#ollie and little stark are just *squishes their cheeks*
arkhammaid · 6 months
Pookie 2 please. (Ollie has my heart rn and I need fluff)
I need Spanish media Nepo babies influence against the stark influence in literally the rest of the world. I need the unresolved angst and I need the mortal enemies these two would be because Carlos WISHES he was as good as little stark.
But also OLLIE BABY he deserves the world and while yes he would get shit from Tony, Peter and Harley, he would win them over so fast.
Tony immediately is just like “k your chill and actually have the capability and SeNsIbIlItY to send a stark to bed when they’ve been sciencing and inventing long enough” so as long as he doesn’t have to bear witness to PDA he’s adopted another kid (part time of course, he’s an in law with no trauma (compared to his three))
Peter and Harley would be giving him shit for the longest, but eventually he’s like another brother and they just make fun of any PDA. They’re also teaching him ✨science (engineering) things™️✨ so he has a lot more input into the car and drives a lot better.
But yes Ollie is a simp and will fangirl the most about tony and Peter, while also being overly respectful with pepper because holy shit that’s the lady who has control over a company with not much previous experience, can pilot the iron man suits, and has media influence…. He was raised to be respectful of strong independent women.
Anyways enough of that have a great rest of your (insert appropriate timeframe here)!
i just woke up to this, a big smooch to you anon <33
referring to this post
yes to all of this!! so, the thing is, up until now, no one really went against the spanish papers because they were either not powerful or bothered enough by them 😭 but i just KNOW all starks are petty enough to go all out. i also feel like sainz sr would be sensible enough to actually stop the slander but carlos would just continue (and get in trouble lmao) because he can not cope with his feelings. especially when he sees his replacement getting all cozy with little stark...
ollie just wants the best for the love of his life (that's what little stark is) and tony has eyes. he sees how happy he makes her, so he gets accepted very fast into the family. much faster than he thought
ALSO YES! ollie fears any starks too much to actually do any kind of PDA, he doesn't want to get run over just because he kissed their daughter/sister in front of them 😭 it ends with little stark literally grabbing his face and kissing him in public, leaving him all dazed and blushing
and once peter and harley get over it, they actually become really close with ollie, start to drag him with them every where. it ends up with them stealing ollie from little stark for "bearman time" (stark siblings fighting over who gets to spend time with ollie while he's just standing there like this 🧍‍♀️)
ollie returns from his winter break and starts to talk with his engineers in engineer talk and everyone in the factory is just o.O (resulting in people trying to play detectives,, because wtf did ollie do over winter break (since he and little stark are definitely keeping their relationship secret for a while)) charles is definitely quaking in his boots when ollie delivers his sim racing times. why can't he just have one easy season...
ollie bearman was definitely raised to respect women and isn't afraid to show his inner fangirl (why do you think little stark fell for him...) he will forever remember the day when pepper gave her approval of his relationship to her daughter. it literally means the world to him
to add to all that!! the bearman's absolutely ADORE little stark. his younger siblings think ollie is the coolest brother in the whole world because 1. he met iron man 2. he talked to iron man 3. he's literally dating the only daughter iron man has. no one can top that
while his parents are first... well a bit reserved, (since she's the daughter of a public hero AND a driver) when ollie tells them that he and little stark started dating, they're very excited for him. they see how happy they make each other, so little stark is definitely a honorary bearman (and they don't mind PDA, which results in ollie being much more bold with little stark when he's around his family instead of hers LMAO (it results with little stark wanting to visit them very often, she likes this ollie much more))
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
A little something
Super short but here’s a little locker room centred fic based on something a fabulous anon said that just clicked something in my brain!
Characters by the amazing @lumosinlove
“Okay, okay okay.” Pascal said, holding his hands up to quieten down the team. The bustling locker room hushed, all turning to look at him.
Logan grinned from his seat, pulling on his skates. It was their first day back after the summer break - after winning the cup and there was a vibrancy they had been missing for the last few weeks. The team all jostling together, energised from the break, still riding the high of the cup.
“So we’re all still pretty excited, non?” He asked, the locker room breaking into cheers. Dumo just laughed, hushing them again. “Well I think it’s time we also show some appreciation to our MVP!”
Logan blushed as the team all whooped, Walker messing up Logan’s hair while at least five people gave him a gentle tap on the shoulder.
Pascal cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him once more. “In recognition of this truly amazing achievement, we have a little something for you Tremz.”
Logan felt his eyes widen as he shook his head. “Non, no, you guys didn’t have to do that, really.”
“Hush.” Kuny said and Logan shut his mouth, laughing through his nose, his cheeks blazing.
“James?” Sirius yelled, and James burst through the door to the locker room, a massive box wrapped in the gaudiest bow Logan had ever seen tied nicely on the top.
Logan looked at it suspiciously. “Did you all really go out and find a luminous pink bow?”
“Actually, Kasey just happened to have it.” Leo said in a deadpan voice and Logan turned to look at Kasey who just shrugged.
“I save wrapping paper. Also, Natalie’s mom likes things that are really bright.” His face shadowed a minute as he got lost in a memory. “Like really bright.”
Logan laughed and pulled the bow open, ripping open the box to find… Another box.
Logan laughed, covering his face in his hands. “Wow, we’re really doing this?”
Sirius sat down in front of him, smiling a smile so wide, the media would have an absolute field day if they ever saw it. “Oh, we’re doing this.”
Logan braced himself and opened the next box to find a parcel wrapped in newspaper. Followed by another layer… and another.
“Oh my god guys, you’re so freaking extra.” He groaned, slumping back against the wall. Finn kissed his cheek and pulled him upright.
“Come on Lo, you’re nearly there.” He said, smirking and Logan grinned, ripping open the last set of paper to find a scarlet jumper inside.
“Oh, merci, thanks guys.” He said as he pulled it out, the soft fabric unfolding as it was lifted.
“Turn it around!” Olli called and Logan flipped it so the front was facing him, white bold lettering stark against the chest.
World’s okayest MVP
Logan burst out laughing, pulling it on over his head.
“Mon dieu, this is not what I expected, but it’s amazing, I love it.”
“And we really mean it.” James said sincerely, hand over his heart. Marlene slipped in the door behind him, camera in hand.
“Oh Logan, fab you have it on and all! Can we take a quick picture for social media?”
Logan nodded and smiled, the entire team piling around him. It ended up with everyone in a tangled mess, James and Talker both sitting on Kasey’s lap, Finn and Nado lying on their sides on the floor, propping their heads on their elbow, Logan squished right in the centre.
“Ready?” Marlene called and everyone pasted their camera-worthy smiles, collapsing in a laughing heap as soon as Marlene gave them the thumbs up.
“Alright,” Moody shouted, his tone gruff but his eyes sparkling. “That’s enough messing around. Let’s get to work before we lose our chance at another one of those cups, yeah?”
The locker room was filled with cheers and the sight of a group of unruly NHL players scrambling to touch wood. Logan laughed as he rapped his knuckles against the doorframe and finished getting ready. It was like Finn said - he really did love his life.
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