gothchildvirtue · 2 months
The Dark Arts
In life the ice you skate on will not always be smooth but overtime it makes you stronger
Knowing the hidden order that fools the fools,
Through my example people are improved,
My magic concealed,
Through my illusion of insanity they are fooled thinking I'm the fool,
But what they don't tell you is that craziness is the twin of greatness, words are spells,
But who taught you them who created this.  I unsubcribe.  I have the formula,
It takes balance to dance at the edge,
The end is a beginning and the beginning an end in an infinite sequence,
Release the restraints,
Refute all limits,
I can do quintuple jumps in figure skating and have mastered quad axel,
Not dependent on any outcome I switch over to the cosmological to explain life through stars my ways those of heaven
" Ever desire less one sees the mystery"
- Lao Tzu
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babemoonchild · 3 years
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@goddessofneptunes @keevinsworld @sdsdsdsdone @purplecheescake @oldsoul-oddsoul @talking-to-the--moon @cheezbot 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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luciamontepeque · 6 years
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I'm just a #vintage #soul #backintime #wronggeneration #oldschool #oddsoul #lostintime #oldsoul #secondtime #80sparty #80slook #madonnawannabe https://www.instagram.com/p/BrUPLLuhBXX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pbd312g0fiqa
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gothchildvirtue · 10 months
Lush greenery keeping my mind away albeit the familiar taste my witch haze remains the same attuned to spiritual union of plant and man,
My name will be Immortal because I know the quad axel is inside of me,
Not falling in line with the implicate order,
The ice calls me, whispers that I've already downloaded everything I need and even more from the collective unconscious,
Pierce the veil of  linear time, let the synchronitys begin that exist when past present and future swirl and collide within,
I know I'll win: still in my hometown at one with cosmic dust I've become spinning up a new Sun,
Soon a star, I the most high; a new vantage point will be my life looking down from the top of a burning mountain I never sigh again,
Wait which dimension is this?
Delta means change, I turn a page in the I Ching,
Fool you mess with a Taoist lunatic magician!
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gothchildvirtue · 1 year
I don't want to be told what to think or listen to the thoughts of those who miscalculated,
How can you die when your dead,
Tranquil like the leaves through the breeze,
Just one man yet also all things and undifferentiated,
A nameless world is the elixir that defys the odds and makes them irrelevant,
Tired of the loop so I think new thoughts and continually learn,
You can't hurt someone with no body or self,
Within the empty indescribable and ineffable realm there is chaos yet order,
In life there is freedom, in death there is purpose,
The unknown date of your passing away could be any day; there is no tomorrow,
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gothchildvirtue · 2 years
I want to win the spiritual war before I return to the light,
I stand amongst mortals that want to die,
A leviathan of things yet to understand,
Through striving you are free,
Oblique language, the real answer found in philosophy,
Fallacious sophistry swarming all of society,
No one knowing what is enough; imperiled are they,
My shadow will never control me again; I've completely disidentfied from it,
Will the spirit war inside and outside my head ever end??
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gothchildvirtue · 1 year
"Letter Z"
Fight for space inside your brain,
Don't runaway from the maze,
No violence, No catharsis,
Suppress this,
Evil exists and the most evil are complicit,
Stigmatized, distracted within,
Evolution is an imperative,
Those who are whole seem empty,
Engrained in change ,
Emboldened by the race,
When dead am I truly erased or what was I in the first place?
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gothchildvirtue · 2 years
I'm not one in a billion, I'm one in a infinitum;
Simpleton, take heed: Do not give a spark to their contentious fire. Can't trust the voices in my head. The only enemy is within. Greed is the mark of a business men. I don't have time for the inconsequential. These people rather rub skin then accomplish anything. Do not stir the fire with a sword or stensil Retreat into yourself and bless the offender. Retribution leads to self destruction and monolithic consequences; There's no advantage in giving in to tempered desire.  The best revenge is not to be like them. Incredible inginuity offered by enacting philosophyBalancing multifarious affairs.
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Call me John Photon and do not mistake my kindness for weakness.
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gothchildvirtue · 2 years
"It Just Came To Me"
Wow I really burned the midnight oil again tonight, I said to my reflection,
I realized I was just looking at a mirage,
I am such a luminous spirit in my colossal darkness,
The world a mirror; alone mysterious,
The flame won't die as I face the odds,
Have to fight internally not to give in to the earth's baser instincts inside my flesh,
I am only the light, I am only the fire; soley focused on my objectives however much it hurts,
Not seeing the self as self; I have nothing to fear within the realm of Tao,
My meta cognition and awareness expanded,
Diving into the unconsicious and acting in accordance with those principles integrated also into my reasoning and rational behavior,
Only talking to the npcs required for the quest,
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gothchildvirtue · 2 years
Those old frame works won't work in this operating system,
Agile , cooperative new and adaptable programs of belief now in use to not stand out, but I still keep to my inner standard,
I dismantled hold the key; there is nothing more than me from what I could see or formulate or do,
That could mean many things, all of them untrue if that meant anything to you,
I shine best when it's dark outside,
Nor have a clue and care not to,
Metaphysical Pomegranate Juice,
There is a trillion of them,
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gothchildvirtue · 2 years
You don't have to subscribe to what society and the body say. You don't have to acknowledge the collective unconscious shadow either;
The best tacticians do not engage the enemy when the dark side manifests; it's a test of temperament and equanimity, moreover, it's all out of your control anyway,
Become your shadow and believe me you'll pay; play the game your way not seeing the self as the self you slay the dragon I'm way past and above the evil lurking in the body,
Kind as a grandmother, my words never cause harm. An Enemy is a distraction, but I have no enemies. Don't get swayed off from the center by all the apparitions and situations of life. We all turn to stars, and you can't find it if you go looking for it,
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gothchildvirtue · 2 years
The words elude me,
The world's unamusing,
your thinking too much into things,
Always yield without exception to avoid unessary misfortune,
My dream deflected and now ressurcted
The reckoning of the awakend,
I've been counted out so to speak
How precious the time left spent
Alone in my abyss of darkness,
There is only the light,
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gothchildvirtue · 2 years
"Love Is Luck"
Not wanting to write inspiration strikes and I divide myself into many pieces before I begin my rhetoric; I wish to be uncarved again,
The meaning misconstrued through the misuse of time bleeding through now broken inner ties with my old mind and processes better left null,
I dont want, therefore I yearn for nothing,
In solace all things have significance; seeing the subtle is called illumination,
I perpetually juxtapose positions,
I desire nothing. I am content. I am light.  I am limitless. Heart even; chi harmonious,
I am the best version of myself in any dimension NOW!!
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
A Silent Influence
Let me elucidate to you that there was a time before your disenchantment,
What do you call the moment when time stops and your hypnotized by something so beautiful it's beauty so intricate it stretches to the deepest parts of the void, and yet in the act of witnessing something extraordinary evil ⁸and ego ceases to be, beautified so deeply that even you begin improving by having experienced such alluring magic,
Each decision alters your destiny be attuned then to the ☯️ force, being arrogant causes me nausea once I understood,
You can see the soul in the eyes of children who witness something seemingly impossible with athletic/artistic feats unimaginable to the masses and for some that starts there fable to becoming just as great like it did for me. What quitters and failures don't see is I once was like them thinking wow they must have something special to be able to that and in all reality that also exists in you. Your uniqueness defines you. You are human too!
Somewhere along the line your internal dialogue changed from being positive to being disillusioned or maniacally delusional,
Yet you are from the same cloth you were born to do something great, so change that narrative and begin the art of forgetting everything imposed on you via nature and nurture, step back and recreate in reflection remake...
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
I somehow inherited the spirit of figure skating and have passed it down on to the new generation; I wonder who's really in control,
We don't play figure skating,
If your not insane don't even try,
What happened to the people that want to be the best but never achieved any success,
Left behind, forgotten, a bad joke, my soul was rotten now I refuse to die
I didn't lose anybody the person I lost was me, This comeback ain't gonna make itseilf,
I thought I told you I was different, I was somebody,
I know I can pull it off
I'm not hungry, I'm starving and possessed, been obsessed
Ice was the first form of water on the planet brought by comets,
My dreams stopped haunting me; I walked into a new reality
I'm a different cat thats why I'm a catrovert
So deep into a dream I forgot I was actually dreaming and not working towards the dream
There's someone training in the shadows, perfect timing takes passing into new
I once wanted to kill and to be killed holding still to the rope of entertainment slowly suffocating by its temporary thrill fk the normies and how everyone else thinks fuck society now off the destructive path alas I'm back to where it all started "Do or do not there is no try." -Yoda
There is a reason the word underdog exists lost in a moment, I've already won
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
Past don't exist I'm just getting started bitch,
I'm not depressed or delusional I'm a paragon of emptiness my hearts not broken its frozen,
Magic there in, fuck suicide, I'll win the spirit war over my life I have no name,  I live no lie, not much to say;
Learning is for life, life is for learning,
Do or die, I stopped by some broken glass and looked whole in the reflection and then it reassembled itself and whole I still appeared how can I be broken and healed, now feeling less reflective I surmise my purpose within existence and continued regardless of the negatives, And what does time mean in all this, the enemy within cannot distract me from without, my focus is what the fights over
I must never return to the asylum or let the shadow out, Unfortunate child no choice in the matter but never being a victim again is a daily choice in the form of unlocking everydoor they locked me out of I'm coming for blood; Life taints your perception as all were made out of which is negative is just a complex waiting to be absolved into non existent fragments, throw the violet dice, the thrill of dancing with the devil I let go.  Arise return to who you really are, forgetting the need for company, I am only the fire, I am only the light I am only the goal.  Feel the phoenix fire accumulate around you as you transition in every new mode of being new way of seeing and fear nothing the Anti-Shadow my imaginary friend/coach whispers in my ear in an icy tone and dissapears in the form of an ethereal green spirit owl ghost made of light into the dark of night 🌙
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