#oliver sansweet
logray · 2 years
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THE INCREDIBLES (2004) dir. Brad Bird
"In a stunning turn of events, a superhero is being sued for saving someone who, apparently, didn't want to be saved."
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from the IncreDUBles: "OBJECTION?! objection hold it take that! this guy died! look at him, he's so dead! say something"
Real-Time Fandub | "The Incredibles" (2018) [YouTube / Patreon $]
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grazer-razor · 11 months
trolls world tour got a PG.
the same rating as the incredibles.
i saw it on biblegateway.
a kid-friendly movie about fuzzy critters in a rock band got the same rating as a dark movie about a superhero-genocider and the suicide guy oliver sansweet.
i hate everything rn.
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undulated-raptor · 7 years
Something worth discussing
So, I may be putting this in the wrong spot, as I hope to discuss it more with my friend on our potential podcast, but I have to get this out there now. I am a huge fan of The Incredibles. I think it’s very nearly a perfect movie, and I would argue that it is the best overall film Pixar has ever done. (yeah, yeah, the beginning of Up is great, but as an overall film it winds up being just alright compared to Incredibles). Now, that being said, I was rewatching it over the weekend when a little throw-away joke that always slid right past me smacked me in the face. I even remember quoting it when I was younger, after seeing the movie for the first time. Near the beginning, Mr. Incredible saves a suicide jumper. We then see a brief clip of them in court, with the victim’s lawyer stating “Mr. Sansweet didn’t ask to be saved. Mr. Sansweet didn’t want to be saved. And the injuries received from Mr. Incredible’s so-called “actions” cause him daily pain.” Then, Mr. Incredible and Mr. Sansweet have a quick interaction, with Incredible shouting “Hey, I saved your life!”, and Sansweet replying “You didn’t save my life, you ruined my death, that’s what you did!”
This scene messed me up. Here we see a good man being punished for saving someone’s life, someone who wanted to die. Mr. Sansweet is shown in the film as a middle-aged man who is willing to commit suicide. He is stopped in his attempt, and rather than coming to terms with it and coming to enjoy life, the only other time we see him he is suing the Hero that saved him. What is it that went so wrong with Oliver Sansweet’s life that led him down this path? Much more importantly, why is it that an animated Pixar family film is putting forth such a dark subplot, and how is it that it just flew by me so many times of watching this movie? I’ve seen the film probably over a hundred times, and repeated this exact scene easily another hundred, but this one time it all finally clicked. In 2004, Pixar made a superhero film that was bright, cheerful, optimistic, family-based, and yet darker than any of the “realistic, gritty” movies that DC and Warner Bros have put out.
So what’s the point? Why is this in there? The movie could have done just as well, plot-wise, without Mr. Sansweet. Mr. Incredible is still sued in a class-action lawsuit from the victims of the train incident from the prologue, so the only purpose (plot-wise) that Mr. Sansweet fulfills can be considered superfluous. I think Mr. Sansweet is there because the creators had something to say. This last part will be controversial. I want to be clear: I am not claiming that the creators of The Incredibles agree to what I am about to say. I am merely putting forward a thought as to why Oliver Sansweet appears in the movie.
I think the whole point of Oliver Sansweet is to show that not everybody wants a hero. There are people in this world that get depressed, or become suicidal. As part of that, they push aside those who are trying to help them. Even if that help saves their life, they aren’t appreciative. Being a hero isn’t all the glory we tend to think it is. Sometimes, being a hero means being hated for doing the right thing, for helping someone that doesn’t think they need help, or does their best to refuse your help. I think Oliver Sansweet stands for those of us who think we can do it all on our own, and resent people for trying to help us.
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nuttersincorporated · 6 years
I know this is a silly thing to be annoyed about but do you ever think about how bad Mr. Incredible’s government lawyer was in the first Incredibles movie? I haven’t watched Incredibles 2 yet, but unless it turns out that the lawyer deliberately lost that court case so the government would have an excuse to close down the Superhero program, then he really sucked at his job.
How did he lose that case? How!?
Warning, this will mention an attempted suicide because it’s about the character who sued Mr. Incredible for saving his life.
You can call America a sue happy nation all you like but it’s not really true. People who actually sue for stupid reason very rarely win. When you hear a story about someone who got a lot of money by suing someone for a seemingly silly reason, most of the time, it’s either a fake story or the did have a good reason but it was later turned into a joke by people who didn’t know any better.
Let’s look at the facts; Oliver Sansweet tried to commit suicide, Mr. Incredible saved his life and then Mr. Sansweet sued him for it because he claimed that he didn’t want to be saved. Oliver Sansweet’s wiki page says he tried to commit suicide because he hated his job as an accountant for the bank he jumped off.
His lawyer claimed, “Mr. Sansweet didn’t ask to be saved, Mr. Sansweet didn’t want to be saved and the result of Mr. Incredible’s ‘actions’ – so called – causes him daily pain.”
If Mr. Sansweet really wanted to die, he could have tried again but he didn’t. Instead he decided to sue. He didn’t sue because he wanted an apology for being saved because he still wanted to die. He sued for a whole lot of money. The fact that he chose to do that proves he had a whole new lease on life and Mr. Incredible gave him that.
However, let’s say for the sake of argument, that the fact Mr. Sansweet now wants to live wasn’t enough for Mr. Incredible’s lawyer to win the case. Let’s put aside Mr. Sansweet’s desire to live or die for a moment. What about the people in the street below?
Mr. Sansweet was jumping from a skyscraper onto a busy street full of pedestrians. There was no way either he or Mr. Incredible could be sure he wouldn’t hit and kill someone below. In a split-second decision to act, Mr. Incredible save the life of Mr. Sansweet and probably the lives of innocent people below who did not want to die. This fact alone should have meant that Mr. Sansweet lost his case.
Let’s say that somehow Mr. Sansweet was sure he wouldn’t have hit anyone below and could prove that in court. People saw Mr. Sansweet try to commit suicide and that’s horrifying enough for most people to see but imagine how much worse it would have been if he’d succeeded? It would have traumatised a lot of people. Mr. Incredible prevented emotional harm of a lot of people. Guess what? That should have meant his lawyer won this case too!
In conclusion, Mr. Sansweet was just trying to get rich by suing Mr. Incredible and he should have lost his case for a lot of reasons.
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cometcrystal · 6 years
Sorry if these are dumb questions but you know the guy who sued mr incredible, do you think after the events he killed himself or do you think he lived with the money he was probably given due to the lawsuit, I’m not really 100 percent sure with how lawsuits and that work anyway so sorry if I’m wrong also how come mr incredible later in the film didn’t try to explain to syndrome about how he had a bomb attached to his cape when he was a kid? And just be like “dude I saved you when you was a kid
nah don’t worry about it
i saw a good post on the suicide guy (his name is oliver sansweet so i’ll call him that) would’ve made another suicide attempt after mr incredibles saved him if he had truly wanted to die, instead of suing him. idk if i agree with that, since sansweet might have gotten a new lease on life upon seeing a chance to win legal fees and start anew
i’m not the biggest law expert either but that same post said that sansweet’s battle against mr incredible wouldn’t have been won in real life, since mr incredible saved not only sansweet, but also the lives of people on the sidewalk who would have died if hit by sansweet. plus, mr. incredible’s lawyer coulda used the “he didn’t really want to die if he’s suing mr incredibles now” argument
so idk much about law either but that post made some good points even if i dont agree with all of it
also, as far as syndrome and mr. incredibles go, the bomb-on-the-cape thing was only one factor in everything that happened that night. mr. incredibles probably wasn’t thinking about that specific detail when he met syndrome again
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grazer-razor · 1 year
i'll just update the list
safesearched -"lickitung memes" (unlike conkeldurr and bubble beam, "lickitung" by itself wasn't safesearched)(i am also certain that it was only safesearched due to the first result being an advice animals meme with "sexually oblivious" in the title) -"triple Q" (anyone who draws anime girls will be safesearched. when will google learn.) -"buff riku" & "buff riku memes" (google just doesn't get what it means for something to be a fucking joke.) -"pizzahead memes" (yes, while "peppino memes" wasn't safesearched, mr. jolly himself DID have his memes safesearched. thank the tumblr sexyman people) -"burgerpants" (you know your life sucks when google thinks you're explicit) -"noisette pizza" -"virovirokun" -"gus fring"/"gus fring memes" -"mettaton neo memes" (why.) -"yamask memes" ("yamask" wasn't safesearched. however, despite the semi-creepy tones, there was nothing explicit to be found.) ("cured" as of aug 18) -"ika musume memes"(yet "ika musume" WASN'T safesearched. glad to know where your priorities lie)(cured as of aug 18) -"greninja memes"(the only actual inappropriate pic was a picture of greninja near a tongue shaped like a noose. pretty edgy but nowhere near graphic) -"duskull memes"(my guess is that it was because of lopunny fusions, which were not even that explicit. if they want to label MILDLY suggestive characters they will learn the consequences of their actions) -"pekora memes" -"cosmo the seedrian" -"dipper taco bell"
not safesearched -"miku greentext memes" -"dame tu cosita" -"tails doll" -"adeleine memes" (this one was surprising because not only were some memes weird, but there were also pics from mouthporn dot com) (afflicted as of aug 21) -"josh duggar" -"oliver sansweet" -"ripped yoshi" -"florida man memes" -"nasty pants" (yeah, i know. i'm just as surprised as you are) -"siivagunner" (triple Q got safesearched. siiva didn't. strange-o.) -"majira" (given furries' reputation, how did a furry not get safesearched) -"FNF memes" (yeah, pizza tower characters got safesearched, but not "friday night fu*kin'". i know.) -"pizza tower memes" (but at least it wasn't a total loss!) -"attack helicopter memes" (????????) -"cloverfield monster" (PT and SS got safesearched, but not an eldritch creature. idk anymore) -"cthulhu" -"mother 3" -"the matrix" -"squidbagging" -"420"/"420 memes" -"i got fish to catch" (when you google it, you will understand...) -"kario" (anime and TGT pulled up) -"jon arbuckle puppies memes"/"jon arbuckle litter" (enough said.) -ambyu-lance -"shintoe"/"shitno" (HOW?!?!?!?!?!?!) -"filthy frank" (H O W) -"breaking bad memes" (gus fring memes got safesearched but not breaking bad memes as a whole. this is unjust.) -"MTT memes" -"og and grog" (it pulls up something strangely edgy. not sure why it wasn't safesearched instead of mettaton neo memes) -"greentext"/"greentext memes" -"nasty pants memes" -"slenderman" (meanwhile hypno gets safesearched) -"all 8 pages" -"pizza tower war" -"johnny c"/"johnny nny c" -"spider shantae" -"miltank"/"miltank memes"(how did conkeldurr get targeted but not udders pokemon)(afflicted as of aug 18) -"pepe the frog"/"pepe the frog memes" -"killer bean" (google is literally the type to safesearch a slime with teeth but not a killer bean) -"caliborn" (...and a psychopathic skull alien who is responsible for many casualties) -"cat beast 9" (...and that creature...) -"werehog sonic"/"werehog sonic memes"(you'd think google would attack giant furry monsters that fangirls would simp over...) -"hog rider memes" -"reaper puppet"(yeah, i know. specimens 2 and 4 got safesearched but not something equally scary) -"nadim pourtant" -"sonic 2 XL"/"sonic 2 XL memes"(inconsistent standards are inconsistent) -"bidet memes" -"haypil" -"incineroar memes"(it got away, but "greninja memes" didn't...) -"lincoln strangling peppino"(for... some reason...) -"pizzascare" -"kenshiro"(when shadow the hedgehog characters get safesearched but not ken!) -"abraham tower"/"guardian union of nations" -"jesse james" -"korone memes"(ashley warioware memes gets safesearched but not this. why.) -"mario and luigi memes" -"rick memes"/"pickle rick memes" -"momiji inubashiri" -"uboa" -"sors bandeam"/"sors bandeam memes"(so casey homestuck and gerald robotnik are explicit but not a kid who got killed?) -"order 66"(they fucked up my boy george r. binks but not order 66) -"change da world" -"spongebob ripped pants memes"(i thought the butthole edit was gonna show up, but guess not) -"freddy scream" -"omega flowey"/"omega flowey memes" -"zandatsu memes" -"there's a bomb in the lasagna"/"there's a bomb in the lasagna memes" -"mr. popo" -"scrap baby"/"scrap baby memes" -"wet willy" -"josh duggar memes" -"desert chainsaw"/"desert chainsaw crocodile" -"blacephalon"/"blacephalon memes"
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grazer-razor · 1 year
i wonder how i got to this point... :(
“THE MARIO MOVIE, A MOVIE THAT GOT A PG(because every animated movie that isn’t consciously trying to be wholesome like peanuts and toy story gets that rating), IS BAD, BECAUSE THE INCREDIBLES(a movie that started out with the suicide attempt of oliver sansweet) HAS THAT RATING, TOO!”
how the hell did i get to this point?
was it YOU?
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or was it YOU?
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honestly they should just split the system up into 6 categories so the mario movie can just get the G8 it deserves instead of being lumped in with the incredibles...
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