#okulki's writing
okulki · 8 months
The forgotten dream land of Phantasmagoria
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i am very happy with this piece. it took me long to finish, but it's close to my heart because the background really resembles the rural scenery of my small town where i live. the big empty fields that seem to stretch on forever... it's all very dear to me.
(based on "Październik" by Piotr Stachiewicz)
i'm gonna slowly start posting the lore of my fantasy world here as a mini series of posts
Phantasmagoria is a fabled whimsical land of magic and the arcane, hidden away from the rest of the world. the land was creted by old gods as a sanctuary for all that has been lost and forgotten. It is a land where common sense and logic no longer apply
it exists on the boundary of reality and dream and is inhabited by ancient gods and multitude of diffrent magical creatures of old folk tales and legends. With lush landscapes, magical creatures, and a delicate balance between forgotten traditions and modern mysticism, Phantasmagoria beckons those who dare to explore its captivating secrets.
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okulki · 8 months
The Moon
As I gazed upon the moon, it stared back at me With its many piercing red eyes, I was watched.
Divided by the deep indigo boundary, I stand trying to decipher its secrets. Yet, unbothered by that, it still watches. It always watches, keeping mysteries no mind shall comprehend.
It knows me. But I do not know it. Afraid of what it may hold.
Still, it beckons, beckons with its cool gaze for me to leap and pierce the twinkling starry veil, For me to drown in its cryptic reveries.
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okulki · 2 years
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a silly little "cyber!Tsuba" len'en au I'm working on
the gist of it, is that someone created an android that was supposed to simulate Tsubakura, and somehow the android Tsuba became self aware, so the person tried to reset them. They barely avoided it and got away, but it still did some damage.
Tsuba doesn't know what the cat-thing is, and neither do I
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this idea came to me completely randomly while chatting with a Tsubakura chat bot lmao
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okulki · 2 years
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EEE I'm really obsessed woth tma rn and obviously len'en is my favorite thing ever . so. WHAT'S BETTER THAN COMBINING YOUR 2 CURRENT OBSESSIONS-
heres the rough plot of the au:
the institute is owned by Tsurubami, who actually is the first senri priest (who created the senri institute), possessing tsurubami's body as the avatar of the Senri eye. (their true form involves a lot of eyes, where they shouldn't be-)
Tsubkura works in the Senri institute as the head archivist. they were dragget to this job by tsurubami, not knowing the risks, but now, marked by the senri eye, they're way to deep and are unable to leave
over the course of the events Tsubakura begins to loose their humanity, turning into an ink-moth monster, but also gaining the seeing and all knowing powers of the senri eye
(yabu is also here as martin)
Here are some concept drawings:
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maybe I'll also incorporate touhou into this later, bcs I can B)
(also kinda inspired on @tsubakura-enraku 's horror au)
I'm so amazing and genius, I know <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
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okulki · 1 year
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I am going entirely off the deep end here
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okulki · 1 year
śmieszne głupie len'en polska au
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AU rozgrywa się w małej miejscowości Mugenrowice Senryckie na zadupiu zwanym Polska Rzecz Ludowa w latach 80-tych..
akcja kręci się wokół młodego naukowca z depresją i dosyć sporym problemem alkoholicznym. nikt w mieście tak na prawdę nie ma pojęcia jak ma na imię więc nazywają ich dr. Jaskółczyk. Jaskółczyk jest bardzo szanowane przez wszystkich którzy ich znają więc pomimo tego że nikt nie zna ich biologicznej płci, wszyscy zwracają się do dr. Jaskółczyk z pełnym szacunku zwrotem “wy/państwo”. (tsuba w tym AU jest agender)
drugą z głównych postaci jest Yabusame Houlen, który niedawno przeprowadził się do Mugenrowic z Japonii. Przyjeżdżając do polski, wszyscy wzięli ją za chłopaka lecz ku zdziwieniu mieszkańców, często jest widziana w sukienkach i makijażu. Po jakimś czasie wszyscy zaakceptowali że on/ona po prostu jest z wschodu i oni tam tak mają. (Yabu w tym AU jest bigender)
kolejną postacią jest Zuzanna “Zuźka” Wróblewska. Jest asystentką Dr. Jaskółczyk i ma chora obsesje na nich. Jaskółczyk ma tego zdecydowanie dosyć.
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okulki · 9 months
Hi i came up with more oc lore that idk what to do with
it is the late 18th century, there are 3 characters:
- a young man from a very wealthy noble (I don't know, maybe British) family. he belongs to a circle of other young, wealthy 'intellectuals' involved in the occult, studying the works of John Dee. he got into it too deep and discovered something he shouldn't have
- a young Slavic witch, from a long line of witches. chaotic but with a very strong and determined character. her mother died in childbirth, she owes her knowledge to her grandmother who taught her all she knows and can do, unfortunately she died last winter of tuberculosis. she now lives alone in a hut on the edge of the forest at the far end of her village. she is respected and feared by the whole village. she can talk to the forest spirits.
- son of a Christian priest of high authority. studies under the watchful eye of his father to take over the church after him when "the world's end comes." from birth treated as a saint, "one who talks with angels". never in his life saw the outside world or any people except his father and the faithful of the cult church
and they, idk, meet or something to join forces to do something idk
The nobleman and a saint will kiss
oh also the cult dude gets occasionally possesed by angels
and also after his first kiss with the occult dude he got so distressed and paranoid about it being sinful and that he would be condemned for it that he shut himself off and wouldnt listen to anyone that the angels themselves had to come down to him to tell him that "man, its fuckin fine, go kiss a dude"
This is the saint dude btw:
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