#older followers might know what im talking abt but my hands just Do Not do what they're supposed to
salaciousslut · 8 months
I love hearing what other ppl like so please do!! I also like R&B a lot i just forgot to mention it when i was talking abt genres i like earlier bc i was too focused on rap 🤭 and im the same way tbh! Unless im a real big fan of an artist i'll wait a while, but sometimes like with Paramore's After Laughter i couldnt stand to accept the sound change so i waited a year to listen to it 🫣
I'm going out in an hour or two and im probably not gonna drink till i get back home late. Im always DD since i live the furthest. I wish you could come out with me and my friends i feel like you'd have fun with us. But my friends usually get crossfaded with me bc i always bring some weed. im ok to drive when its worn off a bit im safe i promise 🫣 but i drop everyone off so im used to getting home late a lot. I wish i could hear you giggling i bet you have a cute laugh sweetheart<3 i bet youre really fun to be around when you're drunk<3
I do the same but im trying to get back into better habits like journaling, like sometimes i just cant cry because ive bottled everything up for so long. So i very much urge ppl to cry when they can because its not a great feeling not being able to cry when you need to cry. Like even if its small, cry about it its fine. Its human to feel the full spectrum of emotion.
I forgot what voice i used for my character but i think it was some generic dude voice, i have been a little out of practice with my deeper voices though. But my voice is usually pretty deep anyway, i pitch my voice up a bit when im at work bc i dont want to scare the old timers too much. I hate to admit that my favorite voices to try to do are meatwad from aqua teen hunger force and stitch, theyre like the same voice to me 🤭 i do it for funsies, but in my teen years i did it a lot bc my friends gave me approval for it 🤭
Soo maybe i might budget to get my hands on those perfumes ☺️ i'd like to know what your favorite perfumes smelled like on first hand bases. This is a second best, best would be smelling it on your neck<3 theres a certain cologne i fell in love with years go that ive been trying to get my hands on, its polo red by ralph lauren it had smelled so wonderful to me.
Candles are a lot to take care of so i get it. I just have two main rules i follow for the life of my candle and the safety of my cats. Im the type of person where if i see soot in your candles i try to clean that out to lessen fire risk bc they can be dangerous, its something ppl never notice but thats ok i just want them to be safe. I used to play with the wax like that too!! It low key led to me trying to experiment a little with wax play which was interesting to say the least.
You really are an adorable little puppy<3 its nice to know i was right about thinking you were shorter than me<3 i like short girls, tall girls are nice but short girls are better<3 esp when theyre a little older than me🤭 also ironically i dont own anything royal purple but maybe one day!
oooh i love r&b!! one of my close friends loves it too and will always rec me songs!! and honestly thats sooo fair about waiting to listen to paramore i was the same way!
im always dd too!! just bc i wanna make sure my friends are safe!! bc we all live in the same apartment complex but i know what u mean! i also just like taking care of my friends as u know! im very much rather drink at home bc its my lil safe space! but if im with people i trust, then i like to let loose. plus i wanna lose my inhibitions with you! ill be such a cute lap pet while u and ur friends are drinking and having fun!!
omg i have trouble crying too!! i call it my emotional constipation so ill put on a sad movie to try and cry!! but yes, heres to us trying to me more in tune with our emotions!!
hehe cute cute cute i wanna hear now!! i think i also have a pretty deep voice so i bet we would sound amazing together!! also hehe stitch i love it!! i bet u sound sooo cute
oh trust me, i plan going to bbw soon and smelling you 🫣🥰 and omg i love polo red!! it smells sooo yummy
i started using a candle warmer rather than lighting my candles bc i got scared of the soot, and i know ur not suppose to keep candles lit for a long time but i love the smell so much!! and yes i love wax play. this is kinda embarrassing but i was doing wax play for someone and he had the audacity to get made at me bc i was moaning and enjoying it rather than in pain. smh just let me enjoy the warm feeling on my skin ya know?
i loveeeee being just a lil shorter, tall people kinda intimidate me at first but ur the perfect height!! hehe lets cuddle bc im sooo touch starved and lazy and in a cuddly mood rn. and omg how old are u??
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
:D so glad you like the Mola designs! the pretty colors make me happy too :)))) another really pretty deep dive is visible mending and sashiko/boro stitches (if you get deep enough you will know those terms are contested and/or problematic but they are the only words we have that the moment). idk how much you are into textiles (probably less so than i am lol (most people are)) , but if you ever wanted to get your hands busy in addition to distracting you mind, i highly recommend visible mending as a task that is both satisfying and also keeps your favorite clothes from ending up in a landfill :D Happy web diving! -textile anon
visible mending looks soooooo fun but i have had a HORRIBLE time trying to sew in the past. i just dont think im coordinated enough for it :0 i like the way it makes clothes look tho, and i'd much prefer keeping well-worn jeans than having to toss them out
idk much about textiles but ark rlly enjoys sewing and stuff! i personally barely know the names of fabric types, so i'm definitely unfamiliar with styles and techniques, but even if i dont know much they're pretty cool and i like hearing about them :]
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scourge-sympathiser · 3 years
dont worry abt needing to add anything i just wanna share this idea b4 i forget it but also i dont rlly know any1 who likes warriors so,,,
okay i saw a little animation on utube about fallen leaves and while i was reading up on his wiki it hit me
in outcast, after jaypaw has been having dreams about fallen n his death, n after meeting him while looking 4 the missing kits in the tunnels, fallen asks him to stay but jay declines.
what if, unhappy w/ being forced to be a medcat, and wanting to live his *own* life he accepts? and a similar thing to what happened to holly happens where the cave entrance collapses (whether fallen and jay had smth to do with it or it was just convenient, idk), n everyone thinks that jay died saving these kits. but really hes living his best life in the caves. fallen teaches him how to hunt and fight well, bc the caves are dark, 's not like you can see very well even if you weren't blind.
and jay starts having the dreams where he's jay's wing, back in the ancients time, and its a little different where instead of having a crush on halfmoon he (jay's Wing) had a crush on fallen before fallen died in the caves. and thats why jay brings up the idea to leave to the mountains. and when he ends up back in the present he realizes that he once again has a crush on fallen.
and fallen remembers, or recognizes jay as jay's wing and is like "oh... Oh!" and realizes he also, once again, has a crush. and so jay choses that as his full name. Jaywing.
jay starts walking in dreams and having visions of The Battle, and at this point its been a couple of years at this point, the whole thing w/ ashfur happened and the gathering where holly tells after killing ash happens, and jay finds out through holly's dreams, bc shes projecting her own fears, anger, and insecurities hard while she sleeps. and that really makes jay upset but then he talks w/ fallen and comes to the conclusion that it doesnt matter who his real parents were, bramble and squirrel are still his parents to him.
eventually with the battle looming on the horizon, and rock urging him to go, he leaves the caves. and returns to thunderclan. n fallen can follow him due to his powers, and at first the clan think jay is a rogue or loner, but its dove who has Never seen him before who mentions that he's blind just from observing how carful he puts his paws down that everyone freezes before going "jay???"
and oh mouse dung, hes no longer a grumpy, scrawny medcat apprentice. he's still on the shorter side but he filled out, muscle no one thought he'd have ripples beneath his coat, he's as strong as a *warrior*. and has the skills as one, too. he can hunt and fight as well as the rest of them, its almost like he isn't blind when he's actually in the zone. but he still bumps into things n trips over roots or uneaven ground.
and yeah the Battle happens and he's out there, using his starsight to fight along side fallen leaves, until the battle is won and fallen reunites with his family, and is torn between staying with jay in the caves and actually going where hes supposed to. jay tells him to go, he'll be okay, and to wait for him.
but wait, if cats can be reincarnated and have powers... why can't the tribe of endless hunting and starclan let him properly live where he left off? so hes given another chance and put back into the tunnels with a physical form, and meets jay again and joins him in thunderclan.
idk thats what i have sorry abt rambling!!
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ok actually i kinda lov this? im a suckr 4 ghost romance & jay being like ok actually fuck yall........... i would perhapz move the kit thing a little further down the timeline so tht jay is a bit older tho, maybe
like the idea tht part of why fallen asked for him to stay waz a hint of fimiliarity tht just growz & one day he just like... Seez it on jayz face whn he wakez up from a dream about the ancients- or like maybe jay callz him by a nickname from timez long since passed, tht kinda thing? on one hand im like yea on the other the trope of "i like u bcuz u remind me of a dead personi loved" isnt my fav but like a little sprinkle isnt bad
interesting 2 think of wht would happen 2 hollyleaf with her escape into the cavez long since blocked off by both rockz n the truma of loosing a sibling.... like, doez she stay in the clanz? might be fun if she ended up living in the field tht crow & leaf once tried 2 leave thru, but also he awkwardly still being in thunderclan..... lov tht
n well i just Cannot care about the battle i do LOV jaywing coming out of the tunnelz just likle hai guyz whtz up :3 as if he didnt fake his own death.... also the idea of jay using his dreamwalking ability 2 just check up on his family & see how thy r like. Doing
idk about fallen coming back with a body bcuz tht seemz like more thn starclan or endless hunting could do but also it would be VERY VERY weird 4 fallen 2 come back w/ the regular method of being reborn a kit.......... pursonaly i think it would be fun for him 2 stay a ghost but no longer be attached 2 the cave system- instead just exploring & hanging out with jay who can alwayz sense his presence- other catz somtimez catch glimpsez but hez not like. very tangible most timez.... many catz think jay probably just lost it a little in the tunnelz, not tht he rly goez around like hey evry1 herez my ghost make he just talkz 2 himself, laughz at seemingly nothing, tht kinda thing
..... honest 2 god didnt mean 2 add this much im holding myself back, evn,
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asexualzoro · 2 years
Hey! Just read Wish! It was so good! and now I have to ask- how would things have gone if instead of Ace, Luffy was the one who could see that Not Sabo is in fact an imposter? Like their roles here got swapped?
(shameless self promo for any followers seeing this ask: read Wish)
oh, thank you! i'm happy to hear you enjoyed it! god i miss Wish, i was just thinking abt it the other day, im thrilled youre giving me a reason to talk abt it again
that said... if the roles were swapped, and Luffy could see notSabo for what he was... hmm...
that one's difficult. on one hand, Luffy's a bit oblivious and gullible (and, at the point in which the story takes place, 14. he hasn't really been exposed to, yknow, any of the stuff that's made him a bit more hardened and responsible from being captain). if he asked about not having eyes, notSabo would probably be able to lie his way out of it easily enough. he also thinks very highly of and has a lot of faith in his older brothers, and he's always been incredibly optimistic, so i think on some level he might be willing or want to believe this is Sabo, so it might be easy enough to just accept "my older brother doesn't have eyes anymore" and roll with it.
on the other, Luffy can also be fairly intuitive, and for all his optimism, something coming to hurt and replace Ace is unforgivable. if he realized something was after Ace, he's not exactly going to try to work things out? he's very much known to see someone being a threat to people around him and shoot first, ask questions later. if notSabo makes a move to hurt Ace, he's throwing hands, regardless of whether he thinks this is Sabo or not.
so... im not sure there would be a functional difference. Luffy's simple like that, i guess. yes, his not-actually-dead brother's got some weird stuff going on, but he likes weird stuff! up until that weird stuff is a threat to the other brother, of course
this does remind me though... in the original version of Wish, when it was first being hashed out, notSabo was actually thought up as Luffy's wish, not Ace's. it then shifted to be a shared wish that both of them had made, but as the plot came more into focus, it became clear the wish needed to be Ace's alone.
if the wish were to make itself obvious and visible to Luffy, i feel that would imply it was Luffy's wish. which begs the question, "what did Luffy wish for? what does the wish hope to achieve?" i don't see Luffy wishing for himself to be replaced--he's just not that sort of person, doesn't have that sort of self-loathing, especially not at 14--and the idea of wishing for ace to be replaced would obviously never cross luffy's mind. the wish absolutely must come at a cost--the eyes it asked of ace, after all, were representative of ace's own soul, taken in two parts. in order to become real, to be given life, it needed ace's life. if Luffy wanted his brother back, notSabo would still need a life to sustain itself. what is the cost, if not Luffy or Ace? what would notSabo want?
its important to note that the wish never thought itself evil or cruel or malicious. it just wanted to make ace's wish come true. it didn't think it was doing anything wrong or horrifying, you know? it wasn't its fault ace wished sabo had lived instead--it was probably convenient, even, that the cost of its existence was covered within the wish itself.
a full role-swap, where Luffy can not only see notSabo but made the wish as well, would be interesting for a completely different reason. the cost of the wish isn't covered and i have no idea how they would pay it--assumably they'd have to exchange another life, right? another loved one? one of the nobles who killed sabo? a complete stranger?--or if they'd want to pay it. which makes for a fascinating story concept.
i very purposefully never really delved into what notSabo was or how it worked, simply because i think the mystery makes it scarier. and man, that sure does leave a big, terrifying question mark here, huh? how fun!
thanks again for your kind words and for giving me a reason to go on about Wish again! i hope this answers your question!
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dedeuteros · 3 years
Ouuhh wait i forgot i wanted to blab last week. Last ever season of ballroom dancing or whatever we do </3 First dance was last week, had another one tonight. Its so weird bc its like lolzies i just do this sometimes for funzies . But this is my 7th year hot damn. I cant recognize more than maybe 4 dances by name, but i suppose im well aquatinted with the moves at this point. Liikkeee its truly wild watching 6th graders coming for their very first dance clueless beyond measure knowing nothing. Like whaaaatt you dont know how to stand in a circle????? (Actually, i dont blame them its a lot to take in, but theres a point where i cant tap a pair for the 10th time telling them to turn 45 degrees . Like babes ur doing great but why are u standing like . Its like this - - - / - -?? Bc if there were more space it might not be a problem but if the direction is a basic forward then eventually they start running into peoples sides while the group is stepping straight in and out of thebcircle.) anyways.
Like i know i didnt know which foot i was on was important until liiikee my 4th or 5th year. Hypocrite that i am lol. But also im not surprised bc trying to explain to kids which foot is never pleasant. If theyre confused theyre usually confused beyond saving and u just gotta shrug ur shoulders together and go. Yeah we’ll be fine go get em tiger. (Unrelated i wish line breaks werent so massive holy shit)
So super fun. Being afab in this location. I dont mind dresses et cetera, love them generally, but the lack of freedom in what i can wear is ehhhh. I usually just, dont think abt it bc i like dancing anyways and im too distracted by counting out the steps. BUT! usually the ratio of girls to boys in older groups is not so even, so instead of lettingvthe kids dance among themselves we (junior helpers) have to deploy the full set of ourselves to dance as gentlemen (much to the dismay of the guys in my age group who would rather not dance at all, despite .. where we are) so yours truly, liking to dance as often as i can, gets to be a funny little man in a dress for the night! Im always nervous for the parents who might be snooty abt their daughters dancing with “another girl” but the girls themselves seem fine. One real lovely lady was even so kind as to tell me my hands were far less sweaty than most guys <3 (not true but I appreciate it)
The age (7yr) old issue is that in these dances the “gentleman is the leader” so given they know the dance (often do not) and have the confidence (a handful do not hide how much theyd rather be somewhere else) they would lead and ladies should follow (“even if hes wrong” which i would call bullshit on if i wasnt messing up the same amount). SO since they lead, the steps are such called for them. To begin teaching most dances, the director also calls for the girls but after a while ur expected to either know or be able to follow. I’m pretty practiced in my left and right and their reversal. Tldr: ive learned absolutely everything completely backwards so even if the director calls basic left, I automatically move right.
Trans and masc girl wins in the house this year!!! Its been a mess to some degree, since both wear suits/ vests. Ive been called over a few times to fill in bc “two boys are dancing together” and just had to tuen my ass back around. Ladies wear gloves <3 at least at their lvl, im ant to start bopping my boys on the head if they keep doing that. BUT i havent talked to one of them. But. The smaller lady was having trouble so i was trying to help out and stay near (bc even tho i hate the dress code, i do understand that its easier to have less confusion in switch partner dances if theyre all dressed distinctly “girl” or “boy” . We had no small amount of confusion tonight) uhhhbb uhh. O yea i was just sticking with her and making sure the partner switching wasnt getting messed up and . Idk just generally making sure she was getting help when she seemed confused. Normally i feel awful being hovery when a pair keeps messing up and i correct them bc i know they dont understand my correction anyways and they feel bad for being singled out. But im fucking cryng. She said thank u for helping :^(( no one ever ever says that and ive been helping for like 3 years. Made me so so happy i hope shes well
OUUHHHG TONIGHT WE DID THE TANGO!!! not rlly The Tango. A terrible childrens edition cannibalized version of the tango </3 i dont think ive done it in YEARS???!$& but its one of my favorites!! Got to do it with two groups!! So not only twice, but also different guys . One of them was better, but one of them was also not an 8th grader . I think. We actually had an 8th grader filling in since my helper group has gotten smaller over the years. Anyways i LOVE when we do like. The waltz and the tango bc they have, for what i assume is every year since i started, played the same shitty ass busch gardens ass royalty free music. I CANNOT take it seriously . Ouhhh but also since one of the groups that tango ed was older, it was a few more steps. The variety that keeps me awake after nearly 6 hrs.
Anyways i could talk abt this a lot more but eye am SO sleepy so if i remember I’ll probably jus add onto this tomorrow <3 bc idk its kinda geeky and not impressive to most ppl so i dont get to talk abt the lil details but its been ALMOST 7 YEARS!!! I have a lot to say!!!
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autisticstarseed · 4 years
if u could, perhaps, bless us with all the applicable symbols from that fic ask for hvh 👀
ooOoOOOoOO Rub s gay hands togehter omg ty friend 😍;;;;;;
💡 - What was the motivation behind the story?
hHH i hadnt written in 10+ years so when i latched onto this plot idea i just thought itd be a good time to jump the shark and try it again !! i just wanted smth really edgy and depthful bc im emo and the rest kind of snowballed
💎- What was your favorite part?
osdlfksd;lf it’s hard to pick a fav but the drunk scene was definitely the most fun to write at least
⛰️-  What was the hardest part?
THE SCENE WHERE THE GANG IS KIDNAPPED BY ENKI,,,, i debated toning down the violence but in the end i knew where the story was going (and where its still going) and that its gonNA be kinda dark so why hold back now ig
🎭- What was the feeling or mood you were going for?
BITTERSWEET AF,,, sort of just treading the line of ‘hopeful’ and ‘hopeless’ at all times to fully portray the feeling of being at your lowest, but with that classic tss ‘silver linings just around the corner’ kind of undertone
🏟️- Who was your intended audience?
mostly all the adults that watched tss as a kid and felt like spirituaLLY MOVED BY IT cuz i really tried to tap into that Emotion Tee Em we all felt when we found out that zak was [redacted]
🔬- Was there one scene you were building up to/knew you had to get just right?
hHH theres actually a LOT of scenes like that and i think a lot of my general motivation to keep going comes from that ‘WAIT FOR IT WAIT FOR IT’ vibe slkdf:SDF but the Plot Twist tm in the latest chapter was definitely a big’n, and theres a few more of those still to come :^)
🗝️ - What were you thinking when you wrote it?
kjdjFSDs:DF tbh whenever i start really writing, [’im shifting into soup mode’ seinfeld meme voice] im shifting into maladaptive daydreaming mode
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
:^) devilman crybaby pls forgive me for everytHing
📈- Was there a clear character arch you wanted____ character to go on?
i actually have a short list of what i somewhat consider to be the story arcs in my notes !! mostly just for organization and obvs i wont list the future ones but so far we’ve seen the kushtaka arc, the enki arc, and now we’re in what i call ‘the annunaki’ arc.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
ALL OF IT JSHDJSKD, but again a lot of the enki scenes i was worried would be too edgy TM, and the whole annunaki plot as well i was worried might be too ‘out there’ for ppl, but it takes the story exactly where i always wanted it and lines everything up perfectly so i went for it lol. i was also ofc worried if people would like ila or not bc oc but most ppl love her actually which is so 😭❤️
☠️- Did you consider killing off any of the characters? Did you?
8^) [mickey mouse voice] this is a surprise tool that will help us later ,
✉️- Did you title your chapters? What title do you like best?
yes! the next one actually has my favorite chapter title yet, but so far i like ‘so strikes the harpoon’ since its a throwback to the first couple chapters
☀️- Was there symbolism/motifs you worked in?
o every single paragraph is an overly thought out middle school poem im entering in the talent show actually
🎵- Did you have a playlist/piece of music that went with this story?
Yes !! i have HVH insp part 1, Part 2, and an extra one for all those songs that have the vibes but just dont fit enough to make sense in a playlist
📜-Do you want to write something like this again in the future?
probably ! ive learned i definitely like the edgy/darker and emotionally driven stories with ongoing plot, so that trend will almost definitely continue. idk if ill write a dystopia again anytime soon, but i think my future stuff will at least retain that long and heavy vibe
💁- Did readers influence/change any part of this story?
oh yEA like basically i was ready to quit after the very first chapter before it was even written and kinda just got it all out on a whim of motivation but was expecting to flake on it like i tend to do with projects, but the invested response to it was just so uplifting that its what ive been riding on all ten chapters and im so grateful for it :’)))
✏️-Would you go back and change anything if you could?
hHHHHHHH yes and ok this is terrible but i actually tend to avoid re-reading my older chapters until i hAVe to bc i suffer from that sO much ,,, , its just little things like tiny words i wanna change or bits i wanna take out/put in and once or twice ive even caught a mistake or plot hole/smth i forgot to add that i rly do have to go back and edit and i just turn to dust every tim e
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
i really liked the northern lights scene!! it was meant to be a pivotal moment of that ‘bittersweetness’ vibe i was talking abt and it was another one of those scenes i had been planning for a while;;;
“ I think of how much the rest of the family would love this. This isn’t like the moon and the sun, where I can see it and know that even if it looks different, they’ll see the same one soon enough, wherever they are. This reminds me only that I am not with them. It stings. It seems unnatural for something so gentle and natural to appear before us as if we aren’t in complete, total fucking chaos. After all we’ve been through, and the sky still dances. “
📣-What was the best piece of encouragement you got?
🔦-Did you learn anything while writing it? About yourself? Writing?
isdfhSDF YEs, part of my hesitation to write came from this thing where i always just assumed there was a wildly high standard of writing in fandom spaces like in original literature spaces, where you had to have like 10+ sentences to a paragraph and you had to describe every tiny detail of a setting and you had to follow every single grammar rule or it was unreadable but like. genuinely its like sculpting with words as long as you have a shape ppl get the idea which is such a weight off my shoulders lol, its still a lot of work but so much fun to know i can to an extent do what i want and ppl actually like it like that. i also learned that like most other writers i have to cause my favs emotional and physical pain,
🎁- Any writing advice for people who want to write something like this?
hhHHHH 1. please do it its so fun just give in to the edge my guy , 2. try to get comfortable re-reading your chapters, for me its like when ppl listen to themselves sing/act but im trying to do better bc its so much more consistent when i keep it fresh in my mind and it also boosts confidence when u can pick out the things u like instead of the things u dont, 3. trying to have at least one scene in mind for each chapter that ur excited to write so u can have motivation to update faster! for me it doesnt have to be smth i think would excite the audience either like it could be the most basic thing but just having an idea of it and knowing i want to see it come to life rly helps me stay on top of it all
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barbarawilson-moved · 5 years
i’ve got. a LOT of thoughts to collect as i attempt to sort out my rhato notes in preparation for forming a coherent paper out of them so. i figured i’d dump some of my thoughts regarding some shit here while i attempt to develop them. please don’t read if you can’t be nice.
first off: sc*tt l*bd*ll has a messy fuckin history with women in the comics industry and this isn’t even meant as a condemnation of him as a person but rather as an overarching reminder that any woman he writes is going to be forced through his own personal sexist lens. this is blatant in the 2011 run of rhato where his attempt to make kori a strong character falls so atrociously flat it like sinks a few layers into the ground. i am not addressing whether or not his mistreatment of women is intentional; for the purposes of this research i literally do not care. what matters is if you do not know how to respect women you cannot respectfully write them.
compare lobdell’s run on rhato in 2011 with james tynion’s follow up. tynion, a now out bisexual man who has a history of promoting representation of marginalized people both as characters and creators in comics, immediately challenges the indisputably horrific narrative role kori began the series forced into. im chucking one of my favourite moments in all of the first run of rhato in here bc theres no way its going to end up being relevant.
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[image 1: rando: “what are you messing around with this dude for?” kori: “because it amuses me to do so.” rando: “i have a yacht the size of a cruise ship sitting right out in the bay. staff of a hundred and fifty. just for me.” kori: “is that so?” rando: “let me tell you what i would do with you on that ship, babydoll--” jason, to roy: “what’s going on?” roy: “that charming gentleman is telling kori what he would like to do with her.” jason: “oh, hell.” rando: “why don’t we go...” image 2: kori beating the actual shit out of the rando.]
anyways moving on. kori is interesting bc she’s pretty clearly Not involved with jason (there’s this whole weird subtext thing that i still haven’t figured out where it’s kind of implied jason lied to roy about even having slept with kori?), but when it comes to rebirth artemis fills kori’s role as sexy lady powerhouse and DOES get pushed as a romantic interest for jason. which. god do i have opinions on that but my paper has a Whole Different lense thing going on where im also considering rhato as a loose adaptation of robin hood and the weird thing there is that the robin hood stand in changes w/ requiem for an archer?? so that’s wack.
the two characters whose roles i’m like. actively struggling to comprehend are suzie su, isabel, and essence. suzie su’s intro was uh. i would argue bad? im not even gonna throw the image in here because Word Of God at the time did declare her trans which makes the art. uh. let’s go with “problematic.” except with the rebirth series she becomes an ally and also as of rhato 43 isn’t just explicitly canonically trans but also functionally immortal because of it which unfortunately is simply super sexy of her. (note: word of god says jason todd respects pronouns and i might not respect scott lobdell but i have to respect that.) something weird with this though is that her art has become prettier and more traditionally feminine as the series goes on. i have no idea what that means.
isabel and essence get the same paragraph bc as of rhato 43, spoiler alert! same fuckin person??? neither of which i particularly understand. partially bc the way every single relationship jason has (other than with roy) is fairly underdeveloped and jason will just sort of be like “i have feelings for her” meanwhile im sitting over here like then why do you spend every monologue talking abt how the only people you love are roy and kori, huh?? huh, buddy??? also while im at it. that meme that’s an uno card but it’s “have a relationship with someone not significantly older than you or draw 25″ and jason’s got fucking a hundred cards in hand. anyways. i don’t get isabel! i think she’s great! i like dog! why does she continue to be a character tho.
things i still haven’t considered: clara′s teacher-crush on jason. dna as another trans character. shay veritas in general. ma gunn????? there’s a whole fuckin lot there idrk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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greensconnor · 5 years
i’m asking about your dragon age characters
molly i would KILL for u im ur personal hitman now
anyway i said my city now because the entire bioware writing team sucks shit xoxo and i’m so much smarter than all of them but also fully incapable of having a normal amount of ocs for anything (see: the time i made 20 rwby ocs in less than two weeks) so i have. five worldstates here r some assorted thoughts
uhhh so the worldstates r as follows
eira mahariel (two-handed berserk/champ spec), rhett hawke (two-handed berserk spec), alas lavellan (mage knight enchanter spec), romanced alistair/fenris/dorian respectively
shiv tabris (dual wield duelist/assassin spec), radella “rads” hawke (mage spirit healer spec), kat adaar (two-handed reaver spec), romanced morrigan/isabela/cassandra respectively because im a pc gamer and i think i should be able to date whatever video game woman i like because im infinitely better than cishet men
this world state said yeah i respect mens rights. mens rights to shut the fuck up
twins bronson (sword/shield reaver spec) & bryant cousland (archer ranger spec), carmine hawke (archer assassin spec), syracuse trevelyan (dual wield tempest spec), romanced zevran/anora/josephine/bull. if ur wondering how that works my city now and the warden, hawke and the inquisitor should all meet and so they do because i Said So
riva amell (mage arcane warrior/battlemage spec), graham “gray” hawke (mage force spec), hellathen “hela” lavellan (archer assassin spec); romanced cullen/anders and later blackwall because hawke only likes men who will break his heart. hela doesn’t have a romance because she’s literally 20. who let her lead the inquisition (me it was me). also it should be noted the version of cullen i have in my head only vaguely resembles actual cullen because i write better than dragon age writers ever could and i gave him an Actual Cohesive Narrative and he gets bullied relentlessly for being scrawnier than his mage boyfriend
malien “mal” surana (mage spirit healer/keeper spec), jules hawke (sword/shield reaver spec), ash adaar (mage rift spec), romanced leliana/merrill/krem because i should have been able to kiss krem and its a Crime that i am not allowed to
knight enchanter is a Very op specialization and by Very op i mean it makes a mage with their built-in low constitution stats able to solo the biggest baddest dragon in the game on nightmare mode in under five minutes so like. alas lavellan fist fights dragons for fun send tweet
i think lavellans should be able to hit ppl with bricks for all the shit they endure. thus solas gets pranked by mahariel and alas by which i mean they just tip buckets of water onto him from the rookery
kat might be my only competent inquisitor but she did also try to knock out the right hand of the divine and attempt to gap even tho there’s fucky magic burning up her hand so does she have a brain cell? you decide
also its fantasy land and i do what i want so kat has blue/gold sectoral heterochromia
gray “mage rights” hawke is best friends with fenris which surprises literally everyone. their friendship started because they got into a fist fight and then they were like okay i respect u now. hawke is like hey fenris give me ur sword i have a fun trick to show u [uses his sword as a foci to zap carver in the ass with lightning]
i am Always thinking abt like how cullen could have been one man anti-chantry propaganda machine if he hadn’t so blatantly been shoehorned into every game past origins so anyway bioware forgot about a wholeass moon i can write what i like. [holds up cullen by the scruff of his stupid armor] not only are you bisexual you are also a bottom
i also Hate the whole uwu mage haters get fixed by romancing a mage
unlocked secret dialogue option where my inquisitors verbally cuss out dorian’s dad instead of whatever sympathetic narrative the writers were going for cuz its bullshit.
riva is a showoff and a Menace about being as good as he is because he unabashedly loves being a mage and hes like oooh look at me im sexy i dont need to use my hands to cast magic because i’m just that good ;)) and you know what. hes right.
gray, on the other hand, does Not want to be mage. he wants to be a druffalo farmer and retire in the hinterlands and be left the fuck alone. unfortunately he is gay and has one brain cell and terrible, terrible taste in men. ribbed relentlessly for this by riva (altho does he have room to talk hes been hung up on cullen since he was like 13)
shiv is trans n kieran is the result of doing the dark ritual with her wife and he looks a Lot like shiv (dark skin pointed ears, shock-white hair) and morrigan always just Assumed she dyed it or did something magic with it so seeing their kid come out like that was a WEIRD time for her
leliana almost Murdered by cassandra in worldstate 5 because the warden is Actually There The Whole Time, but its been 10 years, mal’s cut off all her hair and gotten full facial tattoos and she’s like “no one will know its me its fine” and she’s right. she gets away with it. only cullen like, Knows, because he knew her before the blight but he doesnt have a death wish n he like. will Not piss her off
shes dalish by birth n she was stolen from her clan by templars and thus is vehemently anti-circle and anti-chantry in general
uhhh the vallaslin (elf face tattoos) of my 4 dalish characters are:
eira = ghilan’nain (chose em cuz shes rlly interested in the navigation aspect of the goddess)
alas = falon’din (god of the dead n he picked them because he’s Also the god of fortune and alas is like tee hee fun but also he can and will kill u if u fuck with him so yk its fitting)
hela = june (god of the craft bc she likes to Make things but june is also the god who taught the elves 2 hunt and hela is. a hunter.)
mal = elgar’nan (allfather/god of vengeance bc. she is Vengeful. she is Angry. but yk fucking with shem politics and fucking their divine is like. mal may have little a retribution. as a treat.) yes she has the full half-face solid colour tattoo she does NOT fuck around.
bronson and bryant r not genetically identical but they Look similar enough 2 anyone who doesn’t know them well enough 2 play spot the distance. anora and bronson think this is a super fun game to play, especially when nobles realize they’ve swapped out the king but they’re too nervous to say anything
eira mahariel has two hands. one is for holding hands with alistair and the other is for throttling elven gods, apparently. she’s killed one before so solas she’s coming for your bitch ass next. watch urself.
speaking of eira and alistair are married thru dalish tradition and humans don’t recognize it n alistair loves 2 re-propose to her with random things. he’ll just pick up like. a bit of cheese and be like “marry me ;)” and she’s like GASP but whatever will the chantry say!!!! all of their friends r sick of them
“vhenan if you love me bring me a sword” “you think i could do better than a sword made out of space rock?” “:)”
eira is my youngest hero at 18 at the start of her game and kat is my oldest at 32 at the start of her game.
none of my hawkes are under six foot. rhett is the tallest (6′8″) and rads is the shortest (6′2″).
syracuse trevelyan would have been the Perfect inquisitor if he were not a pretty boy himbo and a gay bastard who does Most Things just to spite his parents.
[corypheus pointing at syracuse’s visage in his crystal orb thingo] i want that twink obliterated
i love the companions from older games return thing i truly do so i make it a point for Every companion to return in inquisition so the gang rlly is all here because i am a Slutte for found family
i lie in my keep worldstates because i dont want to choose between hawke and alistair during here lies the abyss but i never make him king and every time i play inquisition and cole has the wicked grace line it makes me Scream. alistair baby im so sorry i did this to you but i didnt actually do this to you
yes this is my everyone lives au but like. all the time. i have never left hawke in the fade and i do not intend to.
fuck whatever nonsense about wardens not being able 2 have kids. by sheer divine power (me) anora and bryant have three daughters; eleanor, sabina & cecelia n both bronson and zevran make Excellent uncles because i think anora deserves good things because i’m tired of bioware being like women bad, actually,
so like most of the time i have the warden & hawke turning up after the move to skyhold n then staying on, with the exception of bryant, carmine & mal. mal is as mentioned previously just There the whole time with her girlfriend. bryant steps in as king of ferelden w/ interests in closing the big hole in the sky spewing demons in2 his kingdom yk. carmine shows up because she wants to help & she wants protection for bethany but she outright says she’d rather die than be inquisitor so cassandra is shit out of luck.
“CHANGE HER MIND VARRIC” “she once doubled down on insisting amaranth was a shade of blue because she didn’t want to admit to being wrong. no one’s changing her mind seeker”
alas is the middle child of eight and is thus very good with children and also bossing around people older than him. 2 of his older siblings come to the inquisition when stuff in wycome has been settled
i left ash with the basic canon background with Some variation (he grew up under the qun and left of his own free will when his magic was discovered n he realized he couldn’t take living as a saarebas
kat on the other hand was raised tal-vashoth and has bounced around basically all over thedas and leads her own merc company when the conclave blows up. she also speaks multiple languages. is there a language she doesn’t speak? probably not
just realized how long this got so im gonna like. stop my general rambling now but lmao yeah theres some basics. waves hands.
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nvrissa · 5 years
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hello laid ease and furries ( u know who u are )......hahaha....are u ready for this ? zimzalabim ! my name is xan ( she/her pronouns ) and my laptop has been broken for a good 3 years now i have to use an onscreen keyboard so if u see me typing for 20000 years on discord only to send u a single sentence u know whats up x JSDBJWBJW here is the intro....im really winging this no one call me out for that WOOO....tw: medication, mental health, body image ? perhaps just to be safe <3
ok ! so im not gonna talk too much abt family stuff bc yuno and i are doing the collab of the century here and art takes time people ! JSBDJBWDJW but so u get a good idea...i will write a little abt it lets get it 
so the kwons were two of the biggest faces in hollywood ( and tbh they are still considered icons / hollywood royalty no matter how old they get they stay #Relevant ) think bradgelina ! literally everyone knows who the kwons if u dont u probably live under a rock /: 
their parents are very into the fame thing...so when it came to their kids ( nari and wolfe ) they SUPER pushed the famous life onto them, really expecting both of them to be just as obsessed and enamored by the public. idk if u guys ever say that vid of gigi and bella hadid before they were huge were their mom was pressuring them both to get into modeling and to stay skinny and to be stars etc....it was kinda like that !
so narissa, being the first born, really just internalized that shit...like imagine being told ever since u were a baby that fame and status and ur last name are wildly important and not being able to remember a time when u werent being watched by cameras / a third party ( the public ) bc that was her life ! nari has....no experience as to what life is like without cameras and without having to create this image of herself that ppl are gonna be into 
obviously that’s NOT normal....and it had it’s toll on her /: as a kid she grew up so fast like u know those kids that seem so mature and wise for their age ? that was nari. she always had two versions of herself: inside nari vs outside nari. she was so good at being good just bc she knew what stuff to express and what stuff to keep inside ( spoiler alert: most of it was kept in x )  
she is still very much desperate to please her parents despite it all /: i feel like for a long time she kinda excepted and agreed that fame is everything ( hence why shes known for using her last name to get her places ) but shes starting to realize just how FUCKED it all is and just how much it’s messed her up so stay tuned for more fun !
ok so career stuff ! nari started off as a child model bc she was um super cute and super good at knowing what to do / not freaking out in front of cameras <3 but she was always obsessed with actors ! she used to sit in front of the tv for hours legit study and memorize ppls mannerisms and various movie lines.. she was literally always just quoting random lines / imitating various actors so often her parents were like ok word go act !    
she landed her first role at 12 and it was a pretty huge role as a lead chara in a mini television series that revolved around a cast of kids ( think stranger things but not plot wise just how some of the mains were kids ) with zero acting experience before hand ... so it was pretty clear to the media nari got the spot bc she was a kwon ! there was a bunch of controversy around the show before it came out but once it was released...there was no denying nari had talent
after that it was just a whirlwind of acting doors opening up for her. everyone wanted nari bc of her last name and all the attention that came from it, not to mention every director wanted to be The One that helped narissa kwon become one of the most famous actresses of the 21st century. most of the time she was getting cast for selfish reasons but nari never realized it /: she was just happy to be acting bc it really was like therapy for her to become different ppl
flash forward to age 15 when narissa was finally diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and was prescribed meds to help ! it was actually a director from a movie she was working on that suggested to her parents nari might be struggling after witnessing her have a panic attack on set. not wanting a scandal, her parents agreed it was best to get her “help” which included pills and weekly therapy ! 
so nari actually didnt mind it too much tbh she HAD been struggling for a while she just assumed her anxiety was normal and just like something all famous ppl were dealing with but that wasnt the case. she was hesitant to open up to her therapist just bc she was still obsessed with this idea of inside nari vs outside nari, and she was very scared to cross that line so it took....years of sessions to build up that trust
as she got older though and as she got more famous, everyone just assumed she was better. she was more famous and loved by the day, she had become a chanel ambassador ( thank u jennie x ), her interviews on youtube always brought in record views, she’d started in plenty of movies critics agreed would become cult classics, her social medias were nearing kardashian level in terms of followers: everything was on track....
....except nari had actually never been more unstable. she had become so dependent on her meds she couldnt go anywhere or talk to anyone without popping a few in. all the watching eyes were starting to make her paranoid, not to mention the pressure from her parents ( who couldn’t be happier with nari being so famous ) was at its all time high. she had been nominated for an oscar at 21 and everyone was expecting her to win...and then she didnt
narissa kwon famously fainted at the 2018 oscars after it was announced she had lost the award. her actual fainting wasnt caught on camera or televised, but it WAS witnessed by some of the most relevant names and faces in hollywood who were in that room. the scandal took the media by storm, the hashtag #getwellnarissa trending for over 42 hours until a statement was released she had fainted bc of dehydration and other undisclosed causes and that she was okay & currently taking it easy at home surrounded by family 
in reality it was the abuse of her medication as well as all the stress, but when your last name is kwon manipulating the press is as simple as making the right phone call. unfortunately for nari and her parents, the article about the brat pack came out a week later, and there was no manipulating that source /:
for narissa, it was all a wake up call. she decided to go off her anxiety meds altogether. after falling out with the brat pack she spent that year trying to figure out who she was separate from her fame and her last name. despite some offers from a few casting directors ( surprisingly some people still wanted her despite the scandals bc she was still a kwon, after all ) narissa rejected every role except one in a coming of age indie movie that explores womanhood and mental health as well as strained relationships with mothers. the movie is set to release sometime mid august hehe (~:
she agreed to come to milan to reunite with the brat pack bc she’s still searching for herself ! nari figures the people who quite literally grew up with her might give her some answers......not to mention there is still a part of her who is desperate to reclaim the image and status she had before everything fell apart </3    
narissa is....complicated to say the least. growing up in front of the cameras and in a family who prioritized fame and outside opinions of you as the most important thing, she is quite literally desperate for praise and approval. because she legit has no idea what parts of her are real and what parts of her she’s created for her public persona, she often looks for understanding in others!! shes very very good at analyzing people and understanding people in the hopes that its gonna make her better at analyzing herself, but to no avail. 
libra sun capricorn moon !! THIS is super accurate and telling if u wanna read but i kinda just summarized it in the last bullet
she is such a perfectionist with everything she does and a bit of a control freak in the sense that if she’s not the one doing something, she doesnt have faith whatever that is will be able to live up to her unrealistic standards. directors are often concerted with nari bc whenever she gets big roles.....she is so hard on herself, often asking for take after take bc she monitors every little thing abt her expression or her movements. she’s often left frustrated and disappointed with herself bc again, her standards are SUPER unrealistic ):
she’s relatively sweet!! growing up with the brat pack they probably knew her as the life of the party, very bubbly, confident, and very easy to have fun with as long as you’re being tolerable. however, she can get kind of opinionated at times so it’s very hard for you to gain her trust and respect back if you lose it. she’s also prone to random mood swings / periods of isolation, but whenever she returns its with a big smile and a soft voice assuring you everything is okay 
very good at lying and deceiving ppl but she hardly ever does it on purpose ( unless her publicists asks her too ). she’s carried this persona / public image of herself curated for consumption from others for so long, sometimes she has no idea when she’s being sincere or if she’s just convincing herself she’s being sincere. most of the time she only deceives other people about herself. she can come across as kind of elusive because of this ( think daisy from gatsby’s perspective ) but it’s not on purpose. she just legit has no true sense of self isnt that sexy?
speaking of sex. JWDBJWBDJWBD she also uses that as a coping mechanism / a weird affirmation that yes, she IS wanted by others and yes she IS seen as someone beautiful and that she IS something to be consumed by others ( like i said in my tags....male fantasies male fantasies ) but then at the same time she feels guilty abt this and so unsatisfied and disgusted at how she’s living her life as an object / manifestation of other people’s projections rather than as a normal person...rip </3 its a cycle
ever since her relationship with micah that was so hated by the public it actually ruined and ended their relationship, nari has been too scared to publicly have a relationship again. the media seems to love seeing her on casual dates with other stars, but not to see her tied down to one person, as that kind of “damages” this super accessible persona she’s put out ( think idols and why they cant date )  
she loves poetry, french music, all of marilyn monroe and audrey hepburn’s movies, nonfiction essays abt womanhood and identity, anything chanel, is particularly fond of silk dresses but is partial to velvet as well, wears lacy bralettes under everything bc it makes her a little more confident, actually prefers large parties to small ones because small gatherings are more personal therefore give her more anxiety, would only eat fruit and drink champagne if she could live like that, doesn’t know how to swim so she’s scared of the ocean as well as the dark, used to study ballet as a kid and misses it terribly, doesn’t know how to drive and isn’t planning to learn, can be materialistic at times, is probably an introvert masquerading as an extrovert for 22 years now, the only movies she cant stand are westerns, loves to travel but is scared of flying, doesn’t drink coffee, and is allergic to nuts. 
last but most important fact about narissa is that she loves her brother wolfe more than anything in this world so messing with him is the only way nari is bound to 100% hate you. she can bully him all she wants ( ex. starting very real rumors he IS in fact a furry ) but no one else is aloud to actually be mean to him or she will kill you
also very random but i had a hc that when she was 6 and her pet cat jinx died she caused enough fuss at home her parents actually made it a national holiday in about thirteen different states. the anniversary of this death is december 4th and yes . the brat pack better mourn jinx with nari every year......
pls spare plots im sorry this is so long.....JBDJBWJDBWJBWDJBJ i promise it will be worth it also im sensitive and very small ... how can u say no ? 
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soflsms · 5 years
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   ( sorry  I'm  late  to  the  party  im  in  pst  so  i  was  at  work  til  now  sdkfjl )  ANYWHO  hi  pals  what  the  h*ck  is  up  !!  im  chloe  ,  im  21  ,  i  use  she / her  pronouns  &  im  a  broke  a$$  geography  major  !!   i  am  SO  excited  to  be  her  &  get  to  rp  with  all  y’all  bc  judging  by  your  apps  skdflj  i  fuck  with  u  all  .  anywho  ill  stop  my  rambling  ,  below  the  readmore  is  stuff  about  sofie  &  some  wcs !!  
trigger  warning  !!  sex  work  ,  deportation  ,  neglect  ,  bad  writing  ,  alcoholism  &  substance  abuse
welcome to los angeles , sofie almeda ! the glitterati has been watching you . rumour has it you made your first mark in the industry two years ago & that your net worth currently stands at  8m . it seems as though you’re enjoying being a  singer since relocating from  harlem , new york city . some might say you’d be a good fit for the glitterati due to your hollywood ranking being a solid  #3, & it helps that fans speak so highly of your  individualistic & assiduous ways . unfortunately , our sources cite that those closest to you aren’t particularly impressed with your  self-destructive & choleric tendencies .
name  :   sofie sydney almeda
nicknames  :   sof
age  :  twenty - two  .
birthday  :  december  eleventh  .
zodiac  :  sagittarius  .
gender  :  cisfemale  (  though  doesn’t  vibe  with  the  idea  of  being  STRICTLY  a  WoMaN  ,  she  finds  labels  restrictive  )  .
pronouns  :  she    &    her  .
height  :  5 ′ 6 ″  .
hometown  :    recife  ,  brazil  &  harlem  ,  new  york  city  .
nationality  :  american  ,  brazilian  .
ethnicity  :  english  ,  portuguese   .
label(s)  :  the  venereal  ,  the  bellwether  ,  the  opulent  ,   the  anaxiphile   .
occupation  :  singer  (  vc  billie  eilish  )  .  
quirks  :  fidgeting  ,  allergic  to  shellfish  ,  walks  quickly  ,  cracks  knuckles  ,  always  wears  her  lucky  ‘  st  christopher  ’  necklace  from  her  grandmother  ,  has  a  weird  ability  to  talk  herself  out  of  trouble  ,  can  tie  a  cherry  stem  in  her  mouth  ,  messy  emotionally  but  on - point  physically  ,  vvv  bad  driver  ,  loves  a  good  theme  party  ,  can’t  get  through  the  day  without  multiple  cups  of  coffee  ,  refuses  to  wear  glasses  in  public  even  though  she’s  quite  far - sighted  ,  always  carries  hand  sanitizer ,  prefers  rain  over  sunshine  .
         her  mother  ,  marcia  almeda  ,  was  a  recent  graduate  from  secondary  school  who  packed  a  backpack  and  went  traveling !! before  long  tho  she  ended  up  knocked  up  by  another  backpacker  ,  this  one  american  ,  while  they  were  having  a  fling  in  sydney  (  hence  sofie’s  middle  name  lmao  @  her  mom’s  humor  )  .  she  flew  back  home  when  she  found  out  &  never  told  sofie’s  father  oops !! so  marcia  had  sofie  at  home  in  recife  just  before  her  nineteenth  birthday  ,  and  marcia  was  enthralled  w  little  sofie  .  ofc  she  inherited  her  mother’s  beauty  (  i  hc  marcia  looks  like  alessandra  ambrosio  bc  hello !  )  &  little  sofie  lived  a  happy  early  childhood  life  in  her  grandparents’  home  in  recife.
         brazil  isn’t  the  safest  of  countries  &  marcia  didn’t  want  the  same  dangers  she  experienced  growing  up  for  her  young  daughter  ,  so  around  sofie’s  eighth  birthday  ,  her  &  her  mother  packed  up  and  went  on  a  ‘ trip  ’  to  new  york  city  .  joke’s  on  sofie  ,  though  -  it  wasn’t  actually  a  trip  ,  but  rly  they  were  trying  to  move  there  to  find  sofie’s  father  to  confirm  his  paternity  and  get  sofie  american  citizenship  .  it  was  proving  more  difficult  than  she  thought  ,  &  marcia  was  quickly  running  out  of  money  .  with  a  face  like  hers  ,  though  ,  making  money  wasn’t  too  difficult  ,  but  it  was  time  consuming  .  marcia  found  herself  escorting  older  men  in  order  to  pay  the  bills  ,  all  the  while  leaving  little  sofie  to  fend  for  herself  .  some  of  her  earliest  memories  are  of  strange  men  in  their  tiny  apartment  &  sofie  trying  to  block  out  their  conversations  with  her  lil  cassette  player  hiding  in  the  corner  of  her  room  .  eventually  ,  marcia  was  able  to  contact  the  father  &  they  set  up  a  meeting  .  sofie  had  gotten  her  hopes  up  that  she  would  finally  have  a  dad  (  she  got  dressed  up  in  her  sunday  best  &  everything  bc  reuniting  her  dad  was  a  BIG  deal  ) ,  but  the  meeting  ended  up  being  a  quick  exchange  of  words  ,  a  mouth  swab  and  a  couple  signatures  .  sofie  never  even  learned  his  name  ,  & this  queued  up  a  lifetime  of  daddy  issues  &  distrust  of  men  !!
        while  marcia  was  able  to  stay  in  america  much  longer  than  she  was  legally  supposed  to  ,  eventually  she  was  facing  deportation  ,  which  meant  lil  sofie  ,  with  her  citizenship  finally  confirmed  ,  was  put  into  the  hands  of  her  father  who  sent  off  to  an  american  boarding  school  in  new  york  without  even  contacting  her  .  she  would  spend  the  summers  in  brazil  with  her  mother  or  ,  as  she  got  older  ,  couch - surfing  with  different  friends  throughout  the  months  .  she  started  growing  apart  from  her  mother  as  she  aged  since  she  wasn’t  going  home  every  summer  since  she  didn’t  rly  feel  any  connection  to  brazil  .  her  grandfather  had  passed  away  &  she  only  has  faint  memories  grandmother  ,  plus  the  city  wasn’t  at  all  familiar  to  her  &  she  wasn’t  practicing  her  portuguese  after  her  mother  returned  to  brazil  .
         through  it  all  ,  music  was  proving  to  be  the  one  constant  in  her  life  she  could  use  to  escape  from  reality  .  she  had  never  done  any  training  or  classes  ,  but  she  just  liked  singing  along  to  whatever  was  on  the  radio  & practicing  on  her  own  .  she  also  found  a  passion  for  writing  poetry  which  she  later  would  realize  was  compatible  with  music  .  she  would  spend  HOURS  in  the  school  library  working  on  garage  band  lmfao  bc  she  couldn’t  afford  her  own  laptop  to  produce  music  &  her  dad  sent  just  enough  money  as  he  was  legally  supposed  to  .  but  she  worked  her  lil  tushy  off  &  applied  to  a  music  academy  in  nyc  &  was  rejected  the  first  year  (  DEVASTATING  when  mixed  with  her  impostor  syndrome  &  daddy  issues ) but  she  practiced  more  &  more  &  edned  up  getting  accepted  the  next  year  .  here  ,  she  worked  on  her  vocal  skills  &  music  production  ,  &  started  accumulating  her  own  music  &  selling  songs  to  music  producers  on  the  side  for  some  ca$h  money  .  
          by  the  time  she  was  16  the  state  decided  she  was  old  /  mature  enough  to  live  on  her  own  so  she  got  a  TINY  lil  studio  apartment  in  harlem  where  she’d  grown  up  with  her  mum  &  she  had  friends  who  she’d  grown  up  with  .  while  it  wasn’t  the  safest  neighbourhood  statistically  sofie  felt  safe  &  just  like  one  of  the  neighbourhood  kids  .  it  was  the  first  time  she  genuinely  felt  like  she  belonged .
        she  was  accepted  on  full  scholarship  to  nyu  & majored  in  music  composition  &  vocal  performance  where  she  started  finally  feeling  secure  in  herself  &  released  her  own  music  on  soundcloud  ,  quickly  amassing  a  following  &  becoming  an  ‘ up  &  coming ‘  artist  !!  she  was  contacted  by  a  scooter  braun  type  guy  who  was  interested  in  taking  her  on  under  his  management  so  she  dropped  out  of  uni  in  her  2nd  year  (  bc  tbh  her  grades  in  anything  other  than  her  music  classes  were  v  subpar  )  .  soon  enough  producers  wanted  to  work  with  her  &  she  was  making  enough  that  she  didn’t  have  to  sell  her  songs  which  she  hated  doing  but  had  to  pay  the  bills  u  know  .  oh  &  her  vc  is  billie  eilish  bc  ofc  shes  my  queen  go  stream  when  we  all  fall  asleep  where  do  we  go  on  spotify  u  won’t  be  disappointed  
        she  also  started  getting  into  the  partying  scene  here  yikes  !! it  was  a  method  for  her  to  numb  all  her  pain  from  her  past  &  impostor  syndrome  &  drown  all  that  out  in  pills  or  tequila  .  it  rly  wasn’t  healthy  bc  of  how  she  would  binge  for  a  weekend  then  try  to  stay  sober  throughout  the  week  but  failing  by  about  wednesday when  she  started  to  feel  hollow  .  she  wasn’t  gonna  be  a  one  hit  wonder  &  her  mom  sure   as  hell  didn’t  go  through  all  that  trouble  just  for  sofie  to  be  a  nobody  addict  !! so  she  kept  it  together  enough  to  start  making big  bucks  & well  …….  here  she  is  :~)
        sofie  blames  it  on  her  brazilian  heritage  but  this  bitch  loves  a  party  !!  like  shes  the  one  who  gets  happy drunk  at  the  pre  then  is  the  first  on  the  dance  floor  then  later  falls  out  of  the  club  &  into  some  rando’s  bed !!  in  the  back  of  her  mind  she  knows  her  drug  &  alcohol  use  is  self - destructive  but  she  figures  shes  allowed  to  let  loose  sometimes (  even  if  that  ends  up  being  most  nights  )  ;  rly  she’s  just  in  denial  bc  she  doesn’t  want  to  change  her  ways  &  lose  her  identity  !!
        doesn’t  put  labels  on  her  gender  identity  or  sexual orientation  .  she  finds  them  restrictive  &  useless  for  herself  ,  labels  would  only  be  to  satisfy  others  .  she  doesn’t  see  herself  as  110%  female  either  like  she’s  all about  gender  being  a  social  construct  /  a  spectrum  ;  some  days  she’ll  get  dolled  up  &  wear  heavy  makeup  &  six  inch  heels  ,  some  days  she’ll  walk  around  in  a  bun  &  tracksuit  &  trainers  .  anyone  who  asks  abt  it  will  swiftly  get  2  middle  fingers  in  their  face  !! shes  uncontrollable  i  swear
         puts  up  a  tough  bad - ass  front  like  billie  does aksjdh  like  nah  nothing  can  hurt  me  im  bulletproof  !!  but  is  rly  just  kinda  broken  underneath  .  she  doesn’t  even  let  her  closest  friends  know  how  hurting  she  is  bc  she  doesn’t  wanna  burden  them  .  she  rly  uses  mmusic  as  an  outlet  tho  so  she’ll  act  totally  tough  then   go  to  the  studio  &  record  all  about  her  heartache  .  will  NEVER  let  someone  see  her  cry  no  matter  how  close  she  is  with  them  .  she  rly  sees  it  as  a  sign  of  weakness  &  shes  in  a  much  better  place  than  she  was  5  years  ago  so  she  figures  she’s  not  ALLOWED  to  feel  anything  but  grateful  .  
         this  bitch  overthinks  everything  !! half  the  time  she  isn’t  rly  listenning  to  whoever  bc  she’s  thinking  about  what  they  just  said  &  if  they’re  mad  with  her  .  she’s  that  friend  who  will  ask  u  to  come  over  to  formulate  the  perfect  text  response  &   fuss  over  it  for  hours  .  that  being  said  ,  if  someone  talks  shit  abt  anyone  shes  tight  with  ,  they’re  gonna  get  it  the  next  time   she  sees  them  .  she  isn’t  about  violence  &  would  never  get  into  a  physical  fight  ,  but  she’d  work  behind  the  scenes  to  ruin  their  life  .  but  then  she  pretends  like  she  rly  doesn’t  care  though  its  obvious  to  those  close  to  her  that  she  cares  way  too  much
has  a  very  hard  time  expressing  love  bc  she  didn’t  have  much  practice  w  it  growing  up  .  she  was  on  her  own  most  of  her  young  life  so  even  if  her  mom  would  tell  her   te  amo  she  would  be  like  uh  huh  gtg  bye !!  
tldr ;  poor  bitch  w  abandonment  issues  who  was  able  to  get  out  of  it  by  channeling  her  energy  into  music  &  numbing  the  stress  with  pills  or  alcohol  which  she  def  still overuses  but  she  doesn’t  think its  a  problem  !! yikeroony  !!  loves  partying  & having  a  good  time  ,  puts  up  a  tough  front  but  is  rly  soft  underneath  .
wanted (* = mw)
friends  from  high  school  !! -  people  sof  stayed  with  in  the  summer  bc  she  wasn’t  going  home  to  brazil  .  
friends  from  music  school  !!  -  she  def  felt  like  an  outsider  among  the  music  prodigies  at  this  school  ,  &  maybe  this  person  was  one  of  the  ppl  she  actually  connected  with  . 
come  out  &  play  !!  this  person  acts  as  a  good  influence  to  sofie  .  they’re  level - headed  &  very  grounding  ,  &  sofie  doesn’t  let  it  show  but  they’re  really  important  to  her  .  this  is  the  Softest  billie  song  (  prob  bc  it  was  for  an  ad skdj )  &  they  inspired  it  bc  it’s  how  she  feels  when  shes with  them  .  they  encourage  her  to  be  all  that  she  can  be  &  they  believe  in  her  ,  &  they’re  prob  the  one  person  sofie  trusts  the  most  which  is  SAYING  something  !!
*exes  on  bad  terms  !!  -   ok  this  would  basically  be  based  on  all  the  songs  billie  has  about  a  failed  relationship  /  heartbreak  !! shes  got  a  bunch  .  im  thnking  maybe  she  was  actually  rly  into  them  but  had  a  hard  time  expressing  it  bc  she’s never  been  good  with  emotional  expression  ,  &  it  led  to  the  relationship  feeling ?? unfaithful  /  disconnected  ??  idk  but  she  rly  loved  them  &  is  still  nursing  that  heartbreak  .  (  x  ,  x  ,  x  )
the  paris  to  her  nicole  !!  -  ok  i  f*cking  hate  that  i  said  this  but  she’s  nicole  richie  its  true  !! she  needs  a  messy  gal  pal  exactly  like  how  paris  &  nicole  are  i  stan  them  (  x  ,  x  ,  x  )
roommate  !!  -  bc  of  her  abandonment  issues  she  rly  doesn’t  like  living  alone  so  prob  is  the  roomie  who  will  sleep  in  their  bed  from  time  to  time  bc  she  doesn’t  like  being  totally  alone  .  
*when  the  party’s  over  !!  - these  two have  been  hooking  up  for  a  while  no  strings  attached  but  recently  feelings  have  been  caught  !! &  now  they  still  hook  up  quite  often  but  sofie’s  kinda  harboring  feelings &  pretending  all  is  well  but  she  rly  hopes  they’ll  just  stay  the  night  from  time  to  time  ,  &  gets  secretly  heartbroken  when  she  sees  them  flirting  or  leaving  with  someone  else  . they  can  also  have  feelings  if  u  want  that  angst :~)
fwb  !!  -  sofie  is  pretty  transparent  when  it  comes  to  what  she  wants  &  she’s  got  a  bad  habit  of  replacing  dealing  with  problems  with  getting  laid  !! like  u  know  in  movies  when  the  man  opens  his  wallet  and  a  row  of  like  20  pictures  of  different  women  fall  out  ??  that’s  sof’s  aesthetic  .  she’s  got  a  bunch  of  fwb  of  all  genders  so  bring  me  some  pls
***mutual  dislike  /  copycat  !!  self - explanatory  ,  sofie  thinks  this  person  is  copying  her  in  everything  she  does  &  thinks  its  annoying  af  so  she  wrote  a  song  abt  it  &  hopes  they  indirectly  get  the  message  even  if  she  drops  not  so  subtle  hints  .  skfldjh  itd  be  messy  pls !!
party  buddies  !!  -  someone  who  encourages  sofies  wild  ways  .  when  the  two  get  together  its  usually  to  get  drunk  or  high  &  thats  the  way  they  like  it  .  sofie  doesn’t  feel  judged  by  them  as  she  does  by  others  who  don’t  get  obliterated  at  every  social  event  (  what  an  idea  !!  )  so  she  rly  values  them  ,  even  if  she  doesn’t  express  it
 ** 8 !! - someone  who  kinda  reluctantly  got  into  a  relationship  with  sofie  out  of  maybe  a  desire  to  save  her  from  herself  ??  like  u  know  that  good  girl  bad  boy  trope  where  the  girl  tries  to  save  the  boy  from  whatever  he’s  struggling  with  ?  that’s  them  but  the  roles  are  just  reversed  -  good  guy  ,  bad  girl  .  it  was  kinda  just  filled  w  her  being  self - destructive  &  confiding  in  him  but  not  rly  reciprocating  the  care  so  he  became  kinda  distant  bc  of  it  .  tbh  she  prob  knew  he  was  too  good  for  her  but  had  a sliver  of  hope  he  wouldn’t  leave  her  even  tho  eventually  she  became  too  much  for  him  .  (  lyrics : you said, "don't treat me badly", but you said it so sadly, so I did the best I could, not thinkin' you would have left me gladly. i know you're not sorry, why should you be? 'cause who am I to be in love, when your love never is for me?” )
good influence  !! this  person  can  tell  that  her  beahvior  is  unhealthy  &  are  trying  to  gently  nudge  her  abt  it  .  she  can  tell  what  they’re  doing  but  her  addict  brain  is  telling  her  its  invasive  &  threatening  so  shes  not  the  fondest  of  this  person  ,  but  deep  down  she  really  appreciates  them
music buddies !! these  two  are  both  in  the  music  industry  &  rather  than  it  being  competitive  ,  they’ve  developed  a  friendship  from  it  & enjoy  working  together  .  
* someone  sofie  ghostwrites  for  !! for  whatever  reason  ,  this  muse  doesn’t  write  their  own  songs  & instead  pays  sofie  to  write  them  for  them  .  she  doesn’t  love  it  but  its  a  way  to  make  money  &  give  away  songs  she  doesn’t  feel  attached  to  but  are  worth  something  .  maybe  its  tense  bc  they  claim  the  songs  as  their  own  &  sofie  doesn’t  like  it  ,  this  could  be  ~escandolo~  later  !!
*** my boy ( high school bf ) !! - ok  tea  this  song  is  the  one  that  broke  her  into  the  industry  .  she  produced  it  all  herself  &  just  relased  it  to  her  soundcloud  thinking  it  wouldn’t  rly  go  anyway  but  !!  joke’s  on  yung sofie  .  essentially  he  thought  the  relationship  was  going  well  ,  she’d  met  his  family  &  they  rly  liked  her  but  !! sof  was  feeling  kinda  smothered  &  told  herself  he  was  lying &  cheating  on  her  n  shit  so  she  wrote  a  song  about  it  !! &  once  it  was  starting  to  get  attention  he  was  like  ….. uhhh  what  the  fuck  & she  was  like  haha  sorry  !! so  they  broke  up  &  ever  since  its  been  animosity ,  but  she  realizes  she  fucked  up  but  it  launched  her  career  so  she  doesn’t  know  whether  to  keep  up  the  idgaf  i  hurt  you  or  apologize  .  
* ex - friends  !!  ok  pls  i  have  this  hc  where  sofie  got  way  too  high  one  night  &  slept  with  this  person’s  dad  or  sibling  or  smth !!  u  know  that  line  in  ‘ bad guy ’  where  she  goes  ‘ might  seduce  your  dad  type  ? ’  ya  that’s  got  sofie  written  ALL  over  it  !!   &  now  they’re  not  friends  bc  sofie  can’t  keep  it  in  her  pants  but  both  sides  kinda  misses  the  other  but  are  too  stubborn  to  say  anything  :~(
exes from college / high school  !!  - ok honestly i just love all the exes plots . gimme someone who like maybe they were hooking up & decided to give it a shot dating & it worked for a while but ultimately fell apart bc of sof’s inability to open up. maybe theres still tension or maybe theyre friends now !!
* lovely  !!  -  i  need  a  male  voice  for  khalid’s  part  in  lovely  bc  i  need  this  song  in  my  life  bc  its  a  whole  ass   sofie  mood  ok  .  
i’ve  also  got  a  wanted  connections  tag  linked  HERE  dksfj there's  not  much  in  it  yet  but  feel  free  to  check  it  out  .  ok  i  love  y'all  
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min-drop · 7 years
Your blog is great I really enjoyed reading it xd How abt Jimin x Hobi teachers au? They obv look like they both have a thing for each other but don't rlly do anything abt it until...one day BAM! Again, love your works 🌻🌻🌻
yesss jihoppeeee. its not even my otp but im so here for it ?? then again i literally love all jimin ships
also tysm
          “Okay guys, good work today, go get changed.”
Hoseok dismissed his class of thirteen to fourteen year olds, walkingto the corner of the room to turn off the generic rhythm music thatwas playing as the pitter patter of kids leaving filled the hall.This was the one time of the school day where he wasn’t thinkingabout kids or lesson plans because he was thinking about foodinstead. In around five minutes, the bell for lunch would soundthroughout the entire school and Hoseok was free to go and devour thefood he had packed for himself this morning before he left. Hoseokhad been a dance teacher at this high school for roughly two yearscome April, and it was the best job he’d ever had. He was doingwhat he loved still – dancing – but at the same time he was alsopassing on that same passion to younger people, and even if only twoout of fifteen people in a class began to love it just as much as hedid then he was doing something right. He pushed his black hairback, sighing as he stretched his back a little, he always preferredto put as much energy into his lessons as he expected the studentsto so he always ended up a little sweaty at the end. Not that heminded much.
           “Hey, how was class?” He turned around to see afamiliar smiling face peeking around the double doors. The appearanceof the brunette man put a soft grin on his face, and he waved theother inside, shaking his head and ruffling his hair up so he lookeda little more presentable.           “Hey Jimin.” Jiminwas a little shorter than him with chubbier cheeks that alwaysbunched up when he smiled or laughed and made his eyes look likecrescent moons, not that Hoseok always paid that much attention…“Yeah, it was good. There are a couple students in this class I’mpretty sure are going to sign up for the summer show.” He said,noting that Jimin had loosened his navy tie and unbuttoned the firsttwo buttons of his white blouse for comfort, knowing that he didn’tlike when things were too tight and stuffy.           “Yeah?”Jimin’s voice was light and airy too, Hoseok found it pleasant tolisten to – it had this calming and relaxing effect on him that nomatter how tensed or riled up about something he was, all he had todo was simply talk and listen to Jimin and it was as though he waslistening to a lullaby and could momentarily push down those negativefeelings. “I think the show will be really good this year. I have acouple bands that are really serious about music who are going to doit.” So with a voice like that, it makes sense that he’s a musicteacher. The passion Hoseok has for dance is exactly how Jimin feltabout music and performing in general, though while Jimin wassomething of a dancer himself, he chose to focus more on music as acareer path and Hoseok was secretly glad. If he hadn’t, Jimin would neverhave applied for the music teacher position at this school and Hoseokwould never have met him.           “Good.” Hoseok nodded,trying not to get too distracted by that little glint in the youngerman’s eye or the way he crossed his arms and jutted his hip out tostand comfortably.           “You sound a little out ofbreath.” Jimin chuckled, teasing him a little but still sporting anunderstanding smile.           “Just a tad.” There was apause after that, and they both looked down at the ground, unsure ofwhat to say. Jimin worried his bottom lip, playing with the fabric ofhis shirt before he cleared his throat.           “Do youwant to get lunch?” He asked, and Hoseok wasn’t expecting thequestion, so he simply said the first thing that came to mind withoutmuch thought.           “I brought my own today.” Which hethen realised made it sound like he didn’t want to get lunch withJimin. Which he did. He very much did.           “Oh okay.”Jimin put on a smile, looking a little awkward. “Nevermind then.”           “No, we can still…We can still eat together. If you want.” He tried to salvage thesituation. After all, any time he had with Jimin alone always endedup being a time that left butterflies in his stomach and made himforget that he was almost 26 years old.           “It’salright, I should probably get some marking done anyway.” Jiminshrugged, putting his hands in his trouser pockets and clicking thepen that was left loose inside.           “We could get lunchtomorrow?” Hoseok quickly interjected, knowing by the shuffle ofJimin’s feet that he was getting ready to leave.          “It’s Saturday tomorrow, Hoseok.” Jimin scoffed, an endearinggrin on his face replacing the previous stiff one that was hidingdisappointment.           “Yeah?” Hoseok wasn’t quitegetting what Jimin was insuating, not seeing the problem.          “Well, we’re not at school on Saturdays...” Which is whyJimin’s explaination had his mouth gaping open in an ‘o’ shape.           “You’re right, sorry.” He laughed, shaking hishead at himself and leaning his hands on the rail against the mirrorbehind him. “Monday then.”           “Yeah, cool.Monday.” Jimin nodded his head in confirmation, smiling down at thefloor. Once again, they reverted into silence until Jimin’s footstepped backwards with a hesitant tap against the floor. “Erm.Well… I’ll see you around.” He said and Hoseok nodded his head,waving as Jimin eventually turned around to walk properly away.          “Yep.” Hoseok whispered to himself, his hand droppingdown to his side with a sigh as the door swung closed behind theyounger man.
Hoseok wondered why he could never have a normal conversation withJimin. The two could talk for hours and hours about anything andeverything but by the end of it, it was always awkward. He didn’tknow if it was his fault or Jimin’s – most likely both of them –but whether it was conflicting plans or reluctant goodbyes, Hoseokalways felt that uncomfortable feeling in his chest that made himwant to scrunch his face up and sigh loudly in an attempt toalleviate said feeling. Maybe it wasn’t necessarily awkwardness butHoseok still found himself mulling over words he could have saiddifferent or things he could have done instead when it came to Jimin.Only when it came to Jimin.
          “You’re hopeless.” Yet another recognisable voicedrifted into the dance hall; this time it made Hoseok roll hiseyes with a groan.           “Yoongi, I swear you are alwayseavesdropping on me.” He huffed, pulling away from the mirror asYoongi walked over to him.           “No, I came by to see ifyou were finished with your class and I heard you and Jimin talkingand I can’t pass up on anything that might give me a reason totease you.” The older maths teacher hummed, a mischievous grin onhis face as he popped a crisp in his mouth from the packet he washolding in his right hand. “And your plain awkwardness is enoughfor that.”           “Oh shut up.” Hoseok frowned, notbothering to tell Yoongi that he couldn’t eat in here because theolder man would just continue anyway and tell him that he has tobecause he needs his sustenance.           “You two confuseme.” Yoongi said, loud crunching following his words. “Youliterally turn into teenagers when you talk to each other. ‘ohum, sorry… I, I mean if you want. Oh’.”He pulled a face and mockedthe way Hoseok and Jimin had spoken with each other, definitely notacting his age and pulling yet another eye roll from the dancer.          “Okay, I get it.”Hoseok started organisingthings, pulling the plug out of the wall and rolling the long wireup.          “Why don’t youjust ask him out to dinner or something? You’re both grown adultswhat’s the worst that can happen?” Yoongishrugged, speaking with his mouth a little full and Hoseok let out along breath before replying.          “He says no andwe have to live awkwardly avoiding each other which will beimpossible because not only are we co-workers but we work in the samedepartment and have to work together for the performing arts shows.”Yoongi looked at him with adead stare and Hoseok stared back with an equally blank gaze.          “You’rehopeless.” Yoongideadpanned before he turned on his heel and walked away, leaning hishead back to tip the rest of his crisps into his mouth whilst Hoseokglared at his back.
It’s not as if Hoseok didn’twant to ask Jimin out. He definitely did. However, it had been solong since he realised he had feelings for the younger man that hewas worried he would ruin things between them if he tried to pursueanything further. In hismind, even though Jimin doesn’t give him any inclination that hewould say no, there was no explicit reason for a yes either and theuncertainty was Hoseok’s biggest problem in trying to find thecourage to finally ask…
So once again, Hoseok found himselfthinking of Jimin as he sat on his couch not watching the TV that wasplaying a show he didn’t recognise. Hetapped his fingers on the arm, puffing his cheeks in boredom.
However, his boredom wasn’t goingto last very long as there was faint knock at his door. At first, hethought he was just hearing things as it was so quiet but then itrepeated, much louder but still hesitant sounding. With a confusedpout, he stood up and pulled his shirt down a little, making his waypast the kitchen and through the hall to the front door. He had noidea who was knocking at his door at 7pm, it definitely wasn’tYoongi because Yoongi didn’t leave his house for anything but workor to go to a pub and if it was going to be anyone else, theywouldn’t come unannounced. Without any expectations, he reached hishand out and enclosed it around the cold handle, turning the lockwith his other hand.          “Oh, Jimin. Hey.”Hoseok opened the door to seethe slightly wind blushed face of the music teacher, hands in his coat pocketwith a scarf wrapped around his neck and touching the bottom of hislip. He looked bundled up despite the dashes of pink acrosshis cheeks and nose.          “Hoseok.” Jiminsmiled, bowing his head a little and sniffling.          “What are youdoing?” Hoseok asked, alittle confused and slightly concerned at how cold Jimin was lookingand sounding. Jimin looked down at his feet, rocking back and forth alittle.          “Well, I justwanted to take a walk and I guess my feet just took me here.” Hesaid with a shrug, glad that he could hide his blush behind the coldthat had been nipping at his face.          “I’m surprisedyou remember where I live.” Hoseokchuckled, stepping out of the way to let the younger man in, noddingat the small utter of a ‘thank you’ sent his way.          “Well, I’vebeen here enough.” Jimin said, unwrapping his scarf and taking his coat off, slightlytaken aback when Hoseok took them off of him to hang up.          “What’s up?”He asked, doing a good job athiding the fact he was slightly nervous Jimin was currently in hishouse for the fifth time but it was the first time he had come completely out of his own volition.          “Erm, nothing…Like I said - just took a walk.” Thebrunette said with pursed lips, clasping his hands together in frontof him and swaying a little on his feet. Avoiding Hoseok’s eyes forsome reason.          “You came herethough. You could have gone anywhere else.” Hoseoktook a teasing tone, walking to the kitchen with Jimin trailing behindhim.          “I guess I justwanted to see you.” Jiminsighed, smiling and leaning on the counter as Hoseok took a glass outof the cupboard. “Even if Ididn’t realise it.”          “I’mflattered.” ThankfullyHoseok had his back to the younger, so the heat colouring his facewasn’t on show and he could pass his comment off as a joke.          “Shut up.”Jimin chuckled, watching asHoseok moved around the room.          “Do you want adrink or anything?”          “You actually havedrinks? Other than water and alcohol?” Jiminmock gasped, pretending to be shocked because he knew exactly whatHoseok was going to say next.          “No, I havewater… And alcohol.” Theolder pouted, holding up the glass and staring at the tap in thesink.          “Never change.”Jimin shook his head,grinning endearingly. “I’lljust have water.”          “On a Friday? You’rea riot.” Hoseok quipped,pouring Jimin a drink and then getting himself the same.          “I don’t wantto end up saying or doing anything stupid tonight thanks.” Jiminreplied quietly, taking the cup and looking down at the water insideof it as he talked rather than at Hoseok.          “Like what?”          “Nothing...”Jimin shrugged, flushing andwondering why he had even said anything in the first place.          “Do you want towatch a movie?” Hoseokasked, noting Jimin’s sudden change in demeanour and not wantinghim to feel uncomfortable even if he wasn’t sure whyexactly he felt uncomfortable.          “Yeah, sure...”
Theyboth settled on the couch andplaced their drinks on the coffee table,each sat on either end with a space left between them, as Hoseokflicked through the channels until he found the only movie that wasclose to have started to watch. It was some coming of age movie thatHoseok is pretty sure he was made to watch in high school but Jiminseemed interested so he went with it. The silence soon washed over them asHoseok vaguely remembered the plot, he knew sometime soon that therewas going to be some big dramatic reveal that the main character’sfather was dead and that would, in turn, kick start the plot.
Wanting to get comfortable, he movedfurther down the couch to pull his legs up, arm laying on the back ofthe couch so that his torso wasn’t awkwardly trying to stayupright. He was closer to Jimin in this position however and he sawthe younger man shift his eyes to look at him, shuffling a little inhis seat and clearing his throat, the tips of his ear turning red.Hoseok tried not to thinkanything of it, and he especially tried not to look at the way thelight of the television highlighted Jimin’s face, from the wisps ofhis eyelashes to the tip of his nose and the outline of his plumplips that were slightly pouted in concentration. Instead, he tore hisgaze back to the movie and tried to look interested. He also tried toactually be interested but he was finding it difficult. The movie wasactually boring him and he wasn’t sure if the heaviness of his eyeswas just a random sensation or if he was slowly falling asleep… Hisblinks grew slower and slower and his limbs weighed down on him moreand more until his eyes wereclosed longer each time he blinked. He tried but eventually his eyelids just stayedshut…
          “Hoseok?” WhenHoseok finally woke up, not even realising he had fallen alseep, hewas greeted with the sight of everything appearing horizontal. He heard Jimincall his name but he didn’t respond as he tried to make sense ofwhat position he was in. He figured it out when he felt a hand in hishair and saw the edges of Jimin’s kneesin front of him. In his sleep, he must have started to fall over onthe couch and had ended up in Jimin’slap. If that wasn’t enough for his poor heart, the younger had also started to play with his hair at some point in his sleep (a sleep that waslong enough for whatever movie they were watching to have finishedand gone to advertisements). “Areyou awake?” Jiminasked but yet again, he didn’t respond. Rather, he wanted to relishin the moment for a second because he could just about believe it. Hewould have expected Jimin to push him off or at least lay him down onthe couch or something but instead he decided to twirl his fingersaround the black locks of hair as though it was the most naturalthing to do… He could barely believe it. He closed his eyes,planning on enjoying the feeling for a little while longer. He didn’texpect any more than this. This was enough. This was more thanenough. However, Jimin didn’t want to stop there it seemed as hecould soon feel the brunette leaning down and his heartbeat picked upin anticipation, though he wasn’t entirely sure what he wasanticipating. Then he felt something soft press against his templeand linger there. It soon clicked that Jimin was kissing him. He waskissing the side of his head. This is where Hoseok was sure his heartwas going to stop and he almost held his breath but Jimin didn’tlinger for long, soon sitting back up and also removing his hand fromHoseok’s hair. “Iwish we could do this every day...”Jiminwhispered with a sigh and Hoseok could no longer pretend.          “Jimin...”Hebegan, pushing himself off of the comfortable lap and turning to face the other man who was now staring at him with wide, scared looking eyes.          “You were awake?”Jimin gaped, hands coming upto cover his mouth in disbelief. “Ohmy god, I’m so sorry.” Hebegan to panic and Hoseok reached out to try and calm himdown.          “Jimin, no -.”          “I have to go.”Before his fingers could evenreach Jimin however, the younger man was bolting upright to a stand,brushing his hair back and looking around in a fluster, as though hewasn’t sure what to do with himself – which in all honesty, hedidn’t.          “Jimin, wait.”He said before the othercould walk off, effectively grabbing his attention. “Wait,sit down.” Jimin did justthat, a guilty look on his face that made Hoseok feel bad even thoughhe had nothing to feel bad about. This wasn’t a bad thing.          “Hoseok, I’mreally sorry. I thought you were asleep and I just. I don’t know.”Jimin couldn’t even look athim and Hoseok could only smile understandingly.          “It’s okay.”           “You’renot mad?” Hoseok shook hishead, unable to stop the little breathy chuckle that tumbled out fromhis lips.          “Why would I be?In fact, I’m… I’m actually happy.” Hesaid, rubbing the back of his neck. “Youjust did something I’ve wished I could do to you.” Fora second, Jimin looked surprised but that surprise soon melted downinto relief, and then there was soft grin on his face as his entirebody relaxed. The trust he already had in Hoseok telling him that this wasn’t a joke, Hoseok was being serious.          “Why didn’tyou?” Jimin asked, his voicewas quiet and near a whisper but yet loud enough for Hoseok to hear himloud and clear.          “I was worriedyou would reject me.” Heanswered honestly, unconsciously moving closer to Jimin, their kneestouching.          “So we’ve beenthinking the same thing this entire time?” Jiminhuffed, tilting his head and feeling rather silly as he buried his face in his hands with an embarrassed groan.          “I guess so.”Hoseok hummed with a nod ofhis head, the tips of his fingers brushing against the fabric of Jimin’strousers as his eyes looked down.          “We’rehopeless...” Jimin let his hands fall down onto his lap, somehow managing to both pout and smile at the same time.          “I guess we are… Neverthought I would agree with Yoongi.” Hoseokscoffed, thinking back to what Yoongi had said to him earlier thatday that he had primarily refuted.          “What?”          “Nothing,nevermind.” Hoseok shookhis head, just now realising that he hadn’t stopped smiling sinceJimin had sat back down.          “Sois it safe to assume our feelings our mutual?” Jiminasked hesitantly and Hoseok could only find it endearingly adorablethat even in this obvious situation, he was still nervouslyuncertain. Although, he could understand.          “Mostdefinitely.” He said, theirhands finding each other without looking, fingers naturallyintertwining on top of their laps. Jimin bit his lip as though he wastrying to suppress a smile – though it didn’t work.          “So can I kissyou again?”          “Also a most definitely...”Hoseok leaned forward, and sodid Jimin, their heads tilting. For a second they stayed there, as though they were waiting for the other to make that final move and Hoseok was more than happy to be the one to do it. With one hand holding Jimin’s and the other resting atop the younger man’s thigh, he pressed their lips together together and ifHoseok thought Jimin’s lips were soft when they were touching his head thenhe had no idea what soft felt like… The kiss was warm and more than hehad ever dreamed about (and he’d dreamt about it a lot). 
Everythinghe’d wanted to say for the past year, he poured into the kiss, andwhen Jimin’s hand came up to cup the side of his face, hecould say for certain thatthis was probably the happiest he had ever felt. Not even dancing couldcompare.
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run era was iconic tbh
hope you liked it!
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shinwnn · 7 years
i said i love you (&. yoongi)
(inspo) five word prompts “i said i love you”
you and yoongi have always been close
like you’ve never known a time in your life where he wasn’t more than a 15 minute drive away from you
& he’s always taken care of u in an endearing older sibling sort of way, even though he was only a year older than u
in hs while you guys were applying to colleges, you figured you’d just maximize ur chances by applying to any college in the city
but yoongi wouldn’t let u and instead went through each place on ur list and crossed out anywhere w in the general vicinity of a crime committed within the past 5 years
“yoongi stop it i’ll buy some pepper spray or something”
and while he’s laying on ur bed looking up each school he says, “pepper spray? u think that’s going to keep u safe? it’s just better if ur somewhere closer to me so i can keep an eye on u”
to which u replied with a teasing smile: “oh i see. so u don’t want me to go far bc ur gonna miss me right? bc ur life would be empty without me?”
yoongi looks up from the laptop and sees how content u are with urself (ur eyes lit up, ur cute smug smile) and his heart almost jumps the slightest bit
but without skipping a beat, he shoots back, “i hope u and ur stupid pepper spray get married far away from me”
neither of you have really let yourselves think abt the possibility of a romantic relationship between the two of you bc things seem so perfect with you guys being best friends that neither of you wanted to even think abt the possibility of change
it’s there though - there’s love in the way you guys look each other and think abt each other when the other person isn’t there and eat dinners with each others families
u end up going to school nearby yoongi’s at a college that he found  for u bc he knows the programs ur interested in and atmosphere that u like, and mostly bc he knows ur far too lazy to do any of the research urself
you’ve been going there for about two years now and you don’t see yoongi everyday, but you guys make it a habit to meet up every weekend no matter what
sometimes you go out for adventures on the town, but honestly with yoongi, most of the time it’s just lazy saturday nights on the couch with blankets and good music playing in the background while u guys tell each other abt ur weeks
and it’s just such a cute, wholesome friendship
recently, yoongi’s skipped out on some of these weekend hangouts bc an executive from an entertainment company heard some of the songs he writes in his free time & want him to try composing music for them
so yeah, he’s been busy writing draft after draft of the same demo
and you are so !! happy for him bc you know this has always been his dream
but you’re also worried bc you know how hard he can be on himself and how he always forgets to take care of himself
for the past few weeks you’ve been sending him periodic text messages checking up on him and letting him know what youve been up to, but all you receive in return is a sticker and, once in a while, a :~)”
and you’ve been trying to support him and you give him his space and time so he can write his best but you can’t lie that youre a little disappointed that he’s not making any effort to talk to you
so this weekend you decide to bring him dinner bc he said he’d be in working all night and , quite simply, you just really miss ur best friend
u make him kimchi jiggae bc u know how much he likes ur cooking & u pack some rice & side dishes and head over
but when u show up at his apartment and u realize he isnt home ur a little disappointed and kinda like ??? :/// where is he
you wait around a bit but he’s not answering his phone and after a while its pretty clear that he won’t be back anytime soon so you just hang the bag of food on the door handle with a little note saying “you must miss me a lot right? eat well buddy!!”
and you hang around for 5 more minutes bc ur hopeful but eventually you decide to start home
you remember that there’s a cafe nearby that yoongi would always take you to, so you decide to grab something before you head home
when you walk in the first thing you see is none other than ur best friend sleepily looking at his laptop & ur about to walk over excitedly
but when you look a little longer you notice he’s sitting across from a girl and they’re sharing a dessert & when she says something they both laugh happily
and you can’t explain it, you’re not even sure if it really happened, but you think your heart may have dropped at that moment
you also can’t explain why you turn around and walk out of the cafe when you make eye contact with him
you also can’t explain why you linger outside the cafe just long enough for him to come out and look for you
and when he does come outside you’re a little embarrassed bc you dont know why you did that, but when you look back inside and remember how happy he looked to be ditching your technically unsaid plans, any trace of embarrassment faded into anger
“we haven’t seen each other in weeks and you don’t come over and say hi?” he says playfully with a small smirk
you’re completely taken aback by how he’s acting bc ?? does he not even realize
“oh i am SO sorry!” u say w a violent sarcasm, “i didn’t think you would’ve recognized me seeing how you haven’t bothered to reply to any of my messages”
the soft smile that was on yoongi’s lips fades away quickly as he’s realizing that you’re not joking with him
he looks completely lost and he’s searching ur eyes to try and figure out what’s happening, and he looks like he’s about to say something when you cut him off
“it’s just nice to know that while i’ve been worrying about you, you’ve been out enjoying yourself”
his eyes darken a little with worry “hey,, hey” his voice is soft “i’m sorry i haven’t replied, but you know i’ve been busy. i thought you did at least. where’s all this coming from?”
you break eye contact and look down, you don’t want to say anything bc you don’t know either
you don’t know why you’re suddenly feeling protective over your friend
you dont know why you’re so hurt that he’s hanging out with some other girl,,, he’s allowed to after all
he reaches out to tug on ur jacket bc he wants to get ur attention (but also it’s just a habit of his to tug on ur jacket)
& it’s weird but when u look up to meet his sad eyes and something abt having him there, even when you’re upset at him, is so comforting that, for a moment, u feel every feeling you’ve ignored the past 10 years
u feel how much u completely and absolutely love this boy bc u know that he cares about u SO much & how comfortable and warm he can make u feel even when ur angry and it’s freezing cold outside & u feel that more than anything else, yoongi is home to u
but you can’t say any of that to him so instead u just look down again and say, more softly this time “i’m sorry just,,, go back inside okay? don’t worry about me” and you offer him a weak smile
but to him it’s just completely unconvincing
&when you start to leave he’s completely intending on taking you home and telling you how much he’s sorry bc after all he did kind of ditch u
but he can’t just ditch the girl inside so instead he waits with u by the bus stop
& while youre waiting no one says anything which is funny bc all youve wanted to do these past few weeks is talk to yoongi
"by the way, that girl is in one of my music theory classes. she was helping me polish the song i’ve been working on.”
at this point, you’re feeling a little embarrassed again about the way you’re acting (like a jealous girlfriend)
but you’re stubborn so u just make a sound of acknowledgement
“hey, i’m sorry i haven’t been messaging you. i’ll do better. sorry for making you worry. when i finish my demo track, i’ll take you for dinner ok?”
you nod and see the headlights of the bus coming so you stand up
you feel yoongi link arms with you and you look up to what might possible be the cutest little pout
“please don’t be mad at me” there’s a slight whining in his tone and u cant help but wrinkle ur nose at him, sings of amusement clear on ur face
“good night yoongi” you through him one more weak smile bc you can’t find it in u to offer anything more
he goes back inside after you get on the bus but he can’t focus the rest of the time bc when he was supposed to be thinking about how well certain harmonies complemented each other all he could think about was .... how cute you looked when u were upset?? and how come he though you being angry at him for being w another girl was adorable??
so anyway, the last few adjustments he makes to his track suspiciously has characteristics of a love song
when you get home, u roll around ur bed for a while trying to figure out everything you were feeling before you hear your door ring
when u go to answer it ur surprised to see that it’s yoongi, carrying the bag of food you had left for him ...and another bag from your favorite bakery
when he got home and saw the food you had prepared for him he knew immediately that he shouldn’t have let you leave earlier in the first place, so he figures the next best thing is coming with a bag of apology pastries
“miss me? it’s been a long hour right?” he says before shoving the bag he brought you into your hands “eat with me!”
as he makes his way towards ur small dining table, the weird tension that followed you two earlier dissolves almost completely
and ur enjoying it so much that you don’t even notice that you’re not even eating but instead staring fondly at yoongi
and when he looks up at u curiously, putting down his spoon for a moment and tilting his head bc he can tell there’s something you want to say, you take the opportunity
“sorry for being so weird today, i dont know it was weird i was being weird i shouldn’t have done any of that sorry if i ruined ur night or made you uncomfortable or made that girl u were with uncomfortable i dont know whats wrong with me i had expire yogurt for lunch yesterday maybe that’s it and ur still so nice to me even though i was being so weird and im sorry -”
the words are coming out of ur mouth at a mile a minute bc you’ve been thinking a little 2 much and now that ur finally vocalizing the thoughts, you’re finding it a little hard to stop
thankfully, yoongi also had a little time to think on the way over
and so he doesn’t hesitate to shut you up by leaning forward and placing the softest kiss on your lips before leaning back into his seat, smiling at you like he’s proud of what he did
and you can’t explain why it feels so natural when you kiss & why ur heart feels so warm, but then again you’ve been having trouble explaining a lot of things today
“i love you”
“what?” ur still a little in shock (and the fact that u feel like there are a thousand butterflies in ur stomach isn’t helping)
“i said i love you”
“ok idiot i heard u, but ... what?”
“i love how much u care about me and i love how you get mad at me and i love how happy u can make me and i love how many texts in a row you send me even when i don’t respond and i love-”
this time it was your turn to stop him, in the same way
u can feel him smiling into the kiss and u think to urself that this explains everything youve done today
bc you like him and u always have
“okay, i love you too”
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lipkits · 7 years
Yesss do the long story too
just fyi this is rlly long,,ok so! idk if any of u guys knew but my family and i went on a month long trip to europe, africa, and the middle east.
one of the places we went was morocco, and my family and i stayed a this little hotel that was super nice and owned by the guy and his wife and kids. so the night we got there my sister and i were eating dinner really late at night and we saw this guy walk by…. and he was so cute we both couldnt stop laughing.fast forward to the next morning, and my parents need to get tickets for a bus, and the guy we saw is the son of the person who owns the hotel. so he works there and walks them all the way to the bus station to help them. on the way there my mom finds out hes 18 and going to a university in the fall. and she tells him that my older sister knows some arabic and the ages of us. so then hes asking if my sister would marry a muslim man or convert, etc. and then they get back to the hotel and he tells my sister hes gonna quiz her on her vocabulary in arabic or moroccan arabic. my sister has me do it with her even tho i dont know any arabic lol, and so i just tag along and listen. then, its been like an hour ish and we learn a little more abt him, and he asks us if we have boyfriends. my sister says yes, and i say no (i didnt get the memo that i should prolly lie). and then hes like “tonight we should all play cards” so my sister says ok, and meanwhile he gets both our whatsapps. and so that night at like 10:30pm he comes back to the hotel and we start playing. and he starts grabbing my hands and playing cards for me and stuff. so then he says “by the way, the loser has to do whatever the winner says” so im like uhhhh how bout no. but ofc my sister and i hope we dont lose and keep playing. so then he keeps playing my cards and makes me lose. and my sister says shes tired and goes to bed, so she leaves me basically alone in the lobby w him. the minute my sister leaves he tells my he likes my eyes, so im like oh no, this is not gonna end well. so i just smile and say thanks, and we play another hand. he wins, and he asks me why i dont have a boyfriend. honestly i cant tell him that i just broke up w a girl so i say “idk”. then he asks if i wanna go up to the terrace, and i didnt really understand what he was saying, so he was like “just follow me” so we go up like 4 flights of super steep stairs and at one point hes like “here take my hand” even tho im fully capable of going by myself. but i take his hand anyways. and theres this table and lights on the rooftop, and im like “why didnt we go up here before” and he said because its cold??? and im like uh alright sure. and then i win the next hand and i ask whats the worst thing hes gotten in trouble for at school, and he says “fighting people” and i laughed and definitely dont know if he was being serious. so THEN he wins the next hand and tells me to close my eyes, stand up, and take his hand. and i kept refusing because i barely know this boy. and he says “dont you trust me?” and im like “uh nope” and hes like “just relax its fine” and so i close my eyes and put my hand out and he takes my hand in both of his and says “close your eyes and tell me what you’re thinking” and i dont know what to say because i dont feel sparks or whatever the fuck….. so i say “i want to win the next hand of cards” and hes like “oh are u sure thats what ur thinking?” and im like “yeah im super competitive :)” and then we sit back down and play another hand (which i win) and then i say i have to go. and he like begs me to stay but i cant because i had a curfew, so i was like no i rlly cant. and then i went to my room and he said goodnight.we were leaving the next day and so that morning, we saw him one last time, and i said goodbye and then my mom took a pic of him, my sister, and i together. and to test whatsapp i sent him the pic. and then he left to go swim.he texts me on whatsapp, and asks what my name is. like this boy was putting the moves on and he didnt even know my name (i know his but im not gonna say it). so i say “helena” and he responds with “nice to meet you” so then we do a little small talk and he says “can i tell you something” and i have such a bad feeling but i text back “yes” and he says “i like you ☺️☺️❤️” and i explain that im flattered but hes just my friend and we should be friends bc we live in 2 totally far away places. he responds with “yes but maybe wife with husband some day” and he kinda drops it and does more small talk, and then in the middle of the night he sends me another text. it says something along the lines of how he “will wake me up” whenever i come back and that hes “waiting for me.” and then he sends me 8 photos of him posing on his motor bike and then 1 selfie. and then he asks me to send him photos (not nudes lmao just pics of me) so i lie and say that i cant because my mom wont let me use my phone anymore for vacation. and then he later sends me a screenshot of his instagram and asks me to follow it and then give him my instagram. and so i lie and tell him i deleted my instagram. and tHen last week he texts me “bae how are you i missed you so much 😍😍”
i havent responded and might not because i dont even know what to do. he was a super nice boy to my family and my sister and i but he definitely doesnt get the hint. but also it might be a cultural thing that he is rlly up front abt anything. so theres a funny story abt how i was proposed to (i guess???) by a moroccan boy.
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moritzstiefelwiki · 7 years
Yooo for the detailed headcanon meme would u mind doing like... all the ones ure able to for Hanschen? Like feel free to skip as many as u want but itd be cool to hear ur thoughts on my Best Boy
Um? Little Hansy Rilow? Jackass Extraordinaire? Love of my life? Ofc I’ll do as many as I can!! Thanks so much for sending these! I hope you like them and I’m sorry they took me so long! (Also I answered these out of order and towards the end I was running a bit low on steam so there are some answers that are Not So Good mixed in there, sorry)
Under the cut or on Ao3 here :) 
1. What does their bedroom look like?
I think for the most part it would be tidy. Bed made, desk (mostly) clear, etc. He’s got some laundry on the floor, a couple of books lying about, and his jacket as well as his school things are never put away but everything else is in it’s place. 
His desk is by the window so he can make good use of natural light and It’s usually got assignments for school on it as well as whatever books might go along with them when he’s not using it. 
He keeps a small collection of books in his room- his favourites. Whatever he’s currently reading is kept on his bedside table and everything else is stacked by his desk but they should be on the shelf in the living room. 
He’s a nerd.
2. Do they have any daily rituals?
 I don’t think he would, not outside what he needs to do (school). Not unless you count him monologuing while he masturbates as a ritual, I have a feeling that’s a daily thing. 
3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
 He does not, he would much rather lounge somewhere comfy with something he finds enjoyable. A book, a person, a puzzle, etc. 
4. What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
I can see him being like “Everybody, get out of my way” (This is meant to be read in John Mulaney’s voice from the thing where he followed this with something like “I’m just here to feed my birds”) but I can also see him just clearing enough space for himself and getting to work. I guess it depends on who’s in the kitchen making what and what he’s going to be making. He’s not going to be interrupting someone that’s making cake or pastries just so he can cut vegetables in peace. 
5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
His parents/governess were somewhat strict about cleanliness when he was a child so he makes an effort to keep himself well groomed, especially when adults are present. No dirt under his fingernails, his clothes and hair are neat etc. He’s less concerned about it when he’s with the other boys and even less when he’s relaxing, either by himself or with Ernst, but he still somewhat pays attention to how much dirt he’s getting on himself or how much work it will take him to make himself look properly presentable before he finds himself around adults again. 
I think I got into workspace okay with his bedroom? He’s mostly tidy because he has to be, any disorder in his room can easily be taken care of. 
6. Eating habits and sample daily menu
I think he would love sweet things (candy, fruit, berries, etc) and he’s always a slut for baked goods. I have no idea what kind of things ppl usually ate in 1890′s Germany. 
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
He only really considers time wasted if he’s not spending it on something he likes to do or needs to do. So he has no favourite way to waste time, he only feels as though he’s wasting time if he’s bored out of his mind for no good reason. 
8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Ernst. It really isn’t safe for him to be smooshing booties in a vineyard with another boy but? He’s doing it. And being all poetic about it too ofc, he really likes Ernst. 
If he can indulge he will, he loves it. Life’s too short to deny himself pleasure, so long as said pleasure doesn’t harm him and/or get in the way of him becoming a millionaire.  
9. Makeup?
None. I can see him maybe trying, or at least wanting to try makeup at some point? Never with anyone around or if there was a chance of someone catching him though. (I’m a sucker for boys in makeup tho and I think modern Hanschen would enjoy makeup. If u want to hear a bit more abt that u know how 2 contact me)
10. Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
Neurotypical Hans™
11. Intellectual pursuits?
Literature and languages. He loves reading, loves diving into a book and analyzing characters, plot, symbolism, all of it. He loves talking about them as well, he could talk for hours about his favourites. He’s fascinated by other languages and speaks a handful rather fluently as an adult. He probably also enjoys reading the same book but translated into different languages because no translation is exact and it’s always interesting to see a slightly different take on things. 
I can also see him having interest in biology? Because science is fascinating and it’s amazing how diverse and intricately designed living things can be. 
12. Favorite book genre?
He talks about the books he likes when he’s jerking off so I don’t think I really need to get into that lmao 
13. Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Multisexual. Bi/pan/ply/whatever. A pretty person is a pretty person & all that.
I think he might see the idea of sexual orientation as a little silly or perhaps performative? He understands that he’s expected to only like women and knows that once he’s older he’ll be expected to marry one, to have children etc etc. So for the most part he keeps his attraction to men to himself (Ernst being a very obvious exception, likely not the only one but it’s not something he would ever reveal lightly) and he thinks that most people are doing the same in order to avoid being judged negatively by their community.
Something along the lines of “everyone is only acting like they’re exclusively attracted to the opposite sex because it’s what’s seen as normal. They don’t want everyone else to point fingers at them calling them sinners and sexual deviants and condemning them to hell so they deny themselves half the beauty the world has to offer. For this same reason, they’re quick to attack anyone around them who might be revealed as queer. They’re so focused on keeping their own secret safe that they never realize everyone around them is keeping exactly the same one.”  
14. Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
15. Biggest and smallest short term goal?
16. Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Biggest: “When I am amillionaire”Smallest: I don’t think he has any small goals tbh ? 
17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
I’m not rly sure what this one’s asking tbh?? He likes looking nice tho.
18. Favorite beverage?
Hot chocolate 
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Have you prayed tonight, Desdemona?
(I think a recurring theme would be his future- what he wants, what he can get, how he can get it etc.)
20. Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
21. Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
I’m stickin 2 sex ones bc otherwise it’s Too Vague and stresses me tf out tbh
Turn-ons: hair pulling, necking (he loves hickies but he’s strict about not having any that might be visible), being straddled, nice thighs, a good ass, little gasps and moans, begging
Turn-offs: bad kissing, poor hygiene, not listening to/paying attention to his feedback, going too fast (Mr. “half-closed eyes, half-open mouths, and turkish draperies” would Def love foreplay and teasing,, trying to skip right over it is? A no.)
22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
See 1  
24. Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
See 11 (he’s pretty good at everything tho)
25. How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
Long dead because it’s 2017, but 5 years from the show he probably sees himself in university. 
26. Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
I don’t know what his plans would be but I’m sure he’s got some cushy career in mind that he wants to work towards. He’s a Rilow, he doesn’t need a backup plan. 
27. What is their biggest regret?
28. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Ernst. His worst enemy is probably whoever is second in the class rankings, if you go by the play. Melchior in the musical. Little Hans is In It To Win It. 
29. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
His brain shuts down for a minute and then he realizes that yes, this is happening and oh dear god I need to get out of here. He tries (and fails) to give the impression that he is calm, cool, and collected but he’s doing pretty good for someone who is screaming internally as loudly as he is.    
30. Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
He just keeps going. He tries to act like everything is fine, to show that he’s strong. The second he’s alone he deflates. He’s depressed af but does everything he can to hide it. 
31. Most prized possession?
I’m not sure what exactly, but it’s something fancy and adult that makes him feel sophisticated. He won’t admit how much he loves it though. 
32. Thoughts on material possessions in general?
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
33. Concept of home and family?
He thinks of it as faintly ridiculous. 
“Why are these people somehow more important than others simply because you share blood? Shouldn’t the value of your relationship with someone have more to do with how well you get along and care for each other? What’s the point of marriage, you put on a show so you can have children as you’re expected to and this absurd cycle repeats with your children and so on.”
34. Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
He greatly values his privacy, he usually only shares exactly as much information as is necessary. Unless he trusts you, in which case he doesn’t s hut the fu ck u p 
35. What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
See 7
36. What makes them feel guilty?
37. Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
Analytical for the most part. He knows what he wants out of life and  what he needs to do to put him on the path to getting it. I feel like he operates with a mindset a bit like “people can leave you but things are forever” and so he’s pretty okay with making decisions that hurt people (himself included) if it will benefit him financially, academically, raise his social status etc. 
38. Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
A? I don’t know tbh, my knowledge about this is limited to the 30 seconds I spent skimming the wiki article   
39. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Peace and quiet, being alone. Bonus points if he’s somewhere pretty and/or rly comfortable.  
40. Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
I don’t feel I know enough about either to say lmao  
41. How misanthropic are they?
He thinks people are ridiculous, h
ryan sent me a post abt dragon dicks which got me rambling abt this one furry i follow and. lowkey shattered my train of thought, I don’t remember what i was planing 2 say here and I’m too tired to start the Thought Translation Process over again lmao 
42. Hobbies?
Reading, puzzles, Ernst, calligraphy, 
43. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
He completed university. The only real difference between formal education and self-education is if you have a diploma people will believe you when you say you know what you’re talking about.  
44. Religion?
He’s whatever everyone else is. I don’t what religion everyone is in the show,, I don’t know shit abt religion tbh. But he believes in god, though he’s not as devout as everyone else. 
45. Superstitions or views on the occult?
Foolish. Ridiculous. Absurd. Childish. He believes in them.
46. Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
Words mostly. He’s excellent with them and loves to talk and talk and talk. 
47. If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Ernst, probably. I don’t doubt that Hans loves him dearly but I don’t think he’s in love.  
48. How do they express love?
He talks about milk. 
I can’t think of anything lmao
49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
Tbh I can’t imagine him fighting. He probably just says something that pisses someone off and then gets knocked flat on his ass. 
50. Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
I don’t think so, I think he feels almost like. I don’t think invincible would be the right word, but he sees no reason to fear it at his age. Yes, Wendla and Moritz died, but he has no plans to kill himself and he can’t get pregnant so a botched abortion isn’t a threat to him. He’s in good health and he’s got his wits about him. What is there for him to be afraid of? He can worry about dying later. 
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uniformbravo · 8 years
ok here are some of my Actual s2 thoughts (voltron spoilers below)
so back when i first watched s1 i guess i wasn’t totally 100% into it?? i dont remember if i ever really talked abt it on here but i remember being a little confused and trying to figure out why it was so popular bc i honestly didn’t think it was that great but idk i must’ve warmed up to it at some point between then and now bc i was way more into it this time around aaaaa
i rly did like s2 better than s1 tho??? idk maybe it’s just bc it’s new so it’s the hype of new content & everything but dang overall i do feel like i enjoyed it more
i rly like the art style and especially the animation style like this is probably just me coming to this show straight from lolirock but like... while lolirock has a really appealing art style im honestly not a fan of the type of animation they use so it felt really nice to come back to like. hand-drawn stuff idk just! voltron is a v visually appealing show in all aspects god bless
everyone is still super trans wow i can’t believe every character is trans
tbh i love shiro? but it’s weird bc i actually think he’s rly boring when it comes to his “leadership” kind of characteristics but like also he suffers a lot and gets a lot of the plot-heavy development and normally i might be annoyed by that but im just...... so weak
also speakin of shiro there was a lot of shiro/keith this season and like..... ok im gonna be honest i dont rly ship them or anything like at all im not too keen on the two of them that way but this person i follow has this au where they’re brothers and imagining them that way made me enjoy their scenes like 100% more so like Good Shit (but tbh keith saying “you’re like a brother to me” or was it maybe “father” i can’t remember but either way that line killed me pls i want them to have a rly strong platonic bond i want shiro to feel rly protective of keith and i want keith to feel safer around shiro aaaaa i love it so much)
pidge starting to adopt altean terms and phrases fucking killed me dude like with the time vocabulary n shit, even the others started picking it up a little bit it’s So Fucking Good im so happy aaaaaAA
i still love keith and lance i hope they never calm down w/ each other and keep fighting forever bye (like rewatching s1 when lance is like “yOU AGAIN” and keith is like “who are u” hfhdgd gOD that was so GOOD)
a lot of the character development was rly good but tbh im a little disappointed by the lack thereof when it came to lance and hunk like ?? at this point they’re still treated like the Joke Characters for the most part, i mean lance did have his one little moment of glory in that one episode but i would really love to see like. an actual full character arc w/ him. and i know hunk did have some stuff in s1 w/ like the balmerans & shae but this season it felt like he was just kinda pushed aside and i mean the same could be said of pidge, who did have a lot of story in s1 but barely anything in s2, so maybe i’m just being a little impatient lol i mean. if u take a step back and lay it all out, s1 focused on shiro, pidge, allura, and a little bit of hunk, and then s2 focused on shiro and keith, so maybe s3 (idk if it’s even confirmed yet but like hypothetically) will focus on lance and hunk more? and probably shiro again tbh  i mean it doesn’t really feel like anything’s been set up to go into a lance or hunk arc, but at the same time there wasn’t really any setup for keith’s whole s2 thing in s1 either, so there’s still the possibility that it could all happen in s3 but like. with the way s2 went and the unanswered questions it left about keith i can see s3 being very keith-centric, not to mention all the reminders we got about pidge’s whole family issue this season, so s3 will probably focus on that a lot too idk i mean at the end of the day they are pretty short seasons, it makes sense that they can only focus on a select few characters at a time, so i feel like at this point it makes sense to just sit back and wait to see what happens, & then if hunk and lance are still kind of shoved aside w/ nary even a mere setup then wtf actually
not to keep running w/ the negativity & criticisms but honestly what i really love in a show is complex characters written realistically and w/ voltron i feel like it /almost/ delivers but not really? like, not to bring up lolirock again but that show has fairly one-dimensional characters who are written relying more on their character type than anything with a ton of depth; the protagonists are Good and the antagonists are Evil; auriana is the goofball, talia is the responsible one, iris is the main character or the “pure good” one, mephisto is the clumsy villain, praxina is the irritable villain- like it’s all just very straightforward (most of the time). i feel like voltron is a little more complex with its characters than lolirock, but in the end it still kind of sticks to the same method of characterization; it’s definitely not as cookie-cutter, but each character does have one or two characteristics that blatantly stick out and make them.... i dont know, really predictable? like you Know that every time a girl shows up lance is gonna hit on her, and every time there’s some cool technology pidge is gonna fawn over it and every time there’s food hunk is gonna say some shit about being hungry, and keith and lance argue a lot and shiro gets the team’s shit together because he’s the Leader and it’s just like basically, with voltron it feels very “telling” rather than “showing” with most things, and besides manifesting in the story it shows in the way the characters are written, too. in most situations, the characters’ reactions are written based more on those few main characteristics they’ve been given than more realistic reactions to their current situation, and maybe that’s a little confusing but i’ll try to clarify actually im sorry but i just completely lost my train of thought and i can’t get it back, it’s currently coming up on 1am and im incredibly tired right now so i’m gonna have to cut this short but like. basically, the characters in voltron kind of have their main characteristics and it’s fine to have things like that bc it helps define characters but the way the writers use them feels a lot like those hogwarts house sorting quizzes that are like “what’s your favorite animal? a) lion b) snake c) raven d) badger” like it tends to be relatively straightforward and predictable in a bad way, and a lot of that execution has to do with the storytelling style the show has overall
ok ANYWAY let’s say something more positive now: the soundtrack to this show is absolutely phenomenal tbh i remember thinking this last time too, just the general sound it has, it feels like an homage to the older series and acts as a subtle way to bring that kind of aesthetic into it and i rly like it (i mean i’ve never seen the old show so idk what kind of aesthetic it has but u know what i mean. the kind of “old video tape sound” kind of thing. u know the game oxenfree, which has a similar music aesthetic. god idk how to explain this i hope u know what i’m trying to say. i rly like voltron’s soundtrack)
like i didnt mean to go on this big rant all “here’s everything i didn’t like abt voltron what a Bad Show” bc i actually really like it a lot!! the fact that im picking it apart like this is actually a good sign that i like it bc if i dont care abt something i won’t put in the effort, u know? if i don’t like it then i won’t be all “here’s what i hope to see from this show in the future” right
anyway it’s fuckin 1am bye, i love voltron goodnight
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