shanastoryteller · 8 months
Happy Valentines Shana!! I'm hoping I get this in on time lol. For the prompt, either Hades or Merlin! Love your work!!
a continuation of 1 2
The steward actually wails in despair when presented with Merlin. He can't decide whether he's more offended or embarrassed. Why would he know how to serve someone? Or how to clean chainmail? And there's nothing wrong with his clothes!
"The young lord sends away my finest," he moans, "and yet he's handpicked you?"
Merlin wonders if telling him that he was chosen specifically for his uselessness would help or not.
Elyan coughs to hide a laugh. Merlin had been grateful that he hadn't been abandoned completely once they arrived at the castle but now he sort of wishes he wasn't here to witness this humiliation.
"I don't want to hear anything from you," the steward says waspishly. "If you hadn't taken airs bigger than your station-"
"I take what Arthur tells me to," he interrupts, raising an eyebrow. "If you want to take up my attitude with him-"
"PAH!" he shouts. "I don't deserve this! I've served both his grandfather and father faithfully! Forty years I've devoted myself and this is how he repays me!"
Elyan's lips twitch up, all of his momentary sharpness fading away. "Look, I'll show Merlin the ropes, alright? Then if Arthur has a complaint, he can take it up with me."
"He never has a complaint. He just sends my best people to work in the city without telling me!" He rubs a hand over his face, turning away and stomping away while still muttering to himself.
Merlin waits until he's turned the corner to ask, "Is he related to Gregory?"
It only occurs to him after he's said it that he shouldn't refer to a lord by his first name, but he doesn't have any other name for him.
Elyan laughs, tossing an arm around his shoulder. "Nah, he's a steward, Merlin. He's like us. Gregory's a noble."
That leaves Merlin blinking. "But - aren't you a noble too?"
He snorts. "Not in the slightest. My father's a blacksmith in Camelot."
Merlin feels the blood drain from his face and hopes Elyan doesn't notice. "Camelot?"
"Yeah, I got in a bit of trouble and had to make myself scarce otherwise my sister could have lost her job. And her head. I ran into Arthur while he was leading his first hunting party and helped him take down so many stags that he just decided that I could stay." He winks. "Ealdor isn't the first time Arthur's father has stuck him with the consequences of his actions."
"Ha," Merlin says weakly.
Elyan is from Camelot.
Another reason he's had to keep his magic to himself is because Ealdor is right at the border of Camelot. Where they burn sorcerers alive.
Elyan had seemed okay with Amabel, but he'd have to be, wouldn't he? He's here at Arthur's word and she's his cousin and a lady.
But Merlin's just a servant. And a useless one at that.
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jokingluna · 2 years
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Inspired by a suggestion from @athelind who got it from @galahadwilder who reblogged it from @okgal21 who origininally posted it from @eebie
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Nr 5
I can't stop thinking about just how much older than everyone Cupid is. I mean she herself said that she's 'as old as teenage love' which even if you ignore my crack theory is probably just an elegant way of dodging an answer, but imagine if it's true. She's been alive for most of human history, the world of the myths is probably one of the oldest in the land of stories, Ever After wouldn't exist without myths and Cupid has been there for all of this.
And now she just attends school like a regular teenager. Even though she's probably older than Grimm, heck older than his whole lineage. And sure, time on Olympus probably flows differently, she hasn't really felt all these millenias, and with how gods' 'biology' works she probably actually is this 16/17 (I wouldn't be surprised if a god's physical age depended strictly on their mental age, since they're immortal and can shapeshift) but even then think just how long has she been a teenager.
I wonder if she sometimes feels lonely because of that. Sure she takes part in her friends life, sure she experiences all the 'normal teenage stuff' but she also... will never grow up, not really, and at the same time she's already more grown up than they all combined, and she knows that she can't stay in one place forever, because her friends will age and pass away, and she simply won't, not anymore...
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Nr 4
Leaked photo of Cupid explaining her family tree in Blondie Branches Out
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79 notek (opublikowanych w 10 kwietnia 2022)
Nr 3
I'm in Cupid mood lately so another headcanon:
Since all her life before coming to EAH she had spent between immortal gods and undead monsters she has... no idea how mortality works. I'm not sure she even fully grasps the concept. She saw people spilling their guts all over and surviving being eaten and is friends with a girl who unattaches her limbs on regular bases what do you mean being stabbed with a knife is dangerous???
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Nr 2
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Mój post nr 1 w 2022
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I wasn't the only one who thought about that while reading today's entry right
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pencilscratchins · 3 years
Rebecca finding out you are only 2 years older than me is absolutely mind boggling to me. Like logically I knew that you weren't that much older than me, but I thought it was by like 4 or 5 years. Any who, I loved your most recent zine!!! 'Twas very funny
i get this a lot! i think i just seem very tired all the time and also have general old man tendencies (not in a fun quirky way but in a i love to fish and always smell like liniment spray sort of way)
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insinirate · 5 years
Wait canon Katsuki is ace?? When did that happen??? (I barely go here so I don’t know a whole lot about canon, mainly just your stuff lol) (Also this sounds vaguely like I don’t approve, but not the intention Ace Rights Babey!!!)
its not canon!! i just say canon katsuki to refer to his canon!universe counterpart, who i hc as ace (or sometimes aroace)
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adrienagrestezine · 4 years
Just to confirm: the preorders are NOT closing tomorrow (June 10) and will be reopening at some point?
You’re correct! They will be reopening in the next few weeks and will be open for at least another week after that. We’ll post on all of our socials when they reopen!
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itsallavengers · 5 years
Ok but also Steve went back to 1970 right? 25 years after the ice?? When Peggy was undoubtedly married already right?????? So like?????????? I’m sorry but like?? Did he just show up and be like “Hey Peggy, hey Peggy’s husband, I’m back, but we can’t tell anyone or the timeline is fucked, so imma just hide in your basement. Oh also before I go, when your niece is 20, a different me is going to try and bone her” like????????????
Peggy, arriving home from work: Hey Daniel how are you sweetheart I’m-
Steve, kicking down the door, snapping Daniel’s neck Instantly: Hey Peggy! I’m your new husband now! What’s for dinner?
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cheekbites-moved · 5 years
Not just lenses. All glass is technically melted sand. That’s why in Minecraft you can use sand to make glass.
ive never played minecraft so i didnt know about any of this im shaken to my core we live in a very fucked up simulation
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lepas · 5 years
Hi!! I just wanted to inform you, (if you didn’t know) that Podunk, Oklahoma is a real place! Did you know this, or did you just think it sounded fun? (I’m from Oklahoma, so when I realized, I thought it was great!!) ((Also I adore your comic!!!!))
Yes, and it’s classified as a ghost town. I thought it would be funny if anyone ever googled it. :)It’s on the opposite side of the state from Fictional Podunk, though.
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fuck-kirk · 5 years
Re: james Charles playing Minecraft. He has a twitch now I guess?? And he premiered this by playing minecraft with pewdiepie. Which. Not what I would have done but I guess. And the kid that killed him is the voice of gumball in the Cartoon Network show of the same name I think.
I literally feel like the simulation is glitching wtf 
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shanastoryteller · 3 years
Happy Valentine's Day Shana!! Hopefully this gets in in time haha! I would love to see more of the WWX and JYL in hiding for 13 years series! Otherwise anything with the untamed! Love your work!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Wei Ying is alive.
Lan Wangji stand on the edge of the pier, waiting, paying no mind to the his own disciples or the Jin or even the Jiang casually surrounding them and watching them.
He'd held the image of Wei Ying bloody and too thin and pale as he fell to his death in his mind for thirteen years. It had showed up in his dreams and his nightmares and every time he'd been forced to be in the same room as Jiang Wanyin.
But he'd seen him just now. More solid than he'd ever seen him, comfortable in his body in a way he doesn't remember seeing since they were teenagers. He'd looked healthy, and strong, and he'd scowled and smiled and complained and there hadn't been any blood on his lips.
His heart feels like his arms do after a punishment, throbbing with pain as blood starts to circulate again.
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nursey-patrol · 5 years
Tell me bout brains and tail dude
Omg im so happy you asked!
Okay so Im an anthropology major and this is kinda my jam you know? Hominin evolution is pretty cool and Ive talked about it quite a bit in my classes!!
Okay so the brains of hominins are inarguably big-the question is why? There are a few theories going, none of which really have to do with our head balancing because we don’t have a tail anymore.
There is the idea that we chose mates who look younger and thus healthier/more fertile. This “look” would come from things like a big head (like a baby) and big eyes. This would select for bigger heads and thus bigger brains.
There’s also the idea that as our brains grew bigger and needed more energy, we diverted that energy from our muscles to our brain, allowing us to slowly grow bigger.
As you can see, I’ve learned very little in regards to the role the tail/balance has in regards to brain growth- and in my opinion I think its just coincidental. There are limitations of fetus brain growth due to bipedalism and the hips of the female- if it was to big coming out the mother would not survive birth, and its painful as is.
Thanks for asking!!!!!
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astro-b-o-y-d · 5 years
Ok I know the post is older, but what has changed with the one girl from camp camp? I think her name is Erin??
She shows off her heterochromia now .w.
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forestwater87 · 5 years
Is your blog hidden from the search page?? I looked you up, but it didn’t pop up and I got so worried that you had deleted
I hope not! I haven’t been told I broke the Tumblr Rules and have an explicit blog, but also none of my writing has made it into the tags since the ban, which I SUPER FUCKING APPRECIATE, and I can’t search for some of my old posts. (I know I had some sort of Camp Camp alignment one that put Daniel so far at the bottom that only his hair stuck out, but no combination of terms will help me find it. I was hilarious, though. I remember that much.)
I got off topic. Anyway, not deleted, but also apparently banned from the cool kids’ club. Meaning . . . like, tags and shit.
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doctorwhos · 5 years
Why is red hair an antisemitic stereotype? Like I know about the horns/hooked noses and everything, but I’ve never heard of red hair? Not trying to be rude, I just don’t know!
during both the spanish inquisition and the nazi regime, red hair was considered an explicitly jewish trait. it was a phsyical marker of being picked by the devil (red = evil), so they associated with jews. even though its not normally a trait that is carried by jews, and is much more prevalent in goyim, it was still scene as a genetic marker to justify painting someone as jewish. there was a specific type of red hair that was (incorrectly) pinned to have belonged to the ashkenazi jewish populace of europe, and that type was a dark red, with ringlets/curls (not super tight curls, but not like, nothing either), just like crowley has in the show. 
judas and the antichrist were both described in the bible as having red hair, both of whom are individuals that christianity paints as negative forces, just like they view jews. judas was the reason jesus was killed, and jews killed him. 
red hair being seen as an antisemitic stereotype is much more rooted in history than others, since it was a physical marker compared to just perceived stereotypes. on its own, its not antisemitic, same with hooked noses or horns, but when compared with the other aspects of my post, thats when it reaches dangerous territory.
i hope that makes sense! if you want me to clarify further, id be glad to!
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eirian · 5 years
Hi this may sound rude bc tone doesn’t reflect well over text, but it’s not meant to be!!! But, what is kin?? I read your FAQ and the links with those, but I still don’t understand it fully? Like you believe (feel? Idk the correct terms) you were someone/species/thing in a different life? Or universe? I’m not sure if I understand it right, and I would like to! Sorry again if this comes across as rude or a bother! 100% don’t mean to be!!
this got long so here comes a cut boop
but i mean yeah that p much sums it up JFKADSL at least in my case, ive stated this before but kin experiences differ from person to person so im just drawing from my own experiences!  if u want to know more experiences id search around on the web for more kinnies to learn from
for me kin is like..i relate to a thing/character on a deeper level than Just Relating to them? if that makes sense? like to the point of where thats me actually. i am That.  i feel weird saying “i identify as x” because thats feels similar to how i speak about myself irt trans stuff but a lot of kinnes do say that so you do you but usually when i hear ppl explaining kin they do use “when someone identifies as something nonhuman” instead of “identifying WITH” because thats a whole other thing in the community (i have..totally not brushed up on my kin info for a long time so i dont wanna get into otherhearted vs otherkin atm)
to go deeper into it, for me (and this may sound silly but thats how it is) i feel as though my soul is sorta connected to these things/characters??? like, out there in the multiverse ????  so its less of a Past Life thing for me but more of like..ANOTHER life?  like it didnt happen in the past, it’s just happening alongside my current one..i guess
BUT like i said thats just me and not everyone is the same ofc. a common thing IS past lives and having memories from those past lives (i have memories too in a similar manner).  some people feel astral limbs such as a wolfkin feeling their tail when its not really there or an angelkin feeling their wings!  ive experienced this in the past when i heavily identified with being demonkin (i had astral horns and wings at the same time it was wild) but the last time i had any experience w/ that was with a saiyan tail for Somebody (idk who b/c i have multiple saiyan kintypes now)
to add onto that ^ some ppl believe they currently ARE those things, just not body-wise?  like their soul is that of, say, a cat. or something.  but generally we recognize that we are human in this life, this is our current body.
i feel like i should add the whole thing abt doubles in here while im thinking about it: some kinnies are uncomfortable seeing what we call “doubles” which are just people who have the same kintype(s) as you (usually this is just a fictionkin thing from what ive seen).  from what i understand (and from my own experience) this comes from how when some people id as a character they id so heavily that theyre like...thats me. thats me 100%.  literally that meme thats like “why are you me, i’m me” thats what it is lmao.  for some people it causes them to even dissociate (which...i’ll be real i feel like this is something we need to start working towards recovering from b/c that aint healthy imo.  i used to dissociate for one kintype if i saw a double but i thankfully worked past that.  now i just get mildly uncomfortable at some doubles BUT im also working to get past THAT now so, progress!) but yeah
i feel like im forgetting a lot of stuff but its like 1 am here
god i am bad at explaining things i probably confused u more and i am so sorry FJDSAKL
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