#omg the wolf aesthetic
venompinks · 4 months
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zorcha · 1 year
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My friend convinced me to post it
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hirudou · 2 years
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siofra inviting ur muse on a hunt,, ,, ,
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felassan · 3 months
Just poring over some of the new images. ◕‿◕
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I like the overall shape of the dragon, its wings and silhouette, like it's maintaining this theme, two. It particularly reminds me of the DAII cover, with the figures of other characters being present in the dragon's wings. the pattern in the background gives the impression of a sunburst or explosion/outwards burst of energy (there's been lots of that going around in promo images for DA:TV over the years hasn't there). :D chunks of rock float around, which by now is associated with Fadey stuff (floating rocks in the Fade), the barrier (Veil) crumbling in key arts, and reality warping in places like Arlathan Forest. the dragon, open-mouthed, golden-eyed and ready to breathe fire, recalls the dragons on the Dragon Age vinyl arts, two, especially with its general position, and the dragon in this screenshot/scene. in the background at the bottom you can even see a hint of the 'concentric circles' pattern that represents the Veil.
I love that this group shot truly does include the whole team, including Assan and Manfred. I wonder if they will come into the field too if we select Davrin or Emmrich to come out with us respectively? We saw Assan capably fighting darkspawn in the character trailer, and in this image Manfred is helping fend the monsters off. Does Manfred carry Emmrich's stuff in his lil backpack..? 🥺 and I wonder what the purpose of Manfred's goggles are. Visually they set him apart from other skeleton/undead-type enemies and make it so you don't have to peer into empty the eyesockets of a skull, but also they're green (necromancy magic color) and we see Emmrich doing magic on them here. Are they part of the enchantment keeping him animated? also happy to see Varric in this one even though he is not one of the 7 companions. also, Bianca is still here. RIP
Taash looks so cool. :D Even her weapons are gold. her upper body armor in this piece has the aesthetic to me of like a dragon's ribbed armored chest and underside. I like that her weapons are unique generally, and from each other too. her dual-wielding like this as [I presume] a warrior differentiates her from Rook who if a warrior would be sword and shield or twohanded. her gauntlets look like they have dragon teeth or spines on them (the sticky-out parts that are not scale-like).
Davrin is at Rook's right hand. ♡ the floating triangles near Bellara show that she is using her magical device. I wonder what the white sphere part of Neve's wand/staff is. like, in this particular image it gives me the impression of a big pearl. Lucanis' eyes are glowing, like we see here, in that way that seems to hint that something interesting is going on there. overall it's cool to see all the team and cast together like this, working together heroically to stave off doom.
some of the monsters the group are fighting at least are red lyrium darkspawn. the ones with 'shark fin'-shaped headpieces are the same kind as the one at that link. are the rest all darkspawn too (there are different types of darkspawn ofc), or are there some walking dead mixed in there? (lol at the one Varric has just shot in the face). the non-sharkhead ones seem to be these guys from concept art. the prominence of darkspawn in this key art give the impression that we will fight a lot of red lyrium darkspawn in this game and that the threat they pose, including the Blight, is a significant part of the game's storyline.
at the center of it all and at the forefront is Rook. in a nice bit of poetic mirroring (the Wolf and the Rook), they too stand on a rocky outcropping, also with the knife - just like this. the knife is blue here.. blue lyrium influence? the very ground on which they stand bursts with energy. I wonder if Rook's outfit here is sort of their default, iconic look, like the Champion of Kirkwall armor for Hawke etc? I love that they have a cape and the point of their helmet gives them a bird-like feel. (omg.. we can have capes in this game fr). they have the Veilguard symbol on their chest. and could they be canonically left-handed..? :)
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Admiiinnn do you write for platonic sagau?
Me wanna request my son (Razor) ue.
Because most of the fics I've read is just the creator falling on Mondstadt but never other places! I want them to fall on Wolvendom and maybe meet the wolf boy 🐨
I imagine he doesn't know/able to describe what he's feeling (not understanding human emotions and stuff because he grows up with wolves and all). But he really likes this feeling of peace and feeling like he belongs! So he'll stay with this random person that just dropped out of nowhere, and teach them how to survive in the wild too!
Unlike the overly-obsessed-head-over-heels acolytes, I think Razor will be like a worrywart bestfriend. You're his lupical now! It's his duty to protect other lupicals!
Days with him will literally be so fluffy ueueueu imagine we teach him how to cook things besides meat and puppy-paw hash browns (and teach him how to season them too! Good food always relies on taste after all). He'll just be like a little sibling that saw a very cool trick for the first time.
Aaaaa I wanna braid his long hair with flowers ue...
U get a whole slice of cake for that one. 🤲🍰💜
DUDE i totally thought abt (idk if u read it but its floatin around here smwhere,,) including Razor in the first Sagau idea post i made about Blunt Language reader vs. Teyvat's flowery language
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This gif encompasses everything i feel abt razor
Almost a part 2? But more like Bennett ft. Razor
Welp, you could've landed somewhere worse.
Like, accidentally-activated-Andrius-challenge worse.
You vowed to urself that if u ever got isekaied, or magicked away, or whatever else, u would not be those stupid protagonists who acted like they didnt know where they were
Or didnt adjust quickly to their new surroundings, esp if theyre life depended on it
U got this, u know exactly where u are rn. >:)
..Well, maybe not the exact location, but Wolvendom was pretty hard to mistake for anything else
The moon is full, and it looks to be about midnight or so,
A wolf howls.
...a little too close for comfort...
But hey, the lamp grass irl was so cute and pretty omg! <3
And it lit the ground nicely when u were nearby :) what a helpful aesthetic plant, so cool
Seeing a hilichurl camp further away, u slowly backed off into the woods away from the path u landed on (woke up on? Its unclear)
And up onto a small flat cliff thingy, filled with small lamp grass
U figured u werent getting anywhere tonight, i mean u rlly can't see jackshit rn, unlike in Genshin where the moon was almost as bright as the sun 💀
So ur just sittin on ur ass, wondering how tf ur gonna build a wolf-proof shelter when a bush shuffles nearby
...On ur little platform, how did u not hear whatever it was before now??
Too late now, bc u saw smth silver, and welp
U knew there were wolves, (its wolvendom)
But since u never saw any in game u kinda assumed they were like Earth wolves and were unlikely to get near a human like u-
Turns out u were probably wrong- the silver flashes in the bush- u get up and brace urself to run screaming and begging on ur knees for Andrius to take u in like-
...Razor?? 😐😑😐
RAZOR!! :D!!!
It's the Best Boy™️!!!!!
The bestest boy ever sticks his head out of the bush
!!!??? His head tilts like a puppy in confusion ur heart💘
"...Lupical??" He says in the most confused ass tone youve ever heard
"Oh! Yes! Hello," you introduce yourself, "Can you help me? I got kinda lost here, but I don't really have a home to go back to,,"
Razor stands out of the bush, shaking his head back and forth like a dog, his hair nearly whips u in the face lmao
You: "AHH- uh- so, do u know somewhere I can go??"
Razor: "Mhm. Here. Razor like you, feel like Lupical. Stay?"
He asks, his eyes bright and shiny (not the puppy dog eyes)
Well, u figure if he can literally be raised by wolves and still be alive, so can u
(U figure itd be hard to convince Diluc to let u stay w/ him, and u dont have money for an inn in Mondstadt.. u dont even kno abt Springvale... wolf woods it is)
Plus, maybe u can help him out a bit! (it always did irritate u in game that nobody rlly checked on him/helped him live better >:/ )
"Oh! Y-yeah! That sounds great, are u sure ur family's- uh- other Lupical, r ok w/ that?" U hella dont wanna have to wrestle other wolves just for some raw food bc yall gotta share 💀
"Yes, come, I teach!" :D
Bbyboy got ur heart in a vice gripe lol
Turns out he lives in a cave, that wasn't rlly available in game
His bed is just kinda,, moss and leaves, maybe one fur pelt
So obv u start gettin chests and get money to buy him better stuff!
Plus monsters drop money too (the slimes just bring u money?? W/o u having to defeat them?? Whos paying all these monsters anyway, where do they get this money-)
Also bc i HATE that u r just a regular ass human in other SAGAUs, imma keep it canon and say u can still upgrade Vision Users/Allogenes + all the regular game mechanics besides time manipulation, including quest log and inventory (bc that still exists here fuck regular sagau BS)
(bc how would u prove ur the Creator otherwise? How would u live up to that if u didnt have powers?? Isnt that the whole point of why they think ur the Creator???!! Did I miss smth here-??)
So ofc u give the boy the comfiest bed of pillows and furs and handmade quilts (Springvale's very talented and friendly turns out :)
And new clothes!! :D new outfits pop up on his character screen!! (It just kinda,, hovers like a hologram screen in front of him when u click a button u see hovering over his chest at all times)
U also teach him how to comb his hair.
(J. F. C. I dont even wanna think. abt how bad it is, a kid raised by wolves, in the woods w/ little human contact?? ill leave that to ur imagination)
He really loves the lamp grass flowercrowns u make him :) <3
Also yes.
We have to talk about it.
U got him soap.
And perfume. (That are still scented but not enough that he hates it thank fuck-)
Razor seems like he'd react to everything with either worry for ur safety (BEST BOY EVER) bc sm stuff u do is unfamiliar to him,
OR just like u said anon, like a little sibling u showed a magic trick to for the first time <3333
Like?? U can?? Use salt?? Pepper??? On food??? That u have cooked???!!!
Omg, his grubby little hands snatch that shit outta ur pan so quick 😭😭
He's literally scarfs down anything u make him
Oh god the wolves.
If u thought Razor loved ur food, the Lupical pack is on a whole different level.
They're such sweet doggos bc ur technically Lupical now too (Razor gave u a tooth necklace like his :] )
!!! PUPPY PILES !!! 🤲🐺💖💜✨️✨️✨️
And theyre never violent, even their play fighting is pretty tame
But the food.
Ur seasoned. New recipe. Food.
The first time u made a new dish with salt alone
It was a fucking free for all. (including Razor😭)
So now u have a schedule of who gets what when (as insisted and aided by Andrius himself, it got so out of hand,, paw??)
Congratz u got a pack of little siblings now, w/even the "will be bribed w/any food u give them" feature too
Razor loves u sm, he feels so safe around u!!
He usually cant articulate it, but u can tell by how he clings to ur arm whenever yall go into human towns so he wont lose u,
Or how he'll offer u some of his portion of food always (even if u made it)
and he's happy to do all these new things w/ u !!
(i sure as fuck know id get bored af if i was just,, in the woods,, all day everyday,,, not even a book to read,,,)
So needless to say he joins u for nearly everything u do
Esp monster hunting/grinding for his artifacts + weapon + stuff
Razor sees it as his job to look out for Lupical, esp if his favorite (besides Andrius) has to leave pack territory
Also yes, u DID meet The Andrius.
He was. So much. Bigger. Than you. Expected.
The game doesn't do him justice.
He's literally the size of a fucking school bus.
Also, apparently Razor didnt rlly know what u were, mostly bc he just feels ur comfort and safety, no words needed
But Andrius does, and he immediately explains how Teyvat sees u and even does a wolfy bow with his head lowered onto his front paws (ahdkala Andrius pls ur a gOD GET UP)
He's also surprisingly helpful and nice to u, very polite big doggo, a good leader (alpha??)
Lisa is hella grateful for u and all the help/care u give the bestest boy ever
(even tho u did give her the stink eye at first bc,, why didnt she teach him how to take care of himself? And even if he didnt want to join human society at least make sure he's in liveable conditions?? Hes not even an adult???)
But at least she also agrees he's the bestest boy ever, she always brags about how quickly he learns language (both writing reading and speaking) to anyone she knows
Which did endear u to her a little more (plus she apologized for not looking out for him more, or at least asking someone else to/check up on him)
U kinda think she (and the rest of Mondstadt) dont really realize ur some kind of Creator god,
Mostly bc u dont really stay in Mondstadt long, just to get essentials and see what it looked like in person (smtimes to visit Bennett and Fischl :D )
(U mostly only know that bc Andrius claims its so, hes very insistent too)
But ur spending most ur days with Razor anyway so it doesnt matter to you two whether ppl know what u can do
Razor was practicing his writing one time (bc u also help him out at home/Wolvendom when Lisa isnt)
And he carved "Razor loves Lupical and [You]" into a tree near yalls cave
I didnt know where to end it i got sucked in dont LOOK at me-)
Uh anyway i hope this was adequate!! Sorry this was ungodly long!! I will limit myself in the future 🥲
Tysm again for the request and if u read this far LMAO!!
🌒🌊🌧Aquarius ♒️ 💧🌌🌘
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laguezze · 1 year
PAC: Characteristics of your FS
This is for or all the people with intention to marry or have a long term relationship. Next up will be a soulmate characteristic PAC. I decided to split it in two to get more details!
Now onto the PAC!
Here are the piles!
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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Pile 4
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Ready? Let's go!
Pile 1
This person is a rebel. Might be a bit hypocritical about it. Like they might come from money but decide to live out their best broke musician dreams while still living in their rich dad's apartment that he bought for them. That's just one case example, take it as it resonates.
This person loves to keep appearances, they love to be in control of how people perceive them. I'm seeing they want to be taken seriously.
Long, messy, brown, curly hair. Middle part is possible.
North America, Australia, Oceania, Hawaii, UK.
Dainty eyes?, Blue eyes, light eyes.
Not too defined features but also not ugly. Might be what people call "medium ugly" for some of you. Nothing too shocking about their features.
Musician, plays guitar, indie music taste, 420 friendly? Nirvana (the band), big social life, plaid shirts, leather jackets, bad boy persona, baddie aesthetic, motorbike, cigarette, old school lover, 70s aesthetic and fashion.
Pile 2
This person is very much hypocritical, they don't know what they want in life. Very much lost with their career and family life. You might help guide them.
They definitely have unconventional dreams like opening up a tea shop, or flower shop. Which is fine, but I'm seeing they want to do that for the wrong reasons. Very easily manipulated person, it'll be frustrating for you to see. But they'll get better with your help probably.
Probably from any capitalist country. Take that as you will.
Light eyes or medium eyes but not dark. Downturned eyes.
Short hair, pixie cut, wolf cut.
Wears bandanas, baggy clothes, long skirts, hippie style, boho aesthetic, activist. Necklaces and bracelets, lots of jewelery in general.
(sorry it's a bit short, your person wasn't too specific with the looks but rather with the personality)
Pile 3
You guys got yourselves a romantic, old school, kinda person. They probably listen to music from the 50s and 60s and jazz, lots of jazz. Might love to take things slow and smooth. Doesn't like running late to things and is always calm and early. Very collected person, never a hair out of place. Always is composed. They might have been different before they met you. They probably were chaotic and funny before they met you but something happened that made them this sophisticated, chic person. You might need to bring the fun in them back, I'm hearing. Might be a judgy individual.
Latinx, Hispanic, Southern Europe, North America (East Coast)
Brown eyes, very deep set eyes, intense gaze
Short hair, very short for men, curly hair, either Brown or dirty blonde.
Long eyelashes, very pretty features. Either small nose or large nose, no in between; defined face, high cheekbones.
Medium height, slightly muscular.
60s, 50s music and fashion, coffee and tea lover, might be a cook or love to do it, kitchen lover, architecture fanatic, probably loves house decor and renovation, secretive, mysterious, romantic, candle collector.
Pile 4
(idk i swear this is not Hozier themed, there's just something about him present here)
"imagine being loved by me"
This persoooon omg. So pure hearted. Truly has the best intentions at heart. They literally are sunshine personified. They radiate light, like their smile lights up a room and they always look clean and cheerful. The type of person everyone likes. No one ever dares say anything negative about them and if they do, it's because of jealousy.
They might have a lot of pretty privilege that makes this effect happen. Like if this person was a 6/10 (conventional attractiveness scale) their personality wouldn't be as appreciated. But because they're so beautiful inside and out, it shines through. I'm getting they realize this privilege and it rubs them the wrong way sometimes but they won't fight against it because it's helping them with their goals.
North America, Sweden, Finland, etc, Northern Europe and UK.
Blonde hair, short hair, curly hair, honey hair.
blue eyes, light eyes, almond shaped eyes
Bunny pretty (that one TikTok trend ifykyk), slim, short, cherubin look (if you don't know what that is, think cupid angel type of beauty), white clothes, flowy dresses, short eyelashes, defined jawline, big smile, straight teeth, bunny teeth, cardigans.
Hope it resonates for all of you!!! 💕
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 3 months
I just finished the first season of Teen Wolf
(and it actually feels so satisfying to purposefully only watch 1 or 2 episodes in a day and actually process them and think about them rather than bingewatching a whole fucking season a day - which is something I have done with other shows)
And I have so many things to say omg
The music fucking SLAPS - this show is a perfectly beautiful capsule of the 2010s with its fashion and its other aesthetics (like Allison's bedroom) - but the music is one of the best parts. The fact that Scott and Derek's first fight is set to Destroya by MCR filled me with intense joy, and there is so many songs on the soundtrack that I am rediscovering a love for that I had forgotten about (like 'Just A Little Bit' by Kids of 88 - which I used to listen to all the fucking time in high school)
Speaking of Allison's room - it's such a small detail, but I love the fact that when she first moved in, they had 3 random paint swatches sampled on one of the walls, as though those were the colours she was considering and picking from (and they were the most Bella teenage girl colours of - taupe grey, warm beige, and very very soft mauve pink)
I love all the characters so fucking much - they are all so much fun to watch (except I can't help but to find Scott exceedingly boring for being the main character. But the rest of the cast definitely makes up for it)
Also, I am obsessed with the fact that this show has every single stereotype ever (and it works to the show's benefit): Asshole Jock (Jackson), The Ultimate Mary Sue OC Girl Who Doesn't Understand How Special She Is (complete with special girl amulet) (Allison, obvi), Dorky Nerd Guy (Stiles), Drunk Cop Who Is Constantly Breaking Protocol (Stiles's Dad), Asshole Coach, Popular Pretty Girl Who (seemingly) Only Cares About Fashion, Boys, And Social Status (Lydia)
And speaking of Lydia - someone please ask me about my Autistic Lydia headcanon. I have been ranting to Star about this nonstop and it just works too well. She is the poster child for Masking. If someone asks you what Masking is, show them any clip of Lydia ever
Basically - the show reminds me of a time when shows didn't have to be so serious. Especially because it was before streaming platforms, so they didn't expect shows to be a massively bingewatched hit in one weekend, and they could massively play around with tone and it made watching shows just so much more fun. I love it
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merakiui · 6 months
Are there any mangas or anime you really enjoy?
Yes!!! :D here are just a few I especially love:
✧ Summertime Render - I LOVE THIS ANIME/MANGA OMG...... I cannot hype it enough. The plot and its twists had me at the edge of my seat throughout. All of the characters have such strong personalities, the villains are really well done, the mystery and action are executed wonderfully, the pacing is great, the setting is amazing, the ost scratches my brain!!! In short, everything about this series is 10/10 for me.
✧ Great Pretender - another series I love to pieces! The backgrounds are so aesthetically pleasing,,, uuuwaaaa. The characters are so memorable, and the plots for each individual con are amazing. I'm left breathless every time because somehow the stakes just keep raising. It's so good!!!!! The opening song is also such a banger?!?!!??!! orz I could listen to it forever.
✧ THEO by Aono Nachi - it's such a cute BL. 🥺 I loved the dynamic between Theo and Rei. Maybe it's because I'm weak to master-servant dynamics, but then I also like how emotional their romance is and how stubborn Rei is. It was really wonderful!!
✧ Marriage to the Wolf by Inui Hana - another lovely BL!! I adored the dynamic between Kaede and Ren. The way they couldn't stand each other in the beginning..... slowly growing closer and softening to each other. The way they're both doing things out of obligation at first because it's an arranged marriage and the fact that Ren is holding back for Kaede's sake...... THEIR BANTER!!!!!! orz orz
✧ Devilman Crybaby (the netflix adaptation) - THIS SHOW. It hurts me every time I watch it. The ost is a banger, the art style is amazing, the way I cried ugly the first time I watched it. The "why am I the only one speaking, Akira?" haunts me to this day. I highly recommend it.
✧ ODDTAXI - the plot and the twist omg!!!!!! And the mystery!!!!! I may be biased because Riddle's VA voices Odokawa and I love anything that Natsuki Hanae does!! His work is always outstanding. The opening is also another banger. I can't say much without spoiling something major, but I highly recommend this anime. It's definitely worth the watch!!!
✧ The Disastrous Life of Saiki K - Saiki K my beloved. It always manages to make me laugh. I love Saiki's character. He's so funny, as is the rest of the cast. Kaidou never fails to make me laugh, especially in the dub. He's so silly. I think about "drowning in inch-deep water isn't easy" every day LOL.
✧ Romantic Killer - AAAAA I LOVED THIS SHOW!!!!! Maybe it's because Anzu is such a relatable female lead to me (but also because Riddle and Leona's VAs voice two of the main love interests hehe). It's so fun! It also handles the serious aspects of its plot really well. I loved Anzu's dynamic with Riri.
✧ Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess - it's been a moment since I've caught up with this manhwa, but I love it!!! The characters are all really striking. Most of all, I really like Penelope's character!!! <3 she's such a strong female lead. I like her interactions with all of the characters.
✧ Toilet-bound Hanako-kun - this manga is everything to me!!!! I absolutely adore the plot and its characters. Hanako and Yashiro's dynamic is really cute. :D I forgot what chapter I left off on, but I remember it left me in shambles. T^T
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coconut530 · 4 months
ok I'm rambling again so yeah. Hello veteran worshippers I'm new :)
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I mean, like I knew about Sleep Token, heard The Summoning first in one of my Trigun artist’s Tiktoks, then heard Take Me Back To Eden in a video by the creator of Covenant Webtoon. Listened to those songs for fun sometimes, but then TMBTE got ✨stuck✨ in my head. Then I was like “Live video of TMBTE??? Does it exist?”
And like. Why didn’t I get into this band sooner.
First off here’s The Summoning and TMBTE so you can see my pipeline:
And then THIS RITUAL introduced me to the band, which was FREAKING AMAZING IT’S SUCH A GOOD RECORDING!!
I love their aesthetic, secondly. You don’t see many mysterious bands these days, and these guys deliver so well. Every single member has a distinct and interesting look that's all so cool. I love how the Vesselettes/Espera exist, like that's amazing and I love seeing them. Vessel looks so fun to draw I wanna do it at some point. This is the first band I’ve found that just speaks to my OCs more than other fictional characters. Probably gonna see me animate Dark Signs with one of them soon enough.
Third, like… their lyrics are some of the most creative and evocative things I’ve heard in so long. It kinda sucks they don’t do many interviews bc I’m dying to know what goes through their heads when they write this amazing music. Some of my favorite lyrics are in a list below so you don’t read a gigantic paragraph, and will also show you my favorite songs I’ve found:
Chokehold: Still getting into this one, but "So show me that which I cannot see / Even if it hurts me / Even if I can’t sleep / Oh, and though we act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake / You’ve got me in a chokehold" is a build that always gets me so hyped up
Granite: just found this one, it's so BADASS!! "When you sit there acting like you know me... So keep an eye on the road, or we'll both be here forever" is so freaking awesome. I need like an animated music video that just illustrate the lyrics bc that'd be so cool
Like That: "Fall into your eyes like a grave (all that is inside, all your anger) / Bury me to the sound of your name, no (all your disgust, all your resentment) / Fall into your eyes like a grave (all your difference, all your pain) / Bury me to the sound of your name (all your pain)." There's so much resentment in this song and it's dripping off of these lyrics specifically, it's awesome
Missing Limbs: just found this one also but OMG it made me tear up the first time watching it in the Red Rocks Ritual! It's so sweet and tender, by the time you get to the title at the end you just get punched in the feels. "I'd give anything / To balance your conviction with certainty / To fall asleep without you lying next to me / To sever my connection with everything ... And I'll live like I've got missing limbs for you" IS SO GOOD HURTS MEEEEEEEE
The Summoning: -insert the rest of the song after 5:00- Obviously this is the part everyone uses in their social media posts, and I am not immune to its allure. It’s amazing!
Take Me Back To Eden: -insert the entire second chorus- and "And I don't know what's got its teeth in me / but I'm about to bite back in anger / And no amount of self-sought fury / will bring back the glory of innocence." The way Vessel sings this is so desperate and like enhances the lyrics so much more augh
Aqua Regia: honestly like all of it. The rap-ish style with the creative lyrics is so cool and the imagery of it all is so vivid. I love how the second chorus builds with the verse. It has such a steady, pungent rhythm that's so fun to sing
Rain: "I know, I know, I am what I am / The mouth of the wolf, the eyes of the lamb / So darling, will you saturate? / -second chorus-." I love the opposites in this verse, so interesting. The chorus has that yearning (tm) and I'm all here for ittttttt
The Night Does Not Belong To God: "When you live by daylight / With angels at your side." It's literally two lines but after the beautiful build that intros the song and his angelic voice, it does something to you
Dark Signs: I melt into a puddle every time I hear "I might break and bend to my basic need to be loved and close to somebody." The line is evocative enough just hearing it once, but making it a backing vocal that’s always playing just makes it punch you over and over. All the beat drops in this song are amazing
I need y'all to like... hear Atlantic at Red Rocks specifically (cw: flashing):
This is the main reason I made this post bc... LIKE EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR THIS HELLO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! This version is so amazing I barely listen to the studio version. "Sobbing as they turn to statues at the bedside / I'm trying not to crush into sand." I can't tell you what exactly but this makes me feel things. "Call me when they bury bodies underwater / It's blue light over murder for me / Crumble like a temple built from future daughters / To wastelands when the oceans recede" is a phenomenal verse and I've never felt more connected to the ocean when I hear it. The piano, the vocals, the instruments, the venue, II singing at the end, the vesselettes, the lights. Oh my god. The outro. Soothing and angelic omggggg. That beat drop?!?!?! ✨ w h a t ✨ . They've put an addictive substance into every one of their songs but this one is like an overdose. Can't get anything done all I'm thinking about is this -flails hands at video-. Vessel is literally a vessel in this song bc whatever entities the band made a deal with to have music this good are singing through him here.
And like the fourth thing. By now listening to all these songs may have made you realize:
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what can’t they do?!?! Their music just goes into so many different genres sometimes and it’s amazing. Never heard a band this versatile.
Uh, yeah. That's been my experience with Sleep Token so far, and I am so normal about them, as you can see :D !!!!! Excited to be into them and this community. Any of my followers reading this who don't know who they are, go check them out, they're freaking amazing. They will change you.
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mistype360 · 2 months
Omg, the assumption event seems so funnnn!!! INFP, LEFV, 6w5 sp 649 (can't decide between sp/so or sp/sx)
my assumptions about you!! why are my headers always so bad quality
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aesthetic, music, vibe, colors:
there are 4 types of infp's in this world: the music one, the art one, the writing one, and the fashion one.
you are the fashion one.
i don't think it's that you dress this way, but that's where your infp obsession lies. i feel like you're secretly baroque? gothic? black eyeliner and grease hair punk? idk. but you dress very "downtown girl" and "normal." or maybe you're not personally baroque, but you have an appreciation for fashion and aesthetic, especially high fashion.
even when people call fashion "strange," you're still able to see the meaning behind it. anyways, i don't think you'd surround yourself with people who don't appreciate it so ig that's not really a problem. you're pinterest board is probably full of this stuff. maybe that's why you don't dress like it irl, since internally you might now want to judged or perceived differently. i feel like you're more of an observer and appreciator: a true romantic like an infp and their 4 fix 🥺
i also have a personal bias towards infp's, but i feel like you're very lana del rey ultraviolence, folk music, sad dark slow music, chelsea wolfe... idk any other artists tbh but this seems about right... kurt cobain?? kind of a stretch but you get the feel
if you were a color, you'd be like a mix of GREY, pink, WHITE, black, and GREEN. not like sage, but a very muted green and muted pink (also my INFP BIAS LMAO)
you're kinda split between two vibes, which i guess makes sense with your types duality. one one hand, you're giving studio ghilbli, lord of the rings, cowboy bebop, perfect blue...very feel-good movies
but on the other hand you're girl interrupted, gone girl, midsommer, babadook 🥴🥴 like very atmospheric movies that make you think a bit about yourself but mostly feel sad
idk how to explain this in coeherent language but you're the definition of "screaming, crying, throwing up" when it comes to relationships - like you'll be very nostalgic, romantic, and emotional before you're even in the relationship with someone, but once you enter it you immediately stop feeling that way
if you were a sandwich, you would be a grilled cheese sandwich with basil, balsamic vinegar, and sourdough bread (im drooling just by typing this it sounds so good)
you're zodiac is either a libra, virgo, or sagittarius (idk why but trust me)
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shalikneez · 1 year
fourth wing thoughts (no spoilers):
while reading:
- MIRA IS HOT she reminds me of totk zelda
- xaden scares me lowk
- why is xaden so mf big. HUH?! enormous ginamanasaurus motherfucker. in my head he’s 5 foot 10 inches and sleeper bod. next question
- i know rhiannon is sexy. need more of her!
- omg chronic illness mc YES
- violet is so cool lowk like acknowledges her weaknesses ✅ improves herself ✅ isn’t annoying ✅ isn’t a bitch unless ur a bitch to her first ✅ smart as fuck ✅
- bitchass jack barlowe reminds me of nacho cheese doritos.
- dain more like DAMN why don’t u shut the hell up 🤣
- dain is so protective savior complex core like bro has no faith in her aaaahdhdh honestly i would have snapped sooner because like why is he always talking like she’s a child and needs to be saved
- xaden on the other hand is always hyping her up. which is great but occasionally he goes over the top imo . we get it ur down bad my guy
- she’s sooooo silly calling xaden out in public all the time
- so happy dain x violet romance didn’t last. he reminds me of chaol from throne of glass
- ngl thought violet was gonna be the whiny shy useless mc but the whole book up to 60% is all about her getting stronger and cooler and hotter and she’s confident and figures her shit out without complaining
- i loooove her and her sibling’s relationship. it’s so real ngl. book of brennan is so cute. brennan and mira, and mira and violet. i love them.
- violets armor from mira is so cool ik she looks hot in it. fan art better slay
- if she says “rippling muscle” or “he’s so beautiful” one more fucking time—expand ur vocabulary girl 😩
- dain bruh stfuuuuu bro is so annoying he probs looks like this 🤓
- so many cliches but all the cool world building and shit balances it out so well like i don’t even mind that much
- yeah she’s gonna get a special dragon obvi
- i was right 🤭
- dragon descriptions make me 😁😁😁 it’s so httyd and so much detail and care put into it i love it
- dragon world building is so 💗💗
- tairn the dragon u are so cool to me
- i want a dragon
- i miss mira
- xaden is so cool. reminds me of a wolf
- TAIRN IS SO UNSERIOUS 🤣🤣 sarcastic ass dragon
- MATES LMAOOOO so sarah j maas coded
- LIAM IS SOOOO CUTE so puppy dog :) sawyer too
- oh the telepathic connections. it’s so sjm up in here
- telepathy aspect is cool tho i like how this author writes it <3
- why r the dragons getting hot and heavy 🥵 🤨
- omg kisss!
- ngl around 70% it’s not as entertaining as all the deathly challenges and trials from the beginning
- omg violets power 😮 im a slut for opposite aesthetics
- oh. not a fan of the monster dick sex. uncomfy lowk. good for them though 👍
- ok politics. i don’t care that much.
- OKAY CLICHE DIALOGUE I SEE YOU it’s so weird i’m not even that bothered by it when normally i would be
- this is becoming more romance than death-defying war college stuff :/
- lovers quarrel. lovers share trauma. then lovers make up. idgaf!
- me when the romance book is romancing 😐
- basic adult romance dialogue! welcome back. how are you today
- more monster dick sex. how lovely.
- xaden’s muscles keep rippling. bro stay still!
- man what kinda sex is rebecca yarros having 🧐👁️
- omg plot
- oh the climactic end-of-book battle. ngl none of these details are processing in my head. what fight?
- i know someone had to die but why that particular person. man :(
- i’m sure this battle and strategy and action scenes are so slay. i’m dissociating tho lol
- aw xaden likes her so much. simp
overall: i liked the first half better than the second half. first 50% was soooo addicting. i loved the world building and dragons and war college and challenges so much but i’m just not a huge romance person. like the romantic buildup is amazing but afterwards i’m just meh. of course there was the expected tropey/ cliche/ booktok moments BUT most of it was overshadowed by how great the other aspects of the writing was. i dissociated at the end and didn’t really feel attached to violet or xaden or even the dragons (this is a me problem) but i think the ending is great set up for book 2 (will probs give it a read). like u can tell where the book is going but then the author does something unique to make it a little different than other books in this genre, so idk how many surprises book 2 will have. the fact that i read this is in less than 24 hours says a lot though. i hope mira comes back :D
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thegnomelord · 5 months
Oh my gosh love the Eldritch aesthetic aghh 😩 literally one of my fav aesthetics it's just such a thing to me. I have a perpetual fear of eyes but also find them so coll yk???
The dream was like super weird. It was about my old health teacher in highschool whom I may have had like a tiny crush on because he had like the broadest shoulders, biggest pecs and the sluttiest little waist with the pretty muscular thighs omg
But anyways, I had a dream where I could turn into a wolf at will like werewolf situation but my septum piercing carried over into my wolf form and in the dream I ran behind my old highschool and transformed so I could run to the plaza across the street where there was a dollar general, and I ended up running in front of his car. So I went and got a monster and shit from the dollar general and then I woke up, drank some water and passed back out and the dream continued except I was in gym because he doubled as my gym and health teacher and he like dragged me out of class. In my gym one of the doors in the back led to the back of the school by his office n shit so he like trapped me in there and said "your piercing gave you away" and like pinned me against a wall. Anyways, it proceeded into smut and I woke up with some wet pants lemme tell ya it was BAD
Yeah it's cuz I thinks he's like the biggest baddest fucker so I wanna spite him with it because he thinks I'm too much of a sissy to handle the pain or to go against him in any way. I wanted to get the same tattoo he has on his back bc I use to admire him, but not no more
Anyways, won't hold ya up much longer
- 🪒
Okay yeah the dream is weird as fuck but also I can't say I haven't had weird smexy dreams before and your teacher defo sounds like the love interest you'd find in some BL novel lol
I love the eldrich or 'satanic' and dark imagery, even biblically accurate imagery I wanna get a tattoo of a neuron turned into a biblically accurate angel. Also I wanna get like a yassified babadook tattoo to spite my dad because I came out when we saw the movie poster in the lgbt category and he went on a tangent that pissed me off enough to come out of the closet lol
also no problem dude, I love talking to yall lol :D
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
I can admit some of their outfits look a little interesting, but I may be the only one who loves this event 🤣 They kind of remind me of musketeers, mostly Mammon and Beel are who I can remember off the top of my head.
I'm a sucker for masks too (Mammon looks mysterious to me, my bias is showing) but I JUST HAD A PHASE WHEN I WAS YOUNGER WHERE I WAS OBSESSED WITH THE MUSKETEERS IN DIFFERENT MEDIA AJSJDJ
- ✨ anon
omg I totally had a musketeers phase too! I read the Dumas books and everything. They do kinda have that musketeer style happening, huh?
Anyway, I'm sure you're not alone! I just have a problem with the blacked out eyes specifically lol. I would be okay with the masks if it wasn't for that! The masks themselves look fine! Interesting, even!
But I have to say they went way too overboard on some of these outfits. I like the general concept, just not the execution. And unfortunately, that seems to be the case for most of the outfits they make, to be honest.
This game has a tendency to make all the outfits look absolutely gaudy for some reason. I don't know if they're just trying too hard to make each one unique or what. But my favorites tend to be the ones that are less extravagant - the yukata and yokai outfits or the bunny boy outfits, for instance. Then there are some that have the potential to be great, like the white suit outfits, but they just go overboard with things like the little hats and weird fabric flares and bizarre boots. If they'd just cut back a tiny bit, all of these outfits would probably look really nice!
In the current event, I wouldn't mind Barb's outfit nearly as much if they just got rid of the hat. I don't know why they insist on including hats so frequently. They look so silly. I'll never get over Dia's fedora from that one outfit... I can't remember which one it was, but honestly if they had just left that off, it would have been nice.
Don't get me started on the pirate outfits.
So to me, this is just another in a long line of too-much outfits and that's just this game's style. I'm willing to overlook so much when it comes to outfits, but the blacked out eyes cross the line for me, I'm afraid!
I would love to see an actual musketeer event, though! I think that'd be so cool! They're all dueling with fancy swords and defending their king and traipsing around a palace! Well, okay, I realize my vision of musketeering is likely not historically accurate. And how would they incorporate all the Catholic? Well, it's about aesthetics anyway so let's not worry about it lol.
Also the event story itself is fine for me so far, but we also don't know how it ends. I mean, of course the white wolf wants MC, it's charmed by them just as much as every other living thing in the Devildom.
Whoops sorry, ✨ anon I think I got a bit off topic! Anyway, while I'm sure you're not entirely alone, even if you were, you are free to enjoy the event and outfits as much as you like! I'm happy that you're happy and that these outfits are able to remind you of a fun time in your life when you fell in love with something!
I think that's great, blacked out eyes or not! 💕
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bonefall · 2 years
Sketch Dump 3
Doodles from a class notebook, just making some thumbnails for some of the Bonefall concepts. Exploring traits I'd like to see and considering what works and what doesn't.
Today's characters are Russetfur, a bunch of Tigerkin, Blackstar, Firestar, a little bit of Snowfur and Whitestorm, a little bit of Redtail and Runningwing, Rosetail, and Thistleclaw. Plus the Dark Forest guys Fenneldust and Batear. As a treat.
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I started off with Russet. I love her a ton, I wanted her to look kinda like an old lesbian who was the bouncer at a gay bar in her youth. Women should have thick eyebrows more often tbh.
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I'm not sure if I'll keep the moustache or not, thinking about it. I think I like the smooth muzzle more, with some chin whiskers
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Gorseclaw, the progenitor of the ThunderClan Tigerkin family, and his grandson Oakstar! Still working on what the "family trait" is besides long claws.
I shaded in the sclera to see if it sticks, but I may walk back on it to use it for the Dark Forest.
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Up in the corner is Birchface, below him is Tawnypelt, and next to her is Brambleclaw. Tawnypelt's arm is brown and Brambleclaw's arm is golden. Mismatched sleeves.
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Mr Executioner Blackstar, with his hood slowly being eroded away. You can't see his pupils until the white creeps up over it, around the time he's earned Life 2
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Bonefall Firestar omg I love your work can you autograph me
I don't know if his scar is coming off like a mayoral sash but lord I'm trying
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So I initially thought I'd just have Snowfur being a bluepoint wolf, but, then I had the haunting idea to make her kinda look like she was wearing a white wolf's pelt. Like she's pretending to be a wolf and covering up what she really is; a kind of huntER aesthetic.
And Whitestorm looks a lot like his dad but less sharp, more prickly.
I'm not satisfied with these yet though, I'm going to redo them a couple times
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Tried another way to draw Redtail. A bit more serious-looking. Bonus Runningwind.
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Draft 1 Thistleclaw and Draft 1 Rosetail!! Rosey has the same tail as Redtail and Squirrelflight. I also tossed a bone face onto her like her daughter Spottedleaf, to balance out her colors a bit. I'm happy with this one
However I was NOT happy with this Thistleclaw. He reminds me of Finchflight, too thick, too splotchy, looks like he has a shadowstache
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I made him look more like Rosetail in this one and I'm happier with it. I like how they both kinda feel like sharp plants.
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Aaaand now I'm satisfied. White face works a lot better, kind of a scruffy, sharp look with a beard.
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Dark Forest Dudes
I imagine Batear is SUPER gay for some reason. He also thinks Firestar is incredibly attractive and wants his cat autograph, but I don't know what Batear did in life.
He's definitely not going to get any story in canon since he was only named in an author chat, so I'm happy to make up a backstory for him.
As for Fenneldust I have a fondness for fennel lmao. I like her name. I want to make a running joke that she dies a LOT, keeps getting used to demonstrate killing moves and stomped on by various Dark Forest entities lmao.
She definitely keeps trying to catch Shrewpaw's Pheasant.
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felassan · 2 years
Some more snippets of insight on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf and general insight from Mark Darrah, from the comments section on this video:
Comment: "Looking forwards to the retrospective dissection on Anthem. Do you think that for the protagonist in Dreadwolf we will be able to choose their pronouns and voice actor (male or female), unlinked from aesthetic choices in CC? When you were at BioWare was there any talk of how to go about implementing, for example in the areas of programming and localization (I imagine these would be things that would have to be taken into consideration), they/them pronouns for the main character?" Mark: "I suspect that pronoun selection will be available. We were already discussing this in 2019. Its a bit of a UI challenge and there are some questions around "Chosen pronouns vs presenting as..." but these are solvable." Comment: "We would be heroes but the records are sealed" reminds me alot of Captain Kirrahe in ME1, "we would be legends... but the records are sealed."! Thinking back to Joplin, whatever happened to or with Senior Creative Director Matt Goldman? When yourself, Casey Hudson and Christian Dailey left BioWare there were blog posts or tweets explaining the changes and handovers." Mark: "OMG. We were probably subconsciously echoing that back. I totally forgot about that. I wasn't at BioWare when Matt left, so I don't have any insight." Comment: "It makes me imagine the DA4 crew in the Joplin iteration acting like the STG, conducting a war from the shadows and doing lots of spies and heists stuff :D fun" Mark: "That was the thinking, approximately." Comment: "On the box arts/marketing assets and their relations to the art directions and feels of the game, 2020 and before marketing for Dreadwolf seemed to suggest a black and gold theme. Now it is purple. Do these reflect Joplin and Morrison respectively, and was the change tied to the reboot and change from Joplin to Morrison?" Mark: "There have been a lot of explorations. The gold wasn't reflected in the UI, so I think its that more than anything" Comment: "One missed opportunity in Inquisition was not including Sandal and exploring more of his uniqueness. I hope they correct this oversight in Dreadwolf. Merely finding Sandal's journal in Trespasser was not enough!" Mark: "This was intentional. I told the writers that is Sandal was in DAI it would make him a pillar of the IP and he would have to be in everything, forever. So they COULD do it, but they needed to understand that" Comment: "Guys, we were THIS close to getting to ride dragons.... LOL jk. I am super glad we didn't get that. It would make zero sense to me. THAT BEING SAID - can we PLEASE ride Griffons?!?!?" Mark: "I have no idea what that would have looked like. Flight is a feature that takes over" Comment: "I really miss playing as a Grey Warden. I do hope we can get that option as DLC for Dread Wolf. I enjoyed DAMP. It allowed me to test which class I would play with in the story." Mark: "I would be surprised..." Comment: "Hype for #DragonAgeDreadwolf" Mark: "me too" Mark: "I expect we will get lots of Elven lore in Dreadwolf..." Mark: "I'm very hopeful for Dreadwolf"
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concordewillfly · 2 months
ofc i listen to sysc, in fact i got a lot of band recs from queen of music connie bc she has TASTE dude 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 i love their new album soo much!!!! i dont think its necessarily ‘better’ than romance of affliction, that ones simply The Album Ever, but its a lot different from their other stuff i’d say. THE MOMENT THEY DROPPED THE COURTNEY LAPLANTE FEATURE I SWEAR MY HEART DROPPED INTO MY BALLS IT WAS MY RENAISSANCE. connie’s screams are unreal + the album & its aesthetic is unreal + what more could i possibly want. ive also listened to it quite a bit but im afraid its been outshined by some bm albums that dropped this year ☹️ some of my all time favorite bm bands released albums in 2024 so i could keep my focus on coup de grace for that long. i think my album of the year is definitely visual kill by saidan (not exactly something i think u’d like, theyre raw usbm), and some others i really loved are lust hag’s self titled & hulder’s verses in oath. outside of bm, some of my faves were alpha wolf’s half living things (so good it blew my tits clean off), 200 stab wounds’ manual manic procedures (goregrind, again not something i think u’d be into) & boundaries’ death is a little more. overall, i’d say sysc’s 2024 album was soooo groovy n amazing but it just happened to drop at a weird moment in my life where i got distracted by eight billion other bands 👍🏻 and let it be known 2024 is THE YEAR for music, i have so much stuff i havent mentioned on here but good LORD - 💿
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hiiii darling sorry i havent answered these earlier but i did dig into some of your earlier recs and obvs they were very cool so!! connie is my everythingggg truly woman of all time vocalist of all time. i have to get into some of her recs because im sureee she has good taste i can hear it all over her music... i listened to her hardlore ep and hearing about her experience in the hardcore scene im just :^) and its sooo real that coup de grace is different!! still so fucking good. the romance of affliction literally changed my life i get so happy whenever somebody else loves it <3333 and omg the courtney laplante feature made me SCREAMMM shes everything fr. and once again i know none of the bands u mentioned so ill dig into them this afternoon for sure!!
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