After few minutes of me sobbing, i finally came to a stop. This is embarassing to be honest but i felt better i guess?
“Thanks hyung.. for listening to my pathetic love story haha” i tried to lift up the mood by making a joke but jin hyung still stayed quiet.
He finally let go of my shoulders. I looked up from the floor after hearing jin hyung calling me.
“I know its hard. I can totally see that you really love him. I am sorry that you had to feel this pain. I really wished i can take away some of your pain but it doesn’t work that way does it? You always stay strong for us but i am glad you opened up to me. You can always come to me for anything. Don’t ever hesitate. Don’t lose hope jk. Don’t ever give up. It was never a mistake. I am sure jimin won’t ever hate you. If you have to let it out, just go for it. If he ever hates you, i will knock some sense into him but i can never even imagine jimin hating you. He really treasures you alot. So, don’t worry too much.. You can count on your handsome jin hyung!”
I let out a tiny laugh at his last few sentence. As expected of our handsome jin hyung. I felt abit better.
“Thanks hyung. I felt abit better. Thank you for listening.” I gave him my most sincere smile to show him that i really appreciate everything he did for me.
“I am glad you did jk.” I was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. Must be yoongi hyung. I stood up from the bed with jin hyung trailing behind me.
I unlocked the door to see yoongi’s grumpy face as always. I chuckled at his face.
“Why did you lock the door? I wanted to sleep as soon as possible”
Yoongi being yoongi again.
“Sorry yoongi hyung. I was talking with jin hyung about something. Sorry to take your time.”
I made yoongi hyung stand outside his own room just to talk about my stupid crush which made me feel really bad. Yoongi hyung looked at me. I saw his eyes softens immediately.
“Its okay kook. I was being a jerk. I think i know what happen. Stay strong okay? We are here for you.”
“Yeapp! We are here for you kookie so don’t hesitate” jin hyung lightly squeezed my shoulder.
I guess yoongi hyung saw my puffy eyes. I guess they really knew about me being in love with jimin hyung. I am so glad they are not disgusted.
“Thanks yoongi hyung and jin hyung. I will go now. Goodnight”
I feel abit better now. I guess i will take a bath now.
After bathing, i went to the kitchen to grab some milk to drink. I jumped on the spot when i saw jimin hyung sitting down on the couch in the dark.
“Woah hyung! You scared me. What are you doing in the dark?”
“Jungkook? Why are you still not sleeping?”
“Hyung, thats what i should be asking you though? I am going to grab some milk to drink then i will go to sleep.”
I wonder what is jimin hyung doing up so late.. i went to the kitchen to do what i need to do when i hear footsteps approaching behind me.
“I was just thinking..”
Thinking? About what?
“Hmmm. You want to share? I can be your listening ear”
While waiting for jimin hyung to answer, I took out a carton of milk from the fridge and poured some into my cup.
“Its.. its nothing”
I turn around with the cup in my hand. I lean against the kitchen table to look at jimin hyung. Wow damn. I didn’t get to look at him properly in the dark just now but now that i can see him clearly, he looked so damn cute in that oversized tshirt. His face is more cuter without make up. His natural blush makes him looked so soft. After taking a sip of my milk i raised my eyebrow in confusion.
“That don’t look nothing to me”
Jimin seems flustered that i didn’t take the bait. Is he okay? Is he worried about something? Is he insecure about something? I became more and more worried.
I heard him sighed in defeat. My curiousity grew bigger and bigger.
“You?” I tried to get him to continue
“I.. i had a nightmare.. thats all..i can’t sleep..”
I sighed in relief. I thought it was something serious or what..
“What was the dream about?”
I saw him fidgeting.
“I..i forgot..”
Why is he so nervous though?..
“You okay? You should try to sleep. Since we did alot of dancing today.”
I saw him nod lightly. I quickly finished up my last sip of milk before placing the cup in the sink.
I walked out of the kitchen expecting jimin hyung to follow along but he just stood there. Its as if he wanted to say something.
“Hyung? You okay?”
I saw him nod again. He is so weird today.. now he is so quiet.
“Um.. jungkook. Is it okay if. Um.. if i sleep with you?”
I choked on my saliva as soon as i heard that.
“I-i can’t sleep. I wonder if i can sleep with you for tonight?”
I can feel my heart beating so fast. Calm down jungkook! Its just a friendly request. Why are you so flustered about?! Jimin hyung had a nightmare and that is why he needed someone to be with him. I was trying to calm myself down. I saw jimin looking at me waiting for my answer.
“Kook? You know. Um its oka-”
Hi looked down sadly. Oh shit.
“I mean yes hyung. You can. I thought you are going to change your mind. That is why i said no. Sorry hyung. Hahaha. Come on lets go.”
For some reason, i held out my hands towards him. He looked at my hands for awhile. I am gonna feel stupid if he didn’t take it. He held out his hand and place them in mine with a small smile on his face. I i held them gently. I smiled at the way his small hands fit in mine.
“Thanks kook” i lead him towards my room hand in hand with jimin hyung trailing behind me. I smiled softly. This feels nice. My heart feels so warm right now. It feels so fluffy.
“Anything for you hyung.”
I gave his hand a light squeeze before opening the door to my room. After we are both inside, i closed the door. Since i have the room to myself, i won’t have to worry about waking up anyone.
“Go and lie down first hyung. I am going to charge my phone for a while and off the light.”
I let go of his hand failing to see a small pout on his face. After quickly doing everything i need, i went back to the bed. Jimin hyung is already laying down. I lay down beside him. Even though having him so near like this makes me go crazy, i have to endure it for his sake.
“Goodnight hyung.”
I was about to close my eyes when i feel a small tug at the sleeve of my shirt. I opened my eyes to see jimin hyung still not sleeping yet.
“Is something wrong hyung?”
He seems to think for a while before answering me.
“Can.. can we cuddle?”
My heart skipped a beat at his request. How can i ever say no to him. I smiled softly at how cute jimin hyung is.
“Of course hyung. Come here”
I turned myself to face jimin. I lay out my right hand for jimin to put his head on. I tapped my arms as a signal. He lifted his head from the pillow and place his head on my arms. His fluffy hair is so soft against my skin. I smiled at the feeling. I know that my heart is beating quite loudly right now but who cares. I placed my left hand on jimin’s small waist to pull him nearer to me. I can feel him breathing on my neck. It sends shivers down my spine but its a good feeling to have him in my arms. He fits just perfectly. All my worries gone. With jimin here, i feel at peace.
With my left hand, i embraced jimin hyung tightly leaving no space between us. I placed my chin on top of his head. I used my right hand to stroke jimin's hair gently. I can feel both of jimin’s hands on my chest. I bet he can feel my heart beating fast. I can also smell the shampoo he used. He have this vanilla smell that i love. I took a deep breath. I really really love him so much. I would give him the world. If i ever reborn in my next life, i want to fall in love with jimin all and over again. I closed me eyes feeling satisfied. If i can’t have him, i have to treasure this moment.
“Thanks kook”
“No problem hyung. Now go to sleep. Goodnight”
“Goodnight kook”
My eyes flew open when i feel jimin hyung giving my neck a peck. I gulped. Is it my imagination? No its not. It really happened.. omg. I wanted to ask jimin but i can already hear soft snores coming from him. He’s asleep already. I guess he was too sleepy that he did that unconsiously. It meant nothing anyways.. and again i felt so shitty. Come on jeon jungkook! Stop sulking. He is here in your arms right now! Treasure it! Don’t be a pussy!
I let my negative thoughts out of my mind. I bring him much closer than before. I can feel him nuzzling at my neck./p>
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dvddggs · 8 years
To the Four of Us (Part Twenty Six)
premise: modern AU chronicling the squad as they make their way through college and deal with general life things. words: 3,185 warnings: i think just swearing all chapters: x tags: @heythereitsloey @anitheunicorn @newyorkyoucanbeanew @lafbagxette @justafangirlwithanavy @iamgrayfox @ordinaryornate @schuylerjoon @angelica-peggy-eliza @trashyperson101 @crazydragon15 @but-if-you-had-to-choose @geespilots @marvelous-hamilfan @mynameisalexanderhammyham @panda-powers @lafeyettegunsandships @schokoobananaa @allthegoodurlshavebeentaken @aphboi @hell-yes-puns-and-ships @aham-threw-his-shot-away @hesitantcat @nonstopspook @hamrevolution @writethewayout @alexander-did-you-know @allthegoodurlshavebeentaken @sun-tree @angelizaandpeggy @isis278 @idk-destiel @engulfedinstars @hamiltrashuniverse @ahrupe @just-me-an-asshole @readfizz @skeletonmelodies @gum-and-chips @iminwaytoomanyfandoms @hadleyelizabethuley @fictionalboyfriends @ridiculousn3ssfangirl @pleuxvoir @liallow @kanadianwithashippingproblem @bucket-of-kittens @welcometohamilton @forth-schuyler-sister
a/n: lol can’t wait for ur responses. ALSO, sorry it took me so long to upload but you’re all seriously the BEST like you’re so supportive and lovely, ur all wonderful humans ok dedication: @awkwardfortuneteller for their dedication to that piece of art for me AAAAA im so excited ur a lovely person
It felt strange to be back at school. It felt strange to no longer have wires binding his jaw shut. It felt strange to not talk to his best friends.
It felt strange to not be with John.
It was all so strange.
After the funeral, John had abandoned his plans of staying with Alexander for the rest of winter break. Instead he headed back to New York to stay at Hercules’ house with Lafayette. Throughout that week, Alexander had only spoken with Hercules once, and all he had said was that they made it back home safely. Other than that, his friends had all been silent.
Alexander had been pretty quiet too—he hadn’t even told his father what happened. Although when John went back to New York, it was pretty obvious. Whenever George tried to bring up the subject, Alexander would stomp up to his room and slam the door.
He hung out with Aaron, the only person he’d told about the breakup, to take his mind off things before he went back to school. It was obvious that Aaron thought Alexander had screwed things up, but he didn’t press the issue and Alexander appreciated that.
But when Alexander was alone, his brain didn’t stop. He told himself over and over all the ways he had messed up. He told himself how it was all his fault—how if he could have just shut up for two seconds, he and John would still be together. All he wanted was to be alone, and yet whenever he was, he felt like shit. As much as he didn’t want to he blamed himself, and being alone only amplified the relentless thoughts that pounded through his brain telling him that he was a piece of shit. He didn’t deserve John. As much as he wanted him back, he knew that he didn’t deserve him. John, who deserved all the world’s happiness, could do so much better than Alexander…
But, god, Alexander missed him. He missed falling asleep with him and waking up beside him and his random texts and his kisses…the smell of the jacket he usually refused to wear…his constant warmth…
If Alexander could go back in time…
But there he was. Sitting in his father’s car in front of his residence building. There was no more avoiding what he’d done, there was no more distracting himself, there was no more hiding. He sat in the front seat staring straight ahead with his arms folded over his chest, trying to stall. He knew his friends would already be back and he wasn't ready to face them.
“Alex, I still have to drive home,” George said gently, a hint for his son to speed up.
That was the thing about his father—no matter what Alexander did, George was understanding. Even if he disagreed, he still offered his son a gentle and welcoming shoulder to cry on. Sure, he lectured him and he was stern sometimes, but when Alexander knew what he’d done—how he’d messed up—his father knew to lay off.
Alexander sighed and got out of the car to grab his bag, slamming the trunk shut harder than he intended to.
“Bye, Dad,” he said quickly, not wanting to drag things out.
“See you soon, Alex. I love you.”
After a quick hug, Alexander watched his father wave as he drove away. He sighed heavily and dragged his feet into his second home.
The lobby was familiar and somewhat comforting. It brought up memories of being drunk with his friends, laughing as they tried to unlock the security door. It was often where he and John drunkenly made out, not a care in the world about who saw them. It was where he met his friends every morning for breakfast. Even if they were hungover to the point of throwing up, they didn’t miss their standing breakfast meet-up.
Alexander climbed the stairs instead of taking the sketchy elevator, stalling as much as possible. Too soon, however, he was standing in front of his door looking at the attached whiteboard that said:
Alex Ham John, if it’s after 2AM, GO AWAY. I’m sleeping!!
He’d written it back in September, when John made a habit of padding up to his room in the middle of the night to talk about whatever was on his mind because Lafayette yelled whenever John woke him up. Alexander sighed at the memory and rubbed his fist over the message, leaving a streaky, blurred mess in his wake.
Alexander unlocked his door and turned the light on, throwing his bag onto the floor and staring at the room. It felt so long ago that he was last here even though it had only been a couple of weeks; so much had happened since then.
“Alex?” Hercules called through the attached bathroom. He popped his head into Alexander’s room and shot a small, close-lipped smile at his roommate. “Hey.”
Alexander nodded stiffly, unsmiling, and unzipped his bag to put his clothes away.
“Alex,” Hercules prompted, letting himself fully into Alexander’s room and sitting down on the bed. “How are you?”
Alexander shrugged without looking up. The (one sided) conversation made him sad—his room felt so tense and uncomfortable with Hercules and he wasn’t used to that. Normally in a situation like this, he would have immediately gone into Herc’s room, flopped down on his bed, and chatted easily with him for hours.
“He misses you,” Hercules said quietly.
At this Alexander stopped and looked up. He felt a lump rise in his throat. Until that point, he’d avoided his feelings pretty well. The mention of John, however, made his eyes burn with tears.
“H-he does?” Alexander whispered.
“Of course he does. He still loves you.”
“He does?” he repeated.
Hercules bit his lip, nodding. Alexander dropped the shirt that was in his hands and sat on his knees on the floor, drawing a shuddery breath.
“Hey—Lex?” —Alexander looked up— “I’m…I’m really sorry. I’m sorry that we all teamed up on you. I know you were dealing with a lot. We should have been more understanding. Y-you shouldn’t’ve even gone to the funeral. I’m just—really sorry.”
Midway through his friend’s apology, Alexander felt the tears that burned his eyes start to fall freely. He’d never considered that perspective and he felt a massive weight lift off his shoulders that he wasn’t entirely to blame.
Hercules held his arms open and Alexander stood up to hug his best friend.
“I’m so sorry, Herc,” Alexander croaked. He buried his face in Hercules’ neck and sniffled.
“Shh, it’s okay. As far as I’m concerned, all is forgiven, okay? I talked to Laf as well and he agrees with me. I hope John comes around, too, but I honestly don’t know if that’s going to happen. He does miss you, but he’s still so, so angry. We’re trying to talk to him, but you need to talk to him as well, okay?”
Alexander nodded and looked up at Hercules.
“Thank you,” he whispered, wiping his eyes. “I think I should talk to him now.”
Hercules nodded and hugged Alexander tightly one more time.
“I think that’s a good idea.”
Alexander took the elevator by himself down to John and Lafayette’s floor and stopped in front of John’s door. He didn’t have a whiteboard because he and Alexander had accidentally knocked it down one night. They were really drunk and making out in the hallway when John pushed Alexander against the door and knocked it to the floor. They bragged about it for a week, much to the dismay of Hercules and Lafayette, who did not need to hear about it.
With a deep breath, Alexander stepped forward and knocked on the door. It felt foreign to him—he was used to just bursting in at any time of day. He felt weird and uncomfortable; it was all wrong.
Alexander could hear rustling and see the light flick on from under the door. He knew from experience that John was grumpy when he first awoke from a nap. Alexander was this close to turning around and going back later when the door swung open. John stood in front of him shirtless and with his hair down, a tangled mane that he pushed hastily off his face when he registered that Alexander stood in front of him.
Alexander could hear Lafayette’s voice in his mind. Alex, don’t play me. I know you were fucking. John only wears his hair down during sex. It’s a bit alarming, actually. Is nothing sacred anymore? I don’t need to know, okay? He needs a better system…
John didn’t say anything, but studied the face in front of him. Alexander felt all the words he planned to say fly out of his brain. They were replaced with a frantic desperation and a knot in the pit of his stomach.
“Is—is someone in there?” Alexander asked quietly, bracing himself for the answer he was nowhere near prepared to hear.
“Alex—” John said quietly, a sudden guilt surging through his bloodstream.
It was all Alexander could stand to hear—he had gotten his answer. Without another word, he spun on his heel and all but sprinted back to the elevator. He felt tears building in his eyes as he jammed his thumb into the button for his floor, praying that the doors would close before he started to cry.
As soon as the elevator started moving, he slid to the floor, the cool metal wall against his back, and hugged his knees to his chest, letting out a sob. He knew they weren’t together. He knew that John could do whatever he wanted. He knew that he had no right to be upset. But here he was. Had John already moved on? Had Alexander fucked up that badly that John was completely over him? He felt a crushing helplessness take over him as he rested his forehead on his kneecaps. There was nothing left for him to do.
John really was done.
It really was over.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened onto his floor, where he staggered back to his room, crawled into his bed in silence, and cried himself into a restless sleep in which he had a dream about watching Star Wars in silence with his arms wrapped around John…
A weight on the edge of the bed woke Alexander up. The darkness around his blinds told him that the sun had gone down—how long had he been sleeping? The weight was Hercules sitting down and patting Alexander’s leg.
“Hey—what happened with John?” Hercules asked.
Alexander’s breathing hitched in his throat as the grogginess blew away to be replaced with the same sadness he’d felt earlier.
“He moved on,” Alexander deadpanned, closing his eyes as if it would make it seem less real. He didn’t want to see the expression on Hercules’ face. He didn't want spreading the news to make the news real.
“He told you that? Alex?”
“No, the random guy in his bed told me that,” Alexander whispered.
Saying the words aloud made him feel like he was being punched in the gut.
“Oh my god,” Hercules said to himself. “Lex…Alexander, I am so sorry. I had no idea or I wouldn’t’ve—”
“S’not your fault,” Alexander mumbled, blinking the tears away. “I need to go to sleep. I have class in the morning.”
“Alex,” Hercules replied, his voice filled with concern. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Alexander rolled over and closed his eyes, shaking his head vaguely.
“It’s over. There’s nothing left to talk about.”
An incessant beeping. A tired groan. 7:30 AM. Alexander sighed and turned his alarm off. School had officially begun again.
Alexander dragged his feet as he got ready. Despite his near twelve hour sleep, he was exhausted. He looked in the mirror as he pulled his hair into a bun. His eyes were swollen and bloodshot—he’d been crying in his sleep. Alexander felt dehydrated, emotionally drained, and sick. He felt worse than when John had first broken up with him.
Then, at least, there had been hope. There had been the possibility of forgiveness. Now, there was nothing. The envelope had been licked and sealed; there was no more hope. It was over.
“Fuck,” Alexander mumbled as he burned his tongue on a sip of his second cup of coffee. He pulled on his coat and took the travel mug with him to class, knowing he would need the false sense of energy from the caffeine.
He sat down at the back of the lecture hall without giving the class much thought. It was the first day of the new semester so he pulled out his phone; they wouldn’t be covering much material aside from the syllabus, which he’d already read in an effort to take his mind off John. Sinking into his seat, he shifted his entire focus to the music playing in his earbuds. He didn’t want to be looked at, he didn’t want to be there. He wished he was invisible.
“Alexander?” came a voice, cutting through the song he was listening to.
He paused it and pulled out an earbud, looking around for the voice. It was one empty seat away from him. Alexander gaped—it was the last person he’d have thought would be attached to the voice at all.
It was Thomas.
“Fuck,” he said through an uncomfortable chuckle. “You look like shit. Are you sick?”
“No,” Alexander said simply.
“Hey—your jaw is better. Right? No more wires. That's good…”
Alexander nodded, staring straight ahead at the projector. Thomas chuckled uncomfortably again.
“How’s John?” he asked, clearly trying to continue the conversation.
“Okay, Thomas, listen,” Alexander snapped. “I know that you feel bad for punching me. It’s fine. I’m totally over it. Okay? My jaw is fine. You don’t need to apologize anymore. But John and I broke up so I’m not really in the mood to talk.”
From his peripherals, Alexander could see Thomas’ eyes widen before he nodded awkwardly and folded his arms across his chest.
“Oh,” he said quietly. “Sorry…I—I didn’t know.”
Alexander blinked and put his earbud back in.
The class only lasted half an hour before the professor took pity on the students’ souls and let them leave.
As Alexander stood up, he knocked his mug onto his lap, spilling lukewarm coffee all over his pants.
“Fuck,” he muttered. He pulled his backpack onto his shoulder and rushed into the washroom to wipe the spill before it dried.
He wrapped his earbuds around his phone and tucked it into his pocket, wetting a paper towel and holding it to the coffee stain on his thigh. In the mirror, Alexander watched the bathroom door open again, and he stifled a muttered curse word as Thomas walked in. Thomas stopped in his tracks when he caught Alexander’s eye and went to turn back around, but Alexander stopped him.
“Don’t be stupid—just use the fucking washroom.”
Thomas shrugged and pumped some soap onto his hands. “Lecture halls are just so gross,” he explained awkwardly.
Alexander didn’t respond. He stood under the air dryer to dry his pants and watched Thomas in the mirror. He found his eyes flickering down to his lips as he babbled randomly, trying to diffuse the tension.
“It’s like a cesspool of germs in there, y’know?” he continued. “I forgot how grimy you feel after class. I hate—”
“Thomas,” Alexander said.
Thomas looked up and caught Alexander’s eye in the mirror. He furrowed his brow as Alexander bit his lip. Before he could stop himself, Alexander crossed the room and grabbed Thomas by the waist, spinning him around.
“Shut the fuck up,” Alexander growled before jamming his lips to Thomas’s.
He remembered the sensation well, memories flooding his mind. Thomas’s mouth was stiff with surprise, but he quickly obliged and kissed Alexander back. Alexander nibbled down on his bottom lip. He felt a soft moan escape Thomas’s throat and vibrate against Alexander’s lips in response. He inhaled sharply and pulled Thomas closer, lacing his fingers into his hair and tugging.
“Fuck,” Thomas breathed.
“Stop talking,” Alexander commanded, pulling harder at his hair.
Thomas groaned and threw his head back, letting Alexander suck at a spot right below his earlobe that drove him crazy.
“That’s for breaking my fucking jaw,” Alexander whispered, smiling smugly at the hickey he left behind. He moved downward, leaving them on Thomas’s neck, collarbone, and one below his other ear.
“And so are those,” he growled.
Thomas smashed his lips back to Alexander’s and kissed him roughly, letting Alexander’s tongue explore the inside of his mouth with an intense curiosity. It had become unfamiliar territory in the months since they’d last kissed. Alexander wanted to drown himself in Thomas—to drown himself in human contact. It felt so wrong, so unfamiliar, but so, so good.
The feeling of Alexander’s tongue running along his palate made him groan and close his eyes in pleasure until he felt Alexander’s teeth bite again at his bottom lip and tug him forward. Hard.
“Ouch,” Thomas said in surprise, pulling back a bit.
“That’s for being an asshole,” Alexander smirked, grabbing at Thomas’s cheeks and pulling their lips back together.
He could feel Thomas’s hot breath between kisses; he was a groaning mess, weak at the knees and hungry for more of Alexander. Hungry for as much of Alexander as he could get.
“Alex,” Thomas moaned. He was desperate for more contact—desperate to be free of the confines of his jeans. “Can we go back to my room?”
“Fuck no,” Alexander breathed. “We’re going back to mine.”
He felt Thomas sigh into his mouth as he reached up to tug at his hair again.
“I hope you’re ready for this,” Alexander continued in a low voice. “Because you’re mine for the next two fucking hours—you owe me.”
“For what?” Thomas asked. He looked down at Alexander, whose eyes were dark and filled with lust.
“For breaking my fucking jaw,” Alexander said, as if it was the most obvious logic in the world.
Thomas ran his tongue slowly along his top lip. “Fuck,” he breathed.
“You’re mine till I say you’re not,” Alexander growled. “Let’s go.”
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brittanyyoungblog · 6 years
30+ Funny Tinder Bios That Will Crack You Up
When writing a bio on Tinder, there are many ways to catch somebody’s attention, but being funny is of the best among them. Marilyn Monroe said, “If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.” I think that line goes for most people.
While Tinder is full of unfunny and unoriginal bios left and right, there are still quite a few gems. Here’s a list of over 30 funny tinder bios that will inspire you to spruce up your own profile.
I like my men like I like my coffee, ground up and in the freezer.
I like sticking my hands in towels. And I like smelling books.
I’m looking for a guy who is really trusting and healthy! You must have both kidneys, non smoker, and not be a big drinker or take any drugs that could damage the liver…Type O negative blood a plus! ESFP
Shit, I’d date me.
I feel as out of place on tinder as a nun doing squats in a cucumber field.
I take hot showers because I like practicing burning in hell.
I don’t have Ebola.
My ideal date? I pick you up in my car, and there’s candles gently licking the air on the dashboard ‘Rich, there’s candles on the dashboard’, I smile. ‘Yeah, I know.’ We take a drive, go to a restaurant, have a wonderful meal and talk about life, goals, and ideals.  As we leave, you notice my car is ablaze. ‘Rich, your car is on fire!’. ‘It’s okay – it’s not mine’ – at which point I pull out marshmallows. We cook them & eat them. Then I kiss you passionately. In front of the burning car.
Let’s be honest I’m on Tinder and my first picture is of me in a bikini, I’m not looking for a relationship or a friend.
All men are pigs and I’m in the mood for bacon.
I do stuff, I also do things.
Roses are red, bacon is red. Poems are hard. Bacon.
Hello Ladies, Look at the last guy you matched, now back to me, now back to the last guy you matched, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped leaving his bio blank, and had better pictures, he could be like me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on Tinder with the man of your dreams. What’s in your hand, back to me. I have it. It’s a pizza with your favourite toppings on it. Look again, the Pizza is now your favourite dog. Anything’s possible when you match me on Tinder.
I’m the kinda guy you can take home to meet your mom. She’ll think I’m super funny, and charming..and cute, but actually kind of sexy at the same time? She falls in love with me. I..think I feel the same way. We get married. I’m your dad now. I confront you, ‘young lady why are you on Tinder?’ You are now grounded.
Grandfather seeking companion for granddaughter. She suffers from poor choices.
Went to a party dressed as an egg, and got with a guy who was dressed as a chicken. A life long question was answered that night. It was the chicken…
Runner up for Time’s ‘Sexiest IT Man Alive’. Once rescued a fireman and a puppy from a burning building. And after mastering French, I became an international super spy. Right now, I’m sailing across the Pacific, stealing top-secret information, and sipping Moscow Mules…shaken, not stirred. Okay, okay. Perhaps I exaggerated *just* a tad. But I can fix your laptop, and puppies love me. Message me for more straight talk, and I’ll send you FB links, delicious cocktail recipes, and MUCH more.”
Threesome? No thanks…if I want to disappoint two people in the same room, I’d have dinner with my parents.
I accidentally (purposely) changed my name to Jeb Bush on Facebook in a 2AM burst of inspiration, not realizing you can’t change it for 60 days, so if that doesn’t tell you enough about me as a person then I don’t know what to tell you
I lost my watch at a party once. An hour later I saw some guy stepping on it while he was harassing some woman at that party. Infuriated, I immediately went over, punched him and broke his nose. No one does that to a woman, not on my watch.
Two reasons to date me:
Because you’d be the good looking one
My brother once put me through a Christmas tree wrapping machine then my parents put me in the boot for the ride home.
Professional Eugoogoolizer at the Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.
Aye wassup, I’m Clint, I like to take girls out for a massive plate of barbecue ribs on a first date. I judge them according to how many and how aggressively they consume them. Whoever defeats me in this porcine endeavor shall become my warrior bride. My Boudicca. I’ll set nations ablaze at her feet just to watch the flames dance in her eyes. Our love will be beautiful in its violence as a tempest hits the Bering Strait, and should it die; it dies as it began with a mount of bones between us.
I hope you like alpha males because I’m your guy. That’s right, I’m the whole package. I’ll defend your honor in public, won’t take shit from waiters, and I’ll even get you pregnant, leave, and then come back to eat the child.
I’m the kinda girl you can take home to your family. I will then get closer to them than you are and we’ll slowly phase you out.
I’m on tinder to make friends the same way I’m on Pornhub to see the plumber repair the sink.
I like long walks on the beach with my girlfriend, until the LSD wears off and I realize I’m just dragging a stolen mannequin around a Wendy’s parking lot.
Don’t swipe right, just on here to catch my lying boyfriend.
Hey honey! If you’re seeing this its over youre caught. Oh another thing that girl Brittney youre seeing sunday at 7pm in charlottesville to catch a movie. She has showed me everything. Were besties now bye loser!
I’m look for a girl who is super mean. She also has to be really clingy and jealous. I prefer women who talk a lot about their ex and a love for da bootyliciousness. In my free time I like to take off my shirt and take selfies. I’m super in shape thanks to my strict diet of Mountain Dew and twizzlers. We’re a twizzler family, red vines have no place in my home. I work nights fighting crime. I’m not saying I’m Batman, but I am saying no one has seen the Riddler in Austin Texas.
Carolina V 2.0 Tinder Edition Updates -minor bug fixes -improved selection algorithm -new pictures (bikini pic added) -performance enhancements: summer tan -multilingual support
Actually several thousand years old idk why it says 21 lol Downside: I’ve only been nailed once Upside: I would die for you, so you know I’m committed… Also my dad is a pretty big deal. He always beats me in dreidel Swipe right if you need some Jesus in you.
I’m on here because I’m trying to date your dad.
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