#okay maybe not Joey
xylophxn · 10 days
I love how the only canon physical difference between pre fall and post fall Owen is just that he increased by 100% the amount of gel in his hair
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chaosinstigator · 13 days
gentle reminder that Daniel hasn’t raced in Baku or Singapore since 2022, just something to keep in mind
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a-mongooose · 2 years
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okay i pull up (at a reasonable hour) hope you enjoy my absolutely garbage (god tier) shitposting. ! there will probably be more    ! :) also im so sorry that Lord and Savior Wally Franks isnt in this post, i promise im drawing stuff for him . Hes the best one, after all.  in the meantime, though, enjoy my silly designs of the characters! yipee!!! 
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underpreparedbard · 1 year
current mood: madeleine hyland singing “ah, bollocks to you” in chords
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frootbyethefoot · 1 year
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thought about how fucked up it was that moreno was completely ready to kill courier 6 and (more notably) arcade if you don’t manage to convince him to fight with the ncr. and didn’t stop thinking.
[ID: three digital drawings of fallout: new vegas. the first drawing is of orion moreno sitting on a wooden chair, his expression is indiscernible. in the background, theres a small light brown bookshelf, a bed frame, and a mattress. there is smoke coming from morenos mouth. a small orange box of text next to him says “... smoking that god-awful pipe that left the wallpaper yellow and peeling.” the entire drawing is tinted in orange. the second drawing is of arcade gannon. he is drawn from around the waist up, and looks uncomfortable. he has his fist balled up and towards his chest. a purple text box to the right of him reads, “ i remember thinking he wasn’t content to just destroy himself.” the entire drawing is tinted in a purpleish pink color. the final drawing is of moreno in his enclave armor. he looks ready to fight, and is holding a gatling laser. the gatling laser is colored in only a bright red, and is already shooting out a laser. a red text box just above him reads, “ he seemed to have to take out everything with him.” the entire drawing is tinted in a dark red.]
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nikolai-alexi · 1 year
James: look, as a reasonable, adult, and well-functioning member of society—
Regulus: a what? I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you correctly, run that one by me again. Reasonable? Adult? Functioning?
James: *ignoring him* —I understand logically that the different Froot Loop colours are just dyes, but I’m telling you, in my heart and in my mouth, they’re different flavours
Barty: *busting down the door* THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING
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michaelnotwheeler · 10 months
I’d like to just appreciate for a second Joey Tribbiani’s outfits.
He absolutely slays all of his outfits, (except for maybe the weird trying-to-be-cool high school/college one) and for that I would like to thank the gorgeous Matt Leblanc.
Seriously this man needs more credit.
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Need I say more??
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in-death-we-fall · 4 months
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if i had to pick a song that i think perfectly encapsulates the amazing devil i think i would have to say it's not yet/love run. it just has everything for me : it has the drama and variety of the instrumentals and vocals that they show throughout their other songs, it has the highs and lows, it has the storytelling. it has the harmonising of multiple lines of thought and song, it has the callbacks to other songs, it has the moments where joey and madeleine break through with their laughter. it has those key messages that tad perfectly convey: the fantasy that's grounded in reality, the struggles and the overcoming of them, and the people that help you with that, and the relatability of it all. it has that feeling of love and safety and hope all from their vocalisation of a single line. it's like everything they put into their music is brought together in this single song
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chaosinstigator · 2 months
danny what are you doing at the pit wall get zoomin
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zims-jellyfish · 7 months
Someone Hurt Sammy Lawrence
And I want to talk about it
This is long and I'm so sorry but please hear me out
Someone in the studio hurt Sammy back when he was alive, and proof of this lies in his lines in chapter five. To quote specifically:
I trusted you! I gave you everything!
And you left me to rot! Why... WHY?!"
This is a complete tone shift from chapter 2, where he was mostly apathetic to Henry, aside from acknowledging he looked familiar, before brushing it off. He seems now to recognize Henry, though this doesn't make sense.
If they had strictly the relationship of colleagues before, it wouldn't make sense why Sammy was so emotionally charged, or so passionate in trying to hurt Henry, even after being left in chapter 2, it doesn't make sense. He doesn't seem to have lost anything, aside from a few searchers and one 'life', but I don't think that would warrent this kind of response.
It would all make far more sense though, if Henry and Sammy had some sort of relationship before, one damaged by Henry when he left.
But this doesn't make sense. It doesn't explain any of his complaints.
According to Dreams Come To Life, Henry had left long before Buddy joined. And it wasn't until around when Buddy joined that Sammy started acting out, and drinking the ink, and eventually going missing. If I'm reading The Illusion Of Living right, he had left before Sammy even got there. And even if we suspended disbelief, a colleague, a friend even, quitting their job doesn't explain any part of what he's screaming out at him very well.
But, what would, is if Sammy has Henry mistaken for Joey.
Every part makes sense.
- Sammy was likely betrayed by Joey when Joey had eventually found out what he had become, and did nothing to help him
- Sammy was abandoned by Joey when he went missing, and Joey did nothing to fix or help him, and instead just left him there
- Sammy gave Joey so much of his time and so much of his sanity just to write songs for him for the cartoons
- Sammy was left by Joey to rot away in the studio in his inky body for the rest of eternity once he had turned
And so, I believe that when Sammy seems to recognize Henry in chapter five, he mistook him for Joey.
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Have a day
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wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
I choose to believe that if Jaskier had been in that prison cell with Gordon for a while longer, he would have invented Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley.
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Garibaldi: Get down!
Zack: Get down?
Ivanova: And boogie.
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puff-cat · 1 year
Headcanons from the hockey/skating AU;
Usually it’s Joey and Tristan that get in fights. They’re tall, they throw their weight around, and definitely aren’t afraid to get physical. They usually end up with a few scrapes and bruises after every game.
But then YUGI gets in a fight. Last minute of the game, their team has played solid offense and they’re up by 2. Joey’s got the puck and they’re making one final breakaway, and Yugi sees an opening. Before he can even call for the puck though, he’s /slammed/ into the boards by a defenseman from the opposite team. Atem, who’s been watching from the stands, feels his heart in his throat, that was a hard hit and Yugi is so much smaller... Yugi, head spinning, rather than try and duck out from around the other player, reacts without thinking. He uppercuts the guy in the jaw, a quick jab but he catches him by surprise enough to send him wheeling back.
Joey and Tristan, who were previously rushing toward Yugi with concern, start HOLLERING. Atem’s jaw drops. And Yugi keeps going. He shoulders the guy in the stomach, and he staggers for a second before Tristan and Joey are on him, because how DARE he try that shit with their center. Refs are blowing whistles, there’s absolute chaos, and it takes a few minutes to calm everything back down. Yugi and the defenseman are ejected from playfor the remaining 30 seconds and the coach checks him over - no concussion but he does have a split lip. He doesn’t complain, he’s in shock that he even did such a thing. He /never/ fights and chastises his teammates for it all the time.
They end up winning the game and Tristan and Joey hold Yugi up in the locker room like they just won a championship. They’re so proud of their little center for finally joining the club and throwing some hands. Atem finds him soon after with the intention of making sure he’s okay, but then he sees Yugi; sweaty, disheveled, undressed from the waist up, and he just. Stares. Yugi just grins at him, dried blood still on the corner of his mouth, and sidles up to Atem, noting the wide eyes and blush starting to cover his cheeks.
“If I’d have known getting roughed up would get this kind of reaction, I might have done it a little sooner,” Yugi teases.
Atem can only sputter, torn between telling him ‘absolutely NOT’ and ‘I’m sorry you got hit but I am VERY attracted to you right now.’
But Yugi seems to get the message, as he always does, and leans in to peck Atem on the cheek. “Let me get packed up, and then you can take me home and we can...talk about this more.” He winks, before turning back to his locker, and Atem just nods, speechless.
On their way out of the locker room, Joey and Tristan whistle and waggle their eyebrows at Atem, knowing EXACTLY what he thinks about the whole thing.
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I watched Blood Origin last night and to me it just felt sort of empty. As I finished the pilot I thought the weird pacing was just the need to set a lot of stuff up— even if it was done poorly— but it just kept going on and on with this thing happens then immediately this thing happens without any room to breathe. Emotional beats with the main cast fell totally flat because there wasn’t the time or space for me to bond with them, just a lot of honestly quite boring fight scenes (for the love of good storytelling, please just choreograph fights as sequences and don’t cut between every punch. I get that it’s snappy to keep it to a beat but this is excessive and takes all tension out of a fight. Attack of the Clones had better fight scenes than this. Actually they had pretty good fight scenes in general, but still).
The only characters I actually felt anything for was Merwyn and that military guy, because they were the only ones that had the down time for a coherent emotional arc. For everyone else it truly felt like they had a quota of fight scenes to fill and all the emotional beats before the end were dropped to make space for setting those up.
The worldbuilding also felt too underdeveloped to support the story. Don’t get me wrong, it was clear that the author had put a lot of thought into it— I’m sure that it exists in the book and is explored much more fully, but we don’t really get to see it. We don’t get to see, specifically, why Merwyn is considered such an evil ruler. The famine seems to have existed before she took power, so it’s not like she was responsible for that. She ends the war between the kingdoms, which likely saved thousands of lives. She doesn’t seem to be persecuting anyone except Lark and their boytoy. She does seem to genuinely want to help her people, even if her vision of what that will mean is flawed. Now I’m not trying to say she was in the right— the shows attempt at a thesis is that imperialism is bad and I agree with that— but show me. Give me a reason to think that the seven are heroes. Because all they seemed to do is kill a monster and start a mob. And also dump a bunch of humans and monsters into their world. And after that they just run off to live in a little village rather than help bring some kind of order to the land they just swept into chaos.
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