#olaf bergmann
viktorbergmann776 · 8 days
i'm almost ded, lol.
Anyway, I'm here...
My art is still like piece of 💩
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Olaf is holding his own cat... His cat named Tom (Olaf gave this name to his cat cause of cartoon Tom and Jerry)
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Me, holding my cat Tom
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arihoffmann · 1 year
Bruce Nauman Zitate - im Rahmen der Offenen in der [kantine16] Neustadt / Weinstraße mit Olaf e. Bergmann. Nächster Termin: Samstag 23.9.23 zwischen 16 und 17h.
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twilightteamm · 2 years
📹 | #bundeskultur: „Wir freuen uns, sie hier im Maschinenraum der Demokratie begrüßen zu können“, sagte Claudia Roth, als sie mit Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz die Internationale Jury der @berlinale im Kanzleramt empfing.
Bereits zum 73. Mal findet die Verleihung des Goldenen und der Silbernen Bären in Berlin statt. Wie in jedem Jahr entscheidet über die Vergabe eine hochrangige Internationale Jury, in diesem Jahr unter Vorsitz von Schauspielerin Kristen Stewart. Sie werden in den kommenden Tagen die 19 Wettbewerbs-Filme anschauen und beurteilen. Darunter sind auch fünf deutsche Produktionen.
Die Berlinale trägt als eines der weltweit bedeutendsten Ereignisse der Branche dazu bei, Filme zu entdecken, Filme bekannt zu machen und in die Kinos zu bringen. Dabei sind die Internationalen Filmfestspiele nicht nur Publikumsliebling mit Stars und rotem Teppich, sondern auch ein sehr politisches Festival. In diesem Jahr wird der Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine und der Iran Thema sein. Auch wird es um unterdrückte Medienschaffende gehen.
Wir freuen uns auf Tage voller Kinogenuss!
Titelfoto: Bundesregierung / Guido Bergmann
@golfarahani @francinemaislercasting @carlo.chatrian @claudiaroth_official
#bundeskultur #berlin #berlinale #filmfestival #film #goldenerbär #filmfestspiele #reelsinstagram #kristenstewart #golfarahani
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mslanna · 5 years
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my first shoot i realised was a shoot...
lovely, had to do a quick edit
love it  😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
pic by olaf bergmann
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vidpoker11 · 2 years
Your liver is just under three years old
Your liver is just under three years old
The liver has a unique ability to regenerate after damage. However, it was unknown whether this ability decreases as we age. International scientists led by Dr. Olaf Bergmann at the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) at TU Dresden used a technique known as retrospective radiocarbon birth dating to determine the age of the human liver. They showed that no matter the person’s age, the…
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goksoymedyacom · 2 years
İster 10, ister 80... Yaşınız kaç olursa olsun, karaciğerinizin yaşı üçü geçmiyormuş
Göksoy Medya
İster 10, ister 80... Yaşınız kaç olursa olsun, karaciğerinizin yaşı üçü geçmiyormuş
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Karaciğer, bedeni zehirli hususlardan temizlerken aldığı tertipli darbeden kurtulmak için kendini yenileme yeteneğine sahip, hayat için kesinlikle gerekli olan bir organ. Vazifesi sebebiyle bu organın çalışma sırasında hasar görmesi yaygındır ve bu nedenle kendini onarmak da misyonunun bir modülüdür. Fakat uzun yıllardır, bedenin kendini onarma kabiliyeti azaldıkça bu yenilenmenin canlılığını kaybettiği varsayılmıştır.
Cell Systems’de yayınlanan yeni araştırma, ölmüş, genç ve yaşlı insanların karaciğerlerini karşılaştırarak karaciğerin “yaşının” biz yaşlıyken bile genç kaldığını gösteren şaşırtan sonuçlar verdi. Kimi uzun ömürlü hücreler yaklaşık 10 yıl boyunca varlıklarını korusalar da, çalışma ortalama karaciğer hücresi yaşının en fazla üç yıl olduğunu bildirdi.
TU Dresden’deki Dresden Rejeneratif Tedaviler Merkezi (CRTD) araştırma kümesi önderi Dr. Olaf Bergmann yaptığı açıklamada, “20 yaşında yahut 84 yaşında olmanız fark etmiyor; karaciğeriniz ortalama olarak üç yaşın altında kalıyor” diyor.
Araştırmacılar, insan karaciğer hücrelerinin yaşını direkt pahalandırmak için 20 ile 84 yaşları ortasındaki bir küme beşerden ve ölmüş insanlardan alınan karaciğer örneklerini tahlil ettiler. Sıklıkla antik yapıtların yaşını belirlemek için kullanılan radyokarbon tarihleme insan dokusuna uygulanamıyor olsa da, araştırma, insanların yer üstü nükleer testlerle olan geçmişinden yararlanmayı başardı.
Yerüstünde nükleer testlerin yapılması 1963’te yasaklandı, fakat 1950’lerde atmosfere muazzam ölçülerde radyokarbon salmıştı ve bu da hayvanların DNA’sına damladı. Bergmann, bu “ihmal edilebilir ölçülerin ziyanlı olmadığını” söylerken, insan dokusunda tespit edilip ölçülebildiğini belirtiyor: “Kıymetleri atmosferik radyokarbon düzeyleriyle karşılaştırarak hücrelerin yaşını geriye dönük olarak belirleyebiliriz.”
Karaciğer hücrelerinin yaş ölçümü, geldikleri insanın yaşı ne olursa olsun, çoklukla üç yaşından küçük olduklarını, yani birçok durumda karaciğerin yenilenmeye devam ettiğini ve hayatımız boyunca genç kaldığını gösterdi. Fakat bu sonuç, tüm hücreler birebir oranda yenilenmediği ve kimileri on yıla kadar yaşamaya devam ettiği için hasarın birikemeyeceği manasına gelmiyor.
Bergmann, “Kimi araştırmalar, karaciğer hücrelerinin uzun ömürlü olma muhtemelliğine işaret ederken, başkaları sabit bir devir gösterdi. İnsanlarda neler olduğunu bilmek istiyorsak, insan karaciğer hücrelerinin yaşını direkt değerlendirmenin bir yolunu bulmamız gerektiği bizim için açıktı” dedi.
Araştırma, direkt insanlarda hücre yenilenmesini incelemenin teknik olarak çok sıkıntı olduğunu kabul ediyor. Fakat insan organı yenilenmesinin altında yatan hücresel ve moleküler sistemler hakkında eşsiz bilgiler sağlayabilir.
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sakrumverum · 3 years
♲ Karl-Olaf Bergmann ([email protected]) 2021-06-24 17:59:02:
Diese Abstimmung des @Europarl_DE für #Abtreibung als #Menschenrechte kann nur als verheerend bezeichnet werden, sie stellt einen fundamentalen zivilisatorischen, ethischen und moralischen Bruch in der Geschichte Europas dar, mit ungeahnten Konsequenzen. #ProLife #MATIC 1/2 https://twitter.com/CNAdeutsch/status/1408104355589496837
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annamccarthy · 7 years
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These four pieces of work up for cheap as chips xmas show and sale at Kunstverein Munich with loads of other cool kids and bits and pieces...
Jahresgaben 2017 9. – 17. Dezember 2017 (1. OG + KIno + Schaufenster) Eröffnung und Afterparty am Freitag, 8. Dezember 2017, 19 bis 4 Uhr Niko Abramidis &NE Judith Adelmann Boban Andjelkovic Mojé Assefjah Abel Auer Florian Auer Claudia Barcheri Rike Bartels Nigin Beck Benjamin Bergmann Ayzit Bostan Kerstin Brätsch Lena Bröcker Roland Burkart Robert Crotla Hansjörg Dobliar Elke Dreier Hedwig Eberle Martin Fengel Sabine Franczuszki Fabian Frinzel Stefan Fuchs Ulrich Gebert Susi Gelb Michael Grudziecki Philipp Gufler Flaka Haliti Hammann von Mier Gregor Hildebrandt Lukas Hoffmann Karen Irmer Stephan Janitzky Lou Jaworski Caro Jost Gerhardt Kellermann Kitti & Joy Josef Knoll Bruno Kuhlmann Alexander Laner Yutie Lee Sarah Lehnerer Justin Lieberman Nina Annabelle Märkl Anna McCarthy Michaela Melián Philipp Messner Vincent Mitzev Christian Muscheid Herbert Nauderer Andreas Neumeister Olaf Nicolai Fumie Ogura Jonas von Ostrowski Jonathan Penca Christina Maria Pfeifer Catalin Pislaru Mara Pollak Thomas von Poschinger Sybille Rath Ivo Rick Hank Schmidt in der Beek Richard Schur Zita Schüpferling Angela Stiegler Frank Stürmer Florian Süssmayr Valio Tchenkov Alexander Timtschenko Johannes Tassilo Walter Franz Wanner What Remains Gallery Elisabeth Wieser Martin Wöhrl Youjin Yi Stefanie Zoche Der Kunstverein München präsentiert als Teil der Ausstellung täglich Screenings und Videoarbeiten der Münchner Künstler Billy Billmair, Sarah Doerfel, Leon Eixenberger, Jan Erbelding, Rosanna Graf, Bianca Kennedy & Fabian Vogler, Kalas Liebfried, Simon Mertl, Paulina Nolte, Jovana Reisinger, Adrian Sölch und Paul Valentin.
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viktorbergmann776 · 8 months
I wanna say the results of Bergmann's twins contest.
Two winners: @icilarastudios and 191okaga (IG).
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(P. S.: Although 191okaga drew one character (Olaf), but the skill stands out well. And especially his oc Vincent)
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olafs-stuff-thsc-oc · 8 months
do you listen to songs
Olaf: Interesting question. Of course I'm listening a songs online like pop, rock music. And also like singing.. Hehe..
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automaticar · 5 years
Augmented Reality composition, 2019 in VECTOR Artists Journal issue 9 (Munich), page 72-81. Demovideo 8 of 10 pages. Download 'prelude 07' iOS app from App Store, download Barbara Herold's Artists pages PDF from barbaraherold.net > apps & downloads and compose sound and 3D animations by scanning the pages – on screen or printed version. Augmented Reality Art / animations / sounds by Barbara Herold, code by Flauchers Finest, sound design by Simon Kummer. Prelude 07 is dedicated to 100 years of Bauhaus. VECTOR 9 editors: Birthe Blauth, Peter Gregorio. VECTOR 9 was launched at Kunstverein München, 11 Dec 2019. Contributing artists: Adidal Abou-Chamat, Benjamin Bergmann, Roland Burkart, Jutta Burkhardt, Federico Delfrati, Judith Egger, Alina Grasmann, Barbara Herold, Ralf Homann Magdalena Jetelova, Franka Kaßner, Lars Koepsel, Peter Kogler, Gretta Louw, Michaela Melian, M+M, Edie Monetti, Herbert Nauderer, Olaf Nicolai, Susanne Pittroff, Julian Rosefeldt, Philipp Stähle, Angela Stiegler, Tamiko Thiel, Veronika Veit
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maier-files · 7 years
New Post has been published on The Maier Files
New Post has been published on http://the.maier-files.com/maiers-engine-a-plausible-myth/
Maier's engine a plausible myth?
Most of the readers will already know that the Maier files is based on Mr. Naumann’s narrative. This secret history of Otto Maier’s science, flying discs, the legacy of Mr. Gross’ factory, some references to a Grail quest and a banking conspiracy, it all seems a little far-fetched at first glance. But is it? When one tries to find more details regarding these topics, one encounters soon enough worlds within worlds.
On second thoughts, free-energy, Magnetscheiben (magnetic  discs), Fire balls, USO’s, Laser Guns and many more exciting technology, the so called “Wonder Weapons” have all a serious backstory and aren’t obviously science-fiction as one may think. But there’s more to it than only those fantastic big projects. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the “collapse” of the USSR, more and more new facts and amazing proof are popping up to surface. A good read about the theft of patents is Mr. Georg Friedrich’s book titled “Unternehmen Patentenraub” – 1945 Die Geheimgeschichter des größten Technologieraubs aller Zeiten. (The secret story of the biggest Technology theft in history) Hundred of thousands of patents were taken by the Allies from German vaults at the close of the war. Hundreds of thousands of patents is not an exaggeration at all. As mentioned in Mr. Friedrich’s book the last patent taken from the Berlin Patent Office by the U.S. was numbered at 750986. This means the actual number of patents taken from all facilities at least approached one million and this certainly does not include the SS secret archives. About the flying discs it seems several kinds have been tested. The more conventional prototypes as the one worked on by Dpl. Ing. Schriever ( http://the.maier-files.com/flying-saucer-invented-in-germany/) and the more unconventional the so called magnetic discs and other unknown technologies.
But could the Maier engine at all fly? Another interesting read on this topic is Mr. O. Bergmann’s book “DEUTSCHE FLUGSCHEIBEN und U-BOOTE ÜBERWACHEN DIE WELTMEERE”. One can read on page 195 :
The later flying discs (UFO’s) have still only one revolving, rotating ring as it is always reported by eye witnesses. This revolving ring generates its own gravity field, the same way as heavenly bodies and planets do when they circle around their axes. Nature, the godly cosmos, is constructed upon wise, conformed laws. Today mankind does not only possess the ability to recognize these wise, conformed laws but also possess the ability to mimic the abolition of gravity by means of rotating devices. We have already said that the German flying discs have made themselves independent of earth’s and other planets’ gravity. They are no longer exposed to pressure and suction forces, resulting in the often observed zig-zag Flight pattern at high speed, the sudden stops or the hovering in the air. Without their own gravity creation, it would be impossible to keep the occupants safe.
Die späteren Flugscheiben (‘UFOs’} haben nur noch den umlaufenden, rotierenden Ring, wie aus Augenzeugenberichten immer wieder hervor geht. Dieser umlaufende Ring bewirkt den gleichen Effekt, ahmt praktisch die um sich selbst drehenden Himmelskörper und Planeten nach, wodurch ein eigenes Schwerefeld bei den Planeten wie bei den Flugscheiben erzeugt wird. Die Natur, der göttliche Kosmos, sind nach weisen Gesetzmäßigkeiten aufgebaut. Der Mensch besitzt heute nicht nur die Fähigkeit, diese Gesetzmäßigkeiten zu erkennen, sondern die Aufhebung der Schwerkraft mittels der Rotation in technischen Geräten nachzuahmen. Wir sagten schon, die deutschen Flugscheiben haben sich damit von der Erdschwerkraft unabhängig gemacht, ebenso von der Schwerkraft anderer Planeten. Sie sind den Druck- und Zugkräften nicht mehr ausgeliefert, wodurch das oft beobachtete Zick-Zack fliegen bei hoher Geschwindigkeit erst möglich wird; zudem ohne Schaden für die Insassen. Oder der plötzliche Stillstand und das Schweben in der Luft.
So Mr. Bergmann states that a force, gravity or electromagnetic or both can be generated through rotating bodies and that some types of German flying discs used a rotating part to achieve this energy production. All based on and mimicking the planetary motion. That doesn’t yet explain much, one might still think it’s a fantasy. But again references about electric currents and the magnetic field of the earth can even be found in 1895 by a researcher Kristian Birkeland. He did find that the electrical currents when contacting the magnetic field of the earth generate an almost vertical flow and create a glow. Kristian Olaf Bernhard Birkeland (13 December 1867 – 15 June 1917) was a Norwegian scientist. He is best remembered as the person whose theories of atmospheric electric currents elucidated the nature of the aurora borealis. In order to fund his research on the aurorae, he invented the electromagnetic cannon and the Birkeland-Eyde process of fixing nitrogen from the air.
There’s another hint: the Searl disc. This Searl disc is wonderfully simple since it used only permanent magnets.  Named after prof. John Searl. His craft actually flew in Warminster UK during the late ’60’s. Do a search and you will see thousands of articles and links relating to him and his work. A serie of magnets were arranged on the spinning wheel of the saucer and revolved around a larger, central permanent magnet at the center just like the planets rotate around the sun or the stars of the galaxy rotate around the central black hole. So eery similar to the earlier German discs descriptions.
More to be found on prof. Searl own website here: http://www.searlsolution.com/technology2.html
So we can conclude that the Otto Maier and the Gross theme is quite plausible and not just fantasy… -to be continued-
Otto Maier Flight to Pohjola – Episode 4
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viktorbergmann776 · 1 year
Oh man.. I miss ya.. also I'm preparing to the halloween. So.. Olaf in the Walking Death costume.
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Looks like shit bcs I didn't draw for a long time, imao....
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viktorbergmann776 · 1 year
Ask me some questions about Michael and Olaf (bio details).
VB776 is open for answering the questions.
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viktorbergmann776 · 2 years
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